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Consider the following
Two of the kits in Dappleflint's story share names with two of Tigerkit/cloud's siblings
Specifically Antkit and Cinderkit
So let's say, hypothetically, the kits do go to the Dark Forest
And Tigercloud sees Antkit and Cinderkit, is reminded of his siblings, and feels bad for them
So he convinces his dads (Rookstorm, Aspenroot, and Kiteburn) to adopt them
maybe the other kits separate into different families because of conflict from not agreeing on who’s to blame for their deaths and Parsleykit (some taking blame, others refusing to, others taking the blame for the death but not agreeing that it warranted their own murders)
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smoqueen · 1 year ago
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tigercloud fresh sungod victor
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partial--snake · 6 years ago
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mandareeboo · 6 years ago
The true warrior oc experience is creating tragic romances for barely-there side characters
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keenanorrdc · 7 years ago
(Keenan Orr)
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projectshadovv · 4 years ago
9, 10 and 17
9. favorite crack ship (ex. revengeshipping)
like old school crackship? uhhh gosh i guess hawkfrost x ashfur? i hated crackshipping back then so i wasnt into too many
but now its a lot of fun so if i gotta choose an old school one, its hawkash
TODAY tho? idk if whitestorm x tigerstar counts as crack, if not i love love love oakheart x thistleclaw
10. describe your first warriors oc
silentshadow! old name was silentstep and i only just recently changed it
she WAS an average built white cat with black splotches and purple eyes, very kind and brave, but now shes a HUGE muscle packed black smokie with heterochromia eyes and lots of trauma and mental issues <3
17. what would your warrior name be and what clan would you belong to?
i decided on Tigercloud awhile ago! id be a huge fluffy ginger cat and would live in Thunderclan
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thetigers · 5 years ago
tigercloud flying through space with stardust by Bluari
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onshrike · 6 years ago
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art fight attacks i’ve done so far! the names of the recipients can be found in the respective photo captions 
i’m team dream if you wanna attack me! user twigwing 
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ukarioldaccount · 6 years ago
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Commissions for @projectshadovv of their characters Tigercloud, Zario, Hagioh, and Silent/kit <3 I enjoyed drawing them!! 
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Also for the apprentices thing - Tigerkit would also probably be an apprentice or warrior by this point too, and his name would be Tigercloud, after his big brother Cloudpaw (I forgot Cloud's warrior name)!
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frith-inle · 6 years ago
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tigercloud flying through space with stardust by Bluari
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boyvidae · 7 years ago
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one last thing for the warriors anniversary. i wanted to do it last night but it got way too late. but i got to put more effort into it as a result so that’s nice.
ravenheart and alderfur are windclan cats, and meet up with their thunderclan friend tigercloud to watch the sunset.
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partial--snake · 6 years ago
since spottedpaw never become a mc, what happens to her? c:
she just becomes a warrior!  im not quite sure what will end up happening with her though?  
since redtail never becomes deputy, theyre the sibling duo we need in that clan.  I kinda wanna say they catch the signs of Tigerclouds intentions early on and want to distract their older cousin from evil and the dark forest.  But they’re too late
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mandareeboo · 6 years ago
Title: Streets of Clover
Summary: In the wake of Berryshade’s banishment, Brightfur finds herself more lost than ever. Every attempt to bring Ravenwind to justice has failed, and now even StarClan has turned its back on her- what’s left for her to do?
When the mysterious rogue Clover begs for help, Brightfur is plunged into a world of sidewalks, kittypets, and blood feuds. And maybe, just maybe, Ravenwind will finally take things too far.
Chapter Title: Finding Strength
"You're scum," Parsnip whimpered, her earlier bravado gone. "You're horrible and disgusting and no one will remember you when you're gone."
Scrap was panting. He sneered down at her. "You'll remember me. Now, tell me; where are they?"
The molly fell silent. She's probably in shock, Brightfur thought. Again, she went to move forward, this time in an instinctive need to care and heal the cat who'd housed her. Alderstar's fluffy, star-filled tail stopped her.
Brightfur, eyes narrowed, glared at him. "If she dies, I will never serve StarClan again."
"Do you serve us now?" Alderstar asked, head tilted.
Yay, more angst, and a little character on Parsnip! She's generally pretty nice, but finding out you just stood to the side while getting tortured Does Things to a cat. Huey and Dewey are coming to ShadowClan! On a side note, 'mask' is a really cool suffix that doesn't get used nearly enough lol.
Srry for the delay- some major plot points are coming up soon, and I've been wanting to plan them out s'more before I dive on in.
Buy me a Coffee?
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disneywarriorcats · 6 years ago
Nightmare Arc Chapter 3
Clan territory had become so familiar to Briarnose over the last year that she was notably uncomfortable at being back in her old neighborhood. She sensed the same among the other cats in her party, all former house cats themselves, as they looked at the rows of houses spread out before them, decorated with overly large spiders and pumpkin lights. She’d never been thrilled with Halloween from her days as a house cat, too many strange creatures propped up in front yards that screeched or jumped out at her when she went exploring, so she’d stayed indoors. Now she had to navigate these motion-activated mine fields in search of something to bring back to the Clan.
She sighed. Quick and easy was what she hoped for. The massive black spider hanging on the front porch of the nearest house gave her the shivers.
Briarnose turned to her party, consisting of Acornnose, Mouseheart and Dunnockfang, Appleflower, Gingerstripe, and Tigercloud. All were either familiar with the neighborhood or stealthy enough for their needs or both. “We’ll go in two groups,” she said. “Splitting up will be easier. Mouseheart, you go with Dunnockfang and Acornnose. The rest of you are with me. We’ll start small and inconspicuous. If it seems like something no one will miss, take it.”
Mouseheart nodded. “Zuk-zuk, ‘Riar!” He waved his tail to his group, beckoning them in toward the heart of the neighborhood. “This way!” And Dunnockfang and Acornnose trotted off after him, tails up and fluffed with excitement. Briarnose wondered momentarily if it was a good idea for her to have left the three of them unsupervised.
“They’ll be fine,” Appleflower said gently. “Mouseheart has always cared about his cats.”
“I know,” Briarnose said with a hum. “It’s Acornnose I worry about. I know she’s a warrior now, but I can’t help but think she’ll get herself into trouble.”
Appleflower purred. “She’ll mellow out someday, don’t worry.”
Briarnose answered with a second hum and looked out at the wide expanse of Halloween-themed neighborhood before her. She could see smaller decorations littering a few of the houses. A trail of bats ran corner to corner on one garage door, a cluster of spiders occupied a bush at another house.
“We’ll start there,” she said, pointing her nose toward the bats. She started off out of the bushes and padded up the house.
The neighborhood was eerily quiet, not even half as busy as Briarnose would have thought. In her last neighborhood, there was always activity of some kind, always cars up and down the streets, always someone out with their dog. Here, there wasn’t nearly as much activity, and today the place was silent.
That made Briarnose was suspicious.
“It’s like that sometimes,” Appleflower said, easing her fears. “I’ve lived here a long time. There’s never been very much activity.”
Briarnose hummed thoughtfully. That could be why she had always preferred going into the city or busier neighborhoods. It was something to do. She flicked her tail and smelled the air. “No dogs or humans,” she reported. “Grab as many as you can.”
The group padded quickly and quietly across the front lawn toward the garage and began pulling the little plastic bats off the door. While they went about that, Briarnose kept an eye out for any activity, human or otherwise. Other house cats were bound to be around at this hour of the day, and would no doubt ask what the Clan cats were doing.
“Do you think seven will be enough?” Gingerstripe asked, pulling Briarnose out of her thoughts, and spitting a bat out onto the ground as Briarnose turned around. At her paws and the others’ were seven bats, carefully pulled from the door.
Briarnose nodded. “Yes, those will do.” She thought for a moment about grabbig three more, just to have a nice, even number, but the remaining bats on the door were out of her reach, and none of the other cats in her party were tall enough to reach them. Seven would have to do. She picked up a bat and said through the flimsy plastic wing, “Let’s take these back to the bushes. We’ll wait for Mouseheart and his group there.”
At the same time, after separating from Briarnose’s group, now gathering up their bats, Mouseheart led Dunnockfang and Acornnose through the neighborhood. After so many years living the neighborhood, scrounging through trash cans and yards for all kinds of trinkets and whatnot, Mouseheart was particularly good at navigating the area. Him and Dunnockfang, who he had passed all his ways onto not long after the younger tom arrived at Marigoldheart’s home.
Now they weaved through hedges and fences and scaled brick walls in search of the perfect decoration. Mouseheart had something in mind--something big, but not too big, it had to be easy enough for them to drag back; and something scary enough to give anyone who looked at it a good scare. He’d seen dozen of decorations over the years, some more comical than others, and he marvelled at them everytime.
This was his kind of holiday. Pranks? Scares? Games? What more could he ask for? It was like his days in Marigoldheart’s house, but now he had free reign and the support of his Clan leader to do what he pleased!
He let out a brrrp! of excitement as he led the trio along the top of a brick wall. What treasures would he find out today?
“Ideas?” he askes, turning to Acornnose. His whiskers twitched as he noticed Acornnose looking rather out of breath. Oops. So Marigold’s former apprentice wasn’t as accustomed to moving quickly as he and Dunnockfang were.
Acornnose shook her head. “Oh, nothing yet. All I’ve seen so far are skeletons and inflatable things and pumpkins.”
Mouseheart frowned and sat down. Of course, now that he was trying to find something he couldn’t. Ffttt! He swished his tail with an irritated spat.
“Deh, Jaq-Jaq!”
Mouseheart and Acornnose turned to where Dunnockfang was standing on the other side of the brick wall, in the yard behind them, pointing with one paw at something across the street. They sprang down from the wall to join him.
“Yeah, Gus-Gus?”
“Look!” Dunnockfang pointed again across the street; Mouseheart followed his paw to a cat-sized black spider sitting on the porch of the house on the other side. That was it--just what Mouseheart was looking for.
“Yes!” He bounded across the street, forgetting it was a street and ignoring Acornnose’s strange suggestion to look both ways first. He bounded up to the porch to get a better look at the eight-legged creature. It was fuzzy and really non-threatening. It had no fangs, just a pair of red beady eyes. Mouseheart tapped it with one paw; it felt lightweight, making it easy enough for the three of them to carry back. It was perfect!
“Come on!” He looked behind him as Dunnockfang and Acornnose at last joined him on the front stairs. “Let’s take it!” He grabbed one leg and pulled it from the porch. “Take!” he said through a mouthful of furry spider leg.
Acornnose grabbed one leg, Dunnockfang another, and together the three of them hauled the spider off in the direction they had come.
Briarnose couldn’t deny that she was beginning to worry. Sure, finding good decorations took time, but it felt as though it was taking longer than it should have for Mouseheart’s trio to get back.
Oh, where could they be? She hoped they hadn’t run into trouble with meddling kittypets or worse, humans.
“Don’t worry so much,” Gingerstripe said. “Mouseheart is more efficient than you give him credit for.”
“You’re right,” Briarnose said with a sigh. “He’s quite the traveller isn’t he?”
“Yes,” Gingerstripe agreed. “Stole from my bowl more than once, and I could never catch him.”
Briarnose couldn’t hold back a grin and a low huckle. “Maybe you should have been better about guarding your bowl.”
The ginger molly snorted, looking offended, but a tiny smile curled the corner of her mouth upward.
It wasn’t long after that that Tigercloud spotted the trio making their way toward the bushes where the group hid. She narrowed her eyes. “What’s that they’re carrying?”
Briarnose raised her head and slipped out from under the bush. The trio carried between them a spider nearly as large as they were, black and fuzzy, and with a tiny red eyes. She stared at them, dumbfounded and unable to keep from laughing as they padded over with the spider. “How did you ever manage that?”
“Carefully,” Mouseheart said through the spider’s leg. He and his party dropped the spider in front of Briarnose; he spit loose hair out his mouth and shook his head. “Whatca think, Briar?”
It was a moment before Briarnose managed to get herself under control. In truth, she was impressed that they’d managed to haul the spider as far as they did. “I think it’s wonderful, Mouseheart,” she said. “Let’s head back. I think we’ve got enough for now.”
The trio picked up the spider again, having worked out s good system to carry it, and followed Briarnose and the rest of the party back into Clan territory.
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