#tiger and bunny 2 cour 2
blossom765 · 2 years
Turning People into NEXT? And Kotetsu in Danger?
Do you remember how Mattia ( and his sponsor ) was originally looking for a drug that can trun regular people into NEXT? They never found it and moved on. But, I wonder if people in Ouroboros who were also part of that plan still want a drug like that.
Perhaps, they're still looking for a way to turn regular people into NEXT. If they are, I think Kotetsu might end up being a part of this.
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I think Kotetsu is going to be kidnapped and studied. Why do I think that? Because he's the only person ( alive ) that has been a NEXT and then a regular person. ( I suspect that a NEXT still a NEXT even before their powers fully awaken. So, I don't think Ouroboros or whoever wants a new drug will focus too much on people who haven't awaken their powers. )
Kotetsu lost his powers on T.V. where the whole world saw. If Ouroboros is still looking for a way to turn regular people into NEXTs then Kotetsu is one of the only people they can study to see what makes a NEXT a NEXT.
My guess to how this would work is that with the genes and DNA of someone who was both NEXT and regular Human, they might be able to see and isolate which genes in Kotetsu are different now that he is human.
It might start out with Kotetsu's previous blood and lab tests being stolen. They study what in his body him a NEXT. Kidnap Kotetsu and see what in his body has disappeared or changed to turn him into a normal person. With that info, they might be able to make a drug that adds to or changes people's DNA to the genes only a NEXT would have.
But, anyway, that's my season 3 ( hopefully) theory.
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eotdemoron · 2 years
Me: just finished watching the trailer for Tiger and Bunny 2 cour 2
And WHAT do I focus on after watching it:
OMG, are we gonna have car chase?! We're gonna have a car chase! AND KOTETSU'S DRIVING!
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cranity · 2 years
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kotetsu my beloved
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amphypan · 2 years
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Little charm designs for the little buddies (husbands) :3!!!
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theoldmantherabbit · 2 years
"Oh my God that building is on fire!"
Barnaby: I can't really help, I have a knee injury.
*Kotetsu is in danger*
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kitamars · 2 years
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AAAAH HE’S HERE! swap!kotetsu ref…….enjoy :D
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sentoind · 26 days
Actually. I’m coming back to a previous post about how everyone ignores the end of season two for Tiger & bunny… I’ve actually come to like it and accept it.
(Spoilers below)
However the only things I don’t like and agree with was the… racism and yuri’s ending?!
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Like 75% of season 2 cour 2 honestly felt like this. (I had some issues with how they made ouroboros this big organization and what not in season 2 cour 1 continuing into cour 2 but I actually love fugan and mugan actually and they made me feel emotional in comparison to what’s her name again ?) but the 25% of it that was good… was definitely good. While I still wish Thomas’s arc had a bit of tweaking I am satisfied and happy with how he came to start trusting Subaru more (and honestly I won’t really blame him by much because he’s a 17 year old) but asides from that I’m mainly here to talk about kotetsu and barnaby
When I first watched obviously I was extremely sad and kind of in denial that I forgot everything but after rewatching it… I actually grew to like and accept what happened to them because they’ve talked about it many times through the series that they’re still “friends” no matter what and they aren’t just hanging out with each other because of them being partners in crime as heroes. They are quite literally partners for life.
Although we don’t see what happens to them in the end run animated… we do at least see what happens to them in the form of a one shot manga chapter which shows that Barnaby still willingly chooses to follow after and help Kotetsu of his own violation, and Kotetsu still chooses to be a hero to people in his own way even without his powers.
… and again. My main criticism goes towards how Yuri just “dies” (in my mind he pulls what a character from DGS / TGA pulls but I won’t say who or what) and also towards the sudden cartoonish racism? And also having Barnaby who lived only for revenge and finally get a life without it watch was cruel because who knows how he felt about it while watching Lunatic’s last moments. But well I’ll top off my thoughts about season 2 there actually.
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mad-madam-m · 2 years
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Y’all ever remember the most horrifying parallels in this show and then have a breakdown
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letmeinpplease · 2 years
Can I just say-- I love Barnaby Brooks, Jr. for many, many reasons. One of the main ones is that he's selfish. But not in a way that's portrayed negatively.
Barnaby consistently does what he needs to do for his own well-being. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to be a hero and protect the city and help others (he does).
But his motivation for being a hero is never driven purely by a desire to help others. He becomes a hero to avenge his parents. He retires, and later comes back out of retirement, because he wants to be Kotetsu's partner more than anything. In season 2, he tells Yuri that he doesn't know himself, but he knows that he's happier being a hero with Kotetsu and the other heroes, so he stays.
There's other things, little things, too. But another big one is Kotetsu's power loss in season 1 and their battle with the robot. Kotetsu never told Barnaby about his power loss cause he didn't wanna worry him. He didn't tell him his powers were gone before he told him to shoot, either. I firmly believe that if he had, Barnaby wouldn't have shot, even if it meant losing everything. And I think Kotetsu knew that.
I mean, we see Barnaby prioritize Kotetsu over and over again-- one example off the top of my head from season 2, he very nearly ditches little baby Subaru during the prison breakout as soon as Kotetsu so much as hints that he's in trouble, and Kotetsu has to tell him to stay there. Hell, he begs Kotetsu to let him go out with the heroes, knowing that he's a liability, because he can't emotionally handle losing working as a hero with Kotetsu.
I don't know, maybe it's just that we get so many heroes that do it for selfless reasons, or for fame and money, or whatever. But Barnaby is consistently just a guy trying to find what he needs to be mentally okay and maybe even happy, and doing everything he can to hold onto what he finds despite everything trying to take it away from him. Maybe I just relate bc Mental Illness™️, but I just love that Barnaby consistently does what he needs to do for his own well-being.
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43sol · 2 years
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Hello I’d like to talk about Kotetsu in this, the most devastating scene of cour 2 so far.
Because he doesn’t stop looking at Bunny in this.
The thing is that,
Kotetsu knows that the others are probably right. He’s seen it firsthand, he’s been there through everyone turning on him, through Mavericks lies, through all the f up stuff that happened in season one.
But he also knows better than to show his doubt to Bunny. This is a face of a man who knows that his partner has been tricked yet again, but he can’t show that.
Because he loves him and knows that Bunny spiraling is not what they need right know.
He worries about Bunny first and thinks realistically second.
Now the fact that he spots a fire is a coincidence, but that is also a way to detour the inevitable betrayal. He goes there with Bunny because of course, he has to check things, things aren’t as they seem, but he doesn’t want him to face Mattia, actually. He wants to humor Barnaby, to at least give him that but until he sees Mattia with his own eyes he thinks the others are right.
Also the fact that Bunny is saying that people misremember things, as if it was a normal occurence. (It’s not that common, none of the heroes can relate, except Kotetsu who knows what Bunny means.)
It’s just. This scene is so much. I’m devastated.
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blossom765 · 2 years
Just watched tiger and bunny 2 cour 2 and I have some screaming thoughts and a whole lot of questions!
Spoilers for tiger and bunny season 2 part 2 below
Did Kotetsu really quit?!! Oh my God! And Barnaby just continued to be a hero without him?!! I feel like Kotetsu would keep being a hero even when his powers ran out and Barnaby didn't want to be a hero without his partner. Maybe because they said so in last episode of season 1. I just their views have changed.
I honestly thought Aurora would have come up with something for Barnaby's leg or Kotetsu's powers.
And I don't think I've ever seen Barnaby cry when it didn't have to do with his parents. And he's crying because of Kotetsu.
And the scene where Barnaby and Kotetsu are talking about each other at the same time. And that ending credits felt like it was out of a romance anime. Where's a romance confirmation when you need it.
And I am STILL WAITING for Kotetsu and Barnaby to go out for drinks on screen!
I just hope we get a season 3 and see them get back together again.
And what was that museum section at the end?! Did they place as kings of the buddy hero or is this a monument to their fight?! Oh God, their last fight?!!!!
Honestly, I just want them to kiss. I don't expect them to because anime and aversion to having the main characters be in a gay relationship if it's not yaoi. ( Not even double decker did it. Had a lesbian relationship with side characters but main characters was a step too far or something.) But I'm still gonna cry if they don't because, my God, they would make such a good love story!
Does anyone know if we're getting a season 3.
I feel like Kotetsu should have been berserk for longer. I was waiting for this to happen. With Kotetsu's fear being his powers hurting someone. I wanted Barnaby to be the one emotionally supporting Kotetsu through his trauma for a change. We honestly need more of that. I want to see Kotetsu facing his inner demons with the support of his partner. I also wanted Barnaby to be the one to snap Kotetsu out of it to show their bond. I am glad they found a clever way to do it that brought a new story for Kotetsu ( and hopefully a struggle Barnaby will help him with ) but I just would have loved if Barnaby was there helping Kotetsu through something that's been his childhood nightmare. That berserk oart really should have been bigger. I honestly worry that they didn't take that wouye because they don't want to lean more into the gay and just try to turn it into an older person helping out a youngster. I hope not but I do wonder and worry about that.
Oh well. And Suburu and Thomas. OMG. Thomas sharing his candies at the end and going crazy when Suburu offered Lasagna. And Suburu's powers are getting cooler and cooler.
I am still so glad they didn't pair up Kotetsu with Karina.
And Lunatic just killed himself. That's his end. I get he might feel he has nothing left for him. But, I was hoping he'd be arrested and get some help. God knows, he needs it. Kind of an anti climactic end for him.
Also, do they know Lunatic was Yuri? They never said his name and there was some shadow on his face.
And seriously, where are the second league heroes?! Have they been retconed?
And how did all the bruises Kotetsu and Barnaby had all heal up when Barnaby put Kotetsu's suit on? And how was his suit completed unharmed after Kotetsu took it off? And what exactly is going on with Barnaby's leg? Like does it feel better now because of the suit or something? Or is he going to have to retire later?
And you know, I think Kotetsu would make a great hero coach. With his experience in the hero field, I wouldn't surprised and would actually be more than a little happy if they made a new position where Kotetsu coached Barnaby while Barnaby fought crime. They'd even be able to stay partners. Would love to see them show how there are different ways for people to work together.
And Ruby has 2 Dads! Granted, they never made an appearance and it was only mentioned in the subtitles. But, it's still impressive that an anime had that.
And that girl that went crazy because of a girlfriend. I know some might be worried that it portrays LGBT people as crazy or villainous but honestly I think we're past the point of just having gay relationships on screen just be "Look we're existing and we're normal" and at a point where they should be interesting characters and interesting love stories. Which is why I want something like Barnaby x Kotetsu to be canon. Such interesting characters with such an interesting love story. Ah damn!
Oh damn, was this season bad for my heart!
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eotdemoron · 2 years
Saw this on my Google News and I just had to show you guys:
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Enjoy! ☺️
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wuggyzjuice · 2 years
my mood for tiger & bunny 2 cour 2!!! 😀
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tigerandbunnyftw · 2 years
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A round up of all the TIGER & BUNNY 2 related news that was released today! First, the most important news, we have a new trailer for cour 2! A reminder that the final set of episodes (14-25), will be releasing on October 7th (yes just 1 week away!) @ 4pm JST - worldwide over on Netflix.
If you haven't seen the trailer already, check it out here:
Next, the cast watch parties, hosted by the troublesome buddy duo - series' seiyuu Hiroaki Hirata (Kotetsu) and Masakazu Morita (Barnaby), will be making its return, with hopefully more cast/staff guests!
The first watch party will be streamed live on the 7th October at 21:00 JST over on the BNPictures Youtube (note - this is most likely to be region locked again). This will then follow with weekly Saturday streams for episodes 15 - 24 at the regular time of 21:00 JST, from the 15th October onward. The final watch party for episode 25 will be hosted on Christmas Eve (also known in the fandom as BUDDY REUNION DAY) on the 24th December!
We hope that Anime Netflix will continue to translate these episodes for us and release them a week after they air, like the 1st batch of episodes.
Want to catch up on the past watch party shenanigans? Check out this handily put together playlist which contains all the episodes so far!
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Moving on, the 2nd Blu-Ray cover art and slip case box art has been released, featuring Rock Bison and Origami Cyclone! The art on the left was drawn by series' main character designer, Masakazu Katsura, whilst the art on the right is by one of the series' main key animators, Mika Yamamoto!
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This will have 3 episodes, along with many special features:
>Cast watch party episodes 4 (special guest Inoue Gou - Keith Goodman/Sky High), episode 5 (special guest director Mitsuko (Atsuko) Kase) and episode 6 (special guest Mariya Ise - Pao-lin Huang/Dragon Kid).
>TIGER & BUNNY 2 -Precious EVE- night performance recording
>Making of T&B2 Part 3 : Behind the scenes of 'Style 3' hero suit production! (Long ver.)
>Making of T&B2 Part 4 : Infiltrate behind the scenes of "Taibani 2" recording! (Long ver.)
>Special booklet (16 pages)
and a special audio drama CD! Drama #2 "From a Former Hero Academy Student" - summary of the story:
"Ivan is asked to be the MC for a radio show featuring only heroes from the Hero Academy, and he goes to see Edward to prepare a story for the show. On the day of the recording, however, things take a turn that Ivan never expected."
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And finally, there will be a Greeting Event held in Japan, to celebrate Barnaby's birthday on the 30th October! The special Barnaby Birthday Party live stream over on Twitcasting will also be delivered on the same day!
Plenty of exciting things to look forward to over the upcoming months. Not long to go until the 7th October, get emotionally prepared!
Source: TIGER & BUNNY Twitter
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theoldmantherabbit · 2 years
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We finally got it!!!
I screamed
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