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corrupted-bandages · 1 year ago
:poke poke poke: :>
S-Stop that!
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veryblushyswitch · 9 months ago
This is so precious- I love them so much! 😭💖💖
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Lee Casey comfort tkls? Like he has a nightmare about his past (future?) and his new family helps him calm down (April, Mikey raph Leo Donnie)
la di daa~
(this has spoilers for the Rise! movie, so beware!!)
TW!: ANGST (Flashbacks), NIGHTMARE, CHARACTER DEATHS (Canon to the movie)
Lee! Casey Junior, slight Leo
Ler! Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April
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It's cold.
Everyone is scared, and tired.
"We lost.."
Casey Junior was lying stiff as a board on the ground. He held his breath. They could come at any moment, and he'd be unprepared. The horrible Krang would invade their home, and kill the rest of his family. They'd already lost so much- he knew he wouldn't be able to go on if they got Master Leonardo, or Michelangelo. No matter how tough his senseis are, there is no guarantee they'd survive.
Oh, Michelangelo. His kind eyes were wise well beyond his years. He remembered how he would smile and comfort him after a stressful day, and how incredible he looked when using his ninpo. The bright glow never failed to amaze him. Especially the portals he'd make-
Don't think about that.
But it was too late. Reality hit Casey like a brick, and he remembered the last time he saw him, saw any of his family, and even the world he grew up in, being pushed into a portal after Mikey's sacrifice.
He startled with a gasp, jolting upwards and scanning the dark room he was in. Right, he was in a different timeline now. A safer one, but a much lonelier one.
All of the despair that lingered in his chest from the dream overwhelmed him, tears carrying the sadness from his eyes as he brought a hand to his mouth- a habit he'd picked up as to not bring attention to himself. Any noise could be the difference between life and death in The Resistance.
Casey sat there for a moment on the soft bed that was set up for him by Raphael. He knew the Krang were gone, that the horrors were over, but why was it so hard to move on? He sighed. He couldn't just forget and live a normal life after that. He was the only piece of evidence anyone would ever see that his world existed. Moving on would be too difficult.
It was what Master Leonardo would have wanted for him.
He grimaced, sobbing helplessly into his hand once more. His sensei would want him to be happy.
There were footsteps down the hall.
They were coming closer.
Casey backed up on the bed, pressing up against the wall behind him. There was a soft knock on the wall, a quiet voice calling out to him.
"Casey? Are you alright? I heard a noise.."
It was Donatello.
He'd know the voice anywhere. The raven-haired teen relaxed his shoulders slightly, a weak answer coming forth.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine."
Yikes. He definitely sounded like he'd been crying. There was a slight pause at the door.
"..Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Casey wiped his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. The olive-skinned turtle pushed back the curtains at the doorway, assessing the situation. He sat next to the disheveled looking boy.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
After a small head-shake, the purple-themed turtle fidgeted with his fingers. "I'm not the best at this.. Would it be okay for me to get the others? I'm sure they wouldn't mind- If you're okay with them being in here, that is."
"I'll be right back then."
A minute or so later, Donnie returned with his brothers and April, all groggily stumbling into the train car. "Are you alright, future boy?" April asked, noticing the red tint in his eyes.
"I'm okay, just a bad dream I guess."
A very sleepy looking Leo walked into the train car, slumping down next to Casey and resting his head on his shoulder. Casey couldn't tell if the turtle had fully processed what he was doing, but judging by the slurred muttering, he guessed not. "Ya know.. 'S okay to be sad, things'r gonna be tough.."
Mikey was next to come in, sitting to the boy's left and offering a tired smile, all too similar to that of the one his future self wore. "Is it about what happened a couple days ago?" he nodded, and the youngest brother gently took his hand, squeezing ever so slightly. The rest of the crew had come into the room, sitting on the ground as they provided various comforts.
"It's just hard to get over, you know? I mean, my whole world was literally stripped away.. Everyone I care about." the teen was met with empathetic eyes, and looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. I know it's late, and you're all tired."
"Hey, don't be sorry. We wanna make sure you're good. You're family, and we take care of family, no matter what." the artist assured, prompting April to add on. "Mikey's right. We'd hate to see anyone we care about upset."
"C'mere, Case." Raph, who had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, made grabby-hands at Casey, to which the boy timidly stood, causing Leo to grumble and prop himself up with one arm as an alternative to his shoulder. The teen shuffled closer to the snapper, until he was in arms reach. The oldest pulled him into his lap, cradling the smaller teen in his legs.
Casey readjusted, lying on his side as his back now faced Raphael. April leaned over, cupping the raven-haired boy's face, rubbing the base of his ear with her thumb. He scrunched up slightly at that, a smile forming on his lips as he brought his shoulder up instinctively to protect himself.
In between fleeing and fighting for their lives, there had been many times when Casey had been tickled by his family. And though it became less common as he got older, Leonardo had still made sure the boy laughed and had as much fun as possible, one of his favorite methods being via tickles.
This timeline's Leo slid down from the bed and crawled over to the group, followed by Mikey. The slider seemed to be very cuddly, as he draped himself over the two, nuzzling into Casey's neck, smirking when he started giggling. "Wahahait- that feeheels wehihird!"
The futuristic teen squirmed lightly, though the sword-wielder's weight pinned down his left arm, forcing him onto his back. Mikey smiled brightly, newfound energy emanating from him as he joined in on the fun. "You're ticklish? Aww, that's so cute!"
Mikey scribbled over the other side of his neck, grinning wider when he all but melted into the touch. Pink spread over his cheeks, and he tilted his head back, indirectly opening himself up for more scritches. Leo happily took this offer, tickling under his chin. "Dohon't- Don't sahay thahahat!"
"What, that you're ticklish, or that you're cute?" April switched to tracing the shell of the boy's ear, a fond smile splayed on her lips as Casey Junior struggled to keep his composure. He had to admit, even though his fight or flight response was going a little crazy, the affection was taking his mind off of his troubles, calming him down and clearing his head.
"Neihihither!" an overly-dramatic gasp sounded, followed by a halfhearted chastisement from the intellectual soft shell. "Gasp. I think you might be in denial, Casey Jones Junior, because you reside with both of those adjectives, whether you like it or not." and with that, Donnie leaned around Leo, worming his hand under his belly to reach Casey's side. "Nardo, move. You're blocking all the good spots."
Leo squealed, pausing his attack on Casey's chin to curl up, shaking his head as Donnie continued to burrow underneath him. "Dohohonniehe! Stahahap!" The scientist quirked a brow. "Then move, you doofus!"
Donnie's attention redirected to Leo, now squeezing both of his sides as the mentioned turtle thrashed atop of the others, giggling like mad. "OHOKAHAY! IHIHI GihiHIve uhup!" Donnie pulled his hands back, allowing his brother to roll into Raph, his shell pressed against the oldest's plastron as he calmed his giggles.
Donnie paused before sticking his tongue out at Leo, squeezing Casey's left side, rather than the one the blue-themed turtle had been covering in the first place. Leo managed a glare through his residual laughter but got over it pretty quickly, going back to nuzzling the raven-haired boy's neck.
Raph smiled down at his family, enjoying the peaceful time spent together. He decided to join in as well, lifting up Casey's borrowed t-shirt, which was way too big for him, but because they had been trying to recover and recuperate, they hadn't had time to go shopping for clothes for him, and traced along his belly, also giving Donnie more space to tickle as the younger now targeted the teen's ribs.
It was safe to say that Casey was losing his mind. Between Mikey fluttering at his neck, April now scratching at his scalp and Leo practically boring into him, he had no chance of holding back any noises that came from his mouth as Donnie pinched at various places on his ribs and Raph skittered over his torso, who chuckled as he struggled to curl in on himself, part of him wanting desperately to escape, while the rest of him was happy and relaxed in his new friend's- no, family's arms.
"GUHUhuys, Ihi caHAHAn't!" the teen yelped, eyes screwed shut as he hid his pink face behind Leo. "Ah ah ah~" Mikey tsked, "No hiding, we want to see your cute little face!" the artist moved his fluttering up to the boy's jaw, making him giggle a little louder and turn his head to block out the offending fingers. "There we go! Your smile's so pretty, Junior!"
Casey squeaked as Donnie hit a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs, making him arch upwards slightly, before descending into louder giggles as the olive-skinned turtle stayed there. His free hand, which had been previously gently pushing at Leo's head, went to grab Donnie's wrist, only to have fingers wiggle into his armpit.
"MIHICHELAHAHANGELO! NAhahaHA, PLEHEHEASE!" He immediately clamped his arm down, but that did little to stop the orange-themed turtle from pressing into the sensitive skin. Casey tried to roll over to his right to dampen the sensation, but Leo prevented him from doing that as well.
April cooed, still playing with his hair, as Raph went to squeeze at the boys knees, smiling wider as he kicked his legs out. His knees were a bad spot, and Casey squealed, unsure of how much more he could take before tapping out.
His last bit of resolve flew out the window when Leo blew a raspberry against his neck, making him jolt away. "NOHOHO MOHORE! IHI CAHAN'T!"
Everyone's fingers slowed, Mikey and Donnie backing up a little to give him space. Casey panted, wrapping his unpinned arm around his torso, trying to catch his breath.
"You okay? We gotcha pretty good there." Mikey asked, snickering at the giggly puddle they had reduced the tense boy to. "Yeheah, just need toho- cahatch my breheath." He managed, taking in lung fulls of air.
The eldest brother picked up the two in his lap, gently placing them atop his chest, letting out a grunt when April crashed into him to join them. Donnie lied beside Raph, pressing against his side, Mikey crawling on top of all of them, making his siblings laugh.
Casey yawned, relaxing under the bodies, and began falling asleep, the rest taking his lead. "You don't mind the extra weight, right Raph?" Leo asked, to which the sai user chuckled. "Nah, Raph doesn't mind."
This was an older ask, but my brain refused to let me work on anything else, so here you go! This was so fun to write, and turned out to be really sweet and fun! 😊
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hwallazia · 5 months ago
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synopsis . in which mingi clearly can’t keep it inside his pants. not even at the cinema.
pairing . song mingi & fem! reader
genre . smut (mdni!), established relationship, non idol!au.
taglist . @bro-atz @purplenimsicle @vampzity @iykyunho @yyaurii | apply to join my taglist ♡
word count . 1,7k
DISCLAIMER! dom! mingi , sub! reader , exhibitionism , cockwarming in a public space , clit play , reverse cowgirl position , mocking , dirty talk , praise , pet names (dove, good girl, babe & more) , wet kisses ooh , mingi is desperate for yn’s touch and attention.
NIC’S NOTES this was a request that i’ve had pending since april i think? and i’m so sorry for not working on it until now (like fr i’m beyond embarrassed, anon pls forgive me) but she’s finally here! as well as me hehe, i’m trying to get back on track with writing, it’ll take some time tho. for now, enjoy this, loves <3
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mingi’s behavior could be defined as needy.
he swung his arm swiftly across your shoulders, keeping you safe and close next to him — close enough to smell his faint natural, manly and rich scent. he kept throwing his head on the crook on your neck and then lifting it, then letting it fall down your shoulder’s blade. why was he so impatient?
you tried to remain calm and pay attention to the damn movie playing in front of your eyes until mingi’s nth sigh struck your peaceful state of mind. “mingi, what’s wrong?”
your soft, low question made him tilt his head up, once again. “nothing.” his short reply caused your eyes to narrow almost shut — which he probably didn’t get to observe since the darkness of the theatre blurred some of each other’s features. an even quieter “then quit squirming” came from your lips and mingi jutted his bottom lip. “but i’m cooold.” he whined in response.
thankfully he didn’t see your eyeroll because he prolly would’ve scattered in tears on the spot. “how can you be cold when you have a big ass jacket on?” you paused, turning your body to analyze his perfectly covered figure. “and a sweater underneath it?” you deadpanned.
“do i look like i know?” he huffed, placing his head back into the juncture of your neck — might as well be a single organ now. “i just feel cold and i’m looking for my beloved girlfriend’s comfortable warmth. is that too much to ask?”
“but how do you want me to—” your complaint was cut out by the loud, clearly annoyed shush of the old lady sitting below the two of you. she angled her body so her bothered gaze met yours, her wrinkles were palpable thanks to the dim, yet shiny lighting provided by the projector. you mouthed an apology and gave her your most sweet, sheepish smile. her soft huff reached your ears and embarrassment spread all over your cheekbones.
“see? now the old lady is pissed at us because of you.” mingi dared to open his mouth and your head gyrated slowly, almost in a comedic motion, and he nearly let out his squeaky laugh at the sight of your unbelievable facet, jaw hang open comically.
“how dare you.” you quipped; eyelids almost closing your eyes as if you were ready to object, yet you remained quiet. you repositioned your figure towards the projected screen, causing mingi to abandon the occupied place. vague and nearly lifeless brain cells tried to recollect and understand what had happened during the time you drifted away from the movie.
mingi’s soft, low chuckle summoned the chilliest of goosebumps creeping down your spine, a slight arch going unseen. “don’t be like that, babe.” he reached for the side of your shoulder to squeeze it and to resume your last position; nose nestling on the lateral part of your neck again. he let a trail of wet, romantic kisses all along the valley of your neck, your ticklish skin made your body squirm and giggle quietly. 
“mingi—stop.” you muttered between little and nearly inaudible squeaks, a childish and wholesome smile drawn across your lips. something that mingi could see up close.
he’s just so in love with you. so madly in love.
mingi stopped for a moment, letting your hyperventilated self calm down; sweet strokes, provided by fingers full of affection, were present on the side of your shoulder. 
“hey babe?” he hushed in a certain tone. a chilly, gravelly voice scraping through you.
“i think i know a way you can warm me up.”
his mouth paced throughout the length of your neck to land a kiss on its soft flesh before flying to the shell of your ear; an enchanting shudder of anticipation exciting you already. “care to share with the class?”
your words, enveloped in a velvety hue of seduction, caused the little hairs placed on his nape to stand on end. he hummed in satisfaction before responding. “you fancy trying something new, dove?”
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one moment, you were cuddling with your boyfriend in the cinema’s seats, watching the movie you had paid for. the next, you were cockwarming his girthy length — don’t worry! the folds of your loose, white skirt hid it perfectly. how sinful it was for a pearl-like fabric to cover such a lewd scene.
your walls clenched and relaxed against the sides of his cock every now and then from the excitement and adrenaline. plus, mingi moved incessantly, excusing himself by implying “he had a cramp” or he was “getting comfy”. if only the old lady could see that you and mingi could ruin a movie screening in more ways than just talking.
mingi’s low grunts tensed your limbs, your mind floating around already. his cock tip kissed your cervix deliciously; white spots filling your dark irises. “fuck, babe. so tight and wet f’me.” his grip on your trembling hip growing stronger as you greedily sucked him whole. “didn’t think you’d be up for this. y’ know, since you’re so shy” he mocked pathetically, whining like you would now if it weren’t for the place where this was taking action.
his big hands abandoned your shuddering hips, swiftly moving under your plush thighs; slim fingers curling up your flesh. you knew he wanted you to move, his uneven breathing and a slight tug on your skin gave him away so easily. but fuck, you couldn’t bring yourself to quench his desire — you already felt too exposed by just cockwarming him. your breath hitched as you clamped onto him involuntarily, your squishy insides making mingi melt in satisfaction. the lowest of grunts fanned against your earlobe. 
you couldn’t help the tiny mewl that slipped off your tongue. fuck, everything was starting to be too much.
and mingi’s fingers crawling their way to your swollen clit didn’t make it any better.
your shameless, pathetic moan startled the elderly woman seated a few rows down. again, she gyrated her core to stare in your direction, unamused of the interruption, but before she could meet your eyes, you hid your flushed face in the crook of mingi’s defined neck; teeth digging into the plump flesh of your lips to mute your whimpers and tiny cries from the old woman’s seemly acute hearing. 
mingi’s index and middle fingers didn’t stop working on your sensitive bud, but they did slow down their pace, setting now a very tortuous tempo; exasperated exhales fanned against his neck. mingi’s dark, lust-filled irises met the aged woman’s eyes, which were pouring annoyance.
his unbusy hand pointed at the screen, showing fake interest. “this movie’s real good.” he expressed, approvingly. at this rate, an oscar should be given to mingi because of his ability to remain with a calm demeanor given the circumstances. don’t get him wrong though, it took everything from him not to tell the lady to fuck off and let you and him be. 
 the elderly lady squinted her small eyes with disapproval — not that mingi gave a damn — and finally turned to face the projected screen once again. a quiet, soft exhale was released through mingi’s nostrils, his attention now fully focused back on you.
his deep, masculine tone rumbled through his core, and shivers were sent directly down your spine. “c’mon, angel. pay attention, i didn’t spend money on these tickets for nothing” he hummed, the intention of teasing was painted in his tone as clear as water. “or is it that you’re gonna cum?”
“ming—ngh! i—i’m s’ close. so fuckin’ close” you exhaled. “faster, fuck—please, faster” you settled your head, so it rested on his shoulder. he didn’t miss the chance to shower your exposed neck with wet, lascivious kisses while whispering the dirtiest things right on your ear.
“well aren’t you a greedy little thing?” mingi cooed at you mockingly one more time and with your bothered and high pitched, yet quiet whimper, he chuckled. “’s okay, babe, gonna give you just what you deserve for being such a good girl.”
your gummy walls clenched around his hardened shaft multiple times as his fingers played with your plush clit like a guitar in a relentless pace. 
“let me see you fall apart.” he muttered with the huskiest voice known to men, and with his cock filling you to the brim and his skillful phalanges driving you straight to the abyss perfectly, you reached a satisfying peak, crying out mingi’s name. he didn’t stop his sloppy movements though, completely committed to drawing out the sensation for as long as possible and when you finally felt completely sated, you let your trembling core collapse against mingi’s strong chest. 
his hands didn’t hesitate to wrap around your body, a trail of the sweetest praises showering you entirely. a giddy smile was drawn on your lips — your red, swollen and probably broken lip.
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when the movie ended, you and your boyfriend made your way to the exit door, coincidentally meeting the hunchbacked old woman face to face. of course, you earned yet another displeased glance.
as you walked toward your apartment, mingi couldn’t help but remember the event that had happened not long ago and decided to express exasperatedly “oh my god, i was ’boutta throw hands with that nosy ass woman.”
you snorted at his comment. “mingi, she’s a poor old lady that just wanted to enjoy the movie in peace and not having to deal with a horny couple of teenagers.”
“babe, we ain’t teenagers. we’re wayyy past our twenties.” he stated the obvious.
you rolled your eyes playfully. “yeah, well, you sure don’t act like it sometimes. who picks a fight with an old lady during a rom-com?”
mingi chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “she started it! i was just trying to give you a little—”
“—a little what?” you interrupted, raising an eyebrow. “a little public embarrassment? because mission accomplished.”
he smirked, leaning closer. “can’t deny you didn’t like it.”
you huffed, trying to suppress a smile. “you and your little horny and helpless self… always getting us into trouble.”
mingi shrugged, unbothered. “i don’t regret a thing.”
“just... try not to traumatize any more old ladies, okay?” you teased, lightly tapping his arm.
“deal,” he said with a grin, wrapping his arm around you. “but no promises if they keep interrupting my movie time with you.”
“what do you mean? we didn’t even watch the movie!”
| masterlist
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munsonify · 4 months ago
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good morning kiss
pairing. eddie munson x fem!reader
summary. after endless attempts to try and wake you up, eddie’s kisses are finally what make your eyes open up
genre. fluff
warning/s. pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart), reference to being “his girl” and a “sleeping beauty”, she/her pronouns, kissing, slight allusions to sex (in past memory)
authors note. i’m so sorry if the pov is weird in this?? i tried writing this differently than i usually write my fics, so i think i might’ve been switching between past and present tense. anyways i hope you guys like this!!
word count. 529
disney princess collection
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you look so peaceful. your eyes rest closed, body slumped into eddie’s bed. even in one of his ratty old kiss t-shirts and your cheek pressed against his floppy pillow, you look so beautiful.
it’s late april, sunlight spilling in through the window, catching his dusty blinds to cast shadows against his blankets. only glimpses of you illuminated - your right eyelashes, the bridge of your nose, one corner of your mouth that twitches ever so slightly in your sleep.
as much as eddie loves admiring you (with his distaste for interrupting your peace much stronger), you two had only 30 minutes to get ready for school. with a soft smile, eddie’s hand gently squeezes at your hip, shaking you with care. he knows you never wake from the first few shakes.
two more gentle shakes go by before he starts tracing his fingers beneath your his shirt. eddie’s voice, though a little gravelly, whispers softly into your ear, trying to ease you awake the best he can.
“gotta wake up sweetheart, don’t want you late again this week.”
you had two very logical explanations as to why you were late two times already this week. you spent monday morning preoccupied with the way eddie’s hand felt on your thigh on the drive to school. completely not your fault.
as for your second tardy, tuesday morning, you spent twenty minutes helping eddie replace the flat tire on your car. he insisted that it couldn’t wait, and that you need reliable transportation outside of himself. as if he’d ever say no to giving his girl a ride.
eddie still failed to wake you. your back was turned to him, though he could still see some of your face. the corner of your lip twitches again, but this time it looked somewhat like a smile to him.
with raised eyebrows, eddie pushes his weight up and over top of you to get a better look of your face. his fingers find their way to your tummy now, softly feeling your skin. he desperately wants you to keep resting. everything in him tells him to let you be. eddie, however, knew he’d feel guilty letting you be late again.
“c’mon sweetheart,” he whines softly, watching as your eyelashes flutter ever so slightly. you’re faking being asleep. with a wide grin plastered onto his face, eddie decides to play into it. his fingers begin to dance against the ticklish spots on your skin. still, you force yourself to stay ‘asleep’.
“what’s a guy gotta do to get his sleeping beauty to awaken?” that’s when it dawns on him. a kiss. the hand that was once on your tummy reaches up to your cheeks, smushing them together gently.
only a few seconds later was your cheek greeted with a big, wet kiss. quiet giggles erupt from your chest, slowly twisting in eddie’s arms to face his direction. in between your giggles, you can hear him whisper “she has risen”.
he un-smushes your cheeks for just a second, giggling along with you as you speak quietly. “i think your sleeping beauty needs one last kiss on the lips to seal the deal.”
“anything for my princess.”
taglist. @songbirdofthenight
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theamarischapter · 20 days ago
He’s Not My Boyfriend!
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CHAPTER 05; friends (?)
new here? chapter 1 - previous: chapter 4
pairing: beomgyu x f!reader
w/c: 3.3k
genre: strangers to frenemies to lovers, high school au, slow burn…ish (?), fake dating (for a day) - FINALLY HERE!
warnings: none!
summary: a friendship blooms, but buried feelings crawl their way back to the surface. a harmless april fools prank turns out to be…not so harmless. your “indifference” is killing him.
fic below the cut! enjoy <3
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You’ve discovered that Beomgyu is just as much of a nerd as Kai and Soobin. They play the same games and watch the same shows and gush over the same celebrities. You’ve gotten used to listening to him and Soobin argue over whatever game it is that they stay up until 2 AM playing. They’re always, undoubtedly, the loudest at your lunch table. Since the recent alliance, your friend groups have sorta merged. Which (of course) means that the teasing is annoying as ever, but at this point, it’s all white noise. Now, it’s Beomgyu who manages to be the biggest annoyance in your life—in an endearing way. You almost miss the time when he was the shy, quiet boy your friends shipped you with. Almost. 
Jumbled conversation echoes through the cafeteria, overlapping the clatter of trays. Students crowd together around small tables, gossiping and laughing, while others keep to themselves. You sit beside Beomgyu, who, as per usual, has made it his mission to annoy you. He keeps poking your side. Each time, you flinch a little, swatting his hand away. 
“Cut it out!” You yelp, suppressing small laughs. You find yourself amused despite the feigned annoyance. Beomgyu puts his hands up defensively, looking off to the side with a small smirk.
“What? I barely did anything,” he defends. His gaze returns to you, meeting your unimpressed expression. The corners of his lips pull into a guilty, upside-down smile. He always acts so innocent. 
“Beomgyu.” You retort, tone unamused. You shake your head, rolling your eyes. His arms fall back to his side, a laugh escaping his lips. His joy, even when at your expense, is contagious—you have to suppress a smile. 
“It’s funny, though…” He mumbles, looking away again. You raise an eyebrow at him, whipping your head from side to side as you look around the circular table—your friends are beside you, to the left, and his are next to him on the right. They’re all taking inconspicuous glances at you, not yet acknowledging the playful exchange happening. 
“Really? ‘cause I don’t see anyone laughing,” you retort, glancing around again as if to make a point. He narrows his eyes at you, head tilting to the side. 
“You were. Like five seconds ago,” he replies. His voice is flat, expression blank. You scoff, crossing your arms. That’s not fair, and he knows it. 
“That doesn’t count. I’m ticklish,” you reply, shrugging. He hums in thought, shaking his head and nudging you with his elbow. 
“You think it’s hilarious too,” he argues. “Just admit it.”
“Shut up,” you grumble. Sure, it’s a little funny, but not when he does it five million times! Besides, he only thinks it’s funny because of the way you react. For you, it’s just embarrassing—especially considering how his touch makes your heart flutter. 
“You didn’t deny it,” he teases, leaning a little closer. Your heart skips a beat, an uncomfortable feeling bubbling in your chest. You lean away, unable to make eye contact.
“You’re so annoying.” You mutter, shaking your head. You glance up, eyes meeting Chaewon’s. She has a small grin, eyes gleaming with amusement at your spectacle—and something else. Something that makes you shift nervously in your seat. “What?” You raise an eyebrow at her. She hums in delight, leaning her elbows on the table. 
“You two are so cute!” She gushes. Before you can even begin to think of a retort, the rest of your friends are ganging up on you. 
“You should just date already,” Yunjin teases, her dark eyes glistening with mischief. 
“They probably are—they’re just too embarrassed to admit it,” Kai adds on, nudging Soobin to join in. Soobin hums in thought, smiling evilly. He opens his phone, showing off a blurry picture—you and Beomgyu, side by side, smiling together in a crowded hallway. 
“I saw them walking together the other day,” Soobin explains, causing the table to erupt in gasps. Seriously, what era is this? You didn’t know being near a guy was so scandalous nowadays. Why does he even have that picture?
“You guys are so annoying. God forbid a girl and a guy be friends!” You retort, scoffing as you roll your eyes. You’re too preoccupied arguing to notice the odd expression on Beomgyu’s face. 
His hands are on the table, fidgeting with the hem of his sleeve. He shifts uncomfortably, his gaze fixated on everything but you. His throat feels tight, lungs small as he attempts to breathe. Why can’t he just be normal? His heart jumps every time someone mentions how cute you’d be together or how he’s basically your boyfriend. He doesn’t understand. He buried those feelings when he buried the old version of himself. That’s not him anymore. He doesn’t like you, he can’t like you. So, why does he feel this way now? It’s like a hurricane ripping through all of the flimsy defenses he’s held up thus far. He’s going insane, meanwhile, you sit there calmly denouncing even the idea of being with him. Which feels great, by the way.
“Beomgyu’s totally blushing,” Kai points out. Everyone’s gaze is suddenly on him, including yours. Yours. Oh god, what’s happening? He can’t breathe. His heart is suddenly beating out of his chest. This isn’t happening. Control yourself, Beomgyu. He scoffs, but it sounds more like a cough. 
“Am not,” he mutters, but the shake in his voice isn’t helping his case much. Soobin laughs, eyes wide with amusement as he gasps. 
“You’re totally in love.” He teases, which only causes Beomgyu’s face to get warmer. In love? Never. Never in a million years. You grimace, taking control of the situation before it gets out of hand.
“Ugh, you guys are so stupid,” you scoff. Luckily, the bell reverberates through the crowded space, ending the conversation with ease. You part ways, heading to class with your friends. Beomgyu can’t help but watch as you disappear into the crowd. 
Was the idea really so stupid? Was it so unbelievable that he might like you? Or maybe it’s the other way around. Of course, nothing has changed since middle school. You’re still way out of his league. It makes sense that the idea of anything more than friends is a joke to you. It’s a joke to him, too. Totally. It’s hilarious!
He just needs to get himself together. Those feelings are only coming back because he’s around you again. It’s just nostalgia. Just a bad habit that he never got to break. He doesn’t like you! It’s just…the idea of everything. The idea of having a girlfriend. That’s why he always gets so flustered when your friends tease. It’s not because of you, right? It can’t be—that would be breaking his promise to himself. 
— °˖✧✿✧˖° —
Yeah, no. Something must be seriously wrong with him. How did his brain go from being completely normal to being a jumbled, confusing mess in seconds? He knows how, but he searches for a different answer nonetheless. He repeats to himself over and over that he likes Yeji, even if they haven’t talked in a while. He likes her, not you. Things are just getting mixed up. Any normal person would get flustered in this situation. Well, except for you. You never react. But that’s different! You’re just freakishly calm—underreacting, if you ask him. His reaction to the teasing is totally normal. So, no, he doesn’t like you. And, even if he did, he can’t allow the same thing to happen a second time. Not when he worked so hard to become your friend. 
Why did he do that, anyway? No, no, no—don’t even go there, Choi Beomgyu. It’s normal to want to be someone’s friend! He feels sick to his stomach.
The next time he sees you, he feels himself spiraling. Your eyelashes are long and pretty, fluttering every time you blink. Your silky hair frames your delicate features. His eyes linger on your plush lips a little too long, then the pretty pink hue of your smooth cheeks. This is unfair. He worked so hard to move on, to accept that he couldn’t have you. He accepted that it was all in the past. He didn't have a chance, and that was okay! 
Then again, that was before everything. Before he was someone in your life, before you started calling him Gyu in that sweet, familiar tone. Maybe he can indulge his feelings this time. He’s a better person now. You’re friends already. What's the harm? The feelings are going to eat away at him anyway. It’s better he just acknowledges the facts—he likes you, and no amount of denial will stop it. 
That said, your indifference might. You deny everything so casually. He’ll subtly lean closer or brush fingers with you, and you don’t react. In fact, you look at him like he’s crazy. It’s making him remember exactly why he wanted to avoid catching feelings again. You don’t like him. 
At least, in his perspective, you don’t. But he can’t read your mind. He doesn’t know that your heart jumps whenever he touches you. He doesn’t see the way you scramble to steel your expression whenever he gets a little too close. He’s too in his head to notice the way your voice trembles whenever you tell him to knock it off. It’s not that you don’t like him. He’s just conditioned himself to interpret everything you do as friendly, or as his stupid heart playing tricks on him. You’re blushing because you’re uncomfortable, not flustered. You’d never be flustered because of him.
— °˖✧✿✧˖° —
The end of March is fast approaching, which also means April 1st is coming up—April Fool’s Day. Beomgyu has the perfect idea for a silly little prank. Something totally innocent and unrelated to the all-consuming feelings currently overwhelming his heart. He sighs, sprawled across his unmade bed sheets as he stares at your contact. His heart beats a little quicker at the notion of messaging you, but he manages to settle on a simple message. 
gyu 🧸: hi i have an idea
You respond quickly, almost too quickly. His heart jumps when he sees the three little dots flickering. 
you: what is it gyu 🧸: a prank for april fools you: omg yes
Well, that was easy. Then again, you’re probably only agreeing because you think it’s something typical. You know, stuff besides pretending to date your friend.
gyu 🧸: i didnt even tell u what the idea is yet you: okay so tell me 🙄 gyu 🧸: well since we get shipped i thought it’d be funny if we pretended to date
There’s no immediate response this time. His heart drops, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. A minute passes, then two, and then his hands are trembling over the keyboard as he panics to type out something to redeem himself. You must think he’s crazy and weird. Of course, that was dumb. It’s a dumb idea, and you wouldn’t—his phone buzzes.
you: omg wait that’s hilarious 😭 they’re gonna freak out 💀 im in gyu 🧸: okay
He blinks, shakily putting his phone down. You actually agreed. He rereads the message just to ensure that he read it right. You’re in. You think it’s hilarious. Maybe he wishes you didn’t find it funny, though. This is definitely a horrible idea. He’s asking to get hurt—but whatever! He gets to call you his for a day, even if it’s pretend. He gets to be close in the way he’s yearned to for years (technically). He feels knots forming in his stomach just thinking about it…
— °˖✧✿✧˖° —
You’ve spent days preparing to successfully carry out this prank with Beomgyu. It’s no fun if it’s obvious you’re messing with them, so the build-up is important. You started resisting the teasing less, sitting a little closer, wearing matching bracelets—you even posted a faceless picture of him on your close friends. You’re seriously dedicated to this…Beomgyu might actually combust. He knows it’s pretend, but that doesn’t stop his poor heart from pounding wildly. When the day finally comes, he’s grateful that you think his flustered expression is just spectacular acting. 
How else was he supposed to react when you suddenly grabbed his hand? His fingers twitch in your grasp, and for a split second, he wonders if you can feel his pulse racing through his palm.
Chaewon is the first to see you two entering school hand-in-hand; usually, you meet her in the morning since you have first period together. She gasps loudly, hands flying over her lips as if she’s just witnessed the biggest plot twist of the year. It’s honestly endearing how happy she looks for you. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she hurries over, practically skipping. She says your name in disbelief, eyes darting between you both, then down to your interlocked hands. 
“Is this what I think it is?” She squeals when you nod and pull Beomgyu a little closer without warning. Oh, he is not going to survive today. His heart does backflips, his eyes trained on you. You’re calm as ever—at least, on the surface
“Surprise.” You laugh, letting out a shaky breath. Your heart is beating unreasonably fast. You remind yourself that this is all a prank. He has Yeji—at least, he did last you checked. Then again, he’s here pretending to be your boyfriend. Sure, it technically means nothing, but it’s still a little odd. If they were really in any sort of relationship—be it a talking stage or more—would he be playing this game with you? The thought lingers, unsettling and unspoken.
“I knew it,” Chaewon says, smiling proudly. “All along. You two are so obvious.” 
“Shut up,” you grumble, rolling your eyes. Obvious? Well, of course, she’s only talking about the past week. You aren’t obvious about anything because you don’t actually like him. 
The rest of your friends react in a similar manner. Yunjin finds out through Chaewon and promptly blows up your phone in the middle of class. She catches you during passing period and is gushing, making way too much noise considering how early it is. Soobin and Kai see him walking you to third period and are immediately on your case. 
“Wait—isn’t it April Fools, though?” Soobin asks. He narrows his eyes, eyeing you suspiciously. 
"Yeah, so what?" Beomgyu shoots back, a little too quickly. A little too defensively.
“I don’t believe it,” Soobin replies, shrugging. 
“Well, no one’s begging you to. She’s my girlfriend,” he retorts. Your heart flutters at his declaration. It almost feels real for a second, like he’s really claiming you. You smile, clinging to his arm casually. 
“Couple goals,” Kai teases, laughing. Beomgyu smiles wider than he should, shaking his head. The warning bell urges you to hurry up, so you part ways with Soobin and Kai. As you enter the class, you catch his gaze lingering—like he’s waiting for something. You look away without a word, quietly taking your seat. 
— °˖✧✿✧˖° —
Lunchtime comes around quickly, but today, your friends have decided to eat outside. The sun hangs high, fluffy clouds drifting through the sky. A slow breeze contrasts the warmth of the sun, rustling the trees. Ironically, it’s you and Beomgyu who are the first to show up at the table. He’s beside you, his shoulder brushing yours—he’s close. Too close, considering your friends aren’t here yet. There’s no reason to pretend. Your heart stutters when he quietly, mindlessly reaches an arm around you—for a moment, you think maybe one of your friends is approaching, but they’re not. His head turns toward you, eyes narrowed as if he’s searching for something in your expression. Why is he staring so hard? You clear your throat and return to scrolling on social media. This is fine. You have no problem being close to him, he’s your friend. He calls your name, the sound so gentle it makes your heart stop.
“Hm?” You look up, putting your phone down. You wonder if he can hear just how fast your heart is beating. You hate it. You wish he’d stop playing with your heart like this. 
He’s not quite sure what he’s thinking, honestly. Maybe he spent too much time in class fantasizing about being your real boyfriend—feeling your soft lips against his, getting to hold you whenever. You’ve done a good job being his fake girlfriend. Perhaps that’s why he forgets about everything. He forgets that you don’t like him, that you’re out of his league. 
You’re still close, and there’s a glimmer of something in your eyes as they connect with his. It’s electric, sparking something new within him. Within you, too. Your body moves on its own, leaning into his touch. He figures it’s okay. A pretend kiss for his pretend girlfriend—just this once. His fingers flex at his side, his shaky breaths brushing across your face. He knows he shouldn’t, knows he’ll regret it, but you’re looking at him like that, with wide, glimmering eyes and already parted lips. Suddenly, it’s impossible to stop himself. His eyelashes flutter as he glances down at your inviting lips, the scent of your sweet perfume drifting in the breeze. Time seems to stretch, each second feeling like hours. Your fingers twitch at your sides, itching to pull him a little closer. He almost feels like he’s dreaming. 
And then, you’re pulling away. You gently tug out of his embrace, but the hesitation is there—a weird look in your eyes. Hurt, maybe. His warmth lingers on your skin. Your lips part like you might say something, but nothing comes out. Instead, you laugh. To him, it sounds uncomfortable, but you know just how pained it sounds. You almost let that happen. You almost forgot what day it was. April Fool’s. 
“Gyu, that’s not funny.” You mumble, averting your gaze. You almost lost control. You almost let your heart slip out of your careful grasp. Shame burns in his throat, his chest tightening as humiliation washes over him. He wants to disappear. He knew none of this would end well, but he went through with it anyway. And now it’s too late to take things back—if only he would’ve just taken a second longer to actually think. It’s almost painful how much you obviously don’t like him. You think he’s a joke. 
It’s obvious—but only when ignoring a few key details. Namely, the fact that you did lean in, for just a moment, before realizing what was happening. Of course, it must’ve been some weird prank he was trying to pull on you, and you almost fell for it. You refuse to be humiliated today. You don’t need—or want—to hear him laugh in your face and remind you that it’s pretend. More importantly, you don’t need anything to fuel the feelings brewing in your chest. You know just how bad one kiss could ruin things. It’d be impossible to stay in denial any longer. 
“Sorry,” he murmurs, looking away. You’ve given him an easy out, even if the words sound stiff on his tongue. “I just wanted to see what you’d do.” 
You manage a laugh, gently smacking his shoulder. He hates how you can just play it off, how you can act so normal as if it was all nothing. He thinks, maybe, it was—to you, at least. He’s a complete moron—he’s probably just ruined the rest of the entire day. “You’re so annoying,” you whine, masking the ache in your heart with a smile. 
He rolls his eyes, laughing as well. Though his laugh is a lot softer, tinged with melancholy as he looks away. Would it be stupid to cry over something so trivial? Probably. He’s not going to, anyway. Not in front of you, at least. 
Maybe it’s about time to stop the prank. 
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taglist: @whatblop, @innies-goth-gf, @woncheecks, @ewsnup <3
a/n: yayyy! these two can never just be chill i guess. like...they always gotta have something going on. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! only 2 - 3 chapters left omg. as always, ty for ur support and patience! likes, comments, and reblogs greatly appreciated! (≧∇≦)ノ <3
— °˖✧✿✧˖° —
upcoming: chapter 6 - things manage to get worse when you run into...choi yeonjun. beomgyu decides that he needs a bit of space to sort his feelings out. he just needs time.
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marigoldenblooms · 1 year ago
April Foolishness - Headcanons
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Pairing (Not all at once): Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: How would they react to you failing miserably- masterfully pranking them at every turn?
Tags: Fluff, established relationships, swearing, attempted pranking (mentions of bugs/arachnids, fish), innuendos and tension, comfort, light power usage, no actual smut (fade to black).
A/N: Happy silly day, ya'll!! I wanted to do something fun between classes, so this is it- april fools pranks on my favorite girls. Not proofread at all. Enjoy the boops!
Images are not mine, credit to owners! ~~~
Wanda x Reader
You hadn't been dating Wanda for very long.
Well, if you don't count the years of pining, that is.
You had hidden yourself behind a corner in her hallway, arms out and ready to spook.
This had been your same trick from Halloween (which between that and the turnips did not go well-)
But this time it’d go swimmingly.
After thirty minutes later, you heard the familiar clack of her heels against the compound’s floors, and…
Nothing. Silence.
You peeked around the corner to see where the witch had gone, and-
Her warm grasp hugged your middle , yet you swear you jumped out of your skin.
“What the- Fuck, Wands-“ Your terror was met with her musical laughter, patting the the sides of your stomach.
“Well if you insist, sweetheart.”
Her voice echoed
She’d let go of you, and you could see the sparkling mirth in her eyes once you turned around.
She placed a quick peck on your cheek, looping your hand with hers to play with your fingers, gaze downcast at them even as her mischievous words would enter your head without her mouth moving.
“If you want to spook a mind reader, darling..”
You gulped as her touch grew more bold, pinning you against the wall- face warming as she’d tilt her head,
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
She’d chuckle at your flustered reaction, her grin cheshire as she’d lead you back to her room, giddy with sweet excitement.
“And happy April fools to you too, Wan-“
~~~ Natasha x Reader
Natasha had always managed to prank you first before you could prank her.
One year prior, you’d ended up with an egg in your hair while your whipped-cream pie prank had gone unsung.
And that was some really good whipped cream.
This year, though- you had buttered her up. Perks of being her partner- the pranks could go even harder.
“Good morning, my dearest sunshine-“ You’d murmur, settling her in with breakfast in bed.
Your trick? Salt in her coffee instead of sugar. Genius.
Natasha propped herself up on her arms, giving you an upturned eyebrow, “Oh, and what’s the occasion?”
“Oh, nothing much..” A shit eating grin plastered her face, one that would soon be returned by the redhead.
“Birthday? Anniversary..?” She’d poke at your side as you sat down, her touch ticklish as she helped you settle the tray of food on her bedsheets.
“M-mmn, nothin’, sugar..” Oh, how you’d be eating those words soon enough.
You’d watch as she’d take a sip from her coffee, eyes wide and sparkling as she opened her mouth-
And sighed in bliss.
What the fuck was wrong with this woman.
“Delicious, baby..” Natasha purred, taking another hardy swig, and you watched as she swallowed. “You’ve outdone yourself..”
“I…uh-“ Your babbling words would be cut short as you took a drink of your own mug-
And was met with intense, uncomfortable sodium.
She cackled as you spit your mouthful back into your cup, punching her jokingly with a red face, “You- you fuckin’-“
“Switched them?”
“Not just the brew-“ Your hand would’ve found your forehead in shock, “But the mugs too- how the shit did you do that?”
“A spy will never reveal her secrets-“ She’d lean up to kiss you, but instead would shift the platter over to the side. “And you need to wash your mouth out.”
“Not before I drink my coffee..” You’d hiss, chugging her now lukewarm mug down.
That was, until you saw a plastic totally real cockroach on the bottom of the mug, shrieking before chucking it against the wall.
“Love you too, dear.”
~~~ Yelena x Reader
You didn’t think Yelena could be scared of anything.
She threw a knife at the fake spider you pranked her with last year.
And she spat in the face of the ‘piranhas’ that had infested your room’s bathroom two years ago.
And even so, you tried again this year- although with something much less terrifying.
You'd flooded Yelena's room with multicolored balloons, painstakingly blowing them up before gently setting them on her floor.
And the best part?
She was asleep in her bed the whole time.
You had almost finished the second bag of balloons when Fanny, ever the sleepy Akita, finally stirred from their rest.
The pup locked eyes with you, and you were so thankful that they didn't bark.
That didn't stop Yelena from waking, though.
The blond would rise quickly, eyes darting around as soon as her dog moved an inch. You swear she had murder in her eyes, although that might've just been from awakening so quickly.
It all left her once she found you, though.
Groggily, she'd wipe at her eyes, mumbling something before kicking her foot off the bed to stand-
Bumping into a stray balloon.
She recoiled immediately, yowling as though she'd been pained deeply- and you were at her side in a heartbeat.
"Yelena, shit- you okay?"
"Yeah.." She'd gruff, her shoulders slacking once your hands found purchase on them. She'd hide her head in your shoulder, a surprising gesture.
You wrapped your arms around her, rubbing soothing circles into her back, "No need to be frightened, honey.." She'd hold you closer, and a flicker of thought ran through your mind, "Lena..are you scared?"
"What-? No-" She'd deny, her voice especially thick this early in the morn. "You just startled me-"
"That's a form of fear, hun-" Your chuckle was met with a groan from her, before she pulled her blankets back over the two of you.
Her words were muffled, "Fine, you got me- but now you hold me until I say so."
"My big, bad, scary Lena...of course, honey."
~~~ Kate x Reader
No matter what you pranked Kate with, she was always worried about you.
It's not unfounded, after you fell down the stairs during last year's April Fools, but still.
This time, you’d actually get her.
"Kate, made you some brownies!"
You heard her clamor with a fevrency that made her sound like a one man band.
She burst out of the hallway, expression wild with hunger and apprehension-
Until she saw you holding some kiddy scissors exceptionally sharp blades of murder and death and terror and-
“Babe!” She’d screech, barreling forth to snatch the scissors from your careful hands, placing them gently on the counter, before inspecting your palm for even the slightest scratch.
She hadn’t even noticed the brown construction paper, or the cut letter you’d pressed towards her middle.
“Kate, earth to Kate-“ Your smile towards her shook her from her thoughts, “I’m okay, pretty girl..Happy April Fools!”
Between the panic and the praise, her brain had to do a soft restart after that.
After a few more seconds, her goofy grin would return again, almost coy, “Gave me a heart attack there, you know-“
“I know,” You’d motion to the tin of hello kitty bandaids you’d raided from Tony, “And I was prepared, you doofus.”
She’d smile, nodding along until her face flushed- her hand rubbing smooth circles into your hip.
“But if you, you know- wanted to do some scissoring, as they say-“ You’d sigh, shaking your head with a teasing lilt, “You’re verryy smooth, dear.”
You’d press a boop to her nose, a teasing whisper, “I’ll think about it.”
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frostedpuffs · 1 year ago
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Adrien sat beside her on the bed, enveloping her hand in his. Their wedding bands gently clinked together. “It feels weird to be back here,” he said. “Weird in a good way or a bad way?” “A good way,” he said, smoothing his thumbs over her knuckles. “It feels like being transported back in time.” Marinette hummed in agreement, lying back against the soft white sheets. “Yeah. It feels like only yesterday we were ‘just friends.” The bed bounced lightly as Adrien settled beside her. “We can still be that.” A snort rose from her nose as she giggled. “Oh, god. Let the joke die.” “Never,” he laughed. Climbing over her, he rested his arms on both sides of her head before leaning down to peck her lips. “You’re my platonic wife.” “I am not!” she squealed. His lips tickled when they brushed her neck, and she squirmed. His laughter reverberated across her throat. “You are.” “No!” she said. He poked her side, and she squirmed away, laughing as his fingers dug into her most ticklish spots. “No, no!” “Admit it,” he teased, tickling her waist. “You like me as a friend.” She wheezed, out of breath. “That’s it, I’m officially putting you in the friendzone.”
it's finally completed! thank you everyone for going on this journey with me 💖 (this is not an april fool's joke, i promise! it's real!)
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queenendless · 1 year ago
About time I did this.
Imma make a second one to this as well as the masterlist of masterlists for this and my other fic content. Thank you @gothy-froggy for your help!
MHA and other fandoms can wait until April cause they ain't doing well now.
Also idk what I'm doing writing wise on quotev. And kinda Wattpad. My priorities are effed.
And please commission me for fanfic writing endeavors. My guidelines and pricing are pinned on this blog so yeah.
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Home Screen (Teen!SatoSugu x Teen!Fem!Reader)
Simping (Student!Geto x Student!Fem!Reader) 🧡💛
Moving Day (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader)
Nights (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader) 🔞
Period (Adult!Gojo Satoru x Adult!Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🩹
Satoru Main Frame (Adult!Gojo Satoru x Adult!Fem!Reader) 💙🩵
Lost in a Moment (AU!Adult!SatoSugu)
Ticklish Remedy (Student!SatoSugu x Student!Fem!Reader) 🤣😂
Pain in the Neck (Student!SatoSugu x Student!Fem!Student ft Student!Shoko) ❤️‍🩹
Specialz (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader)🔞
Sick Day (Adult!SatoSugu x Sick!Adult!Fem!Reader) 😷🤒
Spooky Lovin' (Various JJK ft Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader) 🎃👻
Dawn (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader)
Tough Love ( Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader) COMMISSION 💕
Thankful ( Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK) 🦃🍁🍂
Prey (Vamp!JJK Men x Adult!Fem!Human)🔞
GOJO B-DAY SPECIAL aka Wish Come True ( Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK) 🎂🎁🎈🎉🥳🎊
Because You Live (Toji Fushiguro x Adult!Fem!Reader) 💜
My Senpai (Student!SatoSugu x Student!Fem!Reader ft Student Ieiri Shoko)
Safe Haven (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader) 💗
Merry Making (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK) 🎄🎅❄️☃️
A Future Bright (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK) 🎆
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diazsdimples · 1 year ago
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Started uni yesterday and had one hell of a therapy session this morning so I decided the only way to heal my battered and bruised soul was to write some more domestic Buckley-Diaz zoo trip. Please enjoy!
Buck and Christopher walk side by side, dodging small clusters of families with screaming children, mothers dragging their little cherubs along on those weird toddler leash things, and exasperated fathers trying to make head or tails of the less-than-helpful map. As they walk, Buck begins to hum the first song that comes to mind, one that’s been stuck in his mind since they left Eddie’s house, actually. Christopher looks up at him, brows knitted in confusion as he clearly doesn’t recognise it, so Bucks starts over, singing softly under his breath. “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. No crocodiles, or rhinoceroseses, I only like hippopotamuseses!” he sings, finishing with a flourish. He’s not the words best singer, can barely carry a tune if it’s gift-wrapped and handed to him, but the lyrics are appropriate for the occasion, and they have the exact effect he’s looking for: Christopher cringing and whining about how embarrassing he is. “Buck, it’s April. Why are you singing Christmas songs?” Christopher groans, nudging Buck with a pointy elbow. Buck pokes him back, making Christopher wriggle away as he hits a ticklish spot. “I’m putting in my request early. Do you know how long it takes to grow a hippo?” “Eight months.,” Christopher replies instantly, not missing a beat. “Or around 240 days, to be exact.” Buck stares at him, a little shocked at how readily Christopher had this information, before shaking himself and continuing his teasing. “Yeah, exactly. And what’s in 8 months?” Christopher counts on his fingers, murmuring each month under his breath, until he reaches 8, at which point he deflates a small amount. “Oh. Christmas.” “Exactly, Christmas,” Buck replies with a grin, looping an arm around Christopher’s shoulders. “Want me to ask the big guy for one for you, too? Or do you think you dad won’t like that too much?” “Buck!” Christopher groans, shrugging off Buck’s arm, but Buck can see the smile pulling at the pre-teen’s lips. Christopher might like to act like he’s too old to hang out with his dad and Buck, but Buck knows that deep down, Christopher still loves his time with them, if the way Christopher quickly nudges his head against Buck’s tricep is any indication.
tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @puppyboybuckley @bucksbackwardcap @fortheloveofbuddie @spotsandsocks @aroeddiediaz @pirrusstuff @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @tizniz @steadfastsaturnsrings @wikiangela @buckbuckgoose @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars @wildlife4life @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @evanbegins @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @rainbow-nerdss @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @epicbuddieficrecs @smilingbuckley @actuallyitsellie @thekristen999
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zprites · 2 years ago
June TMNT All 4-1!
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It's time. The man, the myth, the legend... It's Bayverse Raphael! This month's prompt came to me surprisingly quickly as compared to some of the previous months so I'm riding this high!
The lovely hosts: @turtle-babe83, @thelaundrybitch, and @leosgirl82 <3
Prompt I chose: “Well, that didn’t go as planned…”
Bayverse! Raph x Female! Reader - SFW
As always, the turtles and reader are both well into their 20s!
Enjoy! <333
Taglist: @turtle-babe83, @manduse, @morning-sun-brah, @crazysarah-98, @pacoholin, @iamdefinitelytheratking
Summer Loving
If words fail… She'll know what I mean If words fail… She'll just take my hand She sees me like no one else has If words fail… She'll understand When Words Fail - Brian D’Arcy James
"C'mon you slowpoke!" You called back to Raph, your voice reverberating off the  walls of the sewer. 
"You know I can easily catch up to you, right?" Raph said, keeping a modest distance between the two of you. You gathered he was being slow on purpose, probably because he wanted to let you win a race for once, but you weren't having it. 
You knew what would happen if he caught up to you. So you goaded him on.
"I'd like to see you try, old fart!" You hollered before breaking out in a full on sprint, smiling widely as you rounded the corner. 
You heard the telltale sounds of him rapidly approaching you, heavy footsteps breaking through your constant giggles until he was right behind you. He reached out and ran his fingers along your sides, knowing it was one of your ticklish spots, causing you to squeal and try to squirm out of his grasp. 
"Raph! Let me go!" You managed to get out.
He didn't let up. "What was that you called me? An 'old fart'?"
"Okay, okay! You're not an old fart! You're a young one! A baby fart even! Please! I'm gonna pee!!" Tears welled up in your eyes as your cheeks quickly began to grow sore from the enormous grin on your face.
Thankfully he ceased his attack, allowing you to catch your breath. "So I'm a baby fart now?" He raised a brow ridge at you.
You slowly collected yourself before nodding. He let out a chuckle while shaking his head. "Suppose that's better than an old one."
"I don't know, you are kind of old." You teased. 
"I'm only a month older than you. Besides, if I was really old, I wouldn't be about to do this." He promptly picked you up, easily settling you against his chest with a singular muscular arm. 
You rolled your eyes in a playful manner. “Okay show-off. You made your point.”
He gave a breathy laugh as he set out further into the sewers, fully intent on carrying you the rest of the way. 
Not that you were complaining. You planned for this after all, knowing after he caught up with you he would opt to hold you in his arms for the remainder of the walk, like he always did. You used to question it but always got a simple ‘It’s faster this way’, so you’ve learned over the years to just accept it. 
After being away for five months at a time you found yourself wanting him to carry you at every opportunity when you were back home. Like now.
You decided to go out of state for your graduate program, wanting to further your education in data science at a gorgeous university located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Thankfully you only had two more semesters left and with each break you came  back to your hometown, staying with the turtles who graciously opened up their home to you since your family had moved out of the country during your previous semester. You used to live with April but since you began school in Colorado, she moved in with her boyfriend, Casey Jones. 
You didn’t mind. In fact, you were glad you were staying with the brothers who you had come to consider family. You looked back on the night you met them with fondness - April trying to shield their hulking forms in her living room when you raided the kitchen at 2am, squinting at the massive mutants behind her in the dim light, tension filling the air until you asked them, in your sleep-addled stupor, if they wanted some late night nachos. Five plates of nachos later and the rest was history. 
Over the past two weeks you spent as much time as possible catching up with the turtles. Leo joined you in yoga and meditation some mornings, Donnie enthusiastically discussed everything you learned while looking over your notes and textbooks (which you always let him keep), and Mikey was glad to have another person to paint with again. 
And Raph, well anytime you weren’t hanging out with his brothers you could be found by his side. The two of you did everything together, from watching movies to singing along while he played his guitar. However one of your favorite pastimes was when the two of you would lay opposite of each other on his bed, him knitting while you read outloud, your legs resting against his. It was comforting, those moments. 
Which did nothing to help your ever growing crush on the mutant terrapin. Soon after meeting him you were instantly smitten, feeling your heartbeat pick up whenever he glanced your way, or when he smiled at you, or when his hand would sometimes rest on your leg, running his fingers along your calf almost lovingly, causing you to stutter while you tried desperately to focus on the words you were reading to him. 
Yeah, you were fucked…
Raph was your best friend and while the others would text you everyday while you were out of state, he was the one who always wished you a ‘good morning’ when you woke up for classes and a ‘good night’ when you headed to bed. At least once a week he would call you up when he knew you were in bed, talking to you for hours until you both inevitably fell asleep to the sound of each other’s breathing. He made you feel special, as if you were the most important person in his life. 
And you supposed you were, since he told you so earlier when he tried to kiss you.
Okay, in your defense you should have seen this coming, but you figured he wasn't interested in you in a romantic sense, so you kept your feelings to yourself all those years. You told yourself that his wandering gazes and lingering touches were nothing more than what they were, just fixed looks and accidental brushes of skin. Oh how wrong you were.
For not even four hours ago the two of you were cleaning up after dinner, alone in the kitchen. You made a passing joke, one that might have been self-deprecating in nature, but it seemed to have caused something in him to snap since he took you by the shoulders and… 
Well, if you had the tiniest sliver of uncertainty in regards to his feelings for you before, you definitely didn't now.
He confessed everything, from how he was captivated by your laughter and smile from the very beginning to how you occupied his every waking thought. How he missed you when you were gone and always treasured every second he spent with you, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of his life by your side.
If only Mikey chose to barge into the kitchen a few seconds later, not when Raph's lips were only centimeters away from your own. 
You bit your lip as you thought about that moment, remembering the sincerity in his voice, the way his warm breath tickled your face, the feel of his rough skin on your cheek. 
And you were hell bent on getting that kiss tonight, through hell or high water. You had just the activity in mind to set the mood just right for that to happen, and thankfully when you suggested it to him he agreed. 
“We’re here.” 
Raph’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. He had stopped at the ladder that led to the more affluent part of Staten Island, shifting you in his arms as he grabbed the rung closest to him. 
“Better hold on tight, spider monkey.”
Your full-bellied laugh rang through the tunnels as he began his ascent, your arms looping tightly around his neck. Soon the two of you were in the middle of the suburban street. Using the dark of the night to his advantage he kept to the shadows, keeping the two of you out of sight despite it being almost midnight. You pointed out a house to him and he moved towards it. A quick peek over the backyard fence confirmed that this house had what you two were looking for and effortlessly hopped the two of you over the fence with you still in his arms. 
Raph finally put you down and you immediately slid out of your flip-flops, the cool grass beneath your feet felt heavenly as you walked closer to the large in-ground pool. You bent down and tested the water’s temperature with your hand.
“It’s a bit cold, but thankfully it looks like no one is home to hear you bitch.” You teased, standing back up to your full height.
He let out a huff. “I don’t bitch. You’re the one who squeals like a little girl when the water… isn’t…”
He trailed off as he watched you get out of the oversized shirt you wore over your swimsuit, letting it fall to the ground and fully revealing your bikini-clad body to him. You looked at him over your shoulder, a knowing gleam in your eyes.
“When the water isn’t what?”
His mouth opened and closed several times as his eyes raked over your form. If this were anyone else you would have smacked them or at the very least yell at them for ogling you, but this was Raph, and now that you knew how he felt, you felt nothing but flattery for the way he took the sight of you in.
“Hello? Earth to Raph…” 
He blinked and shook his head, as if he was trying to get rid of whatever mental image he had conjured up.
“Just get in the pool.” He grumbled, already taking off his gloves. 
You snickered and took a few steps back from the pool’s edge, knowing getting in the chilly water would be easier if you jumped in. So you did, cannonballing into the pool with a modest sized splash. 
Surprisingly enough your body adjusted to the water temperature rather quickly as you began moving gently across the water’s surface, seeing that Raph was now busy removing his knee pads.
“Any day now.” You taunted.
You couldn’t hear what he said in response because you went underwater, doing a few flips as you waited for him to join you. Finally he lowered himself into the chlorine water, wearing only his shorts. 
As you came up for air you were prompt splashed. Raph chuckled as you sputtered.
You were met with another splash.
“Alright, that’s it!”
The two of you started an all out war, attacking each other with never-ending barrages of water. Soon you had to surrender as there was no way to win against his powerful sprays he produced with ease while you struggled to land any hits on him. He basked in his victory, letting out several whoops while you snuck around behind him, latching onto his shell and pulling back with all your might, effectively sending both of you under the water. 
You broke the surface and giggled as you felt his hands come to your waist before he joined you, his own laughs intermingling with yours in the quiet of the night.
Eventually the amusement of the situation died down. The two of you stayed that way, simply enjoying each other's presence while crickets chirped in the distance. He was crouched in the five-foot deep water so that he was eye level with you, holding you above the surface since he knew your mouth would be submerged if you were to fully stand. Time seemed to slow down as you stared into his golden eyes. 
You decided now was the time to lure him in. 
“Did you really mean what you said?” You asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. 
He seemed confused so you clarified for him. "What you said, back in the kitchen…"
Raph frowned while you felt the hands on your waist tighten their hold. "You think I would joke about something like that?" 
You hummed, your own hands coming to run along his shoulders and upper arms in a repeated motion. "No, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
His breath hitched as you gave him a gentle smile. It took him a moment before he licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak but no words left him. This continued for a bit until he shook his head and let out a sigh. “Sorry, I’m… Having a hard time thinking right now.”
“That’s okay, take your time.”
Raph took a deep breath. “I just… There’s not much I can say that I haven’t already said.”
One of your hands moved to cup his cheek, running your thumb across the pebbled green skin. 
His gaze never left yours as you felt him nuzzle into your caress. 
“You’re everything to me.” His voice was low, as if he was afraid this was all a dream. “You… You have this way of making me feel like I really am someone; not just a giant mutant turtle, but an actual person. I know I can’t give you a lot, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. And…”
He trailed off as his eyes glanced down to your lips so quickly that you would have missed it if you blinked. 
“And…?” You breathed out.
“And I really want to kiss you.”
Got him.
"Well, good…" You leaned in a bit closer to him before continuing. "Because I really want you to kiss me."
 His eyes widened at your admission. The seconds ticked by as you allowed him time to gather his nerves. Finally he began to close the distance between you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you closed your eyes once his lips were a hair’s width from yours.
“MOMMY!! There’s a strange lady in the pool!”
The two of you froze.
“And she’s kissing an alien!”
Shit… Guess someone was home after all…
In your periphery you could see a small boy running back inside the home and several lights turn on, most likely from his mother checking to see what all the commotion is about. 
Just as the question left your lips, Raph picked you up once more and hauled the two of you out of the pool.
He gathered up both of your belongings in one arm while he held you with the other, getting the two of you back into the sewers as quickly as possible before being seen again, jumping down into the dark tunnels and replacing the manhole cover with a skill that came with years of practice.
In the dead silence of the sewers the two of you gave one quick look at each other before devolving into fits of laughter. He gently set you down before handing you your sandals and shirt. 
“Well, that didn’t go as planned…” You jested while you tugged your shirt over your head, the hem reaching your knees due to how large it was. Beside you Raph was busy securing his knee pads back on.
He chuckled while you slid on your flip-flops. “No, but that ain’t stopping me anymore.”
“Oh?” You asked, mouth curving into a smile. 
Raph tossed aside his gloves and reached for you, pulling you towards him before he promptly pressed his lips against yours. 
Yeah, definitely worth the wait…
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sparklingparadise · 2 years ago
lipstick trend with some of the trainees
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request: anon - doing the lipstick stain trend on tiktok with some bp trainees?
pairing: boys planet trainees x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanons
word count: 0.4k words
warnings: kissing (nothing suggestive)
notes: i got this ask at the beginning of april so i apologize for how overdue this is 😭😭
lee seunghwan
- you showed him the video and it was an instant yes
- he adores anything you do so you catch him staring at you as you’re trying to make yourself look presentable
- that smirk he always does omg it would not leave his face for hours
- when you’re finally filming he gets all shy and hides into your neck
- this keeps happening so you have to keep filming it over and over again
terazono keita
- you showed him the video and you swear he was the happiest boy on the planet at that moment
- he kept getting sleepy when you were leaving lipstick-stained kisses on his face so you had to keep waking him up
- he has the cutest pink round cheeks when you're practicing
- when the camera films him he catches you by surprise and leans in to kiss you but covers the camera before he did
lee jeonghyeon
- took almost the whole day to convince him to do the video (he’s so shy omg)
- tries to act all nonchalant but he gets the biggest butterflies every time you kiss him
- eventually, he breaks and he can’t stop giggling like a little girl
- he gets a boost of confidence out of nowhere and kisses you at the end of the video
- but then gets shy all over again when you post it and wants to hide from everyone
yoo seungeon
- he was a little hesitant at first when you showed him the video but he would do anything for you so it took a small amount of convincing
- soooo clingy, he holds your hands as you’re covering his face with kisses
- he’s a little giggly and ticklish
- during the first take he forgot he was supposed to kiss you but when the camera panned toward him you catch him staring hard at your lips
kum junhyeon
- surprisingly he would approach you first with FULL confidence but then get all shy after he’s done asking
- he gets so embarrassed that he can’t even look at you so you have to calm him down
- he is so bad at hiding how excited he is for something so he is looking at you with the biggest heart eyes as you apply lipstick
- the biggest blushing mess after you only cupped his cheeks
- it’s like he fell in love with you more each time you left a kiss mark which led to him forgetting about the video and attacking your face back with kisses
- the video was never posted 💔 but it’s okay cause he got a lot of kisses from you without having to beg
© taeraecore 2023
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years ago
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QUICK! LEE RAPH AND LER APRIL! Raph could be feeling sad because he always feel pressured to make others feel better since he’s the big brother, but April being the big sister to all of them tickles Raph to help him know that he can ask for help too 💖
Older siblings
Summary: Raph and April have a.. “talk”.. between older siblings.
A/N: THANK YOU DEAR MUTUAL NOW TAKE THIS CHAOS! Also, this is very platonic. Very very very platonic. Any suggestions otherwise can go screw poison ivy.
Older siblings
Brotherhood. A relationship between brothers.
To say that Raph takes his job as the oldest Hamato brother seriously would be an understatement.
He is constantly pushing himself to protect them, lift their spirits where he could(even though that was more of the youngest’s speed.) and be there for them above all.
He ended up being a sort of father figure, as he helped take care of the others when Splinter wasn’t able to. [Raph had no resentment at his dad for this. He knew that dad tried his best, but he had just been turned into a rat and lost his whole life, and was still getting over trauma from his past. He couldn’t blame his father for needing help sometimes.]
It put a lot of pressure on the red-wearing snapper, and today was no exception.
Him and his brothers had Gina on a mission that day, and although they succeeded unharmed, Leo had ended up nearly getting badly hurt.
He wasn’t, thankfully the attack was dodged and he came out unscathed, but Raph was so scared and sad that he couldn’t protect his little brother.
As soon as they got back to the lair, April following close behind, Raph went right to his room and sunk to the floor against the wall.
“Ugh. What happened out there, Raph?” He whispered to himself, unknowing of the human figure who had followed him.
April smiled slightly and walked in, responding softly, “You couldn’t be everywhere at once.”
Raph snapped his head up, saw April, and blushed a bit in embarrassment. “You, uh… you weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Mhmm. Well, I did, and we’re gonna talk about it, big guy.”
Raph sighed but smiled softly. “All right, then.”
“We are the older siblings. It’s not just you, ya know. I mean, I might not look it, but I am older than you.”
Raph nodded. April softened her voice even further as she continued.
“Yeah, it’s our job as the older siblings to protect the others, but that’s not our only job. It’s also our job to take care of ourselves. Can’t give away something you don’t have, get it?”
“Yeheah, I…I think I’m picking up what you’re throwing down.” The snapper chuckled.
April thought of something that might help the message… stick. She hid the mischievous smile that was starting to form and opened up her arms.
“Now, give me a hug, big guy.”
Raph complied, completely unaware of his older sister’s plan.
April let the smirk gain control of her features and pinched Raph’s side.
Raph let out a surprisingly high-pitched squeal at the feeling.
“April, whahat ahare you doHIhin’?”
“I think you know.” She replied teasingly as she picked up the pace on her light pinching.
Raph quickly lost control and fell into giggles, his long tail swishing behind him.
“Aww, look, Raphie, your tail is wagging!”
“Shuhuhuhat uhup!”
“You only say that cause you know I’m right~ But I still think that deserves a raspberry, don’t you?”
“Nohohoho! Dohoho nahahat!”
“What was that? Please do? Okay!” April took a big breath and blew a raspberry right into Raph’s plastron.
“Alright, fine~ ya big drama queen.” She let go of him and sat up, waiting for him to catch his breath.
“Raha.. Raph is nohowhere nehehear as big a drahama queen as Leo or Donnie ahand you know ihit.”
April chuckled. “No doubt about that. Speaking of which, Mikey is cooking Dinner, let’s go.”
When it came to Raph and April, there was no denying that they lived being the older siblings.
———THE END————————————————
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jack-bloomie · 6 days ago
”intro post.”
”Clarie said this could help my social presence, I don’t get why I need this but.. whatever.”
(It’s me @iburntthewateragain and this is an ask blog about my FPE DANGER! AU OC named Jack!)
1: he is cold, uncaring, respectful, calm, has a soft side. he can be rude
2: he carrys a smith and Wesson model 19 and heckler and koch MP5A3 and a switch blade.
3: has been trained to kill and fight sense he was 8 4: he is 19
5: his birthday is on October 7th
6: he isnt friends with anybody but is chill with Abbie, Clarie, and Engel. ( @danger-abbie )
7: touch starved!! very touch starved.
8: he’s actually pretty ticklish. (GO FOR THE HIPS! HIIPPPS!)
9: he wears a bullet proof vest which can stop a sniper rifle bullet and it goes around him so don’t shoot him in the chest or back, bullet proof pants that can stop a sniper rifle bullet that are also heavy duty and are black, bullet proof boots, bullet proof gloves that are heavy duty, and a black trench coat .. he’s hard to kill
10: despite being 19 he is physically stronger then miss circle
11: his mother is @danger-bloomie … he hates her for killing students for failing, yeah I know he’s killed people before but he doesn’t like killing unless it’s someone who attacked him first. (Sorry if you don’t like that she’s his mom)
12: has the bloomie horns, just hides them.
final fact: his full name is Jack Sargent bloomie
(NO NSFW, suggestive asks are okay because he is 19 but nothing too extreme.)
(tickle asks and M!As are allowed but don’t be weird.)
(kill him if you want, injure him, bully him, I can just bring him back.)
@danger-zipster @danger-abbie @abbie-appleboy @zip-the-chaos-child @oliversoapeater-official @engels-ask-blog @claireslibrarycard @danger-oliverrr
@math-teacher-who-loves-oreos @wendigo-language-teacher @danger-circle
“My mother.”
“The principal.”
“The actual instructors”
@best-art-teacher-miss-sasha @pansexual-music-teacher
@mister-hotchkiss-craft-teacher @ask-mister-barrel @ask-margaret-sterling @ask-april-stuff-ig @askmyfpeocs
extra facts:
1: him and @danger-zipster (or just zip they are technically the same person) have a frienamy relationship in zip likes to mess with him and Jack hates it, but if he needs to he will protect her from danger (or the teachers-)
2: the robo eye glow changes to his emotion, red = anger, blue = tiredness yellow = neutral, green = happy (or the happiest he can get-), and purple = sad.
3: despite being physically stronger then miss circle (which makes him stronger then the teachers-) he doesn’t like getting in fights
4: his step mom is Sasha (I don’t feel like typing the @)
5: he sounds like the T-1000 however the robo eye actually can change the volume of his voice
6: he was at FPE before being transferred to the military school, he usually tried to be unseen by people.
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violetsareblue-selfships · 1 month ago
F/O: Vi | Word Count: 531 | Warnings/Tags: Vi's drunk (or at least tipsy but yeah) so alcohol/drinking mention | Masterlist for this ship // cute little thing - i wanted a cuddling fic to match the one i wrote for cait so <3 hope you enjoy it! :3
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April doesn't look up when the door opens, continuing to sketch the next line of her drawing. "Welcome home, Vi," She murmurs softly.
April chuckles softly, shutting the sketchbook once the line's finished and setting it aside. From that tone alone, she already knows where Vi just came from.
Vi returning from one of her matches usually sounds much more tired, not nearly as bubbly or excited to see her, more like relieved. So that means Vi's back from drinking with Loris.
"Come here, baby," April murmurs, smiling a little as Vi stumbles over to where she's sitting on the bed. Her usual grace is diminished whenever she drinks, though April thinks it's cute.
Vi crawls onto the bed and into April's arms, burying her face against her neck and sighing softly.
"Comfy, love?" Gosh, she still can't believe she gets to call Vi that now. Every time she thinks to their first kiss (the proper one the morning after), her cheeks flush and she gets all giddy.
"Mm-hmm…" Vi grumbles against her neck, nuzzling more insistently at her skin. April squirms when she feels Vi inhale deeply, the ticklish sensation nearly making her laugh. Vi really is like a puppy at times…
Her fingers sink into Vi's hair, now longer in the back than when they first met. She almost wonders how Vi would look if she let her properly wash and style it. She's so used to doing hair from her time with Caitlyn…
Maybe when everything calms down, she can find out.
They're both silent for a while, long enough that April nearly assumes that Vi's fallen asleep in her arms. It wouldn't be the first time. She gently presses a kiss to Vi's forehead and settles further into the mattress, letting her own eyes fall shut.
"Sunshine?" Vi asks softly, the sound muffled against April's neck.
"Yes, darling?"
She feels a faint kiss pressed to her skin along with something that sounds suspiciously like 'I love you.'
Her heart flutters, and her reply falls from her lips (even as her mind flickers back to Caitlyn). She knows that she'd be fine with her loving Vi, too. It's just odd that she's not here for this moment. "I love you too…"
"Yeah…?" Vi props herself up to meet April's eyes, an achingly vulnerable look on her face.
"Yeah. I love you, Vi."
"Violet," Vi mumbles, even seeming a little surprised it came out of her mouth. When April gives her a confused look, she laughs awkwardly. "That's my full name. I… you can call me that, if you'd like."
"Violet…" April echoes, smiling when Vi's eyes go all big and shiny. "Pretty name. Probably should stick to Vi when we're in public, though, huh?"
Vi nods, seeming a little dazed. When April's hand shifts to cup her cheek, she leans into her palm, her eyes shutting as she relishes the soft touch.
"I love you, Violet," April murmurs softly, smiling at the shiver that goes through the woman in her arms. "Now, sleep. You need it."
"Mmgh…" Vi buries her face back against April's neck, her arms tightening a little around her.
She's never letting April go.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 month ago
Master Post 3 (not complete)
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Photoshoot/magazine spread/interviews
U! Magazine (Jan 2023)
Deling Magazine (Feb 2023) 2 3 4
Sanook Interview 2 3 4 (Feb & June 2023)
Thai Fu Luv Event, 2 3 (Feb 2023) - the delightful event where we find First is super ticklish and the boys have app that tells them where the other location is at all times
Candy Channel Interview 2 (Feb 2023)
First & Khaotung for TV Guide (Feb 2023)
Men's Non-no Magazine (Japan) (Feb 2023)
Kitsune Bangkok Photoshoot (Mar 2023)
Moment Magazine 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Mar 2023)
Praew Magazine 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Mar 2023)
Vivi Men 2 3 4 5 (April 2023)
Knight Magazine 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (April 2023)
Jimmy BX6Pro ad 2 3 4 5 (July 2023)
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urmultideadfandomperson · 1 year ago
How would the Arcana Twilight boys would react if the MC is an actual polar bear. Or turned into a polar bear? 🐻‍❄️
MC Turns into a Polar Bear
Character/s: Summoner (MC), Arcturus, Spica, Pollux, Alpheratz, Sirius, Vega
Genre/s: Fluff, Cracks
Warning/s: None
Summary: There was a failed experiment with a certain potion, resulting MC turning into a polar bear! What will the Guides do?
Requested by: Anonymous
Note: Thank you for the first ask, anon! I apologize if this was released very long. My schedule this April is particularly busy, and I cannot focus on every task at once. MC being a literal polar bear has already been done by @pomegranateboba. Thank you for being patient, though! May you enjoy your read!
This sorcerer was very surprised in seeing you in such a form.
"Summoner? Is that you??"
No wonder you did not answer his calls on your Stella Tab!
He was about to attack you earlier with his wand when he saw the necklace on your furry neck, and then he realizes that it was you.
Arcturus knows the potion's effect is temporary, so he was kind enough to help you in Contell while being a polar bear.
You cannot speak at anybody, you can only roar in response. Somehow Arcky understands you and was able to translate your roars as words.
Arcturus has knowledge about animals. When he remembered that polar bears usually survive in the cold, he did not hesitate in taking you to a cold room.
When you poofed back, he was both happy and disappointed because (1) the effects finally wore off! But (2), the softness of your fur is gone :(
Either way, he's just happy you're back <3
He was both surprised and disappointed, maybe even slightly amused.
"Summoner, what... *sighs* what happened? And what did you do?"
Spica was still sane enough to handle this mess.
Though he thought he was dumb for asking you questions when you can only reply with roars.
He helped you throughout the school period in Contell, helping you adjust to your temporary form.
Spica was rather relieved that nobody minded too much about you being a polar bear.
But some students did scream.
And he had a headache trying to calm the students. You had to help him calm down by letting him rest on your fur.
So when you poofed back, the sorcerer was quick to ask if you were alright. After that, he served you some tea.
One of the students who screamed.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S A BEAR— W-Wait, Summoner?!!"
Pollux was quick to ask you what happened, but just like Spica, he felt stupid because your only replies were roars.
Either way, he was more than happy to help you throughout class!
When partnered for projects, the sorcerer was more than happy to help you. He wished to do the work, but if you insist in helping him, why not?
He kept flexing you to everyone, saying that he befriended a polar bear
One of the sorcerers who just love to groom your fur! His fingers running through your fur is very ticklish.
When you poof back, he is similar to Arcturus who will pout because you're no longer a bear.
But hey! Pollux is still thankful that you turned back. He wouldn't admit it, but he would panic if the effect was permanent.
Oh. My. Goodness.
"Bless the stars, Summoner. You turned into a bear... can I sleep on you?"
This man is living the life of having a pillow, even for just a short amount of time.
But that doesn't mean he will not help you. Honestly, it's more of an excuse for him to stay with you longer. But don't take this the wrong way!
Alpheratz is a genius, thus he'd definitely understand your roars. He is the second polar bear translator in Contell.
He knows that polar bears survive in the cold, and what he did was take you to a clearing that was very cool because of the trees giving oxygen. Then he snuggled you to sleep there.
And not gonna lie, it actually felt good just sleeping like this with him.
You swore you almost heard Alpheratz groan in disappointment when you poofed back.
But eventually, he was glad you're back. You're still napping with him in that clearing, though.
For some reason, he knew before he even saw you.
"A failed experiment with the potions, I see? Summoner, you could've been careful and you wouldn't end up this way,"
He likes to tease you, but not too much that will make you uncomfortable.
Sirius is actually pretty helpful while you stay in that form. He has a bit of difficulties trying to translate your roars, but it ends well.
This man will definitely just say to everybody of how you ended up like this. The fact he says it so casually wants you to punch him.
This menace is the opposite of Pollux. If the latter will groom your fur, this guy right here will mess with it, leaving you with messy fur.
Now you look like a bear who went through a hurricane.
When you poofed back, Sirius was actually surprised when you roared like a bear at his face for the excessive teasing.
After that, he laughs and continues to mess with you. You cannot escape this maniac because you love him.
As soon as he saw you, Vega took out his sword and points it at you.
"How did a bear get here in Contell?... wait, Summoner, is that you?"
Once he realizes, he draws back his weapon and apologizes for frightening you like that.
To make it up for you, Vega helps you around Contell and the classes.
When another sorcerer teases you (mainly Sirius), he will not hesitate to draw his sword to them as a warning.
While helping you, he likes to touch your fur with his hands. Heck, the sorcerer is so tempted, he actually took off his gloves just to feel you.
Vega is aware that it is rather hazardous for you, but he likes feeds you with his raspberry gelato.
When you poofed back, he asks if you have any discomforts from the effect of the failed potion. He sighs in relief when you reassure him you are okay.
Regardless of your form, whether you're a human or a polar bear, Vega will always see you as his best friend.
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