#thundercracker x marissa
Finished most of my idea outline for my mini-ES!Dratchet fic. I am getting more excited for.
Ratchet leaves after Glit–known conscientious objector, youngling, and Pacifist–Glit is taken into custody and treated the same. He cannot stay after that. Maimings, arresting non-combatants, using locks. Ratchet goes for a drive and doesn't return.
I am referencing to my favorite Ratchet adventures: driving first to his friend Stitches, a human he meets in one of the short stories who is a former army surgeon who helps Ratchet preform surgery on a human woman caught in a car crash and who he befriends and eventually offers a prosthetic to, place because he can't think straight and talking to him; meeting the rogue and pissed off Grit; finding Deadlock who'd disappeared during the Earth Campaign rough and bleeding after saving a human boy and his pet dog who immediately went to get the Ambulance at Stitches place; them going on their decade long jaunt around the world including Japan which Deadlock deeply enjoyed.
Ratchet is not aware of the possibility of kindling. It was deeply hidden. Deadlock is aware and formally one of Soundwave's personal agents he knew of Soundwave and Ravage's child Glit. Soundwave and Ravage are an established couple and Ravage was friends with Megatron who was also Soundwave's lover and friend at least until he left.
Ratchet is relearning anatomy, doing deep dives to find suppressed and removed coding and quickly being forced to learn on the job with his own bearing.
Deadlock makes the decision to call in a favor from Onslaught who fucked off with his Combaticons to safety of another country. He doesn't tell Ratchet why until they find Soundwave and the Cassettes licking their wounds. With them is Glit, who it turns out is much younger than Ratchet suspected. Soundwave gives Ratchet all the information he has as does Ravage, who is one of the oldest Cybertronians alive. Onslaught offers old literature and plays referencing it.
Ratchet agrees to train Glit in exchange. Ravage and Soundwave are willing to trust him and Glit wants to learn more than they can offer. He agrees.
Deadlock and he settle down for a bit, Ratchet feeling broody with a sparklet on his heart and Glit to mentor. When they hear about the release program for some Decepticons and how they are being regulated to certain strict areas they head close to their to make sure they are taken care of. They end up meeting Decepticons like the Scavengers, Reflector, Sky-Byte and his ridiculous trio, Astrotrain and Blitzwing who are starving, and Blip.
They wind up moving between the areas both official and unofficial where Decepticons settle. They also run into others, like Thundercracker who has eloped with a human woman and a dog, Skywarp and Nova Storm who hiss but reluctantly let him repair them, and the Constructicons who are hiding out in a construction company who are fully aware of their identities and are paying them while the Constructicons support smaller Decepticons who've attached themselves to them.
There is time skips and finally Hot Rod is born after seven years and 170 days after Ratchet kindles. All this time what triggers them to return is the incident with the tower and Ratchet getting a call from Optimus saying he needs him. Optimus never once reached out respecting Ratchet’s decision. The Junxies, freshly so, head off to rejoin them. Deadlock still goes by Deadlock except around Ratchet who calls him Drift.
They reunite and are introduced to sparklings, Terrans, and Ratchet says he has some news too and breaks the news about his husband and child to MegOPLita.
Damnnnn, makes sense that eould be Ratty's final straw
It had to be such an experience for the others, Ratchet leaving.
I like to think this is one of those things they don't talk about, besides maybe long nights after difficult missions or while a little bit overcharged.
owo? Kindling? an intriguing detail to add here...
Oh I've thought about that! (The modifying code to prevent getting sparked up bit)
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Don't worry to hard about the word vomit i wrote that idea in (unless unless?)
The combaticons living in another country in hiding? Interesting
Damn is learning Glit's true age gonna make Ratty even more pissed at GHOST because not only did they treat Glit like shit but he's a kid; they had the audacity to treat a kid like that.
there are gonna be so many cool ratchet moments omgggg
Ratchet over here collecting decepticons like a twelve year old named Red would collect pokemon
So THAT'S where Thundercracker went!
Awww yes the Constructicons being hidden by some humans!!
Oooo yes yes, Oppy finally caving to bring Ratty back!
Of course, another child!
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crying-fantasies · 4 months
Uncharted territory
Humans are weak, like, weak like the pit, one can just push or grip a little too hard and discover that they don't squish, they pop, and it's messy, Thundercracker has never once do such thing but he has seen the dark red spots in the servos or overall armor of his former decepticon comrades, or that real freak, as in Skullcruncher, that had some on his intake and relating it to rust sticks before Hook had his head for doing such an stupid thing as corrosion started to do it's own job.
Humans have always been quite simple to his optics, their colorful and mobile textiles flow with their movement, what they call skin only shines when they sweat and then they are a little interesting which is frowned upon by other humans and some cybertronians look at it with unbounded disgust, he has seen some use gold in their bodies like wasteful creatures, for a moment he compared their vanity to Starscream's, what he could give to have some gold flakes on his basic energon rations after decades without a real taste.
Then there was Marissa, and her assistant, and her comrades that includes her assistant, and they aren't so bad once he got to know them better, Marissa's optic catching red helm that goes down in curls is one of the main things he gets to notice her in the literal ocean of millions of humans, now Thundercracker is sure her EM field wave is familiar enough to tell she is near by meters.
Then there is Buster, and Buster can do no wrong, he can feel her a mile away and detect her in the same way if, Primus forbid, she ever strays in an ocean of dogs, perfect little beans of love really but one can compare to his good girl.
And then there is you, dull and weary human you are like majority, you make him remember Lo Surrounding, a character in his last script that just goes along with the environment but has a very deep background, you are a lot like that one, but so different still as he answer another question you have about why he is blue and why Skywarp is purple, he is about to answer that he wasn't like this before but bites his glossa to refrain his extensive explication, back in Vos one could refer to a mech as attractive and handsome if his paint job was good enough, a good fortune was required too, and if Thundercracker hasn't been exposed to the rest of things on Cybertron he would still believe Starscream was the top of the food chain and still believe he took his image well.
His paint job is good, but still reminds him of Starscream.
Shiny paint job, nice and wide wings, powerful back, arms and support struts, a nice and balanced income of shanix, good living quarters, a handsome faceplate, he would hear all of that back in the academy as the most desired prospect of a partner, even a conjunx if one is lucky enough.
Then remember that you've your own outburst of color, even if it those aren't yours.
Don't take him wrong, he likes how you can blend easily with what is around you, it's funny to see you around without talking to no one and then saying something smart out of nowhere, he thinks your antics are funny, but he isn't making fun of you, that's his hardly expressed meaning when you ask why he is smiling like a century old youngling in your way before trying to hide it drinking down energon to make you forget about it.
Blend with your environment, take it to your advantage, using it to get important documents from one place to the other without no one interrupting your mission, even if it's just paperwork, having extra time so he can talk your ear off with a new idea popping on his processor about Lo and her spy master abilities that have nothing to do with you, why are you asking? No, he is not using you as a reference to his work but is still grateful that you like it, and the possible romantic progress between Lo and his new main protagonist, but that's something for another day.
Lo and you are low-key, not eye catching, not attention center, and Thundercracker likes that, it's easy to talk with you once he finds where you're, and maybe this one occasion wasn't the best as this one time you were really hiding and he gave your location to people you didn't want to greet that very specific day.
He didn't mean it, and he is so sorry for it, and he believes something really awful is happening to you when he hears you groan in pain, stress and annoyed beyond your limits, he knows Marissa, she would never do someone bad to you, but he has to hold Buster to calm him down, and also to see her in that little cute attire with a ribbon on top with more detail before looking at you again once you're back from that closed room.
In all honesty he feels better when you say that he didn't know, that it wasn't his fault, and Thundercracker has a hard time focusing on your words because there is just so much he can take, all attention focused in that attire you're using, um, dressing.
So pretty, how it goes along your natural organic frame's crevices and curves, a little loose and a little too tight here and there, your expression is one of boredom, of exhaustion, he can't really focus too much on it but in how the little trinkets shine just right if you even move to try and hold less weight on your uncomfortable looking ped protector which looks more like a weapon than a real shoe, very mindful of that colorful thing on your lips that resembles dried energon.
You are so pretty, all shiny, pretty and dangerous as sharp weapons lie at your disposition, his spark vibrates with barely contained excitement of having you in front of him, showing off in front of him even when he knows very well you're here against your own liking to please other organics, but that's just right, having you bless them with your presence is more than enough to die with a happy feeling, the light doing a fine job to make you stunning beyond belief.
Makes him so enamoured beyond himself.
Are this the so rumored bubbles or whatever the humans feel in their tanks? Is this it? He never wants for it to go away as you give him a tired look before someone talks in your direction, and his perfect viewing spot is broken as you go to that human with the grace of a soldier limping out of a murderous battle.
Of course, it's only a matter of time before everyone else starts looking at you too.
And, yeah, he is fine with it, he really is, it's not like he wants your attention back, or that he really wishes you would notice or say something about his new finish, or if you noticed that he waxed himself, trying to match your own light, but so little time can bring him barely time to prepare himself.
You are poised so elegant in his optics, and he looks like he just got out of recharge and tried to look composed, in reality looking like a mess, if Starscream was here he would nag him endlessly, if Skywarp was here he would make fun of him, maybe if Skywarp felt his occasional ounce of pity he would try to help him end his wax job before going out there again to try and win your attention, because humans guide themselves in what they look, and if they like how it looks, how that other person looks, if it checks all the boxes just right, when all it would be needed for Thundercracker to let you know that he is right there is to flash his biolights at you.
Humans don't work like that, they don't understand biolights or feel an EM field, which is fine, really, it's better if you never know about the flare of his as he spots you near, vibrating and warm, an open invitation that most of his people would translate to "look at me" or the shuddering wave and unrefined want when you end up touching him by accident, is his fault to have his sensor points in max level to really feel you, every touch as delicate as you can just to not repeat the time a hand accidentally pushed against his cockpit.
No matter what he said, there was no other way to explain the sound escaping his vox as your fingers pressed to the glass than that it was a uncomfortable place to touch, it would be too embarrassing to say the truth and admit that in reality it was sensitive, keeping his dignity and not look like a desperate youngling was better, even if he still struggles to have you near again, doing his best to find you every time and assure you that it's fine, he is okay, so please touch him again because you are so soft and he loves it so much but it's so embarrassing, and it's so dangerous, because what is he going to do is you don't like his approach.
If you knew he feels attracted to you, of his feelings for you, would you reciprocate? Would you be embarrassed? Would you pack your things and get away from the base to a place he doesn't know?
The answer from his part to any of the questions is that he couldn't handle it properly, the happiness or the endless grief, getting organic-curious wasn't on his plans when he decided to stay on earth, and he isn't even sure what your own preferences are.
So, if you knew, you would understand why he almost jumps out of his place when he feels your hand above his right leg strut, quickly collecting himself and hearing you say something about a group going another way, "away from the higher-ups, just us".
You can't feel his EM field or spark flutter, but you do smile when his wings do.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello could I have idw windblade x male human in it windblade is first finding out about humans and falls in love with them
Lets go Windblade!
Hope you enjoy!
Windblade falling for Human Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Hinted romance, Human reader
It was Thundercracker who introduced Windblade to Buddy.
Windblade had gone to Earth in Starscream’s place as something big had popped up and forced him to stay.
Whether there was something that actually came up, Windblade was excited to finally see Earth.
She had seen so many videos and read many data pads on the infamous planet and was ecstatic to finally have a chance to see it with her own optics.
Chromia was less excited than her friend, preferring terrain she knew, but someone had to protect her.
Thundercracker and Buster were the one’s who first welcomed them to the planet when Buddy and Marrissa came in.
Marrissa and Buddy look up at the two new bots. Marrissa: “Welcome to Earth Windblade and Chromia. I am Marrissa and this is Buddy. We will be your human liaison’s during you stay on planet.” Buddy was still looking at the bots. Marrissa nudged Buddy on the side, snapping him out of his trace. Buddy: “Pardon me, I am still new to Cybertronians on the job. As Marrissa said, I am Buddy. If you need anything or have any questions, please feel free to ask.” Windblade: “Buddy, I have a question.” Buddy: “Yes?” Windblade: "Is it true that there are turbo foxes on Earth? I read on the way here that there were.” Chromia and Thundercracker look at her curiously. Not the type of question they thought the City Speaker would ask. Buddy: “We don’t have ‘turbo foxes’ but we do have the smaller organic version of them. Also depending which type—” Windblade: “There’s more than one type?” Buddy: “Yeah, I mean, yes. On Earth we have different types of foxes. If you follow me, I think we rescued an injured one that was caught in a bear trap a couple days ago. If Berny hasn’t released him yet, we can still see the little guy.” Windblade fluttering her wings a bit: “Yes, please!” The jet follows the smaller human happily chatting about the fox. Chromia, Marrissa and Thundercracker: “…” Thundercracker: “You know, that sounds a little like one of the screen writes I have drafted.” Chromia glaring at the human from a distance: “And how does it end.” Thundercracker: “They both fall in love—” Chromia: “Nope.” She marches right behind the pair. Thundercracker: “I bet a tube of wax Windblade falls first.” Marrissa: “Thundercracker! That is highly inappropriate!... Anyways, Buddy already fell for her.”
Chromia was Windblade’s shadow everywhere she went with the human.
She didn’t believe that her friend could fall for someone she just met.
She was smarter than that!
Buddy sensed the hostility coming from Windblade’s companion and tried including her in as many activities as he could.
He had already brought done Windblade’s walls with showing the foxes and some of the more peaceful areas outside the base.
Chromia was a harder challenge, but Buddy was always up for a good challenge.
It came in the form of the indoor racetrack and Cybertronian sized sparring ring.
Buddy was the sole pilot of a prototype mech suit created to help other Cybertronians on Earth if trouble came around.
Apparently sparring was the way to get through to Chromia.
Buddy slamming down on his back in the suit. Windblade and Thundercracker wince at the sound. Chromia walks over his suit. Chromia: “Your form is sloppy and slow.” Buddy: “Yeah, well it’s kinda hard when you’re still getting used to the new framework.” Chromia smirks and offers him her servo. He takes it and lets her pull him up. Chromia: “Despite that, you did manage to get a few good hits.” Buddy: “Is that a compliment I hear?” Chromia: “Please, you’re a decent fighter for a human…maybe we should get a new sparring partner. Windblade get your sword.” Buddy: “What?” Windblade: “What?” Thundercracker and Marrissa: “What?” Buster: “Woof?”
Buddy didn’t stand a chance.
Not that Windblade was a better fighter than he was.
It was that he didn’t want to hurt her, which ultimately lead to him getting his behind slammed on the ground for multiple rounds.
After the ‘fight’ Buddy offered to show them around more places around the base and to see the sunset.
This seemed to be the pattern for the rest of the visit.
Work, sight see, spar, sight see, back to base.
The sight seeing only increased once Marrissa helped Buddy get clearance for certain airspaces.
Windblade had a soft spot for leisure flies around dawn and walks near the bases forested area.
The two were rarely seen apart during the whole visit.
Sadly, the visit had ended too soon for the pair.
Buddy, Marrissa, and Thundercracker waving at the ship as it disappeared out of sight.  Thundercracker: “That was a nice visit. Better without Screamer here.” Buddy: “I will never get how out of the ‘trine’ thing, YOU came out with a semi stable moral compass.” Marrissa: “I second that.” Buddy starts moving to the door. Thundercracker: “You’re not upset that Windblade left, are you?” Buddy blushes a bit before shaking his head. Buddy: “We knew the visit was short Cracker.” Marrissa: “So you aren’t going to miss her?” Buddy: “I didn’t say that. She is a good friend—” Thundercracker fake coughs loudly while Marrissa gave him a knowing smile. Buddy just huffs and walks back to his office desk. PING! Buddy looks down at his tablet to see a message. Windblade: “Can’t wait till I visit again! Miss you already!” Buddy blushes and smiles. Buddy: “Can’t wait either.”
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How Buddy was looking at Windblade when she steps out of the ship.
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eashgirl · 8 months
Question do you have any human/tf ships? just curious
I don't have a lot really just TC/Marissa
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I just think they're really cute Look at them
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valkylander · 1 year
All of the canon ships in IDW1 Transformers are severe age gap or severe age gap coded and that's very fun.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Headcanons with IDW Thundercracker and a human SO who rescues animals :)
Headcanons for Thundercracker (IDW) who has a Human S/O who rescues animals:
[He met you because Buster had wandered off, you found the pup and wanted to return her to her owner, only learning that said owner was a giant robot- but, y’know, that’s cool.]
[You rescue any sort of animal, but dogs are pretty typical of what you tend to rescue- Thundercracker always wants to spend some time with said pups.]
[Sometimes, if you’re getting ready to help out a dog/cat/any other animal that needs help, Thundercracker may want to try and help, and it’s just up to you if you wanna bring him along, or have him stay, and just tell him what happened later.]
[Buster loves you, so if TC can’t be around and can’t have Buster with him for whatever reason (if it’s too dangerous, for example), he’ll always hand her off to either Marissa or you.]
[As he starts writing more things, you notice a character that seems so much like you- personality and everything, including the whole ‘rescuing animals’ thing. The only difference is the character’s name.]
[He didn’t really know how to actually confess to you- so he was practicing alone. Although Buster made you follow her, and you arrived just in time to hear Thundercracker’s speech of him saying he loved you.]
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auraturner · 5 months
My only hope for the Transformers x G.I. Joe live action movie is that they bring Thundercracker and Marissa (& Buster). It's all I ask for, please 🙏
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novafire-is-thinking · 5 months
As for the ship bingo (I'm sorry to ask again, I won't be disapointed if you ignore the question). What about Thundercracker and Marissa Faireborn?
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I’ve never been into Human x Bot ships.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Sooo, I noted the possibility of other couples such as;
Soundwave x Blaster
Thundercracker x Marissa
Cyclonus x Tailgate
Sparkstalker x Lightbright
how’s that going?
It’s going! Usually it takes a while for a pairing to hit me with what they’re all about (I was ??? about what exactly to do with Dratchet in this universe, until I came across a comic and some little drabbles about how Life and Death are not enemies, but lovers working together to keep the world balanced that it finally hit me that this was the route I wanted for them).
Soundwave/Blaster is still very much only at a 50% possibility. Because I can absolutely also see them as good friends at the end of the day.
TC/Marissa was always in the plans but I’ve got to work out how Marissa fits into everything. I know he likely fell into her company after he left the Cons, and she’s like attached to a peacekeeping squad/NGOs helping out refugees and people affected by the conflict.
Cyc/Tailgate I still don’t have anything for since Cyc, I don’t even have a design for yet. It’s more of a PRESSUMABLY THIS WILL HAPPEN but it’s also 100% OK if it doesn’t because Tailgate here is very developed and has her own overarching narrative of self-discovery and self-love that doesn’t require romance to be a part of it.
Sparkstalker/Lightbright is definitely one I wanna play with but they’re SUPER side characters and I have my focus on developing the Main Characters’ relationships first.
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
Headcanon that these couples who got married in this orderly fashion:
Chromia x Ironhide
Ratchet x Drift
Seaspray x Alana
Prowl x Jazz
Brawn x Courtney
Horrible-Bull x Needlenose
Tracks x Raoul
Inferno x Red Alert
Cyclonus x Tailgate
Powerglide x Astoria
Breakdown x Knockout
Sparkstalker x Lightbright
Blast Off x Cosmos
Lightspeed x Afterburner
Thundercracker x Marissa
(Red Alert did reject Inferno’s first proposal, because though he was in love with him, he didn’t feel ready yet and though Inferno was a bit sadden, he was very understanding. By the time Red Alert was ready, he proposed to Inferno as Inferno was crying tears of joy as he said yes.)
(Also, you have idea how long it took for Marissa and Thundercracker to be official!? Literally feels like a century, Raoul and Astoria were literally pushing Marissa to just confess to him. Thundercracker was taking tips from Tracks and Powerglide to woo her.)
I think I would put Astoria and Powerglide much higher on the list.
Girl is READY for this flyboy to go from boyfriend to husband.
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Are there any projects/current fanart and/or AUs you are currently working on?? What are your top ten favourites otp?
Also, do you have a taglist (just asking)?
Howdy again, anonymous!
I really don't have a tag list, I usually put #my art #my stuff #or something random 🤣. So really there's no way to find things on my blog dhffhkjfhjnjf
second about projects/fanart/AU stuff I'm working on. In this post, you and others can find links to my new side blogs where I post and talk about The Dark Unicron Planet and Terran Robby AU's
I'm also gonna post more about my OC's, Cody x Priscilla art, and more Miko and Cody chaotic sibling stuff fjkñasksk
I also want to start writing my own original project and my own Transformers fan continuity... as you can see, I put a lot on my plate 😅
And about my top ten... most of them are crack ships o completely out of canon...
TFA Lugnut x Strika
Cyberverse Hot Rod x Soundwave
TFA Sari x TFP Raf
TFIDW Thundercracker x Marissa
TFRB Cody X Priscilla
TFRB Chase x TFP Knockout
TFP Dreadwing x TFP Optimus
TFA Megatron x Optimus
TFP Jack x Vince (or with Miko or Sierra. I'm in a debate with this one tho)
TFRB Boulder x TFP Predaking
And more (and those are just from the Transformers fandom lol)... but like I said, only crack in this house...
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Big agree on Juncee. One of my first TF ships was Astoria/Powerglide and Marissa/Thundercracker so I'm always down for new Transformers/Human ships.
They've got just such cool dynamics!
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sihaya-art · 4 years
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Commission piece ~ request for Thundercracker and Marissa from Transformers. 
Confession: I actually don’t like drawing mecha but I made an exception for a good friend... 
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Blackout and Reboot
Joshua Boyd wakes up in his apartment very confused. The only reason he even knows his name is because there's a card with his face on it on the counter. He doesn't remember who he is or anything that brought him up to this point.
Marissa is a cop that just happens to find a very lost man standing in the middle of the street in front of her apartment complex. She's not particularly wanting to take on an entire human being as a project, but the way this man acts just makes her curious. Being helpful just ropes her into a whole world she was hoping to stay away from.
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HI BUDDY!!! I would like to ask you what do you think of the new crack ships I just became attached to!
Is Rescue bots sunshine boy Cody Burns x Spoiled princess Priscilla Pynch!
TFP and TFA with Shy genius boy Raf Esquivel x Exited Genius girl Sari Sumdac!
(More of a platonic with this one) TFP and Cybertron with Caring fatigued leader Jack Darby x Responsible Girlboss Lori Jimenez! (But I still like Jack x Miko ship)
Also from the IWD comics Dog lover Thundercracker x Militar weapon master Marissa Fireborn!
And for some reason, I have a like for TFA workaholic dad Isaac Sumdac x workaholic mom Noreen Wakeman from my life as a teenage robot
But I must be honest, one of the reasons I like this pairing is because I headcanon some of these characters as ace/aro.
But what do you think!?
❤️ Hey there! Here's my answers:
Cody + Priscilla Platonic Only! XD
Sari x Raf, but only if their age gap is a bit smaller...
I don't know what to feel about Jack x Lori, mainly because I don't know Lori that well... but she did help a Decepticon reform, like Alexis did...
I think Jack x Miko is okay, but the ship would be more interesting if Miko goes through some character development and Jack develops some more personality, in my opinion...
I'm indifferent with the Thundercracker x Marissa Ship and the Issac Crossover Ship, I’m sorry... 
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sparkmender · 4 years
Since I’m already slamming a whole bunch of continuities together, how about TFA Prowl as a human who fell through a portal in 1700s Japan and ended up staying with Hive Iacon? Prowl’s not aged a day since he’d been thrown into the well by Lockdown— but his armor has been lovingly painted over with swirls and glyphs, moss has begun to grow on his helmet, and more and more he can’t remember what it had been like on Earth, not that he would even want to leave
And the Wild Hunt/DJD stole Pharma away in the 1960’s, just as he was supposed to be starting his residency? Glamoured and disguised by Tarn into thinking he belongs with them, belongs to them, a bird-form just like Tarn but with damaged wings, so of course he can’t fly properly... Gradually corrupting Pharma from the inside out, glutting him on bloodlust and magic
Thundercracker accidentally abducting Marissa and having to figure out how to get her back home safe without others in the Swarm noticing her, without noticing his absence
Nightbeat throwing his life on Earth away willingly because aliens exist and the aliens have magic and he can hardly keep himself from vibrating out of his skin when Perceptor and Brainstorm start rattling off complex concepts at him like they’re everyday topics— it’s like A Wrinkle in Time and Star Trek and X-Files and Lord of the Rings all in one and he has never been so in love, never felt so at home, anywhere else before.
And it works the other way, too— faeries learning to use glamours to disguise themselves all over again, ‘transforming’ into mimicry of human forms so they can visit Earth without worry of attracting too much attention. Or, if you’re Bumblebee and Skywarp, practically drowning yourself in Earth culture and openly going around in all your glory, acting as ambassadors and bridging the gap between Cybertron and her lost colony, bringing magic back to a planet starved of it.
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