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bloodtroth ¡ 6 years ago
How about, 5 and 7 for the salty ask?
7 has been answered already!
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
They have tried their hardest, but honestly, people talking shit about my ship just makes me ship it harder out of spite. 
That said, I joined this site in 2013 when I was in high school, and the fandom did manage to ruin Snape for me for a while. I had loved Snape for so long, but then I came on Tumblr and saw that hatred towards him run rampant. It made me scared and ashamed to post anything about him because I was afraid people were going to attack me for it (I saw it happen to many Snape fans and oh boy it was brutal). Even now I don’t much post about Snape in my main blog because I don’t trust the people on my main blog not to attack me over it. So that was fun. Thanks, fandom for making me ashamed of liking my fave character who had given me enormous comfort over the years.
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sweetlittlevampire ¡ 6 years ago
tianeve-q hat auf dein Foto geantwortet “We are still kids, but we’re so in love Fighting against all odds I...”
It looks so beautiful >< thanks for it!
You know, the Grindeldore fandom is actually the very first one in which I’ve witnessed people thanking content creators like fan artists, fan fiction writers, gif makers, edit/aesthetic makers...what have you. I think it’s really beautiful, and I cannot express how happy it makes me.
So I have to thank you. ♥
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bluecrownedbird ¡ 6 years ago
[づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ┻━┻ Campaign make a person happy: send this for the 10 tumblrs that you most admire, if you receive it 3 times or more consider yourself loved! ❤ ❤ ❤]
Thank you! ♥(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
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grindy-cog ¡ 6 years ago
@tianeve-q asked me to answer no.7, no.10 and no.12 from the Harry Potter Themed Asks. Thank you!
7) ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince’ would be my favourite. While I didn’t enjoy all the romance and unnecessary (melo)drama, I dealt with them, as they helped certain characters grow. Overall however, I find this particular book and its plot very interesting; we learnt more about Voldemort as Tom Riddle, yes but also, between the lines, about many other characters, like Ginny, Albus, Severus, Harry himself and, finally, Draco. It’s also a very dark story, when you think about it; you can actually sense that somewhere beyond Hogwart’s walls, there is a war going on; that by the end of this book, all these characters we know, whom we grew up with, no longer have the privilege of being children in any sense of the word. Also, Dumbledore’s death and Fawkes’ lament are things that somehow stay with the reader (or at least myself) forever.
10) Hmm, I had to think this one through, if I’m honest. From personal experiences, I’d be able to relate to Ginny Weasley, because I know what it is like to be the youngest and the only girl in the family; as well as Draco (whom I don’t even like), because I understand how one can feel, when they are pushed to be someone they are not, in the name of parental love and care; even if that may not necessarily be the actual case. In some ways, I could relate to Dumbledore and Snape; for trying to make up for the mistakes I’ve made in the past, though they were no way near that tragic and didn’t cost me a lifetime of self-loathing.
12) Ah, Severus. Just so you know, it’s going to be a really long answer, sorry xD Well, he is undeniable an anti-hero, one of the best ones I’ve ever had a pleasure to come across in the literature. Was he a good guy? Yes. Was he a decent person? No, not really. He likely never allowed himself to be; at least not for many years. He wasn’t the villain of that story, even though his behaviour was questionable at best and he could hold a grudge like no other character in the Harry Potter series; maybe apart from Aberforth Dumbledore but that’s a different story.
Snape willingly became a Death Eater but maybe, just maybe he saw it as an easy way out for someone like himself; or who he believed himself to be, possibly an outcast doomed from the start. He definitely had an innocent blood on his hands, he was a git to children for no justifiable reason at all, he was a good teacher but a terrible mentor and he spent majority of his life fighting for the ‘good side’, or preparing to do so. Yes, he told Voldemort about the prophecy, though I think it’s safe to assume that Dumbledore, unknowingly to Severus, let him to (if you’re interested, I’ve commented more on it here). It doesn’t justify his actions, of course, but even assuming that he was alright with killing an entire family for his own gain and his Lord’s approval; he realised his mistake and unashamedly begged Albus for help. Now, you can say that he only did it because of Lily but even if that is true, it doesn’t make the action itself any less meaningful. Some people, like Harry, are self-sacrificing because of what they had been through, others, like Regulus Black, need someone they care about to be hurt or mistreated, to realise the error of their actions. However you want to look at it, Snape dedicated the rest of his life to Dumbledore and Harry, and as much as I love how Albus played him, in some aspects it was indeed cruel. I’m positive that Severus had grown to genuinely care about Dumbledore, yet was pretty much forced to murder him in cold blood, knowing fully well that the world will likely never learn the truth behind it all and probably shattering his soul forever. And that’s the main difference between Gryffindors and Slytherins that many don’t like to think about; the former, most of the time even subconsciously, seek glory; the latter, even if they’re driven by power lust, rarely ever. Regulus and Severus both died being well aware that the world will likely remember them as the bad guys; they accepted it, because ‘those cunning folks use any means, to achieve their ends’.
It took me awhile to understand, why Harry named one of his sons Albus Severus and I wasn’t exactly alright with the whole ‘the bravest man I ever knew’ line. I was by no means surprised by ‘Albus’ but ‘Severus’ right next to it, seemed bizarre to me. But now, I think it does make sense. While I still feel sorry for the kid, being named Albus Severus, I understand why Harry and Ginny decided to do it. You see, James and Sirius were more or less the father figures of Harry’s life; they represented his childhood and the once beautiful dream that could never really be, yet gave him inner strength. But Albus and Severus, represented Harry’s reality, everything he had been through but also what he fought for. In one way or another, all four of them died for him (as well as Lily) but Albus and Severus helped him grew into who he had to be, in order to finish and hopefully survive that war. Sure, Snape wasn’t aware of many things but he still protected Harry, he still guided him, however unpleasantly. And well, in the end, Severus was probably the bravest man Harry ever knew; and Harry, being Harry, wanted this unloved for a long time man, to be remembered. And same with ‘Albus’; because yes, Dumbledore was respected and maybe even loved by many but Albus? The real Albus? That person, in many ways, was never known to Harry at all.
Overall, I truly like Snape as a character, he is one of my favourites; but I don’t necessarily like him as a person. I can understand some of his behaviour and the reason behind it; but that doesn’t mean I should justify that. He was a very greyish here and there good guy with a complex personality but sadly, he never grew enough to be a decent person; instead deciding to be forever bitter about the past long gone.
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filled-with-tomorrows ¡ 6 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ( ◜◒◝ )♡
Thank you ❤❤❤
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litsetaure ¡ 6 years ago
Movie Tag Game:
Rules: Post ten gifs of your favorite movies without naming them and then tag ten people.  I did TV shows too!
I was tagged by @albusgellertalways (finally gotten round to it!)
Tagging: @ladyincarnate @mybriefcaseisfullofbooks @silkoversteel @queenieg13 @bluecrownedbird @lucysaxonbooks @tianeve-q @inessencedevided @insideasuitcase @ingweer
Okay, here we go!
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tarredion ¡ 6 years ago
9 people you would like to get to know better
Rules: tag 9 people
|| Tagged by: @queenieg13 :) 💕💫
// I tag @itspatrochilles @busywiggin @prince-kristian @luckymoony @grindy-cog @lescosplaysdebecky @tryingtobealwaystrying @tianeve-q @yumbledore (in no particular order)
Let’s get started!
Favourite colour; red, a very vibrant Sith-like red (goes well with black)
Top 3 ships; Grindeldore, Alexander x Hephaestion, & Beren x Luthien
Lipstick or chapstick; neither? Don’t really wear either
Last song; Kill this love (Blackpink)
Last movie; Avengers: Age of Ultron
Currently reading; The picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde): Alma Classics’ 2014/15 edition? I think (anyw, it’s pretty!)
I am also reading The Graveyard Book (Neil Gaiman), and rereading The fellowship of the ring (J.R.R Tolkien) in Swedish. D&D player’s handbook 5th edition, too.
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grindy-cog ¡ 6 years ago
True, true.
Lol, what an unforgettable reading that would be😂
That time when my brother cheered me up in the weirdest way
So to set the scene… this what the day after I saw that Crimes of Grindelwald (that I saw with my brother). Anyways I was crying and drinking chocolate milk, and I went into my garage and there was my brother. Me: I c-can’t believe that Leta died. And Theseus was supposed to marry her on June sixth. Newt was going to be the best man! My brother: *dead serious* I know! Now what is Thesues gonna do?! He might as well marry Grindelwald Me: *stops crying instantly* and bursts out laughing
So there ya go, a brand new crackship was born. And I still cannot stop thinking about it. I mean seriously…
June sixth
Theseus: I don’t know what to do! I was supposed to marry Leta, but know she’s gone!
Theseus: I have the perfect idea!
Theseus: *finds Grindelwald* Today I’m getting married, but you killed my fiancé! So now you have to marry me!
Grindelwald: K
So yeah… Thanks bro for putting that in my head forevermore
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bloodtroth ¡ 6 years ago
tianeve-q replied to your post “Could you do Snapdragon flower? :)”
Yeah! That was good >< I have missed your writing! Thanks for this.
And I’ve missed your comments. Thank you ❤❤❤
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sweetlittlevampire ¡ 6 years ago
tianeve-q hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: tianeve-q hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: ...
Oh, sorry to hear that. Parents can be really hard to deal with sometimes. I hope things will get better between you.
It has been like that for years, and it has been worse since I moved back in with her out of financial/study reasons. I’m still not making enough to afford my own place, so there’s that.
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grindy-cog ¡ 6 years ago
Aberforth (grimacing, as he sees Gellert coming in the kitchen, still half asleep and with a messy hair, standing in all directions): So, Grindivalt; are you a big spoon, or a little spoon?
Gellert (after drinking a cup of black coffee in one go): I'm a knife, you illiterate git. Need a demonstration?
Albus (from upstairs): I've heard that, Gellert!
Aberforth (smirking): Ha!
Albus (voice coming closer): I've heard you too, Abe.
Gellert (pleased with the situation): Cat got your tongue, Dumbledore?
Albus (entering the kitchen, addressing Gellert): Behave, my Lemon Drop.
[Gellert, furiously blushing at the nickname, opens his mouth to say something but shuts it; as Albus hugs him from behind, resting his cheek on the former's head, who melts into the embrace.]
Aberforth (white as a ghost and with a pained expression): Seems like I got my answer.
[A moment later, while running from the kitchen, scared for life.]
Aberforth: Ariana! Come on, let's feed the goats together. Far from here, yes. Far, far away from here.
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luckymoonly ¡ 6 years ago
Get to know me
Tagged by @bloodtroth, @sweetlittlevampire and @tianeve-q thank you for tagging me :D
Rules: choose between the two options and tag 10 (or more) at the end
coffee or tea (NONE!!!)
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks (Well that’s a difficult oneXD None?)
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
I tag: @stardustweare88 , @oswinpxnd, @bansheesvoices, @1oveclub and everyone who feels like doing this:)
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lescosplaysdebecky ¡ 6 years ago
Tagged by @sims2enthusiast (thanks ♥ I always enjoy being tagged)
Rules: Choose between the two options and tag 10 (or more) at the end.
•Coffee or tea
•Early bird or Night owl
•Chocolate or Vanilla
•Spring or Fall
•Pop or Alternate
•Snakes or Sharks
•Mountains or fields
•Thunderstorm or lightning
•Egyptian or Greek Mythology
•ivory or scarlet
•eyes or lips
•witch or fairy
•Opal or diamond
• butterflies or honeybees
•Macarons or eclairs
•Typewritten or handwritten letters
•secret garden or secret library
•rooftop or balcony
•spicy or mild
•opera or ballet (I’ve been to a lot!)
•London or Paris (even though I live in Paris, my soul belongs to London ♥)
•Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet
•Denim or Leather
•Potions or spells
•Ocean or dessert
•Mermaid or siren
•Masquerade ball or cocktail party
I tag @tianeve-q @em-sama and whoever wants to do this ♥
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grindy-cog ¡ 6 years ago
@tianeve-q 😆😂
Telling someone something personal and immediately regretting it
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sweetlittlevampire ¡ 6 years ago
hat auf deinen
You people should read the kinds of jokes...
Post some >:3
So that whole “I castrated Gellert Grindelwald by accident” post got us talking about...er...magic wands and baguettes (yep, the bread and the fact that a wand is called “baguette magique” in French), and theorise about how...how shall I put that to not get flagged? How well-endowed one has to be to actually show that much through pants.
Because hey. It’s a sketch. I’m not gonna sketch out every single toe if it’s going to be covered by a shoe, you know what I’m saying?
But yeah, the puns were something else, but they’re going to stay between the two of us. ;)
(Is this still safe for work though? XDD)
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grindy-cog ¡ 6 years ago
@1oveclub, @tianeve-q, @mirroroferisedx 🤣🤣🤣
skam france bts be like
axel and maxence:
david: and in that moment, time stopped, and 9 rainbows appeared in the sky and graced our mortal eyes. When they looked at each other, love was created and I heard my own mother cry in the distance. The cameramen? Dead. The editors? Grew a third eye. When I yelled cut, Jesus himself slapped me in the fac-
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