#fanart brain where ?
ruporas · 2 months
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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roe-oo · 6 months
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None of the FNAF Mikes or Vanessas are normal,,
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likeprongstostars · 3 months
guys i promise i have other ideas i just go back to drawing domestic jegulus at every minor inconvenience
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lucabyte · 5 months
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isat doodles in the form of a silly-serious-silly sandwich
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spoopdeedoop · 11 months
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real friends have weird greetings that usually involve hitting each other
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westywallowing · 3 months
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oh the accidental transformations,,,
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astearisms · 10 months
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may you find peace 🌾
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rrogueamendiares · 1 year
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i just wanted to hold you in my arms
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doctorsiren · 8 months
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Thinking about how Iris knew Feenie, who was all 💖🥰🤭🤪 and then she sees him again 5 years later and he’s all 💀💥🫵😠
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To all my fellow, “Zukka in the southern water tribe” enthusiasts
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myoonmii · 7 months
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Merlin s5 actually
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cozylittleartblog · 8 months
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gooseworx in the glitchx livestream: i want to see people draw jax in a suit. people should draw him crying
me: sure thing, boss o7
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ane-doodles · 1 month
I refuse to create a new au, let's call it "alternate timeline"
Ok so, this is based on this illustration. They were just thoughts that came into my head while I was coloring. I'm bad at narration and good at lists so bear with me...
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We are located in the time just before Narinder discovers/creates/idk the way to revive mortals. He is still the bishop of death with his own cult and there are no problems with the rest of the bishops. I want to add a note: since this is set before the whole betrayal thing here Narinder is portrayed as calmer focused on his own thing.
The lamb (we will call her Avan hehe) is part of the cult of the red crown. She is really interested in everything related to spirits and gods and often gets into trouble because of her curiosity.
One day in particular she decides to follow one of the fireflies/devotion lights through the forest and ends up meeting the bishop of death who, thanks to a convenient breeze, ends up revealing his face by accident.
I don't know what happens in this period of time but the lamb ends up visiting the forest often to meet Narinder until it becomes a kind of habit.
Visits in the forest become common company within the cult as well. Avan receives as a gift the red cord that she uses as a belt to match Narinder (thanks to this other cultists believe that she has ascended to a new position and do not usually bother her with questions)
Avan ends up helping Narinder perfect the resurrection method with the knowledge she has of materials (bones, plants, among others) in addition to providing a different perspective and questions to the god of death. In the end they end up achieving the result that we know in the game. [for the ritual to work the summoner gives a small fragment of his life, since Narinder is immortal this does not affect him in any way]
Here the pre-game events take place: the bishops don't like this, they plan a way to stop what Narinder has started and opt to imprison him in the gateway, but first they must kill him (inspired by this post, go check it out )
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So Narinder is killed but he is not immediately chained, but rather the bishops decide to first put an end to the cult (to prevent knowledge about the resurrection from being dispersed). Avan's life is spared because "she seemed to be close to Narinder and his memory should not be forgotten" (me to myself: HA FOOLS! they left alive the only one who really knew the resurrection ritual)
As the massacre takes place, Avan (between terrified and confused) decides to do the resurrection ritual on her own. She takes Narinder's heart and hides deep in the forest.
As Avan is a mortal, the ritual affects her quite a bit (you can see her blackened fingers in a sketch). Narinder is brought back to the world of the living as a demigod, as Avan's mortal life was not enough to bring him back fully.
This is where the story gets a little blurry because my imagination started to run out…
While Narinder fervently desires to take revenge, his powers are truly limited now, and abusing them could kill him and even the lamb. Avan, for her part, prefers to hide at least for a while, scared of the bishops and the idea that they will discover that she was the one who brought Narinder back to life.
How the hell do you hide a cat at least three times your height?
Before the story went totally off track this was supposed to be some sort of Narinder flashback for the CFP Au
I did think about designing a lamb especially for this one, but I prefer to take and adapt Avana, it's more fun and I think the blue suits her well.
Is this a romantic Au? dramatic? Platonic? of friendship? of survival? idk, be creative with your own imagination and enjoy.
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athanmis · 2 months
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welly belly🤭
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cccotard · 3 months
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purple ish saras
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