#those you ve known
wookgerine · 9 months
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Love that they take Bella with the gym with them all the time
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monsterhugger · 2 months
yknow sometimes i get why tumblr had so many insanely obvious hoaxes gain traction bc the way some people on here will eviscerate people for being even slightly incredulous about something is honestly scary
#like. that lady who claimed the wachowskis stole the plot of the matrix from her got traction here dude#she claimed aliens gave it to her. come on guys.#ik ppl think of like. alexandria's genesis or infinite chocolate or the tubby custard machine/hot dog thing#and while those are dumb and something you would expect an adult with critical thinking skills to recognize as false#they are kind of ultimately harmless to believe. like worst case scenario you stop eating hot dogs or you fuck up some chocolate#but also it's a symptom of a larger problem bc people extend the same credulity to like. accusations of serious crimes#and it's just equally unwarranted#but god forbid you call someone on tumblr with no sources and no credentials a liar#because that makes you just as bad as the person trying to ruin someone's life with little to no evidence#tl;dr tumblr has a huge misinfo problem bc the culture here is that it's morally wrong to not take someone at their word#and sometimes the results are 'bitch that's the tubby custard machine'#but also sometimes the results are people being stalked and harassed off the internet over actual nothing#also wrt my first example bc I think some ppl might misconstrue it#yes there are instances of ppl on here making false accusations bc they were genuinely under the delusion those things were true#(the m*tski s*x sl*ve thing to name a more well-known one)#that does not mean they are malicious actors im obviously not saying that#but also. if you are mentally well enough to recognize something is not logically consistent you don’t have to believe it
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yaut-jaknowit · 7 months
Trio of bad bloods obsessed with their human mechanic. So much so that said human has no choice but to live on their ship because they'd be dammed if someone else touched you! (Not that the human is complaining, lol) The human is smitten :3 perhaps said human teases them to break the sexual tension?
Scared to come off anon still, but I adore your works! ♡
Not A Bad Sight
Pairings: Mai'tuiudh (Male), A'jiadh (Male), Zaikeh (Female) x Mechanic!Reader
Word Count: 2179
Summary: The same trio always shows up every month, sometimes even shorter. You've come to learn more about them both in contact and in passing. You work on their ship. They do ask for you by name. You get their craft operating every time. The longer this goes on, the less the trio wants to let you go.
Author Note: This is a fantastic idea! I loved writing this so much. Also, this gave me an idea for anons. For those who are using Anon, could you use an emoji or even a nickname to distinguish everyone. Another thing, I promise I don't bite! If you want to jump into my Dms and rant about Yautjas, I'll be right there with you
Sweat dribbled down your forehead. The heat of the place nearly overwhelming if you hadn’t grown use to it day in, day out. A small electrical fan spun on the highest setting and blew slightly cooler air at you. Not too much of a difference. Someone would have to pry the thing out of your melted, sweat hands before you would give it up though.
With your forearm, you swiped away the offending salty drip of water and continued to tighten a bolt. This was such an easy fix, one any of those hunks of meat could easily do themselves. They are known to get their hands dirty.
Those large muscles you knew had to take years to perfect aren’t a sight you would turn away from. Said muscles could easily unlogde this moderate size space rock, pull the damage panelling up, then replace it.
Not even the hardware underneath the panel was damaged. But nope, the trio came sauntering and always asked you by name. Your boss could care less. It earned her money. Money in both of your pockets was a job well done. Though, you came by honesty with them and let them know this was more trouble for their pockets then it was worth to have you fix. All of them insisted you fixed it, trusting their ship in your hands.
For whatever reason, they always wanted you to make all the repairs on their vessel.
Said vessel was sleek, clean, a speed class with just a hair of defense to take a hit or two. The speed came with its downfall when it came to space junk or debris. That’s why it’s here right now.
A grunt surpassed your lips once the last bolt was secured. You proudly smirked down at the completed work then hoped off the wing.
This ship was a beauty to work on. Yautjas rarely let anyone work on their ships. So, to have an opportunity like this fall into your hands. It would be stupid to pass it on to someone else. Especially seeing all three of them walk out of the shop to pass the time. You hated to see them go but the sight was beautiful.
Like the countless times before, you send a ping to Mai’tuiudh. He’s the leader of the bunch. Well… ‘leader’. He takes charge during the transactions but it’s A’jiadh who chats you up. Then, there’s Zaikeh. The lumber giant even to the other two. A female from the pieces of information you’ve been able to pull about Yautjas and their societies.
Due to the day winding down, you stayed up at the front desk and waited for your familiar customers to walk through. A tablet in hand to keep yourself busy until then.
It’s a rarity to see a female, that you know of from personal experience and the universe wide web. The reason is unknown to you but maybe you could pull the information from one of them one day.
Of course, who knows if the Yautjas are purposefully removing knowledge of their inner workings. They don’t actively seek out other species and stick to their own. A forward going species with a serious attitude that hung to the very depths of their DNA.
A soft ding pulled you from your device and glancing at the only door in and out of this place. In walked the trio you’ve grown to know. You stood up and dipped your head in greeting. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite customers,” you greeted with a knowing smirk, your eyes finding Mai in the front.
Said male strolled into the front area and stopped at the counter dividing the four of you. His partners in crime followed in after him and paused at his sides. A’jiadh leans onto the stone tabletop and pushed closer to your personal space. There was a glint in his eyes you’ve grown to learn. He’s a cheeky little fucker and loves to see you act in any submissive way. You didn’t know if this was him personally or a trait among the Yautjas being such a dominant race.
The others showed the same trait but less of an amount. Just in causal passing, you guessed.
Before Mai could have the chance to speak, A’jiadh beat him to the punch. “So, dollface, everything fixed up for us or were you wanting to see us again for encouragement? Because I can give you all encouragement you could ever ask for,” he teased and leaned even closer to you.
Countless times around the forward Yautja, you’ve learned to just stay where you at. You huffed and rolled your eyes. “You know you could’ve fixed this yourself. You have all the right tools. Nothing was damaged,” you voiced the situations details again with a helpful tone.
Despite not falling into his tricks, A’jiadh wasn’t discouraged at all. No matter how many times you ignored the flirty comments he would throw at you.
Mai shoulder checked the mottled olive green Yautja to the side and fully stepped up to the plate. “How much?” His voice was gravelly and sent a shiver down your spine every time.
You grabbed the tablet off of the counter and scrolled through the list of customers until landing on them. The price was something you would never be willing to pay for something so simple that a child could do… if they had the strength to get the bolts off. But these are Yautjas. Probably the strongest known species that traveled the universe.
Labor and materials do cost a pretty credit around here though. You’re the best known in the system.
A heft sigh pushed the air out of your lungs. You set the tablet on the tall counter in front of him. “Well, it’s gonna be a pretty five-hundred and six credit repair,” you said and pointed towards the bottom of the page where it was typed out.
A’jiadh ‘oo’ed then lifted one of his upper mandibles, resembling a human-like smirk. “Pretty like you.” You raised a single brow at the Yautja before you put your hands on your hips, jutting one out.
“Love, you couldn’t handle me,” you said and shook your head to feign discouragement to the Yautja. It’s not like you wanted them to give up. No, instead, you wanted them to chase. Predator vs prey.
Fire blazed to life in his teal blue eyes. You weren’t oblivious to their intentions. Far from it. You knew their game as the hunters their species is known for. A game you were more than happy to play along with. But it’ll be a hard game. No easy mode.
“Is that so?” he purred out, muscles tensing as if he was readying himself for a hunt.
Before the game could continue between the two of you, Mai handed back the device. “All paid,” he interrupted and rested an elbow on the high counter afterwards. Your gaze jumped over to him. You took the tablet back and set it off to the side.
“Well, come on folks, your chariot awaits.” They’ve been back here so many times that you didn’t necessarily needed to lead them but decided to anyhow. Again, you would love to be on the other side of them. All of them walking away.
The door opened to reveal the massive hanger with many other vessels in here for repairs. Always busy, always working here. A shop that does good work always has an influx of customers. That’s this shop.
Closer to the front of the line up, sat their beautifully crafted ship. You loved to work on it every time they brough it in. Stunning in style and sleekness. You could never get enough of it. A smile worked its way onto your face before you stopped and about faced. “Here’s your beauty. Everything checked out. I got bored and ran a check on all the systems to ensure they were working properly. No issues. I’m happy to say she has a clean bill of health.”
Zaikeh stopped at your side, facing the ship. She looked down at you. Like usual, the black scaled Yautja stayed quiet and observed you within the silence. It freaked you at first but you have come to learn that’s just how she is.
“Got any questions for me?” you asked the trio before fully releasing the ship back into their care.
A’jaidh chirped and crowded into your space. You didn’t back down and enjoyed his heat brushing against your skin. A better feel than the sweltering heat the hanger gets on average. “What would it take for you to come with us?” he questioned.
Out of all the times you’ve interacted with them, these words surprised you. Your brows shot up to your hair line. Your mouth sputtered for a moment to find the right words. “W-what do you me-an?” Come with them? In what way? You don’t travel very often. The shop keeps you busy and happily wealthy to live in a comfortable apartment by yourself in a safe area on the planet.
He moved closer, your chest to his midriff. You didn’t see it happen before you felt another source of heat trap you to A’jaidh. “I think you know what he means, little one.” The smooth voice of Zaikeh met your ears. You could melt into a puddle from the heat inside of you, boiling your blood to steam.
“Like go with you guys?” you needed clarification before agreeing to anything. All this talk, this game you’ve played was in its last quarter, you had to make the last goal to win.
“Be our mechanic. Only ours. We’ll keep you safe, fed, and pampered,” Mai whispered into your ear, surprising you from his sudden appearance. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to escape. They caught their prey.
“All you have to do is stay with us,” Mai muttered softly in your other ear, somehow moving around quickly. He was showing off his prowess and abilities as a hunter. “Be our mechanic. We’ll take care of you, little ooman.”
Your heart stuttered in its bony cage. You swallowed down the lump in your throat and gave the idea a thought. The ability to reach for the stars, go anywhere with them. Yeah, the shop was fun, the money was good. But this here, was an opportunity you would die for. Kill for even. Three Yautjas wanted you. You wanted the three Yautjas.
All the plays you endured while playing this game with them is paying off. You swallowed your nerves and straightened your spine before looking to the side at Mai. He was the leader after all. “I’ll go with you,” you accepted, couldn’t deny the way your body vibrated with anticipation and anxiety.
A Cheshire-like grin spread across his alien face. “Good, because it wasn’t a choice. You’re ours. No one is allowed to touch you or even look in your general vicinity,” Mai growled and brushed his knuckled against your cheek.
“Yeah, we aren’t below kidnapping you. But, we’re glad you’ve decided to come willingly,” A’jaidh joined the conversation.
Kidnapping?! “You were going to kidnap me? That doesn’t seem very honorable. Wouldn’t that break your honor code?” you questioned and tilted your head.
The hand that brushed against your cheek snatched your chin to lift up your head. Mai’tuiudh stood up tall before your form. “Honor? Oh sweet thing, we don’t care about honor. We are Bad Bloods after all,” he admitted. Your eyes widened at the realization that these Yautjas aren’t part of the majority of their species society. Instead, they’re the rouges who’ve broke their promise and honor. There was nothing holding them back from killing you.
And you loved it.
The two Yautjas pinning you between them finally backed off and allowed you to have some breathing room. Mai kept his hold on your chin and dragged you closer to him. “You’re ours now, ooman.” Then Mai let go and motioned towards the ship. Without complaint you happily skipped towards the belly of the ship.
Just like them, you knew the ship like the back of your hand. You tapped in the code to lower the ramp and waited for it go fully down. A glance behind you showed they were following you into their ship. Nothing could wipe off the smile on your face. A new, exciting chapter in your life.
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luceracastro · 7 months
Sabia que ibas a volver
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: you and Enzo get in a fight before the big premiere and end up ending your relationship, but he should have known that after years of loving him, you would never miss the biggest moment of his life.
Warnings: just loads of fluff and some angst and sadness at the beginning. (also literally a Spanglish fic but I am more than happy to do it individually in Spanish and english too) (Esta historia estará en spanglish pero estoy más que feliz de hacerlo individualmente en español e inglés.)
The mate you had made yourself had gone cold, and the shared apartment you and Enzo lived in was also freezing between the open windows and balcony, it was late and he still wasn't home, of course, he went out with the guys and you trusted him but he must've gotten carried away still out and about and even though you tried not to think about it too much you couldn't help yourself
a few moments later you heard the sound of keys rustling, the door clicking as it opened and you turned your head to the side seeing him slip in and take off his jacket "¿Ves qué hora es?" you asked as you looked down at your hands and he sighed "Si" it was all he said in a dry tone and it made you annoyed and angry but you were too tired to even try
"Enzo, ¿por qué me haces esto?" you asked with a ting of pain in your voice and he could only look down at his feet not even saying a word as he leaned against the counter in the kitchen, "¿Qué hice? ¿Hice algo mal porque parece que ya ni siquiera quieres estar cerca de mí?" you told him and he shook his head slowly and sighed "no, solo piensas demasiado" and that was it before you got up "Enzo! estas ciego?!" you yelled and he furrowed his brows confused
"llegas tarde a casa, cuando estás aquí estás en el juego o en tu teléfono, ¡incluso ignorándome si te hablo!" you told him and he stood taller "estoy trabajando y me canso!" he said and you sighed "Enzo, créeme, lo entiendo, pero también me gustaría que mi novio me preguntara de vez en cuando cómo fue al menos mi día, siempre te ayudé, estuve ahí para ti cuando llegaste a casa cansado y, por supuesto, planeo hacerlo todavía, pero Yo también quiero saber que estás ahí para mí" was all you could say as your voice cracked and tears streamed down your cheeks
"Ya no eres una niña, lo entiendo y lo siento pero estoy trabajando y también necesito ayudarme en este momento, créeme lastimarte es algo que nunca quiero hacer." he told you and you rolled your eyes "Enzo, literalmente sales todas las noches y vuelves tarde a casa, ¿en qué te ayuda eso? No me importa que salgas pero sería bueno tener una de esas noches dedicadas a mí tu novia" you said as your heart crushed
"nena, Llevamos cinco años juntos, te he dedicado mucho tiempo y ¿es tan malo que quiero un ratito de tiempo con unos amigos?" he asked but his tone had some bitterness to it and you sighed getting up "Nunca dije eso, pero sabes, si eso es lo que quieres, entonces como sea, tal vez deberíamos romper si me dedicas demasiado tiempo como dices tu" and he chuckled "Entonces tal vez deberíamos, si vas a intentar seguir convirtiéndome en el malo, tal vez deberíamos simplemente separarnos"
that broke you entirely, seeing him mean it even though you couldn't see the way his heart broke when those words left his lips you moved to get the bags and suitcases you brought when you moved in and started tearing your clothes from the hangers and pulling your clothes from drawers as his eyes rimmed with tears seeing you pack and the small sobs escaping your lips, he knelt beside you as you packed your belongings
"Espera, espera, no, no lo dije en serio, bebé, para," he put a hand over your arm carefully but you shrugged him off "No, Ya no quiero estar aquí Enzo ya terminé me voy a casa con mi mamá no puedo" you cried louder and covered your face with your hands and you could hear Enzo sniffle "No, no, chiquita no te vayas, por favor quédate conmigo. Lo haré mejor, lo prometo" he said with his hands moving to hold you but you extended your arms to keep his away "No, yo me voy," you said and moved around to pack while he continued to follow you around and plead.
he tried to hold onto you and your stuff but to no avail and he couldn't forcefully make you stay so he watched outside as you drove off tears drenched his cheeks and eyes and his fingers intertwined with his hair as he sighed "Mierda, Mierda!" he moved to get his keys and went to his car, he couldn't stay there not at all he knew he's just remember you not being able to sleep so he just drove, where? who knew.
it had been around a few weeks now, you'd been moved back in with your mom who was there for you helping you unpack and what not, Enzo called and texted constantly and even Matias joined in trying to reach you and some of the others but you didn't answer anything, "Enzo ya levantate, asi no la vas a recuperar" Matias had walked into the room he was allowing Enzo to stay in, his girlfriend was making them food at the time and she herself couldn't make the boy eat anything as he only laid in bed most of the time
"entonces que mas hago? ya la llame y le mande textos y no se que mas hacer," Enzo groaned out and Matias sighed "Luego levántate y ve a la casa de su madre y pide perdón como un hombre" Matias told him and Enzo looked at him "No puedo, ella no quiere hablarme" Enzo's voice was low and his attitude was worse as he didn't even look like he had emotions anymore "La amas?" Matias asked with his arms crossed "más que nada" Enzo said as he sat up "entonces lucha por ella" was all Matias could say before leaving the room
and that's what Enzo was going to do, for once he finally took a shower and got presentable leaving to go over to your mothers house with hopes of taking you back home with him. but that was not the case as your mom stood at the front door a small frown on her face "por favor, solo dile que necesito hablar con ella" he said in a pleading manner but the woman sighed "Lo hice pero ella me dijo que te dijera que te fueras, no se siente muy bien" your mother did try to get you to speak to the boy at the front door but you refused
so Enzo left with his heart broken, he had to get used to the fact that you'd probably hate him forever and ever but it was a stab to the heart to deal with that fact, he loved you and now it hit him how it was pointless being without you, he didn't really have much without you.
so then the time for the premier rolls around, it was the night before and Enzo was sitting in his hotel room just thinking, the TV played in the background but as all he could think about was you everything blurred out for him, he could only have you on his mind and even though his castmates tried to reason with him and even reach out to you for his sake, there was no success.
however what he didn't know was that you were in a hotel a few streets down situating yourself and getting ready to rest for tomorrow, even though he hurt you and said some hurtful things, your love for him is bigger than any of that.
Enzo was getting dressed and ready, the day was here and he was prepared for anything or so he thought, the flashing cameras and lights as well as the loud voices of people, photographers, and interviewers was pretty overwhelming however one huge relief was seeing your face amongst the crowd wearing a beautiful dress made just for you, a big proud smile on your lips as he smiled a small giggle escaping his lips as he was himself again and in a better mood.
once Enzo was off the carpet he spotted you speaking to Matias girlfriend and he rushed over arms engulfing you as yours wrapped around his neck "viniste" the slight crack in his voice made you frown slightly "Obviamente, hablamos de este momento desde siempre y no me lo perdería" you told him a small smile on your lips as tears rimmed your eyes "Te amo," he said and you nodded "yo también, bueno ya no llores," you laughed a little cleaning his cheeks and eyes with your thumbs as he chuckled to himself
"Sabia que ibas a volver," he said with the biggest smile on his lips as you did too "Obvio, eres el amor de mi vida boludo," you chuckled kissing his lips, "vamos," you both interlinked arms and he guided you proudly presenting you as his girlfriend, the light of his eyes, his heart.
"que linda pareja," Fran's voice rang out a little teasing tone as both you and Enzo smiled "Entonces ambos volvieron a estar juntos?" Juani asked as he smiled "Si," Enzo said as he held onto you tighter "Entonces debemos de celebrar, vamos por unas cervezas," pipe's voice rang out as the others laughed "no me opongo a una cerveza" you shrugged and Enzo smiled, the night was well spent at the end.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as I did, I honestly have been listening to this song for a while and thought of this plot and enjoyed writing it so I hope you all liked it as well and I am open to doing any request :) (Espero que hayan disfrutado esto como lo hice yo, honestamente he estado escuchando esta canción por un tiempo, pensé en esta trama y disfruté escribiéndola, así que espero que a todos les haya gustado también y estoy abierto a hacer cualquier solicitud :)
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carpe-mamilia · 11 months
Ghosts’ Larry Rickard Explains Why They Chose the Captain’s First Name
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Photo: Monumental,Guido Mandozzi
It couldn’t be a joke. That was one rule laid down by the Ghosts creators when it came to choosing a first name for Willbond’s character. Until series five, the WWII ghost had been known only as The Captain – a mystery seized upon by fans of the show.
“It was the question we got asked more than anything. His name,” actor and writer Larry Rickard tells Den of Geek. “Once we got to series three, you could see that we were deliberately cutting away and deliberately avoiding it. We were fuelling the fire because we knew at some point we’d tell them.”
In “Carpe Diem”, the episode written by Rickard and Ben Willbond that finally reveals The Captain’s death story, they did tell us. After years of guessing, clue-spotting and debate, Ghosts revealed that The Captain’s first name is James. At the same time, we also learned that James’ colleague Lieutenant Havers’ first name was Anthony.
The ordinariness of those two names, says Rickard, is the point.
“The only thing we were really clear about is that we didn’t want one of those names that only exists in tellyland. It shouldn’t be ‘Cormoran’ or ‘Endeavour’. They should just be some men’s names and they’re important to them. The point was that they were everyday.”
Choosing first names for The Captain and Havers was a long process not unlike naming a baby, Rickard agrees. “It almost comes down to looking at the faces of the characters and saying, what’s right?”
“We talked for ages. For a long time I kept thinking ‘Duncan and James’, and then I was like ah no! That would have turned it into a gag and been awful!” Inescapably in the minds of a certain generation, Duncan James is a member of noughties boyband Blue. “Maybe with Anthony I was thinking of Anthony Costa!” Rickard says in mock horror, referencing another member of the band.
Lieutenant Havers wasn’t just The Captain’s second in command while stationed at Button House; he was also the man James loved. Because homosexuality was criminalised in England during James’ lifetime, he was forced to hide his feelings for Anthony from society, and to some extent even from himself.
In “Carpe Diem”, the ghosts (mistakenly) prepare for the last day of their afterlives, prompting The Captain to finally tell his story. Though not explicit about his sexual identity, the others understand and accept what he tells them – and led by Lady Button, all agree that he’s a brave man.
Getting the balance right of what The Captain does and doesn’t say was key to the episode. “It wasn’t just a personal choice of his to go ‘I’m going to remain in the closet’,” explains Rickard. “There wasn’t an option there to explore the things that either of them felt. That couldn’t be done back then – there are so many stories which have come out since the War about the dangers of doing that.
“We wanted to tell his personal story but also try to ensure that there was a level at which you understood why they couldn’t be open, that even in this moment where he’s finally telling the other ghosts his story, he never comes out and says it overtly because that would be too much for him as a character from that time.
“He says enough for them to know, and enough for him to feel unburdened but it’s in the fact that they’re using their first names which militarily they would never have done, and in the literal passing of the baton”.
The baton is a bonus reveal when fans learned that The Captain’s military stick wasn’t a memento of his career, but of Havers. As James suffers a fatal heart attack during a VE day celebration at Button House, Anthony rushes to his side and the stick passes from one to the other as they share a moment of tragic understanding.
“From really early on, we had the idea that anything you’re holding [when you die] stays with you. So it wasn’t just your clothes you were wearing, we had the stuff with Thomas’ letter reappearing in his pocket and so on. And the assumption being that it was something The Captain couldn’t put down, it felt so nice to be able to say it was something he didn’t want to put down.”
Rickard lists “Carpe Diem”, co-written with Ben Willbond, among his series five highlights. He’s pleased with the end result, praises Willbond’s performance, and loved being on set to see Button House dressed for the 1940s. He’s particularly pleased that a checklist of moments they wanted to land with the audience all managed to be included. “Normally something’s fallen by the wayside just because of the way TV’s made, it’s always imperfect or it’s slightly rushed, but it feels like it’s all there.”
Rickard and Willbond also knew by this point in the show’s lifetime, that they could trust Ghosts fans to pick up on small details. “Nothing is missed,” he says. “Early on, you’re always thinking, is that going to get across? But once we got to series five, there are little tiny things within corners of shots and you know that’s going to be spotted. Particularly in that very short exchange between Havers and the Captain. We worried less about the minutiae of it because you go, that’s going to be rewound and rewatched, nothing will be missed.”
The team were also grateful they’d resisted the temptation to tell The Captain’s story sooner. “We’d talked about it every series since series two, whether or not now was the time, but because he’s such a hard and starchy character in a lot of ways you needed the time to understand his softer side I think before you had that final honest beat from him.”
“What a ridiculously normal name to have so much weight put on it for five years,” laughs Rickard fondly. “Good old James.”
From Den of Geek
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nevzatboyraz44 · 5 months
Nur Suresi﴾31﴿ Mümin kadınlara da söyle, gözlerini haramdan sakınsınlar ve iffetlerini korusunlar. Dışarıda kalanlardan başka ziynetlerini göstermesinler. Başörtülerini yakalarının üzerinden bağlasınlar. Kocaları, babaları, kocalarının babaları, kendi oğulları, kocalarının oğulları, erkek kardeşleri, erkek kardeşlerinin oğulları, kız kardeşlerinin oğulları, başka kadınlar, hizmetlerinde bulunan köleleri ve câriyeleri, cinsel arzusu bulunmayan erkek hizmetçiler, kadınların cinselliklerinin farkında olmayan çocuklar dışında kimseye süslerini göstermesinler. Yürürken, gizledikleri süsleri bilinsin diye ayaklarını yere vurmasınlar. Ey müminler! Hepiniz Allah’a tövbe edin, umulur ki kurtuluşa erersiniz!
وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ اَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدٖينَ زٖينَتَهُنَّ اِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلٰى جُيُوبِهِنَّࣕ وَلَا يُبْدٖينَ زٖينَتَهُنَّ اِلَّا لِبُعُولَتِهِنَّ اَوْ اٰبَٓائِهِنَّ اَوْ اٰبَٓاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ اَوْ اَبْنَٓائِهِنَّ اَوْ اَبْنَٓاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ اَوْ اِخْوَانِهِنَّ اَوْ بَنٖٓي اِخْوَانِهِنَّ اَوْ بَنٖٓي اَخَوَاتِهِنَّ اَوْ نِسَٓائِهِنَّ اَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ اَيْمَانُهُنَّ اَوِ التَّابِعٖينَ غَيْرِ اُو۬لِي الْاِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ اَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذٖينَ لَمْ يَظْهَرُوا عَلٰى عَوْرَاتِ النِّسَٓاءِࣕ وَلَا يَضْرِبْنَ بِاَرْجُلِهِنَّ لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفٖينَ مِنْ زٖينَتِهِنَّؕ وَتُوبُٓوا اِلَى اللّٰهِ جَمٖيعاً اَيُّهَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ ﴿٣١﴾
﴾31﴿ And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. They should not show their ornaments except those who remain outside. Let them tie their headscarves over their collars. They should not show their ornaments to anyone except their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their own sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, other women, their slaves and concubines in their service, male servants who have no sexual desire, and children who are not aware of women's sexuality. While walking, they should not stamp their feet on the ground so that their hidden ornaments may be known. O believers! Repent to Allah, all of you, and hopefully you will be saved!
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gauloiseblue · 5 months
Medic!Reader × Poly!141
Part I | Part II | Part III
[TW: attempted rape, a little bit of violence]
A/N: I'm gonna highlight the TW part so you can scroll down to skip it
It'd be thrilling for you to be on your first mission, if not for the fact that Graves himself requested it
You have the ideas, but not getting the ideas on why at the same time
You could see why he recruited you to the field, but you're not among the best medic out there, you're just a new recruit so you're basically unqualified for such missions.
If his intention is to get into your pants, well… you won't know what to do
If he's the type who likes to chase women around, then it's easier for you to be the 'easy target' for him. But at the same time, you shudder at the possibility of having to sleep with him
On the flight to the field, you mull over the choices you have
"Would you be…. Would you…. Hm," Your face scrunched, "... No, that sounds wrong."
"Wha' is it? Spill it out."
"... Would you be my fake boyfriend for a while? Okay, let me explain first."
Still, he wears the bewildered face, even after you explain everything
"I don't mind, but is it really necessary?" He furrows his brows
"I know it doesn't make sense, but hear me out. You knew what kind of letters he sent to me, you said it yourself that he's getting bolder each day, and trust me when I said that I have known this kind of man my whole life. They won't stop until they get what they want."
"Seems like yer an asshole magnet." He chuckled, "On a serious note, don't ye think he'll get more aggressive after knowin' that you 've a 'boyfriend'?"
"You're right." You rub your face in frustration, "But I don't have a choice, I don't wanna sleep with him."
He thought for a second. "I'll see what I do." He then wraps his arm around your neck, tugging on you in a joking manner, "But don't you think I could misunderstand your request?"
"No, you're just not the type." You laugh, "Besides, I can't see anyone in the team who would be willing to help me, for this kind of stuff…"
"... Now tha' I think 'bout it, yer right."
Upon arrival, the soldier tells the team to move immediately to the base. You're only given 5 minutes to settle down before briefing
To say that the briefing is unpleasant… is an understatement
While the commander gives an introduction for the team, you feel an uncomfortable gaze on you
You don't have to guess it, because when you lift your head, you can see Graves' been eyeing you
It feels like an eternity before it's over
Even then, it's not really over. Because once the commander is done with his speech, Graves casually mentions that he need to talk to Price in private, while not looking away from you
Thankfully, Price dismissed you from accompanying him
Back at the new base, you notice that your room is quite separated from the rest of the team, and that Price's room is farthest away from you
The closest one from your quarter is Ghost, and you can't see yourself asking him for help
That is, until 3 days have passed, and you find two cockroaches under the bed
You scream and jump, and sprint out of the room
And somehow you bump into him in the hallway before you can even acknowledge who's there
(If you knew who it was, you'd rather stay in your room, even with those cockroaches)
He's slightly annoyed by the incident, but asks you what's wrong. You swallow your pride and tell him that you saw cockroaches
"You can just step on it."
"... I'm too afraid to do that."
Seems like your scream attracted more attention, as you saw Gaz and Soap getting out from their room as well, asking if something's up
Ghost gives him a brief explanation, making Soap laughs out loud
"Jeesus, I thought we were under attack or something."
"We should kill them then." Gaz suggested
"Don't kill them." You said
"What'd ye wanna do then? Lettin' them be and hopin' that they'll politely leave yer room?"
"No, just… put them outside or something."
"Ya think they won't come back again?"
While you're busy bickering with Soap, Ghost slips into your room and takes care of it. You only realize it when he comes back with 2 cockroaches dangling in his hand, still wiggling
You almost screamed the second time if you didn't immediately hide behind Gaz
"You still wanna let these things loose?"
"Yes—yes, put them outside—"
And he obeys it without question
Which is surprising, to say the least
While you're grateful that your problem was solved, it actually creates more problems in the future. Because Soap would literally chase you around with a cockroach in his hand (and you have no idea where he gets it)
He'll get scolded by either Price or Ghost though
Anyway, besides the bugs and hot weather, you get used to your new en pretty quickly, as well as your job
Treating minor wounds, talking to injured soldiers, writing and sorting documents, all the usual stuff
You already knew that it wouldn't be easy to treat soldiers in the active warzone, but your team clearly been spoiling you
Most of the soldiers would either scream in pain, or scream at you, and sometimes even both. You attempt to use "You can complain about it later when we finish." but it doesn't work
You could bear it for a few weeks, before you got fed up and straight up running your mouth
"Look, if you wanna get uneven stitches and unnecessary infections, you can keep going. Go on and stress me out, so I will fuck it up."
And when they're still mad at you, you hit them with "I'm gonna report all of your complaints to Captain Price, he's my superior after all. State your name and complain to me, I'll tell him myself."
You felt bad borrowing Price's name, but that's the only thing that made them shut up
Sometimes you hear them muttering "Price's whore" under their breath, but you could care less
You also help other medics when the soldiers straight up humiliate them, by saying that you'll send your report to Graves. It works wonder as well
That is, until the man itself shows up in front of your room when you're just about to call it a day
"I see you've been conducting your survey in the field for me. What was it again? The 'soldier's satisfaction on medic's service'?"
You're actually taken aback by it, but you kept your composure
"I just thought that it's best for the upper rank to hear their complaints, for a reason that they're the one who decides what's the best course of action for the medic."
He chuckles at your explanation, "You're smart, I like that." He then says, "But y'know, borrowing my name for it isn't very wise of you. I can just punish you for that, but I'll let it slide this time."
"Thank you sir, I won't do it again."
"Oh, no. Keep doing it." He put his hand on your shoulder, giving enough weight to emphasize his point, "But keep Price's name out of it. If they complain about you, you should tell them that I would like to request their presence immediately."
After your encounter with him, you feel a sense of dread inside your chest, as if you've been opening a pandora box
Because the next day, Graves decides to oversee the medics' work by himself
Not only that, he'd ask the soldier if they need anything more from the medic, as if he's doing an inspection
His presence gives everyone in the room a tension
One soldier quietly murmurs "This is a warzone, and not a whorehouse for God's sake."
You pretended you didn't hear him
The news about him reach to your own team, and Soap is the first one who confront you about it
"What were ya thinking? Using his name as if you knew him personally?"
"I had to, if not, they're gonna harass the other medics and slow us down."
"Did'ya even think about the consequences? Did it ever cross your mind?"
You want to object him, but you know he's right
"... Sorry, I didn't mean ta shout. It's just that," He presses his hand on his chin, "It's more serious than I thought. Graves wouldn't even bother checking his deputy."
"What should I do then? Should I just… go along with it or ignore him?"
"Don't ever think about ignoring him, it'll only make him excited."
"Then, if I go along with him…?"
"Don't do that either."
He proceeded to explain the probability of him using you for a selfish reason, and it's likely for him to keep you to himself via blackmail
"Okay, then what should I do exactly?"
"Let's see." He thought for a moment, "You could keep doing what you do… no, he'll just prolong your contract." He hummed, forehead creased, "... I think you have to have a rival."
His suggestion causes you to frown, "A rival? Where can I find her? Are there any girls who like him?"
"There's a lot, actually."
He starts to tell you a few names that have caught Graves' attention, from the korean soldier, to the senior in your work
"I don't know…" You bit your lip, "It seems wrong to use my own senior."
"Ye don't have a lot of choice." He shrugs, "They a'ready 've a feelin' for him anyway, ye just need to create the spark between them. Though it'll be hard for ya to do since ye rarely met her, moreover the two of 'em."
"... Okay, we'll see about that."
Several days have passed, and for the first time after your arrival that the fortune goddess smiles at you
You're on your way to Price's office when you spot a brunette girl talking with Graves, and you realize that she's one of the girls Soap talked about
For a split second, your brain decides to prepare a trap, which he falls into without struggle
You've known jealousy for half of your life, mainly from the men you've dated before, so it's easy for you to replicate
And it worked. He really thinks you are, and riles you up by pulling the girl close by her waist
He tugs a smile of satisfaction when you freeze, before passing them with your head down
You continued doing it for 3 to 4 times, while successfully avoiding him in the process. You begin to see him less and less, to the point that you're so sure you're free from him
Until you receive an invitation to a party, hosted by the suspected "businessman" in the neighboring country, delivered by Graves himself
"You're the perfect girl for this mission." He smirks, "It'll be a good time for us to be together, to make up for the time we've lost."
"Uh…." You stare at the invitation on his hand, unable to think, "I… don't think I'm the right person for it, sir. I'm just a medic, I haven't even completed my self-defense training yet."
"I certainly don't mind it if you become a damsel in distress." He teased, which irked you so badly, you almost broke your charade, "Trust me, I know you'll do a great job on it. You'll fit right in with the riches, just like me."
"Well, thank you for the compliment, but really, I'm not cut out of this job. I'm sure Gillian from the intelligent team is more suitable for it."
He let out a sigh, not even hiding the impatience in his breath, "So you'll deny the order from your superior?"
It's enough to shut you up immediately, and you reluctantly shake your head. "No, sir. I'm sorry."
"Good girl." He smiles at you, satisfied, "We'll depart by tomorrow morning, make sure you come on time."
Turns out, Gaz and Ghost are also on the mission. Gaz lights up when he sees you, although a little puzzled because you're not supposed to be on this kind of mission. You have no time to explain to him because Graves already pulls you to the cockpit, separating you with 2 other men
Fast forward, after the disastrous preparation and changing the dress at the last minute (because Graves picked up the most revealing dress that didn't suit you at all), you settle with a long slitted dress and simple makeup.
The party is decent, (you've been to bigger, more extravagant parties, that's why) there's champagne, free buffet, and a chatty host
Graves immediately approaches the man, exchanging greetings and all, while you stick to your role as an arm candy
Before the party, all the members got a briefing about their assignments. Graves would be the one who observes the situation and gives commands, Gaz would be the sniper and distraction so Ghost could sneak in to get the files and the man himself. You didn't get anything, so you assumed you're just an arm candy, until the man offered you a tour to his wine cellar, and you immediately knew that you're the bait
You don't like him one bit, and the fact that you're being used as bait makes you hate him more. He makes a lot of inappropriate jokes and touches, as well as a racist statement when Gaz is captured (he gets the news from the phone)
You try to grin and bear it, until he grabs your ass and presses himself against you. You struggle against him, and he doesn't take it too kindly as he punches your face with his fist full of rings
It hurts a lot that your ear is ringing from the impact. By the time you gain your senses, he's already on top of you, ripping your dress open
"Graves is a good friend of mine, he wouldn't mind if I play with his girls for a while."
You should've taken the self-defense class
It feels like eternity before you hear the door open, and a heavy step comes in. It takes around 3 seconds before the man collapses, with a small arrow on his back
You turn around to see Ghost with black tactical suit, and a different mask, which is just a plain black mask
You quickly cover yourself, fumbling with the remaining of your dress before you hear him calling your name. He calls you with a hushed tone, almost as if he's calling a wounded dog, which is quite accurate, since you don't realize you've been hyperventilating
"Look at me." He commanded, "Take a deep breath… and breathe out. Good, keep it going."
He asks you if you can stand up, and you slowly nod. But as you try to do so, the dress keeps slipping away from your body. Seeing you struggle, he decides to lend you his vest
"Cover yourself with it, and then we leave."
You and him leave the room, with the man on his shoulder, deep in slumber
Back at the makeshift base, they tie the man up on a chair
While Graves and Ghost take care of him, you go to the other room to take care of your swollen cheek. By the time you look in the mirror, it's already blooming red
You make a cold compress for your face, and you hiss at the sharp pain. You sit on the edge of the bed for a while, before you hear people walk in
"What's u— Oh no, what happened to your face?"
You look at Gaz, it seems like he escaped without hassle. "Nothing, just got punched by the package."
"Let me see… Damn, you got a cut."
"No wonder it stings."
He then helps you cleaning the wound, and when he pours the alcohol on the cotton, you stop him
"Let it be."
"Won't it get infected?"
"No, it's a shallow cut. See? The bleeding has stopped."
He chuckles, "I'll trust the medic then."
You both talk for a bit, before Ghost comes in
"We'll be leaving at dawn, make sure you get everything ready."
At dawn, as you and the crew enter the aircraft, you take a glance at the abandoned warehouse to see the man on the chair, unmoving. Graves seems to take notice of it, before he leans in and whispers, "Don't be sorry, he took it upon himself. He shouldn't have touched what's mine."
For a moment, you're filled with so much rage, that you forgot all of your play pretend. "I'm not an object you can play with, Graves." You retorted, words were filled with poison, "I'm not yours, and I will never be."
Which was a mistake, because the minute you said that, his eyes changed almost immediately. And you didn't like it at all
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ww2yaoi · 5 months
[here's a little taste of a multi-chapter clegan post-war fic I've been working on. note: I've taken creative liberties with the timeline and John and Gale's post-war lives. it's very much intentional]
Winter 1948
Marjorie Cleven dies on a Tuesday in December, two weeks before Christmas Eve.
John gets the call a few days later. Gale’s voice is steady on the other end of the line, but John knows his heart is broken. It’s the first time they’ve spoken since Marge got sick. After the wedding, there had been some letters exchanged, few and far between, but John has always been a crummy pen pal. There were reunions, but those were annual at most, and John rarely stuck around past a couple of drinks and a war story or two. When they got back stateside in ‘45, he thought the distance would be good for Gale, thought it would help put their past far behind them.
Now, in hindsight, it seems futile. John feels it all rushing back, like VE Day was just yesterday and Gale’s boots are still underneath his bed.
It’s warm in southern Florida. The sun beams down on the tarmac, hot enough to fry an egg on the airfield, sunny-side-up. John watches from the control tower as planes taxi below him. His trainees will be on furlough soon, but he won’t be going home for Christmas this year. Any excuse to maintain the two thousand miles between him and Gale.
It doesn’t last. John should’ve known he could never keep away for long.
Spring 1949
The back of the cab smells like menthol cigarettes and cheap cologne. John drums his fingers against his thigh, feeling suddenly restricted by his uniform now that he’s been let loose in the civilian world. Laramie, Wyoming passes by his window, a cluster of shops and banks and schools on a stretch of agricultural land bisected by historical railways and boxed in by mountains on all sides. The air is thinner here than in Manitowoc, and there are no waterfronts to be found. The terra firma is dusty and brown, the sun a sepia pinprick hanging low in the sky.
The cab weaves through neighbourhoods of modest-looking houses. John had handed the driver the address on a slip of yellowy paper, which Gale had relayed over the phone. John doesn’t know how close they are to his destination, but he can feel his anxiety rising like bile in his throat. He makes nervous conversation, the driver mentioning the geology museum, the fact that the town was named after a French fur trapper who disappeared somewhere in the mountains. It doesn’t do much to calm John’s nerves.
“What brings you to Laramie?” the driver asks, glancing up at the rear-view mirror to get a glimpse of John.
He’s young, probably around Gale’s age. Young enough to have served at least, but he doesn’t comment on John’s uniform. He just peers at him curiously, eyes darting back and forth from the road.
“Visiting an old friend,” John says and tries not to squirm uncomfortably under his gaze. “He goes to school here.”
A moment later, the cab slows to a halt outside of a quaint-looking bungalow. John regards it from his window: white siding, yellow door, slate roof. Rose bushes line the walk-up, not yet blooming, and the grass has recently been mowed.
“Thanks,” John says, fishing a few bills from his pocket and handing them to the driver. “Keep the change.”
The driver smiles at him, close-mouthed, and pops the trunk. John slowly gets out of the car, like he’s trying to delay the inevitable, then fetches his suitcase from the back. He rests it on the sidewalk for a moment while the cab speeds away, looking at the house once more. A gaggle of kids darts down the street on bicycles. A few doors down, a lawnmower springs to life. It’s picturesque, like a postcard Gale might’ve sent him a few years back. John immediately feels out of place, still used to Nissen huts and crowded mess halls and military time. If he wants to turn back, now’s his chance, but he picks up his suitcase from the ground and forces his feet forward, climbing up the porch steps.
He thumbs the doorbell and it chimes. A dog barks gruffly inside the house. John removes his cap from his head and smoothes out his hair. He feels ridiculous, like a socially awkward teenager picking up his sweetheart for prom. His heart is in his throat as the door opens gradually, almost startling as a golden retriever pokes its head through the opening. It squeezes outside and dashes into the yard, yelping happily.
“Archie, get back here!”
John recognizes that voice. The door opens all the way, and suddenly, Gale is standing in front of him. Everything John had thought to say on his way over dies on his tongue. Gale looks practically the same, if not a bit filled out in his middle than he was during the war. His cheeks are smooth and shaven, flaxen hair styled off his forehead in a coif. John could never get used to seeing Gale in civilian clothes, but that’s how he appears in front of him now, crisp, white button-down hanging off his shoulders, navy slacks belted around his waist and brown cap-toe shoes on his feet.
They look at each other for a moment, unspeaking, then a smile splits Gale’s face in two. “Hello stranger,” he says.
“Gale.” John can’t help but return his grin. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
He holds out his hand for Gale to shake it, but Gale takes one look at his outstretched palm and instead, pulls John into a hug. It surprises John, so much so that almost all the air shoots out of his lungs at the contact. Gale’s fingers meld into the muscle of John’s back. It takes John a moment, but he eventually returns the gesture, squeezing Gale gently. They part and Gale turns his attention towards the dog, Archie, who’s taken it upon himself to start digging around in the garden.
Gale whistles. “Come here, boy,” he shouts, clapping his hands, and Archie bounds over.
He pauses to sniff John’s shoes. John crouches down and pats the dog, rubbing his ears, and is instantly reminded of Meatball.
“He’s usually not so ill-behaved,” Gale says. “He gets excited around visitors.”
“I don’t mind,” John replies, smiling down at the dog.
Archie pants, long, pink tongue hanging from his mouth, then he retreats back inside the house. Gale reaches down and picks up John’s suitcase from the porch. John straightens. They look at each other again, a bit too long without words to be comfortable, but John knows they’re both adjusting to being in close proximity again after so long.
“Lead the way,” he says, motioning towards the open front door.
Gale seems to snap out of it. “Of course, come on in.”
John steps inside the foyer and closes the door behind him. The interior is small, but well-decorated and tidy. The ocean blue walls are hung with artwork, the hardwood floors carpeted with rugs. John sets his cap down on a table peppered with framed photographs but doesn’t stop to look at any of them. He follows Gale past the dining room, down a hallway, and through the kitchen to another hallway at the back of the house. Gale opens one of the four doors that line the hall and carries the suitcase inside. John peeks his head into the guest bedroom. A double bed sits against the far wall, night tables on either side of it that host brass lamps with cream shades. On the other end of the room is a cherry wood wardrobe and an armchair to its left, upholstered in a muted green. Above it lies a square window, lace curtains pulled together to drown out the harsh afternoon light. The bedroom is sparse and unlived in, like most guest bedrooms are, but John appreciates it just the same.
“Hopefully this suits you alright,” Gale says, setting the suitcase down beside the bed.
John nods. “Suits me just fine,” he says. “Better than what I have back at base. That’s for sure.”
Gale looks at him. An emotion John can’t exactly pinpoint passes over Gale’s face, something like recognition, bordering on wistfulness.
They return to the kitchen, and Gale beckons John to sit down at a round table in the corner. Archie laps water from a bowl as Gale putters around the kitchen, opening cabinets. He appears tense, but not in his usual stiff, reserved way. His energy is almost jittery, nervous, and he taps a rhythm on the countertop. It’s not like him, at least not like the Gale John knew during the war. He pretends not to notice.
“So, how was your flight?” Gale asks eventually.
“Good,” John says and adjusts his uniform, crossing his legs. “Felt strange not being the one flying the plane.”
“I’ll bet,” Gale replies with a suggestion of a smile. “Do you want something to eat? Some coffee?” He reaches into the cabinet and produces a tin of Foldgers.
“Just coffee, thanks,” John says.
He looks around the kitchen as Gale spoons coffee grounds into the machine. His eyes trace the checkered red wallpaper, the white-tiled backsplash, the laminate countertops, the icebox in the corner. He’s never seen Gale in such a domestic setting, not even during the wedding. Maybe that’s why he stayed away for so long, even when he was invited time and time again. Perhaps he didn’t want to experience Gale so far removed from the world they both inhabited for so many years, a world where the only people they could rely on were their men and each other. Now, there’s no avoiding it. It’s all laid out for John to see.
The coffee maker beeps and steams. Gale rests his elbows against the kitchen counter and looks over in John’s general direction, but doesn’t quite meet his eyes. John doesn’t know what to say to him. He doesn’t know how to fall back into the easy camaraderie they had at the beginning, before the stalag, before the march, before the end of the war. Seeing Gale has ushered back a slew of emotions John has been distancing himself from since they parted ways four years ago. He feels like an intruder in Gale’s home, looking for Marge in the corners of the room but not finding her. Guilt stirs in his stomach, and he asks himself again what the hell he’s doing here. This isn’t his place. This isn’t his life.
“How’s training?” Gale asks. “Are the boys following their orders, Lieutenant Colonel?”
John smirks at that, partly to hide his discomfort. It feels wrong that he should outrank Gale after everything they’ve been through, flight school, then serving together, then imprisonment.
“It’s busy,” John replies and drums his fingers against the table. “They’re good kids. Fucking caterpillars though. So damn young.”
Gale smiles softly. “Were we ever that young?”
“Maybe you were,” John quips. “I feel like my bones have been creaking since before our war even started.”
Gale laughs, and the sound hits John like a fist to his sternum. He realizes suddenly that he’s missed Gale’s laugh so goddamn much. It rings in his ears, out-of-reach and yet familiar, like a favourite song of his he hasn’t heard in years has come on the radio out of the blue. For a brief moment, John regrets denying himself this for so long, even if it was the only way he could get on with his life.
“How’s school?” John asks in turn. “Master’s coming along?”
“Yeah, it’s good,” Gale says, nodding. “I like my classes. Lots of grading, lots of writing, some teaching. I’ve got a meeting on Tuesday with my advisor about my thesis.”
“Well, well, look at that,” John says, the corner of his lips twisting into a grin. “Professor Cleven.”
Gale dips his chin towards his chest, almost shy. “Not just yet, John.”
“You’re getting there,” John says. “Y’know Marge wrote to me about your thesis a year or so back, not that I understood a word. Astrophysics, not exactly my wheelhouse.”
Gale’s face falters imperceptibly at the mention of his late wife’s name, and John immediately feels apologetic for bringing her up without much warning.
“It’s not done yet,” Gale says flatly, his gaze falling from John’s face to look at his interlocked fingers resting on top of the counter. “You can read what I have though if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I might,” John says and grimaces at his own inadeptness while Gale’s eyes are elsewhere.
The coffee maker beeps and Gale goes to it, removing two mugs from the cabinet and setting them down beside it. He takes the sugar out of the cupboard and the cream from the icebox.
John bites the inside of his cheek, knowing what he needs to say but unsure if he has it in him to say it. “Buck?”
Gale’s head snaps up at the sound of the nickname. He regards John with a puzzled look, like he’s no longer used to being called anything other than Gale to his face. The name is a relic from a different time, John supposes, something that belonged to them only, and when John was no longer around to use it, there was no one else around to take up the task.
After a moment, the expression on Gale’s face smoothes out. “What is it, Bucky?”
John swallows, then pushes the words out. “I’m sorry, y’know, that I, uh, I couldn’t make it. To the funeral.”
Gale looks at him for a moment, then his face softens. “It’s alright,” he says. “Marge didn’t much like being the centre of attention anyway.” He pours coffee into the two mugs, then adds sugar to one and cream to the other. “My mother-in-law appreciated the flowers you sent.”
“Oh, good,” John says. “Azaleas were Marge’s favourite, right? I remember them from her wedding bouquet.”
Gale’s eyes grow heavy with sadness. He nods. “Yeah, they were.”
As if on cue, John hears a grumbly cry coming from one of the bedrooms down the hall. It starts off quiet, like a baby stirring from sleep, then gradually gets louder until it becomes a full-blown wail. Archie’s ears perk up before he quickly sulks away.
“Sorry,” Gale says as he grips the coffee with sugar and hands it to John. “I just put her down for her afternoon nap, but she’s in that phase where she’s rebelling against sleep.”
John says nothing, frozen in his seat as Gale crosses the kitchen into the hallway and slips inside the bedroom. John had been so caught up in seeing Gale again that he’d almost forgotten. He stares into the inky well of his coffee, too stunned to drink from it.
Gale emerges a moment later with a bundle in his arms. Now calm, the little girl clings to him, her head tucked into the crook of Gale’s neck as she sucks her thumb into her mouth. She’s wearing cream-coloured footie pyjamas with pink roses on them, her curly blonde hair tangled from sleep. Gale draws circles against her back, rocking her slightly from side-to-side. John regards her carefully. She must be at least a year and a half now, much bigger than she was in the pictures Gale had sent him however long ago.
Gale approaches the table where John is sitting. “Lucy, this is your Uncle Bucky,” he says, pointing over at John. “Can you say hello?”
Lucy turns her head and looks straight at John, and John sees the Marge in her face right away, the slight upturn of her nose, the fullness of her cheeks, the pink purse of her lips, but her eyes are all Gale, blue and round and yawning. She quickly looks away, hiding her face back in her father’s neck.
“Sorry,” Gale says again and rubs her back. “She gets shy around strangers.”
John doesn’t expect it to, but the comment stings. The fact that any child of Gale’s could be a stranger to him is borderline unforgivable.
[To be continued...]
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cheemscakecat · 9 months
Bucket Scene Analysis pt. 1
So I’m revisiting the Bucket Scene from Expiration Date, and I noticed some things. Spy’s feelings got really hurt, but the other Mercenaries didn’t mean to seriously upset him. Let’s go over their POV first.
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Engineer and Medic are doing more experiments on the teleporter, so they aren’t present for the bucket scene. They’ll be trying to figure out a way to stop the tumors for the next three days instead of accepting the team’s deaths.
Soldier is too dumb to understand what’s going on, and Pyro presumably isn’t aware enough of his surroundings.
Demoman comes from a family with really disturbing traditions; they let him live as an orphan and only revealed themselves after he killed his adoptive family in an explosion… Because he was showing his skill. He’s actually expected to lose his sight entirely like his parents. Out of anybody there who knows what’s happening, he’s the most unbothered by them dying because of that twisted heritage.
Sniper calls his parents every week, and I’m sure he’s told them/about to tell them what’s happening. But he also has a plan to kill everyone he meets, so even if he is bothered by the fact that he’ll die, he’s not going to make the others privy.
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Heavy has been responsible for his three sisters and his mother since he was a child. Around them, he’d be a bit more open and accept their hand on his shoulder.. But not Spy. Around co-workers, Heavy’d rather think on what’s happening and be left to those thoughts. Besides that, he already provided a secluded cabin in Siberia for his family to keep them safe, so if he dies at work he’ll be at peace knowing they’re ok.
I very much get the vibe that Spy never puts his hand on the others like this, and that’s why Heavy hit him with that Side-eye Claire face.
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Now Scout? He’s an interesting case because he’s about to humiliate Spy with the fake cards, but in terms of them dying in three days:
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“Ve have three days to live!”
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It’s subtle, but he looks like he might cry. Not in front of them, but still. And that tracks, because he and Spy are the most sensitive members of the team. You can look at Spy’s reaction behind Medic, and it becomes more obvious.
But Jeremy wasn’t raised by Spy.
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He was raised by his mother [who’s doing her best] and seven older brothers who are terrible role models. I have no doubt that his brothers were involved in petty street crime and gangs when they were younger, even if some came to their senses as adults. And gangs are not well known for emotional stability.
Scout grew up around seven guys that wanted to be “hard” and ignored their emotional needs/daddy issues… As the youngest and the most sensitive one. I imagine that crying and showing that something is getting to you was met with mockery. And being labeled a weakling. So Scout did his best to stop showing that “weakness”.
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Now he’s graduated from the criminal fights his brothers used to get into, and joined a group of mercenaries. Since he looked up to his brothers and grew up imbedded in their worldview, he seeks approval from the other Mercenaries in the same way. That’s why he chooses to mock Spy instead of asking for the last wishes. It makes him look unbothered and he can call Spy the weak one instead of being cruelly labeled himself.
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But RED team doesn’t operate like Scout’s siblings or a gang. They’re all individuals that specialize in a certain area of mercenary work, who could leave for a different team or independent work if they weren’t happy on the team. [Provided they don’t release any information that the Administrator wants hidden, or rebel against her.]
So when Scout pranks Spy, they aren’t seeing his as a weakling; it’s not even crossing their minds. They’re smiling because Scout seems happy despite impending doom. And why shouldn’t they be glad that he’s having a good time of it? Beats being dejected and since he’s the youngest, they’re more worried about his well-being.
What’s interesting is that Heavy seems to sense that Spy is upset, because his smile noticeably fades when he looks up. But I still don’t think he realizes how much this prank and the teams’ indifference hurt Spy.
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oceantornadoo · 8 months
you’re the only one (jonny mactavish x reader)
tw: body image thoughts, writer cannot write a scottish accent but will try anyways
you huffed and turned over to the other side of your pillow, mind racing. of course johnny had to be so chatty with the new recruit, skinnier than you, much more conventionally attractive. if he wanted her, you just wanted to know. you huffed again, dragging your hands over your eyes, wishing sleep would come quick.
a sliver of light made its way into your room, the door opened by some mysterious force. “who is it?” you murmured into your pillow, exhausted by your lack of sleep. “‘ve got terrible survival skills, mo leannan.” johnny stood at your door frame, and though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell by his body language he was nervous. good.
“i’m still mad at you.” you said, harsh words cutting through the silence. the air was charged, the two of you at some precipice no one could see. “i ken. ‘m sorry, love.” his eyes were daggers in the dark, full focused on your form. you tugged your comforter open, an olive branch. johnny immediately locked your door and crawled on top of you, his huge form dwarfing yours. “i’m still mad.” you murmured, hand making its way to his mohawk to run through those strands you loved so much. he nodded against you, using your chest as his personal pillow. “i love these.” he turned, placing open mouthed kisses on your tits through your shirt. “n’ this.” he moved down, large hands gripping your waist as he kissed your belly. “n’ her.” he moved your pajama shorts aside to place a wet kiss to your cunt, making you squirm. “n’ these.” he was at your thighs now, leaving a hickey on each. he sucked slowly, adding a small bite at the end, pressing his palm against your cunt. he did the same to the other side, biting and licking, marking you. “yer my only girl, bonnie.” he climbed back up, dog tags tangling with yours as he leaned over you, daring you to close the distance. you turned your head, still miffed, so he leaned down to deliver a small bite to your earlobe, followed by a nuzzling of your neck. “really just me?” you whispered, vulnerability evident through your words. he stopped his playing, gripping your jaw and forcing your eyes to lock with his as he made sure you got the memo. “only you. forever.”
would you believe this scenario is what got me to sleep last night! who would have known.
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97linelover · 8 months
Fic Recs BTS
I have some favorite Authors, those authors that I´ve read every story of!
@alphabetboyluvr - Holly is the best! I adore her Storys
@oddinary4bts I read every story!!!
@btsgotjams27 Talented!!!!
@jamaisjoons queen of smut tho!
Kim Namjoon:
Intro: her - jamaisjoons
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
half a heart - jamaisjoons
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you and namjoon have always been the best of friends; who just happen to be in love and are refusing to do anything about it. 〞best friends to lovers. childhood friends to lovers. idiots to lovers.
photobooth - jamaisjoons (CHEFS KISS!!!!)
Summary: You never knew fucking in a photobooth, while all your friends are on the other side, could be this sweet.
Kim Seokjin:
Internal Conflicts - yoongiofmine
Summary: Kim Seokjin was everything any girl could want in school . Handsome, kind, popular. Many girls in your class had a crush on the man; including you. Being a few years older than you meant that after he graduated, you didn’t think you would ever see him again. Fast forward to seven years later, the oldest clichê in the book: Your mother marries a man, the man has a son. That son was Kim Seokjin. And now, you’re coming home for a family trip to a cabin in the woods, with a very much awakening crush on the man that is now one hundred percent off limits. A shared bathroom, a snow storm, a small town. What could go wrong?
The end - jimlingss
➜ Summary: It’s been a habit of yours to vent in the form of love letters. There’s six in total. They’re kept secret, hidden in your closet. But on your 30th birthday, what you least expect is for each letter to become reality. All done by the whacky ghost of Christmas future trying to grant your birthday wish.
Warm this winter - Jamaisjoon
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 spending the winter vacation with an ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend was not something anyone would ever consider doing. spending the winter vacation with both an ex-boyfriend, his new girlfriend, and the one night stand you’d used to try to get over him, well that was a whole other situation that anyone sane would have fled from. and yet, here you are. caught between your best friend (and consequently your ex-boyfriend), and the very same man who you’d fallen into bed with after a night of wallowing in self pity. all while stuck in the picturesquely beautiful - and cruelly romantic - austrian alps. well. at least you can say you had an interesting christmas.
Min Yoongi:
The Devil wears Valentino - orchidyoonkook
Summary: Having known him for years—from a small mistake on your behalf, and a favour on his—you’re one of the only people he seems to be able to put up with for company. Certainly the only one he’s half-way decent with. But what’s more surprising to you is that despite his name, reputation, and the fact he’s always joked he’d have killed anyone else by this point, is that he’s never once tried to cause you harm. 
Ride - MYG
⤷ summary. who knew a boring party would turn into you taking more than one ride inside Min Yoongi's car? alt. when you and yoongi first got together. 
Angel - sailoryooons
❀ Summary: Yoongi never meant to keep coming back. You never meant to become Yoongi’s favorite. Being Min Yoongi’s favorite has dire consequences. 
As it was - midnightagust
Summary: The love of your life shows up unexpectedly after a break up that changed everything. You know it's not the same but...
Endless Summer Nights - midnightagust
Summary: While on a small break from tour in Thailand, Yoongi surprises you to show you how much he appreciates you touring with him. 
Now we reign - oddinary4bts
☆summary: when working on a collab together makes you and Min Yoongi seek comfort with the other, you discover there’s more to life than loneliness. Only, hurdles mark your path in Min Yoongi’s life, and it’s unclear what the outcome will be. Will you be destroyed by him and his world, or will you learn to reign over it, together with him?
swing life away - aphrodijin
synopsis: it's your first anniversary as a married couple but not only did you forget today's special occasion, you also didn't prepare a self-made gift for your husband -- except for the bundle of joy in your womb.
The final - Day 02 - yoongiofmine
Summary: You've been Yoongi's go-to companion for the past few years, well aware that's all you were going to be. Despite your very real, growing feelings for the rapper, you took what you could get every time. Now, you're backstage at day two of the final leg of his tour when another member takes an interest in you. Will it be enough to make Yoongi realize he's got competition?
Still got it - Kookslastbutton
✑ Summary: "Say it again. I dare you to say that shit again, y/n." or On your 10th wedding anniversary you decide to voice out some slight marital concerns to your husband Yoongi. You also slip out that you don't think he can get you off given the fact that the last time the two of you got it on was months ago. Yoongi makes you eat your words.
Stick & Stones - xpeachesncream
♢ summary: surprise! you're gifted a free massage at the nearby massage parlor called "Blissful Hands." you've heard about the parlour about once or twice, never thought about stepping foot inside to take advantage of their services. thinking you could use the massage to relax, rid yourself of any stress and built up tension, you walk into the parlor excited for your first massage opportunity. however, when you realize your masseur is no other than Min Yoongi himself, all excitement flies out the window. never did you think you'd reunite with your biggest crush in college, the one that got away. they say sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you— but in this case, you find out that words have actually ruined a lot for you and Yoongi. and stones.. well, they'll do a lot to ease that instead.
It takes two - xpeachesncream
summary: min yoongi was the one who came to understand you and took you for you. but, when boundaries start getting crossed and priorities begin to change, you start to question if your relationship with your bestfriend is strong enough to make it through.
fuck being friends - strawberrynamjoon
– summary: as if watching the guy you were hopelessly in love with hook up with another girl each weekend wasn’t enough, he also happened to be your best friend, making things extra complicated. and it only gets worse and worse once he finds you crying in the bathroom at a party one night.
Jung Hoseok:
suncity - jamaisjoon
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 when you’d taken a spontaneous trip to Barcelona, you hadn’t expected to meet hoseok. more than that, you hadn’t expected to begin a torrid affair with him. 〞stranges to lovers au. vacation au.
Park Jimin:
I want to be with you | pjm - oddinary4bts
☆summary : moving to Seoul has always seemed like a good idea, until the bubble bursts when you realize your new neighbor is Park Jimin, and he's not the sweet angel you've always imagined him to be. Will the reality of Park Jimin forever be a nightmare, or will he turn into a sweet dream?
100 km/hour - chateautae
➵ summary : what exactly happens when you and your friends have to pile into one car for the ride home after an insane halloween party, and you find yourself sitting in park jimin’s lap? especially when he's dressed as an angel, and you're in the sluttiest devil costume ever?
love like this - ppersonna
↳ summary- Jimin wants to make sure this birthday is your favorite one yet.
Kim Taehyung:
Paper Cranes | Kim Taehyung (M)- aquaminwrites
DESCRIPTION: It is said that if someone folds 1000 paper cranes, they will receive one wish. Kim Taehyung has been folding you paper cranes since he was six years old. He won’t tell you what he’s going to wish for once he reaches his goal, but even into your twenties, all you know is that he’s been wishing for the same thing every time.
tales of broken hearts - taegularities
Summary: “Love has become a noun again.” When a work trip brings you back home, you don’t expect for anyone to await your return or remember you. But despite the time apart, Taehyung still does – still looks at you the same way he used to five winters ago.
Money is success - peachypinkygloss
Summary: Son of a powerful business owner, Taehyung rules the society, strictly surrounding himself with rich people. Money is his success, his greatest pride. Too immersed in his work, he doesn't realize the love story he's missing on until it's gone.
sundae (kinda love) - alphabetboyluvr
premise: you always thought kim taehyung's lips would taste like chocolate sundaes, but when you learn -through a friend- that he tastes like watermelon chewing gum, the illusion shatters. so does your heart. in time, so will his.
long black - jamaisjoons
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: you knew exactly what you were getting into when you decided to tease taehyung at his best friend’s wedding. what you didn’t expect was what came after. establish relationship au.
High tide - Kookslastbutton
✑ Summary: Due to Taehyung's job as a cruise ship Captain, you are constantly miles away from each other. Weekly phonecalls help and this one gets a little nasty and a lot sweet.
Our last summer - strawberrynamjoon
– summary: in order to rescue your failing relationship, taehyung tries to fight for you one last time and flies to paris with you to relive some of your favorite memories – desperately hoping that the city of love will remind you of how much you love him again.
Jeon Jungkook:
GoneGirl - izjeon
Venom - nochukoo97
summary: after a nasty breakup with your ex, who was a boxer, the person who introduced you to the sport, you decided to make life easier for yourself and switch clubs. little did you know that your club leader, also known as ‘venom’ in the ring, would eventually spark your interest. no matter how much jungkook interests you, you can’t bear to risk another failed relationship, you’re still hurt and traumatised from the inside. but will jungkook manage to crawl his way into your heart?
Never go to sleep angry - just4koo
summary: one of the most important rules of your relationship was to never go to sleep angry. when the rule was ignored, it led to an argument and a huge misunderstanding.
horizon - sokook
Summary: The way you approached life had started to break down Jungkook's emotional barriers. Jungkook couldn't deny that he was drawn to you in a way that was entirely new and unfamiliar. You had become more than just an assignment; you had become someone he genuinely cared about. It was the way you made him feel. With you, he felt more human than he had in a long time.
Despite his best efforts to remain detached, his heart had other plans.
this love - daegustae
summary ; you shouldn’t feel uneasy whenever his best friend is mentioned, after all you are his wife right ? 
nowhere with you - 13lov
summary: in which your father owns an auto repair shop and hires jungkook as his newest employee, who’s willing to assist you in more ways than one.
tethered - 13lov
Love notes were slipped into your locker on a daily basis. Variations of messy, boyish handwriting on yellow sticky notes stacked upon themselves by the end of each school day. Every Friday night you were invited out with the promise of "You'll have fun, just give it a chance."
You could have any guy you wanted, no doubt about it. Yet somehow, the only one you do want is the tattooed, gothic one that lives a few doors down from your best friend.
lost cause - kooksbunnnn
Summary: You always wondered, how would your life turn out to be if you and Jungkook had a baby? So, when you finally conceive and decide to tell your husband, that you are pregnant, you didn't expect him to drop this bomb on you. You never would've thought that the surprise you planned would end up in agonized tears because of the shock your husband brings you. 
attachment: 1 image - 1kook
summary; But for Jungkook to initiate some sexting, nevertheless sexting at 1pm on a Saturday, when you were at work and you were almost positive he was supposed to be on stream right now? Unheard of, you had to mark this down somewhere.
cool with you - kooktrash (everything of her!!!!!!!!)
summary: your break up from kim taehyung sent you spiraling into what felt like a midlife crisis of tear stained cheeks and tubs of half eaten ice cream with a broken heart. after finding out that your neighbor, jeon jungkook, was eavesdropping on your meltdowns and came to find out that your ex was his old friend, he found himself wanting to comfort you. he knew the kind of guy Taehyung was and he didn’t want to see you beat yourself up over a guy who wasn’t worth it so in the end he helped you through it and was unable to ignore the growing attraction you felt toward each other.
Blizzard - curly-bangtan
Summary: When a blizzard hits your town, you and your shy awkward roommate are forced to spend time together, not being able to leave the house due to the strong snowstorm. To make matters worse, the power gets cut in the middle of his shower. Which also means no heating.
cornflower blue - just4koo
summary: nights were your favorite time with your boyfriend. the nights where you laid in bed together, tangled up in each other without any thoughts of the real world.
reminder - dollfaceksj
⇝ summary: Whenever he flies back into town, your doorbell is the first he rings. When he has to fly out again, your bed is the last he lies in. However, you’re not stupid. You know your ex-boyfriend, that also happens to be an up-and-coming professional boxer, Jeon Jungkook, doesn’t come to you only. Unfortunately, you have no right to be jealous, not when you’re the one that ended the relationship.
love alive - jamaisjoons
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 a year after you and jungkook break up, the two of you meet at your brother’s party. 〞post break up au. exes to lovers au.
Jealousy Ink - Kooktrash
summary: you can’t help but seem a little jealous about your boyfriend doing tattoos on women when he doesn’t even let you talk to guys without him being around. you tell yourself you’re just mad at the unfairness but when he brings you pleasure with his head between your legs you seem to forget all about it.
Too late to dream - kookslastbutton
✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
all mine - jeong -gukk
summary: getting your heart broken meant you no longer wanted anything to do with love. your heart couldn’t take the pain anymore. but, of course, life had other plans.
Could´ve been us - sparklingchim
summary: two years after breaking up with jungkook you meet again. and things get very naughty... you're sure he changed a lot in these years, but you didn't expect THAT twist when thinking about his new gained maturity.
naughty pictures - sparklingchim
summary: perhaps you've gone a little too far with teasing jungkook with naughty pictures of yourself after he was done with the concert.
oops... - sparklingchim
summary: a quickie in the airport restroom was all it was supposed to be - not suddenly the whole world finding out about your secret relationship with jungkook.
champagne problems - sparklingchim
summary: sometimes you just don't know the answer 'til someone's on their knees and asks you.
forever heart - Sparklingchim
summary: after leaving jungkook you thought you'd never see him again, but here you are, visiting hometown after three years, and back in his arms.
Grapejuice - starshapedkookie
summary:At 24, your life was lined up to be perfect; talented, nice apartment, amazing boyfriend, and a dream job. Working as an art apprentice for Kim Seokjin was the exact opportunity you needed to kickstart your art career. However, after you’ve hit a creative wall at full speed, you feel more lost than ever. It’s not until one person shows up with no brakes on in your life that not only changes your entire perspective, but takes your breath away in the process.
pick & roll - xpeachesncream
♛ summary: being one of the most popular players in the nba, jungkook takes absolutely no shit from anybody. he could give a fuck about the press, what people think about him, serious relationships. it’s a personal hell getting wrapped up with jeon jungkook— and you can’t help but fall into the same trap as every other woman who crosses paths with him. the more you fall, the more you realize that you will never be able to change a man who doesn’t want to change his ways.
You´re losing me - sparklingchim
summary: jungkook is late from work yet again. but he shows you just how much he missed you.
love is gone - jeonbunnie
summary: Jeongguk tries to let you down easy.
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greenunoreversecard · 6 months
hi! can i request remus lupin x reader where reader is going through a break up and remus confesses his feelings for them? hope this makes sense and totally okay if not!
A/N: ofc! I'm just gonna do male bc the gender wasn't specified. Again, don't do fem or fem aligned so sorry if that's what you was hoping for. Also not beta read.
-E/N is exes name
-S/T is stuffed toy. I was gonna do stuffed animal but the letters together... aren't a good thing.
Minor hints to internalized homophobia, but to be fair it's the 70s so what do you expect?
Reader is in Gryffindor and is the fifth person in he Marauder's dorm
Synopsis: When the girl you were dating to distract yourself from Remus breaks up with you, spewing nasty words along the way, Remus is there to show you just how wrong the both of you were.
That Daft Cunts got nothin on me, love
Remus Lupin x M! Reader
Honestly, you knew to expect E/N's breakup. You saw the signs, and you'd known it wasn't long before it ended.
Doesn't mean it hurt any less.
You'd spent a good portion of time, locked in your dorm. No ones heard much from you after the letter you got at breakfast, but with the sun high in it's arch across the sky, nearing late noon it was only a matter of time before someone came to find you.
There's a knock at the door, and a muffled voice follows it, raspy and baritone.
"Y'alright, love? May I come in?"
"Fuck off," You sniffle out in weak retaliation, furiously swiping your eyes and sniffling.
"Do it yourself?" He quips back playfully. A big reason for the breakup, as stated in E/N's letter (not even in person, that fucking wanker. Through a damn letter) was the proximity of you and Remus.
There's not much denying it, you definitely have had the biggest crush on Remus, and E/N was rather a means of hiding the fact, but it doesn't mean you didn't care. It doesn't mean the insults she'd hurled at you hurt any less, either.
"Right then, in I go.." the door gently creaks open and you bury your face in your favorite S/T. As he sees the sight of you, he comes gently, quickly making his way to your bed on the far side of the room and you feel your bed dip next to your head. You feel as his hand gently starts to massage your scalp, lulling you to a sort of blissful calm.
"Nasty breakup with E/N I take it?"
You nod swiftly, not having removed yourself from the stuffy but having wormed yourself partially into Remus's lap.
"Aw, it's alright lovey, 've gotcha now. What's it read, then?"
"The reasoning were true, but the insults where just bloody mean" You muffled whine quietly rings out.
"Is it alright if I read it?"
As his quiet voice asks the question you've so been dreading, you sigh heavily but finally removed yourself from the toy. All you see is the soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips, and the gentle furrow of his brow as he looks down at you.
You reach across Remus to the bedside table behind him, grabbing a crumpled ball of paper and flattening it, before handing it to him.
You both sit quietly for a moment, you with your head and upper shoulders splayed across his lap, grip strong as a vice on he stuffed toy.
His small smile from seeing you has quickly turned into a angry frown at the words she spewed at you.
"This daft fuckin cunt? Who she thinks she is, saying shit like this? Bloody fuck mate- right as hell id be upset if it's at me." He say with a angry huff of breath, body rigid. Though, he quickly remembers your in his presence and softens again.
"'m sorry that twat said those things, lovey."
"it's alright, I guess. Nothing that wasn't deserved."
"You don't though. Not right of her to say that shit," he pauses for a moment, before his demeanor becomes more nervous," is it true, though? The second or third paragraph had said something about you being in love with me?"
This causes you to stiffen, before hiding your face again.
"speak up, love. I can't hear you."
You hurt and remove your face.
"Yes. I dated her to forget about you. About... about being in love with a guy."
He pauses at that, his body stiffening but his hand still gently stroking your hair.
"It's not wrong, you know. Being in love with guys. I mean fuck- you know about Sirius. Does that mean he's wrong for who he loves?"
"But he's different"
"I-" you huff. "I don't know. It just... it doesn't seem fair to you, Remus"
"How is it wrong to me?"
"Because it's putting you in a position where it'll be awkward."
At this he quirks a brow. "And how is that?"
"Cause how? Because I don't love you back? I assure you I do"
You start to speak before his sentence finally hits you. Mouth forming an 'O' shaping and blinking rapidly
"Fucking- what?"
"I love you back. I feel the same towards you as you do me"
"I-..." You pause, face burning a scarlet shade as you lick your lips," Why?"
He laughs lightly as your response.
"Why wouldn't I?"
You blink owlishly at him some more, and he's looking at you mirthfully with that know-it-all smirk of his.
"Kiss me?" You say without thinking.
He laughs heartily leaning down. His lips ghost yours as he murmurs against your lips 'Who am I to deny you, my love?' and gently presses his lips against yours.
He tastes of chocolate and stale coffee. And honestly, he tastes a bit like what you think home would.
as you unwillingly pull away; he murmurs in the love charged quiet; "Promise that daft cunts got noting on me, especially with those fuckin words"
A/N: Sorry if it's not great or ooc. Also, please like reblog and comment!! I love to interact with y'all!!!
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hotch33tos22 · 2 months
“Love language”
Dabi x reader
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"God damnit- Stop doing that, dipshit!"
Dabi exclaimed as you bit down on his shoulder for the third time that week. You take your sharp teeth out his shoulder and move a way just a bit.
"Jeez...at least warn me when you're about to do that."
Dabi said as he rubbed the bite mark you left on his shoulder. He looked at you with a faux annoyed expression before let out an amused sigh.
"God. What are you, a gremlin or something?" Dabi mocked as he put his hands on his hips.
"am not!" You mumble as you cross your arms together and huff.
Dabi chuckled as you crossed your arms, amused by your childlike reaction. But he couldn't help but tease just a little more.
"Oh, are you pouting too?" He said in a slightly mocking tone, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. He took a step closer to you, his azure gaze locked onto your slightly irritated expression.
"Mh.!" "I'm allowed to ! I wish there was someone who'd understand my love language!" You say as you turn your head and keep one eye open to hear his response.
Dabi couldn't help but smirk at your outburst, finding it rather amusing.
"Oh, so biting is your love language, huh?" He said, his tone still light and mocking.
He took another step closer, his body now invading your personal space as he leaned in towards you.
"Well, isn't that interesting. Guess I'll have to be careful around those sharp little teeth of yours, won't I?"
"After dating for so long you'd would guess you knew ya know..." you mumble as you felt his body against yours
Dabi chuckled lowly, finding your mumbling rather endearing. His azure gaze fixed on your face as he rested both his hands on your hips.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should ve known that you show love by leaving your mark on me." He said, his tone dripping with feigned innocence. He then leaned in close to your ear, his voice dropping to a whisper.
"Though, I must admit, I kinda like it."
Hearing those words made you weak already imagining every dirty thing you could do to him and him to you, he liked it?
"That's hot." You let out bluntly
Dabi's smirk grew as he heard you speak, his hands gripping your hips just a bit tighter. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear as he replied in a sultry whisper.
"Oh, you think that's hot, huh?.. He said, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and desire.
"Keep up talking like that, and I'll gladly let you leave all the marks you want on me."
"Dabi stop teasing!" You yell you’d hope he wasn’t playing any games.
Dabi chuckled at your protest, finding your reaction cute as you grabbed onto his shoulders. He pulled away a bit, his hands still firmly on your hips as he looked down at you with a sly smirk.
“And what if I don't wanna stop?.."
He teased further, taking a step closer to you, his body now practically pressed up against yours. He chuckled as he lifted you up, enjoying the way your legs wrapped around his hips as he held you firmly against him. He felt you pout and couldn't help but find it adorable. He then bit down on your shoulder, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.
"Can't help myself, you're so damn cute when you pout like that." He growled lowly against your shoulder.
"d-dabi!" You squeal at his sudden bite causing you to moan in response
Dabi's smirk grew as he lifted his face from your shoulder. He tilted his head, looking at you with a mix of amusement and desire in his azure gaze.
"Oh? I like that noise you just made..." He said, his voice low and laced with lustful tone. He shifted slightly as he adjusted his hold on you, his hands gripping your thighs just a bit tighter as he pulled you closer.
Dabi noticed the way your body reacted to his words and touch. He could feel the heat emanating from your core and he knew exactly what it meant. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low growl as he spoke.
“You're getting all worked up, aren't you? I can tell, you're practically melting in my hands..."
Your mouth quivers before letting out "r-room..."
Dabi's smirk widened as he heard you speak. He recognized the word you said "room".
"Oh? You want to go to the bedroom, don't you?" He teased, his hands slowly moving further up your thighs, You nod in response.
Dabi chuckled at your eager nodding, his hands slowly rubbing up and down your thighs, his touch sending shudders through your body.
"Mmm, good girl. That's what I like to hear."
He purred before he tightened his grip around you, hoisting your legs further up on his hips before he started walking towards the bedroom.
Dabi carried you to the bedroom, his footsteps quick and determined. Once inside, he kicked the door shut behind him and set you down on the bed. He then unceremoniously straddled you, pinning you down with his weight as he hovered over your body, his azure eyes locking onto yours.
"You're mine, you know that, right?.." He growled lowly, his voice dripping with possessive undertones as he spoke.
"D-dabi... stop..." you let out in a moan as you felt yourself grinding on his pent up member
Dabi's breath hitched as he felt you grind against him. He could feel his member twitch in response, his eyes darkening with desire. He leaned closer to you, his voice low and gravelly as he responded.
"Oh, l'm far from done teasing you, doll."
He purred, his hands roaming your body, teasing and grazing at your sensitive areas as his lips came dangerously close to your neck.
You let out in a moan as you felt yourself grinding on his pent up member,
He lower himself onto your core slipping your panties off as he entered his tongue.
“Fuck your so wet princess” he mumbled as he suffocated in your pussy hearing how good he made you feel, the sweet moans you let out.
He took one hand and rubbed onto your clit as he added onto the pleasure. You felt his raspy mouth rub on your core as your eyes rolled back and hands holding his spiky hair, dabi chuckled by your grip.
His mouth swirled all over you could hear how he was enjoying himself as he slurped up your juices, he got up undressing himself keeping his eyes on you.
“Do me a favor and take off those clothes doll. they’ve been bothering me” he demanded in a Low manner.
You did as you were told taking off his oversized shirt you stole from him and finally unclamping his biggest bother, your bra.
He shifted himself back again onto you as he hovering over staring at your bare chest, with one hand he pinned your hands above your head while the other grabbed onto your breast and moved it in circular motion causing moans to slip out.
As he teased your breast he lowed his head to the other not wanting to leave one untouched, he licked teasing its bud the other kissing it as he moved his way up to your collarbone bitting it harshly.
“D-dabi!!” You squirmed in pleasure
“Fuck, your such a masochist aren’t ya?” He laughed at your squirms and moans.
“You want daddy’s cock don’t you?” He ask as it followed by a growl.
You nod repeatedly hopping he would just shove it in. He takes a notices at your eagerness and positions himself in front of your entrance rubbing it slowly. You whimper as you feel yourself getting hotter and hotter desperate for his cock,
“Please..” you whimper
Dabi chuckles as he slowly enters himself in you, when he’s halfway inside he groans as he feels your gummy walls clench onto him.
“J-jeez you sure are t-tight-“ he lets out a grunt as you push him completely inside wrapping your legs around his him.
“danm..” “h-hah..”
he starts to move rapidly not giving you time to adjust to his size, feeling the pleasure in your core you can only moan to the questions and comments he makes, your eyes roll back from the pleasure he’s giving you, you wrap your arms around his back as you claw deep into it with your long nails.
“Such a slut aren’t you pretty ?” He groaned as he goes in and out of you.
“Time for a switch up princess..” he mumbles as he removes himself from you flipping you onto your stomach in doggy style.
He goes back in holding a clump of your hair pulling it back. Between each thrust a moan was let out your mouth. Dabi continued thrusting harshly as he moved over to you neck and sunk his teeth onto your soft skin leaving a mark and prickle of blood.
You yelped but couldn’t help to be bothered there was more pleasure than pain you were experiencing .
“Fuc- you didn’t feel that a-ah huh p-princess?” Dabi questioned, he knew he wasn’t getting a response from your cock drunk self but loved to get his points across.
“D-dabi!! C-cummingggg-!!” You let out as he gives you a final thrust letting his gooey seed release inside your cervix.
“s-shit!!” He let out as he flopped next to you
“What the fuck y/n!!” He winces as you bite onto his collarbone as a get back.
“Now we’re both even” you giggle as you lay next to him cuddling on top his chest while your leg was on top of his waist.
“Danm it… your ucking lucky your hot ” He huffs in frustration as he turns to you and kissing you softly to bitting your lip.
(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )
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gffa · 5 months
Do you have any Sith!Obi-Wan fics you can recommend? 🙏
Hi! You can do a search for Sith Obi-Wan in my bookmarks which brings up several or you can start with the novel-length ones that still live rent-free in my head even years after I've read them: Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 95.9k During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. This fic was written for me, so I'm biased, but it's genuinely my favorite for the trope because Lily put all this thought into the undercurrents going on between the characters, because it gives such care about why any version of Obi-Wan would fall to the dark and what he would be like, because each chapter had moments of foreshadowing and care given to lush, beautiful descriptions and the creeping dread of the place. It's a gorgeous fic and I think even if someone doesn't usually like Sith versions of the characters, the way this one does it (created reflections, not that our characters are falling, so it's scratching the itch of how it's an extension of our characters, but our characters are not on that exact path), I would gently suggest this one.
Lex Talionis by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 187.1k Or, how Obi-Wan and Anakin fell to the dark side, obtained their revenge, and saved the galaxy in the process. My other favorite Sith Obi-Wan fic, this one is about how these characters fall to the dark, and the author takes his time with how it happens step by step, but also how these massive, galaxy-spanning changes happen, how it's a combination of how sexy the dark side can be but also how awful it can be, how much pain and hurt it can cause. There's so much care and effort put into this story, it spans such a huge story, that it's one of those fics I want to physically print out in special binding because it deserves to be a pretty set on my bookshelf.
wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 124.2k the story of how Anakin exists in a perpetual state of intense embarrassment, Kenobi is enjoying it a little too much, and everything is, generally speaking, a gigantic mess. This is an AU where Obi-Wan never trained Anakin and is already a Sith when we meet him, and there's a reason it's one of the most famous fics in the fandom, because it is the most charismatic thing I've just about ever read, the sheer amount of dark side sexy charm coming off Obi-Wan is incredible, the tension between him and Anakin is delicious, and the writing/plotting of the storyline is superb. I could not put this fic down when I read it, there's a reason this fic helped really popularize the trope, because it's just so goddamned addicting and glorious to read.
Soldier, Poet, King by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, time travel, 106.4k wip Second chances are very rarely given, but the Force smiles upon two of its favorite children and returns them to a time before their actions have met their consequences. Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, seeks redemption while Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, disillusioned with the Jedi Order and its Code, falls to the Darkness. Trapped out of time, Master and Apprentice must once again work together to stop Sideous’ plans from reaching fruition and bring Balance to the Force—all the while dodging the Jedi, the Sith, and their feelings for each other. I think this might even have been the first Sith!Obi-Wan fic that I read and I know it remains dear to me because I reread it a year or two ago and got sucked in just as hard as before. Obi-Wan is dropped back into his younger body, feels like the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit, gets sucked into dark thoughts, and just goes full dark side dom on Anakin and fixing the galaxy through machinations and foreknowledge. It's so fun and it does such great service to Anakin's level of power, that this guy is an absolute dragon in the Force, but that he also very much wants Obi-Wan's hand on the back of his neck to force him to kneel to the one person he loves. Hnngggg, it really cemented me as a fan of this trope because of how well it scratches the sexy dark side dom/sub while they're both badass dynamic, I love it so much.
I'm still making my way through a lot of Star Wars fic, so if anyone has any more recs, feel free to jump in, especially if you have some gen ones, since I mostly read pairing fic for Sith!Obi-Wan (because I'm personally after the sexy dom/sub dynamic with it)!
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dyns33 · 3 months
Stealing perfume
So I said it would be an Murderdock one shot, but it's a bit of a part 2 for Flower arrangement, even if you don't need to read part 1 to read this.
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Y/N had never imagined Matthew when he was a child.
She might have, wondering if he had looked like a little ginger angel with blue eyes, using his adorable little pout to get everything he wanted. He was doing that now, except he preferred threats, with a big evil smile.
Sometimes he took on an innocent look, but that only worked with people who didn't know him, or who were too stupid to understand that it was a mask.
She didn't remember why Foggy had talked about Matt as a child. After drinking several beers, he asked her how she managed to be friends with him. Strange question, coming from the “best friend in the world”.
“I'm not friends with him, I've known him for years and we do each other favors. Do you know what Murdock was like when he was a teenager ? Like now, but more aggressive. Hiding his insults with less syrup and contempt. I wonder if he was already a devil when he was little.”
“You think he came out of the ground surrounded by flames just to ruin your school years ?” Y/N scoffed as she finished her drink.
“No, but I’m serious ! A mini Matt ! Even more vicious, quieter, who can slip between your legs without you hearing.”
“He can already do that.”
“I don’t want to hear it ! I'm just saying, has he always been like this, or has something happened ? Do you think it was an accident ? The loss of his sight, of his parents ? He never talks about his past, it's weird. Maybe… Maybe you’re right about the exit from the ground.”
“Maybe he doesn’t like to talk about it and you’ve had enough to drink for tonight.”
“Lots of mini Murdocks… Promise me you won’t make little Murdocks.”
“Come on Foggy, I’ll take you home.”
To answer his question, Y/N couldn’t explain why she was “friends” with Matt, much less why he was “friends” with her. They had been seeing each others for several months, still without giving a specific name to their relationship, and it was working.
She knew perfectly well what had happened to young Matthew, since he had told her once, but they had never spoken about it again after that, and she was not going to tell anyone else.
This show of trust was something else, along with the flowers and the kisses, that helped her know that she meant something, much more than most people.
They didn't intend to make little Murdocks, as Foggy said. With Matt's employers, both those in the public eye and those hidden in the shadows, it didn't seem wise to have children.
That, in addition to the fact that he was not good with others, regardless of their age, quite selfish, nervous, dangerous, and therefore unsuitable to be a father.
They hadn't talked about it, but it seemed obvious.
Since they weren't a couple, Y/N didn't worry when she didn't hear from Murdock for several days. It happened that he disappeared, because of his work, his other job, or because he wanted to be alone.
“Away from all these idiots.” as he liked to say. Before meeting her, he visited Silk in prison, or Stark's ex-wives. He told her with a strange smile, before pouting and noting that it didn't really make her react.
If she ended up stopping by his apartment, it wasn't at all because she was starting to wonder if he was okay or if he was seeing someone else, but because she had forgotten her jacket the last time she came.
Of course, he wasn't there. The apartment was empty, and Otomo had told her before she went upstairs that the Master was away for an indefinite period.
“And I guess you can’t tell me where he is.”
“I’ll be honest, we don’t know.”
"Oh. Personal reasons then."
"Probably. Master Murdock was so keen to be alone that he disappeared one evening. We didn't see him leave the place."
It wasn't completely impossible, Matt was good at it. But it was the Hand who had taught him the art of stealth, and they were very good at tracking their targets. Besides, they wouldn't exactly be kind to him when he came back, because they hated not knowing where their employees were.
The apartment had been cleaned, quiet and empty, and yet Y/N stopped in the entrance. She was not a fighter. As a joke, Murdock had wanted to teach her some ninja techniques, but without much success.
However, she immediately felt that there was something. Especially when she couldn't find her jacket.
Y/N remembered perfectly where she had left it, in the bedroom. She also knew where Matt or his cleaners put her forgotten things so she could find them easily.
But the jacket wasn't there.
She could have left, she had other jackets and she knew it wasn't a good idea to stay here too long, going through Matt's things while he was gone.
At the same time, she would not often have the opportunity to look for some shameful secrets. Murdock didn't hesitate to enter her home, fiddling with everything, moving places, and even changing things like the contents of her fridge and her sheets.
He would sulk for a while, refusing to admit that he found her attitude amusing, and using it to blackmail her.
Smiling as she imagined the tortures he was no doubt going to invent, Y/N opened a drawer, then another, a cupboard, before jumping, while a redheaded child half-hidden under a pile of clothes stared at her with his big eyes.
Big, empty, blue eyes that didn't focus.
“… Matthew ?” she asked, slowly sitting down next to him.
"We know each other then. I wasn't sure. Who are you ?"
"I… Yes, we know each other. I'm Y/N."
“Not a lie.” he whispered to himself.
“What the hell happened ?”
"I don't know. I woke up here. There's my smell everywhere, just a bit different. People passed by but I hid like Stick taught me. I couldn't open the door and it's too dangerous to go through the window."
Completely crazy and fearless, adult Matthew would have been perfectly capable of climbing through the window. But he knew his apartment and the building perfectly.
But this child, who was obviously no more than ten years old, was lost and frightened. He tried not to show it too much, because it would bother Stick, his teacher. Even though the Hand was worse than him, he had also been horrible to the poor kid during his training.
He had been hiding for several days, remaining still and silent every time Otomo or anyone else entered, waiting for the right moment to try to escape.
Maybe he heard that Y/N wasn't a danger, that he could trust her. He trembled a little when she stroked his hair and his cheek, showing a surprised look when she asked him if he wanted to eat.
Knowing his sensory problems, she knew what to prepare so that he could swallow his meal without too much problem. Especially since he must have been even more sensitive, because children were always more sensitive with food.
After sniffing the sandwish, Matthew agreed to chew it carefully. He was quite adorable, with his messy hair, his feet that didn't touch the ground and… her jacket.
“Would you like to take a shower and have me find you a t-shirt afterwards ?”
"No… Okay… It's my jacket."
"I know."
Of course he knew. The little shit made Murdock look superior as he said that, very proud of himself. Y/N waited for him to add that the item of clothing smelled so strongly like her that anyone could have known it belonged to her.
That didn't explain why he'd decided to wear it, though, rather than the skin-friendly clothes that populated the apartment's closets.
“It doesn’t smell too much like you anymore.” was finally what he said in a small voice.
"That's a good thing, right ? I know you have a sensitive nose."
"… Hmm."
Suddenly, he pouted. This he did when he was sad but trying to hide it and just look irritated.
Sensing that she was looking at him, he lowered his head.
“You don’t mind that the jacket smells like me ?”
"… No." he said shyly, continuing to make himself small. "The apartment smells a lot like you. A mix of you and me. That's how I knew that I knew you."
“You’re important to me, right ?”
No doubt she didn't need to answer him, since he could hear her heart and all the other little signs of her body. Still, she didn't really have an answer. They never talked about it.
Yes, Y/N enjoyed her time with Matt. And he seemed to enjoy the moments with her. And there had been the flowers, and the kisses, and those nights where he clung to her, his head on her chest, saying nothing and letting her touch him even though he hated human contact.
And now he was leaving her scent in his apartment. While he was a real maniac, even among others.
Lost in thought, Y/N jumped slightly when she felt the small hand grabbing her sleeve.
“You’re not going to leave me alone, are you ?”
"Of course not." she said without the slightest hesitation, taking him in her arms.
The gesture scared him a bit. The poor boy must not have received a gesture of affection for a long time. But he hugged her back, choking back a sob as she rocked him. She thought she heard him whisper "mommy" but she didn't comment.
Texting Otomo that she was going to spend the night at the apartment and that she didn't want to be disturbed, she carried him to bed to get some rest. He must not have slept since his strange transformation.
They would find a solution later, with Spiderwoman or the Hand. But for now, Y/N wanted young Matt to have some quiet time, kissing him on the forehead as he fell asleep.
It was not necessary to ask for help however, because the next day, when she opened her eyes, she saw Matthew, adult again, staring at the ceiling, motionless.
"… I guess we're not going to talk about what happened."
"No. Never. To anyone."
"All right."
“Young me is a moron.”
"Don't say that. You were adorable."
"A moron, who doesn't know how to hold his tongue and who asks stupid questions." he growled, kissing her bestially before leaving the room just as quickly.
Y/N waited a bit before getting up, because the bed was much more conformable than hers even if she denied it every time Matt brought it up. Then she put on her shoes, she walked towards the door trying to ignore the ninja who was drinking his tea, before seeing her jacket, forgotten the day before on the chair.
But when she tried to take it, Matt went faster than her, grabbing the clothes and putting it on his shoulder, showing his teeth.
"… Okay." was the only thing she said, raising her hands.
"No, wait. Take it back."
“Because it doesn’t smell like me anymore ?”
"Shut up."
“Do you want me to leave you my scarf ?”
"… Shut up." he repeated, taking her scarf to keep it firmly in his hand.
She didn't say goodbye to him, because either he was going to avoid her for days or he would be at her place that same evening. Because she was important to him, even if he would never tell her directly, trying to hide the little boy in him who would demand all her attention.
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