#throne of glass spooktober
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louiseleblancdiggory · 4 years ago
31 Days of Spooktober Challenge Masterlist
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Image credits to my lovely @aelinleblanc​
The 31 Days of Spooktober Challenge will be a whole month where I post at least 1 fanfic from a random couple until I complete 31 by Halloween. Asks are welcomed, both if it’s just a couple you wish to see or a prompt idea you have.
Hope you guys enjoy and happy Halloween!
Day 1 - Trick-or-Teachings (Rowaelin)
Day 2 - Elide, if this is a joke, I’ll kill you! (Elorcan)
Day 3 - Pumpkin Mangling (Manorian)
Day 4 - Spooky unpredictableness (Nessian)
Day 5 - Merry Halloween (Rowaelin)
Day 6 - Matching vampires (Jily)
Day 7 - Murder apartment (Percabeth)
Day 8 - Leaves in your hair (Elriel)
Day 9 - Say swamp! (Feysand)
Day 10 - Halloween belly day (Rowaelin)
Day 11 - Trick, treats, bets (Brycehunt)
Day 12 - Halloween tales (Rowaelin)
Day 13 - Feline surprises (Manorian)
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highladyof-erilea · 3 years ago
Who's ready for Spooktober?
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I've decided to join in on 31 days of spooktober and am currently taking prompts! I will do any ship in either the Throne of Glass fandom or the ACOTAR fandom. You can submit those prompts here.
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rhysanddarling-insta · 6 years ago
It’s spooky season
Which means Rhys, Az and Cass would totally put in fake teeth and flap their wings and chase little kids around to make them laugh at the stupid vampire bats. If you disagree, you’re WRONG.
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awfully-sadistic · 5 years ago
Spooktober Quickie #3
There wasn’t an annual take-your-kid-out to anything in the Haushold but there really should have been. 
The closest the Family got was scheduled trips to places of learning conducted by Angelo Frenzy’s class as a reward for the students who did all their work and did a relatively good job in them. So suffice to say, the three biggest troublemakers in his class, Ripley, Bennett, and Cavon, never got to go. But the students who DID get to go consisted of Beauregard, Cooper, and the children who were capable of attending school; Remy, Joshua, Alma, Alessa, Little Walter, Denzel, Marlene, and Raphael; the big brother for the day that was tasked with helping Angelo and Dot with corralling the children.
           Of course, Cooper and Beau could have helped but they were part of the class and Angelo had insisted they enjoy themselves as the reward. They still helped where they could, good boys that they were especially if it earned brownie points with Dot who was otherwise preoccupied with the children. It had been a fun day, filled with laughter and learning, something that Angelo could appreciate. They were on the last stretch of the tour now, having visited all of the rooms that the New Senzannini National Museum of Arts and History had to offer. A smorgasbord of exhibits ranging from children-friendly displays and interactions to the more adult (and boring-like) displays that could appeal to anyone of all ages and tastes.
           “I was quite excited for this room,” Angelo divulged unable to hold back the note of excitement in his voice. Still, much like him, it was composed and professional. The tired look that usually overtook his features seemed somewhat lifted the closer they got to it. “I saved it for last.”
           Dot had to smile, holding onto Little Walter and Remy’s hand; the youngest of the group of children. Angelo had been a good tour guide that Dot knew the learning experience had been what put him into gear, explaining and teaching the children (and two grown-ass adults) about the exhibits they had seen today. He had soon led them into a sign pointing towards an Egyptian exhibit. Dot’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ having felt the contagious energy Angelo had been emitting as soon as they saw the sign.
           “Oooh, that is a nice surprise.” Dot praised which caused Angelo to look over, approval in his own gaze. He stayed back, allowing the two bigger adults lead the group of children inside. He had wanted to enter with Dot; a silly notion but it meant a lot to him because he got to share something he had been passionate about.
           The room had been decorated accordingly, wrapped with all the detail of an ancient Egyptian civilization housing numerous artifacts and splendors. Angelo continued, “This is New Senzannini’s first Egyptian exhibit. They had spent so much money to renovate and expand its room to even host these items.”
           Cooper whistled lowly, having ducked down to check out a noble looking bust of some ancient pharaoh. “These guys knew how to live.”
           Beau agreed, turning to look at what had caught Cooper’s attention, “They worshipped cats. I think that’s cool.”
           The little children present were delighted by the vibrant colors of the displays, branching out and around to look at masks, vases, and funny pictures of people depicted sideways. Marlene, Alma, and Alessa giggled, their heads bowed together as they pointed at the hieroglyphics. “They draw pictures just like us,” Alessa said.
           “I like this one,” Marlene pointed, showcasing a cat on a throne and many people seemingly worshipping it.
Beau ran over, gasping. “I knew it.”
           “Look at this!” Denzel said suddenly. Dot had glanced over to see what the young boy had been excited about. Of course, Josh and Raphael were with him, having been staring at some of the weapons on display. Boys being boys, they were tempted to touch and play with the items. Big blocky black letters read on a sign, DO NOT TOUCH, that had been the only thing that stopped them from doing just that. They were content enough to talk amongst each other about how cool it looked and whether this weapon looked cooler than that one, and what they could have been used for.
           Dot glanced down at the two younger boys holding her hands, smiling. They turned their heads up, their big, round eyes curious about what they were seeing but not quite understanding. Dot wanted to show them something that’d knock their little socks off! Something to get them excited about, too! She looked around and Angelo, seeing her dilemma, gently gestured towards the center of the room where a huge, rectangular display sat long ways and undisturbed from their visit. Dot’s eyebrow perked, wondering if that was what she thought it was.
           Angelo looked proud as he replied without her prompting, “That’s why everything had been so expensive. They brought over a mummy for us to visit.”
           At the word “mummy”, everyone’s attention hitched on the word and heads turned. Of course everyone was interested in a real life mummy! Beau and Cooper, adults but also big kids, were immediately hyped. Angelo had to remind them to keep their voices lowered.
           “A real life mummy?” Cooper asked, excited whispers threatening to turn into another shout. “Like, one you see in the movies?”
           “Or a grown-up version of Horus?” Beau asked, looking over at Dot with a grin.
           Dot laughed, “We should have brought him. I’m sure he would have loved seeing another mummy
           It was Raphael who turned, catching the grown-ups’ attentions with his bored-toned expression, “Something’s happening.”
           The group turned, children and adult eyes alike, watching the display. It was a sarcophagus with intricate designs. There should have been a sign around here somewhere stating who had been inside, a long dead pharaoh, perhaps, and details about his life and circumstances of his death. But Angelo hadn’t the time to read such a thing. And if the thought had crossed his mind, he had surely forgotten. In the middle of the display, the lid to the sarcophagus started to move. It was a small movement at first, almost like nothing had been happening but the thing must have been heavy. Then, the lid started to move some more, gently, to the side. But slowly. Now more obviously. There was a hushed whisper as Cooper asked, “Sarcophagus’ aren’t supposed to open
           Angelo whispered back, “Sarcophagi. That’s the plural.” He corrected before adding, “And they can open. Just not
 by themselves.”
           If there had been a mummy inside, it wasn’t there now. The group of adults nearly gasped as they had spotted nothing in the dark depths of the Egyptian grave. The children, who were more fearless than adults, were amazed that the thing moved on its own and had their little faces pressed up against the glass. Dot had to try to steer their attention away, gesturing for them to come over. Closer where she could keep an eye on them and away from harm, even if she had to put herself between it and them.
 the mummy?” Beau asked, looking around. He was on the verge of using his phone; Helen on one of his numbers on speed-dial.
           Then the lights suddenly went off; it cast the entire room in a darkness, only a few back up lights perhaps running on a generator illuminating the space they were in. Dot looked over at Angelo, Cooper and Beau looked at each other. They had questions but they didn’t know where to start. Perhaps getting out would be the best plan of action.
           Angelo was just about to say such when a low groan came from the only entrance of the room. Everyone’s attention turned immediately, spotting a limping figure wander into the room.
           “It’s the mummy!” Denzel pointed, gaping.
           “How’d he get out of his box?” Alma asked, tilting her head with curiosity. Weren’t they supposed to be in there?
           But that wasn’t the only thing that caught the kids’ attention. And it was quicker than the adults caught on too.
           “The mummy has candy!” Josh stated which had caused the group of children to flock to the mummy, their little faces expectant of the treats. Upon closer inspection, the mummy had a bowl of candy in his hands and a friendly smile on his face. It was just bad make up and one of the employees. It took the adults a while to catch on when they discovered it was just a little surprise for them. Perhaps in BAD TASTE but the kids had not been scared at all!
           Dot could feel her heart rate return to normal, a hand to her chest as she looks over at Angelo. “We always knew kids didn’t fear as much as adults, I guess this kind of proves it.”
           Angelo chuckled, placing a hand on the small of Dot’s back; it was a gesture meant to be comforting. “Even if it was a real mummy, there would have been no way any of us had gotten hurt.”
           Dot was under the impression that Angelo surely meant that he’d protect them but it was Cooper who tacked on his own reasoning, “Yeah, half of those kids are scarier than any real-life mummy.”
           Dot chuckled, then nodded because
 well, Cooper was right.
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louiseleblancdiggory · 4 years ago
Halloween tales
31 Days of Spooktober
Day 12/31
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-Present day-
Aelin laughed, resting her back against her husband’s shoulders.
It was Halloween night, and despite the fact that both of them maybe were too old for this, Aelin and Rowan were celebrating the night as they always had.
The movie was already set up on the television, and both were just going to the kitchen to grab the candy, popcorn and beers when they heard the front door opening and closing.
“Mom? Dad?” The unmistakable voice of their eldest son sounded through the house, and Aelin half turned her face to Rowan, raising an eyebrow.
“In the kitchen, Nino.” Rowan shouted back, hugging Aelin as they waited for Nino to come to them. It was surprising Nino was visiting them at that time at night, specially on Halloween night when he should be enjoying some party with his friends and fiancĂ©e.
The surprise only got bigger when they saw all of their kids walking in, none dressed up as anything or even hinting that they planned on celebrating Halloween. Aelin knew her kids well enough to know that they adored Halloween, so whatever this was, it was serious.
Rowan must have noticed too, because he hugged Aelin tighter. “What happened?”
Aurora and Kiara crossed their arms, and Theo simply rested against the fridge, looking at his older brother. Nino’s face was grave, and Aelin took a step forward, coming out of Rowan’s arms, to place her hands on Nino’s face. “What happened, baby?”
“Nino wants to talk.” Aurora explained.
“We gathered as much, Auro.” Rowan said, brows creasing as he looked at Aelin and Nino. “Specifying about what would be good, though.”
Nino sighed, forcing a smile to Aelin and then raising his eyes to Rowan. “Can we sit down?”
Aelin turned her head to stare at Rowan, brows high. None of them seemed hurt, but she couldn’t feel calm until she listened to what he wanted to say. Even after years being carefree and chill most of the time, Aelin had learned a long time ago that her kids’ wellbeing was a fast way to change that.
Rowan put his hands on Aelin’s hips, guiding her to the living room as their kids followed right behind them.
“Whatever it is, it’s gonna be ok.” Rowan whispered on her ear as they sat down on the love seat facing the bigger sofa. Nino was he first one to sit down, followed them by Aurora. Despite the few years in between them, the two had always been extremely close to each other. It was no surprise she was here to support him with whatever it was. Then, the twins sat down. Kiara was by Aurora’s side, Theo occupying the last seat on the sofa.
After a few moments of silence, Theo cleared his throat. “So, is anyone gonna say something and end the awkward?”
Kiara hit him in the back of the head, mumbling for him to shut up. If the situation was different, Aelin would have laughed. Nino had been a calm and easy to deal, and although Aurora was the most energetic, she wasn’t bad either. Kiara was more like Nino, delicate and calm, but Theo was just
 Different. He was the troublemaker of the family, the one who always wanted the last say.
Too much like Aelin, Rowan would always say.
She’d always grin in return.
Nino sighed, placing his face on his hands before looking at his parents. “I’m engaged.”
Despite the situation, Rowan snorted. “Yeah, for seven months.”
Nino looked at his siblings, a pained expression overtaking his face when he looked back at his parents.
Aelin knew that, whatever he was about to say, he was afraid it would disappoint Rowan. She knew it from the instant he looked back at them and his eyes fell solely on her. Throughout his whole life, Nino had done everything to get Rowan proud. Rowan wasn’t by any means a harsh or mean father, and Aelin could count in one hand the amount of times Rowan raised his voice at the four sitting in front of her. Even though Rowan had been the absolute best father anyone could ask for Nino, there was still something in her son that made him want to be even better in his father’s eyes.
It’s not that Nino didn’t care about Aelin’s opinion. She knew that he loved her unconditionally, but with Rowan it was
 different. And so when Nino couldn’t even bear to look at his dad, Aelin knew that he was either afraid or ashamed of what he was about to say. Judging by the way Rowan squeezed Aelin’s shoulder, he had also noticed.
“I don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I want to be engaged.” Nino said quietly, bitting his lower lip. “I just
Aurora and Kiara looked at Nino with pity on their faces, but Theo was staring straight at Aelin and Rowan. He raised his eyebrows minimally, jaw clenching. He was the spitting image of Rowan, and so Aelin had seen that expression a million times already to understand that, whatever Nino was going through, wasn’t a thing of the moment. He had thought this through for a while now, and that’s probably why all his siblings already knew.
Probably why she and Rowan were learning about it.
“Nino.” Rowan’s voice was grave and quiet, but also holding the natural gentleness it always possessed when talking to the people he loved. “Why?”
Nino rubbed his face, groaning quietly before replying. “I don’t know. I just
 I’m just different. Or maybe Phedre is different? I don’t fucking know. I loved her so much, but now it’s
 boring. It’s not exciting. And I know she feels the same, and I don’t know what to do. I talked to Auro first, a few weeks ago. I was feeling strange for a while and I thought I should ask for second opinion.”
Aelin turned to her first daughter. “And what did you say?”
She shrugged. “I said that he should talk to Phedre. I never had this problem with Emerson, and I didn’t want to fuck it up. He said he had done that already and that she said everything was fine. So we talked to Theo and Kiara. As we all know, Theo has the sentiments of a rock and Kiara is the most emotional person ever,” Kiara narrowed her eyes at her older sister while Theo simply smiled. “So no one came up with a solution.”
“So why not ask to the fairytale come real couple?” Theo asked, but despite the words, there was no sarcasm on his voice. He could be different from his siblings, but Theo appreciated his parents’ love just as much as the other three. “The two of you are a match made in Heaven, happily married for almost thirty years now. Share the knowledge.”
Normally, Aelin would have said something sarcastic to that question that would have made her kids groan and Rowan roll his eyes. She didn’t know what to say to this specific situation, though. She never imagined that Nino would have this type of issue with Phedre. Both had been in love since high school, perfect for each other.
She was saved from saying anything when Rowan decided to answer. “That’s normal.”
Nino raised his head to his father. “It is?”
“Of course it is, Nino.” Aelin said, a smile on her face.
“But I don’t think I love her anymore. I don’t know what to do.”
There was a beat of silence before Rowan relaxed against the loveseat. “Me and your mother almost got divorced once.”
“What?” All four heads snapped to them, voices variating in volume and incredulity.
“The fuck?”
Aelin snorted, resting her back against Rowan’s chest. “Your father could have been more delicate about it, but yes, we almost got a divorce. I was even living with aunt Lysandra for a while. You were around two, Nino, and the rest wasn’t even born yet.”
“Why?” Was all Nino replied.
Rowan shrugged. “It got boring. I didn’t know if I loved her anymore, she didn’t know if she loved me anymore.”
“But you guys are married still.” Kiara said cautiously.
Both Aelin and Rowan smiled. “Yes.”
Theo adjusted himself on the sofa, a grin playing on his lips. “I feel a Halloween story coming. I wanted to be at a frat party right now, but I think hearing about my parents almost divorce will do.”
Rowan smirked at Theo, and Aelin winked. “It’s not a Halloween story.”
“If it’s told on Halloween, it’s a Halloween story.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Mother and son through and through.” Rowan butted in.
“And the thought of mom and dad separated is scary enough to be a Halloween story.” Kiara sided with her twin.
Theo smiled smugly at his mom.
Rowan rolled his eyes. “But going back to your brother’s issue
“How did you fix it?” Nino asked almost disperately.
Aelin looked up at Rowan, eyebrows raised. He winked quickly at her, and both turned back to look at their kids.
-Years before-
“And that should be all.” The divorce lawyer said, standing up. “So much easier dealing with a couple who doesn’t hate each other.”
Aelin tried to force a laugh out, but Rowan’s face didn’t change at all.
For a quick second, Aelin allowed herself to look at him, to look at the face of the man she had loved.
Rowan was breathtakingly beautiful. Defined jawline, high cheekbones and deep pine-green eyes, Aelin couldn’t deny that he was the most handsome man she had ever met. The only difference was that now he looked so cold, so distant. It was like when they had first met, but that had been years ago and Aelin didn’t know how to deal with his coldness anymore. He was still polite, still cordial but

But he wasn’t the man she had married.
It was confusing, really. Both she and Rowan had come to an agreement regarding the separation. Things weren’t the same anymore, and stuff that usually made her heart beat faster was just pissing her off now. And she knew it was the same to him. They were getting the divorce because, it turns out, neither of them liked who they were anymore. Rowan couldn’t love the girl he had fallen in love with years before, and neither could Aelin. And yet, seeing this cold and detached Rowan made her want to punch a wall.
For the past month and a half, she had been trying to figure out her feelings. They hadn’t tried to fix anything, hadn’t tried to go to therapy together because there wasn’t anything broken in their relationship. It had just
The man she thought she’d love forever just didn’t love her back. And so she stopped loving him too.
There wasn’t a specific moment, or a specific reason. Aelin didn’t hate Rowan, much less regretted him. To be honest, if it depended on her, they would have never fallen out of love.
But they had and now she was forced to hear a stupid divorce lawyer make jokes about something that was crushing her inside.
Aelin turned to Rowan giving him a polite smile. “How’s Nino?”
She had dropped off their son with him yesterday, and Nino was gonna spend the weekend with Rowan.
At the mention of their kid, Rowan smiled minimally. “Fine. I was thinking about taking him to see my mother tomorrow.”
Aelin maintained her polite smile as she got up. “That’s good.”
She internally counted to five, and when he didn’t add anything, she just gave a small wave and left.
Divorce was so exhausting.
Part of her wondered if she hated Rowan, everything wouldn’t be easier. But truth is, she didn’t and she also didn’t want to. She wanted to love him, and wanted for him to love her back. She wanted her perfect wedding back, but that was apparently out of the game.
There was also the fact that Aelin had a date.
The thought was so strange and foreign to her, that she didn’t really know what to think. Rowan had agreed that it was ok if they wanted to see other people while the divorce was happening, and the guy at the gallery seemed nice enough for her to accept having a coffee with him the following day. She was still thinking about it as she drove to Lysandra’s home.
It was strange, really, going through a divorce with the love of your life and having a date with a complete stranger at the same time. Aelin barely remembered what people were supposed to do in dates, and it was probably the fear of making an absolute fool of herself that made her go through her old college shit.
She had kept some journals throughout the four years she studied arts and human behavior, and so maybe something in there would give her an inkling in what to do tomorrow. For the past years, all her dates had been with the same guy.
She started looking through her shit, but quickly got lost in the memories. There were so many pictures that Aelin couldn’t help but take a moment and look at all of them. They were separated by categories. With the friend group, with her cousin, with Lysandra
 and finally with Rowan. The pictures with Rowan were the thickest pile, and she set all the other ones down to take a look at them.
Rowan absolutely hated taking pictures, so Aelin let out a small laugh every time he looked absolutely pissed in the pictures. There was some of them in the sports games, a few from Halloween. A bunch from their spring breaks trips, the pictures of when they traveled together to Italy during junior year summer. Pictures of them in the lake house, Aelin wearing his enormous red hoodie while he hugged her from the back. Sitting around the fire during Christmas, kissing in New Year’s Eve, getting plastered on Saint Patrick’s. The pictures from her wedding day were the ones that shattered her heart, though. In none of them Rowan appeared anything other than beaming, always looking down at Aelin. Them dancing, cutting the cake, laughing, just hugging
 The pictures then shifted for them in their first house, then pictures with Nino.
And then they stopped.
Because there was no more.
No more pictures.
For the first time since they mutually decided to get a divorce, Aelin felt a strong urge to cry. Her throat constricted and her eyes were watering uncontrollably. She had loved him so, so fucking much and it was over. And all she had were pictures.
Aelin wanted to love Rowan so bad. Sp, so bad. She wanted more pictures.
But there was no forcing love.
Not wanting to cry over something that was out of her control, Aelin put the pictures gently aside and picked up some of her old human behavior notebooks. Most of it were just notes almost impossible to read, drawings and scribbles around the pages, some sticky notes every now and then. Aelin smiled remembering her college years, how everything was so much easier.
She spent hours going over stuff she didn’t even remember she had learned, and when she picked up the last notebook, it was almost dinner time.
The last one had been for one of her favorite classes, and she could notice that just by how the handwriting was ten times better in this one. She read over the words carefully, taking her time to remember everything she shouldn’t have forgotten.
She closed the notebook, holding it forcefully as she got up.
As she grabbed her car keys.
As she left home.
“You know what this is?” She raised her notebook, shaking it.
Rowan’s green eyes appeared confused after the glasses. “A notebook?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
Rowan leaned against the doorway, rolling his eyes. “What’s on the notebook?”
Aelin felt suddenly nervous, and she dropped her hand, bitting her lower lip as she decided what she should do. “Can I come in?”
Rowan eyed her strangely before taking a step back, letting her enter what once had been her house. Rowan said she didn’t need to move out, that he could go somewhere else, but Lys had offered and she needed her best friend, not an empty home.
She looked around awkwardly, fidgeting with he notebook edges. “Is Nino sleeping?”
“Yeah.” Rowan said from behind her, voice low. “What happened, Ace?”
She sighed, walking to the couch. She sat down, crossing her legs and playing with the pants soft and loose fabric. She could feel her eyes watering, and when she looked up at Rowan, his expression immediately softened. He walked up to her, sitting down on the sofa. She shifted to stare at him, sniffing a little.
“I wanted to love you forever.”
“I know.” Rowan said, a sad smile on his face. “I wanted that too.”
“Did you know that most people fall out of love for the same reason they fall in love?” Aelin asked, closing her eyes when she felt Rowan’s thumb brushing away a tear. “That once you thought that me being carefree was cute, but now it’s just careless. That when I loved you for being always quiet, it just became hard to always guess what you were thinking.”
Rowan didn’t say anything, just stared at her. He didn’t take his hand from her face, and so Aelin continued.
“I don’t know. It’s kinda sad and tragic, isn’t it? Losing love because of the things that made you gain it. Sounds like a fucking cosmic joke.”
She laughed, but it wasn’t funny at all. Rowan’s face morphed into sadness. “Ace
“But,” she said, trying to give him a somewhat hopeful smile. “It got me thinking.”
Rowan adjusted himself on the couch, smiling softly at her. “Yeah? What?”
“It’s because people change. I’m not college Aelin anymore, so of course I don’t love exactly what she does.”
“And so I’m not college Rowan anymore?” He asked, trying to go along the lines of what she was saying even though he seemed kinda lost.
“Yeah, that’s why it doesn’t work. But
” She took a deep breath. “But we could try. I think love is a choice. I don’t think it’s absolutely out of our power, and I don’t want to lose you, Ro. I never wanted, and if I have to start it all over again, to love you all over again, then I’m willing to at least try. I can’t love what college Aelin loved, and you can’t love what college Rowan loved, but if we grow together, I think we can fall in love everyday with whoever we are then.”
Rowan sighed, passing an arm around Aelin’s shoulders and pulling her to his lap. Aelin curled herself into a ball, resting her face on the crook of his neck. Rowan petted her hair, resting his cheek on the top of her head. “I love you. It’s not like before, but a part of me will always love you.”
Aelin nodded, eyes watering again. “I know. I understand.”
Rowan kissed the top of her head, still playing with her hair. “If you want to try, I’ll try with you. For as long as you want to try, fireheart.”
Aelin sniffled loudly, smiling against Rowan’s skin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She could feel his smile on his voice. “I’ll always do anything for you, Ace. And if you want to stop the divorce and try to figure this all out, I’d be honored to fall in love with you everyday. Even though I just know some versions are gonna be a pain in my ass.”
Aelin laughed, raising her head. Aelin’s eyes were puffy, a few tears streaming down her cheeks. She loved Rowan, she really did. Although she didn’t like the relationship anymore, Rowan had been correct when he said a part of them would always be in love. And she didn’t hate that, instead she wanted to like the relationship again, wanted that blinding love again.
Aelin hesitant and tentatively stretched her face forward, pressing her lips softly against Rowan’s. He put some pressure back, hands softly cupping her face. The kiss was feather-light, but it calmed every single nerve inside her body that had been screaming for the past weeks.
Without opening her eyes, Aelin whispered against Rowan’s mouth. “Together, then?”
“Always. And to whatever end, fireheart.”
-Present day-
“And then what?” Theo asked.
Aelin shrugged. “We fixed it.”
“But how?” Kiara pressed.
Rowan laughed, rubbing his thumb over Aelin’s shoulder blades. “There’s no how. It was natural. Your mom was right, for a marriage to work, you can’t hope love will last forever. It has ups and downs, and with time it becomes more ups than downs. A marriage is not without sacrifices, and we both did a bunch of them in the following months after the conversation. Both adapted to better fit the other one.”
“And it worked.” Aelin said, a beaming smile on her lips. “There’s no formula, it’s just what works best for you. And sometimes it won’t work, and that’s also alright because not all loves are meant to last forever. That doesn’t make them lesser or not important. It was important, it will always be important, but it’s over.”
Rowan smiled gently at Nino, holding his son’s gaze. “I’m proud of you. Many people wouldn’t recognize that there was something different, and they’d just keep forcing and forcing until it was so indifferent, it didn’t matter anymore. Acknowledging that there’s something wrong with a love you held so dear for so long is very brave, Nino. And if you fix it, or if you move on, nothing will change my opinion.”
“We love you, baby.” Aelin added, a mother smile on her face. “All of you.”
Nino tried to force a carefree smile, but Aelin could see his throat constricting and eyes watering. Theo also realized how close his brother was to crying, something Nino hated, and so he decided to be his natural self.
“So you two do have problems in paradise.” He said and Rowan jokingly sighed. “Was that a recurring thing?”
“Nah.” Aelin said, putting a hand on Rowan’s knee. “Only major issue. Everything after that was just stupid arguments, but nothing that came close to divorce.”
“Nice. If you two had divorced I wouldn’t be here and that’s a shame to the world.” Theo said, and Kiara snorted. He looked at his twin, grinning at her. “And my dear Kiara, too, of course.”
“If I knew your mother was gonna birth the devil’s spawn years later, maybe I would have divorced her.” Rowan said, eyes narrowed at Theo. Aelin pinched his knee.
Theo simply smirked. “A condom would have done the work, old man. And you love me.”
“Theo’s ability to transform dad in a seven year old is baffling.” Aurora said, a hand rubbing Nino’s back, as she smiled at her father. “Embarrassing.”
Rowan shook his head, looking almost hurt that his daughter hadn’t taken his side. He looked down at Aelin, eyes narrowed. “This is all your fault, you know.”
She smiled, comfortably resting against his side and chest. “Yes, I do. You are very welcome, by the way.”
When Nino finally seemed to recompose himself, he looked at his parents, a weak smile on his face. “Thank you.”
Rowan smiled at him, and Aelin winked.
“You want to talk more about it, baby?”
Nino shook his head, smile becoming a little bigger. “I think the rest is something I need to deal with Phedre.”
Rowan nodded, but seconds later the whole cute moment was over.
“Now, everyone out.”
“Why?” Kiara and Aurora said in unison.
“Lovely to spend time with you two, too. I love these heartfelt moments.” Theo said and Nino grinned.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “We’re busy. Halloween marathon. Go do whatever is that you all do.”
Kiara and Theo got up immediately, faces almost shining. “Oh, my god. Does that mean you guys bought candy?”
Rowan sighed. “Yeah, but—“
“We’re staying!” Kiara said as she and Theo rushed to the kitchen. Despite their ages, the two sometimes acted like the kids they still were in their parents’ eyes.
Aelin snorted, looking at her two eldest. “You two staying?”
Aurora shrugged. “Yeah, why not?”
“Call Emerson, I miss her more than I usually miss you bunch.” Rowan said.
Aurora faked indignation. “I’m your daughter.”
“You should miss your daughter companion more than you miss her girlfriend’s companion.”
“Emmy is nicer than you.” Aelin chimed in.
Aurora looked in between her parents, both biting their cheeks to keep a smile in. Aurora huffed, getting up. “I’m calling her, but after this you guys are prohibited to see her until you like me more.”
“So dramatic!” Aelin shouted as Aurora left the room. Nino and Rowan laughed softly before Aelin turned back to her son. “You could call Phedre.”
“And don’t act like it’s whatever if she comes or not.” Rowan said. “Say you want her to be here.”
Nino stared at Aelin and Rowan in silence for a few moments before nodding shallowly. “Yeah, I think I will.”
As one, Rowan and Aelin smiled.
A/N: This is somewhat in the lines of what one of my best friends have been begging me to do, so maybe this will make her calm the fuck down. I’ve had this idea on my mind for a while now and decided to finally write it. Hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing!
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