#throwing this out there with like 7 hours left hhhh
mysterysnail · 3 days
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What if they did a puzzle game news or. Idk i’d collapse on the floor probably
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songofsaraneth · 6 years
hhhh not online much even tho i’m not traveling bc when i’m not at work i am either 1) building the blanket fort or 2) obsessing about how to design different parts of the blanket fort and how possibly to top last year’s party. I was pretty out of hope UNTIL i got a lead on maybe getting 3 bunk beds we can set up in the front room so we can have a second story and ALSO a 8-10ft inflatable river raft & frame we can put out in the backyard in Tent City to be a cool boat room of the outdoor section of the fort. and with those two things i think we will cross over into WOWing guests agian!!! 
ITS SO STRESSFUL TO BE KNOWN FOR THIS PARTY, there are still ppl who introduce themselves to me with “oh! i’ve been to your house! it was covered in sheets!” and who have never seen the place when its Not a fort. I MUST IMPRESS THEM AND EVERYONE ELSE EVEN MORE NOW
these notes to myself mostly:
like work or whatever. but before going to office stop by hardware store and general store and buy more light strands
if we can get bunk beds tomorrow, redo left half of front room to accommodate them and set up that section
set up boat/sheets around it in backyard; ideally close to tree so we can add a hammock off the frame too 
buy more light strands tomorrow morning!! and maybe extra binder clips
pick up extra sheets/tarps from coworker and friend
start my room section of fort??
get giant speaker from chris and have him help set it up in the corner by the dance floor section
in the morning, bake mini donut muffins -- 2 batches?? 3? and also some cookies (36). will require trip to grocery store (milk, butter, vegan versions, nutmeg?, check sugar/flour)
also get stuff for a cheese plate from store, and chips, ??? idk
finish bedroom while baking or after
once everyone else is off work get started on tent city before it’s dark. this will probably take several hours. 
after that’s done or it gets dark (whichever comes first), connect front room to back room and back entry
get as much of front room minus kitchen done as possible: lights!! decorate!! floor padding!! sheets for wall covers!
decorate my bedroom: lights, tarot card reading station, etc on lower level; stuffed animals/pillows/blankets for canopy bed level
remind Keegan to get his n64 from storage for the mario kart room
once everyone is awake and done with breakfast, set up kitchen section connecting to front and back room. this always takes so much more work/time than you expect. not a lot of places to hang things from in there. try to finish this by noon.
Finish any construction left on tent city (may need to buy more binder clips from office supply store)
get BALLOONS x 100 from the party store to blow up for the balloon pit tent -- with 4 of us will probably take an hour or so.
someone needs to make an actual good dancey playlist, and a chill music playlist for in the tents
finish anything that wasn’t done previous days
set out food/drinks by 7:30pm (people potentially arriving as soon as 8)
????? chill until PARTYTIME. 
god i hope that’s everything. this is why i only throw one party per year i can’t not be super fucking extra about it. as of right now we have 44 yes/12 maybe on facebook invites, and i know a bunch of people are bringing partners not on the fb list, and there’s another handful of people i’ve invited in person who aren’t on fb. and whoever else tags along??? looking at last year and the year before, we had 39/18 and 34/6 on the yes/maybe replies, and at least 40-45 people showed up at various points in the night, so maybe 55-60 this year. maybe... buy more snacks gah. 
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joelwindows7 · 6 years
Title: Talon is sleeeeeeeepy. Talon gets new Dufan facility!
Spoiler Alert: Bonnie RK800F slaps with water!
Info: Bonnie went into Talon's bedroom. Talon did not wake up even the time has been 7:00 and past. Bonnie sit on bed. Bonnie taps Talon's face.
Bonnie: Taalon? Good morning!
Talon: umf. (Lean away)
Info: Bonnie has an idea. She went to take a bucket of water. Bonnie returned with a bucket of water. Bonnie is going to splash Talon with it.
Bonnie: (Throw water)
Water: Whrrlacc, SHPLOSH!!!
Bonnie: ☺
Talon: What the?! Huh? Bonnie? What are you doing here?
Bonnie: It's morning, sir. Today is 12 June 2045. (Talon look down) Out there is cloudy and sunny. (Talon look smartphone and sees the clock) You have been sleeping for 7 hours and 12 minutes. Would you like to...
Talon: enough, It's holiday you know. I guess, I gonna (falling to bed again) sleep again.
Info: Bonnie caught Talon.
Bonnie: ... Since you have been awake this morning, it is advised to not fall back sleep again, because you will get groginess disease.
Talon: Ah fine! Give something to do! Whatever..
Bonnie: How about... Ancol?
Talon: No thanks.
Bonnie: to get Dufan?
Talon: Boring rides.
Bonnie: Coz there is a
Talon: a brand new boring ride? I sleep.
Info: Bonnie held Talon in one left Arm.
Bonnie: Team Rider Coaster.
Talon: Hoax it lady. I have heard it alot since 2030 and it never came.
Bonnie: Now it is (show footage).
Talon: is it true? It must be a GIMPshopped.
Bonnie: I saw it online and many other medias had covered it.
Talon: Well, I cannot rely that easy.
Info: Talon look away.
Talon: (sigh) hhhh, fine! Now I have to confirm at it. Not sure it is real or not, waste of energy, bla bla bla.. (Look Bonnie) Can't you see, Bonnie? To get in the Ancol, I have to pay entry ticket, yet to get in the Dufan, faking extra charge, and stuff.
Bonnie: well, I regret to tell you that, everyone wants to go there. All your friend (Talon goes huh). We are going. Do you want to ...
Talon: No no no! I'm following! Fine!
Info: Talon went to 5 second shower room. Talon is done in dressed up.
Talon: Okay. I'm done. Now what?
Bonnie: yeah, let's go!
Info: arrived in the Team Rider coaster in Dufan.
Talon: Ah, fak. Now I have to ride another faking scary ride again, scream like a little girl and ruin my reputation.
Bonnie: Worry not! It has VR!
Talon: VR? Must be not coz it is too expensive so they defunct it.
Bonnie: it's true! (Took photo of launched coaster, a passenger wearing the VR goggle) here!
Talon: Ooookay. Puke bag ready? (Talon says yes)
Bonnie: YAAAAY!!!
Info: into the ride.
Talon: okay. Let's see...
Kalem Mushah, Ride manager: Hey guys, everyone want to meet you.
Talon: Huh? (Remove Goggle) Oh my God!
Crowd: (Cheeer scream to a famous and adored artist)
Kodok: Hey look! It's Perkedels! Hi Zeni, Hi Dalon, Hi Talon, Bonnie, Quinzor, Disneyfan2018, and everyone!! Aaaaaa!!! Can I selfie?
Quinzor: Go ahead!
Kodok: Yeee 😁!!! (Took selfie) okay thank you!
Talon: Whoah! We famous! Why?
Bonnie: because we tell them.
Talon: Okay.
Kalem: You guys ready for the ride? Wear it on, because we are gonna go to the long trip!
Info: everyone passenger wears the goggle.
Kalem: Here
Detroit: Become Human (c) Sony, Quantic Dream
Dufan (c) Ancol. Ancol is real! On northen Jakarta bellow the Tanjung Priok toll bridge. Here is Dufan location:
Dunia Fantasi
Jalan Lodan Timur No.7, RW.10, Kota Tua, Ancol, Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14430
(021) 29222222
Team Rider Coaster is not yet exist. Maybe I will make it exist someday.
I have went to Dufan before. Maybe I should to visit again.
By JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
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vestaloflight · 7 years
30 Questions
Tagged by the always lovely @beckoningforest thank you so much ;W;
Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nicknames? I have HAD a crazy amount of nicknames, but mostly everyone just calls me Kristi these days. I still get Fukuchou from a certain cacti, and Deer but that’s usually in a “dear” sort of way. Still it’s cute and I’m keeping it.
2. Gender? Female
3. Star sign? Cancer
4. Height? 5'7
5. Time? 3:10 am (whoops)
6. Birthday? June 27
7. Favorite bands? Okay well way too many, and some I don’t listen to regularly but did in the past, so lets just go with stuff I am currently listening to:  Lana Del Rey, Imagine Dragons, Halsey, Oh Be Clever
8. Favorite solo artists? Hmm I guess pretty much most of the above are solo artists.. XD
9. Song stuck in my head? Okay so, I don’t have anything stuck in my head right now, but let me tell you. All day yesterday I had the Rugrats theme in my head, mixed with a little bit of Elmo’s World intro
10. Last movie watched? I sat down and tried to watch some scary movies recently, but ultimately got bored or hated their premise, so I’m gonna say Wonder Woman was the last movie I watched start to finish and paid Intense Attention to (I can not wait for it to come out on DVD)
11. Last show watched? I restarted watching American Horror Story last night idk why I keep rewatching this show (not to say it isn’t good, but not really something I’d say is So Good you rewatch it 5 times)
12. When did I create my blog I have absolutely no idea. Probably,,,, 2011? I have no concept of time.
13. What do I post? Mostly nature/aesthetic is in my queue, sometimes video games and anime, with a nice sprinkling of shitposts when I’m actively blogging. 
14. Last thing I googled? “boom boom sauce recipe” - I made burgers and put this on it and it turned out really good =w= v
15. Do you have other blogs? Yes, like, a billion (okay, not as many as Some People.... side eyes a certain someone.... you know who you are....) but the only blogs I am particularly active on are this one and my FFXIV blog. Other blogs I have are my art blog, various character aesthetic, I have a sort of multimuse writing blog, but other than that it’s pretty much just OTP/character aesthetic blogs. 
16. Do you get asks Nope! I did get one the other day and that was super nice, but otherwise, I have a couple people I talk to in messages (looks @ the lovely lady who tagged me for this very thing) but I don’t get asks.
17. Why did you choose your url? I was very into Bravely Default at the time, and it’s a sort of take on that. And I feel very close to light/the elements. 
18. Following? 289
19. Followers? 456 (this number fluctuates up and down a couple people like every day lmao..)
20. Favorite colours? Greens, purples, soft pastels, and deep dark colors.
21. Average hours of sleep? Uuuusually about 7 - 8 when my meds are doing their job, but lately my sleep has been less restful and usually more like 6 or like... 11hrs lmao... I have a lot of issues with sleep.
22. Lucky number? 15
23. Instruments? Well, if this is about what I can play, most anything you put in my hands I’ll be able to play, but things I actively learned to play are just the clarinet and bass clarinet. I took guitar lessons for a little while but I have uhm... like a genetic... deformation??? IDK IT’S VERY SLIGHT and my mom has it, but my hands are kind of small, and my pinky fingers are like, missing a joint... so they’re really small... and I can’t quite play a guitar or piano right because of it. ;;
24. What am I wearing?  My work clothes sobs... Jeans, and my work logo shirt.
25. How many blankets I sleep with? A sheet and a blanket - sometimes I add on a throw blanket depending on the season.
26. Dream job? Okay I have a lot of dream jobs really... a big part of me would just like to marry rich and be able to study and travel and do everything I’d ever wanted haha... but another big part of me would love to be a scientist, working with the environment, specifically in green tech and geological studies. A slightly smaller portion of me wants to work on and with video games, but I don’t even know where to begin with that, so that’s like... an “I wouldn’t even know where to begin dream”, I’m at least already partway into an enviro bio degree, but I don’t have the money to continue school.
27. Dream trip? I’ve always really wanted to see Paris, and Europe, but really just.. everywhere. I’d love to go everywhere. There’s so much out there I’ll never experience, and things we learn from our own homes, in our own cultures, vary so much from what is really real. 
28. Favorite food? Oh boy okay well I love food. I love trying new things. But some of my favorite things are definitely fresh hibachi, grilled meats and veggies, and then PASTA... gosh I love pasta... so versatile... hhhh
29. Nationality? Well, just white I guess? My dad is adopted, my mom may have a small fraction Native American in her, but nothing we’ve ever investigated or put to practice. My dad doesn’t Look White, but I have no idea I mean he was born in MI, so.. Big Shrug
30. Favorite song now? I am so super groovin’ on White Mustang by Lana Del Rey right now.
And I tag @ everyone who wants to.... cuz... CUZ I CAN’T BE LEFT WITH SUCH A DECISION, I JUST WON’T DO IT OKAY, CUZ GOODNESS KNOWS I’LL LEAVE SOMEONE OFF AND THEY WILL FEEL BAD and I can’t have that weight on my shoulders. 
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