#time bc we were one of the last groups my prof checked and even then part of the demo was not Correct. like. ALSO this particular lab is mcu
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pallases · 3 months ago
stabbing my lab partners with a plastic fork
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fappellmoan · 1 year ago
hi everyone this feels wildly self centered and silly but i made a guide to my dyke drama/lore that i talk about in barely coded but convoluted terms. i love internet safety. doing this at the request of exactly one person and for the rest of u it's under the cut if youre curious and feel so inclined hashtag close friends <3 i highlighted my previous ways of referring to these people and important notes bc otherwise i just rambled soooo bad <3 and as much as im maybe romanticizing in some ways here i do genuinely care for and love (most of) these people outside of my weirdofreak brain and try my best to do well by them in our relationships. and maybe i just wanted to write beautiful things about my friends whatever
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lydia: they're on here we met on here and now we're roommates. we met bc we were two of the only bitches posting in the muna tag and she was brave enough to reply to my one naomi video. and i was like um ok... FREAK.. and then yk we were mutuals but i was always paranoid they'd somehow know film girl or my roommates (or just. other ppl) bc i was being insane so that was awk but then i had a mental breakdown a little bit one night on here about my childhood and decorating for holidays and they offered to meet on campus and give me some leaves for my window and i was like aww (and we used them this year to decorate our shared apartment :')) and i remember i was wearing my black and white sweatshirt that i wore to go see dan live that ive since given away i think but it feels like. a sign u know.. or whatever.. and we do have mutual friends in weird circles including one that connects to steve (see later notes) so it's like chances are we couldve met in person but this just made it really special. we beef bad. but with sooo much love. and i do think we're better for knowing each other or whatever...
film girl: this was bad. i have a tag dedicated to anything i remembered to tag as part of the saga but it was so bad and beyond anything words can say... i'd give her another name but she could never be anything but film girl. it's like if u were there u know. if u weren't... let's just say i was crazy insane mentally ill bonkers jeff buckley lover you shouldve come over i know it's over. maroon 5 even about it. bad. but consider she leaned into me like she did her bf for their first kiss, said our night together when we went to our friend's party where she had dressed up as jennifer check (i showed her the movie it was a whole thing) and danced with me and talked right against my neck and grabbed onto me while walking and said she was maybe bi and i deserved someone really nice and im so swaggy etc and then going back to her place and making me food and watching himym on the floor (oct. 21st u will go down in herstory...) made her the 'happiest person in the world,' stayed over at my apartment until the following morning more than once, unwrapped her bruised hand and held it out to me to see/touch (absolute freaks moment like kill me actually. and that was the day i perioded myself. to use pj of bottoms' terms.) was just generally engaging in psychosexual warfare with me all the time. and we didn't even fuck. or kiss. and she had a boyfriend. who looked like a girlfriend (not that i personally had in february of last year but regardless..) i mean come on she was a straight woman she wasnt even allowed to say slay.. i genuinely still think we need to kill each other but it doesn't matter. how is she still linked to my life? well. we had a class this semester with steve and stede and lydia and scully (prof im in love with. this name is hilar), sort of friends with cool artsy queer girl group (hometown friends, one her best friend i almost met up with at muna concert (with her) one who looks a bit like jackie kennedy. ok not really but that's the one my one friend josh (woman) made out with last semester), had a class with steve and sam last semester with dave, our shared prof that steve told details of our first date and etc to.
steve: this is gonna be ex situationship from beginning of this semester - mid october. gets this name bc they're obsessed w that pirate show so like stede but i simply wont name them that and at this point im annoyed enough w their taste in things that steve feels fitting. anyway. was genuinely very kind and sweet but also got clingy soo fast and we were on very different pages. we'd met last fall (when they had a gf) and worked together on sets and in a couple classes, they kind of got caught up in my triangulation of desire for jane at her birthday party.. and i had fun flirting! um and they were genuinely again very very considerate and sweet but like. seemed to struggle to have a personality outside of their ex and maybe their siblings a bit. idk. just very passive. sowwy. also they were not a very good kisser. i do remember back in may being vindicated bc they also commented on film girl and bf
jane: naming her jane in a gay way. a jane austen way. in that i think we should write lifelong love letters to each other. holy shit shut up. so this is always 'friend im in love with' or 'a little in love with' or whatever. she is also girl with cool short hair and piercings and tattoos and a bookbag with tits on it so god forbid my infatuation. and i just love her voice and i think she's brilliant and so good at what she does and all around just like an awesome person she inspires me to be better and whatever. and she always dresses so cool and used to host house shows (i still never made it to one) (film girl did once) and when we first started talking we were at a film event and were supposed to be networking or whatever but instead we stood by the drinks together and talked abt how we both wanted to be friends in our writing class but never said it and thought the other hated each other a little bit but we were both just awkward and so we'd always make eye contact and laugh and banter together in class and i rlly was just in love with her. and this summer was crazyyy we were on steve's set together and i was a little freak just so obviously enamored with her but the thing is she was obnoxious too so i didnt even feel like a loser. she asked me to massage her arms once and said my half assed attempt was lame and we leg wrestled (also w steve. kinda funny. like yeah u would) and exchanged drunk stories and she said i needed better ones and then i beat her at stack cup at her bday and gave her her card and she hugged me and her lips were wet from the beer she just drank from and right on my arm and i was like wow. her kingdom (surrounded by people who she loved and loved her) for a kiss upon my shoulder. if u will. and i had to have a middle school Look Away moment bc she stripped in front of a few of us that night and i was far too intoxicated to not like lose my mind. also she was supposed to give me a book on set once but never did and im still bummed. and one random night she texted asking if id found a place to live and when i answered she never followed up and i still wonder what that was abt. if anything. um but she does have a boyfriend of like 5 or 6 years. from high school. the worst part is hes a semi cool dude but it's just like really. let her fuck a woman! just once even! jk they are both genuinely cool people first and i think it's great they found each other in this life. but also like fuck off ugh. yk. not to romanticize my life and friendships i just think in another life we were soulmates or maybe in a way we are now. but we also only knew each other for a brief time so maybe something else. we could've done backstreets
sam: friend i just mentioned recently who has a crazy name we shant get into it. i do have a different actual friend named sam but i havent seen her in forever. so i met them working on steve's senior film set and thought they were cool and they were one of the only ones to make it out to our post-wrap dinner/drinks and then we had two classes together this semester. and so we became sort of allies we'd meet up to go to the museum together and send each other the attendance and i went to see fnaf when he rented out a theater for a huge group lol and he helped on my film which meant a lot even if it was only for a bit cause of you know. the everything that was going on. with steve and etc. it wasnt easy to get there so like bless their heart. they also came up with the name for my film and we had that moment around the fire and well i do hope i'll continue to see them just as a friend even, and they're genuinely just the coolest they do a lot of drag and character/costume design and are genuinely just one of the funniest most down to earth ppl i know and they always have the coolest fucking outfits and hats and shit and omg they looked so good in their doc. just something abt the posture and the whimsy and the earnestness and look overall. woah. um when we were on steve's set my friend jackie leaned over and said 'i thought they were film girl for a second' so basically i need to redacted. but it's not like that bad of a resemblance. once again has a partner cause im cursed forever to sleep on a twin size mattress maybe or whatever. i havent even listened to that song more than like once but maybe it is real for me. anyway they were also in the class with steve and film girl with dave.
stede: im sorry this is so funny to me bc this person and steve go by the same name irl but spelled differently or whatever. we met and had a very energetic chat in the hallway at the beginning of this semester jim thought we knew each other lol. they're real cute and endearing and like i said kind of give butch. and we had two classes together but i had so much shit going on man i just. yeah. seemed like they were maybe a little into me but whatever. and well i think we should have a fling but who said that
jim: my buddy prof he's my buddy :-) he helped me so much sophomore spring as i was trying rlly hard to produce our class films and insane already over film girl (he didnt know that but it was omnipresent) and so close to dropping out and is just the coolest guy. he's a little bit like a father figure what who said that. i remind him of his youngest daughter a lot and ive lived in the same buildings as his older one. so just funny connections. i go to his office hours and such a lot with the film friends
grace: one of my film friends. (i just realized i do know a girl in film named grace but it's not her so anyway.) i am in awe of the way she commits to stuff and motivates people around her. she is just so game for anything to make the best of a situation. shes studying abroad this semester so ive only seen her on video chats/texted and missed the one day she came back for her bf's bday. well and she was the friend who said 'no he can keep himself busy' when we went to go see x together so she didnt make me hang out w her not even lame bf at first which was so nice. cause then i eventually actually did want to meet him. and theyre the least annoying couple ive ever met. and shes bi <3
jackie: another film friend. also love her dearly another stoner so we'd smoke together before class sometimes and just went on a walk with our other friend one night around the woods and stuff that was fun. i usually refer to grace and jackie collectively as 'the film friends.' we met in that spring of sophomore year (same class as film girl and jim). this one did have steve produce her senior film after they said they wouldn't work on mine bc of the ""situation"" i was a little sour that was an awkward um situation but it's whatever. i sometimes say film friends and mean a larger group of these ppl/a few extended but whatever
frank: ive just called him frank hes frank hes the coolest dude in the world i think everyone would be obsessed with him and i just think like man hes lived such a life. he's my short cool professor whos just so good at what he does. he's met so many people and done so many things. his van is so him he has a suction cup to pull his windows up in the winter and random albums in the front seat. im gonna try to work w him next semester. i was in that van last night feeling like i was in a gta level to go pick up pizza for our final class.
scully: my film comedy and tv analysis professor she is so everything to me... she loves women and evil women and gay people and camp and horror and comedy and tv and sex and just weirdo freak shit and shes so intelligent and quick on her feet and charming and just. an amazing lecturer. she said be gay do violence once. i felt seen. she said she used to pull her friends (favorite characters) out of the tv and carry them around in her pocket and i knew she understood... she saw bottoms and emailed me and lydia right away. and she's seen willow. and ofc so many other things. and she'll go 'this seems like the type of person/film/etc that you would be inspired by..' OK QUEEN I LOVE U. i want to do cocaine with her. huh. im taking gender and film with her next semester :333 im so excited
claire: friend from high school friend group who ended up ditching me and our other friend a lot that one summer and we almost lived together and we're just always kinda weird around each other but we were some of the only ppl the other hung out with fall semester 2020 so like.
drake and josh: i almost always refer to them together they're codependent a little bit roommates and i love them dearly and i met them thru claire sophomore year but ive hung out with them alone and stayed at their place when i got too drunk and that night i fell down the stairs. me and drake act a little homoerotic sometimes for fun. i cried at dinner over film girl once to her it was embarrassing. i miss going hammocking with them <3
dave: i had him last fall he's really cool he got me on a shoot w the mayor (and steve and jane) and was so cool about me not ocming to class a lot bc i kept in touch w him and hes my homie. film girl had a class w him then too and then last semester was the like news class that crew had together. and steve told dave all abt our first date and etc and got date ideas from him and i was like oh wow... ok lol
couch: couch roommate. theyre not relevant in my life enough to make a name but the couch story was stupid as hell and this one also left ground beef in the sink that one time and had a thing for a rugby girl that steve had a little fling with
jean: if i say 'one of my masc gfs' i probably mean them. sort of friends with couch like she was in my apartment once last year but um. yeah. had a crush on them for like a month at one point and we follow each other on insta and talked when we saw each other on campus the first time and thats like it. chances r ill forget abt this fake name and still just throw that in if i ever see her
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smolskye · 3 years ago
alright fellas i must tell the story of my art class staging a coup. this is long
tldr: emergency replacement art teacher isn't qualified to teach the course, frustrating students to the point of speaking out and refusing to attend. i'll update this post as new events occur.
i will set the scene. it is september 2021. my school has just started in person courses. on the first wednesday of the term, i go over to where my first art class of the term is supposed to be. there is nobody in the room. i check my email and find that the class was cancelled. no worries, it happens. i go home.
one week later. i receive another email that class is cancelled. i start to get concerned about the well-being of the professor/the people in his life, but i'm also anxious about the course content being set back.
one day later. i receive an email. the entire course has been cancelled for the term. i am worried and upset, as it is a course required for me to graduate, and i don't have a backup. thankfully, i'm able to take another econ class to satisfy my credit requirement, and i'm also able to swap the art class for a writing class to satisfy my creative arts requirement. crisis averted. i'm still taking an art class next term.
january 2022. new classes begin, online for 4 weeks bc of omicron, then back to campus. my art class is a group of 20, mostly art majors with a few people like myself scattered in as well. we start a discord server. the teacher of my art class (let's call him H) is not who any of us were expecting. i keep an open mind despite being extremely overwhelmed by the descriptions of the course content, which had a lot more art theory and had some very challenging assignments, much more so than the prereq. makes sense i guess, it's an upper level course, but i'm still nervous.
weeks pass. people are becoming increasingly frustrated with the class and its content. here are just a few things brought up:
40+ pages of reading every week - started with 80 but teacher cut it down to 40
not being taught how to use programs in class
being expected to have computers strong enough for certain programs or having access to one
"lectures" are just vague discussions about stuff from the reading and sometimes aren't even related
in general it's hard for any of us to even engage in any of the material because it isn't important for our assignments
january 27th. one person, who i will call X, spoke with his advisor, who said that H is experienced in painting, not digital art. turns out that the prof who dropped the class in term 1 was supposed to teach this class, but couldn't. H was the only person they could bring in last minute.
january 30th. another person, S, says flat out that they don't want to waste the semester self teaching and doing almost nothing during class time. she asks if we think if bringing this up to the dept head is reasonable. a debate starts as to what would even happen. some of us, including myself, do NOT want the class cancelled, as we are graduating this year and will not graduate without the class credits. i bring up that maybe this course is usually taught like this, but X says that he had asked the dept head last term about the course content, and, as it turns out, it is VERY different than what we've been doing. while i'm not going into a creative arts career and therefore these courses aren't too important to me, the arts majors require these courses and this information, so it's a big deal for them. X is very firm on believing that H is not qualified to teach the course, and i agree with him. other common contributors in the group chat agree with us as well.
today, february 1st. nobody is thrilled to return to campus next week. nobody is thrilled to attend class tomorrow on zoom either. another person, Z, also brings up that she is frustrated that H is unqualified. i ask if anyone is planning on just skipping, because i agree with the others that i'm not getting much of anything from class time and would rather spend that time working on other assignments. some people want the class to stay online since we won't be taught the programs anyway. a few other people also don't plan on attending. tensions are running high and everything is up in the air.
where do we go from here? i'm wondering if some people will stop attending all together, or if more than 1-2 of us will bring it up to the dept head or others in the arts department. the main problem is that i don't know what the solution is. if H isn't qualified to teach the standard course content but they can't bring in anything else, they can either cancel the class or keep it going with H and his curriculum. i obviously don't want the former as i won't graduate this year without this course, but i also don't look forward to two more months of nothing that i'm paying $3000 for.
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mintchanniemint · 4 years ago
pairing: [still friends] bassist!chan x (fem)reader wordcount:  ~3.3k taglist: @100797-bc - @chansrms
[08:45 a.m]
"...So, since everyone seems ready and excited for this new project that involves more departments of our university, I think it's time to start! Be careful, everyone! And make sure to share all your thoughts with each other!" 
A wave of "yes, Prof." slowly lit up in the huge auditorium as every student sounded both tired and bored. You had to admit you strangely didn't really hate this project, you probably had to do worse things, like that time you ended up doing a cooking project and nearly poisoned that girl from the History Department. Whenever you reminded yourself of that little incident, you always made sure not to see her, not even accidentally in the college restrooms. But this time, the project not only sounded a bit safer, but you even ended up in a group with a certain someone. And that was the only reason why that morning you didn't fall asleep while the professor was giving you the guidelines and instructions for your tasks.  The project was related to the school systems around the world, and how they differed from each other, analysed under specific views. You were assigned a not-really-exciting topic, which was School Uniforms.  Now, you had to admit you felt quite lucky the university you were attending didn't force its students to have a uniform to wear, but just the thought of having to learn how to tie a tie made you fall asleep on the spot. 
Your train of thoughts got brutally interrupted by a way too familiar voice as you finally looked around, a bit confused, noticing that the hall was nearly empty. You looked in the direction of the voice that got your attention, to see a way too sleep deprived Bang Chan in front of you.  You couldn't help but giggle a bit, he sat down on the seat right in front of yours, crossing his arms on the chair and plopping his chin on them.  He looked at you for a couple of seconds, in silence, before slowly closing his eyes. 
"You really look like a cat, sometimes." You whispered with a smile, your hand automatically reaching his soft curls, playing with a brown strand of hair with two fingers. 
Wait… brown? 
"Chan, when did you dye your hair?" The alarm in your voice nearly made you sound a bit too concerned and he quickly looked at you, his eyes half open. 
"A couple of kids told me that I had to have a nice hair color for the project-" He then closed his eyes again, his head pushing a bit against your hand, as if asking you to keep playing with his hair. 
"They were so serious about it, but my red hair dye is not so cheap to be covered by some brown color so I just used some hair color spray." 
You looked at him, biting your lip trying your best not to burst out laughing. 
"Yes, that's such a Chan thing for you to do…" You mumbled to yourself, your voice clearly highlighting a smile on your lips. He hummed in response, probably asking you what you meant by that.  You shook your head and stood up, getting your bag from the seat next to yours. 
"C'mon, bass boy, we need to go and try the uniforms!" You said, trying to sound as exciting as possible, hoping to somehow give some life to that sleepyhead in front of you. 
"There's a reason why I always skip morning lectures." He mumbled, yawning and keeping his back on his shoulder. He followed you as you walked through the hallways of your department, not too familiar to him. 
"They said this is the class, right?" 
"Were you listening while that professor was assigning the classrooms to each group?" 
"Nah… not really." 
"Me neither." 
The both of you just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, as if mentally screaming and asking what to do if you got the wrong class.  Luckily enough, though, the door before you suddenly opened, revealing a black haired guy wearing round glasses, and a taller girl right behind him. They both looked at you, then the girl checked a pile of papers in her hands, nodding, and suddenly they smiled at you. 
"Welcome! We were waiting for you!"  The guy exclaimed, taking a couple of steps back and letting you and Chan enter the classroom.  It was empty, some desks were occupied by big boxes with black, confusing scribblings scribblings on them. 
"Those are the uniforms we are going to try, hopefully the sizes are gonna be fine! We thank you for submitting your essays and researching about school uniforms from various countries. Even though yours…" The guy mumbled, checking some of the papers the girl gave him, as he looked at Chan.  "... was submitted two minutes before the deadline. But we appreciate the effort! You also followed our little advice about your hair! " The girl interrupted her friend, trying not to make him say anything way too harsh. She smiled at Chan, getting his usual cold stare in response, which left her a bit confused. 
"Uh… yeah he really cares about this stuff, guys! Chan is just… not really good at expressing himself with words, yeah!"  You swiftly entered the little conversation too, probably making it worse since as a consequence you only got an embarrassing silence and four pairs of eyes looking at you. 
"Can we please see the uniforms now?"  You quickly whispered, nearly tripping over your own words as you felt your own mind screaming for five whole seconds. 
"Sure! Some students have already tried the uniforms they mentioned in their own essays and they're getting ready to take photos! We're really ambitious for this project!" 
"And we're sure that the magazine of this project will turn out amazing with our photos! Seungmin is gonna make you shine like models." 
They looked like those cartoon characters that completed each other's sentences, you couldn't help but find them a bit funny, though. Seeing them being so enthusiastic about this project made you feel a bit guilty too, since ten minutes earlier you were literally planning an escape with your fake-brown haired friend in case you didn’t get the right classroom.
You smiled at the two students in front of you and grabbed Chan by his arm, guiding him to a box on which you recognized your names were scribbled on with a black marker.  Other students, definitely more responsible than you and Chan fused together, told you about the stuff you had to do. It was quite simple: go to the improvised changing rooms, wear the uniform, take pictures. Write about your general thoughts and impressions of the project at the end of the day.  You just hoped Chan grasped all that, as he looked like he probably would have fallen asleep in the changing room. It didn't matter that much, you would have definitely helped him anyway. 
You two were given three uniforms, and since there would have been lunch break in a couple of hours, the students of your group were asked to wear one of those uniforms.  You didn't really understand why, but thinking about how other students had probably ended up in groups where they were supposed to cook, you felt quite lucky and didn't want to complain at all. 
Chan was given his first uniform to try, and he walked to the changing rooms to try it on quickly.  The photographer was taking quite some time taking those photos, and you didn't have to try the uniforms yet, since many other students were already waiting in line for the shoot. You just stood there, leaning on the wall, waiting for the moment Chan would have finally left that improvised changing room.  Suddenly, the black curtain moved and a not so amused Chan made his amazing appearance: he was wearing black trousers and a white shirt, a tie on his right hand.  He looked at you as he walked closer to you, and left the green and red tie on your hand. 
"I don't know how to do this."  He mumbled, as he finished buttoning his shirt up.  You looked at the piece of cloth in your hands and took a deep breath. 
"I don't know either but… Let's try, I guess?"  You mumbled in response as you brought the tie around his neck, trying your best to seem like you knew what you were doing.  Because of the little task you were asked to do, you had to get closer to Chan.  You could feel his calm, relaxed breath gently hitting your face as your eyes were completely focused on that tie. Suddenly you felt his hand resting on your waist when you finally figured out how to make that tie look presentable for the shoot. You felt quite proud of the result and, not minding too much about Chan's hand on your waist, you dragged him to the photoshoot corner. 
A cherry-red haired guy was there, a black bag right next to him, by his feet, as he was giving instructions about posing to a girl right in front of him. He then got his camera and, making sure everything was perfect, a loud "click" was heard. 
"Let's take a couple more. So we can, eventually, choose the best one!"  He smiled, getting a thumbs up by the girl who was temporarily his model.  Seungmin, hoping you got his name right, seemed quite professional, and it took you literally seconds to guess he was from the Arts Department. You felt quite out of place for a good minute, everyone around you seemed like they were genuinely interested in that project and then there was you, who didn't stay home just because that grumpy, quiet cat-owner sent that essay last minute and automatically made you want to go just to spend the day with him. 
Wow, that's embarrassing… And quite lame.
You shook your head, trying to let that thought drift off, when you suddenly heard someone call your name, announcing that you were able to try some of the uniforms you were assigned. You had to leave Chan's side, and you had to admit it felt way warmer when you had his arm around your waist. 
"It's my turn! Gotta go." 
"Make sure to button up the shirt properly." 
"Oh shut up."  You stuck your tongue out at him and you walked away, not before getting a gentle, quick squeeze on your waist by Chan, though. 
Okay, let's be honest. Both of us are embarrassing and lame… 
You mentally rolled your eyes at your own thoughts and quickly walked across the room to get your uniform, and headed towards the changing room.  You didn't have any problems trying the clothes on, the trousers felt quite comfortable and you also liked how pretty the colors were. You looked at your reflection on the mirror, which was probably lent by the drama club, and quietly wondered which country's school that was supposed to be. You didn't really remember, even though you were literally the one who wrote about it in that essay, but you just shrugged it off and left the changing room, your eyes quickly landing on the little photoshoot corner. 
It was Chan's turn, and that girl wasn't lying at all when she said that Seungmin was going to make everyone feel like a model. You nearly got caught staring at him and quickly walked closer to the queue of people standing, waiting for their turn to take photos.  Seungmin seemed not to let your friend go, he probably found a good subject to photograph. He took photos of him in at least four different poses when he usually asks for two poses per student. 
Chan left the spot with a small nod and walked away, leaving a satisfied Seungmin checking all the photos taken with his camera. Your friend quickly found you and walked closer to you, his eyes scanning the uniform you were wearing. 
"Looks nice."  He mumbled, one hand in the pocket of his trousers, the other one reaching a strand of hair that escaped from your ponytail. 
"Oh well, thank you school president."  You teased him with a smirk, before distractedly playing with his tie. 
As it was finally your turn to take the photos, you couldn't help but feel Chan's gaze constantly on you. Seungmin made you feel at ease in a matter of seconds and you had to admit the shots were really pretty. He clearly was working so hard to make everyone shine in those uniforms.  You thanked him with a smile and, followed by Chan, walked closer to those boxes containing other school uniforms.  You had to try three other pieces before the big clock on the wall finally signed that it was lunch break.  You were relieved half of the day had finally passed, but then you remembered you had to stay in that uniform you had just put on for the following two hours. 
"The last time I wore a uniform for school was ages ago!" 
"Wouldn't it be ten minutes ago?" 
"Chan, c’mon."  You sighed, exasperated, as you got your lunchbox from your bag and walked to the cafeteria with your friend.  You noticed the uniform he was wearing only when the two of you sat down at a table and looked at each other for a fraction of seconds. 
He was wearing a black turtleneck and a white shirt on it, his trousers were dark and looked more comfortable than the ones he had to wear for the second shoot. 
Uh oh… caught staring… 
"Oh, nothing! It's just… well, at least you don't have to wear a tie, hm?"  You cleared your throat and looked around, your mind in complete alarm mode. 
What an idiot. 
Chan, in response, nodded and opened his lunchbox. Meaning that his whole interest was now on the food in front of him.  You sighed in relief, you both loved and hated how naive that guy was. Definitely a double-edged sword. You shook your head at those thoughts and quickly opened your lunchbox, enjoying your meal and Chan's company for lunch. 
"You know…"  You said, between some bites. "Don't we look like high school students?"  Your lips quickly curved into a silly smirk. 
Chan looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed.  "Isn't that part of the project-" 
"No, Chan, I mean! Doesn't… this! Make you wonder what high school life would have been like if we were, you know, classmates-”
"Not really." 
"Absolutely no fun."  You pouted, your little rainbow-colored dream was completely destroyed before it could have even reached its completion because of Chan's straightforwardness. 
The two of you chatted a bit after finishing your lunch and, since you had quite some time before returning to your team's classroom, you decided to go for a walk in the huge hallways of the university.  You didn't feel as uncomfortable as you thought you would a few hours earlier; the uniform you were wearing was quite nice and warm too, and you were glad Chan had brought a scarf that morning, since you forgot yours at home because you were in a hurry.  Even though he probably didn't even agree on that, you were wearing his scarf as you were walking down the hallways.  Many students greeted you and way too many people were literally staring at Chan. You raised your eyebrows at the guy next to you, wondering exactly what they were so fascinated about. 
Just wait till he opens your mouth, everyone. 
You lightly giggled at your own thought, finding your mind funnier than usual when suddenly you walked past a group of students that stopped you.  Specifically, that stopped Chan.  You were a few steps back, looking at them quietly as some of them, definitely freshmen, gave Chan a few little pieces of paper.  As the group of younger students walked away, Chan looked at you, his eyes literally filled with question marks. 
"Wow Chan, you show up for morning lectures once and the whole Literature department falls for you."  You commented with a dry laugh as you walked closer to him, checking the little notes in his hand. He shrugged and put them in the pocket of his trousers, leaving you speechless for a second. 
" Wait, you're not throwing them away?"
"No, what if they actually need some tutoring." 
"Chan are you serious-" 
He looked at you for a second, his fake brown hair slightly touching his eyes.  You sighed and shook your head, looking away for a second, when suddenly a huge thought hit you like a train. 
What was that? You really couldn't tell, but something was burning. You felt annoyed.  By what?  You really didn't know how to explain it.  What was that for?  You had to calm down, those were just random phone numbers on a piece of paper, it wasn’t like that guy was going to contact them anyway.  … right? 
Breathe. Take a deep breath, you really need it before you do something dumb. Don't be dumb, don't be dumb, he's just a friend after all, he can do whatever he wants. Do not do anything dumb.
"Are you okay?"  His usual, dull voice interrupted your thoughts for a second, making you notice you were actually holding quite tight on the scarf that was gently keeping you warm. 
Your eyes finally met him, and you stayed silent. Complete silence. For at least five seconds. Your mind was running, gosh it was sprinting. From one thought to the other.  And that weird burning was growing, and growing, and growing inside you.  Your eyes were analyzing every single detail of his face. His brown eyes, that weird dye that was covering his usual beautiful dark red hair, his plump, full lips, that black turtleneck. And again, his eyes, his lips, his hair, his turtleneck, the ears that were usually adorned with beautiful earrings that were now completely bare.  
And again, his eyes, lips, the turtleneck, his hair… 
When suddenly, your hands moved before your mind could even realize that. You grabbed him by his arm. That was completely normal, you literally had always done that. But that time, that time you were dragging him to a small, quiet corner, far from those annoying and busy hallways. You were now in a small hallway, near two broken vending machines and an emergency exit. 
"What is wrong with you?"  He mumbled, his voice clearly expressing his confusion. You said nothing, you just pinned him against the wall, his hands quickly finding their way on your waist, and you looked at him straight in the eyes. 
Your hand reached the collar of his black turtleneck, pulling it down with not much delicacy and your lips softly met his warm, sweet skin. He squeezed your waist as you angrily, but lightly, bit his neck, making sure to leave at least a small mark. You took a step back and looked at it for a second before fixing quickly both his turtleneck and shirt. Your eyes slowly met his, and moved to look at his cheeks, who were tinted in a light, pastel red color. 
"Please don't contact any of them."  You whispered, unexpectedly out of breath due to the adrenaline rush.  You didn't let him say nor do anything, you just took a few more steps back before walking away in a rush, headed to the classroom. 
What the hell did I just do?!
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years ago
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: mark & my/n
hi hello good day how are you? i hope you're well today/tonight this is like 3 weeks late isn't it :D pls don't come after me i lost some motivation to write for a while but here i am now so let's get to it!!
aight so you met donghyuk's roommate for the first time yesterday and,,
you honestly had NO IDEA someone could be that cute
highkey regretting not asking for his name but you were so caught up in lingering on the fact that he implied you were pretty , like wHO DOES THAT ASDFKJL
you highkey shouted the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash with ur roommate and she was all !! oh so this guy cute cute
you were contemplating whether or not to sneakily ask donghyuk for his name but you were worried bc hyuk has,, crazy sense when it comes to reading people and seeing through their words
and honestly you didn’t want to have to deal with hyuk potentially teasing the shit out of u for having a maybe crush on his roommate whom u’d just met
so you just beat your pillow sleep on it after your roommate reminds you it’s getting late and no life decisions should be made after 12am!! live by it
you wake up craving jjajangmyeon but alas if you were to get any satisfaction of that kind of hunger, it was going to have to wait because
~~ we love ~~ packed schedules ~~ in this house ~~
i hopes the sarcasm was noted in that previous sentence bc now u wish for life to cease
4 weeks into the semester and you were drowning in the midst of reports and lab pracs and content and revision
you were ready to ascend to the next life with only regret and an ability to vaguely explain the properties of a prokaryotic cell and endosymbiosis
but honestly donghyuk’s been a big help throughout the past month
your only friend in classes
official study buddy
2am revision session consultant
personal older brother bc he claimed you as his adoptive sister
another reason your roommate told you to go to bed was bc you literally have
a tutorial class + 2 consecutive 1.5 hour lectures + a 3 hour lab class to finish your day off
with no break for lunch in between :’((
looks like you’ll be starving through your library study session with dy/n
but oop
you find that dy/n had stayed up long after you’d fallen asleep writing her essay 
leaving your dorm feeling a twinge of guilt that u might have distracted her from focusing on her work to listen to your rambles and kept her up later than she should have been
but a text from her in the afternoon reassures u that honestly she wasn’t even planning to write that essay and The Feels™ had just hit her last night and that she made it to class
you: oh PHEW that’s good
you: sorry i didn’t wake you up on my way out, u looked so peaceful i couldn’t bear to disturb
dy/n 🦁: dw dw it’s all g i made it n e way
dy/n 🦁: also is it cool if my friend and his friend comes to the study sesh as well we have to go through some lecture content
you: ah yes don’t see why not :)) i’ll probs have my earphones in the entire time anyways lmao won’t affect me
but will it
“who u texting in the middle of diffusion” cue hyuk peering over at the phone you’re hiding in your lap
you click your tongue at him and lock your phone, “someone twice the man you’ll ever be”
he gasps in mock horror like he’d just witnessed a murder as quietly as he can ,,
“you’re texting a guy? in the middle of diffusion?”
“no. my roommate lmao��
“and what? is it me or your roomma—”
“—my roommate” you glance back up at the prof without looking at him
“you dare?”
“if i don’t dare, who will”
and due to this exchange, you miss the osmosis slide
“ah shit what was osmosis again”
“lmfao what makes u think i know that”
“isn't it just.. net movement of free water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration”
sorry my bio neural pathways are being excited again after being revisited for the first time in two years
/stares at him/ “why was that infuriating to hear from u”
after class you prepare to head to your dreaded 3-hour lab class you have with donghyuk but he stands up and stares into the void blankly
“where am i going”
“where do u think”
“oh, hell, most likely”
you scoff at the accuracy and drag him out of the lecture hall
you look at donghyuk and he’s visibly resisting the urge to poke your cheek when he first puts on his gloves
“what’s with you today”
he stares at his hands forlornly, “idk ask that to my timetable”
“week 4 got u dead huh”
he glances at you with a frown, “don’t act like u’re not dying too”
“damn. touché”
to your dismay, the lab class runs later than scheduled and you get out of it 20 minutes after it was meant to finish but luckily it’s your last class
with a quick goodbye to donghyuk and a text letting dy/n know you were going to be a lil late, u stop by ur dorm to pick up ur textbook before rushing to the library
you were highkey exhausted and just. famished by that point
but a promise is a promise and you weren’t going to back out of one now
especially when you felt like you owed your roommate one and it was you who originally suggested a library session
so you get to the library, bag strap slung over your shoulder, checking the photo of the seats dy/n had saved for you in the library
highkey getting lost once or twice but you manage
you get to the general area and spot dy/n sitting at a four-seater (wow how’d they get that) but you
freeze when you see who’s sitting next to her
it’s ??
/error 404/
ur heart goes into panic mode bc
it’s not even kidding it’s donghyuk’s roommate
and despite ur brain short-circuiting
you manage to remember that dy/n had said that mentioned her friend’s.. roommate.. also coming along..
and if her friend was donghyuk’s.. roommate..
you: :                             )
you: oh my god they were roommates
and speak of the devil
“oh hey fancy seeing u here”
you turn around and it’s donghyuk legit chills right there
you barely reply a “hi”
“i thought u were going to ur dorm for dinner”
“ah yeah—no i’m.. gonna go over some.. diffusion”
“oii! over here dude” his roommate whisper-yells out at donghyuk
dy/n waves at you “heYY my/n”
donghyuk waves and turns back to you “welp i’m gonna join a study group.. you could join if you came alone? i’m sure they won’t mind”
“about that”
“u waiting for someone?”
“i’m going over there too”
he glances over at the table and then back to you
“that’s my roommate. right there next to your roommate”
you point her out and then donghyuk’s jaw drops
“what the fUC—” and you both. burst iinto laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation
like ?? how???
“talk about a coincidence.. oh my god my cheekbones hurt” he says as he clutches his side
so you get to the table and dy/n tries to introduce u to donghyuk’s roommate
“mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
ah yes so mark is his name, you think
cute name for a cute boi
“nice to meet you again, mark”
dy/n: “?? again?”
mark gives u a rlly wide smile “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you swear you’ve never had your heart flutter like this
then mark introduces dy/n to donghyuk and they start talking about how they’re your legal guardian and telling the other to “get in line”
leaving you in middle like “ok mum and dad” but also thinking back to when donghyuk was highkey flirting with you,, and now how he’s flirting with dy/n ,, oh dude he’s flirting
and highkey ,,, you don’t have any hard feelings about it ,, you know she’s also got this kind of humour code and she’s far more comfortable with meeting new people
until dy/n jokes about custody rules and donghyuk replies with “who says we’re split”
ok mum and dad
n e ways you came to study and study you will
so you settle down and go through your notes for the day
albeit being a lil distracted by mark who sits right across from you somehow, somewhy,,
somewhy should be a word you can’t tell me how to english
you keep wanting to steal glances at him but you have to physically restrain yourself from doing so
and also donghyuk who keeps poking u under the table and texting u even though he’s right next to you
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
you: wHAT
💩hyuk: nvm lol
you: im boutta slap u. give me my pen back i saw that
💩hyuk: damn
💩hyuk: also r u hungry
you: terribly
you: why
💩hyuk: does ur roommate have any allergies
you: not that i know of
you: again
you: why
you: u buyin?
💩hyuk: 🤡<- you
💩hyuk: 🤡, how do you feel about dinner
you: invalid question. no variable answer
💩hyuk: alright, 🤡. im not buying for u
you glower at him but he isn’t looking at u,, he leans back and laments about how he’s craving chinese food
did he read your damn mind how did he know
and apparently he’s read dy/n’s mind too at how she jumps up at the mention of chinese and agrees profusely
so you find yourself abandoning your studies for the rest of the night and in a restaurant lmfao
“chill,, guys,,, jjajang is fine”
rock paper scissors for the cheque ends in mark’s tears
“no it’s ok. i’m ok it’s our first meeting as a fateful group and it makes sense! for me to pay”
after you satisfy your cravings the boys walk dy/n and you back to your dorm
mark tells dy/n to give him her bag for him to carry and while she practically gives it up to him, he has to insist that he’ll carry yours too
to which you’re like omg no it’s fine i can carry it it’s not that heavy i swear—
until donghyuk takes ur bag off ur shoulder and passes it to mark
because of the narrow path, you’re forced to walk in pairs and you end up walking next to donghyuk who makes happy sounds about how good that food was and how priceless mark’s face was when he lost rock paper scissors
then dy/n takes the initiative to make a group chat for you four,, asking for donghyuk’s number to add
you give her a look like damn gurl but you have no idea if she saw or if she just ignored you on purpose lmfao
also donghyuk looked way too happy afterwards
either way you slapped her when you got back to the dorm like “SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO ?? BRAVE?”
dy/n: um
dy/n: honey
dy/n: have you met me
and thus the chaos of a group chat was born and just like a real child, you spent hours on it
dy/n 🦁: ok we inside
you: thanks for dinner again mark!
💩hyuk: he says you’re welcome
💩hyuk: i say we “accidentally” lose our purses next time we go out
you: nah you’re paying next
💩hyuk: y
💩hyuk: y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: yes y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: HAHAH WHY IS SHE 🤡
💩hyuk: i thought you of all people would know
dy/n 🦁: why is she just as dumb in class as she is in the dorm?
💩hyuk: i knew it
dy/n 🦁: she poured too much hot water into her tea the other day it overflowed and spilt onto her foot
mark: oh no were u okay
💩hyuk: looks like you’re gonna have to study osomsis
💩hyuk: osmoiss
💩hyuk: fuck
you: yes i’m okay it wasn’t that hot i had socks on too
💩hyuk: osmosis
dy/n 🦁: avoided tragedy luckily
💩hyuk: finally
you: there is a reason you’re saved as 💩hyuk on my phone
seriously you just don’t know just how much this group was going to mean to you yet
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click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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hideyseek · 5 years ago
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
tagged by @usersoup <3
What is the colour of your hairbrush?  it is .. black and turquoise, though i must admit that since i’ve cut my hair i rarely use it. 
Name a food you never eat? huh. caviar? i tend to forget about the existence of foods i don’t eat until i’m on the instacard website. chocolate ice cream, i guess. that’s like, a normal-person food i never consume.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? i am constantly too cold. as i type this i am in my apartment in sweatpants under a blanket and my roommate is in shorts and a tshirt.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? mm i was reading a room of one’s own, at risk of sounding like the pretentious humanities major i am. i’m reading it out of desperation (we are in possession of the writer’s block and we would like to give it up as soon as possible), after having had it in my head to read since i came across a lin-manuel miranda tween in like 2015 telling all young writers to read it
What is your favourite candy bar? i don’t really like.. candy. twix or butterfingers, if i had to pick one at gunpoint.
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yEAH u fucking bet i went to winterguard international championships twice in high school and bands of america championships once (both as part of my school’s winter/colorguard). i’ve never gone to a pro sportsball match though. 
What is the last thing you said out loud? oh, are you really out there alone? (at my roommate, who is on the balcony with a desk lamp rigged up for optimal dirtball making).   
What is your favourite ice cream? vanilla. or hazelnut. i fucking love hazelnut. 
What was the last thing you had to drink? not to associate myself with brands, but i am drinking sprite as i type this. 
Do you like your wallet? yes! i had my wallet nicked on a bus in the middle of the semester and my replacement is a lovely narrow black folding wallet that i am infinitely fond of.
What was the last thing you ate? the dregs of my cheezits, pepper jack flavor
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? mm no, though during my phone call with my grandma earlier this week she told me i should buy more clothes no less than four times. she thinks i should own and wear more “pretty girl clothes” and i haven’t the heart to tell her that i think gender is fake. 
The last sporting event you watched? i participated in a harry potter pub quiz over zoom the other week, if that counts. otherwise, probably something televised and american football related, several months ago.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? oH thank god i have an interesting answer to this one -- my stage manager/playwright friend, whose recent play i am dying to get a copy of.
Ever go camping? yeah. my family used to go every august with some family friends. 
Do you take vitamins? mm just vitamin d. (fuck off this was not meant to be a dick joke).
Do you go to church every Sunday? nah.
Do you have a tan? not anymore... even during the semester i spend most of my time underground in a basement rehearsal space or in the on-campus computer labs. (hence the vitamin d)
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? these are?? not equivalent at all in terms of scope? chinese food, of course. 
Do you drink your soda with a straw? nah. can-to-mouth for me. 
What colour socks do you usually wear? depends on how cold i am: i have some very lovely warm purple socks and some red and black socks that my dear friend gifted me for christmas last? year? but otherwise i have just sports shoes height white socks and black socks.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i am gay, i do not drive.
What terrifies you? failure, mostly. i hate that that’s my answer, but there you go. failure, or being putting myself in a situation where i don’t really have a choice in what happens to me.  
Look to your left, what do you see? mm, i just moved from the study to bed so: the empty space in the loft bed railing where the ladder is, a blank wall, the edge and hinges of the bedroom wall.
What chore do you hate? none, really? i’ll get really passive-aggressive about some of the small apartment tidying things in my head, but not often enough that anything comes to mind now. 
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? how my linguistics prof last semester had folks self-identify if they spoke non-american english in the middle of lecture
What’s your favourite soda? hm, hm. oH. there’s a vietnamese sandwich place in my hometown that has the best lychee soda. (a handful of google image searches informs me this is elisha aerated brand)
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? hm, most of the time when i’m going to fast food i’m going to in-n-out with either a pile of theater people or my high school friend group, so sitting. er, going in.
Who’s the last person you talked to? roommates, in person. 
Favourite cut of beef? i could not name cuts of beef if u asked me to really nicely. actually jk i know uh, ox... oxtail? i like oxtail soup.
Last song you listened to? am in the middle of listening to trenchh by cavetown but i’ve been alternating fob and cavetown and bastille on shuffle on spotify.
Last book you read? ella enchanted by gail carson levine, because it is my #1 comfort book.
Favourite day of the week? i like thursdays. they just sound nice.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? if i had like, several minutes, i probably could do it. but everything after w would involve me counting (counting? reciting?) from the beginning.
How do you like you coffee? i’ll drink it any way but black. i have discovered i do not like dalgona coffee. but i like the dark chocolate mocha that peet’s does in the winter a ridiculous amount.
Favourite pair of shoes? i have this pair of converse that’s grey stripes that always makes me feel like a Cool Arts Student, even though it’s actively terrible for my arches. 
The time you normally go to bed? to bed? midnightish. to being asleep? usually 1-2ish. 
The time you normally get up? eleven in the morning, apparently, since that’s what’s been happening now that i’m not setting alarms. during the school year, usually 7:30 or 8 because i work in the scene shop half the mornings of the week.
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? conceptually? sunsets. aesthetically? also sunsets. metaphorically, though, i prefer sunrises.
How many blankets on your bed? i’ve got a blanket (duvet, maybe? comforter? i have never really vibed with these western concepts of bedding) and another knitted blanket. 
Describe your kitchen plates: black and square and slightly chipped because roommates and i get a bit aggressive with cramming them onto the drying rack. 
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? i like hard cider. (i like soft cider better than hard cider, but the apple taste drowns out the alcohol taste enough for me to have a pretty good time.) 
Do you play cards? haha yeah. whenever i’m home i play 24 with my little brother and lose a lot. or my family’ll play 21. or BS, which i fucking hate because i cannot lie for shit.
What colour is your car? still gay, still don’t drive.
Can you change a tire? mmmmmmmmmmm no. i have a shocking lack of car-related life skills for someone holding down a job that mostly involves wrenches. 
Your favourite province? oh boy. hubei province, bc there’s no country specification and this feels less impersonal than if i were to just point somewhere in australia. 
Favourite job you’ve ever had? hm, let’s limit this to work i’ve done for money, just to narrow the field down. (i tend to like the work i do a lot.) i really really enjoy working as a sound technician, especially as a mic assistant (it checks my “meeting people” box and my “helping people with their emotions” box and my “storytelling for an audience” box because at the theater i work at, pre-show mic check is me talking about my day and has resulted in a handful of people telling me i should try standup). the hours and pay are kind of crap, though. you don’t get friday nights when your friday nights are spent backstage of the same show you’ve heard twenty million times at this point. i also enjoy teaching computer science, because i just fucking like computer science. christ, i just,, miss being at work :c the production of newsies i was gonna do this summer got canceled. 
How did you get your biggest scar? mm, pass. 
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i, hm. everything that comes to mind feels vaguely manipulative, since i can’t really tell if people were made happy? oh! i had an extended slack conversation with one of the academic interns for the cs class i help teach that was basically just us bonding over word humor. he seems like the kind of person who would have gotten a kick out of it. 
I tag: @kittog @wali21 @capt-ann @lemon-yellow @iamanonniemouse @raccoon-sex-dungeon @snakesonacartesianplane @eternalflarg @swimmingseafish (do it if u want! don’t let me bully u into anything)
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trulyjinyoung · 5 years ago
I need to fucking VENTTTT
I have an assigned group for one of my classes and we have multiple projects to turn in as a group. The main thing is every week, we turn in a 5 minute video. We had our first one due last week and I was stressed af because I offered to edit the video bc tbh I find editing videos fun. But this meant I had to make the powerpoint for visuals to use during the video to make it look nice. And then this meant I had to prepare that before the video so everyone knew what they were gonna talk about. So I made a google doc with the questions we needed to answer and of course, most of the answers only came from me and another girl. I was rushed because we didn’t start working on the video until the day of and it was due at midnight. I literally just asked everyone to send me a clip of them talking about their part for a minute and I will edit everything together. I managed to finish but I told them I wouldn’t mind doing this as long as we start earlier for the next video.
So now, we have a video due tomorrow and no one was saying anything until I messaged our group chat today. I told them around 11am to put their ideas in the google doc. I made an outline of what we could talk about and all they needed was to put their thoughts in. And it’s only a minute per person so it wouldn’t even be that long!! I checked back in at 9pm and only one person has added their ideas. I just about lost it lmao and I sent a message trying to be as nice as possible but telling them to get their fucking shit done because I don’t have time to sit around and wait all day for them to do their part. Y’all, everyone saw the message and only one person replied. 
My friends keep telling me to just snitch to my prof but I didn’t want to unless I gave them a chance to fix their problems. I guess this is me giving them their chance. But then if I snitch, I don’t know what my prof would do because I don’t want to join another group like that’ll just be awkward since we have already been working in our groups for a few weeks and I don’t know if he would let me do it by myself. I mean at this point it feels like I’m doing it by myself. But it’s so funny that this class is a business ethics class and we’re talking about moral dilemmas and I’m out here fighting with myself to figure out whether I should snitch or not LOL
sorry this is soooo fuckin long and I wanted to journal it instead but im already in bed and I know my hand would just get tired writing everything out bc I had so much to say.
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i-bounced-byeeee · 4 years ago
Story time because I find it endlessly humorous. I posted about it on Twitter too but tumblr reads easier.
So today was my last meeting with my psych class. My prof split us all off into groups and I have a group with 3 other people.
Well one if the girls now refers to us as the dream team (me her. And the other dude), so the dream team is in a group and none of us know what we're looking at and none of us seem to like the professor very much.
Logically when we need help we'd ask for help and page the teacher, but we all got distracted and didnt do that. I personally assumed the group would end and he'd pull us into the main. Session like he usually does.
Well he comes in to check on us bc we're taking so long, at this point we've minimally discussed what we see and were looking at artwork on Google while me and the other guy in the group are being mind blown.
His mind is blown because he thought I was a teenager and that I was joking when I said I had a kid, and my mind is blown because he is a teenager and I didnt realize kids actually took college classes at fuckin 17.
So when the professor comes in and asks what we're doing, the other guy I was talking to, without skipping a beat just
"Adrian is blowing my mind!!"
I guess the girl decided she was gonna let me and him deal with this and I'm trying not to die that this other guy is so mind blown at my age. So when he says this the professor is like
"Adrian what are you doing??? You're supposed to be doing the work not--" cue flustered stammering
So I explain we dont even know what we're looking at and he's just passive aggressively implies we should have known or something and is like "oh so everyone else somehow knew and you couldn't figure it out?"(I guess the rest of tbe class was able to figure out what we couldn't despite it not being anywhere in the chapter or our class prep)
So he helps us and leave and gives us extra time, after he left we all bullshit for a little bit, half ass the rest bc eeeh and then we split.
Well we got broken off into groups again but the second time it was just me and the girl and shes laughing like
"I'm sorry I just let you AMD [name] deal with the professor" and I was laughing because I thought it was funny and the new girl in the group told us how he was so upset and irritated and was only trying to be paitient because we have to rate them
To which both me and the other girl are like
"Well either way hes not getting a good rating so"
We talked a little shit, talked about drugs, our English essays and then we finished the work and left the group.
This is one if the rare times that if I had been in a physical class for this, that I would have been yelled at for talking instead if working, and honestly I'm calling it an achievement because I'm usually super quiet and timid and don't talk to anyone.
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0vv0b · 7 years ago
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I say con report but things about the con is barely mentioned in this...this is just a roller coaster of events that happened to me in the span of 2 days.
Day 1 (SAT)
I was so ready for this con right like I drew the prints a month before printing and printed them 3 days before the con so I can prepare for any last-minute thing that might happen like I was SO ready!! But then just as I was about to leave for the con my dog suddenly peed on my shoe;;; I was meeting my tablemates that morning but I was the last to get there because I had to wash and dry my shoe first.
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Our table!!
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Everything was calm in the morning but around noon people started to come in lots. The MC in the back was very loud and I was getting worried because I couldn’t tend to people fast enough (can’t hear clearly), I also ran out of change so I started to panic big time it was really embarrassing… (lol why am I like this)
I was supposed to leave around 3:30 pm for class but I kept delaying because it still wasn’t confirmed if the prof was going to teach or not lmao. We have a group chat and most my classmates didn’t really want to have classes because it was raining really bad. The prof cancelled around 30 mins before classes start so I was able to stay til end of day 1! (would’ve been better if it was cancelled early because my nerves were killing me hhhhhhhhhh)
There were lots of BNHA cosplayers!! There was a cheer squad group cosplay and people were swooning all over them! They wanted to buy my BNHA prints but hnnnggs already sold out, except my Kirishima print, which the Kirishima cosplayer bought!! 
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It looked like kiri was his fave (if the cosplay wasn’t obvious enough lol kou) because he was so happy buying the kiri print!! it was like seeing irl kiri!!! HE SMILE SO PURE!! SO BRIGHT!!! 
I remember there was a Dabi, Toga, and Shiragaki group that bought our stuffs! 
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The Shiragaki cosplayer was so cute they were pointing at which prints they wanted to buy because they couldn’t speak properly wwwwww
sorry I couldn’t take pics I was a dead tired granpa with a hurting back who slept under our table
Day 2 (SUN)
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Day 2 was a lot stressful so buckle up. Note that I was carrying that grid thingy THE WHOLE TIME from house til i got to the con.
I was supposed to wake up early to reprint stuffs but I overslept I rushed out of the house with nothing but coffee for breakfast (big mistake). Sunday traffic was super light though! Very different from a weekday!
Anyways, en route to print shop I had to take transit I was making time but I was still rushing I didn’t notice I went into the driver’s car, which I didn’t know was half reserved for senior citizens and there was a chain border thingy that’s kind of a hassle to step over so I just stayed put.
It was really awkward the granma and granpas were looking at me and then the granpa beside me farted that lasted 2 stations.
I had to keep a poker face and take shallow breathes I didn’t want to hurt his feelings because I know he can’t help it and I was in the wrong car anyways so I had to face The Consequences lmao
When I got to the print shop the guard there told me they were closed on Sundays but there was a branch nearby that’s supposedly walking distance. It wasn’t though… I’ve walked 3?? 5?? km before decided to take a cab ToT . The area was a super windy too because i think there was still a low pressure area in the country so I was like
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I got to the print shop but I was running a bit late and I’m starting to get tired and hungry my arms spaghetti but when the guy opened my prints folder I foRGOT MY PRINTS WERE KINDA… HONKA HONKA I didn’t think they minded tho bUT I KINDA DID AND WHEN ONE GUY WAS ABOUT TO CUT OUT THE CRAIG PRINTS I HEARD HIM GO—
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lmao I was half tired half embarrassed I just didn’t care that much. I thought their reactions were funny.
I was already running because it was past lunch and my tablemate was texting me that there were people waiting for like an hour to buy my prints I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT WHAT IM SO SORRY I zoomed through the station all sweaty like a mad man and rode the transit again (got in the correct car this time) and ppl were looking at me funny;;;;
After transit, I had to commute via jeep then walk for a bit to get to the venue. But when I stepped off the jeep it started raining like hell I thought my prints would get wet so I
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I went up an overpass soaked all over ( lol and the security guard looked so sorry for me he didn’t even check my bag he just let me in. T-thank you........ ) and when I went down it had already stopped raining… 
By this time, I was power walking and I see the venue but my joints are hurting because light breakfast and almost no lunch I was thinking “I’m finally here!! Yay!” When I got inside though the escalators were dead.
The con was held at the 5th floor :)
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Day 2 Table set up!!
When I got to our table there really were lots of people waiting in line I FELT SO WARM AND TENDER AND SOFT BC AWWWW (also the things that happened prior already butchered me) BUT ALSO FELT GUILTY BECAUSE IF I DIDN’T OVERSLEEP I COULD’VE GOTTEN HERE EARLY IM REALLY SORRY!!
Day 2 went by so fast for me because I got to the con late and I stayed under the table most of the time to dry myself off and rest T_T (I didnt wanna walk around with wet clothes gjkdshdgd gross) One of our table mates was sleeping under here too and I was like yea dude same.
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By the time I was dry and able to roam around it was already closing time but managed to grab a few loots because they were price dropped last-minute (Oshawott and Snivy plushies). Lucky!!
Closing time was WILD: everyone was (aggressively) trading merch to each other and it was extremely sweet, fun, and cute!! lots of screaming!
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ALSO?!???? Kami (@kittlekrattle) delivered my copy of the suits zine herself i met up w her outside the con???? I also kinda met her mom too gjkhfdsdjghdfg THANKS KAMI!!!
Then we had post con dinner at this Japanese food place called Yabu! They refill your side dishes and drinks for free!!! Everything was so delicious!! (except the wasabi... don’t ask...)
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We kept dropping our chopsticks so much we had to ask for spoon and fork lmao
If I learned something important from this experience its to NOT. SKIP. BREAKFAST
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thunderfcknroad · 8 years ago
Dutch AU: Les amis and bikes
I can get so specific on this it is so weird but I have opinionsTM so here we go.
I realise not everyone may be as familiar with bikes so quickly :
Everyone has an Oma fiets which looks like this:
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Exept Marius. Marius has a Heren fiets which looks like this:
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That is just soo everything you need to know about Marius. He has to wear one leg of his trousers tucked into this sock so it doesn’t get caught in the chain. Courf bought him the trouser clips but he always forgets them. He never forgets his socks.
Ok I already discussed that ECCR can absolutely fit on a single bike. one saddle. 4 people. you think it isn’t possible. it is.
Enjolras: Has a racing bike but never uses it. Tends to steal his partners’ bikes. Passed his cycling proficiency by the skin of his teeth. Has INSANE road rage.
Combeferre: Actually has a sensible functioning bike. His is the bike that they use for wild 4 person bike rides. It just works. no catch. It even has a little “OK” sticker from his cycling proficiency. No one else has that sticker (he nailed his cycling prof. test).
Grantaire: hahahahahaha Grantaire’s bike is a death trap. Only one of their brakes works, the chain cover is more duct tape than chain cover, and there’s a very odd rattling sound coming from somewhere that they’ve never bothered to check out. “What do you mean there aren’t enough spokes in my wheel? how many are there supposed to be?”. They know every journey could be their last. Hadn’t even heard of the cycling prof. test until they met Combeferre.
Courfeyrac: the frame is covered in free-bee stickers from arbitrary companies. Has massive panniers (bags that attach to the back of your bike) because he has a paper round. Bike didn’t pass the test but he did pass his cycling prof. test.
Joly: Has a bike with a little motor so if their leg hurts too much they can give it a break and just chug on. Also has a clip on their wheel so they can put their cane there (commonly seen used for hockey sticks). Never took a cycling prof. test because of their leg.
Bossuet: The bike is actually in relatively decent condition bc Joly will NOT let him on the road with a broken bike however the front handlebars and the back of the baggage carrier have like, 15 different attachable lights on them. One of them probably works but poor Bossuet has to click them all to find out. Also every single part of the bike has been broken and replaced so... is it really still the same bike? the answer is yes because his name is Herbert and Boss is attached to him. (Bossuet has also definitely absolutely fallen into a canal on his bike). Failed the cycling prof. test. just... failed it.
Jehan: Ever section of Jehan’s bike is painted a different colour, including the basket on the front. It is also covered in flowers and fairy lights. There are little lights in the wheels. Basically everyone sees Jehan coming. Never took the cycling prof. test. Was busy on the day buying more flowers for their handlebars.
Feuilly: Owns a bike shop and put together his own bike from parts! It is awesome and actually objectively the best working bike of the group. Takes bikes from the dumpster and fixes them up (did this for all the Thenardier’s. No charge). Feuilly is very skilled at doing everything by bike. He can cycle somewhere holding 4 other bikes. He can carry a canoe under his arm while cycling. Or a photocopier. Basically he doesn’t need hands to cycle. (Also hes definitely a deliveroo guy). Didn’t take the cycling prof. test. until recently because 1. he never had a bike and 2. He never had the time. Took it recently and passed easily.
Bahorel: Bahorel used to have a bike with backpedal breaks but he accidentally put too much force on them and it broke it and he went careering into the rest of the gang at a traffic light. Does stupid dangerous tricks to show off like putting his feet over the handlebars and stuff. (these are very fun, trust me but god... don’t). Also his bike is red. very red but also has multlicoloured streamers attached to the handlebars and a bell shaped like a flower. Tanked the cycling prof. test but really REALLY doesn’t care. 
Eponine: Eponine has a normal bike but also consider: Eponine has a bakfiets
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She uses it when she has to drop Azelma and Gav off at school and also means that she carries all Les Amis’ shit when they are going places.
Gavroche: has a bmx bike. He’ll grow out of it.
Cosette: Cosette has never got a puncture in her life. It’s a miracle. But she does always carry around a bike repair kit. Loves getting backies from Marius and Eponine. Also always has spare scarves and hats and gloves in her panniers.
Musichetta: Musichetta owns a moped. She does own a bike but she knows she looks sick af on a moped. 
Bonus Montparnasse: Ok. Everyone knows PNasse’s bike is stolen. But like. not the whole bike at once. No. He just turned up at Feuilly’s shop one day with every single part for a bike and called in a favour from when they were kids. He then spray painted the whole think black. All of it. You can’t actually read the gears on it because they’re black. everything is black.
This has been your wildly specific bike HC post. If you think any of these are unlikely please know that I have seen/ridden/experienced everything mentioned on this list. The Netherlands are a wild place.
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leapmore-fallmore-flymore · 7 years ago
Random study abroad memories
-dancing at the club on Rachael’s last night
-standing on the fort at Cahersiveen, looking at the world
-Flo saying he wanted to be the pope’s sugar daddy
-Morgan running into the construction sign in Rome
-getting duped into paying for a string bracelet
-singing in the car in Iceland
-photobombing that couple’s picture in the blue lagoon
-getting the police called for climbing on a photo booth
-that really funny politics class where Ms. McGarry then said I seemed jolly
-colorful buildings
-making an Irish friend, Susie, on the way home from Switzerland
-people speaking to me in Italian or French after I said buongiorno or merci
-being sassy with joe: saying I’ve never bought a house, saying I loved the view of the parking lot, but also answering his questions about America
-doing really well on the Irish oral
-Karol giving me the intermediate Irish book for free and saying I could email him with questions
-Karol seeing me on campus and going “delaney, good!” And me now knowing how to respond
-all the sex references in folklore with Shane (vulva, making butter, mashed potatoes, teenagers)
-just chilling in my bed, warm, with the rain outside, happy in the knowledge that I’m on my own here and I’m doing fine. That the panic attacks are coming but I keep doing things like they’re not even there. Knowing that I’ve traveled the world with friends I never thought I’d be able to make, but also by myself because I’m relentlessly confident and capable. Knowing that I made an initially terrifying place a home that will never leave my heart, and I learned to love everything about it. Knowing that maybe I fall in love with people I barely know, with places I’ll never see again, with moments and with feelings too easily, but it’s okay. This semester was the most exciting of my life, and it helped me grow so much. But every year just gets better, doesn’t it? It will hurt so much to leave, because you’ll miss having classes you legitimately enjoyed, you’ll miss Cork and its beauty and perfect size, you’ll miss the friends you made who became family - you took care of eachother and traveled together and made promises to write postcards and see eachother again someday, you’ll miss the teachers who were kind to you, you’ll miss your gorgeous school that felt more right than OSU, you’ll miss having an apartment of your own in IRELAND, you’ll miss feeling like you were doing something big (but that feeling will come again), you’ll miss feeling that every day is new and exciting (but if you try hard enough, you can do that at home, too), you’ll miss cheap flights to amazing and stunning new countries, you’ll miss Ireland’s beautiful scenery and the knowledge that your ancestors are near you, you’ll miss the burgers, you’ll miss the independence, but you won’t miss that weird meaty sewage smell that comes out sometimes?
-learning to cook pasta and salmon from Ane
-Sophia never changing the toilet paper roll
-hot water only between 6 and noon!
-paying so much for electricity
-putting up ghost lights and then tinsel
-the secret Santa, where you had Ane and Flo had you
-Halloween, where you were exhausted but you had fun putting on makeup with Flo and Rachael, then the amazing parade, then meeting up with everyone, doing your first tequila shot, arguing with a nazi
-being known as the short, young, independent, fearless one who’s not afraid to go alone
-FaceTiming rose, David, Rebekah, Carrie/Alison/Bailey/claire, callie, my family at thanksgiving
-the 8 or 9 hour time difference, depending on where I was, and having to wait til 2 or 3 to start talking to my friends and family at home
-really good salmon!
-st. Finnbarr’s cathedral, your favorite and the most gorgeous building in cork
-standing in the kitchen at any time of day, just gazing out the window at the rolling hills and trees in the distance, or the sprawling city, or the sky, or the trains flying by or creaking to a stop
-awful bus service!
-the peaceful 45 min walk to school every day
-that baffling final that started with a 25 min fire alarm
-watching the vagina show with Ane
-writing my columns and having them turn out so long because I learned so much from the people around me about their cultures and I had so much to say
-the aching sadness that presented around the halfway mark as I realized I’d have to leave this moment in time behind and that things would never be the same
-the amazement that I could’ve been so utterly terrified by the thought of this experience, that my conceptions were completely wrong - that id travel alone mostly and that I’d eat a lot more potatoes and that I’d be having panic attacks all the time
-the panic attacks were less than you expected, happily, but they did start waking you up for sleep, which didn’t happen before
-running around London with Ethan at night and spontaneously going on that spinny ride with the operators who were high on weed
-getting pizza with Morgan at sliced that one time where she just asked a random Irish person what their favorite place to get pizza was
-orchard thieves
-carlsberg is disgusting and Guinness - only mildly better
-making friends with adorable Ben
-covering my room in sticky notes to learn irish
-Sophia always asking what I’m cooking and me always having to answer either pasta or eggs
-chocolate muffin and Innocent juice from UCC cafeteria
-less than great and very personal memory: randomly getting obsessed with Ms. McGarry & her opinion of my and my academics because she’s everything I want to be when I grow up - kind, organized, in control, a strong woman in a position of power, handles questions amazingly, confident walk, gorgeous, nerdy, slightly awkward, impeccable style. But also, realizing that I’m a solid person in my own right and I don’t need her approval. But it still stinging anyway when I felt that she had liked me more at the beginning and less when she got to know me.
-everything about finding the grave. (See fb profile picture)
-arguing with the cab driver about trump
-learning it was pronounced Merchant’s Key and not Merchant’s Quay like it LOOKS
-going to the Christmas market with Ane, getting hot chocolate that was more chocolatey than in America, and then going on the Ferris wheel
-the slight feeling of omnipotency right after takeoff on a plane
-possibly having scabies
-possibly having a sinus infection
-enjoying those gorgeous bus rides through the Irish countryside and wishing they would never end
-that first weekend when you went to Kinsale and Charles Fort by yourself and everything was perfect and peaceful and you realized that everything was going to be okay
-drinking bad limoncello out of my bone mug in Rome
-the selfie stick in Rome
-playing never have I ever in dingle peninsula and not getting to put a single finger down the whole game
-losing my student ID twice, mike finding it the second time
-Morgan coming to hang out with me in the library and then as we’re leaving casually informing me that she’s tripping on acid
-doing so many readings for poverty in one day
-love. Scarf from rose, letter from Rebekah, embroidery from tianna. Then, letters from the Wongs, books from the Kools
-sending postcards and being surprised that it only took them two weeks to get home
-getting the cute €6 sweater from the sketchy open market in Rome and being afraid to watch it
-Morgan pantomiming penis in the word game
-the word game in general
-that first lunch with Emily that wasn’t even awkward
-talking with our friend, the old Irish man at the hostel in Cahersiveen
-biking all over Valentia island, painfully, and then kinda hitchhiking
-almost getting denied the flight to rome because we forgot the visa check
-me bailing on the trip to Edinburgh because my anxiety was too bad
-learning about the O’Sheas of West Kerry being connected to the selkies and the seals
-Prof. O’Machain going “Janey Mack!”
-Joe saying he had good news and bad news, but the bad news was he was gonna let us out an hour early and the good news was he brought sweets
-Anna making me put tea bags on my eyes when I had a cold in Galway
-eating rice pudding and having mulled wine and chugging fireball at Julie’s Christmas party
-making a cake for Sophia’s birthday that somehow turned out okay
-Hard Time Being Alive
-realizing that my cookies cooked so dang fast bc my recipe was in degrees Fahrenheit and the oven was in degrees Celsius
-hearing Sara tell Ane and Sophia that my chocolate chip cookies were the best she’d had, and, the cookies disappearing quickly
-honeycomb ice cream
-letting the soda bread get moldy that first week
-sleeping on the bare mattress the first day because I was too exhausted to get sheets
-wandering around the city searching for food and feeling half dead. Ending up with ice cream and salmon on toast
-going to Powell properties and barely being able to speak out of exhaustion and hunger
-the people smoking weed and the loud music outside the window
-having to ask my roommates to turn down the music
-expensive laundry (€6 total)
-Aaron from next door
-family dinners
-shopping being dangerous because €1 = $1.20
-pronouncing Euro as you-to, you’re grand, thanks a million, that’s craic, you’re very welcome to...., ...like, ...anyway
-rationing my Brooklyn 99 episodes to get me through the first couple of months
-Blarney Castle, where I first joined the group
-Ane telling me that while in Scotland, they talked about how I would’ve been climbing all over everything
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