#time to uhhh put in headphones and get some lunch so i can do things later
artnerd1123 · 4 years
*looks into the camera like I’m on the office*
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keichan · 4 years
Paint Me This
Request: DUDE I LOVE YOUR BLOG SM CAN I REQUEST KAGEYAMA X READER?? Liek the reader loves to paint and becomes manager because she knows Yachi and they fall in love and kags tries to confess and fails like the bab he is 🥺🥺? Fluff please!
A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SM! This is my first request ever! I don’t think that this is as fluffy as I wanted it to come out but I still enjoyed writing it 🥺I hope you like it
Genre: fluffffff, pinch of angst
WC: 2262
★Kageyama x Reader ★
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”Y/N! I’m so glad you were able to come!” Yachi grinned, beckoning you to meet the team. It was you and Yachi’s second year at Karasuno and you have yet to meet her volleyball team she manages, though now was a better time than ever. Your club that you have attended for the last year had unfortunately shut down due to lack of members, but luckily your best friend was able to save your ass, per usual. Not only is it your first time meeting these guys, but your first managing gig as well 
“Yachi-san, who’s this?” A small, orange haired boy peeked between two of the taller members of the team, his mouth agape. A taller boy with bluish-black hair nudged him to silence.
“This is my friend, Y/N! Since our goal is nationals again, she’s here to help us out this seaon! So be prepared to see her more!.”
“A new manager?” Two boys practically yelled in harmony with each other.
Yachi giggled before nodding in agreement. She quickly turned it over to you for your self introduction.
“My name is L/N F/N. I’m a second year. I’m in class 2-3. Uhhh- I really enjoy painting in the courtyard during lunch so you can always find me there.” You laugh nervously at all the sets of eyes staring at you.
“Nice to meet you!” You said abruptly before dipping your body into a bow. As you drew your head your line of vision met with the tall bluish, black-haired boy from earlier. That’s when it clicked in your mind.
“Kanayama! We’re in the same class aren’t we?”
He automatically stiffened before nodding his head jerkily. A pink hue barely painted his features.
A tall blonde behind him snorted.
“Are you even going to say anything?”
“It’s Kageyama!” He stuttered.
“I’m so sorry!” You laughed rubbing the back of your head. You gave him a warm smile before breaking off to individually meet everyone else. Not before long, practice began. 
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Kageyama and Hinata silently peered over your shoulder in the courtyard to see what you were painting today. With your headphones in, you quietly hummed to the rhythm and your brush strokes followed. 
He usually passed you everyday to see what you were painting, but today was the day that Kageyama accidentally lost his footing leaning forward and toppled onto your picnic table, rather hard. You jumped in your seat as the tall setter awkwardly regained his posture. He sent a glare to Hinata who instantly scurried away.
Kageyama cleared his throat and brushed off his pants.
“Sorry, I- uh was tryna see what you were painting there and I uh”
You quickly set down your brush to wave your hands.
“Don’t worry about it Kageyama-kun! You can help me judge this peace if you wanna! Go ahead and take a seat.” You absentmindedly patted the bench beside you.
He stepped his long legs over the bench before firmly sitting next to you. You presented a small canvas in  front of his face and his mouth morphed into a small ‘o’. It was the scenery of the mountains behind Karasuno high. He saw it everyday on his way home. It was a beyond perfect painting.
“Beautiful.” Was all he could manage.
“Me or the painting?” 
He froze in place before you nudged his shoulder playfully. Your eyes traveled from the painting to his with a smile so wide, your eyes squinted shut. “I’m just kidding, Kageyama-kun! Thank you!” 
A small shadow appeared on the boy's lips.
“Of course.”
Now that he thought about it, he meant you.
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A month later, it has now been integrated into your schedule that Kageyama sits next to you at lunch time bearing a carton of milk for himself and a canned coffee for you. Some days he chose to paint with you, though his paintings never came out as well as yours, you definitely acted like they did. He was definitely becoming a prodigy in your world  as you were learning his. Anything that you mentioned you like, he’d attempt to paint. Meanwhile, he was more than happy to explain volleyball to you. Sometimes you’d pretend to not understand, only to see how happy he becomes when he gets to talk about what he is passionate about. You adored the setter with all of your heart.
Today the two of you sat against the wall of the school, with a sketchbook in your hand you were jotting down new ideas for personal projects when you felt a weight gently press onto your shoulder followed by a faint snore. Kageyama had passed out, though it made sense with the boys overexerting themselves for the upcoming game. With a faint smile on your face, you slid your phone out of your pocket to take a quick picture of him. He was precious, though it was definitely a  potential blackmail photo. You closed your sketchbook and rested your head atop of his until the bell rang.
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Months later and the boys volleyball team had become your family to the extent that it felt like you’ve known each member for years. You knew their quirks, their antics, what made them tick. Especially Kageyama. If anything you’ve been spending more time with him than Yachi. You always put in extra hours to help him practice and study.  One could not be seen without the other. 
Though for the last two weeks you haven’t been at your usual place on the courtyard. When   Kageyama asked, you told him that you had supplementary lessons, though it didn’t make sense to him due to the fact that you have never struggled academically as far as he knew.  In fact, if he ever needed a tutor, you were always there to help him.
Now he handed you your daily canned coffee in silence at the start of each after school practice. Anytime he’d attempt to talk to you, you’d shy away and stutter nervously. If you wanted to blatantly avoid Kageyama after all this time, he was just hoping that you’d be a little more direct. After a while , he finally gave up on showing up to the courtyard for lunchtime
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The evening breeze was chilling to the bone as the cold front rolled in. It was now late December and Kageyama was zipping up his jacket to begin his walk home. At the edge of campus he heard his name being called.
He turned on his heel to the sound of your voice with his heart beating rapidly. 
He stood in place until you ran up to catch him. 
“Kageyama-kun!” You panted. “I have something that I need to give to you
The setter dug his hands in his pocket with a blank stare on his face. He tilted his head. “Y/N-san, we’re about to go into winter break, I’m sure this can wait until we get back.” 
However he felt the opposite.
You were already digging through your bag before the words finished pouring from his mouth. With both hands on a canvas you presented it to him with your head dipped.
“Happy early birthday, Kageyama-kun!”
He carefully took the canvas from you and gazed at it with awe. It was a painting of him setting the ball. You perfectly captured his features. The face he always makes concentrating. The details on his fingers, his hair, his nose. Everything. It looked lifelike.
He studied it for minutes in pure amazement. It was one of the kindest things anyone had done for him. The joy in his heart was overwhelming.
“I’m so sorry that I’ve been distant from you lately, Kageyama-kun. I wanted to do something really special for you, though, I’m not good with painting people so I’ve been going to the art teacher’s classroom for lunch. I’m awful with secrets and surprises, so I apologize for acting the way I have I-”
You were pulled into a hug. Long arms wrapped around your body as Kageyama’s head buried into your neck. His warm breath tickling your skin against the cold.
“Thank you.” He mumbled. “I love it. You're the best.”
The compliments sounded odd rolling off of his tongue, but you couldn’t help but smile.
“So I’m forgiven?” You pulled away from his embrace, a sly smile resting on your lips, your faces inches apart.
“Of course, Y/N-san.”
Luckily for Kageyama, mother nature was on his side or else his face would be beet red.
He walked you to your home with many questions in his mind. The main one being how can he make you his?
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You were startled to see Kageyama waiting at the gates, you figured that he’d be at the gym in the early morning with the spring interhigh right around the corner.
“Good morning!” He said with a smile painted on his lips. Slightly unusual, but you couldn’t help but mirror his expression.
“What’s got you in a good mood?”
He glanced over to you with the corners of his lips upturned. “So there’s this girl that I really like-” Your heart automatically sank to the ground, but you kept an eager expression on your face.
“I really want to ask her to get dinner with me at this place in town this weekend before we all leave for Tokyo. I think she’s super pretty, she helps me out in a lot of ways…” She must be so lucky to catch his eye. After all, a lot of girls at the school fawned over Kageyama Tobio. The two of you halted at your classroom door before he turned to you.
“Y/N, I really like-”
The morning bell rang.
You rest your hands over his and give him a reassuring smile.
“I’m sure she’ll say yes.”
You quickly walk into the classroom, leaving the setter with his chest aching.
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“So, how’d it go?” Yachi popped in front of you as you silently flipped through the pages of your manager notebook, practice for the evening was finally drawing to a close.
“Didn’t Kageyama-kun ask you out? He texted me that he was going to do it after break?”
“WHAT?” You shouted making the entire gym come to a screeching halt. Balls quickly thudded to the floor. You quickly used your notebook to shield your face from everyone else.
“Are you saying he didn’t?” She whispered as if the whole gym’s eyes weren’t on the two of you. 
“C’mon guys! Keep it moving!” Enoshita called. You lowered the notebook slightly only for his eyes to meet with yours briefly. With a nervous look on his face he quickly hustled back to his position on the court.
“He was talking about some girl he liked today!” You yelled in a hush whisper.
Yachi gasped. “That’s you! He really did try! Well it was the best he knew how to. And I’d like to say it’s obvious that you two like each other. I’m pretty sure the whole school knows”
Heat rushed to your face and you did your best to hide how flustered you were. Your eyes followed Kageyama as he played with the team.
“I thought I did my best to hide it.”
“I think your three-week long painting project of him kind of gave it away.”
“Shut up.”
After cleaning up, you waited at the stairs of the clubroom for Kageyama. At the top of the stairwell he paused before walking down and carefully tapped your shoulder.
“Y/N, I-”
“Kageyama-kun!” You turned to smile at him, nerves eating you alive.
“I-I just wanted to apologize for earlier. That was out of character for me-” he looked off into the distance with his hand messily running through his hair. “Just don’t worry about what I said I-”
You swiftly walk towards him taking the collar of his team jacket nervously in your hands. You catch his gaze and his speech slowly comes to a halt. You gently pull him down to your face to place your lips softly on his. Kageyama’s lips move slowly against yours as his hands travel quickly along your sides to cup your face delicately. He pulled away with his lips lingering on top of yours, his eyes searching your features for an answer to his silent question.
“I like you, Kageyama-kun. I really really like you. Sorry I misread your confession earlier, I… I uh kinda thought it was for someone else...”
A sheepish smile appeared on his lips as he leaned in to capture your lips once more. Your arms traveled around his neck to gently move into his hair while his hands moved down to hold your hips.
“Well I’m glad that’s cleared up now. Also, just call me Tobio.”
Your eyes twinkled as you studied his face.
“Give me another kiss, Tobio-chan!” 
“Get a room you two!” Tsukishima’s voice cut the atmosphere like a knife. Yamaguchi snickered behind him.
“Shut the hell-”
You grabbed his sleeve and gave it a slight tug. He smiled down at you before giving Tsukishima a scowl. Interlacing your hands together he began to walk you home. You waved goodbye to the boys before using your free hand to wrap around his arm.
You swung your intertwined hands marvelling at Tobio under the streetlights. The walk so far has been quiet, but calming. Suddenly Kageyama came to a halt, pulling you by his side.
“Y/N… Would you uh. Um… Be my- err- be my- uh-”
“Yes, Tobio.”
You quickly gave him a peck on the cheek before walking ahead of him. 
He grinned from ear to ear.
“Wait up!” 
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scullysexual · 5 years
Just a lil something I decided to write. I know nothing of us colleges, how they work, i know nothing of us towns or states or anything. basically im a stupid british person who only knows british things. oh and how to spell play in german. uhhh hope you like 
Would he be lying if he said he took this class for any educational value? Yes.
There were, however, two very good reasons why he made this decision. Numero Uno being; Scully was also in this class. Number Two; Frequent trips to big, open spaces.
Mulder wasn’t interested in looking at stars, more interested in what was around and beyond the stars.
And Scully knew this…if the look she was giving him now was anything to go by.
So he throws his own look back, an innocent, toothy smile.
And she rolls her eyes.
Does he expect anything less? Nope.
He’s tying his shoelaces when a shadow is cast over him.
“I hope you’re not getting any ideas about this trip, Mulder.”
He looks up to see Scully above him. Tying the knot, Mulder shrugs, “They practically brought this on themselves, Scully.” Tightening the lace, he stands, “They chose a place that just so happens to have a field for frequent UFO sightings nearby.”
Scully’s head falls back and her eyes shut in exasperation. “Mulder…” she huffs to the sky, “Promise me you won’t use this trip as an excuse to watch spaceships fly.”
Mulder just smiles, picking up his backpack and slinging it over his shoulders.
“Come on,” he says, tugging on her arm. “We don’t want to fall behind.”
Since the stars only come out at night the trip was an overnight job. Two nights, actually. The weather forecast had predicted clear skies for their first night but it was always to have a backup night, too.
Anyway, this meant dorms, rooms, cabins- whatever you want to call them- and, of course, the cabins were sorted by sex; boys with boys and girls with girls which Mulder had pouted at first until he got news that his roomie caught the flu and had to miss out, his cabin was free. In response to Mulder’s suggestive eyebrow raise when he found out, Scully had certifiably said no but Mulder was still hoping.
During the day they were left to their own devices; lunch would be served at 12, dinner at 6 and then, as soon as the sun began setting, off they would go to the clearing to look at stars. Between that time, they could nap or explore (within the perimeter, they were told) or there was a games room they could stay in. Mulder had no care for any of it. It was relatively warm so he sat outside, headphones in, bag of sunflower seeds at his side and his Best Spots For UFO Sightings book open on the page were they where at.
The field wasn’t too heavily guarded, the book told him. Officials occasionally scoured the place but it was nothing serious. Stoner Steve had told him of the broken fence that people used to get in and well, if it was that serious then that broken fence would’ve been fixed, wouldn’t it?
He felt a poke on his shoulder and turned towards it. Scully stood behind the log he was currently resting against, fingers tangling together and staring at the book in his hands.
“You’re going to that field tonight, aren’t you?”
He took an earphone out and sighed, “Look Scully, when’s the next time I’m going to get a chance like this?”
She bites her lip and sits down on the log, crossing her arms across her body. “I thought you liked space.”
Mulder laughs, thinking about his space themed pencils and planet posters that he still has in his bedroom. “I do,” he says, looking down at the grass. “But I can see stars from anywhere, this,” he waves the book lightly, “is a one time thing.”
Scully nods, about to say something before Mulder cuts her off. “And I’m not expecting you to come with me this time. I’m sure Reyes can’t wait to tell you the name of every star and constellation you see tonight.”
They both glance over to the girl, who stands awkwardly a few feet away from them. Since finding out and she and Scully were sharing a room, the girl hadn’t stopped bothering them with little titbits about horoscopes and other astrology related stuff. Her obsession could arguably put Mulder to shame when presented side by side.
Scully smiles a little, yet her hands still fiddle together, an indication to Mulder that she’s still nervous about something.
“I just want you to be safe,” she tells him, concern for him evident in her eyes.
Mulder reaches up, nudging her reassuringly on her arm. “I’ll be fine,” he says, having little concern for himself. “This place is harmless, people go there all the time.”
It seems to calm her worries.
He’s had a plan from the start: stay with the class for an hour or so then gradually wander off. He doubts his absent will be noticed by the majority but he also plans to be back before the night ends.
Repacking his bag, he packs it full of the things he needs; his camera, snacks and a blanket. He also reties the string Scully gave him a few months ago around his wrist again- a good luck charm of sorts though he knows Scully would just roll her eyes at the notion.
He’ll miss her not being there with him, he thinks. Since this…thing…between them had began she’d been something of a companion to him, a partner in his quest to find the truth. Many a night had she stayed up till 3am listening to him go on a rant about how the government was hiding this or that bee-pollen yogurt she’d had for breakfast this morning was a big massive lie to get her to think it was actually good for her. She had come back at him with some very strong arguments against his claims that were good enough to throw him off path and even spread doubt in his beliefs but it just made him fight harder.
He wondered what arguments she’d have for anything unexplainable he’d see tonight. If she was coming with him, what would she say? How would she explain away the thing she was seeing before her?
Near enough ready, he tosses his bag on his back and leaves the cabin.
It comes as no surprise that Scully is waiting for him outside it, her camera hanging around her neck.
“So when do we go?” she asks.
At first Mulder’s puzzled as to what she’s on about- they’re going now, he thinks- but then it dawns on him what she means. Mulder shakes his head, a smile forming, “What about Reyes?” he asks.
Scully turns and Mulder follows her eyeline. On the log sits Reyes, a book open in her lap as she, very animatedly, tries to explain something astrology related to a boy who- if his head in his hands is any indication- looks like wants to be anywhere but here right now.
“I think she’s good,” Scully says, turning back to him.
Mulder giggles at the scene. “We’ll stick with the class for a bit then we’ll go,” he tells her.
It’s a clear night just as the weather forecast said it would be which pleases Mulder greatly. If he can see the stars, he can see the spaceships. He tries to pretend that nothing is amiss; takes his photos, names the constellations he sees but he’s constantly checking his watch. An hour he’d told himself but 30 minutes in and he’s ready to go.
He looks over to Scully who is doing the same as he is; taking the photos and naming the stars. With a glance towards the teacher who is distracted, Mulder walks over to Scully.
“You ready?” he whispers.
She checks her watch, “Now?” she asks. “I thought you said an hour.”
He’s practically jumping with excitement, unable to contain it, a sudden worry that it might get cloudy soon and he’ll miss his chance.
“An hour, half an hour, what’s the different?”
Scully chuckles slightly. She places her camera around her neck and gives her own peek towards the teacher. “Let’s go, then.”
Nobody notices them leaving, and if they do, they stay nothing. Taking out the homemade map from his pocket, Mulder follows it away from the class and through the trees. The leaves block the moon and he begins wishing he’d thought to bring a torch with him when he was ‘packing the essentials’, a stupid move on his part. Suddenly overcome with the worry of losing Scully, he grabs her hand with his free one, holding on tight. The action startles her a bit but she soon settles into him.
“How much further?” she asks a little later.
Mulder looks to the map, then ahead. If he (and Frohike) are right, it should be through these trees.
“Just through here,” he says. He bats a branch that obscures his view out of the way and it opens up into a clearing he can see ahead. A fence wraps its way around the field and just in front he spies the broken part.
They head towards it. Mulder climbs through first before pushing the wiring out of the way so Scully can get through mostly unscathed.
“So this is your field you’ve been so anxious to see,” she says, a humorous glint shining in her eyes.
“Yep,” Mulder answers as they walk to what he decides is the middle of the field.
He stops, taking his bag off his shoulders and opening it up.
“And what if you don’t see anything tonight?” Scully asks.
He takes out the blanket, flattening it out on the grass and sitting himself upon it.
Mulder shrugs, “Then I don’t see anything.” He pats the space beside him. “Sit, we’re gonna be here for a while.”
Scully sits, crossing her legs as she does so.
Mulder lets out a deep breath, looking up towards the sky. A breeze drifts across them and out of his peripheral he sees Scully shiver. She hadn’t been so practical tonight, her clothing consisting of shorts and a T-shirt. Unbothered by the cold, Mulder takes off his alien sweatshirt and holds it out towards her.
“Take it, you’re freezing,” he says.
“I’m fine.”
He doesn’t take that for answer and pushes it further towards her. “Put it on.”
Giving in, she takes it out of his hands and puts it on.
“Better?” he asks.
Scully nods, covering her hands with the two-big sleeves.
He turns back to the sky, “Looks better on you anyway,” he says. All his clothes would look better on her, he thinks.
They grow quiet, the only sounds are the breeze and the distant sound of traffic and their breathing. It doesn’t take Mulder long before he’s rummaging through his bag and pulling out his seeds.
“You hungry?” he asks, dinner wasn’t that long ago so he doesn’t expect her to be.
“Somehow I don’t think sunflower seeds will fill me up,” he says.
“Better than bee pollen yogurts for breakfast,” he throws a shell to the side, missing Scully’s look.
“It has nutritional value,” she says, pointedly.
“It’s a scam, Scully.”
“Sure. Fine. Whatever,” she throws back to him and then she’s yawning.
“No. What else have you got in this bag?” She moves the backpack closer to her and pulls out his book.
He tears his gaze from the sky and watches her turn it over. The book his handmade, the book’s title handwritten across the page.
“Who wrote this?” Scully asks.
She rolls her eyes and huffs, “Of course he did,” placing the book down.
She yawns again and Mulder watches as she shuffles about on the blanket before laying down and trying to get into a comfortable position. A lazy, happy smile flitters across Mulder’s face at the sight. She’s adorable.
“You’re tired.” It’s not a question.
She lets out a quiet hum in response and adjusts her head on her arms, eyes shut.
Mulder ponders for a moment, looking at her trying to get comfortable, before he shifts himself.
“Come here,” he says, wrapping his hands around her body and tugging her towards him. A bit of manoeuvring and finally her heads resting in his lap, her hand against his leg and his hand running up and down her arm.
He moves both hands to her hair, taking out the hair tie and letting his hand smooth through her hair repeatedly, a soothing motion that has her relaxing, snuggling deeper against him.
Mulder looks back up to the sky, watching, waiting, whilst his hand and fingers do their own thing.
He smiles to himself, a thought crossing his mind as he looks back down at the sleeping person lying on him in the middle of a field.
“Hey Scully,” she shifts a little. “It’s our first date and you’re not even awake for it,” he teases. Barely a sound comes out of her.
Laughing to himself, Mulder looks back up to the sky when a ball of light flicks across the darkness. His smile fades as he watches, hand stilling in Scully’s hair. She protests, moving her own head to perhaps get his fingers moving again but Mulder is awestruck; watching as one, two, three, four balls of lights dance in the sky.
“Scully…” he says, not looking away. “You need to see this.”
She moans a little, her head moving upwards.
“Scully,” he says again watching the lights move in unexplainable ways. “You’re missing it.”
“I see it,” she mumbles sleepily, eyes falling shut again.
Mulder breathes out as the lights disappear as quickly as they came.
He saw it…he realises as he looks away from the sky, trying to process it.
As he looks a little down the field another light catches his eye. Large, white, and around. Mulder narrows his eyes, trying to see. A figure emerges from the bushes, the light bouncing around, until its beam lands directly on him and Scully, illuminating them in the darkness.
A cry of ‘Hey!’ has Mulder furiously trying to wake Scully as dread pulses through his body.
part 2 soon. maybe
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crimsonblackrose · 5 years
oh boy camp is going to be an experience. I usually love camp but yikes.
At my old school camp was 2 weeks. I picked a theme and then picked fun educational things to do that would tie into that theme and expand upon what they had learned throughout the semester. I did all this on my own. The only thing I didn’t do was buy the actual supplies or send the kids info on the camps. But all the teaching, all the prep everything was just me. I did a full 2 week cooking camp, space camp, detective camp, pirate camp, and harry potter camp. 
At my new school it’s 5 days. My coteacher had a list of things she wanted to include: a dance, crafts, a movie, and some sort of cooking. She didn’t want a them, but hey cool that’s 4 days right there. So I started lesson planning based off of these plans. Because we taught this extra class during lunch she’d pretty much wiped me out of silly dances that I knew from when I was a kid: hokey pokey, cha cha slide, macarena. All I had left was the chicken dance and had to keep swatting her hand from trying to take it to use during that lunch class. But let’s be real the chicken dance isn’t particularly a hour and a half long lesson so I decided to pair it with some of her crafts and this idea of future tense. I want to be/ I don’t want to be. Her idea was we’d do an eco bag and the kids would decorate it and I was like cool. They can decorate it with their dreams. Perfect. And that’ll be day one, toss in the rules and maybe we can squeeze a class out of it. 
Day two would be when is your birthday and I’d teach them star signs and we’d learn about personality traits and essentially expand upon their ability to answer when their birthday is as well as do a card game and some crafts (star viewer). She hemed and hawed over how difficult it’d be to learn their different star signs but I repeated again and again they just have to learn their own. She also wanted them to have a water gun fight so I added that to the end in a red light green light type of game where they’d use the months of the year to move forward. ( she recently told me the water gun fight has been scrapped)
Day 3 was animals. I found some fun animal straw crafts online and put it together with a cup game and that we’d learn the catagories that animals fall into: mammal, reptile, amphebian, ect. (DId I tell you half these kids are already fluent?)
Day 4:Cooking- per my coteacher’s request peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and lemonade. Super easy, no heat required version of cooking but also very non-Korean so something fun and new to try for the kids. And this day we’d start watching the movie she picked “Toy Story 3″
Day 5- Finish Toy Story 3 (yup that’s it, that’s the whole day per her request)
So yeah that was camp. But then she said she changed up the schedule and it would be movie first and cooking first because she felt bad about these kids who had reading camp at the same time and didn’t want them to feel left out. Uhhh okay. Fine. I’ll just adjust the powerpoints and move the rules from chicken dance day to Toy story solo day because we’re starting with that. But then today I got a message from the school about the whole schedule and A. Time is different by a good 20 minutes (which she never told me even though we share a room) and B. the Reading camp is 2 days and it’s the two days she moved the movie camp and cooking too which means it wasn’t her being this aww I feel bad for the kids move it was (I’m deducing) because she does not like the librarian and they seem to have a mini feud happening, so she’s being petty and moved the things she considered fun to the beginning to “punish” the kids who signed up for the other camp. Even though these two camps were originally never suppose to overlap. But she changed the schedules and asked for the schedule to be changes so I’m just like WTH?
So I go through all this work of slowly changing my power points to get them to realign with her plans and then boom today, last day of the semester, day before we actually have camp the Toy Story 3 movie finally arrives. And she gives it to me. Less then 40 minutes before it’s time for me to go home. And so I mess with it and try to figure out how to get it to work because you always check media and tech before you use it. And guess what? The thing doesn’t work. The computer doesn’t actually have any DVD player set up to it. So I have to scramble around trying to find some sort of software I can download to get it to work. I download one of the suggestions from Microsoft’s store. Doesn’t work. I download VLC, doesn’t work. I download Gom player and boom we have a picture. But! it’s moving ridiculously slow and there’s no sound. And this is when she shows up and is like well that’s because it’s not hooked up to the TV. And I’m like no, my headphones are int here should be sound. But she turns on the Tv and still no sound and still snail pace and of course the entire media player is in Korean so I can’t figure out what should work and what shouldn’t and she just walks off. And I’m like it’s in Korean! You’re first language! Surely you can get it set up! But no, she’s super not good with tech and when I try and tell her how I got from the DVD to where I had been she can’t figure out how to right click and get Gom to even pop up. And I’m just like great. Everyone else went home early so it’s just us two and we apparently can’t figure this out before I have to leave. So she tells me “Let’s do the chicken dance tomorrow and the orientation” (orientation? What the heck? You mean go over the rules?) “and let’s do the animal craft.” (Hold up those are two different days ma’am. No can do. I tried explaining how they were different days and the chicken dance day goes with the eco bags...which it turns out aren’t eco bags and the kids aren’t decorating them. They’re giant hard plastic bags that she bought baby shark stickers for them to use to decorate and like really? That’s not fun. That doesn’t fit into the theme we agreed on. Why couldn’t you buy a canvas bag like you said you were and let them decorate that with markers? Why’d you have to buy something that’s probably more expensive and is not fun? Also the older kids don’t get a bag, they get a tumbler with the same baby shark stickers. Really?) So I tried to be like “Uh those are two different power points. And she just stared at me. And I was just like seriously? You don’t talk to me like all week and then in the final hour right before camp starts you’re like this? You changed the schedule on me multiple times and have yet to tell me that the actual time of the classes have been pushed back by 20 minutes? And you changes the lesson plan so surely you know that they all go together, but now we’re acting all willy nilly and going back to the starting point because oh boy the DVD I ordered last minute came in last minute and surely in like 40 minutes you can troubleshoot that before going home.
Like I literally spent the last two days doing nothing. She made this big deal about “oh there’s something to tell you about camp but I’ll tell you later’ (she always does this) “I’ll tell you Tuesday because we don’t have classes” and then she wasn’t there at all yesterday. So I did NOTHING. (okay lie, I finished the book I was reading) And then today I was so bored I finished the NEW BOOK I WAS READING and started listening to an Audio book. ) I had ample time to play with the DVD and figure out how it worked and ask for help from other teachers who aren’t as....technological inept as my coteacher. But noooo. 
Oh and the other stupid thing is apparently we have prizes. Prizes for the two kids who do the best every day during camp. No. You either give something to everyone or give nothing. You don’t make kids feel bad during camp. Camp is suppose to be fun. It’s suppose to be a time for them all to find something enjoyable about English in the hopes that that fun and joy keeps them motivated to learn throughout the year. And my coteacher made a big deal about how we don’t have enough of a budget to buy them all snacks, even though she wants to so the principal said we could give them little things to motivate them. And I have to be the one to tell them at the start of everyday. Yeah the best two of ya’all gets a prize. BUT for some ridiculous reason we were able to afford a DVD version of Toy Story 3, enough hard plastic bags for the entirety of the 3rd and 4th graders coming, tumblers for all the 5th and 6th graders and stickers for everyone, map puzzles they can color (that’s been added to the chicken dance day because I had to tell her AGAIN that I don’t have any more dances up my sleeve that that’s the last one I know). Like really? REALLY? Buying a box of capris sun and some chocopies will cost less then like one of those tumblers. But no instead we bought...I assume fancy AF pencil cases for the 2 best kids per day.
Ugh. Anyway camp starts tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to this mess. 
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Oh Gosh... (Analogical Smut)
(This is to the one person who called me a precious bean.
Am I precious bean now? LMAO.)
(TW: School AU, Logan is a teacher and Virgil is a student, Student/Teacher relationship/f*cking, mentions of copiloting with a teacher) (I think that's it.)
It was a normal, calm morning. Ok, normal, yes. Calm, no. Why? Because a certain transferee, Virgil Dark, nearly had an anxiety attack, which caused him to almost get laughed at. Luckily, before that could happen, the teacher arrived in class. He looked like a very strick teacher. Neat dark brown hair, firm expression, all about him is neat.
"Good morning Students. I am Logan Croft, but you can call me Sir Logan. And I will be your Astrology teacher."
(Do you guys have separate classes when it comes to Science? Like, Biology class, Physics class, stuff like that? Cause in my school, we only have Science, like, all the branches of Science is combined in one subject. No offense if not.)
At that point, seeing how s t r i c k Sir Logan was made Virgil mentally panic. The teacher looked around for a moment.
"As you can see, your previous Teacher, Miss Jean, isn't here because she violated a school rule. So I will be taking her place for the rest of the year. Because I am new, I would you like you to stand from your desk and introduce yourself. Name, age and important bits only. Starting wiiiiith, you. In the back." He pointed to the Anxious student at the back. The said student froze for a moment till he stood up.
"Uhhh, Good morning sir. My name is Virgil Dark, a-and I'm 1-18." He said a bit softly, but loud enough for the teacher to hear. "Go on. What are your interests?" Sir Logan asked. "I-I like, uh, music, Panic! at the Disco is one of them, so is MCR, BMTH as well. And I do like, uhh, writing. It calms my a-anxiety down. Drawing is ok too, just, I don't draw a lot..." Virgil finished.
"Wow. Emo freak am I right?" A student laughed, which made the whole class laugh. But Logan didn't like any of THAT. The teacher grabbed his stick and smacked it on the teacher's desk. That caused everyone to stop and look at him.
"I'm sorry, but I do not like my students harassing another one of my students because of their choice of interests. That was fairly nice Virgil. You may sit down." He said. Virgil nodded, muttering a "Thank you" and sat down. As soon as the rest of the class finished introducing themselves (To Logan's disgust, everyone was way too similar.), Logan grabbed a Teacher's Guide Book from his bag, which was more Galaxy-looking and opened it.
"Today, we will be discussing about Meteors, Meteorites and Shooting Stars. Does anyone know anything about them? Anything?" He asked. Virgil raised his hand. "Yes, Virgil?" "Uhhhh, a meteor is a falling rock that's above the equator, while a meteorite is a falling rock that's below the equator."
(Correct me if I'm wrong. I forgot about this even though we had this, like, during first second or third period.)
"A bit lacking but Correct. Now, does anyone know what the tail of a meteor is made of? Yes Virgil?" "It's made out of Nitrogen and ice." "Correct "
Time ship bcuz I is DUUUUMP
Right after discussing the reasons why and how meteors fall, the bell has rang. Sir Logan placed down his book.
"Ok class, we will continue this tomorrow. You may move to your next class." He said. All the students left, well, almost all. Virgil was putting his stuff in his backpack when all of sudden a student took the headphones he was wearing. "HEY! GIVE ME BACK MY HEADPHONES!" Virgil said, trying to reach them. The student just laughed and threw them across the room, which caught Logan's attention, who was also fixing his things.
"Excuse me, Eric? I thought I strictly said not to harass anyone in this class. Would you like me to send you to Detention!?" He yelled. The student shook his head. "Good. Now get out of my classroom and head to the next." He said, making the student run out. Logan sighed over how stupid students can actually be. He saw the headphones that was lying on the ground and picked it up, inspecting it carefully. It seems to be spray-painted with a mix of Purple, Green and Black to make a strange beautiful mess and coated with some clear nail polish. And Logan must admit, they look well for being hand-made. Although, some minor scratches were imprinted into it, making the headphones look dirty.
"E-excuse me sir... those are mine..." Virgil said, motioning to the headphones. "Ah, I see. Here you go Virgil." Logan said, handing Virgil back his headphones. Virgil quickly plugged his phone in and wore it.
"I'm rather impressed at the work you did with it." "Ah. Thanks you sir." "Virgil? Are you ok? With this?" "Yeah... I got used to it... I'll be ok. I promise." "I see. If anything bad happens, let me know ok? I don't want you risking getting hurt." "Of course. Thank you sir."
Later that lunch, Virgil was eating outside the school underneath the school tree. It was quiet and peaceful, just how he liked it. He started thinking back during Science. The way Logan taught them, the way he acted. He was strict, but had a calm vibe to him. He was a perfect combination between fear and dreams. The idea of that made him slightly red due to the fact he just met him. Maybe they'll be close? Who knows.
Some time passed and soon, Virgil and Logan had became pretty close and apparently, like a cliche love story, romance insuese. Well, for Virgil at least. I mean, come on. The teacher's hot as f*ck who would NOT fall for him? And that is where Virgil had a bit of an oppsie.
Virgil was currently in his Science class, (Which is now his last class because a bullying incident came up.) reading whatever oneshot fanfic he had in his Wattpad Library when he flipped to the next chapter. It was a Teacher x Student chapter.
And not just an ordinary one. It was a smut Chapter and It involved some of his kinks too. And reading it made him a bit uncomfortable. Not because of the Student and Teacher thing, but because HE WAS IMAGINING IT TO BE HIMSELF AND LOGAN. And oh gosh it turned him on a lot. The way the author wrote how the student and the teacher slowly made out and f*cked each other out inside the classroom,where anyone can barge in but no. It was silent. It was... almost perfect. And good thing he was done because Sir Logan had entered the classroom already. Sighing and cursing himself up over his hard-on, he kept his phone and listened to the class.
An hour later, the bell rang, signaling that it was time to go home. Everyone but Virgil left very quickly. Virgil stayed behind to keep Logan company and help him with checking the student's papers.
"I swear. Even with me transferring classes...it's all so noisy." Virgil muttered, making Logan chuckle. "I must agree Virgil. They're all the same after all. And, of all the students I've met, your company has been a pleasure." "Thank you Sir Logan... I'm happy to accompany you as well..."
Logan couldn't help but smile faintly at Virgil. He really meant when he said that he enjoyed Virgil's company.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? oooo boy. ok lets see. 5 dogs, 9 cats?
Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? My mom doesn’t play anything. My dad is a drummer
Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever? Yes. I’ve done it this week alone, just to try and calm down a little.
Can you crack crab legs without a tool? i have no idea. I don’t eat crab or anything in the sea for that matter. 
How many light sources are in the room you’re in? ooo good question. umm, eight? lol
What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? uhhh cream cheese.
Who’s your favorite director? i really don’t know, i don’t follow who directs what.
Bats: cute or gross? i mean, I don’t really care.
What was the last really intense pain you felt? lung pain during this whole nonsense.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? either. 
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I would love to, but I don’t see it happening with the travel restrictions these days.
What is your father's middle name? He doesn’t have one. he’s got a family name and the men who have it do not have a middle name. Where did your last kiss take place? uhhh I believe on my driveway 
Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? no clue, tbh. none that come to mind
Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? I don’t think ive ever done that. 
Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. one of my brothers and my sister.
Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? brand names just don’t matter to me, but if i was forced to choose i guess shoes?
Are you a good liar? no. not at all.
Are you proud of your parents? Im super proud of my mom.
Which is better: orange or grape soda? orange
Was the last thing you ate hot or cold? hot. so yummy.
Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? uhhhhhhh, idk who was here when I wasn’t in town, but prior to that I would imagine em/nathan
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? green 
Can you remember the last song you listened to? something from the toy story soundtrack lol. I’m binge watching all four today... I am using Kile’s disney+ for as long as he has it. I don’t think he watches it ever, so I imagine it’ll cut off soon.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly? once. it was horrible. every other time I’ve done the break up.
Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort? heck’n no. unless im going into a pool maybe.
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? yes
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? he sexually assaulted me
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? my preference is laptop, 
Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work? not currently.
If not, do you want one? yeah i’d like to have income.
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? yes. a few.
What’s your favorite Mexican dish? pork tacos from mama marias omggggggggggggg.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes. bulls games, bears games
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? of course.
What months were you and your siblings born in? january, july, august, august
What did you have for dinner last night? nicks.
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? absolutely. to keep the shape n such.
Has your town ever flooded? uhhhhh to my knowledge once. it had rained SO heavily for like a week and the local ponds and lakes were over-flowing. a car literally floated down my road. it was so weird.
Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place? when I was a kiddo yes. not often tho cus I didn’t like the smell, it was always sticky, and there were always bratty kids.
Have you ever taken a picture of snow? only every single day it snows
Do you cry easily? i notoriously do not cry in front of anyone. I am not a crier. when I lost Kile I cried for weeks.
Are you happy with where you live? I love it.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race? No
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no, i’m not a hateful person
What genre is your favorite movie? drama, romance, kids lol
Who was the last person you were in a car with? Mom. she picked me up from the airport.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? yes. I always seem to get the nice workers and they help so much.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? yesterday. blegh. 
Was the last person you met a male or female? hmm. Iiiiiii wanna say male. 
What brand is your underwear? I think the pair im wearing is hanes.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? usually green bean casserole.
Do you have a TV in your room? yup. watching TS1 right now.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? my phone. of course it was on 2 percent.
What was the last video game you played? acnh on the switch.
What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? that they will be there for me forever and always take care of me. no. 
Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google.
What was the last song you had on repeat? more by bobby darin
Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? froggy fresh
How many college degrees do you want? i have two. I’d like my masters and/or phd
Can you wink? yes but I dont think it looks good lol i have to get better
Do you own any jerseys? I did, I dont know if I have any still
Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult? No. i wasn’t a dumb child and i certainly wouldnt do that as an adult
Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? not really no. 
Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided? no. 
Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex? im not into piercings on guys. tattoos are fine if they arent trashy
Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? all the time.
What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time? kind of a creamy taupe-y color
Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school? no
Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? i probably consume more fruits? but i love both. 
What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? no. sadly
What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store? i cant even tell you the last time i went to a dollar store.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest! I would have been murdered lol no i dont do that. it grosses me out.
When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in? something on a lot of land, big front porch.
Where do you want to get married? probably a courthouse. maybe outdoors?
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? no. just mom.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? recess
Honestly, do you like school? no. i looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
Last thing that made you cry? probably dejavu.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? sort of yes.
Last person you took a walk with? liza, em, dutch, della
Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? i think currently to be honest. 
Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air? lol either mario or an old friend david
Does any part of your body hurt? yeah. my muscles have been weakening sooooooo bad it is so painful. 
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do? Million bucks. noooooooooooo question.
Can you keep a secret? Sure.
Your favorite romantic movie? sleepless in seattle probs.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I loved it for the longest timeeeeeeee. i dont think ill love it as much this next year, but maybe by then ill have met someone new who knows.
Who was the last person you took a picture with? uuuuuhhh probably one of my nephews/niece
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Some do, some dont. 
Do you celebrate 420? Nope. verrrrrry much not my thing.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? i think so lol
How do you eat Oreos? with milk. 
Do you wear your shoes in the house? sometimes. my preference is slippers. we usually wear something on our feet because gram needs to and so does mom.
Would you survive in prison? probably not, tbh. 
Ever been to Georgia? the state, yes. many times. the country? never.
Do you get your hair cut every month? gosh no. my dream is to get my hair done professionally again sometime, but its so daggum expensive.
Current relationship in detail. I am single. i will probably start casually dating soon. 
If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? i dont even know. I always imagined I’d go to kile. but who knows now.
List things you spend money on in an average week. i can go several weeks without spending.
Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. ooooooohhhhhh, id rather not.
Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? i am convinced bill would not give a fig whether or not im in a relationship. mom, however, would probably be EEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXtra cautious now.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? oh im sure. 
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? yes. even if we don’t talk anymore... theres just always a connection.
What board games are you good at? oooo, i’m very good at board games.
Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting? quilting. its expensive and im not wanting to get it all cvid-y
Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature? Immature.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? there are people who can pull it off, but it is notttttttttt my style.
Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? debt bill put my mom in. they don’t speak tho.
Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such? the first couple years. 
If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it? I don’t use the switch handheld, despite really wishing i could. the controllers are broken and beyond what I can afford. so I just use the tv dock.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? i’d pick it up 1000000000000000% , I just would be so curious what they would say.
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you? absolutely.
Are you afraid of falling in love? I am. I don’t ever again want to feel the way ive felt with my two heart breaks. 
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now? yes, but the feeling is lessening. I responded to him for the first time in... idk how long. thinking he’d be eager to talk and be responsive. he wasn’t. it just pushes me further and further from feeling those feelings.
Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t? no, i dont think so.
Did you get kissed last night? goodness no. 
Do you enjoy going through a carwash? I love it.
How did you get most of your scars? benny. by far.
Ever had to take an inkblot test? I have taken 2. One for a fellow student in a classroom who had to administer it for a project. another time in a psych class the prof asked me to for a demonstration
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? yep! the only time ive been grounded.
Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger? no. I do not get physical in my anger. I withdraw. 
What/who woke you up this morning? Just me.
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? My mom. dropping off ice water and benny.
What’s one of your locked text messages? I don’t even know if this phone locks messages tbh. I used to do that all the time on my t9 phones.
Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? I think maybe 1 time.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? Yes.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? I wouldn’t say alllllllll, but i do think inhibitions are lowered so it makes it easier
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? messaging kile and realizing he isn’t interested in responding. makes me feel so dumb.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else? something a family member did to me this past week.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? ummm. lately it’s been jealousy. i dont like people taking what was mine. but i’m learning if they had access to it, that likely means that it is best to let it go. so maybe im now leaning towards envy of like beautiful relationships.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? uhhh, not unless its like in a joking, light-hearted manner.
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? when im not sick... i vacuum, dust, do dishes, wipe counters and table, do laundry of others, disinfect, etc.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? I would say 51% comfort and 49% looking nice
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? yes. lots of jealousy due to their feelings toward me.
Do you like Laffy Taffy? No. not my style of candy
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? manual.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? hardly.
Have you ever seen a walrus? absolutely!
Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid? no. one time moms friends daughter (who was significantly older than me) lent hers to us... but there were no mixes of anything. so I didn’t know what to do with it.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it? nope.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? uhhhhhhhh 3 if you dont include the garage door.
Are there a lot of trees in your yard? i wouldn’t say a lot. I wish.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? treating me like crap cuts down my interest like immediately.
Have a best friend? meh.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? no.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? yes. I dont need to concern them or worry them.
Does anyone hate you? kiles ex(?) i am sure does.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? hm. i dont really have any.
Do you remember important dates? yes. almost always.
What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you? “what if we could put the world on hold and finally meet somewhere inside of the world? I would meet you... would you meet me?”
Who gives the best advice? mom
Who do you usually see in your dreams? :) It varies. depends on who I think about.
What type of cake did you last eat? graduation cake. 
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? I have like 4 casual friends that are, but my closest friends are all straight.
What’s your favorite type of sandwich? buona chicken one. bless it.
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? tonight. I said maybe once this quarantine business is over.
Do you like The Offspring? I know a couple of songs but I definitely can’t call myself a fan. << same
One pillow or two? 12
Do you like Mad Libs? not really no.
Are you suicidal? no. I mean there are moments where I think wow, i dont want to be here. but not like let me put together a plan.
Where do your grandparents live? my fathers parents were killed by a drunk driver bout ten years ago. My mothers father passed away maybe 12 years ago. My gram is fine and lives in the room down the hall. 
Do you cut yourself? not purposely
What is your pet’s name? benny and lottie.
Have you ever been to Canada? not yet.
Aren’t babies overrated? no, no. theyre expensive af though.
Have a built-in pool in your backyard? i wish more than anything but no.
Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? maybe once or twice. I one time had a guy win me an animal at a carnival and i found that sooooooooooooooooo attractive.
Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal? woops. yes. lol
Ever been to a circus? i think when i was really little.
Ever shot animals? I have not. i couldn’t. 
Do you consider yourself intelligent? I do. It is something I have some confidence in.
Have you ever run away from home? when my dad was abusive, yes. 
Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else? faith, family, friends, school, relationships (only cus im not in one)
What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past? my faith.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? my degrees and honors.
Are you satisfied with your body image? no. I am honored to have a body that is capable of all that it is.. that has been my “home” all these years. the body that still breathes life every day, thats all incredible. I dislike having the fat that I do, as I worry it could be off putting to others. but then I realize im fine being single, so then my body imagine is fine. its a weird cycle.
Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? yes. when I worked and a customer didnt like a policy or whatnot.
Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of? never to my knowledge have I taken advantage of someone else seriously. I have been VERY seriously taken advantage of.
Have you ever been seriously ill? trying to get over it now tbh
Have you ever befriended a former enemy? uhhhh, not that I know of. I tend to be friendly to everyone, but I can’t think of a situation where it was an enemy.
If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I do pray for others quite often. it’s important to me. I sometimes will see strangers and immediately start praying over them. I actually almost started my GRE late because I was praying over every person I saw in the room lol.
Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation? no. not to my knowledge anyway.
Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa? yes! like 8 miles lol. I have not. 
When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable? this past week.
Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person? shes everyones favorite. shes kind, funny, sarcastic, down-to-earth, warm.
Who have you been talking to the most today? mom lol
Are you nosy? I think it could be perceived as nosy but I love to make people feel ridiculously special. So I will sit and ask questions just to get them talking about themselves. If I recognize the personal questions are not working, I’ll keep it totally light.
What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend? i really dont know.
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? if we consider kile an ex, it would probably be that he feels overwhelmed and feels alone because he doesnt have me or his ex anymore. :(
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? ooooo thats hard to narrow down.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? no. everyone comments on how they love when it turns wheezy.
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Survey #109
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a great Christmas to come!
If you were pregnant, how would you tell the father? Well if you were talking about now there wouldn't be a father so therefore this situation wouldn't exist.  But I'll answer it hypothetically.  I honestly don't know how I would considering it wouldn't be exciting for me seeing as I don't want kids.  It'd probably just be a very serious talk where I make it very clear (s)he's going up for adoption. What’s the hardest level you can play on Guitar Hero? I used to play like everything on expert but now it's a mix of that and hard.  It's funny, I still remember "What I've Done" by Linkin Park was the first song I played on expert lol. How many songs by AC/DC do you have on your iPod? None.  Not saying I don't like any, I just don't really like any enough to have on my iPod. What’s your favorite country song? Uhhh.  Probably "When the Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw. Do you shut off your computer at night?  No. Do you like sensitive guys? Yes, but not someone who's over-the-top sensitive. If a guy wants to become friends with an ex, does it mean he still likes her or cares for her? CARES for her, obviously.  You don't aim to become friends with someone you don't care about. Have you ever tripped someone?  No, I find it rude.  The person could actually get hurt. Favorite decade of music?  Man... I like the '80s a lot.  '90s metal is super nice, too. Would you consider yourself a flirt?  No.  Not saying I never do, but I'm definitely not a big one. What annoys you most about social networking?  People get ballsy as fuck to say anything because they're behind a screen, yet they're too scared to say things to another's face. Are you an over-achiever? No. Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Yeah. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? If it's any more than occasionally, yes. Do you like to cuddle? If it's not hot and I really like the person, I'm a cuddlebug. Do you like cinnamon on your apple pie?  I hate pie. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches?  That's actually what I eat first.  It's my least-favorite part so I get it out of the way. Do you know anyone who has a name that you hate and, if so, who is this person?  Ha, Don.  I hate the name Donald with a passion. Have you made a list of things you want to do before you’re 30? No. Do you like your shirt to be loose or tight?  Loose. Do you know anyone with two middle names? Me, though when people ask for my middle name, I just generally give them Marie because that's the one I was born with. Have you ever had colored braces? Ha ha I did.  Probably shouldn't have made them so obnoxious. Have you ever felt discriminated against? Yes, due to mental illnesses.  People love to make assumptions.  And currently with my sister's in-laws not knowing I'm bi, I know I would if they knew. Have you ever been sick on your birthday?  Omg yes.  I was recovering from the stomach bug. Do you believe good therapists exist?  I have the greatest therapist in the world. Have you ever called a suicide hotline? I don't like talking on the phone, so I used the online chatroom thing they have.  Waited about 45 minutes for someone to respond and then came my overdose. What was one of your childhood imaginary friends’ names? I didn't have imaginary friends. Do you ever get so nervous that you can’t even think?  Yup, mainly in arguments.  I can't think AT ALL in arguments. How do you feel about the people who are teased in high school suing the bullies who teased them for emotional damage?  I didn't know that was a thing, but if you were truly hurt, go for it. Do you believe that people live in their own worlds or realities or do you think we all share the same world/reality?  The latter. Do you believe that everyone who doesn’t believe in your religion is going to Hell?  I'd like to believe agnostics go to Heaven.  It seems pretty cruel to punish a person for not knowing.  This is a stretch, but I even hope atheists who are good people go to Heaven by living Christ-like.  Sending good people to Hell just sounds wrong. When (and if) people (or animals) go to heaven, do they become angels?  No, spirits and angels are two different things. Do you like when people call you things like “baby”, “sweetie”, “hun”, etc?  So long it's not "babe/baby" or "sexy," yeah. Have you ever seen someone sleepwalk?  Yes.  My little sister legit tried to go outside. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances when cheating is allowed? Nope. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? The earbuds that actually go inside your ears.  You can hear pretty much everything. What do you want the theme of your wedding to be?  Ideally, having a gothic-styled wedding would be a m a z i n g. Would you be comfortable discussing your sex life with a stranger? I have barely anything to hide and I still wouldn't.  A stranger doesn't need to know anything about that. Do you think sleeve tattoos look trashy? No, I love sleeve tattoos.  I also don't understand how a tattoo automatically makes someone trashy unless the content of the tattoo itself is. If you had to get a portrait tattoo, who would it be of? No sir, those don't appeal to me.  I don't want someone else's face on my body. Do you like the smell of men’s colognes better than woman’s perfumes?  I mean, it really depends.  But as far as the majority of scents... uhhh... shit, I dunno. Have you ever given a pet to someone else?  Yes. If you have, did it make you feel sad? Sometimes.  Other times, they truly needed a home. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t want to like? Jason for a fucking year after we broke up.  About goddamn time I no longer do. Would you rather be a mermaid or an angel? An angel.  Being a mermaid honestly doesn't seem amazing.  Well I mean... maybe if I lived in a reef. Does it make you nervous when someone does something dangerous showing off?  YES. Have you ever had anything tailored? Prom and bridesmaid dress. Would you feel bad about breaking up with a kid on his birthday?  You could've just said a person, "kid" sounds weird.  But I highly doubt I'd be able to do that.  Let them have a good day. Do you feel awkward with strangers in elevators?  HA HA YUP Do you cuss excessively when you’re upset? I'm even more likely to cuss than I naturally am, yes. Do you have a beauty mark?  Birth marK?  Yeah, on the side of one of my left forearm. What’s the biggest misconception about you, personally? Uhhh... no one's ever told me this I think, but maybe that I'm disinterested in people because I don't talk much?  I can see how that can be assumed. Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? I don't think so. What religious beliefs were you raised with?  Roman Catholic. Do you enjoy dried fruit? EW. Do you like reading novels that are a series/trilogy/etc? I did. Where does your pet sleep at night? Teddy has gotten to where he wants me to put him onto the bed (he usually can't jump up here anymore with his arthritis) when he's ready to sleep, so I bring him up here.  Cali sleeps next to my mom on the couch, and Bentley's usually beside her.  Venus is usually in her rock, but sometimes sleeps behind her water bowl. Who wears glasses in your house? Are they near-sighted or far-sighted? I wear glasses and can't see far away.  Mom does sometimes and can't see close up. What kind of pain reliever do you use when you have a headache? Advil/Ibuprofen. How’s your online personality different from your offline personality? I'm more outgoing and talkative online, but still have shy tendencies. Would you rather go out to breakfast, lunch or dinner?  Breakfast. Have you ever burned a photo of you and a person you were angry with?  No, seems rather over-dramatic.  But I guess it could be therapeutic for some. Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why?  Ummmm I don't think so.  I feel like my girlfriend's parents don't like me at all as they've voiced their distaste for this long-distance thing way too many times, but I don't think they're mad at me. Have you ever been friends with a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s siblings?  Not "friends," no. In some states people want to make it a requirement that creationism (god made the world) be taught alongside evolution in high school sciences classes. What do you think of this?  I personally support both being a course of study.  You pick which one you want to learn about. Have you ever had an HIV test? No. If your pet dies, you can now have it cloned for $50,000. How do you feel about this?  I wouldn't.  Wouldn't be the same to me, and I don't really support cloning. Do you plan to own a home or rent an apartment for most of your life? I'd like to own a home eventually. Do you hate when people tell you to smile? It really depends on how they say it, but generally, yes.  Sometimes, you just can't force a sincere smile. Are there palm trees where you live? No. What do you think of foot tattoos?  I don't like them much. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets? No, the camera on my phone is horrid. Do you think it is sweet when an elderly woman kisses you on the cheek?  It's kinda uncomfortable for me, and if I don't actually know the woman?  DO FUCKING NOT. Would you investigate the paranormal if you had the opportunity?  Fuck yes I would.  In most situations.  I gotta know about what's supposedly going on. Have you ever seen a coyote in real life?  Hm... maybe? If you could find the cure for any disease, which disease would it be? Alzheimer's.  As horrible as cancer is, we've learned how to beat many, but Alzheimer's... God, the decline is heart-wrenching.  I've seen it and it's one of the most inhumane fates life can deal someone. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 25?  It's a possibility. Do you know any TV shows’ theme songs by heart? Which ones? "That '70s Show," probably like a couple others that just aren't coming to me. What is the oldest gaming system you’ve ever played? Atari Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live?  We did occasionally.  Don't have one here. In your opinion, which hurts more: physical or emotional pain? EMOTIONAL. Do you like people who are very expressive of how much they like you or do you like people who are more quiet and mysterious?  I pretty much have to have someone expressive because I need to know they like me.  I need to see it. What type of humor do you like in a person? Is it a deal-breaker for you if the other person doesn’t share a similar sense of humor?  I appreciate all senses of humor other than ones that are just plain offensive or excessively raunchy. How important is religion and spiritual beliefs when it comes to dating?  I'm open to dating people of other religions (or no religion) so long as it's not Satanism or a religion that believes one gender is greater than the other. Do you ever go shopping with your parents (not including grocery shopping)? Well yeah, I don't shop alone.  Can't get there. Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience.  No, thank goodness. What do your parents think about piercings and tattoos? Do you agree with them? Neither of them are against them, and I'm the same.  I love them. Are you CPR certified?  No. What was the last video game you played?  "Alien: Isolation." Have you ever touched a shark?  No. What is your personal feelings on manners?  Pretty important. Would you ever take in an animal with special needs?  Sure, but it obviously depends on the animal and if I could afford taking care of it. Do you ever feel judged on something you can’t control?  OH  B O Y  DO I Are you friends with your best friend’s ex?  No. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?  No. Do you ever pay attention to couples and if they look good together or if they look weird together?  No?  Someone's relationship, whether it "looks" good or not, isn't my business. Do you often take painkillers?  Not often, but usually when I have a headache. Have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?  I'm not sure...  I've been confused about how I've felt about people before, but I've never had like, intense feelings for two people. Would you live with someone without marrying them?  If the plan was to eventually get married, yes. What is your favorite flavor of Skittles? Red. Have you ever been on vacation with someone other than your family? Yes. What cartoons/anime do you actually like, if you like any at all?  Both "Fullmetal Alchemist" versions, "Deadman Wonderland," "Pokemon" (I've only seen the shows from the first two generations tho), uhhh... Have you used Limewire before?  Ha ha I remember that.  Yeah. Do you like salted or sweetened popcorn, if any?  Salted, sweet is ew. Do you prefer aquatic creatures or flying (water or air)?  Aquatic. What animals are only native to your continent/country?  Bison? Do you prefer classical music or jazz?  Jazz. What part of your body has been injured the most?  My legs. What food’s smell makes you feel physically sick?  Hmmmm.  Can't think of one off the top of my head. How many times a week do you shower? Four, usually. Are you happy with your relationship status?  Y E A H What colors would you like to have at your wedding?  Black and white, probs. Did you see the movie "Avatar?" I saw some of it while on vacation with a friend. Does your front door squeak when it opens?  Uhhh I don't believe so. Have you ever found out that one of your parents was cheating?  Supposedly Dad did, but quite frankly, I don't know if I believe Mom.  She's lied a shit ton about Dad out of spite. Who introduced you to the band you love?  Ozzy, Metallica, Korn, and Manson: Mom.  Cradle of Filth, found them myself.  A Day to Remember: Jason.  Rammstein: Guitar Hero, lmao. Do you look like your siblings? Kinda, but not all that much, save for hair.  Ashley and Nicole look way more alike. What do you think of teenagers getting married? Uh, no.  You need more time to mature. Are you afraid of being rejected?  You have no fucking idea.  Mind you, not just in a romantic way. Can you introduce yourself to a new person easily? HELL NO. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have told you they love you?  Three.  One was full of absolute shit. Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you? Yeah. Have you ever had to have surgery before? What was this for?  Twice.  First to put tubes in my ears when I was two, a second for a cyst this year. What is your orientation? Gay? Straight? Metrosexual? Anything other? Bisexual, but gradually realizing I think I actually like girls more.  Funny because I originally thought I liked guys more. @_@ Who was the last person close to you, that died? Did you cry?  No one exceptionally close to me has died, but the last person I was at least acquainted with was a woman I met at the hospital.
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spine-buster · 7 years
16. Adam Cole. For mine is an evil laugh ;)
“I feel like everyone just forgot I exist.”
The day Adam Cole stepped foot into the Performance Centre was the day your stomach jumped into your throat.  
You hadn’t spoken to any of your old friends from the various independent promotions you used to work for, mostly because they never texted you back.  You had signed with the WWE about six months ago now and despite your best efforts, texting and calling and trying to arrange coffee or lunch dates, nobody answered, or followed up, or tried to get together with you.  You’d heard some nasty things through the grapevine – that you betrayed everyone by signing; that now that you were signed you thought you were better than everyone else.  You couldn’t deny that it hurt you, that people you thought were your friends would say such horrible things about you.  The fact that you hadn’t become particularly close with anybody during your time in NXT only made you feel worse.  
But Adam was different.  Adam had kept in touch, even at least sporadically, and to your knowledge didn’t engage in what was being said about you.  He didn’t tell anyone, the least you, if he was signing with WWE or not.  So when you saw him out of the corner of your eye one day while training in the gym, being chaperoned by Matt Bloom so he could get a feel for the facility, you hid in the washroom until you knew he’d be out of the room.  It wasn’t that you didn’t like him or that he made you uncomfortable.  He just reminded you so much of…before.  Of your past life, if you could call it that, on the independent scene.  He was always there.  You were always there.  And then…you weren’t.  And now, he wasn’t.
But now, he was here.  And you were here.  
After that fateful day, you didn’t run into him again for at least another week.  It wasn’t until you were alone at the gym one morning, getting some extra cardio time in on the treadmill, did you see him again.  You almost tripped when you made eye contact with him, which you pretended that you didn’t do in order to further pretend like you didn’t see him walk in.
When he showed up in front of your treadmill, you gulped.  “Hey you,” he said so casually, a smile on his face.  
You stopped the treadmill and yanked your headphones out of your ears.  You were gross and sweaty and panting as you stepped off but Adam still extended his arms towards you for a hug.  You tried not to get your stench or sweat on him, but when he pressed you up against his body you had no choice.  “How are you?” he asked.
“Good,” you replied simply.
“How’ve you been?” he asked when he pulled away.  
You shrugged your shoulders.  It obviously could have been better – people could not be talking behind your back and all.  “Eh, you know…it’s alright.  Just working hard.”
“Happy to see me?” he winked.
You rolled your eyes.  “I would have liked to see Zack, but you’re alright I guess.”
He let out a hearty laugh and you couldn’t help but appreciate his toothy grin so early in the morning.  That was the thing with Adam.  He was just so…warm.  Regardless of how long you went without speaking to him or seeing him, the two of you just fell back into your routine with each other.  You weren’t even particularly close, but you respected each other and always got along.  
“How are things over here?  What am I in for?” he asked, leaning against the front of the treadmill.
“Hardest workouts of your life,” you began, putting your hands on your hips.  “Lots of drills and practicing.  This week we’re working on making sure our fundamentals are clean.  Footwork, back bumps, all that stuff.  But the people here are great.”
“Regal, Bloom, those guys?” 
“Yeah.  Brookside and Smiley too.  They’re amazing.”
“That’s great,” he said, nodding his head at your words.  “Still feels a bit…surreal, you know?”
You smiled slightly.  “Yeah, I get it.  I still get shivers sometimes.  Still can’t believe I’m here and not at some rec centre convincing everyone a boot to the face didn’t hurt me at all.”
“Hey, why didn’t I see you at any shows?” he asked immediately, the mention of the rec centre probably causing it.  “I heard you were in town for some of them with NXT but you didn’t show up.”
“Uhhh…” you hesitated.  Now things were about to get awkward.  How were you going to explain to him that you had no idea what you did wrong and that most of your former colleagues hated you now?  “I tried to.  I tried to contact everyone we know and it was just…” you shrugged your shoulders.  “Nothing.  Nobody let me know anything.  Nobody texted me back.”
Adam stood in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed.  “Wait wait, they’re not all still hung up on you signing here, are they?”
You shrugged your shoulders again.  “I can’t tell you why they hate me, Adam.”“What a bunch of fucking idiots,” he shook his head in disgust.  “Are you for real?  Are you serious?  Nobody told you anything?”
“I don’t know…I guess they think because I didn’t ‘do my time’ or whatever that I sold out, or that I abandoned them,” you said.  “I can’t think of any other reason why they would just…stop talking to me.  I feel like everyone just forgot I exist.”
“But I didn’t.”
You didn’t know if he said it to save face or if there was some sort of subtext.  You couldn’t quite tell by his tone - you didn’t appreciate that - and it was too early in the morning for you to start overanalyzing the words Adam Cole was saying to you.  “Whatever,” you said softly.  “I’m…I’m just trying to focus on this right now.  If they can’t be happy for me that’s their problem, not mine.”
“For what it’s worth, I was happy for you when you signed here,” he said, which confirmed your suspicions.  “If they’re not happy for you, they can fuck off.”
“Thanks, Cole.  You’ve always had your way with words.”
Adam smiled at you.  “Listen, Regal is probably waiting for me at the rings so I’ve gotta go.”
“No problem Adam.  Show him what you’re made of,“ you smiled, making your way back onto the treadmill, ready to turn it on again.  
Before you could, Adam stepped up on to it as well, his toes on the sides and his heels dangling off.  He was dangerously close and you were pretty sure your eyes were bulging out of their sockets right now, wondering what the hell he was doing so close to you.  He was looking down at you, a faint smirk on his face.  “I’ll see you around, okay?  Don’t be shy.  And if you text me, I’ll text you back…even if it is just a booty call.”
With that, he descended and walked away, leaving you to wonder what the hell Adam Cole just did.
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spectroamer · 7 years
Servertale Chapter 11: Just friends
The movie that Ne and Amy were watching ended. Ne turns off the TV and notices that Amy fell asleep while leaning on his shoulder. The image of her sleeping on him makes him blush a little. Ne thinks about his next move, but decides that it is the best decision to not make a move Ne: [Looks like I'm not going anywhere. Should have guessed she would be tired after so much action, after all, she doesn't have infinite energy like me] Ne decides to message Slasher through his helmet. 16:10 Ne: Yo, wat u doing? 16:10 Slasher: Nothing much, back at my place 16:10 Ne: I can't move right now, so you're gonna be my company 16:11 Slasher: Y can't u move? 16:11 Ne: Amy fell asleep on me 16:11 Slasher: :O next time u 2 will be sleeping together ;) 16:11 Ne: So just because she fell asleep on me, that means we're gonna sleep together 16:11 Slasher: Exactly 16:12 Ne: Shut up 16:12 Slasher: Nevah Slasher hears his phone ringing. 16:12 Slasher: Actually, brb, Nat calling Slasher picks up the phone and answers the phone Nat: Hi Dom. Slasher: Hey Natalie, what's up? Nat: Nothing much, I just thought since I have a lot of free time today, maybe we could hang out. Slasher thinks about his responsibilities, but guesses that the Sentinels will probably lay low for a while after so many loses, so he decides to accept the offer. Slasher: Sure, when do you want to meet up? Nat: In about half an hour, at your place. Can you invite Mike and Amy as well? They're a great pair. Slasher: Sure Nat: Are they a couple? I mean, they hang out at their houses often and constantly talk about each other. Slasher: Not yet, but I have a bed with a friend of mine that they will become a couple before the end of the day. Nat: You really like to make bets, don't you? Slasher: You know me. Nat: You're right about that. OK, I need to find something good to wear. See ya later! Slasher: Bye. Natalie hangs up and Slasher starts texting Ne 16:14 Slasher: Yo, Nat called 16:14 Ne: Natalie? 16:14 Slasher: Yeh 16:14 Ne: Wat did she say? 16:14 Slasher: She wants to hang out at my place and she told me to invite you and Amy 16:15 Ne: Y? 16:15 Slasher: Cuz she ships u 2 16:15 Ne: DID U TELL HER? 16:15 Slasher: Nope, she figured it out on her own 16:15 Ne: Why does everyone find out so fast? 16:15 Slasher: because u 2 are made for each other 16:15 Ne: Did you really just make a joke 16:16 Slasher: Ya know I did 16:16 Ne: Fak u 16:16 Slasher: Aw, is that the way 2 treat your bff 16:16 Ne: Ok, that’s enough, I’m leaving 16:16 Slasher: See ya later Ne looks at Amy. He decides to wake her up. She slowly wakes up when he softly pokes her shoulder. As she wakes up, she slowly realizes that she’s been sleeping and notices Ne, still wearing all of his gear and more importantly, she realizes that she was leaned on him. Amy quickly sits strait and blushes while thinking that he woke her up because she was bothering him. Amy: Sorry! I just suddenly fell asleep, I didn’t know I was leaning on you! Ne: I don’t mind, that’s not why I woke you up. Amy: Oh, ok. Then, why did you? Ne: Slasher called. He says that Natalie is coming at his house and she would like us to join. Amy: Really? Ne: Yeah, she insisted on it. Amy: Sure, I haven’t talked with her in some while, with the whole Sentinels situation. When are we meeting up? Ne: In about half an hour. Amy gets up from the couch and takes her normal clothes. Amy: Well, in that case, I’m gonna get dressed. Can you turn around for a few seconds? Don’t want to risk wearing my outfit under the normal clothes if we’re gonna be there for a while. Ne: Oh, y-yeah, sure. Ne gets up and turns around, waiting for her to change her clothes. Amy: Natalie doesn’t know about the three of us, right? Ne: As much as I know, she doesn’t. Amy: Good. Amy finishes changing her clothes. Amy: Done. Ne: Ok, just let me get my stuff. Ne opens a closet and takes two stripes which he places on top of his neon plates to cover them and transforms his helmet into the classic headphones he always wears when he’s wearing his “civilian clothes” but they’re just hidden battle gear. Amy: Well you got your gear covered, but I can’t exactly transform my mask, or completely hide the other outfit. Ne: You don’t need the mask. I’m sure that Slash has a lot of helmets in his house, so if anything happens, just put one of them on. Amy: good point. Ne: Will we take my car? Amy: Actually, we’ve been rushing everywhere today. Right now, I feel like walking. Ne: In that case, we can get going. Amy: Yeah. Ne: Just let me change the last part. Ne sends neon energy through his hands that go into his pants, changing their look from combat pants to running pants. Amy: I have no idea how you make the combination of a leather jacket and runner pants look good. Ne: I look good in anything. Ne was obviously joking and the joke worked, making Amy laugh. Amy: Almost as good as I am.  Both of them exit the house. Ne locks the door and the start walking towards Slasher’s house. His house is not that far away. While Amy and Ne live next to each other in the downtown area, Slasher is just a little bit outside it. It is a twenty minute walk. As they walk through the city, they start trying making their conversation sound more casual, so that the civilians on the sidewalk don’t start suspecting anything. Amy: What are we gonna do about our problem? Ne: You mean our rivals? Amy responds with a nod. Ne: Well, we just need to keep them distracted until Frisk does her thing. Amy: How do you know that she’s gonna make it? Ne: The residents of that place already have the six parts for their door. Frisk is gonna bring the last one. With her, they will be able to open the door. Amy: But what if they steal her part? Ne: Trust me, her determination won’t let that happen. Amy: Oh, so she’s safe? Ne: Yeah, I’m gonna explain it to you when we get alone. As they keep walking, Amy notices some interesting clothing inside of some stores. Amy: Man, I really need to go on a shopping spree when we’re done with all of this chaos. Ne: Oh you have no idea how much T-shirts I bought from all of the times i ran into some of my problems. Both of them keep for a few minutes, before Amy thinks of a new conversation subject. Amy: How’s the work going? Ne: DJ-ing? It’s ok. I don’t care about working in clubs as much as I like changing music. Those clubs have the best equipment for that. What about you? Amy: The art is doing good. I’m making some money from selling it online, it’s just enough to switch a normal paycheck Ne: I can’t believe that Dominik earns money even when he’s not racing. Amy: I know right? That tactic is so cheap. Ne: Oh you didn’t. Amy: But I did. Ne: I guess that’s the price I got to pay for hanging out with you. Amy: Well I’m not getting away without expenses neither. While they were succeeding at acting all serious before, they couldn’t stop laughing at their own puns. After a few seconds they get back to normal. Amy: We’re a great time. Ne: Yeah, we are. After more walking, they arrive at Slasher’s house. Ne rings the doorbell. Slasher opens the door a few seconds later. He is wearing a red T-shirt and gray running pants. Of course, like Ne, Slasher constantly wears his helmets. Currently, he’s wearing his most used racing helmet. Slasher: Just in time! I think she’ll be here in a few minutes. Slasher lets the two of them in and closes the door. Amy: Do you have something to drink? Slasher: Check in the kitchen. Amy: Uhhh, which one? Slasher: Any kitchen. Amy: Ok. Amy goes to the nearest kitchen. Ne: I forgot how big your house is. Slasher: That’s what happens when you’re rich. Ne: I know, my house is a reminder. Amy returns with a Monster Energy. Ne: You know there’s no actual energy inside of that, right? Amy: I know, I just like the taste. Ne: Fair enough. She opens the can and starts drinking it. Ne: Hey Slash, do you have any idea on what to do next with the Sentinels? Slasher: Well, I think that we should wait. Kris has his guys everywhere, so we’ll know if they start doing anything. I could use taking a brake from fighting them anyway. Ne: I like the sound of that. Amy what do you think? Amy: Sure, I don’t mind not doing anything for a while. Ne: Than we agreed. Slasher notices that Amy didn’t bring her mask. Slasher: Did you bring your outfit? Amy: No, I left it at Ne’s house. Slasher: Oh, so you changed clothes in his house. Amy: Yeah... Why do you ask? Slasher looks at Ne. Even tho Slasher’s wearing his cross helmet , Ne can still guess that Slasher is smirking. All three of them hear knocking on the door. Slasher: Who is it? Nat: Guess. Slasher opens the door and welcomes her in. Nat: I see you still wear that helmet of yours. Slasher: Was there any doubt? Nat: Not for a second. When Natalie enters the house, she notices Ne and Amy. Natalie walks up to Amy to hug her. Nat: And how are you two doing? Amy: Oh, you know, the usual. Nat: Good. And what about you, Mike, Is life treating you good? Ne: It’s fine. Nat: I wanted to see Dom, but, then I remembered that I haven’t seen you guys in some time as well. Ne: We were just busy with work. Nat: Yeah, I know how frustrating that can get. Amy: And what about you? What have you been doing? Nat: Well, recently, I have been looking for a fitting job. Amy: Really? What kind of job are you looking for? Nat: To be honest, I don’t know yet. I’m just checking all of my options. I’m guessing that when I get my choices narrowed down that it will be easier for me to make a decision. Ne: True. Slasher: Did the three of you have lunch today, because I ordered pizza even before you called. Amy: Well, I could use a nice meal. Nat: Me too. Ne: Sure, why not. Slasher: Ok, just let me set the table. Nat: Can I help you? Slasher: I don’t mind. What are you gonna drink? Nat: I’ll just grab myself some water. Amy: I’ll take another monster. Ne: Just give me a soda or something. Slasher: Okay. Slasher and Natalie go to the kitchen. Amy notices that Ne’s constantly thinking about something. Amy: You okay? Ne: Yeah, it’s just that the last encounter we had with him was at Kris’ place. Some people probably filmed it. Amy: So? People record us all the time. Ne: But, this time, Slasher was wearing his civilian race suit. Even tho that suit is really old, someone could start to to have suspections. Amy: Oh, you’re right about that. Ne: And that’s what I don’t like about this. Amy: What are we supposed to do? Ne: Normally, it would have been just as easy as telling him to take a break, but we can’t win this without him. The Sentinels are throwing everything they got at us, we can’t afford to not do the same. Amy: Do you really think that Kris’ squad will help?  Ne: It will. I don’t need them to fight for us, I just need them as someone that will cover us. Slasher and Natalie come back into the living room and place the glasses and plates onto the table. They all sit in front of the table. Nat: So, Dominik, I haven’t seen you in the recent races. What’s going on? Slasher: I decided to take a temporary brake from races. Nat: Really? Why? Slasher: Currently, there are no interesting opponents for me to race, so I’m waiting for someone more challenging to show up. Ne: And I see that you’re pretty modest about it. Slasher: Of course I am. Amy: Easy to take a brake when you’ve already earned enough money for the rest of the life. Slasher: What can I say, my life is pretty good right now. The doorbell is heard from the entrance. Slasher goes to open the door. He pays for the pizza and brings it in. Amy: Hey Dom. Slasher: What? Amy: How are you going to eat the pizza with your helmet on?  Slasher: God damn it! Nat: One of the rarest things i ever see: Dominik not wearing his helmet. Slasher: Yup. Amy: Lets eat, I’m starving. Ne: Than in that case, bon appetit. Frisk is walking through the next room. Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us in this realm with their technology. Anything can enter through the portal, but only beings with a powerful soul can leave. There is only one way to beat this system. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human souls, attacks the barrier... It will be destroyed. But this cursed place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped in here forever.  Frisk enters the next room. This room is much darker. The only light sources are glowing mushrooms, trees, the lights on her suit and her glow stick. She uses those light sources to navigate through the room. After a few minutes of walking around, she finally reaches the next room. It is just as dark as the last one. Without candles or magic to guide them Home, the monsters used crystals to navigate. Frisk continues walking through the dark room. She goes through the small river, only to find an echo flower a the end of the room. Behind you. Frisk doesn’t even need to hear the voice of the echo flower to know Undyne said that to it. Undyne: Seven. Seven human souls. With the power of seven souls, our king... King ASGORE Dreemurr... will become a god. with that power, Asgore can finally shatter the barrier. He will finally take the real world back from humanity... And give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured. Understand, human? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your soul... Or I’ll tear it from your body. Undyne creates a single spear in her hand and starts slowly walking towards Frisk. Frisk tries to back up, but she hits the wall behind her. Undyne prepares to strike Frisk. Not a second too early, Monster Kid comes out of the bushes and stands between Undyne and Frisk. MK: Undyne!!! I’ll help you fight!!!  Monster Kid notices the death stare Undynes sending to Frisk. MK: YO!!! You did it!!! Undyne is right in front of you!!! You’ve got front row seats to her fight!!!  Frisk: Yeah... about that... Monster Kid turns around to look at Undyne again and he notices that Frisk is the only one who’s in front of Undyne. MK: Wait... Who’s she fighting??? Undyne grabs Monster Kid by his cheek and starts dragging him away. MK: H-hey! You aren’t gonna tell my parents about this, are you? Frisk breathes out a sigh of relief. Chara: That was close. Frisk: Way too close. Chara: Lets go before she comes back. Frisk starts going back and notices another path. Se follows it. As she goes through the echo flowers, she hears many conversations that were remembered by the echo flowers. The echo flowers start repeating each other. Their sentences become mixed before they turn into random sounds. They become louder and louder as they start repeating the same words and sounds. Frisk rushes forwards becasuse she is creeped out by the echo flowers. Thankfully, the next area doesn’t contain any echo flowers. Frisk starts crossing the bridge. She is almost at the end of it, when Monster Kid calls out to her MK: Yo! Monster Kid walks up to Frisk. MK: Yo, I know I’m not supposed to be here, but... I wanna ask you something. Man, I’ve never had to ask anyone this before... uhm... Yo... You’re human, right? Frisk: Yes. MK: Haha. Man! I knew it! Well, I know it now, I mean, Undyne told me, um, “stay away from that human.” So, like, ummm... I guess that makes us enemies, or something. But I kinda stink at that, haha. Yo, say something mean so I can hate you? Frisk looks at Monster Kid. It is obvious she doesn’t really want to insult him. After all, he looks a lot younger than she is. MK: Please? Frisk: Fine, but only because you asked for it. I... I hate your guts! Chara: Really Frisk? MK: Huh...? Yo, that’s your idea of something mean? Frisk shrugs. MK: My sister says that to me all the time! Guess I have to do it, haha. Yo, I... I hate your guts... Man, I... I’m such a turd. I’m... I’m gonna go home now. Monster Kid starts walking back, but he trips over and almost falls from the bridge. He is hanging on it with his mouth. Frisk: Monster Kid! MK: Yo, w-w-wait! Help! I tripped! Frisk gets ready to run to Monster Kid, but Undyne suddenly appears and the sight of her freezes Frisk for a second. Frisk decides that saving Monster Kid is more important than running away, so she ignores Undyne and runs to Monster Kid. She grabs his head with one hand and his back with the other and carefully pulls him up. Undyne is surprised by Frisk’s choice, but continues walking towards her anyway. Monster Kid notices Undyne’s intentions and defensively stands between the two of them. MK: Y... y... yo... dude... If y-you wanna hurt my friend... You’re gonna have to get through me, first. Undyne takes a step back before she walks away. MK: She’s gone... Yo, you really saved my skin. Frisk: And you saved mine. MK: Guess being enemies was just a nice thought, haha. We’ll just have to be friends instead... Man, I should really go home... I bet my parents are worried sick about me! Monster Kid starts walking away MK: Later dude! Frisk continues following the path. At the end of the room, stands Undyne, on top of a pile of rocks. Her back is turned, her hair is being pushed by the wind as she looks off in to the distance, looking at the Core and Hotland. Chara: How did she get here so fast? Undyne: Seven. Seven human souls, and King ASGORE will become a god. Six. That’s how many we have collected thus far. Understand? Through your seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed. First, however, as is customary for those who make it this far... I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people. Chara: It’s no use to us knowing it if we’re not around to remember it. Undyne: It all started, long ago... No, you know what? Undyne looses her calm voice, as she looses patience. Undyne: SCREW IT! WHY SHOULD I TELL THAT STORY! WHEN YOU’RE ABOUT TO DIE!?!  Chara: I know, right? Undyne: NGAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Undyne takes off her helmet revealing her face. She looks like a fish monster with blue skin. Her good eye flashes an orange color and her sharp teeths intimidate Frisk. Undyne: YOU! You’re standing in the way of everybody’s hopes and dreams! Alphys’ history books made me think humans were cool... with their giant robots and flowery sordswomen. Frisk is confused by that statement. Undyne: BUT YOU? You’re just a coward! Hiding behind that kid so you could run away from me again! Frisk: I prefer to call it tactical retreat. Undyne: And let’s not forget your wimpy goody-two-shoes-schtick! Oooh! I’m making such a difference by hugging random strangers! You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD!!! That’s right, human! Your continued existence is a crime! Your life is all that stands between us and our freedom! Right now, I can Feel everyone’s hearts pounding together! Everyone’s been waiting their whole lives for this moment! But we’re not nervous at all. When everyone puts their hearts together, they can’t lose! Now, human! Let’s end this, right here, right now. I’ll show you how determined monsters can be! Step forward when you’re ready! Fuhuhuhu! Frisk touches the nearby star. She feels the wind howling. Frisk finishes interacting with the star and is filled with determination.  Undyne: That’s it, then... No more running away! Undyne jumps down from the top of the passage. Undyne: HERE I COME!!!!!!! Undyne lands with one spear stabbed into the ground. Her armor glows with green lights. A green heart appears on her body, when, with a single swipe of her spear, she freezes Frisk in a tight place, turning her soul green. She can only barely move for a few steps. Undyne: En guarde! Undyne: As long as you’re green you can’t escape! Unless you learn to face danger head-on... you won’t last a second against me! Undyne sends three slow spears flying towards Frisk. She holds her glow stick in front of her and blocks the spears. While Frisk was blocking, Undyne suplexed a bolder.  Undyne: Not bad! Then how about this!? Undyne sends six spears with equal speed, two spears from three sides. Frisk quickly turns around as she finishes blocking the rows of spears. Undyne: Fir years, we’ve dreamed of a happy ending... Undyne fires multiple spears from different angles at Frisk. Luckily, they are still moving relatively slow. And now, sunlight is just within our reach! This time, the spears are moving faster. Every time when Frisk blocks a spear, it becomes more liquid and falls to the ground. The glow stick doesn’t even have a scratch from all of the blocking. Frisk and Chara noticed some while ago that it is probably one of the strongest materials, since it can easily block anything and everything. Undyne flips her spear impatiently. Undyne: I won’t let you snatch it away from us! Another set of spears is thrown, but none of them damage Frisk. Undyne: NGAHHH! Enough warming up! Undyne Throws fast spears from all directions, forcing Frisk to constantly spin around so she could block them. Undyne swipes her spear, releasing Frisk from the effect of the green magic and sends a bigger spear flying towards her. Since the spear is too big for the glow stick to block the entire thing, Frisk rolls out of the way. While Undyne is summoning a new set of spears, Frisk quickly runs past her, through the passage. Chara: Not being able to escape, she said. Undyne runs after her and catches her a few seconds later. She uses the green magic on Frisk again, disabling her from running away. Undyne: You won’t get away from me this time! Honestly, I’m doing you a favor... Undyne summons more spears, but these ones are slower and they are coming from only two sides. Frisk easily blocks all of them. Undyne: No human has ever made it past Asgore! Killing you now is an act of mercy! Undyne sends waves of really fast spears. Frisk barely manages to block all of them. Undyne draws her finger across her neck. Undyne: So stop being so damn resilient! Undyne sends more spears. On the last one, she shuts down the green magic again, giving Frisk space to dodge the big spear and start running away again. She easily catches up to Frisk, but this time, it takes her a little bit longer, because her heavy armor is slowing her down, while Frisk’s suit is light and gives her all the agility she needs. Undyne turns Frisk’s soul green again. Undyne: You’ve escaped from me for the last time! Alphys told me humans were determined. She sends out a wave of spears. Frisk blocks almost all of them. The last one goes over her and stabs her in the back. The pain makes Frisk gasp. Even tho the spears are made out of water and magic, they hurt almost as bad as the real ones. Undyne: I see now what she meant by that! Furring the next wave, two spears go over Frisk, but this time, she’s ready and succeeds at blocking them.  Undyne: But I’m determined, too! Undyne sends a group of those special spears. It takes Frisk longer to calculate their order, but she still manages to react in time. Undyne: Determined to end this right now! Undyne starts combining normal and the special spears. Frisk gets hit in the back once again. This time, the pain doesn’t go away. Undyne: RIGHT NOW! Frisk manages to block the next wave of spears. Undyne: RIGHT... NOW! Undyne sends a set of really fast spears. The pain in Frisk’s back is making it harder to think for her. She barely blocks the spears. Undyne: NGAHHH!!! DIE ALREADY, YOU LITTLE BRAT! She creates a wave filled with those special spears. One of the spears hit Frisk’s arm. Frisk can’t feel her right arm anymore. She sloppily dodges the big spear and starts running. The numb arm and spine are making it harder for her to run. Suddenly, Frisk hears her phone ring. While she runs, she takes her phone. It’s Papyrus. Frisk answers the phone while she continues running. Papyrus; HEY! WHAT’S UP!? I WAS JUST THINKING... YOU, ME, AND UNDYNE SHOULD ALL HANG OUT SOMETIME! I THINK YOU WOULD MAKE GREAT PALS! LETS MEET UP AT HER HOUSE LATER! Papyrus hangs up.  Frisk: Yeah, great, and why don’t I just serve my soul on a silver plate while I’m at it! Frisk runs past a “WELCOME TO HOTLAND!” sign. Undyne catches up to her again. Undyne: STOP RUNNING AWAY!!! NGAHHH!!! DIE ALREADY, YOU LITTLE BRAT! Luckily, this time Undyne doesn’t use green magic, because Frisk doesn’t think that she would be able to block spears with one arm. She keeps jumping out of the way. Undyne: YOU’RE GETTING IN MY WAY! Frisk keeps dodging. Undyne: I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! Undyne starts summoning and sending spears from all directions. Frisk keeps dodging them and going around them, practically dancing around them. After a few attacks, Frisk notices that the heart symbol on Undyne’s armor is starting to fade as she gets more tired. Frisk continues running. Suddenly, instead of the metal black floor, Frisk is running on a stone path. Frisk runs past Sans, who is sleeping and his post. Undyne rambles something about him being lazy. When Undyne starts running after Frisk again, Sans wakes up. Sans: well, would ya look at that. looks like undyne’s boiling with rage and it looks like frisk got heat on her. i guess it’s time for me to keep my promise. Sans creates one short bone and throws it at Undyne’s legs. Since the bone is coming behind her, Undyne doesn’t notice it and trips on it. The bone instantly disappears. The armor starts absorbing all of the heat of the bridge. The heat starts to daze Undyne. Armor... so... hot...  But I can’t... Give up... Undyne tries to get up, but fails. Frisk notices a water cooler nearby. She drops the glow stick, so she could hold the cup with her good arm. She somehow manages to fill the cup with only one arm and brings it to Undyne. Frisk carefully pours the water on her. Undyne’s energy returns and she gets up. She looks at Frisk for a moment. Undyne notices Frisk’s fear, but the wish to help as well. It is only fair to spare Frisk, since she’s the reason why Undyne lived. At least, that was Undyne’s excuse for not continuing the fight. Undyne walks away. Chara: Good thing she can’t stand heat. Frisk: Yeah, but I can’t feel my arm. Chara: Go to that lab, we might find something useful. Frisk: Okay. Frisk enters the huge lab with hope to find some medication.   Prologue Chapter 10 Chapter 12
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NCT- A Strange Answer || Gang AU- part 6
Group: NCT- all members
Theme: Gang AU
Type: Series- fluff + angst
*Warning- this series will cover some dark themes such as abuse, drugs, and crude language so please read at your own discretion, if these themes make you uncomfortable at all, please do not read this
Plot: Continues from when Taeil and Hansol discover Kun and Winwin eavesdropping on them. After both parties clear the air, we go back to you and Renjun as you two share lunch. But of course, nothing can be normal with Renjun so you greet the last disruptor- Jaehyun. After that then Renjun finally tells you the truth about his parents.
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
       “What are you two doing here, together?”
Kun looks at Winwin to see if he has an answer but his face is void of emotions except shock. “Uhhh, we could be asking you the same question hyung. What were you two talking about, something about certain secrets slipping out?”
“Listen to me Kun and Winwin, we’re gunna ask for you two to forget everything you just heard. Clearly it wasn’t meant for anyone to hear so please, please just this ever happened,” Hansol begs.
“But what was all that even about? Why do you guys have to worry about Y/N? And how do you know about Y/N?” Winwin asks, turning his head to direct the question to Taeil.
“Uhh, he/she is-”
“Kun? Taeil hyung? Heyyy, what are you guys doing here,” a sweaty Ten huffs as he jogs towards them while removing his headphones.
“Oh god,” Taeil sighs, facepalming himself.
“Oh, am I interrupting something here?” Ten asks as he takes a step back after he notices the two strangers.
“No no, it’s alright. We were just leaving, bye guys,” Hansol says as he grabs Winwin’s hand. He stops for a second to give Kun a look that says ‘don’t forget what I said’ before walking away.
Winwin and Kun just look at each other helplessly, both feeling confused since none of their questions got answered and they were sure they stumbled on something that they shouldn’t forget about, regardless of Hansol’s request.
“So uh, what are you two up to?” Ten tries again.
Taeil lies, “Nothing, we just bumped into some friends. But how was your jog?”
“Oh it was fine, are you two heading home now or you gunna stick around for a while?”
“I’m gunna go home, I have a headache. But I don’t think Kun would mind staying for a while, right?” Taeil asks Kun hurriedly.
Kun shakes his head. “Not at all,” he slings his arm around Ten’s neck and ruffles his slightly damp hair.
“Alrighty then, see you guys later,” Taeil waves.
Kun waves a peace sign and Ten returns the wave, “Byee, hope your headache gets better hyung.”
“Not with you yelling excitedly like that it won’t,” Kun says mockingly, walking away from Taeil, who was already walking away briskly.
“Oh shut up, at least I’m not this soulless kinda person unlike sooomeone I knowww,” Ten drags out.
“I don’t know who you’re referring to because I’m not soulless,” Kun rolls his eyes.
“Ohoo, you are now. Who was that guy?? What really happened because we both know Taeil hyung is a terrible liar.”
“Haha truue. Hmm where to start,” Kun says, stroking his chin. “Well for starters his name is Winwin and yes I know he’s a literal angel so I call dibs.”
“Don’t worry, even if I wanted to date him I couldn’t because I uhhhmmm amalreadydatingsomeone so yea,” Ten says with a smile as he tries to look away from Kun.
“Tennn what the heck dude. Who’s the lucky guy?” Kun wiggles his eyebrows.
“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry. It’s a complicated relationship but I promise when you see him, I’ll tell you. But for now I really can’t say,” Ten explains with his head low.
“Hey it’s alright dude. I understand. Winwin was wearing a black leather jacket, I hope it doesn’t mean what I think it does.”
“UGH, I’m starvinggg!” you groan dramatically as you pick up your order from a sandwich shop you and Renjun stopped at.
Renjun just rolls his eyes, “Ugh, when are you not gunna be hella extra. Like calm yo tits boy/girl, its just food.”
“’It’s just food’??? I am shook asfff. Food is love, food is life. We can’t be friends if you don’t love food more than me,” you say as you find a booth to eat your lunch.
“So you’re telling me to love something more than you?”
“Yea, of course. And speaking of love. You like anyone?” you ask as you take your first bite into your po’boy sandwich.
“No. But I know you have one on Jeno because somebody wanna be staying over at his house and shit,” he says sassily, taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Um no, excuse me. It’s not like I had much of a say here. I really did just meet him though yet he’s hella nice and takes good care-”
“Renjun?” a honey brown haired guy slurs, swaying a bit.
“Jaehyun hyung? What are you doing here, like this?” Renjun clearly hints at his drunken figure.
“Oh this? It’s just an errday thang. What are you on a little date or somethin?”
“No, can’t I just have a damn meal with my friend in peace?”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” He gives a ferocious look while pointing a finger but it quickly slacks back to his intoxicated look. He moves his finger in your direction and asks, “You’re the punk from yesterday aren’t you?”
“Hey leave him/her outta this. Just leave why don’t you?” Renjun presses his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose with an annoyed look.
“You little-” he Jaehyun hisses as he grabs Renjun by his collar, ready to throw a punch but you push him away from Renjun.
“Hey! Excuse me sir, I’m gunna ask you to leave the shop. Here’s your order now you may leave,” a stocky middle-aged man asserts, handing Jaehyun a plastic bag with a hand on his back leading him towards the door. Jaehyun grumbles something and moves his shoulder away from the man, the action clearly takes a lot out of him since he wobbles towards the floor but catches himself. He huffs once again and just marches out the door, glaring at the owner then at Renjun and finally at you.
“Son, I’m sorry you had to experience that violence in my shop. As an apology, I would like to offer a complimentary meal,” the owner says as he takes off his flat hat and looks down solemnly.
“Sir, its not your fault, you don’t have to do that. Please, he’s just a friend of mine so I’d like to apologize on his behalf,” Renjun says sincerely.
“Alright son, but may I offer a word of advice?” Renjun nods. “You look like a fine, smart lad so for your own good, I suggest leaving those kinda people if you can. I know they may seem fun right now but in the long run, they won’t be doing much good for you or your friendship. So heed my advice son, I would hate to see someone like you end up like one of them. You have so much potential and you really have the rest of your life ahead of you, so live it wisely,” he advices, patting Renjun on the back.
Renjun just looks up at the owner, “Thank you, I’ll do my best to heed your words sir.”
“Haha ok, and the same goes for you too dear,” the owner points at you. You just reply with a nod and a simple smile. “Alrighty then, I’ll let you two get back to your lunch, enjoy,” he says with a smile and one last pat on your’s and Renjun’s shoulder before returning to his spot behind the counter.
You look at Renjun before sipping your lemonade, “I hope you meant what you said to him and that they weren’t just empty words.”
He scoffs. “So much for a simple lunch together,” he mutters to himself.
You pinch his ear, “I heard that. Just hurry up and finish so we can get outta here.”
“So. Your parents, what happened?” you ask softly as you watch children play in the playground. You felt your eyes stinging, you were feeling overwhelmed again. These kiddos were so happy just playing around, enjoying the good life. Even you couldn’t enjoy those simple pleasure as a kid because you were so caught up trying to make sense of your family that falling apart before your eyes.
But you always had Renjun. And his parents. Fuck, you really don’t want to hear what Renjun is gunna say but you want to know what happened to those selfless people who never deprived you of the parental love and guidance you were missing from your own.
Your hand finds its way to Renjun’s and you squeeze it just as you squeeze your eyes shut. Renjun turns and puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
His voice quivers slightly as he mutters, “I’m really sorry Y/N. I should’ve told you sooner, I know how much you love them. I don’t know if I should feel proud or stupid to say that they were arrested for admitting to a crime they didn’t commit. They ‘confessed’ to kidnapping someone, but they took the blame for someone else. Apparently it was to save a close family friend but they never had the chance to tell me why they really did it. Although, I had a lot of time to think about it. And I think they did it because they were missing something in their life. Things really changed when we moved away from you and I guess they never really wanted to admit that they were missing you and were mad for not bringing you with us. They knew what you were going through at home and felt guilty for not being able to save you. You were what they were missing in their lives. So that’s why I think they just took the blame, because they felt guilty for leaving you behind to suffer.”
You just look at him blankly, the feeling of sinking and falling hits you. A tear falls, and your grip on Renjun’s hand falters. You stand up from the bench that you shared with Renjun and say in a low, wispy voice, “I’m gunna go home. If you see Jeno, tell him I’m not coming. And don’t follow me. Please I need some time alone.”
Renjun stands up as well and just gives you a tight a hug, “It’s alright Y/N, I understand. Just please call me when you’re home.”
You nod feebly as he wipes your tear and holds your face, “You know I love you right? There’s no one like you in my life, you really are my brother/sister. It’s not the blood that matters but our bond. If you want me to come over, gimme a call and I’ll be right over ok? Take care Y/N, I love you so much, I hate to see you like this. Go, I’m rambling too much now.”
You hug him one more time and just mutter, “Thank you Junnie. I promise I’ll call.”
“Good, I’ll see you later bro/sis,” he barely chuckles.
You muster a small smile and sniffle, “Shut up, don’t call me that. It’s too cheesy.”
He chuckles as he holds you again and smooths your hair. “Ok, go now before I drag you off with me,”  he sniffles as he wipes away his tear.
You begin to walk away, starting your path to a contemplative night alone but now it doesn’t seem that way since just after passing the other side of the playgroup you see Jeno and Jaemin’s familiar faces engaged in an animated conversation.
—– (While you and Renjun were talking earlier, this was happening on the other side of the playground …)
“Jaemin, is that you?” Jeno asks, coming from behind Jaemin carefully.
Jaemin turns around in confusion and his face softens when he recognizes Jeno. “Yea that would be me, and you’re Jeno right. From the Colorpop ga-”
“Yea I’m from school haha,” Jeno says quickly, trying to cut him off intentionally but just slumps when he sees Jaemin’s disapproving face and cocked up eyebrow. “Ok yea, I know we’re not supposed to be talking because of the whole.. you know. But I mean come on, we’re in the same group for English so we’re gunna have to talk a lot with each other anyways. You seem like a cool person I want to get to know you better.”
“Hmm ok. I kinda figured you weren’t here to talk about solar power. So what do you wanna know about me then?”
“Uhh stuff like your hobbies or interests or somethin. What ever you’re willing to share I guess.”
“Alright then, I like to run and dance a lot. Music is cool too and I like to watch boxing and wrestling matches and some extreme sports on TV whenever I get a chance.”
“Nice, nice. I like music and wrestling too. Hey, tryouts for wrestling are next week, are you gunna come?”
“Nah, I don’t think I could ever make it into the team.”
“Why not? I think you’d be great, you have a good build for it. Come on, it’s always worth a shot and you never know unless you try right?” Jeno asks encouragingly as he pats Jaemin on the shoulder.
“But look at me, it looks like I’m the one who’s been wrestled,” Jaemin says miserably, looking at his shoes.
“Hey man, you can’t control that but you can make a change. And that change might be trying out for wrestling for yourself. You don’t have to be worried about proving something to someone. Do this for yourself Jaemin, work hard so you can learn to defend yourself man. Sitting back and tolerating this isn’t a way to live, stand up for yourself.”
“Yea that’s a good point but-”
“No ‘buts’ or ‘ifs’, do this for yourself. Prove yourself to yourself, your own self-worth and strength dude. Alright, let’s talk about music now. What genres or artists are you into?”
“I enjoy listening to SLCHLD, Rheehab, and other indie artists similar to ‘em.”
“For real dude? I do too! Did you hear their collabs?”
“DUDE, which one though? There’s so many, I love them all but my favorite would have to be ‘call this love’.”
“Sammme! I love the beat, I believe its a sample from Aso-”
Jaemin nods eagerly, “Yup, its called ‘Sun in My Face’. But the lyrics are really good too. Hmm, you’re not as bad as I thought.”
“What do you mean ‘not as bad’? When have I ever been bad?”
“Oops, you weren’t supposed to hear that,” Jaemin says a bit nervously, rubbing the side of his arm, causing Jeno to chuckle.
“You’re not bad yourself Jae,” Jeno says as he leans over to boop his nose softly.
“Jeno… and Jaemin? What are you doing here?” Renjun wonders as he was trying to make his way back home.
Jeno steps away from Jaemin as he straightens himself up, “Oh nothin, I just saw Jaemin as I was-”
“I thought I told you to stay away from him,” Renjun quickly comes up to whisper in Jeno’s ear, grabbing him by his collar lightly to bring Jeno’s ear closer to his mouth.
“Renjun hyung, it’s alright. Really,” Jaemin says, stepping up to separate them. “We were just having a simple conversation-”
“But you know the consequences if John-”
“Yes, I know! But it’s not like he can make me feel any worse,” Jaemin says sadly, looking at his feet again.
“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on so I’m just gunna head back home-” Jeno starts softly, stepping away while gesturing with his thumbs.
“Wait, before you go Y/N wanted me to let you know that he/she is gunna spend some time at his/her own place so he/she won’t staying over with you guys for well, at least not tonight. He/she just really needs some time to him/herself right now, trust me,” Renjun informs.
“Oh, ok,” Jeno says quietly. “Well, I gunna go head home, it’s getting late. I’ll um see you guys around, bye.”
Jaemin waves while Renjun mutters a barely audible bye. They stand in silence for a while, watching Jeno walk home and seeing the sky turn from a rainbow sunset to rapidly rising dusk.
“Why’d you have to do that, huh? Why in front of Jeno? Why’d you have to say anything about Johnny hyung? This was my chance to meet someone who doesn’t know my story. Now he’s just gunna start to pity me like the all the rest. Don’t you dare say anything to Y/N ok, he/she seems like a cool person. I just want people to know me for me, not my story. It’s a dumb story anyway, that’s what got me into this whole mess. If Dongwoo hyung hadn’t died, things would’ve been much different. Sure he didn’t interact with me much, but at least then I wouldn’t have to suffer so much because of him,” Jaemin mumbles miserably to himself.
Renjun holds Jaemin into a tight hug, “Jaemin, I know how much you have to suffer because of your brother’s death but-”
Jaemin wriggles out of Renjun’s grip, “Renjun hyung, stop it. I know what you’re gunna say and I really thank you for always being here for me and standing up for me at home and countless other things. But today you really crossed a line by mentioning Johnny hyung’s name in front of Jeno. You know I don’t care about what Johnny hyung thinks anymore, it’ll always just have the same ending. I just wanted a chance to feel normal, even if it was with Jeno, someone who we’re ‘supposed’ to keep away from. Anyways, let’s just go home hyung. It is getting dark, Hansol hyung will start to worry.”
Jeno starts to walk up the driveway with his hands lazily hanging in his jean pockets, as he thinks about Jaemin and the pleasant conversation they shared. Just as he makes his way towards the front door, it blots open loudly and Taeil bursts through the door angrily, clutching his car keys firmly.
“That damn Johnny boy’s gunna get it from me,” Taeil fumes to himself as he slams his car door shut.
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Part 7
*IM SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR UPDATING SOO LATE, I promise I wasn’t trying to put this away on purpose, I just got caught up in some stuff its still my summer break man 😭😭
*anyways, I really do hope you enjoyed this part. What do you guys think about all these ‘accidental’ interactions, the truth about Renjun’s parents’ arrest, and finding out about Dongwoo, Jaemin’s older bro? Ooh, who do you guys think Ten is dating, lemme know, I’m rly curious to know hehe.
*also, I didn’t intend to make Taeil come off so angry all the time but I promise you’ll find that out all very soon in the up-coming parts as well as alll the other lil things. But lemme know if you need any clarifications bc ik this series just has toooo many lil secrets u have to pay attention to, so if you have any questions I’m here to help ya out
*here’s a link to the song Jeno and Jaemin were talking about, its very good, I highly recommend it, X
*once again I apologize for the super late delay but better late then never I guess. Anyways I hope you guys are having a great summer, make sure to always stay hydrated, and take a moment to bask in and enjoy all the lil things whenever you can, love ya and see u real soon ✨
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rinassance · 7 years
THE MATH CLUB||bts [kim taehyung] by trbltae
"Oh look its that girl from our school guys" said thle light brown haired boy. I stood in my kitchen, dumbfounded at what i was witnessing in front of me. I looked over at Yoongi so he can explain but he just had a confused look on his face.
"Wait you guys know her already?" asked Yoongi furrowing his brows and scratching the back of his neck, confused. I felt all of the boy's eyes on me.
"Yeah, she's in our school" said the dark browned haired boy, who I remembered as Jimin.
"No shit sherlock, I know she's in our school," exclaimed Yoongi while rolling his eyes. "But how do you guys know who she is? I've never introduced you guys to her" Yoongi looked over at me wanting an explanation.
"Um, well would you look at the time! We should really go. Dont wanna be late haha" I laughed awkwardly, trying to rush out of my house as fast as I could. I didn't want Yoongi to interrogate me on how I knew them. If he knew we had class together he would make us socialize and the last thing I want to do is be friends with them. I dont mean to sound rude when I say that but they're just not my cup of tea, based on the way they act in class.
"No, not so fast" said Yoongi while grabbing ahold of my bookbag. 'Shit he got me' I thought to myself as he was dragging me back to where the group of boys were. I looked at all of them analyzing each and every one of the boys who were currently sitting in my kitchen. There was Jimin, the dark-brown haired boy from my math class who always asked for the answers. Then I recognized the tall boy from yesterday who Jimin called Namjoon. He was smiling at me which caused his dimples to show.
My eyes then followed to the next person who was Hoseok, the genius in our class. He had recently dyed his hair a very light blonde color which suited him well.
The person sitting next to him was a new face to me. His eyes were peering at me, analyzing my face as I was doing to his. He stopped looking at me to ruffle his brown hair once he realized the awkward atmosphere.
Then the last person of the bunch was none other than Kim Taehyung. The other boy in my math class. The cocky one who always flirted with anything that had two legs on it. As I was looking at him he tilted his head which caused his light brown hair to move, while he gave me a smirk. I got lost in his brown eyed gaze. He had the type of eyes that could pull you in and hypnotize you. I wasn't going to deny it but he was handsome. They were all handsome, in fact. I realized I was staring too long at him and was waiting for one of Taehyung's snarky comments but before he could open his mouth Yoongi had spoke up.
"Okay so is anyone gonna speak up or are we just gonna look at each other like we're at an art exhibit?" I turned to Yoongi finally to tell him once again that we should just leave but was interrupted by the unfamiliar boy. "What are you talking about? I am art. Hoseok take a picture" demanded Jimin while posing for the picture Hoseok was supposed to snap of him. Hoseok just rolled his eyes at the boy standing in front of him and muttered "Jiminie pabo" to himself while walking away. Jimin was awkwardly left standing there as he stood up straight while fixing his blazer.
"But hyung, you should be the one to introduce us- well at least introduce me since I've never met her." said the young boy innocently to Yoongi. He looked younger than the rest of the boys and his eyes were big and innocent. As I was trying to read the name that was etched on his name tag, he was playing with it nervously as he waited for Yoongi to say something. I couldn't read it well enough to make out a proper name.
"Lets just go, we can talk about all of this in school." sighed Yoongi loudly, walking out my front door. One by one the boys started to follow him out. I stayed behind so I can be the last one out to lock the door when suddenly, I was left with Taehyung and the younger boy. Taehyung made his way towards me. I tried to avoid him but he cornered me, causing me to tense up out of nervousness. 'Why are you getting nervous, you idiot' I said in my head trying to get a hold of my self. My heart rate increased every time he inched closer towards me. He leaned right next to my ear and brushed my hair behind it.
"I know I'm handsome but next time try not to stare at me for so long, babe" his deep voice echoed in my mind. He dragged out the last word and with a smirk on his face, backed away to follow the other boys out the house. I was left standing there, dumbfounded at what just happened.  "I swear I hate him so much. I hope he-" I stopped myself as I realized I wasn't alone.
"Uh, um I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. I dunno what happened back there uh-" he took a pause to read my name tag, "-Taeyeon, but I'm-uhhh just..gonna...go" stuttered Jungkook as he followed the other boys out the door as well. I groaned out loud, frustrated with myself at what just happened. I grabbed my keys from the key rack and proceeded to lock the door behind me, to catch up with the group of boys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Jeon Jungkookieee~~I missed youuu" sang out Jimin to the brown haired boy. He put his arm around the boy's shoulders as he started conversing with him.
Right next to them were Namjoon and Hoseok discussing about what they were learning in their classes the day before.
Then there was Taehyung trailing behind the four boys. He had his headphones in listening to music, lost in his own world. I noticed he would occasionally be looking around, taking in the scenery around him.
We all had decided to walk to the bus stop instead of just walking all the way to school. As we were walking to the bus stop Yoongi turned to me and offered one of his headphones.
"Listen to this song, I think you would like it" he said while turning his head away from me. I took the headphone from him and put it in my ear. As the song played I kept enjoying it more and more.
Yoongi and I both had a passion for music. That was another reason why him and I started getting along. We would always come over to each other's houses and listen to new cds we bought or that our parents had.
Yoongi had always liked rap and wrote some himself. He would always ask me what I thought about his rap and how he could improve. I, on the other hand, liked to dance and sing. I liked both equally as they both just came naturally to me. Both of us always dreamed about going to an arts school and pursuing what we loved to do.
That changed when we got into the school we're in now. Its the opposite of an arts school. It just focused on academics like math and science. I got so caught up on my school work that I just didn't have time to sing or dance anymore.
Our school didn't have any arts clubs either. There was no music club, dance club or glee club, so on and so fourth. That was a reason why I never had interest to join any clubs.
I always dreamed about being roommates with Yoongi and Eunwoo while being majored in music, when I was younger. But now that I look forward, that seems like an unlikely possibility. I mean, why would an arts school want to accept me when all I have to show them is how well I can solve math equations.
I had realized I was zoning out when the song finished playing. Yoongi looked at me to get my opinion.
"That was pretty dope," I said while giving him an 'ok' sign with my fingers. "Where did you find out about this artist?" I asked, curiously.  He took his headphone, putting it back in his right ear.
"It actually wasn't me, it was him" he said smiling wide and pointing to the the boy who was walking in front of us. "He actually showed me a bunch of new artist who's music is actually pretty good" said Yoongi while shrugging.
"Taehyung?" I asked, confused more than ever at this point. I wouldn't have expected him to actually appreciate music. He seemed like the type to not care about anything and just listen to the artists that are on the top charts every week.
"Yeah, you should talk to him about music suggestions. Im sure you could give him some as well" Yoongi was still smiling while picking a new song to listen to.
Maybe there's a possibility him and I could get along. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I kept taking small glances at Taehyung and he still had his headphones in, still not paying attention to anyone other than the scenery. He then took out his phone and started taking pictures.
I tilted my head, confused by his actions. 'Cute' I said in my head, to myself.
I mentally face palmed after thinking that. He was just taking pictures of the outside, why would I find that cute?
I looked away before he caught me staring at him again. I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We had made it to school just on time to not get marked late. The bus ride seemed to take forever to get to our school. It also didn't help that I had to sit in a bus with a group of boys I wasn't familiar with.
It was now lunch time and I made my way to the outside area. This was my daily routine but the only difference was Eunwoo wasn't here. I always had lunch with her outside. As I was walking around finding a good spot to sit in, my eyes caught a familiar face.
It was the boy I had met earlier who introduced himself to me as Jungkook. He caught my eyes and smiled at me. I couldn't tell whether it was fake or genuine but after he smiled at me he motioned for me to come sit with him.
He was sitting by himself, reading a book. I made my way over to his table with my water bottle and snack in hand.
"Hey Taeyeon" the young boy said showing his toothy smile. He seemed like a nice person so I decided to get to know him.
"Hi Jungkook" I said smiling back. I looked down at the book he was reading, Demian. "You're reading Demian? Its a really good book, nice choice" I said nodding my head in approval.
"Oh, this book isnt mine. Its Taehyung's, he was actually the one who suggested it to me." he exclaimed, smiling again.
"Yah, Jungkook why are you lying? That isn't mine" the deep voice said snickering behind me. Speak of the devil.
"But, hyung you-" the young boy was cut off by the deep voice again.
"You know it was Namjoon who gave it to you, not me" this time the voice started to laugh harder, "What makes you think I even read? Pabo" Taehyung stopped laughing and looked at the confused boy in front of him. Taehyung gave him a stern look, one that I could tell almost scared Jungkook. They stared at each other for a while until the boy spoke up again.
"Ohhh riiiiighttttt. Namjoon gave it to  me. Psh silly me always mixing things up. Im just gonna go and reevaluate my life bye." he muttered the last sentence quickly and got up as fast as he could to leave. I was left with Taehyung again, but alone this time.
"How come you haven't introduced yourself to me yet?" I heard the deep voice behind me. I turned around in my seat and look at him straight in the face.
"Because I don't know you or want to know you" I said harshly. I don't know why I said what I said. I didn't want to be mean, I just got fed up with him making Jungkook leave.
Before I could leave he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. He dragged me closer towards the school building.
"But I want to know you" he said in a serious tone. He turned me around to face him and opened his mouth to tell me something else. I looked up at him and stared into his eyes.
He looked down at me and smiled wide, when I suddenly heard loud noises coming from behind me.
Abruptly, out of nowhere I was soaked in water.
What the fuck.....
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charmerofbees · 6 years
im bored at lunch and doing this bye
WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Elaine ******* ********* who tf puts their whole name on the internet??
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Laine, Lainey, Eli
3. BIRTHDAY? Feb 27
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES?  Um Lady of the rivers/white queen/red queen/white princess by phillipa gregory
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? tom robbins and david sedaris and toni morrison. a lot more but those are top three that are drastically different
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? the only one i listen to is a local alt rock, other than that i listen to my own perfectly curated spotify playlists 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? uhhh lavender or salt n vinegar lmao
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? deadcrush by alt j
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? cornflake girl - florence and the machine cover
MAD MEN even tho matthew weiner die, schitts creek, the office only bc you wont get any memes if you dont, SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS and also the sinner season 1
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? just the sims and when im with my friends ill play what they play
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? a stranger breaking in to my house or like a ghost idk
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i dont judge anyone bc i just dont care what other people do as long as its not harming others. so ive been told im a good person to confide in
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? for sureeeee my need to be right at all times
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? my cat is the best living creature, but other than him, dogs
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer i need to feel the sun radiating my bones to feel alive
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? my childood dog and no bills
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is hailey, my sister and i met her when i was 5 and they were 6 and we’ve been inseparable ever since
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? ash blonde
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my sister
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my sister and all of my friends
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my 12 year old half brother
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? get to go to baltimore this weekend for a museum trip
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? honestly rn sims 4...its like therapy for me lmao. and my cat. 
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i barely watched tv as a child....probs the wild thornberries
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? my other best friends john and tyler. we’ve been friends for 16 years 
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? yeah catch me practicing all safeguards 
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? misophobia/phonia
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? not really a hobbie but im v passionate about tarot cards. and i do yoga every morning
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? their eyes were watching god
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? when harry met sally 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? used to play piano but i stopped in high school
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? thestateonmtv, theocseason4, thehauntedmansion2003....idk any more i check those 3 a lot bc theyre good comic relief
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? i loooove my room. also a small abandoned beach called claiborne.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? anything my idiot cat does, tv shows, when i mreally depressed i listen to my brother my brother and me because its mindless
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i mean i played volleyball for 3 years BUT i did ballet and modern dance (w some jazz sometimes) for 16 years so that took up almost all of my free time
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water, green apple kombucha, an oatmilk latte
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when ppl chew loud it makes me wanna die. 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? omg tons are you for real lmao
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? uhhh a weird mix of no dairy and no meat but i eat seafood? bc im on the east coast in maryland so you basically have to here
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yes but im not great at it despite having like 10 years training lmao
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? in high school i skipped like 50 days a year lmao. in college i was better but def used all of my sick days
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? the beach, or st andrews by the sea in new brunswick
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? summer in st andrews by the sea, somewhere warm and beachy the rest of the time
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? my cat, and at my moms house another cat and a dog, my dad has a dog a horse and a raccoon (?) but i dont go there alot
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? i guess early bird but i love sleep
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? for six years i hated my life
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? alternative and classic rock. also i love jazz and blues
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? i dont have one
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i loved the archie comics as a child...thats why i unabashadly love riverdale
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? close minded people
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? art history in college, english in high school
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? 2 step brothers, 2 ex step brothers (Were still close), a full sister, and a half brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? a latte maker and hair dye
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5’ 9″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes but i hate cleaning pots
76. WHAT ARE THREE FOUR THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? my cat, lattes, music, my bed
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i dont really label myself but its definitely fluid
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? one of my group chats
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? ugh on monday in therapy
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? i dont really have one
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? almost never
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? uhhh instagram and huji
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? mmmm spanish or like...portugese
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? deep ocean bc its like... right there
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? for like 2 years i would accept any dare anyone gave me....until i jumped off a bridge and cracked my ankle. so not anymore haha
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? an ingredient in contacts and pink eye medication
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? no one is thinking about/judging you as much as you think they are
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yes but i dont use it often
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? uh idk or care tbh 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? very infrequently
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? god the most introverted
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i loosely keep a tarot journal
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? depends on the situation but almost always, no
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah its so weird to me that some people have been haha
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? SO when i turned 18 i got lik 7 extra piercings on my ears...they all closed up so now i have my OG two
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? anna karenina i think wed be friends
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? staying home for a year and going to community college when my step dad was dying
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes totally
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yes 3 girls
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? why the fuck would i say it here
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? yes bc of anxiety
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE?  “unable to perceive the shape of you, i find you all around me. your presence fills my eyes with your love. it humbles my heart, for you are everywhere” from the shape of water
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory but i love a good fruit
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