#tim goodman x reader
quin-ns · 2 years
Taking Care (Saul Goodman x Reader)
Word count: 2K
Summary: after jesse beats up saul you help fix him up
Tags: brba ep. 5x11, canon violence, canon behavior, blood mention, hurt/comfort kinda, hurt!saul, saul being a bit sleazy but it’s goofy it’s fine, fluff, flirting, humor/comedy, very light hearted despite the episode, kissing, happy end :)
A/N: finished breaking bad and couldn’t get this episode out of my brain. im a saul simp now and even tho he lowkey deserved it i didn’t like seeing him get beat up. my self indulgent fix it- idk how big the fandom for saul fics is so I’ll just have to see lol
Cross-posted to ao3 • brbabcs masterlist • writing masterlist
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As you headed into Saul’s office from the waiting room, you heard a commotion. Saul was screaming at someone. The door had been kicked in. You’d seen some pretty crazy things happen here, but you were in no way expecting to find Jesse being the cause of the chaos.
“Jesse! Stop!” you shouted, gaining the young man’s attention. He was standing over Saul—who was on the ground, hands raised in defense—with a gun pointed on the man.
Jesse stared at you in surprise, obviously not anticipating your arrival. His jaw tightened and he looked guilty. You were one of the only people left whose opinion of him actually mattered to Jesse. The two of you were friends; you could only hope he’d listen to you.
“Oh Y/N, thank god,” Saul said in relief when he spotted you in the room. “Call the police!”
You weren’t sure if he was serious or not—Saul never wanted police at his office—but it must’ve been bad if he was even willing to mention calling help.
“No need,” Jesse decided. He dug into Saul’s pocket and grabbed something out. Sounded like keys. “We’re done here,” he told you calmly. Huell, Saul’s massive bodyguard, tried to block the door. “Back up!” Jesse yelled, pointing the gun at him. You weren’t in the line of fire and you really hoped Jesse wouldn’t shoot you, but you stumbled back further away from him. Huell moved too and let Jesse out the door.
Huell ran over to Saul and tried to help him up. “Get off me! What do I pay you for?” Saul yelled at Huell and grabbed his phone. He frantically called someone and said, “hey, it’s me. We got a big problem.”
Huell ran off out the door and you turned to go after Jesse too. As much as he was deranged in the moment, you tried to convince yourself maybe you could help, but Saul interrupted your contemplation after making his call that you didn’t pay attention too.
“Leave him,” Saul coughed out. “He has a gun and is clearly not afraid to wave it around.” You looked back at him and became aware of the damage Jesse had done.
“Oh, you idiot,” you muttered, approaching Saul where he had slumped back to the ground. It was only the two of you in the office now. “What did you do?”
He let out a dramatic scoff. “Me?” Saul asked, offended, as you crouched down next to him. “I get assaulted and I’m somehow at fault?”
You took his bloody face in your hands and inspected the injuries. “Jesse wouldn’t beat you up for no reason.”
A guilty look crossed his face as your hands fell. “I’ll tell you about it later,” he grumbled reluctantly, sitting up straight. You weren’t sure if he ever would. “Can you help me out first, maybe?” Saul gestured to his face.
“Yeah,” you replied curtly, standing. You kept a first aid kit in your car. You were in a similar line of business to Mike and through him you met Saul (and Jesse, Walter, and Gus). Although, the only ones you became friends with were Jesse and Saul.
Your friendship with Saul was a little more… well, more complex. You had a good rapport with him and often bantered back and forth, flirting and what not.
You stopped by his office more than you probably should’ve and he was always pleased to see you appear. That’s how you thought today would go when you came by to visit. You had a couple minutes to spare so you figured you’d swing by for a few. He joked more than once that you could take up all his time in a day and he wouldn’t charge you a dime.
You went out and grabbed the kit from under your seat as quickly as you could. It was something you kept on hand given your past experiences in your occupation. And right now, it was about to come in handy.
Saul was standing when you walked in, looking around the room at the mess. His expression was defeated, which was only amplified by the cuts, bruises, and most of all the bloody nose.
“God, he did a number on you,” you commented, unable to hold back. You actually felt bad for him even though you weren’t sure whose fault it was—it looked like it hurt.
“I’m aware,” he replied, disgruntled, and dropped down into his chair.
You rounded the desk to his side with the kit and set it on the surface of it. You began to unpack the kit and set aside the things you needed. Saul watched you—your back was to him but you could feel his eyes on you.
The first thing you did was check his nose to make sure it wasn’t broken. Good news, it wasn’t. Just really, really bloody. And there was a cut on the bridge. You grabbed a packet of wipes and started to get to work.
You focused on wiping the blood away, but you noticed Saul’s eyes scanning your face. He was watching you almost transfixed. He had been quiet for a few seconds, which was longer than usual for him.
“If I knew I could get you this close I would’ve gotten my ass kicked sooner,” he finally spoke up in that sleazy manor you were so used to.
You scoffed out a laugh. “At least you’re not trying to say you won that.”
Blood was still dripping from his nose, layering onto what was already present, so you took care of that first. You cleaned it from his face which he groaned and whined about, but you wouldn’t have expected anything less.
“Don’t be such a baby,” you muttered.
You finished up with that and his nose finally stopped leaking fresh blood. It was a start, right? You threw bloody wipes away in a little desk side trash can and moved on.
You leaned in a little, glancing over the injuries. You dabbed at the cut on the bridge of his nose with one of those tiny square alcohol wipes.
Saul winced but recovered quickly.
“Are you gonna kiss it and make it better?” he teased while you rolled your eyes and reached for a band aid. “If so I think I might have a scratch on my lip.” You raised your brows with a look that said a sarcastic ‘really?’ “What? I—I thought it was a legitimate healing method.” The lie rolled so easily off his tongue you might’ve believed he believed it. Part of being a lawyer you assumed.
“You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if I did,” you said offhandedly (baiting him), unwrapping the bandaid and placing it on the bridge of his nose.
“What?” Saul sounded incredibly offended. “I so would,” he argued.
Before he could get another word in, you grasped his face in each of your hands and leaned down to capture his lips. Saul, as expected, was stunned. You pulled back with a light laugh while he stared at you dumbfounded.
“See?” you said with sass and a smile. “Now can I finish?”
Saul nodded, speechless for the first time in… well, as long as you’d known him.
Now that his nose was taken care of, which is where the brunt of the damage was, you could focus on the more minor things. Like the eye that was probably going to be a tad swollen and the cut on his forehead.
“You’re taking such good care of me,” he mused. “I’m starting to think you like me.”
“Maybe I do,” you replied smoothly, not missing a beat as you worked.
“I want a do-over,” Saul announced, referring to the kiss where you’d very effectively proved your point.
You ignored him, except for biting back a small smile to yourself. “I can’t do anything about the eye and the cut on your forehead is so small it probably doesn’t need a bandaid. Unless you want one.”
“It’s fine,” Saul dismissed.
“Alright then,” you stepped back to look over him one more time. “You’re good to go.”
“Thanks,” he told you, but was already distracted by prodding at the bandaid.
“I only had a few minutes so I gotta head out now,” you told him as you packed up the first aid kit.
You closed it and grabbed it, then headed for the doorway. Saul realized you were leaving and furrowed his brows, trying to find something to say. You only made it about halfway before—
“Wait! A date!” Saul scrambled to stand, but recovered and tried to act casual. “A date. We should go on one,” he suggested. “Like, for real.”
There it was. Something you’d been waiting for for a while. You knew he had a thing for you beyond just provocative comments and flirting, it was obvious, but he never actually asked you out. So you didn’t plan on taking him up on any of his offers until he was serious. It took a while, but that moment finally came.
If you were mean, you would’ve said the punch knocked some sense into him.
“Sure,” you replied after a beat.
“Really?” He sounded surprised. “I mean, really?” he repeated, much more collected. “That’s great. Okay. So uh, how about dinner this Friday?”
“You sure you don’t have… other stuff going on?” you asked vaguely, but he knew exactly what you were referring to.
Saul flashed you that charming grin of his. “For you? I have all the time in the world.”
You couldn’t help but smile and let out a laugh at that. Sure he could be coquettish but you genuinely did enjoy his presence. Besides, it suited him. You couldn’t imagine Saul being a perfect, boring gentleman. The flirting was like a game with him and you liked to play just as much as he did.
“Do me a favor, though—”
“Anything,” he responded a little too quickly.
“—try and keep that handsome face intact, alright? No more bloody noses,” you requested with a sarcastic tone (though you did mean it). “If you and I go out I don’t want people thinking I beat you.”
Saul chuckled at your joke. “I’d let you,” he said lasciviously. Despite the wicked glint you were pretty sure he was joking. Although with Saul you could never be too sure.
You scoffed, but with a sense of humor. “I don’t think that’s the compliment you think it is.”
“Whatever,” he said with a shrug. Saul strolled towards you, going overboard with how leisurely he tried to be. You laughed to yourself when he stopped in front of you. The sound made him crack a smile of his own.
“Can I get my do-over?” Saul implored.
“Hmm,” you hummed. “No,” you said unseriously. You laughed at your own joke and Saul sensed your tone.
“You sure?” Saul placed a hand on your waist and decreased the distance. His other hand rose to your cheek. You looked into those soft blue eyes of his.
“Maybe not,” you sighed out as he was already closing the gap between your lips.
Saul initiated and you gladly reciprocated. This kiss, unlike before, was expected. And not to prove a point. You weren’t sure what you thought kissing him would be like, but it was nice. Good. He had you practically swooning by the time the two of you separated.
“I gotta go, but um,” you said softly, eyes lingering on his lips. “I’ll see you Friday?” You flicked your eyes up to meet his.
“How about seven? I’ll pick you up,” Saul offered with a lopsided smile.
You clicked your tongue. “But your car is so tacky,” you teased.
“Hey! My car is awesome,” he defended. “You’ll look great in the passenger side.” Saul patted your hip (nearly your ass) and shot you a wink.
“You better make this date worth my while.” You poked him in the chest, all teasing and accusing like, and stepped back. You turned on your heal and headed out of the office.
"I wouldn't dream of anything less!" Saul called after you. You could hear the smile on his face and for the rest of the day, nothing could get rid of the one on yours.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
Can I have Tim, Harry and Lucy having a rival in their line of work, whose partner is a growlithe(or any kind of pokemon you picked out is fine)?
Reader is gender neutral
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| Tim Goodman |
- He doesn’t like the premise of rivals if he was being honest. Sure, he had friends when he was still a Trainer but the thought of having someone berate you constantly at each end of a town annoys him to no end. Besides, he was pretty sure there would be rivals in the office on who can staple the most papers.
- When he went under his father’s wing at the R.C.P.D., he sensed deja vu when  you came into the frame and telling him that you won’t lose to him just because he’s Harry’s son.
- Harry Goodman was your idol. He became your mentor when you were just a rookie in the department and you owed so much to him. So when Harry comes back, shows up with his son as his new partner, you knew that you weren’t gonna have Tim relax.
- Rather Tim hating it, he seemed to grow used to your antics. Maybe due to being with Lucy for the remainder for the R gas incident. You and your partner Pokemon are charming in a unique way and Tim can’t help but grin a little every time you want to one-up him out in the field.
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| Harry Goodman |
- You became the next great detective after Harry’s “death”. While you had wanted this position of power for a long time, you won’t ride on the demise of another person for your success.
- So when he comes back with his son in tow, you made your presence known by grabbing his glasses and pushing them back up on his head. “Welcome back, sir. Hope that you’re not rusty after your little excursion.”
- Yes, having Harry come to the R.C.P.D. like it was a regular day still had your heart leaping but now you can actually take your job seriously due to your rival being here. You can properly become the best superior there was and there’s no way someone with a lot of experience is going to take that from you.
- Harry is amused by you. You remind him of an overactive puppy who’s ready to do good things for praise. Of course he respects your drive but he can’t help but let out a tiny laugh at how excited you are to rival him.
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| Lucy Stevens |
- Both you and Lucy were partners and co-writers for the online articles. While the two of you kept getting picked on by the higher-ups, you boosted morale by proclaiming that whoever gets to be promoted first has to let the other try and one-up them.
- Once after the R gas incident, you weren’t bitter but more on being excited. Lucy is finally head of the G.N.N. and you think of a no better position to usurp rather than hers. You didn’t buy those coffee sachets for nothing.
- Both you and Lucy compete to see on who can make the best article. The topics ranges from cutest Fighting-Type to whether or not the R.C.P.D. wants to have Tim show Mewtwo again. No matter the topic, you both agree that you two should go all out.
- You became her best friend and her rival. Lucy couldn’t ask for a better rival than you. So for each time you two have work, she messages you see if you;r up to write again. It’s sort of a bonding experience between the two of you.
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pokemagines · 5 years
harry & tim goodman + crushing on a barista
@tortxrra asked: “hey mod touko i’ll give you my left kidney if you provide me with some headcanons about a romance between tim and harry with a barista who’s studying to be a pokemon veterinarian (harry goodman dm me please). i love u have a wonderful day mwah”
a/n: i love tim goodman more than anything what a sweetheart!!! his dad can get it too love u mr. ryan reynolds sir --mod touko
harry goodman:
he’s often dragged along to your coffee shop by his enthusiastic pikachu, who always seems to guzzle down just as much coffee as harry does. he’s your top paying customer by far, always giving you large tips because of the mess his partner pokemon makes. his pikachu even seems to take a liking to you, often jumping behind the counter and onto your shoulder when your partner pokemon isn’t perched up there.
harry doesn’t often talk about his job -- his detective work is classified, after all, so he likes asking questions about you. he’s super interested in the fact that you’re training to be a pokemon vet. he asks for your number under the guise of “needing an emergency contact”, but his pikachu sees right through it.
it takes him a while to actually realize he likes you romantically (much to his pikachu’s annoyance) because it’s been a long time since he’s dated. he’s been on a few dates since his wife died, but none that ever managed a second date. you, on the other hand, seem to have a spark with him, matching his sarcasm tit for tat. he loves that in you, and the more he finds himself thinking about that he realizes that he may just have feelings for you. (he laughs to himself because a 40 year old man getting butterflies for someone just sounds so silly, but here he is).
harry takes you out to a nice, fancy restaurant that he insists on paying for. his work lets him get in favors with the locals, so you two get the best service and seats. usually, you’re the one opening up but this time he’s the one letting his guard down and telling you more about himself. he starts with the story of how one time he was turned into his pikachu...
because of his job, he can be busy a lot of the time. he doesn’t want his work coming first anymore in his life -- human relationships are just as important as his ones with pokemon and his job. so, even if he can’t take you out that week, he’ll at least call you or stop by once or twice so he can talk to you. sometimes he’ll even bring tim in so the two of you can get to know each other. (tim embarrassingly asks if he has to call you mom now and harry, for the first time, looks flushed).
super supportive of your work, just like you are of his! he likes people with ambition, and just like you, his main goal is to help pokemon and humans work together in harmony. if you needed money for your studies, he’s happy to help provide. 
tim goodman:
you first met tim when he came stumbling in a few minutes before closing. he sees you roll your eyes, and he apologizes to you, before setting his cubone down on an empty table. you knit your eyebrows together, and he wrings his hands nervously, asking if you have any potions or anything that would heal his pokemon in stock, and suddenly you feel bad for having an attitude as you rush from behind the counter to check the little guy out.
thankfully for him, he picked the right coffee shop to barge into, because you just so happen to be training to be a vet. he tells you that cubone got ambushed by a rogue group of squirtles while they were out working a case and the two just managed to escape. you see that he has no major injuries -- just a few scrapes but nothing a few potions wouldn’t fix! you heal up his cubone and he thanks you over and over.
tim stops in whenever he’s nearby and says it’s because he needs you to check up on cubone, but it’s really an excuse to see you. it’s very obvious he thinks you’re cute, as he stumbles over his words and tries his hardest to impress you by going on about the cases he’s worked on. it’s endearing, really, and the young detective was really growing on you.
he finally works up the courage to ask you on a date about a month later, and he waits outside until you get off of work. he’s nervous, rambling on to his cubone about the possibilities of you saying no. you, of course, have heard the whole thing as you’re locking up the cafe, and can’t help but laugh. you grab his shoulders and tell him to stop worrying so much, and that you’ll definitely go on a date with him.
tim is very sweet and takes you on a nice date out of ryme city, somewhere in the sinnoh reigon where you can watch the battling tournaments that were going on. he gets so enthusiastic and the two of you make bets onto which pokemon will win. you both get matching league shirts, and end up getting to see champion cynthia, who you joke that you'd leave him for (he can’t argue with that).
he’s really the best boyfriend you could ask for. tim is kind and attentive and even if he’s away on work calls a lot, makes sure to text or call you and asks you about your day. he knows what being lonely feels like, and he would never want that for you! 
really supportive of your endeavors, even if he doesn’t have a clue how you do what you do. whenever there’s a hurt pokemon at the station, he’s quick to call you to see if you’re available to help. even if you aren’t a full vet yet, he still believes that you’re the best at what you do! basically, he’s just the “you’re doing amazing, sweetie” meme.
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Imagine Tim Goodman giving his girlfriend a water stone necklace
So Tim and you have actually been together for a while
You started dating before you left for your journey, but you kept it up after you left
You would talk every day, once in the morning and once at night
Tim actually helped you find your first pokemon
For one of your dates Tim took you to a local lake, because he knew you loved the water
That's where you azul
You just felt an instant connection to this little blue ball of fluff
Tim was actually the one who caught azul but he gave her to you
Azul became your's and Tim's baby
Even though she was your pokemon she would sometimes hang out with Tim on the rare occasion you go somewhere she can't
When you left it was bitter sweet
Because you were finally going to follow your dream in competing both in gym battles and contest, but tim didn't want to come with you
You tried to convince him but he was firm in his decision
You always told him if he changed his mind he can always travel with you
While you were out on your journey you actually captured a pokemon for Tim but you wanted to give the pokemon the him in person
You planned to do it on you anniversary
But then Tim got the call about his dad
You insisted you come with him
You had to drop off all your pokemon at the professor's lab before you left because they technically weren't allowed
The only one you had left was your newly evolved Maril
Maril sensing Tim's sadness spent the whole trained ride cuddled up to him the whole ride
You laughed at the lickatonge
Tim just gave you a look that said he did not find it funny
You: I'm sure it was just trying to make you feel better
Tim: Well I wish it would find a better way to do it
You just laughed again and gave the lickatonge a pat on the head
You are really impressed with Lucy
Not everybody could handle a Phyduck
And she was really impressed with your Maril
You both started to talk about the finer points about water pokemon when the conversation turns to careers
You learn she a journalist
She learns your a contest coordinator and pokemon train
She is really impressed and would love to interview you about the challenge of doing both
You both agree to meet next week
The conversation ends when Tim reminds you that you have to go upstairs
When you met pikachu you couldn't understand him
But you believed Tim when he says he can understand him
But you can't help but cuddle the adorable pokemon
You and maril battle the Apon
You used a mixture of you contest skills and battle skills to fight them back until they snap out of it
Que the next couple of days playing detective
When y'all get to to the lab you a disgusted
You: Pokemon aren't meant to be treated like this
Tim holds you close as you cry as y'all watch what happened to Mewtoo
Omg during to finally battle you go full badass
Before you went back to Rhyme City you made sure to grab the rest of your pokemon team
Which included a gyadoes, seadra, starraptor, togakiss, and starme
You made sure to were a mask to stop the gas
You were there battling Mewtoo giving it all you got
With your pokemon and Pikachu you were able to distract Mewtoo long enough for Tim to save the day
Harry absolutely adores you
He sees how good you are together
You decide to take a little break from traveling to just be with Tim for a while
The contest season has ended you you won the cute category at the final contest so you were pretty good on money with photo shoots and interviews and the winnings itself
You were finally able to give Tim the Pokemon
It was a pikachu wearing a bowtie
You decided to do it on your date at a lake outside of Rhyme City
Tim didn't know what to say
But he couldn't deny the connection he felt to the mouse pokemon
Tim: did you dress him up for me?
Tim asked as he picked up what he knew was meant to be his pokemon partner
You: actually he insisted on wearing that himself, I meet him while getting Maril ready for a contest. He walked right up to us and took my bowtie and put it on himself. That's when I knew he was met for you.
You explained that he was meant to be an anniversary present but with all the drama going on you were never able to
Tim: I actually have something for you as well
Tim pulls out the most beautiful necklace you have ever scene
Tim: I know how much you love water pokemon so I bought a water stone and had it made into a necklace
Time put the necklace around your neck.
You two share a kiss before continuing your date
Where Tim announced that he would also join you on your journey when the contest season starts up again
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anemogae · 5 years
I need more Tim Goodman imagines
I just watched Pokemon: Detective Pikachu and Tim has all my uwus and I crave imagines about him rn
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lunarrwolf · 4 years
give it to me pls
okay this lack of Tim Goodman imagines is very unnecessary and offensive, like, how are there not people in love w him enough to make storylines??
i’m about to add it to my writing list
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retvenkos · 4 years
“being here, with you, is all i need.”
first of all, dear god, this boy can be awkward mess when it comes to affection
i mean, we all saw him attempting to flirt with lucy, and can i just say,,, it doesn’t get better after you are actually dating
he will still get tongue-tied, trying to give you compliments
he will still get flustered if you show him affection
and you, my friend,  l o v e  it
as you should
but! he is not always this awkward! because he really does love you! he’s just not the greatest under pressure!
when he’s sleepy, all the feels come out
and he is pretty talkative when he’s tired, so it’s honestly a treat
and if you ask or tease him about it in the morning, he gets very embarrassed and, once again, cannot form coherent sentences
and we all know his dad is trying desperately to help him but uhh,,, it’s a work in progress
but, because he is not the best with words, tim is big on touch
he will hold your hand all. the. time.
it reassures him that you are still there for him. that you’re not leaving anytime soon.
and when he hasn’t seen you all day, he is a hugger
it’s pure and unspoken affection that you live for because it’s just so tim
i hope you know that tim is the king of coffee shop dates at the hi-hat cafe
(you can thank his father for that - it’s one of the few tips that tim actually took to good use.)
and he can ramble about his interests or what he’s been doing for hours as long as he doesn’t pick up on any annoyance or impatience
and tim is really good at picking up vibes, so you can’t fake it
and he will also listen vvv attentively to you talk about whatever is on your mind, nodding at all the right parts and asking the right questions
he’s just awkward when it comes to affection, and honestly, it’s understandable.
oh! he also very much loves to watch movies!! indulge him, because he will watch at least two movies in a row and them sleepy tim comes out, and we all know how endearing that is.
he will let you choose the movie every time, because he’s polite, but if you let him pick, he gets very excited
and it will be a detective show
“you’re more like your dad than you think.”
“very romantic, (y/n).”
“you know what i mean!”
and speaking of the infamous harry goodman,,, he is 10/10 the annoying dad who’s a little too nosy for his own good
time absolutely  h a t e s  it
“c’mon, tim! think of all your relationships that i’ve missed!”
“not many!”
“well, we’ll talk about that later. just give me this!”
“please, dad...”
“i’m not even that bad!”
and, also, tim is so sweet?
he may not be the best at showing it, but 99.99% of his thoughts are about you
he has, like,,, one (1) braincell left over for everything else
but he is still a great detective-in-training??? like,,, it’s truly astounding
and we all know that he gets a pokémon companion
and i’m not exactly sure which one he decides on, but it is most likely the cutest thing you have ever seen
and he talks to it??? all the time???
“does this one also talk back?”
“i swear to you that it happened!”
and you just laugh because you actually do believe him (he’s too earnest about it for you to think otherwise) but it’s just funny to see his reaction
but, on the other side of things, tim is great when it comes to talking about sad stuff
he is the most comforting person to go to, because he will listen to you without judgement
and he’ll  h o l d  you while you cry
and he’ll be the most compassionate person you’ve ever gone to, because he knows what it’s like to live with grief so heavy you just need to break down, sometimes
get you a tim goodman who will treat you right
so, in conclusion, dating this dork is one of the most sweet, pure experiences you could ever have
give this man some love.
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
3K notes · View notes
gerryconway · 6 years
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Superhero Comic Book Publishing: Time to Change
So I've been reading rumors (and had a recent conversation with a top exec at one of the Big Two) about the potential end of Marvel and DC as publishers of original comics, and I Have Thoughts.
These thoughts are the product of fifty years experience working in and around the superhero comic book business, writing and editing for both Marvel and DC. I'm no business expert. I'm not a student of publishing. I can't analyze a spreadsheet or write a business plan. I'm not an MBA. The closest I've come to owning and running a company was helping my second wife develop her small business (though I believe some of the lessons we learned about the perils of expanding a business are relevant here).
No, what I'm about to discuss isn't the result of a deep understanding of big business, market share growth, the realities of corporate politics, or any of the realpolitik aspects of modern day publishing as understood by the people who've brought both companies to this moment of near collapse.
I'm just a long-time observer who's worked in the superhero field almost since its modern inception in the 1960s.
Perspective: when I started writing comics professionally, Marvel was publishing about 12 titles a month, and DC (then National Periodical Publications) was publishing about 30. Comics cost 15 cents and offered between 20 and 25 pages of story. (I'm not going to work with exact numbers because for my purposes here exact numbers aren't relevant; like I said, I'm no MBA, and this is based on personal observation, memory, and experience. If I get a precise number wrong, sue me, it doesn't matter.)
Background: How the 1960s and 1970s got the business to where it is today, and how that era reveals possible ways out of the current crisis.
It was during the 1960s, a period of modest output (compared to today), that almost ALL of the roots of modern superhero comics mythology were created. Modern incarnations of The Flash, Green Lantern, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Aquaman and Mera, Wonder Woman, the Teen Titans, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Black Panther, X-Men, Daredevil, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man--
The list of characters and storylines and mythology created in the 1960s (with overlap from the 50s and into the early 70s) is just flabbergasting-- especially when you consider the size of the companies and the number of creators who accomplished it.
When I started writing for DC Comics in 1968, their offices consisted of half a floor in a modest office building on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. Eight editors (or maybe seven, I'm not sure) and one editorial assistant worked under one editorial director and one publisher, with a production department headed by one production manager, one assistant manager who doubled as a colorist, one proof reader, and two or three production assistants, and a receptionist. Each editor was responsible for five or six books and only one editor had enough pull to have an assistant. (Mort Weisinger, who edited the highest selling range of books, had Nelson Birdwell "helping" him with the Superman line-- in fact, Nelson did all the hard editorial work while Mort snarled at people.) Four of the editors shared a single office; two others shared an office; and the two most "important" editors had an office each. That's how I remember it-- I may be off on the specifics but the general picture is accurate. This was how the company that controlled the largest market share of the comic book publishing world, possibly more than seventy percent of sales, looked in 1967-68.
Marvel Comics was an even more bare bones operation. With most of its business operations handled by Magazine Management, Martin Goodman's main publishing operation, Marvel Comics itself in 1968 operated out of a small office on Madison Avenue barely the size of a large modern conference room. The company had one editor and one assistant editor, one production manager, one assistant production manager, a part-time art director, a couple of production assistants, and a receptionist. The receptionist had a cubicle; the production staff shared a "bullpen"; the assistant editor and production manager split an office that wasn't really an office, more of an alcove; and the editor (Stan) had a private office not much larger than an average editor's today. This was the company that was revolutionizing storytelling in modern comics-- and while its individual titles were selling extremely well, its market share, due to an onerous distribution deal with its chief competitor, National Periodical Publications, was much less than it might have been.
That's how the superhero comic book publishing business looked in 1967-68. Prosperous but culturally insignificant (at least, not obviously significant). A pair of modest small enterprises, family owned and operated (NPP was bought by Kinney in 1967; Goodman retained ownership of Marvel until 1968), with rigidly controlled costs and a decent, relatively predictable profit margin.
Five years later, in the early 1970s, EVERYTHING had changed. Both companies were now controlled by larger businesses, and both were under pressure to expand market share and increase profits. Simultaneously comic book readership was dropping as the baby boomer audience aged out. The superhero comic book business was in a crisis-- and each company responded in hysterical counter-productive ways. Marvel, no longer hampered by its distribution deal with its competitor, worked to expand its market share with an explosion of new titles in multiple genres-- without proportionately expanding its editorial support structure and production staff. DC Comics experimented with new titles and new formats, without an overall publishing strategy or company-wide creative approach, continuing its tradition of independent editorial fiefdoms.
For most of the 1970s, in other words, both companies, Marvel and DC, faced creative and economic chaos. That chaos produced memorable and influential work-- Kirby's Fourth World was born, I killed Gwen Stacy, the X-Men were reborn under Chris Claremont, Jim Starlin created Thanos and killed the original Captain Marvel, Batman began getting dark-- but the companies themselves were flailing. Management at both Marvel and DC were clueless how to proceed. (As someone who held editorial positions at both companies in the 1970s I can attest top executives at DC and Marvel were way out of their depth.)
No one working in comics in the early to mid 1970s had any realistic expectation the business would even exist by the end of the decade-- news stand sales were that bad and getting worse every year. Cost cutting was rampant. Marvel reduced page count to 18 pages (and tried to hide it by paying writers and artists for 1 page that was printed as a "double page spread"). DC maintained a higher page count while adding reprint pages in order to increase the price. Short term fixes for a devastating long term crisis.
Two events saved superhero comics from disappearing in the late 1970s, and each produced effects that fundamentally altered the economics and creative direction of the business up to the present day.
The first event was the creation of the Direct Sale Market by entrepreneur Phil Seuling in 1973. There are many articles available describing how the direct market expanded through the 70s and 80s, so I won't repeat the details here, but in a nutshell, the direct market offered comic book publishers a way to guarantee the profit on individual titles compared to newstand sales. Comics sold through newstand distribution were returnable; sales to the direct market were not. Returnability meant most of a title's print run was wasted. (Typically in that era a publisher would print, say, 200,000 copies of a title to sell 70,000.) In addition, the direct market offered predictability-- eventually publishers would learn in advance how well a title might do because of pre-orders. These positives, of course, have a downside, but we'll get to that later. By the late 1970s and into the 1980s, the direct market for comics was viewed by almost everyone in the business as a god send that saved a dying business.
The second event that saved superhero comics was the arrival in 1978 of the first mainstream superhero blockbuster movie-- Superman. That movie and its sequels, followed by Tim Burton's Batman in 1989, fueled the growth of "serious" superhero mythology in mainstream pop culture (as opposed to the kid-friendly Superman series of the 1950s and the camp comedy of 1966's Batman TV show). Those movies (and other baby boomer inspired genre entries into mainstream culture like Star Wars and Indiana Jones) began the gradual colonization of pop culture by superhero mythology which exploded into fruition in the 2000s. In the 1970s, however, the main effect Superman the Movie (and later, the Batman film) had on comics was to temporarily increase sales and thus allow both companies to avoid dealing with longer-term creative and economic questions about the fundamental viability of the industry's business model.
The combination of both events, the development of the direct market and the arrival of the blockbuster superhero film, saved the comic book business as such in the 1970s-- but at the same time created and reinforced conflicting tendencies that today have produced a potentially fatal contradiction in how super hero comic book publishers approach their business.
On the one hand, the growth of the direct sale market into the de facto sole distribution point for superhero comics (the recent Walmart experiment and the digital comic market notwithstanding) has resulted in an incestuous and shrinking niche market for the sale of physical comic books. As recent reporting makes clear, this is unsustainable as a business model. Both Marvel and DC have resorted to increasingly desperate and counterproductive marketing ploys to maintain market share and profitability in a decreasing pool of readers-- a ridiculous explosion of variant covers, "special" events, crossovers, mini-series, extortionately-priced first issues, reboots and rebirths and renumberings, spin-offs and multiple versions of the same superhero teams, more events, more crossovers, more tie-ins. What all of these efforts have in common (despite some high-quality creative work on individual titles) is a complete absense of long-term strategic thinking in either the creative or business sense. What's the plan here? How is any of this short term market share maneuvering going to build and sustain a stable long-term readership? And, in particular, how does it fit with the other, even more significant development in the superhero comic book business-- the ascendency of superhero mythology in pop culture?
That second fact-- the mainstreaming of superhero mythology, begun by the Superman movie in 1978-- is the most significant development in the modern history of the comic book medium, and NEITHER company has developed an effective strategy to address it in their creative approach or their business model. The primary reason they haven't, I believe, is rooted in the first of the two events that saved comics in the 1970s, and is at the core of the contradiction that's crippling the superhero comic book business today-- the direct market and its lock on the distribution of comic books.
On the one hand, you have superhero mythology in mainstream media-- a mass market appealing to millions upon millions of consumers world wide, a potential audience beyond anything imagined by comic book creators half a century ago in our most weed-enhanced fantasies. And on the other hand, you have superhero publishing in the direct market-- a shrinking niche market numbering in at most a hundred thousand, dominated by a core readership of a few thousand, whose financial support is strained to the breaking point and beyond by ruthless and extortionate marketing of low-value-added gimmick publications that thwart long term emotional investment.
In a rational universe, both companies would be examining their core business strategy to stake a claim in the mainstream market-- a claim they have a moral, creative and financial imperative to demand as the originators of the mythology being celebrated. If ever there was a moment for the Big Two comic book publishers to think outside the traditional box, this is it. Instead, they are consumed with chasing the diminishing returns of the direct market-- creating properties to exploit a readership exhausted by the financial and emotional demands of predatory publishing techniques designed to milk as much profit from a shrinking audience as possible. This isn't only cynical, it's stupid and counterproductive-- not to mention ultimately an expression of creative bankruptcy.
So, having analyzed the problem from my own admittedly limited viewpoint-- a viewpoint privileged, somewhat, by fifty years of experience-- do I have any solutions to propose?
Yes, I do.
The superhero comic book business is in a death spiral, and everyone in the business seems to know it. A crisis as serious as this cannot be addressed by fixes at the margins. We need a fundamental break with the business practices that have brought the companies to this point. A radical solution to a radical crisis.
Both Marvel and DC need to redefine themselves as creative entities. What is their CORE purpose? What is their CORE contribution to the larger enterprise of creating superhero mythology for mainstream media?
Is their core purpose publishing paper pamphlets for sale to a small readership of tens of thousands? Or is their core contribution creating stories and characters in comic book format that can be transformed into other forms of media?
If it's the first, their business is a dead end, and nothing they do will extend its existence past the next few years. The direct sale market is dying. There's no time to develop other methods of distribution to profitably replace it. The publishers have tried expanding into bookstores, which, like the comic book stores, are dying. They've tried expanding into big box stores like Walmart, but that experiment seems to have failed. They've sought sales in digital format, but judging by reports of my own sales in that medium, it's not a panacea-- yet. Traditional comic book publishing for profit by the Big Two seems hopeless, by all the available evidence, at least as presently constituted. Maybe, if both companies scaled back overhead and production to 1967 levels-- Marvel producing 12 books a month with a small office and a skeleton staff, DC producing 30 with a slightly larger editorial footprint-- they might survive as pure publishing entities.
But survival shouldn't be a goal.
Instead, I suggest both Marvel and DC dramatically redefine themselves as creators of comic book content first-- and profitable publishers second, if at all.
One advantage both companies have as corporate subsidiaries that they never had as independent family businesses is something they need to embrace and promote to their corporate masters as a positive principle-- neither company needs to turn a profit, at least not in the short term, and not as publishers. Instead they should redefine themselves primarily, in the modern lexicon, as IP creators. Intellectual Property is one of the most important drivers of modern corporate media success-- if not the most crucial component. Comic book publishers are easily the most cost effective creators of IP in modern media. For a media corporation to require profitability of an IP generator like a comic book publisher, when even the highest levels of publishing profitability pale beside the far greater value of the IP itself, isn't just short-sighted, it's counterproductive and self defeating.
Marvel and DC should see themselves primarily, if not solely, as IP generators, and sell themselves to Disney and Warnermedia as such. Publishing should be the tail of the dog; the dog is creation.
If the companies do follow this path, they'll also need to radically rethink their approach to publishing-- ironically, with potential benefit both to themselves as profitable enterprises and to their customers in the direct market.
For example, if your goal as a company is no longer to increase or maintain market share in the direct market, but instead to generate exciting and long-term potential IP, you don't need predatory publishing practices like variant covers, or twice-yearly "events," or extortionate pricing, or required pre-orders. You could even begin to accept returns, lightening the financial pressures on dealers and encouraging them to risk new series. You could reduce the number of unnecessary spin-offs and reboots. You could devote energy to nurturing creatives and long-term storylines.
At one point in the mid 1970s I had a dust up with Marvel's production chief, the late John Verpoorten. I was complaining that a revision to the production schedule would negatively affect the aesthetic quality of a book I was writing and how could he justify that (I was young, naive and arrogant). John looked at me and growled, "From an aesthetic point of view we can maybe justify ten of these books." I was gobsmacked and obviously never forgot his point.
Redefining their core mission as IP generators would allow both Marvel and DC to address John's point positively: is there an aesthetic reason to publish this story? Does it say something new and valuable about our characters, or is it just an effort to increase market share? Does it add to the mythology, or diminish it? Is it good?
Publishing sales success has rarely been a reliable predictor of a superhero story's viability in other media. Venom is a popular comic book character with mixed success in sales-- but a worldwide hit as a movie antihero. The JLA Detroit era heroes ended ignominiously in a market driven by direct sales, but individually have provided useful source material for CW TV shows. The Green Arrow was never a sales leader in comics. Before the Batman movies, Batman was a mid-level but important DC comic. Deadpool was a popular second string character but again never a sales leader before Ryan Reynolds put on the mask.
There's a way forward for both the superhero publishers and the direct market-- but not if the publishers continue to define themselves first as publishers. That day is past. The publishers will have to be bold if they're going to thrive in the post-direct market world. The first step is for them to decide what they do best. In my view, what they do best is create comic book stories. Those stories transcend the traditional sales platform that produced them. It's time for the bird to leave its nest.
128 notes · View notes
pokemagines · 5 years
tim goodman + reuniting with his childhood friend
anon asked: “uwu,, how bout being tims childhood friend and after leaving town, they reunite in ryme city??”
a/n: guys im really in love w tim. ive been thinking about him for days and he rlly has all my uwus might mess around and see detective pikachu again !!!! --mod touko
tim was a shy kid, but he was nothing if not loyal. you and him were inseparable as kids -- often animatedly talking about how you both were going to become pokemon masters and sneaking off to watch some of the pokemon battles in town. that changed when his mom died, as he closed himself off and stopped talking about pokemon completely, but you were there for him nonetheless.
when you moved away, tim was heartbroken, but he was understanding. not everyone could stay in his small town forever, and you had ambitions. he missed you horribly, but you two kept contact so it’s not like you were separated forever. you always sent him pictures of you so you could update him about your life, and he would often call you at night and you two would talk for hours.
you heard he was coming to ryme city because of his dad’s death. you wanted to meet up with him to see how he was doing, but he didn’t answer any of your texts. deciding to give him space, you anxiously await his answer.
it’s not until the mewtwo debacle and you seeing the news that you realize he’s the one that helped save the city. you’re beyond shocked, as you used to save tim from bullies all the time back in school, the tim you remember and the tim that’s being reported about on tv seem like two different people, but you’re nothing if not proud. he answers you a week later with a “sorry, have been busy! ...want to meet at the hi-hat and catch up?” you, reply to him with an “of course”.
the first time he sees you, he’s shocked. he remembers you being adorable, but you’re even more so now. pictures really didn’t do you justice at how much you’ve glown up. his childhood crush on you comes back at full force as you run up and pull him into a hug, him holding you tightly as he lets himself be enveloped by you. he smells like coffee and strong cologne. you laugh a little at the thought of him trying to smell good for you, but sooner than you would like, he pulls away.
it’s not awkward at all... okay maybe a little at first as tim stumbles over his words because the bartender asked if you two were a couple, but you soon pick up where you left off. tim seems so much more confident in himself than he used to be, and you fall back into recollecting the past, but also of his recent escapades with mewtwo.
you two stay there until the place closes, and tim offers to walk you home. you tell him you’ll be fine, and joke that he’s the new one in town so you should be walking him home. 
he’s so eager to see you again, that as soon as he gets home, he starts texting you about making plans for sometime else that week. he jokingly asks about seeing a pokemon battle outside the city, like old times, and you accept. he can’t help but smile to himself.
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pokemagines · 5 years
lucy stevens & tim goodman + supporting their s/o’s pokemon contest
@thehistorynut19 asked: “Psssst psssst. Gay monkey brain said polyamourous rights because tim x reader x lucy abd just going on the cutest first date by these 2 fuckers literally supporting the reader's first ever pokemon contest??? Headcanons?????”
a/n: mom u literally have the BIGGEST galaxy brain this is. what i need --mod touko
both of them are SUPER excited to hear about you starting to do contests. you’ve helped support them with their careers -- whether it’s something small like bringing food to cnm’s new top reporter during her lunch break or big like staying up with tim and helping him sort through evidence on his cases, you’re always there for them. it’s the least they can do to come and support you.
they come and visit you backstage right before the event starts so they can wish you good luck! tim has a big bouquet of flowers that he leaves for you and lucy kisses you on the cheek, before giving you lots of words of encouragement.    + “if someone like tim can stop mewtwo, nothing is stopping you from winning this contest!”       “yeah she’s-- hey wait what’s that supposed to mean?”
your pokemon dazzle the show stage, tim and lucy standing in awe of the way you use your pokemon’s moves to create elegant and awe-inspiring displays. the judges seem to notice too, as they give you increasingly high scores each round. tim and lucy cheer their hearts out for you, lucy’s psyduck quacking happily (not in fear for once) and tim’s cubone hitting the seats to make noise for you. you were gorgeous, and natural, and they couldn’t be more proud.
after the show is over, they rush backstage to see you. you have a huge grin and your ribbon case is open to reveal to them that you had won your first ribbon. lucy jumps into your arms, picking you up and spinning you around, kissing all over your face before setting you down to show your pokemon some love. tim is a little shyer than lucy, but he pulls you in and kisses your forehead, telling you how spectacular you just did.
afterwards, you take them out for dinner using your newly won prize money (even if tim tries to insist on paying). both of them gush over your performance, pointing out their favorite parts of it while you sit embarrassed the entire time because they’re so sweet. 
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retvenkos · 4 years
“i always knew i would see you again”
so, to start, you’re family lived in leaventown when you were young
and you and tim met at school and hung out because you both bonded over the fact that you wanted to be pokemon trainers
you would talk about pokemon for hours
you knew his parents and would go over to his house to play or hunt for pokemon
and tim never told you, but it helped him get his mind off of when his mom was sick and his dad was gone and he wanted to cry
and the two of you were going to do it all, together.
“we’re thick and thieves, aren’t we, tim?”
but then, when you were 9, you move to viridian city
and you write to tim, but eventually he stops answering back
flash forward 12 years, and you have given up on your dream of being a pokemon trainer and live in ryme city
you are now a wildlife biologist - or, almost, anyway
you basically view different types of pokemon in ryme city and write reports about the adaptations that the same pokemon in the wild have
how have they changed? how are they the same?
it’s very interesting,,, but it’s also the job that no one else wanted and passed on to you
and the goodmans? you haven’t thought of them in a long time
as in a decade, long time
a vvv long time
but when you see the death of harry goodman has made the front page of the newspaper, you get whiplash from all of the memories that resurface in your mind
“oh, no... tim...”
you want to reach out to your old friend
but for the life of you, you could not remember his address
sure, you knew leaventown
but would he even live in the same place, all these years later?
so you are walking down the street, trying to figure out a way to talk to him when you stop at the hi-hat cafe
and something  d r a w s  you to it
and you look at it for a long moment
but then you shake your head and go - it’s night, and you need to get home
the next day, you are following a group of aipoms when you see...
“tim goodman?”
and the man with a pikachu on his shoulder turns around and it is most definitely your old friend, tim goodman
“...(y/n) (l/n)???”
and you rush over and give him a hug
and you know that pikachu has a sarcastic comment about it that you don’t catch
and then reality hits you
“i heard about your dad, tim. i’m so sorry.”
and he nods, gratefully
“yeah. thanks. but, it’s okay. i, uhh...”
and he trails off
“you can tell me, tim. we’re thicker than thieves, remember?”
and a smile flashes across his face for a fraction of a moment
“this is going to sound crazy, (n/n)...”
“i can do crazy.”
“this is my dad’s pokemon, and we - i think he is still alive.”
and you want to believe it’s true
“tell me how.”
and so you are off on an adventure, and you can’t help but think that it’s like old times
and yet, some things were different
“did you ever become a pokemon trainer?”
“nah, i decided that pokemon are much easier to understand than tame. you?”
“no... but i’m starting to think detective work could be for me.”
and when you meet lucy stevens, you know right away that tim has an endearing crush on her
“you are still such a dork, tim.”
“i’m working on it, okay?”
and you know that when you find out that his pokemon talks to him, you freak out
is there a scientific reason for this?
pikachus have never shown this capability before
are we sure neither of you have been experimented on
“and you are 100% certain the two of you are communicating in a legitimate way?”
“are you asking me if i’m imagining this?”
“...is it a possibility?”
“sadly, this is all real.”
and when all is over and done with and tim stays in ryme city, you can’t contain your excitement
you try to rope him into being your roommate, but he says he wants to live with his dad for a bit
and you know that you, tim, and lucy hang out on the weekends
every saturday is pizza night and a movie
and you groan when tim and lucy bring detective movies
“can’t we have one night without a murder mystery??”
and the two of you may be different, now, but you are still as close as you used to be
“we’re as thick as thieves, right?”
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pokemagines · 5 years
I’m here to complain ab the lack of Tim Goodman content. Thank you... So you mean to tell me that I can’t find a single Tim x reader fic but there’s multiple pikachu x reader fics??? Even SMUT fics???? SMUT with a POKEMON????? With an electric MOUSE???!!!!!
IM SCREAMING HDKANDNSNS that stuff is nasty y’all need the lord ,, i remember trying to read N x reader on ao3 when i was a kid and only finding pokeph*lia stuff like PLEASE SAVE ME
i’ve written like uhhh 3 i think ;-; check my tim goodman tag !!! :0 i’ll try to finish the tim request i started a while ago maybe hehe
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
When you want to lead a normal explorer life but Palkia says N O
Imagine: You and your partner Pokémon were enlisted under detective Harry Goodman and his son. Nothing out of the ordinary with you two,  it's just that you seem to understand your Pokémon more acutely than most and you start touching things wait-no that's the corpse don't touch it with your bare fingers--
I'll write my pokemon mystery dungeon x detective pikachu whenever i want i have my rights (also chose the second gif since i started with eevee and partnered with shinx but you can imagine your own partner pokemon!)
Reader is gender neutral
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- There was a huge disturbance in the world and whether it was a natural disaster or the work of a legendary, people don’t know how to feel about it. In random places, people and Pokemon started disappearing in forests, mountains, and caves. Even those that were national parks or a hiking trail were considered dangerous when the last people seen were in those places.
- RCPD was in chaos at the sudden influx of missing people and Pokemon. Mr. Yoshida was at his wit’s end as cases kept piling on and on as he feels as though he’s going to keel over from the stress. Harry and Tim Goodman especially since they have a few close friends missing. Not only them, Lucy has troubles trying to give some leverage to the incidents because of most of GNN’s workers are missing. All three of them were on edge and they hate that they can’t do anything about it.
- Almost like magic, you came out of nowhere (actually, from a rural village in the Galar Region) and came to the department as a new detective. You weren’t anyone special, with your partner Pokemon on your toes with a fashionable set of scarves on both your necks as well as matching badges pinned on them. You didn’t look like much but when you said to Mr. Yoshida that you know how to rescue the missing people, all heads immediately turned.
- Mr. Yoshida was skeptical about you being out in the field being a new recruit and all but they were out of options and the panic of the public wasn’t helping either. He decided to enlist you under the Goodmans and investigate the nearest site: an abandoned factory in an industrial area.
- Both Harry and Tim have mixed feelings about you:
     - Harry didn’t like you getting hurt and especially so young. Even if you had knowledge of what’s going on, he didn’t want your first job to be a probable near-death experience. He lost his wife and nearly lost his son so he’s not letting another person die in his watch. At least his Pikachu likes you and your partner Pokemon so he knows you’re a good person.
     - Tim, on the other hand, was curious about you. He hasn’t seen much about the Galar Region yet so he’s interested in what Pokemon was living there. He tries to make small talk without too much stuttering since he hasn’t met another co-worker around his age.
- The whole area was practically a maze; metal pipes were a climbing tool for the stray Aipoms as they interconnected into a metal jungle. You see some Durants slicing the metal and making nests as Drilburs dug holes in numerous places. Before Harry could brief you on what this places was about, you were already sprinting in, duffel bag slung on your shoulder as your Pokemon followed suite.
- They really had no choice but to follow you as wild Pokemon loitered about and almost attacked you if it wasn’t for your partner driving them off. They couldn’t even catch up to you as you tossed a seed at an incoming Excadrill in its mouth. It soon fell on the floor and snored in its sleep. Harry tried to stop you but you waved a wand and soon an orb of light escaped from the tip and floated in a narrow path on your right. They couldn’t even stop you as you ventured onward towards the light.
- You could barely explain how dungeons work to both Harry and Tim when there’s never a moments rest: defeat a Pokemon, get items, use a Foe-Hold Orb when it’s a Monster House. It gotten so bad that even Harry’s Pikachu had to join in and fend off the wild Pokemon. The only time that you had a time to relax was when you found a hidden staircase as a Kirlia greeted your group as a Mime Jr. healed your partner and Pikachu.
- You were an Explorer instead of a Trainer. The profession was something people don’t hear too often because it was mainly Pokemon who survey areas then report back to the organization. It’s not often a human and a Pokemon get to be partnered and explore on their own. Your profession explained so much on how you knew how dungeons work and how you seem to be a veteran at it.
- Harry was ecstatic to meet an actual Explorer ever since he met a few Explorer Pokémon in his time before he turned into a Pikachu. He asks you about your organization, your past experiences out in the field, literally everything that has to do with the Explorer life. You try to explain as much as you could to the excited man as your profession was completely kept under the dark. Eventually Tim just started to accept whatever comes out of your mouth since his dad seemed to trust you (and adding the fact that you're literally the only one who can get them out of here).
- After the pit stop, you five ventured out once more. With knowledge of how dungeons work now, they closely followed you, making sure to watch your back as you explored the metal maze. It wasn't long before you heard cries of help from another room and you five immediately sprinting towards the source. Two people-one had his leg stuck under a pipe as a woman tried to comfort him looked at your group with wide eyes. Both of their lanyards on their necks had a GNN ID.
- You and Harry tried to lift the pipe as Tim helped the man out. Unfortunately, the man had a swollen ankle so he couldn't walk without support. The woman volunteered to be his crutch while you fished out another blue orb from your bag. You warned them that they might experience motion sickness before smashing the orb on the ground as a light enveloped the group.
- Soon you found yourselves at the entrance of the dungeon. You tell Harry to call the department and bring an ambulance while you try and remedy the man's ankle. While Harry was both trying to recover from the Escape Orb's effects and calling Mr. Yoshida at the same time, Tim lagged behind and instead helped the woman in recovering.
- When rumor got out that the RCPD finally has a way to rescue people in dungeons, GNN (and by GNN, I mean Lucy breaking in the police department with a laughable disguise), immediately interviewed you about what was inside the dungeons and what was the Explorer life like. If you didn't know any better, you would think that she might've been another fan of the Explorer life. Lucy was adorably quirky, something you like about her as you both saved each other's contacts. And yes, you both agree that all Pokémon are cute.
- Harry immediately takes you under his wing as a student (and child whether he realizes or not). While he still doesn't want you to go into dungeons alone when he or Tim aren't with you, he's proud that you're a veteran at the job. Despite that, he'll still help you in detective work as well as helping you burn the midnight oil during those rough cases.
- Tim lowkey wants to become an Explorer because of the sights that you get to see at the end of a dungeon. He still remembers the flower garden full of flowery grass Pokémon at the end of a cave when you wanted to have Tim experience an exploration that didn't involve lives at stake. He knows you're a busy person when you're literally the only one available to help the RCPD but he loves to help out in any way that he can (most preferably in the way of exploring a dungeon on his own).
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