annacake · 1 year
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Patina Viridian for @ticklemerainbows
Bookworm | Brooding | Eco-Friendly | Family Oriented | Green Thumb
LTW: Greener Gardens
You can change outfits and hairstyle, but please don't change genetics. Tag me if you use her in your game!
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
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aaa thank you friend!!! 💖right back at you!!!
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dragonplumbobs · 6 months
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Thank you, everyone! I got these the day before I left on a trip, so I did not get around to answering them.
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poisonfireleafs · 6 months
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lalarose · 7 months
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They met again at the Summer Festival and Aisha played soccer with Cadet Morning. (by @ticklemerainbows)
"Fancy meeting you again! Promise I'm not stalking ya." Aisha "The festival did just start and I bet a lot of people wanted to come first thing." Mourning Cadet wrinkled his nose and shot the soccer-ball forward. "Stop flirting and focus on soccer!"
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happy-lemon · 2 years
💜💜🦈 Go send this to ten of the people who make you happy or to someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better! And have a lovely day 🦈💜💜
Thank you so much! You bring such color to my dash!
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theworstsimblr · 2 years
💜💜🦈 Go send this to ten of the people who make you happy or to someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better! And have a lovely day 🦈💜💜
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thank youu ;-; <3 <3
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ticklemerainbows · 1 year
Aestheticore Legacy Challenge
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Hullo friends! I have been searching for a little while for a legacy challenge that I could also use as some sort of perfect genetics challenge and I figured, why not make my own. So the aestheticore legacy challenge was born! As you can tell from the title, this challenge is centered around differed aesthetics. There are a ton of aesthetics out there so it was hard to pick just 10, and some of these I’ve never heard of before so I’m excited to try this out! 
If you decide to do this, tag me ticklemerainbows or aestheticore challenge so I can see! And feel free to let me know what you think. This is my first challenge so if there’s things I could do different/better let me know!
And without further ado, the challenge.
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Generation One - Cottagecore
Your favorite thing about living on family land is the garden. It’s been around for at least the last 10 generations, and you want nothing more than to keep it going, but living in a city isn’t for you. So you pack up, take a keepsake plant from the garden and move to a quiet town in order to grow your own garden that will hopefully last for generations to come!
Requirements:  The Perfect Garden
Live on a small (no bigger than 30x30) lot
Maintain a garden for the entire generation
Reach level 10 Gardening
Make a living off your plants
Suggested Traits: Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors
Color: Green
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Generation Two - Auroracore 
You try your hardest to help your parents on the farm but you can’t help but have your head in the clouds. Fairy tales are your favorite genre of anything, and while living on a farm is all fine and dandy - you absolutely love your horse, you did raise it from a baby after all! - you always wonder if there’s something more. Like, a unicorn, perhaps?
Requirements:  The Fairy Tale Finder
Raise a horse from foal to adult
Reach level 10 in the Riding Skill
Have your horse get the Friend of the Herd Lifetime Reward
Search for a unicorn anytime there’s an aurora
Suggested Traits: Equestrian, Animal Lover
Color: Lilac
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Generation Three - Light Academia
Being raised by someone who’s lifelong mission was to find a supernatural creature was surprisingly not as chaotic as it would sound, though you still prefer to stay more…grounded. While your parents were out hunting, you preferred to keep your head in the books, earning a scholarship to get into University. 
Requirements:  The Perfect Student
Get on honor roll as a child/teen
Earn a scholarship in any subject
Buy the bookstore
Suggested Traits: Socially Awkward, Workaholic, Perfectionist, Bookworm
Color: Beige
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Generation Four - Fairycore
Your grandmother always told you about her times with her unicorn friend, and while you never quite believed her, you fell in love with the idea of supernatural creatures altogether. Magic, fairies, it all sounds so fantastical that you even begin trying to figure out if you can turn yourself into a magical creature!
Requirements:  Alchemy Artisan
Reach level 10 Alchemy
Visit the arboretum once a week to search for fairies
Befriend a fairy
Use an elixir to become a fairy
Suggested Traits: Supernatural Fan, Gatherer
Color: Pink
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Generation Five - Comfy/Cozy
Life around magic has been a whirlwind, and you are anything but all that excitement. Having a grandparent who owns a bookstore has its perks, and you spend most of your time curled up with a good book and a warm cup of tea. Leaving your house to work doesn’t sound too appealing but you don’t have to go outside to write, do you?
Requirements:  Professional Author
Join the bookclub
Visit the library at least 3 times a season
Reach level 10 Writing
Write a best selling novel
Suggested Traits: Bookworm, Couch Potato, Artistic
Color: Orange
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Generation Six - Decora
You always get asked how you turned out so outgoing when you were raised by homebodies, and you never have an answer for that. You just love being around people, and more importantly dressing those people up. You want to fill as many peoples lives with as much color as possible.
Requirements:  Fashion Phenomenon
Change your outfit every season
Reach level 10 Painting
Makeover at least 10 sims
Become best friends with one of your clients
Suggested Traits: Charismatic, Artistic, Excitable
Color: Magenta
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Generation Seven - Jamcore
You love color just as much as your parents, but not so much the fashion part. Your clothes get way too messy as you experiment in the kitchen, after all. Creating yummy, colorful dishes are where your passions lie and you are determined to learn as much about the culinary arts as you possibly can.
Requirements:  The Culinary Librarian
Cook meals for your family every day
Grow a fruit orchard on the family farm
Have a personal recipe library
(Optional) Use the Grandma’s Canning Station once a week
Suggested Traits: Natural Cook, Bookworm
Color: Yellow
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Generation Eight - Nautical
See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls ye. You’ve always been drawn to the water, so much so that your family jokes that you might be a mermaid. Swimming, fishing, boating, it all appeals to you. You’d live on a houseboat, if given the chance. 
Requirements:  Presenting the Perfect Aquarium
Own a boat
Install a pond on your family land
Move into a houseboat
Reach level 10 Fishing
Suggested Traits: Loves to Swim, Angler
Color: Blue
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Generation Nine - Wanderlust
Your parents loved the open sea but you want to see what’s beyond that! Visiting other cities, and even other countries. Learning and immersing yourself in the culture. You’ve read books about it, watched shows, and now that you’re old enough it’s time to dust off your visa and visit those places for yourself.
Requirements:  Seasoned Traveler
Reach level 10 in Photography
Collect a relic from each location
Go on at least 1 adventure in each country
Marry someone from a foreign country
Suggested Traits: Adventurer, Perfectionist
Color: Red
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Generation Ten - Synthwave
You spent your life in other countries, other cultures, and you have to wonder, what more is there? You’ve inherited a love of traveling but is it possible to go to other timelines, or even the future? There’s not much research on it now but there’s only one way to find out. To the future!
Requirements:  Made the Most of My Time
Become best friends with Emit
Reach Level 10 in Advanced Technology
Complete the Time Keeper Legacy Statue Challenge
Create a time machine
Suggested Traits: Friendly, Adventurer
Color: Black
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
About me - Simblr Edition
I was tagged by @weisskralle and @silwermoon-sims and probably someone else too but I can't find it in my mentions. When I say I'm the worst Simblr...
rules: you can use any sims game to answer these questions!
your three traits: Only three? What is this Sims 4 nonsense? 😭 Um, if I had to limit myself to three, I'd go with loner, cat person, and neurotic. Those are the three that inform my character the most, I'd say.
your aspiration: Professional Author.
in-game world you'd live in: That one is actually hard. Sunset Valley feels the most like home just because of the nostalgia but I think I'd also like to live in Sunlit Tides. Then again, I've been loving Hidden Springs a lot lately...ok hypothetically, if I were a Sim, I'd have NRAAS Traveler installed so I could live in all of the worlds at different stages in my life.
favorite townie(s): Probably Pearl Yang. She's a hot mess but she's our hot mess, you know?
most used pack(s): Ambitions, no question about it.
favorite decor object (no cc): No CC, but you didn't say no Store items, so I pick the Haute Hip Panther sculpture. I just love this lil guy to bits. I'm always trying to find ways to shoehorn him into every house I decorate and he never fits but I always keep trying because I'm going to find a way to get him in there one of these days MARK MY WORDS!
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something you want in the game: Oh look, a dead horse! Don't mind if I do! *beats it* If you've been following me for a while or seen any of my hundreds of rants on r/sims3, you'll know the only thing I have ever wanted so desperately I won't shut up about it is an amicable divorce mod. At this point, I can't even explain why I want it so much, I just do.
what color is your plumbob right now: Yellow. My back hurts and it's seriously -20 mood. 😔
Let's see...I'm tardy to the party as usual so Idk if everyone in creation has done it already but...@brannewjoint, @cupidia, @ticklemerainbows, @happy-lemon (I'm sure you've done this already, I just gotta tag you in everything anyway bc Ilu 😊), @thistleandwoods, and @yourinishi. And everyone else who wants to do it.
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erasabledinosaur · 2 years
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how it started...how its going.
Alrighty, brain vomit time! So @ticklemerainbows infected my brain with an idea of a large legacy home so I started a little grief project of redecorating a three story house in Sunset Valley. It’s about the size of Harlow’s Dorm so I know this is going to take me a while.
So far I finished out the layout for all three stories. Now it’s in that weird mushy ugly stage were I workshop furniture, patterns and colors for the first floor (once I nail that down the rest goes easy-peasy). Right now, it’s starting to look like this which is...fine but ive already done it 😑
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annacake · 6 months
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faeriefrolic · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!
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thesimboneyard · 1 year
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Aria decided seeing as she'd been off adventuring so much and she was about to be busy with the whole being a mum thing, it was about time she invited all her friends over for a mini baby shower.
Featuring Cian Bloom by @ticklemerainbows
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poisonfireleafs · 2 years
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Viridian Peacock for @ticklemerainbows
Skin - Hair - Eyebrows - Eyelashes - Blush - Lips
Don’t change their facial features and don’t reupload. Please tag me if you use them.
Private download
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dreamywakes · 2 years
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Let’s Make a Sim
Nebula Brew
Traits: Athletic, Dislikes Children, Neat, Green Thumb, Loner
LW: The Perfect Garden
Thanks for the suggestions, @poisonfireleafs, @amixofpixels, @ticklemerainbows, @simside, @colormeberry, and @saintofthearts 
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dragonplumbobs · 2 years
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Violet Eclipse for @ticklemerainbows
Social Butterfly, Gatherer, Natural Cook, Genius, & Green Thumb
LTW: Alchemy Artisan
Hair | Skin | Eyebrows | Blush (9) | Lips | Pattern
Feel free to change her clothes, hair, etc. Please tag me if you use her, and don’t re-upload or claim her as your own.
Private Download
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