#tho I certainly know some contender moments
raymurata · 1 month
❤️ ❗️ 🐞 for Oak and Tarylin
❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
In both cases, their family members!
Despite everything that family did to him, and despite questioning their methods on occasion, Tarlyn was loyal to his identity as an Icozrin and he lived in service of his den (as far as Oak remembers at least).
Oak loves their family deeply and can't fathom anything bad happening to them. They'd go to great lengths to protect them, including being away from them. This is one of the reasons they were itching to leave Jigow (so as not to risk the Icozrin coming after them there) and be on the move/adventuring.
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
I'll keep my mouth shut abt Tarlyn for this one. 👀
For Oak, it was definitely when Ahlysaaria announced her plan to "return them to a worthy body." But being attacked by Anil and his goons was right up there too (and as far as they know, Anil was trying to get them to proceed with Ahlysaaria's plan, so it's the same fear again). I think that the attempted kidnapping marked the first time Oak's ever fallen in battle. I might be misremembering tho cuz my memory sucks for these things. I even wanted to ask @skullhaver if they remember exactly what the goons used when Oak went down. Was it the Gravity Stone? (😂 The irony of Oak falling bc of their own invention is truly something.) I'm not sure force damage would leave a scar, tho. It was probably internal injuries that Espen healed. But they sustained other damage in that fight. A lot of it. Some other goons stabbed them. Bad day. Not to mention the fact BOTH ESPEN AND MOXIE fell too!!!! If their friends had died bc of the Icozrin, Oak would have been so so so so sad. It was terrifying.
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
For Tarlyn, the perfect day would have been the day Ahlysaaria said "You've worked so hard and you've truly honored your den, Tarlyn. I will always be proud of you." 🥲 Lmao I mean, that's the short of it. If you could have entered his mind and seen his daydreams, you'd have seen his perfect day looked a little like this: Some magical invention of his is the breakthrough that revolutionizes weaponry manufacture in the Dynasty and puts the Kryn army at an undeniable advantage against their foreign enemies. He stands before the Bright Queen in the Lucid Bastion, she thanks him personally and by name, and as a reward, he is granted consecution and Den Icozrin is elevated into the ruling class. Everyone he knows witnesses this. His friends are jealous, Ymril is furiously envious, Galsariad wants him so bad; even Essek Thelyss, whom he's clearly surpassed on this perfect imaginary day, notices and admires him openly. His mother radiates with unmistakable pride. She cups his cheeks and kisses his forehead and hugs him tightly and lovingly in private, and tells him she'll always be proud of him. "You were absolutely perfect, darling," is the only feedback she gives him. Poor guy (gender neutral). Every one of those delusions could have been reality and he'd still have been miserable.
Now Oak's perfect day would look something like this: They wake up well-rested and in a comfy bed, and they're somewhere with nature, so they get to spend time outside, maybe foraging for some herbs (as they used to in Jigow), or harvesting them from a community garden (I can imagine Rosohna having some of these). They have breakfast and smoke their pipe in enjoyable company (in Jigow that'd be their family, in Rosohna their roommates, and now it's the Moonlighters), and get "productive." While a perfect day could easily be a work day (especially if they get to learn something new or do something they consider worthwhile, such as investigating Ruidium/helping Alyxian with the Moonlighters), an ideal day is not too taxing (or deadly!) and they get time to dedicate to craft projects. They get really in the zone and they're proud of their own art! Up until 10 days ago in game, Oak would have pictured making dinner, playing games and chilling with friends or family for the evening of a perfect day, but right now they would picture a date with Gal, having deep and nerdy conversations over dinner, and then they work on a spell or puzzle or a magical item or some riddles together. They talk loads and Oak gets to see sides of Gal few people know. There's lots of kissing, and they play with his hair and he hugs them tight. They cuddle.😳😳 (Oak kicks their feet picturing it) No bad luck befalls them or their loved ones on a perfect day, and they try their best to live by their values (be curious, be questioning, be understanding, be compassionate, be kind and be true to yourself). They give plenty of affection, and they feel loved and cared for in return. ♥️
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dinogoofymutated · 2 months
I've seem nothing on Gladiator and I NEED CONTENT PLZ!! I'd love seeing him go to Earth with his preaching "humans are crazy, useless, etc" and then just falls head over heels for a Mutant. Like he acts stoic and all but he's just smitten and what that would look like
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SFW! Gladiator/Fem! reader! I want you to know that this ask has had me in a CHOKEHOLD!!! Parings where couples are opposites like this have my heart. I know I usually try to make my fics and headcannons Gender neutral, But i was listening to the waitress soundtrack when an idea for this hit me and I couldn't help myself. This might actually be a contender for my Favorite fic of the week! -Ps- for anyone wondering about my finals, I've done good so far? I don't wanna jinx it tho. eesh. TWS: Kallark be kinda judgy at first. Mutant discrimination, Building fire. Violence, head injury.
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Kallark does not like earth. He can't say that he had ever enjoyed his brief visits there, but if the empress commanded his presence on the planet, who was he to refuse?
He respects Professor Xavier, although he doesn't necessarily agree with him. The X-men, although his allies, he does not care for very much. He thought them a little foolish, and was not interested in many of the things they invited him to experience.
As fate would have it, the one thing he had eventually agreed on was going to a Terran diner. He thought it was a little greasy in some spots, and didn't understand why anyone would want to be able to order breakfast food 24/7, but he assumed that there had to be a reason the team enjoyed going here so much.
Turns out, it wasn't just any Diner. This was one of the very few places that catered to mutants, although it wasn't advertised as such. Rouge had excitedly told him that he would "Just love" the waitress that would be serving them, a mutant in her own right.
He obviously hadn't believed forming deep emotions as such was possible in a short time span, but then again, he hadn't met you yet, had he?
Kallark was absolutely taken by you the moment you met. It didn't make any sense to him. How was he so infuriatingly, naively taken by simple Terran? A mutant nonetheless? He had met a handful of Terrans, all of which had been either crazy and idealistic, or scumbags and bastards. But you? He just didn't understand it. He thought for sure that you had to have some sort of power over him. Some bewitchment or spell that certainly had to be related to your genuine smile, or lighthearted laugh.
He was in trouble, and he had to find out why.
"Back again I see!" You chirp, smiling brightly at Kallark as you lead him to a booth, the only seat where he really fit due to his stature and build. He nods in a greeting, following you to his seat quietly. He visited the diner often after that initial time here with the X-men, always seeming like he had a lot on his mind every time.
To be honest, you enjoyed seeing him. He had become a regular of yours, and commonly came into the diner during the graveyard shift. He always sat in your section, being polite and patient with every order. You were sure he'd be tired of the greasy food by now, having tried just about every item on the menu, but here he was. Part of you wants to believe he comes in to see you specifically, blushing at the thought. Of course, you were just about always here, preferring to take late-night shifts as that was usually the time Mutants would come and visit. You made the diner a safe space for a lot of people, and that was a fact you took pride in.
Kallark is quiet every time he comes in, simply telling you what he would like to eat, and thanking you when prompted to do so. Sometimes he would speak more, asking questions here and there, but conversation was usually barren, consisting mostly of a comfortable silence between the two of you. Today was similar. It wasn't until you gave him the check that he asked you a question you didn't quite expect.
"What do your mutant powers consist of, exactly?" He asks. It's a simple question, but you cant help but blush at the sound of his voice- finding it unfortunately attractive. You try to shake it off, smiling at him politely.
"What, is this an interrogation? Hope you're not here to arrest me, Officer." You joke. He doesn't laugh, and you cringe at yourself a little bit. "...Maybe it's best if I show you." You settle on instead, walking over to the glass desert cabinets. Kallark watches you closely as you carefully cut out a slice of a creamy lemon pie, and plate it. He cocks an eyebrow at you as you bring it to the table, and hand him a fork. He does not understand where you are going with this exactly, but he takes a bite anyway.
A feeling of elation takes hold of him, happiness to an extent he's not sure he's ever felt before. You watch as his face shifts, giggling at his pure confusion.
"It's not drugged, I promise. My powers aren't exactly the most useful in a fight, but I can say that they pack a tasty punch." You wink. "It's all about the energy I put into something while I bake. If I want breakfast muffins to make people more energetic, it does. If I want a slice of lemon pie to make people happy, well," You motion at the pie, smiling brightly.
"So you do this with the other food as well?" Kallark asks. You shake your head.
"Ha! No. I'm not very good at cooking. everything else on the menu is made by Terry, our nightshift cook." You nod towards the kitchen, where Kallark can see a green-skinned mutant mutant pass by the open door briefly. He furrows his brow. He really though he had it for a minute, thinking that he had fully figured out where these emotions for you had come from, and yet he had still fallen short.
"You know, you've never had one of my deserts before, have you?" You think out loud, humming. Kallark has the same conclusion. He did agree that the pie was certainly very good, but it did little to explain the fast-paced beating of his heart. He finishes the pie before he leaves for the night, and to your surprise, he waves you goodbye when he does so. He's never done that before, and you find yourself blushing again.
"Are you blind?" You startle at the voice, turning around to see Terry leaning against the serving window. You put your hands on your hips, shaking off the surprise.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You scoff. He lets out a laugh, and walks back into the kitchen. You lean after him. "Seriously Terry, what do you mean by that?!"
The longer Kallark stayed on this planet, the more he started to feel like a lovestruck fool.
He was coming to see you just about every night at the diner, picking up conversation with you more often than naught. He wasn't used to Terran courting customs, and he certainly wasn't used to the way you captivated his mind so often. That wasn't to say he wasn't trying, he just didn't really know how to show you this strange affection of his.
That was until he returned to the diner one day to find it trashed, glass windows shattered, kitchen actively burning. And worst of all, you, injured and in need for a rescue.
The night had started off so well that you feel like a fool for not knowing the other shoe was going to drop.
The diner had been a safe zone for so many for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone caught on to the many mutants who called it haven. A group of rather conservative folks had come in around midnight, Not giving anyone a minute of warning as they shattered the windows and stormed into the back to find Terry, presumably. You had dove for the emergency button, but was tackled and forced to the ground before you could. The few mutants that had been eating had scrambled, fighting tooth and nail to escape. You hoped that a few did, but your head had been slammed into the ground so hard you couldn't see straight. You're having a hard time thinking over the pain you are in, the screams from the customers, the smell of smoke that had started to travel through the air. You feel a few tears slip down your cheeks as the diner lay in ruins.
The weight on top of you lifts abruptly as a great gust of wind sends the man above you flying into the counter violently. You feel like you can't lift your head to see what's going on, but there's a commotion of yelling and the sounds of bodies being slammed and incapacitated. When you manage to open your eyes, you flinch as another one of the men goes flying past you, smacking sqaurely into the wall and falling limp to the ground.
A pair of familiar boots step into your view, and you find yourself being helped up by Kallark. You have to hold onto him to steady yourself, head aching with every movement as he helps you stand. It only takes a glance around you to see that he had rescued you right on time- the diner, not so much. You sway a little, and Kallark is quick to catch you.
"You're certainly the gentleman, aren't you?" You laugh. Kallark furrows his eyebrows as one of his hands gently probes the back of your neck and skull. You wince at the feeling, and he draws his hand away.
"You have a concussion. We should get you some medical assistance." Kallark says. If you weren't mistaken, You'd say that he almost looks concerned. You shake your head at him regardless.
"Hospitals don't take care of mutants around here." You say, frowning. "Most of the time I just suck it up- but I don't think that that's the best idea right now."
"You'd be correct." Kallark hums. "I'll get you to Xaiver, but it would be wise for you to try and stay awake in the meantime." You smile at him, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek as he picks you up into a bridal hold. He looks at you, wide-eyed for a moment, before he's off. He sincerely hopes that it's not possible for your kind to hear just how fast his heart is beating inside his chest.
"Thanks, Handsome. I owe you one."
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domain-of-sentience · 11 months
ch 39 ramblings (+ HoS analysis)
wow this was the greatest arc of all time huh
(due to length, this post will mainly be a HoS analysis but ill start off with summarizing my feelings about the chapter/arc as a whole)
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in my prior posts i've already mentioned how these chapters had it all: good premise, good cast and character development, actual stakes, immersive and gut-wrenching scenes, the list goes on. lately i've seen people express concerns over Sa and how she compares to the likes of other antagonists like otto but honestly...
i care more about the chess pieces than the ones controlling them
i fucking love seeing characters struggle in the face of adversity. in some of the previous arcs, it felt like the protagonists would always find a way to be one step ahead. but whenever the salt snow cast tried to do the same, they'd end up spraining that metaphorical foot or be pushed many steps back... or just die onscreen 🙈 even if there wasn't true death, there were still lasting consequences
the spectacle was off the charts too. so many scenes were rendered with love and care that sprinkled additional life to these characters, many of whom had lofty dreams that were to end in a whimper than a bang.
and don't get me started on the elden ring ass boss fight and that tense platforming sequence. despite knowing that things were going to be ok somehow, i was able to suspend that thought and immerse myself in what truly felt like despair and isolation
Senti Thoughts (Unceasing)
she had plenty of memorable moments overall. at first i thought the writers were going Too hard on her haughty side, so much so that people were picking on her over it and even the fucking narrator had to jump in
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(then i found out this was vita, sorry vita but you're on my list now)
i mean this is the same herrscher who made so many reasonable deductions in the previous chapter. the second time she met kevin she immediately surrendered knowing that she couldn't win. if this Sa was the quantum counterpart to the cocoon of finality then hos would certainly be more cautious, right?
but i think she was fairly confident in two things: the relative power level of Sa and her own natural adaptability to situations, such as the way she cleverly hid herself from Sa's omniscience:
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this wasn't Finality that she was contending with, but a fellow rival in the domain of consciousness
Comparison to Vita
she and vita are alike in many ways: their clairvoyance, their eyes, their bird imagery, their selfishness, their love for freedom, their disdain for boredom, their interest in companionship, their struggles with free will, and even this weird tidbit:
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i think the only remarkable difference they had was senti's activeness to vita's passiveness
tho, despite their similarities they don't have interesting interactions outside of the mindspace (WHICH BTW always fills me with nostalgia whenever they play that hos bgm)
Freedom, Mind and Body
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freedom is one of the core themes of this arc (like, they really beat you in the head over it), but it's an extremely consistent trait for senti's character.
she is not a materialistic person; she would rather simulate the taste of tea in her mind than to experience it for herself. despite being a free spirit, she still has a Restraint that manifests as a mental shackle: an influence from memories that do not belong to her, which still affects her to this day. so who can blame her for always chasing freedom?
but the most interesting thing is this:
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it would explain why she could taste the moonrock a long while ago when she didn't know it was rock salt. although, i guess it's largely unnecessary since she can just influence people's consciousness to look however she wants. but y'know, chekhov's gun and all....
also, the 72 transformations is another journey to the west reference!
The Status Quo
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did you know senti is a character who hates stagnancy, but is stagnant herself?
she admitted to being stir-crazy in times of relative peace after the great eruption, she was seen pacing around in the country of iron sand while she couldn't do anything else, she'd rather beat up the problem head-on than to brew up a solution. indeed, she is a very active herrscher who likes to mire herself in chaos for the fun of it
ironically she gives away so much Therapy Guidance but she never addresses her own underlying issues, such as her wish for people to genuinely care about her. you can't fight that problem away, so she'd rather ignore it.
she couldn't even give that new body a real chance because it would unravel everything about her. she can't leave her comfort zone at all. even her fighting tactics haven't changed a bit (thanks mhy)
to use an analogy: she is like water. water is versatile and can easily turn into vapor or ice, just as how senti is adaptable and can literally change her physical state. but no matter what form water takes on, it is still molecular water in the end, just as how senti will always be senti
but what happens if water undergoes a chemical reaction and irreversibly changes?
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even pseudo-death freaked her out. can you imagine what would happen if her authority diminished completely, or if she was restrained in a corporeal body, or if she was locked up with fuhua in a room forever-
Sentihua Crumbs
you can leave this post now if this isn't your thing
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hmmmmmmmmmmm also senti isn't beating the absent father allegations
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the funny thing is that this arc was so fucking good that i want to go into the next one with ZERO expectations. like i'm not really sure if they can keep this momentum up and so far all of fuhua's appearances since the end of the taixuan arc were.... lackluster at best
but here's to hoping that fuhua and senti have genuinely meaningful interactions that can at least hold a candle to what the seeles got
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orbees · 1 year
2022 overview 
this year... where do i even Start with this year. it went by fast but also felt like an eternity. in terms of just Bullshit the universe threw my way, it was by far one of the roughest. struggled with literally Every aspect of life this year. but also the fact this Isnt the worst year of my life... i think ive come a long way w/ coping and i am proud of myself for hanging in there despite Everything 
and for all the shitty, awful things that happened, there was a lot of good stuff too. i finished my practicum, which sucked ass, but i also finished the first half of my internship which was HARD but went much better. its kinda Hard to put into words but i rly struggle a lot w/ feeling incapable of well... Anything, and this goes Beyond disability tho it certainly plays a role. its more like i just feel myself Inherently Inadequate, due to Personal Flaws. but time and time again, i prove myself wrong, and are able to do much more than i thought i could.
and at the same time i dont wanna make it seem like Grinding myself into a paste was a good thing. i shouldnt have to Be so resilient, but i can admire the strength i have in doing so. its like i often contend a lot w/ feeling like this World doesnt want someone like me. it often feels like i am trying to jam a square piece into a triangle shaped hole. its like the hole shouldnt be so hard to get thru to begin with, but i am proud of myself for Trying despite
a lot of growing pains this year, a lot of putting myself into new and uncomfortable situations. getting my first job basically thru my internship, leaving the house regularly, interacting with people Daily... i am The autistic hermit so adjusting to this was. Difficult in ways that word cant even begin to describe but i did it regardless.
i even have began taking steps to live More authentically. the Autism is a big force in my day to day, and i burn myself out trying to Mask so ive rly just wanted to start letting myself Be. i still have a hard time with this but ive taken some pretty big steps. i told my supervisor that i am autistic which i NEVER thought i’d be able to do, and i am still very very proud of myself for doing that. i want to be able to create a space where i dont feel the Need to hide so much of everything that i am and i feel like i was able to lay out a lot of the framework for making that possible. i am proud of myself for working so hard to create a better life for myself Despite everything trying to pull me down
in general ive just done A lot of work on myself this year. contended with a lot of personal truths. i gained a better sense of who i am, what i am, what i can do, and what i WANT to do. ive faced off against a lot of my demons this year, and still have plenty more fighting left to do, but i feel proud of the person i am becoming. i feel more complete & whole, and have a better understanding of what i am worth. i am excited about my growth going into 2023! its gonna be a wild year for me i just know it LOL
my resolutions:
1. read more
2. create more just in general
3. take my big scary exams 
4. graduate
5. learn how to drive >:(
6. in learning how to Juggle the everything i noticed i started isolating myself a bit and this is something i wanna Change
7. be kinder to myself
i also cant rly Find a way to work this into all i wrote above in a Pretty Way but i rly wanted to take a moment too to talk about my friends. i struggle a lot w/ feeling Alone, have my entire life, but i feel as if it is Getting better. like i have a better sense of who my people are, and where i belong <3 its hard to find the words that convey my sincerity without sounding trite but: ive received sm love and support this year, as i do every year ofc but with this year being So Hard for me, its really meant a lot. i am very thankful for my friends and love them a lot. thank u all sm for everything. here’s to a good 2023 i am manifesting this for all of us 😤😤😤
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akkivee · 2 years
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i did something similar last year but who cares about rehashing answers ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
1) i actually posted about it lol but i say my hypmic anniversary is when death respect came out!!! i got into around that time when a third jp merch site i used to shop at had a listing for bbmtc patches and yamada ichiro’s patch was the cutest thing i had ever seen lmao
2) besides ichiro’s face lol i listened to dba and was sold
3) hm!! i think it tracks with other stuff i obsess with!!! there’s characters with depth, finding bonds with each other/being found family, with a healthy dose of action!!!! the fact it’s told thru music is a plus; the fandoms i hung around longest in the past utilised character songs to supplement their character and i lost my mind then much similarly to the way i do now lol
4) i didn’t have a negative opinion on anybody the moment they appeared actually!!!! (except for rei lol but that was because he was disrespecting ichijiku and not for his crimes as a deadbeat dad lol) obvs the ones who stood out were ichiro, then jakurai, and then kuukou lol
5) ichiro!!!! ❤️
6) mtc and rei actually!!!! like mtc was my least favourite division when it was just the og divisions!!!! ‘somebody gotta do it’ and ‘don’t play no game that i can’t win’ dropped and that’s when my opinion of them changed but i’m not sure when i became significantly less normal about them lol 🤔 as for rei, i had a negative opinion from the get go and being bb’s father certainly didn’t help, but then i used my brain and embraced his mystery and his clowniness lol
7) buster bros in the house still number one☝️
8) i went from being a natural ichiro enjoyer, to a ‘not so normal’ jakurai liker, to a ‘i need him to breathe’ kuukou stan lol
9) dba!!!! and like a loser too lol i really did mean to listen to all the songs in order 💀
10) fav solo is break the wall but we’ll see how i’m feeling after year with nagosaka’s new solos hitoya and sasara’s are some real contenders lol
11) kaigen 😭😭😭😭😭😭
13) i’m assuming this is manga release songs and i really like rip, double trouble and murder in the house of magic lol
14) a toss up between hoodstar➕ and summit of divisions lol
15) are there any really lol???? i don’t interact with the fandom enough to know if there are songs that are universally considered mid or worse lol lemme know if there are
17) ichiro dice and sasara!!!!!!
18) honestly the better question is who don’t i listen to lol. i try to listen to the composers works when their collaborations are announced!!
19) i have been praying for queen bee/avu-chan to write something for kuukou, and i hope that when if we get solos for the ladies, goddess artist eill writes for honobono because i’m ready for this godawful woman to have the best j-hiphop song in this franchise LOL
20) i can’t remember if it was batfs or moonlight shadow that i was on the screen while my mom was home but she thought it was a jam so probably a bat song tbh
21) i have demoted myself to arb enjoyer from a distance lol 😭😭😭
22) shit arb’s been keeping me satisfied like all hell lmao!!!!! arb should give me an event with samatoki kuukou and juto tho lmao but oooooooh what if we got events with the mixed up divisions??? that’d be dope 😲
23) HAHA yeah i’m a huge multishipper. there are very few ships i don’t like, and my shipping bicycles have been both jakurai and samatoki, but you can easily flay me alive with ichikuu and riodice crumbs and i’ll break down thank you lmao
24) i’m not a self insert kinda person lol
25) since i’m introverted i’d probably get along best with someone like ichiro or jakurai. i can only love kuukou from a far i don’t think i could handle him lmao
26) no i’m not a kinnie lmao but i’m probably like a mashup between ramuda and jyushi with a dash of jakurai’s general dilf dad friend attitude, what ever that monstrosity would look like as a character lmao
27) *drowning in hypmic merch* i have some :) lol and I REALLY WANTED THAT BAT TOTE BAG I WISH I KNEW IT EXISTED BEFORE LAST WEEK 😭😭😭
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28) it’s not weird, i just want a large figurine of kuukou like the ones we got for rhyme anima 😭 he’ll probably look ugly but that’s okay he’s my gremlin scrunkly 😌
29) vocaloid collab??? a different mobage collab??? like idk what if ainana and hypmic collabed we could get the fattest spiderman pointing meme going on lol
30) i think there is a lot of empty air in between the 6 colours and mixed up tracks like how okay is samatoki and ramuda’s relationship really??? ramuda didn’t sound too enthused by jakurai’s desire to help even in the fling posse inc track. if chuuoku intends to use sasasama and ichikuu against each other i would like to see them really rekindle that friendship!!! and more of the mixed up divisions 🤭
31) i understand if rei’s not your cup of tea lol but he is a lot of fun lol. rosho tends to get slept on a lot in the sense that he’s kinda just sasara’s man, but only that and it kinda sucks a little lol. also!!!! if rio and hitoya have millions of numbers of fans i am one of them. if rio and hitoya have ten fans i am one of them. if rio and hitoya have only one fan that is me. if rio and hitoya have no fans, that means i am no longer—
33) hmmmmm how about: tho kuukou isn’t afraid of ghosts, when he was much younger, on a trip to the beach with his family, he saw all of the dead souls that the ocean has claimed reaching out to him as if to pull him into the ocean and claim him. so some of that fear comes from a bad supernatural childhood experience
34) liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike nemu?????? nemu???????? nemu??????????????? i also have taken unami and ren as lowkey ocs and supplanted personalities that are very self indulging to what i want for kuukou lol
35) bat has everything i don’t have packaged with everything that i love and it’s so dope like wtf??? wtf????
36) idk which hypster magazine it was but one of the magazines asked the characters what’s something they’ve been into lately. jyushi answered with muscle training and it’s 💯% because on a hot and sunny day, where kuukou quite frequently used his shirt to wipe up the sweat from his face and hitoya sweated thru both his undershirt and dress shirt, he was exposed kuukou’s abs and hitoya’s surprisingly fit body and thought to himself, ‘god i wish that were me’ lmao
37) i don’t want any new divisions at all but if we were to get some, i’d hope they’d be from okinawa, hokkaido or kyoto
38) i cyberstalk hayama-san as best as i can lol and i watch sakakihara-san, takeuchi-san, and iwasaki-san’s web shows occasionally!!!! i also poke around whatever mtc’s seiyuu are doing every once in a while 🤗
39) watching the hyprice grow to hypmic music has been very enlightening lmao
40) i’m still pretty proud i pumped out a whole month worth of kuukou art for his bday lol. also the fanart i just posted for bat solos might be some of my best stuff actually like how did i do that kuukou one fr
41) i prefer the manga/drama tracks, but the stage’s phenomenal writing will always have me in a vice grip lol
42) i’m banking on ‘if we hesitate etc’ being the most emotionally draining experience that canon will ever put me thru because if because if bat goes thru something like that i may never recover actually lmao
43) i feel like i’m an observer rather than a theorist??? but i made an observation that bat has a weathering the storm motif a while back from their speakers and mics and hitoya wound up stating just that in cross a line so that made me feel pretty accomplished lol
45) nobody irl but to all of those who sent me asks/dms, know that i appreciate it and i would k—
46) fck the drbs but also it’d be nice if bb or mtc won but also kuukou would look 🥵 on a throne soooooo
47) idk if anyone in this cast is considering the ramifications of taking over/overthrowing the government. i think it’d be neat to see a 2nd gen hypmic with new divisions scrambling to survive the power vacuum our gen has caused and the og gen has effectively become the antagonists to the 2nd gen. it’d be like a cycle!!!! otome took over the government for more altruistic reasons but is as oppressive as her predecessor; same hat, og gen overthrew the government for the good of all but didn’t have any plans to fix it, only to remove and creates even more discord
48) comfort???? a fandom home????? massive brainrot????? pick your poison lol
49) save your wallets and don’t lol the characters are fun!!!! the music can be a gateway to something you’ve never experienced!!!!!! you can lose hours of your life trying to find the details!!!!!!!!! it’s fun!!!!!!! 😄
50) lol i have a tattoo, that’s plenty reminder ✌️
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theliterateape · 2 years
[Worth Revisiting] Trusting Hope Over Experience: The Shedding of the Old
By Don Hall
“Everything I had built in the past 15 years just went up in smoke. It’s gone. I mean, what the fuck do I do now?”
My friend had gone through one of those tribulations that involved losing status within the community of artists he was a part of, losing his job on top of that and flailing his now beaten down limbs in search of what he was supposed to do, who he was supposed to be, after the dust had settled.
I understood the feeling.
As a kid, I went to a lot of elementary schools. We moved around quite a bit, leaving me with the moniker “The New Kid” on the regular. Each grade became its own lesson in how to start from scratch—new teachers to navigate, new social games to learn, a reinvention from year to year.
By the time I graduated from the University of Arkansas, I had become pretty adept at it. So it was nothing for me to discard most of my college relationships and community and drive randomly to live in Chicago. Starting from scratch again, I didn’t even have enough money to get a hotel room let alone an apartment.
When I left teaching after nearly a decade, I left my community of teachers and colleagues at the classroom door and jumped into the Off Loop theater world. When I was wrongfully accused of forging a theater license a decade or so later and was hired by the local public radio station, I walked away and forged new relationships, created new social status, broke new ground.
I find myself, once again, a freshman in the High School of Life, with a brand new slate, new relationships to create, effectively an entirely new identity.
Where things get complicated is that, unlike when I was a kid or fresh out of college, I’m still in Chicago and plan to stay. Which means that as the upbeat misanthrope there are aspects of who I was that are inescapable.
In some ways shedding the skin of the former is a bit like Groundhog Day in that social media is a constant reminder of those earlier alliances, colleagues, statuses and on and on. It certainly makes it more of a challenge to change things up unless you discard all of it, which involves a complete and total reboot. Given I didn’t go into the Witness Protection Program, I gotta contend with shedding some of the dead skin and managing the parts that won’t shed.
The plus to this is that Live, Die, Repeat movie theme wherein each time you die and come back, you have just a bit more information on how to proceed within the next iteration. Each time I find myself here, reinventing myself, shedding off the husk of the former, I know more than I did last time. So, the skin is all pink and fresh but the soul is more wise. At least that's the idea.
It gets dicey when one goes from the full-time gig and all its perks—health insurance, bills paid on time with almost a casual disregard to the basics, a comfortable structure to one's day, the status of the job—and it disappears, the shock to the system is palpable. All of the things that were negatives to that corporate enslavement—required conformity, working within the politics of the Dog Eat Dog, the inability to control one's schedule and a general lack of time to be creative—slowly seem more bearable. Panic desperately wants to set in. Poor choices are made in pursuit of that benign but secure existence.
“Everything I had built in the past 15 years just went up in smoke. It’s gone. I mean, what the fuck do I do now?”
"Well, first remember all the things you hated about that specific daily grind. 
"Remember the hours of labor you put in for little or no recognition, the late nights and early mornings, the having to deal with people you wouldn't spend five minutes with otherwise, the soul crunching feeling of knowing that you are no more than a cog in that particular machine. Set that aside for a moment.
"Then recall how you got that job and know that all of those reasons—your drive, your talent, your curiosity and creativity—you still have those things. Those things are you, not your title. You still possess all of those qualities unless you give them away.
"You will always be a cog in some sort of machine. The difference is that you have a reset button on that Tetris game you're playing. You have the opportunity to remake your machine and figure out how to scramble for a buck on your terms. If life is a video game, you get a second life. If you're me, you have many more than two.
No one is going to give you a leg up. You may have people in your past version who you keep and who will step up and give you a hand but don't count on it. This is your path to walk and it is entirely up to you to step your shit up, decide who you're going to be, and go for it.
You need to trust hope over your experience. Deny yourself the bitter anger of loss and look forward. Your experience will inform you that the only road is the road laid out for you but that's the indoctrination of a consumerist society that values cogs over mercenaries. Businessman over Pirates. Your road is in the direction that you plant your feet, so follow that and don't worry so much about whether its been paved or not.
You won't have overnight success because you are now rebuilding your place in the world. It will, however, be worth it if you refuse to concede."
Yeah. I understood the feeling.
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Naruto for fandom ask game!!
Favorite Male Character :
...Obito... 😔 look I never said i had good taste
Favorite Female Character :
Hinata!!! She was my very first blorbo ☺️ and she will always have a special place in my heart even if Kishi ruined whatever potential her character had ;A;
Least Favorite Character :
Zetsu cuz he's the most pointless and annoying character in the show 🙄 He doesn't even have the benefit of being entertaining or having a cool design (like Kaguya)
Favorite Ship
Hmmm that's a hard question... 🤔
Naruhina used to be my "#otp4ever" but post-canon kinda soured it for me (plus after 2014 most of the nh fandom was mainly making sunshine family/boruto content and i wasn't vibing with that At All).
I had a pretty intense sasuhina phase for a long time aided by the fact that the sh fandom was the funniest and chillest fandom between 2013-15. When the ship wars were getting stupid and petty, SH shippers were chugging along in their own corner and it was great! The sasuhina fandom is hands down the best fandom i've ever been in.
But, and predictably so for people that know me, the crown goes to kakaobi cuz.... *gestures at their EverythingTM*
Friends to Enemies to Lovers? Check!
One thought the other was dead? Check!
Emotional battle to the death? Check!
Watching the person you worshiped and based your entire life on become the antithesis of everything you believe in? CHECK!
Favorite Friendship
Favorite Quote
"I'll drag you back to the village even if I have to break every bone in your body!" (or something along those lines)
Like Jeez that line is raw af, fucked up certainly but raw as hell. After all these years that's the one line that lingers in my mind.
Honorable mention to all of Obito's zingers cuz they were hilarious af. "Is this sweat? No it's rain. There's no way these losers could make me sweat", sweetie do you even hear yourself you goddamn loser (affectionate)
Worst Character Death (if any)
Even though I don't really like him anymore, I still think Jiraiya has the saddest and best executed death scene in Naruto. Itachi's is a close contender but it doesn't hit as hard until you find out abt his backstory.
Tho if we're talking abt worst character deaths, Neji hands down :/ His death was so unnecessary and a huge slap in the face to his character arc
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
When Gaara saved Rock Lee from Kimimaro. When I was a kid I had a huge crush on Gaara was my favorite character, so seeing him start redeeming himself made me so happy.
Saddest Moment
Watching Obito's character take a nose dive after his reveal 😔 Kishi gave Obito the lamest execution even though there were some really cool ideas
And seeing Sakura act a lot meeker when Sasuke joined the team for the final fight was really hard to watch and disheartening. Watching those scenes during my rewatch, knowing how her character would end up, was really rough :(
Favorite Location
It was really cool to see the characters navigate the Forest of Death (even if it scared the shit outta me as a kid). Plus the Forest of Death allowed a lot of minor characters (at the time) a chance to shine.
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Wind Down
Commission for someone who does not wish to be tagged.
Summary: The basic idea was that reader is a new contender in the arena while Miragehound are already a couple, they’re both poly and are Very interested in you being apart of their relationship. Whiiiiile ending with you getting super pampered sexually at the end!
Reblogs > Likes. It cost zero dollars to Reblog fics you like :D
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Mirage/Bloodhound/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader has a vulva but they/them pronouns are used, Polyamory, polyamorous relationship, Bloodhound headcanons stated, it’s very fluffy sex?, only reader gets to cum tho bc they’re being spoiled, and uuuhhhh I think that’s it?
Words: 2.8K
Everyone knew that Mirage and Bloodhound had some great chemistry in the arena. Whether that meant rivalry or working on a squad together was up to the person stating so. The illusion wielding trickster and the technological tracker were a duo to be feared when working alongside each other, and hell to keep away from each other on separate squads.
What the media didn’t know, was that the goofy and flirty legend was with the ever so regal hunter.
Behind closed doors they were in love, holding hands, kissing, making love, you name it. They were a couple, but a quiet couple. The only other people who knew were other legends, who were very good at keeping their own mouths shut.
Besides, why fret about what they did in the bedroom if people were watching only because they wanted to see the blood shed?
~Rest under the cut~
Elliott was Bloodhound’s moon, as far as they were concerned. And to him, they were his sun. They were a loving couple, easy around one another. Bloodhound being able to open up more with him than they had with anyone else. It had been a stroke of luck, on Elliott’s part, and the will of the Allfather, on Bloodhound’s part- that they ended up on the same planet. Let alone in the same space.
Bloodhound and Elliott had talked before about their partnership to one another. Elliott was bisexual, and Bloodhound wasn’t all too sure how they’d label their own sexuality besides that they liked who they liked. Yet, both had talked further about it. More on the question of monogamy. Both had come to the conclusion that an open relationship wasn’t quite right, even if Bloodhound encouraged his flirty behavior outside of just them. But rather, a more polyamorous look.
They just hadn’t found another person they enjoyed as much as one another.
Well, that is, until you entered the arena.
Much like falling in love does, neither expected it to happen. Bloodhound thought your skills in the arena were interesting for a newcomer, you seemed like you’d done this before. Yet, you cared more about your squad mates than your own victory. A heart of gold was hard to come by these days, especially in a game so dedicated to sponsors and getting money.
Elliott, ever quick to stop on the tips of his toes far too quick and fall heels-over-head, was the first to say something about you. A passing thought to his partner who had hummed in agreeance. You were very interesting, that much Bloodhound would admit to at first.
Yet, you worked your way up through the arena. Your kind heart winning the eyes of sponsors, and the legends alike. Elliott was more willing to become friends with you after one or two firefights with you, Bloodhound was a little more cautious. Toeing around the subject of even befriending you. Not that they were against it, they just knew Elliott was rather...strong about emotions.
And yet, you’d soon won the hunter’s heart soon after. You were just as kind in person as you were in the ring, funny too. They enjoyed how you and Elliott giggled together or how comfortable he looked around you. You brought even a smile to Bloodhound’s face that they couldn’t deny. A warmth they’d felt only in moments with Elliott.
Like you were home. Like you belonged there.
It’s almost natural how you move into their lives. Until a question is asked how you would feel sharing them. With Elliott holding one of your hands with hopeful eyes, fingers clasped with yours. And Bloodhound holding your other hand close to their heart with eyes hopeful, but understanding. They’d both been nothing but kind to you, perfectly sweet in their own respects. It was hard NOT to fall for either of them.
But, together? Two legends were a lot to handle.
You’d said yes, a big smile stretching onto your face as Elliott lunged and peppered your face in kisses. The push knocking you back into Bloodhound who held you. Kissing the top of your head warmly and murmuring their welcomes to you into their relationship.
Their family.
That was a few months ago. The thought of it still warming your heart. You three were all happy together, not one of your hands not held by either of them. You often enjoyed seeing them share kisses as well, with Bloodhound always having the lead. They kept that same aura with you, just something about them screaming Alpha of your little ‘pack’.
You playfully called them ‘puppy’ as an affectionate term when the thought struck you. Watching as their eyes flashed dangerously at you and they’d playfully snapped their teeth your direction. Yet now, it just stuck.
Elliott was like an enthusiastic child around the both of you. Excitedly having things to say or do, always wanting to go out or have days in. Even on days not all three of you could be together, it was still nice being with one or the other or knowing they had each other.  
Bloodhound was a little harder to get out of their shell. But, once you proved you could braid their hair and give the best scalp massages they were all for ripping their mask and helmet off upon seeing you. Often times they got pampered by both you and Elliott tag-teaming their curly, crimson mess. Elliott often chiding on how they should take better care of their beautiful hair while they hummed with delight at every stroke of a brush in their hair.
Elliott was pampered with kisses and attention. He always craved either you or Bloodhound to be snuggling with him. If you were with him, you normally were clambered into his lap at some point. While Bloodhound preferred lounging with Elliott’s head on their chest as they read a book. And either of you spoiling him with far too many kisses was one of his preferred ways of having a day off.
You often were treated to dinners made by either of them and being able to share a bed with one or both. Yet, both Elliott and Bloodhound were trying to figure out how else they could pamper you. Someway to get you to relax.
You didn’t ask for anything in return, you didn’t seem to have a preferred method of BEING spoiled, and you most certainly weren’t sharing any ideas about how they could spoil you. Or help you unwind for that matter.
Elliott brings it up to Bloodhound when it’s just the two of them, with you out of Elliott’s dorm and Bloodhound curled into his side. “Do ya’ think they’d want sex?” He says suddenly, causing them to choke out a laugh and kiss at his jawline softly.
“You are still on that? I am sure if they had any ideas, they would tell us.” They murmur in reply, stroking down over his shirt idly where it folds up over his abdomen.
“Yeah but- what if they’re too nervous to admit it? I-I-I mean- you've seen when we’re making out. They get really into it- I know you’ve felt it too, Hound.” Elliott is quick to nudge back at them, watching as Bloodhound’s eyes shift to the side. As if processing what he’s actually saying.
That made...sense. When Bloodhound would become bolder with you, a hand on your ass and pressing you to a wall to smother you in hot and heavy kisses. You never became shy or stopped them, yet they never proceeded further than that because they were waiting for explicit consent from you. Or even a breathed out ‘fuck me’.  
With Elliott, he was similar. Letting you pull at his hair and leave hickeys, but he never asked for more. He just assumed you would jump on him when you were ready. So, when it came time for things to cool down, he could see you still eyeing his lips and seeming to hold back your own emotions.
Holding back-
They both share a look as if both coming to the same conclusion before they grab their respective phones to begin texting you of plans and questions.
The conversations you have with both of them wind up boiling down to sexual preferences. You burn at the ears in your own bed at the thought, but you can’t help it. You wanted to...well, fuck, you really did. But, with two people and the intimacy of it all, it also almost frightened you. Who would you touch? Would one of them feel like you were giving too much attention to the other? How would this go? You had so many questions.
The next morning you’re brought to Bloodhound’s dorm. It has little bits of home for them, plant life all around with many different skulls. Little shiny trinkets that Arthur and Muninn brought in resting on their shelves with many books. Candles were set out as well as lamps in each corner- something they explained was because of their eyes. Sensitive to the bright fluorescent lights overhead that were installed.
The entire day is spent with the both of them, once Elliott wakes up in time for lunch and comes over. It’s around night time, after dinner is cleaned up and you all can spend some down time together where you finally feel yourself wound up tight enough to burst.
Bloodhound is dressed down for the occasion, a tight black muscle tank that shows off their toned and curved body with black tactical pants still on. Their jacket and mask had been thrown elsewhere, hair braided down their back from you earlier.
Elliott was almost fully in his pajamas, ie being boxers, his shirt gone to reveal the gold piercings through each nipple and on his navel. Gray sweatpants hanging around his hips and his curls wet still from his shower.
You, on the other hand, lie back on Bloodhound’s bed. The furs and blankets all bundled up to one side as you sink into the sheets. You had been delicately stripped of your clothing, with much praise from either side of you. Your neck was already blossomed in little bruises from Bloodhound’s need to bite and claim every part of you. Your cheeks were rosy red, nipples peaked with arousal and the warm air around you doing no favors to how wet you are.
Elliott sits between your thighs as you hold your own hands nervously at your chest. Fitting your arms between your chest to interlock your own fingers, biting your lip as you watch him stroke at your bare thighs. Caressing you gently as he hooks them over his hips so he can lean over you. “Hey, hey, no need to be nervous.” His voice is shockingly stable for once, watching as your eyes nervously flick over to Bloodhound beside you.
Bloodhound was knelt at your side, a little out of the way and stroking your cheek fondly with their calloused fingertips. Their full lips quirk up softly, an encouraging smile as Elliott gently moves your arms to the side. Your eyes don’t leave Bloodhound’s, their eyes appearing to glow in the warm lighting of the lamp around you to the same fiery hue of their blinded eye.
On instinct, one hand goes to Elliott’s curls just as he leans down to part his lips and seal them over your nipple.
Your back arches, fingers twisting in his hair and eyes going half lidded as you gasp. Your own lips part, your other hand coming up to reach for Bloodhound just as they lean down. Letting you caress their cheek in turn as their lips meet yours from the side.
They swallow your whines with eagerness as they lick into your mouth. Letting you feel the roundness of the piercing on their tongue, the sharpness of their canines. Pleasure shoots down your spine when Elliott’s teeth gently sink down onto the rosy bud and your hips come up. Pressing into his clothed ones that he eagerly rolls into you in a grind.
Oh, you are positively helpless.  
Elliott’s hips grind into you slowly, you can feel the swell of his cock behind his pants with each grind against you. He’s almost humping into you desperately as he sucks on your nipple, parting from it to lick at it and letting you squirm under him. Having to part from your kiss with Bloodhound to let your head fall back with a heavy sigh.
Bloodhound wastes no time as they seem to move in tandem together. Their mouth latches to your pulse point, sucking more hickeys into your skin and sinking their canines into your flesh. Your hand that had been caressing their cheek fists as best as it can into their hair at the back of their skull, trying to drag them closer.
Elliott whines into your flesh as you scritch behind his ear. “Please- please let me taste you. Fuck- baby, I’ll make you feel so good, come on please, please, please-” He’s so whiny, breathing it out against your abdomen as he shifts downwards towards your heat. You almost don’t hear how Bloodhound laughs into your skin, but you sure do feel it.
“Eager,” They murmur against you, pulling back from your neck so you can look down at Elliott. Who is so helplessly nosing at your lower abdomen with hopeful chocolate brown eyes looking up at you like you’re everything. “Spread your legs, my love. Let him have you.” Bloodhound finishes, sitting up on their knees a bit so they can watch you.
You obey with shaky limbs, parting your thighs open and watch as Elliott sighs shakily against you with a breathed, “Thank you.” As he kisses you sloppily on your abdomen, kissing down and down. Over the mound of your sex to how your plump lips part for him. All he does is nuzzle you apart, tucking his arms under your thighs to spread you out further as he holds you and licks a wet, heavy stripe from hole to clit.
You can’t watch, your face burns and you turn your head with a cry of pleasure. But, Bloodhound’s fingers grip your chin, guiding you back to watch Elliott. “Do not look away, elskan. See how he worships you?” Their voice is as smooth as ever as you whimper in reply helplessly. You get to see just how Elliott eats you, tonguing over your hole and back to your clit like savoring a meal. His lips sealing over your clit to suckle and lick with a moan rumbling through his chest- like you’re delicious.
Like he’s been waiting for this moment.
Elliott’s eyes look up to you from under his lashes, parting his lips and backing off just a touch so he can pant over your wetness. His lips are glossy with your slick, slickness sticking to the stubble on his chin. His eyes look almost glazed over from how big his pupils are blown, letting you squirm as your eyes meet before he dives back in.
“Do you see how we worship you?” Bloodhound’s voice growls, gently letting go of your chin so they can rake their nails down your chest and abdomen to make you squirm. You sob out with pleasure when Elliott’s nails dig into your thighs just as he starts to get almost desperate to have you cum. Licking and nosing at you until your eyes are closing, head thrown back and moans spilling from you.
You vaguely make out teeth on your neck and chest. Your senses seeming to rapidly get heightened with every loud beat of your heart. You’re panting now, everything far too hot, too much, too sensitive-
When you cum, you have to reach for Bloodhound for support. They move their wicked mouth from your throat so they can nip and nibble at your ear lobe, breathing you praise for you. “So good, so good for us. There you go-” Sounding breathless themselves. Something you would be proud of later.
Your other hand holds firmly in Elliott’s curls, keeping him firmly pressed to your cunt as he sucks on your clit, nose pressed to your mound. Adoringly looking up at you with flushed red cheeks until you ease up on his hair enough for him to pull back. Panting for air as he presses wet, open mouthed kisses over your lower lips to make you tremble.
Exhausted, you let out a shaky, satisfied sigh. Briefly able to feel Elliott get up, hearing him wipe his mouth off before joining your other side. Tucking into you as one hand goes to his hair, trailing down to stroke at the nape of his neck and your other hand playing with Bloodhound’s hair in turn.
As you begin to relax, feeling yourself starting to breathe heavier, you gasp when you feel Bloodhound’s fingers trail down your hip to soon caress your mound. Their voice smooth as silk breathed into your ear, “Do not fall asleep so soon, sweet one. I have yet to have my turn.” While Elliott hums in approval, his cock pressed to your hip through his pants.
Oh, they’re both going to fucking kill you-
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
HEY it’s me the anon from a few days ago that told you they’d panhandle for the in between crumbs 👨🏻‍🦽 i read pt 1 again while i ate lunch after work and omgncnsms i forgot how much i loved them lowering their walls (and the hesitation that comes w sharing something personal,, tbh not me i just be sayin shit sometimes yk MFNSNSN) but i rlly wanted to ask how long the writing process took you (in general and for this fic), what order you wrote all the scenes in (1/2)
and your favorite scenes from the fic 🥺 or rlly anything you want i love hearing ppl talk abt their writing 🥺🥺 i might send more asks as i inevitably reread the series tho LMAO i woke up today and told my best friend (who’s been lobbying for me to watch more than half of season one,,,, My Bad) that i was rereading this fic for The Serotonin 🤝🤝 also to avoid confusion i’ll call myself pan anon for now!! (2/2)
PAN ANON that’s so cute!! real talk, thank you for showing so much interesting in this fic? it’s my lil baby, and honestly hearing that you’re literally re-reading it is so wild to me,,, i have trouble conceptualising it? but thank you so so much you’re so sweet :( i’m so glad i could provide you with that precious Serotonin, that’s all i want to do,,,
you’ve given me the space to ramble so ramble i did,,, and therefore it’s under a cut fklfds i’m so sorry but also thank you so much (if you do want to ask more questions, don’t be afraid to! although this is,,, v long so i completely understand flkjsklfj)
how long the writing process took
in general: depends on a lot of factors, to be honest! how inspired i am, how long it’s going to be, how developed the idea is,,, generally, I tend to work on fics when I’m inspired to do them, or i won’t touch them for a long period of time. so, it’s hard to give an exact timeframe.
for example, iwaizumi’s birthday fic (ataraxia) was banged out in about a day? concept, writing, everything – mainly because i was on a timeframe, but also because it’s a relatively simple fic. simple premise, gentle but simple emotions, simple outcome. and, because i was inspired (see: under pressure), it was easy to get it all out. albeit ataraxia wasn’t beta’d, which is a bit of a problem for it as a representative of my writing ssjfdklj
something like brat, a more thought-out piece, it might take a week depending on inspiration? brat particularly inspired me (and i wish i’d turned it into a multi-parter now, tbh), so it was easy to get into.
for something like this or little changes, it takes a bit longer? little changes took about three weeks from conception to end product! which leads to…
for this fic: this fic was a bit weird in that i had the idea in my head for a few months? sort of,,, little scenes, and the desire to write something about kuroo and nekoma’s manager, incorporating the theme of ‘an in-between kind of love.’ the actual writing process, however, probably took two weeks?
the first week was pretty lax, and then the second was a whirlwind. It’s honestly sort of a haze because I would write for hours straight? i don’t know what happened, and a lot of the first draft was not good by any means, but yeah. that was one wild week.
poor ren (@/w-yuren – if you haven’t checked her out, please do! she’s the auntie of the fic tbh) proofread all of it over the course of a week because i wanted to get it out by a certain date (i didn’t end up meeting this deadline but Oh Well).
what order you wrote all the scenes in
i didn’t have a particular order!! i would just go for the scenes that i felt most inspired to write. for this fic, it was the scenes that took place more around the middle that i tended to gravitate towards? i found it surprisingly difficult to write the beginning (probably because by the time i got there, i had their dynamic established in my head – meaning that them being strangers was difficult to parse), and i put off the ending because i didn’t quite know how i wanted it to end (the original plan had them going to university – the slowest of all burns).
favourite scenes
so one of my favourite scenes was the one where the reader is having a breakdown in the gym; i didn’t end up doing it as well as i would’ve liked, but it gave me a space to explore some emotions i haven’t really had the chance to in my fics yet. it’s a mini-example, for me, of how cathartic writing can be – before this i’d only written a short daichi fic featuring a reader who had anxiety.
being able to tease out those emotions, but having them received willingly by kuroo, was soothing? and i also enjoyed that it gave me some space to give kuroo his own development, too; we don’t know where his mother is canonically, so divorce is certainly possible. and, speaking as a child of divorced parents, that sort of thing really affects you – often more than you realise. getting to explore that concept without making it the main point of the fic was enjoyable, in some way? it feels like the wrong word, but i can’t think of a better one.
i also enjoyed the scene where kuroo’s feeling down, and both kenma and the reader notice. bc this is a fic and not a full-blown novel, the relationships both kuroo and the reader have with other characters inevitably fall to the wayside, so i enjoyed every opportunity i had to explore the dynamics with other members of the nekoma team. and because kuroo and kenma are so important to each other, it was a joy working out how that’d factor into moments like this (especially since we don’t tend to see kuroo be down, you know?).
I also enjoyed the “ethically sourced” scene just because they’re being such Dumb Teens and i thought the dialogue was naturalish?
i also like the scene at the end of part 2, because i like exploring how we conceptualise love versus how we experience it. kuroo’s very much trapped between the two in that scene, and i think it’s very much something a teenage boy would contend with. especially because the way he conceptualises romantic love makes it something scary, something that could threaten the relationship they currently have.
and finally, i really like the final scene for two main reasons. one, because they don’t need to say “i love you”; they both know. and they know, because they exchange the “i wouldn’t be who i am today without you,” which speaks to their friendship and how they’ve affected one another. it’s also the culmination of both of them realising that it’s okay for them to feel multiple kinds of love for one another, and one doesn’t transcend or smother the other.
two, because it’s a moment of genuine, comfortable vulnerability; something that they’ve always offered each other in one way or another, but it’s usually been one of them comforting and supporting the other. but in this scene, the vulnerability is shouldered by both of them (the reader betrays her vulnerability by giving him a thoughtful present, and kuroo betrays his vulnerability by tearing up and making his confession).  
honestly i had some lofty ideas that i don’t think i totally made good on, but i like these scenes because they gave me the opportunity to explore emotions that i find very interesting, or that relate to my own experiences with love; it’s always been a very strange grey area for me, and since i like to write for catharsis, the in-between was an opportunity to reflect on that! 
i love the friends-to-lovers trope because it focuses on that interplay between different ideas of love, but in a mundane context, what does that mean? how do you draw the line between the two? should you draw that line? 
so i’ve rambled a lot (looking at this wall of text,,, i’m so sorry) but thank for you for letting me indulge myself aslkjd my vocabulary is very limited and i hope i don’t seem like a Tool. 
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 124 Poll Results
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The chapter 124 poll closed with 2,065 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
This month’s poll team: @erensjaegerbombs @momtaku, _Puppet_ ,  @shifter-lines and @ladymoe6​
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,926 Responses
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Fours and fives still dominate but there’s no denying that this chapter lacked the hype we’ve seen recently. “Thaw” had the lowest number of 5’s this year, performing similarly to the Zeke-centric flashback chapter in 114, “Sole Salvation”. (There’s a pun to made here about us “warming up to Thaw” but sadly I am not smart enough to make it.)
The Chapter of Necessary Filler & the Obligatory Cliffhanger
I love that Isayama isn't rushing everything and is actually focusing on little details and small interactions between characters. He really isn't glorifying an "apocalyptical scenario" just for the sake of destruction in itself or shock value.
This chapter felt like a nostalgia trip, but I wasn't in for the ride.
This chapter was a breath of fresh air ngl. These past chapters were mostly full of either a flashback, monologue or just having two characters talking in a realm where nothing happens and time is frozen, but, at last, the plot is moving foward in the real world too. Not only it contained long gone titan action, but also great character development/moments as well. I missed this.
The leaks didn't give this chapter justice
A weaker chapter overall, I hope all this buildup will be well spent in the next chapter.
I actually loved everything about this chapter, I can't believe Isayama finally gave me a reason to kind of like Gabi. I'm sure she'll do something to immediately change that…
Isayama-sensei is the best, each chapter is a 10/10 for me. I do agree that this chapter is not as great as as the last 5, but it's still great. This year is impossible to choose the Top 5 Best Chapters of SNK
It was good, but I was hoping for a crazier year closure.
1,995 Responses
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There were many great moments in this chapter, but Annie’s highly anticipated return to the active plot takes up the largest amount of votes! Other notable moments were: Shadis taking command, Armin realizing Annie’s crystal must have unhardened, the 104th discussing Eren, and Jean’s salty reaction to Floch’s continued survival.
as someone too invested in the gabi-nicolo-braus plot thread by i love sasha i am absolutely Fed with that excellent "get out of the forest" talk. thank u for the good food nicolo
It's great to see the other 104th members discuss about Eren's actions. At least we got a glimpse on what they think about Eren's plan.
For once I'm gonna forgive Isayama for putting off Levi and Hange. I FEEL BLESSED TO HAVE ANNIE BACK ON MY BIRTH MONTH!!! BEST PRESENT EVER
I like the parallels to Trost, especially the part with the thunder spears sort of mirroring the thing with the guns and the elevator from S1
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTERS MVP? 1,988 Responses
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Despite the influx of negative commentary, 38.2% of respondents agree that Gabi’s persistence to save Falco and reconciliation with Kaya earned her the MVP title this month. The strongest contenders were Shadis and Jean.
Annie saved this chapter from the Gabi / Kaya focus
Connie- the underrated suffer boi
Gabi best girl!
I am proud of Jean for taking charge, he acted like a real commander.
Reiner Best character 😔👌
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“None of the above” was a popular suggestion (25.2%) but Connie edged that choice out by a percentage point (26.3%) . At least you guys listen when the evening news says that stealing children is bad.
Silly of you to ask us which character we're most disappointed with. We're always disappointed with Floch in every panel he shows up in
it's good to have a connie development, but I was a little sad about his attitude
I'm not so much disappointed with Connie in this moment as I am with the direction his character arc has gone lately in general. I miss when he was fun instead of angry all the time.
I think everyone is acting super irrational. Eren is going to destroy the world but all the SC are "accepting" of it. I think deep down they are all horrified and in a completely insane mental state causing irrational decisions and thoughts such as Jean being okay with genocide.
I understand that Connie is desperate to find a comfort after all the ppl he lost, but I'm still extremely disappointed in him for wanting to murder a child. Not just Connie tho, the same goes for Jean and Armin. Armin didn't say "Let's not kill a freaking child" he just objected because he didn't want to provoke Reiner and Pieck.
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Reiner takes a back seat this chapter, and just barely over half of the fandom believe he deserves that nap after all he’s been through.  Another quarter, at 25.8% are wishing he could just die at this point, for better or worse.
"Enough already. Just sleep." - Reiner to Eren in 117
Can Reiner pick an opinion and stick with it for .2 seconds. he's like hardcore ready to kick ass and then immediately turns around and is ready to die again
Game over man
He's cute. End of the story.
I think it was bizarre that Gabi just let him fall asleep and left him in an enemy territory where he could be captured or eaten by a mindless titan
I understand him being tired an all, but sleeping in the middle of a warzone and at the start of the apocalypse???
Helos needs his rest and good dreams of Bert
I think it is set up for his future death : saving Falco by being eaten by Connie's mom (he was there with Connie in Ragako village)
Madlad goes to sleep instead of dying
Man literally too tired to die
There were certainly worse ways than "passed out from exhaustion" that he could've been written out of the chapter. At least we know his current status this way, unlike a certain duo...
He need some milk
Reiner votes for “Can’t he just die already?”
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Gabi’s design is based on Eren, and she’s had similarities and parallels to him in the past, what does the parallel in this chapter mean stacked on top of all of that?  About 70% say it’s to further emphasize how similar she is to him at her core.  12.7% don’t think it was an intentional parallel to that Eren scene, 7.7% say she’s going to receive his titan, and a solid 1% wrote in the eloquent thesis of “Fuck Gabi.”
A bit too on the nose
Both have the common factor of determination and the desire to fight to save someone else. "Fight, fight" = "Like I'd give up" In Eren's case, his scene in the mirror is portrayed in a darker, more aggressive environment, he must fight to save his loved ones, but for this goal he must destroy everything. On the other hand, Gabi shows a more heroic/pure attitude, the light is predominant, and his words refer to the desire to fight to save Falco without taking this violence path unlike Ere
Eren cant copyright this hairstyle
How dare she stand where he stood.
I didn't like any parallels that include Gabi. Not this one, and most certainly not the one with Sasha.
It definitely foreshadows something, but I don't think it's that she'll inherit his titan. I think she's going to be the one to end this madness and break the cycle. Unlike Eren, who fights for freedom both for himself and his loved ones, Gabi will fight for peace and equality: a different kind of freedom.
It symbolizes Gabi's character arc starting to go in the opposite direction of Eren, rather than showing them being similar.
It symbolizes Gabi's change in motivation to do anything to save her friends. Just as Eren's motivation in the mirror scene really marked the moment he turned genocidal to protect his friends.
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Jean believes he’s figured out why Eren’s doing what he’s doing, does the fandom agree?  The large majority think that’s at least a part of it, as 40.8% think it’s solely that goal in mind, and another 53.5% believe it stemmed from that desire but has evolved and become more complex.  3.3% of fans don’t believe that’s where his motivation stems from at all.
But if that's his goal it still doesn't explain chapter 112
EREN is doing it to protect his friends. YMIR wants vengeance and bloodshed.
I agree, because I really don’t know what else could have been done. The Eldians were hated all over the world and Talk-No-Justu is a folly.
I don't know what to think. At first, Jean seems to be in denial (like most of the 104th), but perhaps it's his way of realizing things. No, Eren must love them a lot, there's absolutely no way that his genocide is unjustified. Right...? Wait…
I think he's being pragmatic and analytical. Like a real leader. Something I expected from Armin. However Armin has strokes of genius during critical times so I'm expecting something.
In a breaking bad way, yes
Yes, although I believe Eren's old and complex relationship with the idea of freedom also plays a big part in this situation.
No, because he isn't doing anything about the mindless titans and treated his friends like trash. I didn't see any kind of concern while they were in danger. I think he's more eager to set his ideals into action.
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Another serumbowl type discussion arises, yay!!...?  The vast majority, at a combined 81.4% don’t want to feed Falco to anyone, and just want to wrap him up and not start any more conflict.  11.6% think he should be fed to a known titan such as Pixis, and only 4.3% side with Connie’s reaction of feeding him to his own Mama Springer.
Falco is too important. He and Connie will probably have an arc.
Feed him to Floch, jaw titan always dies stupidly and Floch never dies so it should cancel out
Feed him to Levi that way we get jaw Levi and his hand back.
Feed Zeke to Connie's mom instead and take Falco somewhere safe
I don’t have anything against Falco personally, but it makes since to feed him to someone else
I like Falco, but Connie has lost far more than anyone outside the Walls. If feeding Falco to Connie's mom gives Connie some semblance of peace, so be it
In a perfect world Connie can have the satisfaction of feeding ZEKE to his mother. Kinda proud that I predicted the “Connie tried to revive his mom” plot point but I think the fact that it’s falco means that Connie fails
There's no right answer here, but I can't imagine any mother would be able to live with the fact that she ate someone else's child in order to live again, so that's probably the worst option.
Well, logically speaking, Falco should probably be fed to Pixis. But my heart calls out for me to wrap him in a blanket.
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Understanding prevaled with close to 80% of the fandom selecting “I don’t agree with his actions but I wholeheartedly sympathize with his reasoning”. Only 13% indicated that they were disappointed with him.
Falco's a kid, man! You don't cross that line!
Connie, if your mom needs a kidney transplant, you don't just shank another person to steal their kidneys. Just saying.
Connie has been pushed to his limit. He needs a nap and a minute to cry.
Although Connie is not thinking clearly, I'm glad they're not blindly hating on him like some have been doing for Eren.
Connie's break is truly amazing to me. The guy was always so good and chill and dedicated before these hard times. To see him at his breaking point, horrified by everything that is happening and overwhelmed by the situation, and thus reverting into single-minded dedication to one fundamental goal - saving his mother. It's tragic to see him like this and it's probably not the best "logical" action, but it makes complete sense that he'd do this. He's sick of this clusterfuck. He has a ticket to save his mom and he's gonna take it. Poor Falco though, of course.
I didn't see it coming, but it's not like it's unthinkable. When the world collapses we often want to run back to our mama.
I disagreed with him, but I thinks his feelings are understandable and, also, I liked a lot that he pointed out 104's hypocrisy. The serum drama is coming back to bite their asses.
I understand he wants to see his mom again but does he really want to give her the cruel fate of becoming a titan shifter?
I understand his reasoning, but this is literally the WORST possible time to cause an internal crisis
I'm sad for him & deeply uncomfortable by it.
I’m mad at Connie only because he straight up abandoned his duty to pacify the Titan situation.  He left Jean, Mikasa, and Armin to take care of it without him. Lucky Shadis was there to help.
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More than half the fandom was happy to see him speak his mind and get some character development (53.3%). 16% were absolutely thrilled. Those who don’t care, and those whose disappointment over how he returned soured the moment came in at 10%... I’m willing to bet at least one of those votes is because he doesn’t have a new hair style.
Going to the dark side doesn't suit the former sunshine called Connie.
My man has been in the story since the beginning. He is well overdue for an arc.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
But why FALCO? He's the ONLY character outside the Walls I actually LIKE!
Finally we get to see him say something about his mother. Yeah, maybe he's not one of the most important charcters overall, but what he lived through when he saw his mom on that roof finally deserves some thoughts and emotions. Connie was on the margin of the story for way too long, and I'm happy we get to see him talk about how he feels.
Glad he’s doing stuff but he’s 100% going to die
I haven't really liked his development. He's, altho understandably, just an angry dude that can't help himself from getting overcome by his emotions. Not a good look.
I really liked his whole "Eren's crossed the line", now he's making the same mistake. A bitter irony, but does Isayama have time for that?
I'm really disappointed in Connie's "friends" for basically telling him to "chill out, you can't save your mother because we need to make our enemies happy". Hell no to that, I completely sympathize with Connie far more than his "friends" especially since Armin is being the world's biggest hypocrite
It's good because it now opens up the possibility of Connie finally getting his revenge on Zeke
My Boi Connie deserves his own plot-line, so I'm really excited
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A chapter in the endgame that’s almost reminiscent of the defense of Trost with respect to mindless titan action and defending a base.  Despite many other happenings such as the rumbling going on currently, 46% were totally fine with the focus on mindless titan action and thought it was written well, whereas 35.6% enjoyed it, but wished there was a bit more beyond checking that box.  10.8% wanted a larger focus on the titans in the rumbling, and 5.5% would have preferred a focus shift away from Shiganshina entirely.
I love the fact that shows how prepared and easy fighting mindless titans is for them now. When the titans attacked Trost they were hopeless and Jean was the one frozen in fear. Now we get to see him clear up the titans with ease.
I think showing smaller happenings before the big reveal of Eren's titan and the effects of the rumbling are important buildup.
I would have rather focused on what's happening to Pieck and the others near the wall.
I didn't feel that was the focus, but either way, I liked it.
I wish more would’ve happened outside of it BUT it’s important to show them being dealt with otherwise readers would be like “wait, what about all those people who turned into titans?” So not the best, but necessary.
I'm not crazy about fighting scenes, I prefer the ones where they discuss stuff, but these were really emotional with Shadis and Pixis and everything. Like, it wasn't even so much about fighting itself, for me at least, but about Shadis uniting people again and Armin setting Pixis free finally.
I wish the chapter had explored the idea of Titans appearing now that the Military has begun using weapons which are more effective against humans than Titans. I had thought that the reappearance of Titans would do much more damage since the Military is no longer equipped to handle such threats.
Reminds me of the Trost arc and I love it, but it will probably end up being the last time we see pure titans as this much of a threat.
I love the Season 1-esque fan service. How this series has evolved.
I just wished they didn't have to kill their comrades...C'mon this poll question is so heartless wth?
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Nearly half of the fandom are giving Eren the benefit of the doubt that he simply cannot control the titans, rather than not caring about them or using them. Although many believe that he’s too focused on other things to concern himself with them, and many others feel certain that mindless titans attacking the soldiers is part of his greater plan.
3 times it was mentioned that Eren/Zeke can't control the Titans, I think someone else is controlling them. Possibly Ymir, maybe we'll see Eren getting betrayed.
Eren can't control the mindless Titans because they're Zeke's Titans
It's highly likely the Founding Titan's power and control over Pure Titans has a collective effect of sorts. That is, it can turn Pure Titans back into humans, but if it did, it would happen to ALL Pure Titans, not just a specific group of them. It's possible that is how the Fritz royalty used the Pure Titans while maintaining the Eldian population during ancient times. Here, if Eren were to use that aspect of the Founding Titan's power, both the Military Branch Officer Titans AND the Wall Titans would be turned back into humans. Right now, Eren is bent on using the Wall Titans to flatten the World, so he most likely does not want to use the power of the Founding Titan to turn all the Pure Titans in Shingashina + Connie's mom into humans; otherwise, the Wall Titans would turn into humans again too, and that would ruin his rumbling plan.
Regarding Eren and the mindless titans, control issues aside, I just don't think he cares.
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In a chapter full of titan action, several titan kills stood out as both awesome and tear jerking.  Just over half of respondents, at 51.6%, most remember Armin taking out Pixis after thanking him for his service to the cause.  In a very narrow battle for second place, Keith Shadis sowing the recruits how it’s done won out over Gabi taking a cue from Sasha and saving Kaya.
All of them were pretty darn cool
Gabi's and Mikasa's tie for me
Hard to choose, they're all good
I didn't find any of them memorable if I May be honest
Can I choose all? Because I am.
It's a tie between Shadis arriving to save the recruits, Gabi saving Kayo from the Nile Titan, and Armin killing the Pixis Titan. If I was forced to pick, I'd say Armin's scene because of his sorrowful dialogue upon seeing Pixis as a Pure Titan and the flashback to one of Pixis's earliest highlights when he believed in Armin and Eren shortly after they first met.
Literally all of them what kind of sadistic question is this how could I possibly choose
Loved all the kills!!!
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Nearly two-thirds of of the fandom currently enjoy Gabi’s overall character, despite what their first impressions may have been (65.1%) . Though there are still many who have yet to warm up to her, if they ever do (34.9%).
Gabi is beginning to grow on me enough I feel neutral about her.
Gabi is a LITTLE more favorable to me, but I still hate her and I wish she never existed. She can never earn forgiveness for Sasha.
gabi is good you guys are just mean
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One of the most controversial characters in the story is of course Gabi Braun, but what do fans truly think of her?  Almost half, at 45.9% don’t profess love for her character from the mountains, but understand why she’s important to the story.  In contrast, 19.6% firmly believe the story would be better off if she never existed, and 17.6% want to see even more of her in the upcoming chapters.  16.9% just think she’s been in the spotlight a little bit too much.
Fuck Gabi, Eren will always be better, not this carbon copy Mary Sue
gabi fucking GANG
Such a great chapter! I’m glad that the Gabi hate is stopping now.
Don't know why are people surprised about Gabi. Her closure with the Braus family is something I figured was gonna happen eventually. Guess Isayama wanted to get that out of the way early.
Of course my opinion of Gabi is unchanged. I still hate her no matter how much "development" she gets.
Gabi is a super uninteresting character to me
i really liked gabi’s character development in this chapter, especially since i was previously a gabi hater.
She is the new MC now. Upgrade.
I see why Gabi exists but she’s just such a forced character. The parallel between her and Sasha was so forced and just felt wrong. Don’t care about her killing Sasha her character is just a forced rehash of eren.
I'm disappointed in her as she is becoming more likeable
Gabi's character development finally completed in a brilliant way
Like Eren, she's fighting for people she cares about, even if she's wrong/vicious with her methods.
I’m tired of Gabi
Really wish we wouldn't have Gabi shoved down our throats, she's not a good character, let alone person
I'm really proud of Gabi and how far she's come from her original POV. I'm really hoping that this influences Eren and I really hope Falco and Gabi get to reunite.
yams wants us to like her more
She has the same motivations as Eren once had, to save the world, basically.
I will admit Gabi has gone through a lot of development. But that doesn't mean I have to like her. I still hate her, and I will NEVER EVER forgive her for what she did to Sasha.
Gabi's haters being mad is so funny. My girl truly shined this chapter, I love her even more.
Gabi.... I feel like I would absolutely hate being around her irl but I guess I do appreciate her as a character in the story.
Never wanted to kill a child so badly in my existence
Death to Gabi Braun!
I don't hate Gabi enough to want her dead, but "too much spotlight" is the understatement of the year, especially when there is still a lot that has yet to be resolved with the main characters
She just wants to protecc
I love Gabi but she gets too much screen time at this point in the story. I want to see Historia and hopefully Eren later.
I like Gabster. Gabi Gang Gabi Gang
Me no likey bad bad
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The head of all of Paradisian government, Darius Zackly, went out with a bang, and now we’ve lost the interim head Pixis, as well as Nile Dok.  Who’s going to pick up the torch?  There’s a big three that seem to have emerged as popular choices, with Jean winning out, Hange coming in second, and Shadis taking up third.  
A combination of several people noted above.
Hanji+SC Armin+Garrison Jean+MP
Anyone but Floch
Jean. He's the only one that can view the Rumbling objectively and not rule it out as bad because their enemies are destroyed
Armin for strategy, Jean for leadership, Hanji for progress
Shadis should take over, but only untill Jean can get a little more experience leading.
As long as they agree Marley needs to be wiped out for the sake of Paradis, I'm okay with any leader that accepts that responsibility
Definitely not Hange. She wanted to make peace with Marley. Not leadership worthy at all.
Rico ;-;
Hange may be commander, but they are unfit for taking on as the head of the military. Same goes for Keith, though in this chapter he shows courage by stepping up to push the trainees to fight, I doubt he is willing to go back into a similar position as he was before as the Survey Corp's commander. Among the candidates, Armin may seem like a promising candidate, but aside from his proven intellect, just like Hange both do not possess the level of prowess of leading all three branches (four if count the training squad)of the military. More I think about it the "best" candidate in this list may surprisingly be Jean, but so far he hasnt been giving me the impression as someone who can take on such a massive role.
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The fandom is fairly divided on Floch’s motives, with a three-way split that comes close to being even. The highest amount of respondents feel he is arresting the Volunteers because he doesn’t trust them based on past actions. In the middle, people feel that he doesn’t want to be associated with any non-Eldian people. And in third place, people felt that he doesn’t trust Yelena specifically, and is taking her group down with her.
As far as I've seen, Floch is on Eren's side, not Zeke's. So that would make Yelena, who hasn't heard about her boss and the euthanasia plan, dangerous as fuck. Even with that, Floch's following his own principles. He has different reasons than Eren, but he just needs the "devil" figure to project his own will.
He always knew Yelena and Zeke's intentions because of Eren, and now he's arresting them to prevent more trouble caused by them. I think Eren "trusts" and is working with Flcoh more than the fandom expect.
Because they conspired to sterilize/euthanize the Paradisians.
He's a completely inconsistent character whose personality and character motivations change at the drop of a hat in order to create conflict in the story.
He thinks Yelena can take over his position of the best Yeager fanboy and he can't have that.
He was never really on their side at all! Just like how Eren saw them - they were a means to an end, a useful tool but a dangerous one that could never really be trusted. Now that Eren has made his intentions clear and the ideological split is visible, he's fully turning on them and suppressing them from potentially pursuing their own agendas further.
There’s not enough room on Paradis for both of those eccentric hair cuts
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After having been warring factions since the beginning, will the warriors and Survey Corps finally team up as one?  62.9% feel a team up will happen, but not everyone from both sides will want to be involved, and a solid 30% believe a full team up is in the cards.  Only 5.8% don’t feel that it’s possible at this point.
Any cooperation will be a compromise, so maybe?
At this point I really don't know. Their passivity disappointed me fully this chapter. They need their TRUE leaders who are MIA at the moment.
I hope it happens but I think Armin is acting under Bert's influence
I hope not, it sounds lame.
i think maybe they will be forced to work together to stop the titans because they are attacking both sides.
It's the ideal scenario I suppose
Only until the Rumbling stops. After that, the SC needs to dispose of all the remaining Warriors to end the war for good.
Probably but it’s waaay to cliché. Please don’t Isayama
They'll team up to stop Eren, if that works they'll be enemies once again
Yes and Yes! I've been saying this for months: warriors and SC are going to have to work together. Magath is going to play a role in this too.
  ANNIE!! THOUGHTS: 1,948 Responses
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91 chapters.  91 Months.  7 and a half years.  Longer than we were with the characters pre-timeskip.  Annie has been in a crystal, but now she's free!  33.4% think she came back at the perfect time and Isayama has nailed his writing once again.  18.4% are excited for her return, but don’t feel there’s much time left in the story for the wait to be worth it.  15.7% aren’t worshippers at her crystal, and so aren’t too hyped out of their minds.  29% however: A N N I E
glad she's back but the plot has nothing for her to do anymore
How he brought her back makes perfect sense and I love it. If she chose to come out at this time rather than being forced, it would have been awkward and forced to be honest. But Eren taking away all hardening is the best way to bring her back AFTER SEVEN FUCKING YEARS.
glad to have her back but sceptical of her importance
go back into hibernation
Good in-story reason, great writing, but waited far too long. Not sure if she will even be relevent for the remainder of the story that already has a lot of loose ends.
I am not hyped because it took too long and the series has gone too far down a path I can no longer follow.
I don't know what Annie can do at this point of the story that will make her return worthwhile
I don’t think Isayama and his editors would allow her to be brought back for a poor plot point/reason, so I’m curious to see what role she’ll have.
I wasn't too concerned about Annie at this point in the story but I'm glad that her return makes sense with the events currently taking place and I'm interested to see what Isayama has planned for her.
I'm no fan of her so I'm not excited at all, but I assume she'll drive the plot somewhere soon.
She's got a lot of catching up to do. Concerned it won't be handled well.
The reasoning is sound, and I am glad that Isayama thought that part through, but we have a limited number of pages left, so I am worried about how this will play out.
Took too long so it ended up being very 'meh' for me, but congratulations Annie-stans, have a drink tonight
Should've been way sooner, her potential as a character feels wasted since we're almost done now. All she'll have time to do is get caught up on what happened and then have a couple reunions.
I honestly have no idea what Isayama plans to do with her but I’m just GLAD SHES FINALLY FUCKING BACK!!!! MY BABY GIRL IS BACK!!!!
Annie will have a run-in with Hitch, get things explained and head towards the main conflict.
Dare I say it, Assist With Armin’s Talk No Jutsu with Eren
Definitely try to get to her dad.
Try to find her warrior friends
Determine her situation and act accordingly
She won't be too surprised at what Eren's become. She remarked how when the "good guys" take power, then it's all over to Marlowe in Season 1.
A girl can dream of her and Pieck being badasses.
All the titan shifters will come together (location-wise), it seem like a flag? Since all the shifter's powers is a part of Ymir herself, having them close might have significant meaning.
Be traumatized by manga spoilers? Wonder wtf happened?? Try to find Reiner??
Annie will join Eren.
Not give a shit about anything apart from Papa Leonhardt
Annie will play a huge role in stopping Eren, in some way.
be a badass like usual and FEMALE TITAN ACTION?????
Change her clothes because why is she wet
umm take a shower lol
Character development and teaming up against Ereh
I think Hitch will be the one to find her - she was in charge of guarding the crystal. I think she'll be too weak to fight right now though, so I'm worried that she's just going to be used as a Titan Shifter snack :(
Somehow affect Eren's mindset. Not sure exactly how.
Go kiss Armin pls
I'm hoping for Armin to transform into the Colossal Titan. Annie will see this thinking it's Bertoldt, and then have a good character moment upon finding out that Armin ate him.
Her endgame is to at least partially counteract the rumbling with her scream ability.
Confused --> Shocked --> Mad --> or all at the same time. Anyway, she will probably meet up with Armin and the gang and they will explain the shit situation to her and somehow they will come up with a plan or smth.
I think she’ll be forgotten about for a few chapters then show up in the battle. It’ll be interesting to see what side she takes at that point. I’m sure someone will conveniently fill her in on the last few years.
She's a wild card, but the last we saw her she wanted to get back home. I'm sure she will be invested in saving the world from annihilation.
She is FAR away right now. I think dealing with Annie is a good wind-down after all this World-ending stuff has been dealt with, like when they save the Shire after defeating Sauron
Yeet to Marley and die with her papa.
Annie's first move will be to find a toilet sure she must be dying for a pee like
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Shadis, Jean and Gabi are the big winners in the opinion poll this month with the majority selecting “More Favorable” reaction to them. Shadis had 1379 respondents selecting “more favorable”, Jean had 1076 and Gabi came in third with 980. Fighting titans so soon after surviving a bear attack is impressive, so I’m not surprised with these results. At the other end of the spectrum, Connie (542) and Floch (496) had the most number of “Less Favorable” selections. While the good outweighed the bad, Gabi again proved to be polarizing with 432 people choosing “Less Favorable” despite her positive development this month.
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Isayama’s nods to his television viewing habits continue with the appearance of the “Better Call Saul” titan. Our appreciation of Isayama’s sense of humor continues with more than 50% of us selecting it as “Favorite New Titan Design” (51.5%). Pixis was a distance second with close to a quarter choosing his titan form (23.7%) as their favorite.
Still laughing over the Saul Titan. Good ol' slippin' Jimmy
the Better call Saul titan looks more like Bolsonaro (Brazil's president)
one last hurrah to the Pure Titan mayhem the series was originally known for, and witnessing the tragic end to Nile and Pixis
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The three elements of the story which have been absent for months, or even years, take the top overall votes for what the fandom would like to see next. 33.6% are dying to see present-day Levi and Hange again. 24.1% are still eager to get Historia’s perspective. 23.6% are still hoping to one day see Eren’s inner thoughts.
All I want for Christmas....Is Historias POV
I'm missing Connies adventure on the 'What are you hoping to see next chapter?' question.
Bitch give me Levi. It’s been more than half a year.
I literally only care about the 104th characters so the more of them we can see next chapter the better
Give me more Eren action pleaseee
So why is Annie pov not an option for next chapter?
I have waited for 7 years, finally, Annie is back. I wanna see more of her story and  character development. I cant wait to see her conversation with Hitch and Armin!
Please Isayama give me more good Shadis content
I really want to see Eren's full complete titan. Issayama, stop blueballing us please!
I would actually like to know more about that spine creature that is evidently the source of Titans.
Is there a Kiyomi option?
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With close to 200,000 members it’s no surprise that Reddit continues to dominate the discussion field (47.7%), followed distantly by Tumblr (15.5%), Real Life (9.8%) and Discord (6.7%). Amazingly, 9% don’t discuss it at all. This month, FIVE of you said Snapchat, up from four last month, so while there’s still technically a possibility that you guys are actually forming some weird snapchat cult and this isn’t an elaborate psyop, I’m still not convinced. But regardless of where you discuss the series, or if you even do, we truly appreciate your participation in the chapter poll!
OMG! Okay, it's happening! Everybody stay calm! Annie! Annie! Annie!
Annie got crystalized in chapter 33, and now she's out, 91 chapters later. Since 12 chapters are published in a year, we have been waiting for her (not including flasbacks and her just chilling in the crystal) 7 years and 7 months. I salute all the diehard Annie fans, you had a long wait.
Once again I have marked my calendar. May 9, 2012 - December 5, 2019. After 7 excruciating years our queen is FINALLY awake. This deserves a new record for longest amount of time a character has been comatose in real life. Thank GOD it's finally over I still can't believe it.
I'm a big fan of all of the smaller storylines coming together, hoping for everything to be wrapped up nicely and characters from different factions (i.e Hange, Annie, Historia) all coming together to address the rumbling.
It felt a little like a breather chapter, despite all the action. It was nice to slow down and get some character development for everyone.
“Everyone has a devil in them” is a great message. Hope they all team up and stop Eren. Very curious about what Annie will do!
The parallels to Trost arc were nice, but I felt like the endgame was finally amping up only to be put on hold.
Great chapter! I like Pathland, and the flashback with Levi and Hanji was great, but it was a relief to get some current time action. Gabi is best girl, Armin just went up by leaps and bounds in my book, and Annie is back!! So excited for the next chapter…
Great one ! The fear from the mindless titans in back, like in Trost. Many side characters development/deaths (Nile, Pixis, Shadis, Kaya, Nicolo, Gabi, Annie, Connie, Jean...). So much good stuff, I almost forgot about the rumbling going on !!
Amazing. If Isayama maintains this quality til the end, then this will be one of my favorite series, of any media, ever.
I'm wondering what Annie can realistically do at this point. Sure she beat Eren before but now he's in another level.
Guess we don't have to deal with the genocidal jock for a while
ANNNIIEEEEE; Shadis' comeback was wonderful. I hope he can make up for the loss of Pixis and Erwin and such. He has great potential and he's a well developed character. Jean is asking the real questions, but the showdown between him and Floch is about to go down.
I said previously that if Floch survives I wanted my money back. But you know what? I'll take my refund in Annie store credit. Thanks for that bright spot, Isayama!  Also: this chapter pointed out how many good people in the world will suffer if Eren succeeds. And I felt as frustrated with the remnants of the 104th as Gabi. Nicolo and Shadis became my unexpected heroes this chapter.
Is Zeke still alive? Is he still controlling the mindless titans?
Floch didn’t do anything particularly bad this chapter but every time I have to see his face my opinion of him becomes less favorable. When Jean said “so you lived...” I FELT that disappointment lol.
I love the Braun siblings interaction in this chap. And Nicole's "we'll try to get out of the forest" sends chills. I think that's one of the point ISTM is trying to get across.
Does Connie realise that if his mother was given one of the nine titan powers she would be made to fight? Getting one of the titan powers is very much a curse not a blessing (especially with the Jaw titan)
At this point the Eren/Gabi parallels are feeling a little overdone and forced.
If Gabi receives Eren’s Titan it will be the stupidest most disappointing thing to happen in this- no all of manga! Besides, what is the damn point of her “paralleling” Eren anyways? But the Sasha paralleling was even more gnarly YUCK!
It's true that the people of Paradis will benefit from this shit, but I highly disagree with any justification when it comes to Eren's horrible actions. GENOCIDE IS NEVER THE OPTION. I think Jean is disappointed too but he's trying his best to rationalize the crap Eren's carrying out for he still doesn't want to believe his friend is committing genocide. I expect he comes back to his senses soon otherwise I no longer will appreciate him as a character.
That "who are you most disappointed" will sadly be filled with Armin hate tbh. And in the end he was just wanting to avoid unnecessary conflict... tbh Anyone hating on Connie, Gabi and Armin doesn't seems to know how humans emotion work in helpless situations...
What Yams is doing to Connie is further proof he is ruining his main characters (the good ones) to make room for his precious Marley characters (the crappy ones)
Connie's regression and frustration was more and more visible since Sasha died. He's lost everyone close to him. I am happy to see him finally snap at Armin and go his own way. This was foreshadowed for a while now.
I hope Isayama sensei doesn't forget to include World Millitary's raid in the action. They already mention in some previous chapter by Zeke.
Quantity-wise, the chapter wasn't centered around Gabi, okay. But. BUT. Gabi got quite a few powerful scenes, very Gabi-centric scenes, and I'm not happy about that. I don't see how and why the fandom so easily forgave her for what she's done. Isayama drawing parallels between Gabi and Sasha was insulting and distasteful.
It is highly likely that this is the last time we are going to see Pure Titan mayhem in the series now that the Rumbling is taking place, so I think it was great to that focus in this chapter. I thought it was handled well, especially with Shadis's scenes, the parallel of the new recruits seeing the Pure Titans peaking through the hole of the fortress tower much like a similar scene in the Trost arc, the tragedy of seeing Pixis and Nile (two of the last remaining head honchos of the military not counting Hange and Shadis) as Pure Titans and getting killed off for good, and how characters like Armin and Jean fought those Pure Titans.  
WARMASTER FLOCKE, TO LEAD THE ARMIES OF ELDIA TO VICTORY! Haha no I guess not. I'm torn between Flocke, Jean, Eren, and Shadis. All could be good picks but all outcomes would have different implications on the story and what it means. I guess if I had to pick, it'll be Shadis or Eren for now and then perhaps Jean later when things have settled and they've grown up more.
I honestly can't keep up with how many faces Floch has.
With how the pacing is handled there's no way this is ending in 6 chapters. The real climax is Eren having to go against his friends because there's no way in hell Mikasa is allowing him to genocide kids
As heartbreaking as this chapter has been, I already had my hopes destroyed when 119 was released. Today has been the confirmation for two awesome characters, who fell because of the non-veteran rule. I don't know why I still hope to see Keith staying alive, but at least we got an awesome moment of his.
Characters are being balanced relatively well. Isayama's got a lot of characters and plot threads to deal with, and while Levi, Hange and Historia are getting less focus than I would like, I think he's doing a pretty good job of keeping each character relevant and giving them all some good arcs/ moments
Everything (except for Gabi scenes) was perfect for me!
Eww Gabi-focused chapter…
I simply hate how cowardy the 104th is acting. It's clear they're only fighting in their own interest and are just pulling excuses after excuses for supporting Eren. At least Floch is honest about it.
Man, the 104th always been the group I care the less in the story, but this chapter they're being so annoying (apart from Mikasa). Well, I can forgive Connie because of everything he went through, but Jean... why are you saying this ""there was no other choice, eren is protecting us"" bs ? Nice of you to be complicit of mass genocide. (Yes, I know his face shows he's conflicted, but he still sides with eren) Also Armin... at least he's horrified at what's Eren's doing but when he said that if they don't kill Falco there would be no conflict with the warriors since Marley will be gone....that's just dumb. Their home and families are going to be destroyed, but ok Armin, go off. And getting into another serumbowl situation, with one of my fave uncounscious while the SC decides who will eat him... I don't like it. (I don't think Falco will be eaten tho, the whole thing raised many death flags on Connie)
Great chap, Isayama seems to finally give closure to certain plot parts. End is near.
Here's a crazy idea: feed GABI to Connie's mom instead of Falco, there would be nowhere near as much arguing with that
Highlights that people can rise above their conditions to become better people, offering a counterargument that humanity should be wiped out.
I don't get why the story pacing was disrupted so much. Why build up to a climatic cliffhanger with the rumbling, only to basically ignore it for the entire following chapter?
I honestly wonder if titan shifting still works as it used to. I'm afraid of seeing Falco get eaten for nothing. Honestly I'm worried about Falco dying for nothing while people right over him as a pawn in general.
Quite interesting chapter. Had fun with it. Much, much slower paced than expected almost. But then again we need time to cover all this stuff. And I'm happy it all took place in the current rather than another flashback. Not really a fan of the Gabi stuff but it is what it is. The other character developments were quite nice. Reiner literally just falling asleep tho lol. Overall I guess I wouldn't say it's a "big" chapter but it is necessary to bridge what came before with whatever comes next. And at long last Annie is back, so that's GLORIOUS.
I hope Annie will have such a big role she gets repaid for the all years she's been gone😞
I hope Isayama uses the slowdown in the pace to better sell the scale of the rumbling, we already see part of that by hoe Eren's dino titan still isnt complete, even after all this time
I love how the story is progressing.The next chapter is always something I personally don't expect and it's always exciting. The hype at the beginning/end of the month is unreal. As for the chapter itself, it's always refreshing to see Jean's perspective on Eren's plans because I love his interpretations on him. #TEAMJAEGER
i love my waifu annie i missed her so much
I love you Connie and I'm sure your mom is nice and all but Falco is a precious bean who needs to be protected.
I really hated the Gabi-Sasha and Gabi-Eren parallels. I also still think Gabi was never needed in this story, in fact I don’t know how I’ll be able to stomach season 4. Ugh, the first half will be completely and utterly Gabified. Gabi in color and motion plus speaking, YUCK!  Anyways I hope that the next chapter will have an update on Hange, Levi, and Historia. And maybe Floch getting punched by Shadis that would be the Cherry on top.
It was an average chapter, not bad but nowhere near as good as the previous ones. Plus I'd appreciate if other characters, outside of Gabi, had more spotlight. Her arc and development is done, give more development and screentime to other characters such as Mikasa please.
Just being disappointed. The pacing is very slow. Also the main cast's reactions were too passive. I hated it.
Just great. Just great. The drawings were incredible and the plot just keeps getting better.
Less Gabi, more Historia!
Levi and Hange better return in some way, shape, or form, or Yam's is in for it.
Levi is the new Annie
Love getting to see thoughts from many different characters and where they stand. A lot of them are still left behind trying to rationalise things to make it emotionally palatable, or simply stuck not being able to accept the reality, whereas Gabi has kind of gone ahead and realised there's evil on both sides, and she's willing to kill Eren or work with him if she can best protect the people she cares about (eventually probably not just her friends and family either, but the outside Eldians as a whole).
My baby is back!!!!!!!! I wanna see more of ANNIE!!!!!!
Nicolo talking to Kaya and Gabi was cringey af. Did they really do back to that derpy forest analogy? If this series ends with them holding hands and singing around a campfire imma legit be so disappointed. I need me my Rumbling!
This chapter felt like a nostalgia trip, but I wasn't in for the ride. It was a mess of short catching-up moments when I just want to pick Eren's brain. I want to see Levi and Hange alive or hear what Annie and Historia think about the events, but at the moment I don't care about even those storylines. I just want to know what the relationship between Ymir and Eren is now that the walls came down.
The first panel being Mr. Leonhart was a pretty strong indicator to me that Annie would be released in the last panel, and it was. I felt that to be extremly poetic, and the timing is good too. Another wildcard in the plot. Excellent.
Compared to the previous chapter, this one turned out to be very disappointing. I was excited to see the rumbling and getting a glimpse of Eren’s thoughts and feelings. But instead I got Reiner going to sleep, Gabi being paralleled to Eren (again) and Sasha, the 104th busy arguing over what to do with Falco instead of, you know, focusing on THE RUMBLING
Good chapter, but if S4 is the final season and airs Autumn 2020, and with a monthly release, curious as to how isayama might tie up these "last minute" plot threads such as the new developments with Connie and Falco.
What else can I say except it's amazing and it was worth the wait
Where is Levi damnit
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46ten · 4 years
Anne Willing Bingham corrects Thomas Jefferson
At eleven o’clock it is day chez Madame. The curtains are drawn. Propped on bolsters and pillows, and her head scratched into a little order, the bulletins of the sick are read, and the billets of the well. She writes to some of her acquaintance and receives the visits of others. If the morning is not very thronged, she is able to get out and hobble round the cage of the Palais royal: but she must hobble quickly, for the Coeffeur’s turn is come; and a tremendous turn it is! Happy, if he does not make her arrive when dinner is half over! The torpitude of digestion a little passed, she flutters half an hour thro’ the streets by way of paying visits, and then to the Spectacles. These finished, another half hour is devoted to dodging in and out of the doors of her very sincere friends, and away to supper. After supper cards; and after cards bed, to rise at noon the next day, and to tread, like a mill-horse, the same trodden circle over again. Thus the days of life are consumed, one by one, without an object beyond the present moment: ever flying from the ennui of that, yet carrying it with us; eternally in pursuit of happiness which keeps eternally before us. If death or a bankruptcy happen to trip us out of the circle, it is matter for the buz of the evening, and is completely forgotten by the next morning.
In America, on the other hand, the society of your husband, the fond cares for the children, the arrangements of the house, the improvements of the grounds fill every moment with a healthy and an useful activity. Every exertion is encouraging, because to present amusement it joins the promise of some future good. The intervals of leisure are filled by the society of real friends, whose affections are not thinned to cob-web by being spread over a thousand objects.—This is the picture in the light it is presented to my mind; now let me have it in yours. If we do not concur this year, we shall the next: or if not then, in a year or two more. You see I am determined not to suppose myself mistaken. 7Feb1787, TJ to Bingham
Anne responds:
I agree with you that many of the fashionable pursuits of the Parisian Ladies are rather frivolous, and become uninteresting to a reflective Mind; but the Picture you have exhibited, is rather overcharged. You have thrown a strong light upon all that is ridiculous in their Characters, and you have buried their good Qualities in the Shade. It shall be my Task to bring them forward, or at least to attempt it. The state of Society in different Countries requires corresponding Manners and Qualifications; those of the french Women are by no means calculated for the Meridian of America, neither are they adapted to render the Sex so amiable or agreable in the English acceptation, of those words. But you must confess, that they are more accomplished, and understand the Intercourse of society better than in any other Country. We are irresistibly pleased with them, because they possess the happy Art of making us pleased with ourselves; their education is of a higher Cast, and by great cultivation they procure a happy variety of Genius, which forms their Conversation, to please either the Fop, or the Philosopher.
In what other Country can be found a Marquise de Coigny, who, young and handsome, takes a lead in all the fashionable Dissipation of Life, and at more serious moments collects at her House an assembly of the Literati, whom she charms with her Knowledge and her bel Esprit. The Women of France interfere in the politics of the Country, and often give a decided Turn to the Fate of Empires. Either by the gentle Arts of persuasion, or by the commanding force of superior Attractions and Address, they have obtained that Rank and Consideration in society, which the Sex are intitled to, and which they in vain contend for in other Countries. We are therefore bound in Gratitude to admire and revere them, for asserting our Privileges, as much as the Friends of the Liberties of Mankind reverence the successfull Struggles of the American Patriots.
The agreable resources of Paris must certainly please and instruct every Class of Characters. The Arts of Elegance are there considered essential, and are carried to a state of Perfection; the Mind is continually gratified with the admiration of Works of Taste. I have the pleasure of knowing you too well, to doubt of your subscribing to this opinion. With respect to my native Country, I assure you that I am fervently attached to it, as well as to my Friends and Connections in it; there is possibly more sincerity in Professions and a stronger desire of rendering real services, and when the Mouth expresses, the Heart speaks. 1June1787, Bingham to TJ, 
But of course, TJ continued to be an ass: 
But our good ladies, I trust, have been too wise to wrinkle their foreheads with politics. They are contented to soothe & calm the minds of their husbands returning ruffled from political debate. They have the good sense to value domestic happiness above all other, and the art to cultivate it beyond all others.  There is no part of the earth where so much of this is enjoyed as in America.  You agree with me in this; but you think that the pleasures of Paris more than supply its wants; in other words that a Parisian is happier than an American. You will change your opinion, my dear Madam, and come over to mine in the end. Recollect the women of this capital, some on foot, some on horses, & some in carriages hunting pleasure in the streets, in routs & assemblies, and forgetting that they have left it behind them in their nurseries; compare them with our own countrywomen occupied in the tender and tranquil amusements of domestic life, and confess that it is a comparison of Amazons and Angels. 11May1788, TJ to Anne Willing Bingham 
Let me state here that to view the role of white upper-class women of this time as occupied in “tender and tranquil amusements of domestic life” is the same misogyny that still characterizes discourse in our own time about domestic women’s work. Over two hundred years have passed, and household management and child rearing are still not seen as “work;” largely, because they are performed by women.
By the way, TJ also insulted her husband to Madison (TJ to Madison, 30Jan1787)
Tho’ Bingham is not in diplomatic office yet as he wishes to be so I will mention such circumstances of him as you might otherwise be deceived in. He will make you believe he was on the most intimate footing with the first characters in Europe and versed in the secrets of every cabinet. Not a word of this is true. He had a rage for being presented to great men and had no modesty in the methods by which he could effect it. If he obtained access afterwards, it was with such as who were susceptible of impression from the beauty of his wife.
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the-nysh · 7 years
Opm dub: complete English OVA commentary (with links)
Oh man! I’ve been waiting for AGES to finally see these in English, ever since seeing the subs for them way back. My main incentive to compare how gay the translations are, and I can certainly say, I’ve not been disappointed! 8D
Below are my thoughts and impressions from each one, complete with links and a transcription of fun quotes I enjoyed! Have fun! 
OVA1: The Shadow that snuck up too close
Saitama, to himself: “Man, I gotta admit, stalkers really are scary. Come to think of it, lately I’ve been feeling eyes on me from somewhere too. … It’s no big deal if it’s just someone with a grudge. But… if that anger turned into some kind of warped love or twisted infatuation the way it did in that movie, then…how should I handle it?”  (Look at this, he’s ok being hated; he can handle physical confrontations, but emotional things like love and stuff frighten him! Ahh Saitama, just how will you deal with Genos’ type of attention?! 8D)
Genos: “Perhaps the secret to his power lies in his food. ... No normal person would dream of such behavior, therefore…”  (Genos pls, there’s nothing special in Saitama’s trip to the diner, his diet, or his choice in food; the egg is just poor! Genos simply cannot fathom these conditions otherwise. Grasping at straws, yet doesn’t understand the most simple explanation. Important to note, this demonstrates how he couldn’t put two-and-two together to purposely bribe Saitama later with rent money (offering rent is simply proper boarding manners instead) as he doesn’t understand how tight Saitama’s finances are. Plus, once Genos writes off this superfluous ‘food’ explanation for Saitama’s power, it also writes off the ‘Saitama eats monster parts for power’ fan theory too.)   
Saitama: “Thieving bastard! I’m so gonna catch you and kick your ass!” (GAWD I’m dying over these NERDS trying to out-stalk each other. XD)
Genos: “…DAMN! It IS just a french fry!” (overdramatic no indoor voice borg) “He has a normal diet; it is no different from an average person’s. I have not discovered a single thing. Is it possible that Master could be a cyborg like me? I have considered the data, just one thing left to do.”  (CONFRONT HIM IN PERSON MY GUY. Also, his hope that Saitama could be like him. :’3)
Saitama, to the so-called monster/‘thief’: “COME AT ME STRAIGHT!” (LOL, the dramatic irony here how they’re indirectly talking to/about each other)
Saitama’s internal monologue: “If I continue being a hero, I’m sure this won’t be last time someone’s out for revenge against me. That’s my fate; it can’t be avoided I guess. I just need to change how I think. Right! I need to think positively! I simply have to believe there’ll be people in this world who appreciate what I do. People who’ll know that I’m there to help. I became a hero 3 years ago. I’m not saying I need fans or anything, but it’d be nice if someone noticed all the things I’ve been doing around here. …Oh yeah! There was that one guy who wanted to be my disciple.” (He REMEMBERED Genos! Thinking of things positively from now on too, thank god! :’D)
Genos: “Investigation day 5. I have prepared myself for the worst. *deep breath* Sensei, sir!” Saitama: “You actually showed up.” (Gawd, Genos taking that huge pause, mentally preparing himself to confront Saitama directly. Including preparing his whole backstory speech at ready too. But man, he doesn’t want to screw this up or upset Saitama from all this. :’D) 
Summary: Man I love the dramatic irony in this ova. And how in the beginning, it was all dark in trepidation, with Saitama scared of a 'warped love, twisted infatuation' stalker, but in the end...he wants to think positively of what may come, and thinks of Genos :')))) (boy does he have a storm coming!)
OVA2: The Disciple who stinks at storytelling
The mafia guy…refers to the giraffe keychain as 'these babies' GAWD I’m already dying. “This little giraffe must mean a lot to you!” FFFFF!!! And HOW! 8D Genos: “Yes. It is extremely important.” BOIIII
THE BATH SCENE: full script I posted here. Gggnnghh, Saitama TRYING to get Genos to say how the water feels good: “How was it for you?” GAWD! Just trying to get Genos to relax (like in the drama cd), and Genos not quite understanding that and shifting the convo to a pitch singing match instead. Saitama’s “aww, c’mon really?” like with a fond, ‘oh man what am I gonna do with him’ smile, and then playing along anyway. :’))) Genos’ “that is the note for mi!” in english sounds so much like ‘me,’ like Saitama had delivered HIM the special note he requested! THESE DORKS!! 8’D Messing around together in a public bath house! (where that other old guy can totally witness their unabashed antics!)  
*Saitama noticing Genos staring and standing awkwardly close to him while naked on the massage chair* S: “Uhh…you can take off without me, you know. *gives keys* Wouldn’t want you to get a chill after your bath. But hey, don’t lose those, ok? These are crazy times we’re living in. Losing your keys will only lead to trouble.”   Saitama pls, Genos can’t catch a chill. XD But look at that, the egg worried for his safety/wellbeing anyway, as he gives him permission to leave ahead of him. ;D Seriously, those double-take side glances of his at Genos standing so expectantly next to his side! Like goodness, egg would like some space pls. XD But also, Genos takes Saitama’s key offering and instructions to protect it super seriously too. (he never changes the position of his arm while carrying it!)
*flash to present* G: “THAT is how important the key is to me.” Don: “Your stories are terrible. ‘Faah’-get about it! Nobody cares about any of this crap!” (lol, the audience does tho ;D) G: “Your ‘Fa’ should be higher; ‘Fa~’ see?” (HOLY SHIT what an ass! XD) Don: “Unghh!!” G: “In any case, the key is important and I would like it back now. Surely you have…one or two things that are important to you.” Don: “My Family means everything to me! I’d do just about anything for’ em!” G: “I see, then you understand how I would do anything for Master Saitama.” (!!!!!!!!!! The important, classic declaration line, delivered like this! :’D)  
*flashback* S: “So you decided to wait around after all? It’s so cold, too.” *sneezes* G: “Are you ok, Master?!” S: *shivers* “It’s freezing out. The chill’s gettin to me.” G: *glances at his head* S: “Uh – were you just checkin out my head?” G: “No! I would never.” GAAHH! It’s so gay!! I can’t handle this. :’D Like, OF COURSE Genos wouldn’t leave Saitama alone there! Previously Saitama was worried Genos might catch a chill, but HE catches one instead! And Genos showing his open concern for him! Glancing at his head like mentally correlating his baldness with greater heat loss too (get him a hat, Genos!) Saitama noticing that detail and using the flirty, ‘checkin out’ language, GAH! Plus Genos’ BLATANT LIES. FFFFF!!!
S: *imitating Genos* “DINNER TARGET AQUIRED~!” With that super quick facial change, and Genos staring at him the whole time! 8D
G: *extremely close death glare at the store employee* “It is only 2 seconds past the posted time. Will you please make an exception? You still have the merchandise!” *seething and clenching his fist* “The attitude of that employee. Have you any idea how I felt?! IT WAS WRONG!!” (absolute, no chill drama borg throwing an emotional fit here)
*Genos continues to ramble on, with the Don getting pissed and annoyed at him to get to the fucking point already* G: “Be patient. There is an order to the series of events in question.” (this was the ‘words come from the heart’ line from the fan translations) *comes to the conclusion that they’re complete strangers with zero connection* Don: “You mean you’ve been running your mouth since the moment we got here, just so you could tell me you’ve met him on the street today for the first time?!” G: “You did ask. There, I told you everything. Now give me back the keys as you promised you would.” Don: “SMARTASS PUNK!” (and later: “YOU FOOL! How stupid can someone possibly be!?”) Genos plsss… Like, it’s adorable how naïve and straight-laced he is, expecting proper honest procedure from typical law-abiding citizens…however, these mobster guys are anything but! (and yet he doesn’t even recognize or expect they’re criminals at first) And him simply rambling about his complete bath story with his sensei to complete strangers!! His enthusiasm and priorities, man! X’D
*flash to the REAL present* G: “And finally after all that, I was able to get the key back. But unfortunately, I missed the sale.” S: “Well…I had a spare key so in the end it was no big deal. But it sounds like you had a lot to contend with, didn’t cha?” G: “Master, I must apologize to you. I am too incompetent to run your errands!” S: “Nah~! It’s no big deal! We’ll just have a tofu hotpot tonight.” (he’s really warm here :3) G: “This will not make up for it…” S: “Hm?” G: “But here, *offers special bag* I went by another store.” S: “Huh? NO WAY! That’s some super expensive meat you brought home!” (he’s super happy!)
S: “Good thing we had some eggs, it’s sukiyaki time! Let’s dig in!” (the egg mentions eggs, heh) G: “RIGHT!” (HE is so happy now too!!)
Summary: So GOSH, this entire ova can be summed up with a ‘GENOS PLS’ and ‘these total gay, hopeless dorks!’ X’D Also, the end scene reveals Genos had told Saitama this entire convoluted story too, but UNLIKE the Don, Saitama patiently listens to the whole thing without complaint! Even warmly reassuring Genos’ distress that everything’s fine. :’3 And yep, Genos humbly offers him the expensive meat in apology (as the best alternative he could find, as in his fool mind, best=most expensive), and Saitama is so HAPPY to receive something he would never normally get! Both of them, enjoying a fancy hotpot together. :’D Bless <333   
OVA3: The overly complicated ninja (Sonic’s special)
Sonic’s epically horrible dream about getting punched in the dick by Saitama. Stranger: “Everything ok? I heard you moaning up there!” (WORD CHOICE, man! XD) “You kept calling out ‘Saitama…Saitama.’”
Sonic fukkin carves a detailed face of the egg into a tree… He’s eternally haunted by phantoms of an evil Saitama always ending their encounters by punching him in the dick!! c h r i s t ‘Why’ indeed! ‘Psychological trauma,’ as the old hunter says it is. :P
Sonic: “Fine then, I’ll admit it, Saitama. When I sensed your power, I was afraid!” Ahh, I like how he confronts his weakness. And is determined to overcome it! Training to control and accept his fear! 8D (and gaining a cute little boar friend for support~) Interesting of note to me, how he’s AFRAID of Saitama’s power. How many other people would be as well? When in contrast, people like Genos, would never be afraid of Saitama.
The hunter’s name…is revealed to be FRANK. Omg dub team, pls.
Sonic: “Hey, Hunter. If you’re defeated before you fight, the results will be the same, no matter how often you try.” And this is neat. How someone could be defeated mentally before even trying. :’) Much truth in these words.
Saitama *randomly pops out of nowhere* “Oh. A bear.” (HIS FACE I CAN’T!) Inadvertently saving the hunter while on the prowl, omg. Settling for the bear for dinner, as the baby boar ran away in fear recognizing his face from Sonic’s wood carvings. XD
*Together, at home* G: “So is this what you would call a ‘bear hotpot,’ Master?” S: “Yeah, you heard those rumors about the giant bear causing all that damage right? *snarfs a bite with blushing cheeks* YUM~” G: “You mean, you can really eat them?” S: “Sure, you can eat most any animal.” G: *takes out notes* “I see!” S: “Oh, a-and I hear wild boar is pretty good too.” G: “I LEARN SO MUCH FROM YOU, MASTER!” (omg, genos pls! this is becoming an ongoing gag line, to have him finish their convos with this level of enthusiasm! XD Also how wary he’d been eyeing the bear food, ahaha.)
OVA4: Bang, who is too overbearing (The excessively pushy Bang)
Bang: “Hm? Genos? Why are they together? Wait, come to think of it *recalls Genos yelling ‘Master!’ during the meteor* Could this be a teacher-student situation? But their rankings are Class S and Class C! So what’s going on?” (WHAT indeed! 8D Also, ‘situation’ changed from ‘relationship’ as in the fansubs)
*At the scene of the dead cabbage monster* S: “What should we have for dinner? I think we’ve got some cabbage left.” G: “Cabbage alone will not be enough. Shall I purchase some meat, Master?” S: “Ugh, what am I supposed to do with you, Genos? (OMG) Now listen! Don’t underestimate cabbage! Stir fried in yakiniku sauce goes great with rice.” G: “Ah! I see, so preparation is what truly dictates the results. Even a powerful weapon can be junk in the hands of the incompetent. Tell me; is that the lesson, Master?!” S: “Uh, I wouldn’t go that far.” G: “YOU TEACH ME SO MUCH, MASTER!” S: “Uaah, all your talk about meat made me wanna eat some! Great, way ta go, man.” Wah! This perspective has them inspired from the monster to eat their cabbage leftovers, rather than say, harvesting ingredients from the monster (no collecting monster parts here). :P Also omfg, but is this whole convo a callback to the second ova? About Genos purchasing meat again (Saitama like ‘oh no you won’t again!’) and indirectly calling himself incompetent (like junk?!) again!? (for failing against the meteor this time) Like GEEZ, the toaster is so hard on himself. :’) But, Saitama there telling him not to go that far. :’D And how casually/fondly Saitama speaks with him now (‘What am I supposed to do with you? Way ta go, man.’) Such good interactions!    
Bang, to himself: “Up close he appears to be nothing more than an ordinary guy. Genos looks superior in every way, yet Saitama is guiding him. In terms of Association ranking, Genos is placed much higher, but if Saitama’s mastered a fighting style that surpasses rankings, it’s a different story.” (hohoho, how this summarizes so much! That classic ONE disconnect between appearance, rank and expectations there too) S: “What’s with the weird old guy? He’s gone all quiet.” G: “He is eccentric. Many are like that in Class S.” (Pfft, like…yourself, Genos? ;D And goddammit! Indirectly rude to his face too! XD Well actually, BOTH these dorks are rude to him, hah. They just fukkin get up and leave him – after Saitama asks Genos if he’s ready to go, together.) Bang: “That must mean this Saitama is an all-around outstanding teacher.” (huehue)
Bang: “How ‘bout this, why not stop by my dojo sometime? Might be interesting, what do ya say?” S: “Uh…nah I-I’m good.” G: “Master Saitama is a very busy man.” Bang: “C’mon, don’t be like that. Here, this is the address for my dojo. I’ll be there all day tomorrow.” G: “Did you not hear what I said?! Master is–” S: “Allllright, old man. See ya tomorrow.” G: “Uh! MASTER!” (Heh, Genos trying to defend Saitama, and YET! The ‘yoink’ from Saitama totally surprising him. XD Overprotective toaster, man.)
*later* G: “I thought for certain you were going to stop by the dojo.” S: “Well uh, I’ve learned old dudes like that can be persistent. Humoring them then blowing ‘em off is the only way to avoid big headaches.”   Bang: “...He’s so very vulnerable and inexperienced.” *Saitama immediately dives in front of a truck* G: *gawking shock* “!!!! MASTER!!” S: “Thought it was a cat, but it was just a stupid plastic bag. And now all that delicious meat we bought has been run over by a truck and ruined.” OH MANNN!! Although I do prefer the prolonged yell of ‘SENSEIIIII~!!’ in Japanese, Genos is STILL stunned into overprotective shock for Saitama’s safety here. PLS, he JUST witnessed Saitama punch out a meteor! And YET he cannot help this protective instinct when the person he cares about appears *in danger*! XD Does Saitama’s normally ‘soft’ egg face make him appear ‘vulnerable’ to him too, as it does for Bang?!  
Bang: (internally: “This changes all of my mental simulations.”) “You two look like you’re in need of some nourishment!” (OMG, this word choice! XD) S: *audibly scoffs* Bang: “Back at my dojo, I have some premium meat that the Martial Arts Association sent over.” (ooh they mentioned this detail here) S: “Ah! What a coincidence! I happen to have a bottle of yakiniku sauce! Where is your dojo?” (ahaha his projected heroic voice!)
Saitama, behind Bang’s introductions: “Ughh, this is such a pain in the ass…” Omg, him audibly complaining and annoyed already, he just wants the meat and to go home!
G: *finished clattering on phone* “Master, I will do it.” S: “You understand all the rules?” G: “I do. The explanation took too long, so I just looked them up.” Genos pls, you’re one to talk!! YOUR explanations take forever too! XD GAWD, these dorks I swear.
S: “All right then! The next hit wins, come get some!!” Omg, Saitama’s so into the game. XD Spirited, competitive and totally a sore loser about it too, buahaha!
Bang: “Maybe now you understand that you’ve had a match. Especially you, Saitama. Before you knew it, you enjoyed taking part in the competition. Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten so serious. … Martial arts are appealing in this way, a way that you can never get from fighting and physical combat.” G: *with arms raised in the same attentive position as Charanko’s* “He has a point; Master was getting serious.” Ohoho, Genos is super interested the moment Bang says the game enticed Saitama to get serious. Interested in whatever can do THAT to his sensei!
Charanko calls him Bang-sensei! 8D (and not ‘Master’ like Genos)
S: “Whatever, let’s go one more round and finish this! I’m STARVING!” (HAH, Saitama pls!) G: “Master, shall I play you next?” (whoa, there!) S: “Uh-what? Why?” OMG Genos pls. X’D Heh, probably because he wants to challenge and see Saitama get serious against him this time. Like a sparring match of a different kind! ;D
Summary: AHHHHH, gosh!! Pretty much the whole ova was absolute gold, with plenty of prime interactions! (I had to refrain from transcribing every conversation XD) What a riot and so much fun!
OVA5: The sisters with too much going on
LILY!!! And FUBUKI!!! 8D Their voices! Ahhhh <3 ‘Gentle tomboyish’ is how I can best describe Lily’s voice. :P Also notably, the group calls Fubuki, ‘Miss Blizzard.’
Genos, internally: *introduces all the formal info for Fubuki* “But why is she…? Allergies, maybe?” (GENOS PLS, she is crying you fool!) THE LINE: “They are crabs. Crabs for my Master!” (EXACTLY LIKE IN THE SUBS I’M CRYING) Fubuki, internally: ??? “Uuhh, Isn’t this guy from Class S?” (She is horribly confused for their first ever line spoken together! XD Doesn’t even KNOW who his ‘Master’ is too!)
Genos, immediately with no chill or indoor voice: “EVERYONE, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! I have been informed there is a bomb on this train! PLEASE HEAD TOWARDS THE EXITS, TIME IS- *suddenly realizes* DAMMIT, they cannot! There is no way for them to escape!” (THIS FOOOOL I CAN’T HANDLE HIM HOLY SHIT X’D)
Genos, to Fubuki: “What is it? You cannot handle it without your underlings?” (HOLY SHIT THIS ASSHOLE xD He doesn’t approve of her style of heroics with rookie crushing, and doesn’t hide the disdain in his voice at all!) Fubuki: “No, I just don’t appreciate being ordered around, ok!?” (Heh, their interactions are off to a great start. :P)
The little Class C hero girl! Swim-chan, ahhh! Blushing in Fubkui’s presence. ;D Fubuki: “Shut up and get it together! All that whining’s not gonna change anything! Calm down and prepare yourself.”   :’)))) Fubuki, doubly hard on herself while she lectures the girl (girl still blushing getting ordered around, heh). Speaking from experience and her OWN issues with inadequacy compared to her sister. Ahhh, my girl. <3  
Genos, with extreme strained grunting holding the front of the ramming train: “YES!” (LOL, does this remind you of anything? ;D) Tatsumaki: “Outta the way~!”
Waaah, Fubuki responds to her sister’s quip, ‘why didn’t you just get off of that thing?’ with a ‘none of your business, is it?’ :’)))) Fubuki still has her PRIDE and sense of duty, man!! Aughh! She’s so upset her sister smothered her attempt to shine all over again! Can really feel sentimental for her. <3
Swim-chan comes to personally thank and express her gratitude to Fubuki for saving her. :’) Expressing her ongoing doubts of even continuing to be a hero (Fubuki can totally relate, always being in her sister’s shadow), but has gained renewed inspiration and strength from Fubuki today! :’DD Ahhh, so good! Both of them, uplifting each other to never give up!  
*Naked, at the LAB* Genos: “Dr. Kuseno. Beyond strength, speed, range. I now know there is another type of power I lack.” Kuseno: “Well this is quite sudden. What is it?” Genos: *intense close up* “SUPERNATURAL.” Kuseno: *turns away* “I’m sorry to say my technology can’t help you with something like that.” Genos: *visibly distraught and pouting* Kuseno: “Must’ve been quite the formidable enemy you were fighting. Tell me, what happened?” Genos: *sulking* “…I utterly failed at shopping! *walks away* If only I possessed supernatural powers, the crabs would not have exploded as they did!” Kuseno: “The poor boy must be tired~” - Saitama, waiting for Genos to come home for dinner: “Sure taking his time, what gives?”
UAHHH!!! This boy I swear!! X’D And poor Kuseno too, totally used to this ‘poor boy’ always running with no chill (and his ridiculous requests). :’D Genos pls….Saitama has all the chill, patiently waiting for you to just come home!
OVA 6: The murder case that was too impossible (The far too impossible case of murder)
Immediately, Child Emperor’s voice, and soon enough, Lightspeed Flash’s voice too! “The answer to that is none of your business.” He sounds…posh and manly, heh. Meanwhile, Saitama and Genos are sitting side by side together in the water, minding their own business. :P
Zombieman’s voice?! It’s kinda…higher than expected. :O Like a young, nasally goody guy? Tank Top Master’s voice too…pretty deep.
PPP: “What a waste of a beautiful boy!!” (omg lol, plus the actor does his lines well btw)
Genos, literally fighting with a child to defend Saitama’s honor: “Hold on. Are you implying that Master Saitama is a suspect?” Child Emperor: *to Saitama* “Well, maybe not with that face.” (OMG no!!! X’D) Genos: “Listen to me! Even if My Master wanted to destroy Zombieman, he would not need weapons, a single punch would– *realizes, internally* Wait a second, if Master wanted to test the validity of Zombieman’s immortality, he might have used a weapon to go easy on him. Unfortunately, that would make sense.” Saitama: *notices Genos staring at him* “Hm?” Genos: *secretly to him* “Easy, Master. Do not worry. I will defend you at your trial.” Saitama: “I! DID NOT! DO IT!” (HOOOOO, it’s the ‘perjury for my sensei’ line! Classic. X’D)
King’s voice!! It’s like, deep and oily? Very ahh, distinct. Totally would not expect considering how his real character is like. Also his ‘King Engine’ here is a literal drum beat! (and not a heartbeat like how it is in the main anime eps)
Tatsumaki: “I know Zombieman doesn’t die when he gets killed!” (HAAAH referencing the ‘people die when they are killed’ meme, I can’t believe this XD) Zombieman: “Honestly it doesn’t bother me. This stuff happens all the time when you drink.” (HE’S SO CHILL OMG WTF. Treating getting stabbed like casual everyday shenanigans. :P) Everyone: “WHAT?!” Saitama: “Nuh-uh. Not at all.” (dude, exactly XD)
*Saitama and Genos, walking home in the sunset together* Saitama: “It was her, huh? The little brat caused all that trouble. You know, you gotta wonder why she’d do something so crazy.” Genos, internally: “…Unfortunately, that is likely your fault, Master.” *flashback* Tatsumaki: *offering Genos her drink* “I’m done~ Here. I just don’t like drinking, it tastes gross.” Saitama: *takes it away from Genos, scolding* “Of course you don’t like doing that! You’re still just a little kid! Stop trying to act so much like an adult, alright? You shouldn’t be drinking to begin with. Little kids should just have orange juice or something!” Tatsumaki: “WHAT!? Listen you–” Saitama: “I’ll go order one for you right now.” Genos, current time, internally: “Tornado’s pride got hurt, so in an act of retaliation, she forced herself to drink more, despite its flavor.” Saitama, beaming: “I gotta say, Genos! That hot spring sure felt great, didn’t it?!” Genos: “YES, MASTER!”
Ahaha! X’D Saitama can only view Tatsumaki as a child! And Genos, withholding such details from Saitama, while making sense of the whole fiasco for the audience. In any case, it’s great to see both our dorks HAPPY, side by side together. :’D 
Overall, VERY enjoyable and especially so to see how faithful the dub team kept to their characters, never holding back on the gay at all, either! ;D (what a blessing!) Recommended for anyone to see the ovas again, in this fresh, alternative perspective!  (special thanks to @dolltrash-etc for providing me with the links to study these, and showing me bits of her limited dvd release booklet! <333)
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