ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
being so fucking strong rn you dont even know
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myreygn · 3 years
Ok no worries! Maybe Nairobi and Denver or Berlin and the Professor (not inc*st of course but just brotherly banter or other stuff). For Nairobi and Denver it could be them just playing around, finding out one of them is ticklish, etc. For Berlin and the Professor maybe Berlin tries to get the Professor to relax and actually smile for once and he remembers he used to be ticklish as a kid? Lmk if you want any more ideas!
finally got around to it, sorry it took so long anon. hope you see this and enjoy it :)
tw: swearing
Sparring Partner
“Just admit that I'm stronger and I might let you out of this!”
“Never!”, Nairobi hissed and started another attempt to bring her colleague down, jumping at him and unpacking one of her very own secret tricks. She launched herself at his throat with her right hand, then put all her strength into a surprise punch from the left – only to have it blocked by Denver. Again.
“You know, you're really pretty but that's it”, the fighter stated and pinned her to the ground with a cocky grin. “You sure you wanna keep going?”
Nairobi only glared at him. Fuck that guy, honestly! But after all, she was the one who had suggested the sparring session and aside from the humiliation it would bring her, backing out now wouldn't bring her forward either. How was she supposed to improve her hand to hand combat if she let out such a perfect opportunity to learn from the master?
“Alright”, Denver grinned, then let go off her and turned around to reposition himself. “But if you wanna, defeat me, you gotta...”, he twirled around just in time to grab her leg and throw her back on the ground, “try a little harder.”
“How do you do that?!”, Nairobi spluttered and got back on her feet with a groan.
“Years of practice. And you weren't exactly subtle.” Denver grinned and lifted his hands, signaling that she could now attack again. “I said that in a nice way, actually you were horrible.”
“You!”, the older woman screeched and jumped at him again. For solid ten minutes more she tried to bring Denver down, make him tumble or at least land a hit, but all she got was defeat after defeat after defeat. That boy was too strong for his own good.
“Wanna know what your problem is?” Denver sat on the ground, leaning against the wall and a water bottle in his hand. Nairobi noticed with pleasure that even though she couldn't manage to defeat him, she at least had made him sweat.
She glared at him. “You knew what my problem was and still let me get my ass whooped?!”
“Yeah, was fun. So, you wanna know or not?” Denver's grin only grew when she huffed and rolled her eyes, a sign for him to continue. “You're thinking way too limited. I know, you're not a hand-to-hand-fighter, but you should know that this kind of combat consists of many different styles. You're trying to fight like me, that's your mistake. You can't compete with me if you're only relying on your strength. Actually, you probably couldn't compete with anyone that way.”
Nairobi could barely hold herself from grabbing the next heavy thing and throwing it at his head. She took a deep breath to calm down and then thought about is words. “So, you're saying... that if I fought in a different way and with a different focus... I could be better than you?”
“Nah nah, I didn't say that! But yeah, you have other talents. You should use them instead of trying to make up something you can't do.”
Nairobi thought about this for a few seconds. 'Use my own talents, huh? Not a bad idea...' She got up with a stretch and put her water bottle to the side, then positioned herself on the “battlefield” once more. “Alright, let's do this.”
“Already?” Denver grinned and shrugged his shoulders before he stood up as well. “Don't you wanna take a little break before I defeat you once more?”
“You won't, now that I have my very own strategy, moron!”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say, princess.” Denver spread his arms and laughed his obnoxious, yet somehow very funny laugh. “Come and get me!”
It didn't start off well, Nairobi had to admit that. Her first two attacks were simply avoided, the third blocked and after her fourth attempt, Denver finally decided to snap back. With another laugh, he put his arms around her in a grip that she could never figure out in combat with him and the end of the fight neared with a shockingly fast tempo. Think, Nairobi, think... her talents didn't really seem to be useful in this situation. None but one: she didn't lose. Never. And never losing sometimes included dirty methods.
Denver let out a not-so-manly shriek when Nairobis's nails made contact with his side, only covered by a thin tank top, and scribbled all over the damp fabric. Sweat. Always a pleasant experience. Nairobi shook off the slight disgust she felt, especially considering that she was just as sweaty as her sparring partner, and wriggled out of his arms when his grip loosened. Now she had even better access to his torso and she used the surprise moment to bring him to the ground and straddle him.
“Aw, what is it, boy? A little ticklish?”
It had been a guess, yeah, but apparently a very lucky one; Denver was squirming underneath her and raspy giggles were pouring out of his mouth. “'m nahat, gehet off!”
For sure not. Nairobi just grinned and went from scribbling to squeezing, making him buck his hips so hard she almost flew off. “Oh, but I think you are! And it's pretty bad, if I might say so. Look at you: barely giggling, yet you can't get up! You can't even move properly, can you?” Her hands shot up under his arms that he clamped to his sides, clawing at his rips. “Can you, huh?”
Denver threw his head back and his fist banged on the floor as he bit his lip to suppress the laughter. “GhEheh, Nahairohobi! Nahaha-” His face reddened and he grunted between his giggling. “Stahap!”
Nairobi grinned triumphantly. “Just admit that I'm stronger than you and I might let you out of this.”
For a second, Denver stared up at her in disbelief, still huffing and chuckling quietly, then his face was taken over by a stubborn frown. “Nehever!”
“Alright, then this is on you.”
She had already noticed the desperation in which he clamped his arms to his torso and since observation was one of her strengths as well, she had a vague idea of the spot that would finally get a real laugh from this donkey. Without a further warning, she grabbed Denver's left wrist and once more, the surprise moment was on her side as she forced his arm to the side and pinned it down with her knee. For a second she allowed herself to enjoy the horror dawning on her colleague's face, then she dug right into the center of his unprotected armpit and Denver lost it.
“That is my name, what do you want?”
“Don't? Don't what? Don't stop? Gladly!”
“So I should stop?”
“Too bad, I don't feel like it.”
Nairobi chuckled along with the hysteric boy and doubled her scribbling efforts. Denver snorted and almost immediately turned his head to hide his face, but he couldn't stop the older woman from cooing at him anyways. His right arm shakily reached out to her hand and Nairobi smirked. “Gotcha!”
“Yeah, not exactly an improvement, huh?” She laughed as she dug into his second armpit and a tear pricked at the corner of his eye. “Aw, crying?”
“Look, I really like how you beg, but you know what you gotta say buddy. No way 'round.” His laughter got a little wheezy and Nairobi mentally cracked her knuckles. Time for the final push. With a devious smirk, she placed her thumbs right at the center of his armpits and began to press deep circles. If Denver wasn't hysteric before, now he was.
“Alright, alright, jeez.” Nairobi chuckled and finally took her hands away, then she got up and handed Denver his water bottle, watching with slight amusement how he just laid on the ground, panting, before actually sitting up and grabbing it. “You're right, that worked a lot better. Tomorrow, same time, same place?”
“You bet!”, Denver spluttered and pointed at her threatening, but with the tiniest hint of a grin tugging at his lips. “Don't think you get away with this!”
“Oh, I'm so scared, Giggles!”
“You should be!”
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rowenasthrone · 3 years
Updated 18/04/21
The avengers
Dream come true-Steve/Bucky/Natasha
Wanda maximoff
"Hang on, you weren't meant to laugh, now im embarrassed"
"I am so scared of losing you, like everyone else"
Finding out reader is ticklish
Natasha Romanoff(COMING SOON)
Carol denvers(COMING SOON)
Michelle jones (mj) (COMING SOON)
Peter Parker(COMING SOON)
Tony Stark
Sneak peak
Steve Rogers(COMING SOON)
Bucky Barnes
"How can you stand to be anywhere near me"
Clint Barton(COMING SOON)
Bruce banner (COMING SOON)
Thor Odinson(COMING SOON)
Loki Odinson(COMING SOON)
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hefellfordean · 4 years
3, 6, 14, 19
I wanted to say all but I don’t wanna overwhelm you
physical affection prompts:
3. smiling into a kiss
“I hate this,” Martín complains, face twisting into an unflattering scowl.
Andrés sighs. “It’s not that bad.”
“You’re right,” Martín nods. “It’s worse. This is dumb, we look stupid and if Tokyo yells at me one more time, I’m going to stab her.”
“Mi amor, please don’t stab anyone on our wedding day.”
“Hey, you two! Enough talking, more kissing. Or you’re not going to have any nice pictures!” Tokyo yells from across the lawn, where she’s stood holding a camera.
“That’s it,” Martín growls, but Andrés wraps an arm around him before he can get very far.
He struggles briefly, but lets Andrés manhandle him into turning away from Tokyo and looking at his new husband instead. Andrés puts a hand on either side of Martín’s face, so he’s forced to look up into his eyes.
“No murder until after the honeymoon,” he says seriously. “We can’t exactly go on a luxury cruise if you’re in prison for killing Tokyo.”
Martín sighs. “But she’s so annoying.”
Andrés smiles sympathetically at his pout. “I know. How about once the pictures are taken and she’s put the camera down, we find away to ‘accidentally’ push her into the fountain?”
Martín grins and Andrés repositions him to Tokyo’s satisfaction, before leaning in to kiss him.
“I knew I married you for a reason,” Martín says, still smirking and Andrés kisses the smile right off his face.
6. chasing someone’s lips after they pull away & 14. play wrestling
“Give it back, now!” Andrés demands and curses inwardly when neither Denver nor Tokyo flinch.
Somehow between the mint and now, they’d lost their fear of him and it made times like these very annoying.
“That lighter was very expensive and is very precious to me, and you are both going to regret it very much if you don’t put it down right now,” he threatens.
“Are we?” Tokyo asks with a grin, before throwing the lighter over to Denver, who thankfully catches it.
Good, Andrés thinks, Denver will be easier to intimidate than Tokyo.
He stalks towards him and he can almost see Denver’s resolve crumble. Except then he sees something over Andrés’ shoulder and grins.
“Palermo, catch!” Denver yells and the lighter goes sailing over Andrés’ head.
By the time he turns around, Andrés can no longer see the lighter, but Martín has a certain smugness about him that has Andrés’ eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Where is it?”
Martín shrugs. “Where is what?”
“That’s enough, give me my fucking lighter!”
“Or what?” Martín asks with a smirk.
Andrés pounces before Martín can say anything else, knocking him back onto the sofa and climbing on top of him, hands curled on his shoulders.
“Get off!” Martín protests, struggling against Andrés’ weight.
Andrés shakes his head. “No, give me the lighter.”
“Then I won’t get off you.”
Martín swears at him, trying to move his legs so he can knee him in the stomach. Andrés settles his weight more heavily on Martín’s thighs and starts patting him down, ignoring how he squirms.
“Andrés please, you know how ticklish I am.”
“Exactly,” Andrés says triumphantly, fingers inching under Martín’s shirt and tracing over his hips.
“No, please,” Martín begs and Andrés grins.
“Tell me where my lighter is.”
Andrés grins wickedly, but before he can resume his tickling, Martín wraps a hand around the back of his neck and drags him into a kiss. It’s not that Andrés is surprised, he just thought Martín would hold out for longer before resorting to dirty tactics.
He keeps his hands under Martín’s shirt - for different reasons now - and groans when Martín nips at his bottom lip. By the time they break apart, startled by the sound of the door shutting, Andrés has mostly forgotten why they started this. He follows when Martín pulls away, kissing him twice more before he manages to drag himself away from him.
“Huh?” he asks bemusedly, when Martín laughs at him. “Why are you laughing?”
Martín shakes his head. “No reason. Do you want your lighter back?”
“Eh, it’s not that important.”
19. peppering their face in kisses
“Oh my god, you’re such an idiot,” Martín yells. “Who showers when they’re that drunk? You fell asleep standing up.”
Andrés groans. “My head hurts.”
Martín scowls at him, from where he’s hovering just above Andrés’ face. “That’s because you and your idiot brother drank all the wine in the house - and I do mean all of it.”
“Cariño,” Andrés mumbles. “Can you yell after I sleep?”
“Should’ve left you in the fucking shower,” is the response he receives, but Martín slides into bed next to him anyway.
There’s a rustling noise as Martín repositions himself and Andrés closes his eyes against the nausea the mattress dipping causes. He sighs when a kiss is pressed to his forehead, then each of his cheeks, then his nose and chin, before finally Martín kisses him briefly on the mouth.
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Martín mumbles against his neck. “And I’m going to yell at you so much later.”
Andrés smiles and curls an arm around him, already too sleepy to respond.
send me a prompt?
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1, 8 21. Tendou/Kagami.
1. “Do you want me to stop?” 8. “Are you hungry?” 21. “Do you promise?”
Souji’s an attractive man in general, but there’s something about his legs in particular that just makes Arata completely lose his mind. It’s not just that they’re good legs, although they are incredibly good legs--it’s that there seems to be a lot of them. Arata’s not sure how that works, since Souji’s not actually much taller than him, but he’s not going to argue with it.
They’re in bed. They’re not even doing anything, too drowsy and slow to bother with anything past the pleasure of proximity. Souji is very nearly asleep, in fact, his head on Arata’s arm and his back against Arata’s chest. The way his eyelashes lie against his cheekbones when he closes his eyes is very slightly intoxicating. Arata’s only slightly more awake, and using most of his wakefulness to look at Souji.
What an amazing thing, he thinks, sleepily, getting to look at him like this.
“Shit, did I say that out loud?”
“Did you not mean to? I appreciated hearing it.”
“Because you’re vain.”
“I am not vain,” Souji says, with as much dignity as he can manage while he’s half asleep, which is admittedly a lot. "I just enjoy hearing your voice."
"Especially when I'm complimenting you."
Souji says nothing to that, just radiates self-satisfaction.
It’s frustratingly attractive. Arata’s going to die of how beautiful he is, and how little distance has to be covered to run a hand down his side like he’s a cat to be petted. Which he responds to by shifting slightly into the touch and making himself more comfortable, and maybe Arata’s not as tired as he thought. So--a kiss pressed to the back of Souji’s neck, which gets a small pleased noise,and then a slow trail of fingers down ribs and stomach and hip to stupidly perfect thigh.
Souji twitches away from him for a moment.
Arata frowns. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No, by all means.” Souji also sounds slightly more awake. “Continue.”
“You twitched, though, did I do something that hurt? Do you have a bruise that I didn’t see or something?”
“Not at all, I’m fine.”
Frowning, Arata flexes his hand, enjoying feeling the outline of Souji’s muscles under his skin, and Souji twitches again, and realization dawns. “Are you ticklish?”
There’s a slightly-too-long pause before Souji says, “I am not.” He’s still turned away, but just enough of his face is visible to see that his eyes have gone wide.
“Oh, you liar.” Arata grins against Souji’s shoulder and drags a finger back up Souji’s leg, and Souji squirms. “You are ticklish. I found a weakness on the, the path of heaven.”
“You’ve found nothing of the--hmm.” Souji claps a hand over his mouth as Arata’s fingertips spider-walk back up his side. “You’re a cruel man,” he says into his palm, voice shaking with heavily-suppressed laughter.
“Why, because I think it’s kind of cute when you actually laugh?”
“There are oth-other ways,” and he bites down on the side of his hand for a moment, “there are other ways to make me laugh. Ones which don’t involve tormenting me.”
For once, Arata is awake first, probably because he drank too much coffee in the evening. It’s early, not long after sunrise, so he’s quiet as he goes to the bathroom, not wanting Juka to wake up and see him. Not that she doesn’t know, really, but she very politely pretends not to notice, and the fiction’s easier to maintain when he’s not coming out of her brother’s bedroom at quarter of six in the morning, wearing her brother’s bathrobe.
When he comes back from the bathroom, he stops in the bedroom doorway for a moment and just looks. Souji asleep is a precious sight, both in that he’s normally the first one awake and because he’s rarely so obviously vulnerable. He lies on his side, very still, the sheets stark white against his skin--he picked up a tan in France, and has maintained it since his return to Japan. Because, despite his insistence otherwise, he’s vain.
“I enjoy how you look at me,” he says when Arata gets back in bed, voice slurred a bit with sleep.
“I enjoy looking at you. You have amazing bedhead, it’s adorable.” Before the inevitable protest to the contrary, Arata continues with, “Are you hungry?”
“Slightly, but I’m not inclined to get up yet.”
“You don’t have to, I’ll make something and bring it to you. Breakfast in bed.”
Souji’s eyes open immediately, and Arata isn’t sure whether to be charmed or offended by his look of surprise. “You’re offering to cook for me?”
“Is that such a weird idea?”
“Well, it’s not like I know how to cook all the nice traditional stuff you do, but I know some Western recipes. You know, uh, pancakes. Denver omelette.”
“Fascinating. What’s the provenance of this unexpected knowledge?”
“American exchange student I knew at university, he taught me how to cook a few things--and I just realized that he was definitely flirting with me the whole time. Wow, I feel kind of dumb for not catching that.”
“Slightly unobservant, perhaps. It did take you some time to notice when it was me.”
“It didn’t take me that long to--” Arata trails off at Souji’s raised eyebrow. “You...had to get more direct, didn’t you. You were flirting with me for way longer than I realized.”
“Bingo, as your American friend might say. It was very charming.” Abruptly Souji’s face is illuminated by one of his soft smiles, made all the more beautiful by the extravagant mess of his curls. “I would appreciate pancakes and an omelette, if you’re so inclined.”
Arata nods, as seriously as possible. “Your wish is my command.”
Souji has never been in the habit of uncertainty, but Kagami Arata has a particular talent for catching him off-guard. With his strength, with his patience, with his breathtaking fury at the unkind world. With the curve of his fingers around Zecter or briefcase handle or Souji’s wrist. With the shape of his mouth, at the moment reddened from kissing and redder from biting his own lip, because even more than Souji, he is dedicated to not making so much noise that they wake Juka up.
Not being in the habit of uncertainty, Souji had never previously realized how pleasurable it could be under the right circumstances. This was clearly a mistake, and one he is privately, deliriously glad to have rectified, because had that not happened he wouldn’t be here now, in his own bed with Arata’s fingers digging into his thighs and one of his own hands gripping the headboard as he moves.
Sex isn’t the only context in which he appreciates Arata’s company, of course, but he likes the way in which it’s his alone, something which he can be certain Arata won’t share with anyone else. And more than that, the breathless tranquility of after sex, in which he is now lying comfortably with his head on Arata’s shoulder and saying, “I think this is the moment I look forward to most when I’m with you.”
“So the thing you like best about having sex with me is when it’s over? That’s flattering.” Said entirely without ire, in fact with an undercurrent of laughter, and even then followed with, “No, I know what you mean. This is good.” A pause. “Not to get really serious about things all of a sudden, but I hope we’ve still got this in, like, thirty years.”
“Thirty years is insufficient,” Souji murmurs against the side of his neck. “I will accept nothing less than forever.”
He feels, rather than hears, the catch of breath, and what Arata says, as his arm pulls more tightly around Souji’s shoulders is, “Do you promise?”
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nwbeerguide · 3 years
Washington breweries take home 22 medals, including Named Brewery and Brewer of the Year, and F.X. Matt, Defense of the Industry Award, at this year's Great American Beer Festival.
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Press Release
Washington breweries were awarded 22 medals, including seven gold medals, at the recently concluded Great America Beer Festival (GABF) in Denver, CO. The 22 medals were the second most awarded to any state trailing only California for total medals awarded.
In addition to the medal haul, Pamela Brulotte of Icicle Brewing, Leavenworth WA. and Cloudburst Brewing, Seattle, WA. both were honored with special recognitions during the awards ceremony.
The Brewers Association awarded 290 medals to 265 breweries across the country during the 2021 GABF awards ceremony in the largest competition to date. The best beers in 97 beer categories covering 175 different beer styles (including all subcategories) were awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals during the 35th edition of the celebrated  GABF competition. Here is a list of the 22 medals captured by Washington state breweries:
Stoup Brewing, Silver, American Amber/Red Ale: Stoup NW Red Cloudburst Brewing, Silver, American Pilsner: Happy Little Clouds Stoup Brewing, Silver, America-Style Pale Ale: Mosaic Pale Ale The Good Society, Gold, Belgian-Style Table Beer or Belgian Style Session Ale: First to Fall Reuben’s Brews, Bronze, Belgian-Style Witbier: Lilywhite Wit Chainline Brewing Co., Silver, Bohemian-Style Pilsner: Polaris Pilsner Lowercase Brewing, Silver, English-Style Brown Ale: Brown Ale Mirage Beer Co., Silver, Field Beer: Versatile Solutions for Modern Living Aslan Brewing CO., Gold, German Sour Ale: Disco Lemonade Kulshan Brewing Co., Silver, German Sour Ale: Gose Chuckanut Brewery, Gold, German Style Kolsch: Kolsch Ghostfish Brewing Co., Gold, Gluten-Free Beer: Watchstander Stout San Juan Island Brewing Co., Bronze, Intl Dark Lager: The Late Boat Czech-Style Dark Lager Varietal Beer Co., Silver, Juicy or Hazy Strong Pale Ale: Sup Cuz IPA Cloudburst Brewing, Gold, Kellerbier or Zwickelbier: Entschuldigung! Grains of Wrath Brewing, Gold, Munich-Style Helles: Frost Hammer Helles Kulshan Brewing, Bronze, Munich-Style Helles: Helles Fremont Brewing, Silver, Old Ale or Strong Ale or Barley Wine: Brew 4000 Silver City Brewery, Bronze, Old Ale or Strong Ale or Barley Wine: Old Scrooge Elysian Brewing, Gold, Pumpkin Beer: Night Owl Loowit Brewing Co., Bronze, Robust Porter: Grimlock Grains of Wrath Brewing, Bronze, Session India Pale Ale: Ticklish Warrior 
Pamela Brulotte Honored as the 2021 F.X. Matt, Defense of the Industry Award
Pamela Brulotte, Icicle Brewing, Leavenworth, WA. is the recipient of the 2021 F.X. Matt, Defense of the Industry Award! This award is named for the late F.X. Matt of F.X. Matt Brewing Co. and is presented to an individual or company for their contributions and efforts in championing the small brewing industry. Brulotte is a tireless advocate for small and independent breweries and has left her imprint on the Washington beer community in countless ways over the past decade. As past president of the Washington Brewers Guild, Brulotte helped to professionalize the organization, grow its membership, support its lobbying efforts, and serve as a mentor to the craft brewing community. Under Brulotte’s leadership, the guild has challenged increasing beer excise taxes and secured marketplace access for brewers, increasing their ability to sell and market their beers. You can watch the awards presentation video here: 
Cloudburst Brewing Named Brewery and Brewer of the Year
Seattle’s Cloudburst Brewing took home the honor of Brewery and Brewer of the Year in the 1,001 – 2,000 total barrels brewed category. Cloudburst Brewing has locations near Pike Place Market and in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.
Additional 2021 GABF Competition Statistics: 
9,680 beers judged
2,192 breweries in the competition from all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico
170 judges
Average number of competition beers entered in each category: 99.6
*image of F.X. Matt recipient, Pamela Brulotte, sourced from the Brewers Association
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/2Z9rEDb
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ejzah · 5 years
A/N: Half the Deeks family some point in the future.
“Yeah, kiddo,” Deeks responded distractedly as he tightened a bolt on Caleb’s new bike.
“Why’s your hair like that?” Caleb answered. He leaned against Deeks’ back, grabbing a bunch of hair in each hand in case he needed a demonstration. Deeks felt tiny nails scrape across his skull. “Why’s it so long? It looks like scarecrow hair.”
Deeks snorted and resumed assembling the bike while Caleb continued to mess with his hair. He now had it split roughly in half and from the feel of it was attempting some kind of braid.
“You know what, I’ll take it. I’ve certainly heard worse.”
“Or maybe John Denver. Only his is not so messy,” Caleb decided after a couple minutes.
“You really know how to give a compliment,” Deeks jokes, tossing the wrench he was using onto the stained cloth on the floor. Being careful to disengage his small fingers first, he grabbed Caleb and settled him in his lap. “So what’s with all the questions about my hair?”
“Elliana says you look like a girl. And none of the other dads have hair like yours. Theirs is short,” Caleb explained with a small frown. Unconsciously, he grabbed a piece of his own hair, which was quite a bit longer than what was currently in style and neatly combed . Deeks gave his knee a squeeze and smiled down at his honey blonde hair.
“When I was about your age I had long hair. But everybody said it looked messy and Grandma Deeks finally cut it,” he started and Caleb craned his head to look up at him with wide blue eyes.
“I never saw a picture of you when you were little.”
“Huh, we’ll have to ask Grandma D if she has some.” Caleb smiled a little bit at that, but wasn’t about to be deterred from his line of questioning.
“When did it get long again?”
“My junior year of high school. It was down to my shoulders at one point,” Deeks told him and Caleb giggled mischievously.
“I bet grandma was really mad,” he said.
“Mm, she definitely wasn’t happy. She got over it though. I had a lot of other people judge me for it though.”
“Did it make you sad?”
“Not really, it was more annoying than anything. And sometimes my bosses got a little mad at me,” Deeks said, thinking of Roger Bates. Every so often he’d get a random call from the man, asking if he’d finally cut his damn hair.
“Mom likes it though,” Caleb said, not asking, but assuming. He sounded a little defensive on his behalf and Deeks held him a bit closer. Caleb was fiercely protective of his family, sometimes a little too much.
“She pretends she doesn’t, but she does,” Deeks told him confidently. He could just imagine Kensi rolling her eyes at him. Caleb nodded, apparently satisfied, and said,
“Good. I don’t like that people are mean to you so much.” Deeks smiled a little at that and kissed the top of his head.
“Thanks, kiddo. But it really doesn’t bother me that much and even if it did, I’m pretty stubborn. I can handle it.”
“I know, it really aggrabates mom when you’re stubborn,” Caleb said knowingly. Shaking his head, Deeks poked the ticklish spot just below Caleb’s rib cage.
“Aggrabates, huh?” he said while Caleb giggled and tried to squirm away. Deeks tickled him for a few minutes, basking in the glorious sound of his son’s laughter.
“Now I’ve got a question for you,” Deeks said, once Caleb’s breathing had evened out a little. “Does it bother you that people say things about my hair?”
“No,” Caleb answered immediately, not sounding very convincing. He peeked up at Deeks from one eye. “Sometimes.”
“Do they ever say mean things about your hair?” Caleb nodded ever so slightly.
“Would you like to get a haircut?” he asked and Caleb’s head popped up in surprise.
“But then I wouldn’t look like you anymore,” he blurted out. Deeks acknowledged that with a nod of his head.
“Maybe not as much, but that isn’t a terrible thing. And if it makes you happy, then that’s what matters.”
Caleb was silent for a while, his face screwed up in concentration. Finally, he faced Deeks with a determined expression.
“I want my hair to be long like yours,” he said firmly. Deeks pulled him in for a quick hug, touched by the gesture.
“Then we won’t touch it.” He let Caleb rest against his chest for a minute longer and then said, “Hey, we gotta get this bike finished. I promised your mama that we’d have this put together by the time she and Lily get back.” He paused to look at his watch. “Which is approximately 20 minutes from now. Hand me the wrench and the screwdriver.”
Caleb eagerly went to retrieve the tools, chattering away while Deeks started assembling the bike again.
“Maybe if my hair gets longer mom can give us matching braids like she does with Lily,” he suggested suddenly with great enthusiasm.
With a long-suffering sigh, Deeks resigned himself to a future filled with borrowed sparkly barrettes and French braids.
A/N: One of of my sisters used to say aggrabate instead of aggravate. It seemed appropriate here.
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ao3feedberlermo · 4 years
by ironccap
the only thing they had to do, was be subtle about it. make sure they kept their relationship under the radar. they tried it, they really did. and at first, it seemed like they could pull it off.
nevertheless, it's safe to say that they failed in their subtlety.
ah, well. at least they tried.
Words: 3516, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: La casa de papel | Money Heist (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Palermo | Martín Berrote, Professor | Sergio Marquina, Nairobi | Ágata Jiménez, Helsinki | Mirko Dragic, Denver | Daniel Ramos, Tokyo | Silene Oliveira
Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote
Additional Tags: Fluff, Romantic Fluff, First Kiss, Martín is ticklish, Hiding Their Relationship, heist boyfriends, martín talks in his sleep, they're not subtle AT ALL, yes this accidental kissing scene is a friends reference
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@devoour asked: 6 for denver! // cuz he has the best laugh ever! *
Denver’s laughter rang out as he felt Rome’s fingers wiggling into his skin. He tried to push her away, giggling, but he was weakened by the ticklish sensations. If tere was one way to make him let down his guard, that was it. “Stop it!” he managed to get out through his laughter. “You’re making me look weak!” He wasn’t mad, not really, but he hadn’t been tickled since he was little, so the feeling was unexpected and unfamiliar. Not that he minded all that much.
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24hrsoda · 7 years
May I request a ficlet about that headcanon you made about Sheriff's tire whiskers? XD
It was barely mid day, yet the sun was already baking the grounds of the Arizonan desert. Most of the residents of Radiator Springs opted to stay in doors, out of the brutal heat of early noon sun, or at least hunker down in the shade to keep the sun from directly shining its harsh rays against them. The only one who wasn't hiding from the sun was Lightning, but he was happily receiving a hose-down from Red in front of the firehouse to keep the heat from getting to him.Luckily for everyone, a by-week meant they all got to relax at home for a few days.Doc emerged from his garage, heading toward Flo's and letting out a huff as he felt the hot breeze blow against his face. He briefly remembered Lightning talking about how they "should have stayed in Denver a few more days" the day before, and he found a part of himself agreeing with the statement. It's not this hot in Colorado.He took his usual spot beside Sheriff, responding to the others' greetings with a kurt nod of acknowledgement. The conversation going on around him wasn't a point of interest for him, and instead he chose to listen rather than partake, but his train of thought trailed off when a movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. The slight sway of Sheriff's curb feelers.Hesitantly, Doc raised a tire, extending it toward the whisker and bumping it. Sheriff's body gave a small twitch, and a soft look of amusement came across Doc's face. Again, he hit the feeler, slightest hint of a smile on his grill as the Sheriff let out a deep huff of breath and gave another twitch.Then, like a kitten playing with doorspring, Doc rapidly thumped his tire against the curb-feeler over and over again, causing the officer to erupt in to a fit of laughter."Stop that!" Sheriff wheezed, shoving Doc's tire away with his own. "That ain't what those are for!""You're ticklish.""That don't mean you can just play with them!"Slowly, Doc stretch his tire, hitting the whisker one more time."Unbelievable," Sheriff sighed, daring to move out of the shade for a brief moment to settle in a new place, away from Doc's batting tires."Hey guys!" Lightning called in greeting as he rolled toward Flo's, pausing momentarily to shake the last of the water droplets off of himself. When he was satisfied with his state of dry-ness, he moved to occupy the space beside Sheriff. "There's my favorite customer!" Flo exclaimed as she exited the diner to drop a fresh can of oil in front of the racer.The small group outside the diner sat in a comfortable quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the serene moment.It was only a matter of time before Sheriff felt his curb feelers being batted at again, this time from the young red car beside him."Why have I been cursed with the two of you?" Sheriff sighed with an eye-roll. Beside him, Lightning sat batting at the feeler with his tire, tongue poking out in concentration as he did so.
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joshmspicer · 6 years
Ask me! I’ll answer honestly
Nabbed from @nachosforfree​
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m okay where I am, maybe a smidge taller. 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) A Charizard, but one that’s lovable and thinks it’s a dog while aware of its tail. 3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Not really 4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Pokemon Crystal 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Wrestling stuff, what I’m gonna do going forward in life, and how much of a liar I am. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Be aware of being unable to hear him. It’s okay, you’re not the only one. If he gets mad, stay calm about it.” 7: What is your opinion on Disney remakes? Fuck it, I already sold my soul to them long ago. 8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Dunno, don’t feel like looking those up. Sorry. 9: Are you ticklish? [Oh god, I don’t wanna say yes, then I’ll get tickled, but if I say no then they might get suspicious and tickle me anyway so I don’t know.] 10: Are you allergic to anything? Failure...but not really 11: What’s your sexuality? A human 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa 13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat, but still love dogs 14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Elf 15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Right now it’s probably Everglow 16: How tall are you? 5′ 9″ 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Officially to Joshua Meredith Spicer, but probably something like Joshua Meredith Crumpton-Spicer to keep the Crumpton name going 18: How much do you weigh? 220 lbs.-ish 19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes 20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space 21: Are you religious? Yes 22: Pet peeves? What does my pet peeve? 23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Noc 24: Favorite constellation? Stars 25: Favorite star? Brian Blessed 26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I like vagina-jointed dolls 27: Any phobias or fears? Advanced darkness, being completely alone, the undying pressure of living my goals but settling and giving up and making my mom disappointed. I don’t know why, my mom means nothing to me beyond a base level of love and care, but she just won’t shut the fuck up. 28: Do you think global warming is real? Of fucking course. If you don’t you’re well and truly an idiot. 29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes 30: Favorite movie? Christopher Robin 31: Do you get scared easily? Jumpscared usually 32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 6 orange cats, one was officially ours named Festus. Keeshound named Hunter. Calico cat named Callie that we saved from the vet. Black cat named Borus. Husky named Rory/Aurora that we red to get eight puppies. We kept three of them named Stitches (mom tried to eat her at birth but my mum saved her), Tiki/Tikitus (dumb as fuck, and I do mean dumb as fuck, the guy was a literal moose), and Brutus (most loving dog ever but will force his love on you god dammit.) Two terriers named Sophie and Charlie that my mom kind of adopted from her current husband. 33: Blog rate? $75 a night for a double 34: What is a color that calms you? Couldn’t say 35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? California, Vancouver, Toronto 36: Where were you born? Mason City, Iowa
37: What is your eye color? Blue 38: Introvert or extrovert? Intro by design, extro when needed 39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Yes 40: Hugs or kisses? Sure 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My sister 42: Who is someone you love deeply? My sister who is the only relative I trust wholeheartedly 43: Any piercings you want?  No 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? I can 45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? No and no 46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! God she’s so amazing. Big dork but a hell of a smile. So shy when she does’t need to be. 47: What is a sound you really hate? When a tree falls in the woods. 48: A sound you really love? I dunno 49: Can you do a backflip? No 50: Can you do the splits? Poorly 51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Ryan Reynolds and Emily Blunt 52: Favorite movie? Christopher Robin, didn’t we already--yeah, #30 53: How are you feeling right now? Alright 54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I’m okay 55: When did you feel happiest? Couldn’t tell ya 56: Something that calms you down? Can’t think of anything right now 57: Have any mental disorders? None that are diagnosed 58: What does your URL mean? Name I came up with when I first joined the internet. An OC brother of Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown that I used on an old XS RP board. 59: What three words describe you the most? Kind, empathetic, stubborn 60: Do you believe in evolution? In some ways yes 61: What makes you unfollow a blog? If they’re too hamfisted in their belief/opinion to the point that it contradicts something so blatantly that they don’t realize it OR if they blatantly post a cheating/NTR fic/art with no remorse or with enjoyment. 62: What makes you follow a blog? Fun opinions, great art 63: Favorite kind of person: Someone who appreciates you for who you are and won’t judge you for your interests or dislikes. Kind and sweet, trustworthy, able to talk to. 64: Favorite animal(s): Cats, dogs, foxes 65: Name three of your favorite blogs. Nah 66: Favorite emoticon: Nah 67: Favorite meme: Right now it’s still surprised Pikachu. All time it’s probably the flagging ref 68: What is your MBTI personality type? Dunno 69: What is your star sign? Cancer 70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No 71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? T-shirt, jeans, converse rip-offs, white socks, and my blue Menards jacket 72: Post a selfie or two? Yeah sure, see down at the bottom. 73: Do you have platform shoes? No 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? This question is always asked and I never know what the fuck to post. 75: Can you do a front flip? No 76: Do you like birds? All but geese and Pidgey 77: Do you like to swim? Not particulary 78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Teeth diseases 80: Some thing you wish did exist: All my hopes and dreams 81: Piercings you have? None 82: Something you really enjoy doing: Sitting here at the computer and coming up with film plots and characters that will probably never be made. 83: Favorite person to talk to: My sister or Dawn 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Good site in concept with a nice structure that holds up when it works but shit-tier communication from the top down and a tendency to break 85: How many followers do you have? 200+ 86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Maybe if I actually gave a shit about a mile I would but the mile was the stupidest fucking thing in gym class 87: Do your socks always match? Yes 88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? No 89: What are your birthstones? Ruby 90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? A house cat 91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Dunno 92: A store you hate? Salvation Army 93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None 94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly 95: Do you like to wear camo? Not really 96: Winter or summer? Summer 97: How long can you hold your breath for? Dunno 98: Least favorite person? My mom’s husband 99: Someone you look up to: Dunno 100: A store you love? Hot Topic or Video Games Etc. 101: Favorite type of shoes Tennis shoes, converse 102: Where do you live? Denver, CO 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Not particularly 105: Do you drink milk? Yes, I’m grown up 106: Do you like bugs? Eh 107: Do you like spiders? No 108: Something you get paranoid about? The weight of pressure ever expanding on me 109: Can you draw: Not well. I can doodle decently. 110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Nothing I can think of 111: A question you hate being asked? “What was that? Why can’t you slow down? Why can’t you speak up” 112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Maybe once 113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes 114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy 115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: Couldn’t tell ya 116: Favorite cloud type: Blonde, long-ass sword 117: What color do you wish the sky was? Warm orange/yellow 118: Do you have freckles? Yes 119: Favorite thing about a person: Their laugh (usually), their voice 120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits 121: Something you want to do right now: Nothing forever 122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean 123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet 124: Bright or dim lights? Bright 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Maybe 126: Something you hate about Tumblr: @staff​ 127: Something you love about Tumblr: Everything else 128: What do you think about the least? All the friends I’ve left behind 129: What would you want written on your tombstone? “This bitch empty. I’m ash so let the world turn to me.” 130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Myself 131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? I can give advice and feel emotion for anybody but lack the ability to practice what I preach. 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? No 133: Computer or TV? Computer 134: Do you like roller coasters? Yeah sure 135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Only when I’m cramped and already have a headache 136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed 137: Do you believe in karma? Yes 138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? I’ve been told I’m a 7 by a gay guy when I was in high school and wasn’t fat or hairy. I’d say maybe a 5 now-a-days. 139: What nicknames do you have/have had? McLovin, Toad/Toadman, Crumpton 140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes 141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes 142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good with what they know of me 143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Receiving gifts, giving help 144: What makes you angry When people can’t hear me despite speaking clear as possible. When people go through my shit without my express permission. When people disobey people’s trust and relationships. 145: How many languages do you speak fluently? English. Really wanna learn Japanese. 146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Females for the most part but I’m coming around to males 147: Are you androgynous? No 148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair when it’s not bed-ridden 149: Favorite thing about your personality: Empathy boiiii 150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Dawn, my sister, Caroline 151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Post-WW2 152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Neutral 153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? I time warped to the future and decided I’m good. 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Not really 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Never tried 156: What embarrasses you? My stutter. My internet past, much to my chagrin. My likes and interests to somebody new. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: Introducing my likes and interests to somebody new. 158: Biggest lie you have ever told: “Yes I’ve totally been going to football practice for the last two months.” “Yes I’ve totally been going to school for the last two months.” 159: How many people are you following? A lot 160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? A lot 161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? None on purpose 162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? Not a lot 163: Last time you cried and why: Infinity War on its third rewatch because Peter 164: Do you have long or short hair? Longer 165: Longest your hair has ever been: Probably now 166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? It gives me hope that everything will be okay when I die. It also gives me hope that people can be good. There are bad people within this sect, yes, but there are good people out there. Genuinely good people. I’ve met them. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Not really 168: Do you like to wear makeup? No 169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No 170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?  Mostly
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