#thriller writing
ladyantiheroine · 4 months
Hey Tumblr. I need writing help.
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I've been working on a story, and there's one plot point I have been banging my head against the wall about for months, so I'm going to ask the internet for help:
So, my main character is a woman who has just recently married into a rich family after a botched con job. However, she discovers some dark secrets about the family. The family finds out she knows, and they threaten to expose her criminal past and get her arrested if she spills the beans about their secrets.
So, the family has hired a bodyguard to watch her. Both because she's a famous man's wife now, but also so they can keep an eye on her when they're not around. She's a liability now, after all.
Now, my main character has a plan to escape this family. However, in order to do it, she needs the bodyguard out of the way for a while. I am stuck on how to get rid of the bodyguard.
A few important notes: 1. She can't kill the bodyguard. She just needs to incapacitate him for several hours to a day. 2. The bodyguard has to be "taken out" in a way that casts little suspicion on the main character. 3. Ideally, his "taking out" would either look like an accident that neither of them could have anticipated, or possibly something that could later be blamed on another character (this could depend on timing stuff I haven't worked out yet). 4. She has one friend/ally on the outside that the family doesn't know about who could do something, but I'm not sure what. He's a fellow criminal, but not strong enough to fight/injure the bodyguard.
Any suggestions or ideas at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
EDIT: I should also mention the bodyguard lives with her (it's a 24-hour watch kind of thing).
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Writers of tumblr, specifically horror and thriller writers of tumblr, what are your tips for setting the tone?
This also ties into things like writing injuries and body language, imagery and such. If you know any good posts about these, feel free to share the links!
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gardenbicycle · 4 days
I think if I try really hard I can finish editing my horror novel in time for Halloween!
Would any of my followers (17+) be interested in being a test reader?
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ahb-writes · 2 years
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How to Write a Thriller
Explore thriller types and find your idea. Change + Tension + Suspense = Urgency.
Regularly assess characters' goals, motivations, and areas of conflict.
Make pacing quick, actions urgent. Pacing is an essential ingredient. Enlighten readers to the point-of-view character's emotional state.
Put your reader on shifting sand. Unreliable narrators can be fun.
Understand the psychology of suspense. Assess the implications of a bad end, how fearing the bad end affects behavior, and how obstacles often appear at the worst possible moment.
Tease and caution to heighten suspense. The setting and environment will help in creating a memorable and unique atmosphere.
Create arresting tone and mood. Ephasize a state of suspicion. Emphasize a questioning tone.
Study from the best. Agatha Christie. John Le Carré. John Grisham. Stephen King. Check the shortlist of thrill-writing literary prizes.
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I run my hands over my face, try to keep tears from soaking cheeks. With a gulp I train my gaze on the floor. “Dalton… is this really bad,” I whisper. “I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this.”
My brother takes deep breaths, drumming his fingers on rock hard abs as he compiles his thoughts. I know he only wants to be honest, but what truth is he going to tell me today? He has so many options, it’s hard to know which one will grace my ears when he speaks.
It looks like he’s trying to keep himself together before his lips finally part. “The truth? Yes, this is very, very bad. I don’t know what they’re going to find, but I know you. They don’t. I’ll help you talk to the lawyers. I know they claimed to have evidence of you in the building right before the explosion, but I haven’t seen the security footage. I’m not sure they would allow me to view it. Dad hasn’t seen it yet, as far as I know. Your lawyer is trying to talk to them, to see if we can see at least some of it, to know what we’re dealing with for the trial. When we get it… I’m not sure I want Dad to be there. I want it to be just us… because if it’s as bad as they said… I know he’ll give you hell for it. He’ll destroy you.”
So he doesn’t know what to do, either. That’s just great. We’re navigating an unknown task, all by ourselves. What if we could somehow get my dad to come around? I know how he’s been since my release, so it’s a slim chance… but he’s my dad. I have to at least try. I know that somewhere, deep down, he still sees me as his little girl, his pride and joy. But what am I going to have to do to convince him that she’s still here? What strings will I have to pull for him to even stand to look at me again?
My mug is empty now. I fill it with water and set it in the sink, closing my eyes as the caffeine hits. Then, something hits me like a ton of bricks to my chest. I slam my hands over my ears, closing my eyes in a futile attempt to block the pressure, the pain that only grows.
My cup falls into the trashcan, the sweetness of the vanilla and caramel still fresh on my tongue. I cherish the sweetness as I wave goodbye to the baristas, heading for the door. Then, I blink once, twice. And everything around me is different.
Red and blue lights. Commotion. People are running. Screaming. I don’t know what’s going on, but they do. What happened? How did I get to the museum? I don’t remember leaving the coffee shop at all. In fact… I’m not even sure I went anywhere after I stepped out that door. Heart racing, I scamper away from the sink, then turn on my heel and sprint out to the balcony, desperate to have fresh air touch my skin. A few coughs and sobs escape from my throat, and I don’t even try to stifle them. I don’t care about that. All I want to do is figure this out, if my peers will help, and whatever enemies I’ve made will let me.  
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misfitgirlsworld · 1 year
RED (Origin Story)
Her origin story is free game :) I don't want to put out too much since I still want to have surprises! This is the final draft of the first part of my WIP!
Here is Red's character sheet!
TW: Heavy abuse, manipulation, heavy violence, blood/light gore, 18+, this is technically a creepypasta if I wanna be true to Red's beginning so read with caution!
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The clouds were dark today. The lack of blue sky or yellow sun seemed to make the atmosphere more depressing than anyone thought possible. Everything seemed so quiet to Cherri. Several people surrounded her, watching her mother’s coffin get lowered into the ground, but she couldn’t hear anything. She blinked a few times and glanced around to focus on her surroundings.
“She was such a great woman.”
“I can’t believe she went like this…”
Now Cherri wished she could ignore the whispering. She wiped at the tears that fell from her eyes.
Don’t make a scene.
“I just can’t imagine how Richard feels,”
Richard didn’t give a damn. Not when he was the one wrapping the belt around her neck.
He killed her. You watched your mother die.
Cherri closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to bring attention to herself.
He killed her and now you’re next.
Cherri let out a strained sob before quickly covering her mouth as more tears fell from her eyes. Her head began to throb and she felt her heart clench painfully, “m-mom!”
“That poor girl…”
Cherri felt her knees go weak and she let herself fall. Instead of hitting the ground, she fell into someone’s arms and they wrapped themselves around her. She sniffed and looked up to see her father staring down at her. His presence only made the girl cry harder and she made a move to pull away, but his grip tightened.
Don’t. Make. A scene.
She went limp in his arms and closed her eyes again. This will be over soon. She just wanted it to be over.
“Richard. Cherri.”
Cherri recognized the voice and wiped away her tears before side-eyeing the woman. She slowly stood up straight and took a few slow breaths.
“Rachel. It’s good to see you,” Richard smiled softly.
“Why wouldn’t I be here in your time of need? I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the police find the murderer and lock them away for good.” Rachel’s voice was laced with sorrow.
Cherri scoffed at the comment but quickly looked away once she felt Richard’s gaze.
“You must be going through a lot,” Rachel rested a hand on Richard’s shoulder.
“Yeah. It’s a lot right now. I’m more worried about Cherri than myself right now.” Richard pulled the redhead closer and she flinched slightly.
Rachel looked at Cherri and sighed, “I’m so sorry, Cherri. The woman pulled the girl away from Richard to hug her tightly.
Sorry for what? Going behind my mother’s back? Pretending to be her friend? Or fucking her piece of shit husband?
Cherri slowly hugged the woman back, “It’s fine.” Her response was blunt as she pulled away.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” Rachel smiled up at Richard and Cherri rolled her eyes.
“Thank you. I’m gonna take Cherri home so she can rest.”
The redhead turned on her heel and began walking away without another word. She made her way to the small black car that once belonged to her mother, preparing herself to go home.
The ride home was tense. The redhead refused to even look in her father’s direction and kept her eyes glued to the window. Once the car pulled into the driveway, Cherri got out of the car and made her way to the front door. Before she could make a move to pull out her key, she was grabbed by the collar of her black button-up shirt and yanked back. She gagged and her hands frantically went to the front of her shirt as her father unlocked the door. Once the door was open, Richard shoved Cherri inside and she hit the hardwood floor with a thump.
Richard walked inside and slammed the door shut as Cherri slowly got up. She was on her hands and knees when she received a kick on the side, knocking her back down.
“What the fuck was that? Were you trying to embarrass me back there?”
Fuck you.
“I asked you a question.”
Why would I show respect to the woman you were fucking behind my mom’s back?
“I don’t like her,” Cherri answered quietly, getting up and rubbing her side.
“I don’t give a fuck about who you do and don’t like. Either way, you keep that shit to yourself.” Richard hissed.
“Yes, sir.”
“Fix dinner for two, I’m gonna invite Rachel over later.” He took off his jacket.
Cherri glared at Richard as he put away his jacket but her gaze was on the ground once he turned to look at her. He grabbed her by the collar again and lifted her from the ground just by a bit.
“Don’t just fucking stand there. Go make dinner.” Richard shoved her back against the closet door, causing a picture to fall off of the wall and shatter, “and clean that up while you’re at it.” He mumbled, making his way to the living room.
“Yes, sir,” Cherri muttered. She picked up the picture and saw that it was her and her mother. She was young in the picture, and her mother had the same beautiful smile that Cherri missed. She folded the picture and put it in her pocket.
Fucking bastard.
She cleaned up the glass and went into the kitchen.
Cherri jolted awake with a gasp and looked around her room. Her alarm wasn’t set to go off for another hour. She let out a sigh and covered her face.
Her father was in her dreams too; there was more escape.
Cherri climbed out of bed and pulled out her school uniform before gathering her bright red hair in her hands and putting it into a quick ponytail. She quietly went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and paused once she heard a thump. She quickly turned off the water and stood still, listening. It was quiet, but there was no movement. It wasn’t until she heard her father snoring again, did she calm down and continued her morning routine. The girl focused on her hair, taking the time to properly oil her scalp and moisturize her hair before putting it up into a bun and going back to her bedroom to get dressed.
Once she was done, Cherri grabbed her bookbag and quietly made her way downstairs and out the door. A feeling of relief went through her once she was out of the house, but her mind still felt clouded, and she was tired. Part of her was tempted to get on a bus and skip school for the day. She wasn’t given enough time to grieve her mother, but if she missed another day of school, she would be too far behind. 
There was a time when high school filled Cherri with happiness, but it hasn’t been the same long before her mother passed.
Cherri crossed the main street that separated her neighborhood from her school and began walking up the hill that would lead her to the building. She let her light brown eyes stare up at the castle before her that used to fill her with awe before walking inside. She was still pretty early, so she grabbed an orange juice from the cafeteria and sat for a bit before slowly making her way to her first-period class on the third floor of the school. There were a few students here and there, but mostly it was the teachers who gave her sympathetic looks. She entered the classroom and glanced at her teacher.
“I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”
Cherri gave a small shrug, “didn’t want to get too far behind.”
“Well, don’t push yourself too hard, Cherri. Our counselors are here if you need anything.”
They can’t help me and neither can you.
“Thank you.” Cherri gave a small nod before moving toward her desk. She sat down and laid her head on her desk. It wouldn’t hurt to get a small nap before school started. 
As she slept, students started to fill the room before the bell finally rang. The redhead slowly opened her eyes and sat up as the teacher moved to the front of the class with a student not far behind.
“¡Buenos días, a clase!” *
The students mumbled and murmured in response, some saying “Buenos dias,” and others incoherent.
“Tenemos un nuevo estudiante hoy. Su nombre es Darius Hughes.” **
Cherri’s light brown eyes went to Darius as he smiled. She quickly looked down again.
He’s kind of cute.
“Darius, siéntate junto a Cherri. Cherri, levanta la mano.” ***
Oh, great.
Cherri hesitantly raised her hand and sifted a bit as Darius moved to sit down. It was quiet between the two as the teacher started her lesson. Cherri did her best to focus on taking notes instead of on the glances that Darius would give her.
“So, Cherri,” his whisper caught her attention and she glanced at him, “you good at Spanish?”
“I’m decent.” She answered, continuing to take notes.
“That’s a surprise. You look like you don’t wanna be here,” he smirked.
Cherri paused and arched her brow, “who wants to be here at eight in the morning?” She scoffed.
Darius eyed the girl seated in the row in front of them. She was the most attentive in the classroom; everyone else seemed to be dozing off. “That fuckin’ nerd up there.” He pointed
Cherri cracked a small smile and chuckled, “Yeah, I can believe that.”
Darius grinned, feeling a bit accomplished for getting her to laugh.
“So where are you coming from?” She looked at him.
“Not far. I’d say thirty minutes by bus. I just had to get my grades together before I could transfer.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Cherri nodded. She started to doodle in her notebook as Darius studied her carefully. Before he could say anything else, the bell rang. The redhead got up and grabbed her book bag.
“I guess I’ll see you later?” Darius smiled, standing as well.
Cherri looked up at him and gave a small smile again. “Yeah, we’ll see. This is a pretty big school, after all.”
He was nice.
The day seemed so long for some reason. It wasn’t that she wanted to go home, but her second class seemed like it would never end. The girl was never that good at math. All the numbers and letters together looked like a foreign language and she could barely concentrate.
You’re already behind and there’s a test soon. You’re gonna fail. He’s gonna kill you.
Cherri clenched her jaw and she began to bounce her leg up and down. She hated when she got like this.
Nothing you do is good enough. He hates you. He’ll find an excuse so he can kill you next. You--
The bell rang and Cherri flinched before quickly gathering her things and leaving. At least she had Theater next, then Creative Writing; she could relax a bit. She made her way to the basement of the school to her third class and sat down, pulling out her notebook.
“We meet again.”
Cherri jumped and looked as Darius sat next to her.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t peg you as a theater kid though. He grinned.
Cherri felt her cheeks beginning to heat up, “I could say the same to you.”
“Well, now I know we both like theater,” Darius leaned in closer. “I wonder what else I have in common with the mysterious redhead.”
Is he flirting? He can’t be, you just met him.
Cherri let out a small laugh, “why don’t you find out then?” She arched a brow.
Maybe she was actually making a friend. Since her father made her drop all of her extracurriculars and come straight home after school, it was hard for her to really keep friends, especially without a cell phone. Plus, Cherri and Darius not only had Spanish and Theater together, but they also had Creative Writing and lunch together. They spent that time getting to know each other and things only seemed to get better when Cherri walked into her last-period class after her English II to see Darius there. She almost didn’t want the class to end.
“Well, you definitely made my first day way more enjoyable and less intimidating.”
“I’m glad. This school can be terrifying and stressful.” Cherri let out a small sigh.
“I heard from a few students that after school they sell pizza. Maybe we can grab some and you can show me around?” Darius offered.
“I would love to,” by now, the girl had forgotten about needing to go straight home.
“Last one there has to pay.” He challenged.
A race? Is he challenging me to a race?
When the bell rang, Darius darted out of the classroom, but Cherri was right behind him. She flew past Darius and made her way down to the first floor, carefully dodging and weaving through other students. She stopped in front of the tables stacked with boxes of pizza just near the school’s main entrance and crossed her arms as Darius caught up, who unlike her, was out of breath and panting as he pulled out his wallet.
“Two…slices of…pepperoni please…” He breathed out as Cherri laughed.
“This is where the debate team practices for the most part. We have the best debate team in Baltimore.” Cherri explained.
Darius side-eyed her, “I smell bias.”
“I’m serious,” Cherri chuckled. “Peep all the trophies and medals around the room.”
Darius eyed all the trophies and couldn’t say he wasn’t impressed. There was one recurring name that he didn’t expect to see though.
“Cherri Crawford won about six first-place trophies, huh?”
He could tell by the way her eyes widened that Cherri had no idea her trophies were still up.
“So you were on the debate team. What else did you do?” He asked as they left the classroom.
“Well, I ran track for a bit and I still write sometimes for school plays. I was on the talent show committee too.”
“Cherri, that’s fucking amazing! That also explains why you dusted my ass down those steps earlier without breaking a sweat. What made you stop?”
“Oh…just family problems.”
Family. Shit! You were supposed to be home an hour ago--
Cherri stared up at the clock nearby, her heart beginning to race.
“S-Sorry, I have to go. I wasn’t supposed to stay out for this long--”
“I understand. Can I walk you out?” Darius offered.
Cherri gave a small smile and agreed. They walked out of the school as Cherri tried to come up with a decent excuse she could use when she got home.
“You wanna hang out tomorrow?”
Cherri blinked and looked at Darius, “...hang out?”
He chuckled. “I know this place that has the best subs. Sorry if this seems too forward or anything. You’re really nice, and I want to get to know you more.”
Cherri blushed and looked down, thinking of ways she could get out of the house, “yeah. I’d love to go out tomorrow!”
“Great.” Darius smiled, “see you in class?”
“See you in class.”
Cherri walked home with a smile on her face. It didn’t take her long to get to her doorstep and make her way inside. She glanced around and saw that the living room was empty. It was oddly quiet, and she knew that her father was home since the car was still out front. Fear slowly began to creep back in. Not only was she going to have to deal with her father now for coming home late, but if she wanted to go out tomorrow, she’d likely have to sneak out and she’s never done that before.
You’ll get caught.
The thought of getting caught made a lump form in the girl’s throat; she was rethinking the whole decision now. She kicked off her shoes and took off her book bag and jacket to hang it up. Cherri’s thoughts were cut off by Richard.
His fingers gripped onto her bun and yanked harshly, pulling her head back as she let out a surprised yelp. She stumbled to the ground, making Richard lose his grip on her and she was quick to stand again, facing him this time.
His hand wrapped around her neck tightly as he slammed her against the wall, “What the fuck did I tell you, bitch? You’re supposed to come straight home.” He seethed, tightening his grip.
“I’m--sorry!” Cherri breathed out, her hand reaching out to grip his wrist, “t-tutoring! I stayed back for tutoring!”
Richard narrowed his eyes and threw her to the ground. He kicked her in the stomach, making her cry out. She tried to move, but her body was tense, trying to recover from the pain. He kicked her again, and she slid back. A loud thump could be heard as her back slammed against the closet door.
“Stop! St-Stop!” Cherri cried out, curling up to try and block his hits.
Richard lifted her and shoved her into the kitchen. “If you ever try pulling this shit again, you'll have hell to pay. And you better be passing all your fucking classes. Have dinner ready in thirty minutes.”
Fuck you.
Cherri fell to the ground and groaned as tears spilled from her eyes. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and she placed her hand against it. She could feel blood on her hand. He always kicked her in the same spot and his boots were painful. Cherri lay on the ground, whimpering in pain.
Richard stared at her as she held onto the counter, trying to stand up. Once she got up, he walked to her and grabbed her face.
“Tears never accomplished anything, Cherri.”
Cherri stared up at him, not responding. His light brown eyes seemed drained of emotion; all she saw was evil.
“You’re just like your mother. Pathetic.”
Cherri tensed up and clenched her jaw.
Do it.
She let out an angered sob as her father let her go. She acted in the heat of the moment and grabbed the skillet on the stove. Without thinking, she swung and hit him in the face, making him stumble back and groan out in pain.
“You evil bastard! If you didn’t love her then why did you marry her?! Why do I even exist?! I should call your friend, the Commissioner, and tell him who really killed her!” Cherri seethed, her light brown eyes darkening in anger. She lifted the skillet to hit Richard again, but this time he caught her wrist and glared at her. Her eyes widened and panic quickly replaced her newfound bravery as he snatched the skillet from her hand.
Before Cherri could react, Richard hit her with the skillet with the same amount of strength she hit him with. She was surprised he even held back. Pain spread through the side of her head, but her father’s tight grip kept her from collapsing. He hit her again, this time letting her hit the ground. Cherri’s hands went to her head, holding it tightly to try and ease the pain.
Richard threw the skillet down and it hit her directly in the shin. Cherri let out a pained yelp and tried to crawl away, but Richard yanked her back to him, climbing over her, “You little bitch!”
He punched her in the stomach, and she gasped as she felt the air leave her body. She could barely breathe now, but his punches kept coming. Most of his hits landed on her stomach and arms, but it felt like he was adding more force each time.
“Stop! Dad, please! I’m--I’m sorry! I’m sorry! STOP!” Cherri cried, trying to cover herself.
Richard rolled his eyes and stood up. He grabbed Cherri by her hair and dragged her out of the kitchen. She let out a small scream, trying to free herself as Richard dragged her through the living room and towards the stairs. She could feel her scalp going numb as Richard dragged her up the steps. She cried out every time her body roughly hit each wooden step.
Richard threw her into her room, “If you leave this fucking room at all tonight, I’ll kill you.” He seethed.
Cherri slowly climbed onto her bed as he glared at her. Pain radiated through her body and she could already feel some bruises forming.
“And stop the waterworks before I get the skillet again.” Richard threatened.
She slowly managed to stop crying and lay on her bed, sniffing loudly.
“Useless…” Richard grumbled as he left the room, slamming the door shut as he left.
I can’t fucking take this. I can’t take this.
Shaky hands tangled into her red hair and she tugged, biting her tongue hard to stop herself from screaming out in pure frustration.
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him--
Cherri squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head roughly.
You can’t. You won’t win. You’ll go to jail.
The girl relaxed a bit once she heard Richard go back downstairs. She wanted to.
She’s wanted to kill him for years now.
Her thoughts were beginning to scare her.
Cherri slowly opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. She didn’t remember falling asleep last night. Her light brown eyes went to her alarm clock before turning it off. The movement made her whole body throb. She muttered out a curse before slowly standing up. Her leg buckled and almost gave out, so she quickly sat back down.
After a few moments, Cherri got up again and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the light and bit her lip, looking at the bruise on the side of her head and along her arms. She lifted her shirt and clenched her jaw at the sight of the dark bruises on her lower abdomen. She’s surprised one of his kicks hasn’t popped something yet. Maybe he has and she just didn’t know. Cherri closed her eyes and let out a sigh before cleaning the dried blood on her. She got ready for school and pulled out a fresh uniform; this time with a long sleeve shirt, and grabbed a hat to temporarily hide the bruises on her face.
She slowly made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. Her eyes scanned over the several beer bottles on the counter and the empty bottle of Hennessy.
Drunken asshole.
Cherri grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it in a paper towel before carefully placing it under her shirt against her abdomen before grabbing her bookbag and leaving for school. She kept her head down until she made it to her locker and started to gather her makeup so she could cover the bruise on the side of her head.
“Hey, Cherri.”
Cherri flinched away from her locker and took a glance to see that it was Darius before her eyes were on the ground again. His smile slowly fell and he arched his brow, “What’s wrong?”
Cherri let out a sigh and shook her head, “Nothing. I’m sorry, I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”
Darius eyed her carefully but decided not to press her. “Okay…”
“I have to go. I’ll see you in first period.” Cherri closed her locker and walked as fast as she could without visibly limping. She made her way down to the basement of the school, passing the cafeteria to go through the gym at the end of the long hall and into the bathroom on the other side. It was a bathroom that no student used unless they had gym, and Cherri still had time before school began. She took off her hat in front of the mirror and covered her bruise with her makeup. Once she finished, she brushed her hair and styled it into its bun before stuffing her hat into her bookbag and rushing off to class.
The day went faster than the day before and Cherri didn’t know if it was because she mostly avoided Darius all day, but it certainly felt like it, and she felt bad. Horrible, more like. She was trying to figure out the nicest way to say she couldn’t go out. There was no way her father would say yes anyway. When the final bell rang, Cherri got up to leave, but Darius quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
“Are you okay, Cherri?” The amount of concern in his voice made her blush a bit.
“...I’m fine, don’t worry.” She couldn’t cancel now. She’d just have to sneak out. “I’ll meet you at six, okay?” She gave the best smile she could muster.
Darius watched her closely before giving a hesitant nod. “Yeah. I’ll be there.” He let her go.
Cherri nodded and gave him a quick hug before leaving the school. She got herself home as fast as she could without injuring her leg any further. Once she was in the house, she let out a sigh and sat her bookbag down. The anxiety of actually sneaking out was already closing in on her. She didn’t want to leave Darius hanging, but she was starting to regret saying she could make it.
“Hey, Cherri!”
The redhead was pulled from her thoughts and she flinched a bit before looking at Rachel. That was when the smell of baked chicken finally hit her nose.
“...Hi.” At least Cherri didn’t have to cook.
“How are you? Feeling okay?” Rachel moved closer and the motherly tone in her voice made the girl tense up and honestly, it made her sick.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Cherri looked down before glancing up quickly, “where’s my dad?”
“In the kitchen, come on.” Rachel turned on her heel and Cherri followed. She’d use Rachel being her to her advantage. Her eye met Richard’s and she forced a small smile.
“Um, Dad? My friend is going out for subs and he asked if I could go. Is that okay?” Her voice was soft like always but overly sweet. Richard could hear the sarcasm in every word. His stare hardened, but he quickly fixed himself, glancing at Rachel.
“What’s his name?”
“Hughes?” Richard tilted his head. Cherri paused but still nodded.
“That’s Jacob’s son.”
“...Son…” Cherri muttered.
“I didn’t know Commissioner Hughes had a son.” Rachel frowned a bit.
“Yeah.” Richard eyed Cherri, “Be back by nine. No later.”
Cherri nodded, “Thanks, Dad.” She turned to leave the kitchen.
“You two get along so well. I bet Richard treats you like a princess since you’re his only daughter~” Rachel cooed.
Cherri paused and clenched her jaw. She almost scoffed but stopped herself before responding, “Yeah! He treats me just like he treated his wife.”
Cherri could feel Richard glaring at her but Rachel didn’t notice. She was too busy trying to uncomfortably mask the guilt around the situation. The redhead gave a small smile.
“I’m gonna go get ready now.” She quickly made her way upstairs and into her room.
Rachel’s next.
Cherri shook her head. And pulled out her favorite outfit; the pants and jacket will cover her bruises well. It was fairly simple. Dark jeans with a yellow hoodie and a plaid long flannel with a pair of boots. It didn’t take her long to get dressed and fix up her makeup. Cherri gave a quick goodbye as she left the house and took a breath, walking up the street.
“Oh look, just in time.” Darius smiled at Cherri as she walked across the street, “You look cute~”
Cherri’s cheeks heated up as she smiled, “Thanks. Lead the way, sir.”
As they walked down the street; a comfortable silence fell over them. After a while, Darius glanced at the girl.
“When I told my father who you were, he seemed pretty surprised.”
Cherri looked at him, “mine too. I never would’ve guessed that Commissioner Hughes had a son.”
“I lived with my mother for the most part, but I appreciate the warm welcome I’m getting.” He shrugged.
“Oh yeah, you’re getting popular quickly.” Cherri teased.
“I guess you could say that. A lot of people came to me because they saw us together. Thinkin’ about doing sports again? I hear the track team is shit now.”
Cherri snorted. “Stop! That’s not true.”
“Whatever you say.” Darius grinned and glanced down at her leg. “...How come you were limping earlier?”
Cherri didn’t respond right away. “Oh…I just hit my leg on something.” As long as they didn’t walk any faster, he wouldn’t notice that her leg was still hurt.
“You sure?”
“Yeah!” Cherri nodded. She wanted to tell him everything.
I just met him. He probably already knows and got fed the same lie as everyone else. Commissioner Hughes covering up everything like a fucking--
“What kind of music do you like?” Darius asked.
Cherri blinked and focused. “Well, 80s, 90s, early 2000s. A bit of alternative rock. A bit of 70s too.”
“Oh, I see. You’re into like…TLC and…My Chemical Romance?”
“Yes! I love their music. My favorite band is Get Scared. I love all of their music.” Cherri smiled.
“I’ve heard of them before. I might check them out. I’m guessing red is your favorite color?”
Cherri touched her hair and nodded, “Red, green, orange, and pink.”
“Red suits you.” Darius smiled, “any boyfriends?”
Cherri blushed slightly, “Nope. What about you?”
“Me?” Darius arched his brow.
“Hey, I don’t even know your type.” Cherri shrugged.
He chuckled, “Good point. No boyfriends. I have had girlfriends though. What about you?”
“No. I do like girls though, very pretty.”
“Agreed.” Darius snorted. “Cute for someone who’s almost a senior though. How come you’ve never dated?”
“Well, you make it seem like a relationship is mandatory.” Cherri teased, “I was always super focused on school. Plus, I’m not really sure my dad would let me date--”
“Oh? So what am I? A potato chip?”
Cherri snorted, “No, but you’re definitely a drama king. I have to get to know you more first.”
Darius laughed. He was about to respond but paused, watching Cherri closely. It was almost unnoticeable, but he caught it; she was limping. “...You’re still limping. What’s wrong?” He stopped walking.
Cherri stopped and tensed up a bit, “I told you. I hit my leg on--”
“That’s bullshit.” Darius glanced around. There weren’t a lot of people walking around, but he still pulled her into a nearby alleyway.
“Darius, it’s nothing. Really, I--”
“I know that’s not the truth, Cherri.”
She wanted to tell him. She really did. What would happen? Would he help her? Could he even actually help?
She couldn’t take this; she was completely torn.
“I want to help you. I can’t if you don’t say anything. Please,”
“It’s--It’s my dad. My dad, h’s--” Cherri took a shaky breath.
“Your dad? Cherri--”
“You have to help me! Darius, please. He hurts me and he hurt my mother, he--”
She couldn’t say it.
Damn it, she couldn’t say it, she was terrified. Tears ran down her cheeks as she let out a cry and Darius hugged her tightly.
“It’s alright. It’s gonna be alright. Does my dad know?”
Cherri nodded, wiping her eyes. “He knows. He’s always known.”
The fucking bastard. Cherri hated him.
“What the fuck…well I’ll tell someone else. I’m going to help you through this. You aren’t alone anymore.”
Cherri didn’t know how much she needed to hear that until Darius said it. Being alone was painful and scary--terrifying even. Maybe she found someone that could save her from everything. For the first time in years, Cherri felt hopeful.
“Thank you, Darius.” She looked at him and realized how close he was.
The thought of him kissing her made her heart race. Nothing else seemed relevant at that moment but him. She wondered if this was what love felt like.
Cherri’s thoughts were cut off once his lips were on hers. Darius pulled her closer as he kissed her and Cherri closed her eyes. He slowly backed her against the wall as her arms wrapped around him. She was a bit confused when he moved his lips from hers, but tensed up once he started kissing along her neck.
Cherri didn’t move at first, thinking she’d get more comfortable with it, but she didn’t. She slowly pulled her hands from around him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
“Darius,” she tensed up as she called him, trying to get his attention.
Her grip on him got a bit tighter once she was ignored and she also pushed a bit.
“Stop,” She tried again but more direct.
“Calm down,” Was his response, pressing her against the wall more.
Cherri was beginning to panic now. She couldn’t move away from him and the way he was sucking on her neck was now painful.
“Darius, stop!” I’m serious--I don’t feel comfortable.” Cherri hissed out, trying to squirm away.
Darius slid his hand down Cherri’s pants, making her let out a yelp. She shifted, trying to move his hand as his free hand pushed her flannel down.
“Darius, STOP!” She screamed.
“Don’t be like that,” Darius pecked her lips before continuing, “This is how it works. You said you wanted to get to know me better, right?”
“I--This isn’t what I meant! Get off! Stop it!” Cherri tried to kick him away but he still managed to unzip her jeans. His hand gripped at her bare thigh but before he could do more, Cherri raised her hand and slapped him. Darius stumbled back with wide eyes as Cherri shakily fixed her pants. She zipped them up and pulled up her flannel to cover her bruised arms. By the time she looked at Darius, he was already glaring at her.
Before Cherri could say anything, Darius slammed her back against the brick wall again. Her head smacked against the wall and groaned out as pain spread through her head.
“Very nice repayment after I listened to your fucking sob story.” He hissed.
Cherri’s eyes widened, “sob story? But I thought--I thought we--”
“I told you, this is how it works. I do something for you, like make you happy, listen to you talk, and give you company. In return, you do something for me. I didn’t realize you’d be so stuck up.”
Cherri felt her heart break at the statement. She shook her head, “We were talking--I don’t even--I’m not ready for that yet! I--”
“Yeah, I’ll just find another girl. This was a waste of fucking time.”
“But what about--”
“I don’t care.” He cut her off and scoffed as tears filled her eyes. He let her go and rolled his eyes. “Go home, Cherri.”
The girl couldn’t look him in the eye. She looked down and took off up the street, running as fast as she could.
Cherri slowly slipped through the front door with three minutes to spare before her curfew. She had to make sure she was done crying for the time being to avoid questions. She wanted to get to her room as fast as possible.
She walked towards the steps and glanced into the living room, eyeing Rachel, who was asleep in Richard’s lap as he watched TV. She managed to contain her scoff as her father looked at her.
“Enjoy your night out?” Richard asked her.
“...Yes.” Cherri gave a small nod.
“Good. That’ll be the last time you use Rachel to get out the house.” He seethed, glaring at her.
Cherri glared back but nodded. “...All you’ll do is kill her too.” She muttered once she looked away.
“What was that?” Richard sat up a bit, preparing to move Rachel so he could get up.
“Nothing, sir,” Cherri responded quickly. She made her way upstairs and into her room before Richard could respond. She closed her door and locked it before walking to her bed and sitting down.
Cherri buried her face in her hands and immediately started to cry. She was angry, betrayed, and sad, but overall, she felt stupid for trusting Darius as much as she did so quickly.
She didn’t understand why.
Why did it seem like when things get slightly better, something has to happen to fucking ruin it? Was her life not miserable enough as is?
Every horrible moment seemed to come flooding back. Every beating she witnessed, every beating she endured, her mother’s lifeless eyes.
Her father hated her and she had no idea why. He was a murderer that enjoyed seeing her in pain--why else would he keep her alive?
Darius was a snake. He never really liked Cherri but he made it so believable. 
The Commissioner, her grandfather, Richard’s stupid fucking friends. Assholes.
“They’re all fucking assholes!” Cherri hissed, gripping her hair tightly, pulling at it, and messing up her bun.  She took out her hair tie and tossed it, letting her long hair fall over her face and down her back.
Cherri wasn’t scared. She wasn’t sad. She was tired, and her heart ached. She was tired of being someone’s punching bag. To her, every person that’s caused her pain was better off dead.
Cherri wiped her eyes and sniffed.
She didn’t stop herself from thinking about it this time--she wanted to kill them. Maybe force an apology at least. She had to stand her ground.
And she’d start with Darius.
Cherri woke up before her alarm again. She turned it off and slowly climbed out of bed, beginning to get ready for school. The redhead was having second thoughts about confronting Darius; she was concerned and unnerved by her thoughts. There wasn’t a violent bone in Cherri’s body…until recently she was sure of that. She’d never actually done anything but hit Richard. It felt good, but that was what scared her.
Cherri grabbed her bookbag and fixed her uniform before slowly making her way downstairs. She moved into the kitchen and hesitated before grabbing a knife from the drawer with their silverware. She examined it carefully before sliding it into the side of her knee-high boot and leaving the house.
For the first time in years, there was silence. Her mind was blank, there were no fears or anxieties; there was nothing but a mute blankness and a growing urge to use the knife she took from home. Cherri felt content with her decision once again.
Once the girl entered the school, she slowly walked in the direction of her first-period class and picked up her pace once she caught sight of Darius. She was still angry; very much so, but also there was a pang of anxiety that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard she tried.
She stopped once he stopped and glanced back at her. He let out a sigh and turned to face her.
“What do you want?”
“I want to talk about last night,” Cherri replied.
“There’s nothing to talk about?”
Is he serious?
Cherri clenched her jaw a bit. “I’m sorry.”
“...Slapping you.” She muttered.
“Slapping you,” Cherri spoke louder. “Please? Hear me out?”
Darius watched her before shrugging. “Fine. Right here?”
“No. Follow me.” Cherri led the way down to the school’s basement and to the bathroom. She glanced back at Darius and started to feel hesitant all over again. Did she really want to be alone with him again? What if she told a teacher instead?
What teacher would really do anything to the Commissioner’s son? It was too late to back out now. The pair walked through the gym to quickly avoid being seen by the few teachers inside and to the bathrooms. Cherri led him into the girls’ bathroom and as usual, it was empty.
“I don’t know what came over me,” Cherri started to speak while walking farther into the bathroom. “I was starting to feel really uncomfortable and--”
While she was explaining herself, she began to really recall last night. He didn’t care at all. This was a waste of her breath, just like last night was a waste of his time. She wouldn’t get an apology from him.
“I understand, Cherri. You don’t have to explain.” Darius was closer now, and the redhead tensed up.
Anxiety washed over her, but this time irritation began to rise just as quickly; quicker than usual.
What the fuck is he so close for? What does he think this is?
“And if you want to give our little date another chance,” his hand trailed down her arm and she quickly pushed it away.
“I-I said I wanted to talk. I asked you to hear me out--”
“Don’t you think you talk too much?”
He can’t be serious.
“I mentioned your situation to my dad, by the way.”
Cherri’s eyes widened. His dad? “What? But you said you’d talk to someone else! Why--”
“He said he was calling Mr. Crawford when I left, so I’m sure he’s gonna look into it.”
Cherri couldn’t tell if Darius did this because he didn’t believe her, or because he did and he was going to try and use her father against her.
“I could text him though and tell him false alarm. Would that ease your anxiousness?”
The grin on his face made it very clear that he chose the ladder. Of course, he did.
Fucking men.
Think with your dick why don’t you, if you already aren’t.
She was done.
Cherri was fucking done. After everything, he still thought he had a chance. Even after she said no, he was going to use her abusive father against her.
“...Could you text him?” Cherri responded lowly.
“Could you text your dad, please?” Cherri looked up at him as he smiled.
Fucking disgusting.
“How about a kiss as thank you?”
“I-I don’t want to--”
“So you’d rather deal with your father after school?” Darius challenged.
Silence. Anger was building within her quicker, she was starting to physically heat up; her eye even twitched a bit. Darius Hughes was fucking stupid. After no response, the boy leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, closing his eyes. Cherri stood still for a few moments, eyes open and glaring. She slowly lifted her leg and slipped out the knife from her boot. As soon as she did, a rush of cold washed over her body and she was beginning to shake a bit. His dad is the Commissioner. 
And after I kill Richard, I’ll kill him too.
Cherri’s lack of movement was about to cut her window short, so she decided to play along. She gripped the collar of his uniform shirt and pulled him closer to continue the kiss. She could tell it effectively distracted Darius and she wanted to roll her eyes. Her light brown eyes went to the knife just above the boy’s back and the second thoughts were coming back. They went away quickly once she felt Darius trying to force his tongue in her mouth.
Cherri could hardly believe she thought he was even a little attractive. The redhead forced away the hesitation for just long enough to drive her weapon into his body and he immediately froze and let out a noise, eyes wide as he stared down at Cherri.
Any ounce of anxiety, panic, or regret Cherri thought she would feel wasn’t there. She stared back into his eyes with a small smile, eyeing the pained expression on his face. She wanted more. She wanted to kill him.
“Wh-What…are you…”
“I’m giving you what you fucking deserve.” She roughly twisted the blade before pulling it out and stabbing him again.
And again.
And again.
It was dripping from Darius’ mouth. It covered her and her arm. Some even splattered onto the sink. She did it. She retaliated. She stood her ground. This was the last time Cherri would ever cower before a man.
Darius hit the bathroom floor with a wet slap. Blood was already beginning to pool under his body. Cherri knelt in front of him. She was never able to bury her fear so deep like this. She’s never felt so powerful. It felt like she was saving any other girl from Darius, and she very much was.
Somewhere along Cherri’s stabs, Darius had taken his last gargled breath.
“Even when you’re dead, you look pathetic.”
It was the first time she didn’t regret voicing her thoughts. The redhead stood up and stepped over Darius’ body. She rinsed the blood off of her and put her knife away. She picked up her bookbag and left the bathroom. She took the exit near the bathrooms and tossed her bookbag across the street before walking back home.
Next was Richard.
Cherri walked back into her house and looked around. The living room was empty and so was the kitchen. It was quiet. The redhead walked into the kitchen and picked up the skillet from the stove before moving to check upstairs.
Her mind was blank. She could hear light ringing in her ears that was steadily getting louder as she moved up the steps. Just as Cherri began to believe that Richard left the house, he walked out of his room, fixing his clothes. He looked up and paused once he saw Cherri standing there. She was hiding the skillet behind her and still had the knife from earlier.
“What are you doing home?” Richard glared at the young woman and she shrugged.
The man rolled his eyes and stalked toward the redhead before gripping the collar of her uniform shirt and yanking her forward. “What are you doing home? If you’re skipping school, I swear to God I’ll--”
Cherri swung the skillet and knocked her father across his jaw with as much force as she could muster. It wasn’t just the one hit this time. The redhead got her footing while Richard was stunned and swung again, then again, then again. She didn’t feel satisfied enough to stop until blood was gushing from the man’s head and he was limp on the ground. Still breathing for now. Cherri was going to do this right. Richard deserved to suffer. Cherri was going to make sure that happened.
Cherri had enough time to change out of her school uniform. She settled for all black. Now, the girl sat in front of the chair she tied Richard in, waiting for him to wake up. The silence made her dissociate long ago, her light brown eyes stared blankly ahead. A groan from Richard snapped her back and she stared at him as he slowly lifted his head. The blood that was running from his forehead was now dried up and his head was throbbing. He paused once his eyes landed on his daughter sitting in front of him.
Cherri and Richard glared at each other. Cherri picked up Richard’s height and his eyes as well. Seeing his own eyes glaring back at him made him a bit uncomfortable but he recovered quickly, pulling at his restraints.
“Cherri, get me out of this fucking chair.” He hissed.
No response. Cherri continued to glare at the man as he pulled at his restraints.
“Cherri! Fucking untied me or--”
“Or what?” Cherri challenged, standing up. “What are you gonna do besides cry out like a little bitch?” She grabbed the knife she used to kill Darius and drove it into Richard’s shoulder. The man jerked forward and let out a pained yell.
“Cry out, scream, whine, that’s all you’re good at now. A useless piece of trash that won’t amount to shit.” Cherri roughly dragged the weapon down while it was still lodged in his shoulder.
“Fuck you! When I get the fuck outta this chair I’m gonna--”
Cherri was tired of hearing his voice. This time, the girl lifted her leg and pressed the thick heel of her boot against his chest before pushing him down to the ground.
“Shit the fuck up! I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was twelve and I’m gonna fucking enjoy it.” Cherri narrowed her eyes as she yelled, standing over Richard.
Cherri has never been the type to raise her voice in any situation. She was always quiet and would choose to avoid conflict; or any negative emotion. She would bottle it and handle it on her own instead of choosing confrontation. She bottled up too much. She was seeing red. She wanted revenge and she was going to fucking get it.
Cherri left the knife in Richard’s shoulder and began to kick the man in his side and stomp on his stomach repeatedly. A taste of his own medicine that he didn’t seem to be taking too well. He may be stronger than his daughter, but he always seemed to forget that she was a student-athlete. Even though because of Richard, she isn’t on the track team, she still practices daily. Even if it’s only a little because of aches and pains.
Each kick landed was harder than the last. The force of the kicks caused Richard’s chair to slide back a few inches and Cherri stalked forward with each slide. He wasn’t getting away. The impact from each kick and stomp forced the air from his body each time. Pained grunts and wheezes left him, tears rolling down his cheeks. The pain was becoming too much for Richard. Cherri noticed his tears and it only angered her more.
“You have the audacity?” She scoffed, finally stopping her assault. “Tears? You’re fucking crying right now? I was eleven when you first kicked me like that. You’re a grown-ass man, Richard. Take that shit.” She kicked him again and he cried out.
“You’re crying? After you threw me down the steps? After you choked me? After you tried to fucking drown me? After you killed my FUCKING MOTHER?! You think I give a fuck about your useless tears? If anything, it pisses me off more that you want mercy.” Cherri was still yelling. Her throat was hurting. How did Richard yell like this all the time?
Cherri knelt down and grabbed his face, “Tears never accomplished anything, Richard. You’re fucking pathetic. Scared mom was gonna leave you so you fucking killed her. Or was it because she finally stood up to you?”
Richard was in immense pain, he could barely focus. Cherri had been kicking him for at least ten minutes before she noticed his tears just now. She didn’t care about any of that though. None of that mattered when Richard would beat her half to death and then expect her to cook him dinner. She was getting impatient now and he was beginning to look more and more pathetic and useless.
“Fucking answer me!” Cherri snapped. She yanked the knife from his shoulder and shoved it into his stomach. “Why did you kill mom?!  Why did you kill her?! TELL ME!” She yanked his chair upright and stabbed him again in the leg.
Cherri knew that. She assumed that first, but the guilt still began to drown her.
“I was gonna tell Jscob you fuckin’g killed yourself and have Michaela make another one. She always chose you over me. She did that day too so I decided to replace her instead. You should be fucking grateful that you’re still alive!” Richard yelled back, screaming in her face. Whenever Richard raised his voice, he was used to his daughter cowering in fear. This wasn’t Cherri. He didn’t know who the fuck this was. The night Michaela died and officers crowded their home, Cherri’s eyes looked the exact same as they do now. Like they’re only able to fit one emotion or nothing at all. Empty of anything but rage. Cherri let go of the knife and stood up straight. Her chest heaved up and down. Richard could barely focus his vision, but he managed to just in time to see tears begin to fall from Cherri’s eyes. 
Her expression didn’t match the action. It was the same menacing scowl she had since this all began. She grabbed the skillet from nearby. Her intent the first time was to just knock him out. This time was different. When Cherri swung at his jaw this time, her adrenaline gave her just enough strength to cause a loud crack to echo in the kitchen and his jaw to visibly move out of place.
“I shouldn’t have told you to speak. I don’t want to hear another word out of your pathetic mouth.” Cherri glared down at him, yanking the knife from his thigh. “Try to kill a 16-year-old because you thought your wife would leave your sorry ass. ‘Cause your bitch ass was scared. I’m not scared of you anymore. I’m not scared of any man anymore. I started with Darius and I’m not ending with you; the Commissioner is next if I don’t decide to let guilt eat him first. I’ll make sure no man hurts a woman ever again.” She pushed her knife through the man’s neck and listened to him begin to gurgle and choke on his blood.
“Good fucking riddance.” Cherri hissed, leaning in.
She waited for him to die. Waited out every spasm, choke, and wheeze, until Richard’s body stilled and he went completely silent. That was when she finally pulled the knife from his throat. She closed her eyes and stood there for a moment before slowly turning around and going upstairs.
Cherri went into Richard’s bedroom and moved towards his bed, crouching down to pull a bookbag from under it. She checked inside and found what she was looking for. Richard had taken the birthday money her mother gave her. $500 should get her out of the city for sure. She put the bag back and grabbed her bag from her room which was already filled with water and snacks. She was still building the courage to run away but ended up killing the problem instead. 
Cherri felt fearless. The girl pulled her hair down from its bun to pull her hood over her head and made sure to grab a picture of her and her mother before leaving her house through the back door.
I’ll kill them all. Every single last one.
Cherri didn’t look back at her house as she walked away. The anger was still there. She glanced down at the knife that was back tucked in the side of her boot. She wasn’t done. Not at all.
They’ll all die.
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*"Good morning, class!"
**"We have a new student. His name is Darius Hughes."
***"Darius, sit next to Cherri. Cherri, raise your hand."
I hope you all enjoyed it!
RED Taglist: @winnieleighwrites @sunshineomeara
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storm-cells · 2 years
In Memory Of Us: Prologue
A headmate who doesn’t write much wrote us out a prologue, and we’re pretty proud of him for it. In any case, this is the opening for In Memory Of Us, a story that follows three young adults navigating their strange town as people disappear from everyone’s memories except theirs.  Tag List: @writeouswriter (you’re the only one but thank you so much for your interest)
The ultimate social paralysis of off-the-map towns creates an atmosphere of familiarity and safety for the ages-old residents, those whose families witnessed the first dirt roads that carved through the once much denser forest. The streets, lamp-less and haunted in the night, have been memorized and seldom see confused tourists. These homes are riddled with old wood and cryptic small-town stories. The roads themselves are paved with the hard work of their native people. Places like this, they resist change. All here must adhere to the same pattern of life that has played out in these homes for generations before them. 
Anboro isn’t a town of grandeur or very substantial by itself. Sure, it held everything its citizens needed - a grocery store, a college, a hospital, a school  - but life was monotonous. School went on with the same cliches as it had since its first classes were held. Work continued its patterns and habits.
But something changed. 
At the dawn of June, the beginning of the summer of 2018, Anboro’s small high school celebrated the graduation of its latest seniors. Just shy of 80 kids practically shook in the old folding chairs that had been laid out in the grass of their football field. Valerie Aarons was the first to mount the stage and accept her diploma. Maybe it was her placement at the head of her classmates or perhaps she was predestined to sneer at those who broke the school’s customs, but a few of her graduating peers rolled their eyes at the vain look on her face as she waved for pictures.
Families in the surrounding crowd shed their proud tears and eagerly held their children when they were freed from their seats. Holding up their diplomas for pictures, most graduates chattered about their post-high school plans. Anboro University, the town’s college, and Saints Community College were the destinations of each previous student. Some aspired to take medical courses, some engineering, and some teaching. As it has for decades, the town held onto its residents and nourished them with all it had. 
For some, however, there wasn’t quite enough.
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krakengoddess · 1 year
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Be nice … except when it comes to your characters. 😈
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crowandmoonwriting · 1 year
It's Morbid Monday!
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Today is a day for all things spooky--horror, gothic, regional gothic, cosmic horror, thriller, supernatural horror, vampires, werewolves, any kinds of monsters, etc. Please like and/or reblog if you write any of these and I'll give you a follow!
I'll be reblogging spooky content all day long, so if you're into that, stick around 💀
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Looking for a beta reader for an original ongoing crime thriller!
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, mild drug and alcohol use, language
Language: English
Status: First two chapters are up on Ao3
Additional information: I'm currently working on re-writing an original story I wrote in 2016. It's a crime thriller partially told from the killer's POV, which follows a homicide detective and her new informant as they hunt an unusually creative serial killer. It's gritty, gruesome, and a lil bit gay. I'm looking for at least one beta reader, and potentially someone who can help me with co-writing short scenes for those times when the phrasing just doesn't quite want to work.
Feel free to message me, or leave a note if you're interested!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
The Doctor and The Painter
Trigger Warning: Self harm mentioned
A/N: Trying out a new writing style. I have used this for this site. I hope you guys will find it useful too.
Link Here
P.s.: Apparently this site says I write my original stuff like Oscar Wilde. But my fanfiction stuff is written in a different style.
A/N 2: If you like this and you want more, let me know and I'll try to write up more of it.
"I would love to see it, I mean it. I would love to see your previous portraits all of those women," He paused as he looked at the middle aged artist fumbling with the brushes in his paint covered hands.
"I don't know how that would do me any good Doctor Smith. I have already sold most of them by now, I don't have enough years in me to create more than enough to show off,"
"Leave that part to me, I'll make sure that not only your work is shown, but many others." The doctor said with a wicked grin spreading across his face, he bowed and as the painter turned to place his paint brushes into the jar of murky brown water. The doctor vanished, as if he wasn't really there at all and leaving the painter with his dark thoughts of self harm.
Lord knows where the doctor had gone to, whether he would come back and help or disappear completely. It is said the painter had died that night, his very last death the very last time.
As he breathed his very last breath, he said "I curse those who come after me, for no one will know suffering better than I" He bled into the house both his body and soul. Bones and all. Ladies wept, their spouses would leap from the top of the home ten floors down to their deaths below. No one knew how cursed it became until two little boys came home one day.
"Where is mother" said one,
"Where is father?" said the other.
"I don't know" said the creature under the stairs. "I don't think I really care"
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ellierenae · 2 months
write unpublishable things. it's good for you.
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phantombunnybee · 10 months
If you like horror stories then consider checking out my Wattpad ongoing anthology!
All true horror, all experienced by me and my family!
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vavuska · 1 year
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Carmen Mola has been a mystery for long time: as a successful thriller writer has been compared to Elena Ferrante, another famous writer that hides her identity from large public.
However, happens that Carmen Mola isn't a real woman, but a collective pseudonym of three Spanish television scriptwriters: Jorge Díaz, Agustín Martínez and Antonio Mercero.
In 2021, Carmen Mola won the €1,000,000 Premio Planeta de Novela, the richest literary book or author prize in the world. Lured by that crazy amount of money, the three authors decided to step out of their pseudonym to accept the prize and, of course, the big check.
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Mastering the Art of Thriller Writing: Essential Elements for a Gripping Story #BlogchatterBlogHop
Thriller stories are a popular genre in literature that is often characterized by suspense, tension, and excitement. A well-written thriller story can captivate the reader’s attention and keep them engaged until the very end. In this article, we will discuss the important elements of a thriller story and how they can be used to create a compelling and exciting narrative. Engaging ProtagonistThe…
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Play Pretend
Yandere Past Stalker x Fem Reader
TW: unsettling themes, manipulation, stalking (mentioned), yandere behavior, and drugging
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Sizzle. Snap. Pop.
The sounds of eggs frying on a pan filled (your name)’s ears while she sat at the mahogany kitchen table. No matter how many times her husband made her breakfast, she couldn’t quite get used to it… (your name) couldn’t help but feel as if there was something horribly amiss.
A little voice often cried in the corners of her mind that this beautiful man was not her husband. That he was an imposter. Yet she couldn’t understand the voice… this man had to be her husband!
Desiderio was there by her side the moment she opened her eyes when she woke up from her coma. She recalled how his large hands held hers while fat tears rolled down his cheeks. That man clung to her like a lifeline, his lips fervently pressed against the top of her head the moment her eyes fluttered open.
And here she was today! In their house that still felt foreign to her despite the two months that had rolled by… a foreign home with no tv nor a radio. A home full of books, plants, and even six photo albums of her. Yet there weren’t many pictures of the two of them together... Desiderio was an incredibly passionate man when it came to her. (Your name) had no doubt this man worshipped the ground she walked on.
(Your name) jumped when a neatly prepared plate was placed in front of her. Desiderio’s chocolate eyes scanned her face with a frown before he smiled brightly.
“Cara mia, you’re lost in thought again.” Desiderio took a seat beside her, large hand now wrapped around hers. His dark eyes filled with concern. “You’ll get a headache if you think too hard about everything… how about you try some eggs? I prepared them just the way you like them!”
(Your name) smiled at her husband who gently pushed the plate closer to her. “Aren’t you going to eat too, darling?”
The large man shivered at the nickname, a dark blush now on his cheeks. “Yes… but I worry more about you. You’re still so weak.”
Desiderio pressed a kiss on the top of her head before he made his way over to fetch himself a plate.
(Your name) raised a brow at the slightly unsavory taste of the eggs. How odd… had her husband used a new kind of seasoning?
(Your name) continued to much away, blissfully unaware of the twisted smile on Desidedio’s face. The brunette’s hands shook as he tried to keep his breathing calm.
Desiderio had loved this beautiful woman since university nearly a decade ago. He knew they were destined to be together from a single glance and Desiderio would have done anything to make sure that happened…
(Your name) was like a fairy tale princess who was kind to everyone, even someone like him. Desiderio was a loser back then. A nerd with little social skills and a scrawny body, he was half the man his brother was… all his life he was compared to his perfect brother. All because he wasn’t athletic.
Desiderio always yearned for (your name) and her affection. It wasn’t fair that his older brother was the one who swooped her up. His cold, neglectful brother who had the emotional capacity of a rock.
It wasn’t fair! Sirius knew Desiderio loved (your name)! Sirius had everything growing up. The family business, the looks, the love of their parents, the money, everything. So why did Sirius get the girl too?
What could (your name) possibly see in Sirius? Sirius was dull and uninteresting, he was only handsome and the heir to a multi-generational company. He had no other redeeming traits! Desiderio was far more romantic and he always left her loving notes in the locker! Was his heartfelt emotion not enough for (your name)?
Desiderio went into a deep depression when the love of his life married Sirius. He threw himself into medical school and painstakingly climbed up the ladder until he made it to the position of medical director. Desiderio worked out until sweat would puddle at his feet, he grew out his black hair, and he became a beloved member of society to try to forget (your name).
It was pure luck (your name) had gotten hit by that car and ended up in a coma at his hospital. It was destiny that her workaholic husband ignored the frantic calls of the nurses and that he only left his last name down as her emergency contact. It was simply too easy to slip his fingers into the sweet honey pot he had always wanted…
And it was even better that she had amnesia. Now Desiderio could mold her in the way that was always intended… as his wife. There would never be a day where she’d feel unloved or neglected. She’d be pampered and endlessly doted on like the princess she was!
(Your name) let out a cute yawn as she stretched her arms above her head. The sweet sight snapped Desiderio from his musings. Goodness she was so precious… and she was all his.
Desiderio slithered forward to wrap his arms around her shoulders with a smirk.
“Cara mia, it seems you’re still sleepy. How about I carry you back to bed?” Desiderio pressed a tender kiss to her temple. The softest of smiles on his plump lips. “We can lay on each other’s arms for a while longer.”
“You’re always so sweet…” (your name) nuzzled her head into Desiderio’s shoulder as the man gave her a bright smile. “I don’t know where I’d be without my darling husband.”
“You’d just be cold and lonely.” Desiderio would play pretend until the very end.
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