#tho i also haven’t looked allll that hard
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touchlikethesun · 1 year ago
i’m trying to break out of it but, when it comes to their relationship dynamics, so far no fic has managed to top the one skiing au where bokuto and akaashi try and convince kuroo and tsukki to be in a poly relationship that i followed religiously back in 2015, like. (almost) no other fic has managed to tap into what i find so appealing about that group’s whole dynamic, their humour their earnestness their chaos as four, the way akaashi and tsukki balance kuroo and bokuto’s energy (except everyone knows the real trouble is tsukki and bokuto), and like the individual dynamics are incredible too, every pairing just worked so well, even ones i wouldn’t have considered before like kuroo and akaashi. like how in 100k words did this author manage to develop every relationship just so damn well??? there should be way too many moving parts, at least one of the dynamics should have fell flat or fell to the background but none of them did ughhhhh oh my god it’s so good i just need like. a dozen more fics exactly like it rippppp like i’m watching s2 (again yes ik) and all i can think about when i see the four of them interact is “wow that author really nailed their dynamics, what they wrote is exactly how those four would be in 10 years time” god fanfiction is incredible
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risingsoleil · 1 month ago
Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy is literally so Lin-coded!! Like, her being a total workaholic and the whole baby drama with her boyfriend?? Screams Lin. You gotta watch it if you haven’t!! (When are we getting a surgeons AU Linzin tho??👀)
Omg yes!!! I used to watch the show when I was a kid. Even tho it's been years since I watched it, I do clearly remember the Cristina Yang childfree choice in the show
Surgeon Linzin? Let's see how that might play out for them. Mind you, I know very little about the medical field and allll the drama/struggles lol
Lin and Tenzin met in medical school, and started off as friends. No love at first sight, just enjoyed each other's company and talked every so often.
Lin's dream is to become a neurosurgeon
Tenzin becomes a heart surgeon
Their paths cross again when they're in residency at the same hospital. They start generally at the same time, except Tenzin is a year ahead of Lin now.
Just because they knew each other, they hang out more and more...until they start developing feelings for each other
They have their struggles amidst hospital drama (what's new?). But Lin and Tenzin eventually get married and go on to become the hospital power couple in their 50s
One of their relationship struggles is definitely having enough time for each other. Sometimes they just live at the hospital, but they're together. So that compensates. But it's still hard
I can see them having two kids in this AU, a son and daughter
Patients also sometimes develop crushes on their doctors or surgeons...Linzin is not immune to that
Pema brings her mother in for check-ups on her heart, and finds out she will need surgery. Essentially, she's just her mom's primary support during her health issues. Tenzin is the surgeon. In the check-ups, Pema shows up to each of them and her mom knows her girl has a crush on the middle-aged doctor. Even her mom thinks Tenzin is cute
But nothing comes between Pema and Tenzin. She's still young and she's a patient's family. Tenzin draws a very clear line between himself and patients. Also, he just figures it's a crush and nothing will happen anyway. He knows Lin gets hit on a bunch and that irritates him more
Sometimes when Lin is hit on by a patient and Tenzin has free time, he'll volunteer to help the male patient with some easy task. The look of irritation on the guy's face when it's not Lin gives Tenzin life. When he's finished assisting or hears Lin coming back, "Oh, my wife is back. She'll take care of you now. Have a good day."
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vrisrezis · 3 years ago
if you haven’t already maybe some general relationship headcanons for guzma? i hope ur having a good day!! ☕︎
YESSS <33 hope u had a good day too anon
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- OKAY SO like first of allll I just wanna say his love language is touch i just know it is? He’s always touching you somehow, arm around your waist or shoulder or holding your hand, doesn’t matter. Typically he’s loud, a simple yell from him could stop you in your tracks and he knows it, but instead he just grabs your shoulder or arm?!
- so yes, touch is a love language but loves if you’re just as clingy too! Loves when you touch him at all, but loves his hair being played with and you totally dye it all the time when it starts getting black again
- also seeing you interact with his golisiopod would make him sooo happy. Yes he has to act all tough but that’s his partner pokemon and it’s his literal child ok treat this mf well and give it many poke treats <//3 he is gonna fall harder for you if you’re nice to golisiopod (and so much more if golisiopod likes you)
- speaking of !!! Golisiopod is protective of its trainer, but who’s to say it cant warm up to you and become protective of you too?
- tbh before you were dating and he was dealing with liking you he didn’t know how to deal with it and insisted on Pokémon battles left and right just to see you, at least he had an excuse if you kept kicking his ass but if not? He looks sus as fuck.
- now he still battles you a lot but it’s training
- cuddles are huge with him, always cuddling you to sleep or just when relaxing again touch is huge for him
- like even in public? Usually has his arm around you
- lotsa kisses too!! It’s to make up for the fact he can never voice that he loves you and all that sappy shit people usually like in relationships
- he feels bad? Like he’s obviously poor and doesn’t get a lot of money so he can’t buy you nice things :(
- he is protective as fuck by the way!! Like .. he doesn’t get many things but he feels so lucky to have you, no way in hell is he losing you to anybody!!
- he cares about you like so much, just in his own way obviously lol
- look at his eyes he’s so tired please cuddle him to sleep like!! He works too hard, too much training and worrying about you and the grunts + plums
- speaking of, the grunts love you! Like they always got your back especially if you’re in a tough spot! Honestly they’d be the kinda bitches to be like “AYO YOU FUCKIN WITH OUR Y/N?! WE WILL FUCK U UP!” Plumeria loves you too but she knows you can handle yourself, but also like “Cant let something happen to you guzma would kill me” but she secretly cares and it’s obvious <//3
- while he does tell you not to worry about him secretly likes that you do since it shows you care!
- he’s not the best at opening up, but sometimes in a moment of weakness is just like tearing up because he thinks you’re so cute and is like “dear arceus I love you” very rare tho
- sometimes feels so lucky though, like he doesn’t even deserve you you’re like too good to be true
- anyways hc he didn’t receive much love growing up which is why he loves physical touch and being affectionate because he didn’t receive it . Which is also why he’s awkward at vocalizing his feelings
- he loves you so much though and it’s very apparent from how he acts <3
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galaxymagick · 2 years ago
It's so hard for me to get any updates on vixx members nowadays, I'm kinda out of the loop... can you recommend me any accs that post news/updates about them? (I mainly use tw1tt3r)
tysm 💕
Hi Anon… it is and I’ll try to help but I don’t know if I will be any
Twt: @/realvixx and following the members individual twitters
I mainly follow taekwoon korean fansites and not a lot of intls esp not any that update with news updates 🤔 Tho! look up @/kimjyans, a jaehwan stan and look through their many followers/following to look for others. you might find some you like.. I know that’s not very helpful at allll but like I said I don’t follow many intls esp ones that just update with news and stuff of the other members... so the ppl following her are the “best” to look through see if you can find anyone who does 🤷‍♀️ there are some hongbin stans who translate parts of his streams but I can’t remember their @ ‘s
Their official accounts and..
Hakyeon : 51k
Hyuk : ad.a_official
Hongbin: since no longer being an official member is live on twitch waterhyacinth everyday for like 8+ hours ! He also has youtube 콩비니TV & 이홍빈
Ravi : he’s enlisted so no news updates except the whole current situation happening with enlistment evasion..
Tumblr: well..
Taekwoon - there’s me! lolllll I’ve been collecting fantakens, sns and news consistently??? for the last few years! esp since he came back from enlistment. I also try to translate his sns with help from my brain and papago anything that involves him I update with 🫡
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@/princetaekwoon : updates with fantaken pictures but only hq ones and not as often as they used to.. they have a glorious archive tho!!!
Jaehwan: @/jaehwanday - fantakens, news sns, you name it they update with it!!! ^^
(I used to update with jaehwans sns and fantakens (you can see my tags in my pinned post) but it got too much so I just eventually stuck to just updating with taekwoon stuff)
I reblog all taekwoon and jaehwan stuff to my sideblog @/fykeo
Other members : I have absolutely no idea. I haven’t seen anyone post news information etc in forever. @/officialrovix used to but they’ve been missing for a long while now 😔
@/vixxnetwork reblogs gifs and edits and stuff
the best place is to look in the tags vixx, vixxedit, vixxnetwork and the members names as they are the only places to see updates if any, of any of the remaining members.
I’m so sorry if this isn’t helpful.. I tried
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idealisticrealism · 7 years ago
Blindspot 3x05 recap
Aka the one where all my sons are idiots and all my daughters are precious angels who deserve all the hugs.
Late again, because when am I not? Again, I blame the travelling.
So I’m kinda intrigued by this pair; the bleeding, accented woman and the young guy with an American accent in what seems to be a  super-dingy bathroom? What is going on here??
Patterson has been doing some fancy analysing of the adoption records and yeppp, Jane definitely had a kid. And ugh Patterson is so sweet and gentle about it and has done so much research so she could give Jane ALL the info and Jane is just Not Dealing. But hmmm Patterson tells her there’s no way to test if she’s had a child and lbr that’s not exactly true? A good ObGyn could generally tell just by looking at the cervix. Not a perfect measure, but it’s definitely an option. But anyhow Jane is too busy flipping out anyway, and ugh she mentions the Taylor Shaw thing and already having everything ripped away from her multiple times and man my heart just hurts for her rn. And Weller’s so at a loss for what to do or how to comfort her ugh my poor babies
Lol Reade and Zapata and their little Wizardville rivalry is super cute. And then she’s completely open with him and asks him directly about the State Department Guy thing and wow Reade just harshly shuts her down. I’m glad Patterson interrupts this little moment because it was definitely going nowhere good. But speaking of things that ARE good,  omg I love her pun about the ‘backbone’ of the case and Weller being all killjoy about it haha. That’s right, honey, just ignore him. Your humour is too good for him anyway. And so anyhow the tatt leads to a NYPD evidence log number, though Zapata notes that the code is different to what the NYPD uses now, and Reade gets super snarky at her for it. Geez son, learn some manners! Patterson backs Zapata up tho (yaaassss my girls), showing that the code is like 20 years old. Jeller go to check out the warehouse it points to while Zapata is given paperwork by Reade (wow, petty), though tbh Zapata ends up with the better deal since Jeller have to fight some bad guys and literally put out a fire. Ugh the way Jane yells for him as she tries to fight the fire alone-- it’s only when its the two of them together that they manage to extinguish it. Symbolism, much? Patterson calls right at that moment to warn them to get out, and it’s a little late, but well, it’s the thought that counts haha. Other warehouses have been burned, which means someone is trying super hard to destroy evidence but doesn’t know where it is. Jane, because she’s amazing, finds the box they nee-- and in it is a whole bunch of untested rape kits going back 20 years. I love the conversation the guys have about the low priority assigned to sexual assault testing-- it’s some good commentary from the writers about the state of the real world. 
Meanwhile, Stuart’s phone has been found in the river, and both Patterson and Zapata are very suspicious of the way Reade basically tells her to leave it alone. Looking super suss rn, bro, and I do not like it at allll.
However, I really DO like listening to Jane speak in other languages. So damn cool. And as someone who is currently staying in a foreign country and communicating solely in the local tongue, I have a renewed respect for her fluency lol.  Their Russian suspect conveniently elects to speak English though haha. How handy. He’s a bit of a tough guy but through a sneaky move on Jeller’s part, he gives them the info they need-- how he got paid, which gives them a lead on the people hiring him. Patterson also drops another pun, which is three so far this ep and I’m so proud. She also figures out that the the victim was likely linked to Kazarus, which as far as I’m aware is a fake place though tbh my geography is not super great. But anyhow, that narrows their search to two sexual assault survivors. 
And then aww Patterson pulls Weller aside and tries to support him about the whole surprise-kid thing, and ugh she’s just so sweet and wants to help both him and Jane as best she can. But he’s upset bc he knows he can’t fix this; no one can. I guess it all just takes time, right? Meanwhile Jane’s in the locker room, getting a call from Roman, and dude he really knew the whole time??  And ugh if she was sixteen when she had the baby (to her high school sweetheart aww) then he was probably about 14 at the time, just a kid himself who had suddenly become an uncle, and man I’m so sad for them both?? But lol she gets to the bullpen and covers the phone while practically yelling for them to trace the call. Not super subtle, Jane. And he tells her she initially fought Shepherd on giving the baby away and then she just ran away? I’m confused.  I guess we now understand a bit more about why Remi joined the army though I guess. Not sure how she ever went back to working for Shepherd, though, but maybe she saw the memory wipe as a way out? And Beardy was meant to fill her in on everything including the kid.  Idk. Jane’s now having a small breakdown in the locker room and decides she has to go see Shepherd, but Weller’s right when he says that Shepherd would just mess with her head. Don’t give her the satisfaction, Jane! And oh look, a mention of Bethany, haven’t had one of those in a while. And tbh that’s the way I like it, show, so keep ignoring her existence please haha.
In the lab, Patterson admits defeat about Stuart’s phone-- it’s as dead as he is. (Too soon??) But Zapata didn’t spend all that time at the CIA without gaining a few skills in the realms of deception and deviousness, and so they hatch a plan to bluff and lure out the possible mole. And then a lab tech in a headscarf calls them to see something, and the panning shot of the lab also shows another tech in a turban. Firstly, I approve of some diversity happening here, and secondly, I hope that this casting choice was deliberate so there would be people that looked at those characters and went “the traitor has to be one of them” so that when it’s shown that the traitor is someone else, the people watching have to examine just why it was that they thought either of these two background characters were guilty. (Hint: it’s racism!). Anyhow, the rape kit in question has been tested, and it turns out the rapist is the king of Kazarus. Or, the former king, since he died and his brother has assumed the throne. The only spanner in the works being that the rape resulted in a child, who, as per the Kazarussian monarchy, is the rightful heir to the throne. Which naturally means that Scar’s gotta have him taken out. Now we know who we saw at the start of the ep-- the kid and his mother, who was clearly attacked by the assassins but escaped. Now it’s a race for the team to find them before the Kazarussians do. 
And then who appears but Weitz, who is now a congressman, and conveniently an expert on Kazarus. I love that everyone looks at Hirst and she’s all “Don’t look at me, Darlins” and how is someone using ‘darling’ in plural like that so damn endearing??? The accent is what truly makes it though, obviously. But nope, it was Reade who called him, which is just another in the list of things Reade has done lately that we do not like. Weitz manages to make everyone hate him even more within mere seconds of showing up, and tbh I love to hate him. His antagonism towards Zapata is hilarious.  I like that even Hirst gives him some shit lol. Atta girl. Anyhow Weitz informs them that the ex-king’s brother Cyrus is a Bad Dude and there’s a bunch of american soldiers in Kazarus that are now at risk, and yep the stakes have just been raised
Reade gets called into the principal’s office to discuss his little spat with Zapata. How exactly does Hirst know about that, though? Though I guess if she’s paid attention to any of their interactions today then she probably could have figured it out. I’m offended that he calls Zapata a busybody?? But then he does at least say that she’s nothing to worry about and that she’s a friend. What do you two have to hide though??? Meanwhile in the lab, Patterson has found the kid by examining the curtains in a video that the kid sent to his gf. That’s my lil genius. Of course it’s super convenient that this type of curtain is only made for a specific motel chain, but whatevs, I’ll let it slide as I do with many things in this show haha. I love Zapata teasing Weitz though, suggesting that it was all too smart for him and went over his head haha
Jane’s clearly taking this case pretty personally-- and tbh it does seem veeeeeeeery convenient that there’s a case that resonates so closely with her current situation, until you remember that this time around, all the tattoos are specifically designed by Roman to be revealed in a certain order, so it makes total sense that the case matches stuff going on in their personal lives. More sense than when it happened in the last two seasons, so touche, writers. You win this round. Anyway they get to the hotel, and the kid immediately pulls a gun on them. His mom’s not looking too good though, kinda bleeding out a little on the bed, and ugh Jane does her frightened-animal whisperer thing and convinces the kid to let her help his mom. Naturally he chooses to trust her bc lbr wouldn’t you?? They get his mom to the hospital where she’s super well guarded, and he tells them about only learning at 18 about his mother’s attack. And he only learned yesterday about the whole king thing, and tells them he’ll never go to Kazarus. You just know that Jane is thinking about her baby and how the kid probably wouldn’t want to know her as they must think she abandoned them, and ugh it hurts. Why must you do this, show?
Back in the lab Patterson and Zapata have set their trap, and are waiting to see who falls into it-- only they don’t like the answer. According to her computer, Reade logged into the system to delete the files. Patterson is grim; she doesn’t like it, but she’s ready to believe it. When Zapata tries to insist that Reade wouldn’t do it, that he’s family, Patterson just reminds her: Borden was family too. And ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I do not like this at all. I am so done with leaks and moles and traitors and all of it ugh.  I do appreciate Weitz for making me smile here; Zapata is back at her desk and he throws a paper airplane at her, then feigns confusion, looking around for who could have done it. Tbh I actually do ship these two a little bit. All the bickering just does it for me lol. She gives him shit about probably not going to be re-elected, but he says he’s doing great in the polls. She says polls have been wrong before-- and is that some political commentary I hear? Man who was the writer of this ep because they are not pulling punches today. Reade comes over and tries to mend bridges, which tbh tastes a little sour after he was such an asshole this morning... give him nothing, Zapata!
Looks like Yasmine is gonna live, which is nice. She and Jane bond a little over protecting kids etc while Weller and the kid go to get something from the vending machine--- and ugh when they’re coming back Wller notices their guard from the door is gone and pushes the kid behind him. I love protective Weller. I also love Weller throwing an injured woman over his shoulder and carrying her to safety. Damn. He also proved pretty smart-- when they realised that the baddies were on their FBI comms, he bluffed and reported that they were headed for the roof while they escaped out the front door instead. Nice. Though why do I feel like that escape was too easy?
Patterson has figured out that it’s not Reade that’s tampering with their evidence, but someone else using his login. She confesses to Zapata about the backdoor that Wizardville gives her into people’s phones, and says she’s never used it before, which isn’t true though right?? Didn’t she use it on that Lowie guy’s lawyer a few eps ago? Anyway Zapata doesn’t care about the illegal biz, she just wants to hear her best(?) friend’s name cleared.  Turns out he wasn’t even in the building when someone used an FBI computer to access their files, so that’s at least looking good for him, even if it is bad for them as a whole
Weller reports in, and the team tracks their phones and immediately sends backup-- but too late, considering that the baddies have laid out a trap for them. Was this why it was so easy for them to get away?? Jeller manage to take out several bad dudes on their own, but not before one of them manages to molotov-cocktail their car, which blows up moments later. Dude that’s one potent cocktail… but ugh they all make it to safety, with Weller again literally carrying Yasmine, and ugh the mother and son hug and the husband and wife hug and it’s just a very poignant moment okay?? Also there’s just something really beautiful about the way Jane hugs, I can’t even really describe it. Anyhow they all make it back to the NYO, where the rest of the team (plus Weitz, in his own way) are super glad to see them alive. After a minute Zapata and Patterson sneak off, because Patterson needs to tell her the news-- the person using Reade’s login was Hirst. She’s sure because of biometric software that she runs on all of their computers, and again, man I’m super glad that these powers are in the hands of someone trustworthy like Patterson haha. But ugh this means my honey-accented cool aunt is a baddie?? She even knew that Lowie guy from a few eps ago. Well, bummer. Still holding out for the possibility that there’s more to it, but things aren’t looking great...
Oh dear, King Cyrus was murdered, and the Kazarussians are demanding their heir. Which really sucks for the kid, and Jane and Weller try to protect him, but he’s determined to go and to make things better for his fellow Kazarussians. And lbr, to have to go become king is not the worst thing??  
Wow Patterson and Zapata actually went to Reade to warn him about Hirst. I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does. I would have done some more surveillance or something first? But anyway he is really not taking it well, and kinda attacks both of them a bit over it. And wait he’s known Hirst since he was in Quantico??? That’s news to me.  And not good news, either. Please don’t be dirty, Reade. Please…
Jeller are recovering at home after a pretty damn rough day. Jane has changed her mind about finding her daughter-- she wants her just to have a happy, stable life, and that willl be far easier if she never knows Jane exists. And he just hugs her bc what can you do to make that pain better? Nothing, that’s what. She’s going to mourn her connection with her daughter for the rest of her life and ugh it just really sucks
Oh no a time jump, nothing good ever follows a time jump. And oh shit it’s Berlin. Weller’s having no luck with a rude hotel employee, which I find super unbelievable because a) he’s front desk staff at a fancy hotel, b) the person asking him for help is a man clearly traumatised about his missing wife, and c) he’s German. Him being rude makes no sense. But it does give this girl a cool opening to come help Weller out, and man I am jealous of her German speaking skills. Like I said earlier, it’s not easy!! But wait, there’s more. The girl is not only American, but she’s looking for Jane. Her mother, Jane. And oh Weller, you stupid, stupid boy. You foolish, well-meaning idiot. I am sure that your reasons for not telling Jane about this are all purely to protect her (although I also suspect you’re trying to protect yourself from her leaving you again) but dude. DUDE. This is not the kind of secret you should ever keep, and honestly if Jane leaves your ass when she finds out the truth I’m gonna be on her side of the split. Ugh, my stupid son when will you ever LEARN
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tenpercentsugar · 8 years ago
Allllll then asks
1. What’s one thing you would like to change about yourself?i’d like to change how jealous and obsessive i am about damn near everything. it used to be a lot worse but i think i’m making the right moves to chill out on allll that
2. Are you religious or spiritual? i like to think i’m spiritual just because of how connected i feel w certain parts of nature but i don’t know if that counts
3. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert bitchhh i’m always looking to be out and about and talking to new people, especially right now.
4. Are you more into looks or brains? i’m really into what a feeling x one direction lately. good song
5. What is a relationship deal breaker for you? my relationship deal breakers are the same as my friendship deal breakers. unnecessary aggression, immaturity in any form, fucking w benzos (which may sound hypocritical i guess but i’m 71 days clean off those and i can’t be around ppl who do them all the time)
6. What’s your favorite book of all time and why did it speak to you so much? i used to have a favorite book of all time but it’s been so long since i’ve read a book, i’m not even sure what resonates w me anymore
7. Would you ever take back someone who cheated? nope
8. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner? we could offer em up to each other, i for one have nothing to hide
9. When do you think a person is ready for marriage? i can’t speak for other people but i know i’d really, really have to know every side of a person before we got legally bound to each other
10. What kind of parent do you think you will be?hopefully a good one! i love working with kids at my job so i think i’d be a pretty solid mom, i would just have to really get my mental health in check so i wouldn’t end up with another me lmao
11. Have you ever lost someone close to you? i’ve been thru many many failed friendships but i don’t count them as losses. i really only miss about two people that i used to fuck with.
12. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up? i wanna be with people but i don’t wanna be talked to. like leave me alone but don’t leave me by myself
13. Are you confrontational? helllllll noooo check my twit you’ll never see me in some shit if it’s someone i’m close to we can talk privately but otherwise i figure out other things to do
14. Would you relocate for love? i would relocate just for the fun of it. in fact last night i kept thinking i should move away and start over completely fresh. new job, new friends, new everything. there’s a lot more to life than i’m offering myself rn and i feel like it’s got a lot to do w where i stay
15. Did you ever write a journal? i did! i used to use writing as a way to be really fucking negative tho so it’s hard to jump back in when i’m not always feelin that way anymore
16. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? not much to misunderstand but lately dylan keeps talking like i somehow think that jake’s music is better than everybody’s?? like he’ll be like “lemme play you this song” and i say “uh nope” and he says “jake showed me it you’ll love it” where is he getting that from
17. What did your past relationship teach you? no past relationships to learn from buddy
18. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder? if you feel comfortable doing it then good on you my friend
19. What’s on your bucket list this year?quit smoking CIGS they’re fucking gross i wish i had been more careful w my own life
20. What do you define as a family? i think you create your family like your family isn’t just blood. i’ve always felt closer to my friends who were like family than my actual family.
21. Are my parents happy with the person I have become? that’s a no. i’ve seen my mom cry way too many times bc of me
22. What relaxes me? driving with the windows down by myself
23. Can you handle the rigors of a long distance relationship? no i don’t think i could handle the “rigors” of a short distance relationship
24. What will people say at your funeral?i hope everybody says nice things! or at least funny things. i also hope that ppl who used to fuck w me but don’t now are not there and still diss me on the low even tho i’m dead. consistency is key
25. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything okay?if i lost everything tomorrow i’d be running straight to the plug
26. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?driving, going to shows, travelling the damn world, prolly smoking doobies
27. Would you break the law to save a loved one?one of my biggest fears is going to jail so it would really depend on the law lmao
28. What were you doing when you last lost track of the time?i lost track of time over the weekend because i was on uppers and weed and hanging out w a lot of cool people and time just got away from me
29. What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? What will you be able to do at this time next year?i don’t remember much about a year ago but today i guess i could smoke more weed since i’m off pretrial lmao. by this time next year i want to be able to go home to a place that isn’t the house i grew up in.
30. If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?i’d wish to die before everyone i love bc it gives me crazy anxiety to imagine going to their funerals
31. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?the yellow paneling we used to have and the big swingset i spent hella time on in the summer
32. What did you want to be when you were a kid?a teacher, a microbiologist, a psychologist, at my youngest i wanted to be a stay at home mom lmao which i guess is still ideal
33. Where would you like to live? Why haven’t you moved?i wanna live out west soooo bad and i haven’t moved cuz i can’t get my money right and the cost of living is higher over there
34. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?i don’t have any big dreams right now so nothing to risk yeehaw
35. What bad habits do you want to break?smoking cigs, eating hella when i’m high, getting high every single day
36. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentencei just hope i’m alive to see the next five years of my life
37. Do you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story?uh neither i don’t do anything heroic or villainous i mostly just chill
38. How much control do you really have over yourself?i have full control over myself and my actions. i just do really stupid things
39. When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?couldn’t tell you. prolly the last time anyone hugged me when i didn’t wanna be touched.
40. What is something you believe is too serious to be joked about?suicide. those kind of jokes make me feel physically ill bro they’re disgusting
thanks hunny bunny i luv u
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