#thought he was wearing a giant diaper
feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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Mark Webber visits the Getty Images Gallery for a private viewing of the Speed exhibition and to talk about the classic motor sports images for BBC radio five live June 25, 2003 - London Source: Mark Thompson/Getty Images
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moonlights-thoughts · 10 months
Trolls on an anatomy and scientific level gives me an existential crisis
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mariclerc · 8 months
Family cuddles | pg10
Summary: Your little girl decides to interrupt the peace and quiet of the morning. Warning: None, just you and Pierre being sweethearts.
a/n: dedicated and requested by: @martaaairwin1994-blog
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Sunlight streams through the blinds, painting warm stripes across the bed where you and Pierre lie intertwined. The air is thick with the quiet contentment of a shared morning. Pierre, still half-asleep, mumbles something unintelligible against his girlfriend's neck.
“Mornin', sleepyhead.” you say with a smile.
Pierre stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He smiles at her, that easy, charming smile that makes her heart clench.
“Morning, beautiful. Sleep well?”
“Like a baby. You?”
“Like a king. Though, maybe a king with a tiny princess ruling over him.”
He gestures towards the doorway, where your almost! three-year-old daughter, Lucille, peeks in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She's wearing mismatched socks and a giant T-shirt that swallows her whole, but her grin is infectious.
“Peek-a-boo papa!”
“Luci! Come here, you little monkey!” you said squealing.
Lucille squeals with delight and launches herself onto the bed, landing with a soft thud between her parents. Pierre scoops her up, showering her face with kisses.
“Good morning, sunshine! Did you sleep well?” Pierre asks her.
“Yes, Papa! I had a dream about bunnies and fluffy clouds.” She giggles.
“Sounds magical. What did the bunnies do?” you asked curiously.
“They flew on the clouds! And they sang a song about carrots.” She said shyly.
Pierre and his girlfriend exchange a fond look. Lucille's boundless imagination never fails to amuse them.
“Sounds like a pretty cool dream. Maybe we can draw a picture of it later?”
“Yes! And we can color the bunnies pink!” Luci says while clapping her hands.
“Pink bunnies, huh? Sounds perfect.” You say with a smile at your daughter's creativity.
Lucille nestles closer to her mother, her soft breaths tickling her skin. Her girlfriend smiles, wrapping an arm around her daughter's small frame. Pierre joins them, his hand finding hers, creating a warm circle of love. The morning sun paints the room in a golden glow, casting long shadows across the bed.
“I love you, Mama.” Lucille mumbles.
“I love you too, sweetheart. Always and forever.”
Lucille's breathing becomes even, the rhythmic rise and fall a soothing lullaby. Pierre watches them, his heart swelling with a love he never thought possible. He remembers the countless sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, the moments of pure exhaustion. But looking at them now, bathed in the quiet contentment of morning, he wouldn't trade it for anything.
“You're incredible.” He says as he kisses your forehead.
“We're incredible together, don't you think?” You smile sleepily.
Their fingers intertwine, a silent promise of shared dreams and unwavering support. The silence is broken only by the soft chirping of birds outside the window and the gentle hum of the refrigerator downstairs. It's a simple moment, yet it holds the weight of a thousand unspoken words.
“Remember when we were young and carefree?” Pierre whispers.
“Barely remembers yesterday, let alone years ago!” you chuckled.
“I meant carefree in a good way. No responsibilities, just us.”
“And now we have the biggest responsibility of all, but the best kind.”
“You're right. Being her parents, watching her grow each day, it's the most rewarding thing in the world.”
They fall silent again, their thoughts turning to their future as a family. The little girl nestled between them is a constant reminder of the journey they've shared, the obstacles they've overcome, and the love that binds them together. The sun climbs higher, painting the room in a brighter light, signaling the start of a new day. But for now, they hold onto this precious moment, a stolen cuddle in the morning sun, a testament to the enduring power of love and family.
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Winter solstice
Azriel x f!Reader
Summary; celebrating winter solstice with your friends and your daughter.
Warnings; dad Azriel. (I think this is a fair warning)
Just a quick thought I had.
Winter solstice finally came and Velaris looked even more beautiful than before. All the streets and stores were decorated with garlands and evergreen wreaths and even the mountains seemed festive with the layer of white that covered them. 
Dela your one year old daughter was crawling around your bedroom as you got ready to go to the house of wind to celebrate with your family. You chose a midnight black dress that reached mid-thigh and a pair of black heels. You decided to wear more jewellery than usual to make your outfit less plain and checked your hair one last time before picking up your daughter. 
She looked mesmerizing in the blue- the same shade as her daddy’s siphons- dress you picked for her. 
“Dada” she mumbled when you walked out of the room.
“Yes baby we are going to daddy” you rolled your eyes, lately she’s been asking for Azriel all the time making you hate the word dada by the amount of times you heard it during the day. 
“Dada!” She exclaimed once you reached the living room and Azriel raised from his seat.
“There’s my princess” he cooed and quickly took her from you. The small bat giggled and caressed her daddy’s cheek making his knees tremble. You always enjoyed watching Azriel melting whenever your daughter showed affection towards him.  
“You look amazing angel” he told you and moved closer to leave a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Thank you my love” you smiled and picked the bag you had prepared with Dela’s bottles, diapers and extra clothes. 
“Ready?” Azriel asked and headed to the door.
“I think so” you noticed Dela’s stuffed bat in the corner and gasped “we almost forgot Claude”
Azriel’s eyes widened and his face paled at the thought of putting her to sleep without her favorite toy.
“Mother above!” He murmured.
“Okay ready” you announced and walked to them. 
You landed at the house of wind and walked inside, everyone was there sitting around the table while Nyx and Ella- Cassian’s and Nesta’s daughter ran around the house screaming and laughing. 
“Hello” you smiled and your family immediately got up to kiss you and most importantly to greet Dela. Nyx and Ella were grown now and ignored the adults so, everyone gave their attention to your daughter. 
You watched as she was passed around, kicking her feet and giggling as everyone kissed her and cooed. 
“Finally some time to relax” Azriel whispered to you and you nodded. At first you felt guilty for enjoying these moments of freedom, but now after a whole year with the baby the guilt completely disappeared, after all you were still in the same room with her. 
You all enjoyed your dinner except for Elain who asked if she could feed Dela, she placed the baby chair between her and Lucien and started a story as she fed your daughter. 
You watched the little bat terrorizing Cassian after dinner, and giggled. He was bouncing her on his thigh enjoying her giggles and stopping when he got tired, your daughter though kept shouting “Again” every time he stopped so the poor giant kept bouncing her until he was panting. 
“Come on Del I can’t keep doing this” he whined 
“ Again” she pouted. 
Cassian shook his head and started bouncing her once again.
“Cass I wouldn’t do that if I were you she just….” Your mate was cut off by your daughter who puked. “…ate” he concluded with a sigh. 
After Cassian and Dela were clean again you moved to the living room, enjoying your wine and the warmth of the fireplace. You watched all your friends on the ground singing and playing with your daughter and smiled. Azriel noticed too and wrapped an arm around your shoulders pressing you against him and kissing your temple.
“We’re so lucky” you murmured.
“I know” he smiled and leaned his head on yours.
Your little girl glanced back at you giving you a toothy grin before turning her attention back to your friends. 
It's a small one because I didn't have any free time today <3
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adultbabystories · 1 year
Doctor’s orders - It Is Done - Part 10
After an hour since Gregory had put Stan to sleep, the man knew he could return to the boy’s nursery. The sound already stopped and it was safe to get in. A small exposure to the sound and lights wasn’t a significant risk, and yet Gregory didn’t want to take any chances with the regression program affecting him. He stood by the door, looking at Stan in his crib, sound asleep. He learned about what these sounds and lights can do to a person. How somehow it tipped men over the edge towards infantilism. Not exactly sure how, but the results were almost a hundred present proof within a few sessions. His boy Stan, he thought, only needed one session. He was in need of an authority figure, he was in need of guidance, he was in need of letting go and just being. So many men need it, but Gregory was happy to give it to Stan.
Stan was dreaming the weirdest dream he had ever dreamed. He walked into a huge office building made of cold gray concrete with cold floor tiles and a high ceiling. 
As he walked to the receptionist, someone yelled “Stan come over here now and send these forms!”. He ran towards the voice while papers emerged in his grip. He got to an old dial landline phone and a voice screamed in his ear “Answer me now! I’m a mad client!” He let go of the forms and picked up the phone, just to hear a busy sound bip.
Hot men and women walked in front of him, smelling good, looking good, and touching each other in a non-appropriate way. He wanted to take part in that, but his feet were stuck on the cold tiles. He couldn’t move, he felt that he wanted to take part, but couldn’t. The lobby became a nightclub, and the men and women started taking off their clothes and having sex in front of him. He tried to move his feet again, but as he looked down, he saw he was naked as they were. Just in front of him people were having sex, but as he looked down again, his dick was soft and small, not paying attention to what was happening.
Waves of emotions had started to hit him. He began tearing up. His eyes were so wet he couldn’t see anything anymore. Once he succeeded in drying them up, he was in a middle of a field, looking up to the night sky. Stars and planets surrounded him from up above, it reminded him of something he saw in the past. Strange sounds echoed into the night, a lullaby maybe, with a voice talking.
“It’s okay to cry.” the voice said.
A figure appeared from the distance, it looked like a giant teddy bear, with a loving and warm facial expression. 
“Are you Stan?” the teddy bear asked.
“I am, yes” Stan sniffled.
“Why are you naked?” the bear looked down at Stan’s soft penis.
“I don’t know” he answered with a worried tone.
“All these horrible people with their horrible demands. I can take that away from you. Would you like that Stan?” the bear asked and spread his arms for a hug.
“Yes Teddy” Stan answered and went in for a hug.
In his dream, Stan opened his eyes to find out he was in a playpen, inside a huge nursery. The smell of baby powder was in the air. He was wearing a thick diaper, a full PJ, and a dangling pacifier clipped on him. Uncle Gregory came by the playpen and kneeled.
“How is my good boy today? Having fun watching his shows?” he raffled Stan’s hair.
A big screen TV was playing some kind of babyish show, which seemed to calm Stan down. Uncle Gregory grabbed the pacifier and stuck it into Stan’s mouth.
“You need it. Now, here’s your best friend Teddy. Put your little head down and take a nap.” he presented a stuffed teddy bear that looked like the same one from before. Stan took the bear into his chest and laid down. He felt so content, so warm, so safe. His uncle was watching over him, his best friend was in his arms, not a single worry. A warm feeling started in his diaper, he peed, but he didn’t care, it felt great. Looking at his fuzzy friend, he rolled over to his stomach, holding his friend with one arm, he felt the need to hump his wet diaper.
Gregory was standing there for twenty minutes. He loved to watch the first hyno night process. Especially the part when the boys start to hump their already-wet diapers. Stan’s diaper came up and down, softly, slowly, in a rhythm. In the dark, Stan made soft cooing and whining sounds while he was humping a bit faster than before. With a final whine, the boy lowered his diaper to the mattress and stopped moving.
He broke Stan, he is now the little boy he needed to be, it is done.
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mellowsadistic · 6 months
Before & After - Ice Queen
Set in the world of The Magician’s Game.
Candice Holbrook was a rich socialite, famous in certain well-to-do circles both for her stunning beauty and for the cold, stuck-up, utterly disdainful attitude she showed towards anyone she considered to be beneath her, which was just about everyone. She was known among her friends (though ‘friends’ was a generous term for the underlings she surrounded herself with) as the Ice Queen – but people who were less charitable simply called her the Frigid Bitch. Even her own husband was sick of her frostiness.
It is perhaps no surprise, then, that she came to the attention of the Magician as he was selecting the unfortunate women who were to take part in one of his life-altering games. Candice started out strong, avoiding penalties and taking charge of the other girls, but during the second round she irritated the Magician so much with haughtiness that she was rendered incontinent and, as an extra insult, was stripped of the ability to change her own diapers unless they were right on the verge of leaking.
Candice tried desperately to hold on to her refined, authoritative persona, even as she toddled about attempting the challenges with an increasingly full nappy under her dress, but she may have tried a little too hard. Her fellow contestants didn’t take kindly to be scolded and bossed about by a woman in stinky Pampers, and Candice was voted out in the third round. Horrified as she was by the thought of spending the result of her life in adult diapers, Candice’s icy façade began to crack – but not enough to satisfy the Magician. Determined to put Candice in her place, he took away the one thing she prized above all else: her self-control. Robbed permanently of the power to regulate her own emotions, not to mention control her bladder and bowels, the Ice Queen had been melted into a puddle princess, and she was ready to be sent home…
Candice’s New Life
“WAAAAAH!” Candice wailed at the top of her lungs. She tried as hard as she could to stop, to pull herself together, but it was useless. “WAAAAAH!”
“What’s the matter, baby girl?” came her husband’s voice, and Candice squinted through her tears to see him lounging against the doorframe of her nursery, smirking at the sight of her bawling like a baby. She knew she must look utterly ridiculous with her nose running, her beautiful face red from shouting, standing in a giant playpen wearing only a Disney Frozen dress, a thick diaper, and a large, pale blue bow in her hair – a mockery of a tiara. But she still felt a fresh wave of uncontrollable anger rush through her at the sight of his smug expression.
“Don’t look at me like that!” she blubbered, stamping her foot. “I’m Candice Holbrook! I’M CANDICE HOLBROOK AND YOU CAN’T LOOK DOWN ON ME!”
“What a fussy little girl,” her husband cooed, walking over to her. “What’s got you so grumpy, hmm? Daddy fed you earlier, and you’ve had your nap…” Once he reached her, he turned her around, lifted up the hem of her dress, and pulled out the waistband of her nappy. “Just as I thought,” he said, chuckling. He spun her back around and looking her directly in the eyes. “Baby Candice made a stinky, didn’t she? Does the big baby want her dirty diaper changed?”
Candice wrenched away from her husband, her anger and shame totally spilling over. “I’M NOT A BIG BABY!” she screeched in an ear-piercing voice that made her cringe. “I’M NOT, I’M NOT, I’M NOT!” Her cheeks burned with humiliation at what she was doing, at the absurd spectacle she was making of herself, but she was completely unable to stop herself from stomping her feet and pumping her fists in an impotent fury as she shrieked and cried like an oversized two-year-old having a meltdown. “I WANT MY OLD LIFE BACK!” she wailed, jumping up and down on the spot and making her sagging nappy jiggle about stupidly between her legs. “I HATE POOPY DIAPERS! I HATE THEM!”
Her husband simply stood there, watching her throwing her tantrum with a wide smile on his face, until at last she wore herself out, and she was left gasping and hiccupping between quiet sobs. Her nappy felt disgusting.
“That’s it, baby,” her husband said gently, pulling her into a cuddle. “You got it all out, that’s a good girl.” He reached down and patted her padded rear, cupping the heavy seat of her diaper with his hand. “There’s plenty of wee-wee in here too. I bet you want a nice, clean diapie now, don’t you darling?”
Candice nodded, her face buried in his chest. A moment later, an unwilling giggle spilled from her mouth as her husband’s hands shot to her waist and tickled her sides. Her heart leapt with sudden, unwelcome happiness. She’d always suppressed her playful side before, but now, because of that foul Magician, there was nothing to stop the more childish aspects of her nature rearing their heads at any time. She hated how she couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips. But an even more embarrassing urge arose in her a second later as she pressed her body against her husband’s firm chest. No. She had to stop herself. She couldn’t lower herself like that!
“Daddy, I’m horny!” she blurted, grinding her diapered crotch needily against his groin and blushing scarlet.
Her husband laughed. “Alright, baby,” he said, his voice rich with amusement, “Daddy will change your nappy, and then we can have a little bit of grown-up time together, okay?”
“Yay!” Candice squealed. A big, dumb grin spread across her face, even as she cursed fiercely inside her head. This was almost worse than her tantrums! “I love doing grown-up things with Daddy!”
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strapskinkstories · 7 months
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Photo Source: Unknown, if yours please claim (DMd to me by @diaperboy06)
Jeff was invited by Mommy Annabelle, a German Mistress who was well known for extreme breathplay and cruel unusual diaper games. One of her most famous was "The Diaper Hood" While many people have imitated her diaper hood, only she knew how to truly make a man fear for his life with nothing more than a diaper and his own excrement. Jeff had put in a request on Annabelle's website years ago, he thought he would never hear from her. Then he got a text message from an anonymous number
"Hello Jeff, it's Mommy Annabelle, Mistress Annabelle, of MissAnnabelle on Twitter and my website that now no longer exists (long story short I let the contract expire) anyhow reply to this text or just show up to my dungeon if you want to have the cruelest diaper session of your life, you did say you wanted cruel right? Come to my address and lets do it!"
Jeff looked up the address in Maps and noticed it was five minutes from his house. He drove to the nondescript office building, all the windows were painted black and the door was a plain blue metal door. He knocked on it and a woman opened the door wearing a lovely red leather dress.
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Mommy Annabelle wore a tight red leather dress and red high heel shoes. She came over to Jeff and hugged him squeezing his face snugly to her chest. Jeffs breaths sped up, he breathed deep and heavy. Mommy Annabelle said "Just breathe my leathery scent, let it drive you into a deep sleep on my chest." She held Jeff down, he didn't feel right doing this. Jeff whimpered and struggled trying to speak to this woman, but she just squeezed him down tighter into her sweet leathery scented sweaty breasts. It was sticky and warm, he fell asleep after a few minutes of her smothering him, limiting his breaths. When he reawoke he was sat in a lounge chair, his arms were in heavy rubber cuffs and his legs were in heavy rubber cuffs. The leg cuffs were tightly attached to the chair and a pair of loops attached Jeffs hands to his legs tightly. He couldn't move anything but his head.
Mommy Annabelle said "So you wanted the must cruel session ever huh? I think I can make that happen, especially considering I just got a shipment in." Mommy Annabelle walked in with a rolling dumpster, it stunk horribly of piss sweat and shit, the smell of old used diapers. Jeff screamed "What are you doing untie me from this chair you crazy woman!" Mommy Annabelle shouted "How rude! You ill mannered brat! I'll have to train that out of you before I let you leave these walls, if I let you leave!" Mommy Annabelle pulled her dress up slightly, she slid off a large pair of PVC bloomers and said "These will do well. You like them? Soft red PVC." She pressed her sweaty bloomers to his face. Jeff gagged and said "Mistress, Mommy, whatever you want me to call you this is not my thing! Please let me go!" Mommy Annabelle walked over to the giant trash bin filled with diapers, she pulled a bunch of diapers into her bloomers and said "These will do well, some nasty diapers from 80 year olds at the nursing home, they rarely shower, theyre really stinky and their shit is extremely thick and sticky!" Jeff screamed "GOD NO!!! NO WAY!!! I WAS EXPECTING SOME DIAPERS FROM OTHER GUYS AND MAYBE A LADY BUT NOT OLD MEN AND WOMEN IN NURSING HOME GROSS!!!" Mommy Annabelle shouted "You don't yell inside! Who taught you your manners! I need to teach you a very harsh lesson!" She pulled her PVC bloomers over his head tightly and pressed the disgusting diapers against his face.
Jeff made gurgling screams beneath the diaper and bloomers. Mommy Annabelle said "Scream twice if you promise you'll lick Mommys dirty leather dress clean!" Jeff screamed twice, he couldn't fathom spending another second with the shit and piss of 80 year old men and women over his face, he was suffocating and drowning in their excrement and sweat, it was disgusting! Mommy Annabelle said "Scream twice if you like being suffocated in filthy diapers!" Jeff was silent, he made gurgling sounds as he swallowed the filth trying to get air. Mommy Annabelle chuckled and said "Make a gurgling sound if you want me to bury you alive in diapers!' Jeff made a loud gurgling cry. She said "Seems like you want to be buried alive in diapers, I'll do that right after you lick my dress clean! I look forward to having someone clean my 40 year old dress clean, hasn't been cleaned once. Make sure you lick all the gross crusty sweat out of it!" Mommy Annabelle held the bloomers tight to Jeffs face and pulled them tighter and tighter pressing the diapers to his face saying "When you awaken I want you to tongue my dress clean like your life depends on it, miss a single spot and I bury you in that bin of diapers!" Jeff gulped as she pulled it so tight, it hurt his nose. It filled his nose with thick sludge. Jeff made almost silent gurgling cries, thrashing against the restraints before going limp. While he was blacked out Mommy Annabelle pulled her slimy nasty dress off and pulled it down over Jeffs head and upper body forcefully, squeezing him painfully tight! Mommy Annabelle let him awaken and said "GET LICKING" Jeff cried out "IT HURTS ITS TOO TIGHT I CANT ITS SO TIGHT AGAINST MY FACE" He could barely push his tongue into the leather to get air let alone lick it. He could barely lick it anyway it was so disgusting tasting.
Mommy Annabelle said as she pulled the leg straps off keeping his hands tied to his legs "Looks like someone needs to be thrown out like the trash they are. Dress lickers that don't lick my dress are defective, so I throw you away like other defective things, goodbye Jeff" She plunged a needle into his ass as she dumped him head first into the bin of diapers. she threw her bloomers full of diapers over him and wheeled the bin outside saying "Goodbye Jeff, was nice knowing you." The next morning it was horribly hot, it felt like Jeff was being cooked in a oven. Jeff cried weakly but knew it was no use. A loud truck approached and he felt the world turn upside down as he was dumped into the back of the truck, suddenly he felt everything get warmer and tighter as he was compacted into a bunch of fresh warm diapers that were just picked up, it was disgusting and nasty and forced foul fluids and sludge into his mouth and nose. Jeff cried silently knowing that this was going to be eternal, he would never die. Hours later he was dumped into the landfill, to be forgotten for eternity. Nothing but a trashed diaper.
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
Smol Genderbent AU
I have this AU where only Charlie and Vaggie are genderbent. Lucifer is still Charlie's dad, and Angel is still...Angel. anyways, I just wanted to share a few headcanons i have for them.
Charlie is one of those dino boys. He loves them and has at least 3 dinosaur plushies. He also really loves the primary color palette. All of his little outfits consist of red, yellow, and blue. no exceptions! He doesn't need diaps, but when he's feeling under 3, he wears them. only the dino print ones! he won't wear any others. if he could have dino print pull-ups, he absolutely would have them, but unfortunately, they only have diaps. Getting him to eat vegetables are really hard. like normal Charlie, Boy Charlie HATES veggies. Lucifer or Vags have to do a lot of convincing to make him eat. Speaking of Lucifer, Lucifer loves caring for his little boy. He and him bond over duckies and dinos. Lucifer tried playing catch with him one day but the boy wasn't feeling big enough to have good reaction times... he had a giant bruise on his forehead for a week. Though, he does love to play outside, unlike normal Charlie. normal Charlie would rather play inside and sometimes outside, Boy Charlie needs to go outside at least once during his regression time. he's also very comfortable with regressing in public and will even be in his little gear! but only if Lucifer or Alastor is with him. they protec. they attac. but most importantly, they make sure he eats snac. Charlie also loves to wear footy pajamas or Overalls. he does get fussy sometimes when he doesn't get his way but will feel bad for being fussy later.
Vags goes by vaggie or Vee, when smol. He's more of an astro boy and loves purple. although, his special interests do switch up from time to time. sometimes its space, sometimes he's neutral, and sometimes he loves sharks. he regresses pretty small but is super embarrassed of accidents. Luckily, Charlie is supportive and they go to pick out diapers together. He has to have his comfort stuffy with him at all times. He also acts like his stuffy is his friend, so whoever is taking care of him, also has to take care of his stuffy. He has a hard time walking so outside is a no-go. Unless you can carry him. but Charlie can't go more than 2 minutes with him in his arms. Vaggie is pretty quite, even when it comes to crying. Normal Vaggie is pretty loud but Boy Vags is quiet. Heaven was full of people who thought that boys shouldn't cry and had a lot of toxic masculinity. So its still hard for him to realize that he can be emotional. He often apologizes for regressing, especially if it was involuntary. Charlie tries to assure him that its okay but he still feels bad. He has chronic back pain from getting his wings ripped out so sometimes when he has bad pain days, he slips. He does a lot of whimpering and curling up in a ball when his pain is bad. Charlie gets ice packs, heating pads, pain meds, and lots of cuddles on these days.
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nycbabyjoey · 2 years
Diapered at Disney: Part 3 - The Way of Diaper
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL Content
Part 1
Part 2
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"Look!" Laura shouted, pointing. "Do you see the banshee, Nate?"
Nate, confined to a large stroller, could only nod in the affirmative as any words that he spoke would only be interpreted as baby babble by anyone around. And yes, of course he could see the giant flying monster. How could he miss it?
Another month had passed since some unexplainable magic had sentenced him to a seemingly never-ending Disney purgatory. After calling his girlfriend Laura a "baby", Nate woke up the next morning wearing a diaper in his crib unable to walk or talk like the adult he had been the day before.
Now having soiled his diaper in front of two princesses at EPCOT and having received corporal punishment from a droid at Hollywood Studios, Nate was returned to Disney World again by his Mommy Laura - this time at Disney's Animal Kingdom and, more specifically, the World of Avatar.
Last time Nate had come here, he rode the thrilling Flight of Passage Ride and had some Frog Ale with lunch. Now, he received some Na'vi face painting and sat hitting the same bongo over and over in the central drum circle until he made a mess of his diaper while "Mommy" chatted with the Na'vi.
All that said, Nate sat quietly sucking on his pacifier and playing with bongo despite it being a rather dull activity. He had experienced the painful consequences of his bad behavior at Galaxy's Edge and since then he had succumbed to his situation much better. He no longer fought the bottle feedings or the diaper changes or the photo ops with Disney characters. Although he would much rather prefer for things to go back to normal, he knew he had to be a well-behaved good boy for Mommy... or suffer the consequences.
Suddenly, in the midst of banging his bongo, Nate felt a pair of hands slip under his armpits and begin to lift him off the ground as he had grown accustomed to happening whenever he had an accident. These hands were much different though. They were so large that they essentially spanned the length between his shoulders and his tummy. Looking down, Nate saw that they were blue!
He was lifted higher and higher, much higher than he normally was. Laura was actually shorter than him so sitting on her hip only meant he was a couple feet from the ground. This felt twice that - almost five whole feet from the ground.
Sure enough, the culprit spun him around. It was a ten-foot tall Na'vi woman!
"Don't you recognize me?" a familiar voice asked. "It's me, Mommy!"
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Mommy? How had his Mommy turned into a ten-foot blue alien lady without him noticing? Unless...
"I'm in the Avatar program!" Laura shared. "I was talking to some other avatars and they offered me one of their models. Now, with this larger body, I'll be better equipped to look after my big baby boy!"
Nate couldn't help but soak his diaper even more at the sight of his new giantess Mommy. His former girlfriend now towered far beyond the height of a normal human. He had been too weak to escape Laura before, but now that she was even taller than him, he had no chance.
He suddenly felt like he did on the first day he found himself in this situation. Confused, scared, helpless... small. He couldn't stop tears from welling up in his eyes.
But, despite the change in appearance, it was still his Mommy. He had been on his past behavior the past month to avoid any more painful spankings. He would just continue to be good. The stakes were just much higher now. Nate winced at the thought of the pair of bright-red spots that a spanking from his new Na'vi Mommy would leave on his poor butt cheeks. He would completely submit to her for the day. He had to.
Mommy wrapped him around her giant hip and slipped a finger from her free hand into his diaper's leak guard. "Did somebody go pee-pee while he was playing?" she asked. "Come on, let's get you changed and then we're off to the Rite of Passage!"
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After an all-too-common diaper change, Nate was carried through the park and further into the forest for the Rite of Passage, a coming-of-age event for one of the Na'vi people that Mommy had been talking to earlier.
During their walk, Nate saw Disney World from an elevated height that wouldn't have even been possible when he was able to walk on his own two legs. The only way to get a higher view would be to ride Expedition Everest, a roller coaster that Mommy assured him he was much too small for despite reaching the height minimum. Nate clung to his Mommy's hip extra tight like a bear cub. He knew a drop from this height would really sting even with the added benefit of being padded by his thick cushy diaper.
Eventually, they made their way into the Na'vi wilds which was more richly shrubbed with flora than the main area of the park. They came to a cleared landing where a group of celebrating Na'vi were preparing to host a ceremony.
Mommy was welcomed in to the party by a chorus of kaltxi, which Nate assumed was the Na'vi word for "hello". As if being a diapered man-baby in a group of blue alien giants wasn't foreign enough, he couldn't even understand the language.
Nate squirmed as Mommy talked for what felt like an hour to a male Na'vi. His wriggling was eventually met with a frustrated look from Mommy and a stern "settle down." Nate remembered his goal not to upset Mommy and his nightmare of a sore, spanked bottom. He tried to sit still after that, but the conversation was especially boring when he couldn't understand anything! He knew had adapted to his role of a baby well when he started fantasizing about playing with toys instead.
"Nate, this is Utameo," Mommy finally addressed to him. "We're celebrating his Rite of Passage! That means he's a big boy now!"
Nate didn't appreciate the way his Mommy had phrased that. In fact, this whole celebration of Utameo becoming an adult only cemented the fact that Nate would never get to be an adult even again.
Mommy then handed Nate off to a random Na'vi stranger. "Mommy's going to go celebrate with Utameo," she told him. "My friend's going to take care of you until I get back."
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Nate hadn't been separated from Mommy for the entire two months they had spent at Disney. Before Nate had been transformed, he actually appreciated time away from Laura - having a chance to play video games without the constant nagging from his girlfriend. But now, he had been so conditioned to being around her that he started sobbing immediately.
"Kempe kemwiä si, hì'i prrnen?" his new Na'vi babysitter asked incomprehensibly. "Si prrnen kin mowan?"
Nate just stared at her, unable to stop his constant flow of tears as he wished his Mommy would come back so that he could understand what was going on. The woman just repeating mowan, mowan, mowan!
Nate's cries were interrupted as the woman suddenly took her large hand and placed it on the front of his diaper. She began rubbing the front of it, causing Nate's cock to immediately stiffen inside. Nate suddenly wasn't very sad as he began to moan behind his pacifier instead.
"Prrnen lu yawne mowan," the woman said soothingly and, for the first time, Nate figured out what she was saying - "he loves cumming." It's true - Nate was quick to fill his diapers another way too ever since his life changed. So, it was only a matter of seconds before his member exploded into the front of his diaper with the Na'vi woman's hand feeling every burst. It was pathetic, extremely embarrassing and he couldn't bear to look the woman in the eyes, but it had worked. He was no longer crying.
The woman patted him on the back as the rest of the party awww'd at baby's little orgasm. She set him on the ground and instructed him to "uvan si," which to Nate's knowledge could have been "wait here", "be good", or any other host of things. And Nate wanted to be a good boy, so he did his best to sit quietly and suck on his pacifier until his Mommy got back.
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Time passed and his Na'vi babysitter became distracted by conversation with other partygoers. Nate still did his best to sit still and entertained himself by drumming on his own belly, pretending he was playing the bongos like earlier. He only was self aware to how goofy he looked as a few Na'vi passerbys pointed and giggled at him.
After a while, Nate grew impatient. What could Mommy and Utameo be doing off away from the party for so long? Nate looked around to make sure no one was paying attention and began to crawl into the jungle in the direction that the two had gone off.
He crawled quite a short distance before he began hearing a strange noise off in the distance? Was it a Na'vi creature like a Banshee or a Thanator? No, it sounded too soft and high-pitched to be that, Nate thought. He crawled over to investigate.
Nate brushed past a large fern leaf to see the source of noise. He hid his face behind the leaf and peeped at the situation.
It had been his own Mommy making the noise. On top of her was Utameo, completing his Rite of Passage and achieving adulthood. Nate knew it was a sign of true adulthood because it was a privilege he would never be granted again with his diapers and pacifier. Utameo and Mommy were participating in the ritual of mating.
Nate couldn't take his eyes away as his dick grew again in his diaper. Mommy had her legs wide open as Utameo thrust himself into her. Their giant features were more prominent now that they were naked - Mommy's triple D breasts bouncing up and down as Utameo inserted his dripping wet, thirteen-inch cock into her tight pussy.
Nate couldn't help but finish before either of the two involved in the act got the chance to. His pacifier couldn't block the sissy moans he made as he made more mess in his unchanged diaper.
"Nate?" Mommy turned towards his hiding spot. His moans gave away his voyeurism. Utameo paused and the ground shook as Mommy made her way over to pick him off the ground and inspect his diaper.
"Oh boy, looks like someone made a very sticky mess!" Mommy exclaimed. "Did someone get too excited watching Mommy? Sooo cute!"
As Mommy turned to Utameo to say goodbye, Nate quietly simmered with rage, chewing down on the nipple of his pacifier. He had been a good boy all day and for what? Getting to fill his Pampers? Nate had to admit - he was jealous. He had become too accustomed to his life as an adult baby. Utameo had everything he wanted. He wanted to have a big, juicy cock; he wanted to have his girlfriend Laura back, not a Mommy; and - most importantly - he wanted to cum in her, not in his own pants!
As his giantess Mommy carried him away with tears in his eyes, Nate remembered his mission. No matter the punishment, Nate would find a way out of his humiliating situation.
But until that fateful day, he would continue to fill his diapers being Mommy's little cuck.
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gaybaby2424 · 1 month
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I just turned 20 and just got this gay app Grindr and scrolled til I found a cute 14 year old looking to dominate guys so we start talking and then we wanted to meet eachother so we agreed to meet the next day at his house at 9 in the morning and he said plan on staying for 1 week. The next morning I woke up got ready and left for his house when I got there it was a huge house and a big driveway. I parked next to his vehicle and started walking up to his door right as I was about to know he opens the door and says hey sexy and he invited me in he closed the door and stood right in front of me for a sec before he starts ripping my clothes off til I’m butt naked he looks at my dick and giggles at it he then took his off and I couldn’t believe how big the boy was he told me to be a good fag and get on your knees and then he got hard so fast and forced it in my mouth as he roughly face fucked me after he was done he put a dog collar and a leash on me and said follow me doggy we went to his couch as I crawled behind him like a dog I got up on the couch on all fours then rammed his huge 9 inch cock inside me and after 3 hours he had cum inside my ass 5 times. After the last fuck I got so hot I passed out and awoke 2 hours later in a baby nursery and I’m strapped in a giant crib wearing the thickest diapers I’ve ever seen and for some reason I couldn’t move anything but my head and I had a big pacifier strapped around my head. I tried screaming but it was muffled and then I felt it my thick diaper on was filled to the brim with a lot of smelly piss and shit. I laid there for a second and just started balling my eyes out and in comes the 14 year old that fucked me and he came over to the crib and bent down and put his face right on my diaper and started inhaling the stench of my overflowing diaper. He finally stood up and looked right into my eyes and said awww look at that some big dumb baby had a huge accident in there diapees didn’t they and all I could do was stare and cry. He then unlocked the crib picked me up like a rag doll and carried me downstairs to the living room where there was 2 other teen boys all 3 of them were naked and hard as a rock they look up and see me and asked how old I was the boy told his friends I was 20 and they laughed and laughed until the boy put me in a big baby jumper and left me there to bounce in my dirty diapers while they watched me and then they all got up at the same time and walked over to me and finally took me out and put me on the floor in front of the couch and started taking my diaper off and put a chastity cage on me and shoved the huge thick diaper under my butt and I thought they were gonna tape it up but they decided to get nasty and kinky so the first boy squated down over the front of my diaper and starts pooping so much and after he was done he plopped his shitty hole right on my face as I was told to lick him clean as the next boy started shitting in my diapers even more and he also made me lick his shitty hole too and then the last boy decided to do something different as he left the room the two boys taped up my shitty diaper and started rubbing all the shit everywhere and then the other boy came back with a big baby bottle and said daddy’s got a special surprise for you faggot and picked me up and placed me in his arms as he puts the bottle in my mouth and tells me to start sucking and as I did I know what he did he pooped in it and made it watery. After a long time it seemed like I finished the poopy bottle they then put me back on the floor and put me in another diaper and told me that he also put 20 melted exlax chocolate in it so get ready to stink like a big dumb pathetic baby as I sit there sobbing they had an idea they put there clothes on grabbed a big stroller and put me in it while just in my diaper and we headed out the door down the street while everybody is walking by they are staring and laughing and after a long walk I realize I’m in a park filled with at least 8 naked boys sitting in a private field where no one can see us.
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stevenbasic · 2 years
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GITJ Post 287: A Date at the Movies, p3 (BOOMfood)
You’ll have to haha put him in diapers for real if he keeps doing this, Missy.”
“Yeah the poor thing isn’t potty trained any more!”
<more laughing>
where am I..?
The doctor, a board-certified gerontologist and recent divorcee, began to stir awake. Laying in a booth of bright red pleather, his head on a plush, womanly lap which he immediately knew was that of his new Office Manager, he heard the voices of not only her but several other employees of his. There was also something softly bulky strapped around his waist and hips. 
“Well, I can’t stay forever,” said a smoky, female voice he identified easily as Randi Mongillo’s, who worked at his scheduling desk and managed the office’s social media, “I think I finally outgrew this bra tonight. It’s killing me. When are the new ones for us all coming in?”
He squinted against the overhead lights. 
“Oh haha I don’t know,” answered Melissa Monroe, indeed the woman in whose now-bare lap he’d apparently been sleeping. Her hand, he felt now, was idly playing itself through his thick hair, “it might be a couple weeks?”
“We’re going to need them quick if you two keep this up!” added who he thought was Josie Jensen, one of his new medical assistants. 
“Or if I drink any more of this shake!” quipped Shanette Stevens, over whose lap he now felt his legs and lower body rested.  What was wrapped around his hips?
“They’re so good though!” he heard Stephanie’s voice remark; from his low vantage she sounded like she was sitting across the table, “I don’t know how Bessie’s not five hundred pounds, working here.” 
Roused a bit more by his curiosity, and only now starting to remember what had happened earlier this evening at the movie theater, Dr. J began to slowly raise himself up. Where the hell was he?
“Ooooo look who’s awake!” cooed Shanette, immediately shifting herself a bit to allow him to move. 
“Oh hi sweetie!” sang Melissa, whose strong arm he felt now come behind him and helping him start to sit up between she and Shanette on the booth’s faux leather bench, “Did you have a nice nap?”
Nap? Oh, jeez, yes… he thought, recalling in a sudden rush of shame how he’d been made to explode in his pants in the theater. He must be a mess of-
“You missed the best parts of the movie!” laughed Josie, who - as he was raised up a bit more -  he now saw was sitting across the table from he and Shanette, squeezed in between Randi and the pretty blonde gym-bunny Stephanie. As she addressed him, he looked around, trying to get his bearings. They were all in some sort of restaurant, brightly lit, furnished and accessorized to look like some retro malt-shop soda-fountain thing.  “She-Hulk got so huge and had this crazy fight with Giant Black Widow before-“
“Hey no spoilers!” called Lakshmi, over her shoulder, “He may want to watch it himself!”
He saw that she had just stepped by their table holding some sort of tall milkshake or smoothie, and was taking a seat on a stool pulled up to a counter along a white, subway-tiled wall with several other girls from the office. He couldn’t help but watch her sit. Good lord look at that, how her ass spreads, how far the seat sinks down and bounces...this is Lakshmi? Amazing…
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Still in half-stupor, as he mindlessly marveled at Lakshmi’s rear, Melissa and Shanette continued to help him sit, pivoting his body towards the table. He was coming slowly back to reality, noticing how each girl had their own smoothie in a tall plastic cups, and remembered how he’d borrowed Lakshmi’s hoodie for warmth. She wasn’t wearing it, here. Was it, maybe, what he felt around his wais- ?
“Oh god!” he suddenly blurted, when he finally looked down to see that he’d been wrapped, around his hips and waist, with Lakshmi’s thick white sweatshirt. And not just tied casually around him - it had been put on him like a diaper!! Over his pants, yes, but pulled up around his crotch, secured and looped around his groin, hips, covering some of his upper thighs. It did! It totally looked like a diaper!! “What do you d-?!?” He flushed, blood rushing to his face and head, and in his panic immediately started to try to undo the thing.
“Nuh-uh-uh…!” Melissa quickly stopped him, her hands - and those of her friend Shanette sitting at the end of the booth to his left - grabbing his, gently pulling them away. They didn’t want him to mess with their handiwork. “Shhhhhshhhshhh… we had to,” she continued, “You made such a mess in your khakis. I had to be able to carry you out of the theater without anyone seeing.”
“B-b-but…like this?!?” he stammered, aghast.
“Like what,” Randi snickered, “Like a diaper? What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s humiliating is whAT it is!” he whined, his voice cracking as it tended to do these days, especially when upset. The girls - Shanette and Melissa - still had grasp of his hands, and were now embracing his arms, scooching in to sandwich him.
“Awww but it looks cute on you..!” Josie giggled, leaning in towards him to flaunt a healthy display of cleavage, gently laying her breasts on the table, striking him with the challenge of eye contact.
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“Diaper for the little baby-man…” cooed Shanette, turning a bit in her seat to squish and squeeze his thin arm between her big boobs, squashing them around it and then giggling down into his ear. Her coconut scent was strong and sweet, and calmed the protest he was just ready to voice. 
“Awww…” returned Stephanie, across from him and to the left, having heard Shanette belittle him without complaint and so diving in herself with a smile on her dimpled cheeks and a filling breath for her shapely chest, “…little man.” She cocked her head, watching for his reaction. He had none, really, no retort. He was cowed, she could see, lost and minimized amidst this strong group of pretty women. It was so cool; this was their boss, and they had him nervous and embarrassed like a little boy, a helpless simp.
“Ooo look at you blushing,” Shanette purred to him. 
“Your brain really stops working when we wear revealing clothes, doesn’t it?” Randi quipped, now leaning in herself a presenting her own not-to-be ignored rack. She’d buttoned her black silk top up a bit earlier as the night had become crisp, but to draw his eye she now undid one, then two. “Missy I think you’re getting to be the smart one in this relationship for a change.”
To that Melissa giggled, and felt herself pull in towards him. While Shanette had his skinny little arm between her large breasts, Melissa’s chest seemed to consume his entire shoulder, her cleavage overwhelming his whole right side. “Oh, Randi, be nice,” she finally retorted, “or one of us might fire you.” 
“Oh he wouldn’t do that, now, would he?” Stephanie teased, pushing a lock of long blond hair away from the open neckline of her pink spandex top when his eyes drifted to her. She took a sip of her smoothie. 
“You two love us too much for that,” Randi confidently jeered. 
“We really do..!” Melissa laughed, agreeing. Part of her actually felt a little bad for him, watching the girls play-bully him like this. She cared for him, so much, and could tell he was squirming with the ignominy of their relentless teasing, the poor thing. But she was caught up in it, too: it was just so exciting! Treating boys like this was thrilling, watching them be so helpless. It was only dimly, though, that she realized this about herself, how she acted and even thought a little differently when her friends were around. She was not as protective of him and his feelings as maybe she should be, she was more aggressively dominant. Like, at the movie. What had come over her, jerking him off in his pants right there, in the middle of everyone? She knew that would be humiliating to him, but she felt she was just being playful, and it felt so good to be able to toy with him like that. What she didn’t completely realize was that there was a pheromone feedback loop already deeply connecting her and the other girls. Yes, hers may be affecting them, changing them in actual physical ways, some quite strange…but theirs had their own effects on her, too, making her act and think in ways she otherwise might not. Making her want to, haha, dominate him like the shrunken little subby simp he was becoming for her. Ah it made her need to cross her big legs under the table, just the thought of it!
Yes, she wanted to be the boss, she wanted women to run things. It was - as everyone was saying - their turn. He’d get used to it, he would. And, in the end, she knew she needed to be a good girlfriend for him. It would take him some time, but she could make it so nice.
“Don’t worry,” she cooed, her affection for him bubbling up inside her womanly chest as she took his chin in her right hand and tilted his face and eyes up to meet hers, “I’ll take you home soon and clean you up.” At that she leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth, causing all the girls around her to squeal in delight and his toes to curl anew, his lids fluttering closed. The kiss was full of both promise and the strawberry taste of her own milkshake, her voice soft and syrupy and disguising still just how exciting this was, watching her little boss-man beau, her heartthrob, be utterly surrounded by her friends. They were, all of them in the booth, leaned into him, encompassing him, with him in the little makeshift diaper they’d put him in. He looked so helpless, so adorable! And when she broke their kiss his eyes opened and looked plaintively up into hers. Omigoddddd…she wanted him again! 
“Oh, hey Dr. J, you’re awake. Welcome to BOOMfood..!” they both heard, to their left. He saw Melissa’s eyes look up and she smiled. He turned to see standing at their table one of his new young employees, dressed as a…waitress? Thin, shapely, long brown hair. Simple  girl-next-door gorgeous. Bessie, right? But…what?? What’s she doing here? He blinked, confused, his mouth agape as he was still recovering from Melissa’s devastating kiss.
“Like the uniform?” Bessie giggled down to him, doing a quick pirouette to flaunt her sky blue retro diner-style waitress outfit, short of skirt to show off comely legs, holding a small tablet. “I work here on weekends, still,” she said, beamingly, “it’s fun. And my mom’s a manager.”
“oh…h-hi Bessie,” he finally managed. Had she said ‘BOOMfood’? Is that where they were? He’d heard of the place, vaguely; the girls at work had mentioned it before. A smoothie bar the ladies liked, right?
“You have Bessie to thank for getting you in here,” Randi began, as she pulled her tall drink towards herself and took a long draw through the straw. 
“Yeah usually no boys allowed,” Josie nodded. Indeed, looking around - though the place was busy - his was the only male face in the joint.
“But you were passed out…”
“…and Missy was carrying you…”
“…you really did look cute.”
He knew there were more and more businesses like this these days - restaurants, gyms, shopping centers, banks - that catered to a solely female clientele. It made sense, he figured, if women felt more comfortable sometimes just among their own. It was a trend, and BOOMfood was certainly popular. A franchise, he gathered, as he’d heard there were others popping up across the country. He couldn’t help but suddenly feel even more out of place, as he looked around at the various groups of females. There many like their own, young women hanging out in booths and along the counters that lined the walls. Friends on a Saturday night, a group over there that looked like they just came from the gym. Had they, any of the women in the place, noticed him?
“So, can I get you guys anything more? Some refills?” Bessie asked, glancing around at the partly- or half-full smoothie cups on the table. 
Only Melissa’s was empty. “Yes!!” she exclaimed, pulling the sole menu on the table away from Josie and towards herself and Dr. J. “What one should I get next?” She directed his attention to the glossy laminated list of BOOMfood’s offerings, of which there were but a few, a simple menu. No food, only smoothies. “Should I get another one of these?” she asked him, pointing a long, elegant finger at the first item on the list. 
“The She-Hulk: Get Bigger than Him! Protein to the Max!”
There it was, ‘She-Hulk’ again. He wanly chuckled, but then his brow furrowed as he began to read over the menu, its descriptions. 
“Oh, don’t worry, Dr. J,” came Bessie’s words of assurance, “They’re full of good stuff for ladies.”
“Is this all…legal?” he asked, voice suddenly laden with concern as he read through the ingredients in what all these women around him were obviously drinking. The girls across the table had begun to chat a bit amongst themselves. 
“Oh for sure don’t worry it’s all legal,” Bessie explained, chipper, “It’s just natural supplements, vitamins, enzymes, hormone enhancers…”
Melissa continued reviewing her choices. Such decisions! “Maybe I should get ‘iCute - IQ Enhancer: Because Brains are Hot!’ Mmm, blueberries. Or….ooooo, haha! Maybe you’d like it if I got this one…
“The MILFshake - Ooooo Gaga…! Become Everything Your Good Boy Needs!”
Yikes, he thought, listen to some of these ingredients…Alfalfa, Milk Thistle, Fennel. To him, a trained physician, it sounded like malarkey. But if he’d paid attention in the lectures in med school about natural supplements, he’d know a little bit about the use of these herbs as galactagogues.
“What’s ‘Shatavari Root’?” Melissa asked, getting a shrug from both the doctor sitting next to her and their young waitress.
“I dunno but it’s really good,” Shanette beamed, “you should totally get the MILF-shake, Missy!”
He continued to read the ingredient list, softly and mostly to himself: “Fennel, Fenugreek, Pueraria mirifica…” It was a long list, and a quick search would find many of them listed as xenoestrogens or domperidone analogs. He, spoke with concern, feeling his voice being ignored. “Dong-quai, meta-zearalenone..?”
Bessie, at least, was paying attention. “Yes! All really healthy, natural stuff. Totally organic,” she lauded, as Stephanie across the table was finishing up her ‘She-Hulk’ with extra branched-chain amino acids smoothie and ordering another. “But my mom says that soon, after the election and when laws get relaxed, they hope to be able to add more, like, special ingredients.”
“Is there anything he can have?” Melissa asked, finally looking up from the menu, “And yeah I’ll have the MILFshake.”
“uhhhh…” he began, surprised and not necessarily confident he wanted anything, “I’m, uh, probably n-“
Bessie wrinkled her brow, prettily, and talked right over him. “The only one they’ll let him get isn’t listed there. It’s only on the takeout menu,” she explained, “But I can get one made up for him. It’s a veggie energy shot for men. It’s got kale, ginkgo, red gins-“
“He’ll take a double…” Randi ordered, dryly. 
Before he knew it, Bessie was back with a tray of new “BOOMfood”. His, small and green in a little 6-oz plastic cup, was dwarfed by the extra-large large shakes and smoothies the girls had ordered. While Bessie was away they’d all quickly finished whatever was left of their first drink, and were now eagerly sucking their ways into their second. He marveled a bit at how much these young women could put away; little did he know their bodies were all craving sustenance after their newest post-carnal growth spurt of two hours ago, in the theater. These smoothies, full of protein and calories, were like lifeblood to them, fueling growth, building muscle and fat. 
His drink, on the other hand, looked meager, and was placed unceremoniously before him, a small thing, no straw. 
“You do it like a shot,” Bessie explained, seeing the distaste on his face.
“C’mon, sweetie, it’s probably really good,” Melissa urged, as already he felt his hand reaching for it. A shot, huh? Randi had jokingly ordered him a double, and it looked too big to take in one swig. This would require some gulping. 
“Alright here goes,” he announced, picking up his drink and sloshing as much of it as he could in. As the girls watched, sucking happily on their straws, his mouth was filled with a slimy, slightly salty but somehow sweet…he seemed to recognize that bite…bitterness. He held it in his out-pouched cheeks, and looked down into his cup. He’d taken maybe just-over half of it. 
“Time for you to swallow, precious,” cooed Shanette from above.
His eyes were watering a bit, looking up at her. Okay here goes…
His eyes watered more, and he regarded again the remaining green sludge in his cup. “What do they call this thing?” he asked Bessie, “Does it have a name?”
“Oh, uh, like I said, it’s just listed on the take-out menu…” she said, casually, having started to clear away the old, empty cups, “...it’s called ‘Boner Alert’.”
Thx to H.G .Wells for the ‘Boomfood’ term; I know it’s been used in other GTS stories before; just thought it fit here nicely.
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Little Muse pt. 5
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Pairing: CG!Vincent × little!reader
Contains: fluff, short slow burn, Vincent Sinclair figuring out how to be a caregiver, CG/L dynamics,!
Nonsexual! Dd/lg dynamic, reader is GN but wears skirts and dresses a lot (they're so comfy and cute), cursing, Bo doesn't understand but tried to be supportive, Lester is high key a middle
**Ageregression and Littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
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Vincent knew better,
He truly, truly did,
Yet here he was watching you through a crack in the wall, he watched you almost constantly, if he wasn’t in the basement working on something he was either watching you or spending time with you. The more Vincent watched you the more he loved you, the more he found to adore.
Vincent wanted to be selfish, he wanted to force you to love him too, if he was like Bo perhaps he would be capable but he wasn’t, he wanted you next to him all the time. Maybe he could bring you down the the basement more, then you could talk more, but you didn’t know sign.
Vincent sighed quietly and slowly walked back to the basement, lost in thought. He passed by the living room to see something big and white out of his peripheral he backed up and looked at the contraption. He walked into the living room and saw Bo glaring at an instruction sheet and mumbling curses to himself
“Goddammit! The fucking screw is missing, I should have more. This fucking thing! Fucking bullshit!” The twin cursed quietly to himself, Vincent knocked on the door frame and Bo looked up, a rare smile came to his brothers face,
“Hey! Just the man I wanted to see! What do you think of this?” Bo asked, excitement in his voice,
‘What is it?’ Vincent signed
“Ohh yeah, so you remember a few years back we got that couple with the diapers and weirdly big baby furniture in the uhaul?” He asked and Vincent nodded
“Well I went digging around and found this thing in their stuff, it’s like a baby fence, but adult sized and the instructions are confusing as hell.” He explained
‘That would definitely help contain her in the basement.’ Vincent signed and Bo nodded
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, she’s probably getting bored all up in her room.” Bo says
‘Thank you, Bo, this means a lot.’ The long hair man signed, enjoying a rare moment of tenderness from his older twin, Bo waved him off but he saw the smile from the usually stoic man. Bo did truly love his brother, he just didn’t know how to show it.
Vincent comes over and picks up the instructions,
‘It’s upside down.’ He signs and Bo comes over to look
“What the- oh, yeah, y’know it might help if I build it in the right direction.” He says with a chuckle,
Vincent helps him flip it over and they finish building it together.
(Your pov)
I sat in my room reading a random book I forgot I had, I was starting to get bored out of my mind. I was sick of being in the same room and I adored the time I spent with Vincent cause there was something happening atleast.
It wasn’t long before I heard footsteps coming to my room, I bookmarked my place before Vincent opened my door, he came in with a small dry-erase board,
‘I got you something.’ he wrote, his handwriting perfect as usual
“Oh, what is it? Can I see?” You ask and Vincent nods and holds out his hand, you take it, his hands were both soft and calloused, probably from the constant use, he led you downstairs and towards the living room, there you saw what looked like a mini wall, it was a rectangle and came up to you’re waist. You looked at Vincent in confusion before he lifted you up and placed you inside the giant rectangle. You stared at him once you were planted on the floor.
You pushed at the wall, it was solid, you looked at the contraption confused,
“Okay, uh, I uh don’t know what it is?” You said sheepishly
Vincent starts writing but Bo interrupts him,
“That right there is a adult baby play pen.” Bo says, he crosses his arms over his chest and smiles,
“I built it myself, but Vincent helped.” He said proudly and you gave him a soft smile,
“Oh, uh, thanks. It’s very….white.” You say which causes both men to let out a laugh, you pause for a moment surprised that Vincent can laugh, you thought he was mute. His voice was a lot like Bo’s just a bit deeper. Vincent then shows you what he had been writing on the board,
‘Don’t worry, you can decorate it, the playpen isn’t the gift as much as you being able to roam around a bit more with it. It folds up so it can be moved easily.’
You smile at that.
“That’s awesome, I was getting really bored in the room, thank you!” You say and Vincent walks over to you, he cups your face gently and presses the lips of his mask to your forehead. You can’t help but smile a little at the gesture.
After a bit of chatting and making sure you were comfortable in the pen Vincent retreats to the basement, you honestly don’t expect him to return anytime soon so you’re a bit surprised when he comes back up, he reaches for you and you instinctively reach up towards him, he picks you up and sits you on the couch next to Bo, he looks at Bo and they nod at eachother. You look back and forth between the brothers, anxiety growing in your stomach.
“I’m gonna do some talking for Vincent.” Bo says and you calm a bit, that wasn’t bad at all, why did they have to make it so nerve wracking? Vincent begins signing so you pay close attention to his hands as Bo speaks
Okay, so, he’s saying that with this playpen he’s gonna try to have you out of the room more and he’s hoping that he can trust you with the playpen to not run away, he doesn’t like keeping you in your room all day. He thinks you’ve been very good so far but if you break any rules or his trust you’ll have to be grounded and go back to the room, understood?” Bo finishes and you nod
“Yes, I understand but I am confused, we never went over any rules.” You say and Vincent holds up his finger in a ‘just a minute’ gesture. He picks up his sketch pad and he turns it around, you see a simple rules list, all written in his neat handwriting.
It reads as follows:
1.) Don’t swear when little, if you’re big it’s okay
2.) Mind your manners
3.) Its okay to be a bit bratty or playful but when Daddy says stop, it’s time to stop
4.) Do not put yourself down
5.) Tell me what you need
6.) Don’t feel embarrassed to express wants and needs
7.) Respect people around you, but speak up if you feel something is wrong
8.) Ask for help when you need it, you are never a burden for asking for help
9.) Make sure to shower and brush your teeth/hair every day
10.) You have to eat atleast two healthy meals a day and drink atleast one bottle of water
- New stuffie/candy/little space item
- Extra playtime
- Extended bedtime
- More privileges around the house
- Getting to pick dinner when Lester makes town runs
- Getting to pick a movie to rent
- Writing lines
- No TV
- Early bed time
- Timeout
- Grounding
You read over the list carefully and nodded,
“Okay, these sounds good, I can do these.” You say and Vincent takes one of your hands in his and gives it a gentle squeeze, you smile and squeeze his back.
“Vincent is also gonna be giving you lessons in sign, so you can learn it.” Bo says, you pull the long haired man into a hug, you can feel him hesitate before his hands come to rest on your back.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
15. A is torn between making fun of B’s ugly Christmas sweater and admiring how good they look in it for Reggie and Julie, because either way that's going to be gold.
"Honey I'm home!" Julie calls as she kicks off her boots, sighing when she finally regains feeling in her toes. Winter sucks, and even though her boots keep her feet warm, they pinch and she's seriously considering just giving in and buying the more comfortable looking ones that she hates because she's always thought of them as oversized slippers.
"In the kitchen!" Reggie calls back, and that's when Julie smells the house; cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.
"Whatcha makin'?" she asks as she approaches the kitchen.
"Homemade egg nog!" Reggie exclaims. "I saw this TikTok on how to do it, figured I would try."
"You putting rum in it?" Julie asks as she enters the room.
"Psssh, of course!"
That's when Reggie turns around, smiling wide at her, and Julie has to stifle her horrified gasp turned giggle. "What on earth are you wearing?"
Reggie looks down at the bright green sweater, covered in pom poms, scraps of ribbon, a few felt shapes, a metric ton of glitter and the errant glob of hot glue. "Ugly Christmas sweater," he replies with a shrug. Julie shoots him a look, urging him to explain with a wave of her hand.
"We were doing an ugly sweater craft today, with paper and supplies. Only the kids wanted to make a real sweater, and I had this one lying around from St. Patrick's Day-didn't wanna get pinched you know-and the next thing I knew it was becoming a masterpiece."
"It's certainly a piece of something," Julie snarks.
Reggie gives a mock affronted sound. "My kids are geniuses and I will not hear slander against them!" Then he chuckles. "Come on Jules, they're seven, not Van Gogh, cut them some slack. Besides, you should have seen their faces when I modelled it for them."
Julie softened at that, just imagining the proud looks that Reggie's second graders gave him when they presented their work, pleading with him to try it on. And well, Reggie is a sucker for kids, especially if they pull out the puppy dog eyes. She figures that means she'll have to play bad cop more often than not should they ever have kids, but that's okay, Reggie's already agreed to a lifetime of diaper duty in exchange.
"Well, I hope you liked through your teeth and told them they did a good job," Julie replied.
"D'uh. They... they also made you one. And I kinda promised them a picture," Reggie said, giving her a full pouty look, and well, Julie could withstand it from kids, but not from Reggie, so she sighed and held out her hand. The sweater was bright red and covered much the same as Reggie's was, and Julie was certain that neither would survive in the washing machine, but she wasn't telling Reggie that.
He gathered her to his side, pulling up his phone and struck a happy pose, his smile blinding. Julie looked up at him, and her whole expression softened. For as terrible as the sweaters were, Reggie had never looked handsome, because he was wearing this thing made of love with pride. To Julie, it was his giant heart that made him attractive, not what he wore (even if she would admit that he was devastatingly good looking on the worst of days).
With that in mind she leaned her head onto his shoulder, smiled at the camera, her ugly sweater on full display. Once the shot was taken, she popped up on her toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Tell the kids I love and appreciate their hard work." She then pulled the sweater off, tossing it towards the table. "Now finish off that nog so I can take yours off upstairs."
Reggie looks at the bowl, full of things that would surely spoil if he left them out, and decidedly shoved them in the fridge, pulling a giggling Julie with him towards their bedroom.
And later, she didn't even complain about the trail of glitter leading up the stairs. But that was mainly because Reggie cleaned it up while she was too blissed out to move, and brought her the finished nog with breakfast for supper in bed afterwards.
Julie hummed as the taste of cream and rum touched her tongue, appreciating Reggie sitting beside her, and wondered how fast Reggie would try to ditch those sweaters if she suggested another round.
It turns out he didn't need much convincing.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
It’s a small world after all (go ahead and guess..)
It's a small world after all
Not for the first time since hooking up with potter, Malfoy found himself wondering if the brunette's deep pockets and wonderful vigor under the covers really was worth some of the messed up things he was into. because really, Draco handled the first few kinks with ease. who didn't like a good paddling now and then? and a nice big enema could be fun and do wonders for your bowels! But then it started to get odder and odder and what should of been giant red flags were just ignored when they realllly shouldn't of been. Hence why today Draco found himself shrunk down to the size of a shrimpy 8 year old..and dressed like a 1 year old. He was in black and green light up sneakers, with green socks and then a SHORT pair of black shorts with green trim on the waist and legs,that puffed out from padding Draco was wearing under them, and the shorts had a teddy bear with a green Mohawk on either side. The t-shirt had the same bear on it, but the T-shirt was green with black trim on the waist, neck and sleeves and had the bear saying 'rock on all my little buddies!' as it was apparently a charter from some local baby show called teddy rocks. His blond hair had been grown the cut and fashioned into a mushroom cut and all and all he was less the happy.
"Your a git, you know that right?" Draco asked harry as they walked from the parking lot towards the green grass of the park. "I know I know..but a lovable git who's going to spoil you SO much..as long as your a good boy today." Harry said as now on the green, they headed for the play structures. "oh why wouldn't I be a good boy? I'm only a 24 year old man the size of a 8 year old and dressed like a 2 year old. why would I be in a mood to cause chaos and torment?" Draco huffed and chuckled, having some veryyyy evil plans. step one, find a group of preschooler and tell them the truth about saint nick. step two would be tel- "Right about that. if your a total pain in the ass BRAT, We'll be coming back here tomorrow, with you normal sized and WISHING you had something as mature and cool as that outfit on." Harry said, interrupting Draco's train of thought. '..DAMN IT!' Draco whined mentally. "I was never really gonna do anything." Draco lied out loud and Harry just smirked. "well I suppose it's not a lie if you behave." He said, picking out a picnic table for him to sit at and read, and before taking his book out of the diaper bag he'd brought, he took out a plastic pail and shovel and pointed over to where he wanted Draco to play first: the sandbox. Draco rolled his eyes but his was not to argue in this case, at least till Harry whistled and got the attention of all the other parents and kids around and waved Draco back over. before with everyone all distracted, ignoring him he hadn't worried so much about how much his diaper showed/crinkled, but now with all eyes on him.. Draco was red faced and whining as he got over to Harry. "Now now, none of that. this is what YOU'VE been begging ME for for a month.. no take backies little man. and you almost forgot your paci." Harry said and then clipped a green and black paci to Draco's chest and then popped the nipple in Draco's mouth, kissing red faced boys burning forehead. "Love you little guy." Harry said and then turned Draco around and with a firm pat or too on the tush sent the blond towards the sandbox.
Naturally the other parents wanted to know what was going on, why was Harry's son in diapers and all that jazz. Making use of the fact that there were all muggles and a charm to enhance well..his charms, Harry had them buying every line of the bullshit story he was coming up with on the spot. "So yeah, about month and a half ago I come home and there's my so called big boy who whined to be allowed to stay home without a baby sitter..and he's wearing a homemade diaper made out of towels safety pins and a prayer." Harry was saying.  "Little Draco looks up at me and squeaks out 'daddy!' and then the laxatives he'd taken combined with the shock..welll yeah. " the other parents chuckled and nodded. "So getting him all cleaned up, we have a talk and he says he misses being treated like a little guy and wanted the full experience..which included this trip to the park..Among a few other things." Harry said.
Draco glared over at Potter and while he couldn't make out what was being said, he was positive 90 percent of it was bullshit. His own reception at the sandbox had not been as fun, with two 5 year olds that at his current size looked semi fordable, blocked his entrance. "Sorry, ya gotta be potty trained ta get in here." Said the left boy, with dirty blond hair. "mmmfffh mm fffmmm." Draco protested around his paci. he knew from experience that removing it on his own was a bigggg nay nay. "pffft, what are you trying to say diaper boy?" the other kid asked, a brown haired boy who reached and tugged the paci out of Draco's mouth. "Phleg..I said I AM potty trained!" Draco huffed. "Right..mister massive pampers and a dummy is potty trained. Blond said, rolling his eyes. "I-I'm not diapered!" Draco lied. for some reason suddenly it felt super important to get into the sand box. "I-I just have a MASSIVE butt!" the younger boys exchanged a look, but just because they were young that didn't mean they were stupid. "Alright dummy boy, we'll give you a chance to prove your claim. drop your shorts." Brown said. "I..What!?!" Draco yelped, wetting himself a little. "You heard him. if your NOT a diaper wearing baby then you'll be in undies. So drop your shorts and show us!" the Blond said and then moved in. "or we could take'em ourselfs." "N-No! wait It's ok! I don't need to play in th-" Draco yelped and turned away to waddle back to Harry when he felt the waistline on his shorts being grabbed by two sets surprisingly strong hands.One pair went to the left and one pair to the right and the poor shorts that had been struggling to maintain the bulk of Draco's diaper ripped wide open. Now everyone on the playground could see the sesame street print diapers Draco was wearing, and watch as Big bird, cookie monster and others faded from the front. "Bobby Micheal Landrew!" Roared a blond lady. Ike James Jone!" Added in a brunette. the five year olds  went from looking happy and high fiving, having been about to torment the diaper baby but then heard their mothers voices. "run?" Bobby asked. "Run."  Ike agreed and so they did, though were caught in short order. All of this was a back round blur to Draco as with his nappy on display and the laughs and giggles coming up he could feel his bowels kicking into over drive. 'N-Not here..not now....' Draco thought, seeing people come into focus as he henched over and let out a loud fart. "Is he going to.." Came a girls voice. "Bwhahahaha what a loser!" "gross big baby." "Poor kid, " all this and more filled Draco's head and as a large load started to fill the back of his diapers he threw back his head to bawl for daddy, but harry was already there, hugging him.
"Shhh it's ok." Harry coo'ed. He was still waiting on Draco to finish loading his diaper., be a little more stable before he moved him for for his diaper change. "I'm pooping my diapie." Draco whimpered and whined, hugging Harry and burying his face in Harry's shoulder. "well I didn't think you smelled like this all the time." Harry joked and got a small chuckle out of Draco. "your not funny." Draco said and sniffled and rubbed a eye, looking like any other upset little boy coming around, trying to keep a pouty face but flashing toothy grins instead. "Well Humor is tricky like that. Ready for me to move you little guy?" Harry asked. Draco bit his lip and looked over his shoulder at the massive load he'd made, the diaper was sagging big time, and gulped. "Is it even gonna stay ON till we get back to the car?" Draco asked. "welll good news and bad news on that front." Harry said, having already figured out what was just dawning on Draco. "Bad news, no it won't hold up till the car. Good news: it'll hold up till we get to the picnic table." He went quiet to let that sink in and watched Draco's face. confusion played on it at first, then slowly a dawning, ..there we go he figured it out and then a even worse all face red blush took over and Draco yelled. "YOU ARE -NOT- CHANGING ME IN PUBLIC,ON THAT TABLE! YOUR JUST NOT!" As he yelled and huff, stomping a foot Harry had to bite his touge to keep from laughing. the other adults and kids didn't have to be that polite so the park filled with the sound of laughter again as Draco glare and huffed, stomping his feet as he screamed at everyone to stop laughing at him. harry noticed one of Draco's shoelaces had come undone and went to yell out a warning but it was too late. tripping forward Draco showed a amazing amount of agility to turn it into a roll of sorts and ended up sitting on his squishy butt, mouth open and eye twitching. "I-I shoulda..taken..the blow to the noggin." He whined and conked out from humiliation overload.
Draco woke up and rubbed his eyes, then slowly opened them. "Man, Ron you would not believe the nightmare i-" Was what Draco was trying to say but as he got his eyes opened he realized he was looking up at the sky..at the park. which meant that his horrible humiliating nightmare wasn't a nightmare, it had really happened!!! Looking around he noticed there were a lot of the other parents semi surrounding the table though some of the older kids were there too. 'what are they..' Draco wondered then it dawned on him. 'Of course, they're making a human wall so no one can just walk by and see my junk..' with that grim reminder Draco sat up some to look down, realizing he had his paci in his mouth. "Hey sleep head, we're just about done. I was starting to think you were gonna waste the rest of the day in sleepy town." Harry coo'ed. "mmmffh mmk."Was Draco's witty reply. with Draco all cleaned up and the two boys who had made him basically mess forced to carry the dirty diaper to the furthest away trash can,It was time for Draco's next diaper. His junk had been on display for a little longer then he was comfortable with (and that was a clock that only went at micro seconds) and as a breeze blew over the lunch table Draco's little nub twitched once..twice.. then a spurt of pee came out and Harry BARELY ducked out of the way. "Knew I should of brought the pee guard." Harry chuckled and Draco whined and wiggled. spotting a stuffie not that far away Draco snagged the stuffed bear and put it over his face to hide. "Aww it's ok little guy. happens to big babies like you. at least you didn't hit anyone." Harry coo'ed and rubed Draco's tummy. 'not helping!' Draco thought though that was somewhat of a lie. the tummy rubs felt nice.
With Draco re-diapered and it being somewhat MORE bulky then the las, He was forced to full on toddle like a 1 year old while trying to go anywhere in the park. This meant he'd take all of 7-10 steps, slowly, arms out for balance and ended up plopping on his butt while the crowd watched and chuckled. ALSO super not helping was the fact that harry had decided since everyone had seen Draco's diapers, why bother with the spare shorts to cover them up? when Draco when to polity (Read: Have a fit) over this and demanded cover, Harry had held up a skirt and Draco shut up fast. After falling on his butt for the 20th time Draco just stayed there, sitting on the grass and arms crossed while Harry and the parents laughed..and the other kids didn't exactly hold back either. "Awww what's wrong buddy?" "Done falling on my butt!" Draco huffed and pouted, then pointed to the sand box. "Carry me!" this, while meant to show everyone Draco wasn't a roll over and Harry was his bitch..instead got MORE laughter as Harry signed. "Well I suppose." he teased and lifted Draco up and carried him over. After setting him down in the sandbox and making sure Draco was good, Harry decided to stay with him to make sure that no more bullies came over.
Draco was blushing, fuming and mad, but as he played in the sandbox he felt all of that just drifting away as he lost himself in the fun. Making sand castles and showing them off to harry he really did feel like a little boy more then once. Including when anther boy, a 6 year old who had a pull up sticking out of the top of his shorts asked if he could join in. For the next few hours the pair of not quite potty trained boys took over the sandbox with Harry and the boys dad hitting it off and the only break being for juice boxes and cookies.
The only downside for Harry as Draco made a big baby buddy was while Tyler and his dad were nice, there was a whollle park he had wanted Draco to explore. Still with Draco in a natural little mode Harry couldn't break himself to break it up and there WAS always tomorrow anyhow. "Draco buddy, time to go." Harry called as the sky was turning orange in the evening. Draco naturally, pretended not to hear him and kept playing with the dino's that Tyler had brought to the sandbox. "Draco Malfoy Potter, I'm speaking to you." Harry said again. in the sandbox Tyler was trying to get Draco's attention, apparently it going over the kids head Draco was ignoring him on purpose. Tyler's dad was watching in amusement. "Draco unless you wanna be my little baby girl for the rest of the summer, out of that sand box now." Harry said and fought back a laugh at how Draco froze hearing that and then there was a puff of loose sand going up from a muffled fart. "Uhhh Tyler it was nice meeting you, I think it's time for me and daddy to go home." Draco said quickly and turned to waddle out of the sand box only to plop back on his butt. between the girth of it before, multiple wetting and the sand that had ended up in the diaper, Draco was helpless! "D-Daddy! Help!" Draco whined. '...that's in, I'm never letting him be big again. too damn cute.' Harry thought and came over, picking Draco up hands under his shoulders and eyes flashing. Just like that Draco's face scrunched up and his bowels went into over drive as he was there in Harry's arms. "A-Ah Daddy daddy I'm gonna-" Draco tried to yell out a warning but instead let out a massive loud fart that echoed and then with Tyler and his dad getting a good view, filled his diaper with massive lumps, crying out and gasping as they made their way out. "You're gonna what?" Harry asked, laughing and pulling the smelly boy in. Draco glared and went to answer but his paci was popped back into his mouth. "I know what your doing silly. too bad I got to bring any changes with me beyond that first one." Harry lied. "You'll just have to ride home stinky..of do you wanna stop for a happy meal on the way home?" Harry was asking now, heading for the car and bouncing Draco on his hip now. "...Want nuggets n fries." Draco mewed. "Good boy~"
The end
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spoilertv · 4 months
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darkershining · 2 years
Just watched episode 2 of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, in which Mashiro and her grandmother let Sora and Ellee stay at their place until they find a way to return home, and Sora and Mashiro get to know each other better.
Picking up where last episode left off, Mashiro leads Sora away as a crowd gathers in the area, wondering what just happened. Mashiro brings Sora back to her house, where Mashiro’s grandmother greets them. Mashiro explains the situation to her, and her grandmother invites them in, with Mashiro being surprised at how unfazed her grandmother seems by everything she just heard.
Heading inside, Sora explains where she is from, with Mashiro being surprised to learn of the existence of another world. Sora wonders how she can get back to Sky Land, wanting to keep her promise to get Ellee back to her parents. Sora accidentally wakes up Ellee, and the girls wonder if the baby princess might be hungry. As Mashiro is wondering whether she should head out to buy formula, her grandmother reveals she already has the necessary items. After feeding Ellee, Sora helps burp her, explaning she knows how to handle babies since she has a baby brother back home. Mashiro questions why her grandmother had formula and a sippy cup in the kitchen, but doesn’t get an answer, the grandmother calmly explaining there’s diapers as well, and that the encounter between Mashiro and Sora must’ve been fate.
Mashiro’s grandmother tells Sora that she and Ellee are welcome to stay until they find a way back to their own world, allowing her to use an empty room upstairs. Mashiro brings her upstairs, and offers to lend her one of her track suits, suggesting they head out to buy Sora some clothes to help her fit in tomorrow. Sora promises she’ll help out around the house for as long as she stays, and gets down on one knee, vowing to be Mashiro’s knight and keep her safe from now on. Mashiro tells her there’s no need to take it that far, and suggests they be friends instead, which Sora gladly accepts.
The next day, Mashiro’s grandmother offers to look after Ellee while the girls go shopping for new clothes for Sora, as well as the items Mashiro wasn’t able to buy the day before due to getting distracted by everything that happened. Mashiro is concerned that Kabaton might show up again, but Sora assures her that if he does, she’ll deal with him. Sora tries to keep calm and not get distracted by the various machines and suchs around the city, but it is easier said than done. Eventually getting to the clothing store, Sora asks Mashiro to help her pick something out as she is uncertain what to buy.
While Mashiro has Sora try on a few outfits, Sora reflects on her desire to be a hero and how she never gave much thought to such mundane matters such as what to wear. After buying the new clothes, Mashiro asks Sora what sparked her interest in becoming a hero. Sora tells her how she once saw a hero in action, when she was little and got lost in a creepy forest. A mysterious person came to her rescue, and inspired, Sora wished to become a hero herself. Sora mentions how she started keeping her hero notebook, reminding Mashiro of how Kabaton destroyed it.
The girls suddenly hear a cry of help from a nearby burger joint, as Kabaton steals and devours a bunch of burgers. He then spots the two girls, remembering them from yesterday. He creates a new Ranborg from a nearby vending machine, which starts firing rocket-powered water bottles everywhere.
As people flee from the area, Mashiro’s grandmother watches Sora and Mashiro through a mirror at home, curious to see why Ellee chose Sora. Sora transforms into Cure Sky, and brings Mashiro to a nearby rooftop to keep her out of harm’s way. Cure Sky fights the Ranborg, knocking it’s projectiles aside, eventually sending some flying back at Kabaton. Kabaton eventually orders the Ranborg to launch its special attack, firing one giant water bottle at Cure Sky. However, Cure Sky manages with some effort to throw it back at the Ranborg, knocking it down before she uses her finishing move to purify it and turn it back into a regular vending machine. Kabaton retreats.
Mashiro takes Sora to another nearby store after they get down from the rooftop, picking out a cute notebook for Sora, explaning that she had been saving up to buy one of herself, but now she wants Sora to have it instead to replace the notebook Kabaton tore up. Sora asks why Mashiro is doing this for her, with Mashiro commenting that she saw a hero today. Watching through the mirror at home, Mashiro’s grandmother notes that this is only the beginning of a new story.
Another good episode! I really enjoy Sora and Mashiro’s dynamic so far. And I’m curious about what the deal with Mashiro’s grandmother is. She certainly has connections to the Sky Land, at least. I also wonder who the hero that saved Sora all those years ago is, and what her connection to the overall plot will be. Seeing as we see her in the intro, we’ll surely see her again somewhere. And no indication of who Kabaton is working for so far, but we’ll probably find out sooner or later.
I’ll be looking forward to seeing what happens next!
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