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shoppsin ¡ 1 year ago
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yoshistory ¡ 1 year ago
i vaguely remember a cat i roleplayed named Echopaw (Echoheart? Echosong?) and i cant remember if she was my own OC or another person's OC i roleplayed with
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skelkankaos ¡ 2 years ago
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And a Googum Boogum
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Sometimes I feel I've got to *bang bang* draw Seen Fish
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mitochondriaandbunnies ¡ 5 months ago
Dan and I will be traveling for a week with my mother and grandmother starting this Saturday, and learned last weekend that the carry-on/personal luggage size restrictions are vastly tinier than usual, which is fine
I usually bring like 8 books with me when we travel
Now, many years ago my mom gave me her old first gen Kindle Fire, and I used it very little because, mostly, I hate Amazon, but also because one of those things about actual books is that if you leave them somewhere for a month, you don't then have to charge them. Which is to say I was constantly unable to use the Kindle when I thought I would because I'd let the battery die
Nonetheless, baggage space restrictions call for "not a threefoot by three foot stack of wood pulp," so I figured I'd charge the Kindle and illegally download copies of the books I'm currently reading and already own copies of buy some books for it
I hadn't really thought that much time had passed since I'd last used it, but it turns out that when 2020-2024 is the blink of an eye and you don't charge something for like 3 straight years that, well, the battery stops holding a charge
I asked Dan if there was any likelihood that we could get a new battery delivery before Friday
This was around 9:30pm
It is now after midnight and we have a shady $5 two pack of batteries coming from New Jersey, a backup non-Kindle e-reader that I will return if the Kindle is repairable arriving Wednesday, the Kindle is open on the floor with one piece possibly out of place forever, and the battery is in a heavy duty dutch oven on the tiled part of the floor because it BENT as it was coming out of the Kindle and might be a Spicy Pillow now
Dan is ALSO on the floor, silently but persistently moving the Mysterious Tiny Out Of Place Bit around with tweezers
I am very tired and think maybe I should just pick a different hobby than reading moving forward
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crimkit ¡ 10 months ago
april 25
When I was young, a fruit-by-the-foot seemed to contain so much more footage-per-fruit—the gelsticky candysnack
feeding a gaggle of children (or murder, flock, parliament if you prefer) for days-and-days-and-etcetera without anyseeming
end, nautilary candyshell. Like a sixinch sub, or nocturnal ferryboat ride (Nanaimo-bound, out of the mainland’s
horseshoe), or the deep mountain-woods (filled, as they are, with cryptids—Ogopogos, Sasquatches, the hundreds of ol’
Wendigi) its apocalyptic-large implications, sticky abysses of sugarchoked unknowledge. Nowadays, natch, the fruittape’s
threefoot length barely constitutes a snack; the six-inch sub is a bait for a fish (a large one, at that); the ferryroute is routine—
Nanaimo, after all, is only so large, and ferries only have so much mystique—; the world of the forest, its cryptids replaced,
not by new beasts, new horrors taking humanform, treeancient menaces stalking the copses, turning kids into corpses—now,
they’re all beasts of the earth. Bears and the like—no doubt hyperlethal, sharp on five ends, but we know what’s inside a
bear; insides of a wendigo remain unknown. Even still, I miss those old days. Those days of mysterious transport, of falling
asleep to the bassrumbling ferrymotors as light fell, of living off of the halfpint sandwiches, gorging on candy whenever I could,
and fearing the woods for the stories I’d heard. The days of wondering, magic, of a grandiloquent mystery—of not knowing
how long the roll of fruittape goes.
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yugen-artworks-uk ¡ 5 years ago
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Up late in the studio spending the whole night preparing a five foot by three foot canvas for a life size Jimmy Hendrix commission #canvas #preperation #gridmethod #fivefoot #threefoot #lifesizepainting #jimmyhendrix #customcomission #uniqueart #artistservice #artistforhire #artistavailable #anysizeart #painting #preperation #yugenartworksukLTD #yugenartworksuk #artsalesman (at Islington Mill) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3k4vQRhNBI/?igshid=vhqi5h2x4wto
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missedstations ¡ 3 years ago
“origin story” - Ginny Threefoot
When my ancestors began the work of me, I was already old. I was only a child, I swam as an eel, I tallied on fingers, measuring everything. I learned everything, forgot everything, made nothing matter. Consequences gathered over my several springs, over and over, winter bit into the possibilities. My ancestors took a great bite of me, but on I swam, floating, a wiring of bones, reaching out to salvage. I was a little boat. I rowed the bright river. I ran aground, I walked ashore, I stood upright, I rushed into the mysteries of childhood. Who dreamed me? My ancestors wander just behind me. They harp: What’s your name? Who calls you? No one calls me by the name I chose. The name I can’t remember. It’s the body that remembers, but the body never speaks. Tell us your name, plead my ancestors. We cannot live without you. My name? My name? I still don’t know. To call myself this given name would be the same as lying.
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mutar-in-lucertola ¡ 2 years ago
origin story, BY GINNY THREEFOOT
When my ancestors began the work of me,
I was already old. I was only a child,
I swam as an eel, I tallied on fingers,
measuring everything. I learned everything,
forgot everything, made nothing matter.
Consequences gathered over my several springs,
over and over, winter bit into the possibilities.
My ancestors took a great bite of me, but on I swam,
floating, a wiring of bones, reaching out to salvage.
I was a little boat. I rowed the bright river.
I ran aground, I walked ashore, I stood upright,
I rushed into the mysteries of childhood. Who dreamed me?
My ancestors wander just behind me. They harp:
What’s your name? Who calls you?
No one calls me by the name I chose. The name I can’t remember.
It’s the body that remembers, but the body never speaks.
Tell us your name, plead my ancestors. We cannot live without you.
My name? My name? I still don’t know.
To call myself this given name would be the same as lying.
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I did Uma’s crew as a warriors Clan :)
Leader           Sundownstar [Uma Triskelion] - dark gray-blue-ish she-cat with brown eyes
Deputy          Hauntspirit [Harry Hook] - black tom with bright blue eyes, mentor of Crazepaw
Healer            Nightingalesong [Bonny MacMillian] - dark brown she-cat with turquoise eyes, mother of Bluekit
Warmheart [Gil Legume] - golden tom with amber eyes Threefoot [Jonas O’Carolean] - three-pawed red tabby tom with dark blue eyes, mentor of Coldpaw Snakeclaw [Gonzo Gibbs] - gray-and-white tom with green eyes Russetblood [Shan Ezio] - brown she-cat with amber eyes Poppyseed [Poppy]- red she-cat with blue eyes
Coldpaw [Junior] - white tom with green eyes Crazepaw [Desiree O’Carolean]- creme colored she-cat with blue eyes
Nightigalesong [Bonny MacMillian] - dark brown she-cat with turquoise eyes, mother of Bluekit
Bluekit [Blue O’Carolean] - brown tabby she-kit with hazel eyes
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ailuronymy ¡ 5 years ago
Hi, Grey!
I’ve been sort of poking at your system for a while now, and I think I’ve arrived at this as the extremely stripped-down version. Prefix: most distinctive physical trait, what you can use to identify this cat on the other side of a battlefield. Suffix: what this cat is best known for, possibly involving a metaphor (-flower cats aren’t known for their gardening skills). So for Ashfur, the prefix is their gray (ash-colored) fur. They have no particularly notable skills or personality traits, so their gray fur is what they’re known for. For Owlwhisker, the prefix is for their brown fur. They’re known for being an excellent hunter, so their suffix indicates that - “-whisker” is accepted to mean “good hunter”.
For name-change names, “distinctive physical trait” and “best known for” are the same thing, so they get combined - Threefoot is visually identifiable by having three feet instead of four, and that’s what they’re known for. Apprentices and kits haven’t had the chance to become known for anything yet, so they get “placeholder” suffixes, and leaders are of course best known for being leaders, so they get a specific leader suffix.
Does this seem like a reasonable take to you, or have I gotten completely off to left field?
Grey’s notes: sure, I guess that works? A lot of this isn’t exactly how I would word it, I think, but in essence, that’s how things work. I would say prefix is always pelt, for instance, not most distinctive physical trait, purely because for all cats pelt is the most distinctive trait.
I also don’t necessarily feel “best known for” is the best wording for a name-change either, because I think that encourages people to conflate physical injury with needing a name-change. There are going to be scarred or injured cats who don’t have name-change names, which I would say makes your account a little less accurate than it could be. Otherwise, though, I feel you’ve basically got the core pieces there.
Note: there was a weird glitch with the submission box, so I’ve had to copy this across as a separate post. Sorry about that! 
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theindyreview ¡ 5 years ago
Lost Gems: ThreeFoot - So Wrong, So Long / Interview: Will Castro
Lost Gems: ThreeFoot - So Wrong, So Long / Interview: Will Castro (guitarist) A catchy, empowering pop-punk masterpiece from another band lost to the early 00's #poppunk #oldmusic #lostgem #SoWrongSoLong #ThreeFoot
I am back again to rediscover some excellent forgotten tracks of yesteryear, and today I’m focusing on another pop punk gem from the early 00’s, “So Wrong, So Long” by ThreeFoot.
This is another one that I found back when music blogs and mp3 sites were nascent and booming, and from the slick, opening guitar line and the anthemic drums, this track has stuck in my brain over the decades. When I…
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odearme ¡ 8 years ago
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A picture of a #threefoot #snake I met today upon a lake. We sat in peace and it was nice to share the sunset with another beating heart. #mundenpoint #park
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stephen-barry ¡ 4 years ago
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aryburn-trains ¡ 7 years ago
SR, Meridian, Mississippi, 1954 by Center for Railroad Photography & Art Via Flickr: Alco DL-109 eases across 22nd Avenue in downtown Meridian, Mississippi, in December 1954, with Birmingham-bound Queen & Crescent passenger train no. 44, a few hundred feet from the Meridian Union Station. (Note: tall building built by Dryfuss brothers from Germany in the 1930s, known locally as Threefoot Building.) Photograph by J. Parker Lamb, Š 2016, Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Lamb-01-107-04
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spiritionary ¡ 8 years ago
Yard Spirits - Rust Skinks/Leaf Rabbits/Sandhill Shifters (cw: eating bunnies)
Name: Rust Skinks
Spirit Type: Big Lizard/Metal Eater
Appearance: Black scales covered with orange rust over their back and belly.
Date: Late July 2017
Location: Central Valley, CA
Encounter: I was in my mom’s backyard. This threefoot long lizard was on the old gardening tools, gnawing it. (My mom’s yard is home to a family of sandhill crane shifters/elves, the elder said it ate the rust.) Later that week, I found the rust skink and its wife/mate floating and swimming in my mom’s bath tub pond. They were like “about time we got a swimming pool.” Its really hot where I grew up.
Name: Leaf Rabbits
Spirit Type: Plant-Animal Hybrid/Rabbit
Appearance: Small palm-sized rabbits with white fur, stained with dirt. Leaves and seed pods grow out of their backs.
Date: Late July 2017
Location: Central Valley, CA
Encounter: After I talked to the family of sandhill crane shifters in my mom’s yard, I started seeing these little rabbits in my mom’s pots. She keeps a ton of indoor plants. The bunnies would pop out of the dirt and wriggle their little noses, ears folded flat against their head.                   Then the elder snagged the bunny with wizened leathery clawlike hands and popped the bunbun into his mouth.  His family eats them. I asked if I could have one and he got all frosty with me.                                               ���You have your food, and I have mine.” He’s very aware of my mom’s shopping trips. “They breed fast.” An image shown in my head of a bunny with seed pods popping open with more tiny rabbits rolling out.
Name: Sandhill Elves/Shifters
Spirit Type: Animal People/Shifters/Humanoid/Avian
Appearance: Pointy-eared humanoids with tan/brown skin. Younger ones will have sandier hair. Older members will have white hair.
Date: Late July 2017
Location: Central Valley, CA
Encounter: They live in my mom’s backyard. They being the grandpa (elder), his daughter, and his two grandchildren. (a brother/sister) There is a tent that they sleep in underneath the shadow of the neighbor’s tree and next to the fence. The grandchildren sleep in the room I grew up in, which is now a guest room. My mom takes good care of her yard and has a ton of outdoor furniture which they sit in a lot. The younger brother also can shift into a coyote due to inheriting it from an ancestor. With the new bathtub pond, I catch them sitting in it.
-Mod Water
---> Have questions? Send them to us at SpiritFAQ!
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clans-of-the-sea ¡ 8 years ago
Okay, this is kind of a StarClan ask and kind of not, but... I'm looking to write something about one of the cats on the tree, but I can't decide who I want to write about... so can we hear some of your headcanons for just a couple of random cats off the tree? Hopefully this will help some other people as well
OH BOI. Unfortuently with only ShellClan done right now, we can only really do this with their members.
THISTLEHEART: Because of the stigma around his birth and his mother Mallowmouth, Thistleheart had a hard time growing up. Clan mates seemed weary of him as if StarClan would have sent down a total jerk to punish the clan. He did his best at all times and was still met with some weirdness. Even when he was named deputy under Crowstar for all his hard work, there were small bristles of arguments caused. There was few days. During this time he had run away to the two-leg place and met Mama Zilla and spent time with her, infatuated with the idea of being free from criticism. However he missed his clan and returned before the second week was over. Crowstar had waited for his return and he remained deputy until his death of illness.
JAYFACE: Head strong and optimistic he was appointed young and idolized Buzzardstar for it. He was always very bright and chipper and took his duties seriously. However this attitude led to running straight into a two-leg Teeth-Trap and he was taken quickly.
TWIGFUR: Very proud and headstrong she saw being Elmstar’s child as both a gift and curse; as Elmstar did in fact just sort of bring her to camp one day, plop her down and say “so…. this is Twigkit.” and refused to tell anyone else where she had come from, only that she was his kit. Because she had very narrow features, many assumed a kittypet. Anyway, she had a snappy attitude and was often very crude. These traits were still present when she had Mudsplash as despite, ya know, going out of camp during her cycle she didn’t exactly want kits. Yet, she remained proud of Mudsplash when he became a warrior. She died of an infection of an ignored splinter. She was too proud to get help from Eelskip.
MANGLEDFOOT: Was proud of their rename as it showed her dedication of fighting against the bobcat that had hunted in the clans land, was very kind and dedicated and even helped the deputies get patrols together to the point she often went on multiple patrols through the day. Her love for Morningflower was very obvious, and their pride shown for Otterpaw’s mere existence let alone becoming Medicine Cat Apprentice.
EELSKIP: Very curt, to the point, and rather chilly at first but all he did was out of love for his clanmates.
TAWNYFLOWER: While he was always good with kits and apprentices he actually dreamed of being a dad. The joke that he loved Sandclaw more then Heatherleap had always gone around, though it wasn’t exactly true. He was just happy Heatherleap didn’t mind having kits once, but he was sad she didnt want anymore. He respected that though, and stayed loyal to her and probably did more mothering then Heatherleap did; he always had great patience.
DACEWHISKER: Always had a rather snappy attitude, and always seemed disgruntled; but never actually yelled or was angry.
SPIDERFLIGHT: See: Whitestorm; older, wise, calm and inspiring. 
BLACKMASK: A very sweet and mothering lady with a huge open heart.
BOULDERMUZZLE: Fluffy man with fluffy heart, he was abandoned by his owners in the two-leg place as a kit and crawled onto the beach. Eelcloud saw him and ran over to him, crossing PebbleClan and claimed him as his own. He saw Eelcloud as a father since.
PEARFUR: Sweet lady but joked to be a better mother then warrior.
SUN: He was born on the island to the cats there, but got curious when he was really small when a Sea Beast docked and climbed aboard. When he got to the Camp grounds he started wondering. Faced with the predators around the area, he ran into ShellClan and joined. He did believe in StarClan but liked his name and kept it. Died of old age.
 HEATHERLEAP: She and her other were kittypets when Heather was born, but after a fire Heather she doesn’t remember, her mother took her and lived on the streets. However her mother didn’t think she could take care of them both and traveled around the farm and past the stream to leave Heather on the boarder stream to “whichever clan finds her first”. She was taken in by Pearfur who was a queen at the time and grew up to be a stern but calm warrior.
MAPLEBREEZE: Born on the streets, loner for fourteen  moons but always heard rumors of the clan, and walked into a gathering where Elmstar chuckled and said she could come with him home.
MALLOWSTORM: She died fighting a rogue like a warrior, and let Lichenthroat nurse her son when he was born so she could still focus on healing. She still taught Thistlekit to play-fight and that he knew she was his mother. She believed if StarClan hadn’t want her to have him, he wouldn’t have lived.
LICHENTHROAT: She was born in PebbleClan until a moon after her training started when it was brought up her mother had been born in ShellClan. She wanted to try it there because she didn’t feel she fit in, and was taken in by her family in ShellClan.
THREEFOOT: She got her name because she was born with her left hind paw slightly curled and awkward. 
EELCLOUD: He retired early due to his eyes starting to go blind. 
Um, that’s all for now but we can do more if you guys want okay?
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