#tiana doing the lord's work as usual
twisting-echo · 1 month
A Fiery Heart’s Confession and a Shy Heart’s Shield
In the heart of the Mirrorforge Crater in the Stellar Hub, where the Mirrorverse heroes and villains often gathered to strategize and unwind, Hades and Snow White found a quiet spot at the table in the corner of the mess hall. The air was filled with the scent of Tiana's gumbo.
Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, was uncharacteristically nervous. His usual fiery demeanor was tempered by a rare vulnerability as he turned to his close friend, Snow White. She sat beside him, her serene presence a stark contrast to his usual chaos.
“Snow,” Hades began, his voice unsteady, “I need your advice.”
Snow White looked up from the hot cocoa she was sipping, her eyes filled with curiosity. “Of course, Hades. What’s on your mind?”
Hades took a deep breath, his flames flickering slightly. “It’s about Maleficent. Ever since she shot me this little smile when I saved Oogie Boogie and Ursula from the Fractured, I can’t stop thinking about her. I… I like her, Snow. But I have no idea how to get her to date me.”
Snow White’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, offering Hades a warm smile. “Maleficent? Oh well, first of all, it’s wonderful that you have feelings for her. But Hades, I want you to know that you shouldn’t change who you are to please her.”
Hades raised an eyebrow, a hint of his usual sarcasm creeping back into his voice. “Like, what? It’s not like I’m going to change myself into 'Mickey Mouse' to please her.”
Snow White giggled, shaking her head. “I didn't mean that. What I mean is that Maleficent is strong and independent. She’ll appreciate you for who you are, not for who you think she wants you to be. Just be yourself, Hades. Show her the side of you that cares—the side that saved Oogie Boogie and Ursula. Let her see the real you.”
Hades nodded slowly, absorbing her words. “You think that’ll work?”
“I do,” Snow White said sincerely. “And remember, confidence is key. Just be honest with her about your feelings.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. Snow White glanced over Hades’ shoulder and saw Gaston striding towards them with a bouquet of flowers, his eyes filled with determination. Panic flashed across her face, and she quickly ducked behind Hades.
Hades smirked, his flames flickering with amusement. “Looks like Gaston’s on the prowl again. He’s been quite obsessed with you lately~”
Snow White blushed, peeking out from behind Hades. “I don’t know how to face him, Hades. He makes me so flustered.”
Hades chuckled, patting her hand reassuringly. “Just remember what you told me. Be yourself. If he can’t handle that, then he’s not worth your time.”
Snow White took a deep breath, nodding. “You’re right. Thank you, Hades. but I don't think I'm ready right now."
As Gaston drew nearer, Hades stood up, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. “Hey, Gaston! Looking for someone?”
Gaston paused, his confident demeanor faltering slightly under Hades’ intense gaze. “Uh, yes. Snow White, actually.”
Hades scratched his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Hmmm, Snow White, let me see... dark-haired babe, about this tall,” he gestured with his hand, “and the fairest of them all? Oh, she went that way,” he said, pointing in the opposite direction.
Gaston, not one to question Hades, nodded eagerly. “Thanks, Hades!” He turned and hurried off in the direction Hades had indicated.
Snow White stepped out from behind Hades, her cheeks still flushed but now with a hint of amusement. “Thank you, Hades. That was quick thinking.”
Hades smirked, his flames flickering with satisfaction. “Anytime, Snowie. Now, let’s get back to figuring out how I can win over Maleficent.”
Snow White smiled, feeling more confident with Hades by her side. Together, they continued their conversation, each finding strength in the other’s support.
(Whatever is blue and underlined is a link)
I know I've been talking about Hades and Snow White's relationship in a romantic light for a while, but since I love their relationship dynamic so much, I thought I'd write about them in a platonic light. They just complement each other so much, and I think they would be so cute if they supported each other in their romantic endeavors.
I wrote this based on my love for the Hadeficent ship, thanks to the House of Mouse. I also wrote this based on the Disney Mirrorverse Official Villains Trailer and my friend @frie-ice post about a screenshot she got of Maleficent smiling at Hades in the trailer. 
And the part where Hades jokes about turning into Mickey Mouse to impress Maleficent is a reference to the House of Mouse episode Halloween with Hades. The Gaston pursuing Snow White part is based on my love for the ship and my fanfiction Snow White's Howl. Funny enough, this exchange between Hades and Snow White takes place after the events of my fic.
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shellyseashell · 4 months
not very organized, or comprehensive, but just some notes on what auradon is like in this au
- very post-apocalyptic. the shadow wars killed a lot of the population, and they haven’t had enough time to bounce back. the population sticks to the cities, with things like agriculture happening in nearby guarded villages. usually. both demon and bandit attacks are common, and distrust of outsiders is high.
- auradon is run by a council that only guard-aligned kingdoms are allowed to sit on. guild-aligned kingdoms are blocked out of most politics, and have very heavy guard presence. which means they’re much more targeted in hunts.
- the king’s guard think that if they kill all witches then demons will disappear too. it does nothing but make things worse.
- anyone who wants to join the king’s guard needs sponsorship for training, so most people who do are either born noble/royal or noticed by someone who is
- they have two moons, with one being pulled in from the demon realm. they count time based on the bigger moon.
- kumandra, motonui, greece, and atlantis are neutral and isolated
- trade is highly regulated, to ensure nothing goes where it shouldn’t
- king’s council: king beast, lord belos, queen tiana, queen leah, fairy godmother, queen ella, king lars (southern isles), and queen snow white
- there’s ruins all around because. post apocalypse
- traveling for trade is dangerous, so only goods that can’t be made locally are imported. merchants though are respected, and usually protected.
- technically, the king’s guard only has authority over magical affairs. however they care capable of making anything a magical issue if they twist it enough.
- the royal guild kids (that join the guard) aren’t placed in very dangerous situations so long as their parents stay in line
- belos still has access to his labs. do with that what you will.
- guard aligned kingdoms can choose which child they sent to the prep, if they send any. guild kingdoms get no choice.
- i’ll probably make a separate post on the prep, but training is from 7 to 18
- they keep any possible magical guards (who are rare, but exist) in line with brands similar to coven sigils
- enchanted lake water is one of the only magical things accepted to be used, since it washes off enchantments
- they’re very strict with sentencing. isle sentencings are very common.
- technology is more 17th-18th century, because they just didn’t have time or population to really industrialize. certain places have more advanced technology, but it’s not widespread.
- auradon relies on other kingdoms for navies. this will end up being a horrible plan.
- rebellion is still very much a thing, they just work underground now
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yumeinikki · 3 years
The first time it happens Bucky had laughed it off. He had probably personally invited it even. The huge media circus that was Captain America's wedding. So many people. So many important people. Something was bound to go wrong. So when Sharon gave him an apologetic smile before he even had the chance to sit down for breakfast, he knew exactly what was going to happen.
"Suspicious person spotted on the roof" she had said. The pain clear in her eyes. But the venue was compromised. And with their guest list no one wanted to take the risk.
By the second time they didn't even get to the venue. Only making it to the car for a roadtrip from DC to Delacroix with Torres and Belova (Sam's idea) when Torres got the call.
"Sin's been spotted near a crucial powerplant" that's all Bucky had to hear to know she was up to no good. But in all honesty. He didn't mind skipping the roadtrip.
By the third time Bucky started believing it might be an actual curse. Making a mental note to check in with Dr. Strange next time he'd be in New York. Though it was probably his own fault for kissing Sam goodnight with a cheeky "Third time's the charm" and very specific instructions to not come see Sam before the ceremony.
So when he finally had coaxed Sarah into even letting him go near Sam's room, with ample warning before hand, he gave a soft knock.
"Sweetheart, I know you said no peeking. But does it count if I'm in my uniform and not ny tux?" Bucky asked through the closed door
"We gotta go beat up some bad guys hmm? Saw it on the news" Sam replied. Bucky could hear his weight shifting behind the door, it opening slowly as Bucky closed his eyes obediently.
"It's what I get for marrying People's sexiest man alive, hottest groom of 2032 and GQ's man of the year, third year in a row. Everybody wants a piece of you" Bucky said, letting out a breath he didnt know he was holding as Sam chuckled softly, about to retort when he felt Sam's lips press against his own.
"You better not be peeking" Sam said as he pulled back, Bucky could hear him hold back a sigh. So he gently pressed their foreheads together.
"You think it was this hard for Steve?" He asked.
"I don't know" Bucky admitted. "I guess not, but then the world thought he was a popsicle. And I'm not quite ready for something that extreme. Besides, I'll gladly fight for your honour of actually getting to marry you. We'll make them regret it"
Sam laughed, Bucky melting as he felt Sam's breath against his skin. "Torres will be here with your uniform soon. You get ready, I'll tell the guests" Bucky said, pulling back reluctantly. But not before Sam could steal another quick kiss. "No peeking" he has repeated as Bucky pulled back. Giving a salute before he turned around as he heard Torres approaching.
By the fourth time Bucky found himself clumsily adjusting his speech. Leaving out a few of the colourful nicknames he and Sam had for each other. Quite sure Sam would never let him live down calling him 'his favourite asshole' in front of Riley.
By the time most guests had left and Riley was asleep in Sam's arms from way too much excitement Sam turned to Bucky.
"You were gonna call me asshole, weren't you" he said
"Favourite asshole. And in my defense, i wrote this speech a year ago" Bucky replied, holding his hands up in surrender.
"How were you planning on explaining that when she grows up?" Sam said, shaking his head.
Bucky pondered for a moment. "Well, I was gonna start with that full body slam. Also that time you didn't move your seat up. That time you made me sleep on Sarah's couch instead of your bed. Should I go on?"
Sam rolled his eyes. "Remind me why I even married you?"
"Beats me, Sweetheart, last time I checked you hated me" Bucky replied with a smirk, leaning in and sealing their lips together.
"Yeah I hate you Mr. Wilson" Sam replied.
And as Riley lay curled up in his arms Bucky realised that someone, somewhere had probably been looking out for him. That curse might've been a blessing after all.
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lucyoftheabyss48 · 5 years
Cautious Hero: Seiya and Rista Relationship Analysis
(Spoilers for the ending of the anime)
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So I finally got around to finishing Cautious Hero. I think it’s safe to say those last couple episodes were jarringly different in tone from the rest of the series. But I was definitely waiting for it because the show has always had hints of seriousness underneath the comedy. And with the way the scene played out when Rista learned the truth of her past, I just know that this show can be serious, and it can hit hard.
I’ve argued before that the heart of Cautious Hero is in the relationship between Seiya and Rista. It’s been that way since the beginning, even if it was hidden beneath the big comedic moments. They complement each other and cover each other’s weaknesses. They learn from and are influenced by each other. The events of episode 6 are the best example of this, see the above linked essay for elaboration. I still believe that this is the case — this is a story of correcting past mistakes and regrets, and of gaining strength and confidence through inspiration and friendship from others.
In episode 7, when Seiya was criticizing Rosalie for getting her soldiers killed, we got a hint of the reason why he is so overly cautious. I’ve written about this here before. He’s scared because he knows if he is careless, it will harm others, because he is the hero that everyone is relying on. If he dies, everyone else dies, and it’ll be his fault.
In these two episodes, we see how Seiya and Rista have learned to trust and rely on each other. We see how strongly they jump to each other’s defenses.
Rista supported him and his need for training and preparation, no matter how ridiculous it seemed, because she trusted that he was making the right choice. In the last couple episodes, we find out that a message had been left for him, to be cautious — cautiously cautious, even if it alienates him from everyone. Having Rista there to support and encourage him, to reassure him that what he was doing was right, meant a lot to him.
And Rista, she was a young newbie goddess, looked down on by almost all her fellow gods. She was “third-rate” and not “full-fledged.” She was under a lot of pressure, and had a lot to prove, leaving her unconfident and insecure in herself and her power as a goddess. But Seiya was the hero she had summoned, and no matter how far they go, they go together.
This is how they saved the world together. Seiya would have failed on his own. After sealing the Demon Lord in the Valhalla Gates once, he would have died, and then the Demon Lord would just escape. Rista came to save him, and unlocked her full potential as a healing goddess because of her desperate wish to save him. She saved him, so that he could seal the Demon Lord a second time, and this time, for good.
On their own, neither of them could have succeeded. But together, they saved the world. That’s how important their relationship is. It’s not because the hero was overpowered or had cheat skills (though it did help that he did), it’s not because he had legendary equipment (he gave up both the sword and the armor!) — they succeeded because they fought together.
In their past lives, both of them had felt like they’d failed each other. Tiana, Rista’s human past self, was a healer, but she’d been unable to keep Seiya safe, her powers insufficient. And Seiya, despite being the hero, had been reckless and skipped out on properly researching the Demon Lord’s powers before the battle, which got everyone — including Tiana, and his child which she was carrying — all killed. (Which is exactly what he blamed Rosalie for doing in episode 7)
When Rista ordered for her true healing powers to be unlocked, she said that this moment was the true reason why she became a goddess. Saving Seiya was her purpose, because last time, she’d been unable to. Through him, she found her inner strength and confidence, and was finally secure in her place as a goddess.
And Seiya, in the end, remembered her, and was glad that this time, he was able to save her. His caution had paid off. She was safe now, the world was saved, and he wouldn’t have to worry anymore. He hadn’t failed this time.
But Rista did.
She couldn’t save Seiya. Again.
So imagine how she felt as Rosalie and all the citizens of Gaeabrande praised her for being the “savior goddess.” Saving Seiya had been her purpose for being reborn as a goddess, but that was the one thing she failed to do. She blamed herself. She didn’t deserve to be a goddess, and she was still as weak as she’s always been.
It’s why she’s so lackluster and guilty as they all salute to her as she returns to the Divine Realm. It’s why she denies it when Aria brushed her hair and said she’d saved the S rank world, and that she looked pretty again. It’s why she’s confused when Valkyrie calls her a “second-rate” goddess instead of the usual “third-rate.” And it’s why she goes to Ishtar quietly, ready to accept any punishment.
Because none could compare to the blame she was already placing on herself.
So then, imagine again, how Rista must have felt when Ishtar said she’d be returning to Ixphoria, the first world she and Seiya had died in — the first world she’d failed in. But this time, the Demon Lord is stronger from having devoured a hero, and had upgraded to an SS rank. She’d have to go back, without her powers.
But her only visible reaction was a small twitch of the eyes, a tremble in her face and shoulders. She kept her head down, and said nothing. Instead, it was Aria who argued for her sake, loudly and assertively and agitatedly.
Rista said she was ready to take any punishment. Even if it meant going back to the world which had traumatized her so much, she’d been reborn as a goddess through sheer regret. She was ready to go back there, powerless and alone.
But she wasn’t alone. Seiya's soul survived — because of her. He had always been with her, as humans, in Gaeabrande, and now here. He’d be with her again. He was alive, and she hadn’t failed. The odds are against them, but no matter what they face, it’ll be all right because they’re still together. Just as they always have been. In the words of Seiya:
“Gonna be okay. Something will work out.”
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themightyhercules · 4 years
savages born from worlds apart | tia, herc, & jim
@tianabenoit, @rattlethexstars
Tia yawned softly, hiding it in her hair as she waited for her tray to be loaded at the bar. It had been a long day, between classes, her early evening opening shift at Gusteau's, and now her time at the Duckling. At least she didn't have to worry about being pawed at while she was at Gusteau's, but she'd managed to develop something of a reputation for her temper when touched without her permission. Luckily, it suited the atmosphere of the place and the owner's temperament just fine. When her tray was done, she shot a small but warm smile at the bartender for the night before she slid out into the crowd.
Reaching her destination, she dropped off drinks with a quirked eyebrow, "Anything else for ya?" Her New Orleans accent wouldn't go away, though it had softened some in her time away. After getting whatever else they needed, she drifted away to another table, tipping her head at the person sitting. "Welcome to the Duckling, cher. What can I get for you?" A mental countdown to the end of her night had already established itself in her head and she tried not to focus on it too much.
It was hard for him to wind down after work sometimes--hard for Hercules to wind down ever sometimes, always a bottomless well of energy and motion--and though he wasn't much of a barfly, it was one of the only options that late into the night. He didn't have a favorite, rotating through whatever the town had to offer pretty much at random. There had been a time he spent a lot of nights in those kinds of places, taking advantage of his looks and his newfound coordination, but it didn't take long to realize those girls didn't want to get to know him. Now, he stayed for a drink or two and that was all.
The Duckling only got skeevier after dark, but he didn't avoid those places on principle. He'd actually helped Meg out with a mugger not far from here, although she didn't seem all that grateful for his interference. He wasn't totally prepared for it when Tiana spoke to him. He was ready for someone to take his drink order, sure, but that girl? The waitress from Gusteau's that he could barely stutter out a word to? He hadn't known she worked here too. He knew how to seduce girls; it was easy when that was all they wanted from him, but having a conversation with them was a whole other kettle of fish. It took him a moment to find his voice, and he was relieved it came out steady. "Whiskey on the rocks, darlin'." Every girl was darlin' or girly, every guy pal or buddy. He hadn't heard her say much before this, but cher sounded like her version of that.
Tiana recognized the man in front of her, couldn't imagine anyone that wouldn't be able to remember him. Even to her, he was mouthwateringly muscular, but never failed to be polite, and even better, kind. Even when he seemed shy, which almost always seemed to be the case and she couldn't really understand why. He never seemed to stay very long unlike some patrons, which put him a leg up on them in her mind.
She watched him carefully, waiting patiently for his answer and ignoring the whistles from around her. "Whiskey on the rocks it is," she gave him a small smile and a nod. "Anything else? We've still got some food goin' on, if you want it. Loaded fries and such," she shrugged, trying to keep the distaste for it off of her face. Means to an end, that's all, she was quick to remind herself, as always.
She might have been able to ignore the whistles, but his jaw clenched at the blatant disrespect, and he had to make a conscious effort not to glare. People had a tendency to duck for cover when he started looking angry. "You get that a lot here?" He couldn't help it; he caught the eye of the nearest whistler and stared until he fell silent and looked away. He wasn't a violent person, but he looked like a violent person, and that was usually enough.
He turned his attention back to her, a smile coming easier now that the topic was food. Bar food kind of spoke for itself, but he rarely turned it down regardless of quality. "Sure. What d'ya recommend?" He'd learned to tell the difference between waitstaff who gave their honest opinion and ones who were just trying to sell whatever was about to go bad. She looked like an honest one, though he couldn't have said why.
She looked at him, her eyebrow quirked in curiosity. Most people around the Snuggly Duckling didn't care much, and she had gotten mostly used to it. "Sure, it's how they think they can get my attention," she shrugged lightly, her tray getting tucked under her arm. "They tend to learn they don't want my attention that way." It was the only way she had managed to make it so long int his place. Some of the patrons were amused by her temper and sassy responses to unwanted advances.
Tiana couldn't help but be a little curious about the difference in his attention towards everyone else versus herself, since it really wasn't warranted. "Honestly, if you're gonna get anything? Get the fried buffalo wings. They have to be made to order this late, so they're still good," she advised him, a slow smile threatening to form on her face. Food wasn't something she was ever willing to play about.
Hercules cared. He didn't have a spotless track record when it came to women, but there were acceptable ways to flirt and unacceptable ones that crossed right over into sexual harassment. "Don't blame ya." He rolled his shoulders back and made an effort to let go of that tension. She obviously didn't needed him to fight every guy in there for her. She had it handled. Somehow, that didn't come as a surprise.
"Sounds good," he agreed, not fighting a smile. It was an honest answer, and he appreciated her expertise. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her something else to keep the conversation going, but he didn't want to keep her from her work. "You need a bodyguard, just--" He chuckled, scratching his nose very obviously in the universal signal for a rescue. As if they'd need anything that subtle in a place like this.
She watched as he visibly relaxed, her eyebrow raising just a little higher at it. She wasn't quite sure what to make of him. Most of the people in this place didn't give much thought to her comfort, and she'd learned to accept it and ignore it. "Just don't be on the receiving end of it, and you'll be fine," she reassured him, not really sure why. She wasn't in the habit of warning people, after all. Not at the Snuggly Duckling. She heard the gruff voice of Platt shouting at her from his place at the bar and winced lightly before schooling herself.
"An order of fried buffalo wings, gotcha cher," she nodded, scribbling a note for it in her server book. "I'll get them in and be right back around when they're done. If ya need a refill, just catch my attention." She gave him a soft smile, something a little more genuine than most patrons got out of her. "Thanks," she murmured as she walked past him, heading back towards the bar. She paused at one of her slightly preferred regular figures, "You good, Jim?" Her head tipped, dark curls following suit over her black t-shirt as she did a quick check-in.
Jim couldn't possibly keep up with all the boarders in and out of the Benbow, but he made his way around to the Duckling every now and then to have a chat with Platt. He wouldn't admit it, ever, but there was something almost fatherly about the old barkeep, if you looked sideways and squinted your eyes. Lord and his mother knew Jim was in need of father figures, but he probably couldn't have picked a worse one, and any advice one got from Jonathan Platt was best taken with a grain of salt, if not the whole goddamn shaker. He was even actually legal to drink now, which promptly took all the fun out of it.
It didn't hurt that it gave him a chance to catch up with Tiana too, although he'd forgotten how quickly the patrons' harassment wore on his nerves. He couldn't stand bullies of any kind, never had, and he'd never learned well how to pick his battles. He was leaning back in a chair tipped onto two legs, his booted feet braced on the bar, the very picture of irreverence, but his rock crystal green eyes were narrowed in attention. He'd observed the exchange between Tia and the mountain of muscle but was too far away to hear any of it.
"Shit, if you don't want him, I'll take him," he said in a low voice, for Tia's ears only. He considered himself a free-wheeling bisexual and wasn't ashamed of it, but he also didn't feel the need to fight every goddamn homophobe in the place tonight. He preferred people who could have intelligent conversations; sadly, muscle didn't usually come with brains, but sometimes exceptions had to be made. "Good. You?" he said at a more reasonable volume, tipping her a nod. He wasn't above getting stupid drunk and causing chaos, but he had to be in the right mood.
Tiana tipped her head at Jim and sighed, shaking her head softly, "Now why would you go on thinkin' I'd want a man, Jim?  Or them me?" Though Hercules could make her second guess that, if she let him, which she was very good at not doing. A long time ago, she'd learned to ignore her inner Lottie voice.  She rolled her eyes lightly at him, shaking her head as she stepped to stand across from him. She could never understand why people tried to get so riled up on her behalf. She was plenty annoyed enough, thank you very much, and certainly didn't need anyone to fight her battles for her.
"It's alright, mostly quiet which is either good or bad," she shrugged lightly, narrowing her eyes at the sound of Platt hollering for her. "I'll get to you," she all but snapped at him, maintaining a pleasant smile as she looked over at the owner. "Whatdya want, and I'll bring it by on my next round?" She had to keep moving at this point of her day, or the exhaustion threatened to take over. She just had to make it to her sixth wind, as the second had come and go a job and two shifts ago.
"Every man in this room wants you, including that one," he said flatly. Not flattery, just a statement of fact. He didn't exclude himself from that population, in the way Jim was prone to wanting things just because he knew he couldn't have them. Tiana was way out of his league and out of his reach, and if that ever happened, they'd probably self-destruct in under a week. He wasn't good at relationships, and her bullshit tolerance was far too low to put up with him. But, still, it wasn't like the thought hadn't crossed his mind. He'd offered once, and she'd turned him down, and that was that. He wouldn't ask again, or he'd be no better than the rest of these lechs. No was no.
"Bad," he suggested. Quiet nights were boring nights, and boring and Jim couldn't coexist for long. There was no obvious mischief to be had right now though, and it seemed like a lot of effort to dredge some up when it was bound to present itself sooner or later of its own accord. He glanced at his beer, more than half gone, and decided it would do for now. "Beer. Whatever's on tap." He wasn't made of money, so he went for cost rather than taste. Most of his spare tips from the Benbow went to parts for whatever gadget he was working on.
Even though she disagreed, Tiana knew better than to argue with Jim on that point because they'd just wind up going around in circles. Her memory slid to the one time he'd tried to ask her out himself and she'd turned him down, gently but firmly, the way she did most things. It wasn't that he was unattractive, but he would drive her insane and she just didn't have the time. She barely had time in the world for herself, let alone someone else, honestly. Again, that inner Lottie voice tried to rise and she was quick to squash it.
After the bellow, she turned back to Jim and nodded, "Bad, because he can do that." She huffed lightly before nodding and going over to Platt, smacking her tray down a little too hard to put in orders and get her tray loaded with the drinks as she pointedly tuned out her boss. Normally, she had more patience with him, since he didn't exactly treat her terribly, but he also acted as though she was never leaving the job behind. She made her first round of drink deliveries before going back to pick up the whiskey and beer order, glad to see the wings done too. She dropped off Jim's beer as she walked past, giving him a light pat on the arm before going back to the mountain of muscle. "Here we go, whiskey on the rocks and those wings," she set them down along with a stack of napkins and a slight smile. "Name's Tiana, if you need to catch my attention for anything," she offered.
Hercules had settled back to people-watch and try not to spend too much of that watching his waitress. Though he occasionally found himself in conversations, that was how he spent most of his nights out. People were interesting from a distance, especially when they didn't know they were being watched. His gaze briefly settled on Tiana at the bar and the guy sitting there who seemed to be the only one not hitting on her. It was nice to know she had at least one friend in the place.
His attention had drifted to a fellow cheating at cards a few tables over. He thought that was bound to turn into a fight at some point, and he had to remind himself yet again that he didn't work here, and it wasn't his problem. That wouldn't work if a brawl actually broke out in front of him. "Appreciate it, girly." He pulled his elbows off the table to make room when Tia reappeared, with a nod of thanks. "Hercules. Nice to meet ya, Tiana."
"Hercules, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you too," an easy smile rose on her face as she got the introduction. She followed the line of sight where he'd been watching and chuckled lightly. "Which one of them is cheating tonight?" There was rarely a night in the Duckling when people weren't cheating at a game, cheating someone out of money, anything of that sort. She'd gotten disgustingly used to it in her time working there, but needs were needs and she needed to work as much as possible. The late hours were helpful.
"Hopefully this week nothing gets broken. I hate hearing Platt when they break his chairs," she wrinkled her nose at the very thought of it. Tiana had forgotten she had a witness sitting there to what was the closest to actual Tia any patron would ever see. She shrugged lightly and returned her attention to him. "Just stay out of trouble for me, 'kay?"
He didn't bother trying to explain his name. As far as he knew, he was Daybreak Bay born and raised, but his adoptive parents had long ago immigrated from Greece. He'd picked up a little of the language here and there, growing up. "The one in the hat." He nodded subtly toward the guy in question. She didn't look surprised by it, and he'd already gathered that it wasn't the most on the level place. The only thing that seemed out of place here was Tiana herself.
"Place could use a bouncer or two," he agreed. He wasn't volunteering, although he'd probably be good at it. He was already in love with his job. He flashed her a sweet smile that went all the way up to his eyes, trouble of an entirely different sort. "Yes ma'am." He hardly ever went looking for trouble. Sadly, trouble seemed to love his company.
It was a curious, different kind of name, but until she knew someone properly, she really wasn't one to pry much. Her eyes drifted over the regulars and sighed softly at who he pointed out. The portlier of the two wasn't quite as quick to anger, so it wasn't normally so bad when he was being cheated. "Oh dear. Here's hoping they've both had enough to drink." She contemplated taking another round over there to make at least a little distraction. They weren't normally too terrible.
"A bouncer?" Her eyebrow raised before she let out a slight huff of laughter, "Yeah, right. Only bouncer is Platt when he's been pissed off directly, or me bouncin' my tray off of someone's head." She didn't mind it so much, being known for a quick swing, though not the hardest she would admit. The smile he gave her made her blink a few times in rapid succession before clearing her throat lightly. "No need for the ma'am, seriously. Just Tia," she shook her head at him with a little tilt of a smile.
"Does that help?" He'd have thought more drinking made the problem worse. He couldn't help chuckling at that mental image. "Wouldn't mind seein' that," he admitted. She was tiny, but she had a lot of attitude. He nodded, trying to commit that to memory. "Ma'am" was maybe third after his other monikers, and he usually didn't think about them much before they slipped out.
"You wanna take a load off?" She didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, so he nodded to the vacant chair across from him. He doubted he'd have dared to ask if she hadn't been working, and if at least half his brain hadn't settled into protective mode. Frankly, he was getting a little tired of the guy behind her checking out her ass, and if he was tired of it, she had to be exhausted.
"With those two, it does, usually. Others, no, never," she admitted with a little shrug. She'd been at the Snuggly Duckling long enough to have picked up on how the regulars all worked and how to deal with them when she had to. "Hang around here enough and I'm sure you will," she admitted. She wasn't exactly proud of her temper, but it came in handy and kept her out of trouble working in a place like this. Luckily, most people only caught on to the sass and not the sharp edge underneath it, so it worked out just fine.
His offer made her pause and look at her watch and back at Platt. "Just... gimme a second," she nodded, dashing off to set her tray behind the bar and looking at the owner to simply say "Taking a ten" before walking away down past Jim. She paused at him, double checked his glass. "Not a word, Jim, not a word," she warned him with a playful finger to his chest, tapping it gently once. "Let Platt know when you're ready for another one," she suggested before moving away to go sit down across from Hercules. Sitting with him was a better alternative than the dingy backspace where she'd be pestered by the cook, after all.
"Good to know." He nodded, giving the pair another brief look. He could be unruly when he was drinking too, but that was mostly behind him. Was he going to be hanging around here? He wasn't sure. It seemed creepy to be hanging around just because she'd been nice to him. Nothing had changed, he decided. He raised his eyebrows, surprised by her agreement. He'd expected an easy brush-off and to barely see her for the rest of the night. "No rush."
He sipped his drink while she was gone and tried to coach himself to be cool and not read too much into it. Not crushing on girls who paid a little attention to him wasn't one of his strengths. He nudged the basket of wings toward her with a small smile when she returned, a silent offering. "So you work the Duckling and Gusteau's. Ya got a third one in there?" Great idea. Make yourself look like a stalker, Herc.
She couldn't say exactly why she agreed to sit down with him for a bit, as it really wasn't something she normally did. Sure, getting to get off of her feet for a few minutes was never something to be discounted. It was simply that she normally didn't take company during what little down time she had. Tia wasn't one to be taken in by a pretty face, a sweet smile, or miles of muscles, she really wasn't. She didn't tend to trust any of those things, and for good reason.
She quirked an eyebrow but accepted the offer of a wing, though she paused when he brought up her work. "You must really get around to put together that I work at Gusteau's too," she prompted, looking at him carefully. She didn't feel under threat, though, which was amazing to her and he tried to get herself to relax. "But yes, there is a third one in there. Benbow Inn, I put in shifts there every now and then when they need me and I can."
Herc wasn't going to ask for her reasoning. It was too much like looking a gift horse in the mouth. It wasn't like he usually bothered women while they were working, so there wasn't really a precedent for him, other than the fact that his conversations with girls usually ended in disaster. Double that for girls who were ridiculously pretty.
Of course she picked up on that, and he chuckled lightly, heat creeping into his cheeks. "Ya kinda stand out," he admitted, shaking his head like he could just as easily shake off the bashfulness. He couldn't, but he could keep plowing ahead with the conversation. "Never been. You recommend it?" If the food was good, he'd give anything a shot. She was right about the wings, so he figured she knew what she was talking about.
She watched the color rise in his cheeks and it immediately helped her relax the rest of the way. Maybe she should be at least a little flattered by the attention and that she was memorable. Really though, she wasn't quite sure how she felt about it and she could deal with that later. "Stand out, huh? I don't know if that's a good thing or not," she admitted finally. She never thought about whether or not she stood out or blended in, only ever just working and doing what came with that. She was very good at what she did, though, and she knew that.
"I do. Miz Hawkins and her family run the place, so it's cozy for a bed and breakfast. Homecooked food can never really be a bad thing, in my opinion, so if you get the chance, you should go," she nodded. There were far worse places than the Benbow in town, and she thought it was a wonderful work on the part of Jim's mom.
"Guess it comes with its own problems," he agreed. Standing out had never been a positive thing for Herc until maybe the last several years. Even then, he wasn't sure he preferred it, though he had little to compare it to. He'd always been big and awkward. "Local? Even better. I'll give it a try," he promised. It would be an easy one to keep, since he liked trying new places around town, either for drinks or food. It also gave him a chance to talk to different kinds of people and, maybe just a little, keep them at arm's length by always changing it up. He thought he should ask her another question and keep the conversation going, but his mind chose that moment to go blank, so he picked up another wing instead. Nobody had ever accused him of being smooth.
"It does. I would say my best friend suffers from it, but she enjoys standing out," she chuckled, thinking of Lottie. That girl would never go unnoticed in a million years, but Tia would never blame her. She nodded in agreement, "I found it when I first moved here." It put her solidly in with Miz Hawkins and introduced her to Jim, for better or worse. She finally munched on the wing, watching him for a moment. "What do you do here, then?" Not everyone was like her and from someone else, she knew that.
"Maybe she'll teach us her ways," he chuckled, finding it hard to imagine. If Tiana hadn't learned from her best friend already, he doubted there was any hope for him. "Oh yeah? Where ya from?" He'd guessed from her accent that she wasn't from Daybreak Bay, but you couldn't always tell that way. He figured the question would come back to him, but he never knew how to answer it. He was proud of his job, but people seemed to have very specific ideas when they thought of firemen. Many of them stripper related, apparently. He cleared his throat, a small smile quirking his lips. "Ah, firefighter. DBFD."
Tiana snorted in amusement, "Yeah, no. She's been trying for years to drag me into spotlights alongside her. It's not for me." Bless her, but Lottie had tried princessing her more than once and it never came out well. "New Orleans, actually, long way from Daybreak Bay." She gave a little shrug, being away from home had never bothered her too much. The answer to her question made her smile easily in surprise. "A regular hero, then. That's kind of amazing."
"It's a nice talent, but it ain't mine either." He shook his head, not losing his smile. The spotlight was just a way for him to make a bigger fool of himself with more people watching. He kind of liked that they had it in common, although it was hard to imagine. She was well past pretty, and she seemed sure of herself. It was hard to imagine her being bothered by attention. "What brings you here?" There was real curiosity in the question. It was a nice town, but the world was full of nice towns just like it. Her approval made him uncomfortable, and he rubbed the back of his neck with a light laugh. He just never knew what to do with that. Agreement seemed arrogant; modesty seemed disingenuous. "I guess, yeah. I love it. Wouldn't wanna do anything else."
"It doesn't have to be for everybody, or life would be too full of divas," she pointed out with a little laugh. Diva was not something Tia herself would ever be capable of being, but she didn't care. She was happy hidden away in a kitchen with an apron on and a spoon in her hand. Her food could be in the spotlight, taking center stage, and that was as close as she wanted to be. "Gusteau's, actually. I don't just work there, I'm a student there," she shrugged, as though it was no big deal. She tipped her head to watch him, curious about his reaction. "What made you choose that?"
"Sounds awful," he admitted. Attention-seeking people weren't his kind, although they could be useful for drawing the attention off of him. That wasn't really his experience with it though. "You're a cook? Sounds like a great job." He smiled. It fit her, her expertise on the area's restaurants now making more sense. "I don't know. I wanted to help people. Ain't got the brains to be a doctor," he chuckled. The thought had never really crossed his mind, being a doctor that was. He hadn't done well in school. He was strong and fast, and the fire department put his abilities, both learned and natural, to good use.
"Exactly," she nodded. She wasn't really sure how she felt about the conversation being turned to focus on her and she shrugged lightly. "I love it, I want to run my own place one day." That was far from a secret once people entered into her circle in even the remotest sense. It was easy for her to talk about as a general rule. She chuckled quietly and shook her head, "Doctors are all well and good. But they're not the be all end all of helping people."
"You let me know when you do. I'll be there." He smiled, already thinking of it as a forgone conclusion. It wasn't hard to imagine her in charge of her own place. She seemed to have the right temperament for it. "You always liked cooking?" He was passable in the kitchen, but he couldn't manage anything fancy, and forget about baking. He'd almost forgotten he was trying not to mess this conversation up--which was usually when things went badly for him, but he never realized that until after. "Nah. Lots of ways to lend a hand," he agreed. He'd found one that worked for him.
She couldn't help but give him a bright, sunny smile at the very idea. "When it's open, I'm looking forward to it." She wanted to make a place where all kinds of people from different places could come together and enjoy the same thing. It was a way of building community all its own and she wanted to have that for herself. "As long as I can remember. I was little, I had my own steps in the kitchen to help me reach the pot," she admitted with a little laugh. They were some of her favorite memories, too. "Exactly. I'm glad you like the one you're in." It made her heart clench a little, the people who put themselves on the line for others. She couldn't help but think of her daddy.
"D'aww. Ain't that cute." He chuckled to imagine tiny Tiana, barely able to reach the stove, but determined to do as she pleased. "You got a specialty, or ya try a bit of everything?" He didn't have the slightest idea how cooking school worked. Did she have to learn everything, or did she focus intensely on a couple things? It had never occurred to him to wonder before. "Me too. Nothin' really fit before that. Didn't think it ever would," he admitted, shrugging. He'd been aimless before he wandered into Phil's. That helped him with himself, but it hadn't really given him a purpose like the fire department had.
"Yeah, yeah," she snorted lightly, amused despite herself. She hadn't expected her time with him to be so... easy. "In school? No. We're expected to be well-rounded," she shrugged lightly. "Personally? Cajun food, that's home coming out in me." It let her take some of home with her no matter where she went. "Why not?" She wasn't normally one to dig too deep, but she found herself curious about him.
The conversation had already gone on longer than he'd expected it to, and she was surprisingly easy to talk to. No doubt his brain would agonize over that for possible meaning later on, but for now, he was just enjoying the company. He nodded. Well-rounded seemed like a fair way to start off, but it also sounded frustrating if she already knew what she liked. "Sounds amazin'. Not much of that around here." He thought Daybreak Break could use someone like her if she decided to stay after she finished school. He considered the question, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Always had trouble fittin' in. Wasn't really good at anything. Kinda made a mess of everythin' everywhere I went."
She heard her name yelled from behind the bar and rolled her eyes, pointedly ignoring it for at least a little while longer. "No, there's not, but that's okay. I'm thinking I could bring it here. There's no reason for even more Cajun restaurants in a city already crawling with them," she pointed out with a little shrug. Bringing people together was easier when it was something new to bond over to start. She reached over and poked at his bicep muscle. "I can't imagine growing into those was easy, so I can picture that." She shot him a teasing smile before pulling her hand back and clearing her throat.
He heard it too, but he didn't ask. If she wanted to stay a little longer, he wasn't going to argue with that. "True. Market's wide open for one." He smiled. He liked the idea of Tiana bringing a little piece of her home to some new city, Daybreak Bay or otherwise. Though the fact that she had reason to stay here was nice on its own, and he wasn't going to look too closely at that. He chuckled in surprise when she reached across the table, clenching a fist and flexing for her out of habit. "Nah, it wasn't. I was a bull in a china shop 'til I wandered into The Coliseum."
She would wind up paying for ignoring him, but sometimes she did it purely on principle. It normally went she wound up getting the messy cleaning for the night, but it was fine. The longer shift didn't hurt her paycheck any, just her sleep cycle, which was already terrible. "Exactly!" It was a sound business decision at the core of it, and let her spread what she loved a little more. A quiet snort of laughter escaped her when he flexed, and she just shook her head at him. "At least you found it, right?"
He grinned as he lowered his arm, reaching to pick up the drink he'd mostly forgotten about. "Looks like we both did." At least in the sense that they had both found something that fit, anyway. He trusted her to know her own business, but he certainly didn't want to get her in trouble or be grounds for losing her job. He nodded toward the back where the yell had come from, presumably her boss or the owner or both. "Am I gettin' you in trouble?"
She couldn't help but look around her and steel herself. She wasn't there, not yet, and not by a longshot, but she knew what she wanted and that had to count for something. Until then, it was a long, hard grind to the finish line, but she knew she could do it. "Platt likes to think it'll scare me into submission. He's a jerk, but he pays better than most," she shrugged and slid out of her seat. "Doesn't mean I want to entirely piss him off. RIling him up is one thing, can even be fun. But..." She trailed off and shrugged, giving him an apologetic smile.
He didn't think of himself as that observant, but he could almost see Tiana put a wall back up as she looked around the bar. He hadn't noticed it was down while they were talking, but he realized it was the same for him. He'd almost forgotten where they were until Platt yelled for her. "Doesn't seem to be workin' so well." If she wasn't intimidated by this place, he doubted there was much that would get to her. He gave her a smile in return, trying to fight down a renewed surge of shyness. "It was nice talkin' to you, Tiana."
A quick grin spread over her face and was gone as quick, something that could be called mischievous if she was anyone else, "No, much to his dismay." She shot him a quick little salute, "You know where to find me." She didn't mind if he did, either. Sometimes it was nice to have someone to talk to that wasn't Lottie, but she wouldn't trade her best friend for the world. Slipping back over to the bar, she caught the towel Platt tossed at her with a scowl and turned her attention to Jim. "You good?"
"Not as good as you," he drawled, quirking an eyebrow suggestively. He chuckled and let his chair tip back to four legs with a soft thump. He probably could pick someone up there if he wanted to, but no one had captured his attention, and without it, there was no point. He could never tell exactly what would pique his interest, but he didn't do well with boring. A bored Jim usually led to Jim in all kinds of trouble. "How'd it go?" He wasn't expecting a lot of details, partly because he was him and not Lottie, and mostly because they were in front of Platt and everyone. But he had to ask.
Tia scoffed lightly at him and snapped her towel at him after a quick rolling twist of it. After, she leaned against the wood near him and wondered yet again why he let himself just sit there instead of chasing someone. "It was just a conversation, Jim. Aren't I allowed to have those?" Her eyebrow quirked up in his direction, a quiet challenge. She couldn't quite shake the little smile she'd been wearing, but an entertaining Jim could do the same to her when she was in the mood for it.
"Don't be such a tease." He sneered faintly when her towel cracked over him, mainly because he didn't move out of its way. That chair was a delicate balancing act, after all, as was his look of practiced insouciance. "It's encouraged, actually. But since when do you do that?" He would take 'it was just a conversation' from most people because for most people it was, but Tia rarely showed an interest in anyone. He grinned though, prepared to let it go. He enjoyed pushing her, but only to a point. Jim usually knew where the lines were. Whether he chose to acknowledge them was another matter.
"You would miss it if I stopped," she pointed out with an arched eyebrow and a slight smirk. She was so accustomed to Jim's nonchalance at this point, it didn't surprise her when he managed to stay balanced on his chair. She opened her mouth to retort before she paused to exhale sharply through her nose. "Tonight's been extra boring," she pointed out without missing a beat. "He was a nice way to ignore Platt and have a nearly valid excuse," she grinned sharply, her gaze darting to her ill-tempered boss.
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
Sins of the Past Pt.2
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The Fields of Dun Broch. (Merida stands in a field alongside David and Kristoff.) Merida: "Look at this. (Hands Kristoff a dead wheat stalk:) Every single ear has died. We’ve received reports that it’s the same throughout our lands. I rode through this valley only yesterday. The crop looked healthy enough then. Our farmers can't explain it." Kristoff: (Examining the stalk:) "No disease could have done this overnight." Merida: "What could kill all the plants other than a disease?" David: (Looks around:) "It is not killing all the plants. The trees and hedges around the crop fields are unharmed. Unfortunately, you can’t eat trees and hedges." Merida: "It’s only killing plants we can eat?" David: "It appears so." Merida: "So if it’s not a disease, it must be magic. It seems we truly are cursed." Storybrooke. Mayor's Office. (While Emma stands rocking Maria in her arms, Regina has called Will Scarlett into her office.) Will: "I already said I was sorry, it's not like I meant to do it." Emma: (Scoffs:) "Well first of all, you never apologised and second-" Regina: "Knocking my wife over in the street while running to win a bet is not something I'm prepared to take lying down." Emma: (Sensing Will is about to make a joke:) "Don't. Trust me, just don't." Regina: (As Will promptly closes his mouth:) "I swear, if my niece wasn't in love with your sister, you'd be nothing but a pile of ashes on the floor by now." Will: (Straightening his jacket, casually:) "But since that practically makes us family, you can't be doing that." Regina: "No. No I can't. But what I can do is have you make amends for your actions." Will: "Well hey, (Turns to Emma:) if you want me to kiss it better for you, I'm more than willing to-" Emma: (Cutting in:) "That's not what we had in mind." Will: (Smiles:) "Pity. (Sighs, turning back to Regina:) All right then, what do you want me to do?" Regina: "We'd like you to accompany Ella on her journey to Wonderland." Will: (Relieved:) "Is that all? No problem." Emma: "Across all areas of Wonderland. Parts that didn't make it into the story books." Will: (Eyes widening:) "Y-you want me to take her to... No, no I'm still a wanted man down there. You'd be signing my death warrant. (To Regina:) I'll take the pile of ash option before I go there again." Ella: (Entering the room:) "Please, Will. (Will turns to face her:) Henry and I, we've looked for my mother all over the realms with no sign of her. I know she's out there somewhere. (Moving closer to him:) I know how long it took you to find your way back to Alice. All I'm asking for is the chance to be reunited with someone that I love. Won't you help me?" Will: "You don't realise what you're asking, none of you. (Looking around the room, sighs:) All right, I'll do it. If your mother's out there then of course I'll help you find her. (Ella pulls Will into a huge hug, which Will returns until he sees the looks on the faces of Ella's would-be mother in laws. Pulling away, clears his throat:) Of course, I'm gonna have to ask Tiana before I can go anywhere." Ella: "Oh, I already asked her, actually it was her idea." Will: (Flatly:) "Oh, good."
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Regina: "Then it's settled. No time like the present." Will: "N-now?" Emma: "Unless you've changed your mind about option A?" (Will shakes his head.) Ella: (Smiling:) "Oh this is going to be so great. I'm so excited." (Will allows himself to be pulled from the room as Emma watches them go with amusement.) Emma: "You know, (Turning back to Regina:) you're still pretty hot when you go all 'Madam Mayor' on people." Regina: "Why thank you 'Miss Swan'." Emma: (Bites her lip:) "Don't start." (At that moment the phone rings and, after giving her wife a flirtatious smile, Regina answers the call.) Regina: "Hello, Mayor Swan-Mills speaking. What? Where? Oh for god's sake. I'll be right there." Emma: (As Regina hangs up:) "Problem?" Regina: "Of the Charming variety. Come on, I'll explain on the way." Kingdom of Valencia. Marketplace. (Chef Vincenzo and Gwynne the maidservant are buying supplies in the marketplace.) Chef: "Look, I know a hook-up from your boss isn't the smoothest thing, but... I don't care. Because, truthfully, I think we could be great together.” Gwynne: "But love isn't meant for people like us." Chef: "Oh, I beg to differ." (Taking Gwynne's hand, the pair proceed to dance together through the marketplace.) Chef: ♪ If I could share my life with you ♪ ♪ Just think how happy we'd be ♪ ♪ We'd share our hovel built for two ♪ ♪ Complete with vermin for three ♪ (Gwynne chuckles.) ♪ We could while away each hopeless day ♪ ♪ Comparing open sores ♪ ♪ Yes, life would blow, but much less, though ♪ ♪ If I could share mine with yours ♪ Gwynne: “No, I can't. It's impossible! (Chef moves to turn away, disheartened when Gwynne pulls him back.) ♪ If I could share my life with you ♪ Chef: ♪ Admit it, it would be nice ♪ Gwynne: ♪ We'd share one cot, one chamber pot ♪ Chef: ♪ Plus trench mouth, tapeworms, and lice ♪ ♪ We would have a dozen kids ♪ Gwynne: ♪ And maybe one won't die ♪ Chef: ♪ And the plague ♪ Gwynne: ♪ The runs ♪ Chef: ♪ Invading huns ♪ Both: ♪ Just think how time would fly ♪ ♪ If you could share your life with me ♪ ♪ I'll Cherish every foul breath ♪ Gwynne: ♪ The filth ♪ Chef: ♪ The rot ♪ Gwynne: ♪ The leprosy ♪ Both: ♪ The painful, lingering death ♪ ♪ Thank the Lord our life expectancy ♪ ♪ Is merely thirty two ♪ Gwynne: ♪ Yeah, it might be sweet misery ♪ Both: ♪ To share what's left with yo-o-o-u ♪ Chef: “So, me, you, dinner tonight, my place. You bring that pretty little smile of yours, and I'll supply the rest. (Gwynne nods and hurries away. To himself:) Yes!” (Turning, Chef bumps into a creepy looking man.) Jonas: “Please, we seek King Richard. Where can he be found?” Chef: “I…” (Jonas presses a seal into Vincenzo’s hand.) Jonas: “We have urgent business with the King.” Chef: “I’m sorry, any business you have with the King will have to be pursued through the usual channels. (Chef looks at the seal:) But this is the seal of the House of Tregor. Where did you get this?” Jonas: “It does not belong to me.” (Jonas turns to a woman, who pulls back her hood.) Catrina: “It belongs to me.” Chef: “My Lady.” (Vincenzo bows.)
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Storybrooke. Granny's Diner. (Ella and Henry talk about heading back to Wonderland.) Ella: "I just know my mother is still out there. Now with Will as our guide through Wonderland I can't wait to resume the search." Henry: (Hesitant:) "Well, if anyone knows the secrets of Wonderland, it's definitely Will... or Alice for that matter." Ella: "Why do I sense a 'but' coming?" Henry: (Takes a deep breath:) "Do you really think this is the right time for us to drop everything and continue looking for your mother? I mean we were barely saving any money with three jobs between us and now-" Ella: (Nods:) "I know, I know. But this is my family we're talking about, how can you ask me to-" Henry: "Woah, wait. I would never ask you to stop searching for your mom. I just think that maybe the time isn't right for 'us' to start the search again." Ella: "What are you saying?" Henry: (Taking her hand:) "I'm saying I love you and I think you should absolutely go with Will to Wonderland." Ella: (Frowning:) "Without you?" Henry: "Ella, I can't quit working right now. I'm trying to build a future for the both of us. To put a deposit down on a house of our own." Ella: "You know I don't care about those things." Henry: "But I do. I want to be able to provide for you, for our family, both future and absent." Ella: "Are you sure about this?" Henry: (Nods:) "Go find your mom, I'll be right here when you get back." Elsewhere in Storybrooke. (The Charmings, Robin Hood and other volunteers are working to help the people of Dun Broch.) David: "We've set up tents in the woods and surrounding areas." Emma: (Handing Maria to Snow:) "Exactly how many people is this?" David: "Around half. Queen Guinevere and Lancelot have offered to shelter the rest, but given Dun Broch and Camelot's history..." Snow White: "Not everyone was receptive to the idea." Regina: (Nods:) "So Storybrooke has the lion's share." (Running a hand through her hair, Regina walks away from the table, a concerned look on her face.) Emma: (Following:) "Hey, 'Gina, wait up. This is not the end of the world. So it might be a little cosy around here for a little while." Regina: "It might be a long while unless Merida can lift the curse on her land." Emma: "Well, she is a queen, it's not like she hasn't faced challenges before." Regina: "Yes, but no-one as far as I know has ever been stupid enough to kill a unicorn. Who knows what challenges Merida may have to face." Emma: (Shrugs:) "Sucks to be her, I guess."
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Regina: "Excuse me?" Emma: "Oh come on, you can't tell me you're not just a little excited by all this." Regina: "By what, Storybrooke being inundated with refugees?" Emma: "No, think about it. Henry and Ella are headed to Wonderland, so we finally have the house to ourselves for awhile and, on top of that, there's a new curse." Regina: "So?" Emma: "So? Regina, for once we have nothing to do with what's going on. We can just sit back and watch how things work out." Regina: (Thinks:) "You want us to do nothing and let someone else lift the curse? (Emma nods:) So you want us to become your parents?" Emma: (Raises an eyebrow:) "I want to use this opportunity to show people that they don't have to come to us all the time to solve their problems. That they can do things for themselves. Ever since we united the realms of story, people have been coming to us to defeat the latest snow monster, gorgon or wayward god that threatens them." Regina: "Because our magic is the most powerful in all the realms." Emma: "Yes, but if Merida succeeds, it just might mean that our time as heroes can finally come to an end." Regina: (Finally catching on, smiling:) "You're talking about retirement?" Emma: (Smiles:) "I think we've earned it, don't you?" Regina: "Well I can't say I haven't thought about it." Emma: (Knowingly:) "Mmhmm. Although, if you're worried about us turning into my parents, you could always join me behind those trees over there. (As Regina glances back over her shoulder:) I'm pretty sure they wouldn't approve of what I have in mind." (With a sultry smirk, Emma walks past Regina deeper into the forest. Running a hand through her hair once more, Regina spares the gathered mass of people one last look before following her wife into the forest and out of sight.) Storybrooke Heritage Park. (Mulan and Xena are sparring with Ruby and Gabrielle watching on.) Mulan: "You're mine now, Warrior Princess." Xena: "You know what, Sweetie? You talk too much." (The sounds of swords clashing and various battle cries travel up to the hill on which Ruby and Gabrielle are sitting.) Ruby: (Wincing:) "They do know this is supposed to be for fun, right?" Gabrielle: "Oh, Xena likes her fun to be on the rough side of things. She says it gets her juices flowing." Ruby: "Not just hers though I'll bet." Gabrielle: (Her cheeks reddening:) "No comment." Ruby: (Laughs:) "Are you blushing?" Gabrielle: "No, I... I just don't usually talk about my private life with anyone but Xena is all." Ruby: "Mm I can understand that. There couldn't have been many chances to talk with other women on the road, huh?" Gabrielle: "Not unless you count barmaids or psychotic blonde warriors trying to kill either of us, no." Ruby: "I bet you're glad those days are over now." Gabrielle: (Inclines her head, considering:) "For the most part. Xena and I have never really been homebodies, although I think Xena's finally showing signs of wanting to slow down a little. (As she says this, Xena performs a perfect triple mid-air somersault, knocking Mulan to the ground with two feet to the chest before landing with a flawless back flip:) Or maybe not."
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(Riding on horseback, Merida arrives calling for Mulan.) Merida: "Mulan! I need your help." Xena: (Steps forward as Mulan picks herself up off the ground:) "Anything we can do?" Merida: (Shaking her head:) "No, I need someone I can trust." Gabrielle: (Walking alongside Ruby:) "No offense taken." Merida: "Sorry, I... I need the help of my former mentor." Mulan: "Why, what's happened?" Merida: "Dun Broch is cursed and as Queen I need to make amends before it can be lifted." Xena: "Sounds like quite the problem." Ruby: "There must be something we can do?" Merida: "Aye, there are refugee camps set up at both Storybrooke and Camelot, they need volunteers to look after the sick and the elderly while I do my damnedest to lift this curse. (Offers her hand:) Please, Mulan, there's no time to lose." Mulan: (To Ruby:) "Go on, help the villagers, if we need you, we'll know where to come find you." (With that, Mulan takes Merida's hand and allows herself to be pulled up onto the horse before riding off into the distance. Twirling her sword a few times in frustration, Xena sighs, then walks past Ruby and Gabrielle to take a seat on a nearby tree stump. Exchanging looks, they follow Xena with Gabrielle taking a seat beside her.) Gabrielle: "So, should we go see if your medical skills can be put to good use?" Xena: (Casually checking her sword for signs of damage:) "Hm? Oh, sure. I mean it's not like I'm doing anything else important now am I?" Ruby: "Well, helping those in need is kind of your thing, right?" Xena: (Looking to her briefly:) "Of course." Gabrielle: "Are you all right?" Xena: "Never better. Who wants adventure in their lives anyway, right? Certainly not us anymore." (Watching Xena walk away, Gabrielle smirks up at Ruby before standing.) Gabrielle: "The tougher the warrior, the more they pout when they aren't invited to play." Xena: (From a short distance away:) "I heard that!"
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Kingdom of Valencia. (After dropping a customer off in his cab, Henry takes a moment to stretch his legs and decides to walk around Valencia feeling a little down.) Henry: (To himself:) "Once upon a time I was the Author, now I'm not even a decent writer. I have no magic, no real discernible skills. I can sword fight but I'm not the best. So what then? Am I destined to be a cab driver all my life? (Sighs:) Honestly, I have no idea what I am. (Notices something:) Oh! (Stands watching a blacksmith at work.) ♪ If I were a jolly blacksmith ♪ ♪ What a happy guy I'd be ♪ ♪ I would do all kinds of blacksmith stuff ♪ ♪ In my blacksmithery ♪ ♪ I would hit the thing with the other thing ♪ ♪ Till I made a different thing ♪ ♪ If I were a jolly blacksmith ♪ No, I'm not feeling it. Besides, I'd get filthy. There must be something better. Ooh! (Henry walks over to a market stall:) ♪ If I were a friendly farmer ♪ ♪ Wouldn't that be, oh, so sweet? ♪ ♪ I'd be planting greens and lots of beans ♪ ♪ And other things to eat ♪ ♪ Then I'd plant some eggs, then a couple pigs ♪ ♪ Then a yummy chocolate cake ♪ No, that's not right. Besides, any moron can plant a cake. I want to be special, needed, liked. I've got it! (Arrives at the beer stall:) ♪ If I were a merry brewer ♪ ♪ That would be a grand career ♪ ♪ I would pick the grapes and peel the grapes ♪ ♪ And stomp them into beer ♪ Damn it! (Sighs:) I don't know how to do anything. ♪ If I'm just a jolly nothing ♪ ♪ What am I supposed to do? ♪ ♪ Don't know where to go ♪ ♪ Don't know how to fit ♪ ♪ Don't know who to even be ♪ ♪ If I were a jolly ♪ ♪ Tailor ♪ ♪ Juggler ♪ ♪ Barber ♪ ♪ Wet nurse ♪ ♪ Cesspool worker ♪ Ugh, what difference does it make? ♪ I would still be me ♪
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Meanwhile In Storybrooke... (At the exact moment of her son's existential crisis, Regina Swan-Mills can be found against a tree thoroughly enjoying herself. Cradling her wife's head and balancing with one leg over Emma's shoulder, it is all the mayor can do to keep her cries of ecstasy as quiet as possible. That is until both women hear a branch snap somewhere nearby. Scrambling to their feet and trying desperately not to fall over each other, both women stand ready for whomever or whatever is coming their way. Staring at the place where they’d heard movement, they watch astonished as a strikingly beautiful yet haunted looking woman staggers out from behind a tall oak tree.) Storybrooke Campsite. (Having joined Snow, David and others distributing food to the refugees, Queen Guinevere turns at the sound of a commotion coming from the tree line. When first seeing Emma and Regina emerge in a disheveled state, most people's attention returned to their own business as this sight was a common one in and around Storybrooke. Upon seeing the woman following behind them however, Guinevere's reaction causes everyone to stop what they're doing and take notice.) Guinevere: "Morgana!"
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truitt-story · 4 years
Food Tour | Tizel
Tiana truly believed that introducing people to new foods was doing the Lord’s work. That was part of the reason she wanted to open Tiana’s Place so badly: Swynlake needed a culinary shake-up, and an entire restaurant devoted to New Orleans cooking would definitely bring that. But for now, she’d have to settle for converting people, one at a time.
Saturday mornings were usually pretty quiet at Chippamunka, so Tiana told Marzel that he could come in that day to try her beignets. The head of the kitchen was starting to be a little more lenient about letting Tiana try out dishes as temporary specials, so she was able to argue her way to a temporary New Orleans menu that morning. Everything was ready to go.
Taking Uncle Waldo his customary egg salad sandwich and tomato soup, Tiana spotted Marzel. “Take a seat anywhere!” she called from across the room. “I’ll be with you in a minute!”
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alexanderking · 3 years
Another Top 20 albums of 2021
“...And have I left anything out?” – Albums et al of 2020:
Yakul – Kaleidoscope EP: All I can do is facepalm with this one. The songs are a lot shorter than the previous EP, but still take us through a journey of various musical movements. My favourite on here is the situation ship anthem ‘Streetlight’...
emil – Ambrosia: This was an artist I discovered in the legendary Clubhouse Neo soul moment room that closed out 2020. As usual I turned my nose up at how short the tracks were on the project. That being said, there’s barely a missed moment with the production. This is a project I’ve revisited a couple of times this year and appreciated it more each time...
Reel People – Dancing on the Moon EP: After a few years of various remixes and covers, the production trio of Mike Patto, Oli Lazarus & Toni Economides return with an EP of original music featuring independent and underground legends, old and new alike. This EP marks a welcome return to the collective voyaging into Soulful funk with elements of Jazz and Hip-Hop for good measure...
Demae – Life Works Out...Usually: For many people, the first wave of lockdowns, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, damn near forced many people to reflect on the current situation, past memories and also the demons that our busy lives allowed us to ignore to an extent. ‘Life Works Out...Usually’ is a UK Neo Soul journey into observations, reflections and life lessons that 2020 brought to light. My favourite on this EP is the self-affirming ‘Use It’...
Javier Santiago – Phoenix: I came across this project looking for more music by Nicholas Payton and noticing how frequently he collaborates with members of the Jazz-Funk outfit ‘Butcher Brown’. This project actually came out in 2018 but BLOODY HELL I love this!!!!! I needed to give this a mention somewhere...
Tiana Major9 – At Sixes and Sevens: This needed a mention because of how beautiful I find the track ‘Exclusively’!!!...
Jeff Bradshaw – Stronger: While this latest offering from Trombonist Jeff Bradshaw doesn’t quite reach the highs of ‘Bone Deep’, there are some pretty cool covers and original gems in ‘Closure’, ‘I Do (Sincerely)’ and ‘Betta’...
Hope Tala – Girl Eats Sun: This is just a really cool low-vibe R’n’B EP. Another shout to Gia from Twitter for putting me on this one!...
20) Turbulance – Turbulance:
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I stumbled upon this album while checking out Afronaut’s latest batch of music, having not listened to much of his stuff lately. This project is a rather lengthy collection of Broken Beat/Nu-Jazz pieces, some being pretty laid back, others being quite whimsical and some with a bouncy head-nod factor. My favourites are the aptly titled ‘Super Mario International’ and ‘One for Misho’...
19) Kaidi Tatham – An Insight To All Minds:
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I always look forward to a new Kaidi Tatham release. While there is still some venturing into Broken Beat, this is very much a realm that belongs to Kaidi alone. The music ranges from being fairly monotonous to a swift journey of different sounds, covering Hip-Hop, (some) Electronic, Brazilian and Jazz genres. While I’m still caught up on the heights of ‘In Search of Hope’, there are some gems on the project...
18) l o r d & d e g o – Lord & dego:
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Dego releases his second album in 2021 alone, this time working with frequent collaborator Matt Lord (Lordamercy). This is pretty straight forward broken beat/London boogie going on here. A lot of the tracks are pretty short so as to not overstay their welcome. That being said, most of the tracks still give us that signature beat change! My favourites are ‘The Curtain Falls’, ‘Your New Life Costs You Your Old Life’, ‘People Lie, Actions Don’t’ & ‘Pale Care, Avant!’...
17) Theo Croker – BLK2LIFE II A FUTURE PAST:
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This is one of the few instances where I thought this American musician was British (as opposed to the other way ‘round). Theo Croker adds yet another contribution to the West-Coast Jazz scene with this blend of futuristic jazz, Neo soul, broken beat and hip-hop, while also throwing back to the sounds of Fela Kuti at times. My favourites are ‘Lucid Dream’ and ‘Happy Feet (for dancers)’...
16) Esperanza Spalding – SONGWRIGHTS APOTHECARY LAB:
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I almost ignored this project because of how experimental it gets with the vocals and some of the instrumentals (I’m looking at YOU, ‘Formwela 7′!!!). I was able to enjoy the ongoing march of ‘Formwela 2′ and the “In the meantime” chant of ‘Formwela 3′. I was able to catch the quieter moments of ‘Formwela 4′, the optimism of ‘Formwela 8′ and the love lament of ‘Formwela 10′. I think if you get past the chanting of ‘Formwela 1′, you’re in for a treat (...mostly...)...
15) SPELLLING – The Turning Wheel:
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This was an album that got a much coveted ‘10′ from Anthony Fantano. On seeing this I thought to check it out. Words like ‘whimsical’ and ‘enchanted’ are appropriate to describe this synth-pop journey. In terms of writing and production talent, all of which was done by SPELLLING, I’d put her up there with artists like Gwen Bunn, Paris Strother, Angela Johnson and (maybe to a lesser extent) Georgia Anne Muldrow...
14) Hiatus Kaiyote – Mood Valiant:
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Hiatus Kaiyote return with their highly anticipated 3rd album, which I take as a more fleshed out version of ‘Tawk Tomahawk’; a lot of these tracks feel a lot more complete. My favourites are the desert tinged ‘All the Words we Don’t Say’ and the reflective ballad ‘Stone or Lavender’. I do want to shout out the solitary ‘Red Room’... 
13) Daniel Casimir – Boxed In:
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On first listen I thought that ‘Boxed In’ was mainly around belonging and being forced to fit into a certain narrative being Black in the UK. However listening more and more I’m taking in the theme of prioritising our own safety. The music on this project is very busy. Most of the tracks feel like being in a hurry, the bustle of city life in general. There are a lot of great musical movements on here that make me come back every so often...
12) Nubiyan Twist – Freedom Fables:
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Nubiyan Twist are part of the UK Jazz wave that are utilising the West African influence in their music. This is most evident in pieces like ‘Tittle Tattle’, ‘Ma Wonka’ and ‘If I Know’. There are some great soul tinged moments with ‘Morning Light’, ‘Flow’ and ‘24-7′ as well...  
11) Mac Ayres – Magic 8Ball:
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This is another lockdown influenced album which plays quite mellow a lot of the time. The first couple of tracks on the album hit close to home on its release as it was something I was going through at the time. I found the second half of the project to be way more optimistic in tone. My favourites are ‘Nothing Else’, ‘Every Time’ and ‘Almost Home’...
10) Joyce Wrice – Overgrown:
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Joyce Wrice is a name I paid attention to after her feature on Devin Morrison’s throwback influenced ‘With You’. Vocally she gives me Amerie ‘All I Have’ era vibes. Musically this is very straight ahead R’n’B album that calls back more to the early 2010s while keeping a lot of the more mellowed out style in the genre. ‘Definitely one of my favourite R’n’B projects this year...
9) Zo! & Tall Black Guy – Abstractions:
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Hot on the heels of their collaboration on the energetic ‘Step Up Front’, Loren(Zo!) Ferguson and Tall Black Guy brought in the spring with ‘Abstractions’. As well as the usual themes of romantic love interpersonally, there's a real love for Detroit, Michigan throughout. While there are songs that clearly speak on it such as ‘Sightseeing’, ‘The Ride’ and ‘Northland’, musically this shows up in the Detroit house banger ‘Blackout’ and the optimistic house number ‘Connected’ (is this a nod to The Foreign Exchange family?). The lead single and album opener ‘Talkin’ To Myself’ is a favourite... 
8) BeMyFiasco – Where I Left You:
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New to the FE+ camp, BeMyFiasco has collaborated with Little Brother, particularly Phonte a number of times. She featured on one of my favourite tracks of 2021 (see above) and now graces us with this soulful R’n’B offering. As well as the subjects of romantic desire, situationships and break-ups, we get  a fantastic anecdote of ‘Fiasco’s living situation in LA with ‘2 Car Garage’. This project is short but sweet...
7) Alfa Mist – Bring Backs:
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It wasn’t until Alfa Mist released the bonus EP ‘Two For Mistake’, that I realised that ‘Bring Backs’ refers to the rule of the secondary school card game ‘Blackjack’ (not to be confused with the gambling game ‘Blackjack’, sometimes referred to as ‘21′). The quality of Jazz music played here continues on from 2019′s ‘Structuralism’, although many of the tracks are shorter and when we get some vocals, the subject matter conveys a tiredness for me. A stand out is Lex Amor’s no BS verse on ‘Mind The Gap’...
6) Tyler, the Creator – CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST:
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After releasing a concept breakup album that I’m afraid still goes over my head, Tyler, the Creator returns to more straight ahead braggadocios rhyming over some rather grimy material. ‘CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST’ gives Tyler the opportunity to reflect and appreciate many of his successes musically, financially and romantically, although love loss is also covered with the album’s overture ‘WILSHIRE’. Like most hip-hop albums these days, a lot of the tracks are super short...but surprisingly focused...
5) Javier Santiago – Verses Vol. 2:
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As well as being an accomplished Jazz musician, Javier Santiago also produces hip-hop. ‘Verses Vol. 2′ is a collection of instrumentals and (as the title suggests) various rap verses that touch on the COVID-19 pandemic, police brutality and influence to name a few topics. I found myself falling in love with many of the instrumentals with verses on them and the closer ‘On You (Jungle Mix)’, a cover of the Pete Rock & CL Smooth classic...
4) Debórah Bond – compass: I:
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Almost 10 years after the release of ‘Madam Palindrome’ comes a bout of inspiration during the lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic in ‘compass: I’. For me the quality of soul music stays as high as her previous offerings, while feeling somewhat more optimistic in tone, despite some of the more gritty subject matter. My favourite on here ‘Smoulder’ comes off to me like a sensual version of ‘Devil Music’ (by The Pharcyde)...
3) Figmore – Jumbo Street:
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‘Jumbo Street’ is in that lane of trippy, lo-fi soul that I really enjoyed with Nick Hakim’s ‘WILL THIS MAKE ME GOOD’. As well as having some quite quirky soul numbers on here (like ‘Mr. Barreleye’ and ‘The Tale of the Rattlesnake’), there are some trip-hop moments that I actually really appreciated (tracks like ‘Black Velvet’, ‘Practice’ and ‘Wormhole Teatime’). There’s a nine track run on this album that I can play through with no issue at all...
2) Michael Mayo – Bones:
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This was a recommendation from the singer/songwriter ‘Tahn Solo’ as he was sharing his favourites of mid-2021. ‘Bones’ for me sets the standard of a contemporary vocal Jazz album. There are fantastic vocal arrangements as well as musical’. My favourites are the “I’m protecting myself” anthem ‘You and You’, the appreciative ‘Silver and Gold’, the second-guessing ‘20/20′ and the moody title track ‘Bones’. Typing ‘Michael Mayo’ into YouTube sent me to my number one album of this year...
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Nate Smith – Kinfolk 2: See the Birds: I think this album was pushed back by about a year ‘cause I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while. There’s some great jazz numbers on here but my favourites are the more R’n’B and Soul led tracks like ‘Don’t Let Me Get Away’ and ‘See the Birds’. I also find myself head nodding often to the closing hip-hop track ‘Band Room Freestyle’ most times I listen to the track...
Honourable Mentions:
Dego – The Negative Positive: I don’t know if this was an EP or an album...anyway! There were a few gems on here but I didn't find them as consistently as on his previous offerings...
Little Simz – Sometimes I Might Be Introvert: I was really late on this album. I enjoyed it on first listen, so much it almost made the list. After a couple’ more listens I found that I enjoyed the others on the list more. This may change as time goes on...
Ego Ella May – FIELDNOTES: The way I related to EVERYTHING Ego Ella May covered on this EP!!! This is an unofficial favourite of the year...
Mark de Clive-Lowe – Midnight Snacks Vol. 1: ‘Another project that ushered in my spring in stellar fashion. For me the music and production on this EP is Mark de Clive-Lowe at his best. Check out ‘37,000 Feet’...
Mark de Clive-Lowe – Midnight Snacks Vol. 2: The quality continues and even has dedications to the late, great Phil ‘Phlash’ Asher (look up his discography if you haven't already) and the late great Chick Corea in a cover of ‘Sorceress’. I enjoyed Vol. 1 a bit more in the end...
Children of Zeus – Balance: While I’m glad for the recognition that Children of Zeus are finally receiving, I can’t say I always get their sound. ‘Balance’ has grown on me quite a bit though...
Butcher Brown – ENCORE: The Richmond, Virginia outfit return with a few leftovers from 2020′s ‘#KINGBUTCH’. There’s some gems on this EP too. I have yet to edit the track list with ‘#KINGBUTCH’ to create a super album...
Mick Jenkins – Elephant in the Room: I did enjoy this, but I found the tone a bit samey. I think I just need more time with this one...
Dave – We’re All Alone in This Together: There’s some nice introspective and self-reflective rhyming found throughout the album, and some straight spitting with ‘Clash’ and ‘In The Fire’ and even an Afrobeat portion!...
Kev Choice – Tatu – The Trio Sessions: This is the jazz genre EP release, which was intended as a series of EP releases covering different genres over last summer. While I didn’t love all of the arrangements, the ones I did really stayed with me...  
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Task 1: Dig a Little Deeper!
What is your character’s full name?  Tiana Rose How is it pronounced? Tee-awn-ah  Is there a meaning behind it?  It was her grandmother’s name Does your character have any nicknames?  Tia (by Charlotte) When and where were they born?  March 28, 1990, in New Orleans, Louisiana What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to?  Aries.  Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate What’s their nationality? American What’s their occupation? Waitress, cook, and caterer.  What gender do they identify themselves as? Female
What’s their eye color? Brown Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope. Hair color? Black Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to? Nope and nope Height? 5′ 9″ Body build? Average, hourglass Do they have any birthmarks? nope Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Just the simple standard lobe piercing If not, do they want to get some? Possibly a tattoo representing sugar in some way. Do they have a healthy lifestyle? Despite the lack of sleep, ≤2 meals a day, and living off an alternation of coffee and water, yeah!  How easily do they get sick? 3 on a scale to 10. Any marks on their body ( injuries, … ) ? just a couple of scars from burns/cuts on her hands and arms. What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress? casual 20′s inspired.  What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves? She loves that she has her mothers eyes and doesn’t dislike anything about herself.
Positive traits?   hardworking, modest, and mature Negative traits?   stern, opinionated, and sassy What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality? She loves that she’s driven, kindhearted and patient. Lord knows she needs it when dealing with people. She sometimes hates that she works so hard but finds pride in it and knows it’s going to pay off, no matter how tired she is.  Are they more extroverted or introverted? Extroverted.  Any talents? She can sure cook anything and everything. Secretly she can sing.  What are their fears? Not fulfilling her and her daddies dreams. Failure.  Do they have any phobias? No real phobias but she is superstitious and is wary of black magic. What is their soft spot? Considerate, humor, open-minded, creativity, passion.  List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand?  narcissism, laziness, carelessness
How far did they go in school? Are they still studying? High school. Just self-teaching herself more skills in the kitchen. Do/Did they like school? She didn’t mind it. What type of student are/were they? A-B hard working student What is/was their favorite subject? Science And their least favorite? P.E What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook ? Succeed. 
Who are your character’s parents? James and Eudora Rose How would your character describe them ? Tiana loves her parents. Her dad passed away and she carries him with her in her heart every day. Everything she does is to make her and her dad’s dream a reality. Her parents were/are caring people. Always full of smiles and laughs. Loved the world and people in it. They looked out for neighbors and were the best friends anyone can have. Her mother supports Tiana’s dream, knowing she will make it happen but wishes she didn’t work so hard. If she ever needs help or someone to talk to, she turns to her mom. Do they have any siblings ? No Are they close with their family ? Yes
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation ? Straight. Are they seeing anyone right now ? Nope. Have they ever been in a relationship? Yes. Have they ever been in love? Nope. How easily do they fall for someone? Depends on the person. In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out? Anyone interested in her was overlooked by her dream. Lack of time and blind to it all, they tend to move on after a while. What do they look for in someone? Someone who understands and supports her life. They also have to have a passion for something. Do they believe in love at first sight ? or fate? Not really. What're their views on romance? Do they go after it or avoid it? Neither.  Did they have their first time already? How was it in their point of view? Nope. Never found someone that she felt deserved to see her completely exposed and open.  What is their view on sex? Something she doesn’t have time for but is personal. The best way to learn a person, being the time they are most expossed in multiple ways. A beautiful thing. What is their turn on and turn offs? Ons: passion, good with their hands, not trying too hard, kind to everyone, hard working. Offs: opposite of turn-ons. Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone? Nope. Do they want to get married in the future? Possibly. Have kids? No.
Are they right or left-handed? Right What’s a word that’s always on their lips ? Yum. Is there a saying they keep on repeating ? Almost there. Do they curse ? Sometimes What’s their worst habit? Biting her nails Do they drink or smoke? How frequently ? Nope, sometimes she has a cocktail or some wine Are they an early bird or a night owl ? Night owl.  How tidy is their room ? Pretty tidy. How long do they usually take getting ready in the morning ? 15-20 minutes top.
What’s their favorite color ? Green Favorite movie ? No Reservations Music Genre ? Jazz Food ? All  Book ? Ladies International Cookery Magazine Favorite non-alcoholic drink ? Earl Grey latte Ice Cream Flavor ? lemon cookie Indoors or outdoors ? Both
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under1roof30 · 5 years
Day 86: Delusional Little World
These two delusional ass people, Lord give me the strength. Ever since Ken done had that little photo shoot the other day, he swears he is IT. What was the magazine again even? Some random ass steroid head magazine in the UK, who knows. But his head has been blown, him and his bitch. They walk around here with noses tilted to the sky, won’t open their mouths to speak to nobody, go off and sit at their own table during meals, I’m like why are you two even here?! Yall could’ve stayed back in Dubai and done that, like you usually do. He had the nerve to try and clown me on Twitter earlier, but failed obviously lol. Talking about how I’m miserable and beg photographers to book free shoots. The only miserable people I see are those two. They’re completely delusional, thinking anyone gives a flying fuck about their sad little secluded lives. Ken doll up on Twitter and instagram every second posting video tips and selfies of him working out...WE DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY OF IT. And miss Barbie just sitting in the background, mute and irrelevant as always. She tried it and called me a bitter ass bitch earlier too lol, I would snatch that girl up so fast if I didn’t give a shit about being here. She knows it too. In the end, I’m really trying to ignore the bs and not let it interfere with my vacation. Those 2 have 0 impact on my life or well being so I’m not giving them that satisfaction.
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amariemelody · 7 years
5 Things Meme
I was tagged just this Tuesday (an eon ago) by @hobbitsaarebas for this meme. So sorry that it took so long, Hobbit, and thanks for thinking of me always! 
I tag @afro-elf, @zetsubonna, @platonicharmonics, @indi-flying-with-dragons, and @the-omniscient-narrator. Have fun if you like, loves! 
Here we go, under the readmore! :D 
5 Things You Can Find on My Blog 
Note: I don’t post very much to my Tumblr blog here, but still!
1.) Positive, uplifting, pro-black content, especially pro-black women & girls content. Hell, you can see that in my blog’s headers. Gotta take care of your people; gotta love your people. And then you start and continue to love yourself. ‘Tis vital for a healthy heart, soul, and identity. 
2.) Shippy things! Mostly Marvel! I ship the hell outta SamSteve, SamBucky, SamSteveBucky, RhodeyTony, etc. I don’t quite consider myself an active black gal Marvel blogger because of how little I post, but I do hope I post a lil something that some people like and enjoy-I know I certainly like and enjoy those things. 
3.) Links to my AO3 fics. I...don’t quite have a large fanbase. Haha...hah...hahaha...hah. -lolsobs- So as soon as I finish editing and posting to AO3, I gotta excitedly head over here to my Tumblr blog to post the good news! I only write stories about and with characters of color, especially. Feel like I’m doin’ the fandom lord’s work and I love, love, love it! 
4.) Just about anything I find hilarious.It could be yet another meme, videos, joke posts, etc. Ya’ll can usually find that under the “I iz HOWLING”, “I iz CACKLING” or even “I’m done” tags. Yep, yep! :D
5.) Correspondences with my friends. I love, love, love, love getting tagged/mentioned by them (can ya tell by me doing this? Haha!) and I strive to return the favor in kind. I love when they reblog things from me and I reblog things from them. I love hearing kind, encouraging words from them-it never fails to brighten my day. You can find a lot of this under my tag “Chitchat with friends” and “Being tagged by friends is WONDERFUL!” 
5 Things You Can Find in my Room or House
1.) Romance/erotica books. Comic books. Romance/erotica books. Graphic novel books. Romance/erotica books. African American-centered books. Romance/erotica books. Educational and classic books (ex. I love and read the shit outta Cyrano; I’ve re-read it 4 times so far.) And now I also have fucking nursing books right now because I had the brilliant, dumpster fire idea to go to nursing school. Fucking hell, Amarie. Fucking hell. What were you thinking. 
2.) My wittle Windows Surface RT tablet! I got her as a surprise Christmas gift from my friend’s family just this January! I gave her a pink screensaver (wallpaper), and so I thusly named her “Pinky”! (Her freakin’ charger had to be replaced, tho. And I gotta take her to Geek Squad ‘cause her keyboard acting up next...grrr...) 
3.) Posters! I’m a huge, huge black gal nerd and proud of it! I have 3 Spider Man posters (well, one is really a calendar from my 13th birthday party, but shush), a Sailor Moon poster, a Lego Batman movie poster, a Transformers: Bumblebee poster, a Monster High poster, a Marvel characters poster, 2 Falcon (Sam Wilson, baes) posters, and finally one Tuskegee Airmen poster!! 
4.) Makeup. Uhh...I’ve been told that I have a pwetty face shape and I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at using makeup to softly highlight my features. Uhh...I get compliments. That’s all I know. ‘M just here. 
5.) More books. 
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do
1.) Travel, travel, travel! Especially wanna go to Paris, France (I’m a huge ass romantic sap). And recently, I wanna go to Disneyland and spend a whole mortgage payment and then some just to finally hug Princess Tiana. 
2.) Write at least, ehh...30 to 50 fanfictions. Wanna make a whole library for you all. 
3.) Take a ballroom dance/waltz class. I wish to whirl ‘round and ‘round the ballroom. 
4.) Play Super Mario Kart Brothers, or whatever the hell it’s called. I’ve never owned a game console (I be broke & so I’ve only ever had books and Sims on my PC), so that’ll be a novel experience for me! 
5.) More traveling. 
5 Things That Make Me Happy
1.) Thinking hopefully about the future. Honestly, it’s the main thing that keeps me going. I think about what a mostly great career I’ll have as a nurse (I’ve always wanted to go into healthcare, but never even dreamed that I’d be an RN). I think about my lil chute-chute of a car that’ll be all mine. I think about my time that’ll be all mine. 
2.) Watching cartoons, especially old ones from my childhood. Ya’ll, prolly about 98% of what I watch is literally cartoons. I’m learning not to beat myself up about that/call myself immature. Like...if that’s the worst thing I do to cope with life right now, then ain’t nobody getting hurt. 
3.) My wittle entitled white boy of a cat, Dante. Sweet baby boy has gotten me through many a hard day and night. 
4.) Music, music, music! 
5.) Reading 
5 Things On My To-Do List
1.) Finish my physical and shit for my clinical packet at school. 
2.) Pharmacology homework 
3.) Fundamentals of nursing homework 
4.) Speech class homework
5.) Clean the goddamned house 
6.) Sleep (Fuck it, we need a 6th one) 
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
1.) I have a vivid, surrealistic imagination. One of the most common complements I get on my fics is along the lines of “This was so vivid that I could picture everything so clearly! I could smell that scent, I could see them dancing!” or “You painted such bright, beautiful pictures in my head-I could see and understand everything so easily! It was like I was right there in the scene!” 
Yeah, it was just like that for me, too-I saw it like that in my head, too. I just have the ability and desire to translate that onto the page in black-and-white. So thanks a ton!
The...slight problem that this causes, tho? I can’t turn the strength of my imagination off...and so I can’t watch horror movies. I am 25-years-old and I can’t watch horror movies and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. It’s all just as real, just as vivid, just as valid to me and I take on the emotional tones of the movie just as easily as if I were watching Brandy’s Cinderella or Rugrats in Paris: the Movie.
I become terrified & affronted when I’m tryna listen to music on YouTube and a fucking ad comes on first for a horror movie and I smash that “Skip Ad” button as quickly as I can-lately, it’s been It and I just...ugh. Ya’ll, not everyone can handle horror movies. 
It’s not kind. It’s not good. 
2.) Umm...I wanna cuddle Bucky Barnes. Like, if I could cuddle Bucky Barnes one day, my life would be complete and I’d need no more fulfillment. Just...lemme cuddle Bucky Barnes and all will be right in my world. 
3.) I am an avid tea drinker! I especially love to drink tea when I’m working hard-be it at writing or homework! I drink plain English breakfast tea, lemon-ginger tea, Constant Comment tea, Jasmine green tea, plain green tea, English black tea, french vanilla tea, and just about every other kinda tea you can imagine! Yep, yep! 
4.) I grew up and still live in the south, but I got my parents’ northern blood. So I love, love, love, love, love and prefer the cold. You can betcha ass that I’ll get up a 5am in the morning just to go for a walk in the freezing, pre-dawn morning. It’s like a soft, soothing winter wonderland and I love it! 
5.) I am a proudly self-professed romance sap...but I couldn’t give less than a shit about sci-fi. I’m just...not a sci-fi person. At all. You gotta put some black folk up there in them stars before I think to care. 
Well, then! That was quite a long and enjoyable meme and I hope you all had fun! Thanks so much again to Hobbit and much love to one and all! :D 
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REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.       RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog !    tag 10 !  good  luck !       TAGGED.   @cupido-periculosa
BASICS.  FULL  NAME :  Ayla Belle Sinclaire  NICKNAME :   Little bird, kizim (Ishak), La-La (niece and nephew)  AGE :  20  BIRTHDAY :  April 16, 1996  ETHNIC  GROUP :   Black/Creole/Turkish  NATIONALITY :  American  LANGUAGE / S :  English, New Orleans dialect of Creole, Haitian Creole, Turkish, French, and some Spanish  SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Pansexual  ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Panromatic  RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : Single in general  CLASS :  Middle Class  HOME  TOWN / AREA :   New Orleans, LA  CURRENT  HOME :   Restored home in the Garden District (family home), separate small flat in the 9th ward  PROFESSION :   Florist/ Dancer
PHYSICAL.  HAIR :  Dark brown, nearly black, lightened at the ends by the sun, kinky curly, thick   EYES :  Amber  NOSE :   Soft, rounded, slightly upturned   FACE :   Delicate and soft, with high cheekbones. Heart shaped with a slightly angular jaw. Freckles across her nose and the high points of her face  LIPS :   Full, pink, slightly upturned in a grin at all time  COMPLEXION :   A medium darker tone, slightly golden with a tan, freckles on her shoulders and chest  BLEMISHES :   Often has a few bruises from work and just in general klutziness  SCARS :  A few here and there from surgeries. Nothing so stark or severe they would be noticed at first glance  TATTOOS :  Quite a few. Mostly floral in theme. A white ink piece of various flowers woven together on the inside of her right arm. A large piece in bright pink on her left shoulder of azaleas. A garter tattoo of soft blue roses backed by white lace and pastel green leaves around her left thigh. A single gladiolus blossom on her ribs, near her chest, in a soft white   HEIGHT : 4′11  WEIGHT : 115 pounds.  BUILD :   Curvy, but toned from dancing and being active. Still soft, overall  FEATURES :  Overly expressive eyes. Even if she manages to keep her expression from giving everything away- her eyes betray her every thought. Always smiling.   ALLERGIES : None USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :   wild and untamed, often with flowers braided into it. She will play with it often, braiding it or pulling it back in varying degrees  USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Friendly, soft, kind and open  USUAL  CLOTHING :   Flower child, fairy look. Often wearing billowy clothing and faded jeans. Gypsy skirts and mid drift tops. Often in bright or pastel colors
PSYCHOLOGY.  FEAR / S : Loss, loneliness, thunder  ASPIRATION / S :   To join a dance company. But she really is content with her life. Overall, she just wants to be happy  POSITIVE  TRAITS :   Kind and understanding, she easily makes friends. Is quick to love and care for others. Sympathetic to all- her family jokes she’d find sympathy for the devil. Loyal to those she care for and unconditional in her love. Optimistic even in the darkest of times. Innocent despite the world.  NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Overly trusting and too forgiving. Often neglects her own emotions and wants. Bottles up any negative emotion until she explodes. Manic in her focuses, often neglecting others and herself if she falls into her “thrall”. Unable to keep her mouth shut when she is upset, often saying things she should not  MBTI :ENFP Extraverted 59%   -   41% Introverted Intuitive 28%   -   72% Observant Thinking 31%   -  69% Feeling (x)  ZODIAC :   Aries  TEMPERAMENT :  Sanguine    SOUL  TYPE / S :   Caregiver/ Spiritualist  ANIMALS :   Rabbit- gentle, cute, faithful, passionate, impatient   VICE  HABIT / S :   Uncertain, prone to overworking and neglecting her own needs  FAITH :  Definitely believes in spirits and a spiritual realm but it is difficult for her to define her belief as one thing  GHOSTS ? :  Yes  AFTERLIFE ? :   Yes  REINCARNATION ? :  Yes  ALIENS ? : Yes  POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :   Independent  ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Relatively uncaring  SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION :  She doesn’t know what to even say to this if that gives you an answer   EDUCATION  LEVEL :   She has some college under her belt but ultimately, her passions lead her. She has little want to get a degree. 
FAMILY.  FATHER :   (biological) Kamil Demir- sperm donor, never met  MOTHER :  Tiana Sinclaire  SIBLINGS :   (known) Theo Demir, Maria De La Cruz, Caspian De La Cruz- Half Siblings through her father. Evangeline Sinclaire, Ishak Sinclaire, and Jean-Luc Sinclaire (twin)  EXTENDED  FAMILY :  Two nieces and a nephew, Grandma and Grandpa (both deceased)  NAME  MEANING / S : Ayla means “halo of light around the moon”. Sinclaire is taken from a surname meaning “pure, illustrious,  renowned”.  HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   Current incarnation of an oracle type being known as “The Scribe”. Historically used by immortals to know the future, overall she’s uncertain of the connection. She just knows everything. Past, present, future- at least to some extent. 
FAVOURITES.  BOOK :   A large collection of mythology   MOVIE :  Her heart says “Princess Bride”, her mind says “Labyrinth”  5  SONGS :   Alessa Cara- Wild Things, The Beatles- Blackbird, Dream a little Dream of me- Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong,  Childish Gambino- Not Going Back, Walk the Moon- Shut up and Dance  DEITY :    Complicated  HOLIDAY :   Christmas  MONTH :   May SEASON :   Spring  PLACE :   Her gardens, the beach, the pond by her grandpa’s plantation home WEATHER :   Sun Showers SOUND :  The wind through the branches of a weeping willow, laughter of those she cares for, birds singing, the soft playing of old jazz.  SCENT / S :   sunlight and fresh rain, the first blossoms of wild flowers, the spicy scent of her mother’s cooking, the comfort of old leather, the hint of the ocean and the damp of the bayou  TASTE / S :   fresh fruits, teas of all kinds, spicy food  FEEL / S :   Fingertips idly tracing over her skin, having her hair played with, grass against her bare feet, the sun on her skin  ANIMAL / S :   Dogs, cats, birds  NUMBER :   Nope  COLOUR :  Lilac
EXTRA.  TALENTS :  Dancing, cooking and baking, flower arrangement, can carry quite the tune, and sewing BAD  AT :   sports, driving (god never let her drive)  TURN  ONS :  nothing quite defined but lovemaking is what she would be more prone to. perhaps some control taken from her- in more of a pampering way.   TURN  OFFS :    Bloody play, harm, bondage   HOBBIES :   reading, gardening, collecting a small stash of books  AESTHETIC  TAGS :  sweet summer child  GPOY  QUOTES :  “She’s known sadness, and it has made her kind.”  
FC INFO.  MAIN  FC / S : Ashley Moore.  ALT  FC / S :   I guess Aaleeyah Petty, but that is more for body type  OLDER  FC / S :   N/A    YOUNGER  FC / S :   N/A   VOICE  CLAIM / S :  Ciara Renee, not perfect but it is hard to find someone with the accent Ayla has  
MUN QUESTIONS.    Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?        
  A1 :  I think if it would be anything from Ayla, it would just be her view on the event’s of @fangs-and-lace ‘s story. Get more of her emotions and thoughts. As for film and such, I have no idea    Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          
A2 : Love scores from movies, old jazz, and upbeat pop       Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?          
A3 : I wish I could say that I just created her because I loved the thought of her, but I didn’t. An old rp partner had a ship with her mother muse and literally gave me a ton of kids to figure out how to write for. 
     Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?        
A4:   See above. But honestly, something about her just kept calling to me to develop her. And boy, did she go through a lot before we got to this point.       Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.      
 A5 :  I honestly love Ayla. She is such a sweet muse, an honestly caring muse. So much of her is so genuine. My only issue is getting in her headspace. She is someone who knows the future but does little to focus on it. She has been hurt just by the circumstances of her life, but still remains kind. It is so hard to slip into her perspective sometimes  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          
A6 :   Unconditional love. If we love you, we truly love you. We will be ride or die.  Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?        
A7 :  She loves me, but is concerned about me. I’m not the best to myself and I often ignore my own health issues and such  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?      
A8 :  Lord... of course, she adores any interactions with @fangs-and-lace. Positively loves @xviperinae, even enjoys talking to @shadowofawolfandman. @cupido-periculosa and @refusedtobow / @md-vampire-hunter are others she is excited to know better. She really does enjoy every interaction she’s had, and honestly loves talking to everyone
 Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?        
A9 : Honestly? I like writing Ayla when I feel down or upset. She truly makes me feel better  Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?        
Q10 : 2 hours, give or take
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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Dark Pleasure.
A/N: This AU is between my two all time favorite books Bloodbound and The Royal Romance! It is the crossover to end all crossovers.
A/N 2: Tristan Rys is a ruthless drug lord. Latisha Tucker is a reporter for The Washington Post. What could possibly go wrong when she falls into his dangerous world?
A/N 3: This fanfic will be dark! And sexy! And violent! And delicious! And will quickly become your guilty pleasure.
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Tristan Rys (LI) and Latisha Tucker (MC) x Adrian Raines and Tiana Reynolds-Raines | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 3,950 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @lababynina @storyflirting @chutchoices @twistedjaee @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @pixie88 @lucy-268 @txemrn @kingliam2019 @tessa-liam @prettyvintageafternoon @jerzwriter @choicesficwriterscreations
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
TW: drug use, violence, murder, mentions of torture, prostitution.
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
S/O goes to my rock @shewillreadyou! She helped me untangle the thoughts and plot I had of this chapter. I love her more than she knows.
Chapter 9.) Into The Lion’s Den.
Tisha’s life has officially gotten interesting. After meeting with Adrian she had agreed to work with him. And that happened after she agreed to a second date with Tristan Rys. She officially was on the dark path down a long rabbit hole.
She was still in a daze after meeting him. While sitting on her bed she kept thinking about the intimacy of him biting her. The heat she felt of his body being close to hers. She felt his strength, his power, and his lust. And she wanted to feel it again. She wanted to feel the adrenaline again.
But for now, she had to shift her focus from Adrian to Tristan. She had a dinner date to think about. It was now Saturday morning and her date was that evening. She wondered if it would be like their first date. Would it flow as easily as the first? She had so many thoughts about the date. They would soon be interrupted by a text from Tristan himself.
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After that exchange she had more questions about him than she had answers. But those questions would have to wait because there was a knock at her door.
“Now who could that be?” She thought as she walked to the front door. After silencing her dogs, she opened her to the last person she'd thought she'd see. Adrian.
“Senator Raines! What a surprise! What are you doing here on a Saturday morning?”
“Is this a bad time, Ms. Tucker?”
“No! Not at all!”
“May I?”
“Yes! Yes, come on in!”
She stepped aside to let him in before closing the door.
“Are you sure that I didn't catch you at a bad time?”
“No, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting guests this early. Also, I thought vampires couldn't be in the sun.”
“If I was a younger vampire then yes I couldn't. But I'm nearly 400 years old. While it's not a pleasant experience for me, in VERY short instances I can stand it.”
“Gotcha. Well, what brings you by? Also, how did you know my address?”
Adrian smiled softly.
“The idiot told my wife and she told me.”
Tisha rolled her eyes.
“He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut does he?”
“No. He doesn't.”
“Why don't you have a seat, Senator?”
Adrian sat down on her couch as she sent her dogs to her bedroom then closed the door. When she returned to the living room, Adrian noticed the cat tower in the corner.
“You have a cat?”
“Yup. Luca. He's friendly I promise.”
As if on command, Luca hopped up onto the couch. Adrian looked at him uneasily and Tisha noticed.
“You're not afraid of cats are you, Senator?”
“Worse. Allergic.”
Tisha snorted.
“And here I thought vampires were impervious to everything.”
Adrian chuckled before sneezing.
“Definitely not.”
“Here I'll take him in the room with the dogs. Then you and I can talk.”
“Sounds like a—”
Adrian sneezed again.
Tisha snickered as she gathered Luca in her arms.
“Come on baby. You can go lay on the bed with the boys.”
After taking Luca into her room, she returned and sat beside Adrian.
“So let's chat, shall we?”
“That's why I'm here.”
“What brought you here Senator?”
“Adrian. And you call me curious about you.”
“After one meeting?”
Adrian shrugged.
“You left quite an impression, my dear.”
“I could say the same for you.”
Adrian smirked.
“That was the point. Pun intended.”
Tisha shook her head as she chuckled softly.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Off the record?”
Tisha rolled her eyes.
“Sure. Off the record. When did you and Nessa start sleeping together?”
“6 months ago. Which is 2 months after she first let me feed on her.”
“That was my next question.”
“And I thought I was the curious one.”
“I just find it strange that she would cheat on her boyfriend of 3 years. I know how much she loves him. Or at least I thought I did.”
Adrian shrugged.
“I remember she came into the office late one night, an absolute mess. Told me that they had gotten into an argument and she left. I invited her into my office for a drink to calm her nerves and one thing led to another and we wound up fucking on the couch in my office.”
“We swore that it wouldn't happen again but that lasted all of maybe 2 weeks.”
“And you two have been hooking up ever since?”
“Every time she flew to New York. We'd meet at the hotel bar then go back to her room.”
Tisha let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.
“Wow! I did not expect you to be so candid.”
Adrian smirked.
“You asked. I answered.”
“And you’re sure that Tiana knows?”
“Yes, my dear. She knows. She actually expected us to sleep together the day after I hired Jenessa.”
“Your wife. The Goddess Of All Vampires. Expected you to be a hoe? Can I quote you?”
“Off the record. Remember?”
Adrian snickered.
“Besides, T has her own toys. Both human and vampire.”
“Yes. She is the only being in the universe that can feed off of both humans and vampires.”
“Whoa! So besides you and Tristan, who else is there?”
“Jax, Nikhil, a few former members of my old clan Kamilah and even Sam Dalton just to name a few.”
Tisha’s eyebrows shot up.
“Sam Dalton as the new CEO of Dalton-Russo?”
“The one and the same. She grew up with his first wife. She's his twin’s Godmother. She spoils those boys rotten.”
“Speaking of Tiana, can we talk about her or would you rather discuss something else?”
“We can talk about her. That's fine.”
“What was she like? As a human I mean.”
Adrian smiles fondly.
“She was fun. She was as beautiful then as she is now. She ALWAYS kept me on my toes. She captured my heart before either of us realized we were in love with each other.���
“Sounds highly romantic.”
“Yeah, it was. Which is why turning her remains the biggest regret of my life.”
“From what I heard, you didn't have a choice.”
“You're right. I didn't.”
“What was that like? For you, I mean.”
“As I said, I regret turning her. But I had no choice. She was dying in my arms. And all I could think was that I couldn't lose her.”
“What happened? If you don't mind my asking.”
Adrian cleared his throat.
“I held her close with the sword still buried to the hilt in her stomach and as I looked at her, I told Jax to pull the sword out. Kamilah wasn't sure that it would work but I couldn't help it or hear her. All I could think was that I had to save Tiana.”
“Not my finest moment but at that moment I knew that I couldn't live without her.”
“They say love makes you do crazy things.”
Adrian nodded.
“But the turning didn't take. Not at first.”
“What do you mean?”
“Normally, it takes 24 hours for a vampire to turn. But Tiana didn't. So we waited. And waited.”
“How long did you wait?”
“10 days. Mainly because I was too stubborn to believe she was truly dead.”
Tisha shuddered.
“And when we buried her, I lost it. I already lost one wife and child. And when Tiana died I went dark. Darker than I had ever been in my whole life.”
“I know. I have your autobiography.”
“Didn't know you were such a fan.”
Tisha shrugged.
“Let's just say that I found it very compelling.”
Adrian smiled faintly.
“Let me ask you this. How were her powers unlocked?”
“The same way Rheya’s powers were unlocked. The loss of someone she loved.”
“Her best friend, Lily. Like you and Jenessa, they had known each other since middle school.”
“Lily dying in her arms, changed Tiana in an instant. It turned her cold, heartless, unforgiving, and bloodthirsty. She wanted revenge.”
“That's putting it mildly. She finally understood what drove Rheya. What guided her. What made her despise humans.”
Tisha shuddered.
“It was a scary time in the opera house that night.”
“What happened?”
“According to Tiana, she heard the prophecy come true.”
“What prophecy?”
“When the sap of the tree rests in the golden chalice. The skies shall turn red, the earth shall be torn asunder. And The First shall walk again.”
“Well, that's not ominous at all.”
“I watched as she truly became the most powerful being in the universe. And I almost lost her in the process.”
“What do you mean?”
“She almost gave into the darkness. She was ready to murder everyone in the opera house that night in order to attain Godhood. She swore that would use it to bring Lily back to life but with the look in her eyes that wasn't going to happen. She was too far gone then. The darkness had started to consume the woman I loved. If I hadn't begged her to come back to me, we'd all be dead or her slaves.”
Tisha whistled low.
“Oof. That's a lot.”
“Sorry. Didn't mean to unload on you. It's just no one has ever asked me how I felt about the whole ordeal.”
“No no. It's fine. I do want to touch on something though. You mentioned that Rheya turned to the darkness after a profound loss, who did Rheya lose?”
“That's the thing. She didn't.”
“I don't understand.”
“Before Rheya became the Goddess Of Vampires. She was a married priestess with a daughter.”
“Yes. She initially wanted to make her home a place of peace and prosperity. But a group of humans called the Sons Of Ares saw her as an abomination that had to be put down. So they attacked Mydiea one night. According to what Tiana told me from a vision she saw, they killed her husband and when she found a burned child’s body, she changed. She became dark, bitter, vengeful, bloodthirsty and cold. Humans took the ones she loved, so she made it her mission to kill all humans. Except she was wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
“Rheya thought that The Sons Of Ares had killed her daughter. But really, she's the one who killed her.”
“What?! How?”
“Iola, her daughter's name, wasn't dead as Rheya initially thought. She was kidnapped. And the Sons Of Ares  thought she was like her mother. But she was just human. And when Rheya, Gaius, and Xenocrates came to their village, Iola was killed by her mother.”
“Rheya killed her own daughter?”
“Rheya had already turned to the darkness within her and she didn't recognize Iola when she killed her.”
“Jesus Christ…”
“And when Tiana showed her the truth, Rheya couldn't handle it. And she begged T to kill her.”
“After Rheya died, Tiana united the light with the dark.”
“What was that like?”
“Beautiful and terrifying at the same time.”
“I bet.”
“Tiana has raw unimaginable power. And a cold dark rage that is deadly to us all. And over the years she's learned to harness it. To control it. And if you piss her off. She unleashes it. Much like Gaius or Rheya. Only Tiana is a different and better breed than them both.”
“She sounds intense. And scary.”
Adrian chuckles.
“Everything but. Sure she knows how to get what she wants but I know her better than anyone. I knew the woman she was then and I know the woman she is now. She's a brilliant force to be reckoned with in both business and politics. That's one of the reasons why she has the imbecile wrapped around her finger.”
“Her power runs that deep?”
Adrian nodded.
“She has more than physical power. She has unmatched psychological power. She could topple the world and rebuild it in her image, should she ever choose to. And no one could stop her.”
“Wow. I'm starting to regret saying this conversation was off the record. This is great.”
Adrian snickered.
“Maybe I could let you talk to Tiana yourself, let her tell you her story.”
“No offense but no thank you. I think I'm safer staying right where I am.”
“And where is that?”
Adrian chuckled softly.
“She wouldn't kill you, Latisha. She can't. On account of my Senatorial Agreement.”
“The one you signed that swore no vampire can kill a human?
“Unless in cases of extreme or near fatal harm? Yes, the one and the same.”
“While I'm thankful for that agreement if it's all the same.”
“How about I sweeten the deal with a little-known fact?”
“You are that determined to get me to meet her aren't you?”
“Indeed. So how about it? If I tell you this little tidbit of info, will you be willing to meet her?”
“Depends on how good the info is.”
“What if I told you that she slept with Dracula.”
Tisha chuckled dryly.
“Very funny.”
Adrian raised an eyebrow.
“Wait! You're serious?!”
“As a heart attack. She shared a bed with Vlad Tepes formerly known as Dracula.”
“You're joking.”
Adrian shook his head no.
“Dracula isn't real! He can't be!”
“So you're saying vampires aren't real?”
Tisha opened her mouth then closed it.
“Told you it was good.”
“How do I know that you’re telling me the truth?”
Adrian shrugged.
“You don't. So the only way to prove whether or not I'm lying to you is to…”
Tisha groaned.
“Okay! Fine! You win!”
Adrian snickered.
“You seemed curious.”
“How do you know that I'm curious?”
Adrian leaned in close to whisper as he wrapped a hand around her left wrist.
“I can hear your heartbeat.”
He turned her wrist over and kissed the sensitive skin on the underside.
“And your racing pulse.”
His touch was warm and sent the butterflies in her stomach fluttering.
“Are you alright, my dear?”
She tried to hide that she was very flustered.
“I'm fine.”
Adrian grinned devilishly.
“You're lying.”
Before she knew it, he had her pinned underneath him.
“I have been dying to taste you again.”
His whispered words raised goosebumps on her skin and sent chills down her spine.
“If I called you greedy, would you be angry?”
“Not in the least.”
Tisha swallowed hard.
“May I?”
Tisha nodded her head yes.
Adrian tucked her hair back behind her right ear, giving him clear access to the skin just above her artery. She closed her eyes and made a sound that was a mix of a gasp and a moan when his fangs pierced her flesh. He held her close as he fed on her. Her body was on fire. She felt hypnotized and turned on by him. She could feel the blood leaving her body. When he finished his feast, she felt dizzy and was ready to drag him back to her room just so he could finish her off.
“Thank you, my dear. Your blood is a rare type. Sweeter than any that I've ever tasted in a long time.”
“Better than Nessa?”
“By a smidge. Don't tell her I said that.”
“Your secret is safe with me Senator. I won't tell a soul.”
Adrian smiled down at her.
“I should go. I have some things to take care of and you have a date to prepare for.”
Adrian smirked.
“You forgot about the numbskull already, eh?”
Tisha snickered.
“No comment.”
“Smart girl.”
Once off the couch, Tisha walked Adrian to the door.
“Thank you for coming by, Senator.”
“It was my pleasure. I do hope you have fun tonight.”
“I'm sure that I will.”
“You’ll have to tell me what happens.”
“Don’t want to hear about it from Tristan?”
Adrian scoffed.
“All he'll talk about is the sex.”
“What makes you think that we'll sleep together?”
Adrian cocked his head to the side.
“Your heartbeat sped up when I mentioned it.”
Tisha opened her mouth to reply but closed it instead and crossed her arms. Causing Adrian to smirk at her.
“I’ll see you after your date Ms. Tucker.”
“Goodbye, Adrian.”
After closing her front door, Tisha ran a hand over the puncture wounds left by Adrian feeding off her. She shivered from the contact the pads of her fingers made with them. It was a subtle reminder that there was no backing out now. She was in too deep. As the day went on, her mind switched between preparing for her date and the heated intimacy she shared with Adrian.
She had just finished blow-drying her hair when there was a knock at the door. It was Jenessa.
“Babe?” Nessa called out from the living room.
“I hope you don't mind me using my key to get in!”
“Not at all, love! Now get in here and help me finish!”
Nessa giggled as she made her way to Tisha’s bedroom.
“Operation: Wingwoman is in full effect! Whatcha need me to do?”
“Grab my outfit and shoes out the closet, and then hand me my jewelry box. While I do my hair and makeup.”
“Got it!”
Nessa disappeared into Tisha’s closet and grabbed her things then laid them and a matching lingerie set out on her bed.
Tisha rolled her eyes.
“You're so dramatic!”
“I'm sorry. Which one of us excelled at Drama in high school?”
Tisha groaned.
“Are you excited babe?”
Tisha shrugged.
“Kinda. All I know is he's sending a car and we're meeting at an undisclosed location.”
“What do you think you two will talk about?”
Tisha sighed.
“Hopefully about how he became a drug kingpin.”
“If anyone can peel back the layers of one Tristan Rys, it's my own Nancy Drew!”
Tisha snorted.
“In other news, I heard through the grapevine that you agreed to work with Adrian and Tristan. Congratulations, you did it!”
Tisha rolled her eyes as she started doing her hair in the mirror.
“Yeah! Yeah! Speaking of which, Adrian stopped by earlier.”
Nessa raised her eyebrows.
“How did he know where you live?”
“According to him, Tiana told him.”
“How did she find out?”
“Take a guess babe.”
“Yeah. Well that makes sense. So what did you talk about?”
“I asked him how long you and he have been sleeping together.”
“How do you know about that?”
“He told me when I agreed to work with him.”
“And what did he tell you earlier?”
“That the two of you have been sleeping together for months. But what I wanna know is why you didn't tell me.”
“It's not like we planned for it to happen, it just happened.”
“Don't judge me!”
Tisha sighed before turning to her best friend.
“I'm not judging you. I just wanna understand how you wound up sleeping with a married Senator when you've been in a relationship for 3 years.”
Nessa shook her head with a heavy sigh.
“Hassan and I got into a big argument about his drinking. He didn't see why it was any of my business that he enjoys a drink at night. Except it wasn't just one drink at night. It was drinks at night.”
“Did he hit you?”
“No. I told him I was gonna go to the office so he could have time to cool and sober up. Adrian was there and he comforted me. In more ways than one.”
“Obviously.” Tisha muttered.
“I thought you said you weren't judging me.”
“I'm not!”
When Nessa looked at Tisha she noticed the bite marks on her neck.
“What is that?”
Tisha looked around confused.
“What is what?”
“Are those bite marks on your neck?!”
“Yes, they are.”
“You mean Adrian has fed off you?”
“What do you mean twice?!”
“The first time was the other day when I agreed to work with him and when he was here earlier.”
“Are you fucking serious?!”
“I mean we're both consenting adults so yeah.”
“Oh no! Not happening! Never again!”
“Whatever you and Adrian think you’re about to have is NOT happening!”
“Nothing is going on! And even if it was, it's up to me and Adrian whether or not it stops or continues, not you.”
“How much do you wanna bet on that?”
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset, Nessa. You have Hassan.”
As soon as Tisha said that Nessa looked at her best friend shaking her head sadly.
“No, I don't.”
Tisha blinked in confusion.
“What do you mean you don’t?”
Nessa sat down on her bed with a sniffle.
“He's gone T. Hassan left me.”
Tisha sat down next to her.
“What do you mean he left?!”
Nessa took a shuddering breath as she spoke.
“I came home from New York one weekend. And when I got to the apartment, something felt off. The apartment was empty except for the furniture. So after putting my bags down, I checked his closet and that's when I found it completely bare. He moved out while I was gone.”
When Nessa’s voice cracked Tisha threw her arms around her best friend.
“Baby! Why didn't you tell me?”
Nessa shrugged sadly.
“I don’t know. I was so in shock it didn't register with me to tell you or anyone.”
“Wait! You mean Adrian doesn't know?”
Nessa shook her head no.
“I haven't told him yet.”
“Nessa I'm so sorry! How long has he been gone?”
“4 months now. That's why I asked you to go to the fundraiser with me. I didn't want to go by myself.”
Tisha held her best friend as she cried.
“I had no idea. And I'm sorry.”
“There is one person who knew.”
“Aaron. He ran into Hassan at the bank he works at. And when Aaron asked him how we were doing, Hassan told him we weren't together anymore. And when I eventually ran into him, he asked me and I told him everything. He wanted to kick his ass but I begged him to keep it quiet.”
“I get it.”
“I wasn't trying to hide it from you. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone. But my hand was forced.”
Tisha was shocked hurt and angry.
“I'm gonna kill him! No one does that to you and gets away with it!”
Nessa chuckled softly.
“You should tell Adrian.”
“I've thought about it. I know he'd be pissed if he found out. But I don’t know. I don’t know that I'm ready.”
Tisha nodded.
“Now it all makes sense. Thank you for telling me.”
Nessa dried her eyes.
“I hope you don't think I was trying to hide it from you.”
“Of course I don't. Like you said baby, you weren't ready. I'm not mad. At least not at you.”
“And I'm sorry that I snapped at you. I just…”
Tisha waved away her apology.
“Don't worry about it.”
“It's just so much has happened.”
Tisha stood up.
“I'm canceling dinner with Tristan.”
“No T. Don't.”
“Baby you need me! You’re way more important to me than he is.”
“T, this is your chance! Take it! I'll be fine. I promise.”
As Nessa said that Luca crawled into her lap and made himself at home.
“Besides, Luca is giving me panther snuggles. I can't be sad. I also can't move.”
Tisha shook her head and smiled.
“If you’re sure babe.”
“I'm sure. Go have fun. I'll just order from the Chinese place around the corner.”
Tisha finished her makeup then got dressed. Just as she had finished getting dressed, she got a text from Tristan.
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“That's Tristan. The car is here.”
“Okay. Have fun babe!”
“Don't wait up.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
With that Tisha was out the door and headed to the waiting car.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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Dark Pleasure.
A/N: This AU is between my two all time favorite books Bloodbound and The Royal Romance! It is the crossover to end all crossovers.
A/N 2: This fanfic will be dark! And sexy! And violent! And delicious! And will quickly become your guilty pleasure.
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Tristan Rys (LI) and Latisha Tucker (MC) x Adrian Raines and Tiana Reynolds-Raines | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,210 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @wackydrabbles prompt #87 “No offense, but I'm not interested.”! It’ll be in bold in black.
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Series TW: drug use, violence, murder, mentions of torture, prostitution.
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Chapter 1.) Into The Shadows.
Tristan Rys has everything any man could ever want. Money, power, cars, girls, homes you name it, he’s more than likely got it. As President and Chairman of Rys International Group, it’s his job to provide his clients with every luxury their hearts desire. After all he’s known all around the world as The King Of Cordonia.
His late father Constantine started the company with just one small hotel and when he turned the business over to his youngest son, Tristan turned it into a powerhouse that rivals Marriott and Hilton. He has his Le Roi de Cordonie hotel group, his Lotus spas and The Underground nightclubs all over the world.
And now he’s looking to expand to the US. After scouting possible headquarter locations in California, New York, Miami, Boston and Chicago, he settled on Washington D.C. He took a liking to the busy city vibe. With D.C. being the home and hub of American politics and the potential growth of his client list, he was sold on the location. Because what better way to grow his true business than to be in a city that thrives?
What is his true business you ask?
Tristan isn’t just the owner of Rys International Group, he’s also one of the biggest drug lords in the world. No one has ever been able to touch him.
And right now he’s about to have the biggest investment meeting of his life. If he’s able to make this deal it would mean he’d truly be unstoppable.
He’s about to meet with Senator Adrian Raines.
Adrian has known Tristan since he was a kid. He and Constantine were great friends and eventually Adrian became one of Rys International’s biggest clients. After all, they hosted Adrian and Tiana’s wedding. So when Adrian heard that Rys International was coming to D.C., he had to see what brought Tristan to town. Although Adrian doesn’t run the day to day of Raines Corporation he was still willing to meet.
Both arrived to an empty Ocean Prime Steakhouse for their meeting.
“Adrian! It’s good to see you!” Tristan said as he stood to greet Adrian with a handshake.
“It’s good to see you too Tristan. It’s been a long time. I haven’t seen you since you were a kid.” Adrian replied, returning his handshake.
“Thank you for meeting with me, Senator.”
“Please you know you can always call me Adrian.”
“I know but I want to respect you and your new position.”
“Thank you. What can I get you? Scotch?” Adrian asks.
“Whiskey if you don’t mind.” Tristan replies.
Adrian signals for the waiter to bring them a couple bottles and glasses.
“Now before we get down to business, I gotta ask…how’s that spitfire wife of yours?” Tristan asks.
Adrian snickered.
“You know how she is about you. She won’t shut up about the new spa you opened up in New York. I can’t keep her out of there.” He replies.
“Yes I know. Still the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“You’re a liar but I’ll take the backhanded compliment anyway.”
The two shared a laugh as the waiter brought them two bottles of whiskey.
“I don’t know about you but I’m starving! So shall we order?” Tristan asks him.
“Of course let’s order.”
They placed their orders and while they waited for their food to be delivered, they started to discuss business.
“So let’s get down to it. Why am I here Tristan?” Adrian asked.
“I have a business proposal for you Adrian.”
“Oh? And what is this business proposal as you put it?” Adrian asks.
“Consider it a bit of a ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’. I’m new to town and I know how cutthroat D.C. can be. And I’m a small fish in this very big pond.” Tristan replies.
“Meaning?” Adrian asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Meaning you give me protection here in D.C. and I fund your entire senatorial re-election and future presidential campaign.” Tristan replies.
Adrian scoffed.
“No offense, but I'm not interested.”
“Come on Adrian! You can’t seriously be passing this up!”
That’s when their food arrived.
“Need I remind you that you are one of the biggest drug dealers in the world? You’re a danger to my campaign!”
Tristan shrugged.
“Suit yourself Senator. I was actually looking forward to working with you but I’m sure your opponent in New York will be happy to take the deal.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh no? Why not? Because you’re an old friend of both me and my father?” Tristan asks.
Adrian smirked.
“You’re an asshole. You do know that right?” Adrian asks.
“High praise!” Tristan replies.
“If I agree to this, what do I really get out of this?” Adrian asks.
“Like I said, a fully funded re-election and future presidential campaigns. On top of the perks of being a valued member of Rys International’s platinum club and a few other personal perks and favors, of course.” Tristan replied.
“All while you get to set up shop here in D.C. and run your legal and illegal business, correct?” Adrian asks.
“A win-win situation if I do say so myself.” Tristan replies before pouring himself a drink.
“And how would we go about this…business?” Adrian asks.
“Very simple. Your head of security Jax will meet with my head of security Drake Walker and coordinate.” Tristan replies.
“Jax won’t agree to that.”
“Why not?” Tristan asks.
“Jax doesn’t like working with people.” Adrian replied.
“Neither does Drake. Unless it involves sex and liquor.”
“Oh well in that case, they’ll be great together. They’re both brooding, moody and love liquor and women.”
“Now you’re getting it.”
“What about your brother Leo?” Adrian asks.
“Simple. While all that happens my brother will work with Raines Corporation on the business side of things.”
“And what about us?”
“Just two old friends working together to make sure that you are re-elected and my business flourishes here in America.”
“And no one will know about your cartel?” Adrian asks.
“Nope. Hell I’ll even throw you a cut of the profits…and a few of my finest girls.” Tristan replies.
Adrian sat back and thought about Tristan’s words.
“Come on Adrian. I know you’re considering it.”
“You’re an egomaniac!”
“And you’re the vampire who is married to the most powerful woman in the entire universe. And together you and I will become the two most unstoppable men on the planet!”
Adrian just shook his head then grinned.
“Damn you’re good…”
“That’s the nature of my business. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” Tristan asks.
“This goes against everything I have believed in! I am better than this!” Adrian hissed. “And yet…this is too damn good for you to pass up.”
Adrian took a deep breath and Tristan rolled his eyes.
“Just say that you accept the damn deal old man!”
“Fine! You’ve got a deal! I can not believe I’ve been talked into this.”
“Wonderful! I’ll have my legal team contact yours and we’ll hammer out all the fine print.”
“You truly are ruthless, Tristan.”
“Jay-Z said it best. I’m not just a businessman, I’m a business…man.”
Adrian snickered.
“Here’s to a very lucrative partnership.”
The two toasted to their new deal.
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