20 posts
Hell is empty. And all the devils are here. -WS
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
organizedchaos221 · 5 years ago
It’s finally here!
**Unless it’s specified, these are all Character x fem!reader. **This will be in constant update. **If it doesn’t specify fluff, angst, smut, etc. consider it as a not-definable drabble. **Read the Requesting Rules before sending your request
Harry Potter Universe
DC/Marvel Comics
Disney & Star Wars
Other Fandoms & Writing Challenges
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organizedchaos221 · 6 years ago
Andrew Garfield invented acting, sorry, I don’t make the rules
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organizedchaos221 · 6 years ago
Winter’s Sorrow
Chapter 1; Ice and Snow
She'd ridden from The East to The North. With nothing but a horse and some water and of course, her closest friend, Adelia.
What powered her through it?
Some would assume vengeance. After all, that's what he had thought as well. Yet, looking into her eyes, those were not that of which belonged to a mad man, driven by anger and sweet revenge. Rather, her gaze was one of determination and behind the wall of power she put forward, they were also filled with hope.
Determination to achieve a level of something better.
Hope that something better existed at all.
She is the ambition of a crackling fire, with the passionate wall of ice.
She is the song of fire and ice.
The heavy gaze of the Stark's on me was enough to remind me of just how important this was. If I wanted my family to survive the upcoming wars and winter, alliances would have to be made. Fortunately, the Starks has a good reputation, which is why I'll be staying as a guest in their country for three months.
I climbed off my stallion, the fresh snow softening under my long boots. I glanced at Adelia, nodding to remind her that the Starks are a trusted house and that she is safe.
She is on the run after all. It's her job to worry about her safety now.
I removed my leather gloves, my skin instantly turning a light pink at the loss of a heat source. I tucked the leather into my belt, right next to my father's blade.
The family stood tall in a straight line, as if they had rehearsed this many times. Then again, they probably had.
I approached the only face I knew; Catelyn Stark. She'd visited my kingdom only once, but it was enough for me to pick her out of a crowd.
"Lady Stark, it's an honour." I dipped my head, bowing slightly before the Queen.
"Welcome Lady Hearst." She spoke lightly, with a small smile. If I wasn't trained to be cautious I would think that smile was genuine. However, I could see the restrain in her posture, she didn't know if she could trust me yet.
"This is Robb, Sansa and Arya. Bran and Tommen are our playing and Eddard is out on a hunting trip but he should be back in two days time."
I followed down the line to the sound of her voice. A bearded man with short curls, a pretty girl with flames of red hair and a younger girl in trousers, covered in dirt.
A wild bunch they were.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I bowed my head once again, remembering my best manners.
Lady Stark took a step forward. "Robb will show you and your.... your quarters." She hesitated, glancing between my friend and I.
"Adelia. She's my friend." I corrected. This time it was I who took a step forward. "I'm my protector."
"Right, of course. You are your fathers son." She smiled, it was genuine this time.
"We've put every blanket we could spare in your room along with some clothes and basic necessities. Oh, and I also left some yarn for you in case you'd like to knit during your stay." Lady Stark informed.
"Thank you but, I'm afraid I don't know how." I confessed, watching the brief look of distaste surpassing Lady Starks features.
"I don't either."
I looked to where the voice had come from. Arya Stark.
We shared a brief, knowing smile before her mother confirmed that she will be learning very soon.
Lady Stark talked me through more of the basic knowledge of Winterfell and how to find my way around. Robb offered me a tour and his assistance if I should need any.
"Right then, excuse my rudeness but I really should get some rest." I spoke, the new information adding to my exhaustion.
I took a step back which was a dire mistake on my part. By the time I registered that the ground beneath my foot was far too slippery to stand on, my feet were all ready out form under me and I was falling.
I braved myself for the cold landing, but it never came. Two strong arms had wrapped around my waist by the time I had opened my eyes. I hadn't seen this man yet, I was sure of it. I wouldn't forget eyes like his.
"Careful. Ice." He said, voice husky and low.
I cleared my throat, trying to process my thoughts but I was at a loss.
"Right." Was all I could mumble.
His sturdy arms lifted me until I was standing but he kept one arm on my waist which was currently the only thing keeping me steady.
"Nice dagger." He laughed, eyeing my sharp blade.
"Thank you." I said, feeling quite proud of finding my voice again.
Too soon the moment was gone.
"Jon, I thought you'd be in your room by now." Lady Stark cut in, the irritation in her voice undeniable.
Jon removed his hand from my waist, the warmth of him now lost with the harsh wind.
I remembered him now. I hadn't seen him but I heard about him. He was Edwards bastard son.
"I thought I'd greet our guest first. And a good thing I did." Jon commented, a with a hint of teasing.
I stepped between the mother and son, turning to face Jon.
"I thank you my lord, but I'm quite capable of handling myself."
"I don't doubt it." The bastard said with a slight smirk, eyeing my blade again.
"Jon Snow." He greeted, extending his hand, which I took in my own. The size difference was impeccable.
"Y/N Hearst."
"Why don't I show you to your quarters?" Robb Stark offered, with a more demanding tone.
And just like that, Jon Snow was gone as quickly as he had arrived.
Hello. I made this book so I can forget season 8. It's a Jonxreader in case you hadn't noticed. But, your last name is Hearst and you are from the house Hearst. This makes it easier to address relatives etc. idk if this is a real house, I just made it up so please don't sue me.
And enjoy living out your fantasies of being with Jon Snow.
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organizedchaos221 · 6 years ago
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Summary: One cold snowy night you find yourself stuck at Baker Street trying to assist Sherlock with a case. Sherlock and (y/n) constantly bicker and argue, to the point where neither can take it much longer. They get stuck together in the freezing cold for one night, who will crack first.
Warnings: Swearing, smut? (okay what am I talking about) definitely smut
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“Why do you always push me out of everything?” You yelled, throwing your hands in the air in exasperation. “(Y/n) with stuff like this it’s do or die, you’ll most likely die.” Sherlock said shrugging his shoulders in his dark blue dress shirt. “You’re implying I can’t take care of myself.” You stated leaning on a chair in front of you. Sherlock was controlling and demeaning when it came to everything. He always had to have the last word, and he always had to be right. Even if he was wrong.
Keep reading
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
Just you. Brendon Urie x Reader
Brendon Urie x Reader AU
Brendon went through a really rough breakup before he met you, you’re still dealing with a bit of doubt about your current relationship with him even though it’s been over 6 months.
Warnings: Fluff
You press you body closer to Brendon, your hand resting on his bare chest while he sleeps in just his sweatpants, his arm somehow still maintaining a tight grip on your waist through his sleep. You on the other hand were in an oversized white t-shirt- something Brendon had lended you, with only your black, lace undergarments which told of previous nights activities, underneath. In a perfect world, you would be sound asleep as well. It would be like one of those romcoms where the boy and girl are laying with their limbs intertwined like there is nothing more perfect.
But, your thoughts kept piling you away from sleep, every time you neared it. You were left alone with your thoughts, which is a dangerous thing.
Your eyes flickered up to Brendon’s sleeping face as you made sure not to make any sudden movements. He looked so content with his eyelashes fanning over his cheeks, his messy hair strewn on the white pillow. His left arm was draped behind his head, his tattoo sleeve exposed. You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t naturally aesthetic.
Moving as slowly as possible, you dared to reach out your hand until your fingers hovered above his tattoos. You released a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding as soon as your fingers grazed the tattoo he’d gotten in honor of his ex.
It was a mystery why they had broken up. Then again, some things just happen, no explanation included. Your fingers rested on his slinky skin now, you thumb rubbing over the smoothness of the tattoo. It’s safe to say you completely lost track of how long you had stayed like that. But it had been long enough, for you felt Brendon’s body stir next to you. Still, you kept your head planted against his warm chest as his head lifted off the pillow. He hunted softly before burying his face in you hair.
“How long have you been up?” He asked once he had gained his senses again, his voice still thick and groggy with sleep.
“I never actually slept.” You answered, not changing your position.
You could practically feel the sudden concern courier through Brendon’s body as he shifted to sit up in the bed, bringing you up with him. You’ve known him long enough to notice little things like that; the way his body reacts in a different way to every situation, the way his eyes tell everything he’s feeling. That must be what makes it so hard for him to lie.
“You should’ve woken me up.” Brendon reasoned, you could feel his intense gaze on you.
By now you had returned to the pattern of tracing small circles on his arm with your nail. “It’s fine. You looked really peaceful anyways.” You softly mumbled.
“Y/N?” It was easy to tell that Brendon had grasped what had occupied your attention by the anxious tone of his voice.
“She’s beautiful.”
The words fell out of your mouth without really meaning to. Still, you didn’t say it in a jealous way, rather you said it in a completely honest way. And it’s true, Brendon’s ex was absolutely stunning. It’s no secret why he loved her so much. She had the looks and the personality. Yet, everyone still has their issues.
That was one of the few problems with your and Brendon’s relationship. You just couldn’t understand why Brendon would stoop so low to be at your level. You felt you stood nothing against his past lovers. You had nothing compared to Brendon. He was everything.
Little did you know, he felt the same way about you.
“Y/N” Brendon said again, the word sounding almost sad.
“I don’t mean it like that. It’s just, she was.” You replied. “You know you can talk about her, right?” You questioned, finally lifting up your head to look into Brendon’s dewy brown eyes.
“I know.”
He moved his arm from behind his head to play with your hair while he avoided eye contact.
“She is beautiful.” He said after a few minutes of silence. “But, that was a different life. I’m much happier now.”
“Brendon.” You flat lined, not truly believing that it could be possible.
“I’m serious.” He countered, tugging at your hand. You blocked his actions by pulling away and sitting up, your legs tucked under you.
“And I’m Y/N.” You remarked, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
You watched as Brendon’s eyes scanned up and down your body, making you feel more than slightly self conscious. The soft sunlight that peeked through the blinds feel warmly in your body as you watched him.
“Your impossible, L/N” He groaned, running a hand through his silky hair. You had a sudden urge to do it for him.
“Come here.” Brendon ordered, extending his arms. You devilishly scooted back, farther away, biting your lip. In a matter of seconds Brendon scooped you up in his arms, pulling you to him until you were straddling his waist.
“Much better.” He mumbled adorably with his head resting on your chest. You giggled softly as you ran a hand from his hair down to his neck.
People say when you love someone, they feel like home. But your home never felt like the place you belonged, so that wouldn’t make sense. Instead, Brendon feels like the place you were always meant to be.
Suddenly, Brendon pulled back, his strong hands on either side of your waist to keep you where he wanted you. “Is that my shirt?” He questioned, raising a brow.
When you said he lended you it, it was more like you stole it from one of his drawers.
“Yeah. But it looks better on me.” You quipped.
“I know it does. But it would look better on the floor.” Brendon commented smoothly.
You fell into a round of laughter as you collapsed your head on his bare shoulder.
Underneath all of his fake cockiness and ego, Brendon was really just an overexcited dork.
A few moments later, you had regained your composure. You sat back up to find Brendon unsteadily staring at you, his gaze didn’t break.
“What?” You breathed, the previous laughter making your voice airy.
Brendon made sure to wait as long as possible before answering, his eyes dancing all around your face.
“Nothing.” He spoke quietly. “It’s just....” He paused to place a hand on your cheek, you involuntarily caved into his touch.
“You. It’s just you.”
A warmth spread throughout your body, your chest tightening. You didn’t think it possible to care about someone so much that it physically hurt. You let out a shaky breath, leaning forward to where your and Brendon’s faces were barley separated. The two of you took the time to tilt your heads, comply dazed by the other as you lips just grazed.
“I love you.” You both said in sync. Laughter obscured the room. You cold feel the vibrations of Brendon’s chest through your body. And before you could wait any longer, Brendon eyed you one more time before pressing his lips against yours. Your hands rushed to either side of his neck and his to your waist and cheek as the kiss only grew more passionate.
It was moments like these that you cherished the most. Moments like these that washed away every doubt or question. It was just him. Just him and you.
It was just you.
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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A brilliant explanation of consent for anyone who STILL doesn’t get it. 
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
i’m tired of wanting to be pretty. always wondering if people think i’m pretty. curating a social media existence so everyone thinks i’m constantly pretty. i’m still not gonna post ugly selfies but y’all get my point
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
That would be great
Reblog if it’s completely okay to send you posts and start a friendship
(And ocassionally spam)
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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Uh, so this is longer than expected since I haven’t read a fuck ton these past two months but legit there are so many good fics??? Like holy shit. These are just the all-time favorites I’ve read this June/July. You can view my entire rec tag here.
*indicates series !indicates smut/18+
Keep reading
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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He is so ofended.
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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music scenes in films: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) dir. Mark Webb
For you, for you You would never sleep alone I love you long after you’re gone And long after you’re gone, gone, gone
— Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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sherlock + curls appreciation 
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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I don’t remember when last time I laughed so hard ��
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
Hey, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to let you know how much I love Domini and all of your work. It’s really hard to find well written stories, like right now I’m pretty much out of stuff to read just because everything I see is half-written with terrible grammar and awful plots. But your writing never fails to entertain me and it’s truly the best fanfic I’ve ever read. It’s evident how much time and effort you put into it and I really appreciate that. Writing, no matter what people say, is really difficult and it’s mentally and physically draining. So thanks again for all the work you put in for us. And even though I’m DYING to read the next part of domino, take all the time you need with it and remember to take care of yourself, love. ♥️♥️
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
Brendon: This is what it feels like to become one of the drunks
Me even though ive never even had one drink in my life:
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organizedchaos221 · 7 years ago
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If you could choose another Avenger to teach you, who would it be? Tom: Captain America. He would be the best mentor I think.
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