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#SCREENRECORDING? GO AMERICA #italy #brazil #mexico #england be my witness! WHAT DID I SAY? I HAD ENOUGH! As surely as #identitytheft while this fucking country goes collusion and civilwarreenactment when you live in the same country? I tried redemptionsongs I tried saintteresa i asked for #communitybuilding and #doublestandards for well is it the whole #disabilityrights #civilrightsactivist thing? let me fucking guide you the #parents #millenials democrats republicans and the wsve people snd gay and #pride #gaystagram #instaquote #tampagay hows this for #puertorican eloquence the fact thst you may not like me advocating equality which is not favoritism, for months all you damn stoodby and #accomplicetothecrime how can I put this since im #ethicallymade #collegeeducated #boricua #earnedmyway its called legalprotection so next time it happens to one of you ? dontwonderwhy and gaymen I missed the memo its gay men all these animal names and your indiffererence? #greatnessdefined ? delusional lsd induced double standards laughing stock of intellgence! youll be lucky if youre even secondclass as s society that enjoys seeing peopledying on tv and eho obviously feel #sparetherodspoilthechild ? well as your #christianhearts have done nothing and @alixashhh what did I say references , too lazy, well this #boricuanerd who has been trackingyou also is saying now, from my #santeria self I said dont hit the cage right? didnt I? well #tiftprweallresist you should try to by #diversityandinclusion too for me to have said stop and you KEEP trying? Well as your #americanmorals kill you hear that? WHOOOOSHHH there I go to your goddamn horror, for i did say oldschool so as in yes gay but in my day? fucking bootcamp, this? WILL NOT GO AWAY!!! FEEL ME? DONT BLAME OTHERS YOU DEEMED YOURSELF A SLAVE IWAS BORN FREE and if i go down I might as well tske a few of you with me! oh and I WILL POST my ADDRESS if ANYONE is OFFENDED! (at United States)
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puertoricanflagsup · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @espiritudelpuebloboricua - Tonite #ifeelpride in #peopleprotesting we are a #smallisland and #humblepeople but with a #richhistory and lately silent tonite #voicesrose and it reminded me #throwbackthursday we have also been #trendsetters I will not paint them as #poorvictims but people #defiant so #reegaeton style #laviejaguardia #12discipulos #quitatetu @ricardorossello Guerin #pocoslosescogidos para #boriken #puertorico #ensolidaridadconprotestas #eseesmipueblo #miespiritu @judyhernandez119 @boricuaj.jg @boricuanacsin @mainland_puertoricans #puertoricansbelike #werise #tiftprweallresist - #regrann #PrFlagsUp #puertoricanflagsup @puertoricanflagsup
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I am like many others, coping and fighting to survive, however we also feel. Last nite I saw someone writing about potentially taking their life:. In a culture that has become too good at looking away, I cannot, I give thanks to my upbringing for valuing life. So many simply click like and do not read. #compassion is part of our #spiritualjourney and it may take but a minute or too to help... One day that person could be you, money and material things are not everything, nor as complimentary to your greatness than any material things you could obtain, people, all people matter #humanlivesmatter #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #homelessness #humanspirit #gay #lgbt #pride #disabilityrights #civilrights #humanitarian #advocacy #bethechange #crueltyfree #indifference #bullyingawareness #service #interconnected #globalcommunity #instagramers #instaquote #instapic #instagay #feminists #lgbt DO NOT LOOK AWAY FOR INDIFFERENCE WOUNDS THE MELODIES OF A PERSONS UNIQUE SONG AND SCARS THE SPIRIT FOR TO BE HATED ITS AT LEAST AN EMOTION, WHEN YOU SHOW INDIFFERENCE IT MEANS YOU DONT VALUE THAT PERSON AT ALL #tiftprweallresist #suicideattemptsurvivor #boricua #latino (at Planet Earth)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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Damn Saint Teresa, I had to drink the koolaid! America, get it together! We are dying of greatness ! (So Say You) #humanspirit #gaylove #lgbt #homelessoutreach #disabilityrights #civilrights #humandignity #powerofone #boricua #latino #unityindiversity #inclusion #advocacy #service #integrityiseverything #bethedifference #powerofone #instapic #instagay #gayblogger #equality #suicideprevention #stopbullying #tiftprweallresist #believeinyourself #kindness #reapwhatyousow #lifequotes #lovemyfam #communityovercompetition #saintteresaofcalcutta (at United States)
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I’m not sure who didn’t get the memo, but I am neither going to be silenced or intimidated. I advocate for myself and for others due to people looking the other way. I am working on a non profit of it because I had mentors who believed in me and helped me grow as a leader. There have been a few donations but I have used a lot of my own resources even as I fight alone to help others, why? From my community to many young people today, you seem only capable to open your mouths to demean, put into question, or tarnish a reputation. I am no saint, but I have never been a hypocrite, I have always stood up to injustice, if your mission in life is only to look beautiful devoid of human emotion passion or soul it is on you. However, do not dare try to get in my way, for I TOO CAN COMMAND THE WINDS! #advocate #nonprofit #artofwar #strategem #selfdevelopment #inclusion #diversity #womeninleadership #humanspirit #perseverance #service #personalgrowth #humanitarian #honorable #humandignity #instapict #instaquote #instagay #gay #disabilityrights #tiftprweallresist I have already been able to work on virtual training options, delivery, data protection all while fighting to have my rights respected so get it together I’m of the old guard from the mountains I don’t blame others for my failures I act and rise with dignity! (at United States)
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I’m not sure who didn’t get the memo, but I am neither going to be silenced or intimidated. I advocate for myself and for others due to people looking the other way. I am working on a non profit of it because I had mentors who believed in me and helped me grow as a leader. There have been a few donations but I have used a lot of my own resources even as I fight alone to help others, why? From my community to many young people today, you seem only capable to open your mouths to demean, put into question, or tarnish a reputation. I am no saint, but I have never been a hypocrite, I have always stood up to injustice, if your mission in life is only to look beautiful devoid of human emotion passion or soul it is on you. However, do not dare try to get in my way, for I TOO CAN COMMAND THE WINDS! #advocate #nonprofit #artofwar #strategem #selfdevelopment #inclusion #diversity #womeninleadership #humanspirit #perseverance #service #personalgrowth #humanitarian #honorable #humandignity #instapict #instaquote #instagay #gay #disabilityrights #tiftprweallresist I have already been able to work on virtual training options, delivery, data protection all while fighting to have my rights respected so get it together I’m of the old guard from the mountains I don’t blame others for my failures I act and rise with dignity! (at United States)
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I’m not sure who didn’t get the memo, but I am neither going to be silenced or intimidated. I advocate for myself and for others due to people looking the other way. I am working on a non profit of it because I had mentors who believed in me and helped me grow as a leader. There have been a few donations but I have used a lot of my own resources even as I fight alone to help others, why? From my community to many young people today, you seem only capable to open your mouths to demean, put into question, or tarnish a reputation. I am no saint, but I have never been a hypocrite, I have always stood up to injustice, if your mission in life is only to look beautiful devoid of human emotion passion or soul it is on you. However, do not dare try to get in my way, for I TOO CAN COMMAND THE WINDS! #advocate #nonprofit #artofwar #strategem #selfdevelopment #inclusion #diversity #womeninleadership #humanspirit #perseverance #service #personalgrowth #humanitarian #honorable #humandignity #instapict #instaquote #instagay #gay #disabilityrights #tiftprweallresist I have already been able to work on virtual training options, delivery, data protection all while fighting to have my rights respected so get it together I’m of the old guard from the mountains I don’t blame others for my failures I act and rise with dignity! (at United States)
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IT IS A SAD DAY FOR #HUMANRIGHTS I have been listening to the #suffering of #immigrants who are now being forcely separated in what seems #politicalmaneuvering to get others to pay for that #borderwall , when my family suffered in #puertorico I was moved by the #generosity of these people while many that knew me looked away. There is no greatness to hear #borderpatrol taunting families who as many #generations before came to this country seeking opportunity including Trump. I have been moved to being physically ill from seeing this for #latinosunidos we share #familybonds and #culturalheritage , I remember those that were kind to me, as a result of this I have shifted to complete opposition of the current administration. Beyond #disabilityrights #civilrights #equality out the window we now must be seen by the world as a country that increasingly is acting as a #dictator ? For #solidarity with #immigrantchildren #immigrants #dreamers and #DACA it is time to repay the kindness you showed. Therefore anyone who opposes them and is a #publicservant I now oppose you and will actively work to #rallysupport for #latinosunidos #unityisstrength #diversityandinclusion #tiftprweallresist I have chosen my side in this war. (at United States)
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The mountains are my home, I grew up poor but taught to never bow my head to no one. It saddens me how so many in the community simply remain silent to an injustice, or double standards. As attorneys have not shown up, or responded, I have advocated for myself, first battle HUD for my #serviceanimal and now the #socialsecurityadministration I will not deny, I am tired, yet for my past silence, these are my #redemptionsong journeys. I have lost friends, I have fought cruelty, yet I have fought with #honor for there is no but in #equality .... there are so many young people with such talent and potential yet with all the knowledge at your hands you lack the #wisdom to understand that nothing good ever comes out of #silenceofthelambs . I rarely use my crutches, taught myself to walk too, moving on to the next battle, for those that may look and laugh, remember while your #civilrights are destroyed and you stand by, the greatness of us is the #humanspirit and #disabilityrights #mentalhealth #socialstigmas #cruelty and #indifference do hurt, but I have no master, I will not sit by and be treated again as second class, I was #bornfree and I do #wanttogohome for your greatness as a country, never did I think it could be so cruel! Tired but not over, You Hear That??? WHOOOOSH...: THERE I GO RISING! #boricua #gay #instapic #gayblogger #tiftprweallresist #socialequality #advocacy #humanitarian #dreamer #universalrights #lgbt #autismawareness #latinorights #attorneyatlaw some of you used to care (at Hillsborough County, Florida)
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The mountains are my home, I grew up poor but taught to never bow my head to no one. It saddens me how so many in the community simply remain silent to an injustice, or double standards. As attorneys have not shown up, or responded, I have advocated for myself, first battle HUD for my #serviceanimal and now the #socialsecurityadministration I will not deny, I am tired, yet for my past silence, these are my #redemptionsong journeys. I have lost friends, I have fought cruelty, yet I have fought with #honor for there is no but in #equality .... there are so many young people with such talent and potential yet with all the knowledge at your hands you lack the #wisdom to understand that nothing good ever comes out of #silenceofthelambs . I rarely use my crutches, taught myself to walk too, moving on to the next battle, for those that may look and laugh, remember while your #civilrights are destroyed and you stand by, the greatness of us is the #humanspirit and #disabilityrights #mentalhealth #socialstigmas #cruelty and #indifference do hurt, but I have no master, I will not sit by and be treated again as second class, I was #bornfree and I do #wanttogohome for your greatness as a country, never did I think it could be so cruel! Tired but not over, You Hear That??? WHOOOOSH...: THERE I GO RISING! #boricua #gay #instapic #gayblogger #tiftprweallresist #socialequality #advocacy #humanitarian #dreamer #universalrights #lgbt #autismawareness #latinorights #attorneyatlaw some of you used to care (at Hillsborough County, Florida)
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