amustikas · 8 months
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“I showed you my fish pls respond”
would you swipe right on him???
oh and happy valentines ;)
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itboytrends · 5 months
Celebrating the launch week of @sodotgay the ultimate new LGBTQ+ cultural destination!
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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mombin pt 6 and look who showed up
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
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sugas6thtooth · 6 months
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Those soldiers are absolutely disgusting. Like the vilest of the vile. And that's supposed to attract people??? Treating another person like cattle??? Psychos istg.
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rainy-nomad · 8 months
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Late for mermay? Early for mermay? no, I say mermay is today! I really wanted to draw them as fish and I could not wait until May so I present... Janumaid
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toesuckingoctober · 11 months
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catchymemes · 10 months
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u5an5 · 2 months
the fact that no one is talking about the funko pop add with Deadpool and Wolverine maching up on tinder for a date is a fucking travesty
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animentality · 2 years
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zu-zup · 1 year
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(Part 1) It's a match!
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tinderfinds · 1 year
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valtsv · 1 year
i'm going to be honest with you all if i was a fictional character and i started coughing up blood or otherwise exhibiting the telltale signs of an untimely tragic inevitable death not only would i tell no one but my main priority would become having gay sex as soon as possible so that i can alter the trajectory of someone's life forever by suddenly dying just as our situationship begins to show hints of becoming something more
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wild-e-eep · 5 months
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Konks for sale! 1 careful owner (deceased)
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yesttoheaven · 7 months
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I'm always on tinder, but I never find an old man like him :(
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
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