#thunderbirds are go au
chenria · 1 year
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Okay, this was a very fun commission. I only heard about the series "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons" so I had to google it when I was asked for a picture of Thunderbird's Scott Tracy in the Spectrum-Agent uniform. 
But it was fun and I hope I did him justice. I also want to thank my client for her immense patience with me while I worked so slowly with this one. 
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soniabigcheese · 2 years
I had an idea for a wereVirgil story. Inspired by this fanart.
Quick summary.
Scott and Virgil are out on a rescue in the Black Forest and have to separate for some reason.
The people they are rescuing are grateful but warn Scott that there's a beast roaming the forest.
Scott nods his head and says ... yeah, I know about the troll. But they shake their heads and tell him about a giant black wolf.
He smiles and assures that they'll be fine, as this one is harmless and won't hurt them.
Until Virgil appears in his human form and the guys go pale and point at a dark shadow appearing behind Scott.
It looks nasty and ready to do some real damage
And that's where Virgil steps in
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waty-art · 15 days
Cowboy John Tracy!
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hebuiltfive · 6 months
I have an idea for an AU. I have no idea if it will work at all, but it's here to stay I think. I have no idea if it's been done before either, but I'm going to attempt to write it.
Two words: Regency Tracys.
Think Bridgerton, but with a twist. A huge twist (as planned so far).
It might end up being a terrible idea. I might not write it out well at all, but this idea has got me hooked and it hasn't left me alone the last couple of days...
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edutainer2022 · 5 months
This came out of the blue, as I don't usually do the de-aging AU. Don't ask me about the physics of it - something, something Fischler is an idiot. It's mostly about the the emotional reactions and ramifications. So, in a flash of explosion Scott is three... again. The family navigate their feelings about it, dealing with a confused child. Virgil and John discuss the what-ifs and what-nots. Scotty gets better eventually, or maybe worse... From a certain point of view.
A bow to @janetm74 , whose takes on the trope are always fascinating.
It took some coaxing and a promise of pie to pry the child away from Virgil. Blue eyes, too big for the small face, were full of fear and reoccurring tears. The tiny body was trembling and skinny arms clung to Virgil's flanel shirt ever since the device blew up. Virgil didn't mind one bit, but they needed to run scans and tests making sure the boy... Scott was okay. Or as okay as could be, considering he was now about 25 years younger than should be.
Everyone froze as the boy asked for "Momma and Virgie" the first time and burst into tears. It, surprisingly, took Virgil's voice to dissuade the meltdown, as he was gleefully identified as "Dada" and got a little limpet attached to his torso. The flash of pain in Dad's, actual Dad's, eyes was not lost on either Virgil or Grandma. Virgil hugged the child closer, suddenly self-conscious.
Brains was already deep in the schematics of the malfunctioned device, confiscated earlier that day from a disaster site that happened to be one of Fischler's labs. Kayo was looking stormy, plotting possible bodily harm, although, knowing Fischler, not even enhanced interrogation could  yield reliable information on what happened and how to reverse the effects asap.
John watched Virgil with a now three year old Scotty, his expression unreadable. Eos was already tasked with simulations for reverse engineering the device. It being a Fischler's concoction, they couldn't risk hurting Scott as they would try to get him "back". Alan was shocked and looked a lot younger himself. Grandma hugged him with a reassuring word.
Gordon's natural skill with small kids proved handy, as he was quick to whip out Alan’s old toys from Neptune knew where and produced a heap of his own plushies. The little boy was suitably distracted and involved into play, making vroom-vroom noises with a dinosaur on a Lego plane. The window of calm didn't last long, though, as now little Scotty, obviously tired and confused, became cranky again and cried for Momma and Virgie. Virgil looked up at Dad, at a loss. The child obviously didn't remember much beyond being  'cotty, "this many fingers" old, Mom, and having a baby brother. Jeff, watching the boy with anguished yearning so far, as he got scared and ran to Virgil the first time around, stepped up again. The gruff words got the child shy at first, but Dad was patient explaining to Scotty "Momma and Virgie" were away on a long walk, so Scotty was left in charge at home, like a big boy. There's was a fair measure of tears in the rough gravel that strained Jeff's voice. All colors of eyes around were bright with tears too.
But the trick worked and after a moment of the tiny face frowning and considering more crying, Jeff was declared "Gan'pa!". The boy climbed into his lap, where he was now asleep, wrapped in Alan’s favorite childhood blanket. The small face relaxed from the strain and tears dried out - Scotty looked so sweet and happy.
It was decided to settle the child in Dad's room for the night. The infirmary, barren and unfamiliar, could scare him. And it would be more comfortable for Jeff to watch over the boy - a duty he vehemently refused to yield to any of his sons, who all volunteered readily. Gordon whisked Alan away for some brotherly soothing, as the kid was visibly shaken in the face of loosing biggest brother to the child he once was.
John squinted, eyes darting between Dad, doting and cooing over the tiny bundle of blankets, space-worn features softened and instantly younger too, and Virgil, clearly hesitant to leave. In the end, Jeff softly shooed the elder sons away - even at three Scotty had been a light sleeper.
John was headed to Brains' lab to assist with rebuilding the hapless device. Virgil tagged along, but for the moment they found themselves lingering in the dim hallway, outside of Dad's rooms. The events of the day were A LOT to absorb and to even begin to process. John caught Virgil stealing a glance back at the room, where the child was sleeping peacefully, deep in thought. John braced himself, as he was fairly certain he knew what his brother was thinking. As much as he knew he could never agree.
Virgil looked back, sadness mixed with hope in brown eyes.
"John, don't you think we should..."
John didn't expect himself to yell and started, having to gulp down the rest of the protest, lest the child woke up. But Virgil was looking up at him, gaze already frantic with a fast assembling plan.
"I could adopt him! Or Dad. There won't be a legal problem! He's happy, Johnny! We can make sure he never gets hurt! Can you imagine?!"
Hope shone brighter over doubt in brown eyes, but John shuddered and stepped away from Virgil's reach. Because he COULD imagine. That pathway of probabilities was the first one through his mind, as a little boy crawled out of the dust and debris where their biggest brother was standing seconds ago. John COULD imagine. A Scott who had never held them all after Mom's funeral, a Scott, who never rocked Allie to sleep, crying for Mommy, a Scott, who never packed their lunches or picked them up from after-school clubs, because Dad was unavailable, floating in a sea of grief and work. A Scott they never lost to the horror of That Place. A Scott that never came back as a broken shell. A Scott that didn't give up every shred of himself to uphold Dad's legacy and step into Dad's shoes for them all. A Scott that wasn't blaming himself even now that Dad was back. A Scott that wasn't in pain. A Scott they could all see grow up and live a happy life he deserved.
John could see it all too well. It broke his heart to see Dad grasp at the impossible second chance to do right by the eldest son. He saw the eager plea in Virgil's eyes. And John near hated himself as every part of his soul was screaming in protest. Every selfish, terrified little brother part that was in agony at the prospect of losing the very foundation rock of their world - Scott the biggest brother, who loved them, and saw them, and cheered for them, and accepted them all for who they were, and shielded them in a world otherwise cruel and unyielding, a Scott who made sense of everything they were doing, of everything Dad was doing, even when they all drowned in hurt, grief, and resentment. A Scott who could tell them they could do it and they would believe it.
Making sure Scott got a chance at happiness meant loosing him for good. John squeezed his eyes shut against hot angry tears.
Virgil was still looking up at him, hesitant to offer unwarranted touch, and deeply worried. John took in a long stabilizing breath.
"Do you think... Do you think he'd want to never know us all, growing up?"
Virgil's face fell and John felt another pang of remorse.
As if on cue to that thought, the door to Dad's room slid open and tiny feet padded along the hallway. Virgil made a step to intercept the little fugitive, and crouched in front of the child, not to scare.
"What is it Scotty? Do you want some water?"
The boy was obviously drowsy from sleep, small hands rubbing the eyes.
"Wan'Virgie! Didn't say nite-nite t'Virgie! Where'Virgie?"
Big blue eyes were brimming with tears again, confused and desperate. Virgil picked up the feather-light frame and stood up, cradling the boy close and bouncing softly, whispering soothing nonsense to calm the child back to sleep. Brown eyes met a loaded gaze of the turquoise ones. Virgil knew John had a point. But it hurt to consider either way.
John stepped up closer, ruffling the boy's hair. Thunderbird Five, the Voice That Answers, was speaking now, but it was a brother's kiss on the child's temple:
"We'll help you find Virgie, Scotty! I promise! We'll help you get home! We've got you!"
The adult brothers exchanged another Look as the sniffles subsided and Scotty was falling asleep again.
John's comm pinged with a message from Brains. He got something on the device functions. It was quickly decided John would head to the lab. Dad obviously succumbed to the ever lingering fatigue and the stress of the day, so a woken up Scotty could escape. Virgil would stay in the lounge with the boy, watching over for more signs of distress or to mitigate more runaway attempts. Come morning, Gordon and Alan were to take over the babysitting duty. The villa was hopelessly NOT child-proof since Allie was past ten and Scotty's propensity for creative and agile jailbreaks was a significant part of family lore. Even if Brains was close to a reverse effect, they still would need to run tests and simulations, before even considering risking a child.
The last thing Scott remembered was a bright flash as the device he brought back for Brains to inspect heated up in his hands, vibrated and exploded. Now he was sitting flat on the floor in the hangar, ears ringing. A blur of motion in his periferal vision materialized in two bodies tackling him further down in a hug. Oomph, make it three bodies. Four. Alright, okay, he LOVED THEM TOO, but he needed to breathe. His ribs creaked. There were more pats down his shoulders and back, a brandished med scanner - unsurprising.
A bit more surprising was another hug, as he finally made it up off the floor and untangled gently, if wobbly, from the pile of brothers - Dad gathered him close in a fierce motion and held tight with no obvious intention to let go. It felt nice, of course, safe. But also worrisome. So for a moment Scott struggled with the conflicting urges to melt into the hug and to FIX whatever got Dad so scared. Jeff just tightened the embrace in response and Scott gave in, relaxing into being held.
He'd have to get to the bottom of it, as more arms joined the hold around him again, especially as he clearly heard Dad whispering "I'm so sorry, Bluejay! I love you so much, son". But for now he was warm, and snug, and obviously so welcome. He was home. Nothing ever felt better.
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laughing-moonlight · 8 days
Let it be known that if I had the capacity and the talent, I would have already drawn Scott Tracy in all of Queen Elsa’s dresses
Let it be known that if I had the capacity and the talent, I'd write a completely and unnecessarily angsty Thunderbirds Frozen AU with both movies
But in all seriousness...anon, that is some big brain you have in there. Very hefty and wrinkly. No smooth brain thoughts for you. Just imagine Scooter in that first ice dress. The shoulders! The leg slit! The heels! We could have it all! And Show Yourself is so Scott coded I swear.
But with all the trials Elsa has to go through - accidentally hurting a sibling, being locked away and parents dying with the secret - Frozen literally matches Scott's freak. There's so much angst potential. It's perfect.
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chenria · 6 months
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There was some "Regency!AU Tracy" chatter going on today. I only noticed on the sidelines because the ancient piece of Virgil with that horse was dug up and what I read amused me in a good way (and today I needed nice things, it was a frustrating day at work)...
But yeah... while I have no time for a larger random picture these days (I have a few deadlines for other pictures) I at least wanted to contribute with a random messy sketch of Virgil and Scott (whom I think would be some kind of naval officers in a Regency setting - which explains the random epaulets). Also, no claim whatsoever on historical accuracy of the outfits. Far from it!! (They are not super recognizable, I am aware... it's just a sketch after all and I just wanted to jot down the vague idea.)
It might actually be a scandal for the two most eligible bachelors of the county... duchy... (whatever) to hide from their guests to discuss some random naval strategy instead of making the ladies swoon while dancing. And I am sure the two are great at dancing. Perfect courtly manners to flaunt...
Anyways. This was a nice exercise and managed to distract my brain. Now it's back to commissions and the art trade that's due soon.
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soniabigcheese · 12 days
Another odd idea of mine
Since Parker is an ex convict, he knows a few 'tricks' and has a checklist, as well as a personal summary of everyone in International Rescue
Lady Penelope. Has potential, adept at distraction and a whole host of learned skills, specialty is deadly karate kicks in Louboutins
Scott. Took a while but he finally got around to my thinking. He is definitely charismatic and can charm and distract. He usually works with his brother Virgil
Virgil. Humble but clever. Can dismantle equipment whilst his brother Scott distracts people
John. Has a unique sidekick called EOS who has an itchy trigger finger and would switch off life support without John's calm reasoning and supervision. John is very clever at bugging and listening. Can track everyone with his technology
Gordon. Cocky little bugger and has a mouth on him. He's definitely a rogue and cannot be completely trusted. But his brothers think he is okay. So I'll have to go along with them
Alan. So much potential and keen on pleasing people. He can be my apprentice. No problem
Kayo. Secretive, not afraid to break the rules. Her father taught her well
Jeff. The Master of the house. Powerful man. Has many contacts and has very impressive negotiation skills
Sally Tracy ... aka Grandma. She may think that her cooking is terrible but that's far from the truth. As a doctor, she is familiar with chemicals. She just needs to separate them from common household ingredients.
Brains Hackenbacker. Don't be fooled by his meek persona and stutter. The man is extremely clever and can design create anything out of nothing.
So ... if the Hood thinks he's the most powerful villain around. He is delusional, as he has NO idea what or who he is up against
This is a classified document
Signed by Aloysius Parker
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waty-art · 10 days
Ranch owner Scott Tracy!
@avengedbiologist your cowboy Scott has inspired me to actually finish this! Thank you😊 I hope you do more. your work is truly lovely.
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chaoticvbird · 1 month
Behold, a year in the making, the official wallpaper for Virgil in the Experiment!AU!!
I hope you love it as much as I do! 💚
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@thunderbirdschaosrp, @birdvirgil, @idontknowreallywhy, @galaxytransman, @obeyweegee359 and many others!
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shirubie · 27 days
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Follow-up of this sketch, Green Claw, now in color! I still need to do the shading but I wanted to test the color scheme first.
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hebuiltfive · 5 months
WIP Wednesday !!
Not sure whether this will see the light of day in the finished piece, but it’s still technically a WIP for now so:
Behind him, the fire crackled.
Orange flames rose up into smoke that was carried up the chimney flue. Scott was mesmerised by it.
He ambled over and rested his arm on the mantlepiece. Beside his hand, a clock ticked slowly. He pulled out an old pocket-watch from his waistcoat and checked the two faces against one another. They held the right time: half past eleven.
The previous night’s dinner disaster still haunted Scott. During his restless night he had cast his mind back over the proceedings. Was there a way he could have prevented such a massive fall-out between them? Alan had yet to leave his room whilst John had skipped breakfast, opting to meet with some of his scholarly friends instead. Gordon was nowhere to be seen and Virgil had given him the cold shoulder all morning, only speaking to inform him of Tanusha’s whereabouts; with Lady Penelope.
Scott had felt awful. He hadn’t meant to push three of his siblings to the edge, the other two unwilling to talk with him.
He ran a thumb over the back of the polished watch. It had been given to him as a gift from his father, over six years ago, for his twenty-first birthday. Before his father, it had belonged to his grandfather. Grant Tracy still resided within that watch, in Scott’s mind at least. What died never stayed dead so long as you allowed the deceased to remain with you, in you heart and soul. Trinkets helped keep them close.
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darkestwolfx · 6 months
So TAG meets LOTR... 📚
So what started as a jest has actually become quite an involved conversation! If you haven't seen the original it can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/darkestwolfx/745511488198967296/goodness-if-this-idea-ends-up-trending-challenge
Now this isn't me saying I will write it by any means, but let's have fun whilst I debate!
I would say let's start with Scott, but I don't think there's much debate at this rate that he's Aragorn
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Feel free to open a debate but you challenge @idontknowreallywhy at your own risk and Wolfie is not responsible for any loss of limb 😂
So let's kick things off instead with opinions on the ladies;
And I'll add another poll in a few days time and keep these rolling until we are through everyone 🤣 Let's see what the popular castings are!
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chenria · 6 months
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Squeezed this in between commissions, art trades and overdue giveaway pieces *cough* What is time management? (Virgil continues to have horrible hair ... it's always a pain to draw... seriously, I should have stuck with Scott as my favorite... he has the easier to draw hair...)
Also... Virgil and my OC Samantha demanded I jot down a tiny scene...
As the grandeur of the soiree unfolded around him, Virgil found himself suffocated by the swarm of eager faces, all vying for his attention. He would need to talk with his brothers. Abandoning him in the hour of need was unforgivable. With each step, he felt the weight of expectation pressing down upon him, the burden of being one of the most sought-after bachelors of the season becoming increasingly unbearable and annoying. Desperately seeking solace amidst the chaos, he slipped away from the crowded ballroom and into the tranquility of the gardens. The moon cast a gentle glow upon the lawn, illuminating the delicate blooms that adorned the pathways. Breathing a sigh of relief, Virgil wandered deeper into the labyrinth of shrubbery, his steps measured as he sought refuge from the prying eyes of society. Finally, he found himself in a secluded alcove, shielded from view by a canopy of ivy. Leaning against the cool stone wall, he closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of respite and took a deep breath. The sounds of laughter and music drifted faintly through the air, but here in this secluded sanctuary, he was free of expectations for a brief moment. Lost in his thoughts, Virgil was unaware of the figure approaching until a soft voice broke through the stillness. "Darn… you found my hiding spot before I did." Startled, Virgil turned to find a young woman standing before him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and her face framed by pretty brown hair, curled up and held together with hair pins the shape of flowers. "I was merely seeking some fresh air," he stated with a chuckle. “But if I invaded your hiding space, pray forgive me.” He bowed slightly and was about to leave when she shook her head. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Well, perhaps you wouldn't mind some company? I just intended to sit here and read. You’re welcome to stay." Virgil looked at the young woman as she took a seat at the bench and pulled out a small leather-bound book. She smiled at him once more before she turned her attention to the book and the silence that settled between them was not unpleasant.
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gumnut-logic · 6 months
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Scott was bored.
Dad was in a meeting and Scott was charged with taking care of Alan back at the hotel.
The rest of his brothers were home on the farm with all the freedom that entailed, while Scott could only stare out at the hazy blue sky through imprisoning glass.
Glass he could eliminate with a flick of a finger, but the integrity of so many things prevented that.
He sighed as he let himself collapse against the bed’s headboard.
“Hey, Scotty, can you do this?”
A comic was shoved in his face. A blink was enough time to school his startled flinch. Nothing terrified Scott more than accidentally injuring any human, much less those he loved.
“Do what, squirt?”
“Don’t call me squirt.”
“My apologies, Alan, what are you referring to?”
“Aww, don’t do that formal stuff either.”
Scott sighed. “What is it?”
“Astroman can fly out into space and deflect meteors! Can you do that?”
“I bet Johnny could.”
Scott frowned. “I would prefer he didn’t.”
The list of reasons was extensive and well beyond a seven year old’s need to know. “Only in an emergency.” Hell, Scott would lead his three brothers out there himself if that scenario turned up. He had no doubt they would be willing to try.
Alan didn’t know that Scott had dragged John back into the atmosphere several times already.
The fact their father didn’t know was for several very good reasons as well.
Definitely a case of what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them.
Alan threw a pout. “You guys are so boring.”
“What?!” Scott turned, incredulous, to his little brother now beside him on the bed.
“You’ve got all this cool stuff and you never use it.”
“We do stuff all the time.”
“On the farm. You could be superheroes!” Alan shook the comic in his hands. “You could be so cool! You could save people and stuff.” He flopped back on the bed. “Instead, you are serious and boring.” The pout returned with reinforcements.
Scott’s lips thinned. This was not the first time Alan had suggested this. “You know why.”
The pout turned to a grump. “Yeah. Still sucks.”
A sigh. “Do you have any better ideas?”
“A costume.”
Scott rolled his eyes. “We’ve been through this before.”
“But you’ve never even tried one on!”
Obviously it had never even occurred to Alan that Scott and his brothers wore costumes every day just to stay part of the human crowd.
But right now? With a little brother obviously as bored as Scott was…
“What do you think we could wear?”
Alan’s eyes brightened…
And that was how Scott Tracy, alien stranded on Planet Earth, found himself dressed in the most ridiculous, patched together outfit ever.
His pocket money would pay for the torn-up sheet and curtain. Their father wouldn’t be happy, but the grin on Allie’s face was worth it.
“You need to put your underwear on the outside.”
Scott stared at Alan. “Why?”
“’Cause they all do that.” And he was presented with multiple comic examples until he had to ward them off with a dash to his underwear drawer.
Humans were weird sometimes.
Though the extra pair over his jeans did serve to keep his sheet shirt in place – apparently he needed bare arms and, no, a t-shirt wasn’t good enough. C’mon, Scotty, pleeeease.
Little brothers knew exactly how to push his buttons…no matter the planet of origin.
“And a mask. You need a mask.”
“To hide your secret identity, of course.”
Scott rolled his eyes. He had read a few comics since landing here, seen a few movies…imagination was a major part of their adopted culture. Perhaps if his planet of origin had had more imagination, they might have imagined a way out of blowing themselves up.
Scott froze the thought and threw it aside. He refused to let his memory corrupt his present.
His mother’s eyes…
Focus! Both fathers’ voices echoed through his mind and forced him back to the smiling face in front of him. Milliseconds of distraction, unnoticed by his little human brother, but distraction led to mistakes and mistakes could mean so much more for a world Scott had not evolved in.
Their human father had learnt that one the hard way.
Yet he still trusted Scott to look after his most precious possession.
He wrapped a torn piece of sheet around his eyes and bore a pair of holes in it with a little applied heat. A hand caught the strand of smoke, preventing it from reaching the detectors in the room and a wisp of cold breath neutralised its energy enough so he could brush the particles into a trash can.
Alan was staring at him.
“You are sooo cool!”
Scott couldn’t help but snort in laughter and grin goofily at his little brother. “Okay, okay, so do I look the part now?” He stood shoulders back, hands on hips, cape hanging very much like the curtain it used to be.
The fact he had chosen red underwear to match it showed how much influence this planet had on his thoughts.
“You look great!” Alan was grinning fit to bust something and Scott couldn’t help but do the same. “Oooh, you need one more thing.” And Alan was clambering off the bed and searching through his bag. Paper and markers appeared, and moments later, the shield of Tracy Industries’ logo was pinned to Scott’s chest, but instead of the T for Tracy, there was an S scribbled in its place.
Alan stepped back, his expression fond before he looked up at Scott. “An ‘S’ for Scott, the greatest protector of all time.”
Scott’s eyes widened. “Protector?”
Alan’s expression softened into a smile. “Yeah, cos that’s what you do. You are boring, but you do look after us.”
A swallow. Scott shoved the resultant emotion down and reached out to ruffle Allie’s hair. That resulted in a duck and squirm, followed by a tackle on the bed and it all devolving into a tickle fest.
A one-sided tickle fest because Scott had an unfair advantage he was happy to deploy in this circumstance.
Just a little.
“You suck!” But it was said between giggles.
It was second nature to him to compensate for his strength against Alan, but the calculations performed in his head regarding each movement were double checked regardless, and he could never really, fully let go like he could around Gordon.
A sudden wave of homesickness for the rest of his brothers washed over him and perhaps it was that thought that distracted him enough to overcompensate and throw himself backwards.
The window didn’t stand a chance.
High speed thought had enough time to blind him with consequences as he fell out into free air in the middle of the city.
But it was the absolute terror that ripped out his heart as a scream tore past him at the speed of Earth gravity.
He caught his little brother before the thought completed, but it was the cries of people below on the street, the eyes in all the glass windows around him, and the blood on Alan’s face that tipped him into flight.
He was halfway to Kansas before he had any thought of doing anything different. His phone was still in the room so far behind him. He had no way to contact anyone.
Alan was shaking in his arms.
Scott did what he knew. He fled home.
The familiarity of the skies around Kansas barely had a chance to comfort him before he was touching down as fast as a human could handle.
His brain was functioning that much at least.
He ran, yelling for his grandmother, Alan clutched to his chest, ‘cape’ billowing behind him.
Virgil met him at the door and there followed a panicked medical assessment, his grandmother and…and…
He ended up out under the tree he and Virgil had declared theirs, hiding in its shade.
He’d hurt his little brother. Oh god, something he had sworn he would never do.
The costume was shed angrily and shredded for the lack of anything else inanimate to destroy.
Down to the molecular level, including his extra underwear.
Especially his extra underwear.
He ended up watching the sun go down, bare-chested with only a ratty pair of jeans keeping his dignity intact.
If he had any left.
His grandmother’s voice took him by surprise and he was on his feet and backing away before thought.
“Grandma?” Her name said everything, his fear, his shame, his need to know how badly he had hurt…everyone.
“Allie’s fine, honey. A couple of nicks and scratches. A little windburn. He may hound you for a while. He’s a Tracy, he loves to go fast.” She stepped closer, one of his t-shirts in her hand. “Kyrano is on point. No one was injured. A few photos, but Eos has tracked them down, along with the sensor records of your flight. Your father has already spoken to the hotel manager and the window will be paid for. Everything is okay.” She tilted her head to one side. “Though your brothers may never let you forget that costume. It was a doozy.”
Something snapped inside and Scott folded in on himself. But Grandma was there to catch him. Grandma always was.
He found himself sobbing on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Grandma.” It was muffled by her shirt.
She muttered something even his superhearing couldn’t decipher, but she held him, her hands rubbing reassurance into his skin. “It’s okay, love, okay. It was an accident.”
The word had him sobbing even more.
“We knew this would happen. We were ready. No damage done.”
He pulled back, eyes wide. “No damage? I could have gotten Allie killed.”
She looked up at him, blue eyes dark in the evening light as she shook her head. “You? Hurt Alan? Not possible.”
“You listen to me, young man. I don’t care what planet you are from, we all make mistakes. All mistakes have consequences.” She loomed up at him. “I know you, Scott Tracy.” She placed her hand on the centre of his chest. “I know your heart. There is no way you would let that boy get himself hurt if you had any say. Alan said he had barely fallen before you caught him. He got a fright, yes, but it was little more than a lesson learnt.”
“A lesson?”
“As to why you don’t wear a cape like those characters in his comics. Why we have to wear our underwear on the inside.”
It was a ludicrous line, but the fire in her eyes etched the point into his skin.
She reached up and brushed a stray hair off his forehead. “You and your brothers are here for a reason. You have hearts of gold and humanity probably doesn’t deserve what you can offer us. But you are not perfect and we can’t expect you to be.”
He stared at her, not knowing what to say.
She smiled just a little. “Now, come inside before Virgil vibrates a hole in the floor. That boy was born to worry.” She cupped his cheek a moment before pushing the t-shirt at him. “And your littlest brother is terrified he has screwed everything up. He needs you to knock some sense into him. There are some things that grandmothers just can’t do.”
Scott blinked as she turned and headed back towards the house, obviously expecting him to follow.
He stared a moment, but, pulling the shirt over his head, followed anyway. He had no clue what else to do.
The tackle hug of little brother the moment he walked in the door and the avalanche of whimpered ‘sorry’s were enough to engage more big brother than godawful alien.
He squeezed Alan as tight as he dared, burying his face in his hair. God, ever so precious. One little mistake…
He scrunched up his eyes even tighter.
But a small human hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed gently.
He looked up to see his grandmother smiling.
Swallowing, he straightened up and stepped back a little to look at his brother. As Grandma said, Alan had scratches on his face and arms, and a bloom of windburn on his cheeks, but his expression held no blame.
Scott drew in a breath. “What do you say we keep our underwear on the inside, squirt?”
The laugh that burst out of Alan was more release than humour. He wrapped his arms around Scott and buried his face in his t-shirt again.
It was muffled but Scott had good hearing after all.
“Yeah. You’re hero enough already.”
The rest of the series can be found here
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skeefee-sky · 1 month
ohmygoddddddd, i just had so many ideas for stories since i posted those little WIP snippets (thank you guys for enjoying them btw c: makes me vee hap!)
here, have some ramblings of my ideas because i needed to scribble these down somewhere, and tumblr seemed like a good option to do so! xD the ideas are very 'Transformers and their human partners' referenced, in a way, and yes, that is totally what i'm going for! cause... i just love the idea of humans teaching their big robotic friends things about our Earth and... yeah c:
✧ obviously, a what if scenario if Thunderbird Five was also sentient. Imagine John having to deal with EOS and a sentient!Thunderbird Five... like, Five being a completely separate entity to EOS. two AI kindred spirits buzzing around in the station and driving our local spaceman insane~
✧ Thunderbirds being those who get told secrets and worries. When older brothers aren't around or, other brothers... and/or pilots just need someone to talk to, who isn't another brother... c:
✧ Thunderbird/Pilot comforts after particularly difficult rescues!! because... because yes c':
✧ Just the pilots teaching their 'birds all the things in general. Like I said, am big on the whole 'humans teaching robot friends' thing. I will write these stories >w< One wants to see the night sky? Scott will show her. Four wants to learn more about sea life? Gordon will let her adopt something! Two's curious about music? Virgil will play her his favourite pieces. I am consuming the ideas, nomnomnomnom xD
✧ Pilots trying to help if Thunderbirds get badly damaged/injured... No one really knows what to do, since they're all still learning how their transformed-forms work... x'D
✧ BUT ALSO, WHAT IF EARTH AND SKY, BUT MAKE IT ONE AND TWO. i dunno why, but i am reeling for this one. Scott and Virgil have their bro moments, but One and Two would have their sister moments, and aughrbgbrejbdbgrbhb i have ideassssss >w< (probably would be the only time i allow more than one sentient!thunderbird in a story haha-) .... i blame my, multiple readings of flyboytracy's and sonatanotwo's blogs for this one... C:
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