#ths: misery business
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thelittlestspider · 1 year ago
added on to this matt/peter scene in misery business from ths, and i love it. it's so uncomfortable.
Peter: Nobody's perfect.
Matt: You are.
Peter goes quiet. For a worrying amount of time. Matt squirms. He wishes he hadn't said it. Then:
Peter: Matty, I know we're friends and we hang out, and now we're something more. But there's a lot that you don't know. Stuff that might make you think different about me.
Peter: And I know you have this idea of me in your head. Of this perfect, heroic guy. Making me better than I am. I probably do this with you too. But all that heroic shit. That friendly neighborhood Spider-Man shit is just a front. So people won't be scared of me. So you won't be scared of me.
Matt opens his mouth to protest, but Peter stops him.
Peter: You're scared of me. You try to tell yourself you're not, but I see the way you react to me sometimes. The way you smell when you're afraid.
“Peter…I'm not–” Matt steels himself. He has to make Peter understand. “You're a good man. One of the best guys I know. Maybe you mess up sometimes, but you always try to do the right thing. Even when it hurts.” Matt's voice softens to almost a whisper. “It's something I've always admired about you.”
Peter doesn't answer. His silence feels suffocating.
Peter: See, that's the thing: I try so hard to be good. To help people. But it's never good enough. Everyone puts me on a pedestal. And I don't understand it, because I'm just a guy. I laugh and cry and I bleed like anyone else.
Matt doesn't know what to say in response. He wishes Johnny was here to crack a joke to lighten the mood, or help him console Peter in the ways he lacks.
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Yes please, waiter.
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thecharliechip · 1 year ago
Some songs I listen to are just so awesome I feel the need to scream at the top of my lungs
... scream, until your lungs give out!!!
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queermccoy · 26 days ago
I wish you would write a fic where bucktommy get off on watching a sextape they made with each other pre-break up after they get back together
this got weird! and a little long, so it's under a cut.
(i'm not taking i wish you would writes anymore)
"Did you watch it?" Buck asked. "After you broke up with me?"
He gestured to the television across the room with his elbow. His hands were busy pushing his sweatpants down his thighs.
Playing at a volume low enough for them to hear clearly, but not so loud they were giving Buck's downstairs neighbor free jerk-off audio, was a video Tommy had made of Buck, back when they were dating the first time. Past-Buck, still a shiny new cocksucker, was pressing open-mouth kisses along Past-Tommy's thick red cock with wet, swollen lips.
Now-Tommy, palming his cock through his obscenely tented basketball shorts, looked at Buck. His eyes were intense, dark with arousal and bright. They weren't hazy, not yet. They were just getting started.
"I did," Tommy admitted. He licked his lips, eyes flicking to Buck, to where he was fisting his cock, and then over to the television. "How could I not, when you looked liked like that?"
As if waiting for his cue, the Buck on tv choked on Tommy's cock, saliva bubbling out of his mouth and down his chin. God, Buck's lips had been so, so pink; puffy and so fucking sexy. Maybe it was narcissistic, but Buck was hot, especially looking up at Tommy, at the camera, with his eyes red rimmed and teary. His face had been burning, Buck remembered. He'd been hot all over.
He was hot all over now.
The camera shook, the Tommy behind it shifting. His hand entered the focus, fingers raking through that Buck's hair. It had been longer then.
"Did you watch it?" Tommy continued, bringing Buck to the present. He heard Tommy spit. It sent a shiver through him, cock throbbing in his hand, getting harder, somehow. He'd been hard since they started casting their homemade porn but the sound of Tommy jerking off to it too was enormous in Buck's ears.
"Yeah," he admitted. Without thinking he continued, "I missed your cock."
God, had he. Buck had missed the heft of it in his hands. In his mouth. The ghost of it kissing his soft pallet haunting him through loaf after loaf of misery bread. He felt it then, sitting next to Tommy, the phantom taste of it in the back of his throat. Jesus Christ, but Buck loved dick. He could smell it, in his memories and from his right, where Tommy was touching himself. It was getting to Buck. He felt like an upturned bag of marbles.
"I missed you so much, Tommy," he said over the sound of his throat working; choking, glucking. Wet.
Tommy groaned. "What else did you miss, baby?"
Buck rubbed his thumb against the weeping head of his cock, smearing precome. "The way your hair curled in the morning," he said instead of any of the dirty things Tommy probably thought he would. "Th-that smile you have that—that feels like a hug and re-reprimand at the same time. How do you do that? It's so hot!"
A flash of warmth at the memory of Tommy in Buck's space, the way he took up so much of it and seemed to warp it around himself, spliced overtop the sight of Past-Tommy's big hands on either side of Past-Buck's face, holding him still to fuck it. Buck was so fucking close.
"Jesus, Evan," Tommy breathed.
But Buck wasn't a person anymore; he was a bundle of almost-frayed nerves where a man used to be. "Your hands too," he said. The version of Tommy on tv was stroking that Buck's cheekbones with his thumbs. Square. "Holding mugs. M-missed that."
The sounds from Tommy slowed. Buck glanced over and Tommy had stopped jerking himself off, eyes on Buck, gaze full of longing and affection and something that might be awe.
"And—and your cock in my throat! I missed that too! But—but the way your shoulders look in that one sw-sweater? The green one, with the button?" Buck groaned and closed his eyes. He tipped his head back against the back of the couch. "You're so hot."
"You're killing me, kid," Tommy whined, then Buck heard the slick movement of his hand on his cock again.
The sounds of it, the sounds of Past-Buck's raspy breathing, all of it—the sights, the smells, the velvet soft memories—everything, swirled and packed themselves tightly under Buck's belly. It released with a bright burst, Buck coming all over his fist. He laughed, delighted, and cracked open his eyes to watch it coat his fingers, shooting and landing on the hem of his shirt where it wasn't pushed up his stomach enough. Grinning, he looked over at Tommy. He was watching Buck with hazy eyes.
Ah, there he was.
Without thinking about it, Buck kicked off his sweats and then slid to his knees between Tommy's thighs, suddenly desperate to reenact their sex tape.
A new memory.
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 7 months ago
“I'm Just going to ask it send me request to write blurbs”
Can you do a cookout blurb with Jude? With y/n? And have y/n mom teach him the electric slide dance with the rest of her family? lol it’s giving “ the best man and welcome home Roscoe Jenkins”
💌 I'm going to imagine he's dancing to the cupid shuffle. That seems like it's more complicated for him.
🏷️ warnings: no warnings
🏷️ author note: look at me! I finally wrote
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It was summer break so you know what that meant, Jude and I were spending an evening of vacation at my parents house. Very rarely did we both get to see them. I worked hard on getting my degree and well Jude.. he was a professional footballer. Our careers clouded most of our time and we barely got much to travel and see both of our family until now.
Jude sat in the passenger seat as I drove down the road. He would be driving but he refuse to get his license.
“I'm really excited to see your mom.” He said from the passenger seat. I took my eyes off the road for a second, sneaking a glance at him before turning back to the road.
Jude loved my mother like she was a second mom to him and he was her son. They may have only known each other for 3 years but it seemed like they known each other forever.
When we arrived at my parents house. I parked the car where everyone else's was and got out with Jude. We both walked up to the front door where I knocked. After waiting for less than a minute the door swung open revealing my mom. Within seconds I was in her arms, haven't seen her in so long it was nice to finally get the hug I've been waiting for.
When I pulled back Jude was quick to take my place and my mother's arms. My mom laughed as she hugged the 6 foot man tightly.
When he finally pulled away she spoke.
Come in. Your father is busy on th grill try to cook us a meal. Also your cousins are here.”
me and Jude walked in and greeted everyone as we passed by. A few of my nieces and nephews made the trip to the backyards longer as they tried to talk to Jude but eventually we made it outside.
Outside the atmosphere was pumping. Music played loudly over the back yard, people everywhere and the fumes of delicious food being made clouded the area. I gave jude a kiss on the cheek before splitting with him to greet more of my family.
twenty minutes went by before I was finished talking. I found Jude sitting on a lawn chair a beer nestled in his hand as he talked to my mom who was sitting beside him. I plopped down on the other side and stayed quiet. Jude knew I was there seeing how his hands rested on my thigh a few seconds as I got comfortable.
A few more minutes went by, my mom and Jude talking about football. That was before the music changed. Good lord it was my mom's favorite song.
I groaned knowing what was coming next.
My mom popped right up happy as can be. Her first target was me of course. I instantly hesitated, I was in no shape or form interested in dancing today.
“Come on y/n, you know you want to.”
I shook my head staying glued to my seat. She wasn't going to stop which means I have to get out of this some way some how so I used my closest target. Jude!
“Why don't Jude dance with you?”
Jude's eyes grew wide as soon as I said that. He looked betrayed and I couldn't blame him. I smiled at him shyly hoping he'll do it and take me out of my misery.
Luckily for me he did.
“Sure.” He stood up. I sighed in relief.
“but I'm not good at dancing. I'm kind of white.” he joked.
My mom laughed ignoring his comments, dragging him into an open space where she can teach him correctly.
I was attentive as I watched them. Every now and then I would giggle to Jude messing up the easiest move humanly possible.
My mom stayed patient as she taught him and eventually… one hour later he finally got the dance correctly.
“Did you see all that?” He asked me as he walked back over to me.
I smiled as I nodded. “Yeah and I kinda filmed it so expect it to be on the internet tomorrow.”
Jude rolled his eyes and sat back down beside me.
“You know you're going to have to repay me right?”
I nod once again. Leaning closer to him I whispered in his ear. “I know and when we leave here later I plan to give you what you want.”
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the-fab-fox · 5 months ago
Could you possibly do a Drabble with Idia x Reader with the cute pocky game you had going on?
@ Anonymous,
Thank you for the request. Literally no one has been requesting any so I was super excited to get yours. And it's Idia which tickles me. Lol.
I hope you enjoy and sorry about the wait. A lot of stuff came up. (I have gotten a lot more requests since the initial drafting of this. Also, I'll be making a collection of these on AO3 so if you'd like me to gift the fic to you, please drop your AO3 in the notes.)
Original Post
Without further ado—
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Idia x f!Reader
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[ One-Shot under the cut. ]
Idia was legit not surprised with how the game the Ramshackle Prefect introduced to them all had spread like wildfire throughout the campus.
They were teenagers, after all. Meat suits with raging hormones and maybe a couple handfuls of brain cells shared between the whole of the student body. And several of those brain cells were held in vice-like grips by specific singular students, making the overall pool of available brain cells even smaller for the rest of them.
The Ignihyde Housewarden was just glad that no one with half a brain would ever consider inviting him to play.
As if I'd want to? A game designed for normies who just want an excuse to suck face? No thanks! I'm good. He rolled his eyes. Tch, it's so cringe it hurts.
At least, that's what he continued to tell himself. If he didn't really buy his own words... well, that was his business and no one else's.
The problem wasn't the game itself, he supposed… if he really stopped to think about it. But he didn't want to think about it.
Ugh. Hope some new cringe fad comes out ASAP! This really triggers my rage.
He sighed as he watched his game load bar slowly inch toward completion. Because, of freaking course, the server would be hella saturated today of all days.
Groaning, he CTRL + ALT + DEL’ed out of the game rather than wait for it to load before exiting out.
This thing’s got me not even wanting to play my games. FML! This is the WORST!
He got up and jerkily opened his deskside food cabinet. Pulling out a random noodle cup, he slammed it onto his desk. Luckily, it wasn't hard enough to crush it. Much.
It was still functional, in any case, so whatever.
Smoothing out the cup as well as he could, he opened it and added some hot water from his electric kettle. Setting the lid over it once more, he idly played with the little ingredient packet as he grabbed a spoon from the little plastic drawer set on his desk.
Why can't these idiots think about anything, but making out and shit?
In reality, Idia knew why.
He was one of the idiots, after all. Not that he was going to admit that to anyone. In fact, he tried his very best to ignore it completely.
Admitting that he wanted to make out with someone would mean he'd have to think about the very person he wanted to make out with.
That person?
The one who had set this whole mess into motion.
“Meh,” he muttered, glancing at the little digital numbers at the bottom left hand side of his desktop screen. Meh, meh, meh.
After a few more minutes, Idia couldn't wait any longer. He pulled the top off the noodle cup and tossed it aside, giving it no mind to where it drifted. Ripping open the packet, he poured the ingredients in and used the spoon to stir them. Some of the broth spilled with how aggressively he stirred, which only further fueled his ire.
Damn it. Damn it all to Tartarus.
He began to eat, ignoring the slight crunch to the noodles as well as he could. He had just finished up his impromptu meal, downing both a small energy drink as well as half a bottle of water, when a sound rose in the air that he hadn't expected.
Glaring at his door, he was about to yell at whoever was on the other side to just leave him alone to his misery when he realized that there were only two people who would knock on his door.
The other Ignihyde students would never. If they needed to get ahold of him for any reason, they knew well they would need to contact him via technological means. Ortho-chan would just come right in. None of his peers outside the dorm would come to see him. He had no friends after all. Not really.
Well… maybe…
No. Especially not her. Like yeah, okay. She was like really sweet, and nice, and actually seemed interested in what he had to say when he went full fanboy and otaku mode, but that was just her being nice. Nothing more.
And yet, she was one of the two people who would be on the other side of that door.
The other was Crowley, but considering the fact that he was Crowley, the man would more likely just summon him to his office rather than pay a visit to his dorm.
Which meant it could only be the Ramshackle Prefect.
As if proving him right, another knock came upon the door, followed by the annoyingly cute sound of his crush’s voice.
“Idia? I know you're in there. Can I come in?”
What kind of event did I trigger? Idia sighed heavily. He hated this.
Somewhere along the line, Idia had come to realize that when it came to the otherworlder, he had a very hard—if not impossible—time denying her anything.
He brought his hands up to his face, letting out as quiet and muffled a groan as possible before pulling his hands away once more. Taking a shaky breath, he stood and crossed the space between his desk and the door.
The third year wondered if he should just ignore her. After all, if he didn't answer, she would have to leave at some point right?
“Idia Shroud!”
“I'm not leaving until you let me in, mister!”
Idia tried and failed not to smile.
He could just picture her. Standing on the other side of the door, hands on her hips, glaring cutely at the door like some romance anime heroine.
For the love of STYX, why was she so freaking cute?
And why was she so determined to see him?
It made no sense.
Except that she likes and cares about you, another voice said. His mind, and the rest of him, silenced the thought as quickly as it came.
His face became a grimace and he decided that now was the time to get this visit over with, so that he could get back to his raging pity party.
Whatever she wanted couldn't take that long, right?
Just rip the bandaid and be done with it.
Spite forced his hand in the end. He unlocked and pulled the door open, his face still a deep scathing frown. The moment his eyes met those deep, warm brown eyes—however—he felt his demeanor and posture go shy.
“Ah, h-hey…” he said by way of greeting, with the smallest smile on his face. Then he remembered he was supposed to be annoyed, and tried to force the grimace once more. He wasn't sure if he managed, but the moment he took in the rest of her, he had to keep himself from laughing.
If he had to hazard a guess, he imagined he looked a lot more like the nauseous emoji rather than a scathing one.
The reason for his sudden urge to laugh was that the Ramshackle Prefect was, no cap, standing with a wide, determined stance with her closed fists on her hips as she looked up at him.
That made him feel off-kilter for a moment. He kept forgetting how short she was compared to him. She could still no doubt kick his ass TKO style, because who couldn't, if he was honest—but she was just so… fun sized and cute.
He longed to hug and cuddle her. He wanted to hold hands with her. Wanted to whisper soft couple things into her hair as he embraced her from behind. He wanted to keep her safe, since she didn't have any magic of her own. And to support her in whatever she wanted to do because, damn, this was a young lady who was going places. He wanted to beg her not to leave if a way was ever found, because who would he talk to then? (Other than Muscle Red, of course. But even then, this was different.)
“There! That's better isn't it? We can definitely talk better this way.”
Idia felt himself start to nod and smile along with her, before shaking his head and frowning.
“What do you want?”
Her brows rose and slowly she began to frown. Then her brows knit together and her stance became even more stern than before.
“You won't talk to me like that, Idia! No, sir. We're friends, remember? Besides, I brought you a gift. Doncha wanna know what it is?”
Idia felt his conviction slip.
A gift? For him? Had he really triggered some kind of event?
He frowned.
If it had been anyone else, he would have thought it was a trap. The problem was, it wasn't anybody else.
It was the girl of his dreams.
“Why?” He heard himself ask. He frowned, but he wasn't sure if it was at the situation itself or himself. “Why would you get me a gift?”
The Prefect sighed, now crossing her arms. Idia called himself several kinds of idiot.
That stance is never a good one in anime and manga.
Now he'd likely ruined everything, and she was going to leave, and he'd be in an even worse funk than before.
“I already told you, Idia. We're friends. Sometimes friends give each other gifts. And I care about you. Gift giving is a great way to support the people you care about.” She then grinned. “Or just chock it up to the fact that I wanna. Okay? Now—” She fell silent and only continued when Idia looked up, into her unfairly gentle and pretty eyes. “Can I please come in?”
Idia said nothing. He just scoffed under his breath and moved aside, ignoring the rush of affection he felt as she quickly moved into his room. That quickly turned to dread as he suddenly realized how much of a pig sty his room truly was.
Shit, shit, shit.
She didn't seem to notice, however. In fact, she didn't even seem to look around. She just turned back to him and the moment he closed the door, she moved in closer and closer.
Was she about to go plot twist villain on him? Well, he supposed there were worse ways to go than being murdered by a ridiculously beautiful girl in a school girl uniform.
“W-What are you—”
She stopped in front of him and rummaged in her book bag before pulling out a rectangular, shiny yellow box. He frowned.
He was a little ashamed to admit it, but he already knew what it was from the sight glimpse.
A box of Pocky.
A box of banana-flavored Pocky.
His favorite.
“What are you—”
She said nothing, only smirking as she opened the box, then the unopened package inside. Pulling one out, she held it up as she held his gaze.
“I'm guessing you've heard about the game?” She asked, though it wasn't really a question. She knew he knew it well. “Wanna play it with me, Idia?”
There was something new there. A sort of hint of something. A variation.
He would never vocalize his guess, but if he wasn't mistaken, it sounded a lot like flirting.
She groaned and threw up both hands, the Pocky rising with the one that held it.
“You're not as dumb as you like to think, Idia—about people, I mean.”
She held his gaze firmly. He just continued to stare dumbly at the shorter girl. Slowly, it dawned on her that he had absolutely no clue what she was talking about.
“Okaaay… so you don't get it.” She sighed. “Fine. I'll tell you. In a way that even you won't be able to find a single way to deny it.”
Idia just blinked.
“I like you, Idia. A lot. And I want to be more than friends. But you're also really skittish. I only introduced the game in the hopes that I'd be able to play it with you, and the kiss would tell you the rest.”
Idia just stared. And stared some more.
She sighed, moved in closer, and held up the Pocky.
He took it without thinking.
“If me being your girlfriend is something you are on board with, play the game with me…”
Idia didn't think he had ever put anything into his mouth as fast as he did the Pocky.
There it was, just the tip of the flavored part of the cookie stick held between his lips. It was worth it, though. The Prefect smiled so brightly, a light tinge of pink coloring her cheeks.
“So you do like me!”
He sighed. Here it came.
Time for the ridicule to commence in 3, 2, 1—
“I'm glad.”
That's what I thought you'd say, because duh—wait what?
“You're… glad? Why?” It wasn’t easy to talk with a piece of pocky being held by his lips, but through luck or maybe he had a high enough stat, he managed.
She sighed. This time, however, it sounded fond.
“If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.” She then beamed and Idia felt himself mirroring her without his consent. “But I'll give you a hint.”
She then closed the remaining space between them, took the other end of the Pocky in her mouth, and quickly nibbled through it until she'd reached his end.
Idia was pretty sure he short circuited for a moment. He blinked rapidly until he was finally able to register what was happening.
The Ramshackle Prefect had kissed him. Was kissing him.
Their lips were still touching.
He swallowed the bit of banana Pocky in his mouth and closed his eyes tight. He'd never kissed anyone before, except his mom and his figurines and—though he would take it to his grave—a couple of his character and idol body pillows when he was feeling particularly needy.
Still, he let instinct take over and did his best to match her actions.
Pulling away, he opened his eyes to meet her gaze.
“I knew you liked me back. Thank you for finally telling me.”
Idia blushed. He felt his throat trying to work, but all that came out was something like squealing—but less cute and more strangled.
Apparently, the Ramshackle Prefect had no trouble finding it endearing, if the fond smile on her face was any indication. Then a conspiratorial grin slipped onto her face.
“So what do you think about the game from my world?”
Idia had liked it. He was pretty sure she knew it too. She just wanted to hear him say it.
Unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to do that just yet. Instead, he let some of his hair fall forward to obscure his face as he brought his index fingers together, tapping them against each other a few times.
“I don't… um… not really sure.” He cleared his throat, trying to speak up, but mumbling worse instead. “Maybe we should try it again… a few times… just to get a good sample size…”
The smile that radiated off her face in that moment took Idia to a whole other realm. His room no longer felt so gloomy and depressing. It looked brighter somehow.
His attention was immediately snapped back to the short Prefect, who still stood very close. He blushed as he realized how close, before reminding himself that they'd just kissed, which had been a hell of a lot closer. That only caused him to blush more deeply as the realization sunk in.
She had kissed him.
And he had, technically, kissed back.
His face felt like it was radiating heat.
She giggled and pulled out another Pocky stick, putting the cookie tip in her mouth. She then raised her brows and grinned.
A clear invitation.
It was one of the only invitations Idia had gotten for anything (outside of gaming) that he immediately RSVP’d on.
As they kissed, Idia felt his muscles loosen and his body warm. At some point, long after the cookie was gone, petite arms wrapped around his neck as his hands awkwardly settled upon her waist. He had successfully passed the surprise event and achieved the Best Ending.
Maybe I can convince her we'll need to go through the whole box, just to be absolutely sure I like the game.
He smiled into the kiss at the thought.
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junosmindpalace · 4 months ago
Hey! I'm a long time reader of yours. I'm finding myself real down on my luck lately, and life has been kicking my ass (medical school, and this flu season amongst other things). May I request headcanons of Gen or Ukyo taking care of a sick reader?
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hello hello!! i’m very grateful that you’ve stuck around and enjoy my writing!  i’m so sorry to hear life hasn’t been treating you so good, and i hope things pick up for you soon :( 
gen or ukyo…why not both!
Depending on the severity of your sickness, Gen may initially be a little reluctant to be around you. 
He’s a bit of a drama queen, swooning over how sad it is that you’re in such a state, worrying about whether or not he’ll catch anything from you, teasing that he should keep his distance. 
Yet when your unimpressed features finally send the messages that his jokes and attitudes weren’t all that funny, he sobers up and truly is one of the most committed to looking after you out of everyone in the camp. 
He truly and honestly worries about you; he hates seeing you in such distress, and though subconsciously he may also want to save his own skin and comfort by averting his eyes, he forces himself to stay by you for both your sakes. 
Especially if your sickness is something that can evolve to be life threatening, he’ll stay by your bedroll all night if it means giving himself some peace of mind. 
He acts as a messenger between you and the rest of the Kingdom of Science. Anything you want or need, Gen is immediately out to ask someone to bring it over, or he’s going off to retrieve it himself. 
He brings meals to your bed(roll) and insists he feeds you, even when you tell him he doesn’t need to. 
He’s surprisingly diligent and mindful of your body; he thinks to put a soothing cloth on your skin for some relief, and takes care to change it regularly. He’s quiet when he moves around, so as to not disturb you while you attempt to rest and dull the ache in your head.
When you’re up for it, Gen most likes to talk you out of hyper fixating on your pain. He’ll complain about people and complain about tasks they force him to undertake, always in a theatrical way that makes you chuckle, which reassures him greatly.
Sometimes he may even pull out some of his magic tricks to amuse you. If not tricks, then regular games of cards and showcases of all the flowers he managed to find and pick and preserve. 
Most of the time when he’s in your company, however, he’s trying to busy himself one way or another. Sitting and staring at your weakening state for too long makes him nervous. He feels the need to pace, to do something. 
Overall, tries to continue acting like his arrogant self, but his actions give away his concern, and he’s more than relieved when you recover from your ailment. 
Ukyo, in many ways, is incredibly similar to Gen, just without the arrogance and dramatics and more concern instead. 
It’s hard for him to hide behind a smile like Gen does, however; when it comes to you, his emotions are kind of plain to see, almost impossible to hide. He’ll give you reassuring squeezes of the hand or shoulder, laugh with you and offer all his support, but you can tell the whole thing makes him uneasy, and when he isn’t wearing a smile for your sake, he’s silently grieving your condition (especially if it appears life threatening). 
So you’ll both need some comforting, perhaps a squeeze of his shoulder in order to get his tension to diffuse just the slightest bit. But Ukyo is always there to pull you out of your misery with reassurances that the sickness won’t last forever, and that you’ll recover soon enough, reborn into a stronger body (and mind). 
In the meantime, he does what he can for you. He takes over your chores, brings you your meals, and stands by you with his bow at night; just in case. 
Conversation is the main way he attempts to get your mind off your sickness. Talking about himself, updating you on the day’s happenings, asking questions about you and the things you like--anything and everything if it means keeping you as spirited as possible. It’s also a subconscious reassurance for himself that you show potential in recovery. 
He also works closely beside Senku and the other villagers who closely monitor your condition and attempt to help you recover through whatever means they can think up (or invent). Though he may not know all the science behind the recovery methods, he’ll recommend remedies from his own experience and ask questions as to what he can do in order to best support you.
When you do eventually recover, he’s just as bright and cheery (and perhaps even relieved) as you are, though he may remain a little more protective of you than normal, not wanting you to contract a similar ailment.
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bookishdreamer28 · 1 year ago
꘎♡━━Idiots in love━━♡꘎
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With the one and only,Gojo Satoru 𓆩♡𓆪
Suguru and Shoko had said that multiple times already. Satoru and Y/N were f oblivious, that they couldn't see what was right in front of them. They were either playing the idiots or they were actually idiots.
The said group of 4, were ready to go grab some food and then head to Shoko's home for movie night. Once they reached their destination, they went to their table and ordered their fave food. While Suguru and Shoko were talking about something she saw today on her way home, Satoru and Y/N were in their own little bubble, for once. Again.
Y/N was showing a funny vid she found to Satoru, but what she didn't noticed, was that all of his attention was on her, and her only.
"Oh look at that, isn't thi-"
"You're so cute."
"What did you just say?" She asked a bit flustered. Did she heard him correctly?
"I said you look like a boot." Satoru exclaimed fast, once he realized he said what he's been thinking, for a long time now, out loud.
"Wha- I look like a boot? This doesn't even make sense, egghead!" Y/N gave him a little slap on his forehead.
"Ow that was mean."
"You just said I look like boot!"
"Yeah well that Was mean tho. You're lucky you're cute." Satoru gave her a small smirk.
"Ugh you're unbelievable." And their bickering started again. Suguru and Shoko on the other head, had to hold their laughter. They just couldn't believe how oblivious they were.
"Hey I thought of something." Satoru approached Y/N and hugged her side.
"Well that's orginal." Y/N said with a teasing smile.
"Ha ha. Anyways, I want you to tell me...how do I know if I have a crush on someone?" Once he said that Y/N looked at him like he said the weirdest thing ever. Which somehow, it was. why would he even ask her that? Does he actually have a crush on someone? And who is this someone? And why she cares?
"W-well, you think about them all the time, you feel strange when they're around, and then you just- why are you looking at me like that?" Satoru was looking at Y/N, like he had hearts on both his eyes and his cheeks were slightly pink.
"Uh? OH! Ah NoTHinG". He said with a cracked voice.
"Can you tell me already, what in the world you two are doing?" Shoko said to Satoru. The two of them were out for some coffee, since they finished with their work early.
"What exactly you're talking about?" Satoru looked confused.
"Oh don't play dumb with me too. You and Y/N. Why is it that you're not together already?" That made Toru stop on his tracks and look at Shoko.
"WHAT? Where did this come from?? She's my friend. I can't just go and tell her something like this. "
"Is that really all she is to you? Just a friend. Dude, yesterday you told her she had nice lips. Who even says that?" She said chuckling. She could no believe how stupid he was. How stupid both of them were.
"I mean she Does have nice lips th- OK WHERE IS THIS EVEN GOING?" He said shouting a little. And he now looked flustered. Shoko smirked.
"Ok. And how about all the times, you talked about how perfect she is, how she looked beautiful in that dress she wore on our night out, how she has the cutest smile in the world. Friends don't talk about each other that way."
"Yeah yeah I know but that- wait? What do you mean each other?" Satoru asked curiously.
"Oh. Well, Y/N has said a few quite interesting things about you as well, but I'm Not saying anything more. All I'm going to say, is put us all all of our misery and admit it already."
Satoru didn't listen to anything else she had to say, cuz he was to busy thinking about all this. Was there really a chance that Y/N actually felt something for him, too?
There was an amazing spot on the beach, where Toru and Y/N were now going. He called her to invite her to spend a day on the beach, along with their friends. Even tho Satoru wasn't really into the idea of having their friends along with them, he didn't really cared since he was going to spend time with Y/N either way.
Once the group arrived to the beach, they started unpacking their stuff and some went to play volleyball and some for swimming. Satoru and Y/N were left behind. The two were now laying on their beach towels, talking about general stuff. While they were talking, Toru's hand grabbed Y/N's soflty and started playing with her fingers. Y/N was flustered and didn't utter a word. In all 3 years they've been knowing each other, none of this kind of affection was a big deal. But now it felt different. Good different.
While Y/N was looking at the sea, thinking about all these, Satoru was staring at her with lovestruck eyes and a soft smile painting his face. She felt his stare but didn't dare to look at him. She didn't understand why they both acted like this. What was even that? Why this tension?
After a few moments, Toru spoke.
"Uhm just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn't like, mean anything by the way. Not, i that way, at least...Unless you want it...ti mean something. I don't mind. That's cool." He felt like he wasn't making any sense right now and he was ready to jump into the water and never get back to the shore.
Y/N was giving him a questioning look right now, and tried to understand what was he even saying. Satoru's eyebrows were scrunched together in deep thought.
"Do you thing that this, us...do you think it could ever be something..more?" Y/N was now starting at him with wide eyes and mouth hanged open.
"Wait us? What do you mean us? Us, together? A couple?" She felt her whole bdoy sweating and she was struggling with words. Satoru noticed that, and brought her hand close to his chest. Where his heart, was beating fast.
"I think I'm falling in love with you. No. I've been in love with you for longest time. A-and I don't know why, but I thought you didn't feel the same way and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, but I couldn't resist. I mean, you're just so beautiful and awesome."
Y/N was ready to pass out. All this time, all this flirt, was because he ahd feelings for her?
"Oh wow. Too much to process already. I thought you were just teasing me because you know...we were friends. And this is what you do. And I didn't make any move because I thought you didn't feel the same way."
The two stayed in silence, listening to their friends laughing, the waves. Then, out of nowhere, they started giggling like two idiots. Y/N laid her head on his shoulder, and he pressed his mouth on her hair, as if trying muffle his laughing.
"God we're idiots." She said through her laughter and moved her head to look at Toru. And he was already staring at her smiling warmly.
"You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."
"Oh and now this sounds like you're flirting." She said with a small voice and a smile, while scouting closer to him. As close as possible.
".....I have been trying to do that for three years now." He said with a teasing voice. They both stared at each other, no more words exchanged. Because they didn't need to say anything. Their eyes spoke for them.
"Do you want...to kiss?"
And so, their faces leaned closer and their lips sealed into a sweet kiss. His hands were around Y/N's waist as he pulled her closer, goosebumps swarming every part of her body that he touched. After a while, the kiss broke for a second, a smile stretching Toru's face.
"I love the taste of your lips on mine."
"Then stop talking and kiss me again." Y/N murmured and grabbed his neck and pulled him close to her face again.
He kissed her back again, fingers softly sliding down the side of her face. They were paying no attention to anything or anyone now. They were too lost in their kiss to do that. Too busy to notice their friends looking at them with huge smiles on their faces.
A/N: Every time I write romance/fluff fics, I never see how mushy and sweet they are, until I get to reread them 😂
Btw, Nanami, Suguru and many more anime characters fanfics are coming, so stay tuned lovelies ♡
And for once again, thank you for liking my posts and I hope you'll enjoy reading this one too!!!
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d1gitvlpupz · 9 months ago
scary? my god, you’re divine..
the bigger skeleton murmured, lifting his face up from cross’ chest with his red eyelight glowing and slowly dilating at the sight of the other, who was half-listening to the t.v. that played in the background. “what’s up, baby?” replied cross, rubbing the latter’s back as he turned his attention towards horror. “w..would ya- would ya..-“ “horror. slow down, it’s okay.” cross’ patience made him
nod slowly, the fracture in his skull that damaged his speech and his mental state had messed up the way he communicated with everyone permanently. often, his words would come out fast to the point where it was unrecognizable.
nightmare, was too busy or rather, didn’t care enough to try and help. killer would poke fun at him. and dust tried a little to help horror with communication. but he quickly got bored and annoyed at the realization how long it actually took to aid him. cross, a new addition to the team but was here before horror, was the only one with a kind enough soul to help him. cross stood by him, helping him with his writing, his vocabulary, and his spelling. he stood by horror for who knows how long, helping him improve everyday.
horror wasn’t dumb, by any means, oblivious maybe, but he wasn’t exactly stupid. but when you’re struck in the skull by a spear that leaves a huge gap, it obviously damages your daily life. to horror, cross was like an angel sent from the heaven gates. as exaggerated as it sounds, it was true. with just that simple act of kindness in this miserable life that was filled with nothing but anguish and misery all through his life, he finally found something worth keeping alive for ( bye this sentence is so corny ). “would.. ya like.. me more.. if i was.. normal..?” the question made cross tilt his head to the side.
“horror, baby, what are you asking? what does ‘normal’ mean?” cross asked gently, rubbing his hand up and down horror’s back. “like.. not like.. this..” horror mumbled, pointing towards the gaping fracture in his skull that was beyond repair. oh. *oh*. it took a few minutes for it to click, his hands immediately going up to cup the sides of horror’s skull, trying to think of the words that horror needed to hear. “horror.. why do you think you need to change for me to like you more? you’re perfect in my eyes and-“ “yer still scared of.. me..” that made cross pause for a moment.
thinking that he got over his fear of horror, he would still flinch a little whenever horror would call out his name in that husky and low, or when he would awkwardly shift side to side when he truly realized how much bigger horror is. though, it’s not easy to get over a fear so quickly, in general it’s not easy to not be afraid at all. he barely had time to adjust to his new life here under the orders of nightmare and just a month ago, horror joins the team. how could he *not* be a little scared?
“i’ll be honest with you, horror. yes, i am still scared of you.” that sentence alone made horror drop his head back into cross’ chest in defeat. “but not for the reasons you think..! you’re scary in ways that admirable, y’know? like your uh, strength for example. and your body too! it’s a little intimidating but it’s you, isn’t it? that’s why to me, you’re perfect.” although cross’ comforting skills were..not the greatest in the whole world, it made horror feel better. he may not got the brains like cross but he’ll use his brawn to protect cross. even if it costs him his soul. “th.. thank y.. you.” seeing horror a little happy made cross feel better as he leaned down to gently press his teeth against horror’s skull. “you’re welcome, bud. i love you.” “i love.. you.. more..”
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emotionallyattachednerd · 1 year ago
Darkness Lust | IDW Helex x f!robot reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 2300+
Warnings: Cnc, Smut, ( oral, rough interfacing and semi-public ) and size difference. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Order up! So, this took a completely different turn. Unsure if it got weird along the way, but here it is, and I have no regrets. Wanted to move into darker themes with my writing so hope this turned out. Added cnc into the warnings just to be safe. Another thing, know the request states for them to almost get caught but I had to let them get caught. Hope you all enjoy.🥰
Cnc - Consensual non consent
☕ Coffee
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Helex saved you, at least this is what you keep telling yourself over again, and you felt you owed him for this. Your escape pod from a ship had crashed onto an unknown planet, and it was by chance that he found you, injured from the crash but alive. You're brought back with him and when you are online again you find yourself in an unknown place and your wounds are patched.
When you first meet Helex he terrifies you. His enormous form is at least three times bigger than your smaller figure, multiple arms latched on his frame, and a cavernous torso where you can feel his internal heating elements boiling even from a distance, his own personal smelting pool.
You knew who he was but only from horrifying stories. A member of the Decepticon Justice Division, a group of torturers employed by Megatron to hunt down and deal with traitors.
You're an autobot though, they were only interested in decepticon traitors, right? You don't want to find out the answer you decided. All you can do is thank him politely and ask for a safe return back home. His answer is what seals your fate.
"You're home."
Helex wouldn't let you leave and the one time you did try to escape you don't get far, and it's his enormous figure, intense gaze, and the threatening glow from his torso that reminds you to not anger him, otherwise things won't end well for you at all. So for now, you stay put, much to your misery.
Now, here you are, trapped in a place you wanted to be far away from. You weren't threatened, you weren't hurt, in fact you were provided with average care, Helex never let you starve and made sure you were comfortable, at least as best as you can be in such a place.
As the days went by they continue to drag out, and you lost track of how long you've been there. A lot of the time you get bored and try to keep yourself busy however you can, but it's a struggle, mentally.
Often you would hear the echoed screams, and that's when you needed to truly escape. You didn't want to hear them, and the only place the screams can be blocked out is in the medic bay. Nickel allows you to clean the bay often, showing some pity you think, and it also keeps you distracted from everything else.
Now, in the medic bay again, you do your best to find even the smallest of things to tidy or clean up. You honestly don't know how long you've been at it, but you feel the thundering quacks slowly increase, and glancing up towards the door you see Helex entering. Nickel must've told him where you are.
He's silent, as you are too, no greetings offered from either of you. You never know what to say to him, and you've unsure what he is thinking either. He moves towards you, causing you to grow nervous as he gets closer before stopping beside you, your optics focused on the bench in front of you where you had just cleaned.
"Are you afraid of me?" His sudden voice cuts through the air.
"Sometimes." You answer through a shaken whisper before meeting his fierce gaze. "Do you want me to be afraid of you?"
"I'm not sure." He sounds confused, and his answer doesn't really help calm you. "You're intriguing."
You're unsure what to say to that, and so you turn your gaze back to the bench just to avoid his piercing gaze. Yeah, you're scared of him, but he hasn't hurt you, not yet at least, and you're fully aware what he was capable of which is why you don't push him.
Helex continues to stare before he moves again, this time moving his large servo towards your face and using the back of his broad digit to caress against your cheek plating. The contact causes your venting to hitch, followed by a soft whimper out of fear. The affection is new and you're unsure how to react.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"What do you want?" You can't help the tremble in your vocals.
"I want you."
You turn your helm at him and he's suddenly on you, firm broad lips latching onto your own fiercely causing you to let out a startled whimper, muffled by his lips as he lifts you up onto the bench and pins you down onto the surface. Your hands push up against his chassis, giving weak attempts to get him off you, but it's pointless. His size and strength prove that, and you feel vulnerable and helpless as he forcefully kisses you.
His second pair of arms suddenly tug your legs apart, giving him the opportunity to press against you more and deepen the kiss. You feel his glossa push between your lips and coil around your own. His glossa isn't like others, much longer and hotter, a magna bitterness lingering as he fills your mouth and explores, causing you to let out a choked wince. Is that energon you taste? Did he just consume energon? Something told you that you don't want to know the answer. He shows no intention of stopping, and in fact he seems to be liking it as he lets out a low moan against your lips, his strong servos pinning you still as his second pair roam across your thighs and waist areas.
Your fighting attempts cease and you're left with no option but to let him, and much to your confusion your entire frame starts warming up from his intense actions. This shouldn't be happening, you shouldn't be enjoying this, yet you find yourself moaning lowly, your mouth full of his extended glossa.
Helex removes himself from the kiss, followed by his glossa that descends out from your mouth covered in saliva. You let out a forced vent and stare at him with wide optics, a bit stunned by his action, and he is only getting started.
He lifts your bottom half up making you gasp out loudly, leaving you to hang upside down just about from the berth you sat upon and you grip your servos across the edges. You feel his hot vents against your legs and panel, servos holding you tightly, right before feeling his snake glossa sliding against your covered valve.
"W-what are you doing?!" You're scared, feeling the hot texture against your closed panel and inner thighs, and much to your shock you're slowly growing more warm, whimpering in pleasure as he holds you hanging there, right before you automatically feel your panel retract on its own due to your growing desire.
He likes that, and takes his chance to latch onto your valve and devour you, thick glossa already sliding in deeply as he lets out a lingering moan tasting your fluid sweetness.
Another startled mewl erupts from you as you feel his glossa reach far deep through your channel, further than any spike before you've had. This shouldn't be real, yet it's happening, and reality sinks in as he starts to frag you with his glossa, sliding back and forth through your depths.
Your body responds through shivers of growing arousal, your valve building with fluids as you can't help but clench around his sliding glossa, letting out lingering soft moans as you crumble under him. Helex enjoys your taste and your reactions, letting out a vibrating satisfied groan against your valve that rocks through your frame.
The angle is strange, being lifted half off the berth leaving your shoulders and helm to barely rest against it while he holds you up by your spread legs and waist to hold you against him.
Constant weak mewls erupt from you over again as his glossa plunges through your channel, thighs spasming violently while you servos grab hold onto the edges as you feel yourself start to roll your hips against his glossa. You can't help yourself, it feels amazing!
This leaves though when you feel him pull away, glossa leaving your valve causing you to whimper in protest lightly. His hold is still tight as he lowers you back down, only for you to realise than that his panel had retracted, revealing his ridiculously large pulsing spike, tapping directly onto your valve, and this is when your fear quickly boils up again.
"W-wait, wait, you're too big-!" You're bluntly cut off when he ignores you and presses his spike against your valve firmly, the fat tip slowly breaching and invading your channel, thickness stretching you widely while he continues to press forward.
Your servos grip at his broad ones firmly latched against your hips while his second pair hold your legs apart, holding you in place, leaving you with nothing but to accept his spike that slowly fills. Letting out a choked sob you feel the burning pleasure build at your valve, every pulsing ridge rubbing forward and creating a bulge that slowly expands against your valve and lower soft armour.
Taking so much of him surprises you, you didn’t think your smaller frame could take so much.
His heated vents hit you, almost a burning sensation, as he firmly presses himself against your valve fully, able to stretch you fully while letting out a deep groan release from his chassis. Your optics shutter close while letting out soft winces followed by moans of desire rushing through you. You feel his entire length pulsing rapidly through your channel, expanding through the bulge created before you manage to online your optics to look at him.
He's staring right back, scorching gaze piercing through your small figure. He's so powerful, dangerous. There's no love or care in his face, only hunger and the growing arousal through him. This is only for pleasure, whether he intended for you to enjoy it you don't know, but you still enjoy it.
Helex gives a blunt thrust, shaking you against the berth as another choked sob leaves you, surprised by his sudden action as you grip your servos into his own even more, digits digging into his soft armour that will leave dents. He does it again, and again, slowly, feeling that broad spike moving through your channel thoroughly, before you feel his movements pick up as he tugs you by your waist against his movements, shaking the berth and yourself while you let out repeated gasps and moans.
Your sensitive node is stimulated against his rough armour while you continue to let out outbursts of desire rocking through your frame, clenching around his thrusting spike and feeling him buried deep within you. Despite your position, who it was, you don't care. You love the pleasure boiling through every inch of you and the tight hold he possessed, claiming and using you for his pleasure which you find oddly arousing.
His movements increase, forcing out stuttered vents from you over again, legs spread wide by his secondary arms and the heat radiating from him clouding your trembling frame. You feel his spike pump into you fully over again, twitching violently, vocal sounds growing louder, and you know he's about to overload, and it's no surprise to you that you feel yourself growing close to crashing through your own.
Moving your servo you rub at your node as you're unsure if he would care if you overload or not. Doing this causes your back to arch and accept every rough thrust against you, mewling loudly as you feel your overload coming crashing through you while clenching around his thickness. Helex lets out a deep groan that erupts from his chassis, feeling you clenching hard, giving a couple more jerky thrusts before spilling his thick trans fluids deep in you.
You feel the warm sticky fluids filling you to the brim, filling your chambers, channel and expanding up with his spike against your lower half. Some leak out with nowhere else to go while you hear it drip onto the floor, only low whimpers as the afterburst of pleasure continues to linger.
Helex keeps himself within as he admires and savours every moment, rubbing his primary servos across the bulge against you. He drew out a lot of your energy, and you silently admit it was a pretty good frag, your overload was quite marvellous. You're both lost the moment you don't hear someone entering the room.
Nickel clears her vocals to get their attention, making you both snap your gazes on her as she tads her peda against the flood with crossed arms, not impressed by the scene.
"Seriously? You two have your own private room to fool around in. I don't understand why you insisted on letting it happen in my medic bay."
All you can do is gasp and look away, feeling horribly embarrassed that you've been caught in such a way. You wince a little as you shift, still feeling him buried deep in you.
"Sorry, Nickel." Helex says softly. Despite her size, she somehow put the other members of DJD in their place, and learned to respect her.
"Well, chop chop, get cleaning. I don't want to be stepping in either of your fluids. Place better be spotless when I return." She turns on her pedas and heads out.
Letting out a low groan you feel his spike start to leave you, and flop out leaving your valve gaping and leaking your mixed fluids. Your optics are fuzzy but you feel his hot frame leaning across and sharing a surprisingly tender kiss with you. He tucks himself away, sharing one more glance with you, before turning and leaving the room.
You're left alone, sitting up against the berth as you give yourself a moment to gather your thoughts. It seems you're left to clean up, of course. Venting out deeply you do your best to clean yourself, close your panels, and start to wipe down the berth and floor.
Helex confused you, but you shouldn't expect too much from the large mech. You don't know what to expect anymore, or if you were ever going to escape. A part of you doesn't want to though, just so you can keep Helex's spike all to yourself.
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susiephone · 6 months ago
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falloutboylyricss · 4 months ago
Fall Out Boy and Questions
note: this is a list of lyrics that are questions themselves, not ones that contain the word "question"
Evening Out With Your Girlfriend
"But that's none of my business, is it?" - Pretty In Punk
"Knocking boots in the back, how degrading is that?" - Pretty In Punk
"How's the weather up there?" - Short, Fast, And Loud
"Where can I go when I want you around but I can't stand to be around you?" - Moving Pictures
Take This to Your Grave
"Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman" - Grand Theft Autumn / Where Is Your Boy
"Are you through with me? / So, and when it all goes to hell, will you be able to tell me sorry with a straight face?" - The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes
From Under The Cork Tree
"Why don't you show me the little bit of spine you've been saving for his mattress?" - Dance, Dance
"Am I more than you bargained for yet?" - Sugar, We're Goin' Down
"Is this more than you bargained for yet?" - Sugar, We're Goin' Down
"Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?" - Sugar, We're Goin' Down
"Can I lay in your bed all day?" - Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
"Are we growing up or just going down?" - Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year
"They say, 'You want a war? You've got a war,' but who are you fighting for?" - Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
"She said, she said, she said, 'Why don't you just drop dead?'" - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"So say, what are you waiting for? Kiss her, kiss her" - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"Write me off, give up on me, 'cause, darling, what did you expect?" - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?" - Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
"'What did it ever do for me?', I say" - XO
"Which came first, the music or the misery?" - The Music Or The Misery
"And did you hear the news? I could dissect you and gut you on this stage" - My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon
Infinity on High
"Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?" - "The Take Over, The Breaks Over"
"How cruel is the golden rule when the lives we lived are only golden-plated?" - Golden
"'Who does he think he is?'" - Thnks fr th Mmrs
Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? (title only)
"Got postcards from my former selves saying, 'How you been?'" - The Carpal Tunnel Of Love
"I am God's gift, but why would he bless me with such wit without a conscience equipped?" - Fame < Infamy
"Baby boy can't lift his headache head, isn't it tragic?" - You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
"Do you remember the way I held your hand under the lamp post and ran home this way, so many times I could close my eyes?" - I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers
Folie à Deux
"Why, why, why won't the world revolve around me?" - America's Suitehearts
"Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band? / Does he know the way? Does he know the way of the crickets that would convince me to call it a night?" - Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet
"It's a sign, what if you peaked early?" - Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet
"Does he know the way I worship our love?" - Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet
"So when the world ends, will God go down with it?" - What A Catch, Donnie
"Are all the good times getting gone?" - 27
"Oh, freckle, freckle, what makes you so special? What makes you so special?" - w.a.m.s.
"And mama, if we pray to the Lord, does he sing on a stage?" - w.a.m.s.
"Have you ever wanted to disappear and join a monastery, go out and preach on Manic Street? / Who will I be when I wake up next to a stranger on a passenger plane?" - 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
Save Rock And Roll
"Hey youngblood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out?" - The Phoenix
"I don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul?" - Alone Together
"Do you wanna feel beautiful? Do you wanna?" - Alone Together
"Woah, where did the party go?" - Where Did The Party Go
"Did you trip down twelve steps into Malibu? / So why the hell is there a light that's keeping us forever? / Bel Air baby, did you get dressed up?" - The Mighty Fall
"Americana, exotica, do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?" - Young Volcanoes
"Are you ready for another bad poem?" - Rat A Tat
"How'd it get to be only me?" - Save Rock And Roll
"Miss me? Me, love? Mr. Superstar" - Eternal Summer
"What if it were all a dream? What if we were demigods?" - Demigods
"What if we grow like a weed?" - Demigods
American Beauty/American Psycho
"Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?" - The Kids Aren't Alright
"Did you ever love her? Do you know? Or did you never want to be alone?" - Jet Pack Blues
"Don't you remember how we used to split a drink?" - Jet Pack Blues
"And I'm starting to forget just what summer ever meant to you, what did it ever mean to you?" - Fourth Of July
"Do you, do, do you remember when we drove, we drove, drove through the night and we danced, we danced to Rancid?" - Favorite Record
"Are you smelling that shit?" - Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea
"You were too good to be true, gold-plated, but what's inside you?" - The Last Of The Real Ones
"Confidants but never friends, were we ever friends?" - HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T
"And in the end, if I don't make it on the list, would you sneak me a wristband? / Would you give me, give me, give me, give me a boost, a boost over Heaven's gate?" - Heaven's Gate
So Much (For) Stardust
"What would you trade the pain for?" - Love From The Other Side / So Much (For) Stardust
"Is there a word for bad miracle?" - Heartbreak Feels So Good
"But could we please pretend this won't end?" - Heartbreak Feels So Good
"Who am I dialing tonight? That's a bummer" - Hold Me Like a Grudge
"Do you laugh about me whenever I leave, or do I just need more therapy?" - Fake Out
"Baby, please, would you read my eulogy?" - Heaven, Iowa
"Tell me, when the party ends, will you still love who I am?" -Heaven, Iowa
"Oh God, kinda please, would you kill me now?" - Flu Game
"What is there between us, if not a little annihilation?" - Baby Annihilation
"I got the quarantine blues, bad news, what's left?" - What a Time To Be Alive
"Why can you read me like no one else?" - It's Not A Side Effect Of The Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love
"What good comes of something when I'm just the ghost of nothing, nothing?" - "From Now On We Are Enemies"
"Lunatic of a god or a god of a lunatic?" - "From Now On We Are Enemies"
"When they say, 'You and what army?', I guess they're talking about you and me, baby" - Bob Dylan
"Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash?" - Bob Dylan
"So what fates do we share?" - Bob Dylan
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glxybld-mustdie · 2 months ago
Promised I’d make this so here it is
My top 5 fob songs from each album!!
Songs are in order of how they appear in the album
Evening out:
1. Honorable mention
2. Calm before the storm
3. Pretty in punk
4. Growing up
5. Short, fast and loud
Take this to your grave:
1. Dead on arrival
2. Where is your boy
3. The pros and cons of breathing
4. Grenade jumper
5. Calm before the storm
Cork tree:
1. Dance, dance
2. Sugar we’re goin down
3. I slept with someone…
4. Sixteen candles
5. Get busy living or get busy dying
(Extra from black clouds and underdogs: snitches and talkers)
Infinity on high:
1. This ain’t a scene
2. Thnks fr th mmrs
3. The carpal tunnel of love
4. Bang the doldrums (my love)
5. You’re crashing, but you’re no wave
(Extra from deluxe version: g.i.n.a.s.f.s.)
Folie a deux:
1. I don’t care
2. Headfirst slide
3. The (shipped) gold standard
4. 27
5. w.a.m.s.
(Extra: lullabye)
PAX AM days:
1. Hot to the touch…
2. Love, sex, death
3. Eternal summer
4. Demigods
5. Caffeine cold
Save rock and roll:
1. Alone together
2. Just one yesterday
3. The mighty fall
4. Death Valley
5. Rat a tat
American beauty/American psycho:
1. Irresistible
2. Jet pack blues
3. Fourth of July
4. Favorite record
5. Twin skeleton’s (the other love of my life)
1. Hold me tight or don’t
2. Wilson
3. Church
4. Champion
5. Bishops knife tricks
So much (for) stardust:
1. Hold me like a grudge
2. Heaven, Iowa
3. Flu game
4. What a time to be alive
5. So much (for) stardust
Songs not in an album (or other extras):
1. Super fade
2. Star 67
3. Alpha dog
4. So sick
5. The music or the misery
This was so fucking hard they made too many albums lol
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can you do a breakdown about Betty's psychological transformation post-Cartagena please? because she came back so strong that i need to apply that in my life lmao
Ngl I'm not a psychologist or anything of the sorts lol but I think what Betty went through was a whole really shattering experience.
When we meet Betty at the beginning of the novela, she was a woman clinging to her last hope of love and fulfillment. She’s been hurt horribly before but she's healed enough that she is willing to try again (of course, she still bears a lot of mental scars from what Miguel did to her, but she knows she'll never be able to fully get over it until she can find real love). It is her life's dream to love and be loved but after the double date with Aura Maria and Roman's joke when they left her waiting, she is fully convinced that this dream is impossible. This is why she is so willing to take the chance when Armando gives her the opporrunity.
In Armando she saw perfection. She saw a man like no other, one that is deep and kind and just and that somehow loves her. She has no reason to doubt it's false because he's always been so attentive and special to her (a bunch of people even tell her so way before the Plan), to the point where he defends and protects her and trusts in her his deepest insecurities and most vulnerable moments. So it makes logical sense that he is developing feelings, even if it's a complete break from his pattern of usual lover (from whom she also knew he never felt anything, too).
She loves this man so much she is willing to sacrifice the only rock in her life: her integrity, her hard work, the values her father is so proud of. She's willing to lower her barriers (which she had, very high, as she often tried to put distance between them before and during the lover's phase, how she was initially in denial, how she often tried to break up, etc). She's willing to go to sleep with a dirty consciousness as long as she can love Armando.
Betty commits several serious acts throughout the novela, including adultery by being with an engaged man, being involved in smuggling, faking numbers, lying and deceiving to her dad while also involving him in the deception without him knowing (when she KNOWS he's despise it all if he knew what Terramoda actually was), creating an alternative business that is supposed to be super very "legal" but we all know it's just a loophole in the law, etc.
Beatriz Pinzón willingly gives up her peace, her morals, her values, and even those of her own FAMILY for Armando Mendoza because she truly believes he's the best man there is ans he deserves all sacrificies.
And then she learns he's just as awful as any other man she has ever met before. Except that now, she has given him EVERYTHING she has.
This time, the man who used her not only used her love and her body and discarded her like trash. This time, he also took with him her honor, her values, her peace of mind; he involved her in illicit and immoral businesses, and also involved her father, the only man who actually loves her.
This leads her to a complete mental breakdown.
Every hope and dream is shattered, and she's convinced that her life will forever be full of misery. She's convinced no man will ever love her. She's filled with blind rage because once again she was willing to trust and to love and to lower her barriers just to once again be used and laughed at and mocked, to later be discarded like an old rag.
Betty suffers a full mental breakdown, and even Nicolás points out that Betty looks a bit deranged, because she straight up nearly was. She went through pretty much the same destructive depressive episode that Armando went through, except that Armando's destruction was towards himself, while Betty's was towards Armando.
Betty straight up becomes abusive towards Armando in a moment of blood lust. She wants revenge. She wants to make him feel just a bit of the distress and regret and mental anguish that she's suffering, and that's why she does all that she does during the revenge arc.
Later, the Boatd Meeting happens, and it's in part a bit of letting go. It's over, she thinks, and she can now finish her revenge. By this point she realizes that hurting him hurts her, too, because she actually loves Armando even though she's still filled with rage and disgust.
By this point, Betty is exhausted. She's tired and as she puts distance with all that keeps reminding her of her rage (Ecomoda, the executives, the beautiful world she only sees from afar), said rage calms down enough for the real sentiment behind ut to come out: pain. A lot, a lot of pain.
And I know I've been talking a lot about pre Cartagena and the question is about Post Cartagena, but the pre era is crucial because it nearly destroyed her. It broke her to such a point that it allowed her to repuefe herself back together as a different and stronger woman. Betty had suffered a lot throughout her life and she had been used before, but this particular experience with Armando was so emotioanlly and psychologically devastating that it helped her reinvent herslef becahse it shattered all her hope and dreams and perception of the world.
She finds refuge in Catalina. Actually, I should correct myself, Betty starts finding hope since Bolocco and Gisela and Adriana. All these beautiful women are proof to her that there are still good and physically beautiful people in the world. That they're not invinsible goddesses with problems and oh so above us all. That they're regular people too. When she goes to Cartagena, she experiences somethign completely foreign to her before: acceptance. Kindness. Inclusion. Interest.
Her physical change is only a representartion of her inner change, and also a consequence of it. Because Betty broke so much she needed a change. She was scared but she was so done with herself and trusted Cata so much that she allowed herself to try.
Cartagena was in general an incredibly healing experience. She got to meet different people who were kind and learned that even people "like her" could still participate and be wanted in the world. She spent a lot of time with women who she would have in another time idealized and seen as unapproachable and above her, and they treated her as an equal and in some cases even talked to her about their own regular woman's struggles. Betty basically learned that regardless of what looks back at you un the mirror, you can still be unappreciated, hurt, used, and discarded. But she also learned that it is within herself the power to change what she didn't like seeing, which is why she accepts Cata's offer for a change even though Betty was terrified of the change!
She saw a more human side of the population, and saw that she was part of the world. She also saw that there is so much beautiful people, inside and outside. Additionally, Catalina helped her channel her rage and hurt, and guided her into forgiving Armando for what he did.
All of this leads to Betty having a different mentality when she comes back from Cartagena. She no longer feels alieanated from the world. She understands the power of other people's words and unkindness, and knows all women can do something to feel better about their reflection, but, like her, many need guidance because when you've never seen anyone who looks like you being guided and seen as pretty, you'll forever think you're less.
She comes back wanting to demonstrate that she's no longer the same Betty. She also wants to make a genuine change in the world by helping women in her same position.
Betty was always patient and good with people and able to articulate her thoughts pretty well, and always had this leadership aura dormant within her, so that also helped a lot! Betty doesn't change as much, rather, she polishes and lets shine a part of her that her fear of rejection and insecurity and all the years of abuse kept hidden.
Oh, another very important thing for Betty's success was her support system. Her mom, Nicolas, Cata, don Hermes, her Cartagena friends, and even Armando during her collection launch! Betty never stopped needing that extra push, wich is completely normal in any situation but in hers specifically the role of her support system is absolutely crucial!
Basically and in summary, what helped her was:
The complete shattering of her previous beliefs that led her to get out of her comfort zone
Enacting her revenge and realizing by herself that it wasn't satisfactory or good for anyone
Time and space away from Ecomoda
Good beautiful (in and nout) people (support system)
Her own personality (kindness, empathy, and being good with people)
Changing her appearence since it was a boost of self steem!
I hope I didn't miss anything jajaja thank you for the question and I'm sorry that I took forever to answer!!
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aislinrayne · 2 years ago
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I said by the end of the week and I made it by the skin of my teeth oml - tags: @navznak28 @awesomenessfeet @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
═════════════════════ [𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔒𝔫𝔢] [𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔗𝔴𝔬]  [𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢] [𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯] (⇠ 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢!) ═════════════════════
ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤: 𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 
𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: 𝔄𝔫𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔫𝔶 𝔏𝔬𝔠𝔨𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔨. ℌ𝔢'𝔰 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢. 
ℑ𝔫 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 𝔏𝔬𝔠𝔨𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔦𝔰 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔰 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔪𝔰.
𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: ℭ𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢, 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔥 𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔲𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔲𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔦𝔢𝔡 𝔪𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔲𝔪𝔞.
𝔄/𝔑: 𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔡 𝔲𝔭 𝔱𝔬 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔶 𝔞𝔡𝔲𝔩𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔡𝔲𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔡𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔰. 
ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔟𝔧𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢!
She was actually going to kill him this time.  
It’s not like she’d end up under suspicion if he suddenly disappeared on a case one night.  And even if the one man who would potentially look into it found a lead that pointed back to her, Detective Barnes would probably thank her for finally putting him out of his misery. 
She turns on her heel and paces back in front of the mouth of the alley, glaring at her wrist watch as though she could intimidate it into rewinding its hands.
It was ten minutes till sunset now, and still no sign of that infuriating liar of hers.
“‘It won’t happen again’ my bloody arse, you miserable little…”  She grumbles under her breath.  She’d even run to Satchell’s to pick up the flares Anthony had forgotten the night before herself in an attempt to ensure he had the best chance at fulfilling his promise, but still she arrived before him.
“S-s-still waiting on M-Mr. Lockwood, I t-take it?”  A kindly voice calls out.
She nearly jumps out of her skin at the voice echoing towards her from the other end of the partially overgrown path.  Oscar was approaching from the other end, already halfway to her.  A brief chill runs down her spine at her lack of awareness, scolding herself for being so distracted this late in the evening.  That was how mistakes happened, and mistakes this soon were not conducive to surviving the night
“Ah, yes.  He’s just had to stop for some additional supplies, flares and the like.”  She hides the lie behind a well-trained polite smile, smothering the twinge of irritation at having to cover for her boss once again.  
The portly man nods sagely at this, accepting it without a fuss.  
At least one thing had gone without a hitch today��
“F-forgive m-my impatience, Miss, but w-would you be willing to begin the inspections by yourself?  I’d l-like to be here to answer your qu-questions, but I’d rather not d-dally after sundown.”  
–she would like to rescind her earlier statement.  
Something in her gut was telling her to wait for reinforcements, but it was hardly the professional thing to do.  She was an Agent, for god’s sake, this was her job.
Against her better judgement, she replies, “Of course.  Let’s get you home as soon as possible, Mr. Hughes.” before gesturing for him to lead the way.  He dips his head in thanks and hurries back the way he’d come.  She mentally emphasizes every step she takes after him with a different creative insult to her incredibly late roommate.
Hughes stops halfway down, gesturing to a patch of bushes bordering the crumbling asphalt path.
“Th-this is the area the locals have reported seeing the d-dreadful echo of Alexandria, apparently attempting to c-crawl her way out of the brush here.  Horrible business, really.”  He says sadly.
“Were you close to her before she passed?”  She drops into a crouch, attempting to distract herself from her building anxiety by checking for anything that could give her a hint of what they would be dealing with.
If they were lucky, the Source could even be an old necklace only partially buried by the decaying leaves.  After poking around in the underbrush for a moment she let’s go of that optimistic delusion.
“N-not particularly.  She did perform in my theater of course, but I’m afraid I never had the chance to catch one of her shows.”  Oscar was shifting his weight from foot to foot, clearly eager to depart this area.  Not that she could exactly blame him with the psychic energy building by the minute, it’s already making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
She can’t shake the feeling something is incredibly wrong.
Bracing her hands on her thighs she pushes herself back upright before knocking the dirt off her palms with a loud clap.
“Thank you for your time, Mr. Hughes.  I think it’s time for you to head home now, before things start getting strange.”  She shoots him a crooked smile, eager for a second alone to gather her thoughts before the shit hits the metaphorical fan.
“Ah yes, well, I appreciate you taking this case on such short notice.”  He turns to leave.  Then he pauses, hesitates for a moment, and looks back over his shoulder.  “Are you sure there’s nothing more you need to ask me?”  
“You’re very kind, but we should be fine.”  Something about his reluctance to leave was almost coming across as stalling, and alarm bells were beginning to sound in her head at the realization.  There was a moment where he simply looked at her, considering her words. 
This could be indicative of one of two things.  Either he really was the man he said he was, and was genuinely concerned to leave a ‘youth’ alone this time of evening in a potentially haunted alleyway, or he has some kind of potentially insidious alternative motivation.
“Very well, miss.  I’d say ‘break a leg’, but I fear in your line of work it’s too much of a possibility.”  He shoots her a little smile with that one, dipping his head in farewell before resuming his journey out of the alley.  She calls a final farewell after him, scolding herself for letting the psychic energy make her paranoid.
And then the source of the persistent sense of wrongness finally clicks into place.  He isn’t stuttering anymore. 
He stalls in front of her, turning slowly and fixing her with a stare that sends chills down her spine.  
With a silent curse, she realizes she’s spoken aloud.
“Shit.  I knew I was forgetting something.”  Oscar (had they actually checked if that was really his name?) leers at her.  Gone was the cowardly mouse-man that arrived on their doorstep the day before, leaving a snarling hunting dog in its place.
Feeling a strange sort of empathy for foxes, she reaches for the familiar weight hanging from her belt.
And this is what Anthony arrives to see, strolling around the corner like a runaway cat coming home for food.  He stops dead at the sight of them.
She wants to be angry with him, really she does, but right now she could weep with relief.
“I take it the gentlemen about to follow me up this quaint little alley are yours?”  He calls out to Hughes(?) as casual as can be, as if the implications of his words aren’t absolutely terrifying.  Already knowing what she’ll find, she reels around just in time to see the first man appear beyond the corner behind her.
“This end too.  They’ve got us boxed in.”  She calls over her shoulder, the hissing of her rapier leaving its sheath only seconds behind.  
Anthony follows her lead, pulling his blade free and pointing it at their would-be-client.  The man just laughs, raising his hands and backing away slowly while his goons start to move in on them.  
The girl allows herself to settle into a fighting stance, eyes flicking rapidly between the four men approaching her.  The first to snarl and run at her is a large brunette with scars littering his face.  He lunges at her, trying to grab ahold of her.  She springs back, staying just out of arm's reach as the clash of metal on metal rings out from behind her.  With a frustrated huff her attacker leans back before throwing himself fully into the next attempt.  
Her lips twitch into a resigned smirk at the predictable response, ducking under his arms and slashing at his right side with her rapier.  He bellows, dropping his fist with the kind of speed a man his size should not be allowed to have.  It hits her between the shoulderblades like a lightning strike, knocking her to the ground and forcing the air from her lungs.  A foot appears in her field of view.  She wheezes and forces her body to roll away, minding her blade and ignoring her burning lungs as she springs upright a few feet away.  
The skin on the palms of her hands and part of her jaw is rubbed raw and bloody from the tumble but she does her best to ignore them in favour of ducking the fist flying towards her.  She swings her rapier at the body attached to it, shredding through fabric and skin.  There’s no time to process the small victory before movement in the corner of her eye catches her attention and a scorching pain tears through her sword arm.
The shriek of pain behind Lockwood turns his blood to ice.  Jumping away from his own opponent and spinning on his heel, he catches sight of the girl staggering away from an assailant, blood already seeping through the fingers of the hand tightly gripping her bicep.  Her rapier hangs loosely from her injured arm and he can hear the tip of the blade skittering down the path paired with laboured breathing as she tries to retreat.  
A flash of red-hot protectiveness thaws his veins. 
He closes the distance between them in a few strides, pulling her into him with his left arm and lashing out with the rapier in his right.  The large man lets out a pained yell as the blade slices across the back of his hand, loosening the grip on his knife and letting it fall to the ground.  The crunching of gravel underfoot alerts him to the next man trying to get the drop on him.  Swiftly moving the girl to safety behind him, he returns his focus to the gentleman he’d been sparring with initially.  Unfortunately for the two agents, said man had six bigger and uglier goons backing him now.
Anthony had dealt with worse odds and come out on top, just not since…  Well, to be completely honest, not since he’d given up on the notion that death was somehow preferable to the life he’d been living.  He realized with a start his hands were shaking, the extended blade of his rapier trembling ever so slightly in the light of the quickly setting sun.
He was actually afraid.  It would have been almost exhilarating if it weren’t for the girl gritting her teeth to bite back groans of pain behind him.  
He had to get her out of here and to the hospital as soon as possible.  (This time, at least, he was sure he’d win the doctor argument.)
The dark haired man had retrieved his knife and joined his friends, glaring murderously at Lockwood.
All hell breaks loose.
A bloodied hand moves to throw the knife, but Anthony is too fast.  He lunges forward and buries the tip of his blade in the man’s thigh, then twists it.  He takes a vindictive sense of satisfaction from the howl he gets in response and withdraws the blade at an angle.  The big man drops to the ground on one knee, trying to keep pressure on the hole in his leg.  Ugly #2, the oaf he’d been distracted by when she had been injured, didn’t allow him time to recalibrate.  An arm was swinging down on him, knife in palm.  Normally this would be easy enough to get out of just by dodging to the side, but he couldn’t do that without leaving the injured girl behind him at the mercy of these thugs.  So he lifts his rapier and braces the hilt with both hands, preparing to bear the force of the attack.  It still rattles him when it lands, the screeching of metal on metal filling the air for a moment.  He strains against the weight, glaring defiantly at the man before him. 
Ugly #3 takes this as his cue, rushing in from the side and swinging a fist at Lockwood’s unguarded stomach.
His only choice was to dodge and leave her exposed to danger, or hold his ground and take the blow.
Gritting his teeth, Anthony braces himself as best he can for the impact.  It winds him, forcing the air from his lungs and causing him to stumble back a few steps.  The girl behind him cries out in distress.  He wants to reassure her, but Ugly #2 uses his distraction to double down on their blades.  The weight forces him down on one knee, still struggling to regain the ability to breathe.
Ugly #4 had used the commotion to hide his movements as he crept around to their left, only drawing attention to himself to reach behind Anthony and grab the girl's injured arm.  She shrieks in pain and there’s no time to think before adrenaline floods his system and takes over.  With strength he didn’t know he had left in him, Lockwood pushes up hard against the knife, sending Ugly #2 stumbling back.  With his rapier now free, he slashes down at the shoulder of Ugly #4.  Blood pours from the wound immediately, the man cursing and retreating.  
He’d lost sight of Ugly #3 for a moment too long. “Anthony, behind you!”  She yells, but he can’t turn fast enough.  A resounding thud echoes through his head, and everything goes black.
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thegoldencontracts · 11 months ago
Azul and his past. An odd relationship indeed.
Notes: Angst with a happy ending or hurt/comfort, restrictive ed implication, azul-typical issues.
When had it started, Azul's effort to better himself? He remembered the day crystal clear. He was ten, and he'd finally been pushed to his limit.
A group photo in his class. He'd been the odd one out, of course. Fatter than the rest - teary-eyed, awkward, clumsy, dumb. Nothing to respect.
It had all been pointed out by his classmates, of course. In the end he'd even been removed from the photo.
"I'm sorry, but you're just a bit of an eyesore," his teacher had said. "You must understand."
He did. All too well, in fact, for people had been telling him that for years. He was unwelcome and no one wanted him around. That was really the core message.
That day was the day his humiliated sobs had begun to emanate rage. He'd show them. He'd be more desirable than any of them ever could.
It was from that day that he'd begun to spend his days studying in the library, learning all sorts of magic. He'd learned more about business.
Then, Azul realized that no matter how intelligent he was, his hideousness would forever make him seem undesirable. He was fat, and his expressiveness was a pain. Not to mention the tears of ink.
He'd stopped eating as much. Calories were precious, each and every one to be counted. Junk food wasn't a luxury that someone as fat as him could afford.
He stopped crying, too. Tears were for the beautiful. For those with doe eyes, whose cheeks shimmered in the light when they cried as their friends rushed to comfort them. He had no such friends. He was never meant to have any, after all. Only business partners.
His efforts paid off. He met Jade and Floyd, made contracts to steal talents so he could pretend to be strong, and went to Night Raven College. There, he became a housewarden. He was feared and revered alike for his talents. Azul even managed to open his own restaurant. Lovely.
But then, in Sophomore year, his contracts had been destroyed. Nothing left but the pathetic little octopus now. He'd overblotted in his desperation. How risible.
Afterwards, his whole world seemed to crumble. He wanted nothing more than to sob, to kick and scream his, frustrations. But he couldn't. No one cared. All he had were business partners. Even then the twins would leave him someday, and then he'd be all alone.
So, he did what anyone would do. He buried himself in work. Little to eat, little sleep, just work. Perhaps if he did this enough he could forget about his irrational urges.
One day, in the midst of his work, Azul heard a knock.
"Come in," he said absentmindedly.
The door opened, before being locked.
There stood Jade, a polite smile on his face. Could he tell how Azul was on the verge of a breakdown? Hopefully not.
"You know," Jade said. "You've been quite cooped up in your office."
Azul just nodded.
"Yes, well, this paperwork won't fill itself out, will it?" He said with a fake laugh that was tinged with desperation.
Silence. After a while, Jade's expression seemed to soften.
"Azul," he said pointedly. "If you have pent-up emotions, it would be prudent to express them. We've both seen what happens when you don't."
And that's all it took for the dam to break. Azul could no longer hold back his misery, his tears.
He could feel a bit of ink built up. So Azul was still an ugly-crier, it seemed. That just made him even more miserable, more teary.
"A-Apologies, Jade." Azul wanted to say something else, but it was cut off by his tears.
Then, then, something happened that Azul would've never expected.
A hand on his head. It wasn't applying any force, but it was there, and it was comforting.
Someone had taken pity on the little octopus. How odd.
"I-I just-" he sniffled out before he could help himself. "Why can't I b-be enough?"
Azul was a fool. An absolute fool for exposing himself like this at the first sign of care.
Still, he'd scold himself later. For now, well, this felt good. Someone cared.
Jade seemed silent, though Azul could vaguely make out a murmured 'you are'.
As he slowly drifted to sleep, he couldn't help but think that all this was going to be less difficult from now on.
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