#tho one thing ill leave down here is the fact that wine has Issues
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skeletonlvr22 · 4 months ago
I wanted to ask if/when Wine would find out about Willa how would he react?
Would he go off the rails and go full protective brother mode?
Or just play it off with his best poker face? OR WOULD HE BE FINE WITH IT??
Please I need to know 🙏[also I love this fic so far, especially the way you write Coffee!!]
HI, HI!!!
Hmm, well! Wine doesn't typically do well in situations he's never been put in, and Coffee's never brought anyone home (let alone been with anyone) so Wine would struggle with it.
However, Wine prides himself on being put together and having more information than other people think he does (its a control thing), so if he's able to keep himself together, he'd probably just do a deep dive into her past and then be vaguely creepy (in the way of knowing things she hasn't told him and stuff she knows Coffee hasn't told him either).
Although Willa and Wine won't be meeting anytime soon, it's sure to be interesting!
Willa has a lot more to learn (about herself, not just Coffee), Coffee has more people to meet, and Wine meeting any of Coffee’s friends is a bit far in their futures. But it will happen! It's been planned out since the beginning, and I can't wait to get to it!
Thank u sm for your ask and your kind words, Coffee's so fun to write!!
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topconfessions · 3 years ago
T.O.P.. I don't think he loves his fans as much and he claims to.He pretty much mocks and dissses them with his posts.
I have a workmate who reminds me a lot of him.
She is into the same things as he is. I almost envy her. She studies wine, likes art , collects sneakers, and grew up in the 90's with the "old school" hiphop influence.
I convinced her to listen to doom dada and she said it has become one of her favorite songs, even tho the kpop industry fuckery and delulus appals her.
She said something like " how can someone who sounds so sophisticated and uses Basquiat and pinot noir references in the song plus Kubrick, zoe trope, Dali, and Tarantino in the music video expect delulus to understand it? Isn't he targeting the wrong people? Doesn't he get frustrated? I would."
Ok, delulu is a strong word, but let's level, most of comments are about his looks and love declarations. The fans, they must be young.
That got me thinking. Is he frustrated? Hence the instagram bipolar shit posting and quickly deleting and posting again and deleting again Is it because he gets frustrated and somewhat angry? I mean, the guy gives his fans absolutely NOTHING. I am surprised people still follow him tbh. He makes me feel like a clown, humiliated.
I am always angry at myself, why did I expect more?
Maybe he is going thru a transition. He is afraid that he won't have same the amount of supporters ad he has now when he finally make the move from BB's T.O.P into his trueself. But then again, does he want the same kind of fans?
On a different note:
Is TOP really back with lynnkmm? What's her real name anyways? Who is she, what does she do?
I think it's such a waste. Why does it feel like he only dates empty minded women who do not have their own personality, they just copy whatever he does. Why can't he be with someone on his level and would defy him in a healthy way. You know what I mean? Does he lack that much self confidence?
You've summed up everything I've ever been saying about TOP from the start. And you've perfectly summed up everything that pissed the butthurt loser trolls off who expressed their lunacy and downright mental detriment with their huffs on here about "ageism" taking everything about this man personally as if it's a slight against them - when in reality from what your art enthusiast friend has described, it shines a light on the fact that TOP would not want to realistically spend time with the average fan let alone fans who pretend to be into his interests as he can spot a poser a mile away in terms of his hardcore dedication to the arts industry.
Top IS frustrated. Greatly frustrated and it shows. That probably is the answer and sums it all up cause I can't think of any other valid reason minus severe mental illness and issues he hasn't seemed therapy for, as an explanation as to why his behavior is so erratic. And I'm not here for the kids enabling him through toxic positivity and saying he's 4D and happy. When he clearly showed on that IG live melt down when he looked a mess that he wasn't okay and said himself he was over Korea.
I agree with your friend. His work and artistry is targeted the wrong audience completely and this is why he wanted out of YG entertainment among other reasons. His work is beyond the understanding of the average teenager, young 20 something or kid. At the same time though to some small fraction TOP brought this upon himself by becoming too comfortable and content in bigbang by remaining an active member, as long as going along with GD's " we don't need America we're good right here" POV. He unintentionally screwed up everything by not leaving when he was venturing into acting during Tazza 2 era. I vividly remember a lot of the fandom easily accepting the rumors of him leaving then and we were all pretty much ready and bittersweet-ly okay with letting him go so he could become a fill fledged actor as well as continue Sotheby's. Art auction work. Also Sothebys is a highly esteemed Art Auction company also Realty and other services. He is on good terms with them and works with them still but could have did so much more and rose in the ranks if he applied himself. He stayed comfortable and I've literally heard the biggest names in the business and CEO game like Mark Cuban who is always on Shark Tank & owned sports teams say that in order to be successful you need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and take risks.
Hes not a risk taker by intention he's a risk taker unintentionally with the mistakes he makes minus risks in his creative direction i.e doom dada. He should have went independent and left the company & group altogether after Tazza was released then either venture into America for tours marketed to a certain crowd or festivals that is not for the average mainstream community. Or be like Paris Jackson and have her music reach niche audience.
It's been clear TOP is probably angry and disappointed inside that minus his love for the group, his music will never be directly consumed and understood the way niche persons like your friend or us understand it.
Tell your friend he fails to understand that all of these gripes because he himself is trying to overcome mental health issues and stress on top of depression. So it isn't 100% apparent to him that the average fans won't get his message cause he himself is very youthful at heart, the group has always said he's a like a grown kid and the most sensitive despite being the oldest.
I just...idk. Sometimes in life you have to know when to walk away from things cause time is everything and timing matters. If the rock would have stayed in WWE for like 3 more years or 5 more he wouldn't be what he is and John Cena as a result wouldn't be what he is cause they wouldn't have had a big need for a replacement star in WWE minus Stone Cold leaving. Just an example. You have to know when to stay and when to leave. Now TOP is leaving when it doesn't matter anymore and leaving in a backwards time where the group has came together for a single yet we are being treated like childern and supposed to blindly jump for joy & believe this isn't a goodbye song or a bone thrown to us so they can stop promoting together for another 5 years. Which they will be close to 40.
I get the sense TOP wasn't physically ready or believed he was fully capable of making it on his own fully without a management company i.e YG and the GROUP as back up. Just my theory and opinion. And YES! his comments are always flooded with redundant mind numbing love spam, foreign fans who are blissfully clueless and sharing love (nothing wrong with that at all) and just a lot of praise or some occasional questions. At some point although I'm glad he has love it looks like a robot spam. It looks like legions of repeating statements and spam with no real thought process behind it. Look at American stars comments. Sure its messy but you'll find love in it and varying opinions, some criticisms, some love with shade peppered in and maybe some fans wars with a troll or shady person. It's a lot of variety in the posts then with people like Beyonce it's similar to TOP but you can still sense a flow of realistic comments and the genuine care from her fans.
I believe TOP clearly sees this and he feels numb to it. Like he appreciates it on surface level but it means nothing to him overall. Which is why he can easily respond to hate comments or comments he doesn't like quicker than love comments he NEVER Acknowledges. I've seen in the past during the first years of him joining that he would reply to a random comment of fans but now he doesn't really do. It's to people he knows like most celebs. He treats his most valuable resource aka his fans poorly but the fans will never see this. They never will and it's sad.
Too much adoration especially if it's done in this way can be harmful cause its not offering a concrete genuine support. He just sees another flood of the same old same old.
And as for the Lynnkmm situation she's a wealth off girl he met through connections. Nothing more or less. A lot of guys in the industry American and overseas do this. Date hollow girls who are beneath them especially mentally cause it keeps them in control, keeps them in the lead, they don't have to think or bend much, it serves them and if TOP dated a woman his age in his league it would be too much for him. He would have to really be present and take accountability and be on better behavior. Younger girls will and can give guys like TOP hell especially due to immaturity or brattiness but it's a smoother ride with them plus it's easier to transition through break ups with them emotionally to some degree.
Its a lot I can't sum up into 1 explanation. It's no different than Leo DiCaprio or Zac Efron dating girls like that. And with TOP of course he's dating girls who drop everything for him or pretend to take on his lifestyle. Women on his level 9 times out of 10 won't do that. Only seasoned athletes manage this well (not the cheaters*) Singers and Actors don't manage this well.
Eventually we'll probably hear of him dating some actress or woman in the higher arts industry in the future. But that's it.
Glad someone feels the same way I do. P.S I won't respond to any counter remarks. None of our words about TOP matter in the grand scheme cause he's unreachable and he's untouchable.
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