#though someday i'll change my icon
Perspective's Sentence Starters; 1989 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift (Part III)
Being this young is art.
What if all I need is you?
Got love-struck, went straight to my head.
Got lovesick all over my bed.
Love to think you’ll never forget.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
I'll pay the price, you won't.
If I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us.
If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
If I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
The wrong place at the right time.
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
We’ll pay the price, I guess.
This is luxury.
You're not sayin' you're in love with me.
It might blow up in your pretty face.
I've known it from the very start, we’re a shot in the darkest dark.
It won't stop.
Halfway out the door, but it won't close
I'm holdin' out hope for you.
Say, "Don't go".
I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go".
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why’d you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin’?
Why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin'.
You kiss me and it stops time.
I'm yours, but you're not mine.
Why'd you have to make me want you?
Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to make me love you?
I said, "I love you".
I heard from everybody.
You part the crowd like the Red Sea.
Did you get anxious though, on the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know.
You grew your hair long.
You got new icons.
From the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on.
I miss the old ways.
You didn't have to change.
I guess I don't have a say.
She said that it was for the best.
The more I gave, you'd want me less.
I cannot be your friend.
I pay the price of what I lost.
What do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with?
I can't pretend it's platonic.
She said to get it off my chest.
Remind myself the way you faded 'til I left.
I don't have to pretend I like acid rock.
Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk.
Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.
You had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision.
All was quickly forgiven.
You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
I didn't come here to make friends.
We were born to be suburban legends.
When you hold me, it holds me together.
You kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school.
You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out.
I know that you still remember.
We were born to be national treasures.
You told me we'd get back together.
I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it.
You don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined.
You still wouldn't go.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later.
I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters.
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater.
Was it over when she laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Was it over then?
Is it over now?
Your new girl is my clone.
Did you think I didn't see you?
At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs.
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings just to see you come runnin'.
Say the one thing I've been wanting.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later.
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her.
You search in every model's bed for somethin' greater.
You never saw it comin'.
Now you've come undone.
Wish I could make it better.
Someday, you won't remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever.
I will say, "I knew it all along".
This life is sweeter than fiction.
All you got are your shattered hopes.
They never saw it comin'.
Now you're on to somethin'.
Proved me right when you proved them wrong.
It's like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever.
All at once, the rest is history.
Look at you now.
You've made us proud.
You know that I'll be there time and again.
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gaywizardzone · 9 months
deliriously in love with your dgm fanart. i stumbled into a full course buffet. exquisite, splendid, 10/10 no notes. do you have any DGM fic recs, bc i have suitcases full of DGM recs,
ok first of all thank you so much!! dgm is i think the thing i've drawn the most fanart for in my life cumulatively? in many bursts of insanity over the years. lol. so i have a lot of fun drawing it and i'm very honored that you like what i've made so much. also re: your other ask my worstie and collaborator ozwuv and i are working on it together since you sent it to both of us (we made a joint google doc to combine our perspectives lol) so the answer might not come from me but you'll get one!
second of all i am kind of an old livejournal era hag in terms of my taste in fanfiction in general and my history with this series in particular, so there are exactly three things in here that are less than a decade old and two of them are from 2016. naturally this means that a lot of it is now divergent with some details of how the plot and characterization and etc has actually gone (sorry to everyone back in the day who thought kanda was looking for some missing sister or something. one truly could not have possibly seen all of that coming). that said they still hold up to me in terms of general character dynamics and being fun and well written and such. recommendations also depend on what you like! i will generally not put that much shipping in here because there aren't that many of those i've read and would recommend in the first place (no hate to our strong and beautiful yaoi warriors, i used to read nearly anything back in the day, it's just that not too much of it has stuck with me) but there are some things that are so iconic to me that i could not in good conscience not include them. lots of this is kanda-centric because i like him :) putting it all below the cut
Hard Living by metisket - the aforementioned ship fic that's too iconic not to include. changed my brain chemistry when i first read it many many years ago. i seriously considered making it the only thing i put on here for a second just for the bit. To Me this is actually such a classic that it transcends shipping. the humor is very sharp and funny and i'm so in love with the concept of dying young for them meaning getting old early first and having to deal with it all together. they're so damn hilarious. it should happen to them. it does in my dreams. it never will but in my head there will always be a world where it does <3 i love to draw fanart of them as old decrepit men at 35 and maybe i'll post some of it someday. obviously it was written pre-alma so you just have to accept that it's wildly inaccurate in that regard. anyway pretty much anything this author has written for dgm is really good, i will put a few more metisket favorites on this list but check it all out even if i didn't include it. also this particular one is the inspiration for my most favoritest kanda fic <3 below
Blooming From the Mud by zarinthel - this is not just me shilling fic by someone i know. i am an absolute kanda diehard and this is really THE fic for me in terms of like hitting all the things i love about him. zar number one kanda understander. incredibly funny and compelling i don't care if you don't know anything about bleach (i don't either i haven't read it since middle school) or that you haven't read the fic it's inspired by (though you should) or that it's unfinished. you all should and in fact must read it. kanda's life is both so sad and so hilarious because of how sad it is and his pov here is just so excellently funny because he really is such a funny individual. also not a slash fic though it does really highlight how close and kind of insane his and allen's relationship is in a way that i find extremely delightful and accurate and just wonderful. they make me sick (positive). really good. so if you're a non shipper but you care about them you should read it and if you're a shipper you will also certainly enjoy it anyway so you should read it. truly for everyone!
Chimera Obscurant by moonsheen - i tend to struggle with most kanda/alma fix-it fanwork i've encountered despite loving them dearly because i rarely feel like anyone evokes the way their relationship is both strong and a bit unsettling (at least to me) without swinging around into being too edgy (i fully admit i have not explored super deeply because i get frustrated easily so i'm sure there are things that would appeal to me that i'm missing). this is one of the very few things i've read for them that i've been like yes i think this is beginning to get at the kind of atmosphere i want to see. if i remember correctly this was written before kanda came back to drag allen into accepting support and friendship so i'm just like "oh whatever" about its incompatibility with that. fanwork for ongoing stuff truly creates divergent timelines in my head. anyway this is the most nsfw thing that will end up in here and it's not particularly explicit, but heads up that it is there in case you're averse to that
In his Heart by harukami - another kanda/alma but just kanda technically. i read this and was so delighted that i made a :D face in real life. i've assimilated this into my worldview like i think this is something he would do. he's crazy like that.
Economies of Scale by liketolaugh - last kanda and alma one but this one's here less for the romantic aspect and more because i'm so endeared by the idea of fresh out of the lab kanda being so angry and miserable but also completely blindsided by all the stuff there is in the world. ten year old who is learning about so many new animals. really funny and cute and sad.
siblings, probably by scarlet666 - this one's for the kanda and lenalee enthusiasts. the best friends lovers. i love them so dearly i put the level of energy people usually put into shipping into their bestie-isms so naturally this was for me. huge shoutout to this person for writing 20k words about them if nobody else in the world has my back i know they do. i have the memory of a goldfish and this is long enough that i can't really scan quickly to refresh my memory and make more detailed comments but i know it deserves a spot on here. my note from when i bookmarked it just reads AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but i never leave a comment in that field at all usually so that speaks volumes i think. life is so beautiful sometimes. peace and love on planet earth <3
Welcome Home by metisket - for the rest of this list i am about to hit you with the metisket beam. the author whose work i most fondly remember from my youth by far, which means that's what's stuck with me and what half of my recs will be. i love this one dearly because i love a normal person perspective in insane anime settings type of fic and reever is so delightfully normal and longsuffering and also funny as hell. love how his relationship with komui is in this. not a ship fic and am not recommending it as such but it did make me in the back of my head go "komui/reever is almost like roy/riza without the war crimes for people who are cringefail mad scientist enthusiasts." sane responsible second in command type slash babysitter who is devotedly loyal to crazy irresponsible boss but also wants to kill him a little bit. they're so great to me
Growing Up by Accident by metisket - just so kanda and allen and the way their relationship is. having the exact same feelings about something but approaching it so differently that they want to attack each other. love them 4ever. the way metisket writes allen's internal voice is also delightful to me (like not JUST here but in general). he's so jaded and funny. probably my favorite allen to read out of anyone who writes him ever. and kanda is always just so...kanda.......<3
Sand Castle by metisket - (smiles and blood leaks from the side of my mouth) i love you allen walker. i love this look at allen's growth pre-series from cross' perspective and how he managed to become the hilarious twisted convoluted wonderful little freak that he is. allen is so.....everything to me truly i would never have it any other way. really kind of darkly funny but also like agonizingly emotional. delightful
Mask and Mirror by metisket - love this take on what the inside of lavi's head is like, and also the way all the character dynamics shine through even in such a short thing, they're all so wonderfully cute and funny. the sense of humor is really great. lenalee didn't even make a real appearance but even the brief mention of how she and kanda are had me giggling.
in the circus series by metisket - certified classic. i love timcanpy pov and this whole thing is just so emblematic of my fond memories of old dgm fanworks. i love anything that highlights the way they're all just so immensely fucked up to the point that it's actually incredibly absurd and funny. i'm pretty sure metisket's LJ has more mini outtakes from this series but i'm too lazy to dig through the dgm tag right now so i'll just link it so you can do it yourself if you're interested.
lastly if you're looking for someone to share your recs with you're free to! i am on a personal level picky as hell and my taste in styles and approaches to fanwork was forged in the livejournal mines and has not evolved with the times LOL but i also don't judge <3
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YES! My connection finally came! I finally get to run my very first Tamagotchi Connection! Yes...... that's right, the V1 I ordered finally came!
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And also some other things....
I know I know.... I said no more v-pets till October aside from the connection remake, But, listen, to be fair, I ordered the connection V1/Plus and the Genjintch long before I said that and they only just got here. The V2 and the Teku Teku Angel were just really cheap. Also Tama lunch box and chop sticks to make shipping more worth it.
So the Connection remake is probably not going to be my first Tamagotchi Connection. I was excited to run it this month, but the fact that it's not going to be here until Monday has made me change my plans.
Here's what i'll do... I want to get a bit of an appreciation for how the connection evolved, so, I'm going to run the V1 until my first Tama dies. Then i'll run the V2 until the end of the month. Then, on the 1st of the month, I'll run the remakes. That should give me more appreciation for the Connection line, at least up to the V3. I'd like to try the others at some point, I just don't know if I should buy vintage ones, or wait and see if Bandai has plans to remake more than just the V3.
The one I got is in pretty good condition, there's some ghosting, but it's barely noticeable, unlike the vintage Gen 2 I bought some time ago where it's distracting. I can see how this started forming ideas of modern tamagotchi, right down to the sound effects being similar to what we've got on the Uni. But the V1 isn't that much different than a gen 1/2, in fact I find myself fighting my impulse to highlight the 2nd icon on the bottom row to look at stats, I'm so used to them putting the stats in an inconvenient place that it's become second nature to me with black and white Tamas, even though Digimon put stats first years ago.
Why Oyajitchi for the charm? Because it's the only device I have where Oyajitchi is raisable, since they cut him out of the english Gen1 in favor of Bill. I might replace it with a different character later if I find one that fits. Someday I'd like to get a Japanese Gen 1/2 just so I can have all the secret characters available, so this is definitely a temporary home for him.
In other v-pet news, I spent a good portion of the day organizing my Digimon and trying to arrange them in a way where I'd have more space, since my Digimon drawers are nearly full. I finally came up with the idea of all of my bricks being in the top drawer arranged in rows ( X3 appears to be missing only because i'm currently running it ) and the same with my Pendulums, there's just enough space for 3 rows of six, so once the 2nd wave of PenC gets here, i'll have two full rows with just enough space for my 20ths, and a few extra devices in case I feel like checking out some vintage releases some day. The bottom drawer will be reserved for my Vital bracelets, digivices, and other miscellaneous releases. Maybe they'll surprise us an make a legitimately new Digimon virtual pet some day. They're running out of things to remake.
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I actually did have to take a few v-pets out and I decided to make a container dedicated to extra v-pets and v-pets I keep for spare parts and put it in storage, Because I stupidly bought a bunch of DM20ths and ran almost none of them, part of that was just so I could have all the exclusive eggs ( even though I don't care about any of them that much ) but the other part was for customization reasons. I kept my first DM20th, and my translucent green which I ran the most and completed the library in my drawer.
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alwayschasingrainbows · 9 months
Whats your fav LMM novel? Please rank from the most you like to the least you like. Thank you 😊.cn.
Thank you for this question! First of all, I am very sorry it took me so long to answer, but I have to say it was a difficult choice for me (Sophie's choice, one might even say).
Before I start, I want to give a little disclaimer: there are some books I haven't read in ages. For example, I was the biggest fan of Anne series back in the days - I read Anne of Green Gables at the age of 8 and I remember loving it so much.
But then, I read other Montgomery's novels and loved them... even more. While Anne's books are still close to my heart, I haven't read them in years, while I still keep coming back to other books. That is something I should definitely change - if I reread Anne series (and Maud's other books) and my rating changes, I'll make a new list!
That being said, Anne of Green Gables is definitely the most iconic Montgomery's book - it is a beautiful, heart-warming tale of coming of age - and Anne herself is the most iconic female character Montgomery had ever created.
Ok, the disclaimer was very long, but I needed to make things clear, for Anne series is only listed as fourth - but not because I don't enjoy it, but because I need to reread it...
Oh, and another thing: I only included the novels, not short stories.
Emily of New Moon trilogy - my absolute favourite. I know many people have issues with these books and I understand this. Still, that's my number one. I must say I was not too satisfied with an ending of Emily Climbs (2nd book) and the last chapter of Emily's Quest (3rd) seems very rushed (although I like the way it ended... generally). All three have the first place ex aequo.
The Blue Castle - very close second. I love this book so much. In my opinion, Valarney is the best romance Maud had ever written. It is a lovely book - full of humour and fantastic characters; the one I keep coming back to each time I need a little cheering up. It never fails to do so. But oh, poor Cissy...
Rilla of Ingleside - it is probably the saddest book Montgomery ever wrote, but it is just so beautiful. Rilla is the heroine that goes through the biggest inner change... My favourite things about this book were: Rilla and Jims's relationship and Rilla's development. I wasn't into the romance there, tbh. Also... Walter... (tearing up).
Anne series - I will rank the books from my most to less favourite among the series: Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Island, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne of Ingleside, Rainbow Valley, Anne's House of Dreams, The Blythes Are Quoted. That being said, I really liked all of them, but I still can't get over Joy (that's why AHoD is so low. I mostly like reading about Anne pre-motherhood, even though I also adore all her children... I know, I just contradicted myself...).
Story Girl and Golden Road - I adore stories about childhood friendships and this one doesn't fail! The only sad thing - Cecily's fate :(. But truth be told, I got the impression that the King children acted a bit young for their age... on the other hand, maybe that's the way things used to be in the past.
Jane of Lantern Hill - another great book! Jane is very different from other Montgomery's heroines - she's so practical! I adore her as a character.
Magic for Marigold - I remember loving this book, but... I haven't read it in ages. I need to change that.
Tangled Web - I have some issues with the book (the racism, marrying close relatives etc.). But on the whole, I enjoyed it. I liked some stories more, some less... and one can get lost among all these Darks and Penhallows (I always get their last names wrong, even though there are only two choices!).
Pat of Silver Bush and Mistress Pat - another series I haven't read in ages. But I wasn't too fond of these books as a child - I couldn't understand Pat too well... But I really liked Hilary. I think I should give the series another try someday... maybe I'll like them more now.
Kilmeny of The Orchard - the only Montgomery's book that I dislike... no sparkling humor. No lovable characters. Ideal Kilmeny... stuck up Eric... and the awful references towards Italians. No sir, thank you. Not me.
Ok, that's my list. I feel the need to say that I find all of Montgomery's books delightful. Even Kilmeny of The Orchard had some lovely descriptions of the nature...
I truly hope that I haven't offended anyone. I am really curious what other Montgomery's fans rating would be...
Again, thank you for this question!!!!
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jademilee · 1 year
Hi! I'm Jade and this is my pregnancy kink blog. Below's a list of some of the things I am and aren't into, an about me, and some basic guidelines I'd like people who follow/interact with this blog to know.
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This is my kink blog, where I mostly just reblog content I like for myself, but if you like it, you're welcome to stay, as long as you understand a few things so this space stays as comfortable for me as possible. And hey, maybe someday I'll post a drawing or two (My icon and header were both made by me), but for now it's mostly just reblogs lol.
Hey! You can call me Jade, my pronouns are she/her and I'm mostly into girls and fem-presenting people. I wanted to make a separate pinned post, but it's still very important to me that people know that this very much still applies.
MINORS ABSOLUTELY DNI. This is a kink blog. Any minors that follow or interact with my blog will be blocked.
I absolutely will not tolerate any sort of discriminatory attitude towards anyone. racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. asks, messages, comments will be deleted and blocked.
I'll do my best to answer asks, so feel free to send them about generally anything, not only kink stuff. (though I don't mind asks about kink stuff at all either lol)
That being said, I most likely won't be answering any DMs for now, though this might change in the future. Just keep in mind that if you DM me I probably won't respond.
I don't do RP. Again, this might change in the future, but for now this isn't something I'm interested in.
As I'm very gay, most of the things I'll post/reblog will very likely be about girls and fem-presenting people. I don't mind people who are into other genders interacting, but keep in mind that you probably won't find much of anything else here lol.
I'll probably update this post as time goes on to add or change anything if it comes up.
That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay 🌸
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amaranthine-wrath · 2 months
˗ˏˋ ❌ INTRO POST ❌ ´ˎ˗
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The name's April (she/her). Welcome to my sideblog. I'm an alter in the Apartment System and this is my personal space for whatever I want. Gaming, music, miscellaneous thoughts, pixel art, and more will be shared here. I'm also conceptkin and will probably post about that now and again which is why I've used the tag.
Be warned: This blog may contain sensitive content (like mental health talk and occasional horror themes) but everything will be tagged to the best of my ability. Minors do not interact, you WILL be blocked on sight.
Read on for my basic info and other fun stuff. Kinda long but whatever, feel free to skim or skip around.
(Last updated: 9/2/24)
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˗ˏˋ WHO AM I? ´ˎ˗
As stated above, my name is April, I use she/her pronouns, and I'm an alter. Physically 25 and Black-Latino. Since this is a sideblog, I like and follow from the host's main blog (found here).
I identify as conceptkin. Specifically, I am rage personified. The special kind of rage that comes from intense hurt and grief. From wounds that may never heal. This doesn't give me any fancy form, though. I'm just some girl. I've felt this way since I first came to be over a decade ago and since it hasn't changed in all this time I feel comfortable saying this is a solid part of my identity.
I don't mind talking to people so go ahead and send asks but I've gotta warn that sometimes I can be a little flat through text. I'm not mad, I just don't feel like using a million emojis and exclamation points. I won't really answer messages though because holding 1-on-1 conversations with strangers is hard.
˗ˏˋ INTERESTS? ´ˎ˗
Art is a growing interest of mine. I love pixel art and doodling and someday I'll get into Blender/3D modeling and animation. I'm starting to get into code (HTML and CSS). The Sims 4 and Minecraft are my current games but once I've got an actual PC I'll be playing a lot more. I also enjoy poetry, alternative subcultures, and word games like Scrabble and Boggle.
I listen to a decent mix of music (metal, rock, breakcore, techno, etc). Here's my playlist if you wanna get to know a chunk of my music taste. I also update the playlist fairly regularly these days and I love recommendations. Some things are only on YouTube so they didn't get included but it's whatever.
˗ˏˋ DNI? ´ˎ˗
Minors, bigots/TERFs, "endos", ableists, etc. I'm not putting a big ass list. Make me uncomfortable or annoy me and I'll block you. Feel free to block me, too. Curate your own spaces and all that jazz. Involve me in discourse of any kind and I blow you up with my mind for real.
˗ˏˋ EXTRAS! ´ˎ˗
@devotional-devouring - Plague's Blog (Host/the main blog) @doll-disjointed - Mason's Blog (another alter sideblog)
#April's Chatting - Tag for text posts
More to come later. Here's some cool images.
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Thanks for reading. Have a good day.
(Icon Credit)
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the-solar-panel · 1 year
Munday Survey
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Name/Alias: Sunny
Age group: 31
Pronouns: She/her, they/them, even he/him...I really don't care
Favorite color: Green
Favorite food: Chicken
Tattoos/piercings?: Double lobes; someday I wanna get my nose stud back too. Also would love to get the OoT temple symbols tattoo'd down the middle of my back someday.
Current song stuck in your head?: Samudrartha from the HSR EP. I'm trying to think of how to sing an English version.
Pets?: 8 cats. 9 if you count the outdoor one from next door that adopted us. 6 girls (Chloe, Noel, Boo, Lovey, Julia, and Latte), 3 boys (Sphinx, Cooper, and Azazel).
Favorite book?: I don't have one.
Dream job: Singing or writing.
Tea or coffee?: Coffee!!
Hobbies: Video games, horror movies, creepypastas, true crime documentaries, ARGs
How long have you been role-playing?: On Tumblr? Since 2010, I think.
Who is your most active muse?: It changes a LOT. Right now, it's Blade.
Significance behind your URL?: It's a play on my name while also signifying that I'm a multimuse. Sunny = solar, and then I have a panel of muses. So...I'm the solar panel!
I even made a tiny pixel icon for it, but it wound up being WAY too small, so it went unused. I'll gladly show it off, though:
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Tagged by: @sageofjustice (thank you!! <3)
Tagging: @eternxlstarx @capravulpes @draconiclotus @traincarsandstars @celestial-narwhal @everlastiingiimmortals @deuxombre @cryohealer & anyone else that wants to fill this out and claim me as their tagger! I'm genuinely interested in learning more about all my followers. <3
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Thoughts on Mafia 2 and 3...
I told myself I wouldn't spoil Mafia 3 for myself before I got a chance to play it for myself but I'm glad I changed my mind.
While there's a lot I love about Mafia 2, it just feels like there's too much missing. In the end the story and characters fall a little flat and while the ending was impactful,it felt too abrupt, and it didn't hit nearly as hard as Mafia DE's ending. Add to that the fact that it feels in some ways more episodic in the way a lot of games, especially older ones sometimes do, and the narration framing device feels somewhat underdone, and I found myself both feeling guilty I didn't love the game more, and more importantly feeling like it would be a lot harder to tackle for an adaptation. So I thought I'd never do that. Vito and Joe feel iconic though and there are some really cool moments. Not to mention it's a very beloved game. I felt bad for my stance but I felt I couldn't really do much with it and couldn't do it justice.
However, now knowing how Mafia 3 plays out and one of the possible endings, I'm convinced that someday after i get ahold of a copy of Mafia 3, I will be able to adapt Mafia 2, from within the framework of Mafia 3's story.
Of course combining the two in this way means I will have to come up with a new name for this adaptation.
My Mafia 1/ Mafia Definitive Edition adaptation is being called Mafia: The Confessions of Tommy Angelo
Originally if I was to adapt Mafia 2 and 3 separately I was going to go with "Mafia: The Vito Scaletta Story" for Mafia 2 and "Mafia: The Legend of Lincoln Clay" for Mafia 3.
Not sure what to call this new adaptation idea, assuming I'm going for it someday. Vito will be a much bigger part, but this is all being told from within the framework of Lincolns story. And given the dialogue in the ending I'm thinking of, the tip of the hat as to the thesis character perse could go to either of them. I'd definitely like something neutral that suits the overall narrative and both characters. I definitely won't be adapting this right after Mafia DE for a number of reasons, though so I guess I'll have plenty of time to think about it, if that's what I'm doing someday.
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galm1bignaturals · 1 year
top 5: enemy squadrons across the entire ace combat franchise :?
FUCK, ya know, I actually haven't played enough off the games I feel to give the best equipped answer for this question, but, going off of what I'm most familiar with at the time of answering this question (IE; these will probably change at some point) we got; 1. SACS. I feel like this one stands on its own, no explanation required. 2. Gault Team. Now I am admittedly......Biased. But it's a very good fight, very good entrance, very good livery, just Very Good™
3. Mimic Squadron. Though by no means the best from a plot standpoint, they're like a perfect storm of my weirdly specific favorite things. They use my favorite plane, with my favorite kind of camo, and their fight music fucks severely. Incredibly fun for what it is.
4. Yellow Squadron. My familiarity with AC4 is currently only kinda surface level, but there's no denying they're particularly iconic from what I've seen/read thusfar. I look forward to learning more about them firsthand (I'm sure if I already knew more they'd probably be higher on the list lmao)
5. Glamrock Squadron. It feels like a massive fucking cop out to include 3 AC7 squadrons for this, but like...You only see them the once, they don't even have any named members, but their Absolute Charisma is undeniable. I feel like they deserve a spot on my list, or at the very least an honorable mention when I redo this.
I'll probably actually re-answer this someday once I've actually played (see: cave in and just watch a lets play) the games I've yet to really get acquainted with, but for now I hope this suffices!
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acacia-may · 1 year
I just wanted to thank everyone who has sent in such kind words and encouragement to me over the past couple of days while I was taking a much-needed internet break. I am okay, but I really did need a break from Tumblr after a negative experience. I like to think that we're all friends here or that we can all be friends if we're respectful to each other, and receiving such kind messages from you has really helped restore my faith that this is the case. 💕
It really means a lot to receive so much kindness and overwhelming positivity after a negative experience, so thank you so much for that! I will do my best to respond properly to everyone (though I plan to space them out so I don't spam you all with a ton of my ramblings in a row 😅). In the meantime, please know that I saw and read all of your encouragement, and I really appreciate it. 💖
I think I'll give myself a little more time before I start writing headcanons again (since I want to make sure I can give them my best), but for now, I saw an ask game some of my friends were playing that looked fun and not too complex, so I think I'll start with that if anyone wants to play. No pressure though. 😊
Thank you so much for all the support and encouragement! Have a great day, friends, and please take care of yourselves!!🥰
Also, I've changed my icon just because I was ready for a change. (I blame all that YTTD brainrot lol). I want to thank @nothing-to-see-here-bye-yall again for creating such a beautiful Shinobu icon. I will probably return to her someday, but for now, Kanna. 💕
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
For the writing meme ask!
There was silence for a minute, and Melanie looked at Ben, and then back at Javi, biting her lip. When she finally looked back at Ben, he gave a small shrug and nodded. They always were good at communicating without words.
"You can if you like," she said carefully to Javi.
He furrowed his brow, and she knew he hadn't understood.
"Fuck us both. You can. If you like."
Javi coughed, his eyes wide. It wasn't a no.
Melanie stepped towards him, and he suddenly felt very warm.
"Stick her on auto for a couple of hours, Javi. If… if that head of yours agrees with…" she nodded down at the bulge still covered by his hands, "that head of yours."
Javi coughed again. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it before. The three of them, stuck up here for the past year. The way Melanie touched his shoulder at the end of a shift. The way Ben did push-ups in just his boxer shorts. But what if this was just another joke? What if -
He nodded his head before he could think too hard about it, before looking quickly at Ben, who gave him a small smile, and a tiny nod just as Melanie straddled his legs.
"In that case," she whispered, hot in his ear, "I really can't wait to feel that fat cock inside me."
Hi my lovely anon! You said in your other message you'd like me to elaborate on the whole chapter so I'll do that.
God I wish there was more to say about this one. This whole chapter was me trying to work out how to dirty talk without it explicitly being like... Degradation or Praise kink. I couldn't find a way to do it that wasn't funny!
I usually headcanon Javi as ace but I also accept any queer reading of him and as some of you know one of my favourite fics is Mel/Ben/Javi. I think it's only natural that (if he's not asexual) Javi would have thoughts about the other engineers after being cooped up in there for so long. After all he hasn't got a girlfriend... And Javi just loves it when people are nice to him.
I really wanted to include Javi's headphones because I think they're iconic. I too like to block out the world whilst I work. So the idea that Mel and Ben would mess with him whilst he's got them on was too good to miss.
I love love love the idea that after so many years, Mel and Ben can communicate in little glances. This is not based on any real experience for me though, I've been with the same person for 13 years and am still constantly mouthing "what???" at her across the room!
What else to say... Ohhhh the wordplay. "Fuck you both" to "you can. Fuck us both." It made me chuckle when I wrote it. There's a similar play in the Mel/Ben/Ruth chapter too - "the question is whether I like this... Or this" "what's the answer?" "Yes." I don't know it's all super cliché it just makes me happy to write it.
This head and that head is something someone said to me the first time I spitballed GP!Mel. Something about thinking with the right head? Idk it's funny though.
One of my favourite things to read, and hence to write, is when the narration takes on the inner thoughts of the character which then get interrupted by the action. I like cutting sentences off in the middle to show that actions are cutting off thoughts. I like the changing rhythm of it.
As for the ending we circle back to me being terrible at dirty talk! It ended up not being one I felt any desire to write actual sex acts for, I think other people have done it better. But maybe someday.
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heartsfromwithin · 3 months
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I want a good job, freedom, and independence to do the things I want. As I approach 25, I want to finally glow up fully, something I've been waiting for since birth. I have seen people and visited places, and I am so grateful as it's been an inspiration for me. Where I am now, I feel the push to keep going so that I can achieve all these things. The only issue is that as time passes, I begin to feel impatient with myself and everyone around me. It's demotivating because I wonder when I'll ever see results.
Around April this year, I decided to begin a challenge. I was really inspired by one of the lectures I had in class on self-development (well, the class was about product development, but the lecturer had a holistic view that truly inspired me). He talked about how he won over his first love, doing everything to get what he wanted, and that's the energy I'm channeling this year.
However, I sometimes get overwhelmed seeing what everyone has, looking at social media, and being in a city where everyone literally looks like a model. I know I was born to be an icon and an inspiration. I want to spend my days exploring and trying out new looks and perfumes. I want to live the dream, travel to Europe and other parts of the world. I want the luxury of working from anywhere in the world. I want my own home and peace to live on my own terms.
For a long time, I watched people I started with progress and leave me behind. Well, I chose not to look at it this way; instead, I was just being me and making space for myself. I wanted a taste of the freedom they had and to live the life they lived. It was glamorized and seemed so perfect to live a fast lifestyle. Imagine getting what you want when you want it. You can imagine how badly I coveted what they had, so much that at the moment, I feel I'd do anything. For the past couple of months, I've done the unimaginable to get close to living a life like this.
I ask myself every day, "Why me?" Don't get me wrong, I've been a positive person for a long time. My life as a child wasn't the best, and I just had to try to be positive. I liked myself more when my emotions didn't eat me up, and instead, I chose positivity. It's my backbone and my anchor whenever I feel down. Even when I'm at my lowest, it could take a couple of days to lift myself up, but the positive spark within me remains.
It's really sad that some of the people I was drawn to actually tried to bring me down and suck all the ambition and energy out of me. I have been constantly judged and made to feel stupid and dumb for enjoying the things I naturally like to do and for being myself. It's like no matter what, I was only at peace when I was alone, and the creeping feeling of loneliness began to slowly overwhelm me. I was seeking to be seen just the way I admire people. I was seeking people who saw happiness in me being myself. Though in a world like this, does that really exist?
Here I am now, still holding on to the little positivity I have within me. I choose myself, and I choose to look at all my experiences as a roadmap to my eventual success. I choose to begin working from within and see myself without it all. To see how promiscuous, curious, and malicious I can be only due to the fact that I don't see what I already have, but rather I see others who shine, uncovering all my defects and what I lack.
I want to change, and I want to find happiness from within. My inferiority complex is where I choose to set my anchor, and from within me, I can flourish and set sail without getting lost. I believe that someday it will all work out astoundingly, and I'll look back, and this will be one of many beautiful memories.
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the-world-walks · 6 months
If you stumble across me somehow, hello. This is a secondary blog that I made to serve as my FFXIV containment zone, since I love this game a lot, like a lot, but I don't really interact with the community much and I feel like after a couple of years of playing solo and getting nearly every Job to 90, maybe I should change things up a bit.
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On that note, meet Veveli, my new WoL. Though this blog is going to be a general fandom blog, this blog alongside Veveli are going to serve as a bit of a vehicle for me to experience the MSQ and Etheirys once more, with a very stupid gimmicky challenge to myself. In summary - no flying, no teleporting.
Why the hell would I do such a thing? Well I don't know, on my main I teleport all over the place and fly around so much, I kind of miss when I was going through Thavnair for the first time on the back of my newly acquired Amaro, feeling like a true adventurer. Some of you might recall a while ago there were also the temporary cloud servers, and there I participated in a small but iconic event called the Cloudwalk, where a small crowd of us decided to walk all the way from Costa del Sol to Ishgard. To top it all off, I saw a post a while ago where someone else was playing without using Aetherytes and it made me realize, oh good. I'm not completely insane, there are other people who want to play like this.
So, I guess that's it for my introduction post. I still do have a main WoL who has some Crafters left at Lv70, so Veveli is more of a side project I won't be playing constantly in my free time, but still I'd like to do this, so I'll try. Thus begins a new journey, one of Veveli Veli, a girl born in Ul'dah who is bored of the bricks and sands of her homeland and wishes to see the broad colors of the outside world. She's always had trouble manipulating aether, so it'll be a bit of a long and painful adventure, but she's determined! Maybe someday she'll even learn how to use a weapon to make it easier, but until then, she'll be punching giant bugs.
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Thoughts on GMMTV 2023
Unrelated, I'm going to change my icon on both this and my sideblog soon.
I wish Drake Laedeke and Jimmy Potiwihok had a series together. I'm still not over the lack of Waikorn from Bad Buddy. I haven't finished Vice Versa yet, but so far, I'm not really seeing much chemistry between Sea Anukoolprasert and Jimmy, though, Sea seems to be a good actor.
One thing I really focused on in the trailer for Last Twilight is Jimmy's character wearing a sign that said 'Guide Runner'. That's awesome. I'm curious if there are such a thing in real life.
And I'm still puzzled why Thai and Japanese series sometimes have things written in English. Sure, I'm always glad when I can read something for myself, but I don't think these signs where added just so English-speaking watchers could read them.
I'm so glad Offgun has another BL series, and it's nice to see both characters are all grown-up in this one, though, I don't object to the prevalence of university Thai BLs. I wish the midnight series would come out already.
It'll be interesting to see Perth Sukumpantanasan in a darker role. I never really saw Ae as a particularly rough character, though, he wasn't above throwing hands when necessary. But he had a line himself about how he wouldn't start anything but he'd damn well finish it.
Aside from the Bad Buddy special, I'm not sure whether I'll be watching Ohm Chittsawangdee's shows or not. From what I've read, Ohm wants darker roles, and I'm glad he's getting them. He is definitely talented enough to pull them off.
However, I think he's one of those performers that I only want to see in a certain type of role.
Matthew Goode is a great actor, but the thing is, whenever his character is supposed to be likeable, I'm all in. Whenever he's playing a jerk, he does a great job, but I just find myself not wanting to watch this character.
With no disrespect to Chris Hemsworth, I'm not sure if he's a good actor or not. Having not seen the first or fourth yet, my favourite Thor movie so far is Ragnarok, in what might be irony due to the fact that's the one Marvel movie I cannot pronounce, and I liked him for the few minutes he was in the first Star Trek reboot movie.
What I am sure of, though, is: Good actor or not, I just don't enjoy watching him when he's playing jerks, grim characters, and/or outright villains.
I am interested in seeing Ohm playing more restrained/quieter characters. As much as I enjoy him in bouncy/cheerful/outgoing roles, I was impressed with some of his subtle acting on Bad Buddy.
It's just, I don't think him playing a truly tortured character or an outright villainous one would vibe with me.
I'm glad First Puitrakul and Khao Ratanakitpaisan will be back together again. I loved them as Akk and Ayan. I do hope that, someday, Fluke Gawin will be paired with First again, however.
I know nothing about Book Plookphol and Force Srisang. I tried watching an episode of Enchanté, and it simply couldn't get me invested. Then, I read some spoilers, and I just don't think I'm ever going to be interested in that show. I hope everyone interested in those two actors will enjoy their new show.
It'd be great if the trailer for the Cherry Magic remake would drop already.
I have extremely mixed feelings about it. I love the original, and I'm usually not opposed to remakes. When it comes to the leads, until I see the trailer, I can't truly form an opinion; Tay Vihokratana and New Techa-apaikhun were fine in I'm Tee, Me Too, and aside from watching a little bit of Dark Blue Kiss, I haven't seen them in anything else.
I'm hoping I will like the Milk Vosbein and Love Limpatiyakorn series. I'm sort of a Inkpa shipper, but compared to Patpran, that couple wasn't as fully developed. I do think it's interesting how, based on the trailer, Milk is playing the less confident of the two while Love is playing the vibrant, outgoing one. In both Bad Buddy and Vice Versa, Milk's character has been the cheerful, social butterfly whilst Love's has been more introverted and almost mousy.
And these are my thoughts so far.
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skysometric · 2 years
New look, same old blog!
welcome to a wholly improved skysometric.co! after years of dreams, sketches, redesigns, code, and slamming my head against the wall, i've finally fulfilled my dream of having a blog that matches my design language. i'm so excited to put it to good use as the front page for my creativity and journaling 💖
the blog's still based on tumblr, using a new custom theme. in truth, it's just a heavy edit of the default theme... and quite a mess of one, at that! but hey, it looks and works great, and isn't that all that counts in the end?
(speaking of which, are you reading this on the tumblr app? come check out the new site!)
About the redesign
on the left menu are links to my main sites, and core tumblr links like the askbox and archive. there's also a theme toggle for light and dark mode – i'm especially proud of how the dark theme turned out! the light theme needs a little work, but i think it's a good start to improve on in the future. oh and btw, these animations for the menus opening and closing? they're pure css, even on mobile~
the right menu has featured tags to browse stuff i've made and written, as well as a search box for anything not featured. tags are a core part of the updated site, serving as collections of art and writing – so they have extra prominence both in the menu and at the bottom of each post. all my most important tags have icons that are loaded dynamically based on their name! and any tags that don't have an icon use the default hashtag. i'm really proud of all the design work that went into it, and i'll show off the icons on their own pretty soon ✨
posts themselves can be blue, purple, or pink, matching my main color palette. the color is based on the post id! so each post's color is always the same, whether you're viewing it on the front page, tag pages, or the post itself.
Design history
this updated blog has been four years in the making, surviving both my name change and multiple iterations of my design language – yet somehow, it still looks just like my years old sketches. i'm impressed at how much i was able to rework and carry forward with me, especially with how many of these ideas felt like dead ends at the time!
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that early screenshot at the top is from waayyy back when i was considering moving away from tumblr. it was very tempting to self-host and "own my data" as they say... but i would miss out on all the social features like reblogs. plus, on tumblr people can follow me and see all my posts in the app, as well as on my site – what's not to love? so even though the site's time may be past, i'm sticking with tumblr until they literally nuke it out of orbit~
Cleaning up, carrying forward
i've had this blog for nearly ten years now, and the way i've used it has changed tremendously over that time. what started as my first foray into social media turned into a space for sharing things i found that made me happy, sharing my philosophies and outlook on life, sharing my struggles through college and burnout, and now sharing my journey discovering my voice as a person and a creator. so now that i'm a new person with a new voice, i should probably clear out all those crusty old cobwebs and start fresh, right?
not a chance!
if anything, i went back and made sure my old posts look just as good as my new ones, cleaning up tags and backporting my new code to work with old tumblr post layouts. i want to carry my history forward with me! for all these years this blog has been my journal, and even though my journaling changed with time, that core purpose hasn't. honestly, after all the cleaning, i'm inspired to return to those old methods of journaling – share more of myself, share more of what makes me happy, be more free and open and wild ✨
(that said, some of those early posts were especially raw! those have been archived for now. maybe i'll remake the sentiment behind them someday...)
My promise to myself
in the wake of college i realized i was posting less here on the blog; this redesign was an attempt to give it more importance, so that i would use it more. but what i didn't realize was that i was posting less due to burnout... and i stalled out on the redesign, also due to burnout. a double whammy! so i used my blog less than ever, and it languished for years.
on top of that, giving my blog more importance made it more of a Serious Website™ in my head, a place where i had to put my best foot forward at all times. that made me want to post here even less, only when i finished some big or important project! but my blog was never intended for this – i've been posting random nonsense since the beginning.
so what started as a promise that i would use my blog more, became a promise that i would make my blog A Big Deal. and that's not healthy for me! so i stepped back and re-evaluated. first, i started consciously calling this place my journal, to make it a sketchy and rough place with intent. second, i ultimately decided to redesign it anyway, with a new promise: to make it somewhere i'm proud of posting more often, no matter what those posts look like.
and with that promise fulfilled, i'm ready to get back to journaling 💙
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miraculoussly · 2 years
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This was my original LB/Marinette redesign, I think I like it better than my digital copy..
(Reasoning for design changes under the cut)
Why did I do this? - When I look at LB's canon design, I feel like it's... kinda boring? Like c'mon, that's basically a swimsuit with polka dots on it! - It is such a crime that LB gets 0 change in her hair, when canonically it could be so. much. more. -In my opinion, a miraculous holder's transformed state should showcase parts of their actual personality. With all the intricate plans LB comes up with, it's hard to believe this is what she ended up with, especially since she's supposed to be a future fashion designer!
What did I want from the redesign? - Different hair, preferably a symmetrical hairstyle mingling with cyan hair dye (Deriving from cosmobug, amongst other forms of LB) - The suit should be a bit more intricate than just polka dots. (More black like in her power-up?) - The suit should be easy to fight in (obviously) and have pockets (because which girl doesn't need them?)
How did I achieve my goals? - Well, the hair had been on my mind a lot before I started, so my choice was set the moment I drew them. I feel like my choice was good for fighting as well since the hair won't be tied loosely, or in a way that it could get in her face. - As I was doing the previous, I realized I couldn't incorporate Mari's iconic hair ribbons. Whatever. Then I wondered if maybe the ribbons actually symbolized a ladybug's antennae. Welp. Now she has those. - A few parts are self-indulgent when it came to designing (especially the repeated Vs). The contour, the black knee-highs, the black fingertips (maybe to help climb?) and the tiny ladybug wings are both personal choices and references to other suits. - The canon design seemed to lack any actual framing to the suit that would make her appear to be safer from any chance of injury, though it makes sense since all parts of the suit are magic and will protect her. Still, owing to Adrien's design as Mister Bug, I added shoulder pads. - Lastly, I wanted to add that sort of flair Scarabella has in her suit. However, it didn't seem very... Marinette? So I switched it out for protruding "pockets" that are attached to her belt.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
Why did I do this? - Well, I just did Ladybug, it's only logical... - Marinette is cute, but she can always be cuter! What did I want out of the redesign? - Showing off Marinette's sense of style. She is gonna be a famous fashion designer someday and you better believe it. So what if it isn't trendy in Paris yet? - Making her look reasonably unlike Ladybug without losing her essence.
How did I achieve my goals? - I loosened the pigtails, something I just love seeing in fanart. - More personal stylistic choices (especially the pink/greyscale aesthetic I'm going for). I love drawing poofy sleeves, so that went in. Hm, what about embroidery on her jacket? Perhaps a skort? Or knee-high socks? Cute shoes? Oh alright, maybe I'll add a choker for her bare neck... If you read this far, thank you. Leave a comment or an ask maybe. I'd love to read your opinions.
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