detectiveintraining · 11 years
i really should remember more often that game of thrones is not fit for watching on a public computer in the middle of a computer lab at university...
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 12 years
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franglais97 · 12 years
Another 11 Questions thing! this will be the death of me haha I actually do like answering these, and its a great way to let my followers get to know me more :)
And actually, instead of making new questions and tagging 11 new people, I shall be lazy and rebellious and make the person who tagged me answer their own questions hehehe!
Whats the weirdest thing you discovered in 2012?
hahaha probably tumblr.
What’s the worst book you read in 2012?
Hmm. Maybe "My Brother Sam is Dead"?
Would you ever eat a worm?
When’s the last time you touched a horse?
Oh man, quite a while. I think two summers ago?
When’s the last time you were hoarse?
Haha, I see what you did there. About a month ago I think.
Hi there. I’m Benedict Cumberbatch. Will you marry me?
I appreciate that, Mr. Cumberbatch, but as I am not a Sherlock fan and I know that there are far more fangirls out there on tumblr who would kill to be in my position right now, I kindly decline and suggest that you go propose to one of them! :)
What’s your least favourite song by your favourite band/singer/whatever?
I can't really think of one? Maybe "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson.
What’s your favourite shot?.
What’s the last thing you bought?
A pepperoni twist pretzel. Mmmm.
Who’s your tumblr crush?
Hmm. All of my followers! :)
Eleventh question is always the hardest to think of. What’s one childhood pasttime you no longer do?
I used to play with Bratz dolls a lot, but then I realized how creepy they truly are haha.
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shenanigansy · 12 years
I got tagged again! This time, thosebeautifulfoolstagged me :)
Rules are rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones  Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post   Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
What’s the colour of your pillowcase?
I’m not home so I really had to think about this one :D It should be red and black…
Tell me something about your favourite dress/tshirt/hoodie/UNDERPANTS/other thing to wear.
One of my favourite jumpers is the jumper I had to buy for the boarding school I went to in England. It doesn’t look too special but isn’t ugly either. The thing about it is that it keeps you really warm in winter but isn’t too warm in summer and incredibly comfy so I really like wearing it.
What is your level of expertise in trolling?
I like trolling my friends from time to time, nothing too big though…I only trolled my one friend yesterday though so I might do it a lot, yeah.
Would you rather visit Las Vegas or New York?
I’ve already been to New York so maybe seeing something new would be nice but then again everyone I know who’s been to Las Vegas didn’t find it too amazing…and I really liked New York so I’d probably go there again.
Would you rather listen to Beethoven or Bach?
To be honest I’m not too educated about classic music anymore but I preferred Bach I think.
If you had to do one thing for the rest of your life, would you rather it be having to always wear green OR eat only coconut and chocolate cookies and cake?
I like both green and chocolate but I think after a few days I’d get sick from eating chocolate and  I’d get pretty overweight…so wearing green it is :)
From all the songs on your computer/ipod/whatever, what’s your guilty pleasure?
Most of the One Direction songs I had to download for a friend and listen to myself occasionally…
Would you ever dye your hair blue?
No…I think the colour looks awesome at first but after washing your hair once or twice it doesn’t look too nice anymore :/
Zombies, vampires or unicorns?
Unicorns are pretty cool
Tell me anything about what you wish you did in 2012 which you missed out on.
I wish I could have watched Sherlock live instead of getting into it after all the episodes aired…(I can’t think of anything more interesting, sorry)
What did you last eat?
Chocolate :D
I won't tag anyone this time since I already tagged people last time...sorry..
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thosebeautifulfools · 12 years
 The Parselmouths - What kind of name is Hermione?
stuck RIGHT in there
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
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felt the need to show off my new beauty :3
it's as beautiful as the freshly born sun after a fortnight of rain :')
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
dear detectiveintraining, how do you feel about the end of my chemical romance? i respect your opinion and im sure your other follower do too so pls tell me and kthxbai x
You sound suspiciously like my friend who is the biggest MCR fan I’ve ever known >
How do I feel? Speechless, shocked, sad, angry. Not angry at them. Angry that I [and probably the greater part of their fanbase] never saw it coming, and even if I/we had it still wouldn’t have helped. Obviously, whatever reason they had, must have been valid. I imagine they didn’t just wake up one morning and just gave everything up, not giving a crap about their fans and their work. The band and their fans was their life as they would keep repeating. It just makes you feel helpless and lost knowing that this fail-safe [because at the end of the day, music is everyone’s fail-safe; it’s always there for you] rock has suddenly vanished. I’m avoiding the rumours and the whys, what-ifs and hows. It’s their business, and while unpleasant, it can’t have been easy on them too, so not to make matters worse, slander should be avoided. We’re [the fans] are not the only ones hurting in this story.While the band mattered to me and I owe a lot of thanks to them, I freely admit that there are so many more people out there for whom MCR was their sole reason for existing. It’s a band that has saved countless lives. And it’s a terrible shame to see them go. One can only hope that they will get back together at some point. Even if it’ll be when they’re 70, white haired and with beer bellies - because no matter what we’ll have done with our lives and no matter where we’ll be then, hearing them play again… it’ll feel like coming home.
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
p.s. it's social experiment - NOT COLE SPROUSE STYLE
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
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thosebeautifulfools replied to your post: thosebeautifulfools replied to your photo: my cat...
detectiveintraiing likes to keep her pets secret, unbeknownst to the world
well not anymore... my secret has been released into the world. GO FORTH PHOTOS OF MY BABIES AND PROSPER
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
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thosebeautifulfools replied to your photo: my cat likes to pretend she’s the sphinx when she...
i didnt know what your cat looked like. Now i do
well congratufuckinglations :P you still have one more cat to discover and a dog :P
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
omniscientraven was kind enough to provide me with much needed distraction [yeah, yeah I'll go study as soon as I finish this]. Thank you :)
So, first and foremost - the ruuuules:
Rule 1: Post the rules 
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
Now, that's settled and let's get down to business:
1: What is the first thing you see when you wake up? Depends which direction I wake up facing. If straight ahead - a set of Sherlock posters. To my right, my overcrammed bookshelf. To my left - wardrobe.  
2: What is your favourite font? Comic sans haha. I don't think I have one. One of the nice swirly, calligraphy resembling ones definitely.
3: If you could go back to when you first started using Tumblr, what advice would you give yourself? DO NOT WATCH SHERLOCK, DO NOT WATCH ANYTHING WITH BENEDICT, DO NOT EVEN THINK OF WATCHING SUPERNATURAL. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN AND SAVE YOUR TIME AND SANITY.  
4: What past accomplishment are you most proud of? Hmm... Probably my biggest art piece - a giant Latin version of The Lord's Prayer in calligraphy. Only time I did something religious - but that was for school so ha.  
5: You control the world for one day, assuming you can’t control for longer than 24 hours, what changes do you make? Do I have to do this seriously or can I be mischievous? In my perfect world - even for one day - schools would teach manners, proper language, classic books; people would be given grants by the governments to travel the world; rape and crime would cease; environments would be protected; animals would roam free. In my dream/fangirl world... Benedict would be king; my fandoms would be a world-wide religion; fanfiction would be published and celebrities could be cloned so everyone could have their own perfect one.  
6: Which would you rather have: Infinite knowledge, infinite youth or invincibility? Infinite knowledge. The mind is the greatest weapon you'll ever own.  
7: What do you think your spirit animal is? Ugh, I feel like I have so many! Probably a hedgehog though.  
8: You find the genie of the lamp, what are your three wishes? Assuming you can’t wish for more wishes. Get my thesis ready. Own a horse. Have enough money to travel the world.  
9: What fictional character, out of EVERY fandom you are in do you sympathise/relate to the most? From Sherlock... John. From Doctor Who... Rose. And from Supernatural - a mixture of both Sam and Dean  
10: Would you rather be Tumblr famous (1m+) and know none of your followers IRL or a Tumblr nobody (+/-100) and know all of your followers IRL? Of course I'd rather know you all in real life! Being a celebrity isn't an appealing prospect.  
11: What quote do you live by; that you know who said, when, in what context, why, and in what subtext and what does it mean to you?  "Open a book this minute and start reading. Don’t move until you’ve reached page fifty. Until you’ve buried your thoughts in print. Cover yourself with words. Wash yourself away. Dissolve. " Carol Shields. Every book is an adventure. Every book is a TARDIS. A portal to a new world. I'd rather be poor and hungry and rejected but I'd still have books.
My turn now!
Favourite childhood memory?
If you could only read a single book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could make once great change in your life, what would it be?
What's your first thought upon waking up?
Biggest fear?
What superpower do you wish you had?
Pick 5 words to describe yourself.
What annoys you in people?
You meet your favourite celebrity. What do you do?
Do you believe in destiny?
What did you want to grow up to be when you were little?
People I'm tagging:
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
thosebeautifulfools seems to think I have a closeted tumblr crush on her just because I replied to her post. Obviously, to make this even more awkward and to confess to my incredibly obsessive stalking of her blog I shall AGAIN reply to her post. I'M PLANNING TO ELOPE AND RUN AWAY TO PARIS WITH THAT BLOG. MUAHAHAHA
The laws: Rule 1: Always post the rules  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones  Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post   Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
What’s the colour of your pillowcase? IT'S THE HOGWARTS SEAL ONE
Tell me something about your favourite dress/tshirt/hoodie/UNDERPANTS/other thing to wear. [Rachel why did you capslock underpants? NO] Hmm... well... I do have this one leather jacket that in first year was touched on the shoulder by my greatest crush at the time.
What is your level of expertise in trolling? Trolling? What's that? Like a transfiguration spell to turn into a troll? Nope, haven't gotten that far with McGonagall yet... HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD JUST CHECK OUT THIS NEW TWILIGHT SPOOF VIDEO I JUST SAW x
Would you rather visit Las Vegas or New York? New York. Always.
Would you rather listen to Beethoven or Bach? Beethoven if I'm in a good mood. Bach if I'm not.
If you had to do one thing for the rest of your life, would you rather it be having to always wear green OR eat only coconut and chocolate cookies and cake? WHAT SORT OF QUESTION IS THIS COCONUT AND CHOCOLATE COOKIES AND CAKE UNTIL I BURST SERIOUSLY RACH
From all the songs on your computer/ipod/whatever, what’s your guilty pleasure? haha.... I think Aqua - Cartoon Heroes 
Would you ever dye your hair blue? Are you kidding? Of course
Zombies, vampires or unicorns? A zombified vampire unicorn duh.
Tell me anything about what you wish you did in 2012 which you missed out on. Married Benedict Cumberbatch. Oh well, I've a whole other year.
What did you last eat? Breakfast consisting of a toast bread with pate. I could live forever on that.
What's your favourite time of the year? 
If you could transfigurate into a tiger or a horse, which would you be and why?
3 things on your bucket list?
Worst song you've ever heard?
What's your favourite pair of shoes?
Tell us a funny story that's happened to you
Present wishlist for next year?
Most perfect line-up for the concert of your dreams?
Most hated character in a film/book/show?
What's the background on your laptop right now?
And because I'm out of ideas, what's the background on your phone?
Get on with it guys,
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franglais97 · 12 years
I was tagged by thosebeautifulfools. (woot for Gatsby lovers hehe!) Haha I quite enjoy these questions, but I think I might skip rules 3 & 4 as I already went through this process before and I didn't realize how hard it would be to find those names and send those asks and asdfghjkl EFFORT
Ok here it goes :D
There are 4 rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules 
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones 
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post  
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
What was your favourite book of 2012?
Well, my favorite book that I have *read* in 2012 was GREAT GATSBY OHMYGOD THE FEELS but my favorite book that came out in 2012 was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green because it is so thoughtful and emotional and it is actually probably a tie for my favorite book of 2012 gahh.
What’s your one fondest memory from 2012?
Oh man. Depends on your definition of fond? It is probably either making Varsity Cheerleading or just being in my honors English class in which we had fun and were able to freely express our feels over books such as Gatsby haha.
What are you looking forward to most eagerly in 2013? (book/film/trip/event/anything cool happening or being released, anything!)
What’s your favourite drink?
Either sweet tea or coca cola :)
Why are you on tumblr at all?
Haha in general because I realized that there were more nerds out there that I could relate to, and because it makes me laugh and feel like I'm apart of something widespread and fun. 
Why is your url called that?
Hehe I am a very enthusiastic person (I've kind of decided that enthusiastic is the adjective that most describes me!) and narwhals are majestic and in Elf and I just really love them :D
If you could only choose one country to travel to for the rest of your life, which would that be?
Tough one, because I've never been out of my own country! Because of that, I feel like I would choose the US, not only because it is my home but because it is so huge and has so many places to visit and learn about!
Where do you live?
O_o Haha I live in the United States of AMURRICAA!!!!
What’s your relationship with your sibling/s like, if any?
Well, I'm usually pretty close with both of my two older sisters! I'm a lot alike both of them, but in different ways. I probably get along better with my oldest sister because we have very similar personalities. My other sister and I fight a lot, but when we aren't fighting we can have a lot of fun!
Cats: love ‘em or just barely stand ‘em?
Awh, I love cats! I wish I had a kitten.
What music do you listen to when in need of any kind of mood change?
Probably music from Les Miserables, because I can listen to the fun songs when I want to be happy, or I can listen to the emotional ones if I'm feeling sad and just need to wallow for a little.
Thanks for asking these questions! HAPPY NEW YEARRRR!!
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
thosebeautifulfools tagged me - and because I do not know her in any way whatsoever, and she is a complete stranger to me, and we do not live on the same island, nor do we attend the same university, nor know the same people - out of common courtesy I shall respond to her questions. I DO NOT KNOW RACHEL I REPEAT I DO NOT KNOW HER
Once again - rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones  Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post   Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
What was your favourite book of 2012? The Game of Thrones series, without doubt!
What’s your one fondest memory from 2012? Ugh... there was quite a few. I'll go with the most recent one and mention our Christmas/NYE celebrations with lots of bubbly and [fake] fur stoles 
What are you looking forward to most eagerly in 2013? (book/film/trip/event/anything cool happening or being released, anything!) THE HOBBIT 2, STAR TREK 2, CABIN PRESSURE 4, ALL THE SUPERHERO FILMS COMING OUT, COMMENCEMENT OF SHERLOCK 3 FILMING, GAME OF THRONES 3, [because just like a normal person, I look forward films and series and books instead of proper life goals.]
What’s your favourite drink? Innocent drink? Ice tea. Drink - drink... Buck Fizz. Gin and tonic. And beer. 
Why are you on tumblr at all? Because I have no life. Haha, no - mostly because I've found a place where other people like things as much as I do and nobody feels weird about liking them, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL SPESHUL LITTLE SNOWFLAKES.
Why is your url called that? Because I am...a detective... in training...
If you could only choose one country to travel to for the rest of your life, which would that be? NEW ZEALAND 
Where do you live? 221b Baker street, Gallifrey
What’s your relationship with your sibling/s like, if any? Weeellll... my dog likes to pretend she's a cat while my cats are paranoid schizophrenics. Oh you meant HUMAN siblings? 
Cats: love ‘em or just barely stand ‘em? Who can resist a pair of giant eyes staring at you soulfully from a warm fluffy bundle of joy? 
What music do you listen to when in need of any kind of mood change? Soundtracks mostly - Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and so on... 
Very well... my turn!
New Year's resolution?
Ideal holiday?
What would you wish to have been in a past life?
Best book of 2012?
What's something you're proud of?
One thing you cannot live without?
What are you looking forward most to in 2013?
Biggest otp?
What film/song/show/book has changed your life?
What makes you really, really happy?
What's your happiest memory?
People I'm tagging are:
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detectiveintraining · 12 years
So, I got tagged by a-cumberbabe-inthetardis [thank you very much, by the way <3] and I've been awake for the past 28 hours [dear insomnia, thou art one bloody annoying bitch]; therefore I shall answer her questions - however I cannot guarantee sane answers. 
First and foremost - the rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones  Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post   Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
Favorite TV show? Sherlock and Supernatural - don't make me choose between them. I'd rather rip my fingernails out.
Favorite Christmas present you got this year? The Game of Thrones calendar my friends got me <3
Where do you live? Tiny little Malta - island in the middle of nowhere.
Where would you like to live? Japan or New Zealand
Any nicknames? (which do you hate and which do you love?) Ely - which I love but don't get called enough. And Blonde - I've gotten used to it, but it still bugs me and makes me want to punch whoever said it. Blondie is fine though xD
Post a picture of yourself! I HAVE A HOODIE WITH CAT EARS - LOOK! 
Any goals/wishes for 2013? To finish Uni with good grades and do a really awesome thesis... OH AND I MUST GET A GUINEAPIG.
What would you do with 1,000,000$? or pounds or whatever currency you use;) Euros xD Go on a world trip, buy a horse and a cottage in the Italian Alps, and get myself a film director's rights so I can direct a movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Misha Collins
Are you more excited for Star Trek Into Darkness or The Hobbit 2? Well, I'm intrigued by Star Trek because it'll be such a different role for Benedict and I can't wait to see him be all kickass and villain-y in it. BUT THE HOBBIT IS THE HOBBIT. THERE'S TINY POCKET BILBO AND TOP MODEL KILI AND OBVIOUSLY BENEDICT AS THE FRIKKIN DRAGON
Here you go guys, enjoy! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! <3
What is one thing you want to achieve in 2013?
What's your best memory from 2012?
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, famous or not, who would it be?
What's the one song you can listen to forever without getting fed up of it?
Favourite food?
Would you rather live the rest of your life on pizza, or on ice cream?
If you had to direct the perfect film, which 4 actors would HAVE to be in it?
Weirdest dream you've ever had?
What makes you really, really happy?
What are your must read book/s of 2013?
Aaaaaandddd [i'm out of questions] what would be the first sentence you would say upon meeting your favourite celebrity?
I'm tagging:
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