holoandwolf-blog · 2 years
Amazon, Please Stop This Gaming PC Scam. Fix your moderation because too much fraudulent crap is going. but it seems you're almost all lies now. On top of it you're censoring reviews that talk against this crap. eBay, Walmart, Newegg, TigerDirect all all equal if not better for a PC let that sink in at least. they're not committing fraud or if they are it's as equal as you. Maybe you'll be the next Netflix Amazon. If you're willing to do this with computers who knows what else you'll allow.
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mholquinn · 4 years
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#fucktrumpsupporters #americaisnotgreat #thisneedstochange https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQLhnOgrdd/?igshid=ako06lbkm9kx
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vethelp · 4 years
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Fact .... #reports show that families spent about $67 million in food stamps at #commissaries. Fact ...- a #Census shows 27% of #veterans that had served in #Iraq or #Afghanistan #wars are #foodinsecure #ThisNeedsToChange #unacceptable 🙁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQDiGlpZS8/?igshid=14j1yh62oezjr
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crmediagal · 7 years
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Me, too. #itssadhiwmanyofusthereare #metoo #metoo❤️ #rape #sexualassault #rapeculture #rapevictim #assault #thisneedstostop #thisneedstochange #victims #sadness #keepgoing #keeptrying
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This is not about me being raped, touched or ~ physically ~ harassed. This is not about the stuff you see in movies or the things people actually talk about. This is about the stuff no one sees, except for me. And no, I'm not trying to be special, wanting to be idolized or even remembered, because I know for a fact that I'm not the only one. I may be the first one to talk about it, to write it down in harsh black and white, maybe I'll even give it a name, but I'm not the only one. I can't be. You can see it in the eyes of the man who walks by outside the grocery store, two bottles with some substance (probably alcoholic), a bread and some juice in his hands. Maybe this arrangement of products is a bit off, maybe he doesn't look like he took a shower this morning. But IT has nothing to do with that. You can see it in his eyes as he walks by. And I may even think that I'm mistaking, that I saw it wrong, that it's all just in my head. But when I come out of the store and this man is still there (it's been 15 minutes) sitting in his car, watching me as I walk by, I know I'm not mistaking, I know I was right, I know it because I can feel it, deep down. You can see it in the way the men on the terrace keep bending over, only slightly, so they can look past the tree. At me. Beers in front of them, laughing at whatever they think is funny, maybe even talking about me. Keep looking over. Keep me in there heads. For a moment I try to stop my own brain. I tell myself not to be so selfish. Not to assume they're actually looking at me. Of all people. It's just my own sick and desperate brain wanting them to look at me. Imagining it. It's my fault. But then when I'm standing alone, in a place where the men can just look through the trees and stare right at me, I know it isn't me. It could never be me. It's them. Maybe they don't even notice it themselves. No one else notices. But I do. You can see it in the way the man in the car that drives by on the big road, while I'm walking on the footpath beside it, turns his head as he passes me. Slightly hunched over the steering wheel. With his head to the right. His eyes glued on me.  It doesn't hurt. No. It's the opposite of that. It leaves you numb. Like someone has taken a piece of you and won't give it back. Like you're empty on the inside. Nothing there but bones. Some may say I should be flattered. Some may think it's a compliment. Some may even think I'm exaggerating. Overreacting. Seeking for attention. Being too sensitive. Saying that I should grow some skin. I'm not being harassed and yes I could be worse of. I could be pushed inside the bushes, passed the safe treeline next to the road, so far that no one can see us. I could be screaming but not heard. I could be kicking, hitting and twisting to free myself. Without success. You may think this is a completely different situation. But it's exactly the same. It's a situation where you're not in control of your own body. Where someone else has taken over. Where your brain and soul are ignored. As if they are detached from the subject. Your body. It doesn't matter whether there is actual touching involved or not. IT can feel just the same.
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keri-danger · 6 years
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Stolen from @feministism on tumblr, but it hits home #usa #ilovetheusabut #profitmongers #peopleaboveprofit #thisneedstochange
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beverlybernier · 7 years
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The sad truth #thisneedstochange #change
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Because I am so done with the shit women have to put up with. This was the last time I was sexually assaulted and it was only last year. #sexualharrassment #sexualassult #rape #assult #sexualmisconduct #notok #whatitistobeawomen #whatweface #triggered #harveyweinstein #istandwithvictims #thisneedstochange
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shannonbrinkley · 6 years
Between 25 November (The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2018) and 10 December (Human Rights Day), the South African government (amongst others) marks 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. This campaign aims to raise awareness of the ubiquity of violence within households and intimate contexts, which in South Africa is primarily directed against children and against women, female-identifying and non-binary individuals. Dramatic Need works with many vulnerable adults and children using arts-based advocacy and community theatre to build awareness, self-confidence and help them to speak out against abuse and abusers. We also work with boys and young men to encourage them to better communicate and to express their anger and frustrations in a non-violent way. This form of psychosocial care is crucial if intimate partner violence is to be obliterated in future generations. In support of all those who are vulnerable to domestic, intimate and carer-inflicted violence, we will be posting short videos of individuals from all walks of life, from all round the world, highlighting the appalling extent of this problem in South Africa . Please share these videos with people you love. It’s time for awareness and it’s time for change. #16daysofactivism2018 #dramaticneed #creativechange #nomoreviolence #thisneedstochange https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dramaticneed Thank you to @msrazzb 🧡 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrCuZZVg_I0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5kyiin873tbn
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mholquinn · 4 years
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#BLACKLIVESMATTER #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaudarbery #thisneedstochange https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQKdq8AVVs/?igshid=1d85zmor8t8l4
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typography101 · 8 years
What you can expect as punishment if you commit a sexual assault. #thehuntingground #rapeculture #seriously #thisneedstochange #brockturner #3months #seriously
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tomorrow-illmissyou · 10 years
So, I had a little girl in the class I teach carry the class "doctor bag" outside which has all our first aid things in it. When she got to the play ground and gave it back to me I said, "Thank you miss doctor." She looks at me and says "I can't be a doctor I'm a girl." and walks away. My heart sank so low, how can a little girl who's barely 3 years old already be feeling like she can't do things because she's a girl?
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mholquinn · 4 years
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#thisneedstochange #getyourprioritiesstraight https://www.instagram.com/p/CBN3btWABPl/?igshid=1xulbfdnf05ez
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