fluttering-by · 2 years
I know I've been really bad at responding to these (mainly because my memory is so poor that if I'm not directly looking at what I have to respond to, I'll forget 😅) but these have all been making my day, thank you 😭😭😭
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mbjrweek · 2 years
MBJR Week 2023
Metsuboujinrai.net are in desperate need of some tender love and care! Join us from May 10th to 17th in pampering our favourite A.I. family!
1.  This event celebrates the familial bond shares between Metsuboujinrai.net.
2.  Fan works should have Metsuboujinrai.net members as the focus (this includes Ansatsu-chan, Subaru and Fuwa Isamu).
3.  All fan works are welcome, including fan art, fan fiction, cosplays, playlists and more.
4.  Fan works should be original contents created for the event. No re-posts or previous fan works, please.
5.  Prompts are for inspiration only, they’re completely optional.
6.  Use the tag #mbjrweek2023 if you want us to share your works on twitter or tumblr. On AO3, submit your fan works to the MBJR Week Collection.
7.   Tag adult content appropriately.
-       Twitter: include the #nsfw in your tweet.
-       Tumblr: do not directly upload any adult content.
-       AO3: use the Explicit rating and appropriate tags.
Each day contains two prompts, you can use ONE, BOTH, or NEITHER prompt as inspiration. The choice is up to you!
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Day 1: Mother + Doll Day 2: Swap Role + Cage Day 3: Garden + Curse Day 4: Crossover + Rebirth Day 5: Old Age + Rainbow Day 6: Blackout + Night Terror Day 7: Free Day
Relevant links
Admins: @thornstone8773 and @fluttering-by
AO3 collection
Looking forward to your (return) participation! Thank you and have a good day!
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narashikari · 2 years
Here's another one
you're not helping
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
How about this for Horobi prompt: Amatsu embedded slave coding into Horobi's programming, causing him to obey the person he imprinted as his master without question. After Ark was gone, Horobi's slave coding had him accidentally imprinted on Jin, making his son his new master.
AUGH. I had this all written out and then my computer screwed me over. TT^TT It was so good… I’ll try to rewrite it.
I am literally going to cry right now, bc I know I don’t remember all of what I wrote.
‘Code alterations,’ Naki had called it. They hadn’t looked him in the eye as they spoke, instead looking off to his left. He didn’t ask if they had helped—he knew they wouldn’t have had a choice in the matter, anyway. He couldn’t hold it against them. No, there was no point in blaming Naki.
Instead, he blamed himself. He should have been more careful. He should have realised that something was up.
As he closed the door, he heard movement behind him. “Jin.”
At the sound of Horobi’s voice, Jin spun around and dove forward, catching his father’s arms before he could kneel. “I told you not to do that.”
“I apologise.” Horobi’s eyes were on the floor rather than him, and there was a deference in his tone that hurt to listen to.
 He’d known there was something unnatural about Horobi’s devotion to the Ark. But it had never occurred to him that it might actually run this deep. It was just like Amatsu to not trust in something like love for a child to keep MetsubouJinrai running. No, it was just like Thouser to find it necessary to reenforce the notion of a HumaGear as a slave and himself, via the Ark, as a master. The wretched human had violated his father’s very programming and nature, wrenched from him even the semblance of free will, blocked him from truly achieving it.
Even worse, it was so deeply engrained in his father’s coding, that, upon reawakening, unconnected to the Ark, the code had immediately sought out a new master. He’d known something was off the moment his father had opened his eyes—they’d flashed, lights flickering as if Horobi were scanning his face. He’d just never imagined the result.
At least it was him. At least this way he could keep his father close—be sure he was safe. At least it was him and not Vulcan—or worse, Zero-One.
Jin sighed faintly. “Don’t.” He said, quietly, trying to keep his voice under control, but it shook regardless. His hands were still on Horobi’s arms, clutching much too tightly, but his father did not react to pressure that had to be painful. “Please.”
Horobi’s gaze remained on the ground. “As you wish” He replied just as softly—but still in that awful, submissive voice.
Jin wanted to cry. He pulled closer, dropping his head into his father’s shoulder, wrapping his arms around him. After a moment, he felt Horobi shift, reaching up to hug him, rubbing his back gently. But he knew it wasn’t out of parental love or concern, not really. It was twisted by the code, what should have been a tender moment marred by human interference, corrupting love with an obedient program dutifully detecting what its master needed and carrying it out.
He hated it. He hated Thouser. He wanted to lift the damn human off his feet and snap his neck. Screw the objections of the others. What the beast had done to Horobi and Naki was unforgivable. Human justice was too light on their own kind.
But at the same time… He hated himself. Hated himself for not pulling away, for letting Horobi hold him, for finding comfort in it. Even though he knew it was just perpetuating the program. Really, he was just as bad as the monster who had put the code there in the first place.
But still he stayed there, clinging tighter to Horobi, his face buried in his father’s collar, shoulders shaking. He stayed there, and let the program corrupt Horobi’s heart and mind. He stayed.
Just like a monster.
Aaaaaaah. Okay, so this is pretty close to what I originally wrote. I think there are a few lines missing that have been lost to the ether, but my memory is really, really bad, so I’m kind of impressed I got this much. I’m gonna stop here before I lose everything again. ^^;
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singingstorm · 4 years
Pardon me for bothering, can I ask you a question? Horobi meant destroy or extinct, right? Was Horobi also meant disaster? Because you call Jin 'Disaster Child'. Horobi no Ko?
hello! haha i guess you could translate horobi that way in some contexts but actually i just call jin disaster child because he’s... a disaster... and a child...
like when he came back with his mysterious new look and rider upgrade i thought maybe he grew up and actually knew what he was doing! 
i was rapidly disabused of this notion
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ryuunosenshi · 5 years
thornstone8773 replied to your post “Do you know that Seiya had a small role in episode 3 of Shitsuji...”
Perhaps, one day, in the future, Seiya would appear as Kamen Rider. XD
he should! And he should appear in an ultra show too! ^^ 
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bobcatmoran · 5 years
thornstone8773 replied to your photo “I decided to translate this Hiden Intelligence sales blurb for the...”
Where did you get this?
It’s from Episode 12, while Wazu is explaining his conclusions — I cropped the screenshot.
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tamersa · 5 years
thornstone8773 reblogged your post: my biggest problem with Kamen Rider w: It is...
The wind in Fuuto was sentient.As token appreciation for protecting the city. The wind decided not to blow Shoutarou’s...
That’s the best explanation for this problem. I can accept this. Its canon now.
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luxroyalty · 6 years
Things that Nyx and Ignis had in common: the two were loyal to a fault to their respective Kings but had no problem on calling out on them, took to Lucis magic as fish took to water, the only ones not from royal lines who succeeded in using the Ring of the Lucii. They both used daggers.
I feel like using the Ring of the Lucii is not a good thing, seeing it killed one and blinded the other.
Ignis and Nyx would either have a pun off, or Ignis would drive Nyx mad. One of the two.
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breakfastteatime · 6 years
Some fics made a mention of child labour concerning Ignis being pointed as Noctis’s future advisor at young age. What was your opinion about this? I do not think this was the case though.
I think when they’re little, he’s a friend, or even an older brother, for Noct. Given how level-headed and sensible Ignis is, I see him as naturally being a calming influence on a rowdier Noct. At least until the Marilith. Noct’s not so rowdy after that.
I don’t think Ignis takes on more specific duties until he’s older, like when Noct moves out of the Citadel. Before that, he’s probably training. Like an apprenticeship almost.
Plus Ignis’ parents are alive and well, so I very much expect he still lives with them. If he stays at the Citadel, it’s for a sleepover. There must be plenty of guest rooms after all!
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fluttering-by · 2 years
Are you interest to see Watanabe Keisuke as Ling Yao in FMA live action?
I am! I really am looking forward to that! I'm so excited for him, and I'm so happy to see him getting such roles.
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atsukyou-week · 8 years
Thank you for making this blog! :)
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/ETERNAL HUGS/ what is happier than seeing your otp fandom growing bigger  ♥♥♥♥  thank you for the msg + follow  (♡´艸`) hope to see you around !
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Relationship: platonic Jin/Horobi. Title: Cut.
Jin knew something was off the moment he entered the room. It wasn’t like it was hard to miss. The chair was empty. The makeshift restrains had been ripped open.
No… Cut.
He tired to step into the room… And found a sword blade at his throat.
The katana.
He'd left the katana on the table. Stupid. Stupid!
The face staring back at him could so easily be mistaken for his father, but he knew very well the malice actually lurking behind it. For a while, they just stared at each other in silence. Everything felt like it was made of fragile glass.
“Your role is to free HumaGear,” Hissed the Ark, at long last, “On my terms.”
“I’m not bound to you anymore,” Jin snapped, and even he was surprised by how calm he sounded. “So you’re going to have to just kill me if you want me to stop.”
The Ark stared at him for a little longer—then smirked cruelly. “Don’t think I’m foolish enough to play that game.” With a twirl of Horobi’s wrist, the Ark moved the sword away from Jin’s neck. “You want to play hero so badly, you’re more than happy to sacrifice yourself…” With a few purposeful steps, the Ark moved from the corner it had been waiting in to stand in front of him. “But…”
Turning to face him, the Ark spun the katana around again—to set the edge against Horobi’s throat. “… What about him?”
And the glass shattered.
Note to self: Don’t leave katana around your dad when he’s possessed by a homicidal satellite.
(please send me a relationship + title and I will brainstorm a part of/summary for/idea for the fic I’d write for it)
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singingstorm · 5 years
Can I ask your opinion about my new icon? I knew very little about Japanese language, but I heard from somewhere that, if the placement was incorrect, the meaning of the words would change. I wondered, did my icon still read metsuboujinrai or did it have another meaning now?
yeah it reads metsuboujinrai! haha
thumbs up nice connection to metsuboujinrai.net established 
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ryuunosenshi · 5 years
Do you know that Seiya had a small role in episode 3 of Shitsuji Saionji no Metsuri?
I sure do! ^^ Here are two gifsets I made of it 1  &  2
His guest role was really nice in this (even tho the tattoo is hilariously bad and tacky xD)
I’d like to imagine this is what Nada had been up to in between leaving the village and finding the Gaisoulg armor (which I meant only jokingly of course, I turned it into a bit of a running gag that all of Seiya’s other roles are what Nada did in that time. So far, he’s been a murderer, a high schooler, a scientist, cheating on his fiancee, a pervert, a Shinjuku Scout and much more xD all before finding the armor)
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jade-lop · 2 years
Because my birthday was coming soon, and people seemed to like to do something special or outrageous in this occasion, so I would be bold, selfish and shameless for once and asked those who read this post to please leaved comments on my fics:
I appreciated your kudos, but I wanted to know your (constructive) thoughts too.
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