#thus the cucumberplabe dynamic still developes
As the day would shift to night and the general population went to sleep, the vile underbelly of the city would begin to put itself on full display. Here everything was on the line and yet there was also everything to gain for the right price. It was a world that was as wild and colourfull as it was treacherous. From people drawn to the reving engines and dangerous street races, to assassin and master thieves always scheming their next plot, to the crime families that ruled over all, a dangerous sort of thrill enticed them all to continue playing. Perhaps it was exactly that which drew Shen Yuan into this lifestyle as well, he suspected that it's was a similar story with Airplane too.
When he left his dull shitty apartment and found himself behind the wheel of a car vibrating with power he felt a red hot adrenaline rush through his veins chasing away the painfull apathy which had robbed his world of color. When he semi-playfully bantered with rivals he knew would kill him if given the right reasons, the gaping hole which had filled his heart when his family began to forget about him grew smaller. When he pulled off some crazy plan that would've most certainly gotten him behind bars if discovered, he felt his self hatred give way for a rare moment of pride as he proved he was not some usless sick boy, that despite his likely severly shortened life span he could achieve anything he wanted to.
It wasn't the healthiest of coping mechanisms, he knew that but he found himself thriving in this world. Both him and Shang Jianyu knew intamitely that eventually they would slip, everyone did, but with eachother and the adventure that each night brought on they couldn't find it in theirselves to care. Even with the problems that keep knocking on their doorstep they were happy with their life and in eachothers comforting presence.
Or AU where both Shen Yuan and Airplane (Shang Jianyu) not only were incredibly close before either of them transmigrated but also found themselves drawn into the crime world. While they're still them, their experiences make them more jaded and cunning whike also getting them attached by the hip. How would this all play out for them?
Follow a sickly mastermind and a cowrardlu adrenaline junkie as they just try to survive and thrive in the ever passionate criminal underworld.
And more importantly how would this effect their future inside Shang Jianyu's trashfire novel? Would they even end up transmigrating in the first place!?
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