#tim is preparing to be attacked by yet another new sibling
Sephiroth is accidentally summoned to Amity Park by the GIW who were trying to summon Phantom to capture him.
Phantom comes to his aid. Thinking he's a ghost due to his ghost sense activating due to all the mako in Sephiroths body. The silver haired psycho was at first amused by all of this up until the people in white started going on and on about how they are with the government and going to capture Phantom and do awful painful experiments on him and possibly make an army out of him and Sephiroth had heard enough. For a spit second, he saw himself in that child.
By the time he calmed down the only sound around him was the sizzling of half melted rubble and the crackle of downed live electrical wires. Phantom was staring at him in shock from the large glowing cage he was trapped in. The silverette was prepared for a lot of responses to the slaughter the child had just witnessed. Cheering, tears of gratitude, people calling him inhuman, a monster, but nothing like this kid. He simply asked, "Are you okay?"
This child was an enigma. Even after freeing him from his prison with a single swipe of Masamune he made no moves to flee. No matter how many insults or threats he made the white haired boy stayed. Appearently he had defeated the child in one on one combat and as a unattended ederich child spirit, Sephiroth was now his legal guardian. Usually he would be apposed but Mother was whispering to him in the back of his mind, cooing over her new grandchild and praising her son for getting such a good catch. If he were a lesser man he would have sighed.
Phantom soon revealed he had no where to go and certainlycouldn't return to his biological parents. His parents were evil mad scientists that attacked him once they learned what thier experiments had done to thier son. They wanted to study him in perhaps the cruelest ways possible. The "ghost zone" or "Infinite Realms" as its truly called was filled with his enemies and had no way to nourish his living half, but the living world had no way to nourish his ghost half aside from portals and harvesting ectoplasm. Aside from portals being both rare and fleeting, harvesting ectoplasm is no easy task especially when dodging evil government groups.
Phantom would have to find a new dimension to live in. One with ectoplasm readily available for harvest, but first they needed to tie up loose ends here. Phantom went into hiding on Sephiroths orders and the child quickly obeyed. The silver General on the other hand went on a warpath, destroying the laboratories and portals and the people who made them.
Phantom, now in his living form was saying goodbye to his friends and sister giving them wierd PHSs he had modified so they can communicate with him beyond dimensions (impressive) and portal guns he had made (again Sephiroth was impressed) so that they could visit him from time to time. He promised to send them the dimensions coordinates once they got there.
It wasn't long until they were in a dimensions they both liked floating above an outright filthy mako pool in some soft of cave system. Danny wasted no time busting out machinery and hooking it up to the Mako pool and purifying it.
This is, of course, when Batman gets a camera notification that someone is messing with Gothams Lazarus Pit.
Fic featuring: Sephiroth becoming a father mentor for Danny, Bruce being adoption blocked, Sephiroth agreeing to abide by Batmans "ridiculous" no killing policy and them making him pseudo regret it by carving the Joker up like a Christmas turkey. Hood got it on his helmets visual recording and he sent Sephiroth flowers, Danny casually vibing with the bats and birds until he does something blatantly eldrich, Danny asking his new mentor "if I grow out my hair will you teach me how to take care of it?", Sephiroth and Phantom just vibing, ptsd representation, Sephiroth seeing himself in this kid and deciding to be the savior that never came for himself.
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supersilversleuth · 3 years
Your Words Aren’t Real (So Why Do They Hurt So Much?) by SuperSilverSpy
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dick Grayson & Batfamily members, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson & Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Whump, Whump, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Hurt, Hurt No Comfort, I seem to be doing a lot of that these days…, Whumptober 2021, Mind Control, fear toxin, Hallucinations, anyway, Angst, SuperSilverSpy, SilverGrayson, SilverWhump, Taunting, Insults, ”who did this to you?”
“Sometimes I wish you were my father, but I know you could never be. Bruce will always be my real father. You were just an inadequate stand-in.”
Dick choked, barely noticing the swift kick to his ribs before he was already stumbling back, ducking around Steph’s fist as he fought to regain his balance.
“You were a terrible brother,” said the voices of Jason and Tim. “All you ever did with me was make mistakes.”
OR Mind Control with a heaping of Angst
No. 3 - STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT… taunting | insults | “Who did this to you?”
Part 3 of 2021 Most Whumperful Time of the Year - Dick Grayson-centric
Language: English Words: 1,645 Chapters: 1/1
Nightwing awoke in a warehouse, surrounded by Batman, Red Hood, Robin, Spoiler, and Red Robin. They were all passed out on the ground, strange devices wrapped around their heads. They seemed relatively unharmed, not a bruise or laceration or twisted limb in sight.  He sighed in relief.
Looking around, Dick noted the absence of visible hostiles. He turned to Robin, who was closest to him and inspected the device around boy’s head; whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.  He felt along the smooth metal, searching (or feeling) for a way to remove it.
A moment later, several ding! sounds echoed in the warehouse, emitting from the head devices. Damian’s eyes opened, glowing a vibrant yellow. Dick backed up as the rest of his family began to rise around him. He knew mind control when he saw it, though that didn’t stop him from asking, “Uh…guys? You still in there?”
Their faces remained  expressionless as they turned threateningly towards him.
“Guess not,” he answered himself. “Looks like it’s just another exciting day in the life of the great and eternally stressed out Nightwing.”
He’d probably have to come up with yet another insightful and compelling speech to snap them out of it, par for the course for him at this point. Oh but how he wished it wasn’t. Every single time somebody in his family got brainwashed, or mind-controlled, or possessed (all of which happened way more often than it should), he was pretty much always the one to talk them down, or get beaten up and nearly killed for his efforts. It had reached a point where he wondered if Bruce was actively trying to get one of Dick’s siblings to accidentally kill him.
Well, at least one thing was different this time—he was facing off against five family members at once, instead of one, or two, or his entire f***ing team. But that was a story for another day.
Maybe, he could actually fight close to his full capability against them, without too much fear of hurting them. He didn’t have to knock them out or sedate them after all, he just needed to damage those device things around their heads.
Hood lunged at him first, guns drawn. Dick dodged, wrenching one of the man’s guns away with a grunt. He threw it across the room, knowing it did nothing for him in close quarters combat wherein he was attempting not to hurt, kill, or maim any of his would-be killers. There was no time for him to contemplate Jason’s likely reaction to the discovery of his ruined gun that would surely come later. Batman was already springing into action, fists swinging through the air in an unnaturally aimed-to-kill way.
Dick flipped around, dodging attacks from the two. He needed to bide his time, wait for the right opportunity to strike. He tried to electrocute them to short-circuit their metal head-band device things, but it didn’t really seem to do anything. He did, however, manage to get in a good hit to Jason’s head, which disoriented the man—and likely the person in control of him. Bruce went down next, Dick slipping the man’s belt out from around his waist in a move no one else in the world knew, and throwing a flash bomb in his face.
Pocketting what he could from the belt before tossing that too away (the emergency beacon didn’t work), he turned to face his new opponents. Spoiler and Robin, the short little duo wreaking havoc to his right, with Bruce and Jason getting back up on his left.
Whoever was controlling his family wasn’t the best at it, though forcing them to attempt murder against their own instincts was a feat in itself.
“You failed me,” said two very familiar voices in unison. It was Bruce and Damian.
Dick was so startled he almost didn’t manage to dodge the sneak attack Red Robin was attempting from behind.
“You failed the mission, our mission, you’ve failed the family I’ve given you, and the city I put in your responsibility.” It was just Bruce now, speaking blankly, words flowing out with no restraint.
Dick swallowed, but forced himself to ignore the man, ignore the words. It was probably just a program to detect negative emotion associated with thoughts of Nightwing and force the mind-controlled victim to...to say the thoughts out loud. Logically, he knew this.
Logic couldn’t prepare him for what came next.
“Sometimes I wish you were my father, but I know you could never be. Bruce will always be my real father. You were just an inadequate stand-in.”
Dick choked, barely noticing the swift kick to his ribs before he was already stumbling back, ducking around Steph’s fist as he fought to regain his balance.
“You were a terrible brother,” said the voices of Jason and Tim. “All you ever did with me was make mistakes.”
His vision had blurred at some point in time, he wasn’t sure when. A fist slammed into his jaw, a bow staff swiped at his feet. Purple flashed in the corner of his vision as his wrist was brutally snapped. Dick opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“They say never meet your heroes. I guess they were right then, hmmm? Except you were never my hero, and yet you still managed to disappoint me anyway.” Steph’s tone was sharp and biting as she jammed a shuriken into his shoulder.
Dick pushed her away, doing a messy backflip to land on Bruce, using what little momentum he had to push off towards Jason, tackling him for the umpteenth time.
“You were unfit to be a mentor, just look at you now. And the students become the masters…” said the scathing voices of Dami, Steph, and Tim. Laughter echoed in his ears, sounding cruelly amused. No, this wasn’t them, they would never say such things…
“Oh it’s all true,” said a voice from behind him, Jay’s voice. “What is it, Goldie, can’t handle the pressure?”
Dick tried in vain to block the voices out, focusing just long enough to knock the device around Tim’s head askew.
The boy fell to the ground, reality mixing with fantasy as Tim’s eyes looked up at him, cold and lifeless, as blood pooled around Tim’s twisted body, as if he’d fallen… Corpse-pale lips parted, harsh words spilling out onto unforgiving ground, “You think I’m just like you, but you’re wrong. I’m better. You couldn’t beat me if you tried. I’m too pure, somehow untainted by your doomed soul, even after all this time.”
Crazed laughter echoed in Dick’s ears, even as he blinked and saw Tim as he actually was, lying unconscious—and alive, on the ground.
“Look at that, failing to protect those you love most? You’re worthless to them, and to me. I should never have taken you in.” The words were growled in a familiar deep register, and yet...the tone was unusually cruel—
Dick found himself sprawled on the ground, back still smarting from where he’d been kicked. He struggled to his good hand and knees, only to hear the sound of a gun cocking. He looked up. Jason stood above him, Steph and Damian on either side.
“Tt, Grayson, always so pathetic.” For a moment, Dami seemed to be wearing an older version of his uniform, from when he was still Dick’s Robin…
Steph tossed her hair back, giggling, and Dick saw her in a different costume, that of Robin, and then it changed to Batgirl. Gah, he was so confused.
She wasn’t. “You’re not going to make it this time around. How does it feel knowing we’d all be glad? You’ve hurt us more than helped us, Dick. It’s time you’ve faced that fact.”
Jason smirked down at him. “Any last words? We all know you don’t deserve them, but, well,” he smirked, “I’m feeling charitable today.”
Dick lunged upward, body tensed as if to tackle, arms outstretched as if to hug. Dick himself wasn’t quite sure what it was meant to be, what he wanted anymore…
The gun went off, bullet burying itself in Dick’s side.
Three pairs of feet began to kick at his prone body from all sides. He curled in on himself, clutching desperately at the bullet wound, mind hazy with blood loss and something...else… A scraping noise, close to his ear. Dick barely registered it through the pain of the systematic blows raining down. Another pair of feet entered his vision, Bruce’s Batman boots. Dick panicked, using one hand to staunch the blood flow while the other went to his neck, to where he instinctively knew the real problem was. There was a device, attached to his neck, like a mini version of what the others had, but missing a few parts. He yanked it off, and immediately, he heard the thumps of his hopefully just unconscious family members falling to the ground.
Dick squinted at the device, as he felt himself joining them in the land of darkness. A familiar scarecrow label stared back at him, Jervis Tetch craftsmanship was practically written all over the thing as well…
Jason woke, groggy and disoriented. He found himself amongst other bats, all lying on the floor in a circle like some kind of crazy sorcerer spell gone wrong. The others were slowly waking, blinking and shaking their heads as if to clear the fog away. And in the middle of it all, at the center of their little coming-back-to-the-land-of-the-living circle, lay Dick Grayson, covered in blood, close to passing out.
The guy was nearly unrecognizable, but Jason would recognize that ridiculous hairstyle anywhere. Scrambling over to his brother’s side, Jason ignored the way the room spun, placing a hand on Dick’s shoulder and looking down at the man, brow pinched in concern.
“Dickie?” he asked, “Who did this to you?”
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
For Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month Day 3: Identities
part 1
Marinette couldn’t quite put a finger on it but there was something about the Waynes that felt familiar. Rose would say it’s because they’re family but Marinette knows it not that. In fact, they remind her of the Bats. The simultaneous inclusion and exclusion, the chaos, the feeling of knowing them, everything.
She isn’t quite sure yet if she likes the idea of her family being the Bats but she does know it would explain a lot of things that have happened in the two days since she arrived at the Manor for the first time.
Steph watches as Tim and Marinette plan out pranks, it’s creepy how well the two of them work together. It’s almost like they’ve worked together before. From the way Cass is analysing Marinette, Steph knows she’s picked up on the strangeness of it all too.
Duke had told her they’d asked Marinette to join so they could get to know her better and to spite B, who had told them not to drag her into their chaos. They hadn’t really expected her to be so good at planning pranks. From what she’s learnt she was brought up as an only child. Not that it really matters, they’re going against Babs, they’re going to need all the help possible.
Duke looks thoroughly lost, Steph doesn’t blame him, Tim’s thought process is hard to follow normally but Marinette and Tim, Steph’s just as lost. As the three of them stare at the two of them in the middle of their planning, Steph can’t help but feel they’ve been here before. Which makes absolutely no sense she’s never even met Marinette before today.
His sister’s time has been monopolised by Drake, Cassandra, Duke and now Stephanie. Planning, probably. A pointless endeavour, he's going to win in the end, just because his team has lesser people doesn’t mean they’re going to lose.
However, he has spoken to her. She’d approached him the first day and while their conversation had been awkward and stinted, it had been a conversation. Damian wasn’t planning on telling Grayson but speaking to him had helped.
But what’s been bothering Damian is that it feels like they’ve had that conversation before. Which they haven’t, Damian’s sure he’d remember if they’d somehow met. Jon says he should talk to her but Damian’s sure he can figure it out on his own.
Tim has a theory: Marinette is Ladybug. He doesn’t bring it up with the others, if she had wanted them to know her identity, she would have told them herself a long time ago. Besides, it’s just a theory and even if he is right, he remembers the feeling of betrayal when B had told Steph his identity, so he doesn’t pry.
Cass knows Marinette. She’s not able to place it and it makes absolutely no sense, but there’s something very familiar about her. For someone who walks into objects at least three times a day she carries herself with a grace that Cass hasn’t seen outside vigilantes or dancers and Marinette denies being able to dance. Even if her new sibling is one of the Parisian heroes, Cass doesn’t know the Parisian heroes very well, having met them only a few times. Their training had mostly been taken care by Dick, Tim and Damian, since the three of them spent the most time at the Tower. She leaves it alone, Tim mentioned that the miraculous holders' identities were protected by magic, it would be impossible for her to figure it out.
Dick had wanted to see if he had left his phone in the gymnasium, when he enters the room, Marinette’s there. He watches in shock as Marinette leaps and flips her way through the gymnasium. She’s a surprisingly good gymnast for a civilian. A lot of the moves she uses are familiar to him. Things that he had taught to some of the younger heroes as fighting sequences. He wonders what kind of teacher she must have had to be taught that.
When she finishes, he claps and she turns back in shock, her eyes widen in recognition and she becomes a vivid shade of red. He holds back the urge to laugh.
“That was amazing! Where did you learn all of that?”
“Oh, uh here and there, I went to classes for a while and I have a friend who’s really great at gymnastics.”
Dick frowns, she sounds unsure of her answer, but he lets it pass.
“I’d love to meet that friend of yours.”
She looks like a deer caught in headlights for a second before her expression smooths over and she grins at him and says, “I’ll be sure to ask him!” before skipping out of the room.
Dick is officially very curious.
Thursday morning, she’s informed by Duke that they usually have family dinners on Thursday and a few of Tim’s friends would be attending today too. Marinette’s excited, it’ll be fun to meet Tim’s friends.
Alfred’s banned all pranks for the day since they have guests visiting in the evening. There’s some complaining but in the end they all give in. Tim heads to his room saying he has something he wants to work on, Dick and Damian are going out for the day, she can’t find Duke, and Jason isn’t at the Manor. She’s currently searching for Cass. When Marinette finally gives up and returns to her room, she finds Cass waiting for her there.
“Want to join me and Steph? We’re going out.”
Marinette agrees and the two of them leave the manor to join Steph in the actual city. They spend the day roaming around, eat enough junk food to give Alfred a heart attack and just pass time. Steph returns with them to the Manor in the evening for dinner. They’re late but only by a bit, they’d hopefully only get a disappointed frown from Alfred.
Alfred lets them in with a sigh of disappointment. The three of them offer him sheepish grins before running off to the dining room. They can hear all of them laughing, Marinette doesn’t pause to analyse their voices.
She wishes she had.
It’s not surprising really, she’d already known how highly possible it was but nothing had prepared her to be staring at Kon, Cassie and Bart.
Jason notices her staring and asks, “why’re you looking at them like they’re aliens?”
She takes another second to finish processing, and then grins, “Well, Kon is half alien.”
Their reactions are priceless. Plagg would be proud of the chaos she’s unleashed.
Jason’s staring at her in shock. Tim’s yelling, “I KNEW IT!” Dick and Cass look like things make more sense now. B, Steph, Duke, Kon and Cassie. Damian’s jumped onto his seat and is pointing his katana at her. Bart had attacked her in a hug, yelling, “Bug!” which had thrown her to the floor.
Groaning she gets up, “not wearing a super suit right now, Bart.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Oh my, what is going on here?”
They all turn to look at Alfred who’s standing at the entrance.
There’s a lot of apologies as they sit in their seats and everyone settles down. She ends up sitting next to her father.
“So,” he starts, “you’re Ladybug.”
She smiles, “and you’re Batman.”
Before she can reply, she’s dragged into the others’ conversation. Her father offers her a smile and returns to his food. Marinette grins and joins the argument about the stupidest villains.
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fandom-writer642 · 4 years
Street Rat Christmas
Tumblr media
Summary: It’s (Y/n)’s first Christmas season with their new family but they don’t want to give up an old tradition. The problem? Jason and Selina are the only one’s in the family that have heard of the tradition, a Street Rat Christmas. The Batfamily, the Kent’s, and the Outlaws are going to be in for the culture shock of their lives as they find out why Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning are always so peaceful in the City of Demons, no matter the crimes that took place just before.
Note: Gender Neutral!Reader, Sweet and Friendly!Reader
Warning: Mention of Death
Yet another sigh escaped from (Y/n)’s lips as they watched the snow gently fall to the ground through the window. The book that they were reading was abandoned in their lap as their (e/c) eyes watched the snowflakes shine and float down in the golden sunlight. Damian couldn’t help but frown at his sibling’s actions, he had been with his father for the past five years and he himself understood that Christmas was a time to be happy. Yet, he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around the fact that his normally happy sibling was depressed. Even Damian felt rather pleasant and calm during the two days the holiday was overly focused on.
“Is something the matter (L/n)? Typically you’re more chipper.”
“It’s just my first Christmas without my parents,” (Y/n) replied to him rather sadly. They were remembering how fun Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning always was for their family. Perhaps they could sneak out tonight and join the festivities? “It’s strange, we would be out preparing by now.”
Damian gave (Y/n) a rather quizzical look at that. He understood when they said that they would miss their parents, he couldn’t blame them. However, (Y/n) didn’t come from an amazing or rich family so the preparation note caught him off guard. (Y/n) could’ve been dubbed a street rat by many different people before Bruce had adopted them, and Damian was pretty sure that they had been called a street rat before. Hearing them say preparing was a strange thing, it wasn’t possible for their family since they couldn’t afford something big. Yet, it sounded like a yearly thing for his newest sibling to go through during the holiday season. (Y/n) shot him a smile before they left for their room, taking their book with them. Damian left the study shortly after (Y/n) had left and found himself at the enterance of the living room.
The room was lovely and had many decorations hung up around the room, making it look like the room had been part of a winter wonderland competition and the music in the background was a nice touch. Dick was sitting in an arm chair with Kori on his lap as the pair talked to Roy and Jason who sat on the closer end of the couch. Tim was talking to Kon and Lois on the other side of the couch while Cass talked quietly with Steph, Barbara, and Kate. Selina was sitting next to Bruce as he talked with Clark who had Jon at his side. The room was rather busy with chatter and far too loud for his tastes but he had learned to live with it at this point.
“Hey Damian!” Jon called out to his friend when he noticed him at the entryway. All conversation turn to a pivoting stop to the point that the sweet Christmas songs filled the air of the room. It was a known fact that Damian didn’t spend much time with his family on Christmas Eve until after lunch which was in two hours. “I was wondering where you were.”
Damian nodded his own greeting and understanding to his friend’s words. “I’m sure Jon. I’m however curious about something that doesn’t quite involve me but it does involve (L/n).”
That had caught the whole room’s attention. Everyone knew that (Y/n) was a helpful and sweet soul with little to absolutely no hurtful bone in their whole body.
“Is she alright?” Dick asked worriedly.
“Currently, I’m unaware. I’m well aware that it is their first Christmas without their family but they said something that peaked my interest.”
“What was it?”
“Well, they simply said that their family and themself would be out preparing for some sort of event at this point in time.”
Damian didn’t miss the look that Selina and Jason shared with the other, or the faint smiles on their lips. They had a look in their eyes that was similar if not identical to the one (Y/n) had held not that long ago.
“Preparing for what?” Tim asked curiously. His younger sibling tended to keep closer to Damian and Jason more than anyone else the family knew with the exception perhaps being Alfred.
Damian simply shook his head and kept himself from insulting the older boy, “I’m unaware. It simply peaked my interest because as we all know, (L/n) didn’t come from a very financially stable family. The way that they talked made it sound like an annual event.”
“A tradition on Christmas Eve? In Gotham?” Roy had almost laughed in disbelief. “That’s completely ridiculous. You said it yourself demon spawn, (Y/N) came from a pretty poor family, they don’t exactly have an overwhelming amount their family and them could do.
“No true,” Jason cut off before anyone could agree with his redhead friend. “I actually knew (Y/n) before she ever even met Bruce and moved in because of the festivities that take place on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Most people call it a Street Rat Christmas but the official term is a Street Rat Holiday. To put it simply, it’s the only break any street rat or poor family tends to get throughout the whole year.”
Bruce leaned forward at the newly acquired information. To him it sounded just like a charity event that takes place on Christmas Eve and Christmas in the worker side of town. The man couldn’t help but feel surprised that he had never heard of such an event even though he lived in Gotham for so long.
“How much do you know about it?” Tim asked.
“A lot,” Jason replied with a simple shrug of his shoulders. “I still tend to go every Christmas Eve no matter what. I don’t count the years I was either dead or presumably dead but I still go, I don’t care if there is a mission, I go.”
“What happens?
“Peace,” Jason smiled slightly. “We should go tonight. You guys just can’t attack or snap at anyone, you have to enjoy yourselves.”
“Why on earth would we snap or attack?” Dick spoke in surprise.
Jason couldn’t stop the small snort or the smirk pulling on his face. “Villains attend the festivities as well. There was an arrangement made between the villains, people, and GCPD that as long as they didn’t harm or make any sort of threats to anyone for that night or the next morning that they could attend.”
“And people talk and interact with them?” Kate spoke up, looking rather stunned by the information.
Selina couldn’t help but nod in agreement, “indeed. I attended a few years back and (Y/n) was there with their family while talking to all sorts of people. They mostly talked to Riddler, Two-Face, and Penguin when it came to interacting with the villains but they did interact with every villain. That includes Joker. Their family was always active in helping set up the event.
Jon had perked up like a puppy dog before speeding out of the room and up the stairs before coming back with a rather flustered looking (Y/n) in his arms. Gently he set them down on the floor which caused them to let out a small sigh of relief. It wasn’t like they didn’t trust Jon, they did, but it was different when he came into their room, picked them up and rushed them down to the living room at super speed. They were still getting used to the whole “living with superheroes” thing as it had only been two months since they moved in.
“What is going on?” They questioned after a moment.
“Just talking about how a Street Rat Christmas functions,” Jason replied to his younger sibling.
No one could miss the way that (Y/n)’s eyes had lit up at the mention of the event. They seemed happier almost immediately at the reminder of the event.
“Oh! Can we go?” (Y/n) turned to Bruce with large kitten eyes that Selina most definitely approved of. “Pleeeeaaaassseee?”
Bruce chuckled at his child’s beg for approval. He already knew what his choice was going to be but first, “I want to know more about this event before I agree to anything.”
“Well, where did I leave off?” Selina wondered. The newest family addition sat on the floor near Bruce and Selina while dragging Damian down and over with them.
“Villains,” Kori reminded.
Selina snapped her fingers with a smile, “right!”
The group had arrived at a large park filled with people and laughter. A giant tree stood tall in the middle of the park and was decorated with all sorts of different and even strange ordiments that were clearly brought or made by the people at the party. Damian could help but let a faint smile appear on his lips as his sibling dragged him toward the main party.
None of the secret heroes could miss the villains in the crowd that greeted the pair with an honest to god real smile. They even saw Joker gift (Y/n) with a very pretty box, the fact made them tense at the sight but for some reason Jason was calm about it. He was calm about seeing his murderer gift his little sibling with a box that could very easily hold a trigger bomb. It made no sense and yet that is how it played out. The young Wayne had opened the gift with a smile and found it to be a purple and green scarf, something that was clearly made with the help of the Riddler.
The family moved around and tried the different activities such as a snow man building contest (Tim and Dick got third place), a scavenger hunt (Damian, Jason, and (Y/n) had easily won that), dance battle to Christmas music (Selina joined forces with Ivy and they got fifth), create an ordiment to hang on the giant tree, ice Christmas cookies, drink hot cocoa, ice skating, a Christmas song karaoke challenge, and many more events. Homeless kids and families were given blankets and clothes as well as other supplies at the end of the night. At three minutes to midnight everyone had gathered around the tree and many were talking excitedly, the kids especially.
“We wish you a merry Christmas”
The Waynes were surprised when everyone began to sing in perfect harmony, the villains, Jason, (Y/N), Selina, and many others were leading the uncertain children and newcomers in the song. Jason had a young girl in his arms who was singing along with him while looking at the glowing tree.
“We wish you a merry Christmas/ We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year”
Dick, Kori, Roy, and Steph had joined in the singing as well but to their surprise so had Damian. It was much quieter than the others but still noticeable enough.
“Good tidings we bring to you and your kin/We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year”
As everyone sang Bruce had decided one thing, he was going to have to participate in a Street Rat Christmas every year until he died. His family had been happier than they have in ages while Selina, Jason, and (Y/n) all got to keep a familiar tradition close to them and have the time to remember those that they love and miss; they all did.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope you all have enjoyed this mini story and have a good holiday! I’m so sorry about lack of activity but I’ve been sooooo busy and a lot of things have been going on with my family so I’ve been stressed. Cya next time! I’m planning Batfamily x Reader x Miraculous Ladybug with Damianette in it, I’ve fallen into a hole and I can’t get out. That story will probably be a series but bare with me, I have little to know means to write as of recent do to issues.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Tim Drake: Bouncer
A/n: I’m trying to get myself into writing again so this is a start. Apologies for my lack of activity lovelies.
Warnings: Language
Having brothers was complicated for anyone, being apart of a vigilante family made it that much harder to have normal relationships with your siblings.
Jason was one of these complications, of course meeting your brother at the club he owns was perfectly normal. The fact it was an infamous crime den, The Iceberg Lounge, former underground base of the Penguin wasn't so.
"Chill out Timbers, it's not all bad and if any trouble starts the bouncer has got it." Jason informed, weaving through the crowds as Tim followed suit.
"Bouncer? You have a bouncer?"
"Aha yeah, I can't be here all the time and -"
"They're freaking scary! Could give the boss here a run for his money!" A drunkard from the bar chimed in, saluting the pair as he disappeared toward the smoking area.
"Whatever, anyway. My dear (Y/n) would you get my brother here a drink please?" Jason’s tone instantly more charming as he addressed the stranger, Tim furrowing his brows in response.
At this request, a beautiful woman - too beautiful to be working for Jason, gave a breathtaking smile to the brothers before nodding politely and walking behind the bar.
Tim was undeniably mesmerised, stunned at how easily both of his elder brothers could charm such stunning people with ease, did Jason not understand how lucky he was? You were dressed in a classy manner, which was more than could be said for surrounding parties and were adorned with a drawing aura as well.
"What can I get you stranger?" Your melodious voice dragged the man from his thoughts, him taking a moment to adjust to reality once more before speaking.
"Hm? Oh you can call me Tim and surprise me me ma'am."
"Don't get called that very often around here." You released a laugh but reached for the top shelf and prepared his beverage. And your laugh, wow~
"That's understandable in a place like this."
“I have so many stories about this place lovely, trust me.”
He remembered his first conversation with you so clearly, and you were so addicting that he found himself in The Iceberg Lounge simply for your company as well as to assist Jason but mainly for you. It was a bizarre friendship you'd crafted, it seemed you didn't work as a bartender since you could contently lean over the bar to converse with him to your hearts content without any disturbance from the regulars. Yet you seemed to be recognised throughout the club, supposedly these are the perks of being Jason's significant other.
"So um... I never asked how Jason and yourself met..."
"Ah when he hired me of course, didn't take me long to wrap him around my little finger haha. Although at the same time, he got me too." Your voice became sheepish toward the end, like you were embarrassed about your feelings toward his brother - although he couldn't explain the ache in his heart nor the way his eyes lost their spark for a brief moment.
"But that's what friends do isn't it."
"Wha- *cough*" He choked on his drink upon hearing your last words accompanied with a shrug, Tim completely astounded by the new revelations which were coincidently common knowledge to the staff.
"You're not together?!"
"Pffftttt! Are you crazy? What have I possibly done to give you that idea?” Came your heart-stopping giggles as you raised a brow at him, taking a seat beside him at the bar with your desired posion in hand.
“No-nothing, you’re just so beautiful and respected in the club that I thought you were dating Jason.” Granted, he made valid points to back his argument but that doesn’t mean he was correct in his assumptions.
“You are so oblivious, Jason warned me but I didn’t believe him. I owe him 10 bucks now...” Your face slid to rest in the palm of your hand with a deep sigh, then meeting Tim’s gaze with a sheepish smile and shake of your head.
“Oblivious? I’m actually the opposite.”
“Tim, my lovely, I’ve been flirting with you for the past 3 months and you thought I was dating your brother...” You swirled the remainder of liquid around your glass, expression somewhat disheartened until you heard the upbeat awe and sheer happiness in his voice.
“Flirting? Woah, you - me? You were flirting with me? Why?”
“Why? Because I like you? I think you’re attractive? You make me laugh? I don’t know but I guessed you weren’t interested since you never gave any signs.” You released a gentle laugh once more, attractive tint to your cheekbones as you finished.
“(Y/n)! I rarely ever drink! The only reason I frequent this bar is so I can see you - I make stupid comments that I regret the next morning and have this dumb smile on my face whenever you laugh. Those? Signs.” He seemed passionate about justifying his point, desperate for you to see that he most definitely returned your feelings if not even more so.
“My only experiences with you have been at a bar, how was I supposed to know you weren’t an alcoholic? Also, the stupid comments are endearing and the dumb smile is actually charming - just so you know.” You listed each compliment on your fingers, Tim flushing a darker shade as you went on either due His embarrassment or because you had a positive effect on him.
Tim hadn’t managed to fight the pleased and relieved smile threatening his lips, instead his fingertips hesitantly moved to brush the skin of your jawbone and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch with a soft smirk of reassurance. Yet as he moved to the back of your neck to pull you closer he stopped, you sensed he was nervous and it was evident in his actions.
“Tim, I don’t bite y’know. And I do want to kiss you if that’s what you’re worried about.” Your hushed whispers snapped him out of rapid thoughts, surprised gaze meeting yours once more and you couldn’t help but playfully roll your eyes.
“OI YOU WANNA FUCKING GO, TAKE THIS ASSHOLE!!!” Instantly you were on your feet, instinctively searching for the root of the commotion, deadly glare landing on two thugs you’d had issues with before.
With a frustrated sigh, you glided towards the pair, knocking their heads together, the first recognised you instantly and chose to escort himself toward the exit rather unsteadily - the other deciding throwing a punch your way. The aggressive movements had Tim rushing to your side only to be caught by Jason who simply overlooked the scene much to his younger brothers protest.
However, everything soon made sense the second you countered the attack so effortlessly, proceeded to leave the male with a bloody nose and mercilessly dragged him out of the club by the scruff of his collar. You walked back in moments later, brushing yourself down and fixing your hair as the locals cheered for yet another of your successes and you made your way back to the brothers.
“Timbers, that there is my bouncer - (Y/n) can handle herself alright?” Jason proudly smirked, slipping his hands into his pockets and leaving for the bar.
“Uh... sorry about that but I am on duty, can’t disappoint the boss.” Came your brief explanation, slightly worried about what Tim would think of you and all progress would be lost almost as if you were quietly asking for forgiveness.
“I don’t think you ever could, Jay likes you - not like I do obviously, and I want to act on it I’m not sure if you’d like -“
He wasn’t given the chance to finish, yourself grasping his jacket and pulling his lips to meet yours in a long awaited embrace. You felt him tense under your touch, surprised by it’s abruptness no doubt but assumed he’d given in to his want for you as he melted into it in an instant though his touches remained hesitantly gentle which caused you to smile when parting from him.
“I - um...” You lowered your gaze, stepping back with your fingers delicately brushing your lips.
“Yeah, no uh me too.” Tim stammered, awkwardly running a hand through his hair and avoiding eye contact as well.
“Oh for goodness sake this is painful to watch! Can you two just go out already?!” Echoed Jason’s voice from the balcony, of which you both melted into a further pool of embarrassment as you each escaped to opposite ends of the club much to Jason’s amusement.
He’d get you together if you didn’t do it yourselves. That was a promise, after all - both Tim and you had individually confided your unknowingly mutual feelings to him.
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