chocolate-array · 10 months
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Glynda Goodwitch @ Photo-shooting OFF on Nov. 2023 at house studio in forest. ( photo by 笹原 悠貴 @Aspherical1 )
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pentragonart · 8 months
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I can’t get over the fact that in these earlier designs Olruggio had a turtleneck that sometimes looks suspiciously like Qifreys. Absolutely love it
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
They really slutted hopper out in season 3 huh
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lilyblisslys · 10 months
dumb question, what's it like getting/having tiddy piercings? i really wanna get them but am nervous cus i've been told things about the healing process and it sounds so uncomfy, what was your experience like if i may ask?
ok so i have 3 piercings, my ears, my tits, and my septum.
my tits hurt the worst initially (like getting them done and then probably a couple hours after), but the aftercare has actually been arguably the easiest, since it's way easier to spray ur tits than up your nose.
the day to day inconvenience of them really kinda depends on how big your tits are, how active your lifestyle is, and how you dress. as a girl with small tits who doesn't really do anything like, super athletic, i picked up a couple sports bras and was mostly fine?
the main annoyances i've noticed:
you REALLY gotta be careful during sex :/ think abt how often your tits rub against your partner's chest/the bed/etc. That's partly where a tightfitting sports bra/bralette helped
every piercer ever will tell you this, but if you use a loofah in the shower you gotta be REAL FUCKING CAREFUL
if you have cats who like to stand on ur tits, or dogs who jump, you probably already know how much that can hurt. multiply that by 10.
tldr honestly other than the initial pain these haven't been that bad. it's kinda annoying when they hurt during sex, but my nipples were so sensitive from the jump it's honestly not that different. i'm like...3? months in and have no major complaints, i just got back the ability to play with my tits again, and I love how they make my boobs look.
ps: if ur considering a boob job, hold off on nipple piercings; you'll need to remove them for the operation and then they'll probably close up and you'll need to get them redone
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kaytheday · 1 month
Evie Head Canon's
Hurray for part 2 of my Outsiders girl series! (Master list linked here!) I love Evie with my whole heart so here is some head canons about her personally. She just seems like a very angry misunderstood girl. More under the cut!
Her full name is Evangeline Gwen Caswell but everyone just calls her Evie. 
Evangeline is a bible name and it means ‘good news’. I think that maybe her mom had a hard time conceiving. When she did conceive Evie, she named her Evangeline because it was good news. 
Evie lives with her mom in an apartment. Her dad split a few years after Evie was born because he couldn’t handle the responsibility of a child. Despite this, Evie’s mom tries her hardest to provide for Evie but is gone a lot. 
She’s got some cousins on her side of town but other than that no family. 
Her mom is pretty religious and often drags Evie to church meetings.
Evie is pretty in the sort of way that the ocean is during a thunderstorm. Dark and dangerous and wouldn’t intentionally hurt you unless you got too close.
She has dark brown hair and dark eyes. She’s got a sharp jawline that people often interpret as menacing. She’s tall with tough sinewy muscles under tightfitting dresses. 
She also tends to wear heavy black makeup. She does winged eyeliner and black eyeshadow. She also likes to wear bright red lipstick. 
Her outfits usually consist of a tight short dress that her mom disapproves of and an oversized workers coat or leather jacket she stole from Steve. 
For a girl, she is considered loud and obnoxious. She has been in almost as many fights as Steve and has a reputation for being quite hot headed. 
She once scalped a girl because she called Steve ‘ugly white trash’. 
Contrary to popular belief, when she and Steve are together, they calm each other down quite a bit. Most of their passion channeled into their love for each other.
The only people who call her by her full name are her mother when she is mad at her and Steve when he wants to get her attention. Otherwise, she’ll yell at you if you call her Evangeline. 
She does okay in school, enough to graduate but she still skips with Steve a lot. Making out behind the football bleachers or smoking in the bathrooms as she fixes her makeup. 
Her best friend in the whole world is Kathy. Which is funny because they couldn’t be further apart personality wise. 
Unlike most girls, she doesn’t cry often. The last time she can remember crying was when she was ten years old. She learned that her older cousin was killed in a bar fight. She hasn’t cried since. Her emotions often come out in anger instead. 
She’ll drag Kathy along to a party, down a couple beers, and then pick a fight just to blow off steam. It’s ironic that Steve often does the same thing. 
She's very loyal and would sooner take a bullet than betray one of her friends. She can hold a grudge for a very long time and has cut off quite a few girls over various petty reasons. 
When Soda was dating Sandy, she had no choice but to get close to her. After Sandy got pregnant, Evie was the first one she told about her plans to Florida. 
This was not received well. She yelled at her and said that she couldn't just leave like that. Sandy tried to explain but Evie didn’t let her. Instead, storming out and turning her back on her. That was the last time Sandy and Evie ever talked.
Thanks for reading!
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 4
Warning: It's a war college so don't read it if you sensitive to violence death etc.
Note: We have finally a "decent" conversation between Xaden and Aelin. And guess what? We have a new nickname. From Xaden. Soo goood. 😍
Enjoy :)
The sparring ring is where riders are made or broken. After all, no respectable dragon would choose a rider who cannot defend themselves, and no respectable cadet would allow such threat to the wing to continue training.
-Major Afendra’s guide to the Riders Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)
“Elena Sosa, Brayden Blackburn.” Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death roll, flanked by two other scribes on the dais as we stand in silent formation in the courtyard, squinting into the early sun.
This morning, we’re all in rider black, and there’s a single silver four-pointed star on my collarbone, the mark of a first-year, and a Fourth Wing patch on my shoulder. We were issued standard uniforms yesterday, summer-weight tightfitted tunics, pants, and accessories after Parapet was over, but not flight leathers. There’s no point handing out the thicker, more protective combat uniforms when half of us won’t be around come Threshing in October. The armored corset Mira made us isn’t regulation, but I fit right in among the hundreds of modified uniforms around me.
After the last twenty-four hours and one night in the first-floor barracks, I’m starting to realize that this quadrant is a strange mix of we-might-die-tomorrow hedonism and a brutal efficency in the name of the same reason.
“Jace Sutherland.” Captain Fitzgibbons continues to read, and the scribes next to him shift their weight. “Dougal Luperco.”
I think we’re somewhere in the fifties, but I lost count. This is the only memorial the names will get, the only time they’ll be spoken of in the citadel.
There are a hundred and fifty-six of us in the first floor of the dormitory building, our beds positioned in four neat rows in the open space. Private rooms are like flight leathers - you don’t get one until you survive Threshing.
“Simone Casteneda.” Captain Fitzgibbons closes the scroll. “We commend their souls to Malek.” The god of death.
I blink. Guess we were closer to the end than I thought.
There’s no formal conclusion to the formation, no last moment of silence. The names on the scroll leave the dais with the scribes, and the quiet is broken as the squad leaders all turn and begin to address their squads.
“Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you’re not going to get another chance before lunch,” our squad leader says. His name is Theo as we learnt after yesterday’s events. For first impression he seem to be a pretty calm guy. He talked about the rules but not like Dain based on what Violet said last night. I swear the rules are his gods.
In our squad there are third- and second-years besides us, marked and non-marked ones. We’re a really mixed group.
Yesterday I didn’t have a chance to observe our squad mates because when Theo’s briefing was over I went to find Violet. We succeeded securing beds next to each other. Rhiannon too. We talked about a lot of things due to the fact that we’re not in the same squad. I can’t be with her for every lesson, our schedule is different. Vi helped me memorising the order of my lessons. It’s a luck that at least I have good memory.
“Second- and third-years, I’m assuming you know where to go” Theo continues as the scribes wind their way around the edge of the courtyard to my right, headed back to their quadrant.
There’s a mutter of agreement from the senior cadets ahead of us. As first-years, we’re in the back two rows of the little square that makes up our squad.
“First-years, at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday.” Theo’s voice booms over us. “Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym.”
We only have the gym twice a week, so there should be time to help Violet learn a little more self defense. She’s smart and quick. She can do it.
I’m more worried about my own lessons. I have to put in so much extra hours to be up to date in our reading materials. Before Basgiath, Violet helped me to study. She often read aloud the texts while I tried to memorize its content. It’s easier. When I’m trying to read, it often makes me so frustrated. I’m trying to read, but I can’t. It’s a really slow process. But because of this I’m good at making notes. I only write down what is really important ‘cause later I have to read it again.
I hope the lessons will be tolerable. I can’t have Violet with me all the time. It’s same for her. She needs to practice her skills before we’ll have to handle the Gauntlet - the vertical obstacle course they told us we’ll have to master when the leaves turn colors in two months.
If we can complete the final Gauntlet, we’ll walk through the natural box canyon above it that leads to the flight field for Presentation, where this year’s dragons willing to bond will get their first look at the remaining cadets. Two days after that, Threshing will occur in the valley beneath the citadel.
I glance around at my new squadmates and can’t help but wonder which of us, if any, will make it to that flight field, let alone that valley.
Don’t borrow tomorrow’s trouble.
“And if we’re not?” One smart-ass first-year behind me asks.
I don’t bother looking, instead I turn to Liam and roll my eyes at the stupid’s girl comment.
He snickers but doesn’t say anything.
“Then I won’t have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning” Theo answers with a shrug.
A third-year ahead of me snorts a laugh.
Yeah, I totally understand you. It was funny. Or just my sense of humor is sucks.
“You have about twenty minutes to get to class,” Theo says to the seven of us first-years. “Fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit together and don’t be late.” Our squad breaks apart around the same time the others do, transforming the courtyard from an orderly formation to a crowd of chatting cadets. The second- and third-years walk off in another direction, including Theo.
“Go, grab your stuff and meet me here okay?” Liam says
“You’d be lost without me anyway.” I reply while heading to the doors.
“And here I thought you’d be kinder with a good night sleep, Snappy.” He sighs.
“Damn, I told you to drop this ridiculous nickname.” I hiss at him.
“Or what? We’re squadmates, you can’t hurt me” he winks.
“No. I can’t kill you. It’s completly different.” I say smiling.
“Whooah look at that. You can smile.”
“Shut up. Go grab your pack or I leave you here.” I roll my eyes.
I go to the dormitory where my bed is, and pick up my rucksack from under it.
When I walk out the door I see Violet at the center of the courtyard and her expression make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She’s looking at somebody.
Oh shit.
Xaden Riorson is watching her with narrowed eyes, the sleeves of his uniform rolled up his massive arms that remain folded across his chest, the warning in his relic-covered arm on full display as a third-year next to him says something that he blatantly ignores.
Garrick was he?
There’s maybe twenty feet between us. My fingers twitch, ready to grab one of the blades sheathed at my ribs.
His head tilts and he studies me with those impossibly dark eyes, like he’s deciding where I’m most vulnerable. So he noticed me when I exited the dormitory. Interesting.
He smirks then his attention shifts to Violet, and Dain who emerges from behind the pillar.
Shit, do they have to be so obvious? Someone might misinterpret it.
Violet says something to Dain, then his gaze snaps up as the crowd thins out around us.
„I already knew your parents are tight,” Xaden calls out, a cruel smile tilting his lips. „But do you two have to be so fucking obvious?”
I told you, I sigh when the few cadets who are still in the rotunda turn to look at them.
„Let me guess,” Xaden continues, glancing between Dain and Violet, „Childhood friends? First loves, even?”
„I expected you to do a better job hiding where your affections lie, Aetos.” Xaden moves, walking down the steps.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I need to do something.
„Come on Riorson, you have eyes, now use it. You really think that Violet and Dain? I thought you’re smarter than that.” I sigh with feigned disappointment.
„Melgren?” He turns to me. „What are you? A watchdog? Always at Violet’s legs?”
Fucking asshole.
„Now you’re trying to insult me? How kind of you.” I smile at him sweetly. „And no. Violet can protect herself. I just don’t like the fact that now everybody thinks that they have something between them because of you. I didn’t know you liked to gossip.”
„With this attitude you won’t last long, Melgren. Throwing insults at everybody who dares to talk to you or Sorrengail.” He tilts his head to the side. „It’s like you’re a fucking ray of sunshine.”
„Then forgive this little Sunshine and her friend because we’ll have a lesson soon, and it would cast a really bad light on us if we were late. Don’t you think wingleader?” I gesture toward Violet to come with me.
„Hm. Then we should continue our interesting conversation later.” He says slowly with a smirk and I have a bad feeling about it. „And don’t forget to watch your back, Sunshine.” He turns and walks away.
Sunshine? A nickname? Really?
Damn, he’s handsome for sure but at the same time an enermous prick.
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hyuuukais · 1 year
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.・゜-: ✧ :- FICTIONAL REALITY .・゜-: ✧ :-
pairing • bang chan x fem reader
synopsis • fiction or reality? y/n preferred the former, escaping into another world, escaping her problems. so what happens when reality takes that away from her; wiping her own story-in-progress off both her laptop and beloved usb? and what happens when she opens the door in the middle of a crisis to none other then the love interest of her novel... and he's holding her usb?
warnings • general, y/n scared of thunderstorms, mentions of abuse
Nine o'clock hits, and you lock the doors to your little bookshop.
No, it wasn't actually yours, but it had been so long since Mrs. Yang had popped by that it felt right to claim it as your own. Her grandson, Jeongin, also worked there, a rare sight. He tends to work the weekends you had off, busy with school the rest of the time. A nice boy, not one for small talk. At least, not with you.
As you're cleaning up misplaced books and discarded coffee cups, a distant pattering fills the room; it's started to rain. If it weren't so dark out already, you'd be fine, and if it weren't so windy, maybe you wouldn't have started worrying. You didn't live too far driving, but your car had broken down, forcing you to walk forty minutes to and from. The last thing you want is to walk in the rain.
Cleaning went quickly as the day was surprisingly quiet, and you were out by a quarter after, locking the doors again behind you. Above the bookshop was a little apartment for rent, and you can't help but think of how much more convenient it would be to live there. But your house was important, inherited from your grandmother. It was strange, you didn't even know the woman that well, she never left town to visit you or your family growing up. There were only a few times you can recall ever coming here, much too young to remember details. It never made sense to you why she left her home to a stranger.
But the house... doesn't feel like a home. Not to you. It was cold and creaky, worn down and grey. And it was an escape. For you, for your grandmother too, perhaps, somewhere away from everyone and everything. With the little forest kitten to keep you company, why move in here? You'd been up there before. It was small but had large windows looking out onto the street, and it was cozy. People would think you were crazy- well, crazier- for downsizing so much.
Rain hits your forehead lightly as you walk without an umbrella, having left it at home in the sunny morning. Most lights are dimmed or off, people heading home for the night just like you or cleaning up their workplaces. One place is still bright though- the café. Your heart skips a beat. Chan is inside wiping down the counter, waving goodbye to an employee as she leaves. He tosses the towel onto his shoulder, leaning back with his eyes closed, a content look across his features, strong arms visible in the tightfitting white shirt-
Y/n, what the fuck?
Many times over the past two weeks you found yourself drifting into thoughts of Chan. Something about his presence was so comforting, you couldn't help but think of what it would be like to be with him. Cuddling in his arms, warm and secure. Doing basic tasks, like the dishes or laundry, him coming up behind you to press a gentle kiss to your temple. You have no idea what's wrong with you; you've known this man for less than a month! Well, technically you've known him for... three years? It confuses you. This whole thing is confusing.
Since you last saw him, there have been no updates on the USB. It no longer showed the last message either, just a blank document you can't type on. It was useless. There haven't been many sightings of what you've deemed 'the Shadow', either. Once, it had been at the edge of the forest again, and another time you could have sworn you saw it pass your kitchen window. It never approached you directly, always staying far away. When you caught it in the window, it left quickly, probably thinking you weren't home. You can't shake the sense of familiarity... but you can shake the thoughts from your head, at least, for now.
Focusing on walking past the café with your eyes straight was the goal. Unfortunately for you, the rain started getting harder. And harder. And harder. Until you had no choice but to enter the café as you pass the doors. Shivering, you give Chan a weak wave. His eyes widen at the sight of you, immediately coming around the counter and holding you by the shoulders.
"What the hell, Y/n? You're shaking!" Chan tries to dry your hair with the small towel, but it's no use, you're soaked. "You must be freezing. Is that hail? Come, sit by the counter, yeah? I was just about to lock up."
"I-I can go," your voice was barely above a whisper, already getting up from the stool he sat you on. "It's only... another half hour? I just needed a second-"
"No way. Sit back down right now." Chan turns, putting his keys in his pocket. "I live just upstairs, if you're comfortable I can give you some spare clothes. Take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."
"Uh-uh." It's your turn to protest. "I'll call a cab or something. Please, I don't want to bother you."
"You're not bothering me! You could never." He looks at you so fondly, you forget yourself for a moment. "Now, let's go upstairs so you don't catch a cold. Follow me!"
Reluctantly, you follow. As you head to the doors leading to his office, there's a crash of thunder and a bang on the main doors. Both of you turn around quickly, and you freeze, not from the cold this time. The storm is bad enough, but what's worse is what you see beyond the doors.
The Shadow.
Your eyes widen, stuck to the spot as Chan walks past you, muttering something about people past close. He's trying to yell through the glass, but the Shadow isn't moving, it doesn't even seem to notice him, staring at the ground by his feet. Up close, you can see reddish hair dripping down from the hood obscuring its face. When it finally does look up, it's not looking at Chan, but at you. The collar of its jacket is high, covering the bottom half of its face. Its eyes are piercing, and familiarity strikes you again.
A hand smacks against the door, holding a wet paper against the glass. The rain is too heavy, you can't make out what it's supposed to say. It points at you, smacks its hand against the window again, then points to its own hand. You're entranced by its eyes, trying to place them-
"I'll call the cops if you don't leave!" Chan yells, holding up his phone, and that's what it takes to bring you back to the present.
"Chan," you grab his arm. "Let's just go upstairs."
"What, and leave this guy banging on the door? He's gonna break the glass!" He looks at you in disbelief. "And the way he keeps staring at you? No. No way. You can't seriously th-"
"I've seen it before!" You snap, closing your eyes and breathing deeply through your nose as more thunder sounds. "I'm more freaked out by the thunder than this thing. It's not gonna do anything. All it's ever done is stare, it's not gonna start breaking things now."
"It...? I-" Seeing your expression, Chan softens his tone. "Okay... I believe you."
Gently, he leads you through the doors, glancing back to see the thing roll its eyes in frustration, furrowing its brow before walking away into the night.
Once upstairs, Chan quickly gives you clothes to change into, giving you time to shower and call anyone who may be awaiting your arrival at home. The sensation of warm water hitting your skin almost cures the chill you have from seeing the Shadow so close. It's never approached you with another person around. The closest to seeing it in public was as you opened the shop one day, seeing it stare from across the street, fearing it coming any closer. But it didn't. Until now.
Of course, you have no one to call, so you emerge soon after drying off. Chan's apartment is laid out similarly to the one above the bookshop, and you settle down on the couch looking out the window. The mix of rain and hail rages on, but the thunder is more distant now. Lights flicker, then completely turn off. Chan comes out from his bedroom with a few candles, placing them on the table and lighting them quickly.
"Scared of thunderstorms?"
You shake your head. "More like... scared of what thunderstorms can produce? Like, tornados and all the damage after. I don't know, it's silly."
"It's not silly." Chan sits back, looking at you like you offended him personally. "It's not silly at all. We all have fears."
"My ex said it was silly."
"Fuck him then, yeah?"
"Yeah," you laugh, surprising yourself. "Fuck him."
"Doesn't sound like a very nice guy," Chan leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he gazes at you. "How did he get someone like you to fall for him?"
"Well he wasn't always bad," you say quickly. "He started out really, really amazing. Obviously, that didn't last or-"
Thunder causes you to jolt, sitting up straighter than before. You don't notice Chan scooting closer until you feel his hand on yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks, voice low.
Unable to reply, you intertwine your fingers. The wind pounds against the glass next to you, a mix of rain and hail coming down aggressively. Subconsciously, you move closer to Chan, seeking comfort from the harsh weather. Your body and mind were at odds - one craving the touch of another human being, the other screaming for solitude.
"Chan I-" You start, but he's already moving in. "Stop."
A hand on his chest, his on your shoulder, breath mingling.
"I'm sorry Y/n," he backs up, taking both hands away. "I-I didn't mean- shit, Y/n I don't know what I was thinking-"
"Just stop," you plead, squeezing your eyes shut, mind racing, heart pounding. "We barely know each other. I'm not ready."
"It's been a year."
"What?" Your eyes snap up to him, his expression blank. How could he have known that? The most you've told anyone here about your past relationship was that it ended badly, no specific details, and that was to the stray kitten.
"It's been a year, Y/n, isn't that enough?" Chan tilts his head, eyes a dark void. "You can't seriously be that hung up on him." He leans back on the couch, a whole different demeanor. "What was so great about him? The way he yelled, the sting of his hand? How in the world could you miss that?"
"Screw you, Chan."
You get up to leave, but a hand wraps around your wrist.
"Hey, hey, hey," Chan looks at you, concern written all over his face. "What's wrong?"
"Are you serious right now?" You glare at him, yanking your arm out of his grip and grabbing his store keys off the coffee table. "I'm leaving."
"What? You can't go out in this! Especially not when you're acting so strange." Chan blocks the door. "You just kind of spaced out after taking your hand back. That's not a sign of hypothermia, is it? After being in the rain?"
"Um, I don't think so?" Saying you're confused would be an understatement. "Still- let me go, I wanna go home. Please?"
He sighs, rubbing the back of his head. Finally, he moves, letting you rush down the stairs, following behind closely. He's about to unlock the door, but pauses.
"Can I drive you?"
"Oh- sure," you step back so he can open the door fully, then follow him out.
The force of the rain is almost enough you knock you down, and you have to hold onto Chan's arm. His car is parked around the back, giving some shelter between buildings. It's hard to see, but you keep an eye out for the Shadow in case it decided to stick around, but there was no sign of it. You were grateful the drive to your house wasn't long, and you were there in no time. Part of you wanted to invite Chan inside, silently forgive him for words he never said, allow him to see you. But you couldn't. You needed to give yourself space to think.
"Thank you for the ride... and sorry for freaking out," you say quietly, staring at your feet. "I have a lot going on right now."
"Don't apologize," Chan breathes out. "We all have something, right?"
"Right," you smile tightly. "Have a good night."
"Yeah, you-"
But you're already out the door, getting re-soaked, the rain only getting harder. Once you're inside, you take a second to breathe, back against the door. It's not long before there's a loud knock, startling you off of it. Assuming it's Chan, you open the door, maybe you forgot something?
But it's not Chan. The Shadow snatches the air from your lungs, your eyes widening past what should be humanly possible. You can't speak, you can only stare as water drips down both your faces, the sound of the storm fading away, leaving only you and it. It takes its hood off and lowers the collar of its jacket. Staring at you now is a man you haven't seen for a long time-
notes • minho ?!?!?!?!?!!? what are u doing here ! and how does y/n know him?
taglist • @yongbbokkie @chaeryred @tenebrisirae @toplinelix @chansdoll @amaranth-writing
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butcharium · 8 months
Hey, weird question! When you quit wearing bras, did you have an issues with your nipples showing through your clothing? I know it's not a big deal on its own, but that bothers me personally and I'd rather not show mine if I can help it. That + breast pain (birth control) are the two big reasons I still wear a bra.
i have uhh, fairly prominent nipples actually i've just decided if that's a problem that's someone else's problem. I wear a lot of layers whenever i can (especailly formal settings), and then it is far less of an issue. A somewhat tightfitting undershirt made of a sturdy fabric will make a huge differense, but an undershirt in general is of good help if you're uncomfortable with your nipples showing. Test what you have in your closet already or keep it in mind if you're out to buy new clothing.
Maybe others also have experience with this?
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thewingedbaron · 8 months
Feb Fics Day Three!
Sorry this is late! Got a little distracted last night and didn't end up finishing yesterday's entry on time, so here it is! Day 4 will be out a little later today :)
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Day Three: First Encounter With Their Love Interest
(Modifying this prompt just a little bit to the first time Alyss realized it was her love interest) 
Summery: Alyss (Tav) realizes that her feelings about the Cleric of Shar have become a little... confused.
She was praying again. Her lips moved silently, working smoothly through the well worn words as if they were made for her lips. She would have hated the way the moonlight danced off her skin, giving her a silvery glow. After a long moment, her eyes opened, brilliant green orbs with- 
“Fuck!” Alyss hissed as a glob of bubbling wax landed directly on her finger. She quickly scraped the burning wax from her skin with a spare bolt, cursing as she stuck the singed digit in her mouth. By the time she glanced back up, the cleric had disappeared back into her tent. 
A sock of disappointment wormed its way through her mind. Why was she disappointed? It didn’t bother her what the cleric of Shar did with her time. Alyss winced as she accidentally stuck her finger into the boiling wax a second time while trying to set the feathered plume straight. 
“Pining sadly all by yourself are we?” A voice as smooth as spider silk slipped into Alyss’ ear. She suppressed a groan as the pale elf dainty sat himself on the log beside her. 
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.” Alyss replied evenly. The half finished bolt in her hand had suddenly become very interesting. 
Astarion laughed. “I can’t say that I blame you. We all love a bit of shadow in our lives from time to time.” He teased. “I’ve been more for sunshine these past days.” 
She could feel his eyes on her, burning away the thin veneer of busy work that she was trying to maintain. She could imagine he was teasing her secrets from the small changes in her expression as she failed to maintain a neutral face. A century passed by the time Astarion sighed and dropped his gaze. 
“Be careful with that one, Ranger.” He said softly. “I hear Shar is the Lady of Secrets. Our cleric’s might run deeper than most.” 
With that, he disappeared, slipping off into the night like a shadow, and Alyss was a lone again. 
Be careful? She thought. Love a bit of shadow? He couldn’t mean? No, absolutely not. There was no attachments to be had. Soon enough they would rescue the druid leader, Halsin, and he would tear the tadpoles from their heads. Then their strange little party could part ways, and none of this would be her problem anymore. Besides, Shadowheart was a lady of Shar. A daughter of darkness. She would have no interest in a half-devil who preferred the company of the open sky and wild animals to most people. 
Alyss glanced up as the cleric emerged from her tent again. She’d changed into more comfortable clothes, tightfitting sleepwear that nicely complimented her form. Her hair was loose, hanging in a sheet over her shoulders, practically glowing in the moonlight. 
Alyss stuck a singed digit in her mouth to cool the hot wax she’d spilled a third time. Across the camp, Shadowheart met her eyes. Alyss hated the way her shoulders relaxed upon meeting the cleric’s gaze. They’d best find Halsin soon, she thought. Or, perhaps, the druid was more comfortable wherever he was. Shadowheart turned away right as Alyss realized she’d been staring. 
Gods damn it.
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legally-brief · 13 days
MOVIES WITH MEN IN UNDERWEAR (This is outdated- website shutdown early 2000’s)
D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) Disney romp sequel. In a revenge prank, the Ducks introduce fire ants into the seniors' dorm. About a dozen guys rush out into the corridor, most in their T-shirts and boxers.
Dam Busters, The (1954) Wartime dramatisation. In a spot of RAF roughhousing, one man can be glimpsed in the corridor in his shirt and white boxer shorts. Midway through the movie.
Damn Yankees (1958) Tab Hunter changes his pants in the baseball locker room, showing off his white full cut boxer shorts, just before he meets the sultry Gwen Verdon.
Dance, Fools, Dance (1931) Aboard a rich high society yacht, Joan Crawford throws an underwear party for all her male and female friends. Since everyone is in tuxedos, and people want to swim, they strip down to boxers of various 30’s type, including some printed full-cuts, and jump into the ocean.
Dangerous Ground (1997) Crime drama. Ice Cube tries to sober up his junkie brother Stephen (Eric Miyeni), who's wearing an orange satin shirt and black briefs. In a later scene, he and friends go to a guy's apartment, tie him up in his in his bathroom in his T-shirt, socks and boxers, and give him electric shocks.
Dark Side of Genius (1994) Patrick Richwood. Towards the end of the movie, he wears an open robe and very tight black jockey shorts (the kind with the fly-front) and you can see every bit of his big dick! ENORMOUS BASKET!!! I saw that actor at the Beverly Hot Springs, here in Los Angeles and he is, in fact, hung like a horse!
Darling Lili (1970) Rock Hudson wearing white World War I ‘drawers’ as he has a comic bedroom scene with Darling Lili, played by Julie Andrews - a comedy indeed.
Day the Earth Caught Fire, The (1961) Sci-fi disaster movie. Edward Judd in white boxer shorts for a moment.
Day the Fish Came Out, The (1967) A young Tom Courteney spends most of the movie in his Jockeys.
Dead Poets Society (1989) Short scene in locker room. Guys with towels, a few boxers and a great view of Ethan Hawke, looking up his short Umbros - white boxers.
Dead Presidents (1995) Violent crime drama. Larenz Tate, in his white underwear, dresses quickly to avoid being caught by his girlfriend's mother.
Dead Ringers (1988) Jeremy Irons and his ‘twin brother’ walk through several scenes in their printed boxer shorts.
Deadly Outbreak (1995) Action. Early in the film, one of the bad guys tries to rape the heroine, but is interrupted by Jeff Speakman. His pants drop, revealing printed boxers, and Speakman grabs his pants and flips him over, before kicking him in the crotch.
Death of a Soldier (1987) Couple of cadet boxer scenes ... a guy on the john too.
Death Race 2000 (1975) Action. Don't miss David Carradine, wearing only his black face mask and underwear, slow-dancing with his gorgeous female navigator. Hilarious.
Death Warrant (1990) Action. Jean-Claude Van Damme and several other men in boxers and T-shirts, as they are processed into jail.
Delicatessen (1991) Surreal black comedy. The hero strips down to his large boxers in a flooded room.
Deliverance (1972) Infamous rape scene with Ned Beatty in his "panties."
Design for Living (1933) Fredric March waits for his pants to be pressed in a momentary full-cut boxer short scene, while he paces.
Detention (1998) Rick Schroder as a crazed gunman who goes out and shoots up his old high school. Early in the film, before the shootout, Schroder is shown in his bathroom, wearing only his boxers and white socks.
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) Comedy. "Deuce does an exotic dance routine for a woman in his tightfitting briefs. She grabs his underwear and stretches it down before letting it go, causing it to snap him in the groin. Later, we see Deuce and this woman's husband doing a dance for her in their tightfitting briefs.
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) Tense film noir. Fabulous 1940s cars, and, for a moment, Denzel Washington getting out of bed in his underwear. Much of the rest of the time, he's wearing a ribbed, white undershirt, as here:
Devils Don't Dream! (1995) (Investigating the Story of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman (1995)) Movie about the former president of Guatemala. September 1954: overthrown in a CIA-sponsored coup, Jacobo Arbenz is stripped down to his underwear and presented to the photographers, before his journey into exile.
Devlin (1992) (TV) Bryan Brown is in laundromat doing laundry. He took his pants off to wash them and he wears a jacket and blue jockeys.
Diaboliques, Les (1955) When Simone Signoret loses her keys in the pool, one of the school boys, about 14-16, strips to his classic white jockeys to dive in the pool. Really hot scene as he emerges with totally wet undies and his bulge is clearly seen. Really hot for a ‘50s film.
Dick (1999) Comedy. "briefly see the top of the backside of guy's underwear as he pulls down his pants after being accidentally stabbed by a pin."
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) Action. Bruce Willis is instructed to show up in Harlem in just his white full-cut boxers and a sign containing the ‘n’ word.
Diggstown (1992) I think it’s this one James Woods in white boxers and sweatshirt.
Dil To Pagal Hai (1997) Rahul (Shahrukh Khan, aged about 32), out shopping, goes into a dressing room to try on a shirt. Sounds simple enough, but he forgets to put his pants on and walks out in his underwear. Pooja sees him but tries to avoid him, so as not to embarrass him.
Diner (1982) Kevin Bacon in boxers in an outdoor scene.
Disco Years, The (1991) Short coming-out drama. The young lead jumps into a swimming pool in his underwear (which his friend then pulls off).
Disorganized Crime (1989) After accidentally falling on an anthill, Corbin Bernsen strips off all his clothes, except for a pair of black bikini briefs, and goes running off into the woods in only his underwear. Ed O'Neill plays George Denver, a detective who goes to a small Montana town. At one point, he needs to cross a river, to join his partner who is waiting for him on the other bank. Since he doesn't want to wet his suit, he removes it and his shoes before stepping in the river. But the water is icy cold and some of the pebbles are quite sharp, making the crossing a bit painful and difficult for the cop carrying his clothes in his hands. When his partner shouts at him not to drop their precious flashlight, George trips over and drops both the flashlight AND his clothes, which are swiftly carried downstream by the strong current. Poor George! After that, he gets to spend the rest of the day - and the whole of the following night - running around the countryside in his shirt and tie, and full-cut white boxer shorts!
Diving In (1991) High school boys in Speedos.
Divorce American Style (1967) Dick Van Dyke, angry at wife Debbie Reynolds, refuses to speak to her as he dresses, wearing his full-cut white boxer shorts.
Divota prasine (1975) One of the two partisans in this Yugoslavian tale has lost his pants and must lug around a huge machine gun, the other is a young boy who hero-worships him. They are caught behind German lines and are in as much danger from their cowardly countrymen as they are from the Germans.
Doctor at Sea (1955) [Not sure if this is the right title. Can anyone confirm?] Comedy. Chubby, mustachioed police chief ends up stripped to his outsize, spectacularly colorful boxers in a jailbreak.
Doctor Detroit (1983) Dan Akroyd makes a running change, exposing his bare legs and printed full-cut boxers to all who’ll see. The print is a polka-dot pattern.
Doctor Takes a Wife, The (1940) Ray Milland wakes up one morning in his full-cut white boxers and garters, only to find out that he’s married to Loretta Young, and that she and another man have hidden his pants. The comedy intensifies as Ray Milland paces about, loudly screaming "Where are my pants?!!!"
Dogboys (1998) (TV) Thriller. Many scenes with prisoners in their prison-issue olive-green boxers and undershirts.
Dollars (1972) ($) Crime caper starring Warren Beatty and Goldie Hawn. Hawn plays a prostitute, and during one scene a client is running all over her apartment in his underwear and black socks.
Dolores Claiborne (1995) Drama. Kathy Bates laughs at her husband when his pants split. At first, he laughs along and pulls the split wide open to show off his white briefs; but then the mood turns ugly.
Dominick and Eugene (1988) Bed scene with Ray Liotta in white jockeys and Tom Hulce in blue jockeys and white A-shirt.
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996) Spoof comedy. Sight gag sends up the saggy-pants fashion, as the camera pans across three young black guys standing with their pants hanging low, lower and lowest (hips, knees and ankles), showing off their white undershorts. Another shot shows some fancy boxers.
Don't Just Lie There, Say Something (1973) Abysmal British trouser-dropping farce.
Don't Just Stand There! (1968) Comedy. The plot involves some clothes-swapping and affords the chance to see Robert Wagner's white boxers.
Don't Look Down (1998) (TV) Chiller. Billy Burke in gray boxer shorts.
Double McGuffin, The (1979) A group of boys goes swimming in their underwear. The youngest looks about 13 and flashes his bare butt.
Downhill Racer (1969) Robert Redford momentarily, in his longjohns.
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (1995) Tim Daly (Wings) handcuffs himself in bed wearing white Jockeys. HOT HOT HOT scene. Very big bulge. Also, takes his white boxers off and shreds them in the paper shredder at work. Nice ass!
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) Jason Scott Lee as Bruce Lee is only wearing white Fruit of the Loom briefs as he gets up from bed to answer the door.
Dream a Little Evil (1992) Has scenes of the very hot older brother in his underwear at the beginning of the movie and about 30 minutes into it. White briefs for a couple of minutes.
Dream Team, The (1989) Comedy. Middle-aged mental patient is stopped just before stripping naked in a revival meeting, and is thrown out in his underwear.
Dreamscape (1984) Dennis Quaid is a clairvoyant who is being tested at a sleep clinic. One of the doctors enters his room while he is sleeping. Dennis Quaid wakes up and gets out of bed in just a pair of skimpy black bikini briefs while in discussion with the doctor. Sexy scene.
Dress Gray (1986) (TV) Alec Baldwin in Speedos in a swimming pool. Lots of shots of his chest in the whole movie.
Drive, He Said (1971) A seldom seen movie of the early 70s, directed by Jack Nicholson, and (to my knowledge) not available on video. Sexy, fairly long scene of male leads in a college basketball locker room scene, stripped to their white briefs. At least one other white-briefs scene involving one of the leads. A real underwear movie, worth getting hold of if you can.
Drop Squad (1994) Abrasive satire. Vigilante squad abducts blacks they consider sellouts. One man is kept chained up in a cage in his boxer shorts.
Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Matt Dillon in boxer shorts.
Dumb & Dumber (1994) Comedy. Jeff Daniels sitting on the john taking a heavy-duty dump with his pants down, CK briefs clearly visible, after being tricked into taking a laxative.
Dying to Love You (1993) (TV) Tim Matheson in his T-shirt and striped boxer shorts a couple of times.
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chocolate-array · 10 months
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Glynda Goodwitch @ Photo-shooting OFF on Nov. 2023 at house studio in forest. ( photo by 笹原 悠貴 @Aspherical1 )
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francisbacon-3 · 3 months
my job on the commune is putting cardinal richelieu in as many tightfitting dresses as possible
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crematedcow · 1 year
What is the fashion in the world like? What kind of things do the ROs wear?
hm 🤔 the fashion in vestria is pretty diverse and some places have a more unique style then others. but for the most part, the clothing ranges from rococo to victorian (steampunkish, yknow?), but there are also medieval/fantasy knights still walking around, so... it's very extensive!!
as to what the ROs specially wear, i answered that a bit already in the ask about their physical appearance, but i dont mind going deeper into their fashion style and what it's kinda leaned in on!
Chulainn: they mostly prefer to wear tunics in either red, black or brown. just something comfortable, because they do like to wear some pieces of protection above it. something like a short chainmail or leather armor, since that is just something they are used to. sure, it's not like the full body armor they once wore, but chulainn doesnt care about protecting themselves that much anymore. it's more just for the familiarity. then they would some tight, dark pants, so they can wear proper and sturdy boots above them 🤔they dont really care about looks that much anymore, so they kinda just wear whatever, but it leans more into the medieval style
Lys: obviously they dress nice. like very nice. more into the style of the victorian or rokoko with more loose shirts/tunics, but tightfitting waistcoats or vests with jabot collars. those collars!! are a must!! its just so fancy. sometimes they wear neckties too, but not often. lys likes to keep their frills :(! also wears a matching coat most of the time, at least when they are outside. sometimes they dress a bit eccentric, but hey, they work for the queen and have to represent her as much. i also mentioned in a the other ask, that they wear heeled shoes with spats, so i think you get what i am going for with their fashion
Holly: she wears what lys gave her, so their style in that sense is very similar. but she likes to leave out long coats that lys often wears, since it's actually quite warm were they are located lol! i can see her however rocking a short jacket, that goes to her waist. it would be giving expensive, but a lot more laid back compared to their partner! perhaps her shirt wouldnt be correctly tucked in or her collar was messy, and she def would never wear jabot collars like lys
Elli: well?? he just wears his armor the entire time. think of any silver armor with a violet surcoat above it and a hood around the head in the same color, plus the black fabric across where his face would be. they do not dress in anything else...
Irydion: irydion tends to dress in lighter armor. she would cover any vital parts but compared to elli, leave enough uncovered to be able to move quicker and make less noise. she also likes to wear things with fur, since she hails from the more colder regions. it isn't practical later on when they join the mc on the journey, but they def would wear a cape with either fur around the neck or at the ends. she keeps her clothes simple enough, as she never really cared for fashion! i would say irydion leans also more into the medieval/fantasy style :)
Junius: CHEST. IS. OUT. always!! he does not try to have the decency and cover up, even in the more colder climates irydion summoned him in. he either wears very lose tunics with a big enough v-cut, or just a coat with nothing underneath, only buttoning it up halfway through. pain is beauty, or something along those lines... having to work with what is given, he usually wears colorful capes or scarfs around his neck and pants that go to his waist. would he wear fashion corsets? absolutely. junius is here to SERVE CVNT
perhaps i could make some pinterest boards for some visualization? i think that would be fun :) if interested tell me in the asks
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
I find it so hilarous that you immediately hated fourth wing😭😭 I liked the book, so I was wondering what about it you hated?
Warning: slight Fourth Wing spoilers ahead!!
Omg I wanted to like it so bad!! Like, the idea itself sounds amazing. A war college, dragons, a hot bad boy dragon rider love interest who you initially think is out for your blood?? It makes sense that you would enjoy it!!
Please know that my dislike of this book is in no way a reflection on your own tastes!! It's just my own extreme fussiness at work against me.
You might note that I always write Readers who are aggressively average and/or have Big Side Character Energy, and that is in direct reaction to how much I personally don't vibe with the Special MC, the Cool Girl MC, or the Edgelord Angry Girl MC who seem to like, makeup the core of main characters in YA and new adult romances these days!!
I want to say I think it's soooo important that we have those though. Like I think it's so empowering for women to be exploring the same types of MCs that men have been writing for ages, and you could argue that the point of a protagonist is specifically to be standout for a reason! And this book has like a 4.7 on GoodReads so like, people think it is fire and I am just one guy!!
But yeah I just don't vibe with Violet. As soon as I learned she had special naturally occurring ombre hair that ended in silver I started to have my doubts. And then she gets dressed all cool in a tightfitting corset armor made of scales just to cross a parapet thingy which just seemed like it was written to make us think her outfit was cool because it didn't end up being important to her Basgaith entrance. And when I learned she gets two dragons I was out. I think she just gave off Special Girl MC vibes without ever spending time earning any of her coolness, so I noped out!!
And another nit, for which I am absolutely no one to talk because I'm amateur as hell, but I also thought Rebecca Yarros' world-building was messy. Like when Violet is crossing that parapet into Basgaith and she just word-vomits exposition about the country and that's how we're expected to initially learn about Navarre really bugged me! It seemed lazy or inexperienced and I really thought her editor should have taken that and been like, what are u doing here, do real writing!! But they didn't! 😭
Um so anyway yeah, TLDR I just didn't vibe with it because I am a picky little weenie. But I am extremely jealous that you did because I think it's a very cool concept and I think you and I should exchange brains so I get to have nice things. :)
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squeiky · 7 months
Out of all the sonic characters I think my favorite one to design clothes for is (Neo) Metal Sonic
I just absolutely adore using the restrictions the original desing gave me and playing around with it to create something like this:
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This is a design im working on for my Oldies Au, but its still a good segway to talk about the design as a whole.
Most notably, Metal Sonic requires freed up space on both his front and back, due to the natuee of a jet engine- having something obscure the air flow can seriously be detrimental to its flight.
In order to create a "top" i have to manuever around that obstacle, via leaving the back and chest open, and using things like strings, as well as keeping the top attached to the dress on the sides.
I made this to be more or so tightfitting, then slowly becoming more drapey as it reaches the bottom (in order to create those sleeves that Neo Metal Sonic has.)
And because theres no butt cape like his original design- i turned it into this like.. dragging silk thing (I forgot the name), and i used a smaller, more lengthy type of golden belt that wraps around twice on the hips, and then the other are on the sides of the hips.
Thats about it. I have more metal sonic dresses (and one thats just flat out disco) but this is relevant to my au so im posting this one first.
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jackhkeynes · 8 months
brag "underpants"
brag /brɛj/ [bʀɛj]
underpants, pants, undies, knickers, drawers, a short garment worn next to the skin and going ho higher than the navel
(historical) breeches, trousers, a tightfitting garment covering the hips and legs
Etymology: original in the latter sense and in more general use, via Old Borlish braȝ from Latin brācae "breeches", from Gaulish. Used primarily for underwear since the late nineteenth century, in which sense it is clipped from now-archaic soubrag "underpants".
Zillapr stan sy brag embrostant. /zɪˈla.pr̩ stan si brɛj ˌɛm.brɔˈstant/ [zɪˈla.pɐ stan si bʀɛj ˌɛm.bʀʊˈstant] buttercup be.ipf-3p 3s.gn underpants embroider-p.prs His underpants had buttercups on.
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