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Great 3 mile run under 30 minutes. And it was a beautiful morning! Getting stronger everyday! #suitup #showup #runninggirl #femaleveteran #army #woundedwarrior #wwp #weartheeagle #eaglefire #redshirtfriday #intracoastal #vilanobeach #threemiles #teamrwb #soberlife #selfimprovement #healthyliving #wellness #strava #charitymiles #personalgrowth #staugustine #florida #goodlife #empowerment #postchristmas @wwp @strava @charitymiles @team_rwb_jax_fl (at Vilano Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8GJk2HtpJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o4n8wctcndy5
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What does a rifle that helps you reach out to nearly 3 miles accurately look like? This! Chambered in .408 CheyTac.
#brownells#guns#gun#firearm#longrange#threemiles#cheytac#408 cheytac#boltaction#firearms#gunfanatics#gunfan#guncollector#amaizng#badass#cool#whoa#gunsdaily
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#sachuestpoint #looptrail reveals distant #hazeyview #brightsun and new #blooms like #honeysuckle and #buttercups #yellow to warm the onset of a new season. #threemiles #windy #coastalair #rhodeoislandbaby (at Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge)
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🌾🌾🌾 実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな (株)スリーマイルズテーシー 30周年記念ロゴデザイン Three Miles Trade CO.,LTD 30th Anniversary Logo Design #threemiles #スリーマイルズ #harleydavidsonparts #customharley #kustomfactory #logodesigns (KRAZY ROD KUSTOM FACTORY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMis3bxhRr8/?igshid=172p61sd84kbz
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Getting ready for the 5k. #running #runningmotivation #walking #threemiles #keepmoving #youcandoit #unstoppablemaria Link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkwdDXhBgd/?igshid=15rzfgrfvthmo
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Little off my game.. Oh well, better than nothing! 🏃🏻♀️❤️ #running #run #treadmill #workout #fitness #gettingfit #health #accountability #threemiles #sweat #runners #iloverunning #gettingitdone #workoutmotivation
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walking it out @abeautyfullmessphotography #threemiles https://www.instagram.com/p/B_arA3mDOg3/?igshid=16n1zqz8u19lh
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2nd #walk today #nature #beautyinallthings #lizard #kitty #threemiles (at Placentia, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-X6BVcpoZO/?igshid=1gacdvh454anr
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A journey along the Lea#929 Let’s start digging here… #psychogeography #urbanlandscape #newtopographics #newtopography #thenewtopographicmovement #riverlea #london #signs #londonparks #threemills #remnantmagazine #nowherediary #thezonezine #landscapephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CjbD_tSINBp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Second day in a row to walk around #CreveCoeurLake and it was hard for me to keep up with her!!! #FitFamily #ThreeMiles #OneEightyFive (at Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwiKdawjGfC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oc6n9znlb4os
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One year ago, I would have never imagined myself at the gym late at night when I should have been going to bed. . . One year ago, I would have never imagined how much pain I would experience in the months to come. . . One year ago, I would have never imagined my life completely turned upside down. . . Yet, one year ago, I would have never imagined finding my true self that I didn't realize I had lost somewhere along the way. . . Yet, one year ago, I would have never imagined the final spark of life that was dwindling within me begin to catch fire once again. . . Yet, one year ago, I would have never imagined a newfound freedom and an excitement for life that I haven't felt in a really long time. . . The past year has been challenging and hard and painful. Yet, I have still found beauty and love and hope through it all ... some days more than others. I have found surprises, sometimes late at night while running and letting all the stress and weight go for a little while, and it feels good. Tomorrow, maybe not so much when I am dragging and tired ... but tonight I go to bed content and wish for sweet dreams and restful sleep. . . . . #seethegood #bethegood #selfcare #gettinghonestandreal #midnightthoughts #pastmybedtime #ineedmoresleep #threemiles #deepthoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvvg2m_HvY0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l9re6xxgiiw0
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話說,在距今40年前,西元1979年的3月28日,位於美國賓州的「三哩島」核電廠,發生了一起核洩漏意外的重大公安事故,而這更是近代核能發電歷史上,頭一次的反應爐爐心融毀事件… . 今日被稱為『三哩島事故』(Three Mile Island accident),因維修人員檢修操作不當和現場人員監督疏失而引發的短暫核安危機,後續萬幸沒有釀成難以挽回的浩劫,但意外的發生,卻讓眾多學者和政客口中,所謂核能發電完全無敵的『100% SAFE / 0% Dangerous 零差錯神話』,開始出現了裂痕,更讓各國政府高層從此決定,要逐步增加核安防護方面的預算。 . 而事故的發生,亦迫使核能發電廠的安全係數與興建成本有計劃性的拉高,進一步也讓以美國為首的全球核能發電相關產業,出現了合約訂單大幅減少的窘境,甚至被迫陷入產業圈有史以來最嚴重的大蕭條! . 當然,意外落幕後,原本深信「核能無害,核彈才有破壞力」的美國民眾,因恐懼與擔憂的不斷上升,失去了對於核能發電所抱持的高度樂觀信心。 . 嗯,小編個人的立場,對於核能發電之有無害處,暫時是不予置評的�� . 可是我比較有興趣的是,透過軍事期刊中拜讀張憲義博士有關核能發電和核子武器的曖昧關係,這才終於恍然大悟,原來在「乾淨、實惠」的電力供應外,核能電廠,呵呵,其實也擔負著某種重要的任務啊!不可說、不可說。 . #核能發電 #美國 #歷史上的今天 #歷史 #三哩島 #history #usa #threemiles #nuclear #onthisday #life #nightmare #omg #march https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhFo17HS3H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16vapkcuhs5vv
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Getting ready for the 5k. #running #runningmotivation #walking #threemiles #keepmoving #youcandoit #unstoppablemaria Link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkwdDXhBgd/?igshid=15rzfgrfvthmo
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Ran 3.02 miles with Nike Run Club when you crack a tooth grinding you them when you #run 😑 #mouthguard #protectyourteeth #bruxism is a pain #running #threemiles #yay #happyrunning everybody stay safe! https://www.instagram.com/p/BuaCnnoFSb-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8piywxflvt3h
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“Still doesn’t fully trust him. They will get there soon enough. All that matters is we all hike and love sunsets together without tears. #hikingfamily #threemiles “
credit: @lizdean
C’monBoard Mother compiles the most adorable mothers and their children. Keep an eye on C’monBoard website [link in the bio] for your daily share of cuteness.
Make sure to check out our mother-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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