#tho rn its ocs
chatlote · 2 years
Tell me/tag this with what was your biggest interest/fandom this year, I'm curious 👀
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Okay now where's the Seb teddy bear so I can make them kiss each other!?
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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ok what if i
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belthegore · 9 months
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WODtober: Day 2-3 - “City by Night” + "Bloodlines"
trying to use photoshop on a daily basis will be the fuckin death of me
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youredreamingofroo · 15 days
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Elvene Sharp
OC by @butteredfrogs <3
I made this drawing of Ms. Elvene unprompted for Butter last month and I keep forgetting to post it,,, I finally remembered so here she is! :3
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[ some progression pics under the cut :) ]
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p1x1x · 5 months
my little yuri guys so far
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autistic-katara · 1 year
bitches making scenes with their ocs/blorbos in their head: 😄
bitches when they need to actually draw/write those scenes for other ppl to see them: 😡
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sodastarpop · 6 months
i will take doodle requests !! evrn if its not kirby :333 u am boreds
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oh-gh0st · 10 months
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these outfits kill and i have yet to use them
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brainrot-stitch · 1 month
Making fits in adopt me and then they become characters which I then draw part 1
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Silly goose :3
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keanearts · 17 days
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So, I made an AU for Palia, and then got slightly obsessed with it-
There are no humans, and Kyro (it/its) is a faerie that can transform into various things, including creatures. Hassian shoots it when it looks like a muujin, and then takes care of it, thinking it's some kind of forest guardian
I also started writing a fic, and as of writing this post I'm working on the second chapter. You can find it here! The rating is teen and up
Edit; the second chapter is up-
You can find out some more general information about the AU and Kyro here!
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desktopmermaid · 2 years
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in a fevered frenzy i thumbnailed 7 more pages to this . not sure if ill line and color it all but heres. them
I keep going into a coughing fit cos I keep having the thought that 1. This is splatoon 2. They Fish 3. Old fish lesbians having a anime battle about their divorce 4. the other ppl in Splatsville rn while all this is happening 
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but then flip flopping back into like.........what if their first kiss was during glowflieS-AUGH
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ccasey0 · 4 months
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hi!!!!! ive got a cover for my au! and a name! Hurt But Together:)
this took a really long time to finish cause of school and procrastination, so i hope you guys like it! this doesn't have the full gang on it, just the squad. mainly cause i dont have the motivation to draw a bunch of characters. if you guys want more info on the au then here you go:)
@allyheart707 thanks for the tutorial on how to add links:)
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cheruim · 1 year
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I'll go back to regular content soon, I promise! But today I give you my OC Plume, who stands in for me in VNs because I get uncomfortable playing as myself.
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thedogslegart · 1 year
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The heart post its :)
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 3 months
want to make my own tarot deck with my ocs...........
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