#til seed
bestandhealthyoils · 2 years
Best and healthy oils
There is a well-known misnomer about cooking oils rampantly spreading around the world that oily fatty food is really bad for health and must be avoided at all costs. This has created a bad lifestyle choice among many.
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itsdefinitely · 5 months
do girl jeri and boy jerry exist explicitly to torment me
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itssoinevitable · 2 years
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I should have listened to you, Mrs Hall. You always seem to know what’s best for me.
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nobodymitskigabriel · 5 months
I think I need to start tagging canon crit. "It was just done in a way you don't like." Yes?? Am I not allowed to think the show handled something poorly??
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Finally started hacking away at the overgrown rose bushes and I'm so fucking exhausted and in pain 😭 bitch....
#i wasnt even doing a lot which is what makes me mad bc like i could see if i was doing the bushes yeah id be so tired but man#i wasnt even doing that much 😭 i did fill three lawn bags of clippings though and i hacked away the limbs that grab at the#sidewalk and the sides that grip onto you when you go to get the trash bins but theres still more i could do#i didnt wanna do TOO much but i wanted to make the petite rose bush less tall (its invasive to the area :( didn't learn that til this year#but if we hack away at it every year or so it's fine?? i mean its not like they throw seeds the same way say a maple tree would or like#poison ivy so it's not SPREADING out new plants it's just a monster sgdgdgd) anyway i wanted that to stop being so tall and#make it stop shading the flower boxes but i DID leave the now vacant birds nest covered so maybe another birdy will like it ... next year#sgdgdgdg since i think the major egg laying season is ending/over and most adult birds dont stay in a nest iirc like they find somewhere to#stay but the purpose of a nest is to keep babies in and safe but idk i could be wrong wgdgdggd#ANYWAYS i left that. the plant itself has burrs or whatever like these growths which you cannot completely#remove without just getting rid of the plant and starting over so we just leave it (doesnt seem to be hurting the 7ft spindly giant any)#i should hack away at the top of the 5 petal rose bush (also invasive iirc :( explains it's size sdgdgdgdg) so my garden can have more sun#but we'll see... 👀✂️#i feel like shit though agdgdgdg im tired of feeling like shit man
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ca-d · 3 months
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balcony things 🖤
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fooltofancy · 11 months
we have. done the coils of bahamut finally. don't like how solidly that conversation with louisoix solidifies how much of a manacle hero is to ilya.
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direwombat · 2 years
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Havent seen any wips today so im just gonna go ahead and post what i slammed out last night
Tagged last week by @kittiofdoom
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton, @adelaidedrubman, @detectivelokis, @baldurrs, @strangefable, @fourlittleseedlings, @confidentandgood, @sstewyhosseini, @purplehairsecretlair , @roofgeese, @funkypoacher, @poetikat, @aceghosts and anyone else with something to share (but also no pressure!)
Here's a fully self indulgent scene from MUCH later on in kneeling at the crossroads where jacob officially falls in love with syb. Brief context is that he found her in a near hypothermic state in the woods and took her back to the closest cabin. this takes place after her body temperature is back up to (mostly) normal
In the few minutes it takes for Jacob to go out to the shed to retrieve more firewood, Sybille has pulled on a set of the cabin’s previous inhabitants clothes and has gone to work raiding their pantry. Between the rabbits Jacob had caught the previous night before he found her shivering on the ground and the mason jars of vegetables she finds in the cupboards, she has enough to make a halfway decent rabbit stew. Throwing on an apron, she clears the counter and begins skinning and gutting the rabbits.
She doesn’t look up from her butchering when Jacob walks back through the door, a stack of chopped and dried wood tucked under his arm. The heavy thuds of his bootsteps stop abruptly and the door clatters shut behind him. “You should be in bed,” is all he says.
She looks up, glaring at him as she rips the fur from a rabbit's body, perhaps a bit more violently than she intends. The tremor in her bones has yet to subside, but she’ll be damned if she sits aside like a helpless waif while Jacob does all the work.
“You ain’t a nurse and I ain’t a child to be taken care of,” she says. Her attention focuses back to the dead animal as she slides a short-bladed poultry knife across its belly, mindful not to pierce the intestines. “B’sides,” she continues, pulling the guts from its abdomen, “if I have to eat another thing straight from a goddamn tin can, I swear to God, Jacob, I will riot.”
For a long moment, the only sound filling the cabin is the squelching as she thoroughly disembowels the animal. Blood and viscera cover her hands, and when she realizes Jacob hasn’t moved from where he stands, rooted by the front door, she clenches her jaw and glares at him once more.
And just for a moment, the sharpness to her gaze falters. The way he’s looking at her isn’t one she’s seen before. Hunger, lust, anger -- she’s seen all sorts of dark and sordid things burning in his eyes during her many, but brief, encounters with him. But what swims behind that unwavering glacial stare is beyond her comprehension. Were it worn by anyone else, she might have called it gentle or soft.
But Jacob Seed is not a soft or gentle man. She’s fucked him and walked away with bruises and an ache in her hips often enough to know.
Her canines flash dangerously. “You got somethin’ to say?” she snaps.
“No,” he says shortly, and he turns away, moving towards the fireplace with stilted steps. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, but she can’t help but notice the way the tips of his ears glow a bright pink.
It must still be cold outside.
He restokes the fire, and she’s grateful for the heat that quickly blossoms through the living space and kitchen. The chill had returned to her fingers, but as the fire warms and as she kicks on the gas stove to begin cooking, the trembling subsides. She throws butter into a cast iron skillet to brown the meat while sautee-ing a medley of vegetables in even more butter in an old and well loved Dutch Oven. The wafting aroma of garlic, onions, and cooking meat swirls around the cabin, and while her stomach growls loudly, for the first time in weeks, she’s actually excited for her next meal.
Even more so when she finds fresh thyme growing in the window box above the sink.
She busies herself, cleaning as she goes to keep the mess to a minimum and giving the pot the occasional stir after she’s dumped all the ingredients into the stock. All the while, she hums old French songs from the records her maman used to play.
Things feel…normal. Like if she closes her eyes, she can pretend she’s back in that little house in Falls End and it’s her brother sitting on the couch. He would come up behind her and sneak a bite. She’d whack him on the hand with the wooden spoon, but then they’d both laugh -- Dear God, when was the last time she laughed?
But that little nagging voice -- the one that won’t let her have nice things; the one that keeps her alive -- reminds her that things aren’t normal. The man sitting on the couch isn’t her brother. The man sitting on the couch has repeatedly hurt her and the ones she’s sworn to protect. She wipes her hands on her apron and looks at him, just barely making eye contact before he swiftly averts his gaze to stare at fire dancing on the logs.
Things aren’t normal. Things aren’t ever going to be normal again.
But maybe…maybe here in a cabin tucked away from the rest of the world, she can pretend for just a while longer.
She gives the pot another stir, testing its thickness. It’s a little on the watery side, but well within an acceptable range for something nice and hearty. Bringing the spoon to her lips, she gives it a taste as well. Her eyes roll back into her skull and the moan she lets out is embarrassingly orgasmic. Jesus Christ, it’s been so long since she’s had a hot meal.
And then, without thinking, she calls Jacob over. “Hey,” she yells over her shoulder. “Get your ass over here.”
There’s a beat of hesitation before there’s the sound of a body lifting off a leather couch. Jacob awkwardly ambles into the kitchen, coming to stand on the other side of the island counter.
Choosing to ignore the strange distance he left between them, she dips the spoon into the pot, scooping up some stew before holding it out to him. A ritual leftover from her life before the Reaping. One inherited from her maman. “Here,” she says. “Tell me what you think.”
He stares at it, steam rising up from the chunks of meat and carrot. Then, his eyes flick to hers, meeting them with an equal intensity.
She scoffs. “I ain’t poisonin’ you, if that’s what you’re worryin’ about. You know I’d stab you in your front.” She pushes the spoon closer towards him. “C’mon.”
Slowly, he circles around the counter and stands in front of her. His eyes dart between the spoon and her face just for a moment before he’s tentatively brushing his fingers over her hand where it grips the handle. Rough calluses drag against the comparatively softer skin of the back of her hand leaving sparks in its wake. Her breathing hitches and heart flutters peculiarly -- fear instinct, she tells herself; he could so easily break her wrist if he wanted.
But he doesn’t.
His hand settles over hers, dwarfing it completely. Nice and warm, like it belongs there. He leans down, eyes falling shut as he brings his mouth to the spoon’s bowl. She never noticed how long his eyelashes were. His lips smack wetly against the wood and she holds her breath as he draws back. His eyes remain closed as he chews, thoughtfully savoring every single flavor he possibly can.
Her heart thuds in her chest and she’s sure he can feel it where he holds her hand. She looks at him expectantly and when he finally swallows and opens his eyes, that strange look he had given her before is back.
“Well?” she asks, swallowing thickly.
“It’s, uh…” he coughs awkwardly and snatches his hand away. “It’s good.”
Sybille lifts her brows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he grunts.
That breath she’d been holding releases, but her heartbeat has yet to slow. “Good,” she says, turning away, submerging the spoon back into the stew and hiding the flush crawling up her neck. “Because you’re helping me eat it. And if you add salt or pepper, I will be offended.” She gives him a quick glance from the corner of her eye, finding him looking adorably uncomfortable. “I’m kidding.”
Her lips quirk up. “Mostly.”
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tomatoluvr69 · 7 months
Seeded collards and kale today yay yay yay woohoo yay yippee etc 🎉🎊🍾🥳👏🍾🎊🎊🎉🎉
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bestandhealthyoils · 2 years
Best and healthy oils
There is a well-known misnomer about cooking oils rampantly spreading around the world that oily fatty food is really bad for health and must be avoided at all costs. This has created a bad lifestyle choice among many.
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ssspringroll · 9 months
oh yeah i gotta update all the mods in my mods folder. hm.
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graciecatfamilyband · 2 years
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eternal-reverie · 1 year
a stranger today gifted me two fruits today
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adhdvane · 1 year
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i finished making my gear build for inkbrush yesterday.... i think i found my favorite weapon to play.... is this how you become a brush main
#sammy liveblogs about spoon3#splatoon 3#sammy be quiet#sammy no#look i put swim speed on the shoes bc i use them for other weapons#and if i'm having too good a game with lots of kills more respawn up isn't helping me#tbh i dont like the jacket but i just naturally got the swim speed on that one#i am gunna try to put it on a different shirt#but the one i have in mind...#well if i want to do it with no chunks... i have to advance it 37 times.....#and aside from that i don't have have swim speed drinks right now#so even if i want to advance zero times by chunking twice i drinking once i have to wait til i get a drink#seed checker says i will get one from big run so tomorrow evening i should have that#but i would also need like 17 more chunks to chunk twice lol#and i kinda want to just wait til i get a couple more two put ninja squid another another shirt i like#so i can use it with a different weapon build#but ninja squid also requires run speed up chunks and i have 25 of them rn#but i want to save up to 45 bc i think that's what i want to put as the main on my nautilus 47 gear build#changing the main ability on the shirt in the only thing i need to adjust on that one#the gear build on that rn is main: rsu + spu (needs to be changed) + sj#sub: rsu + qsj + ia + ssu x 6#i know the nautilus 47 doesn't need as much run speed up as other splatlings bc it can store its charge and swim#but idk what else i really want to put there and sub power up is really a waist as a main when my sub is sensor and i'm not using it#i use point sensor like a nut when i play nova bc revealing the enemy and being back up fire is basically the entire point of nova#but there's not really a point for me to have gear that extends the length of point sensor if i'm rarely using it#i guess maybe thermal ink but idk#nautilus has decent accuracy and a player getting hit or hit by a stray and getting out of my sight doesn't happen all that often#or at least enough for me to think thermal ink is justified over something else#if i got rich in ssu i'd do that over rsu but i need it for other gear and god
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pennaraptor · 1 year
cruelest irony that my bird really likes pellets yet is apparently incapable of eating enough to maintain weight
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
Thinking about Radiant Garden Falls fic/Seeds of Disaster Sephiroth. How the wonder trio was given birth by a generation lullabyed by the tales of fearful pirates whose hideout was never found and just stopped coming one day. How those growups wished for children strong enough to beat the demons that haunted their own parents.
By the time the trio is ten years old, Ansem stops funding the research on how G cells improves battle strength stamina. An age of peace has no need for weapons or heroes. Tournaments or an unsually wild animal to put down or scare is the most excitement a warrior will ever get. Even the devastating magic Genesis brings from his secret travels gets either branded as flashy party tricks or as property damage risk.
Then the heartless come. Of course by the time the warriors are put in the field it’s way past guards finding empty houses with signs of struggle and no bodies. It doesn’t mean they can easily part crowds following a cry. It doesn’t mean they can calm down people crumbling in despair or grief. It doesn’t mean they can predict when or where the darkness will strike. They are only strong enough to strike down what hurts, not to protect what matters.
Power won’t help you console your friend after his apprentice and his mother have gone missing. Power won’t tell you if letting people with darkness problems be carried away for treatment is better for everyone. Power won’t save a dying kid struck down by his own mentor thinking he was a monster.
And when it comes down to it, power can’t compare to numbers. Each opponent that slips away every day, every hour, every second is a person you can’t save. So heroes burn themselves to keep going despite the burden, the grief, the anger and justify their existence. It hits you, as the abandoned rapier you used to stop your broken friend slips from your grasp, the metallic echo resonating in the basement empty of culprits or survivors. Peace was a lie. Order was a lie. Justice was a lie. You are alone, you are mad, you are free...
And never again will you have to pretend to be a hero.
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