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ansicred · 1 month ago
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TRUST ALMOST EVERYONE | this is a (hopefully coherent) character ref for tim
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blerd2099 · 27 days ago
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The culture of a black hero, that's what the two of them talked about and how they have to uphold it while also making sure they don't have a bad day. Which I do wonder how do the hero's keep the culture goin when they're apart of these white majority groups and don't get to connect with those that look like them as much as they'd like.
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cypresscitycomics · 4 years ago
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The Next Batman: Second Son #1 By @dccomics I'll be honest, everything about this Batman has confused me. And not in a good way. I'm confused with the story, with future state, just...everything. 😔 But....this cover is 🔥tho! I mean....just look at that family photo...had to have it. Diversity box it is! Q. #batmansecondson #thenextbatman #timfox #lucasfox #jacefox #batman #representationmatters #blacksuperheroes #blackcomicbooks #blackcomiccharacters (at Cypress City Comics & Apparel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3c1dMBqDl/?igshid=1s6olofjb7e8w
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notarobotpodcasts · 4 years ago
The Next Batman: Second Son Review
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Reviewed By @TheGlenClark ... Price: $0.99   Written By: John Ridley Art By: Tony Akins. Mark Morales, Rex Lokus Letters By: Deron Bennett Cover By: Doug Braithwaite   Released as a “Digital First” Series this book serves as a Prelude to The Next Batman books we have been reading over the last two months. How did Jace become the Next Batman and how did Tim Fox become Jace? These are a couple of questions many fans of this series have been asking for, I hope this series answers these two questions and more.... Read the full article
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dispatchdcu · 4 years ago
Future State: The Next Batman #2 Review
Future State: The Next Batman #2 Review #batman #futurestate #justiceleague #dcfuturestate #amazon #dc #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #dcu #news #dcuniverse #reviews #info #art #NCBD #thenextbatman #timfox
Writers: John Riddley (Batman), Paula Sevenbergen Batgirls) & Vita Ayala (Gotham Sirens) Art: Laura Braga (Batman) Emmanuela Lupacchino (Batgirls) & Aneke (Gotham Sirens) Publisher: DC COMICS Price: $7.99 Release Date: January 19th, 2021 Reviewer: Soycornholio Issue two of The Next Batman contains 3 separate stories. I am assuming that explains that crazy price of $7.99 (my poor wallet). However,…
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wilson048 · 7 years ago
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At Timfox Photography they are best services provider of photography in Basingstoke. They are experienced photographer having many years of experience in industry. They provide reliable services and their rates are transparent too. To know more about them visit:https://plus.google.com/117991272288310397480
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ansicred · 7 months ago
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CAN'T YOU SEE? | i haven't made anything in a while and i've not done anything oc-related in a while so here's smth i did to kill two birds with one stone
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ansicred · 1 year ago
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we make a pretty good b-team | friendship dynamic
While Art is looking forward to his future with his soon-to-be (first) wife, Mandy, a dubious Tim is busy operating on a Jupiter-8 synthesiser. setting: Tim & Art's flat in Shoreditch, London, sometime in 1987. characters involved: Tim & Art warnings: none
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ansicred · 2 years ago
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here in my head | angst-ish
Odd Foxes perform without Frank for the first time in the band's history. setting: on a talk show host's show, in a television studio, New York, 2023 characters involved: Art, Tim, and James (and Frank's voice). warnings: none
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ansicred · 1 year ago
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Here's a little breakdown of each of the Foxes' musical (including vocal + other skills) abilities and an idea of how they ended up with the sound they have.
All of Art's instrumental ability is self-taught - he bought an acoustic guitar from a music shop when he was about ten (after saving his pocket money for weeks), and found a chord book at the library and taught himself. The tin whistle and harmonica came a little later when he was about thirteen, after acquiring both at a market in Basildon and teaching himself how to play them. His vocals came naturally and is a touch lower than his baseline voice tone. He'd practised singing by learning his favourite songs and singing along. Once he felt he was good enough at playing guitar and singing, he tried his hand at songwriting when he was fifteen with his strongest skill being his lyricism. Reg wanted him in Odd Foxes' original line-up because of his songwriting and vocal skill but was pleasantly surprised to learn that Art could also play guitar. His main influences are: punk, blues, and general rock music - all of which he actively listens to on a near-daily basis.
Like Art, all of Frank's instrumental ability is self-taught. Unlike Art, it was due to him having access to all three instruments at home and learning how to play folk songs (specifically Welsh folk songs). He started with the violin, which is rarely used on Foxes' songs but it is used, it's him playing it, then moved on to the guitar after becoming obsessed with Top Of The Pops and wanting to be a 'cool guitarist'... The bass became his main instrument because he preferred the sound of it and he was gifted one for his thirteenth birthday, so it was his most practised instrument of the three. Frank learned how to sing early because of his family encouraging it and teaching him old Welsh folk songs, and the tone of his voice matches his normal speaking tone. His only other skill is related to singing, which is his ability to sing in multiple Celtic languages (Welsh, Irish, Scots, etc.) - the others don't know the languages at all, while Frank grew up in a Welsh family and eventually learned other non-English Celtic songs as he grew up. His biggest proficiency (obviously) is in Welsh. His main influences are: punk, blues, folk, and funk - all of which he actively listens to on a near-daily basis.
Of all the Foxes, James has the most musical ability - not that people would really know that. He's been playing the drums from the age of six, having lessons through school, but he also had private piano and violin lessons - both of which, he's graded in (grade 3 piano and grade 2 violin). He learned the guitar, bass, flute, and harmonica for fun in his late teens. Vocally, James is a tenor, which is just a touch higher than his normal speaking tone and this skill had been hidden from Foxes fans until after Frank's death and they released Polaroids as a single - on which, James sings the second verse. His other skills all revolve around the studio-end of things: production, arrangement, and composition. He is self-taught in these skills, having learned them over time whilst making records. His main influences are: punk, blues, prog-rock, folk, funk, thrash, and general metal - all of which he actively listens to on a near-daily basis.
In the original line-up, Tim was the most qualified musician, but since James joined, they're the second-most qualified. Synth keyboards are his favourite instrument to play, but his ability comes from a transferable skill in the form of his grade 1 piano - which they'd had private lessons for as a child until his parents couldn't afford the lessons anymore, but they kept at it. Guitar he picked up at Frank's and taught themself to play, while the melodica he had bought at a toy shop and purposely learned to play "properly" so that Foxes could use it in their music. Tim's vocal ability was something he learned from growing up in a relatively musical family and being around Frank and his family from the age of about eleven - they're a higher tenor than James is and it's higher than his normal speaking tone. They are the highest vocal tone in the Odd Foxes line-up. His songwriting skill they picked up whilst helping Art writing the original Odd Foxes songs early in the band's life, production and composition he learned similarly to how James did - on the job while making records. His synth programming skill, however, comes from Tim's obsessive special interest in synthesisers and learning exactly how they work and why - it's his most proficient skill in the studio. His main influences are: punk, blues, funk, disco, pop, prog-rock, and glam rock l - all of which they actively listens to on a near-daily basis.
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ansicred · 10 months ago
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drum in my head | band dynamics
James' audition for the role of Odd Foxes' drummer. setting: Rehearsal space, somewhere in London, August 18th 1980 characters involved: Odd Foxes (second line-up) warnings: none
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ansicred · 1 year ago
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i get in my own way | character dynamics
It's the first night of the US leg of the Star Shooting Tour and, because of an (online) incident with the English "fans" in London, Suzy's bricking it. setting: Backstage/On Stage at a venue in New York, November 2023 characters involved: Suzy & Odd Foxes -- featuring Dull. warnings: very very minor cw for grief
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ansicred · 11 months ago
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lose my brother | angst
Returning home from Frank's funeral, Tim starts to notice an aggressive, imposing form of quiet has infected his house. setting: In Tim's house in Basildon, Essex, day of Frank's funeral, February 2023 characters involved: Tim warnings: none that i can think of?
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ansicred · 1 year ago
Art loves Christmas -- it's his favourite holiday. Between 1979 and 1987, he'd be at home home in Basildon with his immediate family (parents, Rob, and Laura) and he'd follow a routine schedule every single year that includes: a drink at the pub with the lads on the last Friday before Christmas, a visit to Frank's house on Christmas Eve for folk songs and fun, Snowball for a hangover cure, followed by presents then dinner on Christmas day, and turkey sandwiches from Boxing Day to New Year's Eve. With Mandy, he'd go to her family's, with his second wife, they'd stay at home, and with Layla, they'd switch every year. From around 2010, Art has spent his Christmases with JJ and they (video) call Layla together. They have dinner at Laura and Dan's, and they drop in on the other Foxes on Boxing Day. Yes, he's very excited about Doctor Who Christmas Special this year.
Tim doesn't particularly like Christmas (it's loud, the lights are too much... it's a sensory overload for them), however, he does enjoy certain parts of the holiday season. Until his mother died, Tim would spend every Christmas with his parents and the aunts and uncle who live in the UK. They'd have Christmas dinner first, then open presents after the aunties and uncle had (finally) left to go home, then spend an hour on the phone with his Nigerian grandparents. As he got older, they'd go to the pub on the Last Friday Before Christmas with the lads and go over to Frank's on Christmas Eve for the folk songs as well. In the last ten years, Tim's had his father, Agwe, come to them and they spend the day together (with James having prepped a Christmas Lunch for them and dropped it off with Suzy the night before). They like the quiet contemplation and watching Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out - he plans to do the same this year.
James has mixed feelings about Christmas -- on the one hand, it's nice to spend time with family but, on the other, it's stressful for him and he struggles maintaining the happiness/excitement. Before he and Frank moved in together, James would usually go to his mother's with Dan, Stella, and Anthony. It'd be a mix of Australian and English Christmases because that's how their grandmother had managed to help Stella, James, and Anthony adapt (back) to UK life when their mother left their father and brought the kids back to Acton (before moving to Hammersmith). After Frank moves in with him, James became the Christmas Host and everyone comes to their flat in Acton/their house in Shoreditch for the festivities (and James cooks the dinner). Frank's tradition of singing folk songs on Christmas Eve is also blended into the mix. This year is James' first Christmas without Frank and he and Suzy plan to carry on the traditions in his memory.
Frank only liked one day out of the entire Christmas period -- Christmas Eve, and that's because of the Thomas family tradition of singing folk songs together. Before moving in with James, he'd do the pub thing, the Christmas Eve tradition, and then spend a very awkward and tense Christmas Day with his family. He'd usually pretend to fall asleep during the Queen's Speech after dinner so that he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. After moving in with James, he relished in being a co-host and after they adopted Suzy, he loved watching her little face light up at the idea of the 'Patio Santa' and, as well as the dinner James makes, he particularly liked cuddling up with Suzy and James on the sofa to watch The Snowman, Wallace & Gromit, and Doctor Who.
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ansicred · 1 year ago
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if you want to | character dynamics
Tim and Suzy have a little chat. setting: Suzy's room at Frank & James' house in Shoreditch, London, March 2023 characters involved: Tim & Suzy warnings: none
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ansicred · 1 year ago
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far too kind to me | friendship dynamic
On a hot summer's day off, Tim and James bond by the poolside. setting: A hotel in New Orleans, during a 1984 tour characters involved: Tim and James (featuring Frank & Dull) warnings: none (that i can think of)
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