#tikal: ic.
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dive2themellow · 1 month ago
@yourflame this was gonna be an unprompted ask then it got too long so here's an unprompted starter for alive tikal and seren sdhfsdjhf
"Shhh," Tikal holds up a finger to her mouth, indicating her friend should be quiet. The patrols didn't used to come by here, but recently they've been more frequent, and more intense. "I can't stay for long, Father's been more strict these days. But…here!" She gives Seren a small pendant carved out in the shape of some sort of small creature. Two larger holes for the eyes, one small hole for the mouth. A bit of jade for a small sprout on its head and some leather cord running through that. "My grandmother used to wear this before she gave it to me. She said it could house souls. So...in case I can't see you again for a while, I'd like you to have it!" The echidna smiles, small, uncertain, her cheeks pink, voice going infinitely more meek as she continues. "Um, as a memento...if that's okay with you..."
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dive2themellow · 1 month ago
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The spirit gasps, then presses fingers to her lips giddily. They sometimes forget niceties--in the afterlife, such pleasantries aren't essential anymore. "I'm sorry, I forgot...heehee. I'm Tikal. I live alongside the Master Emerald. Or...maybe within the Master Emerald is more appropriate." Her hands lower, wringing them in front of her, suddenly sheepish about her behavior. "You have an innate ability to feel the Chaos. I can feel it around you. Which is why I have come to you to request your help."
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@dive2themellow said: ❛ there’s a storm coming. i’m gonna need your help. ❜ (dive2themellow ; tikal for maria!)
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What a strange phenomena - Maria doesn't think she's seen anything like this before. Ruby eyes blink slowly with awe-struck curiosity as what appears to be a... spirit? Appear before her, from a ball of glowing energy. Was this a dream? Did she fall asleep watching Cinderella again? ❝ Wait- But.. who are you? ❞
She's half-tempted to ask if this strange girl was her fairy-god-mother. How ironic would that be?
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omnipointmuses · 5 months ago
Massive Gelatinous Tikal sitting her big blobby butt on your everything.
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fastfists · 10 months ago
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Happy Mother's Day to this cute little Chao who helped raise a teeny tiny echidna guardian.
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dive2themellow · 1 month ago
The echidna princess smiles at the stranger. Silver has been nothing but kind since he showed up, always eager to learn more. Tikal is grateful for such peace and mundanity in her life. It feels like so long since she's been able to simply chat with a stranger. Her father was becoming stricter as the days went on, insisting on strength over weakness and war over peace. Little did he know where true strength lay. "Yes! Oh, they were such beautiful flowers... irises and gardenias and passion vines and wild honeysuckle...if you venture deep into the jungle, you can find the best papaya, too. I used to sell that also...although with my father's decree, I'm afraid there's no time for such casual things anymore..." She frowns, twisting her hands on top of each other. But that's not Silver's problem, and she'll be a bad host and an equally bad princess if she complains too much. Tikal raises her eyes to Silver to change the subject.
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"In your future, are there many flowers, Silver?"
@dive2themellow : a long time ago i used to sell flowers here. (dive2themellow, tikal for silver?)
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"Right here?" Silver points in the direction Tikal is looking, his eyes squinting as he tries to picture what that might've looked like for her. As someone from a distant future, imagining such a distant past is almost impossible. And a little bit exciting. He's never even considered the fact he could throw himself further in the past with his abilities--The fate of his future so often seems to revolve around Sonic (who'd have thought...Sonic games are about Sonic lol...), so he's never even tried. Curious, and clinging to her every word, he asks, "What kinds of flowers?"
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hexellent · 1 year ago
"The only people I ever stole from are nocturnus echidnas, and it was deserved!" The jury is still out on her interaction with the other denizens of the twilight cage."You are a guardian, you're supposed to be better than that. better than... me."
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Knuckles stares at her, entirely unimpressed and unmoved by her words. Lilac eyes giving her a once over.
"I am. You're mixing words and making assumptions on my character without any prior knowledge of me. You question my devotion and worthiness of my duty as if you were the one standing guard for the last 36 years. You point fingers like you are somehow entitled to have an opinion on anything about me."
His eyes flash, and his arms uncross from his chest, instead his hands rested folded politely in front of him. His stance changes, somehow both gentler and more proper. His voice even came out softer, as if it wasn't his.
"You know nothing of this guardian's past, how hard he as worked, and what he has sacrificed for us. Do not make such snap judgements based in a bare snipit of someoe's life."
Again, a flash, a change. It's only for a few moments, but the echidna's gaze turns hard, untrusting, stance widened and tense. The aura around him is dangerous and heavy. A huff.
Then it's gone again, and Knuckles returns to his original stance.
"Get off your high horse. Your fake moral high ground means nothing to us. I never stole from anyone."
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sonicprim3d · 1 year ago
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" Not on my island. "
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flingmetothemoon · 11 months ago
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Ice cream is refreshing~😋
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“’Ice cream’ is refreshing! Arbitrary in hindsight, but still refreshing.”
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bloody-mad-scientist · 1 year ago
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"I highly doubt something as mystical as a ghost could possibly exist. If i were to make a theory, it would be that the small creature became fused with the giant gem's natural energy, in turn becoming energy herself!"
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"If i can capture and study her, i can probably find a way to reverse engineer the process and maybe even get some new weapons out of it! Maybe even find a way to turn transformed creatures into a source of renewable fuel!!!"
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dive2themellow · 1 month ago
@yourflame said: The deity stares seemingly absently at their 'roommate' - if being bound to the master emerald shrine was considered a home, then holds out a wild flower that was delicately clasped in its hand. ~ from Chaos, to Tikal ! :]
One would think eternity within the confines of the Master Emerald's shrine could feel limiting but Tikal spent much of their time alive here with the chao anyway, relishing in the connection to the world the shrine had offered her. The Chaos energy here is strong, for obvious reasons, and it had grounded her when she was alive and continues to ground her as a spirit, tethering them to the planet and to Light and Dark Gaia in a way that makes her feel wholer than ever. Since Sonic saved Chaos from its rage it's been nothing but serenity getting to spend her days watching the chao get old and sing their cute songs and reincarnate and have the cycle continue. Tikal is more than happy to feel this connected to such a beautiful world. It is a gift.
The god is her best friend. She is so grateful for Chaos and always has been. It is more delicate and cares more deeply than anyone seems to know. Tikal is glad that Chaos gets to be themself and that they get to share these moments with them.
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"Oh, Chaos--!" The spirit's hands clasp together for a moment, then she gingerly takes the flower from her friend and delicately tucks it into the place where crown meets temple. The flower glows hazily against her energy-infused body, as if adapting to her form. "You always find the best flowers on the shrine grounds, you'll have to tell me your secret sometime."
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omnipointmuses · 5 months ago
Tikal being trapped inside an Egg Ma'am Empire brand vending machine, her own slimy form being used against her as she's stuffed inside a latex tube as her form is pumped from herself and served into various sized cups. Thankfully she's quite good at reforming herself. Now she just needs to escape before a crowd hungry enough to drink her down arrives or worse someone greedy enough to chug her fully from the tap.
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flingmetothemoon · 1 year ago
LOL, Knucklehead flings Silver to the moon and goes get ice cream with Tikal 😋
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I’m sure they’ll love it. Yum!
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fastfists · 1 year ago
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Mother, they want some choccy milk please.
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kinopioa · 9 months ago
Various Echidna tribes/civilizations (Part 1)
While Knuckles doesn't know of the latest tribe he specifically came from, the games have had a multitude of tribes and civilizations to represent Echidnas, even outside of Angel Island/Pachachamac's
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/kinopioa/752676073211412480/various-echidna-tribescivilizations-part-2?source=share
-Outside Angel Island Civilizations-
1. Pachachamac's tribe (Knuckles Clan)
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3000 years ago, Pachachamac's tribe had established itself as an undefeatable force thanks to the leadership of Pachachamac himself. The tribe itself was wiped out from the Earth due to enraging Chaos, with the remaining stragglers to use the Master Emerald afterward to lift the landmass to the sky, forming Angel Island. As such, any later Angel Island tribes have this for the base
2. Unknown tribes
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In the Sonic Adventure Perfect and Softbank Guide in Japan, we learn that other Echidna tribes neighbored Pachachamac's, with Pachachamac's tribe being small and scrabbling before Tikal's Grandmother died. After her death, Pachachamac took control and aggressively supressed other tribes with brute force
3. The Echidna Pyramids
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While Eggman defaced most of the pyramid and surrounding area during the events of SA2, the more intact Wild Canyon and Dry Lagoon area neighboring it shows us hieroglyphics and moniker of an Echidna civilization living alongside typical human Ancient Egyptian based statues. In Pyramid Cave there are even imposing Echidna statues in the background
Interestingly, there are murals showing us upright other animal headed people, which given the many anthros in Sonic might be legitimate. It's unknown what happened to this civilization, though they seem to have had the Master Emerald before it wound up in Pachachamac's area. Chao are also noted in murals, likely as pets
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*Note: The SA2 Perfect Guide doesn't state either this or Wild Canyon as a part of Angel Island. Pumpkin Hill/Aquatic Mine connects directly to the city, nor has evidence of Echidnas despite similar ghosts
-Angel Island Civilizations-
Given the size of Angel Island and the distinct locales, later Zones will be specified
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In Sonic Battle, Knux is temporarily residing in this area given an ancient echidna tribe lived there besides a now inactive volcano. While not much is said, the battle arena here has ruins depicting Chao
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*Edit: The sky BG shows this is on Angel Island. Rare Chao iconography on Angel Island!
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A series of ruins, the architecture consists of gold, malachite, and steel blue brick, several decorated towers with dangling balls inside (likely to measure water pressure), high ceiling arches, pulleys and fans, tunnels and chutes. It's important to note that the area is flooded in 3K mainly due to the island being forced on the ocean. Regardless, it is a water oriented site, with waterfalls pouring in, and chutes to manage the water
Marble Garden
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Located in the mountains and deep forest, Marble Garden is a site heavily littered with spikes, spike balls, crushers, even motion triggered arrows. It implies that the former residents here were very mistrusting of outsiders
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The blue mechanisms directly shift the landscape, allowing access to hidden passages. A pulley powered handle can help those that can't traverse up the steep slopes normally. Apricots/Peaches and Orange brickwork adds a splash of color to this otherwise green/tan site, same for intricate designs on various walls and blue loop-deloops
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Drill tops can be used to flat out fly in the air. This tribe was very innovative
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Ice Cap
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In Sonic 3, Eggman's environment machine* has heavily impacted the area. As such, the ice structures are far more warped than intended. Though there is still bits of architecture intact
For starters, the bungee platforms that launch the user to higher areas. Intricate ice bridges and towers can also be seen throughout the area
Closer to the forest, we see more elements that use wood, such as gates and bridges
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Residents may live in shacks and brick houses qnd windmills scattered across the mountain as well
*The Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles Japan guide notes that the environment machine seen in Mushroom Hill impacted more areas than just Mushroom Hill. This might explains Adventure's drastic change.
*It's also important to note that Ice Cap is found on Angel Island in Sonic Adventure, as Angel Island crashed into Mystic Ruins
Welp, 30 image limit reached. See you in Part 2!
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fortruechaos · 1 month ago
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Shadow sits down on his knees so he can hear Amy a bit better as the exhaustion starts to take hold and the adrenaline wears off, hand gently closing around hers for a moment. He nods, determined, too focused on the task at hand and concerned with failure to really feel grateful -- but knows it's there, somewhere beneath his sternum. "Thank you." He gives her hand a half-squeeze and then sets it down to their side so he can reach into his quills and grab the green Emerald he keeps on him, gently setting it beside Amy. In case he needs more pull from it (in case I'm not enough). Then Shadow reaches out for Amy's damaged leg and sets both hands on top of it, pressing down with pressure. To focus, he closes his eyes and draws in a long breath. Center yourself within the flow and guide the current, it's not really different from what you do already, you just have to focus on feeling it. He recalls the prayer Knuckles shared with him. "The servers are the seven Chaos..." he begins slowly, words coming with much intent, a slow green light building beneath both his hands and the Emerald, painting Amy's red blood into black under the light washing out the color. "Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart."
While Shadow's eyes are closed and too focused to really tell what's going on, he can certainly feel something is happening--the air is taut around him for a moment, and he can almost feel himself depleting out through his palms, a slow literal draining feeling that moves from the tips of his ears down into his feet. It reminds him a bit of going under in the pods upon the ARK, that green liquid rising steadily, encouraging him to take one more breath of oxygen before all he could feel was that liquid inside his lungs. The Chaos moving within him like a syringe draws it out of him. Yes, Shadow knows something is happening, although he can't say what; all he knows for certainty is that it doesn't feel half as natural as a Chaos Spear or Control does.
He opens his eyes and removes his hands.
Amy is, for the few seconds between Shadow agreeing and stopping at their packs, surprised. Shadow is stubborn (and she is, too) and he's not usually swayed by other people being illogical, especially not his friends. It's because he cares--He doesn't just stand by and watch people flounder or suffer. It's something Amy loves and respects about him. Even if it means they butt heads sometimes. Of all the things in the world to disagree or argue about, there's a lot worse. Friends have to be able to be honest with each other.
She's much more surprised when Shadow begins speaking after setting her down. Already, elevating her leg is helping her head feel less heavy, the swimming sensation from before fading like a receding tide as she listens to his idea. Chaos energy and healing...it's nothing they know anything about, of course. Their eyes cling to Shadow's expression as he stares down at his hands. The same hands that carried her and helped her so gently. Amy props herself up a bit more, suddenly tired as her adrenaline starts to fade, so her voice can pry itself from her chest to cut in, so he'll know she means it and really hear her.
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"No, Shadow--" she smiles, hoping he'll look over at her again and not at himself like some kind of stranger, "you should try." Amy motions him closer with a wobbly hand; She didn't need to hear Shadow's voice shake to know how much a request like this might mean to him. The fact doesn't make it mean any less to Amy, though. It makes her heart hurt. Nothing that leaves Shadow remotely rattled is a small thing and she's not afraid. "I trust you." They know Shadow wants to save and help people. He feels like he needs to because of who he is and his abilities. Sometimes that standard is too high--It makes Amy angry for him. That he feels like he's nothing unless he's helping. But she can relate to that, too. How can she blame him? "It'll be good practice, won't it?" How can he be good at something without ever trying? The Ultimate Lifeform still has to start somewhere, right? Amy hopes he'll at least take her hand for a second or two where she's held it out. Shadow looks like he needs something like that right now. "You're always controlling Chaos anyway." At least that might make him smile a little. "You can do it."
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mama-qwerty · 11 months ago
A God's Grief
Sometimes in the server I get struck by inspiration and do some "live writing" - wherein I write a scene on the spot. No editing, no thinking too hard on it, just write and post. The muse takes me by the throat and drags me along.
I wrote this bit last night, after a discussion about how the ME would react if Knuckles were to die. Canon ME would probably not care too much, but in the server we play more with the idea that the ME is the one that created Knux, and is essentially his "mother" in the strictest sense of the word.
She felt the moment it happened. The tether the Master Emerald held with her guardian snapped, the chaos that flowed between them whipping back into itself like a cut rope.
She reached out, trying to reconnect. This happened every now and then--if the guardian was off planet or otherwise separated from this plane of reality. But the Emerald had always managed to feel the echidna in some way, however faint.
But now . . . there was nothing.
She reached.
She called.
She summoned.
. . .
She begged.
No response.
He was gone.
The guardian was just . . . gone.
The Emerald reached through time. Searched through space. She couldn't read his mind, no matter how much anyone (including him) thought she could. She didn't know exactly where he was, or what he was doing.
Or had been doing.
The gem knew about death. She had been witness to the extermination of the echidna centuries ago.
But that had been different. They had brought their deaths upon themselves. The Emerald's faithful guardian at the time, a young girl named Tikal, had fallen too. And that was . . . disappointing.
But that had been different.
He had been different.
He wasn't some mortal, born with their failings and subject to their influence. The Emerald had created him, built him for this sole purpose. He was not merely her guardian--he was as much her child as any flesh and blood parent.
But now he was gone.
And the Emerald hadn't expected it.
All her knowledge and ability to see all, and she didn't see this coming.
At first the atmosphere of Angel Island grew quiet. The chao came to a near stand still as the ripples of the sudden absence of the guardian reached them.
But then, the Master Emerald screamed.
A brilliant, blinding flash erupted from the gem, the shockwave shaking the island, sending each zone into turmoil. Lava overflowed, trickling over the edge of the floating island. The ice caps shattered, spraying shards of splintered ice for miles. The ground trembled, and fissures appeared, threatening to crack the island into pieces.
The Emerald grieved for her guardian.
And before long, that grief turned to anger.
To rage.
She reached for chaos energy, grabbing hold and sending it to the chao. The gentle, child-like creatures responsible for the downfall of the echidna so long ago would be the avatars for the revenge enacted over the death of the final one.
The Emerald funneled chaos energy into the chao, changing them, mutating them, using them to become the servants of her justice. Her anger toward the world that dared take her guardian, her child from her.
The chao cried and screamed as they changed, but she didn't care, didn't pay them any mind. They had a job and she did as she pleased.
Their bodies twisted and elongated. Claws sprouted from fingerless nubs, and great fangs pierced soft gum. Gentle eyes replaced with the sharp gaze of a predator.
She sent them to the surface, to the last place she had felt her guardian.
They had one order.
Return him.
Let nothing stand in their way.
Once her guardian was returned to her, she would rain down a punishment like no other on the world that dared take him from her.
This world would burn.
The chao moved as though this had been their form all along. They ripped through the metal creatures surrounding the fallen guardian. Tore them to shreds without pause.
The creatures the guardian interacted with stood nearby, and tried to intervene--the blue one stepping forward to block their path.
He spoke, meaningless sounds falling from his lips. The chao ignored him, heading for the guardian. The pink one tried to join the blue one in blocking them, and they merely pushed the two aside.
The monster chao surrounded the guardian. They looked down upon him, their black eyes shiny and reflecting the chao soul still within them.
After a few seconds of silence, one reached down and gently cradled the echidna's still body in its arms.
The others came closer, reaching out to brush their clawed fingers against his fur. They gently caressed his head, his muzzle, his hands.
A soft whine floated from the back of their throats, and they slowly turned to go back the way they'd come.
"Hey," the blue one called, reaching toward them. "Hold on . . . where are you . . ."
Before he could finish, the group disappeared in a flash of green light.
The monster chao reappeared before the Master Emerald. They gently laid the guardian's body at its base, and the gem hummed a soft chime, reaching out to her guardian.
He lay still. Not a twitch. Not a breath.
The Emerald reached out once more, pulling more chaos to her and letting it flow over his cooling body.
It had to work.
She was the Master Emerald, for crying out loud. She could manipulate time and matter and space and damnit, she would bring him back.
It had to work.
She tried. She tried so hard. And when it didn't work, when her guardian failed to stir, failed to breathe, failed to open his eyes and reach back for her, she sat silent for a long moment.
After that moment of silence, a sound filled the air. It was soft at first, a low tone, like whale song in the deepest depths of the ocean. It rippled through chaos, causing all sensitive beings to cover their ears out of reflex.
The Master Emerald cried.
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