#missed my oshi so i’m forcing y’all to look at him too~
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
3rd anni enstars IF story -- story 2
Writer: @ 今天也是想吃美食的一天
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Characters: Kiryuu Kuro, Kagehira Mika, Hakaze Kaoru, Oogami Koga
Theme: “If they’re to pick out flowers for someone…”
Disclaimer: this was performed as part of the enstars IF section during the CN 3rd Anniversary stream (42:12 - 45:38). the stories are submitted by fans and two were picked out to be performed live.
translated from CN subs with reference to the script that they posted on screen.
this is story 2 of 2.
edit 22/11: thank you anon who pointed out i made a minor error while translating kuro's line! it has been rectified.
Kuro: Oh, if it ain’t Hakaze. You’re at the flower shop early.
Kaoru: Kiryuu-kun, good morning. Ran-kun invited me to come watch Dramatica’s performance, so I was looking to buy him some flowers to congratulate him on the show. What about you?
Kuro: Kanzaki and I both received an invitation to today’s performance. Hakaze, Ran’s yer roommate, right? Hasumi’s also part of Dramatica, and is the main producer of today’s show.
My lil sis said that I needa bring a bouquet of flowers, so here I am. Hakaze’s surely plenty skilled in gifting flowers, no? I’d like some suggestions if yer okay with it.
Kaoru: Of course! Let me have a think… Ran-kun— (he gets interrupted by a very loud sneeze before he’s even done with his sentence)
Koga: ACHOO! Oi, Hakaze… senpai, the hell yer doin’ o’er here?
Kaoru: (shocked) !? K-koga-kun!? Don’t you have a pollen allergy? Why are you here in a flower shop!?
Koga: (sniff but nose is blocked.sfx) When I was participating in ANIMALS’ activity earlier on, Hibiki-senpai cared for me quite a lot… not’ta mention, Leon really loves him.
I heard his troupe’s participatin’ in today’s show, and Akehoshi wanted’ta drag me out to watch it together… but called earlier on ta say he couldn’t make it. Still, he bought some flowers an’ wanted me ta bring ‘em over… which forced me to drop by the flower shop.
Sniff.. sniff… a… ACHOO!
Kaoru: Aa… Wan-chan’s such a poor widdle thing…!
Quick, back away from the flowers! Let Onii-chan help you!
Koga: HAA?? Whose Onii-chan are’ya, you shallow playboy!
I’m fine on my own!
Kuro: Hahaha, seems like the both of you have a pretty good relationship with each other.
Koga: WHO THE HELL HAS A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM?! (looks at Mika, who’s near the door.) Kagehira. What’re you here for?
Mika: Ngah~ It’s Oogami-kun… g’morning…!
Kuro: Oh, if it ain’t Kagehira.
Mika: Kiryuu-senpai, g’mornin’…! Oshi-san mentioned yer name a couple days ago…!
Kuro: Oh, let’s meet up fer a meal when Itsuki’s next back in Japan, then.
Mika: Ehe, I’ll be sure’ta tell Oshi-san! (turns to the store owner) Oh, um, please gimme a bouquet of lilies…!
Kaoru: Eh? Everyone’s here to buy flowers today.
Mika: Naru-chan’s got’ta performance today, so I wanna gift ‘em a bouquet to cheer ‘em on!
Kaoru: Eh? Perhaps… also performing as part of the Dramatica troupe?
Mika: …? Al…so…? Senpais and Oogami-kun… are y’all buyin’ flowers for the Dramatica members too?
Kuro: That’s right. Seems like we can all head there together.
Kaoru: Mhm. Then, these two bouquets please. White cosmos represent purity, meant for Ran-kun. And for Hasumi-kun… how about lotus flowers? (tl/n: lotus as in ‘hasu-no-hana’ WWWWW i can’t tell if OP chose it as a pun on his name or)
Kuro: Huh, that ain’t a bad idea. (To the staff in the store) Excuse me, may I have a bouquet o’ lotuses please? Ah, turns out Hakaze’s help really made the whole process a lot smoother!
Koga: (yelling from the store’s door) DON’T FORGET ‘BOUT MY FLOWERS, HAKAZE SENPAI…!
Kaoru: (in a joking manner) Goodness, Wan-chan’s really… When he needs something, he’ll yell for Hakaze-senpai, but when he doesn’t need anything he’ll call for ‘the shallow playboy’!
Koga: HAA??? Don’t yer dare continue jokin’, lemme tell ya! If yer dally any longer, we’ll miss the show, senpai!!
Kaoru: (yelling towards the door) Yes yes~ Kagehira-kun, have you chosen your flowers yet? Since we’re all heading to the same place, we can all go together!
Mika: Ehe, yep. I’m sure Naru-chan will love this bouquet of perfume lilies. Senpais, let’s go!
Koga: HURRY UP! I’ve already called fer a car, so let’s get movin’!
Kuro & Mika & Kaoru: Yes~
← story 1
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yulmoldauer · 4 years
Let’s talk about racism on hockeyblr
EDIT/DISCLAIMER: I’m aware that I may have missed a few native and indigenous players when I mention some below. With me being located in the US and having elections on top of school, theatre, and more, I know I may have missed some! If I’ve missed a few that you know are native, please feel free to shoot me a message and let me know. Again, my intention wasn’t to exclude anyone for looking too white or anything, I just think it’s impossible for one person to be able to keep up with every team. If I’m missing someone, feel free to let me know so I can add them!
Alright, I'm putting everything into three posts for ease on literally everyone. One post would be so god damn long. 
First, I’m going to add onto the topic of racism in general but especially on hockeyblr. Especially from the “I would never!” crowd.
And, yes, I’m talking about POC and white people both I’ve experienced this from.
For those who don’t know: I’m native. I’m mixed. I look relatively white in the winter when I’m cooped up inside and look (what white people have always called “very very tan!”) not-so-white in the summers. When it comes to my personal history, it’s messy. I’m not registered with any tribe and I have to take an educated guess on what tribe my family is even from. The short story is someone from my family was forced into foster care to make her “white” in every sense other than her skin. Her ties to family and her native culture were cut. So before anyone pulls the “you’re not a real native”, trust me, it’s a result of racism. I’m saying this to tell you that I am native, what I’m saying is all my experiences.
How many people on hockeyblr are shaming the Blackhawks for not changing their name and logo, but have no idea there are even native players in the NHL. How many of you can actually name a native/indigenous person in the NHL off the top of your head? They exist, but you all lump them into the white boy category. Like, this bothers me SO much because it’s performative wokeness at its peak. You care about a name and a logo, not the people.
On the “lumping them into the white boy category”, I’ll elaborate a little more.
Native and indigenous people are usually “too white to be poc and too poc to be white.” I’m not putting this here to target anyone specifically, but I experience this from both white and poc and it needs to be talked about. The fact that y’all don’t see native and indigenous people as people of color.
An example of this? Carey price. I’ve seen people nonstop calling him white lately when talking about racism. I’m not as educated on indigenous groups within Canada but literally Native people are Not White.
We’re not accepted by white people, we’re not accepted by other poc. I bring up that we ARE poc, and get met with “but not actual POC.”
If this makes you uncomfortable, it should. If you’ve done this, recognize it and change. Learn about native and indigenous people in the NHL and other hockey leagues. Learn what they’re doing with native issues, topics, etc.
Here’s a list of native and indigenous players CURRENTLY in the NHL from native hockey.com’s website:
Rene Bourque (Metis) – Colorado Avalanche
Micheal Ferland (Cree) – Calgary Flames 
Vern Fiddler (Metis) – New Jersey Devils
Dwight King (Metis) – Los Angeles Kings
Jordan Nolan (Ojibwe) – Los Angeles Kings
T.J. Oshie (Ojibwe) – Washington Capitals
Carey Price (Ulkatcho First Nation) – Montreal Canadiens
Jordin Tootoo (Inuk) – Chicago Blackhawks
Travis Hamonic (Metis) -- Calgary Flames
Someone not on that list is Ethan Bear from the Edmonton Oilers, he’s Cree. There’s also Zach Whitecloud from Vegas, who is Sioux and Brendon Montour from the Buffalo Sabres who is Mohawk. Please let me know If there’s anyone else that is indigenous that I was unaware of. (I think this is good to show that even I, a Native person, would be unaware of some of these. Honestly, I don’t even know much about a lot of players. That’s why we need to constantly be working together)
Educate yourselves. Learn how to be a better ally. Being an ally is more than reblogging a gofundme. It’s stopping racism toward native and indigenous people no matter who it’s coming from. It’s not speaking over us when we say “this is an issue.”
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