koiisami · 6 years
I could use some saving
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koiisami · 7 years
i should probably go back to therapy
i most definitely need to go back to therapy
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koiisami · 7 years
im heartsick for you
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koiisami · 7 years
i’m sorry that we failed. 
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koiisami · 7 years
Life update:
I am thankful, so extremely thankful. I feel guilty every time I realize that I forget to be thankful.  I find it hard at times to break away from our own demons. My insecurities, my anger, and my anxieties all have ways of controlling me. Each one of us face demons every single day. Before, I always thought it was my goal to overcome them: to crush and overpower them. But recently I’ve realized that while I’ve  exhausted myself while seeking control over my life, I should have instead learned to have acceptance. 
To accept life as it is, is such a simple but difficult task to follow. Things happen. Life is unfair, people will hurt you. But life will continue on and so must you. Don’t let yourself be caught up in the storm of your worries, you’re worth so much more. Embrace life’s difficulties because with difficulties comes strength and happiness. 
Accept challenges that are thrown your way with grace and dignity. You are beautiful and strong, and although you may not have control of your world you have control over yourself. Do not fight the cycle of the universe. And don’t fear the lows of life. Don’t even think “I just have to make it through until it gets better.” Of course things will get better, they always do. But seek to gain what you can from everything you face, because every experience has value as long as you seek to find it.
Don’t challenge or try to control your life. Do what you can and accept what you cannot do. Everything will work itself out. Some things are beyond us, and the sooner we learn to accept this fact the more at peace we can be.
In the meanwhile love and appreciate the good in your life. There is so, so much. Don’t forget about it.
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koiisami · 7 years
i’m so looking forward to a life filled with love and fulfillment without the weight of you dragging me down. 
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koiisami · 7 years
it’s really hard not knowing at what point you should keep fighting or just walk away. 
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koiisami · 7 years
I want to be deeply, irrevocably in love.
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koiisami · 7 years
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koiisami · 7 years
I think I could be without you
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koiisami · 7 years
People are shitty but at least I have the best job in the world
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koiisami · 7 years
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koiisami · 7 years
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koiisami · 7 years
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koiisami · 7 years
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koiisami · 7 years
My heart hurts
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koiisami · 7 years
All I ever wanted was to marry Daniel
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