#timeless 2x07 reactions
random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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"This Wasn't Supposed to Happen" - Supernatural 5x22
Caged - Captain America: Civil War
Impaled - The Expanse 1x03 & 1x04
Dead on your Feet - Romeo + Juliet
Blood Loss - Lucifer 5x15
"I've Got a Pulse" - Stargate Atlantis 1x04
Shaking Hands - Doctor Strange
Head Trauma - Star Trek: Enterprise 3x10
Caught in a Storm - Krypton 1x04
Whipping - Around the World in 80 Days
Self-Done First Aid - Shooter
Cave In - Spider-Man: Homecoming
Fracture - Bones 1x15
Desperate Measures - NCIS: LA 10x01
Emotional Damage - The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Alt. Prompt #6 - Sensory Overload - Daredevil 2x02
Reluctant Caretaker - Timeless 1x02
Let's Break the Ice - 9-1-1: Lone Star 13x02
Knees Buckling - 9-1-1 3x15
It's Been a Long Day - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Coughing Up Blood - Supernatural 3x09
Allergic Reaction - Star Trek (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2)
Forced to Kneel - Stargate Atlantis 4x12
Blood Covered Hands - Mr. Robot 2x12
Duct Tape - Jessica Jones 3x06
Alt. Prompt #15 - Tears - The Following 2x07
Alt. Prompt #11 - Stabbed - Young Wallander 1x01
Punching the Wall - The Boys 1x02
Alt. Prompt #5 - Ambushed - Banshee 1x07
Manhandling & Hair Grabbing - Supernatural 9x02
Beside Vigil - 9-1-1: Lone Star 1x08
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modernlifehistorian · 6 years
Timeless “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” Reaction
Where are the words? To describe this episode? I don’t know if I have them yet, but I’ll try my hardest.
I don’t usually write a reaction so fast, but this episode has me drowning in feels.
The Minor Story Points:
Okay all I’ll say about this opening scene is Hollywoodland morning vs. this scene. No comparison. I won’t waste my time trying to explain this away for people who want to see it for what it isn’t. 
As far as the scene with Flynn and Wyatt in the bathroom. I applaud Flynn for trying to prod Wyatt’s jealousy while also calling him out. Wyatt needs to talk to Lucy. And what we see here from Wyatt isn’t just a jealous rage like some people make it out to be. I’ve posted about it before and I’ll say it again. To Wyatt the soldier, Flynn is a terrorist. Just as bad as the men he fought in Syria. He has every right to be concerned. He can’t tell Lucy or Flynn what to do, but I’d be shocked if Wyatt didn’t react in this way. Not everyone’s heart is as big as Lucy’s, not so quick to forgive. And that’s okay.
“Sir control your wife”
I swear I head the squealing from g*rcy fans from my bedroom, but chill, k? Flynn was the closest to Lucy in that moment. It was also 1919. And Lucy didn’t look overly pleased with the accusation. 
“Sorry, I don’t take romantic disputes.” 
Just... everything about this scene. This is the catalyst Lucy and Wyatt need to have a real discussion, and discuss they do.
“What she needs to do is stop making speeches.”
I will never get over Timeless’ history aspects. It would be crowd pleasing if all the women were all gungho about suffrage, but that just wasn’t the reality. This is real history. It’s not as cut and dry as we want it to be.
“The time is now!”
But what was even more beautiful is the way they displayed the change of heart for her. It wasn’t just through words. It was through getting down in the trenches with the rest of the women, seeing first hand what all of this was really about.
Characters and Relationships: 
Connor “The Most Honorable Battle is the Losing One” Mason
Honestly, that’s all I really have to say about that. It was a beautiful line. Keep at it, Mason.
Rufus “I’m Not Gonna Die Today” Carlin
Okay but this was hilarious. Way to see the positive out of the visions. I don’t have any real deep thoughts on this. 
Rufus and Flynn Tag Teaming
This was a great move by the writers. They’re partnership was effective and hilarious. I hope to see it again. 
I was very worried about them at the beginning, thinking we were going to have another whole episode of Rufus being super pissy about the visions and Jiya getting the blunt end of everything. And the first scene proved me almost right. It was Rufus at his max level of dickery, and I was about to be furious.
It is exactly what needed to happen. Up until now Rufus has only been avoiding avoiding avoiding the problem, and that’s where tension builds in a relationship, but here he comes clean, says what he’s feeling, and that’s where relationships find healing. Now they’re going to move forward, face the future together instead of against each other. I’m pretty damn pleased with that.
I knew there had to be more to this woman than met the eye, and I was right. The story she gave was one that everyone feels sympathy towards, no matter who was the victim or what they’ve done. I’m also pleased in general that this female villain is so much more than just a gun in tight clothes like female villains can tend to be. Her brain is what makes her valuable and up until the end of this episode she hasn’t been kept around as a sex toy or anything like that. She is a self-made villain rather than being the side show of a male villain. 
Although all of this made me call into question her devotion to Rittenhouse for three reasons:
1) Rittenhouse sought her out. They came to find her from Cal Tech. She had aspirations before this, so since her loyalty to Rittenhouse isn’t blood deep, that leaves so room for personal doubt about why she joined them in the first place. And I think 1919 is going to be the beginning of a chain reaction for her losing loyalty to Nicholas and Rittenhouse.
2) They left her in the 1800s as a means of proving loyalty. Did that mean she had done things in the past to call her loyalty into question? Or just because she wasn’t pureblood? Either way I think that might build some resentment. 
3) She’s beginning to see what Rittenhouse is really about, and she’s not sure if she wants to be a full part of it. 
Okay first off, I love this ship name. Second, I always thought the idea of Flemma was just a crazy idea that I had fleeting thoughts about in season 1, BUT HOLY CRAP IF TONIGHTS EPISODE DIDN’T REIGNITE THAT FLAME.
“This gets you all hot and bothered doesn’t it?”
“Did I hurt your psycho feelings when I double crossed you?”
There are exactly 19082340923 things that Emma could have said in this scene to get under Flynn’s skin, but these are the two she chose. They’re pretty personal. And very full of implications. I’m getting a sense some hanky panky went down in the Mothership with these two in it.
“Was any of it true?”
Flynn takes on a very passionate, emotional response to this scene with Emma. To me it didn’t seem rooted in anger, but instead rooted in hurt. The way one feels when they get betrayed by someone they cared for. And I get the sense that Flynn cared for Emma at least a little bit. 
Jessica F*cking Logan
She’s been walking a tightrope with me since her very first scene. A very thin tightrope. In Salem she was a bitch to Wyatt. In JFK she was a fun addition kind of. In Delta Blues she was exactly where she needed to be nonexistent. And here in Sherlock Holmes she just fell off the tight rope. This chick had the discussion with Lucy during JFK, she knows that there was a thing with Lucy and Wyatt, but she makes damn sure to make out with him RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY BABY GIRL. Uh uh. Nope. She’s up to no good. And at first I thought she might just be being petty but NOPE. She’s somehow connected to Rittenhouse and is intentionally trying to drive a wedge between Lucy and Wyatt. I’m not having that. This Yoko needs to make like a tree and leaf.
This is all for my first post.... to be continued with a Lucy, Wyatt, and Lyatt post in a couple minutes. Stay tuned.
thoughts? @chasethesun18 @enchanted-keys @timelessbae12 @dopemixtape @bestshipcaptainswan @chloeswans @wyatttoldme 
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mewatchingstuff · 6 years
2x07 isn’t even out yet and I’m already uncomfortable with the incomplete narrative regarding the Suffrage movement.  
Yes, those women fought for equal voting rights but not for everyone. Black, Asian, and Native women were forced to create their own coalition because most, if not all, white suffragist saw them as a liability to gaining voting rights instead of allies on the same side.
The 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote in 1920 was a victory for only white women. It took another 45 years before WoC were allowed to vote. And even then they had to face violence, discrimination, and even death to even get the chance to exercise their voting rights. 
So while I understand the importance of the suffrage movement to history as a whole, I’m not too comfortable with film & television shows portraying only a small portion of the true story; thus erasing the countless other brave and outstanding women who fought for decades for their God-given right to vote.
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from 'RittenhouseTL' for all things Timeless https://ift.tt/2sWBJAd via Istudy world
jiyamarrii: Whiskey on Ice Summary: You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun...
Whiskey on Ice
Summary: You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk, and you should think about the consequences of your magnetic field being a little too strong. / You would have thought that waking up hungover in Garcia Flynn’s bed - with him sat in the corner starring at her - rather creepily - would be enough to put Lucy off drinking forever. Only this time, it’s not Flynn’s bed she wakes up in. / It’s not often that Wyatt Logan’s Texan drawl creeps into his voice, but when Lucy is lucky enough to be in his presence when it does, it does things to her insides that she never thought possible. When she’s drunk, it just makes her laugh. Canon divergence from 2x07.
FFnet / AO3
Post 2x07, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes. Canon divergence - Mason and Christopher tell Wyatt straight away about Jess being Rittenhouse. Wyatt signs the divorce papers and Jess is removed from the bunker. This takes place a few days later.
Lucy isn’t sure if it’s the sliver of light, creeping in through the small row of windows lining the top of the walls, or the smell of coffee that wakes her. Either way she wakes with a pounding head and a mouth dryer than the Sahara dessert.
“Morning, sleepy head.” Wyatt drawls, as he places two mugs of coffee on the end table at the head of the bed.
Lucy groans and rolls over, burying her head into the pillow and pulling the sheet over her head. “Not so loud.”
Wyatt chuckles at her reaction and perches on the end of the bed - his bed if you want to get technical. “Yeah, that’ll happen if you drink almost a full bottle of whiskey.”
She quickly brings the sheet from over her head and frowns at him. “A full bottle?” She doesn’t remember that detail. She cringes at thought of everything she does remember doing, and everything she could have done but doesn’t remember doing. “I did something embarrassing, didn’t I?”
“Define embarrassing.” His smirk widens. He’s clearly enjoying her misery. If she had the strength or the energy to move, she’d sit up and punch him in the shoulder. She doesn’t, so she settles for glaring at him. “You got drunk and poured your heart out to me. Then gave me a strip tease and tried to seduce me.”
She blanches at his words. “I- No, I-” She stutters, not quite sure if she should believe him or not.
The four consecutive knocks Lucy lands on the door to his room echo through the entire bunker. She winces at the sound, praying she hasn’t woken anyone. She waits a beat before knocking again. When, yet again, she gets no answer, she slowly pushes the door open and pops her head inside. “Wyatt?”
The room is empty. The two beds that previously stood pushed together in the centre of the room, have now been moved back to their original positions against opposite walls. Wyatt’s belongings are neatly strewn about across the left side of the room, while the right side lays bare. If Lucy was seeing this room for the first time, she’d never know that it was previously shared by a married couple. All evidence that Jess was ever here is gone. Good, that’s the last thing I need tonight.
Lucy pushes the door open and steps inside, tightening her hold on the full bottle of whiskey she’s swiped from Mason’s stash in the kitchenette. Stopping just inside the room, she turns back to watch the door swing closed behind her. She’s not quite sure what to do now, nor why she came here in the first place.
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