#though!!!! i think he’d look super cool in a hakama!!!!! those always look great on tall people/dudes with good proportions
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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chemicalperfume · 7 years
GRAPH 2013.01: “C’est Maniaque Takarazuka” (Sagiri Seina / Misuzu Aki/ Souno Haruto / Sahana Mako)
It is now September 18th in my part of the world too, so...
Happy Birthday Chigi (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
In celebration, here is Chigi, Mattsu, Niwa and Kyabii being GIANT zuka nerds, and extremely relatable while doing so. Recommended read for literally everyone (and since this Graph issue is a few months shy of being 5 years old, look at these incredible, pure fan smiles xD)
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-Declare your love for XX!-
Misuzu: In this case, I probably want to declare my love for Yan-san (Anju Mira). The reason I seriously fell in love with Takarazuka, was Yan-san. And as an onnayaku too! Usually, otokoyaku Yan-san gives off this “how cool!” vibe, right? But that was completely different, I was like “Who is this person?”
Sagiri: Which production was that?
Misuzu: “The Flash”. During Natsume-san’s (Ooura Mizuki) Top Star era.
Sagiri: Right!
Misuzu: For more details, I talked about it in “C’est Maniaque Takarazuka”, GRAPH 2012.03 issue! *laughs* [1]
Sagiri: *laughs* As for me, I loved the YanMiki combi (Anju Mira & Maya Miki), and what I loved the most about Yan-san is her opening announcements!
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: Oh really!
Sagiri: I have a thing for opening announcements, and those were some goosebump-inducing ones *laughs*
Souno: Is that so *laughs*
Sagiri: I felt something very grownup there, that spoke to my little heart when I was still a child. The impression I have of Yan-san is her opening announcements *laughs* My favourite plays of hers that constantly compete for the title and switch between 1st and 2nd place are “Sorrowful Cordoba” and “Melancholic Gigolo”.
Misuzu: I was in both of those when they got restaged. [2]
Sagiri: What was it like, performing them? I sometimes think I might be no good if I had to perform in a play I’ve always loved
Misuzu: Yeah. “Melancolic Gigolo” was one of my favourites too and I watched it a lot, so I was at a loss about how I should do it… I had the role of Barotte, but watching it and performing it…
Sagiri: ...they’re totally different things, indeed. You already have this fixed image of the play after all.
Misuzu: Yeah. Once I did it it was an interesting experience, though.
Souno: I loved Kodai Mizuki who used to be in Snow Troupe! Of course, I watched the Top Stars too, but I was paying lots of attention to everyone around them too. I loved striking people with old-school gravitas. I was all about that vibe.
Misuzu: She was so wonderful. I get you! I get that!
Sagiri: She was so cool!
Souno: I would even put portraits of Kodai-san from the Takarazuka magazines inside my pencil board… [3]
Sagiri: Yes! I totally did that too!
Misuzu/Sahana: *laughing*
Souno: I did that during my school years.
Sahana: I had my Takarazuka goods confiscated at school, and got told off very badly!
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: Whaaat? Really?
Souno: Was it not allowed?
Sahana: I was called to the teachers’ office twice!
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: *cracking up*
Sagiri: What kind of goods was it?
Sahana: Uhm, there used to be those pocket size portrait photos… [4]
Sagiri: Yesyes, those!
Sahana: I had collected lots of them, put them in a box and kept them in bundles
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: *explosive laughter*
Sahana: So because I had that with me, it was taken away, and I was summoned to the teachers’ office… Where I said “Please give it back!”
Souno: And did they give it back?
Sahana: *nods*
Souno: But you got reprimanded again?
Sahana: Yes. The second time I told the teacher again to “Please give it back!”. And when they did, they had stuck a note on the box that said “I’m giving it back, but from now on you should grow up, and be pure, proper and beautiful”!
Souno: Aaah, that’s no good!
Sahana: I got so super mad, I ripped off the note right in front of the teacher’s eyes and ate it!
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: *in stitches*
Misuzu: She ate it! HAHAHA *laughing*
Sagiri: Why would you eat it? *laughing* But that in itself was a total act of defiance
Sahana: Exactly, I just got so ticked off.
Sagiri: The thing you loved so much was taken away from you, no wonder.
Souno: And to be told such a thing on top of everything, that was the worst, eh?
Sahana: It really was!
Misuzu: Using it against you is really no good. It has the opposite effect.
Sahana: Exactly!
Souno: *laughs* That kind of thing happened to me too. In the morning, when I was sleeping, my mother would come in the room and say “Wake up! Wake up quick!”. Then, my father chimed in with “Kodai-san is calling youuu~”
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *clapping hands and dying of laughter*
Sagiri: Makes you go “As if she would be!”
Souno: Right!! And on top of that, sometimes he’d mess up and say “Godai-san”
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *roaring laughter*
Souno: “It’s Kodai-san!!!!” I’d answer, super angrily *laughs*
Sagiri: But you did wake up alright *laughing*
Souno: True. *laughs* But I really didn’t want them to use this against me, for such a thing.
Misuzu: I get it, I do.
Souno: Everyone has a story like this after all! I got really fired up, all of a sudden.
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *laughing*
Sahana: I guess I’m not declaring love to anyone in particular, I’m declaring my love for portrait photos after all *laughs* I really loved collecting all of them, otokoyaku and musumeyaku photos alike. At the time there weren’t many shops, and -since I’m from Tokyo- I went all the way to Shinjuku to buy them
Souno: I’d also go there to buy video tapes and the like! I wonder if it’s still there? That place under Kinokuniya. [5]
Sahana: Yes, yes! That’s the place!
Souno: It was a tiny little shop, but once I stepped inside I’d get all light-headed *laughs*
Misuzu/Sagiri: *laugh*
Misuzu: What was the one in Osaka… ah, I guess there was this really tiny store in a corner inside the Hankyu Department Store
Souno: It’s all the tiny ones after all
Sagiri/Sahana: *burst out laughing*
Misuzu: Everything was all cramped up in a tiny bit of space *laughs*
Sagiri: In Nagasaki, no one around me knew about Takarazuka. Therefore, even though I had the pencil board, I’d absolutely get asked “what’s with that?”
Misuzu: What did they think it was?
Sagiri: A relative’s kid once said “that’s a man wearing lipstick!”. I’d explain “that’s not a man, you know”, but they wouldn’t understand, and explaining was a bother. So, I did have a Takarazuka pencil board… but I was too embarrassed to use it… I had that kind of dilemma *laughs*
Souno: Having your stuff seen by people and get all kinds of comments about it, makes you go like, “it’s on a different level!”, so to say
Sagiri: That’s it! Whole different level!
Misuzu: Into the zone of enlightenment? *laughs*
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana: *laugh*
Sagiri: Then, thinking I should finally drop my reservations, write it all down in an essay and announce it publicly, I read out my feelings about Takarazuka during some event like a class meeting
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: Hu~h!
Sagiri: Once I did, there unexpectedly were people who said “oh, I know that” and others who told me “I have no idea what that is, but I support you in chasing after your dream!”.
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: Woooo~w!
Misuzu: What a great outcome
Sagiri: Yet even after that, I was still too embarrassed to use the pencil board openly.
Sahana: But you came out of the closet *laughs*
Sagiri: Yes, in public! *laughs*
Souno: Probably at around the same time as Chigi-chan (Sagiri), I gave a speech in English, “I LOVE TAKARAZUKA”
Sagiri: *in stitches*
Souno: Total embarrassment! We both came out, and mine was in English too *laughs*
Misuzu: You’re sooo~ coo~l
Souno: Using up all of my English knowledge at the time, I ended the speech with “I love Takarazuka, forever”
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *roaring laughter*
Sagiri: You should have played the BGM to that
Misuzu: “Forever Takarazuka”, right *laughs*
Souno: Since then, everyone called me “Takarazuka”
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *cracking up hard*
-A song you unconsciously start humming-
Misuzu: Ah! For me it’s the theme song from “Spartacus”
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana:  ♪ Itsumo yume mitetaaaa ♪ (I always dreamed a dream)
Misuzu: That one! Also, “Amore Scusami” that Mineoka Nachi sings during the duet dance in the finale
Sagiri/Sahana: Aah!
Misuzu: I couldn’t sing that high, but I loved it so much I always sung it trying to imitate her
Souno: How great is that!
Misuzu: Also, it’s not humming, but I could do the entire prologue of “The Flash”!
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana: Ama~zing!
Sagiri: For me it’s the one that’s like “Commando~!”. Which prologue was that?
Misuzu: What’s that again?
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana:  ♪ Commandooo~ ♪
Sagiri: “Spartacus”, I guess. It was so amazing, they went like *gets up from the chair and performs that scene’s choreography*
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Misuzu: I think that was probably in the prologue
Sagiri: Prologue, right. I think while Yan-san or some other star was on stage, Miki-san comes out from somewhere out of the spotlight in the back at stage left *laughs*
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: *in stitches*
Sagiri: It was like “BOOM”. I really really! Cannot forget that *laughs* Miki-san’s voice climbing up like “Commando~ ⤴”, like she’s shifting pitch maybe
Souno: She did that! So unique.
Sagiri: That really stayed with me *laughs*
Misuzu/Sahana: It does stick, it really does!
Souno: Miki-san always did that, in every song
Misuzu: Uh, there’s also the one that goes “A dandy~, a dandy~” ♪
Sagiri: Yes yes! *laughs*
Souno: That prologue from “Dandyism” was so good
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: So cool!!
-I love this outfit!-
Misuzu: The outfits from the finale grand staircase in “Fancy Touch”, and another one I can’t leave out is Yan-san’s white outfit from the “Spartacus” duet dance. Oh! There’s another one! Yan-san’s beige suit from “Hyper Stage”! [6]
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana: *laugh*
Misuzu: In her farewell speech, Yan-san wasn’t in a hakama, she was wearing that suit. Also, and sorry for mentioning so many *laughs*, the ones during the raid in “Chuushingura”! [7]
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana: Aaah, yes yes!
Sagiri: That was really amazing!
Misuzu: When everyone came down the Grand Staircase in those outfits I was blown away!
Souno/Sagiri/Sahana: Yup, yup.
Sagiri: I thought the outfits from “Hyper Stage”’s prologue were very original, I loved those. Didn’t they also have a mic or something across one cheek?
Sahana: Yes, that’s right!
Misuzu: Back then!
Sagiri: Yes! “Cutting-edge fashion!” I thought *laughs*
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: I knowww *in stitches*
Sagiri: The choreography went like this!
Everyone: *starts dancing* Hyper Stage! Hyper Stage!
Misuzu: Director Ishida’s prologues are quite cosplay-style
Souno: The onnayaku’s mini skirts were super cute! “TAKE OFF”’s outfits too.
Everyone: *singing loudly* ♪ Take Off! Chikara no kagiri boku wa utau! Kimi no tameee~ ♪ *laugh*
Misuzu: They were wearing gakuran uniforms, right? [8]
Souno: That too, was so cool!
Sahana: Me, I really loved Takane Fubuki’s military uniforms in “Romanesque Mask”. The musumeyaku wore lots of chic dresses, with beautiful texture like velour. But especially Takane-san in that uniform was truly cool!
Misuzu/Souno/Sagiri: Yeah, she was so beautiful!
Sagiri: Like, don’t you think it’s incredible? Even though we used to live in different places, and lead different lives, we all get this fired up over the same theme!
Misuzu/Souno/Sahana: It really, really is!
Sagiri: It’s all of our youth bottled up in there!
Souno: You have a way with words. That’s exactly it.
Sagiri: So full of memories!
Souno: It was so much fun!
Misuzu/Sagiri/Sahana: *laugh*
Souno: I feel like my skin is smooth and glossy now!
Sahana: It really feels like we got rejuvenated!
Everyone: *laughs*
[1] the 2012 format of this corner had short blurbs from Takarasiennes and readers alike talking about something that left an impression on them from their fan days. I don’t have the issue Mattsu is referring to, if anyone does and would like to see it translated / added to the post, by all means message me!
[2] Flower Troupe 2008 for “Melancholic Gigolo” and 2009 for “Sorrowful Cordoba, both starring Matobu Sei and Sakurano Ayane
[3] Shitajiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil_board some shitajiki are made up of two sheets and one can insert flyers or photos inside them
[4]  Also called stills; the headshots taken for each show’s program (example: http://www.tca-pictures.net/quatre/bromide/1704013.html )
[5] probably talking about 柳花堂, it closed in April 2013
[6] Reference Photos:
Fancy Touch:
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Beige suit:
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[7] Same outfits as the show’s prologue
[8] Reference photo
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 years
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Time for my post-WonFes2017summer picks.  ^_^  (Also including some figures that were announced a little before WonFes.)
My definite buys:
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For me, the heart-stopping surprises were Nendoroid Taikogane Sadamune and Nendoroid Lina.  I mean, seriously?!  *O*  Sada-chan was on my WonFes wishlist, but I didn’t think there was a real chance of seeing him!  And Lina---!  That was completely out of no where!  Slayers was one of my oldest fandoms, and I didn’t think anyone even knew that series anymore!  On top of that, the Volks booth at AX2017, less than a month ago, made it seem like Volks had all the rights to make Lina figures. Though I would have preferred her TV series outfit, her movie outfit has pretty versatile pants that might be good on other Nendoroids. And hey, if she paves the way for a Nendoroid Zel, then I’ve got no complaints.  Regardless, a Nendoroid Lina Inverse is a dream come true.  *o*  The way I felt when I saw these 2 Nendoroids is exactly how I should feel about all the figures I preorder (instead of wasting my money on lukewarm buys).  
Casual version Yuri was also a surprise.  Not the “take my breath away”, "I can't wait to buy this" type of surprise, but more just surprised how much Good Smile Company is milking Yuri on Ice.  I guess it makes sense, with the fanbase so rabid.  But a whole other Nendoroid only really makes sense in terms of the characters’ different skating outfits.  This isn’t a skating outfit!  But somehow they knew they could get away with this, AND an upcoming coach outfit version for Victor!  LOL ^o^  ...But I can’t really complain.  I love versatile wardrobe for my Nendoroid collection in general.  Now I don't have to get that Nendoroid Yuki Nagato Disappearance version for her own similar coat.  ^-^  
And of course I'm obligated to get the maiko version of Kyoko Sakura.  She's my least favorite of the Holy Quintet, but I love wafuku, I'm a completionist, and I am getting the rest of this upcoming PMMM maiko set.  I'm sure they'll make her look beautiful.  Anyway, I kind of liked Kyoko from the Rebellion movie.  ^_^
Figma Joker didn't premier at WonFes, but he was displayed there, while his preorder was just opening.  So, let's count him.  I NEED THIS FIGMA SO MUCH.  Regardless that I had just decided to drop collecting Figma, since I prefer chibi Nendoroids...  But this Figma, I'd have no regrets getting.  ^o^  Joker's costume is just so cool!  I've always loved black trench coats, often drew them on character illustrations, and almost bought Nendoroid/Figma Kirito just because of his black trench coat (even though I don't watch SAO).  But now that I'm totally in the Persona 5 fandom, I'm so glad that there's now a black trench coat'ed figure for a character I already love.  
Next are figures I might buy, but not quite sure yet:
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I haven't watched "Welcome to the Ballroom" yet, but if Tatara Fujita's scruffy-haired character design is any indication, he might be the earnest, sincere, cinnamon roll type that's one of my favorites.  *.*  If I get into this series late, and it turns out I'll love it, then I'll really regret missing this preorder window.  But even besides that, his tux is so versatile and nice, I might want to get him just to add to my Nendoroid collection's overall wardrobe.  
I kind of dropped off of watching "New Game" for some reason, even though it's got all the moe and "slice of life" that I love.  o_o?  But before I forgot about it, Hifumi was one of my favorites.  ^.^!  So socially awkward and exuberant through text messages...She's just so relatable!  ^u^  And so adorably shy!  If I was following this series closely, I'd HAVE TO have this Nendoroid.  But I'm not so sure now.
Kasen Kanesada has nice character design, but I really have to lay off the Touken Ranbu Nendoroids.  Originally, I wanted only the Date-gumi Nendoroids.  But before Orange Rouge was created, we had to support all the male figures we could, until they got the hint.  In other words, I bought all of the first few Touken Ranbu Nendoroids, and now it's ballooned into this huge chunk of my collection.  x_x;  Even though they have such nice character designs, I really have to stop now!  @w@!  Also, I'd normally collect all the hakama I could, but I've already got some from 2 other TouRabu Nendoroids and 2 more TouRabu Nendoroid Co-de.  I should really stop now.  ...But I do like wafuku...
This chibi Lelouch is an Ichiban Kuji / Kyun-Chara from Banpresto.  I don't really have any feeling about this Code Black costume design, but I'm just so desperate for a chibi Lelouch to match my Chibi-Arts C.C., I'd probably buy this figure if I came across it.  
Next group is made of figures I really shouldn’t buy, but they’re very tempting:
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A few days ago, I saw Nendoroid Tomo Kunagisa, and though I have no idea what "The Beheading Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense Bearer" is, I began to seriously think about preordering her.  She's got multi-shaded blue hair!  *o*  It's got hints of greeen and indigo...  I'm a sucker for pastel hair and cool colors (vs warm colors), but most of the pastel-haired Nendoroids I already bought are lavender or pink haired.  I'd _love_ more blue-haired Nendoroids, especially with multiple blue-ish hues like Tomo.  Plus, she's just so cute!  Look at her little bare feet!  She comes with down AND braided hair...Her coat is cute...She holds a little flower accessory...And she even comes with a seated pose!
But if I get Tomo, I'd have to get Ii-chan, from the same series.  I say that as a completionist, but honestly, his casual hoodie sweatshirt and jeans would be a great addition to my overall Nendoroids' wardrobe.  And I'd no longer have to consider geting an Osomatsu-san Nendoroid, just for the same type of outfit.  That'd be a relief, because I'm not really a fan of those Osomatsu character designs. But if I'm in for Tomo, then I'd be in for Ii-chan too, and that sounds like a lot of money for a series I know nothing about and characters I don't know enough to have attachment to.  o_o;  
Then there's the Arthur Pendragon Nendoroid.  I'm not really a Fate Stay Night fan, let alone, a Fate Grand Order, or whatever spinoffs are going on with that series now.  But that Arthur Pendragon has a nice character design!  I really like his hair, going off into different directions.  And that armor could turn out pretty cool once it's painted too.  Previously, I've gotten Nendoroid Annelotte just because of her intricate armor, even though I wasn't into her series.  So why not Arthur Pendragon?  Like her, he could be a beauty piece.  And maybe it'd be nice to have a Western styled warrior next to my Touken Ranbu Nendoroids.  He'd either fit right in or make an interesting contrast.  It would just seem unfair if I didn't get him, while I was willing to get all those TouRabu Nendoroids---But I'm supposed to be saving money!!!  I have to stick to my rule of not buying from series/characters I don't know!  For once, I need to TRY adhering to that rule!  ;o;  
The Code Geass figures are pretty self-explainatory, given that it's one of my favorite series and CLAMP's Mokona Appapa is one of my favorite illustrators.  ^_^  But still, static scale figures are soooooooooo expensive.  And that Lelouch/Suzaku figure looks super expensive!  x_x;  I can't get that.
And lastly, there are the figures I’ve decided not to buy:
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Some of these figures used to be on my wishlist when they were first announced, but I've decided against them by now.  The rest are just minor interests worth noting, but I never intended to buy.  
Originally, I was going to get Figma Utena, Figma Umi Ryuuzaki, Figma Fuu Hououji, and Nendoroid Ariel.  But I got Figma Hikaru Shidou a while ago, and though I love that character, I just can't really get excited about scale figures.  But it's not just that: I have to save money, especially when I know there are so many Nendoroids I want.  x_x;  And of course, Racing Mikus are just fanciful dreams that I will never actually purchase.  Racing Mikus are too expensive!  Otherwise, I would have also gotten that knight themed Racing Miku, in addition to this year's green butterfly fairy Racing Miku!  
And Ariel, though not a scale figure, just didn't turn out as cute as I had hoped.  When I first saw her figure announcements, I very weakly committed to considering her preorder, because I wanted to try turning my other Nendoroid characters into mermaids/mermen.  But looking at her waist joint close up, I'm not sure it would align well with the Nendoroid Co-de Fundoshi, Nendoroid Aoba Seragaki's alternate body, etc.  And let's face it: I have to cut more out of my figure spending.  And realistically, I'm not fanatical about Disney.  I have to drop Ariel.  If I really want a mermaid Nendoroid, I should make a tail accessory, even as jsut a cloth sleeve to slip over a Nendoroid's legs.  I *make* figure accessories for aritst alley, for goodness sakes!  I shouldn't have to rely on Nendoroid Ariel for my Nendoroid mermaid/merman figure photography.
Juzumaru is pretty, but his costume design really isn't doing it for me.  He's just an honorable mention because I like Touken Ranbu and he's voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa, and old favorite seiyuu.  
Ryu Mustang is also an honorable mention.  I have no intention of buying him either.  He's just worth noting because FMA is cool.  ^_^  
When I originally saw the Magical Mirai 5th Anniversary Miku's unpainted prototype, I'll admit that big top hat was intriguing.  But Do I really need it?  I can make that.  I already have made smaller top hats for my Nendoroids and Chibi-Arts before.  I was not expecting this Magical Mirai Miku to look so good after painting.  *_*  All the cool colors I love, different hues blending together in her hair, and that cool backdrop of playing cards flying around behind her.  It's just really pretty!  ^-^  But still, another unnecessary expense.  
Nendoroid Wonder Woman isn't really a figure I ever seriously considered for the sake of AmeriComi.  I just happened to be thinking lately about cobbling together a custom Nendoroid that looks like me, in the same way Nendo Stories did.  But looking through the entire Good Smile Company Nendoroid catalog, it seems like Wonder Woman's hair is the closest thing to resembling mine.  
And lastly, Casual version Oikawa Toru.  No.  I am not bringing a Nendoroid Oikawa into my house!  He lost whatever slim chance he had, when the Iwaizumi Nendoroid perorders closed.  I might have accepted bringing Oikawa into my collection if I had an Iwaizumi to beat him up.  But that's done.  So get out of here, Trashykawa!  Don’t come in here with your goddamned versatile school uniform that would look great on so many of my other Nendoroids…  Just stop it already!  ;w;
Lastly, though I like Touken Ranbu, I'm not interested enough in figures from their butai stage show musicals.  I might consider the costumes as beauty pieces, if they were Nendoroids.  But Nendoroid Petites are something I’m saving my wallet from.  At least that’s one thing I can alleviate my wallet from buying.  Thankfully.  Thank goodness.  WonFes is already kicking my wallet’s butt, as it is…  x_x;
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