#though this was purely self indulgence
muzzlemouths · 5 months
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alright gamers let's mer some mays 🐟🐠
written list under rm 👇
1. morning
2. basking
3. beachcombing
4. hunger
5. glow
6. shipwreck
7. hook
8. bait
9. capture
10. leviathan
11. taboo
12. lost at sea
13. drowning
14. storm
15. message in a bottle
16. song
17. home
18. disability
19. mine
20. metamorphoses
21. camouflage
22. stranded
23. curiosity
24. purr/growl
25. hunt
26. secret
27. promise
28. magic
29. thingamabobs
30. aquarium
31. night
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elwenyere · 1 month
Reentry (Andor, Melshian, 336 w)
Author's Note: A wee ficlet in honor of this weekend's potato crumbs, set sometime during season 2 and inspired by approximately 2.5 seconds of grainy bootleg footage. We are so back.
Cassian waits until they’re approaching Dantooine before he leaves Kay at the controls and goes back to check on the prisoner they’ve sprung from detainment - on Melshi, who’s dozing against the bulkhead, his shorn head listing over one shoulder.
Cassian crouches in front of him, taking a moment, after the shock of reunion and the rush of escape, to assess the status of his unexpected passenger. He’d forgotten so much more of Melshi than he’d realized: the flurries of movement in his fingers, the slip of space that softens his mouth in surprise, the way the skin around his eyes looks scored with effort - the thin, radial grooves pinching like spread foils, even in sleep.
The word’s out before Cassian can form the intention to voice it. He shouldn’t. He should let Melshi rest: he’d been hard to rouse, when they found him - limbs leaden with long exhaustion, skin so sallow he’d looked almost -
Cassian speaks again anyway, finds that something under his breastbone unsnarls when Melshi’s eyes open, his gaze settling on Cassian and his lips parting.
“We’re almost there,” Cassian says.
Melshi straightens, his attention drifting to scan the hold of the ship before it returns to take in Cassian’s unshaven chin, the insignia on his jacket, the blaster at his hip.
“Sorry,” Melshi says. “Thought for a moment I must be dreaming.”
Cassian reaches for a line that would compose the expression on his face and finds nothing - nothing but the words he’d said when he’d punched the hyperdrive, when he’d hauled Melshi to his feet in his cell, when they’d clung to a cliff face, years earlier, or when he’d watched the bunk across from his and prayed never to see a broad-shouldered form silhouetted against the dark walls, toes curled over the edge: hold on. 
As the ship drops out of hyperspace, Cassian’s still watching Melshi’s face, so he feels it: the moment they settle into orbit - that sideways slip of forward motion and gravity falling back into balance.
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anhonest-puck · 1 month
i can NEVER resist the movie star aus for anything i’m obsessed with. because. because. imagine if neil became a hollywood actor guys guys hear me out GUYS
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
#Fc89ac (Cupid's Parasite)
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Heyo! So...I might or might not be addicted to Cupid's Parasite...
Nah but really; Y'ALL! I've started playing it recently and my goodness Ryuki is the best! (Granted as of writing this I'll have likely finished the game if not most of it so it's up in the air on who'll truly be my favorite) His route was so fun and addictive and just- YESH! I wanted to write something for him and Lynette and that's exactly what I did lols. I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ryuki's struggling with his latest design and what color to make it. Lynette helps through unconventional ways.
Lynette scrolled through her search history with a small laugh, shaking her head. Since she fell in love with the fashion designer, it seemed like this was all she ever looked up. Not that she minded it of course; she loved her boyfriend with her entire heart- even if she had to look up several of the colors he mentioned on a daily basis.
Recently it seemed he was stuck on the color pink- his sketchbook filled to the brim with various dresses and skirt designs with various notes and hexadecimals. Around one particular dress several of the numbers were crossed out and re-written, a sign this particular garment was driving Ryuki insane. “No, that’s not it…it’s too muted.”
Another hexadecimal. Lynette tapped it into her phone to find “Soft Pink”. It was lovely. “I like it. It’s pretty.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t really go with the theme of the outfit.” Ryuki scowled down at the paper, narrowing his eyes. “Everything’s either too muted or too bright- I need something in the middle.”
Rolling onto her stomach, Lynette used her arms as a pillow as she peeked at his work. Unsurprisingly, the dress was gorgeous- flowy and fun with a mix of both western and japanese elements incorporated. “Wow, it’s so beautiful!”
“You haven’t been truly wowed yet- wait until you see what it’ll look like in person.” A touch of pride entered Ryuki’s voice as he puffed, starting to smile. Then that smile dropped as he looked at his endless bouts of notes. “If we ever get there, that is.”
Not good. Lynette sat up and clapped her hands. “Break time! Maybe you need to step back and revisit it with some fresh eyes?”
Ryuki looked ready to argue, but he gave in with a sigh after meeting her raised brow. “Maybe.” Closing the sketchbook, he moved everything aside and gave a small stretch. “But just for five minutes- then I’m going right back i-EH!”
“Fifthteen minutes. I demand a proper break.” Lynette argued, poking him in the ribs. “We’re having green tea and snacks- maybe even a walk.” She poked him again and again, watching him twitch and scrunch beneath her finger. “We can hunt down a crepe stand. They’re usually out this time of year.”
“H-How is tha-ahat gonna gehet done in fi-fiihfthteen mi-inutes?” Ryuki yelped between jabs, grabbing at her wrists as he thought down giggles. “Stop thahat!”
“Well, we’ll just have to take as long as we need, won’t we?” She teased, bringing her other hand in when he refused to release her. Scooting closer, she quickly scribbled into his open side, making him yelp and fall backwards. “You’ve been working on your designs all morning. Five minutes away isn’t gonna be enough.”
“Ihiihiht’ll be pleaahhanty! Geahhaha, Lynaehehehehhette!” Ryuki didn’t have the strength to remain sitting up, crashing unceremoniously against the pillows as he batted at her hands. “Cuhuhhuhut it ohoohoohohut, I’m wohoohhoohrking!”
“Noooo!” She cried back in glee, giggling up a storm as she threw herself across his torso. Her fingers danced up and down his sides, kneading here and there to make him arch and yelp. “I’ll never stop! I’ll keep tickling you until you agree to take a break!”
“Thahahaht’s nohohohoht hahahappehehehening! Geahhahahaha!” Ryuki squeaked when her fingers dug into his highest ribs, making him arch within a sudden boost of mirth. “Dohohohohoohn’t nohohohohohohohohoo! Aheahahahahahha Lhihihihihihihiynehehehehehhehehette!”
“Oo, is this a bad spot?” She cooed at him, enjoying how pink his cheeks got. “It must be with how much you’re blushing! I could listen to you laugh all day long, cutie!”
“Shuhuhuhuht uuuhuhuhp! Iihihihi’m nohoohohohot cuhuuhuhuhte!” He argued through his laughter, trying his best to squeeze her hands out. “Thahahaht’s it- cohoohme here!” With a sudden burst of strength, he reached out and grabbed onto Lynette, flipping their positions. “Now you get what’s com-ehehehehe, nohohohoho!”
“Huh? What was that? What do I get?” She teased, wasting no time as she grabbed at his ribs once more. “You gotta move faster than this, Ryuki-kun! Hehehe!”
Unfortunately for her, Lynette’s reign of mischief was quickly ended.
“AH! Aheahhahahahha nohohoohohohoho!” She squealed when Ryuki managed to grab her side, squeezing rapidly. “Nohohoohoho fahahahhair, nohoohoho fahahhair yohoohohu son of ahahah-”
“Goohoht you nohohow, yoohohu-GAH DOHOOHN’T!”
Their “battle” continued on as they rolled around in the bed, sheets crinkling and pillows flying as they grabbed and prodded at any and every tickle spot they could find on eachother. By the end of it all, they were gasping for air, cheeks flushed and hair a mess as they laid side by side in their messy bedding.
“Sohoohoho who wohohohn?” Lynette gasped out, hair falling free from its braid like a halo of sakura blossoms. Ryuki reached out, brushing her bangs back with the gentlest of touches.
“Mehehehe, obvihihihously.” He snorted, making her smile. She was especially radiant today- her natural hue the softest of pinks. It reminded him of…
“#fc89ac.” He mused out loud, then blinked. “That’s it-”
Lynette watched him sit up, scrambling for his sketchbook. While he did so, she quietly pulled out her phone, searching up the number.
Tickle me pink. She barely stifled a laugh as the coincidence of it all.
“Yep, that’s it. That’s exactly what shade I was looking for.” Ryuki nodded, something relaxed entering his expression as he circled the hexadecimal with pride. “You’re truly brilliant. Thanks for all your help, Lynette.”
“Aww, you’re too sweet.” She giggled as she sat up, tucking her phone away. “Can I have a crepe as my reward? That tickle fight made me hungry.”
Ryuki blinked before bursting into laughter, unable to hide his amused smile. “You’re too cute! God- I love you so much.”
She’s heard him say it before so many times now, and the effect was still all the same. Her cheeks warmed and her heart raced at the words, making her entire being feel soft and tingly. “I love you too.”
The crepes they got soon after were extra tasty.
Thanks for reading!
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riamuverse · 2 months
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I'm struggling chat .. I've quite literally never done this 🙏
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clericofshadows · 1 year
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CLERIC'S MODEL SWAPS REGIS SHEPARD/ZAEED MASSANI I've always thought you were beautiful...
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shrimpchip123 · 2 years
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old misc au stuff
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alvfr · 2 months
*hates writing action scenes*
*starts a superhero wip*
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cold-neon-ocean · 8 months
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Posting this by itself because :) I just feel like he should have gotten to wear the mech pilot suit at least once..
(my AU black version and the og green)
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mintjeru · 2 years
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my little lion
open for better quality | no reposts | IDs in alt text/under the cut
[Image description: Six digital drawings of chibi Kaveh faces. The last image is a compilation of the previous six drawings, but in one image.
In the first, he is smiling brightly, surrounded by sparkles, and giving the viewer a thumbs up.
In the second, his eyes are closed and he is turned to the side. He has a frown and furrowed brows. A puff of air rises from the side of his face. His arms are crossed.
In the third, he is smiling with his eyes closed. He has lion ears and is being pet on the top of his head.
In the fourth, he has a surprised, fearful expression. He raises an arm protectively in front of himself.
In the fifth, he is winking at the viewer and offering a red rose in his hand. Rose petals float around him.
In the sixth, his eyes are shut in anger and his mouth is wide open, as if he is yelling. Anime style popping veins appear on his head and puffs of air appear around him.]
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spiderwarden · 5 months
Epilogue Romanced Gale outright saying he would do godly favors for Minthara, is chef kiss.
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nitetime-moon · 10 months
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Trying out some lighting.
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housedeaubemarle · 10 days
FFXIV Write 2024 #12: Quarry
About a turn and a half in the past, amidst and under the boughs of the South Shroud, in Bajhiri clan territory:
«Little one.»
«Yes, Matriarch?»
«You’ve done good hunting these past moons; I believe you’re ready to perform one on your own, outside the bounds of our lands. Will you consider what is asked of you?»
«Yes, of course.»
«Go you into the city of ice, and aim high, for your target is of noble blood. Find you the house of Aubemarle – discover for me what fate has befallen it.»
«Au… be… marle?»
«That’s it. Their lord did me a great favour once.»
«When I find this lord, what’s your will?»
«I doubt you’ll find him alive – the Traders will have had their due by now. Send word to me of his children and his widow. I wish to see what may yet be done for my old friend. Will you accept this task?»
«…with respect, is this truly a hunt?»
«The Warrior of Light may have broken down Ishgard’s walls, but they cannot change Ishgardian hearts as easily. You will have to move swift and move sly; the Fury’s people do not take kindly to those not of Halone. And if you find what I hope still stands, I will have further directions.»
«I understand. I’ll leave at moonrise tomorrow.»
«Good. The Lover’s great moon light your way and steady your hands, granddaughter.»
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iiitsnotbase · 6 months
I wanted to wait until it was done but here's a snippet of The Circle Of Protection (between Lucas and Emily) because i'm obsessed with them
“Nobody in this house likes electricity.” He said as she stood up, walking over to the curtains and opening them, letting the sunlight in. On his windowsill were a variety of things, newspapers, books, pictures of his Mother. Emily looked at one such photo of her, Nathaniel, and three other people he never met. He joined her by the window, looking out over the back of his house in Briar Green, at the garden that seemed to stretch for ages. All the photos on his window were sun-bleached now. 
“Is this your Mother?” Emily asked, looking at the picture, “I didn’t realise she knew Mr Trapp.” 
“They worked together, once. She sacrificed herself to save him.” Emily bit back a smile, and didn’t say what she was thinking. Lucas didn’t push it, but he knew she was thinking it. He had been to Emily’s house before, been in her room. She didn’t have as many photos of her family in there, she hardly had any photos at all. There was one of their circle, and one of her when she had been younger, 7 years ago, in a gold mask and gold dress. 
“You look just like her.” She said, and he knew she meant it. “I wish I could have met her.” Lucas hummed. He had yet to tell his circle about his Mother being stuck in The Fourth Pharos, because he didn’t know how they would react. Still, wishing she could have met her…
“Emily, there’s something I have to tell you.” He started. She was quite a lot taller than he was, so he had to look up by a good head to look at her eyes. In the window, they seemed different, almost brighter. One was slightly bluer than the other. The door to his room opened and Auntie Bea walked in, hand on her hip.
The Circle of Protection:
(Soldier) Lucas Suarez- 24(1902) (You know him)
(Occultist) Mina Clearson- 19 (1907) (You know her)
(Journalist) Emily Amicus-  25 (1901) (Leo's Niece)
(Detective) Charlotte Black- 17(1909) (Arlo and Auggie's Daughter).
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maivalkov · 1 year
Good morning in three weeks time I will be in the Netherlands and I am Very Normal about it
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Okay but the thought of Edith entering the Morally Dubious Triad while her father is still alive...if this is set in the modern day, I wonder which one of them she decided to publicly marry.
Well, in the world of my coffee shop AU he is alive and she publicly marries Lucille. He is not pleased about this, for the more obvious and less homophobic reasons. But Edith is 25, and this is 2022 rather than 1901, so. There's not much he can do about it.
(Okay, he could still try to bribe the Sharpes to leave. But thanks to smart investments and Thomas' successful career in special effects engineering, they're not impoverished in this universe. Ergo, it wouldn't work.)
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