beatsandskies · 4 months
Theme Deck Review Compendium: Planeshift “Scout”
Managed to put this one together after getting 90% of it with some Invasion era bulk. Always a good time when you’re looking through and you realise you have both rares, and all those basics are all in the right colours too… Scout A red, green and white creature based midrange deck. Official product information webpage (archived) The Magic logo had been cut out to use as a label. I think…
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thornscape-comic · 2 years
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Chapter 1
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pixyarts · 2 years
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Latest finished artwork hehe... I LOVE HER AAA
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Thornscape Apprentice
Artist: Randy Gallegos TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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photoblogdujour · 3 years
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Geological thornscapes. Island chains caused by serial volcanism, plant edition.
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Sorry for all the delays and skipped posts. There will be no post on Christmas. have a happy Holidays
(UPDATE 01) I didn't realize i forgot to change the XP, they should be as listed Thornscape Mount (200 XP) and Thornscape Mage (1,100 XP) respectively.
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EDH Deck Tech: Cromat Utility
[you can see every deck tech here]
Hello & welcome to this weekly deck tech! This week we’re back at it with EDH with a pretty fun homebrew of mine: Cromat Utility. Now I’ll be honest, this deck isn’t great, but it’s pretty fun and sits at around 20$ so if you’re looking for a funky & unique deck for cheap this might work out! The goal of the deck is to play around the utility & versatility of Cromat & similar cards.
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What I mean by that is having a bunch of cards that can do a wide variety of things, so that in any given situation you have an appropriate answer. Cromat is a great example since you can do 5 different things with it, depending on what you need. All of the cards in this deck follow the same strategy for maximum utility & versatility. Let’s get to those cards. Also, before you guys say anything, no the ravnica blocks guildmages are not here; they are mana intensive and they would take most of the deck since there’s 30 of them, you could easily make a deck around them though!
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Let’s start off with the cheap ones; all the cards mentionned in this article are part of cycles, which makes things more balanced, and offers even more utility. The first ones are the Apprentice, with Nightscape, Stormscape, Sunscape, Thornscape & Thunderscape. Those cards aren’t usually too impactful, but they offer some nice little effects like granting combat abilities, pinging damage, or tapping creatures. They fit well on the curve too.
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Honestly very similar to the apprentices, the Disciple cycle adds some more utility to the deck for a cheap cmc, between Ana, Ceta, Dega, Necra & Raka, you have a wide range of combat tricks & mana fixing!
Non-Ravnica Guildmages
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Not a lot of people know that Guildmage was sort of a thing before Ravnica, with a little cycle of Armorer, Civic, Granger, Shadow & Shaper. Similar to the apprentices, they offer combat tricks, pinging & bouncing your own creatures. They also fill out your 1cmc slot for the deck nicely, letting you easily play some int he early turn to start the action.
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Part of the same cycle as the apprentices, the Familiar let you cast spells of specific colours for cheaper; it’s really good in this deck since you’re using every colour equally, the mana reduction is sure to make it worth your while. Again you have the range of Nightscape, Stormscape, Sunscape, Thornscape & Thunderscape for those as well.
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There’s actually two different cycles that used the Battlemage template, one being the same as the apprentice & familiar, the other one being on Alara, which gives you even more tools for the deck; between Nightscape, Stormscape, Sunscape, Thornscape & Thunderscape, as well as Ana, Bant, Esper, Grixis, Jund & Naya. The old battlemages all have kicker costs that let you have additional enter-the-battlefield effects to use in different situations; the abilities are also stronger than the ones seen previously and are most likely the most solid cards of the deck, with effects ranging from drawing cards to destroying creatures; the Alara ones are more similar to the apprentices with effects you can activate by tapping them, mostly combat tricks and small things.
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Very similar to the old battlemages, the Volver cycle has cards with kicker costs that let you have a variety of strong effects depending on the situation, in this case it’s mostly consisting of coming into play with +1/+1 counters and added abilities like trample or regenerate, depending on the kickers that you use. Part of the same cycle as the Disciples, you have the options of Ana, Ceta, Dega, Necra & Raka.
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While being a bit less flexible, the Emissary cycle offers some creatures that have a single kicker cost to add an effect when it comes into play, usually it’s destroying an artifact, enchantment, land, creature, etc. They’re not the best cards of the deck, but between Benalish, Shivan, Tolarian, Urborg & Verduran it offers some nice things.
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Sitting at the top of the curve, the Master cycle brings some stronger utility, even if the cost is higher, it’s usually worth it, with effects that kill of creatures, protect them, pumps them, bounces them or drains your opponent; they are kind of your end-game of control/utility in here. They are also part of a previous cycle, with Nightscape, Stormscape, Sunscape, Thornscape & Thunderscape.
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While not being creatures, the Sanctuary cycle actually brings some nice extra help to the deck with some decent effects. They are part of a previous cycle as well, with the Ana, Ceta, Dega, Necra & Raka. They are harder to deal with than creatures and will let you deal with creatures or draw cards, or even gain life fairly easily.
Mana Fixing
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You might as well play the Signet cycle from original Ravnica in the deck since you want mana fixing and the deck wants more 2 drops; I’d recommend playing the 10 different ones to have a good distribution, I’d also recommend running the Panorama & Tri-Lands from Alara to make thing smoother as well.
the Ravnica Option
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I don’t personally recommend going the Ravnica Guildmage route since they usually don’t have much synergy between each other (stuff like the Simic ones caring about +1/+1 counters but the deck barely has any) and their activation costs are usually high, but if you want to run them I’d recommend cutting the Sanctuary & Emissary cycles to make some place for them, probably the Familiars and from there it would be up to you. But again, I don’t really recommend doing so.
That’s it for this week! I hope you guys enjoyed this deck tech as much as I did! Like I said, the deck isn’t GREAT, but it’s actually pretty fun to play and you have tons of utility & versatility to do a bunch of different things, plus it’s like 20$ so yeah. In any case, if I missed anything please let me know. I’ll see you guys next week for a standard deck tech.
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jclema · 4 years
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Thornscape #charming_nature_ #nature_perfection #natureaddict #naturegrammer #naturelovers #natureshots #naturewizards #nb_nature_brilliance #dark_macro_art (at Menzies Creek, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wkgOMgMa4/?igshid=xys3fdmwo2x3
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thornscape-comic · 2 years
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Thornscape chapter 1
Awake again
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neingel · 8 years
Far Wanderings: Modern Masters 2017, a Critical Review
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Well, we’re back with another episode of Far Wanderings! Where I talk about a certain format/topic/deck in the game, this week or two has all been about Modern Masters 2017-which I hoped many of you had the chance to open a box with your friends or just sit down at your local game store for a simple draft.
Well...MM17 was a blast! I wrote a small article back then with a slight tinge of ranting, in which I was disappointed about the lack of good reprints in the set when it is very close to it’s release date. With much fear among stores around the world dumping pre-order boxes of the set. Not only did MM17 prove me and many others wrong, it smashed through everyone’s biggest hopes and dreams, had an awesome draft environment and the box design was ~Amazing~. 
But first, how good was my box?
I did have a good chance to draft MM17, when a fellow lecturer of mine could get a box around SGD250(around USD178), a few of us decided to chip in seeing it was bought at a cheaper price. This was the “notable results” of our box:
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The box overall was not as bad as I have though it would be, having hit both Goyf, Lili and Voice aside from the other jank mythics was extreme luck on the box’s part, I also pulled myself a foil Venser which was something I really wanted( besides Snapcaster of course :] ). However, the biggest letdown was 1 Fetch and the fact there were no Damnations, Blood Moons or even Goblin Guides. Considering that we bought the box for cheap, we still broke even and manage to keep the remaining rares, commons and uncommons for free.
Seeing other box openings though, especially on Youtube such as Alpha Investments, Boogie, Tolarian and many others have done. The whole topic on box openings seems to me like a big hit or miss. Some boxes can have 1 or 0 fetches, whereas others have all 5 fetches and 3 solid Mythics. Considering they all of them have opened at MSRP/Net Price, I would consider myself to be very lucky where I had someone who could pre-order for a considerably cheaper price.
The draft environment 
This is what I clearly like about this set, the fact that there is strong support pushing 2, 3 or 4 color draft archetypes. The fact that all 10 Signets, all 10 Guildgates as well as the 5 Tri-Lands from the Shards of Alara clearly is not only helpful support for the draft environment but also provides a strong welcome challenge towards draft, going 3 or more colors. Something which has not been open or encouraged to do in draft, is now possible and could very well be playable.
Some of the archetypes I felt were well supported, often could do better with the addition of a 3rd color, such examples would include:
UW Blink to Bant Blink (Thragtusk and Vital Splicer are strong additions together with Stoic Angel/Rhox War Monk)
BG Sacrifice to Jund Sacrifice (Holy crap Red/Jund offers some really strong value creatures that would LOVE to be sacrificed)
RG Aggro to Naya Aggro (Thornscape Battlemage gives more reach and GW provides all the beatdown any aggro fan would love in draft)
UB Control to Grixis Control (Not sure about you, but if you picked Cruel Ultimatum at any 1 point, changing the deck to Grixis Control is worth the try with access to Terminate, Falkenrath Aristocrat or even Sedraxis Specter)
If you really couldn’t have more fun drafting a strong 2 color archetype, the set is quite forgiving at giving players the reach they need for a 3 color manabase, at the same time providing more powerful options for their 3rd color.
I managed to draft twice, my first time trying out a spicy Jund aggro deck featuring Broodmate Dragon and Desecration Demon, my 2nd attempt however was UW Blink with 2 Vensers, Restoration Angel and Deadeye, together with an unruly crew of creatures having an ETB I could grab at that point.
Let’s talk about Rarity
Many would have known by now, a bunch of cards having their rarity downgraded, most possibly to allow an easier/much forgiving draft environment or to help Pauper out(Pauper players unite!). As me being quite a Pauper man at heart, I was extremely excited to see some cards finally getting a downshift to common. I’ll just make a small section of the top 5 MM17 Pauper Cards here.
#1: Burning-Tree Emissary
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Everyone’s dream card that was in Pauper has finally finally printed as a common. Burning-Tree Emissary might finally be the final piece that Pauper Zoo or any RGx Shenanigans need. The 2 drop previously from Gatecrash is a very sick card, effectively a 2/2 for 0 that can follow up with a tempo play. Whether you decide to use the RG it produces for removal or another creature, Burning-Tree Emissary is one of those cards that is sure to shake up the Pauper metagame.
#2: Mortician Beetle
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This little beetle got turned from Rare to Common :/ . Not something we see everyday in a reprint set but it seems to be another new toy for Pauper to play with. Pauper already has a BG Aristocrats/Sacrifice deck, that features Carrion Feeder, Bloodthrone Vampire and a bunch of other creatures that produce value when they die, Mortician Beetle not only fits perfectly in that deck, but it is scary with the already favored sac outlet/win-con Carrion Feeder, having 2 one-drops that are sure to grow big when the engine of the deck starts going makes GB  Aristocrats a deck to be reckoned with sometime in the future.
#3: Magma Jet
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Magma Jet is probably one of my favorite red instants in the whole game, though cards like Lightning Strike and Searing Spear do 3 damage for the same cost. What has made Magma Jet an Uncommon all this while before MM17 was the fact that it had Scry 2. I could see this played in almost any Aggro shell, Burn or even a spicy UR Tempo build anytime soon. Overall, I’m very impressed with Wizards’s decision to push Magma Jet down to a common.
#4 Augur of Bolas
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Augur of Bolas has only been printed 2 times, both at uncommon. With it now at common, control decks in Pauper finally look like they have a solid choice of dig in the form of a 2 drop. Augur will die to a bolt and any other removal, but it does provide a solid body early game. Generating card advantage for 2 mana is quite strong at any stage of the game. Thumbs up to Wizards again :)
#5 Dinvora Horror
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Instead of playing the Chittering Rats/Archaeomancer combo in UB control, that deck sure has a new toy to play with. It sure is large and really reminds me of Capsize. Dinvora Horror is more than Capsize though, being a 4/4 for 6 isn’t really amazing but the fact that blinking it multiple times is ridiculously powerful. This might be a very big piece of the UB control deck already smashing results in the Pauper meta or it could also give rise to UBx control decks in the format. I was definitely not expecting this to show up in the set at common but I’m quite happy it is!
There were a bunch of other cards that were downshifted in rarity too, making the draft environment more exciting and the cards themselves easier to get as well as making them legal in certain formats/cubes. A few of the noteworthy ones include:
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Placing Obzedat at Rare is pretty rude though >_<
A score for the set?
Every set needs a rating, I really find it hard to put a fair score on MM17 though. I did enjoy the set very much, the reprints and draft environment were very well designed by R&D team, for this, I feel we have to compare this to...
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The Original!
Modern Masters 2013 probably has a special place in everyone’s hearts, the set was just sick. Like literally sick, it was filled with raw power at every level of rarity, the reprints were awesome and the set in today’s standards is brimming, if not overflowing with value~.
Modern Masters 2017 was good, wayyy better than 2015′s and slightly edging over Eternal Masters if I say so myself. It was a very special set with meaningful reprints and strong color support in draft. I would say it’s quite close to the original but not really what the original Modern Masters would bring. Overall, it was a solid set that definitely took many people by surprise. We will never know when we will see cards like these getting reprinted again:
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I guess the reprints really speak for the set :D
I do believe that MM17 deserves to be one of the higher, more respected Masters sets in time to come, Wizards really put the ace in the hole on this one, fair credit to them. With the increasing prices of cards, I do believe MM17 is helping the playerbase in one way or another, which is clearly what the community wants. If Wizards could keep such a trend with their upcoming sets, I’m sure much good is sure to come for most formats. Until next time! 
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sharuums-puzzle-box · 8 years
Modern Disasters Answer
Here is the solution to last week’s puzzle, Modern Disasters. If you missed it, you can find it here.
Alright, so, because Mandy has already cast Druid’s Deliverance, we’re going to find a way to win by using indirect damage instead. Not only that, but we can deal all nine damage using only a single creature!........sort of.
Here’s how it’s done:
Pay RRR to cast Vithian Stinger. Then, in response, pay UUGG to cast Rewind, countering the stinger and untapping the lands used to cast Rewind. Seems a bit strange to counter our own spell, I know, but we’re going to need the Stinger in our yard for later, so trust me! (15 mana left.)
Pay UU to cast Phantasmal Image, having it enter the battlefield as a copy of Mudbutton Torchrunner. (13 mana left.)
Pay B to cast Bone Splinters, sacrificing the original Torchrunner to destroy Linvala. Mudbutton’s death ability triggers, and it deals 3 damage to Mandy. (Mandy: 6 life. 12 mana left.)
Now that Linvala is dead, activate Thundersong Trumpeter’s ability, targeting the cloned Torchrunner. Because it’s being targeted by an ability, Phantasmal Image dies ability triggers and the clone Torchrunner dies, dealing another 3 to Mandy. (Mandy: 3 life.)
Pay BB to cast Pit Keeper.When it enters, because we have four or more creatures in our graveyard, we can return Thornscape Battlemage to our hand. Cast the Battlemage by paying GGG and tap an Avacyn’s Pilgrim to kick it for W. Because it was kicked, We’ll destroy Grafdigger’s Cage. (6 mana left.)
Now that Grafdigger’s cage is gone, pay GBBW (by tapping another Pilgrim) to cast Unbruial Rites for its flashback cost. We’ll use the Unbruial Rites to return Mudbutton Torchrunner from the graveyard to the battlefield. (2 Mana left.)
Use the final 2 mana to use Vithian Stinger’s Unearth ability, to bring it back from the yard. Because the Stinger now has haste thanks to Unearth, we’ll use it’s ability to deal 1 damage to the Torchrunner we brought back, killing it, and dealing the final 3 damage to Mandy. Victory!
It took some doing, but you finally dethroned the Queen of Modern! Excellent work! Who knew a simple Mudbutton Torchrunner could deal so much damage?
I’ll reward 35 Thopters to those that solved this one.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 years
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Thornscape Battlemage
Artist: Matt Cavotta TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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inudono · 8 years
Modern Masters Haul
Pretty good haul! Didn’t get a Damnation, which sucks but I got enough to make a decent trade for it at my LGS.
Mythics Domri Rade Past in Flames Temporal Mastery
Rares Advent of the Wurm Blood Moon Broodmate Dragon Cackling Counterpart Deadeye Navigator Evil Twin Extractor Demon Falkenrath Aristocrat Goblin Guide Mind Shatter Phantasmal Image Seance Sever the Bloodline Simic Sky Swallower Summoning Trap Terminus Ulvenwald Tracker Venser, Shaper Savant Verdant Catacombs Zealous Conscripts Zur the Enchanter
Commons, Uncommons and Foils under the cut.
Uncommons Abyssal Specter Agent of Masks Arachnus Spinner x2 Azorius Signet Baloth Cage Trap Banishing Stroke Boros Signet Bronzebeak Moa Crumbling Necropolis x2 Entomber Exarch x2 Familiar's Ruse Flickerwisp Gaea's Anthem Goblin Assault x2 Golgari Signet x2 Harmonize Intangible Virtue Izzet Charm Jungle Shrine x3 Lingering Souls Master Splicer x2 Might of Old Krosa x2 Mistmeadow Witch x2 Molten Rain Moroii x2 Mystic Genesis Opportunity Orzhov Signet Path to Exile x2 Putrefy Pyrewild Shaman Rakdos Signet Savage Lands Seal of Doom Seaside Citadel Sedraxis Specter Simic Signet x2 Sin Collector x2 Skirsdag Cultist Soul Manipulation Soul Ransom Sprouting Thrinax Tattermunge Witch x2 Teleportal Terminate Thornscape Battlemage Thundersong Trumpeter x2 Torrent of Souls Tower Gargoyle x2 Unburial Rites Unflinching Courage Urbis Protector Vanish into Memory Vithian Stinger Wall of Frost
Commons Aethertow x4 Arachnus Web x2 Attended Knight Auger Spree x4 Augur of Bolas x3 Avacyn's Pilgrim x4 Azorius Guildgate x3 Battle-Rattle Shaman Bone Splinters x2 Boros Guildgate Burning-Tree Emissary x2 Call of the Conclave x2 Centaur Healer Chandra's Outrage x3 Coiling Oracle x5 Cower in Fear x5 Crippling Chill x4 Death-Hood Cobra Delirium Skeins x5 Deputy of Acquittals x3 Dimir Guildgate Dragon Fodder x2 Dregscape Zombie x5 Druid's Deliverance Dynacharge x3 Explore x4 Falkenrath Noble x2 Fist of Ironwood x5 Forbidden Alchemy x3 Ghostly Flicker x3 Giantbaiting Gideon's Lawkeeper x3 Gnawing Zombie x4 Goblin Electromancer Golgari Guildgate x3 Golgari Rotwurm x2 Graceful Reprieve x2 Grasp of Phantoms x3 Grisly Spectacle x2 Grixis Slavedriver Ground Assault x2 Gruul Guildgate x5 Hanweir Lancer x3 Hungry Spriggan x3 Izzet Guildgate x3 Kathari Bomber x3 Kor Hookmaster x2 Kor Skyfisher x5 Kraken Hatchling Lone Missionary x2 Madcap Skills x2 Magma Jet Mist Raven x5 Mogg Flunkies x2 Momentary Blink x3 Mortician Beetle x2 Mudbutton Torchrunner x2 Mystical Teachings Night Terrors x2 Ogre Jailbreaker x3 Orzhov Guildgate x3 Penumbra Spider x3 Pilfered Plans x3 Pitfall Trap x3 Pit Keeper x2 Rakdos Guildgate Recover x2 Revive x3 Rewind Rootborn Defenses x3 Scorched Rusalka Scourge Devil x3 Sea Gate Oracle Seal of Primordium x2 Selesnya Guildgate Sensor Splicer Shimmering Grotto x3 Simic Guildgate Skyknight Legionnaire Slaughterhorn x2 Slime Molding x3 Spike Jester x2 Spire Monitor x3 Soul Warden x2 Spell Pierce x2 Strength in Numbers x4 Sundering Growth x4 Sylvan Ranger x2 Talon Trooper x4 Tandem Lookout x3 Thunderous Wrath x2 Traitorous Instinct x3 Vampire Aristocrat Wake the Reflections Wingcrafter x3 Youthful Knight x2
Foils Abrupt Decay Attended Knight Carnage Gladiator Golgari Guildgate Gruul Guildgate Izzet Guildgate Lingering Souls Magma Jet Mogg Flunkies Mortician Beetle Night Terrors Ogre Jailbreaker Pitfall Trap Rootborn Defenses Rubblebelt Maaka Scalding Tarn Scorched Rusalka Scourge Devil Seal of Doom Selesnya Signet Sensor Splicer Serum Visions Slaughterhorn Vampire Aristocrat
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Thornscape (or the new year so far)
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So I’ve been drafting Modern Masters 2017
Thanks to both me and a friend of mine buying Modern Masters boxes, I had two chances to draft the new premium set of the year. Note that I drafted in a 6 and 7 man pod, so my experience is a little skewed based on that. But I still want to put my thoughts to paper (as it were) on how the set holds up!
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In my first draft, I ended up building a Grixis deck full of flyers and removal. Not only that, but thanks to access to 6 guildgates, I was able to run Cruel Ultimatum AND cast it twice. Turns out all that text is very strong in limited. My first pick was a Broodmate Dragon, and I ended up picking up mostly black/red cards... which meant that when I saw that blue was open, I could swoop in and pick up some premium commons/uncommons that were going around the table.
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In my second draft, I first picked a Domri Rade and ended up with a 6 rares Naya deck. This deck was the most busted sealed deck I’ve ever had the pleasure of running. With a Ranger of Eos and a Uvelwald Tracker to search up with him, I ended up winning each and every of my matches.
Turns out Fiery Justice is STRONG in limited.
Despite there being another person drafting Naya at the table, I still managed to put together a very strong deck - chalk it up to the luck of the packs.
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I’ve heard good things about Shards of Alara sealed, and I can see how the three-colour environment lends itself to an enjoyable draft experience. By beginning with an allied colour pair, it’s easy to move into two different archetypes depending on the kind of colours you see being passed.
I’ll admit I’m not a great drafter, but thanks to this method of drafting, it was much easier to look for open colours - seeing as you only have two possible colours you’re looking to check. Seeing big three colour spells like Cruel Ultimatium make it much easier to see which shards haven’t been picked up yet too.
For example, in my second draft I was firmly in red/green but hadn’t committed to either white or black as my third colour. Seeing a fourth pick Fiery Justice made that decision a lot easier for me!
Sure, it didn’t mean that white was necessarily open - but the specific combination of red, green and white definitely was.
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Despite my second draft experience being loaded with great limited rares, I still managed to notice a similar criticism I’ve had with previous masters sets - rares that do nothing in draft.
Don’t get me wrong - I understand the need to reprint something like Zur the Enchanter or Tarmogoyf for constructed reasons, but if you don’t know the format there are some definite traps you can fall into.
For example, in both of my drafts there seemed to be an overabundance of enchantment and artifact removal. And while there are plenty of splicers going around to make enough golem targets for incidental artifact removal justifiable (Thornscape Battlemage is amazing for this) it’s hard to justify running something like Seal of Primordium even as a one-of in your mainboard.
But you also have to factor in that Modern Masters is a premium set - chances are this won’t be your first draft. As long as you know what to avoid, you can have a great time in this environment.
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So while everyone is getting excited for Amonkhet, should you go to that one last draft being offered by your local game store?
I’d say as long as you’re willing to take a hit on value (unless you’re one of the lucky ones who pulls the foil mythic...) then an evening of drafting Modern Masters 2017 is a solid investment.
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mtgbracket · 7 years
Round of 8192 - Batch 126
You can now vote in Batch 126!
Currently open batches:
Batch 126 Batch 125 Batch 124 Batch 123 Batch 122 Batch 121 Batch 120
Batch 119 results will be up shortly.
Feature match: Two classic green cards face off today - symmetrical mana accelerant Eladamri’s Vineyard, and graveyard queen Eternal Witness.
Full list of matchups:
Fencer Clique vs Thistledown Duo Deranged Assistant vs Howling Wolf Windbrisk Raptor vs Soramaro, First to Dream Jinxed Ring vs Goblin Matron Illicit Auction vs Ohran Yeti Sentinel vs Oasis Avatar of the Resolute vs Gaea's Might Searing Light vs Edge of the Divinity Yawgmoth's Bargain vs Vastwood Hydra Lord of the Pit vs Unstable Footing Tsabo's Decree vs Predatory Advantage Keen Sense vs Death Cloud Divine Sacrament vs Iname, Life Aspect Control Magic vs Nourishing Shoal Hissing Quagmire vs Scorchwalker Dramatic Reversal vs Bane of Progress Weirding Shaman vs Spawning Bed Vortex Elemental vs Wall of Souls Crow of Dark Tidings vs Putrid Leech Swallowing Plague vs Blossoming Defense Zirilan of the Claw vs Eternal Dominion Coffin Queen vs Cursed Rack Eladamri's Vineyard vs Eternal Witness Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury vs Pewter Golem Sacellum Godspeaker vs Kookus Promise of Power vs One-Eyed Scarecrow Mind Slash vs Flamebreak Demonic Hordes vs Obstinate Baloth Plagiarize vs Voice of the Woods Queen Marchesa vs Thornscape Apprentice Blue Elemental Blast vs Razorfin Hunter Elvish Warrior vs Gluttonous Slime
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