#thread with: claudia grace
blueiight · 5 months
“…i was haunted by my brother’s death, by the abandonment of my sister…”
majority of the conversation around paul in the amc setting revolves around the question of whodunnit, jokes about him at the second dinner table scene of the pilot, or paralleling his mental illness to louis [a parallel the show admittedly draws upon - with louis stopping his suicide attempt bc “paul forever ruining grace’s wedding night, and [louis] not wanting to do the same to claudia on the anniversary of her escape”] what i intend to focus on, is the specific nature of paul’s complaints with respect to levi, and what paul and claudia represent to louis.
in the book, paul wants louis to sell the plantations & town homes they own in new orleans, and give louis the money so that paul could travel and become a missionary saving france from the godless jacobins. the paul that we’re introduced to in the show is… similar in motivation, but fundamentally divergent. tithe the money over to st. augustine’s so the house dont fall in on them, but the first dinner table goes as this after he says that:
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whats of note too is the divergence of the draft v the pilot release. the show excises the freniere family w the exception of levi himself to drive home how paul’s objections to levi’s religious and ethnic background are overruled by the lingering shadow of jim crow.
paul is also reminded that his autonomy is conditional in this first dinner scene here: louis quips back to his point about sugarcane with “if daddy was still here, you’d be locked up in that asylum over in jackson”. its a reminder of the earlier point, but also speaks to something else.
bc of paul’s profound mental illness, he would never be allowed to live an autonomous life, much less hold authority over anyone: whether its the man of the house [as louis was in the du lac family], or as a bride [grace] or as the mother [florence].
this is strongly reminiscent of claudia — someone whos personal autonomy is entirely dependent on the purview of physically mature vampires by nature of permanently being trapped in the body of a preteen. it is also reminiscent of claudia in that louis in both cases plays a sort of savior in relation to them — whether its louis taking paul out of the asylum, or louis taking claudia out of the burning rooming home. louis views paul and claudia, especially claudia, as people that save him from his own self-loathing.. claudia somehow possessing this redemptive quality re: baby jesus…
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louis loves both of them deeply, but as iwtv has established, love as a feeling does not exempt someone from enacting violence toward you. in fact, the very loved one that harmed you has an entire framework of rationalizing that violent act as being ‘for your[my] own good’ as is.
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the title of this little post comes from the season one finale, where louis collapses in on himself to try to make sense of why he spared lestat, invoking paul and grace to create this red herring to the ‘murder of lestat’. but truly, the thread is false. louis did not abandon grace, and lestat’s death was only an attempted murder sabotaged by louis. modern day louis in the season finale triggers himself through daniel in order to provoke armand, the “protector of his pain”, to reveal himself + question him on the death of claudia, just as he questioned lestat on the death of paul in s1e6.
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pynkhues · 17 days
I don't dislike Grace because none of the characters are perfect and this is probably asking a lot of a woman in 1910, but I really hated how she let her mom blame Louis for Paul's death, and treat him horribly, with very little pushback. Telling Louis "Don't let it inside" doesn't help much. But that's looking at things from a 21st century lens, for one.
I mean, they're not a family who communicates well at the best of times, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a small part of her that blames him too. It was interesting to re-watch the ep last night and see how much the family just doesn't know what to do with Paul, but that there's really no shortage of love for him. He was institutionalised in Jaccksonville until their father died, and it's implied that Louis and their mother made the decision together to bring him home given the two-hander between them at breakfast, and are now effectively paying off the church to care for him.
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It's a really interesting thread here, because in many ways Louis' both father and son for Florence in a way I don't think I picked up on the first time watching. He's patriarch of the family, but ultimately deferrent to Florence's matriarch, and this makes him both father and brother to Grace in the way that he'll later be both father and brother to Claudia.
And look, I do think Louis deep down knows it's not enough, but Grace is the only character to try and reconcile that in a scene I find super interesting, because Louis shifts directly between those roles - concerned and equal brother at first, and then shutting her down in a way that I would describe as quite paternalistic.
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Paul's Grace's brother too, and what gets me about this scene is that it's like she can see it. She is worried, she is exploring their options, she's not ignoring the problem in the way that both Louis and their mother are, and it's a pattern that ultimately Louis repeats with Claudia. That paternalistic thread in him dismisses and diminishes the voices of women - including the women that he loves - in order to protect his own feelings, his own interests, his own priorities, under the guise of looking after those who can't look after themselves. The fact that immediately after this he tries to soften the harshness with the extravagant wedding gift too - again, Grace is a prized and spoilt daughter.
Paul's death is nobody's fault, he is so well-loved, but Grace, like Claudia, is voiceless and disempowered in her own family, and Louis offers her brotherhood with one hand and slams a hand on the table as her father with the other.
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sicutpuella · 1 year
Desiderium [Tom Riddle x Original Character]
Chapter 0: Grim Old Place
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Within the somber confines of 12 Grimmauld Place, an ancient dwelling tinged with an air of mystery, Harry Potter stood with his senses heightened, attuned to every whisper and rustle that permeated the shadowed halls. This place, steeped in the ancestral legacy of the noble House of Black, seemed to hold secrets within its very walls. It was in this hallowed abode, at the dawn of a new chapter in his extraordinary journey, that Harry heard a voice—a voice that beckoned to him from the depths of the unknown.
Harry Potter, the fabled wizard of renown, turned swiftly, his emerald eyes scanning the room in search of the enigmatic voice that had addressed him. To his astonishment, he found himself beholding a woman, whose ethereal beauty captivated his senses. Claudia Rosier, a bewitching figure, stood before him.
"Harry Potter, finally in the flesh!" she uttered, her voice resonating with a blend of anticipation and delight. The words, a mere handful, hung in the air, carrying with them a weight that stirred within Harry an inexplicable mix of curiosity and fascination. Her tresses, a resplendent cascade of dark crimson, differed from the ginger hues known to the Weasley clan. It was as if her hair possessed a bewitching charm, casting its spell upon all who dared to gaze upon its allure. Yet it was her eyes that held Harry transfixed—a striking shade of electric blue, vibrant orbs that seemed to penetrate the depths of his very soul.
Though the passage of years had marked her countenance, Claudia's allure remained undiminished. Her visage bore the traces of a life well-lived, etched with lines that added a touch of elegance to her graceful face. Towering above most in the room, she possessed an imposing stature, her regal presence exceeding the height of Harry himself. It was evident that she hailed from a privileged upbringing, a scion of the uppermost echelons of society.
As she uttered his name, her voice carried a gentleness that caressed his ears. Yet her refined accent hinted at a pedigree steeped in refinement and opulence. Every aspect of Claudia's being exuded an air of meticulous grooming, while a captivating fragrance enveloped her, enchanting those within its proximity. Her posture, straight and commanding, radiated both power and wisdom, as if she had long mastered the arts of authority.
In this extraordinary encounter, Claudia Rosier embodied a mesmerizing presence, a tapestry woven from the threads of ageless beauty and refined sophistication. Harry found himself spellbound by her very essence, the allure of a woman whose charms transcended time itself. Claudia Rosier's presence did not go unnoticed by Harry's faithful companions, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. As if summoned by an invisible force, they gravitated towards the enchanting figure that held their friend spellbound.
Ron, with his hair as fiery as the sun's golden rays, and Hermione, her countenance bright with intellect and determination, approached Claudia with a mix of curiosity and reverence. The twins, Fred and George, ever mischievous and quick-witted, joined the gathering, their eyes widening as they beheld the radiant beauty before them. Claudia's captivating aura transcended the boundaries of age, captivating all who gazed upon her with a mystifying allure. Her dark crimson locks cascaded like a silken tapestry, captivating even the mischievous twins, whose gazes momentarily faltered under her bewitching spell. Her eyes, an iridescent blue, seemed to hold within their depths a wellspring of wisdom and secrets, whispering untold stories to those who dared to look deeply enough.
Ron, his freckled countenance flushed with a mixture of awe and admiration, struggled to find the words to capture the essence of this ethereal presence. Hermione, her eyes sparkling with an inquisitive light, observed Claudia with an astute curiosity, her mind working tirelessly to unravel the enigma that stood before them. As the companions stood in the presence of Claudia Rosier, her allure resonated with an undeniable magnetism, evoking a symphony of emotions and intrigue. The air crackled with an undercurrent of anticipation, as if destiny itself had woven its tapestry around this meeting, entangling their lives in a web of unforeseen possibilities.
In this sacred gathering, amidst the aged tapestries and ancestral secrets, Claudia Rosier cast her spell upon the hearts and minds of those who beheld her, leaving an indelible mark upon their souls. The threads of fate intertwined, as the companions embarked upon a journey that would forever be intertwined with the enigmatic presence of Claudia, a woman whose beauty transcended the realms of mortal comprehension.
Sirius Black, with his boisterous laughter, shattered the silence that had settled upon the room, drawing the attention of the spellbound teenagers. His voice boomed with mirth as he spoke, bringing forth the revelation of the esteemed presence that had graced them all.
"Ah, I've seen you've met our special guest!" Sirius exclaimed, his jovial tone resonating through the ancient halls of 12 Grimmauld Place. "The honorable Claudia Rosier! The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Head of Magical Artifacts!"
At the utterance of the name Rosier, a collective recognition flickered in Harry's mind. It was a name that bore significance, for it was etched in the annals of infamy, belonging to those who had sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord. The Rosiers, notorious for their unwavering devotion to blood purity, were revered amongst the ranks of the Death Eaters. Yet, there was a complexity to their lineage—an undeniable wealth and influence that flowed through their veins. The noble Rosiers, as they were known, had established themselves as pillars of the wizarding elite.
With a graceful inclination of her head, Claudia Rosier acknowledged the young ones before her. A subtle air of dignity surrounded her, as if the weight of her position and the legacy of her name lent her an aura of quiet authority. With measured steps, she made her way toward the beckoning dining room of Grimmauld Place, joined by the other venerable members of the household.
In the wake of her departure from the hall, a mingling of emotions stirred within the hearts of the young wizards and witches left behind. A tapestry of intrigue and curiosity unfolded, woven with threads of apprehension. The presence of Claudia Rosier, a living embodiment of the complexities that entwined pureblood heritage and dark alliances, cast an enigmatic shadow upon the path that lay ahead. As they prepared to partake in the familial feast, the air thickened with unspoken questions, and the companions found themselves drawn further into the intricate web of secrets and destinies that bound them together within the hallowed chambers of Grimmauld Place.
In hushed tones, Ron Weasley leaned toward Harry Potter, his voice barely above a whisper, as if fearful of disturbing the delicate balance of the room. "A Rosier, Harry? Is she not of the same kind as... you-know-who's followers? One of those staunch believers in blood purity?" Hermione Granger, ever the fountain of knowledge, displayed a similar reaction, her expression etched with a mixture of concern and curiosity.
The trio, accompanied by the mischievous Fred and George Weasley, advanced into the opulent dining hall of Grimmauld Place, where Claudia Rosier occupied the seat of honor. There she sat, an embodiment of elegance and poise, her back held erect with a refined grace. The atmosphere seemed to shift, charged with an air of anticipation, as if the very room itself acknowledged her presence and yielded to her authority.
Their footsteps faltered for a fleeting moment, halted by the weight of their contemplation. The mere mention of the Rosier name sent ripples of unease through their collective consciousness, for it was synonymous with allegiance to the dark forces that had threatened their world. The Rosiers, a family entangled in the web of you-know-who's gang, had long espoused the ideals of blood purity, their beliefs steeped in tradition and exclusivity.
And yet, even in the face of their reservations, the trio pressed on, curiosity mingling with caution as they approached the table where Claudia held court. The resolute determination that guided their steps belied the doubts that churned within. Inwardly, they prepared themselves to navigate the intricacies of this encounter, to glean what truths lay concealed behind the veneer of elegance and power.
As they drew nearer, the allure of Claudia Rosier's presence intensified. Her poised countenance, an embodiment of regality, invited admiration and respect. Every line and curve of her figure spoke of confidence and authority, a testament to the depths of her experience and knowledge. The trio, accompanied by the ever-watchful twins, took their places at the table, the gravity of the moment hanging heavy in the air.
Amidst the resplendent atmosphere of the dining hall, an air of reunion pervaded the space, embracing all who gathered within its opulent confines. Nymphadora Tonks, the ever-capricious metamorphagus, regaled the younger attendees with her remarkable talents, effortlessly transforming her countenance into a succession of creatures—a duck, a pig, a lion—eliciting peals of laughter and delight. Even Claudia Rosier, a paragon of grace and refinement, found herself captivated by the whimsical display. Meanwhile, a distinguished assembly had formed on the side of the table, where Claudia sat alongside Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Engrossed in earnest discussion, their attention focused upon the pressing concerns plaguing the Ministry of Magic—specifically, the obstinate denial of Lord Voldemort's resurgence by the deluded Cornelius Fudge.
"What purpose does it serve to sugarcoat the truth?" Moody interjected brusquely, his words reverberating through the hall and punctuating the conversation. The room fell into an uneasy silence, as the weight of his statement hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over the gathering.
"Alastor," Claudia chided gently, her voice a soothing balm that sought to quell the mounting tension. But Moody, unyielding in his resolve, persisted. "Show him! The boy will discover the truth soon enough, one way or another."
As if in response to their exchange, a gentle hand extended toward Harry, bearing a newspaper with the front page emblazoned by a striking headline: "The Boy Who Lies." The words cast a shadow over the young wizard's countenance, stirring a mix of emotions within him—an amalgamation of defiance, frustration, and an unwavering determination to confront the harsh realities that lay ahead.
Amidst the distinguished company gathered within the walls of Grimmauld Place, the weighty matters of the day weighed heavily upon their minds. Cornelius Fudge, a figure of authority wielding power and influence over the Daily Prophet, had employed his position to suppress any claims of Lord Voldemort's menacing return. Sirius Black, his voice resolute, interjected with an air of defiance, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.
"Why?" Harry Potter, his disbelief palpable, queried in a tone laced with incredulity, his faith in the integrity of those in positions of power momentarily shaken.
Remus Lupin, a sage presence amid the assembly, endeavored to shed light upon the perplexing matter. "The Ministry suspects that Dumbledore seeks to usurp Fudge's position," he explained, his words tinged with a hint of weariness. "They harbor a deep-seated fear that compels them to perceive threats where none exist."
"But that’s insane! No one in their right mind could ever—" Harry retorted, his disbelief tinged with a note of righteous indignation. The flagrant incompetence of Fudge and the Ministry's willful ignorance stretched the bounds of reason, testing the limits of their patience and resolve.
"Indeed," Claudia interjected, her voice carrying a measured tone that bespoke wisdom earned through the passage of time. "Fear possesses the power to distort minds and drive individuals to commit unspeakable acts. Fudge's faculties have been compromised, clouded by the very dread that should impel him to action."
With a somber gaze fixed upon Harry, Claudia continued her discourse. "The last time Lord Voldemort seized power, our world trembled on the precipice of destruction. We cannot afford to dismiss that grim reality, nor can the Ministry, in their misguided attempts to pacify the masses, ignore the imminent threat that looms before us."
Sirius, unwavering in his resolve, added his voice to the somber discussion. "We believe that Voldemort seeks to rebuild his formidable army, just as he did fourteen years ago. His followers included not only dark wizards and witches, but creatures of all kinds." Remus, ever the embodiment of insight, continued, "He has been aggressively recruiting, and we too seek to gather our forces. Yet, in the face of the Ministry's hateful and ignorant gaze, our efforts have been hindered at every turn."
"And yet, there is more," Remus stated with a measured tone. "We suspect that Voldemort's motives extend beyond the mere construction of an army. We believe he harbors unfinished business, a desire to complete what he failed to achieve in his previous bid for power." As the words lingered in the air, the gaze of Alastor Moody, Claudia, and Sirius converged upon Harry, a shared understanding etched upon their faces. The gravity of the situation had deepened, casting a shadow upon their hopes and filling their hearts with a sense of foreboding.
As the weighty revelations continued to pour forth, a voice pierced the air, cutting through the rising tide of information. Molly Weasley, her tone filled with maternal concern and protective instincts, interjected with a fervor born of love and apprehension. "No, that is enough! He is but a boy, barely of age! If we delve any deeper into this dangerous path, we might as well extend him an invitation into the Order!"
Harry, emboldened by his newfound resolve and a fire that burned within him, seized the moment to make his proclamation. "If Voldemort seeks to gather an army, then I’ll come with you!”
Claudia, her vibrant spirit undimmed by the gravity of the situation, found amusement in the audacity and courage displayed by Harry. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mirroring the playful spark dancing in Sirius's eyes. They recognized in Harry the same indomitable spirit that had guided them in their own battles against the encroaching darkness.
With Molly's intervention, the evening slowly began to regain its semblance of a joyous reunion. Conversations flowed freely, laughter mingled with whispers, and the atmosphere regained its familiar air of camaraderie. Each segment of the table formed pockets of dialogue, their words and laughter intertwining, as friends and allies found solace in the presence of kindred spirits. Yet, amid the din of jovial chatter, Harry's mind remained fixated on the enigmatic figure of Claudia Rosier. Her presence, though known to him by virtue of her position within the Ministry, seemed peculiarly timed. Questions formed in the depths of his inquisitive mind, a desire to unravel the mysteries surrounding her newfound association with the Order of the Phoenix.
As the evening progressed, Harry's curiosity simmered beneath the surface, a flame that threatened to consume his thoughts. The allure of Claudia's presence beckoned him, urging him to seek answers and uncover the truth that lay hidden within her crimson hair and electric blue eyes. In this union of destiny and circumstance, Harry resolved to delve deeper into the enigma that was Claudia Rosier, for he sensed that her presence held significance far beyond what met the eye.
As the night began its descent towards the late hours, Claudia Rosier, ever conscious of her responsibilities, gracefully excused herself from the gathering. With a gentle smile upon her lips, she delicately maneuvered through the clusters of conversation, offering her farewells to each individual in turn. Her departure elicited a collective murmur of appreciation and respect, for her presence had brought an air of wisdom and elegance to their midst.
Pausing momentarily before the trio, Claudia's eyes gleamed with a genuine interest as she addressed them. "You find yourselves embarking upon your fifth year, do you not?" Her tone carried a warmth that embraced both familiarity and curiosity. Hermione, ever respectful and poised, replied with a deferential nod, her voice laced with a measure of reverence towards the seasoned witch.
"Ah, the fifth year—a truly magical time," Claudia exclaimed, her laughter bubbling forth like a melodic symphony that echoed through the grand hall. Her words carried a hint of nostalgia, evoking memories of her own youthful adventures and trials within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.
The brief interlude drew to a close, as Claudia's obligations beckoned her away. With a final gaze that held a promise of future encounters, she addressed Harry directly. "Tomorrow, Harry, we shall meet again at the Ministry. Until then, I bid you all adieu!"
Masterlist : Next Chapter
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i wanna talk about paul. i dont think i lingered too much there. bc it’s a sensitive spot i guess? it’s a sensitive thing to be openly unwell. my focus with this post if i really even have that is his relation with louis. i wanna talk about paul in relation to how louis treats him and that being a reason why i love louis so much too. i love both characters. i think paul doesnt really ever get mentioned in fandom much. which is the psychosis experience tbh. so it tracks.
it’s a public spectacle every one wants so desperately to ignore and to be over. in my personal experience (and i don’t think i’m alone in this) the person going through it wants it to be over too. wants that people don't see them that way. but paul’s whole character is generally ignored other than in conversations about whether or not lestat caused his suicide, which was a compelling conversation. whether or not he did is a incredibly prickly thing in the gut of the story. and to be followed up with Louis staying with Armand after having killed claudia who has a thread with paul too. she has a manic/psychotic moment. she’s a collector. she’s a lot of things that society doesn’t want to see exist. (nor does the fandom but i digress) and the way she lives in this undead world is as if she doesnt exist at all so manny ways (like paul in life too in ways) we’ve spoken of if you are someone who dares to acknowledge the fullness of her character. i said this was about paul but im working through a connection in real time. i think that’s why i wanna talk about paul. bc he carries so much of the story in the little time he was alive. and his death is the catalyst for louis’ initial death. not the one lestat gave him, but the one that made it possible for lestat to convince him in the first place. ( the spiritual one maybe? idk. im just thinking thoughts)
what i never question in regards to paul and louis’ relationship, is that louis loves him. that’s what actually makes that: “did lestat kill him really? and whether or not he did kill him….louis thought he did and stayed?” conversation so insane in the membrane to me. because the way he treated paul shows me he does love him so much. one: something in him died with paul. another thing is that louis genuinely wanted him around. he advocated for him to stay out of the hospital. he took him out as soon as he was given the power to as head of household when his father died. (i have so many questions about his own feelings and opinions on his father.) he openly spent time with him. paul was his favorite person. he let paul crawl into bed with him. which is kind of big deal from what i know in the openly unwell population. not a lot of people want to comfort that. and louis allowing his male brother into bed with him for that tender moment is kind of a key moment for him to me bc of how the pressures of homophobia can affect how men are made to feel they can treat their male family members too. Louis sees him and his need and is willing to give it to him. louis wants to be there for his brother. he decides he’ll be the one to take care of him. tells grace not to worry about paul. he would take care of him. he assures paul he wont see lestat anymore. louis’ love for paul was in the way of lestat’s wants and desires. maybe paul did have suicidal ideation already. maybe many things can be true.
(i meant to post this during disability month, but i went through it and so now i’ll just continue where i left off)
louis struggling with killing a man with a daughter and wanting to go home to his brother…😵‍💫. paul isnt a child, but louis was his caretaker. in paul you see louis shine in that role (barring the bit where he pulls a knife out, and threatens to gut him, bc that was a performance. it’s not great but he didn't even want to do that). louis recognizing that locking away a man for having delusions just because he has them at all made paul worse was such a powerfully impactful thing to me. i say this fully well knowing sometimes going to the hospital can be beneficial these days, but even still being locked up there?? drugged and treated horribly given he was black and in a time when mentally ill people were treated heinously? louis saying he belongs at home and seeing to it that paul gets to be home with his family. spending time with him like he’s a person beyond his disability. beyond his delusions. that shit makes me like quiver and cry tbh. that’s mostly what people going through that need most of all and don’t receive. he loved paul. and when paul dies louis dies. idc. (so if lestat’s did take paul away from louis….he killed him twice….also while i’m here i have stirring thoughts about lestat knowing he could tell paul his truthful intentions in town and that out of paul’s mouth no one would believe him. maybe that’s the whole thought. or maybe i’ll come back to it. idk)
(i think in some ways claudia was also theyre to fill the casm paul created too. sorry none of this is like linear or anything im just thinking i guess. maybe i’ll make get into how i see they’re related later.)
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knifeeater · 2 years
no because it is ALL about memory. and i don't think it's so much about if louis tells the truth but about what he remembers. because there is never an objective truth of memory, especially considering  the question of how vampires do remember differently from humans. sry to repeat myself but i feel like daniels dessert anecdote/the tenor is such an interesting hinge for this because their memories are a flashing moment, trivial, mundane but made shimmeringly beautiful in the knowledge of mortality and finiteness. vampire memory is grand, sweeping over years, wearing over time, seeing at a distance outside of it. which moments do you still remember after you've lived several lifetimes? i would imagine the ones that are most intense, that you've turned over and over like a stone in your mind for centuries. louis' memories never exist outside of a very clearly performed narrative. the only raw memory we get is him mourning lestats body. i do feel like claudia is a very special case here because with her narration we're not dealing with memory but a historical document (which like...i could write a whole other essay about the implications on historicity here. memory and history are not as separated as we might think especially when it comes to marginal/ized histories).
plus the vampire is not only timeless but also remains unchanged in a way from the moment of death. born from trauma etc. for louis this is grief for sure, aswell as a struggle to recognize your own humanity after having been made a monster by society so thoroughly. a fall from humanity, a fall from grace, pauls fall off the roof, the fall from heaven. lucifer morningstar. you will always have the same number of hairs on your head as the day you lost your family and traded your mortal flesh for eternal life. you are trying so hard to maintain the thread louis but another thread was tied through your veins, your lungs, two hearts. you are being pulled apart, resting in stasis. when someone dies the only thing that stays is their memory. vampires are a walking memory, but also eternal forgetting. some day there will be none left who remember you. i think louis needs daniel there to remember. to chronicle this, to archive. to maintain a thread with human time to tell his story. to put his memory outside of himself and look at it through the eyes of another. to try to remember what it was like to live so close to humanity once. he got so much more than he bargained for.
memory is mercurial, it is nostalgic, deeply based in affect and obscured through the hazy veil of time. yes, louis wants to seduce daniel like he was seduced, he sets up a candlelight dinner and lets him feast on his story. but i think louis gets seduced by his own memory as well. i think his heart is beating a very familiar rythm at certain points. daniel tries to bite him sometimes, like claudia at the ball. maybe louis knows that only someone who knows him well can do this for it to have an effect, to sink in teeth and not die. maybe daniel is a safety net for this exploration of memory. this is getting to be too many threads, i gotta lie down forever.
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petitsdieu · 7 months
Meta + childhood - food - jewelry
𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝑬𝑻𝑨 + 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 , 𝒂 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 , 𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒂 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔.
𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅 ( 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒆 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 ).
Her earliest memories with her family are the most amicable. Sitting on the laps of her parents, getting costumed by her mother, gifts from her father, playing games with her brothers. She's too young to question anything. She perceives the family dynamic as normal and as love. But the older she gets, the more she becomes more of her own person, she notices the distancing. This quote sums up her childhood arc the best:
"Leia felt her corner of their world shrinking tighter and tighter until she could hardly breathe in their presence. Nothing she said or did seemed to affect them in the slightest. Although she was too old to call out for her parents when she had a bad dream, every once in a while she wanted to do it anyway. But she never called for them. She never wanted to find out for sure that they wouldn’t come." — Leia, Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray.
I can picture her doing things to get their attention. And at some point even bad attention is good. Or at least in the instant she gets it because afterwards, it would make her feel worse about her fall from their grace.
I think it gets more complicated when she starts understanding the benevolent utopia that is her planet appears to be is more face than body. Meaning it is the image of her family had crafted over multi-generations / thousands of years and less factual. But her idea of true wickedness has limitations. She doesn't understand evil until she witnesses it. Her father destroys a planet to kill her boyfriend and her boyfriend's family legacy would have never been something her imagination could come up with. Especially combining that and how she found out what true love really looks like, It serves as a paradigm shift. Childhood ends for her at sixteen in this sense.
In any verse, she is a finicky eater. The pool of things she's willing to eat is very small. She's also a vegetarian; abstaining from the consumption of meat but not animal by-products ( she will eat some things with dairy, even eggs ).
She adores fruit to the point it can be considered a gift ( see gift-giving headcanon here ). It's very likely for her to have one or two fruits hanging around at any given time. And she can consume a lot of it in one sitting, or rather gazing over a relatively short time. Some of her favorites include but aren't limited to: peaches, clementines, honeydew melon, cherries, pomegranates, strawberries, plums, grapes, pineapple, jack fruit, mangosteen.
She loves breakfast. She's most likely to eat the most during her first meal of the day. Beyond fruit here, she does love a lot of breakfast foods. The typical things you'd see on a breakfast section on a diner menu like waffles and pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns or home potatoes.
If you were to ask her "What are you in the mood for tonight?", she might say Italian, Japanese, or Thai. She also really loves french fries. And if she has a romantic partner or someone else she's really close to, she might grow used to their cooking and might start setting their quality as the base quality ( ex. If she orders ravioli at a restaurant and it is not as good as how her boyfriend makes it, she might not eat it ).
She doesn't have any pieces she wears regularly. But typically, if she's wearing any jewelry, it will be rings, anklets, or necklaces. Sometimes a bracelet. Usually one piece of something at a time. She's more likely to pick gold over silver. She loves pearls, especially irregular-shaped ones. Most verses she doesn't have her ears pierced / piercings.
Poison jewelry ( Galaxie Verse ). Most commonly worn when she's off planet, that contains poison. Dangling earrings, rings, necklaces. When I reference them in threads, I usually depict them as red ( though in canon they can be any color ) and earrings. The idea is if she were to be in a bad situation, she could swing her head and pop it into her mouth to take herself out.
Jewelry from romantic partners and other significant people in her life will likely be worn always. She'd like the idea of having something tangible that would remind her of someone. Something she can feel if she misses them.
𝒇𝒕. @luckhissoul
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coffincoitus · 2 years
Saw u read a fic where lestat cried a lot 🤲 any iwtv fic recs?
ofc bestie anything for you bestie
(disclaimer: there might be weird things here. you know me)
put on your records and regret meeting me
lestat being a sadist and louis being a masochist. all is well on planet earth. loved this line particularly: "The red thread of fate that connected them was a cord; a rope; a chain."
summary: Lestat considered breaking his wrist, shattering those tiny, fragile bones; would Louis finally feel something then?
“Have you forgotten that you are mine?” Lestat asked him.
Louis laughed without humor. “You’d never let me.”
la dorure en reste aux mains
I love how the sex here illustrates the power imbalance in their relationship! the very fact that they both get off on louis taking control in bed is a testament to how lestat is in control in every other aspect. sexy!!
summary: And possibly I like the thrill, of under me you quite so new
Set after 1x02, Louis trying to regain some equilibrium after the opera and the fiasco with the tenor.
and you were never cruel
this one is a bit of an "and find out" for lestat. what I like about it is that it has lestat going bonkers catshit bananas murder mode over louis being hurt by another. also pyromaniac louis
summary: Lestat and Antoinette succeed in killing Claudia and kidnapping Louis, just like Lestat wanted. Lestat comes to regret it.
Cruel Intentions
louis being a male manipulator and lestat being enamored with it. except louis goes meaner than you'd expect. the ending put an evil smile on my face. there's a cat named louis II
summary: “You’ve never been cruel, Louis.”
and back to the river
pure and endearing vampire fluff
summary: Fucking hell, Louis thinks.
In Feverish Need
sickfic set before lestat turned louis. he feeds louis his blood without louis' knowledge while louis is still human, which felt so intimate to me. phantom thread vibes but like. in opposite direction.
summary: On the night before Grace's wedding, Louis found himself suddenly overcome with a terrible fever; fortunately, as he recounts here, Lestat was there to take care of him.
fear death by water (what the thunder said)
it's a deviation from the finale, but the author didn't avoid the poisoning which I love! louis caring for lestat's catatonic body and nursing him back to health. phantom thread vibes...
An Aching Pulse in Search of a Home
this is the crybaby lestat fic I was talking about!
summary: Louis has a special talent for this kind of thing. Louis the patient one, the gentleman, with his steady hands and an unyielding gaze; Louis, who for so long walked this earth fueled solely by the aching, perverted gratification of his own denial. Oh, he is a master of this exquisite hunger that exists on the precipice of unravelment and Lestat, at his mercy, is as they say in the modern parlance: totally fucked.
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shadowsong26x · 2 years
so i have now watched all of s1 of the new interview with the vampire tv show and i have Thoughts XD
((i don’t have amc+, but people i petsit for do, so i watched the first half of the season a few weeks ago and then caught up on the rest this week)).
first, some quick and largely nonspoilery stuff:
this is my absolute favorite incarnation of louis. he’s...admittedly not my favorite. i don’t dislike him, he just...doesn’t interest me very much. ((especially in the film; idk what brad pitt was doing but he certainly wasn’t making louis Interesting. jim stanek in the musical did his level best but even there.)) ETA: they do seem to have written out his pyromaniac tendencies, apart from that one time he lit a fire to make a Point in daniel’s direction, which is kind of a shame. but otherwise, definitely my favorite louis, as interesting as he can be made for me.
i really love everything they did with grace and the rest of louis’ human family. which quite possibly contributes to point 1? also, reverting to the backstory established in the book re: paul, where every other adaptation has gone in a different direction.
i knew going in that i was probably going to love everything they’re doing with daniel and i was not at all disappointed. all of the framestory bits, everything going on there, was Amazing.
i do have somewhat mixed feelings about aging claudia up to 14. i know it was done for at least partially for practical reasons, since they needed to cast an adult actress and 14 was as young as they could credibly go, and just barely young enough to still hit the same emotional/storyline notes, but...idk. (especially after watching some of the special insight/commentary things, with the emphasis on being Perpetually Going Through Puberty, it felt a little weird) bailey bass was incredible and i think they did really interesting things (for the most part), but that’s one of the choices i have mixed feelings about. (in the stage version and in the film, she’s 10/11; i think the actress on broadway was 15 or 16? but stage is different from tv is different from film. obviously there’s no adaptation that’s going to keep her 5/6, but.)
(almost) all the little bits and pieces of Lore scattered throughout. i have zero interest in the mayfairs, but them getting namedropped right in the beginning was pretty great. (i’ve read merrick and blackwood farm, and i think...lasher? one of the actual mayfair trilogy books; that was enough to tell me that it’s not for me) and, of course, marius, nicki and gabrielle, those who must be kept...just excellent.
some more detailed (and spoilery) stuff behind the cut. mostly relating to episodes 5-7, with the accompanying Warnings for domestic and sexual violence. as well as some speculation/thoughts on where things could go from here.
so, first, the obvious thing that Everyone Has Opinions About--the stuff at the end of s5, where lestat beats the crap out of louis.
this is...another thing i have kind of mixed feelings about.
i 100% understand what they were trying to do, and they did it well. it didn’t feel out of place or gratuitous; it was extreme but lestat is a pretty extreme dude. and the awkward tension of the pseudo-reconciliation/louis taking lestat back in episode 6 played out really well. and while i don’t 100% like the implication that there was never any affection or love between claudia and lestat, that scene on the train after everything had fallen apart was just. Incredible.
(also, the way lestat Clearly knew the attack was coming when he asked louis for that last dance, even before the antoinette reveal)
my concern here is...there’s a limit, you know? a point at which, when we get lestat’s point of view (which we will; they already made it explicit that he didn’t permadie then and also the references to future plot threads/characters and the fact that amc+ has the Entire Series to make)...anyway, there’s a point at which him saying “that’s not actually what happened, here’s my version” stops being credible. at least in the ways it’s supposed to play out in terms of lestat being someone we like, someone whose love story we want to end well.
and i think that the show came right the fuck up to that limit, if not actually crossing over. we’ll see how they handle it in future seasons, but...yeah.
basically, taking s1 on its own, everything about that scene and the buildup to it and the aftermath of it works really, really well. but in the context of the larger story they’re trying to get into and tell...i’m not so sure it does.
second, the scene where bruce/killer sexually assaulted claudia. i know it was offscreen/the pages were ripped out of the diary/etc. but that felt gratuitous. i appreciated the continuity nod/reference, i appreciated the introduction of a relatively minor vampire who  most people have forgotten, but...idk, it felt like Rape As Drama in all the Problematic ways to me.
third, rashid.
so, uh, a few days ago, before i actually watched these episodes, i reblogged a gorgeous photoset of the scene where louis cuts lestat’s throat. i added the following tags (among others):
#yeah i kind of knew but this being ep. 7 of 8 really does mean we're not getting my precious murder kitten armand until next season #ah well
((also i was wrong about the number of episodes but that’s less important))
the funny thing is--after watching the first couple episodes, i actually considered the idea? i mean, lestat is the only character introduced so far who matches his book description (i think even daniel was described as a blond in the books but it’s been a while), and rashid has some of that--armand tends to have a fairly quiet affect until he goes apeshit, and sometimes even then, and rashid had the right Vibe. plus, he’s pretty much immediately associated with marius via the painting, also the Knowledge of his relationship with daniel in the books...So.
but i rejected that idea for reasons i cannot remember XD possibly because ‘why would armand play the rashid role’ or something along those lines.
all that aside, i am Thrilled. armand is and pretty much always has been my favorite. i think the only exception is the second movie which Does Not Exist anyway, but that’s mostly because he’s Barely Present and you wouldn’t know he’s even in it if you didn’t read the cast list, iirc. even in the stage musical, which is not my favorite version of him (because he gets a pretty significant villain upgrade/villain ball type stuff in ways that don’t entirely jive with everything else he is), he has probably my favorite song in the entire show. i rewound and rewatched the bit where he’s just quietly taking his gloves off for the Reveal and just. yesssss.
it also puts a pretty hilarious spin on all the prior scenes, since we know louis can carry on a telepathic and physical conversation at once. especially the one where louis is feeding on armand (which...like...yes, in this version vampires can have and enjoy sex unlike in the books so feeding off each other isn’t Quite as much of a metaphor as it is in the books but...like...insert ‘right in front of my salad’ joke here)
i am a little curious about what shifting all of that in the past sequence to the 1940s will do, but not necessarily in a bad way. we already know they get to paris probably after it’s liberated (i didn’t catch the date in claudia’s journal but i know it was 1945). i also know that the grand guignol (which the theatre des vampires is at least partially based on) was starting to fade at that point (after the horrors of the two world wars, that kind of macabre theatre du bizarre wasn’t really a Thing anymore, to much of it had happened in reality). 
i also--having louis introduce armand as the ‘love of his life’ was certainly. a Choice. it makes me wonder exactly what went down in this version with claudia’s destruction; what kind of lies armand is telling louis (or louis, who in this version has a Truly Profound capacity for self-deception, has told himself). that’s something i’m reserving judgment on but cautiously kind of...mixed to negative feelings about it. louis and armand did spend a few decades together in book canon, but the way louis talks about him here is a bit More than that and i’m not 100% sure it works.
also noticed that his timeline was shifted--not by much, relatively speaking, but about 30-50 years. ((which i noticed earlier, since tintoretto was a bit later than marius is supposed to be in the books; marius in his renaissance painter guise is a contemporary of boticelli there, who died a few years before tintoretto was born)). which doesn’t really make a huge different, it’s just interesting. especially since lestat’s timeline doesn’t seem to have shifted much, if at all. except possibly expanding the time he spent in paris before magnus abducted him. louis also refers to him as being in his 20s, so presumably he was slightly older when he was turned (which would make sense given the way claudia was aged up--yes, there’s a World of difference between 14 and 17, and armand in the books can dress up or dress down to appear anywhere between his actual age and mid-twenties but still) that part matters even less, but it is something i noticed.
anyway, my precious murder kitten armand making a semi-surprise appearance in the frame story filled me with glee, even if i have some Questions. i am looking forward to seeing more of him next season.
a few other miscellaneous thoughts:
i am curious about what they’re going to do with gabrielle, if/when they get to her. she’s been referenced, very briefly, but while lestat seems to have told claudia and louis about nicki, gabrielle hasn’t been mentioned since that family dinner in the first episode. i love gabrielle, and while i understand the reasoning behind it (it’s like the Only major story change from the movie that doesn’t exist that makes any sense to me), i really hope they don’t cut her out.
also that movie theatre scene about the uniforms was...another thing that felt weird and slightly gratuitous? not on the level of the stuff with killer, but.
and curious about how they’ll handle those who must be kept. given some of the origin changes...iirc, akasha was originally babylonian, not egyptian, and came to egypt to marry enkil? i wonder if they’ll include that or cut it.
anyway, overall, i am Pleased with how this is going and looking forward to season 2 a lot. we’ll get to paris, and armand in the past, and claudia’s destruction, lestat’s (first) resurrection...while i have some quibbles and some Questions, mostly i am just Excite for what comes next.
(still probably won’t watch the mayfair witches, though i might check out other tie-ins if they do rameses or violin or servant of the bones or any of the others. oncle julien why.)
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esthernal · 2 years
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                            ㅤ۫ㅤ੭   𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒎   é   seu   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒎 ,                                                                                                            𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐈  .
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Ꞝ     𖥦     𝐈 .  qual o nome do seu personagem? há alguma razão por trás da escolha?
esther elizabeth grace cavendish ; não é um nome incomum, especialmente para a época em que nasceu (1904). esther é um nome bíblico, indo de acordo com os ideais cristãos de sua verdadeira família, e elizabeth e grace nomes comuns entre a alta sociedade inglesa. cavendish é um sobrenome até que popular, mas tem ligações tanto com a aristocracia quanto a burguesia. 
Ꞝ     𖥦     𝐈𝐈  .  quais os objetivos dela em eden?
no momento, nenhum em específico além da sobrevivência. se cansou da vida que levava, sem destino certo e casa fixa, e decidiu que retornaria para seu clã e seita, que são duas instituições pelas quais tem grande respeito (ainda que tenha andado com grandes intelectuais e revolucionários, certas partes de sua criação não a deixam, como a obediência e reverência). o que quer no momento é se alimentar, de humanos de preferência, e se entreter de maneira tranquila. 
Ꞝ     𖥦     𝐈𝐈𝐈   .  cite, pelo menos, 3 inspos que combinam com seu char.
daisy buchanan (the great gatsby), penny lane (almost famous), alma (phantom thread), isabelle (the dreamers), claudia (interview with the vampire), céline (before sunrise), naomi lapaglia (the wolf of wall street), satine (moulin rouge) & rose (titanic).
Ꞝ      𖥦     𝐈𝐕   .  descreva seu personagem em 5 aesthetics.
cantos da boca curvados num sorriso ladino e sujos de sangue, casacos de pele, taças de champagne, estantes de livros e álbuns gigantescas, joias herdadas. 
Ꞝ      𖥦     𝐕   .  qual aspecto do clã escolhido você mais gostaria de explorar com o personagem?
o talento e a beleza serem uma maldição para os toreadores! até então, a esther não sofreu precisamente com isso, na verdade sempre a manipuladora, mas seria muito interessante alguém usar isso contra ela, visto que é uma fraqueza nata ao clã.
Ꞝ      𖥦     𝐕𝐈   .  como seu personagem lida com os humanos e sua alimentação?
a esther é fascinada com humanos! ela adora o que fazem, quando se diz a respeito de arte e cultura, e é por isso que sempre fez amizade e se apaixonou por artistas! no entanto, nesse papel de musa e amante, sente que devem algo em troca e isso é, sem dúvidas, o sangue deles. ela tem certas éticas sobre, como nunca fazer nenhum sofrer e não criar laços que os prendam a ela (muito menos concretizar o abraço), mas se sente muito melhor consumindo sangue humano e se recusa a provar do animal.
Ꞝ      𖥦     𝐕𝐈𝐈   .  liste os tipos de interação que mais te agradam e que gostaria de desenvolver na dash.
eu adoro interações grandes! paragraphs mesmo, com cinco parágrafos ou até mais, não só chats! interações que realmente envolvam situações bem trabalhadas e que cheguem a algum lugar, não só chats que são um eterno “fazer sala” (não que eu me oponha!! eles costumam ser bem engraçados!) hahaha.  gosto muito de interações entre mais de um char, em grupo, e acho sempre muito divertido e que desenvolvem ainda mais o personagem.
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pynkhues · 1 month
Re: rockstar girlfriend Louis. The trend of feminizing Louis is just irking in general. Especially as it's more often than not a way to make him helpless than be critical about it.
He didn't like being compared to a tradwife or a woman back then and he definitely doesn't like it now. I just think it's a little in bad taste that this is so rampant.
Yeah, I mean, the bits I've seen of it have been pretty fascinating to me, but I have heavily curated my fandom experience, so I'm very aware I'm probably seeing broader conversations pretty minimally. It seems to spread across different aspects of the fandom too, from the ratio of mpreg fic on ao3 to meta about him as embodying the gothic heroine trope, which like - - I'm not going to get all into this, but as someone who studied gothic literature at university for years, I just don't agree with it at all - like, in terms of character archetypes within gothic literature, Louis is a Byronic hero through and through:
Historian and critic Lord Macaulay described the [Byronic Hero] as "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection"
The show is interested in gender, and I can't wait to see what they do with Gabrielle in terms of that thread given Gabrielle is very much gender non-confirming and can be read arguably as trans-masc, but right now, I don't think any of the characters we've seen are anything other than cis (including Lestat) and I think to reject that is to ignore the complexity of their relationships with their own gender. Which is important! There's a reason Claudia is the one who's been robbed of choice, controlled and coerced by both her fathers, not just Lestat, the one who doesn't get to be heard at the trial, or in her life, the one who's infantilised, stuck in dresses she's too old for, the one who's killed. That's important, y'know?
I do think a lot of Louis' issues around his gender are tied pretty specifically to his sexuality, and I don't think he relates to or understands women at all. Like you could make a pretty concise argument that Louis has a virgin/mother/whore complex when it comes to women, which you see in Claudia and Grace/Florence/Antoinette + in his role as a pimp. And I think people take that dual insult of Claudia calling him a housewife and Grace calling Lestat Louis' 'white daddy' as literal, when like - - in both instances they are deliberately insulting / emasculating him either for the sake of it or to goad him into action? They're tender spots for him not because he relates, but because he knows that's how its perceived and he hates that he/it is perceived that way. He's always been an ambitious businessman, so the housewife insult stings on its own, but the white daddy thing taps into what even Daniel Hart was saying about the fact that there is a transactional element to Louis and Lestat's relationship, which is why I find it super interesting that heading into s3, Louis is not only successful, but completely financially independent.
But yes, I think feminising Louis in general just completely shoots over the nuance of his character and honestly, a lot of what makes him so interesting.
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castelleve · 2 years
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NAME :  Inc.
PRONOUNS :  she/her
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : tumblr IMs, tags in threads, i give discord to friends
NAME  OF  MUSE(s) :  OH GOD UHHH not including NPCs: Henri, Beau/Mortau, Damian, Krisha, Sylvester, Dalet, Sebastian, Gemini,  Serena, Onya, Claudia, Shang, Michael, Jessica, Grace, Ryan, Heth, Hei, Vav, Mika, Angelisa, Solomon, Dantes, Eung-Ju, Atari, Hayami, Helena, Hana, Elliot, Darva, Namalee, Afraa, Gabriel, Theo, Anastasiya, Nocturne, Adelaide, Juniper, Gideon, Enoch, Beatrix, Penny, Augusta, Baphomet, Touma, Ambrus, Kenichi, Maxwell, Lundy, Irusan, Foxglove,  Miguel, Officer Ishibashi, Roy, Germaine, Suki, Lucia, Dakota, Lucas, Jezebel.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : I have been writing for about 11 years now! 
BEST  EXPERIENCE :   OH GOD SO ig it kinda sucks cause this is actually fairly recent BUT the best RP experience I ever had was my plot with @batoushoujo, @cxnfectioniism and @desparialuna . It’s the first group plot I have ever been involved in. Ever. And it’s just,,, been a lot of fun. Even if one of us is off for like 8 months, when we get back on we can pick off right where we left off and it’s really nice. Another good one is meeting @ohfiendangelical and @piinetrees​ cause they’re really great people and have a very interesting shared world / over arching plot with their muses. I’m really glad to have met everyone I mentioned here.
People who don’t read my rules is a big pet peeve of mine. And I can tell when someone either hasn’t read them or just does not give a fuck about them. In addition, when someone doesn’t read my bios. I know a lot of my muse bios aren’t complete, which is why I have the blurbs there, but when I DO have the full one up I can tell when people don’t read them. Again, either they don’t read them or they like to casually glance over a few very important details, leading me to the next one:
I get a lot of people who want romance with Damian, when he’s (gray)aromantic. There is a reason he is plotting only when it comes to ships and the reason is 99 times out of 100, he isn’t gonna like your muse back. He’s going to be a toxic, shitty, emotionally neglectful and kind of abusive boyfriend. Hell, he’s not even that great of a friend. Similarly, people also want to ship with Enoch. He’s not aromantic, but he’s the same in the toxicity and he’s not even attempting to improve himself like Damian is. I’ve got, like, 60 other muses to interact and ship with, so it confuses me when people want the worst ones that I’d like to be more selective with. ‘i can fix him’ does not work with my muses - it just enables them.
When i reject a plot idea and people take it as a challenge. ‘No’ does not mean ‘convince me’. ‘No’ means, ‘I’m not interested’, ‘the muses we’re using aren’t compatible for this’, or ‘this is against my rules’. No is a complete sentence and I shouldn’t have to explain over and over again why I said it.
Lack of consequences. Now, this is just my prefered way to run my blog, nothing wrong with not wanting realism in your writing... but I do want it in mine. If your muse provokes one of mine, gaslights them, tries to hit them, etc. depending on the muse... I’m sorry, but yours is probably going to get their ass beat if it’s someone like Damian or Serena. Now, if it’s someone like, say, Lucas or Suki, they’ll probably be the one who ends up beaten up but I digress. Consequences is what drives a plot. It’s what makes interactions interesting. 
Trying to force interactions with incompatible muses. I’ve got 60, man, if one doesn’t work out, there is 59 more to pick from. Just let the interaction die and we can use a different combo.
Probably more but this is getting long
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,    ANGST  OR  SMUT :   I find fluff kind of boring at times, and smut is not something I’m 100% comfortable with writing. I do like my angst, but too much can be draining. All in all, plot driven threads are my favorite. 
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :   A mix of both? I like to have an idea of where to go, but flexibility in how to get there. plus, memes are really fun to answer when I’m not in the mood for my drafts. 
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : It depends! Both? Neither?
BEST TIME TO WRITE :    When I should be sleeping ghfvghjf either RIGHT after waking up or when I’m tired as fuck at like 2 in the morning. One time I pulled an all nighter and i got like 20 drafts done. 
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :  Edit: wow I forgot this section omg. It just depends on the muse. Thry all have something in common with me, but I try to make them as different as I can as well.
TAGGED  BY  :   i stole it from @piinetrees haha​
TAGGING  : @yesfxckyxu @pvremichigan @ohfiendangelical @hhemeraa @smokes-and-bullets @batoushoujo @perennial-tenacity @wiildhearrted​ @nullificationofthevoid @stainedcarmine  @suizokukans @zhuangshii​ whoever else sees this and wants to steal it
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sicutpuella · 1 year
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Tom Riddle and an Original Character
The second teaser…
In the enchanting year of 1951, on the fringes of Provence, France, a grand château stood, shrouded in secrecy from the prying eyes of the mundane world. Within its opulent halls, a clandestine affair of great political consequence unfolded - an arranged union bridging the noble houses of Rosier and Black. Claudia Rosier, a vision of elegance, graced the occasion, while the wedding assembly comprised esteemed purebloods, the revered Sacred Twenty-Eight, and eminent members of the Ministry. To be in their esteemed company was a coveted privilege, a gateway to ascendancy amidst the glittering echelons of society.
Amidst the harmonious symphony of laughter and revelry, Claudia's keen eyes chanced upon a figure from the past, rekindling the embers of a tender affection once felt. It was Tom Riddle, the embodiment of enigma and allure. Little did Claudia know, this unexpected reunion would sow the seeds of an unfolding destiny, a precursor to a web of intrigue and possibility, unfathomable to her innocent heart. As the mirthful night waltzed on, destiny's threads silently spun, weaving a tale that would shape their lives and transcend the realms of the ordinary.
Available soon on AO3 and Tumblr!
Teaser No. 3 will be posted soon! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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peculiarwem · 3 years
All the graphic novels I read while I was gone...
I forgot to put the intro to this post. Whoops. These are all the graphic novels I read between May and December I think. Including content warnings.
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Ngygen
This was a beautiful story. The art is fantastic, the way the colors emphasized the story. I read this a really long time ago and it still is just so beautiful and I definitely cried. The myths woven throughout the story is so nice. I'm crying right now and I don't remember that much about it. 50/5 stars
CW: Cannibalism (told in fairy tale), death, religious figure brought in to discourage LGBT youth, shame over sexual identity
Nubia: Real One by LL McKinney and Robyn Smith
PI do not like the DC Graphic Novel line. I think realistically they will be more detrimental than not, but Nubia was a really good introduction. After its release, DC did retcon Nubia's origin, but I loved this story all the same. I think it was cute and I couldn't ask for more. 5/5
CW: police brutality, racism, sexual harassment and gun violence
Poison Ivy: Thorns by Kody Keplinger and Sara Kiplin
This is the book that really started turning me against DC Graphic Novels. While the story isn't the worst, Pamela is treated weirdly by the story. Usually she becomes Poison Ivy in a lab, but here her father creates Poison Ivy. In the end there's no real resolution and also the romance only exists for this book. Pamela, to me, isn't represented in Poison Ivy: Thorns, which is a fault I find with most of DC's Graphic Novels. I wish they were true to the character. I gave it 4/5 originally but honestly I would give it a 3/5 now.
CW: bullying, sexual assault/harassment, abuse,
Fangs by Sarah Andersen
This was so cute. It's just a bunch of illustrations of a vampire and her werewolf boyfriend. It's so simple but so nice. 5/5
CW: blood, murder
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Louise Simonson and Leigh Bardugo
This is my least favorite of the DC graphic novels. It's based off of the book by the same name which I will probably never read because I did not like this graphic novel that much. The original story came out a year after Diana was stated to be canonically bi, but this story goes out of its way to avoid naming Diana as bi but names everyone else queer. The romance is dumb, it didn't have to be there, it would have been fine if the betrayal just came from a friend but also in general, the story is impossible in any of Diana's main continuities. If you think you're getting a good jumping on point from this story, you're wrong. Also the best character in this book, Alia, will probably never see a comic and that's sad. She's great. If you wanted to read this book, do it for her. I gave it a 3/5 stars.
CW: betrayal, bombing, death, plane crash, possession, shipwreck, shootings, and sickness.
House of El: The Shadow Threat by Claudia Gray and Eric Zawadski
I think the best DC Graphic Novels are about characters you don't know, but also you won't know. The Shadow Threat follows two krytonian citizens who are working against Krypton because Krypton sucks. You'll probably never see these characters in the comics and that's a saving grace. You meet Superman's parents but they aren't front and center enough to ruin the story. It was just a fun time with no rage. 5/5
No CWs
Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale by Lauren Myracle and Issac Goodhart
Again, when you know these characters, these graphic novels suck. This one was represented Selina and Bruce fairly well but the way the story was built around them wasn't good. Selina starts calling herself Catgirl, not as a secret identity, but as her name and it's very cringy, but in general the story feels unfinished. There are a lot of loose threads that just don't go anywhere or where they do go is another new beginning instead of an ending. It's just disappointing. 3/5
CW: child abuse, homelessness, animal abuse, cutting, homophobia, suicidal ideation, and violence. Also, there's a little vague cult stuff.
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Lisa Sterle
I really liked Squad. It was a little too short for me. I definitely could've read more but just in regards to the main couple. I think overall the plot was really well paced. It was a fun read. I gave it 5/5.
CWs: murder, eating disorders, general gore, cannibalism, sexual assault, alcohol, racism, sexism, fatphobia, homophobia, toxic friendships, toxic relationships, vomit
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iwtv ep 4 rewatch thoughts
ep 4 starting with a sunrise bc the baby trap—the vampire Claudia—is the start of a new dawn in hell. only just like paul, she’s dead too…
ive shared some thoughts on this opening scene here
it breaks my heart that the first time we see the library with all it’s threads to Louis’ humanity/past (the books, the bench, the rocks etc. etc.) is when we’re properly introduced to Claudia given all she represented in Louis’ undead life. He brought her home to make up for what he was losing in the natural world/humanity (his sister/family etc. etc.) and to make up for his sins. but neither could ever truly live under his expectations or be what he needs (to no fault of theirs. tbc i don’t believe Claudia should have had to be what he needed). Claudia expected to play the role of their eternal child could not survive in their castle of lies in her own truth. a real magnolia tree could not survive within the confines of his penthouse coffin of self imposed (and maybe also imposed/enabled by Armand) delusions.
a magnolia tree is said to symbolize luck and stability (according to my quick google search) it’s first introduction in the show is being juxtaposed against the introduction of a character who suffered terrible luck and whose outcome contributes to Louis’ emotional instability. truly dreadful times.
the pink flowers symbolize: grace and femininity as well as joy, youth and innocence which reflects how Louis wants to remember Claudia i think. also the fact that it symbolizes Grace makes me want to be shot into the stratosphere. like please 😭. This is the pain with the vampire show.
i like the joyful and hopeful tone of the soundtrack as we dive in and get to know who she was. it really doesn’t give away what’s to come. it really speaks to the positive shift her addition to the rue royal townhouse brought, even though there was something much more grim happening beneath it. it also juxtaposes Daniel reading out a passage from her journal that is also bitter against the sweet feel of the soundtrack.
i also like that when Daniel picks up the journal that describes Claudia feeding from POWs there’s a wide shot that includes a blurred branch of the tree. which makes me think about that innocence symbolism in regards to how Claudia and her fate is viewed. Every decision that was made for this scene is encouraging/seducing the viewer to have a nuanced approach in how to we perceive Claudia before we get to the grit of it. Just like Louis/Rashmand encouraging Danny to start from the left—the sympathetic beginning—like i spoke about in the link above.
we see a quick shot of a drawn image of a bell in the journal Daniel picks up to read. bells are usually rung at the beginning and/or the end of something. in this case it is both the beginning and the end as we are introduced to Claudia when she is already dead.
and as we transition into Claudia’s pov Daniel takes the journal closer to the magnolia tree in a shot where the branch is once again blurred in the foreground.
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19mrs-barnes17 · 4 years
As Long As I Can Get -  Chapter Two: Fairfield
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Summary: Y/N Fairfield has spent the last 10 years pushing past all the hurt and putting all her focus into her career. A familiar face back in town threatens the peace she found. [prompt: Small Town Lovers AU]
Part: 2/5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (AU)
Warnings: at a hospital, mentions of death and abandonment
Word count: 3,198
A/N: It’s been a wild week but here it is, chapter two! Enjoy! Special thanks to @wxntersoldiers​ for beta reading.
“Y/N? You think you could pick up my shift tonight? Missy is running a fever and I can’t get ahold of my mother to come take care of her.” Holding the phone away from her face Y/N sighed heavily as she rolled out of bed.
“Of course Dawn, just call in for me and tell them I’m on my way would ya? Thanks, it’s no biggie. I’m happy to help, let me know how Missy is doing later.” Hanging up the phone she’s up and changing in a flash, quickly moving across her apartment and back. 
Within 6 minutes she’s in her scrubs and locking her apartment door, rushing down the stairs and out the front in another 3. She slides into the driver's seat, buckles in, and on the road to the highway in record time. 
This was becoming a routine every week, someone would have an emergency and she’d be asked to pick up the slack. Her regular shifts at the ER in town kept her busy through the day, but her Thursday or Friday nights were often filled up by favors and desperate calls. She had a limit though, each person could only ask her one favor a month and she would cover one emergency. But when the emergencies came she could tell when they were real or just another masked favor. So by now the only emergency usually came from a mother whose kid was hurt or sick. 
Pulling into the employee parking lot, she exited her car and speed walked into the building, making her way to the sign in at the station. She prayed this would be a tame night and that Dawn didn’t have any difficult new patients because she was far too tired to argue about something that she was more of an expert on. 
Covering for Dawn was usually not too bad, most of her patients typically being older and gentle folk who treated her like a loving grandkid. Always gave her some nickname, rarely ever calling her nurse or even her name. All of which was fine by her.
Being a nurse hadn’t always come easy for her, remembering all the medications, the proper doses, the schedules, and how to do every aspect of her job was a lot to take in. But the moments in which she connected with a patient were the reason she got into the specific role in the medical field. Well that and her father.
Most of her family had joined the field, all three of her brothers had either become paramedics or a physical therapist. Her mother was the chief physician at the ER in Brightbarrow and her father was a private care nurse typically working with elderly or terminal members of the town. On a few occasions he had brought her along to see his patients, acting as a distraction for those who were living with severe pain. Through these visits in her childhood she began to realize how she enjoyed helping people who were hurting, and giving them a sense of peace for a little while.
One college degree later and she was back in town applying to work in the ER, her scheduled shifts hardly ever including weekends unless someone needed a cover and she was the only one who could spare the time. Her work there was routine, but here at this hospital outside town? She had found some gentle souls that brightened her day.
“Oh my, is that you Sunshine?” Claudia was sitting up in the hospital bed, remote in her hand to flip through the limited channels. “What a lovely surprise.”
“How are we tonight? Take our medicine okay today?” Claudia smirks and nods, the crinkles in the corners of her eyes forming as a flicker of mischief shines in her eyes. “Mhhmm.”
“I have somethin’ for ya sunshine. Made it yesterday when they let me do some crafts.” Claudia reaches to the table rolled off to the side of her bed and picks up a bracelet with rainbow thread. Y/N walks over to the woman and allows her to gently tie off the multicolored bracelet around her wrist. “There, perfect size.”
“Thank you Claudia, that’s awfully kind of you.” A smile is shared between the two before Y/N motions for her to hand over the remote. “Now how about we shut this off and I read you a little something so you can doze off, sound good?”
“Only if it's that one you told me about, the one with the little guys.” Y/N chuckled at the description but nodded in agreement nonetheless as she powered down the television and left to get her novel. 
“Alright get comfy now.” She waited for Claudia to adjust her bed and helped her with the pillows before cracking open the small book and beginning the tale. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.”
“Ah that’s what they were, that’s right. Hobbits.”
At the end of her shift Y/N was exhausted and ready for bed, doing her best to keep wide awake on her drive back by playing her dad’s favorite rock station. Thankfully it did the trick and she made it into town without issue, turning down the volume and switching stations as she made her way through the town like she’d done a million times before.
Turning onto her street she was perplexed to notice a man walking the sidewalks this late in the night, his movements slow and steady. The closer she got to him the sooner she realized she knew exactly who the man was and she had some theories about what was keeping him up so late. Pulling to the side of the road she exited her car, slamming the door shut behind her before glancing up to meet the gaze of a man she hadn’t seen in ages.
Bucky Barnes stood across the street staring at her like he’d seen a ghost, his features painted with something along the lines of guilt or sorrow. The man was frozen in place by her, his eyes watching as she raised a sleepy hand to wave at her old friend. To her surprise he waved back and yet he didn’t move a muscle as she turned away from him to head to bed. 
The next morning she woke late, the Saturday sun shining through the cracks of her blinds stirring her from her sleep. Her stomach grumbled, craving some of Winifred Barnes’ cooking ASAP. Instead of driving she opted to walk over there, let the sun and the exercise wake her a little more.
Winnie’s Diner was the town staple, the place that every person went at least a few times a week. It was the kind of business that had become the heart of the town, the comfort and hospitality center. If you wanted to get a feel for the town you didn’t have to look any further than this diner, it was where Y/N had gotten her first job. She had one of her first dates in a corner booth and had been stood up in another. This building was a hub of memories, good and bad.
“Hey Y/N! Have a seat. I'll be right with you girl.” Becca was zooming around the place in a graceful hurry, placing plates and clearing tables as she went. “What can I get ya?”
“A coffee, a biscuit, some bacon, and an update. Please.” She watched as her best friend shook her head with a reluctant nod before dropping off the order. 
Once the coffee was poured she told her brother she was taking her 15 and slid into the other half of the booth. Y/N sat patiently, prepping her coffee as she waited for Becca to collect her thoughts.
“He’s back for good, got a job working for Thomas Geldin constructing those new homes over by your parent’s house.” Sipping her coffee Y/N did her best not to allow her emotions to betray her. 
“What changed?” 
“Not sure. He seems different, like his load is heavier. Almost like he was when Daddy died, just emotionally cut off and distant. But he is making an effort to get closer and he comes in here every day for his lunch break. Which is in a few minutes now.” Y/N coughed, nearly choking on her coffee as her eyes went wide. 
“Hey don’t look at me, you two just are fated to dine at the same time.” Becca smirks before rushing off to grab something to eat before her break ends. 
She hadn’t actually spoken a word to Bucky since he came back to town, and yet he suddenly lived across the street and worked by her old home. Now he would be here within minutes and she would once more feel compelled to initiate conversation, but she wouldn’t let herself. If he wanted to talk he would approach her, not the other way around. 
He arrived the same time her food did, his eyes scanning the room to presumably locate his sister but freezing on Y/N who sat before her. A mixture of emotions flashed across his features rapidly before settling on a guilt ridden expression. Bucky approached the booth, his sister pausing to greet him and casting a wink over her shoulder before speeding away. Standing before the booth he shifted his weight nervously as he seemed at a loss for what to say. His eyes are no longer able to maintain contact and he casts them to the empty seat.
Don’t invite him. Don’t invite him. It took all her strength to refrain from being polite, her eyes never leaving him as her gaze intensified.
“Mind if I join you?” Her heart dropped, she was expecting a simple hello or quick apology and not a full on meal with the guy. She nodded her head, refusing to take the bait just yet as he slid into the booth.
“Here’s your usual James.” Becca slid a plate with a steak and cheese melt and fries onto the table before rushing off again. She was pushing him, Y/N knew that his mother and the older townspeople were the only ones who used his actual name. To everyone else he was Bucky. 
“I’m sorry about not keeping in touch, there’s been a lot that I had to work through the past 10 years.” God she could hardly believe it had been that long since he left, an entire decade had passed by without him. “Can we start again?”
Once more she had to use all her might to restrain herself from instantly agreeing and forgiving what he had done. She didn’t understand why he cut her off so quickly and completely, their friendship wilting through high school and fading in the decade following. But she knew why he had become so emotionally reserved, after watching his father wither away slowly and gradually lose the ability to even function Bucky had begun to close himself off from everyone. He smiled less, got into more trouble with other kids, and barely made it enough to enlist. 
Sure she had missed him dearly and knew he had suffered greatly, probably even worse after his service, but she couldn’t risk getting too quickly attached again. Not when she knew how much his leaving her behind tore her apart. 
“I’ll have to think about it.” She could see her words striking a nerve within him, his appetite diminishing. “But I’d like to.”
His eyes snap up to meet hers, relief flooding them as he gazes at her fondly. Y/N wanted desperately to forget it all but she knew that proceeding with caution was the best course of action. She would let him have the opportunity to rectify his past mistakes, but it was up to him to take it.
“City noise or quiet town?” He knit his brow and gave her a perplexed look before taking a bite of a fry. “Pick one.”
“I’m not sure I have a preference anymore.”
“But you had one.”
“City noise.” She shook her head with a small smile, curiosity overtaking her careful approach. “Drowned everything out.”
“Patty’s coffee or city coffee?”
“Patty will forever have the world’s best coffee. No one in New York believed me, kept saying European coffee was where it was at.” 
“I’m going to move on before I get so offended I bring her coffee to New York.” Bucky laughed lightly, eyes crinkling shut as he shook his head at her. The sound warmed her heart and she could already tell this was going to be hard not to fall into. 
His break eventually comes close to an end and he has to rush back to work but leaves a napkin with his phone number behind. She shook her head at the gesture, he knew full well that she and Becca were very close friends and she could have gotten his number from his sister. One point to him for ensuring she had it. 
Becca was off at 3 so Y/N spent her time walking around the book shop, glancing at summaries and running her fingers over the spines. Her mind was far too crowded to pick anything out, focused on how she was going to make it through this renewal of friendship after so much pain. This place usually put her at ease, the sight of the full shelves and atmosphere calming her active mind. But today her mind had won and so she wandered around town until she had nowhere else to go but home. 
A knock sounded on her door an hour or two later and an exhausted Becca made her way inside to fall onto the couch and groan dramatically.
“I take it we’re getting pizza from Toni’s tonight?” This catches the attention of her best friend who suddenly perks right up.
“And wine.” Y/N opens her fridge door and pulls out a bottle, holding it up for Becca to see and receives a nod of approval.
“Pull up netflix and I’ll order the pizza.”
Several glasses of wine and pieces of pizza later the two are sitting on the floor going through a shoebox full of old memories. Memories of their friendship. 
“Oh remember this?” Becca holds up two ticket stubs, one to their high school dance and the other to see a Panic! concert. 
“We showed up in full formal wear, not thinking to pack another outfit to change into.” Y/N dug in the box and produced a photo of the two from that night, Panic! at the Disco tour shirts over their dresses. “I can’t believe we didn’t get caught until your mom saw the shirt in your laundry.”
“Almost the perfect crime. Kind of dumb of us to pay the money for the ticket when we never even went to the dance though.” The two fell into a fit of giggles and struggled to compose themselves. “We were not the best planners apparently.”
“Are you kidding? The College Bar Crawl fiasco?” 
“Oh Jesus, yeah we really should have thought through where we were going to end up staying the night. Next time we do something, we need a fully thought out plan.” 
“Agreed. It’s too dangerous for us to do any less. We might end up in Europe and somehow married.” Becca falls flat on her back as laughter bubbles through her, her head turning and spotting another box under the bed.
“What is this?” She slides the box out and removes the lid before Y/N can stop her, her fingers gingerly sifting through the contents as a smile tugs at her lips. “Oh, you’re a sentimental sap.”
“Gee thanks.” 
Inside were pictures of her, Bucky, and Steve throughout the few years they were all together. She instantly gravitated toward them when she moved to town at 8, sick of being the new girl and ready to settle into a place. They stuck up for her when she was mocked by some older kids, Bucky and Steve became her dearest friends in only a few years. 
There were more photos of her and Steve together, seeing as he was the only one out of the two boys to keep her in his life. Pictures of them at his prom, no girl seemed to see past his physical change and so he invited her. She remembered how her parents felt about that night, so proud of who they thought she was choosing to be with. A boy who was going to college, who had aspirations but remained loyal to his town. One with a kind heart and a gentle soul. She knew what they expected from the night, but they never understood that she and Steve were simply good friends and nothing more.
The photos of her and Bucky begin to dwindle around when she was 13, the year after his father died. Slowly Bucky grew apart from her and Steve, more the former than the latter. Something after her birthday party that year changed everything and she began to lose him piece by piece until he finally enlisted and left altogether. 
She held a photo of the two of them between her fingers, eyes tearing up at the sight of their smiles. It was the day of her party, when she could still make him smile and forget about his troubles even if just for a moment. Bucky had both arms around her torso, his head resting on her shoulder and a bright smile on his face. Her cheek was against his face, hands and arms resting on his forearms with a dopey big smile stretched across her face. 
“I swear I could kill that boy for what he did. I get losing touch while overseas, but cutting you out of his life while still in the same small town? That’s just cruel.” Becca sighed and took the photo from Y/N’s hands, placing everything back in the boxes before sliding both back under. “And to think I used to believe he liked you.”
“That would have made things worse.” 
“C’mon let’s forget about that punk and eat some chocolate.” Y/N leaned into Becca as she was held by her, sighing deeply. “You’ll always have me, and Steve. That boy would rather dive face first out of an airplane than ditch a friend.” 
“Ain’t that the truth.”
After Becca left Y/N spent some time cleaning up after their roller-coaster of a night. Her body was tired but her mind was far too active to rest. Thoughts of what she lost sticking in her brain as she watched out the window as Bucky exited his townhouse and began to walk aimlessly in the night. She almost wanted to join him, not speaking just walking.
Instead she readied herself for bed, lying under the covers and staring out the window at the stars. Her mind traveled to something Bucky once told her about his dad and how if he found the North Star then he would never be alone, because someone else was always looking too. 
And she knew exactly who that was.
Tags: @asphalt-cocktail​ @qtmeryr​ @broken-hearted-barnes​ @cantnkrusshedevil​ @gstran18​
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liviethewriter · 4 years
Nightmares || Ezio x Reader
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Type: Oneshot Requester: None Warnings: Fluff, Italian Swearing, Minor Violence, SPOILERS for Assassin’s Creed 2 Note: You gotta admit, the expressions in a lot of Assassin’s Creed games are just simply great. For example, Ezio’s expression in AC2 when his mother said, “Still recovering from last night?” And almost instantly, he feints surprise, like, “Uh, no idea what you’re talking about…” I’m laughing just thinking about it! Also, I wish to apologize for any incorrect translations. My first language is English, and I can speak some basic Japanese. Google Translate was bullied here.  Anywho, the Assassin’s Creed franchise is not mine, and rights to it go to Ubisoft. You are your own person. The only thing that is mine is the fan fiction itself. Enjoy! -Livie
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All was quiet in the halls of the Villa Auditore. Moonlight spilled through the windows of the villa, illuminating the rooms it could get into. The inhabitants were sound asleep, save for one soul. A woman by the name of Y/N. 
Y/N was a traveling bookbinder, a book doctor of sorts. Most men did this job, but she was one of the few women who mended old books and bound new manuscripts together. Women were especially good at this, mainly because of their ability to skillfully use a needle with thread. Y/N loved books and her services were fairly priced. On top of that, she was pretty friendly to many clientele. 
Y/N was a close friend to Giovanni Auditore, a banker of Firenze. He had many documents and files, and she traveled through Firenze frequently. Whenever she was in town, he’d have her weave some of the books together and always paid her full price for her services. He even let her stay with his family for a few days if she were weary of travel. 
Thus, Y/N became a close friend to the Auditore family. Maria, the mother, was approving of her choice of profession, as most women around this time period flocked to a brothel or began displaying their cleavage in hopes of hooking a husband on the streets. Fredrico seemed to like her, as a friend of course. He was already promised to another woman, and she was not too keen on making enemies. Petruccio avoided Y/N, though she never understood whether it was because he was shy or if he was disliking of her. Y/N and Claudia got along fairly well, and the bookbinder often gave her advice about Duccio. She was especially upset when she found out that he was being unfaithful. 
It was the middle son, Ezio, that vexed Y/N the most. She never got too close to him, knowing he was with another woman by the name of Cristina Vespucci. But Ezio was always quick to throw Y/N that adorable, cocky grin of his. She could never tell if he was trying to flirt with her, or if he was trying to make her lighten up. He loved spending time with her. Whenever Ezio wasn’t running errands for his family or doing chores (or other unmentionable things), he was spending time with Y/N, grinning and joking around with her. 
But then the Auditore family ran into trouble. Y/N didn’t even know about it until she was passing through Firenze on a supply run, and she heard a passerby say, “I can’t believe it. Who’d have thought the Auditore family…? Mio Dio (My God).” 
Y/N felt her stomach hollow, and she grabbed the man by the shoulder and said, “Wait, what happened?” 
“You didn’t hear?” The man looked surprised. “Giovanni, Fredrico, and Petruccio Auditore da Firenze were hung yesterday for treason and conspiracy to murder.” 
Y/N let him go as he shrugged and walked away. Stumbling to an alleyway, she threw up, shaking. Giovanni and two of his sons were dead? Mio Dio, indeed. Feeling unsteady on her legs, she wiped at her mouth. Then what did that mean for Maria, Claudia, and Ezio? Were they all alright? Were they running? Did they escape? So little time, so many questions. 
And so began her search for the remanents of the Auditore family. 
Y/N didn’t find them until several months later at Villa Auditore, in Monteriggioni. She had stopped there for a few supplies. She was looking around some of the stalls for flasks and food when suddenly she was grabbed from behind and dragged into a nearby alleyway. 
Y/N struggled, about to bite the hand over her mouth. But she was suddenly turned around and met with a pair of familiar brown eyes, glittering happily in the dimness of the alleyway. The fire in her eyes quickly dissipated, recognizing the face in front of her. He had aged a bit since she had last met him, dark brown stubble lining his jaw and amplifying his handsome appearance. Y/N was definitely attracted to Ezio. 
The Auditore Assassin grinned at her. “Y/N! Mio Dio, look at you!” 
She grinned right back at him, hugging him around the neck. “Ezio!” 
Ezio laughed a little and hugged her right back, his strong embrace nearly crushing her. A surprised squeak from Y/N was all it took for him to let her go and hold her at arm’s length. “Where have you been?” Y/N asked excitedly. 
“Here. There. Everywhere,” Ezio shrugged, chuckling softly as he cocked a brow at her. 
Y/N shook her head, smiling a little. “That’s so like you, to be vague,” she commented, to which Ezio proceeded to pretend to be surprised. 
“Bellissima (Gorgeous), what ever do you mean?” Ezio asked, a hand lying across his heart. 
Y/N laughed and he grinned, chuckling along with you. Putting an arm around her, he said, “Venire (Come), Mother and Claudia will want to see you.” 
Excited at the prospect to see the Auditore family she had been searching for so long, Y/N happily went with him. As the two of them exited the alleyway, Y/N noticed the white armored outfit he was wearing. It wasn’t exactly what she’d expect Ezio to wear. No one seemed to be bothered by its peculiar style. In fact, they seemed to welcome Ezio, greeting him happily. 
A group of girls giggled and flaunted themselves invitingly as the two passed by and a dark feeling curdled in the pit of her stomach. With a stab of shock, Y/N realized the feeling was jealousy. Why was she jealous of a few brothel-born women who wore clothing that left little to the imagination? 
It definitely had something to do with the fact that she had Ezio by her side. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that he interested her. In more ways than one. 
Curious, Y/N then decided to ask it. “So… how’re you and Cristina?” 
Ezio knew she had to have some reason for asking about his former girlfriend. With his free hand, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, we’re no longer a couple, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
Y/N widened her eyes, flabbergasted. “Wha-! What happened?”
Ezio looked at her, seeming a little upset. “Well, after my father and brothers… you know, I took my mother and sister here. We were about to leave for a ship to Spain, but my Uncle Mario convinced me to stay here. Since Cristina did not know if I would return or not, her father betrothed her to another man. I did nothing as I knew her father did not like me. And I did not want Cristina to be called an unfaithful puttana (whore). So…” 
Y/N frowned sympathetically. “Oh… I’m sorry, Ezio.” 
“No, non scusarti. (No, don’t apologize.) After all, I think Cristina will be happier with him.” Ezio looked forward, sighing a little as the tips of his hair brushed his cheekbones. 
Y/N always thought he had handsome features, but with the dark brown facial hair coming in, she thought he looked absolutely gorgeous. 
“Mio dolce (My sweet), you’re staring,” Ezio teased, a playful little smirking gracing his features as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. 
A light pink dusted YN’s face as she sharply looked forward, tense. Ezio laughed heartily, his brown eyes glittering in amusement. Y/N shook her head, huffing. 
Only then did she notice that they were going to the large villa ahead. Y/N went bug-eyed. “No way,” she mumbled in amazement. 
Ezio chuckled as the two reached the top of the stairs leading to the front yard. He guided her inside, grinning. “Y/N, welcome to Villa Auditore!” 
Y/N was stunned by the beauty of the recently restored Villa. It was exquisite outside. But inside was absolutely beautiful. “Stunning, sì (yes)?” Ezio asked, standing by the door as she looked around in wonder.
Y/N looked at Ezio, smiling. She was at a loss for words, so she merely nodded. 
“I can think of a few other things that are twice as stunning. One of which is smiling right at me,” Ezio chuckled at his obvious flirt. 
He looked fairly amused as the heat rushed to Y/N’s face and she looked away. 
And now here she was. It must’ve been close to midnight. Y/N was shaking, terrified. She had just woken from a gruesome nightmare that’d both horrified her and made her cry softly. 
It’d been Ezio on the gallows, not his father and brothers. She’d woken up as his screams for her to run were cut short as the trapdoor let out and the rope was drawn taut. 
Comfort. Y/N wanted comfort. She knew where Ezio’s room was thanks to Claudia giving her a tour of the entire Villa earlier that evening. Claudia had been excited to see her, but Maria was a little… out of it. Y/N had expected her to be in shock like she was. 
Shaking a little, Y/N wrapped her blanket around herself, nibbling on her lower lip as she got out of bed. She was quiet as she quietly walked down the corridors to Ezio’s room. Y/N raised her hand to knock on the door, but she hesitated, unsure if he’d even be in a good mood. 
But Y/N still wanted to be near someone. To have human contact. And she only felt close enough to Ezio to allow herself close like that. Mustering up her courage, she knocked on the door softly, before wiping her red eyes and suppressing a sniffle. 
The thought of the rope creaking as Ezio’s limp body swung from it nearly shook Y/N to tears again, but Ezio opened the door before she could break down crying again. He was only dressed in his dark trousers and a thin, white nightshirt. He instantly took note of her tear-stained face and reddened irritated eyes, and he realized what had happened without her needing to say anything. 
“Oh, amore (love), come here,” he said softly, drawing her into his embrace and cradling her head to his chest. 
Ezio pulled Y/N into the room and closed the door, having a feeling that she didn’t want to be seen in such a state. She was trembling as she held onto Ezio as if he were life itself. The Assassin held her close, kissing the top of her head and whispering sweet nothings to her soothingly.
When he heard a sniffle, he looked down to see Y/N silently crying. She was scared. And knowing this broke the Italian man’s heart a little. He had liked Y/N for quite a long time. But she was always rejecting any flirts from him, knowing he was with Cristina. But with his former girlfriend going to another man, he had no hesitation with being there for Y/N. 
Gathering her up in his arms, Ezio carried her over to the bed and let the frightened woman sit in his lap as he held her close and comforted her. Ezio knew that talking about your nightmares often helped, but he wasn’t sure that talking about a nightmare that scared Y/N this badly would help anyone but the demons haunting her. 
Ezio gently rocked her, still softly whispering in Italian. He would’ve told anyone else to just grow up. But Y/N wasn’t just anyone to him. 
It wasn’t that much longer until Ezio noticed that Y/N’s soft crying had faded to hiccups. He looked down at her, very gently moving some of her hair out of her face. Her eyes were red and irritated even more than before, and her cheeks were wet with salty tears. Her face was flushed red and her lips were moistened. 
Sitting her up a little more, Ezio cupped her cheeks in his hands and drew his thumbs across the still-damp skin. “Guardami, bella… (Look at me, beautiful…)” Ezio said softly, noticing that her eyes were looking down as she attempted to collect her thoughts.
Y/N’s chest lurched a little as she hiccupped again, but she complied and brought her eyes up to meet Ezio’s dark chocolate irises. Ezio’s gaze softened before he closed his eyes and pressed a gentle, chaste kiss to her salty lips, still wet with tears. 
Y/N froze, her eyes widening at the feeling of Ezio’s plush, slightly chapped lips. It was a feeling foreign to her. But it still made her momentarily forget about her fears. Ezio opened his eyes as the kiss ended, and said, “Are you alright now, Y/N?” 
The bookbinder nodded, her eyes a little wide at this point. Ezio nodded as well. “Bene, bene… (Good, good…)” Ezio murmured as he held her close again. 
Y/N didn’t protest as he laid down on the bed, pulling her with him. She snuggled up to him, feeling the warmth seeping through the thin white shirt he was wearing. Ezio smiled fondly at her, affection in his eyes as he pulled his red covers over himself and Y/N. “Ti amo (I love you), Y/N,” Ezio whispered softly. 
He was responded to by Y/N, who said quietly, “Ti amo anch'io (I love you too), Ezio.”
As they returned to the depths of the dream world, Ezio hoped Y/N’s nightmares would not return. He buried his face in her orange scented hair, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 
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