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amazingmsme · 1 year ago
Under the Table
AN: Was worried I might not finish since I was leaving my nana’s house today, but I was able to get it done pretty early! Here’s day 8 with the Shelby sibs ganging up on Tommy!
Perhaps the only time the Shelby family behaved like a normal, proper one was when they sat down for dinner. The sound of silverware clanking and scraping against plates could barely be heard over soft chatter. Talks of what they did that day, requests to pass the potatoes, and compliments on a delicious meal well made. You didn't make a scene at dinner, unless you wanted to face the wrath of Aunt Polly. Dinner was when they all behaved like civilized people and held conversation. Everyone knew that, especially Ada. Thomas shot her a glare, which she returned with an innocent grin.
He felt another squeeze on his knees and swore under his breath just as he hit the underside of the table. A loud bang startled everyone, jostling plates and causing glasses to slosh precariously. Polly gave a stern and unamused look from across the table, arching a brow.
"Everything alright Tommy?" she asked, though it was clear it didn't come from a place of concern. He gave a curt nod, staring intently at his plate.
"Yes, everything's fine."
"You sure? 'Cause that's about the fifth time I've had to catch my glass before you knock it over," she said accusingly. "So what's got you so damn fidgety?"
"I assure you, I'm fine," he insisted, making Ada stifle a laugh. Tommy fixed her with a look as Polly shifted her attention. Ada beamed from ear to ear as she scribbled her nails over her brother's kneecap, making him spasm and fight back a laugh. Unfortunately for him, his family was accustomed to the sight and slowly put two and two together.
"And you? Mind sharing what's so damn funny?" she asked, cocking her head expectantly. Arthur bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, glancing at Tommy across the table.
"What, I can't be in a good mood?" she asked, leaning forward not so subtly and latching onto both of his knees. Thomas couldn't hold back the bark of laughter as he curled up, kicking the table so hard it hopped off the ground. Arthur stopped his and Polly's plates from sliding off. She was trying hard not to appear amused.
"Not if it's going to ruin our dinner," she said curtly.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with me. Tommy's the one flailin' about!" What had been one off squeezes turned into relentless ones, and he found himself sinking down in his chair as loud hysterical laughs echoed through the room.
Everyone was amused, eyes fixed on the scene before them. Arthur at this point was laughing along and managed to catch one of his brother's kicking legs. Tommy's eyes went wide and his chuckles kicked up a notch, morphing into nervous giggles as he tried in vain to stop him from taking off his shoes.
"NO! Arthur, Ihihi'll kill you!" he threatened, even holding his butter knife in a defensive position to add weight to his words, but it still wasn't enough to negate the effects of his rarely heard laughter.
"Well there's a sight you don't see everyday," Finn joked, a wide grin in his face as he watched from across the table. "Ada, don't forget to go for his ribs!"
"Nohoho, dohon't you dahahare!" he growled through gritted teeth, desperate to hold back but breathless snickers continued to push through the barricade of his teeth. He looked to Polly with pleading eyes. She was the only voice of reason in this madhouse, and the only one who wouldn't outright turn on him.
She knew she should put an end to this, to save Thomas from the wrath of his siblings and turn their attention back to their food, where it should be. But it's been so long since she's seen them all get along like this. And when was the last time she'd seen Tommy actually laugh and enjoy himself. So she really couldn't stop the fond smile that found its way on her face, or the warm feeling growing in her chest.
"Pohoholly! M-make thehem stohohohop!" he pleaded, but she saw something sparkling in his eyes and she knew: he was having fun.
"If you make him flip the table, you're all cleaning up." He scoffed indignantly at that response before chuckles and snorts overtook him once more.
"Except you Thomas,  I'm sure this is already punishment enough," she teased, shooting him a wink from across the table. She grabbed her plate and glass of water and left them to their devices.
And when she heard a telltale crash followed by Tommy's smug voice, "That's what you fucking get!" she just smiled to herself. She peeked in through the doorway to see Arthur, Ada and Finn picking up scraps of food and china from the floor. Thomas stood in the corner, brushing himself off and glaring at the lot of them, fighting off his grin.
"So, was it worth it?" she asked.
"No," Tommy answered the same time the rest answered with an enthusiastic yes.
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zaris-tickle-blogs · 2 years ago
Look before assuming
Lers: Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur
Lees: Tommy and Tubbo
Tommy was streaming on Minecraft the door to his office came in. It was Ranboo. But Tommy didn't know that it was Ranboo. He thought it was Jack Manifold again. He did not mind when he is there. But then Ranboo picked him up. Again something that Jack would do.
"That's how you talk to your friends" Ranboo finally said reveling that it was him.
"Uh huh, sure" Ranboo did not believe that
Tommy saw the look in Ranboo and knew what he was planning. Tommy tried to squirm out of Ranboo's arms. Once he did, he turned the stream off and ran out of the room bumping into Wilbur and Tubbo.
Wilbur spoke first, "Tommy? Why are you running in the house?"
"I accidentally yelled at Ranboo thinking he was Jack Manifold. And now he wants to tickle me as a punishment for that." Tommy explained
"Oh, so your running from him and his tickly fingers. I thought you liked when he tickles you." Tubbo said grinning a bit
Tommy blushes "w-well yeah, I do but the chasing is what makes it fun" Tommy's eyes then widened looking behind him seeing Ranboo behind him.
"You like when I tickle you huh? And the chasing makes it fun?" Ranboo teased. Before pouncing on Tommy, holding him down by sitting on his thighs.
Tommy yelped as Ranboo pounced on him.
"Did I hurt you, Tommy?" Ranboo said, making sure he didn't hurt his friend.
"Yeah I'm fine, Ranboo. You just surprised me. That's all." Tommy replied.
Ranboo relaxed as he started cracking his fingers, making sure they were ready to be moving a lot until Tommy can't take it anymore.
"Safeword is "Philza", alright?"
Tommy nods as he felt ten fingers scribbling up and down his belly gently. Tommy giggles softly.
"Aww soft cute giggles, coming from little sassy Tommyinnit. How cute." Ranboo teased, giggling himself
"Nohohohot cuhuhuhuhutehehehehehehehehehe.
"Oh yes you are" Wilbur spoke up, joining in on the tickling. Tickling his feet.
Wilbur laughed "do you really want me to stop? You could have kicked me off by now. You have to be honest, you enjoy this."
Tommy whined, he didn't want him to stop but he didn't want his feet tickled. But he also didn't wanna kick him or hurt him.
"Awww that's sweet but also a lie, you like this and I know it." Wilbur teased. As Tubbo sat down and pinned Tommy's arms under his legs, which were above Tommy's head. As he traced shapes in Tommy's armpits
Tubbo grinned, "I was suppose to save you? But I wanna help tickle you since you love it so much."
"You have no one to save you except for your safeword." Ranboo teased, making Tommy scream with louder laughter
They all stopped seeing on how red he was from laughter and teasing. Tommy curled up into a ball as Ranboo rubbed his hand on Tommy's back, to help him calm him down and get rid of the ghost tickles
Then Ranboo said, "Tubbo it's your turn~"
Then he grabbed Tubbo and pulled him onto his lap. Hiding his arms above his head with one hand and started to wiggle his finger inside Tubbos belly button. Making Tubbo scream
"W-WAHAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHOHO STAHAHAHAP" he screamed trying to squirm out of Ranboo's grip but Ranboo was too strong.
"The safeword is the same as Tommy's safeword, so just say it if you had enough"
Ranboo tickled Tubbo for an hour when he finally said "PHIHIHIHILZAHAHAHAHA"
As soon as Tubbo said that, he was released and Ranboo stopped tickling him.
Let's just say, Tubbo and Tommy had to be carried to bed that night. Wilbur carried Tommy, and Ranboo carried Tubbo.
Please show no hate, this is my actual fic on Tumblr. Love y'all (not in the weird way)
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potatohater · 2 years ago
Hiii‼️‼️ I M SO GLAD THAT TLOU TICKLE COMMUNITY IS GETTING BIGGER🫶🫶 and I have a few fics ab tlou myself so if you wanna check it or what you are free to go, but I have a few tickle ideas for Ellie and Joel because I LOVE THEM
1. Ellie is trying to get Joel laughing but it can be reversed into a tickle fight
2. Joel is just messing with Ellie when teaching her how to play a guitar
3. Tickle fight between Tommy and Joel (brotherly moment) (and Ellie could just saw it and join😭😭)
omg I literally want to do all of these(and i probably will at some point) they are so good but i have to do #3 I have the best little drabble in my head! hope u enjoy🫶 srry it’s rough, i wrote this in one night and i got a bit carried away lol
also go check out @potatohater their fics are big slay ! ! !
Brotherly Love
“there is no way im helping you with the truck”
“quit throwing such a fit ya stubborn asshole” Joel smiled and shoved into his brother’s shoulder as he scooted his way over in the kitchen to the lukewarm pot of coffee.
Joel was in quiet the good mood today. A few days ago on a patrol around Jackson, he found himself upon a bright red 2003 Ford-F150. Well, he assumed it was bright red in its glory days, as by now it had accumulated a dull rusty exterior followed by a coat of moss that had begun creeping up off the tires and onto the rest of the car. But he didn’t seem to care, as all he saw was an opportunity in front of him. While Jackson provided Ellie and him with a sense of comfort, he selfishly missed the days of traveling across the states together, and he could sense that restless energy in Ellie as well. Even if they were short trips, he wanted something back that he felt like he was missing since they had settled. Yes, Ellie relying on him scared him, but it also seemed to give him a sense of purpose he just couldn’t quite find here.
“Joel, i-i got the kid this weekend, Maria’s on patrol and in meetings an-”
“you are such a bad liar little brother” Joel looked up from his mug as he sipped and gave Tommy a sly smile.
“I already talked to her this mornin’. Said you’d be just fineee helpin’ out.” Joel smirked and leaned up against the counter behind him. “Said it’d keep you outta trouble”
Tommy shot Joel a side eye and shook his head as he let out a sigh
“Talk about trouble, what the hell do you think your gonna do with that truck Joel”
“Mmm so you are gonna help me now huh?”
“There is no way in hell, but if I were, I’d want to make sure you don’t kill yourself once it’s all done with” Tommy’s eyes searched the counter that Joel was leaned up against as he spoke.
“This can’t be just for joyrides Joel, where the hell is it you’re wantin’ to go?”
“You gotta shake on it first”
Tommy shot another look at Joel as he remembered where what he was looking for was.
“Look, I’m just saying messin with that truck in any regard is a stupid fuckin idea I mea-EAN-!” Tommy was suddenly cut off while he opened the overhead cabinet diagonal to Joel’s head to grab a pan for his morning eggs. Out of nowhere, Joel jabbed his fingers into Tommy’s side, almost as if it was a reflex. Tommy entire body jolted accompanied by a concealed squeal that he tried to play off by clearing his throat, but it seemed to be too late for him, as the stare Joel was sending him was already telling him everything he needed to know.
The two brothers stared at each other in silence, both quite shocked to what transpired seconds before. After the jab Tommy had jumped back about a foot, but he was still in close enough territory to remain nervous about his big brother’s next move.
Joel had his eyebrows slightly raised with slightly squinted eyes, but he held a straight face and a calm demeanor, even still, you could hear that hint of smirk behind every word.
“Hey Tommy, would you come here for a second?”
Tommy’s face looked angry, but was almost ghost white with fear at the same time, like he knew what could happen at any second.
“Don’t you dare Joel”
“Awh don’t be so shy baby brother”
In a whorl-wind, Joel leap over at Tommy, hands outstretched like bear claws towards his torso. In a spontaneous yet, extremely strategic move, Joel wrapped his hands around Tommy’s sides and squeezed. Tommy’s once escape plan of sprinting away crumbled in front of him as he felt himself crumble with a grunt under Joel’s grasp, and in a swift move Joel has knocked him off his feet and pinned him beneath him on the kitchen floor. From here Tommy began to struggle below his older brother, and as his feet slipped against the hardwood floor a familiar helpless feeling began to fade back in.
“Just like ol’ times eh Tom?”
“You old fucker get off of mEHEHA-”
Tommy felt his dignity slip from his grasp as his brother enormous hands shook around his ribcage. There was little time between the stifling spurts of laughter to full on childlike giggles pouring out of Tommy’s mouth, and Joel was eating up every minute of it. He pretended like he wasn’t paying attention as his little brother was bouncing below him, fit to be tied with his own laughter, but there was a recognizable smile that crept onto Joel’s face wether he liked it or not. There seemed to be little to none of these nostalgic brotherly moments for them these days, so for Joel to catch him like this was music to his ears.
“I’m sorry what’s that Tommy? somethin about helpin me with the truck?” Joel chuckled as he pretended to yell over Tommy’s laughing fits as he switched to digging his knuckles into his brothers sides.
“Mmm yeah you definitely seem to be in a position to do that brother.” Joel smirked, he was having way too much fun with this.
Tommy was continuously trying to push against Joel’s hands digging away at his sides, when Joel saw an opportunity to snake his hands up underneath Tommy’s arms where he realized Tommy’s laughter could reach a new octave.
Tommy’s head was thrown back and arms clamped to his sides as he sucumbed to the torture joel was dealing him. His laughter was on the verge of silence and he couldn’t beli-
“What the fuck joel are you trying to kill him?”
Between all the commotion, neither brother had bothered to notice a shocked Ellie waltz downstairs, most probably woken up from all the ruckus they were causing. Both brothers turned to look at her, Joel stopped his assault but did not get up, while Tommy was merely attempting to catch his breath.
“Uhhh he owes me a favor El.” Joel replied with a smirk on his face, yet slightly embarrassed from Ellie witnessing the encounter.
“Uh-huh” Ellie replied, still in shock to see the brothers this affectionate.
“H-He’s a fuckin’ liar E-Ellie don’t fall f-for it” Tommy sputtered out, still trying to recover.
Joel shot him a dirty look, but a smile began to creep on to his face, one that terrified Tommy.
“Hey kid, care to help?”
Immediately Tommy’s chorus of no’s directed at Ellie filled the room followed by a desperate “you gotta help me El” only to be followed up with muffled chatter as one of Joel’s hands covered his mouth.
Ellie took a few seconds to realize what she was getting herself into, after all not every morning at the Millers presented an opportunity like this, but she knew what she had to do.
“Want me to get his knees?” She asked almost too excitedly, causing Tommy to groan beneath Joel.
“Smart kid”
Joel gesture her over and she placed her knees on either side of Tommy’s shins.
“Ready El?”
“Sure am”
Tommy’s pleas continued, growing in volume the closer Joes hands got. But, as soon as Joel reached his arms forward into Tommy’s sides, Ellie saw the opportunity she needed. She shot her hands forward right underneath Joel’s arms and squeezed like there was no tomorrow. She felt the confusion in Joel’s body, first tightness and then resistance, and for a scary second she thought he might not b-
Joel’s entire body began fighting the ticklish sensation pulsating through his body, curving and arching his back in anyway he could to shake the little rascal off. He had completely forgotten his attack on Tommy, giving his little brother the opportunity to help out with the onslaught but wrapping his hands around Joel’s hipbones, and from there Joel was done for.
With attacks coming from both sides his body seemed to be in sensory overload, as he didn’t even notice Tommy slip out from underneath him, where he then pushed him to his side, and pinned him down himself, never ceasing the rhythm of jabs into his hips. Ellie at this point was able to let Tommy take over, well until-
“Hey Ellie, get his knees!”
Joel was continuously trying to compose himself, but as Tommy moved his attack up his older brothers sides, the electrical ticklish shocks he felt throughout his body caused any gruff, strength, and pride he had in his tough demeanor to slowly fade away.
Ellie’s smile was as big as Joel’s at this point, she had never seen the man who protected her across the US from infected, cannibals, and everything else in between, giggle, at least never like this. She couldn’t help but join in herself as she positioned herself so familiarly over Joel’s shins.
Tommy paused for a brief second as Joel was too incapacitated by exhaustion to back any kinds of counter attack.
“Do right above the kneecaps, he’ll love that”
“Oooo your gonna get it motherfucker” Ellie smiled and positioned her hands.
“N-Now if y-you asshats do-HOHONT KNOHAHCKAHAHA-”
There was not even a second for Joel to keep his cool as Tommy dove his hands into each space within his ribcage accompanied by the rapid squeezing provided by Ellie, this was full on torture for the man.
“Nothin but a bit of brotherly love eh Joel?”
“Awh quit throwing such a fit ya stubborn asshole”
Even as his own words were used against him, Joel couldn’t fight the joyful snickers and uncontrollable laughter that seems to bubble out of him, for a a strong as he is he felt everything leave him under the touch of the two smiling bafoons that held him down.
“Joel you’re such an asshole for never mentioning this, you made me use the joke book to make you laugh?” Ellie smiled and joined in on the tease, as she was now squeezed to the rhythm of an old song she used to have on tape.
Joel had no response to the teenagers quip as he held is head in his palm in his own fit of giggles, surprising even Tommy at this point.
“Alright alright, we probably shouldn’t kill the old man” Tommy let up on his brother, patting his shoulder as he stood up.
“U-uh we might not have killed him but he looks pretty fucking broken. This isn’t the Joel I ever remember” Ellie had gotten up at this point and was now squatted next to Joel, holding the sides of his head at his temples. His eyes were closed as he was attempting to regain himself but the constant sputter of laughter would seep out through his nose or mouth, almost as though there were residual tickles all on and around him.
This by far was the most relaxed Joel’s felt in years, his brain had completely let go and although he would never admit it, he would probably say that brotherly love did him more good than a rusty old truck ever could. Instead, he finally regained his breath after a few more out-spurts and turned his smile into one of his disapproving frowns as he opened his eyes and looked up at Ellie and Tommy.
“If either of you ever do that again, so help me god I will break your godamn jaws”
“Awh just say you liked it motherfucker”
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kirbytheswitchylee · 5 months ago
This Is my first fic I'm sorry If it's not good :(
This fic will have : lee!Tommyinnit
This fic includes: sfw tickling and the dsmp timeline (Bedrockbro's), teasing and c!Technoblade and c!Tommyinnit.
Enjoy? :D
Tommy woke up in the biggest lee mood today, but it's not like anyone could help him...right? Technoblade and him were going to break into L'manburg today to get Technoblade's weapon's back, there was no time for something like tickling so he got up and got ready.
Technoblade was already outside preparing and making sure they had everything but he noticed how tommy seemed different from before and he couldn't have him unfocused right?
He very quickly noticed what kinda mood Tommy was in he flinched anytime techno got close and blushed every time he zoned out. He'll tickle him so he's focused and totally not because he thinks it's adorable and wants to.
While tommy was getting his potions and weapons out of his chest Techno walks up behind him and runs his fingers over Tommy's sides and tommy squeals if that wasn't embarrassing, Tommy didn't know what was. He got even more embarrassed when he realized what techno was saying and the way he was smirking at him so teasingly. He loved hated it.
Techno: „awh Tommy you do realize I need you focused right now. Tickle, Tickle Theseus~ ”
Techno starts scribbling his nails over Tommy's sides who instantly starts squirming and breaks into giggles, he can't help it, he hasn't been tickled in so long cause he was in exile it felt to good strongly not to laugh
Tommy: „Technoo! I am focuhused, I don't wan't yohou to ti-tihihi-”
Tommy knows he can't say the word while he's in a lee mood but he still tried at least.
Tommy: „just lehet me up alreheahdy!”
Techno: „I don't like liars Theseus, You want this we both know that.”
Tommy's giggles raised in pitch, more blush spreading on his cheeks from embarrassment
Tommy: „Thahat's not true!”
Techno: „You shouldn't lie Tommy.”
Techno moves his torturous nails to Tommy's stomach who goes ballistic he starts laughing hysterically and shakes his head while squirming in Techno's grip. But he also never says the words: „Stop” or „quit it” so Techno knows as well as Tommy does that he's lying.
Techno keeps tickling tommy until he's begging for mercy.
Tommy: „I cahahahahan't, stohohop, pleheheasee, Mehehercy, mehercy pleheheasee”
Techno: „You sure Theseus? I need you to be in good condition to go to L'manburg can't have your lee mood distracting you.”
Tommy blushes at that statement and Techno reluctantly slows his tickles to teasy tracing.
Techno keeps just tracing light patterns on his stomach making him squirm and squeal but not laugh as much, He then rests his hand on Tommy's stomach as Tommy catches his breath and he starts rubbing the ghost tingles away.
Techno: „You really give little brother vibes”
Tommy: „What? The big strong Technoblade sees me as his little brother~?”
Techno: „I did not say that, I said Your vibes are like the ones of a little brother.”
Tommy: „I see you as a brother too”
Techno and Tommy gained a new bond that day one they might never forget.
The End.
Hope you enjoyed it, It's not that good I know that but I didn't know what to write 🥲
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Paul,Eric And Gene Are Getting Tickled!
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tojisun · 7 months ago
the apple that rolled over to the tree
!! fluff; f!reader; parenthood!!; simon-centric hehe >:3 // divider by @/plutism!
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there is a… kid attached to your hip when simon returns home from a mission, his exhausted body stumbling into the kitchen where he finds you and it.
he can’t even fathom the emotion coursing through him at the moment, what with shock triumphing over everything. still, you’d probably need to give him credit for not losing his goddamn mind at seeing a whole child — he couldn’t have been more than two years old with how he’s only three apples tall — clinging to you like a baby koala.
“oh my god, you’re back!” you squeal, unfazed at how dumbfounded your fiance has become, before shuffling close to embrace him.
simon reciprocates the hug anyway.
you step back, your lips still wobbling in your tears as you stare up at him, all awed like you couldn’t believe that he was back and simon wishes he can press his promises to your lips because he will always find a way to come back, he swears on his life, but also—
the child.
“sweetheart?” he begins, soft as to not spook you or the kid. “who’s, uh, who’s that?”
the child shifts, turning his little face from where it was burrowed onto your neck at the sound of simon’s voice. he rests his head on your clavicle, smooshing his already chubby cheek, before the biggest brown eyes that simon’s ever seen stare up at him, all doe-eyed and jarringly innocent, and simon, he—
well, not even babysitting tommy’s kids prepared him for this.
“this is yasha,” you murmur, pulling simon’s attention back to you. “or yakov, or james if he would want an english name.”
the boy reacts to you calling his name, and simon watches as those curious eyes tip up at you in question. you swipe your finger over his nose, the little thing scrunching up at the ticklish feeling, and simon becomes breathless at seeing the unadulterated joy in your face.
it is all parts soft and tender, but also anxious and worried, and simon begins to puzzle out the pieces.
“he’s my foster child. or ours, i guess, now that you’re here.” your voice is so fragile as you reply to him, your hand now beginning to rub soothing nothings on the boy’s back. simon wonders if it’s more to calm yourself down than it is to comfort the boy.
your lips purse, hesitating, and simon waits because while he he’s pieced out what you want to ask, he knows that this is something you would want to truly talk to him about. it is something he knows you have mustered up the courage to bring up so he gives it to you, open and ready, and he hopes that his face and his gait show that whatever it is you would want to say, simon will always support you no matter what.
“si?” you begin, looking heart-wrenchingly small in your worry. “i think i wanna adopt him.”
simon hums, stepping close but also being careful not to crowd yasha, before he curls his arms around you two — his family — and nuzzles his face on your other shoulder. “i’d love that.”
he offers you a smile, and squeezes your arm in comfort, then he watches as the tears come, easily springing up from your eyes. yasha startles, whirling to look up at his mother in worry. simon’s throat constricts at the thought of you being a mother and him, a father; how, now, there is someone else for simon to come home to. someone to fight for.
jesus. he’d need to tell the lads and maybe get wasted as a celebration.
“owies?” yasha asks, chubby fist balling your shirt.
“they’re happy tears, sweetie pie,” you reply, crooning. “i’m just so, so happy.”
yasha hums, nodding, probably already distracted, and simon takes that time to straighten back up. he pushes your hair away from your face, before he pitches forward to press a kiss on your forehead.
yeah, he’s happy too.
yasha gets spoiled, not that simon’s complaining given that he’s been the one doing all the spoiling.
“really, si? a new toly?” you ask, arms crossed over your chest in your exasperation.
toly or anatoly, or tory because yasha still can’t speak properly, is the name that yasha gave to all of his new stuffed toys. it all started with a dog plush that simon bought from the supermarket on a whim and gave to the boy. it was laughably quick how yasha had abandoned his blocks to make grabby hands to the toy, before squealing out that name.
the next stuffed toy that yasha received, which was just the softest and roundest penguin plush toy that simon’s ever seen, was also named toly. so was that teddy bear you bought for him. or that reindeer he got for christmas. somehow, every single one had been named toly.
the only thing you and simon can find about toly was that anatoly means sunrise. simon was so sure it was the russian word for animal, because why else would yasha repeat it, but who would have thought that their little fish is so imaginative?
like, of course he’s going to name all of his toys toly because they are as warm as sunrises. see? smart kid.
but this one, this new toly, set off world records. it was a camel plush that simon saw at the airport when he was out, pretending to be a civilian.
(garrick had been assigned with him for that mission, and was quick to spot and mention simon’s on-duty purchase.
“it’s for my boy,” he grunted in reply, forgetting the fact that he’s yet to truly break the news to his squad. garrick had never looked as surprised, and next thing simon knew, the news made its way to their group chat.
price was amiable about the whole thing. mactavish? not so much.
he just about begged to see a picture of yasha — “and yer girl again, if you wouldn’t mind.” — or even visit him. then he invited garrick to come and price invited himself too, so now the guys are going to swing by some time soon.)
when simon gave it to yasha, their boy had stared at it for a solid minute — simon counted — before screaming and then running to snatch the toy from simon’s hold. he hugged the camel close to his person, his little head nuzzling against the plush face of the camel, all the while absolutely vibrating in unabashed excitement.
he picked up thundering footsteps and turned around just enough to see you literally slide into the room. yasha continued to hug the camel, ignorant of the distress he caused, while you looked on in your panic, buzzing with worry because you just heard your boy scream, damn it!
“he’s fine, bub,” simon said before you could ask, and he watched as you came down from your frenzy, your breathing slowing down at the rationalization that if simon was not panicked, then everything’s alright.
then, your eyes landed on the new stuff toy.
“really?” you asked.
in his defence, yasha adores camel-toly.
in your defence, yasha’s room is running out of space for his tolys.
…well, simon does have all that military money. gonna have to spend it on something else, right?
[charlie foxtrot]
sriley: link
john2: ????
sriley: new address.
garry: oh? congratulations.
sriley: thanks.
johnp: 👍
yasha was shy when saying hi to price, then outright cried when he saw mactavish, which made simon bark out loud in laughter. yasha only stopped sniffling when he saw kyle. in no time, yasha absolutely adored garrick to the point that he would not even let him go.
dinner was prepared and while you called them all to eat, simon ambled out of the kitchen, where he had been helping you, and walked towards kyle and yasha to pick up his son and seat him on his high chair. but yasha had only looked at him, his head tilted in question, before ignoring simon and clinging onto kyle.
hell, he had even let go of camel-toly so that he could use two chubby fists to hold onto kyle. surprised, simon didn’t even know how to react and watched as his sergeant offered him an apologetic smile before carrying his son to the dining room. kyle rounded the table and sat yasha on his high chair, only, yasha made a scene when kyle did so, and he released a lungful of screams and cries, breaking everyone’s eardrums and their hearts.
kyle stood there, worried and confused, and hovered because he did not know what to do. hell, none of them did, and then you walked out of the kitchen, rushing to yasha, and hummed songs to comfort your son.
you crooned when he made grabby hands to be picked up and you did so with no hesitation, your touch soothing the boy into quiet sniffles. but even then, yasha wouldn’t settle down as he wriggled in your arms, short limbs reaching for—
simon glowered.
yasha was reaching for kyle. you were quick to giggle, asking kyle if it was alright that yasha would eat with him, and simon had glared at his sergeant, daring him to deny their son of anything, before reluctantly nodding his approval at kyle’s happy trill of, “of course, ma’am!”
yasha had finally calmed down when you sat him on kyle’s lap, and his boy was even polite enough to actually eat his soft veggies every time kyle beckoned him to open his mouth for a new spoonful.
simon did not startle, but it was close, when your hand landed on his thigh.
“you okay, baby?” you asked, eyes furrowed in your worry.
“yeah,” he remembers replying with, his throat all choked-up because he knows yasha must be excited to have new people to play with, but still, there was something that stung when his boy chose garrick over him.
not that it was kyle’s fault because he is a dear for even doing all that he did for yasha, but simon had hoped that he would always be yasha’s favourite.
too lost in his thoughts, simon had almost missed yasha’s call.
“-ddy? daddy?” yasha asked, startling simon.
it was not the first time yasha called him that, but every time he did, it never fails to make simon melt.
“yeah? what’s up, buddy?”
simon pretended that no one was watching the interaction.
yasha giggled, hiding his food-smeared lips behind his little palms, before turning to use garrick’s front to hide from simon. you snorted, murmuring to kyle how you swear you would wash his shirt before they go, but it’s all buzz to simon because his son — his darling boy — wanted to play with him during dinner.
yasha peeked at him again, before giggling once more when he caught simon’s eyes. this continued on until dinner ended, with simon occasionally miming growling monsters to induce more hearty giggles from his son, and being rewarded with the happiest laughter ever.
simon turned to you, with his heart on his throat, and beamed.
“aww,” mactavish sang from somewhere beside him. “ain’t that adorable— argh!”
simon had swung his arm out and thumped his fist on johnny’s stomach. thank god, yasha had chosen that time to hide his face again on kyle’s stomach.
“unca’ john?” yasha asks in a stage-whisper because everyone within earshot just heard him even with his attempt to be quiet. it’s only their training that stopped simon from acting like he’s noticed.
“yeah, bubsy?” john replies, sounding so utterly soft that this version of him is so foreign to simon.
“this tory,” yasha says and simon discreetly peeks to see which toly is being introduced to uncle john — it’s the elephant one.
price gasps theatrically like he hadn’t seen yasha drool all over this elephant toy before, and puffs out, “how cute!”
“mhmm,” yasha says, nodding, then smacks the face of the toy on john’s face. the trunk smooshes against john’s nose, and thank god that elephant-tory is soft because that aim would have been lethal if it wasn’t.
“jesus—” price gasps out.
“language!” simon hisses, and ducks his head back down just before yasha could catch him peeking.
yasha is now four and he still gets teary eyed when he sees johnny. simon placates his friend and says it’ll pass soon. maybe.
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basically, i wanted to write a fic wherein simon’s reaction to being presented with a child is “what— oh okay, sure why not” and (literally in 20 minutes) “i will kill everything for this child” and so here we are
a simon spinoff - it takes a rampage (to be a dad)
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huntingingoodwill · 9 months ago
aren’t you gonna tuck me in? (j.m.)
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pairing: brat!reader x joel miller
prompt: goodnight kiss
a/n: a lil sumn for @janaispunk’s 1.5k kisses challenge!!! with a bit of a grumpy x sunshine dynamic smirk smirk... congrats babes 💕
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“You crazy old motherfucker!” Your screams were tinged with laughter as Joel slung you over his shoulder, carrying you out of the Tipsy Bison. 
“Who’re you calling a crazy old motherfucker?” Joel grumbled, locking his arm tight around your thigh and kicking open the door as he pointedly ignored your friends’ whoops and whistles. 
You blew them a kiss before they disappeared behind the swinging door, at which point you gestured to the desolate road Joel had carried you out onto.
“Don’t see any other crazy old motherfuckers around.” 
The slice of light that fell upon the road from the open door reduced into nothingness as it swung shut, leaving you and Joel awash in blue moonlight. 
“If I’m crazy, it’s only ‘cause you drove me to the brink-” He paused in exasperation, landing a smack to your thigh that prompted a delicious, ticklish pain to shoot up your leg, and peals of laughter to come falling out your mouth,“will you stop wiggling up there?” 
“Sure thing.” The saccharine words dripped off your tongue before you halted your movements, muscles slackening as you draped your dead weight over his shoulder. 
“Jesus,” He huffed, suddenly exhausted as he had to literally shoulder the burden of your lax body. “Y’know what, just get down.” He said, quickly lowering you to the ground. 
“Joel Miller, you are quite the party pooper.” You chuckled, stumbling to your feet. 
He had stormed into the Tipsy Bison, locking eyes with yours as he pushed past a crush of people, causing your lips to twist into a smirk and your heartbeat to quicken in time with the beat of the warbling song blasting from the jukebox. He had barely given you time to shoot off a sly remark before he tossed you over your shoulder and whisked you away, an act much more interesting to you than the drunken conversation you were enjoying with your friends. 
“I did not poop any parties.” He said, watching you stifle a laugh as you walked beside him. “Maybe you don’t recall, but we’re on patrol together tomorrow, and I am not gonna play nurse to you when you’re hungover on a horse.” 
When Tommy had first put the both of you on patrol together, he had thought his brother was pulling some sick joke. He probably was. You had taken a particular interest in Joel whenever you saw him around Jackson, never failing to deliberately bump into him and engage in some teasing that would render Tommy helpless with laughter as Joel stood on, unamused. 
As much as Joel hated to admit it, and as much as he felt he really was being driven crazy on his patrols with you, he had almost come around to it.
The gleam of your smile in those dark forests as you told him corny jokes around a crackling fire. Like sunlight peeking out from behind a dark cloud.
He pushed the thought away. Maybe you really were driving him to the brink. 
“Please,” you rolled your eyes, gait leisurely besides his focused march down the road, “I’ve been hungover on that horse before and you never had to baby me. I just think you hate fun.” 
“I do not ‘hate fun’.” He said, his monotonous drawl sounding pretty fun-hating, “...But maybe you were having too much fun. ‘Specially with that boy of yours.” 
He regretted letting the words slip as soon as he said them, but he couldn’t deny the flare of heat that simmered under his skin when he entered the bar to see you laughing your head off with one of the guys that always seemed to trail after you around Jackson. 
“Oh. My. God.” You said, a thin sheen of dust rising around your boots as you screeched to a halt. 
“What?” Joel said, heart pounding as he whipped his head around.
“You’re jealous!” 
“I am not-“ Joel spluttered, heat blooming across his collar. 
“I’m walking home with a green-eyed monster!” You grabbed him by the jaw, and Joel prayed you couldn’t feel the heat from his cheeks searing the pads of your fingers. You turned his head, prompting him to look in your eyes. He had to fight off the urge to melt against your touch under the intensity of your stare, his jaw clenching beneath your fingers.
“Nope. Not green. Still shit brown.” You said, killing the moment with a grin. 
Joel shook you off, quickening his pace rather unsteadily as you continued to walk beside him. 
“You’re obsessed with me. First, you’re carrying me out of the Tipsy Bison, and next, you’ll be carrying me over the threshold after our wedding." You laughed.
That made even more heat blossom in his cheeks, and he tried to push that image out of his mind as he cleared his throat, biting his tongue as he let you carry on.
“Don’t be too jealous, Joel.” You purred, slipping your arm through his, nuzzling up to him in a way that made blood roar in his ears, “That guy’s not really my type. I like older guys.” You placed extra emphasis on the last phrase, making Joel’s head swim. 
After making him squirm under your gaze for a couple seconds, you burst into laughter.
“As mean as you look, you get flustered so easily. It’s adorable.” You said, punctuating the sentence with a coddling pout. 
“I’m glad you think it’s funny.” Joel grumbled, eyes trained straight ahead. 
“It’s hilarious.” 
Your footsteps trailed off as the both of you arrived in front of his house, staring at its squat silhouette in the dark. 
You turned to grin at him, Joel shooting a sideways glance at you, debating whether or not to take the bait. 
“What?” He mumbled, taking the bait. 
“Miller, you devil. You could’ve at least bought me a drink before bringing me back to your place.” 
He rolled his eyes, walking up the porch steps as you trailed behind him. 
“Your place is all the way on the other side of Jackson. So you can either sleep here tonight, or we’ll spend another hour walking around in the dark.” He said, opening the door. 
“Excuses, excuses.” You clucked your tongue, shaking your head with false disapproval, "As much as I'd like that long, romantic, moonlit walk, I am getting a little sleepy. I'll stay the night."
He held the door open for you, gesturing for you to head inside, a motion that you simply returned with an expectant stare.
“What?” He said, trying not to shift under your gaze.
“Aren’t you gonna carry me over the threshold?” 
“Get your ass in the damn house.” 
Your laughter rang, clear as a bell, through the sparse rooms of his house as you kicked off your boots, flouncing up the stairs as if you were right at home. 
He heard the sound of his shower turning on and the syrupy hum of your voice over the splash of water.
He reached for your shoes, overturned and muddied, before straightening them and placing them next to his. Staring at the both of them next to each other, your voice ringing in his ears as you sang a discordant melody in the shower, a flicker of strange emotion shot through him. 
The realisation he wouldn’t mind picking up after you, putting your shoes next to his. They would have a place next to each other, where they belonged, whenever you came home. 
The realisation that he wouldn’t mind if your voice filled up every room in the house, where once he thought he was content with silence. 
As he poured a glass of water for you and began carrying it up to his bedroom, he realised he wouldn’t mind bringing up a glass of water for you every night, and a cup of coffee every morning. 
“I’m going insane.” He muttered to himself, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. 
“You decent?” He called out, knocking on his bedroom door. 
“Hardly ever. Come in!” You sang. 
The scent of his soap hung in the air, clinging to your skin. You grinned at him, a soft glow haloing you from his bedside lamp as you towelled water out of your hair, one of his flannels hanging off your frame.  
“Is that mine?” He swallowed, the words flying out of his mouth so quickly they almost sounded accusatory. 
“Yeah.” You turned to look at his furrowed brow. “What? I can give it back to you if you want.” You said, beginning to unbutton it.
He averted his eyes, that familiar heat shooting under his skin again. “Jesus- just- you can keep it on.” 
You burst into laughter as Joel rubbed the back of his heated neck.
“You can sleep in my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.” He mumbled. 
“Thank you, Joel.” You whispered, your sincerely grateful, soft voice sending his walls tumbling down.
He cut his eyes at you one more time, a vision in his worn, old flannel, before making a move to leave. 
You cleared your throat, the noise exaggeratedly loud in the quiet room. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” 
He looked at you, his deep brown eyes wide in confusion, a furrow set in his brow. 
“Aren’t you gonna tuck me in?” 
His cheeks reddened as he stared at you, swallowing thickly. 
Hiding his trepidation behind an exasperated eye roll, he crossed the room. His hand, the skin rough in contrast to the soft blanket, pulled the fabric over your body, covering you. You smiled up at him, that evil glint in your eye that drove him crazy shining up at him. 
“Goodnight kiss?” You whispered with feigned innocence, glancing up at him through thick lashes. 
“Christ.” He whispered, heartbeat pounding in his ears, his heart somewhere between wanting, annoyance and restraint. 
“Please?” You whispered, lips turning up at the corners into the sweetest smile he’d ever seen. 
He felt his resolve crumble to pieces, and he couldn’t resist. He leaned in, heartbeat kicking in his chest as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
He felt dizzy as he felt your hot breath against his ear, the soft skin of your cheek nuzzling into the scruff on his cheek. 
“Oh, c’mon,” you whispered, lips ghosting his cheek, “you can do better than that, can’t you?” 
He melted against your touch, barely able to formulate a smart retort before he felt your teeth digging into his cheek. 
“Jesus!” He recoiled, the bite radiating with a dull pain. 
“That’s for pooping my party, Miller.” Laughter bubbled from your lips as you watched him run his fingers over the grooves your teeth left in his skin. 
“You’re fucking crazy.” His wounded tone just made you even more amused, your smile growing on your face. 
“Don’t sulk.” You pouted, hand reaching up to skim a thumb across his cheek, and he couldn’t help leaning into your touch. “Let me kiss it better.” 
He let you press a kiss to the quickly fading bite mark, his head swimming as your tongue darted out, giving him a playful lick before you laughed against his skin, breath fanning out over his cheek. 
He turned his head, forehead pressed against yours as his nose brushed yours, his eyes screwed shut.
“You’re driving me crazy.” He mumbled. 
“I know.” 
He pressed his lips to yours, that strange, floaty feeling he had felt downstairs washing over him. You held him close, fingers entangling in the soft curls at the nape of his neck as you pulled him onto the bed. 
Lying on his back, he let you press your palms against his shoulders. He stared at the ceiling, feeling barely there, as if he could have just slipped away, your hands the only thing pinning him to earth. He felt it with every kiss you pressed to his lips, when your lips ghosted the line of his jaw, his neck. You were everywhere, and he wanted to keep it that way. 
“All better?” You said, voice barely audible over the roar of blood in his ears. 
“Y’know,” you whispered, tracing the line of his jaw with your lips, “I just realised something.“ You looked down at him, the smile that meant trouble returning to your face. “We have a really early morning tomorrow. Goodnight, Joel!”
Just like that, you had rolled off of him and turned off the light, plunging the both of you into darkness. He laid there, barely registering what had just happened, his body already missing your warmth. 
He turned to look at you, your face slackened with sleep as your breath evened out, completely calm in the embrace of sleep as his heart still pounded in his chest, giddy as he turned back to stare at the ceiling. 
He was definitely going crazy.
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
Prompt: Everyone knows that Tommy is a pushover for Buck's 🥺 eyes (it's a running joke for the 118/217), but when Tommy gets upset and is very quietly 🥺, Buck is shocked by how completely and utterly insane he goes to make Tommy feel better.
(bonus points if it's a completely dumb reason, like Tommy's run out of ice cream or something and it's just A Bad Day)
A little silly, a little serious, I hope you enjoy!
One of the many things Buck loved about his and Tommy's relationship is that he got to see a side of Tommy that no one else saw. He got to see many sides of Tommy that no one else saw, actually.
While everyone got a piece of calm, cool, and collected Thomas Kinard, Buck got all that and everything in between.
He saw him on his best days, his worst days, goofy days, sick days, horny days, tired days, all the days! He often thought of making a list of all the things people would be surprised to know about Tommy. He'd never share it, of course, but it'd be nice for him to have.
Like, how Tommy was ticklish only on his right side. And when he got tickled, he didn't do his normal laugh. Instead it was a high pitched giggle with a snort.
Or, how Tommy was super proud of the fact he knew every single word to We Didn't Start the Fire and he felt the need to sing it at the top of his lungs at least once a week.
How he loved human connection, but hated being touched by strangers. He'd hug a friend all night long if you needed it, but if he didn't know you please keep your hands to yourself.
How he liked tomatoes on cold sandwiches, but never on toasted ones.
How he loved when Buck would sit on the countertop and kiss him because it made him feel smaller, and he loved feeling small and protected in Evan's arms.
How his voice got deeper during sex. Whether he was inside Buck or Buck was inside him, his voice would always get all gravely and deep in a way that sent shivers down Buck's spine.
Maybe one of the biggest ones was how Tommy was not always the stoic, perfectly poised man as he presented himself to the world.
Tommy could get emotional. Emotional in a way that was usually reserved for movies written by men about women during their period.
Buck was thrown off by it the first time it happened. He almost thought it was a joke, until he saw the tears in Tommy's eyes as he mourned the fact he was out of whipped cream.
Then it was just heartbreaking.
It didn't happen often. A series of bad events throughout the day would build up in his body and brain until the smallest inconvenience caused him to fall apart.
They'd talked about it before. Tommy had grown up having to hold in his thoughts and feelings. They'd build and build until he'd do something erratic or harmful. Then he joined the army, and those emotions would build up the same way. Being in the army itself was a bit erratic and harmful, so he didn't have the best coping skills.
It wasn't until he started therapy, and his therapist helped him realize that he needed to let himself feel whatever he was feeling that he slowly and gradually became better at opening up.
However, there were still days where he felt the need to let everything build. Build and build until he burst. Except, now days, instead of becoming erratic or harmful, his eyes would well up and his lip would come out in a pout, and Buck would feel the need to move heaven and earth to make it all better.
Buck knew something was off as soon as he got home from work. Tommy was already there in the garage, half bent over his truck as he worked on the engine.
Buck let out a whistle. “What a view,” he teased.
Tommy glanced back at him, gave him a half smile before focusing back on his truck. “Hey, Baby. I ordered dinner. Should be in before it gets here.”
To anyone else, that might seem like a regular conversation. To Buck, it was the exact opposite. Normal Tommy would make some teasing comment right back, letting Buck know what he was seeing was just a preview of what was to come.
This... This was the start of an emotional night.
Dinner was fairly quiet, with Buck leading most of the conversation. He knew not to ask questions yet. If he did it too soon, Tommy would completely shut down and it would take even longer to get any information out of him. As much as Buck hated it, this had to play out a certain way.
Luckily, he was fluent in Tommy.
It was a little after dinner, once Buck had settled in the living room, that it began.
“Evan?” Tommy called out from the kitchen.
“Is... Did you put my ice cream in a different spot?”
“No, it's-” Buck froze, thinking back to two nights ago. Jee had come over and wanted a treat. She ended up eating the last of Tommy's favorite birthday cake ice cream. He knew that, on a regular day, Tommy wouldn't care that it was gone.
He also knew today wasn't a regular day.
“I think it's all gone, Babe,” he said cautiously as he got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen.
“Oh. Okay.”
He wasn't angry. He never got angry over little things like that.
He was sad. Resigned to the fact he would not be getting any of his favorite ice cream tonight.
Buck often felt like it'd be a lot easier if he just got angry.
He made it into the kitchen just as Tommy closed the freezer door. His face downcast, he glanced up at Buck through his eyelashes, eyes wide and wet. His bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly before he turned away from Buck and headed for the pantry.
“I'll have cookies instead,” he said with a sniff.
Buck got out his phone and pressed a few buttons before stuffing it back into his pocket and walking over to Tommy.
“Honey, why don't we just go sit down for a minute?”
“I just...” His shoulders sagged. “I really don't want cookies.”
Gently, Buck placed his hands on Tommy's back, nudging him until he could lead him toward the living room. “Why don't we go sit on the couch, okay?”
Tommy simply nodded, but Buck could see him lift a hand to his face and wipe a tear off his cheek.
The thing was, Buck knew he could be a handful sometimes. He was bratty, pouty, stubborn, and jealous. And Tommy accepted all of that. Not just accepted it, loved it. He loved every part of Buck, even the parts Buck didn't love himself.
Buck also knew Tommy would do anything for him. Would drop whatever he was doing and run to Buck's side the second he got a call. Would wait on him hand and foot. He spoiled Buck rotten, and everyone knew it.
There weren't as many opportunities for Buck to reciprocate that level of love and support. But when these days came along, that what's Buck's time to shine. He hated to see Tommy like this, but loved that he could be there for him. Loved that he could help him through it. So that's what he did.
They got situated, Buck leaning against the arm rest with his legs sprawled out on the couch. He pulled Tommy down so his back rested against Buck's chest. Buck wrapped his arms around him, hands meeting just over his heart. Tommy's hands drifted up and latched onto Buck's, holding tight.
“Why don't you tell me about work?” Buck asked, pressing a kiss to the top of Tommy's head. Things had been fine before they left for work the previous morning, so something had to have happened during their shift.
“I only had two calls.”
“And the first one was a drunk driver. It was noon, Evan. Noon.”
Tommy shook his head. “No, but a young girl got hit. Spinal injury. She probably won't walk again.”
Now Buck had a starting point.
“After that?”
Tommy's body tensed so Buck squeezed him tighter. “The new probie, Jenkins, did something stupid and pissed me off.”
“What'd he do?”
“Doesn't matter.”
“If it pissed you off, it matters.”
“He's one of those religious types that carries pamphlets in their pockets,” Tommy explained. “I guess he overheard me talking about you- about us- a few weeks ago so he gifted me a pamphlet today.”
Buck knew where this was going. “You're kidding me?”
“I wish. It was some Adam and Eve crap, not even original. It reminded me of my dad. He... He used to say things like that. Anyway, I threw the pamphlet away without reading it.”
“Good for you.”
Tommy shifted slightly, tangling his and Buck's legs together. “The only thing that kept running through my mind was how we watched a little girl's life change forever, she will never walk again, and all Jenkins was thinking about was turning me straight.”
Buck brought a hand to Tommy's hair, carefully running his fingers through it. “I'm sorry, Tommy.”
“My aunt texted me too. Wanted me to come to the next family reunion.”
“Are you gonna go?”
“I told her I'd have a plus one and she... she said she doesn't wanna hear my dad complain for an entire weekend. I was quickly uninvited.”
Buck took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I- If you wanna go-”
“There's not a single part of me that wants to be there, especially without you. I'm good.”
“If you're sure.”
“I'm sure.”
“What about your truck?” Buck asked. “You were working on it when I got home.”
“Oh. That.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “That was the icing on the cake. Engine light came on in the middle of my drive home. I think I fixed the problem for now, but I'm gonna need a new engine soon. Everything just fell apart today, Evan, I- sorry.”
“You don't need to be sorry.” Just then the doorbell rang and Buck gave Tommy a pat on the shoulder. “You do need to get the door though. It's for you.”
Tommy sat up, eyebrows furrowing at Buck before he got up and headed for the door.
About thirty seconds later, he was back with a paper bag in hand. His eyes were soft and tear-filled, but not with sadness this time. “You ordered my ice cream?”
Buck nodded, giving him a smile. “Of course I did.”
Tommy set the bag down and walked over to Buck, kneeling beside the couch and resting his head on Evan's lap. He wrapped his arms around Evan's waist the best he could, his face pressed against Evan's stomach. “I love you so much.”
After a few seconds, Buck stroked his thumb over Tommy's cheek. “Come here,” he said softly, pulling him up for a chaste kiss. “I love you too.”
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babygirl-riley · 1 year ago
Small Traditions
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Simon starts to notice the small signs that his mother would do when he was young to what he now does with his girls
A/N: GUYS naturally I had to use @ave661 art cause listen ovaries HURT anytime she posts the dad!simon series 😭
“That she's gettin' older and I wish that you'd met her. The things that she'll learn from me, I got them all from you.”
Warnings: angst, fluff, dad!simon, mentions of childhood trauma, missing mom hours, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
Simon was finally able to actually spend time with his baby girl. He was gone for a while, 3 months to be exact. Which made his baby 6 months old, he missed out on appointments and her first roll over on her tummy. So when he came home, he made it a mission to spend anytime and every time with her.
When she woke up early in the morning he turned to you, feeling you getting up. “No love stay asleep, ��ll get the little one.” He mumbled, waking up a bit.
You hummed and laid back down immediately passing back out. Simon put on a black shirt as he adjusted his sweats as well. He made his way to his babygirl’s room. She was standing up holding onto the rail of her crib. Her smile beaming as she giggled, jumping up and down.
“Ah isn’t the little rascal,” Simon smiled chuckling lightly. She reached up for him as he picked her up. She placed his head on his shoulder and gripped his shirt. “I’m happy to see ya too princess.”
Simon changed her diaper and started to make his way into the kitchen. His daughter cooed as he held her close. She would play with his shirt or put it in her mouth. “See ya starting’ to teethin’.” He said softly, letting her suck the shirt.
After making the bottle he went into the living room to put on the tv. He set her on the couch with him on the edge, she was old enough to hold the bottle herself so he just watched. Her hands gripping her bottle as she chugged the milk down.
Simon chuckled now sitting on his calfs. “Damn little one, ya that hungry?”
He never knew if she was listening or even understanding by how her eyes would just stare blankly. As he stared at her, he noticed the small things. The features that would bring his heart to swell but also break a bit. The dimples that she had were in the same spot that his mother had.
Simon picked her little feet up and played with them as he thought. His mother would be proud of where he is at. The family he created after all the pain he went through. Never would have thought to be a father, after what he saw with his father. He was afraid to become him. To be him. Yet here he was, with a baby girl.
“Grandma would have loved ya,” He mumbled kissing her little socked feet. She sighed as she fought back a laugh, she was very ticklish on her feet. Just like Tommy, as kids Simon used to piss him off by tickling his feet. Simon inhaled deeply before shaking his head. He didn’t need to get emotional, there was no need. However just the way his daughter had some of the features conjured them. “Would love the way you look so much like me, have some similarities from her, hell Uncle Tommy would make fun of actually settling down.” He chuckled to himself.
He never thought even before the tragedy of his family that he would settle down. Family was plagued by his father. His childhood made Simon not want to give his own children one solely on fear of course. Yet here he is. Half of him and half of you. He would never trade it for the world.
Simon has even noticed the things he would do that his mother would do before his father was shunned away from the family. The way she would hum particular child songs to calm both him and his brother down. How when dad wasn’t home, she would whip up a random treat, particularly peanut butter bars. In which, your child has become addicted to them. Or when putting him to bed she would say ‘never forget, you’re smart, you’re handsome, and you’re loved.’ Instead his babygirl would be replacing handsome with beautiful.
Simon would only do it when you weren’t around, whispering it softly. Even though he doesn’t know you usually are around the corner, listening to him, with tears. Simon noticed these things as time grew on with his daughter. It didn’t hit him until now. Thinking of all the things that his mom would do with her grand baby. The family dinners. The babysitting. The holidays. All of it.
Simon noticed that tears were at the edge of his eyes. He shook his head and coughed then grabbed her little feet and softly ran his thumb from her heel to her tiny toes. “Ya made me soft ya brat.” He tickled her foot as she let out a laugh kicking his hands away.
Years gone past and now he has three of them. He stood in the kitchen as he placed lunches in certain boxes. You needed help as you did hair and gathered their school things. Simon never could do hair hell not even his youngest’s hair and she was 1. “Dad! I can’t find my shoes!” Millie yelled as she ran down the stairs.
Simon sighed and smirked. “Well since you didn’ put them away, I threw them in the trash.”
Millie stopped in her tracks and had the same smirk that was on his face on hers. “Uh huh, really though please.”
Simon smiled and nodded. “‘ight ‘light, they’re in the closet with the coats,” She shook her head and went towards the door. Simon placed the last thing in the last box. “Start puttin’ them in ya room yeah?”
Millie nodded and looked at him. “Aye,” She walked up to him and lifted her finger. “Love ya see you after?”
Simon looked down at her finger, his mom would tap his finger, going once up and they would switch sides and tap again. It was their way of saying bye and love you when dad had his beer and game review on. Simon smiled and tapped her finger as they flipped them over to do it again. “I’ll be pickin’ ya both up.”
“Daddy! Daddy,” His head snapped up to see his second daughter soaring down the stairs. “Look what mum did!” Her hair was in to braids that linked into one large one. A smile beaming on her face. Showing one of the dimples his mother once had.
Simon chuckled grabbing a small piece of it before placing his thumb on her cheek. “Looks beautiful Alli,” He said softly then kissed her on her forehead. Simon looked up the stairs and saw you smiling down, holding the newborn. “Ya takin’ them?”
You nodded as you walked down the stairs. “Yes I have to grab more things from the store.”
Simon and you already talked about the store and her taking Millie and Allison to school. Simon pushed and pushed to only get pushed back, eventually compromises came and he staying to give you a break from the 2 month old. Then he could pick up the girls after school. You handed Tessa over to Simon. “Already changed just needs to be held. Needy this morning.” You whispered kissing Simon softly on the lips.
“Roger,” He mumbled as he kissed her one more time hearing Allison fake gag. Simon chuckled as he turned handing you the boxes. “Packed and ready.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, grabbing them, and ushering the older two out the door. “I’ll be back!”
“Bye dad!” Millie yelled walking out first.
“Bye daddy!” Allison followed suite turning to sign ‘I love you’ with one hand.
Simon did it back cradling Tessa between his chest and bicep. You smiled at him, kiss towards him. He smiled as the door shut. Tessa wiggled and started to whine. “Shh shh,” He whispered looking down at her. “It’s ‘light we can go down stairs and watch somethin’ yeah?”
Later that day Millie and Allison opened their lunch boxes that day and found a small sugary snack with a note attached reading; ‘what do you call an angry carrot… A steamed veggie.’ They always loved it, having notes from dad that had terrible jokes even if Millie would roll her eyes and smirk. She loves them.
You didn’t know about it until the next day. You were check boxing everything that was needed to grab as Simon helped with Tessa. When you opened it you saw the note, chuckling to yourself. Millie stood next to you and looked at you. “Dad says that Grandma Riley would leave jokes for him and Tommy.”
You looked over at her and up to the stairs, making sure he wasn’t coming yet. “Oh really?”
“Yeah,” Millie smiled. “I always read ‘em to my friends. Just don’t tell him. His head will inflate more.” She joked grabbing her box.
You smiled as you watched Simon come down the stairs in his uniform. “I shouldn’ be long,” he mumbled having his balaclava in his pocket. Millie frowned as did Allison. “I told Uncle Price I’ll be late to take you two.” He smiled at them as their faces calmed into a soft content expression.
Simon handed Tessa to you and kissed your cheek. “I’ll be home no later than 8.” You nodded and watched them go out the door.
Simon opened the door for both Millie and Allison to get in as they went down the street. “Was Grandma Riley fun?” Millie asked nonchalantly as she looked out the window.
Simon could feel his throat hitch from the sudden question. “Yes.”
“Do you do things like she did to us?”
Simon looked in the rear view mirror for a brief moment. Only if she knew, all the things his mother taught him has been passed down to his girls. After his father was kicked out for good his mother was more open about good parenting, she always was of course. However there wasn’t any hidden signs or anything of the sort. Even when he was older, when confrontation came around, she was kind and gentle. Since both him and his brother didn’t know how to handle or deal with situations as so. 
Simon taught his girls to be polite and kind to everyone. Just like his mother was. Everything she did that he remembered he wanted to pass along. Simon inhaled for a moment. “Ya know the finger taps,” Both her and Allison nodded their heads. “That came from grandma. It was our sign to say love you and bye.”
Allison smiled. “Did she do the night routine?”
Simon smiled. “Yes.”
It was silent again before Millie shifted a bit. “Grandma Riley sounded cool.”
Simon smiled again and nodded. “She would have loved all of ya.”
It was good silent as he stopped in front of the school, as kids packed to go inside. Allison opened the door and turned with her finger out. Simon and her did the signature finger taps as she hopped out. He waited until she caught up with friends that were right outside the car. Then he went to Millie’s school.
“What happened to them?” Millie asked, Simon knew that eventually the girls would put two and two. Uncle Tommy and Grandma Riley not around, yet dad talks highly of them? It would make a tween curious.
Simon took a second to think of the answer. He never told you until 3 years of your guys’ relationship. Millie was too young to know but he couldn’t lie to her either. “Someday I will tell you.” Was all he could say to it.
Millie nodded and chuckled. “Was she terrible at the jokes like you?”
Simon laughed a bit. “Terrible? My jokes are amazin’!”
Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah yeah.” Simon pulled up in front of the school and he turned to her. She unbuckled and lifted her finger, smiling. “Glad you keeping’ traditions dad. Grandma would be happy.”
Simon felt his chest tighten as he smiled it off. Doing the taps. “She would be happy indeed,” He nodded his head to the school. “Get goin’ ya love the joke today by the way.”
Millie laughed as she opened the door and shook her head once more. “Yeah maybe.”
Simon watched until she got into the school and drove to the base. “You would have loved ‘em mum.” He mumbled to himself as he kept the tears at bay.
Even through all the hardships, he will be forever grateful for his mother and her teachings. He hopes that one day that she will meet his family, the family that he knows she would have loved. To see how much as changed in Simon that he thought that could never happen. So she could see that not only her that showed him unconditional love even through the darkest parts but how his girls have showed him as well.
Simon sighed as he relaxed. Yeah, she would have loved them all.
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samwellwinchesterthebrave · 4 months ago
Thinking about bucktommy being playful. Buck poking Tommy in the side to get his attention. Tommy ruffling Buck's hair and messing up the styling. Them giggling together in bed while Buck is researching something on his phone. Laughing during sex, finding ticklish spots, trying something new and finding it to be absolutely ridiculous.
Just. Playful bucktommy and being comfortable and safe enough with each other to be silly and whimsical
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amazingmsme · 1 year ago
Looking For Trouble
AN: Yes I know it’s late, but it’s a busy time so bear with me. This fic was so much fun to write tho! Wish I could’ve made it longer, but I have other fics to write, & there’s still 1 more peaky blinders fic this month! Thank @a-fluffer-nutter for the prompt, I had a blast planning things out! I still might flesh this out into something longer when I’m not on as big of a time crunch lol.
Thomas should've known something was up when Arthur waltzed into his office, but didn't say a word. He eyed him as he wandered about the shelves, studying all the odd knickknacks and accolades, before turning his attention back to the stack of papers in front of him.
Arthur started casually whistling a low tune, picking up a snow globe and turning it around in his hands to inspect it. Tommy watched him with a bored expression.
"Yes, can I help you?" he asked, not so subtly hinting for him to leave his office. Arthur perked up when spoken to, turning to face him.
"Not particularly, no," he said, managing to maintain his casual facade. He set the snow globe back down, strolling over to his desk with meandering steps. Thomas watched him with a careful eye while still trying to focus on the paperwork in front of him.
"Well... you're distracting me," he deadpanned, but Arthur didn't seem to get the hint. Or rather, he deliberately ignored it.
"Am I?" he asked, and there was something in his voice that should've tipped him off, but went overlooked.
"Yes. So if you have no business, I'd appreciate some peace and quiet." When Arthur still didn't leave, he gave an exaggerated sigh, "What?"
"I never said I didn't have business," Arthur said, mustache twitching with his smirk. "Never said I didn't have business." He took a step closer. "It's just not... business business." Another step. Tommy cocked a brow, leveling him with a gaze.
"Then it doesn't concern me."
"See, that's where you're wrong." He sat down on the corner of his desk, shifting and crinkling the papers scattered about. "You're the only one who can help."
That got his attention. "Help with what?" Arthur leaned across his desk, far into his personal space and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm lookin' for trouble mate," he practically growled, and only then did Thomas recognize the mischief gleaming in his eyes.
"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Before he could even scoot away from his desk, Arthur was on him, keeping him pinned to the office chair. Thomas yelped, fighting him off for as long as he could, struggling to keep his hands at bay. Arthur was quick and stronger than him, and easily slipped from his grasp. He dug into his ribs, reluctant chuckles fighting their way to the surface. He tweaked his bottom rib, earning a bark of laughter before Tommy managed to slip out of the chair.
He landed on the hardwood floor, bolting to his feet before Arthur could pin him. His eyes were wide and had a wild look to them, but his smile still lingered. He pointed a stern finger at him, “What the hell was that for?”
Arthur chuckled, a deep, gravely sound. “What? Can’t a guy tickle his grumpy ass little brother in peace?” He relished in the way his jaw dropped, a dark pink blush spreading across his cheeks. He floundered for an answer before he was composed enough to speak.
“Agree to disagree.” Arthur stood in front of him, blocking the only exit. Thomas tried to step around him, but the taller mirrored his movements. A smile twitched on his lips, arms curling in to protect himself. All it took was a flinch to the left for Arthur to strike.
He caught him around the waist, wiggling his fingers into Tommy’s sides. A strangled choking sound escaped his throat, a tight lipped smile stretching over his face despite his best efforts to suppress it. His resolve didn’t last once Arthur went for his hips, squeezing and drilling circles over the bones.
“Y’know somethin’? You’re real easy to catch off guard when you’re working. Practically have a target painted on your back!” he said conversationally, hands crawling over Tommy’s stomach.
“Ahaharthur! Knohock ihihit ohohoff!” he scolded through his laughter, but the venom was gone from his voice.
“Mmm, no, don’t think I will. Not really a sneak attack if I don’t do much attacking,” he teased, reaching a hand down to squeeze his knee, chuckling when Tommy snorted. His legs buckled and Arthur had to guide him to the floor so that he wouldn’t just collapse into a giggly heap.
Arthur used the new position to loom over him, a sinister grin in place. He wasted no time and latched onto both knees, sending him into howling laughter that turned to deep cackles once Arthur got ahold of his thighs.
In the midst of the mess that was his mind, Thomas couldn’t help but think he might need to launch a sneak attack of his own. Once he can breathe, of course.
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aurorawritestoescape · 9 months ago
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BAD BLOOD part 5
Pairing: step-uncle Joel Miller x f!reader x stepdad Tommy Miller
Summary: the one with a late night visit, a hot breakfast and a surprise from Joel.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, step-cest, big age gap (reader is 22, Joel and Tommy are in their late and mid-40s), dark!Joel, dark!reader, mfm, unprotected piv (wrap it up), cockwarming, rough!Joel, Tommy is sweet (for now), somno, f/m oral, face slapping (2), creampies, cum eating, degradation, praise kink, daddy kink, fingering, exhibitionism, masturbation, swearing. Reader has hair that can be pulled. Tommy can pick up reader. The pics are for the mood only. Reader has no specific physical descriptions.
Word count: 5,8k
A/n: I’m so excited to share this part with you all! It’s filthy and even sweet at times, until it’s not😅 Big thanks to @milla-frenchy for holding my hand, hyping me up and beta-ing this depravity😘Thank YOU ALL for your interest in this story!🥹 Hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Love you all💖
You feel ticklish, when a warm breath fans the inside of your thigh. In a second soft lips kiss your pussy and a hot tongue delves between your folds. Your back arches from the sudden pleasure and you open your eyes.
You’re lying naked in the middle of the table in the dining room, where your stepdad Tommy ate you out, while your step-uncle Joel watched.
You look down and see Tommy’s head between your thighs. He glances up and gives you a playful wink, before diving back into your pussy. He’s sucking on your clit and you’re softly moaning, while fruitlessly trying to gather your thoughts and remember if your mother is at home or not.
You’re drowning in pleasure but suddenly you hear a growl behind you. Scared to death you hastily tilt your head back and to your surprise find Joel sitting at the head of the table. With confusion you see that he’s eating a steak. He’s stabbing his fork and knife into the meat, loudly cutting it while watching his brother having another type of meal.
What the fuck? You try to say but can’t. Rage begins bubbling in your stomach, tinting the pleasure Tommy’s giving you. ‘Why is he just sitting there? Why is he only watching? Arrogant motherfucker!’
Joel seems to notice your anger, because the next moment he leaves the fork and knife on the plate and gets up. Planting his hands on the wooden surface of the table, he leans forward and his face hovers over yours.
Your eyes lock for a few moments before Tommy plunges his tongue inside your crying hole and you gasp. Joel smiles, then leans closer and kisses you.
He’s gentle and soft, a stark contrast to his behavior when you spent a night together. His tongue tangles with yours while Tommy licks deep into you, gathering your arousal and drinking it, humming with satisfaction against your pussy.
You’re in heaven for a few seconds until you hear your mother’s voice. Your heart drops and you wake up.
You’re in your bedroom and the moon is peaking through a crack in the drapes. You’re breathing heavily, trying to calm down, as your heart is about to jump out of your chest. Suddenly a realization hits you that not everything from the dream dissolved into the reality. You still feel the lips, caressing your pussy. After hastily throwing off the blanket, you see Tommy devouring your cunt, his hands holding your thighs open while his mouth applies light suction to your hardened clit.
“Tommy,” you half whisper-half moan and he parts from your pussy and raises his head.
“Hey, baby. I’ll be right up,” you hear him whisper, before he gets back to work.
You look around the room, calming down bit by bit, and then put your head back on the pillow. You smile to yourself, thinking that the reality is almost as enjoyable as your dream.
You’re so close to the climax, your whole body vibrates, and when your stepdad rubs your clit with the flat of his tongue a few times, you’re already wriggling on the bed while euphoria is coursing through your body. You’re breathing out Tommy’s name and he laps up your juices and when his ministrations start hurting, you slightly push him away and he climbs up your body.
Soon he’s kissing you and you whimper, tasting yourself on his lips. You can’t get enough of each other, making out, while he’s lying on top of you. He starts slowly grinding his clothed crotch against the apex of your thighs and you feel him hard and big on your naked pussy.
“You’re back,” you whisper, when he parts from you.
After her weekend away, Jess took hold of Tommy and you haven’t seen him for a whole day. You haven’t seen Joel either, which was on purpose. You avoided him as hard as you could, having spent the whole day at your friend's place. You were trying to decide what to do next.
Joel wanted you to ruin Tommy’s marriage by sending the recording of their conversation to your mother. But after that night, you started to feel pity for your stepdad, especially after he asked you to delete the audio. He promised that you’d continue fucking and that was exactly what you had ever wanted from the plan. So you avoided Joel, hoping that he’d leave for Austin soon and your stepdad and you would sneak around to fuck any chance you got.
“Hope I didn’t scare you. Couldn’t help myself. You are so hot when you’re sleeping, sweetheart.”
Tommy kisses you again and you're practically melting in his arms.
“Fuck me, daddy,” you whine and he growls.
“When you put it this way, I can’t say no,” he whispers, getting up to sit on his heels between your thighs.
He looks down at your naked pussy and swirls your clit with his thumb, making you jerk from the sensitivity. You ask him quietly,
“Where’re my shorts?”
“Took ‘em off. Was careful not to wake you”, he replies with a wink, his eyes glinting with mischief in the moonlight.
You whine, as your core burns harder because of his words.
He frees his cock and it bobs over your waiting pussy. Your legs part, inviting him in, and he doesn’t make you wait. Tommy slides his cock into your already soaked cunt with a soft ‘yeah’, digging his fingers into your thighs and you echo him with a moan.
“Quiet, sweetheart,” he reminds you and whispers, “Fucking love your pussy. ‘s the best.” You feel flattered at the same time driving away the thought of who he’s comparing you with.
He starts pushing his cock in and out of your cunt, his moves slow and thorough. Tommy takes your ankle and puts it on his shoulder, while pressing your other thigh down, opening you up to him completely.
Even in the darkness of the room you see his cock glisten with your slick every time he pulls it out of your sopping cunt. His thumb is on your clit again and you cry out with the added pleasure, and he quickly shushes you,
“Shh, you don’t want anyone interrupting us, right, baby?”
You shake your head and when his finger returns to your throbbing bud, you whimper against the back of your hand, trying to be discreet.
For a few minutes it’s just this—him fucking you as you’re watching.
“Sweetheart,” Tommy murmurs and your gaze slides up from his cock, pounding your pussy, to his beautiful face. He’s smirking.
“Would you want Joel to be here with us?”
“No, I love being alone with you,” you whisper back, and he laughs.
“Your pussy clenched on me so hard when I said my brother's name,” Tommy says and slightly bites your ankle. “Don’t lie to me when I have my cock in you like this. She’ll always tell me the truth.”
You smile back at him.
“My pussy is a slut. But my heart—There’s only you.” You’re not sure if you’re lying or not but you know that this is what he wants to hear.
“Fuck, little minx”. Tommy breathes out and picks up the pace. You bite your lower lip, trying to keep quiet, and squeeze your eyes shut, enjoying the way his big cock massages your walls.
“Bet you’d love to suck him off right now. Or have him in your ass. You need all your holes stuffed, right, baby?”
“Yes, daddy,” all you could manage to say while he’s relentlessly railing you.
“What if we plug all your holes, sweetheart?”
“Oh, fuck, yes,” you purr, feeling your core tighten.
“We can easily find a third guy. Anyone would be willing to fuck you, baby.”
The image of three men claiming your holes intoxicates you and you whimper, “really?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tommy says through heavy panting, “I don’t have anyone in mind here but in Austin— Joel surely knows someone who can gangbang you with us.”
You moan and he grunts, trying not to be too loud, but your pussy is too good to enjoy it quietly. His sounds make you clench even more and in no time you’re coming on his stiff cock, mouth open in a silent scream, back arched.
When your climax subsides, Tommy keeps going, rolling his hips deep and hard.
“Where, honey?” He asks with a little moan.
“Inside. Want your cum. Please, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
As soon as he praises you, he erupts into your wet heat, and you feel his warm seed kiss your walls and slide out of your hole, while he’s drawing pleasure from your cunt.
Tommy stills and gently pulls his cock out. He splays his palm on your lower belly, slightly rubbing your skin and asks,
“Do you feel me here?”
“Yes, it’s warm. I’m so full,” you mumble, putting your hand over his.
He whispers ‘good’ with a little smile and lies down next to you.
Your stepdad pulls you close and kisses you. You wish he’d never stop, never leave your bed. You fall asleep, happy and satisfied, on his broad shoulder.
When you wake up, Tommy’s gone and you lie in bed, remembering the night before. You still sense your stepdad's hands, sliding over your body, his mouth on your pussy, his cock buried deep inside your burning core. You throw your blanket off, feeling hot and horny. You’re naked from your waist down and your pussy is still wet. Your needy cunt makes you bring your hand to your tingling center and you lightly trace the edges of your slicked up hole. Then you push a finger inside and pull it out completely wet with Tommy’s cum.
“Oh, fuck,” you breathe out and get more of his load from your leaking entrance. Then you swirl your clit, using Tommys cum as lube, and every nerve in your body lights up. You moan louder than last night, rubbing your throbbing clit, soaking the sheets with your sweat. As soon as you imagine Tommy’s tongue on your twitching bud, you come undone, limbs shaking, pussy clenching around nothing.
When you calm down, trembling legs carry you to the shower.
Before going downstairs you stick your head out of the bedroom door and listen. You hear Jess’s annoying voice downstairs, so Tommy must be there too. Wearing your slutty pjs - your stepdad’s favorite, and a crop top, you head downstairs, your hair still wet from the shower. You find your lover at the kitchen table, yawning and listening to your mom with a blank stare.
“Slept badly, Tommy?” you tease him, walking up to the table and taking a seat next to him.
At first he beams, seeing you, but quickly makes his face serious in the presence of your mother.
“I slept like a log,” your mom says and you smile to yourself, thanking her for it.
You grab a toast and nibble on it, just enjoying Tommy’s presence and trying hard to tune Jess out.
Her yapping about something stupid and boring is soon interrupted by a door ring.
“It must be Cindy,” she says, getting up and leaving the room.
As soon as she’s out, your hand flies to Tommy’s thigh.
“Is she leaving?” You ask, rubbing his leg with a devilish smile.
His breath hitches and you notice that he matches your excitement, judging by the bulge in his sweatpants.
“Yeah. Be patient, baby.” He takes your hand and moves it from his thigh up on the table. He’s trying to keep his composure but his blown eyes, sliding over your body, tell you that he’s as desperate as you’re.
You turn to the door, hearing your mom’s steps, and to your disappointment, see Joel following her into the kitchen. He’s wearing a low cut shirt that exposes his sexy chest and a pair of tight jeans, accentuating his huge package. As always he looks like a slut.
An involuntary ‘fuck!’ escapes your lips and you drop your gaze, trying to appear invisible to the man you’ve been avoiding.
Apparently Joel has heard you, because he comes up to you and kisses the top of your head.
“Happy to see you too, sweet niece,” he rasps and you jerk away from his lips but gush anyway, remembering him fucking your ass just a day ago.
He pats Tommy on the shoulder and goes to pour himself a cup of coffee. Jess is visibly displeased by his visit.
“You three have a nice morning. Cindy and I are going to Madison’s. Jack is leaving her for a 20 year old bitch. Can you imagine?”
“Maybe they’re in love,” you say, raising your brows, and your mom scoffs. Tommy glances at you, his gaze is full of warmth and affection, and you answer it with a little smile.
“Good for him,” Joel booms behind you and Tommy nervously squeezes his coffee mug.
You turn back to the older man, glaring at him, scared he might say something about your relationship with Tommy. He’s leaning against the counter with a coffee mug in hand.
“You shouldn’t be surprised, Jessica,” Joel continues, “men are not meant to be monogamous. It’s nature. They will always want someone younger and hotter.”
Jess rolls her eyes at him and you can’t help but follow her suit.
“They can be if they meet the right person,” you dispute and he smirks.
“Yes, angel, until they meet the next right person.”
He laughs and you’re boring your eyes into the man. Soon your staring contest is interrupted by Jess, saying that her friend is here.
Tommy goes to see her off and as soon as Joel and you are left alone, you get up and try to sneak out of the room as soon as possible.
You’re almost at the door, when a rough hand grabs your arm, unceremoniously spins you around and pins you to the fridge.
“Not so fast, missy,” Joel growls and your stomach drops, “Ya ghostin’ me, girl?” He presses you with his hips into the hard surface of the fridge and you feel his soft cock, which is still huge, against your lower belly and fire ignites in your core. You hate him but you can’t deny the pull he has on you. His scent, his body, his dominance overwhelms you and you get wet and push your thighs together.
You try to wiggle your way out but he’s too strong and big.
“What? No, Joel. I was just busy.”
“Doin’ what? Being a cum dumpster for my little brother?”
You avert your eyes and he chuckles, nodding his head, before bringing his face closer to yours.
“I need you to get his dick out of your mind for a second and do what you promised me. Send the fuckin’ recording to Jess. Now!” He roars and fear grips your heart and at the same time makes your arousal spike. You use all your strength not to moan. You need to stop thinking with your pussy for a second, need to concentrate, so you take a deep breath and try to reason with him.
“Joel, listen. I can’t do it now. I still have to live here for a week. Do you think she’ll be ok with me after she hears the recording? She’d hate me. Even more than now. I really don’t wanna be here for that shit show.”
You make your cutest pleading face and beg, “Please. I’ll send it as soon as I leave for college. I promise, Joel.”
His piercing stare under the furrowed brows makes your stomach churn, but you try to seem calm. After a few moments of consideration, Joel’s face softens and he slightly pulls away. He’s still very close and your chest brushes his, when you shift on your feet.
“ ‘k. But as soon as you’re out of ‘ere, send it. I’m tired of waitin’.”
“Yes, Joel.” You’re batting your lashes at him, feigning obedience and hiding the excitement that you just got yourself a week of fun times with your stepdad. Feeling bolder, you lower your gaze to Joel’s lips and a memory of him kissing you flashes in your mind. You crave having his mouth on yours. And more than that.
As if reading your mind, Joel leans to your face and his lips brush your cheek.
“Missed me, baby?”
Your breath hitches and he smirks, “ ‘s what I thought. Tommy may keep your pussy full but we both know how much ya want this cock.”
He bucks his hips into you and a new surge of arousal makes you throb.
Joel’s lips kiss your cheek and then get lower as he latches on your neck, immediately sucking a hickey into your delicate skin, while his hands grab your ass and he pins you to the fridge again.
Yet now you don’t want to escape, to run from him, you welcome his mouth, marking your neck, his hands, getting under your shorts and kneading your ass. He’s groaning, as his lips travel up to your mouth and you readily open yours, welcoming his tongue inside. The kiss is heady, sloppy and hot. He tastes like black coffee, cigarettes and something so uniquely Joel, you can’t get enough of it. Of him.
Your pussy cries to be touched, so you start grinding your mound on his stiff crotch and he smiles against your lips.
“Knew ya hungry for uncle’s dick, little slut.”
You’re not wearing any panties, and when his hand slides under your shorts, he grabs a handful of your tingling pussy, making you gasp into his mouth.
“Fuck, angel, is it all for me or is it Tommy’s cum dripping out?”
You don’t have time to reply, before he pushes two fingers into your soaked hole, and you gasp from the sensation, grabbing his massive arms.
Joel starts fucking your pussy in a steady rhythm, pushing his fingers in and out and rubbing your bud with his thick thumb.
Suddenly he grabs your throat and lightly squeezes it, his hot palm sending chills down your spine.
“I asked you a question, angel.”
“Fuck you, perv,” you bite back with a smirk, as your whole body is revelling in bliss from his hands on your pussy and throat. Joel’s nostrils flare but he smiles. You both know the rules of the game you’re playing. You love when he’s rough with you as much as you love Tommy doting on his precious stepdaughter.
Your heart drops, when you hear footsteps, and you freeze, while Joel is nonchalantly keeps fucking you with his fingers. To your relief, you see Tommy walking into the room and after a surprised ‘the fuck?’ he comes up to you two.
You slightly turn your head to him, Joel’s hand on your throat still keeping you in place. Your stepdad’s expression, worried at first, gets softer when he sees your hazy eyes and parted lips and he gives you a warm smile.
“Enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” Tommy asks, while Joel is shamelessly working your cunt.
“Yeah, Daddy,” you whine and Joel chuckles.
“She’s still full of your cum, Tommy. Ya played with her tonight?”
“Yeah,” Tommy replies in a proud voice, “filled her up good. Right, sweetheart?”
You try to nod, which is difficult, as Joel is holding you by the throat.
Tommy bends down and yanks your shorts down, until they pool at your feet. He plants his elbow on the fridge next to you and tilts his head to the side, watching Joel’s glistening fingers slide in and out of your needy hole.
You feel your orgasm coming up and whine a pathetic ‘daddy.’
“Yeah, sweetheart, let it go. Wanna see your pretty face, when you come.” Your stepdad leans closer and kisses you. Joel’s hand lightly squeezes your throat and you breathe in Tommy's air. The hard bulges of your stepdad and step uncle, snugly pressed to your body, Joel’s hands, Tommy’s lips make you throb and you cry out, as your climax sets you ablaze.
“Good girl,” Joel mumbles while Tommy’s kissing you on top of your high. You’re whimpering into his mouth, your pussy squelching, still being finger fucked by Joel. Tommy parts from your lips and watches your face twist in pleasure.
When your orgasm dissipates, Joel pulls out his digits, coated in your creamy cum, and brings them to your mouth.
“Clean up your mess, angel.”
You do as you’re told, licking and slurping on his thick fingers, while his hungry eyes are watching your every move. When you’re done, he pulls them out and grabs your breast.
“Time for your second breakfast.”
He unzips his jeans and you see his cock spring out. His fat tip is glistening and you lick your lips.
Joel chuckles and goes to the table. He sits down on one of the chairs, manspreading and holding his throbbing length in his hand.
Tommy steps up to you and hugs you, his hands quickly finding their way to your bare ass and squeezing your cheeks in his big palms. You nuzzle his neck, leaning on his broad chest after the hard orgasm.
“C’mon, angel. My cock won’t suck itself,” Joel’s gruff voice breaks the silence of the room.
Tommy pulls away, takes your chin between his fingers and tilts your head up to face him.
“Do you wanna sit on my cock and blow your uncle, baby?”
These depraved words coming from your stepdad, your mother’s husband, make your head spin with lust. You’d do anything for him right now. For both of them.
“Yes, please, daddy,” you whimper and he leads you to the table. Mugs and plates are still left on its surface, making the situation hotter for some reason.
Tommy sits in the chair next to Joel and pulls his gray sweatpants down. They’re already stained with precum and when he takes his cock out, you see it weeping for you.
Joel gets your attention with a slap on your bare ass, growling, “Can’t even suck a dick without your daddy stuffing ya? Needy little slut. Fuckin’ whipped.”
“Don’t be jealous, Joel,” you purr, standing between two men half naked, your inner thighs glistening with your cum in the bright morning light.
“It’s his pussy, but you get to have my mouth and ass which is too generous on my part. You should be grateful.”
“Oh, I am, angel. Let me show you how grateful I am by fuckin’ your pretty face.”
With that he gets up and lays his heavy hand on your shoulder.
“C’mon, time to sit on your daddy’s cock,” he chuckles, and you’re enjoying how impatient he is to feel your mouth.
You get between Tommy’s legs, your back to him and after planting your hand on the table, start lowering your hips. Your stepdad guides you with his hands on your waist and soon you feel his tip nudge at your sopping hole.
With Joel’s cock bobbing in front of your face, you start sinking on Tommy’s length. Your languid moan fills the kitchen as you take him deeper and deeper. Joel’s hand on your shoulder pushes you roughly down and you sit on your stepdad’s cock with a gasp.
“Joel, be gentle,” Tommy scolds his brother and you look up at Joel with a triumphant smile.
Tommy pulls you closer to his torso while your pussy is adjusting to his thickness. He's pulsating inside you as your cunt gushes around his girthy length.
Joel doesn’t give you time to revel in the sensation. He grabs you by the hair, tight but not hurting you, and pulls your face closer to his cock.
His fat wet tip hits your lips and you look up at him with defiance, not taking it in your mouth. You want it, but the opportunity to make him boil is too delicious to miss.
“Can I slap this bitch, brother?” Joel asks Tommy, not tearing his eyes off your smug face.
“I asked you to be gentle, Joel,” Tommy scolds him but your ears perk up.
“But I want it, daddy,” you whine, your lips brushing Joel’s velvet head.
“ ‘k then.”
As soon as Tommy says it, Joel's palm harshly lands on your cheek and you grab the side of the table as your head sways to the left. Tommy’s hands grip your hips harder as he growls,
“Fuck, you do really love it, baby. Your little pussy clenching me so hard.”
“Yeah,” you whimper, rubbing your cheek, while Joel’s fist is still clenching your hair. The slap burns a little and you love it.
“Anytime, angel, we all know you deserve it. Now open your fuckin’ mouth,” Joel commands and you do it with a content gaze.
He pushes his throbbing cock between your lips, and you taste his salty precum. You suck on his head, cockwarming your stepdad.
Your hands are planted on Joel’s hips for stability and you take him deeper into your hot mouth until his tip hits your throat.
“Oh, yeah, angel. Ain’t ya happy I finally let you suck on my dick?”
You hum around his cock and both men chuckle.
“I think it’s a ‘yes’”, Tommy chuckles as his hands squeeze your thighs, then glide up over your belly and then pull your top up. He gently kneads your naked tits, as your whimpers are muffled by your step uncle’s fat cock.
You begin bobbing your head up and down, lips curled over your teeth, saliva dripping down your chin, sliding down to his balls. You try to keep your gaze focused on his face, lust and pleasure painting his features. His blown half-lidded eyes watch you blow him and then lower to enjoy the way Tommy’s playing with your pebbled nipples, twisting and tugging on them. You roll your eyes, dancing on the verge of orgasm from Tommy’s ministrations, his length throbbing deep inside you like the second heartbeat and Joel’s cock filling your mouth. You clench hard around Tommy.
“Jesus, sweetheart,” he moans behind you and gently nips at your shoulder, “you’re incredible. Wanna live in your perfect cunt.”
Joel chuckles, “your wife may object.”
No one reacts to his quip, Tommy’s too entranced by your pussy, you’re slurping and gagging on Joel’s member.
He pats your head after a contend groan. “Ahh, doing great, baby. Told ya it’s all ya good for, sucking a cock and sitting on it.”
His warm hand cups your cheek and your eyes lock. “Make her come, Tommy, my little niece deserves it.”
“She does. She’s choking my cock so well.”
“Speaking of choking,” Joel pulls you off his member and you whine.
“Hungry little slut. Don’t worry, ya gonna get your favorite lollipop back. I’m gonna fuck your mouth and ya gonna come on Tommy’s cock, got it?”
You take a deep breath, knowing fully well that Joel won’t spare you, but you nod, biting your lip, “I’ll do my best, daddy,…uncle,” you reply to both of them and the men hum approvingly.
Tommys hands brush your soaked folds, spread open by his cock, filling your core, and his thumb finds your clit, already puffy after Joel’s fingers.
You clench around your stepdad and he moans, “fuck, baby, I won’t last..”
You want to say it’s ok, but Joel already takes your head between his giant palms and pushes his cock back into your mouth. Tommy’s fingers start rubbing, swirling your little clit, while Joel begins fucking your mouth. The roll of his muscular hips is slow at first, merciful, but getting closer to an orgasm, he moves faster and rougher.
His fingers pull at your hair, as his cock plunges into your mouth, hitting your throat again and again. You try to breathe around him, gasping for air any time he lets you, but it’s hard because of how huge he is and you scratch his hips to make him pause.
He pulls you off and slightly slaps your cheek, scolding you, “no scratching, bad kitty.”
You gasp for air and then giggle, being absolutely cock drunk and drowning in the pleasure of having two fat cocks inside you. You feel like you could faint from the ecstasy.
Your core tightens when the flat of Tommy’s palm rubs your whole pussy. He’s rapidly shaking his hand left and right, making your sloppy cunt squelch as you start coming. Joel stuffs your crying out mouth with his cock again, muffling you and fucks deeper, harder into your throat.
You feel yourself like nothing but holes for their cocks, a fuck doll, made solemnly for their pleasure, and the thought makes your pussy pulsate harder.
Your limbs tremble, your whole body jerks with every wave of euphoria. Saliva is drooling down your chin as your pussy coats Tommy’s thighs with your creamy cum.
“Such a good girl for us,” Tommy praises, choking on his words, as he explodes inside you. Loud groans escape his mouth, as he’s painting your walls with his hot cum.
“Yeah, like that, good slut” Joel moans as your lips, tongue and throat are massaging his cock. He starts coming too, his load squirting inside your throat and you drink it all, without any need to swallow.
When your orgasm subsides and they stop pumping their seed into your spent body, Joel takes his cock out of your mouth and you try to catch your breath, leaning against Tommy’s hot chest.
With his cock still inside you, he’s peppering kisses over your shoulders, neck, cheeks while his gentle hands are caressing your body, thanking you for the pleasure you gave him. Joel tucks his cock inside his jeans and plops on the chair. He lights a cigarette and takes a deep drag with a satisfied hum.
Your eyes half-closed, your limbs pleasantly tingling, you’re watching him watch you. You hate how good this handsome fucker makes you feel. He’s an asshole but deep inside you have to admit he’s closer to you than Tommy. Just like you he gets what he wants, no matter the feelings of people you might hurt in the process.
Tommy brings you out of your thoughts, gently turning your head to him to kiss you. You moan into his mouth as he’s hugging you tight, while his cum drips out of your pussy.
Joel interrupts you two after a few seconds by getting up with a grunt.
Tommy and you stop making out and look up at him.
“Can I get a kiss, uncle?” You ask, smiling with a twinkle in your eye. You expect him to refuse tasting his cum on your tongue but he surprises you,
“ ‘course. C’mere,” he motions you to get up with a jerk of his chin, and with widened eyes you get up, as Tommy’s cock slides out of your hole.
Joel pulls your half-naked body to him and wraps his arms around you. Your heart flutters when he’s being so affectionate with you. You can’t help but moan when he presses his lips to yours. Soon he’s licking into your mouth, as you’re melting against his chest.
His lips shift to the side and brush your ear, “thanks for the blowie, angel. One day I’ll return the favor.”
Your spent and used up pussy aches again, imagining him on his knees between your legs.
“Can’t wait,” you whisper back and plant a kiss on his scruffy cheek.
When Joel leaves, Tommy takes you in his arms and carries you to your bedroom. He lays you down on the bed and you roll under the blanket. You fall asleep while he’s caressing your cheekbone with his thumb.
You wake up with a jerk. It’s still sunny outside, you must have slept for a couple of hours. Soon you realize the reason for your abrupt awakening. Jess is screeching downstairs. You hear Tommy’s voice too, he’s not as loud as her but he’s definitely trying to over shout your mother.
You’ve heard them arguing before but not as bad as now. You furrow your brows and chew on your lip, still staying in bed.
Listening to them, by habit you grab your phone and check notifications. There’re a few messages from your friends, a missed call from your grandma, and then you see it.
A set of instant messages in your family chat.
The last one from Joel Miller.
You wonder why the fuck he’s in your family group chat at all and then your heart freezes and you start feeling nauseous when you open the last message. It’s a photo.
Of Tommy sitting on the bed in the master bedroom and you straddling him. Both of you are naked. It was shot from the back so your faces are not visible but it’s clearly you two.
Your hands start shaking and you drop your phone, that almost hits your terrified face.
You’re lying for a few long moments almost motionless, while a whirlwind of emotions is swirling in your stomach and your mind is screaming, trying to decide what to do now.
There’s only one way out.
You get up, put on some clothes and hastily start packing. You take whatever you see and throw it into your suitcase. Then you pad downstairs and sneak out of the house, fortunately, not getting caught by anyone.
Soon you’re walking along the street, with the luggage behind you, running away from the place you definitely can’t call home anymore. Your heart is pounding in your ears, though a part of you feels free, free of your mother, free of the old life. Fuck her. You call your friend and ask if you can crash at her place. She says ‘yes’ and offers to pick you up at the nearest bus stop. While you’re waiting for her, you look at the family chat again.
The fear that you felt before gives way to anger. You’re so mad at Joel, your eyes well up with tears and you wanna scream and break things. Just when you thought that your step uncle believed your promises, he goes and pulls this shit?!
With trembling fingers, you find an audio recording on your phone and send it to Tommy, mumbling under your breath,
‘Thought you could fuck me over like that, asshole? Let’s see who gets fucked now.’
The message to your stepdad goes through and you press ‘play’ and in the quiet of the suburban street you hear Joel’s gruff voice, telling you the plan of getting Tommy move back to Austin, “step one, angel - we record my little brother sayin’ that he wants to fuck ya…”
Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic💖 it motivates me to write more filth for you wonderful people😘 and I’d love to hear your thoughts/thots/ideas. What’s gonna happen next? 👀
Tag list for the series: @koshkaj-blog @survivingandenduring @nana90azevedo @mermaidgirl30 @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @obscurexsorrows @ratoonstown @tammythr @anama-cara @pedge-page @huskyfox5 @ashleyfilm @neverwheremoonchild @stevie75 @untamedheart81 @puduvallee @theoraekenslover @eloquentdreamer @talaok
Tommy tag @huskyfox5
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If you'd like to be tagged in the series or in anything else let me know!💕
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buckevantommy · 4 months ago
picture this: it's early morning, bucktommy tangled together in bed but awake and chatting softly. buck shifts and accidentally gets tommy in a spot he didn't know was ticklish; tommy can't help a little giggle, but tries to regain composure, and then catches buck's devilish grin and the glint in his eye; tommy warns him: evan, don't you dare— but it's no use and he is suddenly accosted with tickles and a wrestling match of giggles ensues! and they actually both love this - being able to mess around like this without worrying about hurting their partner, and they have matching levels of humour with this sort of thing.
anyway: tommy manages to get the upperhand and rolls evan onto his back, pinning his wrists above him. buck pretends to struggle but ultimately settles, opening his hips to let tommy better settle between his thighs. tommy knows what he's doing - he's trying to distract him. but tommy won't be distracted bc he knows as soon as he is that evan will seize the opportunity to gain the upperhand - unless of course: tommy so thoroughly distracts evan that he can't process any such thought.
tommy drops his voice to that low register he knows drives evan crazy and nudges in for a slow teasing kiss— then his phone starts ringing on the nightstand. buck throws his head back against the pillow with an aggrieved sigh bc how dare the world interrupt them right now when they're having all kinds of fun. tommy releases one of buck's wrists to reach for his phone and buck's free hand moves to grip tommy's shirt at his torso trying to keep him in place, this deliciously solid, heavy warm weight pressing him into the mattress.
it's a work thing, someone asking tommy if he can cover their shift or do them a favor today or tomorrow. and.. here's the thing: before he met evan he would've agreed no question. but now he has evan, and two shiftworkers trying to match their schedules to get time off together is tough, and this is their first few days off together in weeks. so he tells his friend to ask suchnsuch if they can cover, and if not then tommy will do it but they'll owe him - bc giving up his evan time at least deserves a favor he can call in for more evan time, or something equally as important.
tommy tells buck this, more or less, and buck is kind of.. speechless. tommy is choosing to put him first - not bc of any dire cicumstances but bc he just wants to spend time together. not for anything remarkable, not bc they have plans they can't change, but bc when it's a choice between work and buck he chooses buck. he knows they'd both choose work if it was really important, but this wasn't that. this is tommy proving ohsocasually that he values his everyday time with buck. and that's.. buck has never had that in a relationship before.
buck regains the upperhand and flips them over and tommy braces for the tickle onslaught, fighting a smile, but what he gets instead is evan looking at him with wonder and adoration and love. tommy loves him too, and says it, palming his cheek. buck pushes into his touch, presses a kiss there, and says he loves tommy too. what started out as a fun tussle is now something softer, tender, and they spend the rest of their morning showing how well they know each other and the love they share.
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copinghex · 16 days ago
Tommy's secret
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A/N: Bringing back this fluffly drabble for Valentine's 🫶🏻
The tip of your nose brushed Tommy's spine as you kissed the way down to his lower back, after a long tiring day and a sloppy fuck, you thought of nothing more than pouring your - you had to admit, sometimes overwhelming - affection on him.
Rubbing your cheek on his skin, you gripped on his waist and pressed a kiss on each freckle. Until then, Tommy had remained still, waiting for your sweet attack to finish, so when that unfamiliar sound hit your ears, you didn't believe it.
"Quit that," he mumbled between restrained, husky chuckles. "Oh?" You nuzzled his lumbar, "Ticklish, are we?"
Carrying on with the kisses, you tightened your grip on him as he attempted to escape. Strong as he was, Tommy didn't have trouble in turning up, immediately pulling you up to his level so you wouldn't access his stomach. "Quit that," he repeated, brushing his nose on yours.
"You never told me you're ticklish,"
"You weren't suppose to find out,"
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chimneyz · 22 days ago
it was an accident really. honest. tommy was not very ticklish of a person, buck tried and tried to find that sweet spot that would have tommy giggle with glee. everyone has one. but buck couldn't seem to find it. he asked tommy to at least give him a hint, but tommy refused. 'where is the fun in that evan' buck swears he wasn't trying to find that sweet spot at the time. tommy was sprawled out in bed, skin flushed and warm, breathing heavily as buck trailed kisses down tommy's body. his body shaking and shuddering underneath buck's lips with each kiss. buck made it down to tommy's happy trail, staring at it, he loved it, loved how it looked, how it felt. buck dragged his tongue against the trail of hair, and that's when it happened. tommy's body seized up rumbling, the barks of laughter almost made buck jump out of his own skin. buck watched mesmerized as tommy threw his head back against the pillow laughing, tears forming at to corner of his eyes. buck tilted his head with a smirk 'oh, so that's where you are ticklish' 'e-evan please, i-i can't' buck couldn't resist running his tongue up the happy trail one more time. the shouts of laughter were music to buck's ears. he's never heard tommy like this before. it was an accident, a little happy accident.
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macfrog · 10 months ago
birds of a feather | joel & ellie
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y'all listen to the new billie eilish album? there's a song that reminded me of a couple of someones.
pairing: joel miller & ellie williams summary: joel surprises ellie on her sixteenth birthday. warnings: nada. just me loving hard on this pair. word count: 1.5k
main masterlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 🤍
Oh, my god, it is a dinosaur.
She didn’t actually believe it would be. I mean, it was her first guess – but where the fuck is he going to find a dinosaur way the hell out here? She was kidding.
Wasn’t a convertible, wasn’t a puppy, wasn’t even a lotta kittens. A litter. Whatever. It wasn’t a new pair of sneakers, nor a comic book collection. She’d almost run out of ideas, when she spotted the tail through the bushes.
Is that–? Is he seeing this, too?
It’s, like, three times the size of her. No, wait – five times the size of her. Ten? She’s gotta ask Joel.
Two thick, stocky legs planted firm into the earth. Draped in ivy and spattered with moss – the thing actually looks prehistoric. Head lifted to the canopy; teeth bared in a silent roar. His little arms – alright, they’re actually kinda fuckin’ cute – frozen, reaching for something.
It’s right fucking there. Right in front of her. A motherfucking dinosaur.
Her hands fly to her head.
“Joel!” Ellie cries, and she can hardly feel her legs with giddiness.
Joel lingers a few steps behind her. He kicks a heel through the mucky grass, just watching. Smiling like an idiot, letting the ripples from the kid’s glee wash over him. It’s like the zoo all over again, or that time he found a Savage Starlight poster while out on patrol.
Ellie’s laughter is ticklish, vibrating through his veins. She pumps her fists and sizes up the monster. She says holy shit, Joel three times before she takes a step closer.
The sun trickles through the leaves, haloing over the Rex. It’s warm, but not too warm – and the swim on the way helped cool them down. It’s a bit of a hike to get here. He’s just glad it’s a nice day.
He was, truthfully, a little nervous about it. About bringing her here. He’s never had a sixteen-year-old to plan shit for. What if she didn’t like it? Hell, what if she thought it was fucking lame?
But Ellie wades waist-deep into the moat instantly. She pulls herself through the murky water straight to the plaque, and whips out her journal.
And Joel knows he’s fucking nailed it.
“King of the tyrant lizards,” she announces, making sure she gets the spelling right. Her tongue pokes from the corner of her mouth as she sketches.
Joel wanders over to her side, hand combing through the tangles of leaves drooping from the dinosaur’s belly. He swats fluttering flies away from his face.
The water sloshes around her feet as she rounds the tail. It’s slippery with slime. She crawls over threads and vines, soles scuffing up the spine.
“What are you doin’?” he asks, a chuckle patching over cracks of sudden fear.
“I’m climbing a dinosaur!” Ellie yells. She hesitates on the snout – though only for half a second, because fuck it, how many times am I going to jump off a motherfuckin’ dinosaur? – and then she’s plummeting.
Joel’s stomach flips. He staggers into the water, breath clamped in his throat until she resurfaces again.
She’s still wearing that dumb as shit smirk. It probably didn’t flinch, the entire fall. “Did you see that?” she gasps.
Jesus. Yeah, he saw it. He pulls a hand down his face.
It’s been a year, little less than. They’re used to it by now – the slow turn of life in Jackson. Breaking bread in the dinner hall, calling the woodland creatures by whichever ridiculous names Ellie christens them with.
It took a few weeks, but eventually, their heartrates settled. Their fists loosened. They relaxed into the quiet, found respite in the negative space.
Tommy joked for the first little while that Joel had a shadow he couldn’t shake. She’s five-three, red hair, and she carries a switchblade everywhere she goes. Following him close enough that she felt more like a phantom at his heels.
Joel never minded, and he still doesn’t. He’s long forgotten the feeling of being alone – as quickly as he acquired it, it seems. These days, he waits at his kitchen table for the kick of the backdoor, the slump of a still half-asleep teenager opposite him.
He wonders how he ever got by so long without it.
He leads Ellie into the museum.
Everything looks exactly how he left it. A jungle of a building; shattered glass and overgrown grass, a muggy smell lingering in every dim corner. The stuff he deliberately left for her to stumble upon when she got here: a Giants of the Past brochure, the stupid hat he knew she’d force him to wear.
A marshland wasteland, and she still sees the magic in every square inch.
She throws fact after fact at him. Fruit flies and moon landings, gunpowder and Yuri Gagarin. She knows a shit ton, if the stacks of books on her desk are anything to go by. And when Joel tells her how smart she is, Ellie smiles smugly to herself and thinks up ten more facts, just for him.
He thinks of her books and their awkwardly long titles, the faded pictures on all the covers. Astronauts and nebulas and faraway suns. He offers the one thing he remembers from school back at her: My very educated mother just served us nice pizzas.
She’s never even heard of it.
But she’s impressed, and she repeats it to herself as she explores some more. Turning back at every new artifact she finds, beckoning Joel over with a flapping hand.
He wanders after her, thinking up questions he’s sure he already knows the answers to – just so she can tell him again. Just to see her face light, to hear her ramble as she explains.
And nine times out of ten, she corrects him, anyway.
The space shuttle is spotlit under a dome roof, more ivy spilling over the top. A little heap of machinery, succumbed to the nature around it. They crank the door open together, and a springtime heat floods from the cockpit.
Joel stops Ellie from climbing in. “You’re goin’ into space,” he says, leaning on the warm metal. “You’re gonna need a helmet.”
Her eyebrows lift. “Oh, right. What was I thinking?”
They’re too big for her – all three helmets. They’re clunky and clumsy, the visors a little grubby and distorted. But she pulls one over her head and jogs back to Joel, hoisting herself into the shuttle.
It’s cramped inside; stifling even with the door wide open. Joel feels his back twinge as he settles into the seats. But he doesn’t mind, and neither does Ellie.
She flicks button after button, her elbow knocking against his. Explosion sounds rumbling from her lips. Her breath clouds the inside of her helmet.
He could lie here all day beside her. In this quiet corner of the world, where time stands still. Guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Rex out front. Just him and his kid, listening to her mimic engine noises and pretend to lift them both into space.
But he’s hellbent on timing it perfectly. So just as she sounds the roar of a seamless takeoff, he slips the tape from his chest pocket.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.”
Ellie blinks at the cassette. “What is this?”
“This…” Joel says, pinching it in two fingers, “…is a thing that took a mighty effort to find.”
His handwriting is carved into the label. It’s the first gift – real gift, birthday gift – she’s ever been given. Thought out and made up, addressed to her and placed in her hands for keeps. All hers.
She clicks it into her player and hooks her headphones in, thumping her helmet back over her head. She jams a thumb into the play button, and –
He did remember to rewind the tape, right? It’ll play from the start, won’t it?
Joel’s heart begins to thud. He shifts uncomfortably.
Shit, what if it spoils the surprise? What if she hits play, and the first thing she hears is –
Ellie’s head lifts. Her eyes are wide. She grins, and so does he.
He fucking nailed it.
She closes her eyes, the staticky babble of mission control in her ear. His voice tickles, pulling a wide grin across her face. 10, 9, 8, 7…
The shuttle shudders as it shoots into space. She’s holding her breath, holding until he announces liftoff on Apollo 11. The naked sun stretches over her visor, red under her closed eyelids. It disappears somewhere in the distance.
Ellie lands slowly, carefully, back in Wyoming. She blinks her eyes open.
Joel’s still right beside her, hands clasped on his chest. He waits for her to turn, waits to check her expression. He asks it softly, earnestly.
“I do okay?”
Her cheeks ache with smiling. She clutches the tape player tighter, replies through a giggle.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
There might be nothing outside of this shuttle. Perhaps there was nothing to begin with. They might’ve shot straight past the earth’s atmosphere, might actually be among the stars. And it might not even matter, if they are.
Everything is right here. The sun and the moon – the entire universe between them.
Joel breathes a relieved laugh. His chest loosens, his heart settles back into place behind his ribcage.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.”
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