#timlet talks
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timlets · 1 year ago
I get why people say..."Wow...Poor Squirrelflight, now she has to be leader?! Just let her rest she's so tired of being used by the narrative :-(..." But that's the point of Squirrelflight's Hope, she could've stayed in Starclan the way Leafpool did, when Leafpool decided to give in to staying there instead of keep going on. Squirrelflight basically said, "No, I can't wait to go back. I won't let it end like this, it's too sad. I want to make things right, I want to keep going. I love being alive I have MORE to do."
I think that Squirrelflight choosing to come back and keep going is something that is awesome because she could've stayed in Starclan where everything is roses but she decided "No...It can't end like this, I want to make it better, I'm not ready to die." and I think that is so awesome guys idgaf about the narrative using her to death I think that she should be happy and being in Starclan obviously wasn't going to do that for her.
idk it's inspiring to me because sometimes you just have to keep getting back up because you know you deserve happiness, you deserve better, and you're going to fight for it because no one will do it for you...squirrelflight wants to be more than the sad story she was(the way people only talk about her with leafpool and with ashfur lol) she wants to be more than just that, she wants to be someone awesome and have a life fulfilled and she wants to eventually die peacefully and happy... i'm kind of like squirrelstar i'm so happy for you sweetheart i'm in your corner rooting for you
idk i went crazy but like it's kind of parallel to an abuse victim recovering and stepping forward to fight for their life when they didn't think they could... and im happy with it as fuck
edit 12/07/23: HEY IM SUPER HAPPY THIS IS GETTING SOME ATTENTION!! I made a Squirrelstar piece you can check out here :-)
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warriorcatclans · 6 months ago
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i really like how firestar sees jayfeather's special interest stick and he's like oh okay whatever weirdo and even offers to bring it back to camp for him
i love when firestar does stuff in the other books after tpb whenever firestar shows up to talk to someone specifically im like YEAHHH
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sarayashikidays · 10 months ago
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I think about Atsuko being basically Yuuske's age when she was a mom sooo often-- I have never managed to finish watching the anime, due to epilepsy, so I have read the manga *so* many times and every time I read her age when he first died... I feel sooo many things
RE: his spirit beast, I actually have two thoughts on that! First being Kuwabara would have ended up the one in a spirit detective role in this au JUST if he was forced to go get his own wards/learn about spirit energy stuff because he's worried about this kid at school who '''feels'''' weird > Genkai would not want him to get involved but, if Kuwabara Kazuma overheard there was any danger to his city ( or world ) he would strongarm his way in VS If this Yuusuke was spirit detective, he wouldn't have had one hatch at all. It would have been like a dud, and he would never have lost the first one in a fire in the first place ( even if his means of living wouldn't be much better, because I can't see a Kurama dying saving Sota, he would have saved him without getting hit-- but that's my opinion!! )
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timlets · 6 months ago
if anyone doubts that squirrelflight cared for hollyleaf jayfeather lionblaze as she would her own kits i want them to reread the scene in eclipse where she is delirious from pain and loss of blood and she immediately asks for them she doesnt even ask how bad the wound is or anything... she didnt give birth to them but she has a mothers love for them
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warriorcatclans · 10 months ago
i love kuwabara cause he obviously(to me) realized that he had a crush on yusuke very early on and that was even before yukina or botan because once he met them he was WAY over the top with it and im always like. dude tou might be overcompensating. a little comp hetting. but like he likes girls too but. i think he knows yusujke is his one. i feel like one of the reasons he kept coming back after yusuke kept beating his ass is because he felt such a strong connection to yusuke almost like the red string and its probably because he was able to pick up on how good of friends theyd be in the future. and also. they were made for each other actually
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timlets · 2 months ago
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i like them
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timlets · 3 months ago
warrior cats really has a special way of pulling at your heartstrings... when i think about how leafpool died rescuing someone else's kits from a collapsing tunnel, it drives me crazy because 1) her instinct to be a mother after all these years and rescue the kittens was stronger than her fear of death 2) the collapsing tunnel directly parallels how hollyleaf "died" in the tunnels and i think that was totally intentional. leafpool most likely blames herself for hollyleaf leaving in the first place, and yes even though hollyleaf was later revealed to be alive i'm positive leafpool had insane grief at her first "death"... leafpool rescuing the kits was almost like she was trying to rescue hollyleaf at her lowest point. leafpool i love you. im emo.
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timlets · 11 months ago
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somewhat recent warrior craps
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timlets · 1 year ago
does anybody else think about kuwameshi or is it just me. why did he say that
yusuke as a teen pushed away everyone who tried to get close and kuwabara realized that and made it so that yusuke couldn't ignore him. kuwabara would fight yusuke every day really for just yusuke's attention... just so that yusuke might remember his name or think of him. i think kuwabara wanted to be friends obviously but if anything he recognized how tormented yusuke was emotionally and he wanted to be the person to stand next to him and take some of that away. kuwabara is so proud of his strength and the fact that him and yusuke fought for so long because it's evidence that he's important enough/worthy to even stand next to yusuke and he's built up resilience to the point where yusuke has no choice but to accept his stubborn ass.
Okay that's it im going to write the kuwameshi essay now that i have a couple free hours.
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tldr kuwabara is an orange cat and cat distribution chose yusuke
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timlets · 2 years ago
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gay little jk straight big sandstorm firestar doodle
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timlets · 7 months ago
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i'm so serious this is what kuwameshi looks like to me like yeah kuwabara's his girlfreind
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timlets · 2 years ago
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new reaction image just dropped
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ok yeah im having too much fun
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fun with the safety sign generator
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timlets · 1 year ago
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No guys seriously the pov of Kuwabara with him saying "Urameshi...?" I'm fucked up this has got me so beyond belief impacted like idk seeing Yusuke from Kuwabara's eyes is crazy and idk why I never thought of that sort of execution in media before.. It just makes it so meaningful and obviously Kuwabara's mentally like Are you really here? Am I dying? before he faints. I dunno just the idea of us getting to see Yusuke the way Kuwabara does is making me like crazy(collapse on ground)(start beating ground with fists)and in a very very very good way
Also I think that merging the house fire with when Yusuke helps Kuwabara's gang out with the posessed bad guy was an AWESOME move... Seriously they were able to stitch that narrative together so nicely with this...It's so neat. But yes I miss Eikitchi. I haven't even watched episode two yet guys. I am so excited actually
I want to draw some of the scenes with kuwameshi in my own style (´ ∀ ` *)
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timlets · 7 months ago
leafpool has so many relationship opportunity from crowfeather to mothwing to hawkfrost to sorreltail to nightcloud to feathertail to cody to... anyone else have any ideas to add on because i want to draw a picture of leafpool and her possible girlfriend choices
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timlets · 3 months ago
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i thought i posted these little shits but i guess i didnt, happy thanksgiving
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timlets · 9 months ago
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