#timothy houston
terracomets · 8 months
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quick thing of mattias and tim from truenorth ... this song has been allll over tiktok and i loved it so much years ago so i drew it with them
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pretendfan · 1 year
[Cruel to be Kind]
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Mickey Altieri x F!Reader
[A/N:This has been stuck in my head for a while now, I’ve been working on it forever. I’m not even sure if it makes sense or even sounds like Mickey, (I may or may not have added too many movie/tv references) but it’s finally here and I kinda like it so let me know what you think!]
“How much did you really know about Mickey Altieri? Sure he was your boyfriend of course but it wasn’t until a week ago, that a misdemeanour in the sack causes an argument, and for him to realise that he had to fix this mistake quickly but the question was how?”
Warnings:18+ ONLY swearing and some smut, Mickey is a naughty boy in the sack, mentions of light choking, Mickey’s serial killer tendencies are showing, dubious ending, some smut,p in the v, straight to getting laid, Mickey’s true colours, movie quotes a go-go, kinda cheesy it is a grand gesture after all...this is oh-so loosely inspired by the first script for SCREAM 2 that was leaked where Mickey was in the role of Derek and that scene in the cafeteria which I fucking love was him serenading Hallie originally but now it’s you…
The very last thing that you wanted to do right now was head into the campus cafeteria for food, grabbing something from a vending machine instead seemed like a way better idea, and it definitely wasn’t because you were avoiding your boyfriend though no fucking way.
Your life had pretty much changed the moment you were introduced to Mickey Altieri, the guy who spoke in film quotes and spent a huge amount of time, carrying a hand held video camera around usually obscuring his face as he filmed life around him.
You knew Mickey was a huge flirt hell you were even warned about it many times, but within minutes you had found yourself caught up in his smile and those confident brown eyes, the ones that had pinned you in place when met across a busy room that night at some random party on campus.
Now fast forward six months later and a little space was definitely needed, seeing what had happened over a week ago when you had been together in his bed, with Mickey placing a large hand around your neck whilst you rode him which had shocked you a little to say the least.
It had actually caused a huge argument with you fighting off tears, whilst Mickey had told you that sometimes he just had to be “Cruel to be kind” as if that actually warranted his behaviour.
…leaving you needing some space despite all of the weak apologies, that had fallen rapidly from your boyfriends soft lips.
A few thoughts had clicked into place after that incident, you mostly realising how intense Mickey was in real life almost like you were seeing a new side to him, it had both opened your eyes and kind of turned you on in equal measures.
…but that was the very least of your worries right now.
Because the last thing that you wanted was to break up with Mickey, but he had now stopped apologising to you even though you were in turn avoiding him, yet you didn’t want to be the first one to bring it up.
…seeing that you knew exactly how much the guy loathed rom coms despite being a goofy sweetheart usually.
“Are you really sure this idea will actually work? Surely someone will stop you-“
“Lighten up Derek it’s happening ok, but just know that you are my shitty accomplice in all this.” Mickey cuts off his roommate with a wide smile, and a hint of sarcasm playing on the tip of his tongue, whilst he scanned the cafeteria for your face.
“You must’ve done something real bad to have to go this low to win back y/n.” Derek retorts with a deep chuckle.
“It’s either I make a grand gesture or this right here becomes my evil origin story.” Mickey declares with a shrug, knowing full well which one he would rather go for, but right now wasn’t the time.
“You are so weird, Altieri.” Derek states whilst shaking his head with a small smile attached.
“Well I blame the movies, Feldman.” Mickey shoots back with a knowing grin on his face, because things were going exactly to plan it was all too perfect.
It had been breaking news even to Mickey that he would actually meet someone he could care about, here at Windsor college of all places where he had other things to be focused on, but you had been such a distraction it actually made the experience of being here all the more worth while.
It wasn’t as if he had tried to voice these thoughts to you, but then Mickey had gotten a bit too rough in bed yet he had definitely seen the gleam in your eye, when he had tightened his grip only for you to move off him very quickly.
…only because some idiot had knocked on the dorm room door and run away, totally killing the moment between you two.
Mickey knew that he owed you big he wanted you to know how much he cared, how far he had come with you by his side if it hadn’t been for your being Sidney’s roommate, he would never have gotten closer to her absolutely fascinated by the brunette’s past life.
…he really did still want to interview her some day with his video camera, and list of questions about her ex Billy and his idiotic friend Stu because they had been such amateurs.
But for now he just needed this idea to work like a scene straight from a nauseous romance movie, Mickey would win you over with his goofy charms and still have you by his side, that was what he wanted at the end of all this for you to be with him in the long run.
…he had many reasons to be sitting here right now in this cafeteria, and all of them came back to you despite working better alone it turned out he had a heart after all.
The thought did naturally scare him because Mickey was known for being a slut around these parts, he usually hooked up fast and often but after meeting you that had come to a sudden halt, actually respecting you enough which made him feel like a whole new guy.
…but there were parts of him that not even you knew were there, but you would do pretty soon if all this worked out like the way he hoped.
Having quickly walked past Hallie McDaniels who was waiting for you outside the cafeteria, you were almost out of the building scot free until your roommate Sidney catches you with a swift tug on your arm to stop you, grudgingly spinning around on your heels to meet your fate.
Alongside Mickey you had also tried to avoid your friends, but that clearly hadn’t worked because Sidney Prescott was looking at you with excitement on her face, which was a good look on her after all that had happened back in her hometown.
…both the massacre of Woodsboro students and then the aftermath, a town in mourning and the bitch Gale Weathers blowing a shitstorm through it all.
Which was maybe happening again would you believe a serial killer on campus, it sounded like a bad horror movie but this was Sidney’s real life, being reduced to two bodyguards following her everywhere and putting all the other student bodies on edge.
…three students dead already the second year of college was starting to scare the hell out of you.
Yet regardless of this you now saw the smile on Sid’s face, showing how brave she was which you couldn’t even begin to imagine seeing how you were avoiding Mickey, and he wasn’t even a killer just a dude who had gotten a bit too adventurous in bed.
“Aren’t you supposed to be meeting Hallie for lunch?” Sidney asks in a teasing voice dropping her hand from your arm whilst you fantasise about leaving this moment very quickly.
“I can’t I have a class soon-“
“Yeah in like two hours y/n so what’s the rush?” Sidney asks with a questioning look that you didn’t even have an answer to retort back with.
“No rush I-“
“Need to eat lunch! I’m sure Mickey is in there as well you guys haven’t been together much for the past couple of days.” Sidney informs you like you didn’t already know what was happening, an itch to suddenly tell all to the brunette next to you is hard to resist.
“Yeah we had an argument.” You begin in a low voice, but when you notice that Sidney doesn’t look very surprised you add “But I guess everyone knows about that it’s just I’ve been super busy.”
“Either way mickey will find you, so you might as well go and face the music in the cafeteria.” Sidney explains with a misplaced laugh, kind of like you were out of the loop on some inside joke.
“Er, sure fine I have time to grab a quick bite I guess.” You nod despite the rest of your body which was in flight mode, making you want to run away like the victim that you were.
“Perfect, so let’s go!” Sidney cheers grabbing hold of your arm again, as you both head back towards the cafeteria, ignoring the curious glances from the guards leaning against a wall.
“Sid? You do remember that the food here is trash-“
“Oh is it?” Sidney replies only half listening as she pushes open the large dark brown wooden doors, pulling you into the very last place you wanted to be right now.
…with the mall cops hurriedly following behind you both wearing pained looks, which somehow matched your face perfectly.
Noticing the looks from other students whilst being with Sidney, you see that she hasn’t even batted an eyelid, walking confidently towards the line for food tugging at your arm to hurry up.
Your eyes betray you by glancing over towards one of the tables the group sat at often, so of course you spot the back of Mickey’s head as he leans across the table, talking to a bemused looking Derek almost without a care in the world unlike you.
…his dark brown spiky hair sticking out in a million directions, whilst his hands moved around to his animated voice, because the guy was always talking he rarely paused for breath.
This thought makes you think of Sidney and how overdramatic you sounded right now, she had actually been through some shit whilst you had just discovered that your college boyfriend had a kink, which tracked because you had heard a lot of stories about Mickey in bed.
The guy had his own collection of rumours that had made their way to you, on the same day as meeting him you had become even more invested after learning that he liked to use his tongue a lot, which again tracked because you had first hand experience of this.
…both in and out of his bed because the guy would never stop talking sometimes, and the only way to distract him, was with a quick kiss seeing how that always worked in your favour.
“Hello ladies!” Announces a voice that makes you finally look away from staring at Mickey, to come face to face with Randy Meeks a friend within your group, with an embarrassingly obvious crush on Sid that was oh-so-clearly unrequited.
“What do you want?” You ask Randy grumpily unaware that, right now Mickey’s brown eyes were staring directly into your back, as all three of you had joined the line for food.
“Just haven’t seen you around for a bit, how are things with you and the mouse?” Randy questions with a cheesy laugh, whilst staring at Sid who looks down at her feet instead of helping you out.
“Me and Mickey are fine just ignore the rumours-“
“So you still haven’t dumped his stupid ass yet then?” Questions Randy sounding almost in pain as he reaches his point by adding “Man, that guy is so lucky you know that you could do so much better than him!”
“I think that you could do better than this Randy, maybe go and watch some more movies-“
“Is that a date then?” Randy asks you with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he steps back, into the busy crowd surrounding the cafeteria only to disappear seconds later from view.
“In your dreams.” You mutter to yourself making Sidney giggle as she hands you a tray, but you just grab some bags of chips instead ignoring the look on your friends face.
“Are there really rumours about you and Mickey?” Sidney asks making you look away from the staff behind the counter, to see her dark eyes watching you very carefully.
“Probably, but all I know is that we are fine I think, don’t want to overthink things it’s just a college romance-“
“I could easily see me and Derek staying together!” Sidney cuts you off in a dreamy but quiet voice like she hadn’t realise she had just shared that nugget of information.
“I just want to make it through lunch-“
“Let’s go and sit down with everyone else then!” Sidney cuts you off for the hundredth time, but you let it slide because you had other things on your mind currently.
Thoughts like what if Mickey had told the other guys about what had happened, sure college was a time to be adventurous but you didn’t want to get a name, even though you did get asked a lot as to why you were dating the “freaky Tarantino obsessed” guy from film class.
…mostly by Randy who always seemed surprised, that the pair of you were even together still.
But you were the only one who knew Mickey deep down, like how thoughtful he was and not to mention goofy by quoting whole chunks of scenes from movies, even attempting to act out the parts and then critique his own work the guy was a dork to be sure.
You had also often wondered about past girlfriends, the ones who helped fuel some of the rumours around campus that he was a cheap ride, but you knew since meeting him that he was true to you but you weren’t sure how much that statement rung true anymore.
“Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there all day?” Sid asks with a giggle as you pay for your food, then quickly decide to follow her and see what happens, likening yourself to a Dr Pepper commercial.
…what was the worse that could happen?
Not looking where you were going you soon walk straight into the back of Sidney, quickly glancing over her shoulder to see Randy had stopped your roommate in her tracks, because he could never be too far from Sid sure they were friends from before but the guy was obsessed.
“Now what-“
“Did I ever tell you guys about the time when I made mouse boy look like an idiot?” Randy cuts you off with a ridiculous question, that makes Sidney laugh at the face you were currently pulling.
“Mickey would kick your ass if he ever heard you saying that.” Sidney announces with a firm nod, knowing how these two worked when stuck together for too long.
…Randy and Mickey were well- known for always fighting like, well cat and mouse.
“He hates that affectionate nickname you’ve given him by the way.” You reply with a wry laugh.
“Mere foreplay.” Randy retorts with a shrug of his right shoulder.
“Can we get past now-“
“Sshh!” Randy cuts you off once again which makes you glare at him, but he was too busy looking back at the table, where your boyfriend was currently sitting to respond to you which was super rude.
…what was people’s problem today, because sure you had woken up in a mood but this wasn’t helping one bit.
“Are you ready then?” Derek asks looking away from Randy who was talking to his girlfriend Sidney, still with those two idiot looking guards on her tail, which was for her safety of course but he could’ve looked after her a lot better.
“Too late to back out now!” Mickey responds with a smile, because he really was doing this the set up was ready with everyone in their place, plus the euphoric rush he was suddenly feeling reminded him of another time in his life.
…one which makes a smile widen across his face from the graphic memory alone.
“Tone down the smile dude you’re looking a little crazy.” Derek states rewarding Mickey with a look, whilst his roommate shrugs his shoulders unable to stop smiling.
“Hey, this smile gets the ladies!” Mickey declares matter-of-factly, whilst his eyes watch Derek who didn’t look quite convinced.
“Oh sure!” Derek laughs deeply picking at the rest of his fries, but nudging his roommate hard when he notices that you and Sid were finally approaching the table.
…it was game time!
“Babe!” Mickey cheers getting up from his plastic chair to pull one closer for you, noticing the blank look on your face which annoys him briefly, but he continues to focus on the task at hand instead.
“Hey Mickey.” You state with a small smile attempting to make an effort, noticing that both Sidney and Derek, were watching you very closely which wasn’t weird at all.
“And where have you been y/n?” Announces Hallie entering the scene stage right, whilst dropping her plastic tray heavily onto the table, with a look of pure annoyance fracturing her pretty features.
“I’ve been busy-“
“Well did you just forget that you were supposed to be meeting me?” Hallie questions cutting you off whilst still sounding very annoyed, which was all on her really because you hadn’t actually accepted the invite.
“Yeah, but we are all here now!” Sing songs Sidney with a smile aimed at her boyfriend whose blue eyes sparkle back, it was enough to make you skip lunch altogether thanks to a hint of green eyed jealousy.
Sure you liked romance movies which was obviously a criminal offence in Mickey’s eyes, yet he did let you watch the odd one but only if you placed your hand over his mouth, because otherwise he would be ripping into the whole story from start to finish.
“Including the bodyguards looking completely out of place over there.” Hallie states pointing to the two men in dark suits, staring over at our table like something was suddenly about to happen.
“Any of them take your fancy?” You ask Hallie with a smirk, because she was always talking about being the third wheel of the group, even though Randy was clearly single but deeply preoccupied.
“Old white dudes, er no thanks!” Hallie brushes off your comment with a shake of her head, holding up her can of Pepsi to signal that the conversation was now over.
“So, how are you doing Sid?” Derek asks your roommate who rewards him with a quick kiss, which makes you glance at Mickey but he was currently staring into space.
…why did this all feel so fucking awkward?
Not to mention the fact that Derek kept looking from you then back to Mickey, watching you both as if something was about to happen which wasn’t helping your mood at all.
Mickey gives his roommate a dark look when he spots him staring at you, this wasn’t part of the plan he needed to move things along and have this all work out, knowing full well that you hated lots of attention but he wanted you to know how far he would truly go.
…not that you knew how insanely obsessed Mickey could get with things, but all he cared about right now was getting you back on his side, because you were somehow a duo stuck together through thick and thin.
Sure Mickey liked to act solo usually but ever since meeting you, he felt lost by himself so he wanted to show you his whole world, but first he needed to make things right before the real truth came out.
“The sorority house is hosting another party this weekend-“
“Please tell me you are not talking about the fucking Delta’s again!?” Mickey cuts off Hallie who had been talking to Sidney, all about the pretentious sorority sisters that she seemed to gossip about all damn day.
“Excuse me-“
“There are far better things in life than being a Delta!” You cut Hallie off for once as she narrows her eyes at you instead of replying.
“Aren’t you interested in ever joining Delta then?” Begins Mickey nudging one of your elbows with his as he then declares “I would like to see you in one of those little skirts.”
“Not a chance!” You retort with a wry smile that makes Mickey laugh loudly at your admission.
“I think that you would look cute in a pink two piece.” Hallie announces with a fake smile aimed at you, because she knew you hated the colour pink it was a whole thing.
“If you mean a two piece bikini then I definitely agree!” Mickey retorts with an over enthusiastic laugh, which causes you to shake your head firmly in the negative.
There was no chance in hell of you ever wearing a bikini, or joining Delta for that matter but they were far more interested in Sid than either you or Hallie anyway, which suited you fine but the latter was still pretty beat up by the fact.
You turn to look at Mickey to see he is talking to Derek again who is pointing over at something, or someone near the entrance to the cafeteria not that you cared, but you knew it was now time to try and talk to your boyfriend just maybe not here with everyone else.
“Are you ok?” Sidney asks Derek when you also notice at the same time, the suddenly guilty look appearing on his boyish face, whilst he tried to act nonchalant which wasn’t working.
“Dammit.” You swear you hear Mickey say under his breath, but then he quickly recovers by saying to your roommate in a louder voice “I sure am Sidney thanks for asking!”
Then with a well- worn goofy smile on his face Mickey suddenly stands up from his plastic chair, pushing up the sleeves on his dark purple shirt as his brown eyes finally meet yours, at the same time that you hear music begin to play noticing Randy across the cafeteria holding up a big red boom box high in the air.
…shaking his head like he couldn’t believe this was happening right now, because in fact neither could you.
Glancing back at Mickey you see him bouncing slowly from left to right, his hips swaying in time with his open hands as he winks at you, making your eyes widen as you suddenly recognise the music playing…
“If I should stay. I would only be in your way. So I'll go. And yet, I know, I'll think of you each step of the way...” Mickey starts singing incredibly off-key with you watching him in horror, placing a hand over your mouth, as he proceeds to leap back onto his seat then hops up directly up onto your table.
Derek moves the tray’s occupying the table space as Mickey continues to sway to the music, hand now on hip as he turns round to face you whilst you look up feeling helpless.
“Please stop.” You mouth the words quickly to Mickey but he just shakes his head, then carries on straight into the chorus holding both his hands high above his head.
"And iiiiiiiiyyyiii, will always love you oooooowuoooo, will always love you!” Mickey carries on singing even getting a high note or two, before he pulls a face from hearing his own voice echoing loudly around the large room.
Clearly all of this was garnering the attention of everyone in the cafeteria, some pulling the same face as you whilst others were clapping along, because Derek was also now out of his seat as well encouraging others to wave their hands around and join in.
Mickey snatches some notes from another students hand, because they had been waving them at him shoving them into his pants pocket, causing people to start throwing chips in the air around him.
The student body were responding in kind to Mickey’s declaration, of singing a cheesy song but he was used to pulling more crazier stunts, yet if this got you back in his bed then the real fun would truly begin.
“What is even happening here?” Hallie questions in disgust unable to believe, that Mickey somehow knew a freaking Whitney Houston song.
“Someone’s being romantic!” Sidney laughs as you close your eyes embarrassed, wishing that you had never even come into the cafeteria in the first place.
“Mickey please-“
"And I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you dreamed of. I wish you JOYYY." Mickey cuts you off whilst singing the next verse, deciding to jump onto another table coincidently where two of the Delta’s were currently sitting with their mouths both wide open in shock.
“You’re standing on my sandwich!?” Snaps sorority sister Murphy, brushing some of her blonde hair away from her bare shoulder in disgust.
Mickey winks down at the blonde before he turns and blows you a kiss, still singing if you could even call it that, but you knew exactly what he was doing and damn it was actually working.
Everyone is literally clapping now besides you of course as you watch Mickey leap to another table, almost missing it because he was so tall and clumsy but getting his footing right, he then decides to belt out the crescendoing chorus clearly invested in the song which makes you smile widely.
“And I will always love you!!!!” Mickey practically shouts the last line his hips swaying ridiculously, as he then jumps down to rush back over to you, the mall cops finally approaching Randy who drops the red boom box.
…holding both of his hands behind his head like he was under arrest, but they just walk away from him instead, turning round to take in the surrounding commotion in front of them.
“Go to him!” Sidney states practically pushing you from your chair, standing up in a daze as seconds later, Mickey is right in front of you at the same time the music had finally been switched off.
“Well that was a surprise.” You state over the loud clapping, noticing the wide smile on Mickey’s face as he catches his breath his brown eyes staring, as you suddenly melt all over again just like the very first time that you had ever met.
Cheering still fills your ears as you glance to see one of the guards approaching Sid, who was too caught up in watching what was unfolding, with a look on her face that suddenly told you that she was somehow a part of this.
…why hadn’t you noticed any of this until now?!
“I did it all for you.” Mickey explains with a cheeky smile on his face as he then hurriedly elaborates “I know we still need to talk but I want you to know, that I’m all in and I can’t apologise enough.”
“I’m all in-“
You stop talking when you see Sidney is trying to be escorted out of the cafeteria, but she stands her ground with Derek taking hold of her hand, both of them grinning at you and Mickey which causes a smirk to appear on your face.
“Tom Cruise did it better!” Randy exclaims as he approaches the table, whilst some of the students are still watching with wide smiles and grins on their faces.
“I clearly wasn’t doing a fucking Top Gun routine!” Retorts Mickey with a roll of his eyes as he flips Randy the bird, shaking his head at the audacity of his classmates idiotic words.
“You’re way hotter than Tom Cruise by the way..” You inform Mickey who places one of his large hands flat on his chest as he grins wickedly.
“Firstly I clearly got inspiration from the bodyguard, hence the song and secondly, duh I’m taller than Tom Cruise so it’s obvious I’m way better.” Mickey explains with a know-it-all look that you knew very well.
“So now it’s getting personal-“
Before you can finish that sentence Mickey leans down, his lips brushing against yours as you accept the kiss, ignoring the shouts and cheers from all around the cafeteria just focusing on this moment right now instead.
Curling a hand around the front of Mickey’s dark grey tee, you pull him closer to you intensifying the kiss that could easily go on forever, but he eventually is the first to step back to take a breath.
“What was all this in aid of am I missing something here?” Hallie asks loudly holding a finger to her mouth, looking as if she was gagging but clearly she was just jealous.
“Derek you should take notes!” Grins Sidney having finally got the guards off her back, who were both stood at the front of the food line queue looking pretty out of place yet again.
“I bet that I could sing a lot better than Mickey!” Derek announces with a laugh, as he proceeds to sing a line from another Whitney song you notice, seeing the look on Hallie’s face as she rolls her eyes heavenwards.
“Just leave it to the professionals.” Begins Mickey with a laugh as he explains “Because in this scenario I’m definitely the true professional!”
“Don’t go changing your major just yet!” You inform Mickey, with a cheeky look on your face that you see, he very clearly appreciates.
“You would have gotten away with it to if it weren’t for your shitty singing voice!” Randy misquotes a line from a Scooby Doo cartoon, complete with inoffensive voice that makes Derek laugh at least.
“Ruh roh.” Mickey announces with a perfect impression of the aforementioned cartoon dog.
“Did you know that it wasn’t just Scooby Doo who spoke like that, in fact Astro from the Jetsons was the first-“
“As informative as this conversation isn’t, I do need to go take my girlfriend and have a few words with her.” Mickey cuts off Randy holding out a hand in front of his face, as if to prove that this conversation was now officially over.
“Yeah, words right!” Derek laughs causing Sid to shove him with her left hand against his broad shoulder.
“If you are implying that we are about to head back to my dorm room and get laid, then you would be completely correct!” Mickey states with a wink aimed at you whilst you feel your cheeks start to heat up.
“So you need to stay away from our dorm room until this time tomorrow, at least!” Mickey explains to Derek whose laughter disappears when the news sinks in
“But I need to study-“
“Not a chance.” Mickey cuts him off and with another wink complete with smug smile, the kind that drove you wild he takes your hand and the pair of you finally walk out of the cafeteria.
Rushing out of the building together hand in hand, you let out a laugh that you weren’t aware you’d been holding, causing Mickey to stop and face you quickly.
“I missed having you around, so from now on I won’t be letting you out of my sight.” Mickey states taking a step closer to you, whilst his eyes filled with that intense gleam again.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You inform your boyfriend biting your bottom lip playfully which obviously gets his attention.
“No, you are never leaving my bed but we can totally take it slow again-“
“That is the last thing I want right now.” You tell Mickey in a firm voice which makes him cut off whatever he had been about to say.
“What part?” Mickey questions placing both of his hands behind his neck, which of course shows off his muscles that were prominent and a brief distraction for you.
“Don’t go treating me like a porcelain doll, I can take a lot of things.” You announce even surprising yourself, spotting the wide eyed look from Mickey as you state “Just ask me next time, if you want to do something different in bed, because you might actually like the answer.”
“I can definitely do that!” Mickey nods whilst you notice, the look of pure adoration highlighted on his face, which causes you to grin back at your boyfriend playfully.
“I know you can so shut up talking because we need to get back to your dorm room.” You clap causing Mickey to grab one of your hands, and spin you around on the spot, just like something out of a rom com which was very cute.
“I love you.” Mickey states without a second thought in his mind, looking down at you with that confident smile you simply adored.
“I know.” You reply with a straight face aimed up at your boyfriend.
“At last you get a Star Wars reference, but I do also mean what I said.” Mickey informs you in case this conversation was becoming a little confusing.
“Me too.” You inform Mickey with a nod as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards him as your face meets his chest, and you start to finally relax feeling your bad mood disappear as you hugged your boyfriend tightly.
“Get a room!” Shouts Randy appearing behind Mickey with a disgusted look on his face, interrupting the moment with his bad timing.
“Go away Randy.” Mickey states darkly whilst rewarding him with a look that spoke volumes.
“What? I helped you win your fair maiden back and what thanks do I get?” Randy questions in a stupid voice complete with idiotic face to match.
“You carried a boombox-“
“It helped you get the girl!” Exclaims Randy cutting Mickey off with a wave of his hands.
“Let’s talk about this later-“
“One last thing.” Randy begins with a laugh which makes you roll your eyes hard as he asks Mickey “Is Evil Dead 2 a sequel something you have a clear hard on for or is it a remake?”
“Oh my god, it’s clearly a remake talk to me about Army of Darkness that’s an obvious sequel!” Mickey informs Randy his voice steeped in sarcasm whilst his classmate just laughs in his face.
“You are so wrong-“
“Hey Mickey, weren’t we going to go somewhere?” You cut Randy off at the same time that you give your boyfriend a wide eyed look.
“Oh yeah!” Mickey begins with a deep chuckle as he states to Randy “I’m off to go and get laid something you wouldn’t know anything about.”
“I disagree, I know a lot about it!” Randy replies flippantly as he adds “ I’ve watched the movie Basic Instinct a million times.”
“Paused on that one scene right?” Mickey questions with another laugh causing Randy to nod in agreement, both lost in their own Sharon Stone fantasy.
“Do I need to leave you two alone-“
“Of course not babe, let’s go!” Announces Mickey with a cheeky smile, highlighting his chiseled jaw and brown eyes that looked ready to burst.
“Be safe! We don’t want any little Mickey’s walking this earth quoting James Cameron movies.” Randy shouts in despair even holding out a hand in front of him to add to the moment.
“I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit.” Mickey quotes with a loud chuckle because he always liked to quote his favourite movies.
“It’s the only way.” Declares Randy also quoting the classic film Aliens, then with a nod he walks off in the other direction finally you were alone again.
“You two are so cute together-“
“Back to mine room now!” Cuts in Mickey tugging on your right hand, pulling you towards him as he starts to walk fast like he was on a mission.
Heading back to his dorm room at break neck speed you finally arrive, with Mickey falling onto his messy unmade bed, pulling you down on top of him with a look on his face that said it all.
“Who knew that you were such a secret romantic?” You ask with a sigh when you feel Mickey’s hands, grip tightly onto your hips whilst you straddled him, still both fully clothed but hopefully not for much longer.
“If you tell anyone I will kill you.” Mickey whispers with a smile, which makes you roll your eyes back at him with a giggle.
“There is so much I don’t know about you Mickey, but I want to learn everything and more!” You decide leaning down to kiss Mickey gently, your breath hitches when you feel his tongue brush roughly against yours.
“So you want to know the full Mickey Altieri story?” Mickey asks when you nod and bury your face in his neck, lips meeting skin as you loss yourself in the moment.
“It’s not even a good story.” Begins Mickey making you sit up to see the uneasy look on his face as he continues “ But if you ask me again soon I will definitely tell you.”
“I will hold you to that.” You tell Mickey in a teasing voice noticing the smirk appearing on his face.
“But for now I just need you to take your clothes off.” Mickey informs you with a wide smile, as he lifts up your white tee shirt revealing bare skin.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!” You reply making short work of your tee shirt, quickly removing it over your head and grinning when you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“That’s a good start but you’ve missed a couple of items of clothing-“
“Want to help me?” You question cutting off Mickey with as innocent a look as you could muster under the circumstances.
“I thought you would never ask.” Mickey demands moving a hand to the button on your pants, deftly undoing it as he then proceeds to pull down the accompanying zip.
..tugging the pants firmly down your hips revealing black underwear, which makes Mickey whine as you work together to get the offending item of clothing off as soon as possible.
Sitting back down onto his lap makes you feel exactly how much he wanted you, his hard cock pushing against the zip of his pants, making you brush your clothed pussy over him which causes him to jerk his hips upwards.
“Fuck!” Mickey curses grabbing at your underwear, but in the end he just moves some soaked fabric to one side his fingers brushing against your pussy lips causing both of you to groan at the same time.
“I need you-“
“Don’t I know it, damn you’re so wet just let me get a little something from my pocket, and the we will be all set.” Mickey declares with a smirk, as he moves one of his hands down to his pants, pulling out a silver foil packet that he rips open with his teeth.
“Hurry up!” You cry sounding bratty even to your own ears, causing Mickey to arch an eyebrow at you making your pussy muscles clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Somebody is excited.” Mickey states with a smile as he undoes his pants causing you to move back a little, watching as he puts on the condom then slowly pulls you closer back to him.
“Ready?” Mickey asks with a smirk as you silently move your body forward, locating the tip of his cock rubbing your lips along his length, then finally taking him as your pussy is filled causing you to cry out.
“You feel so good right now, but please don’t move for like a second or ten ok?” Mickey questions gritting his teeth like he was moments away, from blowing his load which would have put a dampener on things to say the least.
“Did you really miss me this much?” You ask in a low voice moving your hips ever so slightly, to be rewarded by Mickey’s cock throbbing against your pussy walls.
“Of course baby, but if you keep that up this won’t last at all, and I know you don’t want that.” Mickey places a hand on your face then curses when you tease him again with a quick bounce on his cock.
“We can go slow-“
“Or I could in fact do this and hold you in place.” Mickey demands moving his hand down towards your neck, placing it on your throat whilst you give him a small nod, and then gasp when he grips harder keeping you very still on his throbbing cock.
“I don’t want to be anywhere else on this planet right now.” You tell Mickey meaning every word, as you close your eyes and sigh when you feel him, starting to slowly rock his hips causing you to bounce on his cock desperately.
“You won’t be, we’re skipping class and are doing this at least twice more before going to grab some food!” Mickey states with a wide smile the very one that drew you to him, and right now you couldn’t get enough.
“Sex and then pizza what more could a girl actually want!” You giggle then groan when you feel that oh-so-delicious warmth build up, hitting low on your stomach the sensation making you clench hard around his cock.
“A very important double bill of Tarantino movies is always fun?” Mickey questions with a hiss feeling that you were getting close, he was beyond ready to finish but he wanted to tip you over the edge first.
“If I say yes will you fuck me harder?” You reply with a question of your own which goes unanswered, but Mickey must’ve understood when he kicks it up a gear, and pretty soon you feel yourself tipping over and losing glorious control.
Afterwards you roll off Mickey whilst he discards the condom, laying next to him to catch the look on his face, him studying you with those intelligent dark brown eyes.
“So you really want to know my story then?” Mickey asks getting up from the bed, pulling up his pants as he heads to the door double checking the lock was on which was strange.
“Is it boring?” You question back slowly sensing the instant mood change in the room, feeling cold suddenly but then you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“It’s colourful.” Mickey states with a shrug whilst his face, contorts in anger causing you to wrap your arms around your front self consciously.
“Are you ok?” You ask Mickey noticing how he was flexing both his hands very tightly, and his jaw was locked tight causing him to scowl.
“You tell me bitch!” Mickey states in a dark voice his whole body language transforming suddenly, which makes you feel something you hadn’t ever felt before in front of your boyfriend.
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R.I.P Timothy Stoker you would've loved Nasty by Tinashe and HOT TO GO by Chappelle Roan
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usafphantom2 · 24 days
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How An A-10 Pilot Guided His Wingman to Safety in a Hypoxia Crisis
Lt. Col. Mitchell recalls a life-or-death moment in the sky, helping his wingman fight hypoxia during a mission aboard the A-10 Warthog.
David Cenciotti
A-10 Hypoxia
U.S. Air Force Reserve Citizen Airman Lt. Col. Timothy “Scream” Mitchell, an A-10 instructor pilot and flight commander with the 47th Fighter Squadron, places his hand on the iconic nose of an A-10C Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 22, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Tyler J. Bolken)
With the plan to fully retire the type by 2029, the U.S. Air Force will decommission 42 A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft this year, with the remaining 260 expected to be phased out in the next 5 years.
As the legendary “Warthog” approaches the twilight of its storied service, one figure stands out as a living embodiment of the grit, tenacity, and unwavering dedication that define the aircraft’s tight-knit community. That figure is U.S. Air Force Reserve Citizen Airman Lt. Col. Timothy “Scream” Mitchell.
With nearly two decades of flying the A-10, Mitchell was recently recognized with a prestigious safety award, not only for his actions during a perilous night flight but for a career that epitomizes the spirit of the A-10 and the individuals who support and operate this combat-proven aircraft.
In March this year, Mitchell found himself in a situation that tested the full breadth of his experience. Alongside Capt. Dylan “Mac” Vail, an active-duty pilot from the 357th Fighter Squadron who was being trained to become an IP (instructor pilot), Mitchell embarked on what was intended to be a routine 2-ship training flight.
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U.S. Air Force Reserve Citizen Airman Lt. Col. Timothy “Scream” Mitchell, an A-10 instructor pilot and flight commander with the 47th Fighter Squadron, stands in front of the first A-10C Thunderbolt II he flew, tail number 9154, on the flight line at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 22, 2024. Mitchell has flown the A-10, often referred to as the Warthog, for nearly two decades, exemplifying the dedication and expertise that define the A-10 community. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Tyler J. Bolken)
As an instructor pilot and flight commander for the 47th Fighter Squadron, Mitchell is no stranger to demanding situations. However, on this night, what began as a standard night sortie, would quickly transform rom routine to critical. In fact, Vail began showing the early signs of hypoxia, a dangerous condition caused by a lack of oxygen that can impair cognitive functions and motor skills.
A subtle threat
Hypoxia can be difficult to identify, especially for pilots, because its onset is often gradual and its symptoms can be subtle or easily mistaken for fatigue or stress. Symptoms like dizziness, confusion, lightheadedness, euphoria, and impaired judgment often develop slowly, which can make it challenging for pilots to recognize what is happening before it becomes severe, and increasingly difficult for a pilot to maintain control of their aircraft.
In the cockpit, Vail was struggling. His brain, starved of oxygen, couldn’t process the situation clearly. As the effects of hypoxia worsened, the situation became dire. But Mitchell’s calm and decisive leadership shone through. Years of experience kicked in, allowing him to quickly assess the situation and provide clear, concise instructions over the radio to guide Vail back to safety.
It was a night that could have ended tragically had it not been for Mitchell’s steady hand.
“I could barely think straight,” Vail recalls, his voice heavy with the memory of that critical night. A Houston native and a graduate of the Air Force Academy, Vail was in a dangerous spiral, both mentally and physically. “Mitchell was there every step of the way, simplifying everything, telling me exactly what I needed to do. It was his voice and experience that got me back on the ground safely.”
For Vail, Mitchell’s actions went beyond the role of an experienced pilot, they embodied a deeper philosophy, one ingrained in the A-10 community itself. This is a community where the mission is paramount, but equally important is the unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of those involved.
“People always get lost and enamored about the aircraft,” Mitchell explained. A native of Lockney, Texas, and a graduate of Texas A&M, Mitchell is quick to shift the spotlight away from himself and the aircraft, instead highlighting the broader community that supports the A-10. “But the number one thing is the community that is dedicated to it.”
For Mitchell, the A-10 is not just a machine. It’s a symbol of camaraderie, a tool to defend and protect, and a centerpiece of a community bound by shared purpose and dedication. Standing next to the very first A-10 he flew, tail number 9154, Mitchell reflected on his long journey with the aircraft. His humor remained intact despite the passage of time and the wear of years spent in service.
“I’m old,” he said with a chuckle, recalling his search for some of the A-10s he had flown over the years. “I was trying to look for a couple of tails that I had my name on in the past, and I think they’re gone either to Moody AFB or the Boneyard, so here’s what it is.”
Mitchell’s reflections extend beyond the aircraft’s flight numbers and history. He shared a little-known piece of A-10 heritage, the unique artwork that adorns each of the 47th Pursuit Squadron’s aircraft. Dating back to World War II, these aircraft are emblazoned with characters from the “Dogpatch” cartoon series by Andy Capp, a tradition that the squadron continues to honor.
“The 47th Pursuit Squadron paid Andy Capp $1 for the copyright usage of his characters to put on all the airframes,” Mitchell shared, highlighting the deep historical roots that tie the squadron to the past. “Each airplane has its own character from the original Little Abner cartoons.”
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U.S. Air Force Reserve Citizen Airman Lt. Col. Timothy “Scream” Mitchell, an A-10 instructor pilot and flight commander with the 47th Fighter Squadron, looks on as he stands next to an A-10C Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 22, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Tyler J. Bolken)
This rich tradition, combined with a sense of pride and duty, has been a cornerstone of Mitchell’s career since he first began flying the A-10 in January 2005. From those early days as a young lieutenant in the 47th Fighter Squadron to his current role as a seasoned commander and mentor, Mitchell’s journey has been defined by his commitment to not only the aircraft but also the people who operate and maintain it.
“Creating new fighter pilots and passing on the lessons learned—that’s our job,” Mitchell said, emphasizing the importance of mentorship within the A-10 community. “We are providers of fixing problems for people in a dynamic situation, and we’re very good at it.”
Col. Aaron “Nacho” Weedman, commander of the 924th Fighter Group, also expressed pride in Mitchell’s efforts. He highlighted the significance of Mitchell’s actions during that night flight and the profound impact of his leadership on the A-10 community.
“His actions while instructing a student during a sortie in which the student experienced a serious physiological incident saved the life of another pilot,” Weedman said. For Weedman, Mitchell’s recent safety award is not just a personal achievement but a reflection of the ethos that has guided the A-10 community for decades.
The citation for the award specifically notes Mitchell’s quick thinking during the March 2024 incident, as well as his broader contributions to the safety and training of A-10 pilots. But as Weedman pointed out, the recognition also speaks to the experience and maturity that AFRC Instructor pilot cadre like Mitchell bring to the mission of the A-10 Formal Training Unit.
“His actions that evening highlight the importance of experience and maturity that AFRC Instructor pilot cadre add to the mission of the A-10 FTU,” Weedman emphasized. “This experience is leveraged to strengthen the total force, producing combat-ready wingmen for the A-10 community.”
More than just an aircraft
For pilots like Mitchell and Vail, the A-10 is far more than just an aircraft. It symbolizes something much greater, a legacy of camaraderie, dedication to mission, and the enduring reputation of those who have flown it and those who have been saved by it.
Vail, now a certified instructor pilot himself, is keenly aware of the legacy he is inheriting. It is a legacy shaped by the seasoned pilots who came before him—pilots like Mitchell, who ensured the lessons of the past continue to guide the future.
“I love the A-10. I love the mission,” Vail shared. “But what makes it special is the people, the community of pilots who have dedicated themselves to this aircraft and what it stands for.”
As the A-10 gradually phases out of U.S. military service (with a potential future in a foreign air arm), its heritage will not fade away with its airframes. Instead, it will live on in the stories and experiences of those who flew it, those who maintained it, and those whose lives were saved by it. And in the center of that story will always be the men and women like Lt. Col. Timothy “Scream” Mitchell, whose actions ensured that every pilot returned home safely.
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A U.S. Air Force A-10C Thunderbolt II assigned to the 47th Fighter Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, flies over Range 2 during Haboob Havoc 2024, April 24, 2024, at Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Noah D. Coger)
About David Cenciotti
David Cenciotti is a journalist based in Rome, Italy. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviationist”, one of the world’s most famous and read military aviation blogs. Since 1996, he has written for major worldwide magazines, including Air Forces Monthly, Combat Aircraft, and many others, covering aviation, defense, war, industry, intelligence, crime and cyberwar. He has reported from the U.S., Europe, Australia and Syria, and flown several combat planes with different air forces. He is a former 2nd Lt. of the Italian Air Force, a private pilot and a graduate in Computer Engineering. He has written five books and contributed to many more ones.
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henriediosa · 8 months
palatawan: the old money families
one of the things that i think makes palatawan really work as a tagalog translation of the world of hatchetfield is the class divide. if i could drive you through manila right now, you'd get it — the high-rises next to the slums, the sheets of metal covering the shanties next to the highway. there's something very filipino about an island with resorts and mansions on one side and a trailer park on the other.
i think the old money of palatawan are the panginoong maylupa, the landlords who bought up the land and built the mansions. so let's start with the people who made hatchetfield their own little satanic paradise:
the waylon family
Agatha and Mathias Flavio - so waylon is from the old english name weland, which probably means "cunning". it's the name of a legendary smith. someone who makes metal implements is a very cool namesake for the family who built hatchetfield. so i went for the name of our own legendary smith, ang panday (which is just The Smith in tagalog). he's a comics character. but it felt too on the nose to just use panday (after all, they're not the smiths, that would be too plain) so i went for his first name.
the perkins/houston family
Ma. Emmanuella de los Reyes Perez - it's emma! yeah, i think she comes from old money — her parents had land that she turned into perky's buds, and she had the freedom and resources to go backpacking as a young woman. we don't see it much from her because emma's trying to distance herself from her family, and i bet the backpacking has sort of roughed her up a good bit. perkins and perez both derive from the name peter.
Ma. Janella Perez Corazon - áte (big sister) janella. i changed her name because jane in a filipino accent sounds too much like jenny, and they could be confused with each other. going into psychology is a really interesting choice for her, because we don't actually have psychiatric workers for our population right now. so i think it speaks to how perfect and pure of heart she seems.
Tomas Corazon - the hugh in "hugh's town" (houston) means heart, and so does corazon. i think it works for a guy with such big feelings, who cares so much about his family.
Timothy Corazon / Tim - this is a personal thing that you may have noticed if you look at how i name my own characters, but i like it when characters have full names that they can derive nicknames from. he can't just be tim on his birth certificate, that's not a whole name. give your babies (characters) whole names.
the murray/monroe family
Rosalinda Iñiga Camella Villar Rivera - you bet i gave linda a long fancy name. camella villar is a reference to an actual filipino land-owning political family, and iñiga is a reference to one of my exes. hey, i can be petty too.
Gerald Rivera - so fancy and yet so generic. he stays in the background and that's exactly where he should be
Rio, Abra, Pasig, and Chico Rivera - all of linda’s children are named after rivers. is it because the monroe also means (the mouth of a) river? i’m not sure why, but i am keeping the pattern.
Roman Milagroso Villar - he just felt like he needed a second name. why not miraculous? it fits his ego. murray comes from an old irish name that means "master", so i picked a surname derived from the latin word for a village. they own the village (the hatchetfield boating society and the honey queen pageant board)
the young family
Sherman and Sheila Cabataan - this one's easy because the name is obviously a nod to their eternal youth. so it's kabataan, "youth" but spelled with a c to make it look vintage. (when the philippines was colonised by spain, the /k/ sound was spelled with a c like it is in spanish.)
so i've already done CCRP and the nerdy prudes (+ max); which section of hatchetfield population would y'all like to see translated next?
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alldancersaretalented · 6 months
YAGP Hope Award/(Youth) Grand Prix Winners 2023/24
Hope Award
Los Angeles: Spencer Collins, Age 10 (Westside School of Ballet, CA)
Austin: Yihan Jiang, Age 10 (Movements In Time, TX)
Chicago: Evelyn Allen, Age 11 (Elite Classical Coaching, TX)
Philadelphia: Amelia Sias, Age 11 (Pennsylvania Ballet Conservatory, PA)
Salt Lake City: Ellary Day Szyndlar, Age 11 (Master Ballet, AZ)
Boston-Worcester: Juliana Kuang, Age 11 (N&D Ballet, MA)
Atlanta: Elynn Nie, Age 11 (MorningStar Dance Academy, GA)
Dallas: Lydia Bachman, Age 11 (Independent, TX)
Phoenix: Victoria Carrillo, Age 11 (Master Ballet, AZ)
Kansas City: Calla Massey, Age 9 (Independent, KY)
San Francisco: Athena Hu, Age 11 (Ju Lu Performing Arts, CA)
Denver: Reagan Neuhoff, Age 11 (Dallas Conservatory, TX)
Toronto: Owen Simmons, Age 11 (School of Cadence Ballet, ON)
Indianapolis: Eva Julia Sutanto, Age 11 (Academy of Russian Ballet, VA)
Youth Grand Prix
Chicago: Ekaterina Pichkova, Age 13 (Osipova Ballet Academy, CA)
Austin: Melissa Plishchadina, Age 14 (Pavlova Professional Coaching, TX)
Chicago: Chloe Helimets, Age 13 (Bayer Ballet, CA)
Salt Lake City: Annie Webb, Age 13 (Moga Conservatory of Dance, UT)
Winston-Salem: Eric Poor, Age 14 (Cary Ballet Conservatory, NC)
Pittsburgh: Ela Sevillia, Age 14 (Ellison Ballet, NY)
Kansas City: Quinlin Maconachy, Age 12 (Dallas Conservatory, TX)
San Francisco: Fiona Wu, Age 13 (Yoko's Dance, CA)
Denver: Keenan Mentzos, Age 14 (Ballet Bloch Canada, BC)
Los Angeles: Kiera Sun, Age 13 (DKCBA, CA)
New York: Lisa Kamiya, Age 14 (Ellison Ballet, NY)
Nashville: Angelina Tan, Age 14 (Elite Classical Coaching, TX)
San Diego: Leon Yusei Sai, Age 12 (Southland Ballet Academy, CA)
Grand Prix
Los Angeles: Izzy Howard, Age 16 (DKCBA, CA)
Austin: Isabella Keesee, Age 15 (Elite Classical Coaching, TX)
Tampa: Crystal Huang, Age 15 (Bayer Ballet/The Rock Center, CA)
Philadelphia: Carson Willey, 17 (The Rock School for Dance, PA)
Atlanta: Miharu Kikuchi, Age 16 (International City School of Ballet, GA)
Pittsburgh: Kaitlin Natili, Age 15 (West Point Ballet)
Phoenix: Parker Rozzano-Keefe, Age 18 (Master Ballet, AZ)
Houston: Sophia Jones, Age 17 (Feijoo Ballet School, TX)
Los Angeles: Maddux Ellison, Age 15 (DKCBA, CA)
New York: Ivana Radan, Age 15 (Ellison Ballet, NY)
Toronto: Madison Bevilacqua, Age 16 (Timothy Draper Center, NY)
Indianapolis: Everly Nedza, Age 16 (School of Cadence Ballet, ON)
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Not all heroes wear capes; however, in the appropriately comic book sounding League City, Texas, there’s one hero who certainly does, and his good deeds are getting noticed. That hero is Dash Gordon, alter-ego of gregarious, family man Timothy Glover, whose early attempts to connect with his community while DoorDashing morphed into a life of its own.
Glover recounted, “On November 21st, 2021, my wife was sick, and I wanted to take us on one last big vacation. I felt like I needed to do something proactive that would get her out of the house, get her moving around, and we could be a dynamic duo together in the process. So I said to her, ‘let’s DoorDash’”.
“We’d ride around together, and she’d help me find the numbers for the apartments and the doors on the houses. After two months of Dashing, I wondered why aren’t people coming to the door? There was no social interaction whatsoever, and I couldn’t deal with that. So I said “I’m going to call myself Dash Gordon, like Dash from DoorDash, and Gordon from Jeff Gordon cause he’s really fast, and I’ll combine the two and I’ll be Dash Gordon.”
“So I started sending GIFs and emojis using the Flash and Flash Gordon to customers as I was delivering, or right before I’d get to their door, and they liked it. They’d laugh back or send something funny, but they still weren’t coming to the door at the magnitude I was wanting.”
That’s when Glover decided to take it up a notch, and made a purchase that helped set up his entire journey.
Glover continued, “I turned to my wife and asked ‘Would you order this? It’s a Flash costume. It’s pretty generic, not really expensive, and I think people will come to the door more, they’ll tip more, and it’ll help with our goals to go on our vacation’. So a couple weeks went by, and the costume came in, and I put Dash Gordon on my uniform. And I started dashing like that and it caused quite a stir.”
Glover’s big gamble paid off, as he was meeting more people at the door than ever.
Glover recalled, “If I did 10 dashes, 9 of them would come to the door. They wanted to see the spectacle.”
What Glover did next though is what truly set his hero journey in motion, as he answered the call of someone not needing food from DoorDash, but help from their community.
“A woman posted in a local Facebook group saying she was struggling,” Glover mentions. “She was putting her feelings out there, and I felt really bad because no one was really giving her guidance, so all I did was type in that thread ‘Dash Gordon to the rescue.’ I then instant messaged her and asked ‘what do you need’, and she said ‘I’ve got a roof over my head, I’m in government housing, but I’m struggling to buy diapers and wipes for my child’. So I said ‘give me sometime and I’ll message you back’”.
“So then I put the costume on, I went through my neighborhood, I got donations to get diapers, wipes, and I even got some extra money to give her some for the next couple weeks,” said Glover.
This one charitable act then caught the attention of the local community. Dash Gordon was asked to join Helen Hall Library’s Pop-Up Storytimes, a storytime event for children, teens, and adults. Then he was also featured in a local documentary all about Dash Gordon. Leigh Kirkland wrote the story, and it went on to win a Savvy award.
Glover emphasized “It was a big deal.”
That’s when the Houston media market really took notice. Dash was on the morning news, afternoon news, and newspaper articles began to be written about Dash. What gave Glover a spark though for what to do next, was when non-profits and individuals in his community began to reach out, including special needs organizations, victims of human trafficking, and others needing help.
Glover then realized “We’re creating a community superhero.”
Like many heroes, Glover’s origin story was not always an easy one.
Glover recalled his childhood, “I’m a foster kid. I spent a lot of time in six foster homes. I was in two shelters and finally put into an orphanage. I was adopted at the age of nine by a family that didn’t really know how to raise kids. It was a little bit borderline abusive. I left at the age of 17 and headed to Rochester, New York, where I found my real parents. I got to spend five months with them before they passed away.”
Glover had to grow up quickly in the years following.
“After my parents passed, I was back on my own, got married at a young age, had four children, and went into the military. While in the military I went to culinary school, came out then got a job as a chef.”
Glover’s natural affinity with people propelled him into his next role where he hoped to be a beloved car salesman.
“I thought people liked them. I didn’t realize people didn’t like car salespeople,” Glover said.
Glover’s family grew to six kids, but then after a divorce, he moved to Houston. There he met his wife.
Glover remarked, “I’ve been married to my wife for 13 years, and she backs this Dash Gordon escapade. She keeps me grounded, because when you start achieving this level of popularity it's easy to get a real big head.”
What Dash Gordon has achieved in that time is rather incredible and speaks to the love from his community for his efforts and the outpouring support he’s received. And Glover understands that what matters overall is not the man under the mask, but how he’s able to use Dash Gordon’s abilities to provide platforms to speak for many whose stories don’t get such attention. In only ten months time as Dash Gordon, Glover’s focused on some incredibly important issues and underserved communities, including those with special needs and abilities.
“We’re partnering with Bitty & Beau's coffee shop. They are a coffee shop just for special needs employees. We’re getting League City a place called Howdy Homemade ice cream. They make their own ice cream, and they only employ those with special needs and abilities. They want to work. They want to do everything every other person wants to do. They don’t want to be [treated] differently. I don’t think people get that.”
Glover also connected with victims of human trafficking, and showcased the story of Nikki’s family and her daughter Mady’s story on his YouTube channel.
“Human trafficking is tough [to discuss], and the story I did with Nikki was very emotional and hard to get through. But that story was able to help get traction with Maddie’s movement.”
In addition to these causes, Glover also wants to highlight awareness of animal abuse, suicide prevention, veterans assistance, foster/adoption care, spouse shelters for women and children, autism, and mental health. All of which together help make-up the seven platforms that Dash Gordon tries to help and bring awareness to.
Glover remarked, “Those are huge things people don’t want to wrap their arms around. We want to put them in people’s faces, and we let a superhero do it. Because Dash has a voice now and people are using the voice to get what they need to get done.”
I asked Glover if he did anything himself for his mental health and to help him cope with hearing these heavy stories.
Glover replied, “A couple months ago I sat back and was frustrated. I thought to myself what are we doing here, and I told my partner Ben maybe I’d cut off social media for a couple weeks and take a break. He said “We cannot do that. There’s too many people depending on us. So I started meditating, taking small breaks, and getting good sleep. Everyone asks what I'm bad at, and it’s getting good sleep.”
That seems to have helped, as Glover’s found balance in his life and his purpose as Dash Gordon.
“I’m in a good mental place. I’ve gone through so much in my life that it’s hard to believe I’m standing here today where I’m at and I don’t have a lot of problems. I’m not on drugs. I didn't get wrapped up with a bunch of junk that ruined my life. I was able to somehow keep it together.
Glover’s faith has also helped carry him along these past months.
Glover remarked, “Whether you’re a believer of God or not, I just believe He’s had a hand on me and guided me through this whole journey. I finally had an epiphany while meditating that I’m just the vessel that’s delivering the goodness, the help, and the hope that people need. Someone else is driving the car, and once I relinquished that I’m not driving I was in a pretty good place.”
Glover spoke of his family often during our interview, and I was particularly curious how his children felt about their Dad dressing up as Dash Gordon.
“I have eight kids. Out of the eight kids I think I have two who are real supporters. The others either don’t follow it, don’t care, or hate it.”
Of course regardless of their feelings on Dash Gordon, Glover keeps his kids, and today’s kids, in his mind as he tries to make a positive impact on the world.
“I worry about the next generation. I worry about the kids being born now and what’s going to happen to them. But I don’t think they are lost at all, and in fact I think they’re really smart. But I think they’re fighting for things like freedom and to be different, much like the fights in the 50s and 60s. And is there anything wrong that? Is there anything wrong with being different? That’s why we are so diverse, because we are all so different. The world’s not a square and everyone fits in it. It just doesn’t work that way.”
I enquired further as to what advice Dash Gordon would give the next generation growing up today.
Glover said, “Never dream too little. Go big. Don’t ever strive for perfection. Strive to be excellent, just because you may slip and fall. Accept help sometimes. Especially for young people, I tell them to look internally. Where are you headed, and what do you really want out of life? Be respectful, and have a little bit of compassion, because in everything you set out to do people will give you advice when you need it. [That can help] take you to the [highest] level that you can achieve.”
One way this message has started to reach younger people is through a new series of books based on Dash Gordon created by local author Renne Siewers.
“The book covers the seven platforms we represent. There’s a story and it’s very easy to read for the special needs community, and all the illustrations were designed by the author. There’s a second book coming out in the series called Dash Gordon 2.0, which will tell how Dash Gordon came into existence.”
Glover is never one to let free time idle by, and as such he’s always looking for what more he can do. His wife’s suggestion last December led them on a path that’s allowed them to help hundreds more than ever before.
“I was looking for something more to do for the special needs community, and my wife suggested a winter formal. I said ‘there’s only three weeks till Christmas?’ and she replied “You can do it. You’re Dash Gordon’”.
Glover set about to create the event, and in part thanks to Glover’s familiarity with a venue, and the venue’s generosity to waive all fees, they were able to get the venue space for free. They got a flier created from a member of an Autistic mothers support group, and more assistance poured in, and they hosted the event the next day.
Glover remarked, “It was a smash hit. Way more people than we ever expected.”
This led to even more levels of exposure for Dash and the causes he’s been supporting. Ben, Dash’s partner and photographer/videographer, then suggested the next major step for Dash.
Glover recalled, “Ben said to me, ‘you need to start a Dash Gordon foundation’. I said ‘Really? You think so?’”
Glover was uncertain if they had grown to that point, but Ben emphasized how generous everyone’s been to the cause. “You did not have to raise money for the winter formal. Everyone helped to chip in to your cause to help the special needs community with the event.” Glover then agreed.
Word spread quickly of their plan and two days later they were contacted by a bank that stepped in to donate their time, and their services, to set up the Dash Gordon as a 501c3 non-profit. Now with the foundation created they’ve begun to set up other events, including their next one ‘Dash Into the 80’s”, which filled to capacity in just over two hours time.
Glover’s impact continues to be infectious. When asked about what he’s had to do to get further community involvement, he emphasized “I started just DoorDashing to go on vacation. I never reached out to anyone for any publicity. I never asked for money. I never made a phone call. Everything that happened was all organic.”
Ultimately I was curious if Dash Gordon could ever see ‘more Dashes’ in other cities.
Glover said, “What we’ve created is a real life superhero, and yeah he’s not out flying around, but he’s showing a genuine concern for people. He’s doing everything he can to make any moment of their life better, whether it’s a smile, a laugh, or showing up at an event, comforting a family, getting them food, or the things they need to try to get by. Anything we can do, we are going to do it.”
“Not yet,” Glover replied. “But it could definitely be bigger than Houston. It takes a lot to put on a leotard to walk around. I’m not in the most perfect shape, and to go out and be judged and people think it’s wacky [can be difficult], but I really didn’t care. I knew there’d be a shock factor, and people would take pictures, but I knew that there was more [I could do].”
Time will tell how many others will continue to be inspired by Glover and Dash Gordon’s incredible work in League City, but perhaps the next time you receive a friendly Door Dasher, or need help and ask for some through social media, maybe you too will see a friendly superhero near you step up to assist, or maybe you can become one.
The Dash Gordon Foundation / IG / FB / YT / TikTok
STORY : Michael Miller  // PHOTO: Elizabeth Conley
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thesickestfuckr · 1 year
figured i'd introduce you all to my tastes
here are the fandoms and characters i write for. this is mostly either american television dramas or horror games lmfao.
walking dead:
daryl dixon
rick grimes
breaking bad / bcs:
jesse pinkman
lalo salamanca
death stranding:
sam porter bridges
cliff unger
red dead redemption:
john marston
sean macguire
colm o’driscoll,
roman roy
resident evil:
karl heisenberg
leon scott kennedy
nikolai ginovaef
house of 1000 corpses:
steve naish (this is really obscure sorry)
final fantasy:
snow villiers
ignis scientia (after 10 years)
dead by daylight:
vittorio toscano
felix richter
ace visconti
gta v:
trevor phillips
tao cheng
vice principals:
lee russell
ray liptrapp
also basically any bitch played by norman reedus, walton goggins, simon pegg, mads mikkelsen, or timothy olyphant. let's be honest here, lmfao
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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Whitney Houston with Bobby Brown photographed by Timothy White for Essence Magazine (February 1994)
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Houston County Library Summer Reading Challenge 2023
 Start: June 1, 2023
End: August 31,2023
TBR List (I underlined the book theme I chose for some):
A Fantasy or Science Fiction Book: "Carry On" by Rainbow Rowell
A Book Recommended by a Librarian, Family member or Friend: "Kenobi: Star Wars Legacy" by John Jackson Miller
A Fairy Tale (or a twist on a Fairy Tale): "Part of Your World, A Twisted Tale" by Liz Brazwell
A book set in another Time and/or Place: "Ink and Bone" by Rachel Caine
An eBook or Audiobook: "Path of Destruction" by Drew Karpyshyn
A Book from a Series: Stars Wars: Heir to the Empire" by Timothy Zaine
A Book wit a Green, Yellow or Red Cover: "A Jane Austen Murder Mystery, Pride and Premeditation" by Tirzah Price
A Cozy Mystery or Suspense/Thriller: The Cellar" by Natasha Preston
A Book from your Want-to-Read-List: "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold
A Book by a Favorite or Never Read Author: "Blood Rose" by Andera Cremer
A Non-Fiction or a Classic Book: "The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson
A New-Release (2023) or a Display Shelf Book: "My Dear Friend Henry: A Jekyl and Hyde Remix" by Kalynn Bayron
A Book of Your Choice: "City of Fallen Angels" by Cassandra Claire
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terracomets · 3 months
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TIM! the final of the main / original four truenorth guys. its hard to pick out a fav amongst them but i really do have a soft spot for tim. dude's the most normal guy here but loves everyone nonetheless. bio below the cut!
Timothy Houston
Somali, He / Him, 26 Calm and level headed musician
    A talented young Campfolker. Timothy is the most mature of the main four, carrying a laid back and down to earth personality, which makes him popular with most younger Campfolk alongside his musical talents. Similar to Mattias, he’s the most social, having plenty of friends and acquaintances outside of his main friend group, but he loves his three friends the most out of anyone, constantly looking out for them even if they don’t notice. He’s never had anyone else matter to him as much as they do, especially Mattias–who Tim sees as a sort of partner in crime. While he is the most relaxed of the group, he carries a hefty amount of sarcasm and often playfully teases his friends while encouraging and supporting them, a common target of this sarcasm being Emmett. He spends most of his days playing music in the Center Star or working in the Blooming Bakery, which is how he makes most of his money for the house and his friends. On the side, he secretly works with Alder to create new recipes for the bakery and his friends.     His muses are his friends. He spreads Emmett’s views of hope through his music, and hopes that his songs will inspire someone, anyone, to stand up to Caesar and change things for the better. His outlook is much calmer than Mattias’, but he still feels that the cruelty of the people in power needs to end, and that cruelty must be done back onto those who’ve perpetuated it. What he isn’t aware of is that the person he inspires the most is his greatest supporter and dearest “friend”–Mattias.
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weather-usa · 2 days
An unnamed storm triggers a once-in-1,000-year rainfall event in North Carolina, flooding homes and prompting emergency rescues.
Floodwaters inundated homes, stranded vehicles, and triggered water rescues in coastal North Carolina on Monday after a tropical storm-like system unleashed historic rainfall within hours.
“It’s probably the worst flooding any of us have seen in Carolina Beach,” Town Manager Bruce Oakley told CNN, referring to the tourist town near Wilmington. “We’ve had to rescue people from cars, as well as some from homes and businesses.”
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 30327 - Atlanta GA:
Oakley added that emergency services responded to dozens of rescue calls.
Carolina Beach was declared under a state of emergency on Monday after a "historic" 18 inches of rain fell in just 12 hours at one location, marking a once-in-1,000-year rainfall event, according to the National Weather Service in Wilmington. Other parts of the region also saw over a foot of rain within the same period, a once-in-200-year event.
Carolina Beach Elementary School was closed, and students were dismissed early after flooding began to seep into classrooms, Town Manager Bruce Oakley confirmed. Law enforcement and fire crews assisted in taking some children home as several routes to the school were rendered impassable, with roads submerged under 3 feet of water.
Weather Forecast For 77089-Houston-TX:
Michael McLaughlin, owner of The Fat Pelican in Carolina Beach, told CNN affiliate WWAY that the sheer volume of water took him by surprise. “There’s water inside the building. I’m trying to gather the stuff that floated away,” he said, adding that he remained optimistic. Once the storm passed, he planned to hose down the inside of the restaurant and get “ready to go again.”
Lisa and Gary Hollon, longtime homeowners in Kure Beach, just 3 miles south of Carolina Beach, experienced flooding for the first time in nearly 15 years. Lisa told CNN that winds and rain intensified in the early morning hours, causing “sudden flooding of 4 to 6 inches” on the first floor of their home. “We were not prepared and have never flooded before,” she said. “Many cars were unexpectedly flooded in driveways and along roads.”
A video shared with CNN showed water covering the street outside their home, with vehicles moving cautiously, creating ripples as they passed.
Flooding also worsened in nearby Brunswick County, where rainfall rates peaked at 4 to 5 inches per hour on Monday. Sunny Point received more than a month’s worth of rain, with over 9 inches falling in just three hours.
"Our deputies are currently assisting multiple individuals stranded in their vehicles and some in their homes," the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office shared on Facebook.
The city of Southport announced a shelter-in-place order on Facebook Monday afternoon, later updating residents that a curfew would be in effect from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Surfboarder Rescues Neighbor's Dog
In the Brunswick County community of Supply, North Carolina, Timothy Turner used his surfboard to navigate floodwaters after the road near his home was destroyed. In some areas, the water was deep enough to be over his head.
Following intense rainfall that inundated Supply, located about 10 miles from Holden Beach, Turner volunteered to help a neighbor whose dog was stranded on the other side of the flooded road.
“I crossed it with my surfboard, sank into the mud, went to her house, got her dog, and brought it back across,” said Turner, who runs a surfing school and assists with ocean rescues, as the area lacks lifeguards.
“I’ve rescued 25 people from rip currents in the last eight years, but this was the first time I ever rescued a dog with a surfboard.”
This extreme rainfall and flooding highlight that it doesn’t require a named storm to create dangerous conditions. The atmosphere was primed to unleash torrential rain, a pattern becoming more frequent as the world warms due to fossil fuel pollution.
Floodwaters began to recede in Carolina Beach early Monday afternoon as torrential rain shifted westward, according to Town Manager Bruce Oakley. However, cars that had been abandoned during the height of the flooding remained stranded on empty roads, Town Mayor Lynn Barbee reported.
Storm Weakening and Forecast Improving
Tropical storm warnings for the coastal Carolinas were lifted Monday evening, according to the National Hurricane Center.
The system, named Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight, lacked the organization needed to be classified as a tropical or subtropical storm.
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“Continued weakening is expected over the next day or so, with the low forecast to dissipate over the Carolinas by early Wednesday,” forecasters stated.
Unlike most systems, where the strongest winds and heaviest rain occur near the center, Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight's heaviest rain and gusty winds were displaced from its poorly defined center, as shown by satellite imagery. The center made landfall Monday evening near the South Carolina-North Carolina border, while southeastern North Carolina continued to bear the brunt of the storm’s significant impacts.
Much of southeastern North Carolina is under a flood watch until Tuesday morning, according to the National Weather Service.
“Excessive runoff may lead to flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying or flood-prone areas. Creeks and streams could overflow their banks, and flooding may occur in areas with poor drainage and urban locations,” forecasters warned. They noted that less than an inch of additional rainfall is expected Monday night, with only a 20% chance of rain on Tuesday.
Earlier in August, the Carolinas experienced 6 to 12 inches of rainfall from Tropical Storm Debby, resulting in a flash flood emergency near Charleston, South Carolina.
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noticiasaccidentes · 3 months
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m5-6 · 5 months
Growing a Thriving Garden in Small Spaces: Tips from a Gardening Pro
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Gardener and educator Timothy Hammond shares his budget-friendly techniques for cultivating a garden in any size yard
Growing a lush and bountiful garden is no longer limited to those with vast outdoor spaces. With the right tricks and techniques, even the tightest of spaces can be transformed into a thriving garden. Gardener and educator Timothy Hammond, also known as @bigcitygardener on Instagram, has garnered a following of over 90,000 people by teaching them how to cultivate healthy foods in their gardens.
Based in Houston, Texas, Hammond specializes in urban gardening and shares his tips for growing plants in small spaces on a budget.
Start Small and Be Resourceful
Hammond advises newbie planters to start small and not feel the pressure to grow everything in their first season. To grow a garden on a budget, he suggests exploring container gardening. Containers can often be found for free with a little resourcefulness.
According to Hammond, almost anything that can hold soil and is water-resistant can be repurposed as a container.
Utilize Vertical Space
One common misconception about gardening in small outdoor spaces is that it limits the amount of plants one can grow. Hammond dispels this myth by emphasizing the importance of utilizing all available space, including growing upwards. He recommends trellising certain crops to reduce the space they take up in the garden.
Additionally, he suggests trying different planting styles like intercropping and intensive planting to maximize the number of plants in a small space.
Start with Easy Plants
For those just starting their gardening journey, Hammond recommends beginning with easy plants such as herbs and lettuce. Herbs can be harvested as early as a week after planting, once they have acclimated to their new growing area. Lettuce requires minimal water and no fertilizer, and it only takes 30 days from seed to harvest.
These plants provide a rewarding and low-maintenance start to a thriving garden.
Daily Maintenance and Essential Tools
Hammond emphasizes the importance of daily upkeep in maintaining a flourishing garden. He advises spending a little bit of time each day rather than leaving all the work for one day. To make gardening tasks easier, he suggests using a cultivator-hoe combo tool.
This versatile tool is perfect for weeding, digging planting holes, and aerating and loosening soil. It can also be used to remove weeds, pile soil around plants, and mix soils with fertilizers and manure.
Gardening in small spaces is not only possible but can also be a rewarding and budget-friendly endeavor. By starting small, utilizing vertical space, and choosing easy-to-grow plants, anyone can create a thriving garden regardless of the size of their yard. With daily maintenance and the right tools, gardening becomes a manageable and enjoyable activity.
As Timothy Hammond reminds us, there is no such thing as a perfect garden, so it's important to enjoy the process and the unique rewards that each garden brings.
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occupyhades · 8 months
God's Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Colossians 3:19 (NIV)
You have heard that it was said to the ancients, 'You shall not murder' and 'Whoever shall murder will be liable to the judgment.' Matthew 5:21 (BSB)
Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13 (KJV)
Each of you must know how to control his own body in holiness and honor. 1 Thessalonians 4:4 (BSB)
Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters. 1 Timothy 5:2 (NLT)
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And there were open books, and one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. Apocalypse 20:12 (BSB)
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And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Apocalypse 20:15 (BSB)
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sacredjake · 9 months
Dec 16th
Those new black and white pictures that gvf released yesterday😮‍💨😩🫠 
My family and I hung our stockings and my one cat is afraid of them (he gets scared of anything new such a big baby) and my other cat is unbothered about it or anything really lol 
Are your cats easily afraid of silly stuff?
What is your most prized possession?
Who are you 5 celebrity crushes not including gvf?
Your Secrect Santa🎄
omg don’t even get me started on smiley jake :,) i just🥰🥰🥰 i love him so much, he’s so precious
my youngest boy sometimes is a little skittish with new things (he once repeatedly swatted the like hole of an air mattress when it was deflating), but he and my oldest boy are usually more afraid of new people (specifically men though). they just hide though, they’ve never attacked anyone. my female cat is never afraid of anything and has literally never met a stranger. she loves the people and she loves the attention lol
oh man. my most prized possession, hmmm. can i give two answers i have two for different reasons.
the first are these two wood burnings my uncle made for me when i was young. one is of bloom from winx club and the other is shaggy and scooby from scooby-doo. the second is my half of a split setlist from the scwt houston show
okay here we go- no particular order. these were the first that came to mind (except dylan. ride or die for dylan)
dylan o’brien, timothy chalamet, jacob elordi, evan peters, and harry styles.
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