#thrawn is bae
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dapurinthos · 1 year ago
thrawn: her master was general anakin skywalker?
thrawn: *flashbacks to thrawn: alliances*
thrawn: so she won't be able to pronounce my full name either.
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wallflowers-garden · 2 years ago
i love these two lil gremlins so much already
set? AMAZING. cinematography? ICONIC.
LOTH CAT!!!!!!!!!!!
ezra 🥺
A NIGHTSISTER??? someone call merrin.
oh, so it’s confirmed now… *sigh* let’s see where we go… open minds, people, open minds
natasha liu bordizzo is literally KILLING IT as sabine!!! i love her portrayal
but ik she’s okay or else there wouldn’t be a show…
told u she survived
thrawn calls to me too bae. ur not special /lh
fr why would the chiss n nightsisters be working together (if that’s what they’re going for)? i wanna know more.
SION???? HELLO??????
sabine is just real weak in the force ig…
this entire fight is so cool
aww, reference to space dad <3
the staff is gone…
the eye of sion looks exactly like the thing thrawn is standing in in the trailer…. i have Many questions…
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realasunicorns · 6 years ago
honesty hour? smth like that
warning: read at your own risk of not being able to look at me the same way ever again after these astonishing revelantions
[ context! for some reason my hormones seem to be taking over and i just happen to have started reading outbound flight by timothy zahn ]
tbh my brain won't stop spinning at the fact that twenty-something-years-old obi-wan kenobi is in this book... holy fuck (quite literally)
*while on a pause to eat creppes at 3am:*
every time i UNEXPECTEDLY get the calvin klein ad on ig stories i have a heart attack is shawn mendes even legal the answer is no he's too hot bye
like i'm watching the 36836373th digital art story on a row and suddenly
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and it keeps happening over and over again and i be just here like
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it's a bit of a shocking image, you know? i'm here all focused on the art and then BOOM!!!
not that he isn't art, don't get me wrong, i just--well, you know what i meant.
i just made a twitter thread with all this
did the ad deserve an exclusive thread of my reaction every time i see it the only possible answer is yes
ok i'm back at reading now and i swear i found gffa!me, watch this
so this Maris is a nice girl/woman/female/idk, kind of an idealist too they say, but actually works for some smuggler who's a total jerk hm
apparently she tells herself it's the right thing, don't ask, and somehow she believes that, oh bb
oh and she's also in a pretty shitty (probably even toxic) relationship with that same smuggler... awful taste in men? can relate, sis
he, Qennto, totally doesn't care about her apart from, well, the usual shit, u know, he's kinda using her and u know, ew ew EWWWW
.........and then they meet thrawn.
"You're going in personally?" Maris asked, frowning.
"I command these warriors," Thrawn said, climbing into the vac suit with sure, practiced movements. "Part of my duty is to share their danger."
Maris glared at Qennto. "Be careful," she said, sounding almost embarrassed.
Thrawn gave her a small smile. "Don't worry," he said.
Slapping the final seal closed, he pulled a helmet and large handgun from the locker. "The vessel is almost likely severly undercrewed, amd Chiss warriors are the best there are. I'll return soon."
she might be kinda crushing on the polite honorable blue alien with growing eyes who's teaching her languages
yup, definitely gffa!me
but now seriously how old is thrawn in outbound flight and most importantly is he single i need answers
honesty hour? more like honesty night lol
aaaaanyway, i hope you had some fun with/at my AMs craziness and that you're not too affected to keep reading my posts after this
if you are i'm not even sorry i'm unapologetically myself i love you all bye
ps: yes i am 28yo no i am not drunk 🦄 this is just me sometimes
ps2: those creppes were super healthy eh! my IBS wouldn't leave me otherwise lol only made of chickpea flour and toppings were melted cocoa (yep, i'm one of those lucky ppl), peanut butter and raisins
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bb-8 · 4 years ago
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Idk why I find this so funny, but I'm desperate for Thrawn to give off drinking-vodka-coke-out-of-a-bb8-novelty-cup energy
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jadesabre83 · 4 years ago
3, OMG 3. I didn’t know you were actively working on it!
3. Clone!Thrawn/Jaina started all thanks to the lovely @lypiphaera posting her headcanons about Clone!Thrawn, and how he would have spent some time with the New Republic. And from there it just took off to “OMG, could you imagine Thrawn being stared down by the Solo kids?” and evolved several steps further.
The basics of this WIP is that it’s set during the Dark Nest crisis. Jag has been shot down by Leia and is presumed dead or missing. Jaina gets captured and turned over to the Empire of the Hand (hahahaha, didn’t expect them, did you?!) by the Fels as a means of making amends/making up for the financial losses of Lowie’s actions (and Jag’s disappearance). 
Jaina is then held as a sort of political prisoner by Thrawn and crew. And because they’ve heard all about her actions with the Killiks, there’s a steady supply of ysalamiri! Yay! 
I haven’t gotten much of this written yet, but here’s an excerpt:
“You know I’m the best pilot here. So. Strap a damn yslamir in the cockpit with me. Order them to open fire on me if I deviate from the course. Just let me help. I’m no use to anyone just sitting around here.” There’s an edge to her voice that’s just bordering on desperation; Thrawn doesn’t react to this, and if it were anyone but Thrawn she would be apt to think that it went unnoticed. 
But this is Thrawn. The man doesn’t miss a damn thing; he probably knows what she ate for lunch (not enough) and how much sleep she got last night (barely any). So his utter lack of a reaction is almost worse than an actual reaction and not for the first time (or the last) since waking up on this sithforsaken rock she finds herself longing for access to her abilities. 
Not being able to use the Force leaves her in a constant state of feeling helpless and out of control, and while the thought of being able to control Thrawn on any level is somewhat laughable (maybe, just maybe she could take him in a sparring session) it would at least allow her to determine determine that within the heated glare he’s fixing her with there’s a surprising amount of desire. 
And she definitely doesn’t get any sort of warning flicker across her senses as one moment she’s ready to spit out some biting insult in Cheunh, and the next he’s got her slammed against the wall, his hands pinning her wrists above her head.
Force or not, her first instinct is to fight back. She pulls her arms down, trying to wrench her wrists free, but he only tightens his grip in response to the point that she lets out a quiet gasp of pain. That’s when he seizes the moment and crashes his lips against hers in a searing kiss.
Kissing. Thrawn.
She wants to think that this is weird; she’s known him since she was six. He was a close friend of the family, and a babysitter on more than one occasion.
This should be weird.
Then again, she’s also the one who let Kyp Durron finger her (and then some) too many times to count during her brief apprenticeship, and she had known him since she was two.
But the main difference here, the one that should (and does) scare her is that with Kyp she was his equal; if he did something she didn’t like she could fling him against the far wall without even breaking a sweat. She can’t do that with Thrawn, not as long as those vaping ysalmari were always around. And what’s scarier than that, than knowing that she’s not even remotely in control here, is the fact that she’s actually a little (a lot) turned on.
When she tries to knee him in the groin he shoves his thigh in between her legs. It’s effective enough to get her to stop her physical attacks, but when he increases the pressure in a very deliberate manner, the true purpose of the shift in position becomes clear.
And stars, if she isn’t wet already. 
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stuckimaginationuniverse · 6 years ago
Oomphf, Thrawn keeping those competent around him so he doesnt have to worry about them when shitt hits the fan. And I'm pretty sure he loosely said to keep your friends close and enemies closer. Ehay. I like to think that Thrawn knows the Rebels are capable of taking down, or at least disrupt the Empire, if the had better access to supplies, people and organization.
so like.. I’m sure the original intention behind giving Thrawn red eyes was to make him look scary? But nope, here I am, staring into those red eyes, thinking only of how beautiful they are… Somebody somewhere messed up something… Cause that’s probably not how I’m supposed to feel..
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thrawnisbae · 7 years ago
It’s totally cracking me up the way the tumblr Thrawn fandom has just collectively fallen in love with Admiral Ar’alani inside of a day ever since Thrawn #6 came out. xD
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arwenkenobi48 · 7 years ago
Sir, she's just a peasant!
Captain ”I’m totally not jealous” Slavin 
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owlpartytime · 2 years ago
hi bestie bae! what helps you figure out how to write a character’s voice? like how they portray themselves, their motivations, how they’d act in a given situation, etc? i feel like i struggle in that regard!
Rambly thoughts below:
That's hard; I feel like it's something I never quite get down correctly either, but here goes. I try to remember the main qualities of the character - ie, thrawn is calm, intelligent, petty, sometimes bitchy/sarcastic in a way that you can't tell if he's being a shit or not, complimentary when he sees progress, patient when he's teaching. He knows what he wants and is willing to take the time to get it, but sometimes uncertain with interpersonal relationships, and carries a lot of trauma.
Eli is temperamental, intelligent, self depreciating, hard working, endures hardship, grudgingly accepts the shit life deals him, capable of far more than he realizes, undergoes a lot of personal growth, loyal, has a sense of justice, emotional, gets the job done, etc.
So once I know what kind of story I'm working with, I look at those qualities and decide how they would be likely to manifest in the situation I've put them in. Eli varies the most, depending on where in the timeline he goes - a younger Eli is going to be more brash, quick to anger, and quick to rely on others than an older one who has grown more secure and confident in himself. A younger Thrawn is more reserved, might make more mistakes/step on toes, less traumatized, displays more chiss aspects than human ones, etc.
Depending on how AU Im going, I push certain aspects and pull back on others, which can wildly change the character, but they should have enough of their core personality in place that they can be identified as themselves still.
If that makes sense? Hope that helps, at least.
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dapurinthos · 1 year ago
not me sitting around trying to figure out exactly what the population of the chimaera currently is, squinting at screencaps to try and count the number of stormtroopers visible (at least 500-ish). how many people are up in the bridge? how many others are still there? there's almost 40 000 people on a star destroyer in normal conditions.
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thotclaws · 8 years ago
If you don’t have a crush on Thrawn. Your probably lying to yourself.
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grand-admiral-asshat · 8 years ago
Thrawn gingerly places his index thing under his object of desire’s chin, and instead of “kiss me,” he whispers:
“Chiss me.”
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kick-girl · 6 years ago
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THRAWN IS BAE! This drawing will be among my huge collection of cute originals that I'm bringing with me to #SDCC! If you're going, please stop by and see me at Small Press Table N-12! Say hi and check out all my comics and cute things! 💕 #Thrawn #sdcc2019 #OriginalArtwork https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbiSAsBX8u/?igshid=11nfj849q4vyp
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anoddopal · 5 years ago
F/O List
Sir Crocodile (One Piece) (since 9/23/2023) [#smoking sandman husband]
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece) (since 10/8/2023) [#sassy swordsman husband]
Laffitte (One Piece) (since 12/24/2023) [#whimsy rapscallion husband]
Lord Boxman (OK KO) (since 9/8/2017) [#robot dad husband]
Roman Sionis AKA Black Mask (DC) (since 8/2014) [#masked mob husband]
Dr. Nefertiti Tropy/FemTropy (Crash Bandicoot) (since 10/2/2020) [#time twisted wife] 
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars) (since 2017) [#artistic admiral husband] 
Lord Damien Todden (OC) (since 2013) [#caprine devil husband] 
Sirene (Devilman) (since 11/2022) [#harpy demon wife]
Dr. Nefarious Tropy (Crash Bandicoot) (since 2017) [#time twisted husband] 
Odo (Star Trek: DS9) (since 2019) [#deep space husband]
Major Kira Nerys (Star Trek: DS9) (since 2021) [#majorly fierce wife]
Jenassa (Skyrim) (since 2022) [#dark mercenary wife]
Harvey Dent AKA Two-Face (DC) (since 3/2013) [#split faced husband]
Clark Kent AKA Superman (DC) (since 2015) [#super wholesome husband]
Toffee (SVTFOE) (since 2/2017) [#lizard general husband] 
Jasper (Steven Universe) (since 8/1/2016) [#brute gem wife] 
Ami (Crash Bandicoot) (since 10/2019) [#bandicute wife] 
Bebop (TMMT) (since 2015) [#punk pork husband]
Fuchsia (Animal Crossing) (since 2020) [#dear deer wife]
The Robot Devil (Futurama) (since 2020) [#mechanical satanic husband]
*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*
Ludo (SVTFOE) (since 2/2017) [#smol kappa son]
Darrell, Shannon, Raymond, Ernesto, Jethro, Mikayla (OK KO) (since 9/8/2017) [#the robot kids]
Floor (Guardians of the Galaxy Vo. 3) (since 8/2023) [#lop lagomorph daughter]
Lucia, Sofie (Skyrim) (since 2022) [#winterworn daughters]
Loki (Marvel) (since 2012) [#frosty trickster dad]
Static and Monty (Animal Crossing) (since 2012) [#grumpy animal dads]
Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) (since 2013) [#what's cookin’ bubba?]
The Sawyer Family: Drayton, Nubbins, Chop Top (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) (since 2013) [#what’s cookin’ boys?]
*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*
Spinel (Steven Universe) (since 2019) [#bestest pink friend!]
Harley Quinn (DC) (since 2013) [#almost harley kin]
Mary Louise Dahl (DC) (since 2013) [#dahl and doll]
Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot) (since 2017) [#what’s cookin’ mate?]
Jadzia/Ezri Dax (Star Trek: DS9) (since 2019) [#a friend for lives]
Kaim (Devilman) (since 11/2022) [# amicable and armored]
Buggy the Clown (One Piece) (since 9/2023) [#bothersome bug]
Nico Robin (One Piece) (since 9/2023) [#we didn't start the fire]
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) (since 9/2023) [#fairy floss friend]
Doc Q (One Piece) (since 12/2023) [#thou shalt surely die]
*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*
Blorbo Squad
Edward Nigma AKA The Riddler (DC) (since 2013) [#Blorbo: Edward Nigma]
Dagoth Ur (TES: Morrowind) (since 2022) [#Blorbo: Dagoth Ur]
Saint Jiub The Eradicator (TES: Morrowind) (since 2008) [#Blorbo: St. Jiub]
Weyoun 6 (Star Trek: DS9) (since 2019) [#Blorbo: Weyoun 6]
*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*
Crush (not official... Unless?):
*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•**•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*
★ My romantic F/O placements and focuses shift around a lot - MAINS AND SUB MAINS ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME STATUS - REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE A "PRIMARY" FOCUS OR NOT!
[#the progeny] - for my fankids/fanchildren
[#all the baes] - for ALL my romantic F/Os!
[#all the baddies] - for ALL my romantic villain F/OS!
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bxwtothefirstorder · 6 years ago
//That's it. That's basically the very first chapter and I bet it goes through the entire book. 😂 (I'm a slow reader because I write! But I will get there.)
Grand Admiral Thrawn: The whole plan is coming together...
Captain Pellaeon: Hey, I don't think you ever told us your plan.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: I don't have to tell you everything. I don't have to tell you ANYthing!
Rukh: And that just about sums up our time spent here.
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thrawnisbae · 7 years ago
questions you say. other than art, what hobbies does our man Thrawn? Does he go to pet shows or, like Tarkin, does he get into those crazy holo-dramas?
Honestly I don’t see Thrawn having “hobbies”. He strikes me as a very objective-driven individual; if it doesn’t further The Cause (in this case, saving the galaxy from the Far Outsiders) then he can’t afford to waste time or energy doing it. He forgets he’s a person too, which makes it fortuitous that he is so good at drawing people’s caring because he needs frequent reminding that he is in fact mortal and needs to ease up on himself.
So the only “hobbies” or diversions he’d have were things he could justify to himself: art teaches him more about other races, and knowledge is power. The ysalamiri help him control C’Baoth and defend against Skywalker and his young Jedi, and so Thrawn can allow himself the indulgence to coddle and pet the ysalamiri because they are Useful.
It takes iron will and mental gymnastics on his part and more than a little fussing over him from his Devoted Followers.
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