#tht fit my preferred style
lovexmemonster · 4 months
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Irumeanie in the PASWG style !!
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i think i just hate skirts.
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croixallcine · 10 months
rant about my wardrobe wants..
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hai so i've been recently trying to accumulate a capsule(ish) wardrobe in which i can cycle thru diff outfits with diff combos tht fit together with the same pieces but i like both the archive+morikei inspired style and a jiraikei+mizuiro+vkei danshi type-beat. i rly want to have like a cycle of clothes i go thru depending on my mood hehe. ok here's my wish-list kinda thing atm.
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what i want rn (vague-ish asf) for archive+morikei wardrobe section;
a stable shoe rotation (WIP; rn it's just my platform doc oxfords, vintage cowboy boots, and my nike killshots. - I REALLLYYY want some vivienne westwood rocking horse shoes+margiela tabis and maybeeeeeee some new rocks loll)
flared jeans/pants rotation (WIP; i have a dark blue pair and one in black both from target LOL. I want a pair of vintage flares in some medium/light shade w/ a interesting jean pattern or tears on em')
jewelery rotation (WIP-ish; All my jewelery is very versatile and I have pretty much a lot of what i already want/need-ish but i want to get an ankh necklace from my local tibetan shop+a staple cute intricate ring w/ a 3d design on it lol - prob a vintage one)
2 interesting belts i can switch up day2day (vintage preferred)
an afghan fur coat (vintage and i'd prefer real fur but every thing is so costly $$$$$$$ T_T) - w/ a matching fur hat if even lol
brown blazer (idc i'll find one from the thrift store)
leather slouchy bag w/ structure/pockets (vintage or not idgaf)
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what i want rn (vague-ish asf) for jirai kei/vkei wardrobe section;
track jacket from acdc rag (i want one in blue and black+black and white)
i neeeeed a bunch of cute like oversized sweatpants that match the track jacket
cute hairclips in light blue, black, white, and gray
25mm lenses w/ a thick outer rim (in black, pink, purple, yellow, and those white-out ones with the X on em so i can look like this: X_X)
lolita headresses in black+white and light blue+white
silver jewlery w/ crosses on em'
a random vintage(ish) jacket from 90s-late 2000s from a niche and dead vkei brand.
blue and white leg warmers
adidas sambas black+white (it fits w/ jirai danshi aesthetic trusttttttttttttttttttt LOLL >#<)
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okk that's it thx for listening to my yapping :3
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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i just. wow....where do i start?
first off: this game was 1 of my most awaited games this year. when i finished piofiore 2 years ago i love the game to bits. its so dramatic and angsty and surprisingly has some funny moments that cools down the tragedic content that kept spiralling one after another. so when i found out it got localized i was THRILLED! years went by and i played other otome games to pass the time and when i finally got the chance to get and play the sequel lemme just say. it exceeded every expectation i have and remindes me just how much i love the series.
this is literally the game so far that i didnt speedrun a route. i love ALL the love interests. even my least fav LI has an amazing route tht left me reading for more until the end. all the characters are fleshed out and their developments were leagues leagues LEAGUES better than i hoped (esp yang coz i never expected him to mellow down yet still be in character). i love liliana so much. she may be the soft timid MC but she has a strong fire in her and the strength that neither the LIs have. shes so lovable and kind and i will protect her with my life.
all the villains truly live up to their names: villains. i love yuan the most from voice to character but he still scares me but i love him. i can fix him. sebastian. scares THE HELL out of me. criminal minds level that psycho. raul and teo really did well on making me hate them lmao same for stinky eugene
as for the routes of my preference?
1. yangs route. i do feel sad coz everyone else died but i love the lao shu fam and seeing yang change for the better for lili feels SO satisfying. he wants to be better for lili. he doesnt even realize hes being better for lili. he shows his love for lili with his actions. his confession is stl so damn romantic. liliaba also is so strongwilled which makes yang love her more and more. his tragic end is the only tragic end in this game that made me CRY. no matter good or bad end yang truly loves liliana. will redo yangs route like how i did his route in the 1st game
2. alternativa finale route. like how i love the finale route in the first game i love the finale route in this sequel. i just love found family tropes in situations that seem clearly impossible (a nun 4 mafia bosses and an assassin) i love how everyone loves lili and since lili loves them all they arent mauling each other lmao. the scene where all saved lili is my fav. the scene where lili bravely confront sebastian is my fav. yang is so fcking hilarious in that route n to see him fight together w the others so VERY satisfying
3. henris route. im so happy he got a full route and wow. the criminal minds style storyline really caught me off guard. but i love it! its still founs family but henris alive and happy and im happy :') also henris tragic end hurts me but damn those cgs 👀
4. yangs alt route. its like the tip of an iceberg to theie dynamic hehe also i just want the other mafia bosses and orlok lose their shit once they found out lili likes yang
5. dantes alt route = gilberts alt route = nicolas alt route = orloks alt route. theyre all happy n alive n thats important to me.
6. dantess route = orloks route = gilberts route = nicolas route. all routes are so interesting and fun to read!!
all in all. this is by far my most favourite otome game ever. 11/10. infinity/10 even. i love this game sososososososososo much!!! this fits all the criterias of a perfect otome game for me. it has all i want and more ♡
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rottenmarquee · 10 months
In a few yrs when it's safe i wanna do findom again but at the same time, ppl expect it to be a very specific way that isnt rlly my style. Like I'm not into silent sends and i generally am not into ignoring everyone. I'm just a social person. The fun of these types of things for me is interacting with people back and fourth so I don't really enjoy not doing that. Which ik ppl do some of tht but i just prefer it differently. And i also dont rlly fit the usual archetype. It isnt my personality and I feel weird abt it. Which usually i wouldnt care abt being a little different but a lot of ppl tend to expect everyone to do things a very specific way.
Nothing wrong with liking it to be that way but it isnt for me.
Idk, i wanna do it again someday but im a little afraid of branching out and doing literally anything else than what people are already doing.
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jordynhaiku · 2 years
Hey there!
I really love your writings ❤❤
Can u pls gimme some tips tht helped u improve?
(I am actually goin thru a kinda block 😭 but mostly I am lazy n cant get off the phone 😭😭😭. I hv a tonne of ideas but written none or very few... idk wt to do😪 )
And, who are your favorite writers and artists?
Thanks so much for the compliment, it really made my day!!
In terms of tips to get you out of a block -
Try writing in an unfamiliar form. Sometimes a more exact and restricting form forces you to find creative ways to write. For example the haiku forces me to find new words to try and fit the big ideas I have into the limited syllable structure
I like to write a lot of my poems in second person (??probably not the right term) as if directed to whoever I'm writing about. This gives the poem a sense of intimacy that really involves the reader. I don't know if this is a tip as much as it is just my style.
Also read as much as you can to find what you like and don't like. Personally I prefer when things are short and sweet - book chapters, poetry, etc - so I also write short form poetry. Also listen out for great lyrics when listening to music. (My poetry is often inspired by bands like: The Wonder Years, Death Cab For Cutie, Neck Deep, Bright Eyes, Modest Mouse, Mayday Parade, Florence + The Machine, etc)
And to answer the question about my favourite writers - I know its a bit cheesy to say but I really love Tumblr poetry. I love the informality of it and the community around it. I'll finish this post by tagging some of my favourite blogs, I'm sure some of these writers are sure to live on to become classics.
@bcmaxwell @think-through-pen @robynshaikucorner @most-ment @poppiesandpromises @vixen1012 @betterthannonfiction @songofsutarima @somebodyssongbird @agathokakologicalstuff @timeflieslikeabanana @anjo-umbra @safeshadows @novinablog @luiethepoet @rsaveragewriting @the-stars-collided @the-random-girl-diaries @voidic3ntity (if I could tag literally everyone I would but I'm short on time so sorry if I didn't get to you)
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
hey from one nd person to another the comic where fm gordon says a slur seems kind of in poor taste. ik ur not intentionally making light of it and tht occurring in fm should be criticized but while you dont make it out to be a good thing making jokes about it and calling him a "slurboy" is kind of questionable? it makes it seem more like a plotpoint and angst rather than the creator of fm genuinely fucking up in the past (and having moved on from it)! i think exploring fm coming to terms with being nd is a good idea but this isnt the best way to do it. if you want me to explain my point more lmk if/when u post this and i will! someone already made a post abt it but it was kinda strongly worded and i wanted to approach you more calmly because i genuinely dont want to call you out or start drama or anything ;-;
first off thank you for being civil and patient with me i appreciate this ask a lot- also this got long- im not in a flying rage or anything when i bold or emphasis text, i just needed it also for my own readability and since im not the best at wording- hopefully this hellsite works and my response is under the cut
i would like to know how is it in poor taste when freemind explicitly gets clocked at the very end for saying it. the entire point of the comic was to show that saying the r slur has existed in his source and is bad
im not sure how much more direct i can get, with the disclaimer/warning list growing longer and longer and out there for a huge sign that says “this au can get dark as fuck and these subject matters are treated seriously/not something to mess around with.” Like yes, there are some jokes in the asks and other comics, but that specific comic is not supposed to be “haha thats funny”. it has a serious tone using a rough sketch style bc i was super tired and wanted to vent
was it just the direct reference to it that just made people uncomfortable? because thats 100% understandable, and i made sure i tagged it appropriately (although admittedly, a little bit late since i thought the filter would catch at least the main thing)
i think what some people somehow got from it is “exploring sensitive content = endorsing said content” which! that is not the intent! i absolutely do not want people saying that word! I don’t want people thinking that is any way okay for this character to say
its more of a damned if i do address it, damned if i dont.
if it never comes up, people are gonna assume that ‘oh this character says slurs and is shit, surely the creator or fan-creator MUST be okay with it and woobifies freemind and absolves him of any mistakes’ or something like that. no. this asshole has an arc and i want to do it right. its serious and i think it shouldn’t be shoved under the rug
and people just. dont want to read for context for whatever reason. theyll start watching it and get taken aback by the slur and start blaming me ‘hey you never warned for this’ when very early on i keep mentioning over and over ‘you dont have to watch it if you dont want to! This has slurs and 2000s internet brand humor/style’ You really dont, I’m not forcing you to watch it- Literally all you need to know is either canon half life or hl/vrai. thats it. fm mostly follows hl1 with very slight changes.
so i had to make something that:
1. warns people who arent aware and dont want to go through my asks or about/warning pages (for whatever reason) and just want to see the art
2. also NOT downplay freemind’s canon assholery. listen, i kinda despise writing mean and cruel characters, theyre hard to do, and a lot of people get shit for doing it wrong or people going “character = author”
i’ve also considered leaving the bubbles blank, but then people could fill it with whatever they want, then blame me for being vague. or they’d fill it in with a different kind of slur that freemind has never used, even if he MIGHT be the type to do that. I needed to explicitly mention that it is ableist slur. There are shitty racist and other problematic jokes, but never those kinds of extreme racial slurs to my knowledge.
Although I do see your point that maybe joking about it outside of the serious stuff might not be the best route. The slurboy jokes are getting stale, and I will try a better way to remind people.
The thing that gets to me is that it feels people are more than ready to defend either Ross Scott or Gordon Freeman the fictonal character himself. I don’t??? really care for Ross Scott, so I don’t know if he’s ever brought it up specifically. I’m not really calling him out or cancelling him. Idc for some white man’s feelings, im only bringing the timeframe of That era and reworking it to fit in This current era.
And I hate to break it to people: Gordon Freeman is a blank slate character, you can project whatever the hell you want on him as long as it’s not freakshit illegal garbage. The machinimas (fm, hl/vrai) do have SOME characterization that I want to nail down. It fucking sucks when characters are ooc, and I’m trying not to do that, even if it means sacrificing some comfort. But still mostly staying in my comfort zone if that makes sense
Now about the callout that I do not want to engage with the op directly:
Honestly im very surprised the comic was called out when i just. thought my stuff is relatively tame on exploring the bad shit canon freemind does. ive seen him in fancontent where they really dont hold back and its still played off as ‘kinda funny’ tone.
I really don’t know if people just want any reason to hate me for whatever reason. That’s fine I guess, I can’t please everyone and they dont have to like me.
But like. isn’t it so much easier for the op of that to block me and the post and move on. Why kick up such a fuss. I can see that thinly veiled death threat of a vague. That’s pretty fucked up- Like holy fucking god, you do not have to like my stuff. I’m not holding you at knifepoint to like my stuff. I’ve specifically made two different tags (one general au, one specific au) if anyone wants to blacklist it for their own reasons I do not need to know. I don’t want to know.
You’re allowed to be uncomfortable. You’re allowed to unfollow/blacklist/block.
However you just don’t go ranting about it for something you horribly misinterpreted. If it bothers you so badly, literally just. drop me a message to clarify. thats it. or save yourself the time and block me.
I’ve blocked the op for both our sakes, but if anyone wants to send this post to them, then thats fine. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I don’t want to link the post and blow it up. I just want shit clarified, dropped and we can move the fuck on with our lives. 
If you’re reading this and don’t know what the post is, please don’t bother. I do not want people going after the op with threats, please keep it civil, I’d prefer if you don’t engage with the post at all on my behalf.
Despite this huge wall of text, I do not want this to be a big deal, so please don’t ask me about the details.
As for anon, feel free to dm me either on here or. Maybe on discord if you’d still like to suggest or have something more cleared up. I’m still willing to hear any kind of feedback, and i want to thank you again for being reasonable about this
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troupemasters · 5 years
hey are the 3d Layton games any good I never played them cause I didn’t have a 3ds when they were coming out
HI! personally i think theyre good but it really depends on what you want to see? ive only played miracle mask and azran legacy and ive yet to continue plvsaa so im gonna be talking abt those!chronologically they preceed curious village and they contain a good chunk of layton’s backstory [along with his backstory, azran legacy is the game that pretty much closes the book on descole and also gives us a chunk of his backstory aswell if youre curious abt that!] so unless youre not very interested in that part i wouldnt recommend either but if you are then these games are gonna wring you like a wet towelstory wise both games are SOMETHING. i wouldnt say theyre just as crazy as say unwound future but theyre still pretty fucking bonkers nonetheless! while i wont say theyre perfect per se both games’ stories are pretty solid in terms of how layton stories go and getting to figure out the mysteries tht were in both games along the way was a super fun experience tbh! this is just a sidenote but to give short summaries of both games. miracle mask- elevated drama between emotionally stunted adults | azran legacy- around the world type story gone WAY fucking south[while this has no bearing on the story of the game at all the main antagonist of miracle mask is a character that has light skin but when he became the antag his skin got several shades darker for absolutely no reason. ppl have tried excusing it as him ‘just getting a tan’ but its undeniable tht that was racist of level 5 to do so thats something to keep note of]im not sure if you want input on the puzzles since im by NO means smart when it comes to layton puzzles so take this with a grain of salt but personally i had the most difficult time with the ones in azran legacy, like out of all the games i played i relied the most on walkthroughs when it came to that one, but on the other hand miracle mask’s were like. a lot more manageable in comparison with a few that were difficult but despite all that the puzzles in both games were still pretty fun 2 traverse through!ANDDDDD in terms of style the 3ds games have a very like. pop-up book style to them as opposed to the 2ds ones having a style thats very akin to old childrens storybooks, i think the 3ds games style works pretty well for what its doing and definitely fits with the whole like….vibe of the games. investigation mode is made a lot more forgiving in the 3ds games too if youre curious about that as well! it does take a bit of getting used to if youre mainly used to the style of the 2ds games though so heads up on that [this is just a nitpick on my part since ive played all the games on emulators bc i dont have the consoles myself but i prefer investigation mode in the 3ds games over the 2ds ones since clicking everythign on the screen w a mouse was a bit of a hassle LDKJJFKDLJKF]THIS GOT VERY LONG IM VERY PASSIONATE ABT LAYTON GAMES SO I HOPE YOU DONT MIND ALL THIS RJGFKFJGGJ THANKS FOR ASKING THOUGH! I HOPE THIS COULD HELP A BIT! i apologize if this doesnt sound very coherent im not very good at explaining stuff neatly!
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ofstvtches · 5 years
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ROCKY LYNCH,  MASCULINE NB,  HE/HIM & THEY/THEM.  —  looks  like  SAMHAIN SKELLINGTON is  attending  AURORIA  UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY  year  old  child  of  JACK & SALLY SKELLINGTON,  which  means  they're  from  THE ISLE.  heard  they're  NURTURING  &  GENTLEMANLY,  but  can  also  be  INFLEXIBLE  &  SELF-PITYING  ;  we  all  have  our  bad  days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  SEWING NEEDLES REPAIRING A BROKEN DOLL , A BAG FULL OF BANDAGES, TRYING SO HARD TO BE TOUGH WHEN YOU’RE SOFT , SOFT HAIR HELD BACK WITH A BAT-SHAPED PIN.
                    ❛  when you saw that little girl , and she was in the sandbox                            and she was crying , and you gave her your toy truck and                            I told you we couldn’t afford to get another one. you said ,                          ‘ she should have it because she’s sad. she’s sad , mommy. ’ ❜                            playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.
lol u guessed it it’s me , again , by unpopular demand - i am so sorry. third muse already bc i can’t keep myself away from playing absolute CINNAMON ROLLS so that’s what u can expect from sam w/ a pumpkin spice twist. bc nightmare is my absolute favorite movie and ... halloween, motherfuckers. so as usual this will PROBABLY end up long bc i love writing sam so much so yeah , more below ! 
So as we know , Jack & Sally were sent to the Isle w/ the rest of Halloweentown for trying to steal Christmas ! And unlike Christmas , Samhain was not born in Halloweentown. In fact , he wasn’t even born - he was made. 
Magic wasn’t a huge thing on the Isle - but a resource of science was Dr. Finkelstein , and despite the limited resources and technology on the Isle , the couple begged the mad scientist to create another child for them. And from Sally , it took a lot of convincing , but Jack was able to talk him into it. 
It took even more of an effort to pull off , again considering the state of the Isle. But a good few months into the project and Jack & Sally were greeted with the cries of a tiny ragdoll baby boy. Keeping up with the holiday themed names , he was named Samhain - Sam for short. 
He grew with multiple touch-ups from the doctor to simulate an actual boy growing up - every year , a check-up making him taller , stronger , etc. And in that process he started to look more and more like his mother , with her big eyes and stitched smile and patchwork clothes. But he grew up loved by his brother & parents - though it never quelled the fact he always wanted... more.
He was loved , he was coddled , and as sheltered as a child could be on the Isle. So , much like his mother , he took a habit of sneaking out frequently and trying to fit in with the other Isle kids , even though he knew he didn’t. 
He just wanted to fit in. That was it. And it started off with him wearing large hoods and heavy clothes to hide the stitches on his body as well as masks to cover facial stitches. And while some other Isle kids found him odd and sticking out like a sore thumb , some found him cool. Some found him interesting. But nobody really knew what he was hiding - and it added mystery to someone so NICE , because Sam’s overall sweetness could rival that if sugar’s. 
Curiosity only reached dangerous points though when Sam snuck out on night to camp out with friends - and when everyone else was asleep , one removed his mask , and of COURSE did Samhain immediately wake up. He didn’t stay to see the reaction of the other when revealing his stitches , too afraid that he’d be seen as scary or repulsive for what he was. And he ran. He ran back home , locking himself in his room , and those friends he routinely hung out with . . . well , he didn’t talk to them much after that. Because what if they knew , now ?? What would they think ??
Villain & Auradon kids coming together was a new chance for Sam to try and fit in - be more in his element. He was immediately acquainted with a magic-practicing individual ( could be an AK or a VK - this’ll be a wc ) who struck a deal with him to offer him glamours so he could look less scary. Of course , these glamours would have to be applied and would wear off until the next application , but it’d make him feel more comfortable - even though he WOULD technically be hiding who he is.
While Christmas , the elder sibling , would be sticking around in Auradon Prep , Samhain would prefer to move immediately to Auroria University to try and figure out who exactly he wanted to be , and how he could do that. Currently he’s majoring in Nursing , given he’s always had a rather NURTURING and charitable nature - never turning down someone else’s request to help.
So lemme get this one thing out of the way bc if I don’t I’ll be itching about it - but all my resources for ( the love of my life ) Rocky were made by me , and while they’re all from multiple eras from both R5 & TDE , I imagine Sam to resemble how Rocky looks around the post-Louder , Heart Made Up On You & Sometime Last Night eras ( basically from like 2013-2015 ). Here , here , & here for some references. I’m nOT DONE GIFFING THOUGH bc frankly I find giffing him therapeutic.
Now I don’t have a drawn reference or anything for this next part so we’re gonna have to use our imagination here but unglamoured , Sam basically looks like his mom in terms of the fact he’s a little ragdoll baby. Putting on a glamour doesn’t change his appearance much save for the fact the stitches disappear and he looks more human. 
The glamour is an enchanted bat charm he wears around his neck that can also be used as a hairtie. And it has to be refreshed every so often , so he has to keep going back to whoever provided him with it so it doesn’t lose its effect.
He still has a backup mask just in case , and he’s been practicing with makeup if need be.
Personality-wise , the best one can describe Sam as is sweet and polite. I included tht Stranger Things quote at the beginning 4 a rEASON bc he’s honestly such a sweet kid and will give anything to anyone.
And also bc I imagine Sally as Joyce mom-wise so yEAH bt I digress.
He knows his manners and treats everyone with the UTMOST amount of respect , which makes it extremely easy to get along with him . He’s also maybe a tad bit too giving for his own good , since it’s incredibly easy to use that to one’s advantage and he’s so inclined to believe people have the best intentions. An optimist , even if it’s to a fault. And then when he gets hurt he just sits to the side feeling sorry for himself like “ :’’’(. ”
Now when I say he’s inflexible , I mean that Sam is a very ORGANIZED person who likes things to be done a certain way - like , he can never do anything without a plan , and if even something slightly goes out of what the plan pertains of , he panics. He’s a goody-goody and he’s afraid to break the rules , which is why he’s still hesitant to even do things with the friends who are more “ bad ” than he is.
Everything has to be done BY THE BOOK and if it isn’t then something is bound to go wrong and Sam’s too worried about that happening.
He’s also incredibly insecure about his appearance but I think I’ve hammered in that fact enOUGH ALREADY
But if he takes his glamour off in front u that’s like. A Major sign of trust. So beware.
Again as I mentioned he tries to hang out with kids with the lesser reputations because :
1.) He wants to give them a chance
2.) He wants to make sure they have a friend to look after them
and 3.) He’s so used to trying to fit in with the other Isle kids that he’s trying to be ‘bad’ himself but it never works out bc he’s so sweet and he can dress in skinny jeans and leather and shit as much as he wants but at the end of the day he’s still Sweet Lil’ Samhain. 
One thing he’s always had a fascination with would be angels - he’s always believed in them , always though he’s had his own guardian angel watching over him somewhere , he’s always loved the idea of them. He has lots of angel decorations around his dorm as well as ornaments and stuff for the holidays. It’s also pure irony that he just so happens to be just as angelic in nature.
He’s also a big holiday person like the rest of his family and loves helping to decorate for events and stuff !!
One of his greatest talents is his ability to play both the piano & violin , and he’ll often do that if there’s a piano in common areas or so on. He’s also a talented singer , but he’s so used to putting that to the side , making him lack confidence in his voice.
i v much encourage u to listen to the song i linked i find his voice so....soothing.
Like his mom he’s also very good at cooking , sewing , etc. !! Often has to stitch himself back together if he gets hurt - you know , Sally style. 
More basic facts are that his final height clocks in at 6′4 , he’s homoromantic homosexual , and identifies as masculine non-binary who doesn’t really care how you address him. He’s very chill. And sometimes he has to walk with a cane of sorts if his stitches are loose or if his legs are feeling especially weak.
but yeah that’s it on that end !!!
So obviously - the person who provided him with the glamour. Only requirement is that ur character’s good at magic or something of that sort.
AND ALSO - I’d love the person who initially removed his mask !! Sam didn’t stick around to see them react to how he truly looked , so it’s all up to you on how this character feels. But he’s avoided them since that scenario.
Also , his group of friends around the time that scenario happened on the Isle. Maybe they’re a little more rough around the edges than him , but this group was always tight-knit. And then Sam lightning mcghosted bc he wasn’t sure if now they knew what he really was.
Ppl who think his whole sweet thing is fAKE bc we know it isn’t but it’s so easy to THINK it is.
Also would love some folks he routinely cares for maybe in the aspect of like. Bein their shoulder to cry on. Patching up a wound. Just being There for them. 
Folks who in general just wanna know more abt him bc he is kind of a mystery !!
Would lOVE sb who his glamour wears off in front of and he begs them to keep his secret but instead they want him to try n be more comfortable w/ himself and who he is. Bc he’s a cute ragdoll let’s b honest he just. Doesn’t see himself that way. 
Ppl who Sam crushed on at the Isle and deffo broke his heart bc life just b like that sometimes 
Also present day folks who r just ready to break his heart bc again thats so easy to do
also once more i’m open 2 ANYTHINNNNNNG sam is my Baby(tm) and i’d lov any plots thrown his way !! will probs make another wc page for him like i’ve done w/ luke and am in the process of doing w/ trixie !!
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uncloseted · 5 years
I want 2 draw my friend for a gift, but I want to draw her in an elevated version of her usual outfits. She wears baggy things, grey/dark, rarely fitted, she kinda dresses like a boy stoner tbh but still very stylish/hipster and personable. She rarely wears skirts/dresses (she prefers jeans) and her only forms of patterns I think, r stripes? Also she doesn’t mind when things clash! What do you think would be pieces that fit that style but are more elevated? Tysm for all the work tht u Do!!
Without knowing what she looks like and seeing her style it’s kind of hard to know, but what about doing mom jeans, a striped top or tee, and a jacket? I’m thinking something like this:
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pixiechick · 3 years
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( mort here btw i wont be using this blog Much until around february or after but just a heads up for how this blog is gonna work since its gonna be a little different from my other ones!!!! since some friends followed bc i was messing around w kayden )
SO! not negative in any way but a disclaimer about this blog! im not often open about it but i have a dissociative disorder as a result of childhood trauma. the Old, Out Dated, and like, Not Really Good term for disorders like these is ‘multiple personality disorder’, to give unaware people an idea on what im talking about. i am technically diagnosed with DID (dissociative identity disorder) but it was from a psychiatrist i only saw once and wont be able to see again, so i usually refer to my disorder as OSDD (other specified dissociative disorder) instead, which is sort of like DID Lite, and often used for people with symptoms of DID but who dont fit the criteria 100%. i use this term instead of technically having the DID diagnosis, because amnesia between “personality” switches is somewhat common with DID from what i know, and i do not experience that as severely as some other people i know who also have DID, so im not comfortable using “DID” to describe myself until i see another psychiatrist that i will be able to meet with for more than one session
im coming out about this because i will be co-running this blog with my alter, Lesley. (an ‘alter’ is what we in the OSDD/DID community refer to our ‘other personalities’ as, since they are essentially their own, individual people who just happen to share the same brain/body. les is not really me, and vice versa.) she’s wanted to write coco for quite a long time now, but we realised it was going to be hard to do so without people going “mort is that you?” so after some thought, we’ve decided it would just be best to come out about our disorder and co-run the blog, so she can write most of the dialogue, and i can write most of the Non dialogue, since she’s not as good at that.
i understand that this is likely rly confusing!!! so for all ooc posts we’ll be using alternate faceclaims so people can differentiate us, and we’ll try to sign off ooc tags/posts/DMs with “M” for mort or “L” for les. our ooc typing styles and tones are a lot different as well, but i know not everyone can pick up on that so we’re going to try to make it as clear as possible who is who and i hope everyone will be patient with us and willing to deal with the confusion. i’ll try to stick to using meowth as my faceclaim, and les will try to stick with using pikachu (she LOVES pikachu). im gonna put a little divider here now and let let finish up this post-
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fuckin hell took us way 2 long 2 rember where th fuk my pikachu icons wer saved. me or mort’ll make em nicer later probs but w/e 4 now. so heyyyy we thot itd b a good idea 2 let me introduce myself @ th end of here so ppl can get 2 kno me a lil or smth i guess. im lesley, i prefer th nickname les (pronounced less, but if u pronounce it lez insted thats also chill). i use she/they pronouns, eithers good. we’ll try 2 like? make an actual page abt this shit once th blogs up n runnin normally but hopefully this mess works 4 now lmao.
SO ill b writing/helping with most of th dialogue 4 coco since shes a bitch jst like me. but if our portrayal dont seem consistant all th time its probs cuz we’re 2 peeps runnin a single blog.
so abt me i am like. KIND OF MEAN LOL? like i aint nice nd im kiiiinda petty? so ill PROBS leave most of th talking 2 people 2 mort but ill def occasionally tlk 2 pals in tags or make ooc posts or w/e. jst rly wanna stress tht mort and i are really different ppl so plz plz if u see Me talking and go ‘‘wow what an asshole i hate this chic’‘ that is 100% chill just pls dont take it out on mort ykno?
u can ask 4 my personal carrd/tumblr or our system carrd (a system is wat peeps like us call peeps like us. since we’r like a collective) privately if u want 2 know more but plz dont b offended if we dont give it 2 u rite away cuz while like IM fine w sharin anything abt me it also has som more Personal info on mort that he isnt as public with SO yeah
is that it? i think thats it. peace. we’r gonna play some pokego cuz we caught A SHIT TON OF PIKACHUS WHILE WE WER OUT FUCK YEA FUCK YEA gotta check n see which we’r keepin n stuff aaaaand then morts gonna try 2 do some neku and/or rhyme replies but we mite fuck around on here a little tn 2
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imaizumikagerou · 7 years
so basically iconoclasts is good. (spoilers under the cut)
the only issues i have with it are upgrades for the most part are used entirely for puzzle solving or some other non-combat use, even though everything you gets a weapon. i also like and hate the tweak system, but i definitely wouldva preferred it if you could get more then 3 tweaks at a time: the area under the health bar looks like it can fit at least 2 more tweaks easily. also, not a fan of how a certain tweak is a tweak,and not an actual like. skill you can get. same exact problem with the hookshot from hat in time, but again thats not really a huge deal and in this case its moderately understandable
my minor complaints aside, the game fucking oozes fun and passion. like, its so colorful and everything about the game feels right. the musics really nice and the bosses were really fun, i kinda wish there was some kind of boss rush mode (maybe there is?) because there were two bosses that were just... intense. the second black fight was incredible, if annoying at the final part of the second phase because its weak point was hard to hit. you have to hug the left wall, and jump lightly, while mashing the shoot button  or going for a charge shot, and if you jump too early or to late you get put into hitstun and thts annoying, but overall that fight was incredibly cinematic and the whole buildup to it from the first fight and right before the second fight were absolutely, without a doubt, fucking terrific
the first black boss fight though.... god, i think thats one of my favorite boss fights in any game i can think of, ever. the fucking leadup to it, the incredibly real speech just tearing into royal, while also taunting him, his fucking puny baby fist punch, and black just fucking. stone cold right hooking him right into fucking oblivion was so godlike. and then the boss fight where she starts off by grabbing you, and fucking spiking you down over and over so you’re already like 2 hits away from death. she’s styling on you but also going for your throat and it feels fucking great. then the second time onwards she does that move, instead of attacking you she JUST GIVES YOU THE ‘WELL, WHAT IS IT?;’ WHILE WALKING AT YOU AND ITS LIKE GOD DAMN! I FUCKING LOVE THAT!!! that was fucking perfect and i didnt expect that much character from this game, on top of that kinda fucking swagger. on top of that the entire fight shes rushing at you so its a sorta panic while you’re using a weapon you rarely never use for offense specifically just for offense, as it rolls and the arena is curved. the music too was fucking amazing. all in all even if i somehow despised the entire game for whatever reason, i think that would’va made me reconsider. that and the second black fight too, but yea.
the games really, really good.
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